' ' ! r I - J I : .it ; . i . . . . i " ! i ivat 1 t i W 'PP ITU A TM' -: 2 TlUV bdllVLU r t r : j. J. pUlAEU,, hditorjit rroprifior. -v .. SalMnir', T. C No ,,42 4 TlUBSPU' EYKM.ttv IKPllttl T r T.rolu4tS FOR CARRYING THE MAIL : 3 V V0KT1I CAROLINA, j i . j j ,'; v.inel froth the t of CimnreM of M March, Extract JWf " f , ' . ' . ,1. 1815, ttccUoni 18. ' r4 il fJ it further enacted. That it shall k " , ' i-.'lvJr,. .-.r (Ltu.r-.l in nil fiitufe 1 . t 'A r..- l.rt ln..;il if tho '-iOl.U , ' I , f - t . nUl;jf to l t. the same, in cvf-ry c .y!.Jef teiitjerit) sutneient giuirf lUiranU-es for faithful f ,.tlu.r p.tiT nee to the mode 1. i' .X.: li.in t iv If. npnrv t uelm tnUiKjrtation than i hay yi ra foe the duo celerity, k-rjamty, kind secu- nor si mil any new i trw t. thereafter bo required to purchase out, ; ro ,it a valiuition, the stock or anv 'pr' contraior for Oio same rnite." 'J. 1,-rs will lx;careful to readjthe fo forms an.! iii-truijion' app'tnl-d to this :m1vc iVv.a'"' i''f iKvted to sUite, in th-ir pro; i.xi" 1,'V ftliicU' tn')' ititeiulio convey tisemcTit. onls, the tin nuul. J7t nnd Avi-i.dit of tlut mails, or tlie " ' I ...11 .,1 iii llm wj-l i.ilnlv vli-tll U'liniri' it 1 th.jt.Hitia'ifts will k? male fijr cwich, st amboats, , .r .ilm.uE conveyance, as the eiw mai' k-: and I-.--. ... I' IU III IU inii'MI' " null HT"'1 ( . J. ...m i... .....1 . . , y.v. L-t .nmW,ij .fwii-M 'iueiijly, such routes ;m 'k' lot .to bids ro siitJi modo.of conveyance. In all other C;h.sftlie "route will bo 'aligned tobU jroM j in ' the chi'api'st mode of transportatidii. Ululroad companies are sjifial y notifi'd that their ip-guW hids ure to ki und rst(ol as " iiK-liidjnti ll"' l'l'b' of eaclrqfiice on the line of thnr iijctivi' roa.U, net over a jjarter of a niilc fr-iiiiitl''pot. Separat proposals! fr offices i,,,, than! a "piarU'r of a mile btjf will Hiconsid i - -1'" - -I - l!r.H;ds for carrying the mails of the United Stab from the -1st dav of July jI851,to tlie 30 iun ""ijiri(lusive, in North Caroliila, wiH be . r.-fYiw'.l 6 thi' .cntract otiice of the Post Office )Vt,irtnieiit, U the city of Washington, until 10 "aw of the 1st of April 1851, (to k decided by tU IfltU .!) of April.) on te roiites and in the iu.nnrier ai d t'nne herein spc!Ae," viz : j NORTH CAROLINA. 2b01 Front Raleigh daily at lOj a m ; Hy Kc'iise, Korrestvitle,. P;ieitiic.,!Franklin v . t)iHtaunton,neiid-rwnRidgeway, Ma con Depot, aul Lit th toii To-toii by 7A t in, JJ -miles, ATK1 (KICK Jt'lrrii .1 in ii'-L i 1; 1 .1. 1. 1 .. ... I I. p m. M2 Vrutix llalei-jh daily at 2 v v. : Uy-jlardapvilh-, Fleasant l'lains, Bunn's LeVfl and Avery skrough To yetteville by la am nex tniles; . - . days 60 i .Anl iKick daily ktween 10 p m and 10 a 1 tn iijext days. Troiiosals tor tri-wciklv service, . i . l " 1 1 to k nm at hours to k named in the bidak-e invited 2303 Frotii Raleigh j't 4 m, tiin tunes a ' wv-i k, Sumlav, Tuesday, and Thijirsdav Uv K'lgl' lloek, Wakelield, Stanhope and N;tliille: I'jiioekv -Mount bv 10p in, 62 miles I . Aihibaek U-tween 6 a m and If) j m. ProVMnl- HMn s tor :auv seme' at a ipeea not 1 t lew than ,5 miles an honrwill k eonsid- ered. Mail t r a l lloeky turie lor the ears L'oimr .Noriti ami to JeHVe there illtlliedl.ttely atUT (f the ear going South. lie arrival r Northern 2$0rKriun Raleigh after arnv:kW i Mail, sav at t m. three tme-h a week, Siui'.lav, AVednesdaV, anl Yru B'iMoring-Sville, Ciiauel 1 i ill. Hi iy ; Ulorough ()feeiipring, M.iou Hall, (Indiam, and , Ajatuar.ee ; J !". irecn-Uo', lv 4 1 m next davs 84 "S t - ' i i; . 1)11 les ; 'A ltd back between I a in every ay, '.lj Uesday, and Friday, ;md 1 a lVlriit' Sh'op to k ujiplied fr 1 . 1 1! llet a vs. froin Graham ; three times -a Week. IViiuii iL t.i i -i 1 1 1 ! llurnt Si i 1 -m ....... noii in the ...vi i 1 .i r..nt.i ti?i,l wlllit. lV M'K. ill M'tlt '(Mil Kiv Spring w'uli b;itu li mjjjl are in 1 invited'. Ata'proponjstoexteiik! toSalelii. C80j From Raleigli at j m'onee a vj-ek Friday; By. lv lviu (Jroe, 1'og, rs Store, Fish . (ani, Stag'Ue, Red Mountain, Daniel's I . I Milk, and Van lloook's Store r . jTo Rovlxirongh by 7 p in liet day, and . j r;ek by Mt. 'lirzalk. Red 1 Mountain, K'liund. Hill, StagvilW, and Fljeiuiiigton : To Raleigh ktween. i a in Tluiisdav, anl 10 am iiext day, e.pial to 56 miles and baek. 2806 From Raleigh at 5 a m, twiea w.H'k,Sun dayliaiid We.ln."'sd.jv ; by Hblly Springs, llavwUxit, Adolpli, I'ihslKifo, St La u ranee, Mar ly V Miljs, Reed I n ek J-Vaiddinville, Ceder Falli. .shk.rou'gb. Caraway, Speiuier, Silver Hill, Co- Urn (rove., and JerVey SettUnetit ; tj Salisbury, 1V 5 p in jiet davs, 118' miles;! and baek between' 7 ii ni Sain lay and Wedk-sday, and 7, p w next days. 1 "reposals fr tri-we-kfy service will k "'onidered. 807 From Raleigh at 7 a m three times a week, MiHidaV, AVeduesdav arid . Friday ; by Au burn, ( Tulle v's Store, Smithtield, Boon Hill, and WayiiesfNjrough ; io ( ioKKIh kt-, by 8 m same davs, 51 miles; and baek between arrival of ears 'rum Wilmington, say 2 p m'Taday, Thursday nnd Saturday, and 3 am ne.xt days. -80S Kruin Fayetteille at 2 a m kily; hv Dun- ,'Wrrach, RandallsNiIIe, Montpeher, Laurel hIt,N.ringtield, and Brightsvillc S.C., to Cheraw, C. by 4 jm, -'73 miU-s; and back daiily-between 'I a m and Uj m. Proposal foii tri-weekk vriee, tV;k run at hours to k nanied by- the 'idder. annnvitcd. Proiiosalsito embrace Gilon- ' if lis aud Beiiuettsvilk and supjily Laurel Hill, tyridgticld and Brightsvillc by side mails will k Considered. 2800 Frotil FayetteVille at 3 a m, twice a week, Sundjiy and Thursday; by Little Rock Fish, 'St Pauls, Lumkrton, Leesville, and Gaddysville ; Marion C.lUS.0; hy 12 m next .lays, 78 miles; 1 b;Wk; ktween 1p m Monday and Friday, '1 lo m next days. Proosals to end at rair Bhitfr- are invited . v.pinvio ....... 1 - - v. , w-' ,isMaid, by 5 p m, next day, 8 miles; and U'tween .6 a m, Monday, ana oy o p m next I ' I . 1 ' - 28H r'r9tn Fayctteville at 10 a m, three times a wijek, Monday, Wednesday and Friday; ; '. ,J Orav'i Oeek, Prospect Hall Lyon's Landing, jeihtown AMiite's Cret'k, NVest Brook, and v ' ' v I i J : ; ,t MbinW : to Wil J tfil I and back ktween 10 am TuwdJy,. urs.HjIiuid Saturday, and 9 a Jn next days. IVoposals for semi-weekly service are invited. 212 From Favetteville at 2 pin tlrree tTmes a A 11 11111 llli: JJ K XJ T V v' L -k, Sunday, Tudav, and Tliurs.day ; by cnsviH,, Clinton, and Springfield; to Warsaw trom rayetteville at U a m, once a'weeK, Wednesday; by Argyle, Solemn Grove, rew i jUfad. ('Uri-A'i Mi U M.ieedoin:i ""fliinl Trov to I by 4 a m nxt davs, 49 miles ; and back between " . . . - 1 ITT 1 t-- -, ! 1 p m Monday,- weanesaay anariday, ana 4 - n(.xt days. Proposals for daily serv invited, lo leave rayetteyille on the arrival til the mad from CherawV sav 10 p m. anil reach arsaw by Oam next day, or in time I to coij- B(;ct with the cars croimr South. Leave Warsaw after arrival from South, say 1 p m and reach I Favetteville by 1 am .next day.. 2813 From Favetteville at 6 a m, twice a week,' Tuesday andSaturday ; by lfeiadi'J sonville, Cram's Greek, Carthage, yaledoiiia, Au I . .i ti:h e -. t:LY. ixn.: it..' -ithiil mailSXllii, iLUllO L.1CK, UIUJ JJ.OUM?i JXLU tore, Salem Church, and Healing SpriAgs; to A;ivor ttmv bv 12 m. Thursday and MoAw.aV in time to connect with the mail from I3aleirhi . .7 - -j j r m time to c thence to Lexinston bv 5 p m, 122 milk l anfe back, between G a m. Tuesday and Friday, and! j - ti,v . mnril jv anil !4iiril'v Trt-kTwaili I to end at -Salisbury, instead of Lexington are in uted. 2814 trom .1 lay wood at 8 a m once a wee Monday ; by Martha's .Vineyard, Chalk Lev el, Nprtlungton, and Summerville ; to Aervb fi by 0 p m, 32 miles ; and back between 8 am and 0 t m next day. .Proposals to su Neill's Creek will k? considered. 28 16 From 1 lav wood at 5 a m once a week.Tuesr day ; bv Longstn-et, Roljin's Store, kfe Har mxton : to Johnsonvule bv 8 n m, 41 miMs : and hfift liv tlwi Vvtct lwtuct'Ti n n m nnrl ft n m ne?:t day, oiiiitiri'' Uarin-ton. l'roposals to omit II arriiiL'tiin entirely will be considered, f See .2842 1 -f I . i i . i i .:. -..; Alsi uroTMisii 1.4 To omit, .lohnsfnvii a ISpiJ 2813.) . -i - , . v 281 G From Haywood at 6 a m once 4 week! Thursday; by Trades Hill, Hackney's K rpadi andGrove ; to (Iret'n Level by 12 m, 22 mites I and back between 1 p m and 8 p m. 2817 From Nashville at 1 pm once a week, Frif tlay ; to Peach 1 ree (jrrove by 5 n m, 1 miles; And back between 8 a in Friday and 12 m, same day. 2818 From Clinton at 6 a m once a week, Wed nesday ; by Pine Grove, Motik's Stone, $Tew ton's Grove, and Draughan's Store; to Averys lxro' by 8 p m ; and bak to (iibb's Cros dioadsj Holly's Store, and Beaman's X Roads, k ;ween 6 a m and 8 j) m Thursday, equal to 40 m les and kick. , ! 2819 From Laurel Hill after arrival of m iii from Cheraw, say at 3 p m, twice a week, ' uesday and Saturday; to Rockingham by 10 d m, 21 miles; and back between oam and 11 a nu Proposals to extend to Wadesboro' are invitedi Also, proposals to coinmence at Spring ield in stead of Laurel Hill. I 2820 From Laurel Hill at 2pm once j. week Tuesday; by Stewartsville ; to Giloolis by 5 pm, 12 miles; and back ktween 8 .p m and 1 1 a m. Proosals for simi-weekly serv; ce will k considered. X t 2821 From Lumkrton at 7 a m once a weekj Monday by Howellsville ; to 1 rospect Hall by 2 p in, 20 miles ; and back ktv een 2 m and 9 p ra. Projtosals to embrace Smith's: Bridge either one way or both ways wm sidered. . 2822 From Little Rock Fish at 1 p m, by Lumkr Bridge ; to Philadelphi be, con- ondayi s by 7 p m, 20 miles ; and back between o a,m bnd 12 m. 2823 -From Lumkrton at 6 am once.a week Friday; Philadelphia, Gilopolls, owper Hill, Stewartsville, (ueensdale, and Alfordsville IO L,UimeriOll iy u p iu ue.vt ua, egua to 37 miles and back. 2824 From Elizakthtown at 6 a m once a week Tuesday ; by Big Swamp, Fair Bluff, Gum LMount inSwnr.ip, Wilifte Marsh, Whitesville, and NpTesterii 1'roug; to rJizabethtown by 2 pm nexu lhurs day, eipial to 52 miles and back. Proposals to omit rair Rlutt are invited 2825 From Wtddon daily at 2am; by Halifax, Entield, BattlebOro' Rocky Mount, jjoyrfer's Depot, Wilson, Black Creek, Nahunta, j Golds- kirough, Everettsville, Faisons l)ejotj V ar saw, Strickland's Dei ot, Teachy's, Washington Depot, Sill's Creek, Cypress Grove, Wilmington,, and Sinithville; to Charleston, S. C. in 3 1 hours, by 9 p in, 340 miles; and baek daily between H i m and 8 p m next dav. ;. 282G From YVcldon at 3 p m once 4 week, Thui-sdav ; hv Quankey and Westland ; to Littleton bv 8 a m next dav, 25 miles; and back ktween 8 a m and 3 i m. 2827 I'rom WcMon at 3 a m three times a week, ...... . Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ; by Jack son. Rich S mare, Roxable, Hotoi, jrrtd Windsor; to l'lvmoutli bv 8 D in, 72 miles'; 'and back k- tween 5 a m and 9 p m next day. l'rjposah for semi-weekly service are invjted. Also, propo sals toreaeii l'lvmoutli in time tor the departure on 2868, without reference to the advertised schedule on that route, proposals for changing which are invited 282 From. Entield at 5 a m, three times b week Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday; by Pineturn, Scotland Neck, Palmyra, Roanoke, and Hamilton;' to Williamston by 8 pm,nd by Gardner's Bridge; to Plymouth by 12 jn next dav, 7 1 miles ; and back to Williamston between 12 m Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday! and"7 p m same day, and to bnheld, next clay by p m. 'l'ronosals to go through the same day will k cousidered. Also, proposals to end dt Wil- liamston. j 2829 From Enfield at 6 a m Twice a week,Tues dav and Friday ; by Hea'hsvills, Biinkley ville, Ringwood, and Sycamore alley ; to Enfield by G p m, eual to 17 miles, and back, os.m Pmi.i Roekv Mount at 6 a m thred times a week. Mondav, Wednesday, and Friday ; ' by Tarborough, Spat'ta, Falkland, Greenvi le, and luctlus ; to Washington by 11 p m, 71 miles, j H11J back ktween a m and 5pm Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday. i 0931 From Rocky Mount at 5 a m three! time j n week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat lrday ; bv Hilliardstown and Belford to Louisburg by 4 I pm, thence at 5 .1 m daily, except Sunday; to Franklinton by 8 a m, 48 miles, and bjick to Louisburg ktween 5 p m and 8 p m d;ialy ex cent Sunday, thence to Rockv Mount, ktwkm 5 a m and 4 n m Monday, Wednesday & Friday 2332 j From Wilson at 9 a m once a week, Mon day ; by Stautonsburg, Speight's Bridge, Snow Hill ; to llookerstown by 6 p m, 23 miles and. back ktween 6 a m and 2pm nex; day; with an additional weekly trip from Wilson to Stautonsburg ; and back ktween 9am apd 3 p m, Thursday. Proposals to end at Spjeight's Bridge are invited. 2833 From Everettsville at 11am once a week Tl,.l.i,. Vwrr VrliO..ll,a MilU Rt-vaiw j 1 UUl.XltlV , 1 ' , uui.v.ug r 1." j Creek, and Jericho; to Strabane by 7 pirn, 22 ; , i. . anti back ktween 6 n m and z p m next " day. 2834 From Stickland's Depot at 3 p in j week, Wednesday; to Kenaas-ille ' m ; thence at 9 a m once a week, Saturdr pnee a py 5 p Saturday: bv i -- v ' y Sareeta; to .Vlkrtson s by 1 pm,21 mile4 and back to Kenansville by 2 p m Saturday, and to Strickland's Depot by 2 p m Wednesday. Pro- posiils to commence at Kenansville will be considered. ' - 2835 From Strickland s Depot at 5 a m pnee a week j Richland, week, Saturday ; by Kenansville, Ilallsville, Comfort, lrenton, and rollockpiUe ; -.i'L' .to.ewbeiny,8p m ncxtday,83.milis.; and ' oern to lrenton ana back every Monday, rro ;'r; posals for serni-weekly service on th whole , f?rout4 will beconsidered. -2936 From Strickland's Depot after arrival of mail from Wilmington, say at 3 pirn, Fri day; by Taylor's Bridge, Six Runs, Lisburn, Gravelly Hill, Cypress Creek, and Ellisville; to Fayettevile by 12 a m next Sunday 80 miles ; and back between 1 pm Sunday and 1pm next Tuesday. 2337 From Nahunta at 6 a m once a week, Mon day ; by St. Charles and Beukh ; to Eagle Rock by 6 p m, 40 miles ; land back between 8 m and 8 n m next kv Proposals for semi- wwllv iTxe. will Vnnii.lor lr nm. . 1 , T .-ll 2838 From AVilminfrton at 6 a m once a week. rnday; by Long Creek, Beattv's Bridge, ack River JChawd, and Han-el's Store i to Moore's Creek by 2 p m next day ; and back by Long' Creek ktween Sam and 6 p m, Thursday, equal to 47 miles and back. 2839 From Wilmington at 5 a m once a week, Friday ; by Top-sail Sound, Stump Sound, Foy's Store, Onslow C. II., and Catharine Lake; to Richlands by 6pm next day, 71 miles ; and back by Bannerman ktween 4 a in Sun day and 5 p m next day. 2940 From Wilmington at 12 m three times a week,' Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; by Whitosville, Fair Bluff; Marion C. tf., S. C Mar's Bluff, Bradleyville, and Sumterville ; to Manchester, S. C, by 10 p m next Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, 156 miles ; and back k- tween 6 a m Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, andGpm next Weduesnay, Friday, and Sunday, i Proposals for daily service, at a speed of not less j than five miles an hour will be considered. 2841 From Averyskro' at 8 am once a week, Monday; by Hannah's Creek; to Smith- field by 6 p m, 30 miles ; and back ktween 8am and 6 p m next day. 2942 From River-side at 9 a m once a week. Tuesday ; to Harrington by 4 pm, 20 miles; and back ktween 9 a m & 4 p m next day. 2843 From -Beatty's Bridge at 1 p m once a week, Friday; by Colly Swamp; to Cane Tuck by 5 p m, 15 miles, and back ktween 8 a m and 12 in. Proposals to extend bv com- mencmg at ''Gravelly Hill will k consider ed. 2844 From Onslow C. II., at 6 a m once a week Sunday, by Piny Green, to Swansborough by 2 p in, 24 miles, and back ktween 5 a m fc 12 m Saturday, or in time to connect with the mail to Richlands. Proposals to embrace Palo Alto are invited, also proposals to commence at Pollocksville. (See No. 2847.) 2345 From Xewkrn at 8 a m three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, by Kinston and Mosely Hall, to Goldsboro' by 6 a m next days, bo miles, and back ktween Sam Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, by 6am next days. Proposals to reverse the schedule mak ing with route No. 2854 a daily Northern mail (except feunday) to and trom Newkrn, are invi ted. Also proposals for three additional weekly trips. ; 2846 From Newkrn at 7 ..a m three times a week, Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, and by Cravenville, to Beaufort by 5 p m same days, 4H miles, and back between 7 a m and 5pm Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday; 2847 From Pollocksville at 7 a m once a week, Friday; Bv Palo Alto; to Swansboro' by 4pm same day, 27 miles; and back ktween 8am and 5pm next day. Proposals to end at Hadncts are i nvited, also proposals to embrace On ' low C. II. and Piney Green. (See No. 2844. 2848 From Pollocksville at 2 p m every other Monday ; to Hadiiot's by 9 p m, 22 miles ; and baek ktween 7am and 1 p m. 2849 From Kinston at (3 a m once a week, Friday; by Sandy Foundation, Pink llillj and Bu- ena Vista ; to Ilallsville bv G p m, 34 miles ; and back ktween G a m and 6pm next day. 2850 From Greenville at 4am once a week, Friday ; by Contentnia, tlookerstown, and Snow Hill ; to Goldsborough by 9 p m, 49 miles; and kick ktween 8 a m and 1 2 p m next day. l'roposals for semi-weekly service aire invited. 2851 From Pungo Creek at 12 m, Thursday; to North Creek by 3 p m, 9 miles; and back between 2 a m and 1 1 j a m. 2852 From Washington at 7 am once a week, Thursday ; by Jjath, I'ungo Creek, Pante- go, Leachville, Germanton, Sladesville, Swan (Quarter C. 1L, and Lake Lauding ; to Middleton by 12 m next Saturday, 110 miles ; and back by Fairfield instead of Swan Quarter, ktween 2 p m Saturday and 8 m next Monday, with an additional weekly trip ; from Washington every Saturday at 1 pro; to Bath by G p m ; and back ktween 7am and 12 m. Projiosals for semi-weekly service on the whole route will k considered; also, proposals to embrace North Creek. See 2851. 2853 From Washington at 1 p m, once a week, Thursday ; to Ocracoke by 9 a m next Sat urday ; and thence to Portsmouth by 12 m, 85 miles ; and kick between 8 a m Monday and 12 m next Wednesday. 2854 From Plymouth at 2 a m three times a week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday ; to Washington bv 11 am; thence, Bv Swift Creek Bridge; to Newkrn by 10 p m, 70 miles and back to Washington, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, ktween 3 a m and 12 m, and to Plv mouth by 9 p m. Proposals to embrace Gard ner's Bridge and Williamston are invited. 2855 From Plymouth at 7 am once a week, Thursday; by Skinnersville and Scupper- nong; toColumbiaC.il. by 4 p m, 36 miles; and back ktween 8 a am 6 p m next day. 285G From Windsor at 4 a m twice a week, ""Tuesday and Saturday ; bv Merry Hill, Ash land, Colerain, Harrelsville, and Pitch Landing; to Murfreesboro' by 11pm, 61 miles ; and back ktween 4 a m and 11 p m Monday and Fri day. 1 2857 From Edenton at 2 a m three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ; by Hert- i ford, Woodville, Elizakth City, New Lebanon, I South Mills, Lake Drummond, and Deep Creek ; I to Norfolk, Va., by 4 p m, 77 miles; and back ktween 8am and 10 pm next day$. Propo sals for three additional weekly trips yill k con sidered. 2858 From Edenton at 4 a m once a week, Thursday; by Ballard's Bridge, Mintons ville, Sunbury, Gatesnlle, and Somerton ; to Suf folk, Va by 4 p m next day, 71 miles; and back after arrival of Petersburg mail, say ktween 1 p ni'Tuesday and 8pm next day. Propo sals to end at South Quay, Va., and supply Holy Neck,Va., and Factory Hill, N.C, are invited; also, proposals for a second weekly trip ktween Gatesville, T.C; and South Quajr, Va. 2859 From Woodville at 12 monce a weekSat - urday ; to Durant's Neck by 3 p rix, 1 2 miles; and back between 8am & 11 am Saturday. 2S60 From Fiizakth City at 5 a m once a week, "Wednesday: bv Camden, Shilh, Indian- town, Corner Gum, Currituck C. H. Northwest r River BridgCj Va., Hickory Ground, and Great Bridge; to Xorfblk,;Yaby;Ub m'next jday, 6a ' M 2861 From Elizabeth City at $ am once a week, Thursday ; by Newbigon Creek and Nixon ton ; back to Elizakth City bjy 3 pm, equal to ll miles, and back. ! ( ! 2862 From Powell's! Point at 8 am once a week, Monday; by Roanoke Island ; to! Naggs Head by 4 pm, 20 miles ; and back between 8am and -4 p m next day., proposals! for car rying above mail three times a week from the 1st of July to lst-Octokr in each year will be con sidered. , 2863 FroA Powell's Point at 8 a m once a week, H- Monday; to Roanoke Island bv 6 p m, 30 miles; and back between 8 a m and 6pm - , " nextaay. xoo rrom vreeus linage, v a-, at 1 am once a ; jiouuaj , io xvuou s lsiana, by we, mondav and thursday, bv Jamestown, 12 m; and back ktween 2 p i and 7 p in. ! PenntieM, Brummell's and Rkh York, to Lex 2.865 From Washington at 8 a m once a week, inirton bv 12 m next dav :i mil. an.l Tuesday : by Blount's Creek : to Durham' Creek by 5 p m, 25 inilis ; and back be tween Sam and 5pm next day. 2866 From Durham's" Creek jat 6am once a week, Wednesday ; by South Creek ; to Bay River, Craven county, by 12 m next dav; 1 and back between 12 m Monday and 8pm next day. 2867 F'rom Currituck C. II. at 12 m once a week, Friday ; by Coinjock and loplar Branch ; to Powell's Point by 6 p m, 25 miles ; and back ktween 8am and 2 p m next day. 2868 From South Quay, Va lJ p m, three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ; by Winton, (N. C.) and Edenton ; to Plymouth by 11 p m, 102 miles; and back k- tween ll p m and 10 a m next days. Propo sals to commence at Franklin Depot, Va., are in vited. Bidders to specify the hours of departure and arrival at Plymouth. 2869 From Murfreeskro' at 6 am once a week, . Saturday; by Potecasi, St. John, and Roxa ble, (Britton's Cross Roads ;) to Scotland Neck, by 8 p in, miles ; and kick j ktween 6am and 8 pm, Friday. 2870 From Murfi-eesboro' at 1 am three times a week, Monday v- Wednesday, and Friday ; to Winton by 10 a m, 12 miles ; and kK-k be tween the arrival of mail from Portsmouth, say at 3 p m and 7 p m. ProjK)sals to end at Franklin Depot, Va are invited. 2871 From Ridgeway at 7 am twice a week, Wednesday and saturdtiy ; by Nut Bush, Palmer's Spring, St. Tammany, and Merry If i. x 1!1 .-l.fr . 1 -i- luouni ; io itiugeway oy t p iu, equal io i miles and back. 2872 From Ridgeway, after arrival of cars from Gaston, say at 10 a m three times a week, tuesday, thursday, and Saturday ; by Exchange, Lynesville, Clarksville, Va., White House, and Hyco Falls ; to Halifax C. II. i Va. by 11$ p m, 56 miles ; and back ktween a m and 3 pm, monday, Wednesday, and friday, with a tri-week-ly branch ; from Lynesville, N. C. ; by Wood worth's to Boydtown, Va. by 6 p m, tuesday, thursday, and Saturday ; and back to Lynesville by 1 2 in, monday, Wednesday, and friday. 2873 From Henderson at 1 p m three times a week, tuesday, thursday, and Saturday ; to Wjlliamsborough by 3 p m, 9 miles ; and back ktween 9 a m 1 1 a m. 2874 From Henderson after arrival of Northern mail, say at 10 a m, three times a week, monday, Wednesday, and friday ; by Oxford, Be rea, Roxkrough, Leasburg, Moore's Store, Mil ton, and Ringgold, Va. ; to Danville, Va, by 7 a m next days, 77 miles ; and back ktween 10 a m, t uesday s, thursday, and Saturday, andJO a m next days, with three additional weekly trips from Henderson to Oxford and back, between ar rival of northern mail, say 10 a in aud 4 p in, tuesday, thursday, and Saturday, l'roposals to change the schedule so as to connect at Danville, with route No. 2894vas proposed to connect at Greenskrough or Salem, with No. 2895, will k considered. 2875 From Fraklinton at 4 p m once a week, Wednesday ; by Wilton, Tally ho, Buffalo Dill, Red Mountain, and Caldwell ; to Hillsk ruugh by 7 p m next day, 49 miles ; and back ktween 6 a m tuesday, and 10 am next day. 2870 From Franklinton at 1 p m once a week. Wednesday ; by Harris Cross Roads ; to tt in n i i " i il ! l Halls Cross 1 toads by pm, 18 miles; and i , , t r. " i1,., ,Q." r00"6 m "nKJ 12 m- . 23.7 trom lorestvilk at 5 j monce a week, Wednesday; by ew Lijrht, VV i ton, Brook- by ville, and Tab's Creek ; to Oxford by 7 p m, 42 miles ; and back ktween 5 a m tuesday, and 7 pm. 2878 From Forestville at 11 am twice a week, monday and tuesday, to Rollesville by 1 p m, 5 miles, and back ktween 8 a m and 10 am. 2879 From Warrenton at 10 a monce a week, Saturday, to Shocco Spring by 1 p m, 1 1 miles, and back ktween 7 a m and 10 am, with two additional weekly trips at the same hours, tuesday and thursday, from 1st July to 1st Oc- tokr, each year. 2880 From Littleton at 6 a m once a week, Sat urday, by Grove Hill and Areola, to Ram son's Bridge by 12 m, 21 miles, and back ktween 1 p m and 7 pm. 2881 From Oxford at 5 a m once a week, thurs day, by Waterloo, Gregory's Mjll, Abra ham's Plains, Brownsville, , and Young's Cross Roads, to Clarksville, Va. by 8 p m, 42 miles, and back ktween 5 am anil 8 pm, next day, with an additional weekly trip ktween Clarks ville and Brownsville. 2882 From Oxford at 5 a m once a week, Sat urday, by Tallyho, Dutchville, Knapp of Reeds, Stagville, South Lowell Mills, and Enoe Mills, to Hillsborough by 7 pm, 48 miles, and back ktween 5am and 7 pm, friday. 2833 From 'Wilton at 6 a m once a week, fri day, by Tranquility, Fish Dam, West Point, Praltsburgh, and Trice's Store, to Chapel Hill by 7 p ra, 38 miles, and back between 6am and 7 p m, next day. 2884 From Hillsborough at 6 a m once a week, thursday,' by Cedar Grove, Walnut Grove, Prospect Hill, and Gordonton, to Leasburg by 12 m next day, 35 miles, and back ktween 1 p m friday, and 9am next day. 2885 From Hillsborough at 6 a m once a week, tuesday, by Walnut Grove and Van Hook's Store, to Rioxborough by 4 p m, 24 miles, and back ktween 6am Wednesday, and 4 p m. 2836 From Hillsboro'at 1Q a m once a week, thursday ; by Hawtield, Mount Willing, Meadow Creek, and McDaniels, to Rock Creek by 6 pm, 29 miles, and baek ktween 10 a m Wednesday, and 9am next day. 2837 From Ashborough at 6 a m once a week, Wednesday, bv Gray's Cross Roads, Salem Church, Allen Skiens, Lassiter's Mills, Dix Mills, and Burney's Mills, to Troy by 7 pm, and back by Motamoros and Cox's Mills, ktween 6am and 7pm tuesday, equal to 36 miles and back. 2833 From Ashborough at 6 a m, once a week, fridav, bv Moffitt's Mills, W addell's Ferry, and Brower's Mills, to Prosperity by 5 p m 30 mile3, and back ktween 6 a m-and5 p m, thursday. ' 2339 FromMason IIallp.t G'a m once a wee . thursday, bv v Pleasant Grove; Big Falls, Fawcett's Store, "Mooresville, Stony Creek, An derson's Store, and IIigk.Towcrs, toLeasburgby 12 m next days, 52 miles, and lack between! p m friday, and 7pm next day; Proposals to commence at Burnt Shop are invited. 2390 From Greensborough at 2 am three times a week, mondav, Wednesday, and fridav. br Monticello,Thomso"nville, Leno'x Castle, Slade's, Locust Hill, and Vanceville, to Milton by 2 a I m next days, 55 miles, and kick ktween arrival i iioui rarmvme, say at p m momlay, wednes- I dav, and friday and 2 n m noxt kv lrrtt : - I . ' - V T sals to run in connection with the lleiukrson and Danvilk? route at Milton will he considered, from Greens Woudi at 4 k v m twice a ' ktween 5 a m monday and thursdav, and 3 p m. 2892 From Greensborouirh at 6 a m once a week, friday. bv Gilmer's Store. Slmu' Mills, Clapp's, llolt's Store, Hartshorn, Rxk Creek, Snow Camp. Sandy Grove, Mudk-k Cane Lreek, liadl.y s Mills, and Rock Rest, to J'itfc- borough by 6 p in next day, 65 miles, and back ktween 6 a m sundav . and 5 o m n. vt iliv x . 1 2891 From Greenslxrou'h at 5 am three times i a week, mondav, wedne? ?sday, and fridav, by ; blesome Reidsville s Hillsdale, Monroeton, Troubl iuuu-uurg, ana u raves, io lJauvuie by b p i m, 51 miles, and back ktween 2 a m and 1 p ; m next days. l'roiosals toexjedite and change i the schedule to couuect at GreeiLskro' with the Salisbury route will k considered, in view of changing the schedule on the- Henderson route ; , also proposals to commence at Salem and run direct by Kemersville, Sumnierrield, &c., con- : necting at Salem with the Salisbury route, both , ways; lVoposiils to embrace Wentworth instead j of Monroeton and Troukesome, are invited. 2895 From Greenskrough after arrival of stage from Raleigh, say at 4 p m three times a . l . .... i .-i. , wees, monday, thursday, aud Saturday, by New Garden, Friendship, Kemersville, Liinestone Well, S;dem, Midway, Martin, and Lexington, to Ssdishnrv l.v q n m nf ,!., fi m;i., -....i ilisbury.by 9 a m next. days, 65 miles, and back ktween 7 a m Monday, Thursday, and Sat urday, and 12 p iu. l'roposals to commence at Salem are invited, in view of extending 2S04. l'roposals to extend over 2928 and also to go via Jamestown will k considered. 2898 From Reidville at 6 a m twice a week. Wednesday and Saturday, by Wentworth & , ragie t alls, to Leaksville by 12 m, 18 miles, and back ktween I p m and 7 pm. l'roposals to commence at Wentworth are invited. 2897 From Reidsville at 6 a m once a week, tuesday, by Lawsonville and Blackwell's, to Yancevville bv 1 m 9.1 m5r i tween 2 p in and 9 pm. j j - r - - t"Q- 2893 From Hillsdale at 7 a m once a week, tues day, by Suminertield, Oak Ridge, and Be lews Creek, to Kemersville by 12 m, 22 miles, and back ktween 1 p m and 6 p in. 2899 From Wentworth, after arrival of mail from Reidsville, say 8J am once a week, Wednesday, by Pleasantville, Madison, Ayresville, CrookedCreek, Colesville, Francisco, and Big Creek, to Mount Airy by 2 p m next day, 69 miles, anil lnrt luitiv.n 'A n Imt..lo,. Q , "-v " --.v. n u y in ummuay anil j m nv ,W WifU o . .i;,; ..,.! 'm.. from Wentworth after arrival of mail from Reid- ville, say 8 am, Saturday, by l'leasantville, to Madison by 1 p in, 17 miles, and back ktween 1 p m and 5 p m. 2900 f'rom Salem at 6 a m once a week, mon day, by Walkerstown, White Road, Blakely Madison, Grogansville, Horse 1'asture, Va anil Traylorsville, to Martinsville, Va by 6 j m next day, 68 miles, and back ktween 5am Wed nesday, and 8 p m next day. 2901 From Salem at 2 p m once a week, Satur day, by Rough and Ready, to Germantown by 6 p m, and thence by Red Shoals, M:irtins Lime Kilns, Colesville aud Avo, to l'atrick C. II. Ta., by 8 p m next day, 50 miles, and back k- tweenO a m monday, and 6 p m to Germantown i . w.. i i i . ,. and io fealem by 12 m next day, with an addi. ... i i r ci . UZ Weeky ,r,f fm i5alem1 V 2 P I" ,uesdaQ' lo Germantown by 6 p m, aud hack between 8 a m and 12 m. 2902 From Salem at 4 a m three times a week tuesday, Iriday and Saturday, by O'dlown, Bethjmia, Little Yadkin, Tom's Creek. Mount Airy, Good Spur. Va., Ilillsville, Cranberry Plains and Jackson's Ferry, to Wyiheville, Va., by 11 p m next days, 93 miles, and back be. tween 4am tuesday, thursday, and Saturday, and 11 p rn next days. Proposals for semi, weekly service are invited. 2903 From Salem at 5 a rn sunday, tuesday, and friday, by Muddy Creek, Pan ther Creek, Hunisville, Namptnnvilie, New Caslle, and Brinr Creek, Wilkesboro', Church's Store, and Soulh Fork, to Jefferson by 10 p rn n;xt days, 94 miles, and hack between 5am tuesday, ibursday and Saturday, and 10 p m nexl days. Proposals for, semi-weekly service are invited, also propossilito supply Clemrnons ville, instead of Muddy Creek, and likewise proposals to supply Doweltown by this route. 2904 From Salem at 7 a m twice a week, tues day and friday, to Clemmon9vie by 10 a m 11 miles, and back between 1pm and 4 pm. Proposals lo extend by Smith's Grove to Mocks ville will be considered. 2905 Fmm Lexington at 7 a m once a week tuesday. by Walser's Mills, Fulton, to Mocksville by 1 p m, thence by County Line and Oak Forest, lo Stalesville by 12 m nexl day, 43 miles, and back between 1 pri Wednes day and 6pm next day, with an additional weekly trip from Lexington fo Mocksville and back between oam and 6pm every friday 2906 From Lexington at 7 a m once a week. Wednesday, by Fair Grove, La Grange, Eden, Hoover's Hill, and Sawyersville, lo Ah boro' by 7 p m, 41 miles, and back between 7 a m and 7pm next day. 2907 From Huntsville at G a m once a week sat- urdav ; by Red Plains, Eat Bend, Forbudi, RepubUlWdtowi i - -i it i i . c i by 7 p m So mih-s ; and back ktween Gam and t p m next day. 2908 From Rockford at 8 a m once a we-k, tues i i it- i . T i i . . n- ., , . i , ' Creek bv 6 p m, 2 miles; and back ktween l ' ' Briar C 8am and G p m Mondav 2909 From Rockford at G a m once a week, sun day; by Siloam, Stony Ridjre and Little Yadkin ; to Germanton by 4 p m. 32 miles and back ktween 6 am and 4 p m Saturday. 2910 From llamptonville at 7 a in once a we-k, tuesdav : by Zion, New Hope, ML Pizgah, and Likrtv flilh to Statesville by 7pm; and baek by Likrtv Hill, Snow Creek, It Oak, A ll liamsbur" and E;iurle Mills, ktwe-en 7am and 7 i p m n -xt day equal to 34 miles and back. l 2911 Irom llamptonville at , a monce a weeK, 2893 From Greenskjrough at 9 m one a week, i mo,llay and thursday. Proposals for tri-week, tuesday, by Fentriss Centrev and New Sa- j enice are invited, in view of similar ser lem, to Ashborough bv 6 p m, 31 miles, and v'co ai an expedited schedule on the Salisbu. ifonday ; by.Lovekce; to Wilkchboro by t p nv3 0 miles; and back ktween 7am and 7 1 p m next day. - -r , - ; 2912 From Briar Creek at 8 a m every other Thurs day ; by Hay Meadow and Mulkrrr ; to T i rv . 1 ' rr M i ' i ' aurei opnngs uyupm," mues; ana lock 1 A. r ' ' . l ' . 1 J 1 "" f . oeiween oam ana w p ui every oiner ,maaT. .t 2913 From Wilkesborough at 5 a m once a week, I . tuesday ; by Lewisfork, Stony Fork, and! Brushy Fkt ; to Boone by 7. p m, 30 miles ; and back k tween 5am and 7pm next day. 2914 Fmm VYilkesborougb at 8 a in oiica 1 week, tueday ; by Elkrille, Fort Defiance, .I- II jiv l it !.- T Lenoir C. II., and Copenhagen; to Morranton " " "e ay 4y tnilei;and lack between 2 o in Wednesday, and 7 Dm next dxr ;u-dh an I W r J 1 m adi'ional Irip from Wilkesborough at 8 a' oer. J "y friday hy Eikville and Fort Defianc ; to ; lnoir bf 7 n ro, 33 milei : and back byjviow . Creek and Warrior Creek, between 8 a io and , 7 p m next day. j 2915 From Morganton at 5 a m twice a week . Wednesday and Saturday ; by Brindletown., Mountain Home, Minerirille, and Cuba; Io r Ruiherlordton by 8 p m, 39 miles ; and i Lack between 5am and 7 pm, tuesday and friday. J Proposal for Iri weekly service are invited, :S 291G From Morganton at 5 a m twice a week, ibursday and sunday; by Marion, Old Fort, j. and.Swananu ; to Aheville'by lip m,59.L miles ; and back between 5am and 11 pro,.' Cieenville, Te., route at Ashevjlle. Tuno ,oroU?n from Salisbury to Ashevillo nol to ex. Ceed 42 hours. Returning in same lime tod. touureiui a i oaiisuury who no. Giotto, 2017 From MiTgantown ui 6 a m once a week monday; by Liiiville liiver, North Core,J Grassy Creek, and Bakersville ; to Burnsville , by 6pm peit day, ibence at 4 a m lhurday bj Bald Creek, Ivy, Democrat, Stockvillr, tndj lieem' Creek ; to Asheville by 4 p m 90 mile; j and hack via Young instead of Bakeryrjjla j? between 6am friday, and 4pm next Sunday, i Proposals to supply Young's and Bakerville. both ways are invited. j 1 2918 From Morganton at 5 a. m once a week Saturday; by Peikinsville, ColletiTille,"!? Globe, Valle Crucis, Sugar Grove, Booue.and,- ' A,ore,z 31,11 ? lo JM-rson by 6 p m next day, , 79 mi,P8 : ar,d back belween 5am thursday) i and 6pm next dav. 2919 From Lenoir C. II. at 7 a m once ft , week, thursday ; by Lovelady, Catawba, 1 View and Wiuenburg ; to TajlorsvilJe by 7 m, and back by Linle River, and Deal's Mills, j to Lenoir between 8am and 4 p m, next day,, equal to 31 miles and back. 2920 From Jefferson at 5am three timet (r week, sunday, tuesday, thursday; by North Fork.Taylorsvillft Te., Pandora, Dugger Fer ry, Dividing Ridge, Eiizabeihtown, Happy Val ley, Blue Plum, and Green Meadow ; to Jones boro lenn., by 10 p ro nexl days, 78 miles ; Landback bet ween 5 a m lnesdaj, thursday nd f- ,...,! .. j in . j r . i r: ,u.uj, -.u i v ... i uttJ. roposais ior , semi-weekly service are invited. 2921 From Jefferson at 8 a m once a week, tuesday, by Hilton and Manly ; to Shad.1 rack Greer's, by 5 pm, 26 miles ; andt back between 8am and 5 p in next day. 2922 From Mouth of Wilson, Va. at 8 a m once, a week, Wednesday ; by Gap Civil N. C Trap Hill, N. C, by 7 p m 30 miles ; and, back between 8am and 7pm next day. 2923 From Siaiesville at 6 a m once a week, . . tt-n o ti . 1 Saturday : by Fancy Hill, Stony Point, and 1 ,u ilkeilrough, by 6 p m uiwes ; anu oacK oeiween oam auu o p m, rn. day. 2924 From Statesville at 6 a m once a week, Wednesday; by Bethany Church, Maple. Bottom, Houstonville, HamptonvilkpDowelton Mount Nebo, lo Rockford, by 6 p nu thence ai 6am friday by Sen!! ramp and Haystack ; to Mt. Airy by 8 p m 83 miles ; and back to Rock ford between 6am and 8pm salnrday, and to Statesville (from Rockford) between Oam and 6 p m tuesday. 2925 From Salisbury at 6 am once a week, Saturday ; by Mt. Vernon, Mocksville, Smith's Grove, and Farmingion ; to Huntsville by 7 p m 41 miles; and back bel ween 6 a m &t 7pm friday ; with an additional weekly trip I I u in niudt , nuu an auuiuiiiiai wccnii I H . -n . f i m j i i k . I Irom Hunlsville to Mocksvdleand back betw 1 S a m ...d 8 p m .uesday. Proposal, to c , gmith,8 GfJ wjj be j . t,i0 ,, ween omit (or weekly service only on the whole route. 2926 From Salisbury at 10 a m twice a week tuesday and friday ; by Cowantvilk Statesville, Poplar Grove, Bunker Hill, New ton C. IL, and Drowning Creek ; to Mor ganion by 11 p m next days, 84 miles; and back between 5am tuesday and friday and 8 p in next days. Proposal for l.-i-weekly ser vice and an expedited schedule are invited, say to run through each way in 24 hours, in close connexion with No. 2963, so as to go through from Salisbury to Asheville in not exceeding 42 hours. Returning in same lime and connect ing at Salisbury with No. 2395. 2927 From Salisbury at 10 a m, three times week, Sunday, tuesday and friday ; by Mi. randa. Spring Grove, Deep Well. Mt. Mourne, Beanie's Ford, Catawba Springs, Vesuvius Furnace, Lincolnion. Shelby C. IL, Fillmore, Mooresborourh, Webb's Ford, Rutherfordton, Chimney Rock, and Fairview ; to Asheville by 4am tuesday, thursday and tunday, 145 miles, and back between Sam Saturday, tuesday and thursday, and 15 a m monday, thursday and sat uiday. Proposals lor semi-weekly service are invited. 2923 From Salisbury at 10 am three timet a week, sunday, tuesday, and friday. by Chi. na Grove, Coleman. Concord, Harrisburg, Cbatloite. While Hall, Rose Hill, and Rinale. bury, lo Yorkville S. C, by 12 m next days, 72 miles, and back lo Charlotte between lj p m aud 11pm. tuesday, thursday, and Saturday, aud ibence to Salisbury between 6am and 8j pm next days. Proposals to run from Char, lode by the most direct route lo Chester C. 11., S. C. are invited. Schedule lo be specified, connecting wilh railroad at Cbier C. H. Route to be curtailed as railroad it extended. 2929 From Salibuary at 10 a m three times "ndf Gwl ' KI:I, L mar e, Norwod. Cedar IliIU Ci , ' 4 .v , week, sunday,. tuesday. and friday. by. Store, Albe Carolina Female College, Beverly, Wadesboro, and Morven, to Cheraw, S. C by 5 p m next day. 90 miles. aou Mac na vuciici v. 11., j. v. instead I of Morven N. C, betweeo 4 p m (or arrival oi i ; ... . j i mail fmm havpllevil el iinnav. luesaav. ltd friday, a 12 p m next days. 2930 From Salisbury at 12 m once a week, friday, by Organ Church, to Mount PJeas. ant by 6 p in. 19 miles, and back between 5 4 m and Ham. 2931 From Jamestown at 6 a m once a week. Wednesday by Hunt's Store, Institute, Fair Grove. La Grange, New Market, New Salem, Sandy Creek, TroyVSlnre, Long's Mills; Pat. terson'i Store, Snow Camp, Clover Orchard, See fourth page.) V-

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