'J 5 -5 . fr. TJ1E LAKU'EST AND CHEAPEST tiTOCK OF GOODS IN "OMAN. 10NSlSTiNt in ,-ari of Cluthiog. Uiy Good. V Hardware, Cutlety, Buote, Shoe, and Trunk, to "getlier with large OMortmenrof Groceries of every de cni tion.ChtnJ , Claiswtre, fcc. and in fjct every Ut .rticieaujiable-for country trade ; la all of which We iesiiectfutly invite the 'aitejntioa of ihe Citizens of T .- V.-. n. .. A,... L Kof an and public geiierajiy,yii can ura f 'i uicih elveB.i Oor stock i selected with jhe greatest care in ' iK .Nrihrni cities fur.i'in. We or therefore enabled to sell aachesp, if not cheaperjtluucau be bought in the State. Acill will fjiiry. i'v ' , AVe reole,jretm for Pecare and Smith's Ten Bar rel tvoLV lfTOU with concealed triggera giVa invention, v , i j - . . ' . Country merchants who want to buy by wholesale, . are-eMecially invited to tall- he subscribers pledge thrtnwlvrt to give them as gooJ bargains a they can potpibiy get in New Yirk. , j , Y . ' AH kind of country produce bought at ' highest pri ces by . ;! CO. tTlaablcUeal Estate Umc Kiln, , ;N Monday the -'d day of IecrmbeMixt. pursuant 1 io 4 Decree of the Court l,ui;f, the undersigned will proceed to sJl at public file, on a crean oi-oue and wO yea rs,(the' purchaser giving approved security, that very vuluable possession; iq Hurry-County, near belonging to the Tieiw of Mai. Joseph Williams late of ', said County, lying immediateljron the south side oi uie Yadkin River. The Tract df Land tm which, this IJme Stone Qunry it situated contains about rive hun dred acres, (but few acre of which are cleared land,) " excellent for timber euitable for bnrnim? Iinie.- J he quantity of be liir stone is Considered inexhaustible. .TWe wis!iin' to invest their tflp'nal in a profitable in vestment, would certainly do Well to attend tin wle.as ttd doubt a great bargain con (Imp had. The sale will ' t,tB .n iK- nrimises. arid such as may wish to - ilim'nrrvi(uk.to tUti sale can do so. Mr. Uobert of JosetiU AVilliami, Kq , v.ill take pleasure in thow- irfj the larwl.Acfc. to them. S. UUAVt.b, CME - jqctoberX'0, 1850. 3i2a t ip t irv Postnonrmfat. . V ft ni iUmiitof the oarties. the above sale is ' i.. il,-. TumJiv of the February Term of , tjurry County Court next, (151.) and will take p.ace f A . - At the Courthouse in Kockfttrd, itithoat fail. Pfersons desir'ous of purchasing thta pro- .perty are earnestly requested to.exainme the same ei ther In person or. by a competent aeent. ' f Ny. 14. im. (t) & GRAVES, C. M. F,. Importantlo 21111 Owners.FayetteUi:e :Fonndry and Blacblae Shop. ; rBHIE UNDERSKiN tiU is now prepared to fdrnih JL C'nollti;; of every Dcsri iplion, ' at the shoxtebt iioiidii ' Those in want of Castings will find it to their interest to leave 'their orders at the Fayetteville Foundry and Machine Shop. II,. is prepared wiih.four laihi'S and other triols, to put up machinery ofuny description. ' IIE3RY C. HALL. FattlUville, A'ovj 10, 1850it ii7 . : ' . iViir FALL 4- VhTll GOODS: ;.; BOdEIl & MAXWELL A RB now receiving fconrN. Yojrk&Fhiladephia, a J2 inch butch e cotton yarn, j-ope and twine, PERI.IL 1XD 1 May 1. 1B3Q. lySl) Comm'utiori and Forwarding Merchant; ? i VVlt.-ylXOTON, n. c. 1T1R0VX & JAll have concluded to sell :; vJJ oir their large and splendid stock at cost, which i as greatly increased this summer with a view of con- finulTtg the buHiness.but they have since determined to ' fco" west, and will sell whether thetealTze cost or not. i " Uliey believe that they have ti e largest and best select id stock of Dru;a. Medicines, J Taints, Oils, Varnishes, ' . Window (Hans, Fancy Articlfls, Brandies, Wines and Domestic Ufjuors, together wtth most of the Patent Medicines in uw, that have ejrejr been offered for sale mWestern Carolina, and it wille well for all persons ' " vantingnny of the above named articles, to call -and V u. for Cargiins'can be had. They Vill sell the whole iitock as it is to any person wUhing to engage in the l)Utnesii, and they know that khey are safe, inr saying V Uifti they have been and nreailll doing muchihe largest o v business in Western North Carolinu, and their only Y Yeamin forsellinir is the above handsome assortment 6f Cloths, Caisiroeres, Vest ings.nnd various other Good for getitlemerf s wear, with; a variety of colored, solid and figured alpcas. cashmeres, detanes. poplins. I yonepe cloths for lad ie dres?e,, with Velvet silk fringe and Jenny Lin d binding, !c., for dress frtm'miirgs : shawl of vaTions qualities, !ne' very fine ; bonnels. hats, cans, someMine qualiiy ; sies and boots. a larg assortment ; children's ehnes, and boots, suitable for winter wear; Crockery, Delf, CWna and Glassware Few Srlts Jenny Lind TehlWare, mill and X cut, Rowland's best Singh's vices and from 4 to 20-penny nails, saws froin 6 ! riches to 6 feet hammers, cutlery, from a very fine pen to er and carving knife and fork, indigo, blfie cotton yarn, weavers reeds, Dundee 45 inch bagging, sole and upper leather, good, src itt. coffee, Yorxc in SOX, 13 BLACK TEA, CHOCOLATE, &QLAS!fE3, &f. &e. Salenrand Philadelphia Almanacs (for JH51, Moffatt's pills and bitters and diflerent othei patent medicines ; DyestufTa, 4cc. with numerous oiheiLartieles. All of which were purchased for easmand we intend to dispose of them on the most reasonable and accom- tnodatUig terms to punctual dealers. Pur customers, frieflds and the public generally, art respectfully invited .. . ' f . . 6 ' selves. Uur whole aim and study will pe lo please ana oblise. FSalisbury, Odt, 1 1850. B()(iKU & WWHOM " KEP constantly on hand an extensive assortment MJL. of Walchea, Clocks, Jewelryj Silverware, Musical Instruments, Revolving Pistols, Perfumery , Soaps, and Fancy Articles of evEery descrir.liop. j Persons wishing to purchase art iclesih theabove line will do well to calkand examine their fine selection, one door above J. &, W. Murphy's store. I Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired in the best manner, and warranted for twelve Inionjhs. Lupine and plain Watches altered to Patent Levers and warranted to perform well. j Salisbury, July 20,1850 , I J tf 12 - i - . . , g . . Fallfc AYinter Fasbioiis for 1850-1 H II. BEARD, Tailor, has just received, (at his old stand,) fromNew York, the O" American and European Fashions, forthe-FALLjand WINTER, andwill continue to rec ive them quarterly. He is prepared to execute all orders in pis lihe of the trade, iu a fashionable and workmanlike tnanher, at the shori est notice. From his long experience in the art of cut ting and making garments, he feels confident that he can give satisfaction lo his customersl He respectfully returns his thanks toj his friends and the public for their liberal support tendi-red him hereto fore, and will endeavor by increased efforts to please his customers, to merit u continuance-of teeir favors. HORACE; H. BEARD. N.B. All kinds ofcountry produce aken a t the mar ket prices for work. ! I Salitbury, March 21 , 18.r0. ji Nc.f Dri: Store in'"SaliMiury.:.: Drs. Summcrcll Powe, 1"TT AVE just received a large and carefully Hected jOL assyrtment of JD I'll US Uild JledielsiC, ! which they otfer to the public onj the most reasonable: terms. ... 1 .., ,. . ' Their Stock comprises all the articles usually totind in Drug Stores, besides many ibingj peculiarly adapted lo the wants nnd conveniences of j huse-keepers:! and they would respectfully solicit those desirous of purchae-1 ing to can ana examine meir. suppiy oeiore tuuuautog 'ihernselve.-:;;: :. : ' . , - . i To Physicians, they would say j that having carefully' noted the new preparations almost daily added to the lift of rmiedial agents, they will e;ndeavor to procure all eucfi as soon as they shall be fairly entitled to a place in the Materia Medica.. It will be iheir constant aim o keep a supply of the freshest and test articles 6 nig. (Orders from distance- promptly attended to Medi cines carefully packed and forwarded any where on the stage; roads. - V'x 1 ' "-! I Prescriptions made op at any hbur by one of the firm. They would also invite attention to their assortment of Paints, Dye-Stuffa, &.C.. ic, i&c.'. August 8, 1850. ! Iyl3 A LLST.OP jLEXrIIS EM A IN ING hi the Post Office at Salisbury, on the 1st Januart; 18M-1 Mrs Elizabeth Alexander Alex "Aen'er, Peter Arey j Trie JiACAY -ills. ; J : Town Ordinance of ConTI?55? j qnilu undersigned hav.nc leased the Macay .l .na .. 7 ,j EREAS. the Cormn5oner!U ,1,1 j ji. tor a term ot yeais. iawes u.is meinoa lo chw pou- v Concord, viz : . J. L.- Bandy. Alfred fifi Mrs JohrT BradshhwL ?hn B.vins, Sfra L Brown, John rate repair. and having procured the wvices of a worthy BarerfcJohnS Burner. Levi Urown. A II Butterworth. 1 wnue upj.., u. Maj Rofoa Barriner. Win j Brian: Ja Brussland. M particular charge of all the Mid nnj Cotton Gin, he aj, , . . ,7. - 1 ir ii - ', nt r ! i,nrva tn h. n!,l 10 nive entire sitistaction to all former . liiirerv. Aiwre cope, voi imiih roucn, ni vam- ; - . - .cuaruins bell, Jas Camron.Vin 0 C Cot.k," Jacob Crusev Henry nd Wi'dum v. uurii"v"j ... " . -. uv miai Qtjipmf evailmg in the 1 own oi Charloi je, 5 q nceni country : and w hereoa j 'ad a ine inuuanaiiia ui me 1 own at Ccmri . . .1 li; customers, ana 10 mem iue patio..a v. Be... therefore . . 11 ChampioflMl ChorchAny Da guerrian Artist, Wm Ei- erally. lle rates ot ton ui w reo"" 7f,'n'' j. . Be it ordained. That all white porin; liott, Jfls E-irnheartUatid EagMrs Elizabeth Fraley, John Grubb. Wm Bkrahari, MLa II Grubb. Caleb or James Hampton, Jonti C Hejndson,' Thoa Hellard. Alex Holdhouser, Wm A Helfej-, Mrs Elenor Holdhouser, Gregory & Johnstort.'Ann Ketchy, W'm P King.Jtdin Kesiler, John Kelly, -John Kiutts. A G Kerr, John Kel- er hi Co, A J Kincaul Mrs II AV Love, Jacob Lingle, A C Undsay, M B Leslie Peter Millet, II A Miller. L W Miller; Wm: W MbtgairH Mninair. Geo M Michael. ML Moyer, Jos MiSlefSaml Owen, W G Outlaw, Thos Pierce, franklin Pitk6t!oii, Miss Betty Peterson, Rev C C Pinckney, Wm Reynold:, Mi-s Margaret Reeves, I , Geo S.aferit.RudoIpn Sechier, Jas Smith". Polly Sawyers. John F Surewali. ltW J l (n-rwek, W II Sherwixxl. W Townsley.J H Walltnrt . Mn C West. Samuel A Wiw, Geo Wess. Richard iWillis, John M. Wntson. Samuel B i-O" All. bills (or lamber shall be punctually filled per ' Cxncorj loany infected place and returiiini .... 1 . , . " I Persons Iium auj luiriiru u.r, . x The subscriber will give the business a large portion . forfei an, thf 8un, cf 8iW fSAH of his personal attention, and will guarantee satisfac- 1 r,MlV(Ni ; ,,am- flf -ca aniw tnisionerrand applied to the use of the town ofr Ordained further. That any resident of ik- t or- bis or her1 dweiW t - " contract. persons of his persons! tion lo all reasonable patrons. . ; W THOMAS E. BUOWtf. Jan 13, 1851 y . , . 33 " The Mbscri!er would also call attention. 10 his own Mills 3 utiles east of Salisbury. They are in good re pair, and well attended to. Rate of toll one-tenth. THOMAS E. BIlOYViW New Drugs. &c. Wholesale & Retail, Drugs, Medicines. Paints. Oils. cf-e. THE subscribers are receiving at their Drug Store (opposite the Mansion Hotel.) a large and Fresh assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, i&c. which have been selected within ihe last few weejis with wreat care, bv one of the firm. Our assortment is now LAKD FOR SALE. IN pwrsuance of a Dree made at Fall Term. 1850, of the Court fXqjity,fir Rowan County. I shall 12 at the Court Hou.-e, in Salisbury, on Monday the 1 mt.tr uhonor on nv oart of bis or hir . .""(, t! , , - . - KriUlM ! perin or persons coining from mfectfd plcr .' 1 j town of Concord, shall forfeit and pny jtwrnty larm f.ir each and evenr rfiVrce: to be iv-r,. , f w. ; plied in the manner aforesaiJ. f Ordnined further, I hat any slave o fc'.ieiCot!l Williams 2; Henry W W.-nWm, Cyrus West. James T 3J day of February, next, (being the week f Rowan Williams. Wm Wood.Thos Wood.Sarene Yarbrough. : County Court.) A HOUSE AXD LOT. . B. JULIAN. P. M Robinson f Eld red. 3'35 CA tiOLlXA FEMALE ( OLLEGE TBinE FIRST SESSION OF THIS INSTITITIOX -dL. will commence on Monday the Gth January, 1851. FACt'LTY. T . r o . r :i i r..r. f X .. complete and we pectfu y nvjte iM-clwn s Ph - ; aI CianS anil me I uuiiu "ruriuuy, iu tan auu r.Mimiin ui i stock before purchasing elsewhere. We feel satisfied - that we can please them, boih in;the quality of he ar- j tides and the price, as we are determined to sell our stock at a very small advance on; first cost. Amongst our late purchases iivaJdition to the articles usually kept in a Drug Store, may be found large sup ply of God Liver Oil, Hydrocyanic Acid, Tarrant's Ex't Rhubarb, Ward's Paste, Brown's; Ess. Jamaica Ginger, Pow-ou Tripoli, Fire Proof Paint, Cherry Pectoral, Li quid Cuticle, Blistering Tissue, R ice Flour, Hecker's Farina. Notarial Wafer's. &.c. A larce assortment of C. H. Jcdson, Professor of Ancient and Modern Lan guages. Elucated tit the University of Virginia. Wm. K. Blake, Professor of Mathematics and Na tural Science. Educated fit the University of N. C. Miss M. WabbeSi, Teaqher of French and Assistant in Primary Department. ! Miss B. Goti, Teacher of Music, and of Ornamental Work. ;i j ) Cl. George D. Boggax, Steward. The College is located in Anson County, N C, on the stage road lendiha from Chera vv, S. C , to Salisbury, citu&ipd in ih preat East Suuare of ihe Tow n of Sat ' isbury, hing parts of lots nos 22 and 30, adjoining the ' lots of Mis Mtirr and o:heri Also a Tract of 102 acres of. Land , near Gold Hill, adjoining the lands of Henry Earnhart, dee'd and oi hers Said Houte and Lot and Tract of Land are sold on the petition of the heirs of Pr. Isaac Burns, dee'd for the iuruses of partition. Terms of sale twelve months credit purchasers civin securiiy. JNO B. LORD.C.M.E. Jan 4, 1851 Pr. Adv fi5 4t35 the fown of Concord from auy iofecteil t)!ic ..i . i ti i.ckM . a4 Ordained further Thai anfree penxm 0f c,vl ing to Concord from any infected p!ac,(.(u;j f- 0ft pay 50 Airracli and every offence, !to . rr ihi and applied in the manner aforesaid., and u,.Ul fusing io pay said fine, shall be iuiprUoWj lrll Ji,!, j at the expiration of said term, to be j!J it r House in Concord, for ihe payment of said : anj Provided, That nothing contained in any p,, J11 Ordinance sliall be so" construed as to r uly totb, er of ihe U. S. mail stage, or to any nas.s!w,.. Terms of stase, merely passing through ihe town of L,citi ing lond and ' Xle foregoing Ordinance Is to take effect um- i - t- i v .t ,.t. r i.. urn i . xi r :i i w . i 'I' Dental and Surgical Instruments Gold, Silver and Tin j ,r" "" ",H V -vr8'""u ' , ' J!,'M' " ,'""r" v..:t ,i ti.,i.a Tmaoia l-h. r' prng. The place is unsurpassed for its healthy at- r, , , , o . ou: -rj i, . a 1 mosphere, pure water, and tr a iterary insinution it is very large lot of Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, amongst which is he. celebrated Chinese Powder, Meen Fun, Pocket Companion, a new. and splendid article for sportsmen. The subscribers would return their sincere thanks. for tlie verj liberal patronage hitherto extended to them, and hope by keeping good articles atjfair prices, with punc tual attention lo business, to merit its continuance. Prescriptions put up at all hoqrs, day and night, by on experienced Druggist in our employment. BROWN &. JAMESt Sept. 5, 1850. 17 ri. CLOVER 6c TIMOTHY SKKp io SALE, 21) E V Yf i 5. S 73 If VKLL d CO. BY STILLS AND TIN-WARE. .'h nnovrzt c bassii K TTTAVE on band a supply U kTJLLS AND TIN XX H'AL'E which they wijl sell cheaper for cash or . any kind of Produce which the merchants buy. Also, old copper and pewter. Guttering nad Roofing fit all " timet attended Jo. ; Tli?y will sellilla at fifty cents per pound put up "'guttering at fifteen, centa per foot, andselltinwatecheap in proportion. - Snlhury , April 12, 1850 k , :" N '"- V 1 1 1 nsTol I oieirsTa e lie, N. C. ' 1 1 "MI IS Etablis)iment is pleasantly situated immcdi . . JL a,t'ly on ihe Northwest corner of thpublic square C list Attached to it a numlier of convenient offices forte ' gentlemen ondl others. The undivided attention of ihe aubcriher will le given io the interest of the house, ; and no trouble spared n render all comfortable whojfa- !,tOfiue with a call.'. The house has undergone some, , repair, which add, to the comfort of families. The servants shall be faithful and honest. Drovers may find 'good lots and plet.fy of grain at reasonable prices. CaH . j and give me a trial. Thankful for past favors, and I hope for a continuance ol the same. At. B. 0KlT. Sth'esrilte, Sqd. 30.1 8.")0. Pd 1 y2'Z SADDLES, ilAR.SESS &l M0UNTINUS ; . .! j - . . - , - ! riUltE undfrsistned would invite the uttntion of the JL public io his stock of Saddles IlnrucMw, i ) oiC. He UelJeves there m-verhas been as superb a stock J in thia Towii liefore, find any gentlemun who wishes an article in his line, can most surely fyid it if he wiTf call. Uluerwise the sulnc-riber with his present ad- j Vantages, can, readily supply any order with which he may be favored. He has also a large and splendid Stock, of iHoiiiiliiii & .tlateriaN for Saddte and Harness making. These were selected kat ihe North with great care by the subscriber himself Haddlers amL Harness makers who wish to purchase such j.- articles, are invited lo rail and see them.. They are kept for sale, and will he sold low for cash WILLIAM J. PLUMMER. BALE HOPE FOU SALE (21 ) ENNISS, SH BMW ELL j- 0. Rock Island Jeans and j Kerseys. BOCJER &. MAXWELL are ingenls for the sale of the celebrated Rock Island Jeans and Kerseys. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. 23 SPRING FASHIONS. JUST arrived fresh from New' York, Scot t's celebra ted Fashion for the Spring aid lawnrr f 1850 The subscriber, thankful for past favors, most respect fully -solicits his old patrons end the ptjblic generally, to call and see the new plate of Fashions. He feels cor fident that he can persuade even (he irjost lame and un fashionable to let him tnke dimensions! Call and see r JOHN A.- WElRiMAN, Tailor. Feb. 20, 1850. ; ; 41 N. B. Country Produce taken In exchange for work at market prices. x f Afcency of Dr. Filch" s Ceh braird Medicines rpULMONARY Balsam, Pectoral Expectorant, Pul .1 JL ;monaty Liniment, pure and Medicinal Cod Liver' OiL, Anti-Dyspeptic Mixture, Nervine,! Vermifuge, De purative Syrup, Heart Corrector, Cough and Cathartic A Pills, Female Pills, Female Specific, fcc., &c, used by him constantly nnd with onprecedented success in the trea"tment of Colds, Coosihs, Consuiiiption, Asthma, Heart Diseases, Dyspepsia, Scrofula Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Female Complaints, Ptleb, &c, 4c. Dr. Fitch's unequalled patent silver plated abdominal sup porters. Dr. Fitch's improved plated steel spring shoul derbrace. Dr. Full's silver inhaling tube. Entire New Slock ! Fancy Dry Goods exixss, shemWell. $ CO. HAVE just received from' the Northern Cities their Fall and Win In- Goods, consisting of brocade and cham'l Silks. Gro de Rine.all wool de Lanes, Paramittes, printed Cashmeres, cha meleon Poplins, black silk Shawls, long and Bay State Shawls, at every rate, pongee arid linen Handkerchiefs, j fancy Cravats, Lace Capes, mohrning t ollars. Glove, J Hosiery, thread Laces, 'ftdgingsjand Inserting, Bobbin, j black silk tiimming Laces, Tarltons, blue nnd white j Glace, blue, pink and white Illusions, &e. They would call particular attention to their stock of Ready Made Clotliiiig, including over coats, sacks and business coats, panta loons and vests of every price and quality. Also, broad cloths, cassimeres, tweeds, erminet cloths and sattinets, very cheap ; a very superior stock of Table Damask, Towelinprs, white goods, brown holland, fancy alpaecas, at every j rate ; r rench bombazines, ginghams, prints of every va riety and style, bleached and brown shirtings and drills, decidedly one of the most eligible locations in ihe Slate The Trusters have spared no expense in procuring an able and exerienced Faculty, and they ate determined to make ihe College, in every respect, worthy of the pa tronage of the Southern community. The prescribed caurse of study is eminently thorough, embracin; those solid brandies best calculated to exercise the faculties of thought and reriect ion. whi'e every taciluy will be af forded for the prosecution tit t ie ornamental branches of a finished education. ; TERMS : Tuition in the Frimry Department, per session of five months and .$12 50 Tuition and Hoard in the Collegiate Department :, Young Ladies io furnish their own towels. EXTRAS French or German, ! Music on Piano, . 1 " with Harpttnd Guittr, Drawing and Painting, For further information see circular, which may be obtained on application lojRev. A B Smith, President of the. Carolina Female College, Anson County, N. C. JOHiPH MEDLEY, Pres't Board of Trustees. BENJ. I. DUNLAP, Sic'y. 6:35 1 - 1851, THE RED FLAG. riHE su'iscriber would resjwcifully inform his friends JL and the public genemlly, that ihe RED FLAG, though riddled and lorn by ihe fierce crnrlict of l'hrit mas, is still floating triumphantly, though bearing the marks of the severe assault upon ii And he would state that letnu desirous ot reducing bis M.-k ns mmli as possible (eore Spring, lie is deter mined to offer ereat er inducements ihan ever Thetefore. all persons in want of good at extiemely lov late, will find them at The Sign of the ll l FII Jon. 1. 1851.-:? 1 E . MYKUS ..So2 50 ft 5 00 ."20 U0 ..25 00 ...5 00 which will enable us to rel a worn at a low once I tie ties- BROWN. FRA LEY. & CO, ieitlaer by I?xiic nor Telegraph. HE undersigned would lespectlully announce to the JL public, that ihey still have a lot of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, for Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear, which they wish to sell off before Spring ; and ihey are determined to give g'reen and black veils, white and red flannel, flannel ! bargains. They would suirsreM that as these goods shirts and drawers fashionable linen shirts and collars, j were brought on neither by Telegraph nor Express, bui carpets, umbrellas, saddles, bridles, bed blankets, negro j n ine usual cheap way, they will be ahic to sell loiter do, hardware, qucensware, bonnels, hats, boots, shoes, pistols and guns, clocks, fine segars, Sanderson's fine chewing tobacco, White and brown Sugars, Rio & Java COFFEE. AH of which has been carefully selected and purchased for cash. Our stock of ladies'; and gentlemen's dress goods is very rich and desirable, and will be sold low. The citizens of Rowan and -;adjoininifi counties, are invited to call and examine. Corner of Shaver's Hotel. Salisbury. Oct. 16, 1850. 24 a great deal lower than those w ho employ such extra ordinary methods to get their goods on. miOWN. FKALEY& CO. Jn 8, 1850. 35 ? .March 7, 1850. 43 'BLANKETS, HL1NKETS. j TT ! TVTYERS has j71 received n Lot of Negro JLLi Xt.JL Blankets. Persona in want of the above article would do well to call soon at the sign of the ; lied Flag. , 32 Salisbury, Dec 19 1850. J.1I. COIl-TJI AY-keeps constantly on hand ut the Salisbury Book Store, a large and most val cable assortment ISookt a ml Stationery. Salisbury, Seph lJ. '50 18tf , S. U. 1'OIU), Wilmington, n. c. DEllEtt IX M1RBLE MOMMEXTS; HEAD AXD Foot Stones ; Paint Stones , Imposing do!, and in abort, any article called for of either , Italian, Egyptian or Jmcrican Marble : and work warranted to please or no uale ; and if dam aged before delivery.il in at his expense. : Orders for any of the above etiumerated articles left with the Editors of the Watchman, will be attended to with dispatch. Nov. 9. ltM9 29tf ji - lUrra! llarral the Old ortli State forever! I Smith ty Barker XIOULD respectfully announce to the public that ! f T i they are still carrying on the Coach Making Bu f aineat; at their otd stand, nearly opposite the old Jail, where vlbey ar prepared to execute all work in their line in a Masterly style,. 1 hey are prepared to furnish Vehicles Dr.' Fitch's Celebrated ' Six Lectures. On the preservation qnd cure nf Consumption, A'sthma, Diseases of ihe Heart, Jc, and on the method of preserving health and beauty to an old age. This Book should be n every family. To the consumptive iLpoints out the; only reasonable hope for-retiek To mothers the directions! it jrives for the care and education of children are invaluable. 78,000 copies of this book have passed through the press, and the sale continues unabated. ( For sale by S. S. FITCH &. CO , f;707 Broadway, New Yoik; and J. W. STOCKTON, Statesville, N. C. ! ' J Dr, Fitch's Guiile to Invalids, pr Directions to per sons using Dr. Fitch's Remedies,! to beihad gratis, of all his Agents. 17w22 KV il NT'S IMA NO FACTO II Y. .o. 75 Daltimorc St., Ilaltimore, ?2d. A LL persons in want of good and durable instru- jLjL.ments will find them beautiful tone and finish. All any instrument that does hot' come up to expectation, will be removed without any charge, and another put in its place without charges. Address, I A. Ivl'HN, No. 75, Buttimore st. Baltimore, Md. June 20, , 5 LIST OF PRICES. 1 6.octaye from .iO to S300 ; do from 250 to S350 ; 7 do from 300 to .$500. Grand Pianos from 500 to 1500. ; HKBK I J A I S Dec. iz 1 650. State of Jlortti CavoUua, IREDELL, "COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Norrm. ber term 1 850. i A. W. McIIenry and wife and others vs. George Sum mers, Zechariah Summers, Elizabeth Arthurs, 'I'illy Da- i vis, Delila Erwin and others. j Petition for settlement of the Estate of Zecha j riah Summers, dee'd. ! It appearing to 'he satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants, George Summers, Zechariah Summers, Eli zabeth Arthurs, Tilly Davis and Delila Erwin, are mm : residents of this State : It is therefore ordered by the ! Court, that publication be made in the Carolina Watch- , man for the space of six weeks, notifying the said defend- : ants to lie and appear before the Justices of our 'Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Itedel), at the Courthouse in Statesville, on 'the 3rd ' .Monday of February next, then and there to answer the petition of A. W. McIIenry and others, filed for the set- tlemeot of said Estate of Zechariah Summers, deo'd, or i the same will be heard exparte as to (hem, and the es- ! tale settled accordingly. Witness, J. F. Alexander, Clerk of our said Court, at I Office, the 3rd Monday of November, lr50. J. V. ALEXANDER, Cl'k. Price Adv. 5$ A 6,34 j To all whom it may Concern. : EDGE WOR TJtl SEMIS A R V. ' r"IlHE Proprietor of this Institution has the pleasure j A to announce to its patrons that the exercises , will ! commence on the first Monday of February, 151 . under i the care and supervision of Professor Richaku Stirling and Lady. RHIIAIil) STIRLIXG, Professor of Chemistry, Natural Philosophy and An cient Languiiafrex. Rev. JOIIX A. CRETTER, Prof essor of Mental and Mural Philosophy and French. Mrs. STIRLING, Matron. The services of a Lady uccomp!i.-htd in Drawing and Painting in Oil and Water Coiors are aiieady secured The other Departiiients will be full) supplied by t lie open ing of the session. Terms as heretofore. The Session . of onlv 4 months instead ol five, will terminate . n 31st May. A corres ponding deduction will be inane. Pupils wiil b.' receiv ed at any time before the session begins without addi tional charge. J. M. MOUEHlvU) Proprietor. j MYERS has just received a few cases of Bebee's XJL Ha'. winter ftyle. ; A RIUDOE TO, BUILD. TipIIE nndersistied give notice; that on Tuesday the JL 21st January, 1(51, at the Court; House in Con cordihey will let out to the lowest bidder, the building of a Bridge across Rocky River, on the main road from t price arylng from 100 to 1000. They are also t Concord to Camden. Those incjined :t undertake the receiving lot of ihe most supurb Jrimminsis ever i J" can at anV time, see the plan! and specifications, by brou'ht to thi place, and which have been selected nnd calling on William C. Means. ' A. PerPons indebted to us are hereby informed thai ' in this Establishment, of! x-m- 11 iney no not come lorward and settle on or before ; Piaifo'sari watriinted, and i ,n" fir8t dav ot February next, that their acts will he put put in the hands of an officer foreollection without respect to persons ; as we are determined to remove to the West, and our business must be closed. BROWN & JAMES. Salisbury. Dec. 18. 1850. 32 'ilIcfEliTMlnrciNES--! WE are receiving at Dr. C. B. Wheeler's old stand the largest and best stock of Medicines, Instru ments, Paints and Dye Stuffs, ! Spices, and Perfumery. Fancy and useful Articles, ever brought into this coun try. (See our larse hand bills and-Catalogue. We will sell very low for c;-sh. LOCKE CHAI -TIN. Salisbury. May 1 1. 1 848 2 Just Received A LARGE supply of Jayne Expectorant and Hair Toiuc. Also, Sands' SareaparilU in quart bottles for sale by Drs BROWN &. JAMES. June 3, 1850 51 (31) purchased in the Northern cities at the lowest cash pri eea by.one ot ttie hrni. thereby enabling them to sell lower han tnont esiablislLmenis in this country. They are oVjertnined thnt thei wmk shall not be,surpassed bf Nohh, Smith, Eist or West. To accomplish this desirable end, havr supplied themselves with the most choice: material and skilful 'wiirJtmen. They woald in- ite the public to call and ejramine ilvir work i?efore parchaain j, aa they offer inducement rarely u be met wilhj , N. fi. All work wnrnnled twelve montis, which makes them aleetle" more particular to have it well done at Mrr. Salisbury, Miy 1 , 1 850. 151 Dlssblntion of Copartnership. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between J. Barrin$er&.Co.,in ihe. BK)t nr.. I Shoe Making Bu siness, wan dissolved by mnfuul consent on the 27th De cember. l5i(h The Books remain in ihe li;inds of Ja cob Lrfler, and all settlements of accounts or notes, will ! be made with hun. All persons indebted to us either by note or ' account, are requested to come forward and inake settlement, either by cash or note. JKRUMIAII'DARRINGER & CO. ' Dec. 30, 1850. 34 fl, B.Mr. Lefler may be found at MoseS L. Brown's shop, opposite the Post office. ' Concord, Oct. 31, 1850 31 E WILLIAM C MEANS, JOSEPH WHITE. WILLIAM T. BLl' ME. I tf25 WANTED, t DIC. A. C -H'lSB'E havin-r permanentlv loea -led in the Town of Concord, offers his professional services to the citizens and surronndinc country Office, No. 3, Harris' Brick Row. " Concord. Sept . 23. ' Of) JAHEsnFlOHAHT WATCH ATTD OLOOIZ-IVIAKER Opposite the Watrliman Office, S;ilishiiry, X. C. Prof. Stirling begs leave to refer to Rev. Samuel L Graham, D D., 1 . n., , . " Samuel B. Wilson, I) D , I-'-n heog,- " F L. Sampson. D D S CU' ""nary- " B H. Rue, Prince; Edward. Va. " .Wm. C. Piummer.: Baltimore. " James Carnahan, D. D , President of N Jersey 'College. " .James W. Alexander, D D .Princeton. N J Prof Joseph Henry, Smithsonian Institute, Dist. Co. January, lh5l. 6t35 fisioods: JUST received by Express to day, the following ar ticles, io which we respectfully call the attention of the public No. 2 and 3 Mackerel, F resh Salmon, 30 boxes Cheese, 1000 iibs pure white lead .$1000 will be paid for a better article, 1000 lbs. Fire Proof Paint, in oil.chea p for cah. M. HKOWN & SON. Deeember 11. 1850. " C0THIN1fJTlINfi7, BV TELEGRAPH. JUST received a la rye lot of Ready .Made Clothing, among which we iiave some of the finest and cheapest Over Coats, ever brought into tins market. (Jive us a call and we will convnii-e you thai such 1 the fact. ; M. BROWN & SON December 11. 1850. 31 ST. MAR Y rS SCHOOL, ic i.i:im:. . c. I HE 19th Term of this School will commence on the Fourili day id" January, 1?5 1 , and will continue 'till the Till June For a Circular containing full pnrtieuhr. apply to the subscriber. ALDERT SMEDES. Rector. Dec 4. ; 5t31 LOOK DEF0RE V01! LEAF ! THE stil'S'-rihers would respectluily nilurin the citi zens of Salisl'urv and vicinity, that we have ojKn ed a BOO I' N D SHOE SHOP at the stand oci npi. d at year by Barrmger i Ci..and one door below the Bxk Store We intend to as low us any shop in the place, and employ none but good and experienced workmen Oar stock of LEATHER MATI-SRIAMS will be purchased in New York by one of the firm. tfood article, and lo fcell t !EMT JJ AliK Ii in Salisbury, is 1 be found at ibis sdiop. Al' work warranted. Dry an I irren hides and all kinds of coun try produce taken in exchani:e lor work. II H. caspki: &. CO. Salisbury. January 1, 151 31 By Express Shawls vV M'lii'Ulas. Direct from .iew York ! f)ecnb'-r 12 l"")!) TED SUB SO HI JJ has just received by Express Line direct lna New York, a splendid lot of Piain and Embroidered Cashmere Shawls. Also, another lot of black and colored silk Mantillas, which ore going off rapijd y at the sign of the Red Flag. (30 E M VERS. GREAT EXCITEWE N 1 N w Firm. rilllE subscribers bavins; entered into coparinethip, JL under the firm of Brown and Haynes, for the pur pose of carrying on theTnnning, Boot and Shoe and ' HARNESS MAKING MS I NESS. take this method of informing the citizens of this com munity and ihe surrounding country, ifut they will be j aide at any time to supply all demands either for Ieih er (of all kinds,) Shoes a d Boots or Harness ail of su perior quality, on moderate terms. They have procur- i ed the excellent services of Mr Jacob Letler. long and favorably known as a conductor of the Boot and Shoe business.) to superintend their fhop ; nd he sends, gieetin, hi compliments to old custoinets, and tol icits a call nt their establishment, opposite the Psi office, where he will hereafter he found. The sulscribet8 ha ve also a tine lot of ma tert i Is, puit hased at the North for cash for the IInru E5lli lit, which is conducted at tlie same stand by an experienced workman (ome one, come all. for we nre determined 1 lo please. Hides, ureeii and dry, of all kinds, taken in exchange for work or leather. i moses l nnovvx. 1 THOS W. IIAYXES 1 Salisbury. Jan. 1 . 1 NT 1 . 34 " LARGE SALES Hi SM ALL PROFITS ' The Subscribers rff A KE thi method ol niiorming their friends and JL the public, that lliey continue lo rarry on the Boot and Shoe-making Bu-iness, m all its branches, at their old stand opposite Wm Murphy & Co s store. Thev have on hand a lare and fine assortment of Boots mi. I Shoes, of all descriptions, which cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by any new or old firm in ibis part of the coun try, and which, after the t;RE.T EXCITEMENT " is over, by their fine fini-h will enable you to see where to LE A P wijli safely Their work is manufactured out of the lest material, and having in their employ firM-taie workmen, and a well known and experienced HOOT MAKER, who can nr. at the bot in this place, thoc who favor them with their custom may depend on beinc; accom modated to then saiislacin.il. Pi ices to suit the times ; all orders thankluiiv received ami prompllv executed ici:i v utix; done with neatness and despatch Thankful for the liberal pTtronaue heretofore received, they hope to merit a continuance of the same : Ml are invited o call and examine our Stock, md if " THEYnoX LIKE TOV't BfV " N. B Hides areen and dry, taken in exchange for woik, also Cjountry produce. WARREN ,t RIMER. Salisbury Jnn 0 l.'il :lm3"). tion until tie 1st of March, 1551. ' 1 j . J. L. Hl'NDV V. C.'BARttlNGErt. Mapratr of P Sec. of Board of Cotm(ii.ioners. Clothing! Clothingl CloUting Kui riducTi t'nees vecrmner rj. IS50 PITIJ SUESCUXiJiJU has j. t retei,fJi JL Win Siock of .Vjr Made CU,lLi.T,ntlntt, of Hearer, Pilot, Lroadclvth. Felt and Llaulii Or Coat, Broad Ctoik Frock, drrss mn,t Jututru C', Had and fancy Cassitncre ahd Sattintt l'unlt Ji Satin, athmrre ana I aiencxa I ef nlna A SZVIAXiXiXi LOT Or CLOAKS, all ol which were manufactufed by the nioi fh wii clothiers in Ne York anJ Philadelphia, anj 14t 1. made up in the tales! styles tie wo uiti stale that on account 01 ow . - . 1 l : I . 1 - . l . . t. : r I . 1 . ueiatneu nis cnmin;, iir iuereiire iia T I ti 2 Ut ttu ... ... cipal part id the season lo dispose ot them, i.r i t. ooo.-il id mtiire ihein recraribes of tin, lit 't'k.. . - r- ....... . i.-T have not supplied themselves would do well Uicfcl! nieMgn oi ice ura tug. mvhus at Valuable Plantation for Sale tHEsubscrd r offets for tale the vi'u:i! jlr. . tion formerly the property of the ln:e Wj -,4 Thomason. lying between Second and TlnrJ Cri,, 10 miles west i f Salisbury. It contains upwiri, 300 acres of land, embracing an excellent titri jt,w 4 good deal of tine land wooded and cleared. It hjj ct n h lari;e dwelling house and every necessary iKi; tu. ing, a superior spring of water, and a"Jfine apple peach orchard. This plantation can be punhahrd i: a low price, and on hccomniodatmg, terms. Pfrv-4 wihing to 4iy wUl p!easeca!l on 'ihe subscriber, tin f ihe place, who will inke pleasure in show in the hre, JAMES THOMSON. Jan 9. 1HS1 , imOi BY EXra ESS NOV. 28, 1850 V VIZ TIES ! IZFTESt 1 1 1 ItS' r HE suhscriler has just received per exprt JL from New York, a small lol of vmtrred nuJ t,. t black and colored MZ.A' VIZITES of the lateM and most fashionable sty.e, w tu. h .r t. , . ing ofT rapidlv at his store. Tlie Sill of Ike Itetl Flag. (39) E MYKK 22 tf . OARIl Sc CO, . Lirrns.il Vfuilrrs for tlir SI air. 13S irutt M. ISnUiiiiorc, .li;tr)lnd. 1 N CARR CO . are the oldevt 1 i. kers in the I tilled Stales. lh;s be r ;.'-tj : 'If :: . year tf.ey ltnve fH-eitjJistribuiing Fortune's aui E. N. Carr t- Co. have acquired a repiitot.va t-..' Maine to tleorgia llut no other ofi'ice can in au .t Compete with; they bave soi J atnl paid tn. -pr than any other six tdlices combined, as tiie iiiin:,j;rrui conduclors ot i h-se iotterie will lertity S j- ni.rn i luck in just one Lottery ! In dm wing ol (.mmi ( o idated. Class B, Feb. y, Carr A. Co. so.d -nice lirile prizes. Nos. 11 3!) 77, $10,000, sent to Obi... " II 4JT., lO.tMIU, ser.l to M -mpb... Tn.a. :i : 3.. 10.000. sent to Newark Besides two omail cupnais of 4UU ccii. For January, 1851. $24,000 f . Cocsol Lottery of M-uyldiid. lor the hen 1 of fVI Air. and for .t her pu r imm-h, C Urn : in Baltimore, Mil , on Tuesday, J.mi.r J' SPLENDID SCHEME ! 1 2.r, 223 prize do Ho do d. of Id is is ia x-j j tn(l - IMMI k; hio l.'i UOtl S.l.T&ti SALK OF VALUABLE LAND. IN pursuance of a Decree made at the Fall Term b-sdl, of the Court of E.pnty for Rowan County, 1 Shall sell, at the late residence of Paui Phd.-r, dee'd (about sixteen miles esi of Sa'isb cem!er next, tw.j tracts of a:is?urv..i lllion Salur. nay, me '"ni uny ol 1). land, viz : One tract of 1 00 acres w.tl. line lwH.iu2.r,ouse and out-biiiidm2- m ..mod teptur. w.th about one third of the qumtny ot ihe best woodbind. Another tract of .') ar-r'- wi'!i and 150 acres of woodland, the which is bottom land B.th tracts vreeK.aini are ot verv o:od out-baildins? greater portion of ie upon Fourth up'-rior niialitv i . . . ' j i nis land is sold up..n ihe petition of the raul t'hiter, dee'd . f.r ihe Ihe 2 1.000 4 000 2.O0O 000 300 llf 3S 2.rjfi I'lizcs. aini.iiiitinj to fi- till-. Tickets 10 shares in proportion. 7- N-- a i drawn baMots. ITOndicate of package, -J'", w: 124 ; 26 halves sh2. ITFor a good pri.e and prompt alten-if.u : ' address tin? "World Renowned Prize Sel . r- t l . E N. OARH &. CO. 13 IVmi st . Ballmn.re M.- DAG U E R R EOT Y PES THE citizen!, of Salisbury and :he vi.m 'v ti"" ted to call and examine specimens a! f Rf in ihe Courthouse, wfiere he will l hupi')' :tJ f Prices ranging from 2J upwards. " Secure ihe niUiance, ere The -hadow fades." I The old the young, -The misses, the betu, Whoe beauteous face, -A D-itr'ierreot vpe should crare. Also taken. Portraits in lockets of various . likenesses correct y copied. 3 ' S. POLK. NE Y COP A UN EliS HIP-. IHE undersigned have entered into a ; i in the . Mercantile Businefs, at Woou ii" an County. They intend to keep up a wr,. stock of Goods, and hope by Hose ri'teti'ion ;. ing good bargains io their customers, to n - ' share ot the pat form je of the zef, surrotr 1 ti : T a i tie petition ot the Ilrii of :i'l!;.i-es ot Pa nil ion A,... one oesirons ot purehasmcr. w i I be shi lowri la nd-i io Si, as Pinter who lives adjoining T TO act travelling agen's for the'; Voyage , round the World of ih- United Stntes Squadron, under Commodore G. C. Read Illustrated with Enirravinirs. A nuoiber of enterprising and intelligent men, of good ' December 1 9. 1 850 Hcary Sewed Shoes. character, are otlered profitable employment in circula lingby subacripfion, the above valuable and interesting work in Rowan County, and other counties in the Stare of North Carolina. The terms. Which, are very liberal, will be given on application to the subscriber, pot paid. This work will not be sold in the Book Stores, but ex clusively by Agents, at a reasonable and uniform price. II MlNSFlELD, Booksel'er and Publisher, 134 York St., New Haven, Connecticut. 2:36pd rjHih, Subscriber has pist received IOO Iail f X IleaVV Sewed Mm', a superior article, which he is selling at 1 25 per pair, and going otr rapidly at his cheap store. The sign of the Red Flag Salisbury 32 . MYERS. BARRINGHR &, McRBE, j Attorney at Law. Cohcorft, N. C. Having associated ourselves in the Pjacsiee of the Law, wervill attend the Conrte- (Cmniy ahd Superior) in Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Iredell,' jRWa'H and Stanly. . RUFTJ3 RARRINGER, OcTa7,1650. r E. F. D. McREE. To Officers and Soldiers of the War of ,1812! I will attend to the prosecution of claim? arising un der the" Bounty Land Bill' passed at th iasr ses sion of Concrress. JAMES E KERR. Salisbury, Oct. 10 50. 22tf Ready Made Clothing " HE beet and cheapest s'ock of Ready Made Cloth ing ever offered in Salisbury and no mistake. Call at (21) - ENNISS, SlIEMWELLb CO. INFANTS' XTEEDLT2 WO II ICED RHHEs AM) BDDIKS. THE Subscriber has jjm received a small lot of In fants' superior Neeoie Worked Robes, reailv a h beautiful article also o lot of Infants' Bodies, which he is offering at verv low pnets. E. MYERS. Salisbury," Dec. 19, 1850 32 1 Land For Sale. HE subscriber being determined to remove to ihe i JL West, offers for sale the tract of land on winch he now lives, containing 135 acres of land, lying on Ab- , bolt's Creek, ten miies eosf of Lexington, ou the stage road lo Greensboro. Thi improvements are an excel lent two story dwelling house, an office-, a g..o i kitchen, and all out buildings The above is a tood htand for a physieiftn and lavern. Also, another tract., lying four miles south of ihe above on llambe's creek, containing , 2tsl acres with a first rate paw mill in good repair. Trie 1 land can be bought I w anil reasonable indulgence will 1 be giver. " ! p. W STI.MSON. 1 Dec 3UI55n. ; k J, j.i 5i34pd i oreensooro' rairtoi wm msert 4 times ana send ac t upon app ication said tracts T erm, 12 an.) Ih ihiumIh' credit, with interest after 6 months, purchaser giving bond w ith approved -ecurity JOHN B LORD, C M. E Novemler 2s. I"o0 . ir'J (Printer's fee .sj.j "0 ) Postponement. Theabove sale has been postponed until Saiurdnv the It-th day of Jamiarv, l.il.on accoij-.t r,f the in' clemenry ot the weather and the absence f bi,j,b-rs when ilin'f Hi'j positively take place a: the lateresi' dencec,f Pa-tPlnb-r. de.'d Dec. 3 1 . lraO 3.3 1 FOR HF XT r. lenient store hoo-M sirnnred in next door to the Apply to the subscriber. ROB'T MIR PHY. -" 1 3 5 I hey request i heir friends to caM and five All kinds of roiimry produce tnkeajn :.t goods, and bur puces ahuwed. D. Ii " ' L ROUT HAHRI--Aug 22, IS.',!) i Disolulion of Copartnership. fim iil f. ... . ' fl ,,lr' opartner-nip hereto'ore e.xt Ja bert Uarrii Urri and R R Crurim. ir Business, was didved bv tnnliinl rm ri I!e Tl: eri ie I. ai A LA'vGE and conv J. M. the I own ot Sahbiiry, c store ol U m. Murphy A: Co Jan 9, JR51 tFOR SALE A Valuable Blacksmith. q WILL s II at the Court Hou-e in Salisbury, on Mon JL day 3d FVbrunrv. (it kin-j Court week, if not sld previous) a ilk- y Nefro Bov aUit 23 vears of an it the above bll-ifiem for lh Inaf sevn 1 erins cath. Or Htinroveil note Willi inlrrm SAMUEL REEVES. Sr. Salisbury, Jan f. 1-.)1 3135 having worked years. to the subscriber at Rich Jjfork, Davidson County. J Salisbury, Nov. 5 To the Ladies. rP HE finest lot of Bonnets in the market for sale a DROWN, FRALEY $ CO. JL the store of 26 July, lti.V). The book remain Harris, and all settlements of account" or iv' 'r- made with h im. All pep"nare rfju''ed" '" ' v ward and make settlement, either bv - -'i "r Ktp.'T haim: Aug 2-2, 1S;0151 R. U CRI'Vr Negroes Wanted ! Cah for -Nezroo Salibnry, Jtiiif LI. 1' THE fuWilWt is now in market am! w.-i"' . chas a number of Negroes, for w !: :i ! ' ' ing the Hk.iiist Market Paters r Cwr, Persons wishing io dispose of any of ;he a'- r?r ed Drouertv Would do u H t .t. t-.'-rr t'' M Y ER MVI1 Communications frrim a distance attended ' Sali-bnry June HiJ,. !-."n, xi O' DR. M. WHITEHEAD k ... FFERS his professional t.?rvices to i:ie p"1' He can at present be found at his resi-Jer. - r ' ' professionally enjiged. Offlee)ne ioor bclcw I. II. faWfll' ottre. I Salisbury. Julv 21 . I -i! . 1 1 i J. D. WILLIAMS. ForwartHn: ard Commission Ir rrlia- July 30, 1S50. einl2 FuyttmUr,

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