Til rV LiiUVAJi1 1' WATCHMAN. .iy v : ' i J. fclUSKK, Editor i. Ir irlf tor1 r Vat' - i Salisbury, IV. CJ VKMXG. f IXlAttl (NV 39 C. 1851. )SU;ru carrying M.ty further enacted, T M .,lutvt'iV lVttnastcr Gcn.-n utn. -'''l'',1'r!U't0.r t,K trauT Imt it shall lx 1 1 1 r - ill, in. an mime nrtation of the " n L iitl- Vii'- sufficient guartfiit ivs for faithful ni).ui(( j wiliiotii oiner reierenjce to mc luotie THE MAIL 11 il South Carolina. '.. frviti the act of CQngrcsofZd March, p' ' iij section 18. due eelentv. certainty, and secu- t" u iUr:iusiMrtaton ; nor Miall any new 'tru"T hereafter he required tj purchase out, 1 ... .. l. . ,:...!. .. !iV j,r. i.'uinntraftur for the sane " Ui.lji'rH will be cartful to re.i .?!.. - i.Ji .. .i read the forms l iiitnu'tWiH ai.ia'ixifu io mis ativerusemeni. fh.'V are r-ni-ft'l to state; in their proposals, the i i . thev intend to convey tlie mail. Ill"" . i i e a1 ?i . . . VK..p-'tin- miv. ciui oi mij mans, or mc t;tll-t i th; hcht.'Jules Miall rciuro it, 11 ik- mailt; iur coaicn, su'amuoat", tht hy 4 a nr ncxt days, 40 niiles ; and hack lietwccn 2 p mnday, Wednesday and Friday; and am next "days.-:. Proposak fofd4ilj8ence ar invited. , To lcavcij Fayetteville 6n the arrival olf the mail from Cheraw, say JO J p m, and reach arsaw by U a m next day, or in time to eonl nect witli the cars oin South. Leave "Varsat after arrival from South, say 1 pm and reach Fayetteville ly lam next day. J 2813 Froih Fayetteville at C am, twice 4 week, Tuesday .and Saturday ; by liiverside Johnj sonville, CramV Creek, Carthage, Caledotiia, AuJ man'u Hill, Stone Lick; White llousej Ilill'fe Store, Salem Church, and Healing Spririgs ; t Silver Hill by; 12 m, lliurftday and MonSay, or in twin; to connect with the mail fromdlaleigh ; tlince to Lexington by 5 p m, 122 miles ; and back, lx-twoon m, Tuesd.-iy and F riday, and O p in next Thursday and. Sunday, d'rpposals to end at Salisbury, -instead of Lexington j are in- vittl. ' '", . ! j 2814 From Haywood at 8 am once a; week, Monday ; by Martha's Vineyard, Chalk Levf el, Nui thiHgtonanl Summervill : to Avit rvlo- .1 K M nn,-ru k' 0 1 ,n 33 mfi i and back between 8 vehicles Ot. ; ;l JM ,mj (i mit-xt dav. l'roposals to Isupply f?,U V Neiir Creek will be considered. to ewbern by 8 pm next day,83 miles; and back between 6 a m llmrsday and 8 p m next day ; witht an" additional weekrf itrirrirom New- bern to Trenton and back every Mopday' PnA posals for semi-weekly service on the whole route will be considered. 1? ' ' 233G .From Strickland's Depot' jafter arrival of mail from Wilmington, sav at 3 p m, Fri day ; by Taylor Bridge; Six "luns,I4sburn, Gravelly Hill, CVprcss Creek, arid Ellisville; to Fayetteville by 12 am next Sunday, 80 miles ; and back between l pm Sunday and 1 p m next Tuesday. j 1 ; 2937 From N ahunta at 6 a m once a week, Mon day ; Ijy St. Charles and Beulah ; to Eagle Ftock by 6 p m, 40 miles ; and jack between 8 a m and 8pm next day, Prolposals for semi weekly service will be considered, also pro posals to embrace Lowell, j 2838 From Wilmington at 6 am once a week, rndav; bv Long Creek, 15eattv's Bndire. .Ar.i. d'onwvancc, :lh the ca (I.jvi. itl such routes will.be mi. lun'.wl'- of conveyance 1 lUrJ,,;ites will Ihj iissigncdj to bids proM- i n" til'' ClM'f H'1 ino'ie oi ir;nijMi uiuun. e mav lx' ; and let to bids-" jro ln all other Kajlfoail companies are ,!,,t tii-ir ri'lrultr bids are to 1h inkniu: tlif supply of each oflit tfi.-ir rM -:' IV road, jwcially notifiel undi'stood as e outhe line of a quarter of a not ovt iiiil,'sfruiu : f V- "larat pro)msai.ior oinces .1 ..i rti.r mill filV will ln r'riixiil. tt'd. Jllil Vp'V fr earning the ihaiils of the United l fforii th' 1 st day of July jl Ho 1 , to the 30 ." ruu lusive, in orth (pjirojiua, will be ls.V) ivtil at I ili contract otlice of the I'ost Office ;lu.artm nt;iiii ti" tv i asinngion, until iu aIi f tle)Wof April 18')1, (tkj be decided by ltli JaS, ot April,) on tlie rjmtes and m thv UUHii'T aniApine nereui pcuiy, w. . HkoUTH CAKOLlA. Saufc From Kaleigh daily at 10 a m; l;v Iqusi;, Korrestville, ljacifiic, Franklin , t''i,jtauiititi,nendt'rsoitidgeWay, Ma cuij.,lVjMt,and Littleton j; y To Vi'aton by 7 p'm, 87! miles. Anj!lcu k ltween 3 a mand l p m., 202 Fruoj KaU-igh daily at 2 p m ; f , Uv lttfclavsville, 1'leasant Plains,- Uunn's ' tA ii and A verysl trough 4 ! Tu Fiijcltcville by l i a in next days GO An,j (l?w k daily twccn 10 p m m6 10 a , hili xt ilays. ( l!iijals fr tri-weekly service, to le run .ttjwjur to 1m; named in the bid are invited. '.'Son Ffi.tti lial'igh at 4 a m, three times a 1 . uvk. Sundav, Tuesdav, -and Thursday ; Jv jviL'le Kock, Wakefield, Stanhope and . KasLfi ill.-; . "T.. M-ky Mount by 10p m, 02 miles ; .And; Mick Ix twern K a in and 10 p in. l'n.H;ils f.r daily service at a speed not j. fj tjian 5 niili-s an hour w jll Im oousid- erfl. Mail to reach Kocky Mount in -tiir.it'.r the oars going North and to "l. jv''tli rc iiiiiiiediatt ly after the arrival t' tjhj cars !Ting South. 280t Fr-iiji '.(.ileigh after arrival of Northern Mall, Nv at . t in, three times a week, Siuidiy, Wcdn.'sday, anl Friday ; l'.vMo inille, Chapel Hill, HilW-r 2815 From 1 lay wootl at 5am once a week, Tues day ; by Longstivet, RolUn's Store, A: Har ingtoi ; to Johnsonville by 8 p m, 41 miles ; and batly the Pocket, Wtweeii 5 a m and 8 j m, next day, omiting llarington. Proposals to omit Harringtan entirely will be considered. (See 2842) Also . jMoposal. to omit ohnsonville.j (See 2813.) j 210 From Havwood at t a m once a week, 1 hursday;by I rades Hill, H.wkney's X roads and firove ; to Green Level by 12 in, 22 miles ; and back between 1 p m ami 8 p in. j 2817 From Nashville at 1 pm once a week, Fri day; to Peach Tree Grove by 5 pm, 12 miles; And back between 8 am FViday land 12 m, same day. T- 2818 From Clinton at Gam once a week, Wed nesday ; bv Pine' Grove, Plonk's Store, New ton's G rove, ami Draughan's Store; to Averjis loro' by 8 m. ; and back to Gibb's CrosiKoads, Holly's Store, amlleaman's X 1 toads, between G a m and 8 p m Thursday, equal to 40 mtles and back. 2819 From Laurel Itill after arrival of mjiil from Cheraw, say at 3 p m, twice a week, Tuesday and Saturday; to-Rockingham by 10 pJ m, 21 miW; ami back letwecn Sam and Jl a in. Proposals tt extentl to Wades!)! are juvitdd. Also, j)roosals to coinnieiice at Springfield in stead of Laurel Hill, i 2820 From Laurel Hill at 2pm once a week, Bridge; to Norfolk, Vaby 12 m next day, G8 t inues; ana kick oeiween i p m iJuursday and 8 -"p m nextdayr -: 2861 From Elizabeth City at 8 a m once a week, Thursday ; by Newbigon Creek and Nixon ton ; back to EUzabeth City by 3 p m, equal to : - 11 miles, and back. i ; 2862 From Powell's Point at 8am once a week, Monday, by Roanoke Island; to Nags Head by 4 p m, 20 miles ; and back between 8am and 4, p m next day; . Projosals for car Tying above mail three times a week from the 1st of July to 1st October in each year will be con sidered. 2863 From Ppweirs Point at 8 am once a week, 30 miles, and back between G a lr and m, thursdar, i.r .' I 2S8U From Mason ILill At G a m once a week, thursday, by Pleasant Grove, big Falby Fawcett's Store, Mooresjille, Stouy Crwk, An dersons Store, and High Towers, to Leasburg by 12 m next days, 52 mile?, and back between 1 p m friday, and 7pm next day. Proposal tu commence, at Uurnt Shop arc invited. . . 2890 From GrevnsWough at 2 am three times a week, monday, Wednesday, and friday by Monticello, lliomrom ille, Lenox Castle, Slide's, Locust Hill, and Yancey villo, to Miltou by 2 a m next days, 53 miles, and back between arrival from Farmville, My at "i p m raonday, wednts- Mond:iy ; by Lovelace.; to Wilk -sl-oro by 7 Tp in, SO milc-s; and back between 7am and T pm next day.' 2912 From Driar Creek at 8 a m every other Thurs day ; by Hay Meadow and Mulberry; to' Laurel Springs by 6 p m, 28 miles; and back . between 8am and G p m every other fridnv. 2913 From Ailkesborough at 5 a m once a week, tuesday '; by Lewisfork, Stony Fork, and, Pruhy Hat ; to Boone by-7 p m, 30 miles ; and back between 5 a m and 7pm next dav.? 2914 Fiom Wtlkesborouoh at 8 a . rn once "a w eek, tuesdsy ; by Elktille, Fort Defiance. Lenoir C. II. , and Copenhagen ;JoMorganton uy 12 m next day, 49 mile; and back between W 1 T l 1 ' 1 1 .... . uouuay , loikoanote lsiana bv o p m, uavJand tn.tav ana 2 u m next lar. lrv! o . MJ.....i.l .r? ' j ... miles; and back between 8 a m and G p m ; sals to run ,n conneelion with the Henderson and aditional trio from Wilkeibomunh . m iiack Kiver Lliajx-1, and llarrel s tore ; to Moore's Creek by 2 p m next day ; and back by Long Creek between 8am and 6 p m, Thursday, equal to 47 miles and Uick. 2839 From Wilmington at 5 aim once a week, Friday ; by Top-sail Sound, Stump Sound, Fov'.s Store. Onslow C. IL. and Catharine Lake: to liith lands by 6 p m next day, 71 miles; ami back by Hannerman" between 4 a in Sun day and 5 p m next day. 2840 F loin 'Wilmington at 12 m three times a i' week, Monday, Wednesday, ami Friday ; by Whitesvilkv Fair llluft, Marion C. 1U S. C Mar's PluH; Hradleyville, and Sumterville ; to Manchester, S. C, by 10 p m next, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, 156 miles ; anil back be tween G a m Monday, AVednesday, and Friday, and 6 p m next Wednesnay, Friday, and Sunday. 1 roposals tor daily service at a sjx-ed of not less than five inMles au hour will Ve considered!. 2341 FYom AryslHro' at 8 a m once a week, Monday; bv Hannah's Creek; to Smith held by G-j m, 30 miles ; and b:xek between -8a m and U p ni next day. 2842 FYom River-side at 9am once a week, ; Tuesday ; to Harrington by 4 p m, 20 miles; and back between 9 a mK 4 p m next day. 2843 FYom Beatty's Bridge at 1 p m once a Aveek, Friday ; by Colly Swamp ; to Cane Tuck by 5 p in, 15 miles, and back between 8 a m and 12 mi Proposals to j extend by com mencing at Gravelly Hill Ivvill be consider ed. " : 2844 From Onslow C. II., at Cam once a week Sunday, by Piny Green, to Swansborough by 2 p in, 24 miles, and back between 5 a in & 12 m Saturday, or in time to connect witli the next day. 28G4 From Creod?s Bridge V.-u, at 7 a m ono a week Monday ; V Knott's Island, N C by 12 m; and back between 2 p m and 7 p ni. 28G5 From Washington at 8 a m once a w eek, Tiulay ; y Blount's Creek ; to Durham's Creek by 5 p m, 25 miles ; ami Ixick be tween 8 a m aud 5 p m next day. 28GG FYom Durham's Crock at G a m once a week, Y elnesdav ; bv South Crvk : to lk i t .... 1,10 rouUl :it HlltoU - ndeml. j ery friday hy Eikvill. and Foil Defiance ; to -89 1 hrom Gn-ensl trough at 4 p m twict- a : L-noir b 7 p m, 33 mile ; and back by Kin" i 1 , I1uon,l:,v iU,a thurKv, by Jamesnwn, ; Creek and Warrior Creek7 bet weeo 8am and 1 enntield, BrumniellV and Ui.li F.-rl: tr Iv. ' -rm.i.- - " - - lil IICAt U1 iugton by 12 m next d ivs, 35 miles, and kick a m nionday and thursdiy, aiul 3 j letweeu 5 m. 2892 From Greonsborough at 6 a m once a week, fndav, by Gihner's Store, Sliaw's .Mills, Llapps, Holts Store, Hartshorn, Uwk p m next day. 2915 From Morganton at 5 a m twice a week Wednesday and Saturday' ; hy BiinHletowu Mountain Home, Miiiersville. and Cuba;!lo lluiherfordion by 8 p m, 39 miles, ; and back" between 5 a m and 7 pm, tuesday and frid4y. l,.-1 . r i i.. . . Bay Kiver, Craven county, by 12 m next day; ; v-rcvk, Snow Camp.Sandv Grove, Mudliek, lane 29 1G From Morganton ai 5 a m twice a week, and back between 12 m Monday and 8 pmnext Creek, Hadley s Milk, and Kock Pest, U Pitts- thursdav andsundav: l,v M.rion (!!. Fori. j through by 5 p m next day, Go miles, and back , and Sanmio ; to Aheville by li p m, 59' a iK-tween G a m sundav. and 5 pm next dav. miles ; and back between 5 a in and 11 n in. one? I. uav. 28G7 From Currituck C. II. at 12 m . 1 ' I 1 1 l l. i ween, rnuay; iy coiniovK. ami I'oplar Branch ; to Powell's Point by G p m, 25 miles ; aud back between 8 a m and 2 p m next dav. 28G8 FYom South Quay, Va., Hp m, three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; by Wiuton, (N. C.) and Kdeiitoii ; to l'ly mouth by 11 p m, 102 miles; and back be- 2893 From Greeiislorough at 9 in uno" a wtr'k, tuestav, bv teiitnss, Centre, and New Sa lein, to Ahlorough by " p m. 31 mile, and lick let ween 0 am and 3 p m, wediies.lav. 2894 F'rom Grin-nsboroiigh at 5am threi tines a week, niondrty, Wednesday, and t'ridav. lv Hillsdale, Monro ton. Troublesome, Ueidsx Uawlingsburg, and iraves, to Danville by i 4 .. 1 1 I . 1 ; 1 i . .. ., . 1 iweeu 1 15 p m ana iu a m mxi tiays. itoix- ; m, ot miles, ami back botwe-n 2 a m and 1 p sals to commence at Franklin Depot, Va., are in- in next days. ProiKjsals toe.xpe.lite and change the' sehelule to eonneet at Greensboro' with the Tuesday; by Stewartsville ; to Gilopolis by ; mail to Pichlands. . Proposals! to embrace Palo Alto are invited, also proposal to commence at Pollocksville. (See No. 2847.) 2S45 From Newbern at 8 a m three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, by -Kinston and Mosely Hall, to Goldsboro' by 6 a m next days, G5 miles, ami back between 8am Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, by 6 a m next days. Proposals to reverse the schedule mak ing with route No. 2854 a daily Northern mail (except Sunday) to and from Newbern, are iuvi ted. Also proposals forlthree additional weekly a Trips. 4 2846 From Newbern at 7 a m three times a week, Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, and Ay Cravenville, to Beaufort by 5 pm same days, "1 Till, w I 48 miles, ana oacK oetweeu 1 a m ana 5 p m I luesaay, lliursday, and Saturday, i)irh j spring, Mason Hall, (Jrahani, and .imuiee ; Tu (jr.i.nUro1. bv 4 i m next da vs. .84 iniles; Ands'biek U tween 1 a m every Sunday, Tucs.iy, and Friday, and 1 a m next days. Ihipit Sbop to be supprnnl from Graham thrt Jimes a week. lYopos ils to embrace Burnt Siop in the regnlr route and supply Mason Hall and I'Irt'cij Spritig with branch mails are in iii,vi.tetlr Als)proiosalsito extend to Saleui. 230j Fnlm (lalcjgh at 3 p m once a week Friday; ByjiKjlvin ,Groe, Boger's Store, Fish iaini Stairville, Bed tNlountain, Daniel's Mil Island Van Ho. xk Store ; TrlojlHrongli bv 7 p m next day, and ba(-k Jbv - Mt.' TitJih Bed Mountain, liounjl Hill, StagvUle, and Flemingthn : To Uai'igh lietweeii G i m Thui-sday, and 10 a ni iext dav, epial to 5G miles and back. 200 Frpin jjaleigfi at 5 a mi, twice a week, Sun day wii.jl Wednesday; by Holly Springs, .HavwiMHi; AHolph, Pittslx'.rtn St Laurance, Mar W Milli., CrwkyTrankr.in ille, Cutler Falls. , Ahlrougli,! Caraway, Si-neer, Silver Hill, Cot teii (JroeL aid .Jersey S'ttleinent ; to Salisbury, 1 - tv 1 1 5 ni, 12 miles; and hack Ktyeen 8 p m aiid 11a m. Proposals for simi-weekly service will be considered. 2821 From Lumberton at 7am once 1 week, Monday ; by Jl Iowellsville ; to lrospect Hall by 2 p m, 20 miles; and back bctyeen 2 p m and 9 p m. Proposals to embrace Smith's Bridge, either one w ay or lxth ways w ill be con sidered. . .; 2822 From Little liockFishat l p in, Monday, by Lumber Bridge ; to l'hiladelphus by 7 p m, 20 miles; and back between 5 a m and 12 m. 2823 From Lumbcrtcn at 6am once a w'k, Friday ; Philadelphus, Gilopjlis, Cow per Hill, Stewartsville, Queensdale, and Altbrdsrille; to Lumlierton by G p m next day, equal to 37 miles and back. 2824- From FLlizabcthtown at6a m oncoaVfeek Tuesdav ; bv Big Swamp, Fair Bluff, GUm Swani, White Marsh, Whitesville, and Vestiern rrong; to hhzabethtown bv 2 im next Ihurs day, epial to52 miles and back. Proposals to omit Fair Blutf are invited. j 2825 From Weldon daily at 2 am-; by Halifax, Enfield, Battleboro' liocky Mount, .foyner's Depot, Wilson, Black Creek, Nahunta,) Gotds- iKM-ough, Everettsville, Faisou's Dejot War saw, Strickland's Depot, Teachy's, Washington DejHt, Sill's Creek, Cypress Grove, Wilmington, and Smithville ; to Charleston, S. C. in 31 hours, by 9 p m, 340 iniles; and back daily between 3 p m and 8pm next day. 2820 From Weldon at 3 p 111 once a week, Thursday ; by Quankey and Westland ; to Uttleton by 8 a n" next day, 25 iniles; and-back between 8 a m and 3 p m. 2827 From Weldon at 3 a m three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ; by Jack son, Uich Square, Boxable, Hotel, and Windsor; to Plymouth by 8 p m, 72 miles ; ami back le tween 5 a in and 9 p 111 next dav. Proposals for semi-weekly service are invited. iAlso, propo sals to reach l'ly mouth in time for the departure on 2868, without reference to the advertised schedule on that route, proposals for changing 'w hich are invited. 2828 From Enfield at 5 a m, three times a week Tuesdav, Thursday, - and Saturday; by vited. Bidders to siecifv the hours of denarture 1 x and arrival at Plymouth. 28G9' From Murfreesboro' at G am once a .week, , Saturday; by l'otecasi, St. John, and Boxa ble, (Britton's Cross Iloads ;) to Scotland Neck, by 8 p m, miles;, and back between Gam aud 8 pm, Friday. 2870 From Murfreesboro' at 7 a m three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ; to Winton.by 10 a in, 12 miles; and back be- Salisbury route will le considered, in icw of changing the schedule on the Henderson route ; also proposals to commence at Salem and run direct by Kernersville, Summertield, Are., con necting at S.deni with the Salisbury route, k,th w ays. Proposals to embrace Wentworth instead ot Monroeton and Troublesjine, are invited. monJay and thumlar. FrrM)aU fr Iri-week. Ir erTice are inv'urd, in view of simiUr er. vice ai d an expcdiied schedule on the Salibu bury route No. 292G, lo connect with the Greenville, Te., rouie at Acherille. 'Hmo through from Salisbury to Ashetille not to ti x cced 42 hours. Returning in same time aud connecring at Salisbury with No. 2$07jI 2917 Frofn Mirgantow n at 6 a m once a week moeulav; by Untitle Uirer, North Corr, Grassy Creek, and BakerTill? ; to lurntille by G p in next day, thnce ai 4 a in thursday lij Bald Creek, Ivy, Democrat, Stockville, tnd Beem' Creek ; to Asheville by 4 p m 90 mile; and back via Young's instead of BakertvUU between Gam friday, and 4pm next Sunday. Proposals to" supply Yongs and Uiikersvllle xa trav are invited. ! 2895 FYom (reensljrough after arrival of stage 2918 From Morganlon at r a m once a week from Kaleigh, say at 4i t m thrtv tim.-s a 1 Saturday ; bv Peikinsville. ClUunie. tween the arrival of mail from Portsmouth, say ; week, nionday, thursday, and Saturday, by New Globe, Yalle Cruci, Sugar Grove, BHne,and at 3 p m and 7 p m. Proposals to end at Garden, Friendship, Kernersville, Limestone ! Moreiz Mill ; to Jrffrrson by 6pm nn day. Franklin Depot, Va., are invited. I Wi ll, Salem, Midway, Martin, and Iexiivton, to 79 iniles : and back between 5 a in thursdaf C3i rrom liitiLewav ai i a in twice a week. Salisbury v 11 a in nevt ivs im m on.i and u n m npxi riav. t O ' j ... .. , . , " - ...... . , ....... , , - - j - Wednesday and Saturday; by Nut Bush, back l-tween 7 a m Mon.lay, Tliursday, and Sat- 2919 FYom Lennir C. II. at 7 a Palmer's Spring, St. Tammany, and Merry j urday, ami 12 p 111. Pnjosais to coiiui)' nee at Mount: to Kidireway by t m. eoualto 17 , alem are rnvited. in view of evtendie. r --Hal lYoyvosals to extend over 2928 and also to go via Jamestow n will I e considered. . 2896 From lieidville at 6 a in twice a week, Wednesday and Saturday, by Wentworth A: Eagle Falls, to Leaksville by12 "111, 18 miles, and miles and back. 2872 FYom Kidgewav, after arrival of cars from Gaston, say at 10 a m three times a week, tuesday, thursday, and Saturday ; by Fxehnnge, Lynesville, Clarksville, Ya., AYhite House, and 2847 From Polloeksville at 7 a m once a week, F nday ; By l'alo Alto ; to Swansboro' by 4 p m same day, 27 miles; and back between 8am and 5pm next day. Proposals toencl at Iladnots are invited, also proposals to embrace On- lowr C. II. and Piney Green. (See No. 2844. 2848 From Polloeksville at 2 p m every other Monday; to iladnot's by: 9 p m, 22 miles; and back betweeil 7am and 1 p m. 2849 From Kinston at G a m once a week, Friday, by Sandy Foundation, Pink Hill, and Bu- ena Yinta ; to Hallsville by 6 p m, 34 miles ; and lack between 6am and 6pm next day. 2850; From Greenville at 4 a m once, a week, Friday bv Coiitentnia, Ilookerstown, and Snow Hill ; to Goldslorough by 9 p m, 49 iniles; and back between 8 a m and 12 p m next day. Proposals for semi-weekly service are invited. 2851 From Pungo Creek at 12 in, Thursday ; to North Creek by 3 p m, 9 miles ; and back between 2 a m and 1 1 a m. 2852 From Washington at 7 a m once a week, Thursday ; by Bath, Pungo Creek, Pante- go, Lejichville, Germauton, Sladesville, Swan vuarter C. H., and Lake landing ; to Middleton by 12 m next Saturday, 110 miles; and Ixick by Fairfield instead of Swan Quarter, between 2 p in Saturday and 8 p m next Monday, with an additional weekly trip ; from Washington every Saturday at 1 pm; to Bath by 6 p in; and back between 7 a m and 12 m. Proiosals for llyco rails ; to llalitax Cll. a. by 11 p m, 1 back between 1 p m and 7 p m. l'roMsals to 56 iniles ; and back between 1 J a m and 3 p m, commence at Wentworth are invited. monday, Wednesday, and friday, with atri-week- ! 2897 From Keidsville at G a m once a week, ly branch ; from Lynesville, N. C. ; by Wood- j tuesday, by Lawsonrille and l'laekw ell's, to worth's to Boydtown, Ya. by G p m, tuesday, j Yanceyville by 1 p 111, 24 niiles, and back be thursday, and Saturday ; and back to Lynesville j tween 2 p 111 and 9 p 111. ! by 12 m, monday, Wednesday, and friday. ! 2898 FYom Hillsdale at 7 a m once a week, tues- ! 2873 From Henderson at 1 p m three times a ! day, by Summertield, ak Kidge, and IV week, tuesday, thursday, and Saturday; to lew's Creek, to Kernersville by 12 m, 22 miles, WillLiiwljorough by 3 p in, 9 iniles ; and f and back between 1 p m'and 0 p m. back between 9 a m 1 1 a m. j 2899 FYom Wentworth, after "arrival of mail 2874 From Henderson after arrival of Northern from Keidsville, sav 8 am once a week, mail, say at 10 a in, three times a week, Wednesday, by Pleasant ville, Madison, A vresville, : monday, Wednesday, and friday ; by Oxford, Be- , Crooked Creek, Colesville, Francisco, and Bi" 1 rea, Koxborough, Leasburg, Moore's Store, Mil- : Creek, to .Mount Airy by 2 p m next day, 69 ton, arfd Kinggold, Va. ; to Danville, Ya., by 7 ; miles, and back between 3 p m thursday and 8 m once a week, thursday ; by Lnvelady, Cntawtta Yiew and Wittcnburg ; to Taj lorsvilSe by 7 p m, and back by Little Kiver, and Deal's Mills, to Lenoir between 8 a ni and 4 pm, next day, equal lo 31 miles and back. 2920 From Jefferson at 5 a in three lims a week, sunday, tuesday, thursdny; by Norih Fork, Taylorstillfi Te., Pandora, Dagger's Fer ry, Dividing Kidge, Elizabelhtown, Happy VaL' ley, Blue Plum, and Green Meadow ; to Jones, boro' Tenn., by 10 p m next d:i)s, 78 miles; and back between 5am riesday, thursday and Saturday, and 1(1 pin next days. Proposals for semi-weekly service are inrited. j 2921 FYom Jefferson at 8 a m once a week, tuesday, by Hilton and Manly ; lo Shad.; rack Greer's, by 5 pm, 20 miles ; and back between 8am and 5pm next day. 2922 From Mouth of Wilson, Va. at 8 a m once a week, Wednesday ; by Gap Civil Ni C. Trap Hill, N. C, by 7 p m 30 iniles ; and back between 8am and 7pm next day. 2923 From Statesville at 6 a m once a week. Saturday ; by Fancy Hill, Stony Point, and a m next days, 77 miles ; and back between 10 ' p 111 next day. With an additional weekly trip a m, tuesdaysH thursday, and Saturday, and 10 a . from Wentworth after arrival of mail from Keid- Taylorsville ; to Wilkesborouh, by 0 p m 37 m next days, with three additional weekly trips ville, say 8J a m, Saturday, by PJeasantville, to ' miles ; and back between G a m and G p m, F"ri. trom Henderson to Uxtord and back, between ar- .Madison by 1 p m, 17 miles, anCrtjack between dav rival of northern mail, say 10 a m and 4 p m, 1 p ni and 5 p m. j From Statesville al Cam once a week, tuesday, thursday, and Saturday. Proposals to j 2900 FYom Salem at 6 a m once a week, mon- ! Wednesday ; by Bethany Church, Mapla chanire the schedule so as toconnectat Danville, day. by Walkerstown. White Koad. Blakelv Bottom. Houstonville, Hiimptonville, Dowelton, with route No. 2894, as proposed to connect at Madison, Grogansville, Horse Pasture, Ya., and ; Greensborough or Salem, with No. 2895, will be Travloi-sville, to Martinsville Ya., bv 6 p m next day, 63 miles, and bak Wtweeii 5 a m wed nesday, and 8"J m next day. j 2901 From Salem at 2 p m once a week, Satur day, by Koiigh and Keadv, to Germautown by 6 in, and thence by Ked Shoals, Martin's considered. 2875 From Fraklinton at 4 pm once a week, Wednesday ; by Wilton, Tallyho, Buffalo Hill, lied Mountain, and Caldwell; to Hillsbo rough by 7 p m next day, 49 miles ; and back between G a m tuesday, and 10 a m next day. Lime Kilns, Colesville and Avo, to Patrick C. H. 287G FYom Franklinton at 1 pm once a week, Ya., by 8 p in next lav, 50 miles, and back be wednesday ; by Hams Cross Koads ; to ! tween 6 a in monday, and 6 p m to Germautown Hall's Cross Koads by 7 pm, 18 miles; and and to Salem by 12 m next day, with an addi back between 6 a m and 12 m. j tional weekly trip from Salem at 2 p m tuesday, 2877 From Forcstville at 5 a m once a week, j to Germantown by G p m, and back between 8 Wednesday; by JNew- LJglit, vvilton, lirook ville, and Tab's Creek ; to Oxford by 7 p in, 42 miles ; and hack between 5- a m tuesday, and 7 p m. 2878 From Forestville at 11 am twice a week, a m and 12 m. 2902 From Salem at 4 a m three times a week tuesday, friday and Saturday, by Oldtown, Dethania, Little Yadkin, Tom's Creek, Mount Airy, Good Spur, Va., Hillsville, Cranberry semi-weeklv service on the whole route will be Pint-turn, Scotland Neck, Palmyra, Koanoke, and i considered ; also, proposals to embrace North Hamilton; to W llliamston by 8 p in, and by Creek. See 2851. Gardner's Bridge; to Plymouth by 12 m next ; 2853 From Washington at lpm once a week, day, 7 1 miles ; and back to Wiluaniston between 12 m Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and 7 Thursday ; to Ocracoke by 9 a m next Sat- urday; ami thence to Portsmouth by 12 m, 85 "I' W") ' 7. T2C ' 1 msame day, and to Enfield, nexUhVy by 1 7 p rai ; and back between 8 a m Monday and 12 . p ni bext days, 118 m.U , a d k pf th h the sainc dayTwill j next Wednesday, .-twtrn .u Ninday and MinUv and ;, ; Also to end at Wil- o854 From rivinoutL at 2 a m three times a Mil next days. Preiosals tor tri-weeklv sen ice j , ' l- 1 - . , ... u J. . . lr " liainstoii. week, luesdav, lhursdav, and Saturday ; to wiUiN. fonsulerexl. nMft v. . v.. i i t ft , o TWa. , V i. ' ' j. i. 2807 From Kaleigh at 7 am three times a week, Mislay, W.dnestlay and Friday ; by Au- 2829 From Enfield at 6 a m twice a week, lues- Washington by 1 1 a m ; thence, By Swift Creek day and Friday; by Ileathsvills, Brinkley- , Bridge; to Newlxrn bv 10 p m, 70 miles; ami v, and monday and tuesday, to Kollesville by 1 p Plains and Jackson's Ferry, to Wytheville, Va. m, 5 miles, and back between 8 a m and 10 a m. 2879 FYom Warrenton-at 10j am once a week, Saturday, to Shocco Spring by 1 .J- p m, 1 1 miles, and back letweeu 7 a m and 10 a in, with two additional weekly trips at the same hours, tuesday and thursday, from 1st July to 1st Oc tober, each year. 2880 FYom Littleton at 6 a m once a week, Sat urday, by Grove Hill and Areola, to Kam son's Bridge bv 12 m, 21 miles, and back between lpm and 7 p m by 11 p m next days, 93 mile, and back be. Mount Nebo, to Kockfurd, by 6 p ni, thence at 6am friday by Scul! camp and Haystack ; to Mt. Airy by 8 p m 83 miles ; and lack lo Kork ford between 6am and 8 p in Saturday, and to Statesvi'Je (from Kock(ord) between 6 a ni and 6pm tuesday. 2925 FYom Salisbury at 6 am once a week, Saturday ; by Sit. Vernon, Mocktrille, Smith's Grove, and Farmington ; lo Huntsvilla by 7 p rn 41 miles; and back between 6 a m cc 7 p in friday ; with an additional weekly trip from Hunlville lo Mockeville and back between 8am and 8pm tuesdav. Propotalt to omit Smith's Grove, will be considered ; al- (or weekly service only on the whole route. 2926 From Salisbury at 10 am iwice a week tuesday and friday ; by CowanviH Statesville, Poplar Grove, Bunker Hill, New ton C. II., and Drowning Creek ; lo Mor ganlon by 11pm next days, 84 milei ; and ' t il. .1 r ' r iween 4am tuesday, thursday, and Saturday, ' r,acK M,wefn a rn 'J "J O and 11 p m next days. Proposals for semi- P ,n U3)!- i ropos.au ior in wet-Kiy ter weekly service are invited. v'ce a,,( an expedited schedule are invited, say J .lift 2903 From Salem at 5 a m sunday, tuesday, lo ruu rourn eacn way in z nour.t, in cioie and friday, by Muddy Creek, Pan- iher Creek, Huntsville, Harnptonville, New Castle, and Briar Creek, Wilkesboro', Church's Store, and South Fork, to Jefferson by 10 pm next days, 94 miles, and back between 5am tuesday, thursday and Saturday, and 10 p m next days. Proposals for semi weekly service 2881 From Oxford at 5 a in once a week, thurs- are invited, also proposal to supply Clemmons- AI,lb1M' . Hi lllXII IV 111! I 1' I Hlill - 111 i 111 i i. ;::,.'.. i, - W.n .... i ville, Kmirwood, and Svcanwre alley; to fctmeia ! Wk to YVashinirton, Monday, Wednestla Vv"' 7 r V .. bv 6 p m, equal to 17 miles, andiback. Friday, between 3 a m and 12 ;m, and to Fly- d , v i i i ' V n t i T in Z 1 233,0 From Kocky Mount at 6 a m three times ; inouth by o m. VroaU to embrace Gard t o ' 'H, L d ay week, Monday, AVednesday, and Friday ; nes Bridge and Williamston are invited. fuin. ilnm gtou, say 2 y m Tues.y R Urhda Tarborou h J FalUiand, Greenville and j 2855 From Plouth at 7 a m once a week. nui Vniim.i.ie niui ji in iiii n ii:iv . . . ta i I is -ii . .i i..:i.. . t.,.iinn. i ."ovup , w " ....Svv,.. k,i r . ' .c,o rrn rHcl e ie.u . .y vu , ... ; am ixxii 5 p ill Saturday, KM! m" J vU 1 ; t'W I Tu,.day, and Thursday. H. l,s,. rrunjjf)ckv Mouut -t 5 a m thre( times S. C. by 1 p in, , 3 iinb-s; and bk daily letwcen Thursday, and Saturday ; I m. aiid 9A i m. 1'roi.osals tor tn-weekh l ...,' f it.oc.-.i TiA,iML. i l 1 1 llliartllOMl aim I'fiiuni w uyuiuwii, s, rke, tolU run At hours to le liamel." bv the bidder, aroiu'Nited. l'nnosais to embrace Cilop ('hS and IVnhcttsville and supply Laurel Hill, Springti !. and Brightsxille by side mails will le ' ctuisidereil. r 800 Front. Fayetteville at 3 a m, twice a week, Sunday, and .Thursday: by Little Kock FYsh, 't. Pauls, Ltuid NrtoiTi lxVsville, and Giublysville ; MarionC.lnS.C.by 12 m next days, 78 miles; p in, thence at 5 a m daily, except Sunday; to Franklinton by 8 a m, 48 miles, and back to IWisburg between 5 p in and 8 p m daily ex cept Sunday, thence to Kocky Mount, between 5 a m and 4 p4h Monday, Wednesday & Friday. 2832 1-rom ihon at 9 a m once a week, Mon nong ; lay ; bv Skinnersville and Scupper- to Columbia C. H. by 4 j) in, 36 miles; and back ljetween 8 a am 6 m next da?. 2856 From Windsor at 4 a m twice a feek, Tuesday and Saturday ; by Merry Hill, Ash land, Colt-rain, Harrelsville, and l'itch Landing; -to MurfreesKW by 11 pm, 01 miles; and back between 4 a m and 1 1 p m Momlay and Fri day. 2857 From Eden ton at 2 a m three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ; by Hert- rrom u iis,n at j a m once a tr.v fxoi - , forJ Voo-lville, ElizaW-th City,: New Lebanon, dav; by Stantonsburg, Si wight s Bridge, & : o vn, t nL-e 1 )nimmondand IWn Creek: Snow Hill; to Ilookerstown by 6 p m, 23 miles; j o yortblk, Viu, by 4 p m, 77 miles; and back auu oacK iK-v-en u a m auu - p m vav t i between 8 a maud 10 p m next days, l'ropo- day, by Waterloo, Gregory's Mill, Abra ham's Plains, Brownsville, and Young's Cross Koads, to Clarksville, Ya. by 8 p m, 42 miles, and back between 5 a in and 8 p m, next day, with an additional weekly trip between Clarks ville and Brownsville, 2882 From Oxford at 5am once a week, Sat urday, by Tallyho, Dutchville, Knapp of Keeds, SUgsille, South Lowell Mills, and Enoe Mills, to Hillsborough by 7 p m, 48 mil.-s, and lack between 5 a m and 7 p m, friday. 2883 From Wilton at 6 a m once a week, fri day, by Tranquility, FYsh Iam, West Point, Prattsburgh, and Trice's Stoiv, to Chapel Hill bv 7 p m, 38 miles, and baek between ville, instead of "Muddy Creek, and likewise proposals to supply Dowellown by this route. 2904 From Salem at 7 a m twice a week, tues day and friday, to Clemmonsv-lle by 10 am connexion with No. 2963, so as lo o lhroush from Salisbury to Abbeville in not exceeding 42 hours. Keturning in same time and connect injj at Salisbury with No. 2"i9o. 2927 From Salisbury at 10 a m, three lime a week, Sunday, tuesday and friday ; by Mi randa, Spring Grove, Deep Well, Ml. Mourne, Bcatlie'd Ford, Catawba Spring, Vesuvius Furnace, Lincolnton. Shelby C. H., Fillmore, Morjresborough, Webb's Ford, Kutherfordlon, Chimney Uoek, and Faiiviw ; lo Ahevilleby 4 a in tuesday, thursday and rutulay, 145 milef. and back between 8 a in Saturday, luesdayaod ii mile nH l.nrb l...fwppn l n m and 4 n ni. 'li-irsday, and 6am monday, ihnrsdav and af Proposals to extend by Smith's Grove to Mocks- "'day. Proposals tor semi-weekly s sn.l l.n .1. I i i ... M..i.1.it- .n.l Vriiln" IkHl IH'CWI'Il l It III .'UlilH.II lUi'l M. .,, . ., ... . , , , .- . : . , v .. . andv 10 u ,', next davs. Proials to end at ?uVan weekly tnp trom nson 10 j for threc ajditional weekly trips will be con- ii .,,,:,- . i' j i i oiunionsour": : ana oaeK ieiweeii v a ui auu o i rair BlJi F, N. C. rfre lnvitetl. i i i , . i c : w ooiA l . -ii . i. i m, lhursdav. Proposals to end at Speights 2833 From Everettsville at 11am once a week, Wednesday; by Argyle, Solemn Grove, New r:i i f i .xiii i it rrom nvereiisvuieai i i a m once a weeK, Wi - ' aV,Ua Mr,'y Thursday; by Whitfield's Mills, Sleepy WWlt"? 11 m "7 y'i " Crcvk, and Jericho; to Strabane by 7 p m, 22 hack h-twiU a m, Monday, and by 3 p in next ; . , J 6 a m antl 7 p in, next dav. I 2884 From Hillsborough at 6 a m once a week, ( 2906 From Lexington at 7 a m once a w eek, thursday, by Cedar Grove, Walnut Grove, i Wednesday, by Fair Grove, La Grange, rrosiKict Hill, and Gordonton, to Leasburg v ! Eden, Hoover s Hill, and Sawyersvill, to Ash- 12 m next da-, 35 miles, and Ixick between 1 p.-. noro' by 7 p m. 41 mnes, ana oacit ueiween i m fridav and 9 a m next day. a m.and 7pm next day. 2885 From 'llillsl trough at 6 a in once a week, 2907 From Huntsville at Gam r.nct- a week sat tuesday, by Walnut Grove and Van Hook s ' unlay ; y Ma I'lains, Flist liend, Forbu-h, Store, to lloxbtjrough by 4 p in, 24 miles, Kej.ublic, Uoweltown, and Mt. Nelio; to K-kfonl and back between 6 a m Wednesday, and 4 by 7pm 35 mil.-s'; and back U tweeii C a m and i i in n-xt anv. 2908 From Ko-kford at Sam once a w eek- service r invited. 2928 From Salisbury at 10 am three timet a week, sunday, luetday, and friday, by Chi na Grove, Coleman. Concord, Harrisburg, Chailotte. W hite Hall, Kose Hill, and Ranale bury, to Yorkville S. C, by 12 in next dayr, 72 mi!-s, and back lo Charlotte between 1$ p in and 11 p m. tuesdav, thursday, and raturday. bark between 5 a m and 6 n m errTv friday anu 'in-nce to aawshury neiween o a in and t pm next days, rroposais to run Iroin Char- 'roposals toexiena oy tille will be considered. 2905 From Lexington at 7 a m once a week luesdav, by Walser's Mill. I'ulton, to Mocksville by lpm, thence by Count Line and Oak Forest, to Statesville by 12 m next day, 48 miles, and back between 1 p m wednes day and 6pm next day, with an additional weekly trip from Lexington lo Mocksville and dav. ; '2B11 Frturt fayetteville at 10 a in, three times a weeftj Monday, Awdnesday 4nd Friday ; hy Gray'rt C k, Prospect Hall, Lyon's Landing, ; KTizaVthton, White's CrtH-k, West Krtok, and Kobiiison's to Yiluiingto1i by 0 a m next days, mil. afld kick U-tween 10 a m Tuesday, Thursday hid Saturday, anl 9 a m next days'. -) Yopotls for semi-wex-kly service are invited. . 2b 12 l'roinfFa'yetteville at 2 p in three times a Week, huihlav. luesdav. Mliii J liursdav : lV sidered. 2858 From Edenton at 4 am once a week, Thursday ; by Kallard's Bridge, Mintorc- j ville, Suuburv;, ( ratesville, and inerton ; to Suf folk, Ya., by 4 p m next day,. 71 miles; and I back after arrival of Petersburg mail, say lietween i 1 n in Tuesday and 8 p m next day. Propo- ! i fi 29 m:i anfi i u between 10 a m 2834 From Stickland's Deix,t at 3 p m once a " ul: $Viy "'7 ! Wednesday, and 0am next day. week, Wednesdayto Keiiansville by 5 p i ' ; , ' -.r' "V ' rrom .uoorougn at o a mouee a ees, wetinestiav, dv ijrav s iross itoaas. aiem Chureli, AUen Skiens, Lassitcr Mills, Dix Mills, miles ; and back between 6pm and 2 p in next day. ) J p m. 2836 From Hillsboro' at 10 a m once a week, thursday ; by Hawfield, Mount Willing, Meadow Creek, and MeDaniels. to Kock Creek m ; thence at 9 a m once a week, Saturday ; b ; uu ' v io nj vu u miii in i ii i rii'iv i s by 1 i m, 21 miles and j . . - . harceta; to Alborton s by l ii Uiek to Keiiansville by 2 p m Saturday, nd to Stricklan.1V Depot by. 2 p- m Wednesday. Pro osals to comyietice at Keuansvilk 'still be considered. 2835 From Strickland's Depot at 5 a m once a w eek. Saturday : by Kenansvuie, ixansviue 2859 From Woodvilkat 12 m once a week Sat-1 and Burney's Mills, to Troy bv 7 p m, and back 1 2910 From Harnptonville at 7am once a w. ek, i m and 11 a m. . - aiit's Neck by 3 p m, 12 miles; ' by Motamoros and Cox's Mills, ljetween 6 a m j tuesd.iy ; by Zion, N-w Hoj. Mt. Pizgah, 2931 From Jamestown at 6 a m fnee a week, een 8 am fc 11 am Saturday. ! and 7pm tuesday, etjual to 36 iniles and and Lilertv Hill", to Stab-sville by 7 p m ; and I Wednesday by Hunt's Store, IntiiuiejF'ir ethCityatS a m once a week, back. " I lck bv Liberty Hill.Snow Cre-k. I o-t Oak, Wil-1 (;rw. La Crane, New- Market, New Salem, 2383 From Ashboroiizh at 6 a m, once a week, liamsburg, and 10a gl- Mill. Mw-,-n 7 a m and 7 j S;tndy Creek, Tmy Si. .re, lmj s Mills. I ai fridav, by Moftitt's Mill, Waddell's Ferry' I p m n -xt day equal to :;4 mil.-s and luk. j icrson's Smir. Snow Camp. Clover Ochaid, and 13rower's Mills, to Prosperity by 5 p n 1 291 1 From Ilaniptouvllle at 7 a in once a week, j See fourth page.) urdav : to Duraii tlK- dav ; by Walnut Lane and Jon-vil!e ; to Briar Creek by 6 p ni, 27 mib;and baek lx:twvn 8 a m and 6 p m M.niday. 2909 From Kockford at 6 a m tnce a w-k. Sun day; by Siloam, Stony Kidge and Little Yadkin; to Germauton by 4 p m. 32 mile and baek letween 0 am and 4 p m Saturday. lolle by the mol direct route to Chester C. II. S. C. are invited. Schedule lo bo rpecified, connecting with railroad at Chester C. II.--, Route to be curtailed as railroad is extended. 2929 From Suli.buary at 10 a m' three times a week, Sunday, tuesday. and fiidiy, by Kockville, Gold Hill, Kendall's Store, Albe. marie, Norwood, Cedar Hill, Carolina I 'e male I College. Beverly, Wade boro, and Morten, lo Cheraw, S. C, by 5 p rn nexl day. 90 mile, , and back via Chesterfield C. IL, S. C, instead of Morren N. C, between 4 p in (or arrialf . mail from Fayetteville) sunday, Juesday, and i friday, a' 12 p m rjexl days. 2930 I'rom Salisbury at 12 m once a week, friday, by Oigiin Church, lo Mount IJea$r , ant by 6 p m. 19 miles, and back between a m and 1 1 GwcnM ille,' Clinton, ami Springfield; to Warsaw j Richland, .Comfort Trenton, and Pojlcklville ; J Uivcr Bridge, Ya., Hickory Ground, and Great and back betw 2860 From Elizabeth Citv Wednesday ; by Camden, Shiloh. Indian tow n. Corner Gum, Currituck C. 1I Northwest

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