'. , ! i i -1 at i ' i U1 t. ir 1 3 1 i U i i.' i t ' r, I ! ' k : ii t -n fbl-v': Store. Clover uaruen, ucuniwini. and Ituck Spring, to Hlllsboro by 0 p rr next 29S0 dar. 64 miles, and back beleefir m friday. and Opm utii day. 2032 From Jamestown at 8 a monce a vreek. tuesday, by We.tmj inster ajnd Deefr River, to. Abbott. Creek by U a m, 11 railea, and t back between 1 p U and 4 p in. I V 2933 From Franklinvilje at 7 a in once a week. Saturday, to Troy Store by 10 a m. 10 milef, and back between 11 p m and 2pm 2931 From PHtsburo' at 5 am, once a week ! monday. by I'edhr Hill,, Gulf, Evans's MillWation' Bridjk and Centerville, lo Cartbtge by 6 p m, and back by Pharr'a MHla and Prosperity, instead ol Lrentenrr.ieL oetween &m.andG p tri next day, equal lo 40 mile a and back - Proposals tuj aupply Jenny Laud wil ; be considered. 2W5 From Pin. bonsai 0 a m, once a week, f aalurday. by Kmjerson's Tanyard, Brush "Creek, Buffalo' Ford, Muffin' Mills, and Gold Region, to Caledonia j by 4 pm nexl day, 57 piles, and back between 0 a m munday and 4 b p m next day 2936 From Troy l 5 p rn. rnce a week, thurs lie. Wind Hill, Jackson f - " mm f ay ; iy llrnst Hill, and Brioglea Ferry ; to Salisbury by 0 p m next day, 30 miles ; and back between satur 1 day 5 a m and next niond iy 9 a m. J2937 From Swift Island at 7 a m once a week, friday; by Mount Ctlead, Little Mill, Dumas's Store, I'ee Dee, and Lisleville ; to Vadesborough by,7 p m, 37 miles ; and back '.v" between 7am ad 7 p ni nexl day. 2935-From Albemare ut 8 a m once a week, monday ; by Ktird's Mills, Morgan's Mills and Gorman's Mills;! lo Clrr Creek by 12 m next day; and return by itowlandsville between lpm tuesday and 8pm text day, equal to 37 miles and back, j , n 2039 Frorn Wadesborongh at 1 p m ence a week, sunday ; by Lanesborough, Monroe C. II., Coburn's Stoi(e, Orrville, and Hornet's Nest ; to Charlotte by 8 pm next day, GO mi!e; ' and back between 0 a m Saturday, and. 12 m nrxtday. . j 2910 From Wadesiwro' at 0 a m once a week, 'Saturday ; by, Poplar Hill, While's Store, I Lane's Crek, . Ueavcr Lt(n, ? Richardson's f Creek, Jenkiiii'Store, Gourd Vine, Hammond's Store, and; Diamond Hill; to Wadeeborougb by 0 p m next day, equal to 31 miles and back. 29J1 From Cheraw, S. C. at 4j p m once a Wrrk, thursdav !; hy Slewartstown, N. C, iiliaham, Doitery's Store, Covington, it. ill f ii o. a i r Rock ' Powcllton. McCall'im's Store, and McRae's Will ; to Try by G w m next day, 57 miles ; and back to RockinghaTi by Hostick's Mills, in lead of ToHellton, Covington, and Docker v's Store, between fl a trt and 8 p m Saturday ; and , to Cheraw (from Rockinghampiet ween 8 a m I and 1 p mlhutsday. Proposals to commence at I : Rockingham are invited, i 2942 Fiotn Charlotte fft 0 a m once a week, r V; Wednesday ; by Sharon, Hemphill's Store, ; Providence, and W'olfcvi He ; to Monroe C. II. : i by 7 p m, 30 miles and back between 6am i 1 and 7 p m tuesiday; I. p2913 From Charlotte nt 8 a m three times a -v. I1 week, monday. Wednesday and Saturday; -(by Mount Moriah, Pleasant Valley, Belair, and ti Cureton's Store to Lancaster C. II. S. C, by ; j j 8 p m. . "Thence at 5 a m tuesday'; ihursday and j i iuuday, by Pleasant Hill, Hanging Rock, and 1 ' Vl . l f'-inKrlon SJ f l.o 1 n m T I A IkVV It . l vmiiuii) KS i'T J It ill, . miles ; and back to Lancaster C. II. between 8 am and 8 pm, monday, Wednesday and sat. k,urday, and to Char otte by 0 p m next days. ! Proposals to embrace Ruisell Place, Lihvrty Hill, and Rfd Hill, in lieu of Hanging Rock and Flat Rock, ar? invited. Also,' proposals for semi.werkly service. 2944" From Charloite at 8 a m once a week, - . . . j - i ir i mr n I laiuroay ; ny 1 1 ucxasaga ana tvooatawn; , lo LIncoInton, by 4 p m, 33. miles ; and back i between 8am and 4 p m friday. Proposals I e' . r .i -it i i.j i ioc mors irnjuriit seivico win ua cousiuereu. 2945 From Charlotte at 8 a m once a week, tuesday ; by itariindale, Hopewell, Cow. nanf Ford, Roicll'a Feny, Forney's and Cot ftige Home; to BeiatiieV Ford by Cp m, 45 miles; aud back between 8 a m and 0 pm, monday. Proposals are invited to leave Char lotte' on friday. go by Martindale, Hopewell, and . Cowan Ford to Heat lie's Ford, and return next day by Cottage Hume, Forney's, tell'a Ferry, j and Ru. 2940 rrom Charlotte at 6. a m once a week, , tuesday ; by Steclu Creek, South Point. Stowesville, Erasrrtus, Cutawba Creek, Dallas,, and Nail ractory ; to Lincolnion by 11 a m Ctxt day, 01 miles; and back between lpm ' ' Wednesday 0pm and 0pm next d;iy. 2947 From Chart tte at 5 a m once a week, Saturday; by Alexandriana, Davidson Col- lege. Mount Mourne, and FaTUlown ; lo Sate. . I , i ; .. Jill r Title hy 7 p m, 41 IHlles ; and back between O a tn and 7 i in Indar. 2918 From Concdrd at 5 a m once a week, tuesday ; by Oak Lawn, Park's Store, and Davidson College ; Jo Mount Mourne by 12 m; and back via Milo Hill between 1 p m and 8 p m, equal to 23 niiles and bark. Proposal for semi weekly sei vice are invited. 2949 From Contrird nt 7 a m once a week, Wednesday ; by Kirkland, Welch's Mills. Pioneer Mills, Morrison's Tan. yard. Clear AreeK, onuin s Oakville Monroe r i. - i More, C. II., . Full wood's Store, VVu!Lnr.;H .,. Jacksonham. S. C. ., tu Itncaster C. II., S. C, vj o , p m next day 7 : miles ; and hack be- tween 6am fridity and f) j m next day. . . 2950 From Concord &t 7 a rn once a week monday ;Jy Jflt. Pleasant ; to Bust's Mills by 12 in, 10 rniles ; and back by 6 p m, omitting Mr. Pleasant. , 2651 From Health's Frd at 12 m. once a week Wednesday ; by SheriH's Ford and Lau- ! Tfnce's Mills; tu Hunker 1 1 ill hy 12 m next !day ; wnd back by :Lnurnce's Mills, Mountain Creek, and DryIndsc between 1 p m thurs- 'day and 12 m next day; equal to 27 miles and ji back. ; 2952 From Linrolnton at 4 p m, once a week, Saturday; by Killinm's ilills, F.arly (Jrove, ' Nwlon, (C. H., ) Flint Rock and Fiber's ; to Catawba View by 3 p hi next day, S3 miles ; 'and back between 7 a in and 4pm Saturday. "6 p m, 33 miles, arid bark between 6 am, aud yy 6pm next clay. i 2953 From Lincolnton at 6 a m, twice a week f1' Sunday and thiirsdsy ; hy Seine's Store, ' ' Ja pl's Fork, and Mnllrrove ; to Morutnton bv 2954 From Lincolnton at 6 a in, twice a we?k Tuesday and ihur.Iav bv Dallas. Kalis. CroJrf' Creek and1 Rethel S. C. to York rilU, B. C by 0 p m 43 miles ; and back be tween ti a m and C n in net i A - Pr...iAL ior Ifi-weekly service will I considered; also i,.eX,r ol!I.CLe?lrr IIm ? C ' 2055 From Shelly at 6 am, twice- a week, ! Wednesday and satuiday ; by Slice's ' iSi? . r""Vl "f o prmgs, S. CM I a uicarij tiiih, itjoimrie, aou iiurnrane ; lo j jPptrlanslHjrg, b. C, by 7 p in 44 mtlejp ; and )bck between 0 a m und 7pm next days. 5jVojcial for weekly service arc invited ; also, J i". proposal . to .' embrace Slvangitown," see ence 295G.1 t :- ' From Shelby a! a a rn, once a week. ..4 - i . tueeday, by Swangatown, IMew tiouae, a. C, and -Aniioch ; to Yorktille, S C, by 6 p m. 29 mile ; and back between 6 m ana u p m nextdsiy. rrupotau lor semi-weeKiy srTtr cd are invited, alao proposaU . ta aupply Cling- rhanland Wbite Plains, in Iiei 61 Swangatown, New. Houe, and Aniiocb, (ee irHo.-293U 2955, and 3178. : T "-'-' fS: ; ' T: 2957 From Rutherfordton at 6 4 m, once a week,; friday r Jy VVbite jfHk. Sandy Plaina, EarlsTille, S. (X, GWenajlle, Milburg Milfird, and Palona. ;tuGreenvUi C. H..S.C. bv 11 a m nextday, 52 mile ; and.back be. iween 1 p m Saturday ind 7 fj m next day. 2958 From Rtheifordlon,t at 5 a m, once a i ri ..,i3i... n.. ' i weeK, luuraaay ; uy L"jiJtu ,oiuic, cahVCreek, Plkville, and Garner's Ford ; to Camp Call by 6 p in, 37 miles ; and bark be twern 5am and 6 p ni next day. Proposals to extend to Shelby will be considered. 259 From RuthcrfordUm at 6 a rn, onc a week, Tue tav K Tint:riv. Pttm'B Home. Golden Valley, ted MinersviUe, and Military Grove; to Marion by Hani the next day, and buck by Sugar Hili and Cedar Creek be- the tween Thursday 12 m and 6pm iext day, equal to 44 miles and back. : 29G& From Shelby at 8 a am, once a week, Wednesday; by Muddy Fork and Old Furnace ; lo Dallas by 7 p m, and back by King's Mountain, White Plains, and Clinginan, between 6 a m and 7 p m net day, equal to 25 miles and back. Proposals to omit White Plaina and Clingman are invited, (see No. 2'J56.) 29G1 From Shelby at 6 a m, once a week, Thursday ; by Birchetsville, S"andy Run, Grassy Pond, S. C, and Coroheu's, to Spartanburgh C. Ij., S. C, by 6 p m, 40 , miles, and back between 6 a-m and;,6 p m next day. 2362 From Rutherfordton at 5 a ini, once a week, Tues- day ; by Cooper's Gap, Mill's Gap, fend Edneyville ; ; to Hcndersonville bv 9 D m. 32 miles, anil back between ! 5am and D p m next day. I'ropimals to; cnU at iuiney- villc are invited; also proposals to end at Horse Creefc. j 29C3 F'rom Asheville at 6 a m, oiice a Week, Friday ; by Sulphur Springs, Avery's Creek, Mill River, Boils- ' ton, Clavtonvil!, and Davidson's Rivpr , to Cathey's ; Creek by 6 p m, 37 miles, and back between Gam and G . p m next day. j 2964 From Asheville at 5 a m, twice $ week, Monday an8 Friday ; by Hoinineny Creek, Pigeon River, Forks of PigHn, Waynesville, Scott's Creek, Franklin, TenneisKee River, and' Clayton, Ga. ; toClarkville Ga., by G p m next Wednesday and Sunday, 120 miles, and back between 5am Monday and Thursday, find 6pm next Wednesday and Saturday, Proposals for extending froin Franklin over No297G to Murphy are invited ; nlHosepa- rate proposals for service between Franklin and Clarks- ' ville. I 2063 From Aslieville at G a m, once a week, Thursday : by t urkey Creek, Sandy Musty Spring Creek, , ! Fine'sJCreek, and Crab Tree ;'to Waynesville by 12 m next day, 59 miles; and kick between 1 Ip m Friday and 8 P m next day. Proposals to embrace Jonathan's Creek i are invited. j 296G From Asheville at 6 a m, once a week, Wednes- j size of the mails and the number of the offices will re day, through Buncombe and Yancy counties ; by ; quire their employment by the Department ; and, in that Garrison's, Gilbert, Bull Creek, Indian Gap, Double case, a separate apartment, for the exclusive use of the Springs, Gahagefis, Big Laurel, Hulphur Springs, Tenn., ; Department and agent, for the assorting and safe-keep-and liove's, to Limestone Springs, Tenn., by 6 p m next ing of the mail is to be provided by the contractor, un day, 56 miles, and back between G a mJ Friday, and 6 p der the direction of the Department. m next day. s . ' In all cases there is to bo a forfeiture of the psy of 2967 From Cedar Creek, Tenn., at 6 a m, once a week, j the trip when the trip is not run ; and of not more than Wednesday, by White Rock, N. G., and Big Lau- : rel, to Bald Creek by 12 m next day, 33 miles, and back between lpm Monday and 6 pm next day. 2968 From Warm Springs at 8 a m, once a week, Wed nesday ; by Paint Rock, toNcwiwrt, Tenn., by 5 p in, 27 miles, and back between Bam and 5 p m Tues day. Proposals to commence at Paint Rock, and to Tun in close connexion with the Warm Sprinjgs and Greenville route are invited. . : 29G9 From Ivy at 4 p in once a week, Friday ; by -Gabriel's Creek, Bull Creek, Walnut Creek, and Brush Creek, to Warm Springs by lpm next day, 32 miles, and back between 1 J p m Saturday kind Bam next day. ;$' 2970 From Ivy at Gam once la week, Saturday; to Longmire's, Tenn., by 6 p m, 35 miles; and back between 6 a in and 6pm Friday. ; i to convey a mail by any couch, railroad car, or steam- 2971 From Burnsville at 12 m once a'Week, Saturday; to boat, which the contractor regularly runs oil the route Elizabethtown, Tejm., by 6 p m next day, 43 miles ; ! beyond the specified number of trips in the contract, and and back between 8 am Friday and 1 1 a ni next day. for not arriving at the time set; and for' setting up or 2972 From Burnsville at 7 a m once a Week, Saturday ; j running an express to transmit commercial intelligence to Big Rock Creek by 12 m, 15 miles; and back be- ; in advance of the mail, a penalty will be exacted equal tween lpm and 6 p m. Supposed to be covered by pre- ' to a quarter's pay. ceding route, No. 2971. i .7. The Postmaster General may annul the contract 2973 From Watauga (C. II. Boone) at 7 a monce a fr repeated failures; for violating the post office laws; week, Wednesday; to Cranberry Forge by 12 m, 15 ; for disobeying the instructions of the Department ; for ihiles ; and back between lpm awl 6 pm. I refusing to discharge a carrier when required by the De- 2974 From Grassy Creek at 6 a m once a week, Tues- j partment ; for assigning the contract without the con day ; by Childsville, Yellow Mountain, Cranberry j sent of the Postmaster General, or for setting up or run- forge, and Koan Mountain, Tenn ; to ISIizabethtown, Tenn by 12 in next day, and back between 1 p m Wed nesday and 8 p m next day. i 2975- From Marion at 6 aim once a week, Wednesday ; by Stone Mountain and Edneyville, to Limestone by Ham next day, 50 miles, and back between 3pm Mon day, and 6 p m next day. j . 2976 From Franklin at 6 a m once a Week, Sunday : by Acquone, Valleytown, DawesviIIe lomotla, Mur phy (C. II.) and Ivy Ig, Georgia, to plairsville. Ga. by 6 p m next day, 70 miles, and back lietweeu 7 a m Tnes- dify and 6pm next day. Proposals for a second weekly tripbetwene Murphy, N. C, and Blairsville, Ga., will be considered, (Bee No 3353.) Also proposals to curtail by commencing at Murphy, (see 2964. 2977 From Quallatown at 1 p ni once a week, Tuesday; by Governor's Island, Siikojh, and Fort Montgome ry, to Valleytown by 7 p m next day, 50 miles; and back between Ga m monday and 12 m next day. 2978 From Murphy at 5 a m uhce a week. Friday to Ellejay. Ga., by 8 p m, 45 miles, and back between 5am and 8pm next day. Bidders to. name the inter- mediate post offices. 2979 From Blairsville, Ga., nt 6 aim onee a week, nr i i .1 r . ' . . . v r ' urnuuv, uy reenvoou, nrareiown, rori iicm- bree, NfC., and Tusquitee, ti Acquone by 6 p m, 35 miles, and back between Gam and 6 p m, Monday. 2980 From Cathey's Creek at 6 a in once a week. Sat- urday, to Georgetown, Macon county, by 6 pm, 28 miles, and back between Gam anil 6 pm, Friday. Query whether necessary. S SPECIAL OFFICES. Proposals are invited for supplying the following offi ces in North Carolina for the nett proceeds of the pa me respectively, limited to a sum to be named in the propo sals in each case. v 1 Bear Branch from Fai son's Depot, 7 miles and back ; once a week. ! Bentonville and Fallins CTreek from Everittsville, 18 l miles and back once a week. Botanic Hill from llilliardston, 7 miles and hack once a week Brookville and Tabb's Creek from Oxford, 10 miles and back once a week. , Buggaho from Brier Creek, 6 miles and back once a week. t: Chinkepin from Hallsville, sis miles and back once a week. " Farmville from Falkland, 9 miles and back twice a week. Fountain Hill, see Johnson's Mills. Falling Mill and Reedy Branch from Solemn Grove, 14 miles and back once a weeki Falling Creek, see Bentonville. Five Forks and Tar River from Berea, 13 miles and back ; Five Forks once and Tar River twice a week. Jerusalem from Mocksville, 6 miles and back once a week. 1 Jenny Liud from Emerson's TanYard, 5 miles and back once a week. Johnson's Mills.Ridge Spring,1 and Fountain Hill from Ilookerstowii, 16 miles .and hack once in two weeks. Jonathan's Creek from Waynesville, 74 miles and back once a week. Judesvilla from Scull Camp, 6 miles and back once a week. !owell from Nahunta, 12 miles and back twice a week. Middle Creek from Raleigh, 12 miles and back once ; a week. i f 1 M illedgeville from Jackson Hill 7 miles and back once ! a week. Maple Hill from Walser's Mill, 7 miles and back mice M. WffK . I - Mount UHa from CowanrvUIe, 5 utiles and back once - a veek 'jj1 CrCek frorn Barclayvillc, 9 miles and hack ones NW" Bridge from Hertfbril, 9 miles and hack onae a week. r New Uirht from ForestviUe, 10 mOe. and hack once wk. I Oakland from Pittsboro, 7 raac. once a week and back. j - Olive Hill from Roxboro, 8 miles and back once a wtek. ; raraon's Mills from Jamestown, si j miles and buck t onoe a week. if Ftaeh-trce Grove from Kaslmlle, 12 mites and back a week. .... W.. -' ' , Push'a Hill from LouIourg, 9 miles ana oacjc once a week.'"' J-' - " ! ' '4 ReddickavUle from South Quay Va. 10 miles and back once a week. ! . ' - . i ' Ridge Spring. e Johnson'a MHla, , , Roseneatli from Scotland; Neck, foar miles and back once a week" J-: " - ' ' 1 : ' RamIv Branch, see FaHIits: -MilL : Shallow Ford from Big Falls, 6 miles and back once : ? Shoottn Creek from Fort Hemb,x mile and back once a week. Tabba Creek, see BrooktUle. Tar River, see Five Forks. -r Thompson St&re from Allemance, 6 miles and back once a week. !'. Walnut Cove from Gerinantown, 6 miles and bjack once a week. White Croaa from Chapel IIU1, 8 miles and back oace a week. - j Form of a Bid where nt chmge from a&ttrtitemtnt i contemplated by the bidder. "I (or we, as the case may be) here write the name or names in full of here state the residence or residen ces hereby propose to carry the mail on route No. j from to as often as the Postmaster General's advertisement for proposals on the same, da- December 18. 1650, requires, m the time stated in schedules contained in such advertisement, and by following mode of conveyance, to wit : Here state how it is to be conveyed, for the annual sum of here write out the sum in words at full length. Dated Signed- Form of a Guarantee to accompany each hid. L 'The undersigned here insert the name of the guar. antor or guarantors guaranties that, here insert the name of bidder or names of bidders, as the case may be, ; if his (or their) bid for carrying the mail from . to !, be accepted by the Postmaster General, sall en ter into the contract required by the Postmaster Gene ral, pursuant to such bid, prior to the first day of July next, with at least two good and sufficient sureties, to perforin the service proposed" Dated signed. form oj erujicaie. t he undersigned, postmaster oi , cerunes mai he. is well acquainted with the guarantors above named and thrir property and that they are sufficient and able to make good their guaranty. Dated Signed. J INSTUCTIONS, Embracing certain conditions, which will be incorpora ted in the contracts. 1. Seven minutes are allowed for opening and closing the mails at all offices where no particular time is spe cified ; but on railroad and steamlxat routes there is to be no more delay than is necessary to deliver and receive the bags. 2. The mail is to be conveyed in preference to pas- sengers, and to t!ie;r entire exclusion, if its weight and bulk require it. 3. I ost office blanks, mail bags, and the special agents ot the department, on tne exmoition oi tneir creaentiais, are to be conveyed without further charge, on mail lines admitting of such conveyance, 4. Mail agents are to be con the principal railroad and stee conveyed without charge on steamboat lines, where the three times the pay of the trip when the trip is not run, and no sufficient excuse for the failure is furnished, a forfeiture of at least one-fourth part of it when the run ning or arrival is so far behind time as to lose the con nexion with a depending mail ; and a forfeiture of a due proportion of it when a grade of service is rendered in ferior to that in the contract.- These forfeitures may be increased into penalties of higher amount, according to the nature or frequency of the failure and the impor tance of the mail. 6. Fines will be imposed unless the delinquency be satisfactorily explained in due time, for failing to take from, or deliver af , a post office, the mail, or any part of it : for suffering it to be Vvet, injured, lost, or destroyed; or conveying it in a place or manner that exposes it to i depredation, loss, or injury; for refusing after demand ning an express as aioresaia 8. The Postmaster General may alter the contract, and alter the schedule, he allowing a pm rata increase of compensation, within the restrictions imposed by law, for the additional service required, or for the increased speed, if the employment of additional slock or carriers is rendered necessary: but the contractor may, in such case, relinquish the contract, on timely notice; if he pre fers it to the change. The Postmaster Genera may j annul the contract or curtail the service and pay, when j he wishes to dispense with the service, in whole or in ... . . part, or place a nigner or aitterent grade of service on the route, allowing one month's extra pay on the amount dispensed with 9. The payments will be made through drafts on onst offices or otherwise, after the expiration of each quarter say in February, May, August, and November. lO. The distances are given according to the best in formation ; bnt no increased pay will be allowed, should i they prove to be greater than is advertised, if the places i. are correctly named. 1 ! The Postmaster General is prohibited by law from knowingly making a contract for transportation of the : mail with any person who shall have entered info any ! . 1 .1 - ...... ..,J ... . i wmuuiaiiuu, ui piopoocu iv i-un-r iuiu any coiuuiiiaiion, to prevent the making of any bid for a mail contract by , any other person or persons, or who shall have made any agreement, or shall have given or performed, or promised to give or perform, any consideration to do, or not to do, any thing whatever to induce any other person not to bid for a mail contract. Particular attention is called to the 28th section of the act of 1836, prohibiting combinations to prevent biddinff. 12. A bid received after time, to wit, the 1st April next, at 10 a m, or without the guaranty required by law, or that combines several routes in one sum of compensa t'tou, cannot be considered in competition with the regu lar proposal not adjudged to be extravagant. 13. A bidder may offer, where the transportation call ed for in the advertisemant is difficult or impracticable at certain seasons, to substitute an inferior mode of convey ance, or to intermit service a specified number of days, weeks, or months. II may propose to omit an office that is inaccessible, or is not on the stage rotd, the rail way, or at a steamboat, landing, as the case may be ; or he may offer to substitute an inferior mode of supply in Bnch cases. He may propose different days and hours of departure and ariival, provided no more running time is asked, and it is obvious that oo mail connexion or other public accommodation is not prejudiced. He may ask for mors running time to the trip, dunng a specihed number of days, at certain seasonsof peculiarly bad roads: but be Vond these changes, a proposal for service different from the advertisement will prevent its being considered in competition with a reguilar bid not set aside for extrava gance ; and where a bid contains any of the above alter ations, their disadvantages will be estimated in compar ing it with other proposajs. 14. There should bebut one route bid for ia a proposal. 15. The route, the service, the yearlv pay. the bidder's name and residence, andUhe name of each member of the firm, where "a company offers, should be distinctly stated; also the mode of conveyance, if a higher mode mail on norseoacK is intended. 16. The bid shoulj be sent under seal, addressed to the First Assistant Postmaster General, with " Mail Prono- sals in the State or Territory of i m ' . ... written on the , face of the letter ; and should be dispatched in time to be received by or beforerthe 1st April nexr, at 10 o clock A. ! M. It should be guarantied, and the sufficiency of the guarantors should beLduly certified. (See forms.) i 17. The contract are to be executed by or before ths 1st July next- 18. Postmasters at offices situated upon or near rail . roads, but more than eighty rods from a depot, will im- ! mediately after the J 9th April next, report that fact ; the Lepartment, statjng thejr exact distance from the i railroad depot.and hoiv otherwise supplied with th mail, j toenable the Postmaster General to direct the proper sup. ' VJ rom jin. rmuroma oy mart meweog.rs, . ,1-. . 4 ..l.J 1 "I iromanuauermaxjuiyuexu ! 19' Under the afl f Mart 3' 1845- e " to let to the fewest Udder tenderine sufficient iruaran. the faithful perfortnaftce, without other reference to the mode of transportation than may be necessary to provide for the due eeleritr. eertaintv. and securitv n$ i,K inm. Dortatiou. 1 When the loweel bU proposes a mU e of coRTeJrarics that is inadequate for the route m respect to Ue cenam ty, aecurily, and celerity of the mails, aside from any ac commodation for travel, it will not be entitled tp the route. 20. When the bid doe not name a mode-of convey ance, it will be taken and understood to be fur the lowest mode of conveyance,, to wit, on horseback. When it proposes to carry according to the advertisement, and no mode of conveyance is stated for the route in the adver tisement, it will be considered as offering only for horse back converance.'' ''' 2t. Since the Dajwaffe of the act of March 3. 1845, a new description of bid has been receivrd. It specifies no . - f a . 4 il "1 !iL mode of conveyance, tut engages w carry uie man wiui certaiatv, celerity, and security, using the terms of the law. These bids are called, from the manner in which they ara designated on the books of the Department, "star iid. It has been decided, after mature conside ration, that a bid proposing a specific mode of conveyance of as high a grade as two-horse coach transportation is to be prefe'rrcd to the star bid. The experience of the De partment enables it to lay down the following rules, riz : When the mail on the route is not so large as to require two horse coach conveyance, a star bid, if the lowest, will be preferred to the ppt-cific bid. 22. When the mails? are of such size and weight as to render it necessary or expedient, in reference lo themj alone, to provide two-horse conveyance, the specific biu, though the highest, will be preferred to the star b id, to the extent of a moderate difference in the compensation, I in Miv th rliffiirencfi is not such to interfere with the no! icy or me new iaw, wnicu hxr io a icuutuuu m of transportation. Exceptions, however, may be allow ed, where the star bid is made by the present owner of the stock on the route, and it is manifest thut ths reasons for preferring the specific bid do not exist in his case. 23. On routes of the highest class, where four-horse coach or steamboat transportation is required by the size and importance of the mails, the preference for the spcci Luia w,u 'T' 11 ? ,B k; k " difference than on the mfenor coach routes, subject, how- r;ri tu liic v all i' livii a uuui cji j. 24. A modification of a bid. in any of its essential terms, is tantamount to a new bid, and cannot be receiv ed, so as to interfere with regular competition, after the last hour set for receiving bids. 25. Postmasters arcTequired to bo careful and not to certify the sufficiency of guarantors or sureties without knowing that they are persons of mirTicient responsibility; and all bidders, guarantors, and sureties are distinctly no tified that on a failure to enter into or perform the con tracts for the service proposed for in the accepted bids their legal liabilities will lie enforced against them. 26. The contracts will be substantially in the forms heretofore used in this Department, except in the respects particularly mentioned in these instructions and condi tions; and on all railroad and steamboat routes the con tractors will be required to deliver l he mails into the post offices at the ends of the routes and into all the post offices not more than eighty rods from the railroad or landing. N. K. HALL, Postmaster General. Post Office Department, December 18, 1850. SELECTIONS FOR'THE WATCHMAN. A Christian at Sea. . When for the eternal world I steer, Wrhere seas are calm and skies are clear ; With faith in lively exercise, The distant hills of Canaan rise ; The soul for joy, then claps her wings, And loud her lovely sonnet sings : Vain world adieu, vain world adieu, And kud her lovely sonnet sings, ' I'm getng home. With cheerful hopes her eyes explore, Each land mark on the distant shore ; The tree of life, the pastures green; The golden streets, the chrystal streams ; Again for joy, she claps her wings And loud her lovely sonnet sings: Vain world adieu, vain world adieu ; . And loud her lovely sonnet sings, I'm almost home. The nearer still she draws to land, More eager all her hopes expand ; With steady hand and fervent sail, The anchor drops within the vail ; And now for joy she folds her wings, And loud her lovely sonnet sings : Vain world adieu, vain world adieu, .And loud her lovely sonnet sings, I'm safe at home. January 1st, 1851. TO A LOVELY LASSIE. Thy form and magic voice combine, To kindle rapture half divine ; Who looks, must love, and what is more, Who hears, must secretly adore. No frowns thine Angel face deform, But free from envy, passion's storm, Ne'er wrecks thy peace ; thine artless smiles Proclaim thee clear of Prudery's wiles. And virtue joined with every grace, Sweet girl is thine ; I joyous trace New marks of beauty that conspire To kindle love and pure desire. Thy raven tresses darkly flow, To shade a neck of Alpine snow, And eyes of light that mildly roll, Portray thy gentleness of soul. And oh ! thy voice so sweet and clear, Might call a seraph down to hear : Might soothe the angry storm to rest, To pity melt the savage breast, And elevate the soul above, By songs of tenderness and love. United with these charms we find An equal beauty ot the mind ; A wit acute and judgment strong, Which seldom to the pen belong. These, and much more, dear girl, are thine, And I would gladly cull thee mine, Yet, one fault with all thy virtues clash, For oh ! thou hast nat got the cash ! FORTHE WATCHMAN. Satire. Answer to a Univcrsalist. Judas was not a wretch abhorred And for his crimes accursed : He by a cord out went his Lord, And got to heaven first. Thus Pharaoh and his mighty host, Had God-like honors given ; A pleasant breeze brought them with ease, By water up to heaven. And all the 6lthy Sodomites, When God bid Lot retire ; Went in a trice to paradise, On triumphant wings of fire. So when the wicked Canaanites, To Joshua's Sword were given ; The sun stood still that he might kill, And pack them off to heaven. God saw these villains were too bad, To own that fruitful land ; He therefore took the rascals up, To dwell at his risht hand. THE REVENUE LAW OF 1848-'49. In answer to a call for information from the General Assembly as to the amount of Revenue derived from the sources. named below, under the law passed at the session of 1845-'49, the public Treasurer yesterday ; transmitted the following statement, showing the a i mount so raised in fifty counties : Gold and Silver Plate value, Pleasure Carriages number, 1,670 662 313 841,778 GG2 3,130 1,523 24 718 tax, Silver Watches, " to Gold M Harps, piano Fortes, Retailers Sp. Lian 41 713 ors. 314 ad taxC, 1,984 8 tax, 1.600 Billiard Tables, I Bowlin? Allies, ' Pck 7S C " 1.120 " lli for! . ! j g8,245 ! Taking the aWe a an average, the whole eighty : rnn.i;.. o;n r.w... i,. r ?n too "... r.- jw,.-.. ; REAL LIFE. TJte: Despair of a 'Disappoiated Love A Sad Scene in a Telegraph Office. The Cleveland Plaindealer furnishrs the fol lowing account of a pitable scene which occurred affewdays ago in the telegraph' office of that city A case of melancholy interest, to one of the narties at least, occurred here the other dav. which we will relate for the good of the puhlic. A young lady, we forbear names although known) arrived here from the State of New York, on her way into the southern part of the State, whither she was coins to consummate a mnrriage contract entered into some ten ; years since. Her intended was n young I J i l i u l .. ,i Pu j man who had been born and reared near i !,m ' . t u.. : ii her lrtlners resmenc, uui vin m on things did not suit the "old folks," and consequently the Utter opposed the match. The result was, the young man left the country, hut kept lip a tnosl Ultimate COr- respondence with tlir Udy ever since, un til last summer be informed her by letter, j that as she could not be married at home she had better meet him at , in this, State, in the month ol August, and be , married. To this she consented, but it 1 was found inconvenient for her to le-ave home at that time, and she did not arrive , on her mission of love until a few days' since. She stopped at one of our best hotels. i (, ,u t.. oratory to her voyage South She traretl cheerful, was exceedingly well prep 1 i , dressed, sported a oltl watch and other ; i paraphernalia peculiar to the gentility. Previous to her departure, she. stepped in- j to the telegraph otiice to inform her lover, ! who, by the way, was an operator him- ! sett, stationed in a oouiuern ouice on me I same Ljine, tnat sue bad got so lar on tier i joyous way. and would like to hear Irom him at this point. Alter her despatch was sent and waiting a reply, one of the operators, who was very well acquainted with her intended, remarked, that the vouns gentleman to whom she had sent her message, had fallen into a streak of luck." The young lady was observed to startle considerably, and asked what he meant by a 'streak of luck'. lie told her ttfat the young man was married. She i fell back in her chair, and fainted almost instantly. The operators and clerks were much lrightened, but managed to bring I her too by the use of water, Scc. She j could not believe the report, and requested j them to telegraph again and ascertain the truth. The operator stepped to his key. called the ollice where the young man was employed, but found him not in. A clerk in the office, however, answered the mes age, saying Mr. was actually married on the 17th of October, and was then 'keeping house.' When this was read to the weeping lady, she instantly swooned away again, anil for a time she seemed quite lileless. bhe was resuscita ted and taken to her hotel in a most fran tic condition, where for the whole day she remained entirely insane. " Oh, grief beyond all other grief, when fate First leaves the young heart desolate In the wide world, without that only tie, For which it wished to live or feared to die." Kind care and time, the curer of most heart's diseases, have now nearly restor ed her. She exhibits letters showing with what fidelity she had trusted in the one now false to her; that during the ten years of their engagement she had refus ed several offers ; had furnished her be- trothed with money ; her parents being ; rich and he poor ; had endured the contu j mely of her friends at home opposed to the match ; and all for his sake. She is now in our city, among strangers, alone, as it were, in the world, having clandes tinely left her father's roof to meet her lover here, and now deserted by him ; her constitution shattered and spirit broken. Earth seldom prbduces in human form an object so miserable. No wonder she went mad : " Her wretched brain gave way, And she became a wreck at random driven, Without one glimpse of reason or of heaven." She is now better, but the picture of desolation. Young men can here see the danger of trifling wnh such affections, yea the dark sin of creating hopes or raising expectations in a heart loo true and confi ding to survive such disappointment. Philadelphia Police, Dec. 11. A Fugitive. As Mr. 1'-, , a wealthy gentleman of Alio. liiion principles, was reading in his, library, about 3 P M., yesterday. Ins little son came into the room and loid him that a colored en. tleman was in one of ih ie upper apartments. Mr. P- was conducted hv hi chamber where the colored gentleman had ta lioned himself, and found a lall n-gro. rather well dressed, sitting, whh much composure, on the bed fide. In anwer lo Mr. P's queries, the intruder stated that he was a fugitive slave', and being holly pu.-stied. had Jaken refuge there', knowing that the owner of the ho.je wa a I. tl ! .. t launcii Aiioiitionist. Mr. 1' promised to shelter the runaway, and being obliged lo go from home, he instructedJiis 8n, jn itt UPj,Tu presence, lo give the gentleman everything he called for, and not to mention his heing there to any other member ol the family. Aft-T about two hours. Mr. P returned, "and was met by hi- little hoy who informed him that the col. ored t'entlemin had gone. "Clone!"' repeat, ed Mr. P. with some surprise. "Yes," an. swered the child, 'and I gave him all that he called for, just as you told me. Vir be call ed for victual, andrarried him up all that was cooked in Ihe ho.,se, and he ale every bit of it Then he called for four or five of your shirts and two or three of your vesU, and 1 took them up to him. Aftr ihat, he a,ked me if you had any spare boots, and I took him your best Sun. day pair out of your bed room. He put ihem on and made the clothes no in u l.nnHl. nA a-V8 "ny. tH your father he's a prelly clev. er n,fd chap, and the next time I run away, may ; be I'll call on him.' So he went down tir 613 j and out of the front door, laughing all the time no as though he saw something funny." Thi s ac tu,,,n m '",e 'r- len his eyes, literally and figuratively both. He saw that he had heen . . J . . 625 i " sold" bv the unffrateful darkev. A nnlir- .S f!-.- iT-J : . e .. ' , .. -.f,cneu in pursuu oi iDe tuil ive. la,,r had,mR,e 6Ucn e of his ' 'f'111"1" hat Mr. P' shirts, waistcoats and boots ! 1ivm nni ,-t f. ...r.,1 . .. i i. . .. . . j 1 uac Q iqe WRON'G -OPINlb Many belie re h to be unjwtiUt be taxed for the support of irMjiidUal. to povrrij by the intemperate Lse 0f ing liquors, obtained from tha bard?IL taverns and licensed grttg$krrpim ' to late, oh1i to be a public burden hTf are. When we, as a m sr IXMI V Mr "-T our neibfor to nb a fa t mb a Umilrof ih.:. ' . i ,r ri ii subsistence, an lion gets a part ol the poil it Ltcort imperative dutv of society to surDri S family. It is right then, lhatihar '""con k - W,x' a licensed tratiic ; and if a could K- . l Tuu,a e 3eej wnhoot inflicting too much wretch... nuch wretcbrdV.. the innocent, we crndd wish thai ibe K, j wero inrreaied. until lhoe rkn . . awake to the wickedness of the r-J . uc n .i .. he induced lo work a thorough reform, So long as we tolerate and license druuW making, and take a bonus of the maa gages in it, we ouyht to he re.on4j,le consequences, hoth pecuniary and oibrw It is a maxim of law. urmerfallr recon'J!j' that the principal is liahle for the actioV regularly constituted agent, espec'ulj Lf01u agent i within the general sope of bii twiJ lift W? A ft ff 1 t AS9 I 1 "UP iij. 3i?i ua j M(Tueu Oram ir!' and lei??ar maker is our a?rm. arwl l. written authority for doing a!) that be duet. Qui facil ptr alium, fae'd per u a tS i aide maxnn of law. bo!iety j then "cannni . j of ( i,r or duty of ,b WMfe of oWO ha"ndj j "Pgn , '"e W"K ot us own nana, j L.et UJ rsl vorce r,eves from our foul; Conner.! J? ,hp wnf itfhteou system of pauper.mkin lnea we mJ4V f jnjujce pnd oppre,; 'iuippoiling paupers thu rnatle. Until , ihis, let us meekly hear thete ills witUm murmur. i ne jjuiii clings io us like the im ! iessun. and we must repent, and da meet for repentance" before we ran ri-, ously escape the consequence. Spirit of fa -4 A TETE-A-TETE; G AME. We were much amused, a few eveninHnIw. h.V he following gtme ol questions and toivtn, which, when played upon one as yel unin'uUi into the mysteties, i wed calculated to ifci endless laughter. A lady may he supposed request a genileman to write down this liu; Set down a lady's name. Set down some time paet. Write the name of a place, Write cilher yes or no. Yesor no again. A lady's name. Some time to come. Yes or no. Yes or no again. Name of a city. Some color. Any number not exceeding six. Name of a color. Yes or no. A lady's name. A gentleman's name. ! Set down a gentleman's name. Another gentleman's name. Name of a cleygyman. A sum of money. Name of a place. Any number at all. When these conditions have been conip!i with, the gentleman is requested to read iff lfct list thus prepared, as answers to the fuJIowirj series of questions : To whom did you make your first offer? When ? In what place ? Dpes she love you ? ITid you love her 7 Whom will you marry ? How soon ? Does she love you ? Do you ve her ? , Where does she reside ? What is ihe color of her hair 7 What is her height ? What is I he color of her eyes ? sho pretly 7 Who i to be the bridesmaid ? Who is toJe ihe groomsman ? Who is your confident?- Who is your rival ? What clergyman is to marry you? Mow much is the woiih ? Where will you reside ? How many servants will you keep? Drairin" RiKtm Journal. Scciie in a School. First cUss in ge ography, come up. Bill Toots, what is cape " A ibing that mother wears ovprbff shoulders." " What's a plain V t A tool used by carpenters for smooib ing ofT boards." " Whal's a desert T " It's goodies after dinner." "That'll do. Bill, I'll give you good? after school." The attention of a little girl bein? ca ed to a rose hush, on whose topmost s!'3 the eldest rose was fading, but below a-'J around which three beautiful crin buds were just unfolding their cb'cir she artlessly exclaimed to her brotber " See Willie, these little buds have juJ waked to kiss their mother before & dies." Tragedy at Memphis. Mr. John A- &r ter. the City Recorder of Memphis. Trnn - shot and instantly killed, hy a negro, on ib instant. The negro exhibited a paper. p4,r7p'1 ing to be a certificate of his fieedont, he wished countersigned lv the Mayors'; corder.but oti examination it was dhctrf f be a forgery. Mr. C, .satisfied that ihe c'c was a runaway, was in the act of con" him into bis office for safe keeping. wb'fl turned, and with a double barrel pi-tol ie ' ihe mortal wound, which resulted in hi 6t in the course of a few minutes. TBe ff after commiltincr i h AmA ,.Lnr,ulijf" 1 er rommittinz ihe deed, at-knbwleug1 i 1 he was a slave. . He was taken out by asperated crowd, and immediately hung- Chester's son. a young man 18 years n renuereu a raving maniac, on vic- liteless body of bis fatherl Berf Lard a new artirle not lallo a substance resembling hogs lard, htflf 1 tained by lon continued boiling of il . . . T . ... . ..ri right i oeei. it u thought it will become a i portant article ol commerce. We (witb the ,outh Carol U Tea, " Advocate) doubt he correctness of "'rlae, ment. On ibe contrary, we are iocli! lieve. that ibe paupers mauurin-iUr.i K tare; 1 10 C Jlror the) The of 4 US anc: tba the mit tm tra aoc ed ter 18 lb i the lar, hU pS sir lb, till of I bl 1 1 e o 1 i ) I l i I i i 1 I i t ; . r