I!- f 1 - ft t -7" it i J. H j A DAY IN CALIFORNIA. teene of a .Man's t(V get up ay atC Irom a hard kot witfya kupple of Blankets on it .yorni & look. .round, wot is supposed by l fttj Rash persons io be bis Room! worlsi and sealing kutered wiib Rotten Manter, & filled i! Rat holes & Rat Neit,; stained orl orer glad. 1 den his eyesite -a jhalf burnt out kandel,pvile jj slumps of rank cigarty quidsofTohakker; odd shoes, dirty woollet socks, bak numbers of old papers, unclean linen, an old dagereotypel cer- j lane and an unsitiefy epiibox, are sure So be teen. He may be fortunait enufLin having a dirty wosh-bo'e in pnekorner, hear witrh, on a ery rusty nail, a diiter or a pudden cloth may be banging, used by him (or a' towel! a thing used for. years previously as a curry komb by tome dcd hosier is .hard by, wile orl around the most perfekt disorder; re chedness, and want of Comfort prevales.IHe goeott, perhaps talks his Bitters t. 1. jtwenty -five sents gone to , blazes orl drinki are 2 bits each mindl that, lie turns his atlenshun lo his hrakefast Buck wheel kakes 50 cents a plate, Coffee 25 cents a kup, Beefsteak 50 Cents, Boiled eggs, rotton u I': I l: 1 at that, one Dollar! A rler Breakfast he is lobt can fell the Grst step 3. ' Y-u havehaken them. Slop and think before ypu j o any arther." ; Look here, landlord," paid l lie man after standing thoughtful for a feW minutes, "I'll make a bargain with you." i - - "Very well, what about " . h y If you'il quit selling; I will qtfit drinking." The landlord did not an; wer f4r some min utes, but sat with his eyes upon tpe floor. At length rising- up slowly, he extended bis hand to hit customer, and grasping it Irmly, said ."Agreed ! .it a bargain !" A hearty shakealedthe bargain ! An hour afterwards those who! went by the " Punch Bowl" saw the bar closed. And in less than an hour afierwarkls, the! sad hearted wife,' who bad seen her husband walking in the road to ruin, saw him return as sober as when he left, and heard with gladness hi promise, never again 10 put the cup of confusion to bis lips. Thus it is that truth scattered even in the fields aid by (he road side, find its way into the minds of men, and doeU its Mrork on their hearts. Our most imperfect and defective ef fori are alien overruled by Providence to the accomplishment of the greatest good. ite ot By his most intimate Friend, wen of a sudden he is sean Running orl over town, nod- ding -and shaking bands with every Cloddy; Bilding Houses. Byingoods, Morgaging Prop. I rty, Loaning 'Mupny and' Borrowing it at the same Time, now 4n administrator of an Estait, Sc 10 minutes arfner driving an ox-Teem, this brings him to 12 o'clock, when hearing a tri angel jingel, or 'agoing yelling hideously, he is, brought up with a, jerk, and goes into a Kanvas Tent, with Miners Retreat" ritten ini frunt. a h n LINEN TERjSUS COTTON. ; 7 Great Discoveries. T wo discoveries or inventions are announced in the London JVIorning Chronicle.; which, if real will ex ert a vast influence! upon the political, the economical, the moral, and the social con dition of the United States, but especially the cotton growing! States. One of these inventions is that a mode of preparing flax, by a combination of mechanical and chemical means, which, at a. very trifling expense, renders trie filbre fit to be made up in fabrics of either the greatest coarse ness or'the greatest fineness either the coarsest canvass or Brussels lace. The other invention is one adapting flax filbre to cottoti, woollen or silk machinery, or for mixing it with these materials. The Chronicle says that from one hundred and twenty-five pounds of flax, one hundred pounds of a material, identical with clean cotton, can be produced for less than half a crown. The mixture of wool and flax forms a fabric exceedingly durable, and 1 SAN FRANCISCO AT PRESENT f . : A ALT , I Sec. 12. Beitfra,na,f,J. Tl, :r The Pacific Ne devotes three columns to a descrip- ! To incorporate tlu ' Sali&burv and Tavlorsrllle J". eb&Jl wilfullv or in!io.rai! u; ptTt ' Plank Road Company. " f Secv'1. Be it enacted by the. General Astemlly of the Stale of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the tame, That Wi!liam Murphy, D. A; Daris, Joel II. Jenkins, Matthias Boger, Michael Brown, John I. Sharer, Joseph F. Chambers, Thomas IL McRorie, Joseph W. Stocktorf, Samuel Bell, Joseph F. Alexander, Quincy Sharpe, Thomas A. Alliaon, John Davidson, William G. James, Thomas S. Boyd, Alfred Carson, A. C Mcintosh, Azel Sharpe, Robert C. Wil son, E. C. Harrington, William Lenoir, C. W. Clark, James Harper, John Hays, Calvin Jones, Ezra Shell, Samuel F. Patterson, together with such persons as now are or may hereafter be asaciated with them, their suc cessors or ass jns, be and they are hereby created a cor poration and body politic, by the name and style of the Salisbury and Taylowille Plank Iuad Company," ana by that name and style, may acquire and hold, pos- tion of San Francisco on the lt of January, 1851. We extract the most interesting Particulars : AnCt of Gold Duet shipped from Jan. to Dec. 30, 1850. January, February, March, April, May, June, a443,444July, 434,351 August, 130,000 September, 5JU 1,000 .October, 1,731,863 2,669,045 November, December, $3,020,000 5,232,880 919,000 4,598,461 5,337,539 1,250,000 S29,441S3 GOLD HILL. The editor of the Asbborough Herald speak ing of this place says : ' Gold-Hill, in the county of Rowan, is the prince ol mines in North Carolina. It was discovered about eight yeajrs ago by Archibald I Jloneyeutt, Esq., and has since been the field Ki -1 ..J c.ij i; rL wi caicusivc anu prouianiq uperauons. 1 nere are now three steam ertzines in operation. V, which, with mar.hinerv thrthv hrnnplUfl nri. .L . j'.. . L r.:..r..i jr.. .j.. . . ' . V 'T..r-v l '"r wocro spreu 0.11 ui ,rneiui greasy ajsoruer, g,naiy Co8t not less than thirty jthousand dtfl areuuiiocKs tiecu, vrim tne uorns on, ana ev. ars. Thefee simple ofithe Mnd is held by ery tanely ol dish lr(.m a andvitch Hand I'oi Mrs. Heifig, who has made numerous leases to a dyspeptic puhkiq Pie. He puts this thro' to gentlemen of enterprisi and capital. Many in minutes, ami rushes ouir fust stopping at of these have amassed opdlent fortunes by their the Magnolia, kept bV Kirnal Johnsont of the operation here. This bukiness cannot h so- Suthern CountryL on the East Banks of the cessiully fWcuted without the most ample Mississippy, and getting drink 25c. mor means. TN nature of operations is such that gone. He then runs all about town, liy s out ar2e expenditures are Wredarv m in,.rA 1 - - . I I ww -j .W handsome prohts. r 20 konserns and sells em 10 minutes arfier wards, meets 10. friends that he never sor be foar, or ever will againtreats them 5'dollars gone., Irtangel brings him up agane ; He goej lotea vulgarly korled supper ancTabfiut the lime an orditiary Iman would have sipp'dhis fust mouthful, he's 3 miles off & engaged in a largo damning operashun ; this lasts him till About 8 o'clock, whendarknes maiks him loose sight for a time (if his daily bisness, and he re. Ihe labor done at this blare is almost be- yond conception. The bound of machinery, the thunder of the blast, ajnd the merry songs ot the tolling, (biiudavs elxcepied,) may at all hours be heard. Laborers under ground work eight hours per day, lhoe above twelve. If the reader wishes to know what is going on at a depth of 300 feet, he mpst go and examine lor himself, for we cannot tell, although we ex i tiros to one of the hundred gambling saloons plored those capacious subierraneousabodes of n ana; drinking shops, gets frightfully cocked, and the living. There the sound of the hammer id joyous laughs are Heard as above, and ere are riisnlaved thn hpUmia nf iKa minanl f is rinds his llnnm f 7,1 whom All Kati nrp pn. .. u :' l i ; . , . . r j , a , w...- wunu. Acres aave Deen excavated, and a f riged in a cordrjill, or sumthing else, scamper stranger might wander fof days 'without beincr 1:;-;?J qtKnS pissing and snorting as able to find his way to thd upper world. The Aho let loose, like a Cack of Hounds. Rats re. traveler can form no just loea of what is coinr K .w"Tru,?.I0J,rer WmrHe,unkorishu3, dreams on Bt GolrHill without exploring the depths ; oriittle children in his. old Homestead, patting below, which may be dorje with entire safety, ; his cheeks, and Mckling him with their tiny fin- nrotided one ran Inolt A fi.ll in iK rL , , 1 . II f Ow .".vw 1 ceri, and toying with his hair.- Ileldreams j of his own bright fireside, and of bis smug arm. chair, he beers the Black bird in thej wikker kage, And sees jhim-U yes, sees him pecking at a peace of Loaf Shuggar. He is so happy ho is agane fat home 1 What are! M Tovn :j lots" or " SquaUer lliots" now ? bow he press ; esthe hand of his deer little wile, and she looks tnlA I.!. . J . V... I. . . I . It . iMu uia cjo, as uiu nrr very soie wonu oursi its bounds, as hie resiles to her his extraordina without trepidation. Total amount for the year Fixing the amount of gold exported, and which was regularly shipped iand entered, for the period named above, at 30,000,1)00, in round figures and add to it an estimate of 12,000,000, as having gone forward in private hands, and S6,000,000 retained for circulation, and the aggregate shows the enormous 6um of 48.000.- 000 ; an amount exceeding one-third the total of all f cai j; t . ,,. v i l- f-'ss and transfer such real, personal and mixed estates, nSCal Vearrnd nor J ini .lllh 1 Ki anri noariv nna.tKi.l r the amount of imports. j f" a-8 necear" " tte pitrporof construct tu.Kioi ,m , , i i j .i mg the road herein authorized to be made, or of man 1 he total amount of bullion received during the year .t .r r j j u u l was 1,722,600, the largest proportion of which was l oiiijjj Mic annuo ui caiu v-uiiipanj j ttiiu eiiau nave jrt- . i , .: i i l i At v ii from the Atlantic States. wiu tu, auu a i-uuu.mii v men u.ey snau v .a j .u j i-- u ii : nave power io aiier or reiu-w ai pleasure, ana snau nave ror the time included in the period for which all our ! , . ,, . . . ..:.: i i .i . and eniov, and may exercise all the powers, nrrhts and I wilfully or toIiciously ijUro or ia ciooslr cause or advi n. ,.,u j 3 tiIL Injure, hart, or obstruct the .aid Planki 0?!! 10 or toll houses, belonging to takl Company, cS soofTending.shaUbehable to indictra,nt th-i on conviction, shall be fined and imprisoned at' ,T,U cretion of the Court. . V , at lh U Sec. 13. Be it further enarttd, TUt dinJn- 3oard shall be made by them to the ainual mr the stockholders. ! Sec 14. Beitfurthervnaeted, Thtwhnew construction of said road, k may be necessarF181 intersect any established road ot way, h hal! Z? ty of Kud Company so to constrnct'thi said p7r? acrts such roads or ways, as not toirapedetu i1 or transportation of persons or property I X? and if in the construction of A Pu n xneiae: .11 u .. . " AktJ statistics have been made up, viz : the twelve months past, there has entered our harbor, from foreign pons, 1,743 vessels. During the same periiKl the number of vessels which cleared, was 1461. The vessels arriving ti'liMo oc i 1 a j having landed upon our shores, 35,333 males, and 1,248 v title wool costs 4s. 6d., the flax prepared LfPmaiL Th. L ' .v w L-.i ' anu ready lor spinning may be obtained for 6d. per pound,1 so that with flax and wool spun together in equal qualities, the cost wqdld be reduced by nearly one half. - The present price of cotton in England is about 8jd. ; The New York Tribune says, that flax mignt ne protitably grown in nearly eve ry State in the Union for an average of j 0 per hundred, or 120 per ton. prodded machinery existed by which it could be broken and cleared at a cost of not more than 20 per ton Even now godd flax is worth but little more than half the price of cotton in this market, although! all knew that the filbre of the former is by far the stronger and more enduring. With the best machine ry and ample demand, we believe flax could be produced on the vast prairies of the west to good profit at 100 per ton, and delivered in any part of New York or N. England ai120, while good cotton so delivered, will now command 280. We say flax could be delivered at the mills for 120 per ton, if machinery were common whereby it could be thorough ly dressed and ajl theL-filbre could be sav ed at a cost of less than 50 per ton ; but we trust it need not be sold lor less than 150 or 200 per ton. Even at 200 provided it can be manufactured as easi ly and as rapidly as cotton, or anything' like it, an openirig clearly exists for a new manufacturing business of signal profit and promise. sets and steamers during the same time, was 26,503 males, and 8 females. The report of the Secretary of the Treasury on com merce and navigation, for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1849, shows the number of clearances from the port of New York, to have been little more than twice that of San Francisco, for the year ending December 31st, 1850, and the number of arrivals at that port the same periods compared to have been 268 less than twice the amount. As compared with New Orleans, the difference in fa vor of San Francisco is, clearances, 340, and in arrivals 645. When the comparison is made with Philadelphia we find the difference still greater in favor of San Fran cisco, being in clearances 922, and in arrivals 1,137. The same Would ibe the result were the comparison made with any of the sea ports in the United States. The total value! of merchandise received by foreign vessels, from Nov. 21, 1849, to Sept. 30, 1800, was 3,354,952 65. The tonnage of the vessels was 151, 604. The total value of merchandise received during the same period in domestic vessels, was 797,275 10. j The tonnage of the vessels 82,949. I In the month of March, 1849 the pioneer steamship I entered the "Golden Gates." In less than twenty-two ! months from that date, we find the following 6teamers ' traversing the waters of the Pacific : -Pacific Mail Steamship Company s Line. California, Oregon, Panama, Northerner, Tennessee, Sarah Sands, Unicorn, Carolina. In addition t these, belonging to the regular lines, are the steamers New-Orleans, Ecuador and Constitu tion, which have been engaged in the Panama trade ; and also the Gold Hunter and the Sea Gull, which have recently been upon the route between this port and Or egon. There are now employed in the river trade, the fol lowing steamers: TONS. NAMES. 754 Suter, 22 El Dorado, 75 Libertad, 527; Com. Jones, AN INFAMOUS PUBLICATION. VVo have received a paper called the "Lit. erajr Miscellany professing to be devoted to Literature, Art, Science and jDiscoveries in Medicine and Phisiology" published semi- monthly at New York, by I.f Trow & Co., which is the most infamous sheet- that has vet fallen under our notice! Lar?e numbers nf 0- H' it ' if Si i iif ! "V ' ii V'-' V .MJ.:-.j-.u- r . r u , . . . Mtt,,c" u,,u our nonce .Virrll ' un.; L r "SL1: whole mailpou h full-passed thro nr.Ai:7-T i -f 1 Vl n n 'i16 st oK,ce nere a refr evenings since, ad. ee.lity ol U and kno the Poetrj-a Rat (freed Q s re8idirS chiefly in Pi.tsylva. "EST M ? r t h'A It 5 HS .WakC'' nia aBd counties, who, we are suJ, are ln? H ?hf07 "r5 not subscribers to it, and whoni we take occa- .agane commence.. He sigh, aloud, a!ce8 a fiion lo warn a?ain8t il8 immoral and corr t drink, and roes thn Itnunrl ai I hnva nLiivu.-tu. . r, m. . :. . 1 1 1 T w.w v mnuence. Ihe paper, brotessinff to be 44 de. Knoca. ..... t , ,. . . .: . uicu 10 L.ucra,iore, -otc.,j in oraer to swindle the Post Office Department, whilst it more ef. fectually deceives the public, is nothing more than an advertisingslieeli for that base publica tion called The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion" bj a profligate French quack, who brings with Jhim all the polluting practices of Parisian biothels, in which, for the mere loyjrof gain, hp impudently seeks to indoctrinate American females. It is neces sary to speak plainly thai the reader may un derstand thecharacter of the ivork, as well as its pimp 44 The literary Miscellany." nohaste fernale can touch without being defiled. We therefore earnestly warii ourireaders against these corrupt and corru ting publications, the authors of which richly deserve a life-time im prisqnment in the Peni entiarv. It is a sad commentary on New York Society which tol erates their publication. The whole affair is a Yankee trick, founded pn the immoralities of French Society and punderihg to the lowest passions of our race, in order to swindle those f THE TEMPERANCE TRACT. BY T. S. ARTHUR. "There is danger," he at length murmured, tract as he spoke. Rising he ft as to whether he should return on his way to the tavern. Had 1 lorainz up the stood irresulut home, or keep any one thrust the tract into bis handl he would have rejected it ; but coming to hum as it did. It found his mind prepared-to hearken unto its appeals. Hut the love of drink had been form ed, and, at lhe prospect of having its accustom ed gratification cut off, began to cry out for in dulgence. A combat in the mind of the man was the result; and this continued, until appe. tile gained the victory so far thai he con cluded for this time, at least, to go to the lav. ern, but to give up habit thereafter. i " I hate to turn back after I once start to do a thing," said he as he moved on towards the tavern. It's bad luck." Still the argument for and against any fur. ther indulgence, kept going on, and he could not turn his mind away from it. At length the sign of the Punch Bowl," whither he was wending his way.came in view and the light affected him with the old pleasure. I- ! !-.; .1 - 1 1 1 . aii imagination, mo reiresning ana exmiaratin" glass was at his lips, and he quickened hi"s pace involuntarily, t ? As he drew near, he saw the landlord sitting on the porch.- The good natured old lellow did not smile with the broad smile of welcome that usually played over bis couutenance when a customer approached. How .ore you to-day, landlord t" said the man cheerfully, as, he stepped upon the porch. " Do you know the road you have come V i asked the landlord with a gravity of manner l itiflt attt.!..-1 UI. J .i j, w ruiiiiuru ins V-UMOllier. a MYei,M replied the man, "Pro come the road to the 4 Punch Bowl.' " " Better tfy the road to ruiri l"-retdrned the landlord. j ' What is! themitterl" inquired the man. 1 j "I never heard a landlord talk in that way be- l lore." j ' 'y ' It was the road to ruin to poor Bill Jenkins. ; I That I knoW loo well, and has beerKlhe road I to ruin of a good many more that I don't Irke ! to Ibiok abot. It will be your road to ruin if ; 4 jou keep on: so I would advise you to stop and 1 think a little' on the matter. If vein wnt nnv ! liquor, you can get it from Jim at the bar ; but j I'd rather not have your siipence in my till to. njoney. We cannot too earnpstly again warn parents agaurt the. evil tendency both of 44 The Mar. ned W Oman's Priralc (Medical Companion,'" and its co-worker In ihirtuily and crime, 44 The A Self-loading Gun. Mr. Porter resid ing at or near Memphis, has constructed a most novel and curious fire-arm, called the 44 self-loading gun," in which the sim ple operation of cocking to shoot, by the assistance of valves or equivalents, sepa rates from the magazine attached to the gun the materials for each load, and loads the gun. It is capable of being discharg ed 40 times in a minute, and shoots with tremendous force, and with usual exact ness. The Editor of the Memphis Enqui rer, after carefql examination and repeat ed experiments; is satisfied that nothing which can bear comparison with it in el ficiency has been discovered, and that ro . 1 n 1 1 , . . . t. i w ven uve unu six nunc -revolver of any kind approaches it in'' of the largest class that destructiveness, nor in the adaptation of the means of safety against accidents in their use. NAMES. Senator, Star, Miner, New-World, California, Hertford, Fashion, Missouri, Ion, West Point, McKim, Chesapeake, C. W. Grinnell, P. B. Redding, Georgiana, Elna, Gov. Dana, Maunsel White, Bute, Tt-hama, Maj. Tompkins, Mariposa, Yuba, Martha Jane, Sacramento, 61 Fire Fiv. 251 Lucy Long, 87 Linda, 27 Wm. Robinson, 30 New-England, 239 Jack Hays, 376 Kennebec, 392 Gen. Warren, 10 'Victor Constant, 8:11. T. Clay, 30 j New Star, 30, San Joaquin, b7 Jenny Lind, Lrastus Corning, Union, TONS. 51 153 30 31 19 18 52 46 28 42 44 309 59 154 48 39 61 86 . 87 ANECDOTE OF THE LATE BISHOP BASCOM. While on the Circuit of Western Vir ginia, I think it was, Bascom stopped, at a log cabin, recently erected by the. road side. He sat down, by invitation, to dine with the family. A lovely little child, 36 26 83 NOT YET REGISTERED. 151 Confidence, about 450 60 New Orleans, about 850 19 Benico, about 106 15 38 Total, 6.632 In addition to this list of steamers, there is also en gaged in navigating the rivers and the bay, 270 craft of j various kinds. Ihere is also now lying in port, many of them abandoned and others used as store-ships, be- uveen uve ana six hundred vessels, not a few of them can be found in any of the wa ters of the globe. The auction business of San Francisco bears no un important relation to the trade of the city, and the State. The number which we propose to name as the principal individuals and firms legitimately engaged in this branch, is seventeen. In addition to what has already been mentioned, we will add, that San Francisco, with a population of over 35,000, sustains seven daily papers, while New York, numbering half a million.'axn boast of only douhle that number :: We have eight Express Companies, the prin cipal ones being Adams tfc Co., and J. W. Gregory ; over sixty orick buildings where six months ao-o there' privileges, which other corporate bodies may lawfully do, for the purposes mentioned in this act, and may make all such by-laws, rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of this State or of the United States, as shall be necessary for the well ordering and conducting the affairs of the Company ; and by said name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any of the Courts of this State. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the capital of said Company shall not exceed the sum of Two Hun dred Thousand Dollars, in shares of twenty-five dollars each, the payment on securing the stock of said Compa ny, to be made under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors hereinafter pro vided tor. 1 he said tympany shall have power to con struct a Plank Road from the Town of Salisbury via Statesville, to the Town of Taylorsville, by the most practicable route, to be determined by said Company, whenever the sum of tenN thousand dollars shall he sub scribed to the capital stock of said Company. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That after ten thous and dollars amount of stork shall have been subscribed to the capital stock of said Company, it shall be in the power of the members of said Company or any portion of them who may have subscriled the sum of three thous and dollars to call a general meeting f the Stockholders at such time and place as may be deemed convenient for holding the same, by giving public notice in one or more of the papers published in the Town of Salisbury, and by advertising at the Court House and two or more public; places in the County of. Iredell ; at the Court House and two or more public places in the County of -Alexander; at the Court House and two or more public places in the County of Caldwell. That to constitute any such meeting, a number of shares entitled to a ma jority of votes which could be given upon ail the shares sulscriled, shall be present either in iterson or bv nroxv : j and if a sufficient numlier to constitute a meeting, do riot i attend, shall have the power to adjourn from time to i time, until a meeting shall be formed. ; Sec. 4. lie it further enacted, That the subscribers I to the stick of said Company, at their meeting herein ueiore uirecieu 10 oe cuueu. and the tickholders at ev ery annual meeting thereafter, shall elect five Directors, and the Directors when appointed shall choose one of their number President, who shall continue in office un less sooner removed, until the next annual meeting after their election, and until their successors shall be elected. But the said Directors or any of them, may at any time be removed and the vacancy thereby ccasioned be fill ed by a majority of the votes given at any general meet ing. The President with any three or more of the Di rectors, who may appoint one of their number President pro tempore, shall constitute a Board for the transaction of business. In case of vacancy from daath, resignation or otherwise, such vacancy may be supplied by the ap pointment of the Board until the next annual meeting. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the Board of Di rectors of said Company shall be, and they are herebv invested with all the rights and powers necessary for'the construction and repairs of the Plank ltoad herein au thorized to be made ; and also, to make, purchase, and construct all such mills and other works as may be ne cessary for the construction and the well ordering of said Road. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the said Board of Directors shall have jwer to make contracts with any person or persons on behalf of the Company for the construction of said Road and of performing all other things respecting the same which they shairjudge necessary- and proHr, alid to require from the Stockholders from time to time, such advances of money, on th.-ir re sjective shares, as the wants of the company may de mand, until the whole of their subscription shall be paid ; to call on any emergency a general meeting of the Stockholders, giving at least twenty days iuTtiee thereof, in one or more of the papers printed in the Town of Salisbury, and by advertising at the Court House, and two or more places in the Counties of Iredell, Al exander, and Caldwell, respectively ; to appoint such officers as they may deem necessary to transact the bu siness of the Company, taking from them, at their dis cretion, bond and good security, for the faithful dis charge of their several duties, and duly accounting for all moneys coming into their hands ; to appoint such su perintendants, managers and toll gatherers as may be necessary, and generally to transact all the business of the Company between the general meetings of the Stockholders. " Si:C. 7. lie it further ennrlnl. That if am- ctt-i,. ji toll gate or loll house it may become m,.r J d!ent to use or cl.aDge any established w rt,? may be lawful for the Board of Direct, t! u V' said road or roads at points where the Cl! Jban?e the cessary or expedient ; Provided, hou-ern 'Tv " D" ous to making any such change, the said cLl! shall make and prepare a mad eoudlv Food portion of the road proposed to be substituted, U' ,ng herein contained shall be .0 construed a. 'to ma H" encumbent on the Company to keep id repair tr' tjon of any road which they may hue eS uJ Sec. 15. Be it, further enacted. That the p, , , D.rectors of said Company shall be, and ihec Z I f by invested with all the right and power. oeclT the construction, repairs and mainta,t,, V, for Road, to be located as aforesaid, anJ tti- Sr' r'nk with the same powers and rights for ibe IvT' lending said Plank Road to Lenoir, in iL, r l' Caldwell, if thev shr.U -I UaB'r of ' ii tApruieni,ai pant. . k k. ..... .: r . Uj i""' wcuons 01 tnis act lor t.on of the main stem from Salisbury to T.vVu, tt 10. oe xi junker enacted, That Hi, ac. be in force from and afier its raiificat.on 4 Read three time and rat.fied in General" Asettb', this 2rfth day of January, A. D. lt-51. ' J. 0. DOBBIN, Speaker of the lluue of Cvmmcu. W. N. EDWARDS, Speaker of the Sencu. THE CAROLINA WATCllil.ll J. J. BBrSES, Editor Jt Proprietor. T . ... . 1 C.IX.t m- , ,,kJ .inoiir), J. No 42 TIIIKSDAY EYEXIXG, FEBlAttY i7, SiK heart-piercing cry was heard from with out. 44 My child ! my child !" screamed the mother; and quick as thought all rushed to the door. Father of mernips ! what n sitrl.t .1-0 a who are weak enough o he gulled by H, or j here presented to the gaze of a doting ""nru ciiuu"u iu encourage 11. out 01 ineir i, 1 o : ' - 1 uiwLur;!. I was not one ; eight or ten first class hotels, at the head ' h,ollers s!lit!1 fail to Pay the pllm required of them bv the ,.C U:U . 1 .U . T T ' . ii.. liO.'inl if l)iroftrc it cli-.ll .,.1 ... I... I c.. r 1 oK,,f fu. i ,1 1 r . . 1 1 i Ul wiuuii himius ine union, just erectea by elover .v ....m aim m. iN; lawim ior saia aDOUt three jearS Old, Which attracted his j Co.. and under the management of Isaac'M. Hall, the 1Wd of U-or to sell at public auction, and to con attentlOn hy its SWeet Smiles and rare St. Franc'.s, Delmonico's,the Revere, and the National. yey to lhe P111.91-'1" hare or shares of such Stock- DeaulV. Was n avin? in front f thp lr I 1ul a lew months since, tlie boundaries even of San 1 . i- .ung, gumg twenty uavs notice - r :i , ! I Francisco were hardlv defined with KntVi-i,M,t .l.-finitw. . ot u,w t,m- a,,(i P'-:,ce of sale, in manner aforesaid, am' vvi, ue trie lamiiy were engaged around j nes8 to ffuide the inuu'irer in his search. X..w w.. h.,v i retaining the sum due and all the charts of sal their homely repast, when suddenly a' one hundred and seren miles of street laid out, one ou proceeds thereof, to pay the surplus over to M ri Literary Miscellany" 0! copy lhat falls into iheir either of which every hands, they would do well to commit immediately to the flames. Lynchburg irginian. ) r f. 4- oay. 1 wai 1 leei right about it. What'i the matter, landlord ? WW hai pjit you In tli bumoe V .aid the man, who, in turn, became serious. I found a piece of paper on th road as I walked alonjjjuit now, and it had something printed on it that hat set me to thinking. That' the matter. Ah me! I wish I was in better buatneii. It don't make a man feel very pleas, ant to think, that in building himself up, he had dragged other down. And I'm rather. afraid tbat'a my position. So go borne, my friend, and don't let. the tin of your ruin le , on my con- science. You're got to loving liquor a little loo well. May be you don 1 (hjok ao ; but I know it. I've teen a great many aieo go down hill, and I A terrible panther had sprunc upon her unwary darling, and was ascend ing a tree, bearing the child in its mouth. "The gun ! quick ! for God's sake the gun !" frantically exclaimed the father. Dr. Bascom rushed into the cabin, and seizing the gun from the rack, rapidly re turned ; but, alas ! it was too late ! He was only in time to see the innocent, love ly babe torn in pieces, in the presence of the frantic parents, by the infuriated beast. Completely unnerved by the ap palling sight, it required several shots before Dr. Bascom was enabled to brinr I can ne- quarter of which is built upon and occupied, and over seven miles of it substantially planked, and most of that distance properly sewered. We have now a simi monthly mail, where a year ago it was only an occa sional one reaching our shores now and then, and half the time not as often ! One Marine Insurance Compa ny has already been formed, with a capital of 500,0U0, and another in progress of organization. Such is a bird's eye glance at San Francisco, at the the close of "Eighteen hundred and Fifty." the former owner or to hie legal representatives ; and if : they who Understand th the said sale shall not produce the sum required to be i ,. i. ,u . r advanced, with all the incidental charges attending the nl ,ake the Pa,nS to ,nf( PLANK ROAD, &c. A public notice has been given for & meeting of the citizens of Ilowail and Iredell at Mr. Foard's, on ThirdCreek.cn Saturday next, to take measures for jab. -ing the capital necessary to complete the Plank Road to Taylorsville. We can not commend this undertaking stronglytn " our friends in this region. There are ma ny who have done nothins for the Rail Road who are abundantly able to help on this work efficiently. In Iredell, ex cept about Mount Mourne, nothing hu been done at all for the Rail Road, and nevertheless the amount of subscription for Iredell county for the Plank Ruad is only about 8S.000. For a great couc ty and Iredell certainly deserves that epithet in many respects for a county where intelligence and morals are as much cherished as in any other; ukere industry and enterprise are vainly . strug gling with muddy roads and' declining fields, and worst than all.vith the ex hausting drain of emmigration. for such a county, to stand counting pittance? when -her rescue is promised, and a dnwn is-, opened for her entire redemption and re suscitation, seems strange ! ! Iredell is not up with the age in this respect, that is certain : and if she exprcts to main tain the high position she has always heretofore maintained, she must not uaif for other counties to make her .pubVic works. We have faith in Iredell, though she is slow in coming in : Cabarrus was as hard to move on the Rail Road as Ire dell has been on this subject, but Cabar rus has nearly, if not quite, the most 1 creditable subscription that was made by any county Jo this great enterpr'e. If ee things will arm the people interested, there is no TRADE WITH NORTH CAROLINA. At a meeting of the N. Yoik Chamber of Commerce recently, tie report of a special committee to whom had been refeired a corn- munication from Andrevy Joytier,. Eq., Presi- I down the blood-thirsty animal. dent of a Convention reDresentinr the North, i ver forget thftt awful rn " cA n- O O : - " - vv..w, . t I u xj 1 . eastern counties of Ndrth Carolina, for the j Bascom, vvheri relating this incident to purpose ot considering jind adopting measures the writer, some years since. And well to secure the opening qf a safer and more ex. ! miirht he sav so. for a mnr ,lPPnl, fTQ, t. . . . j . o J ' v. vwi -r0i I t I m I 3 A AI V m II II 1111 t t si r ' l.nl ll-nAr. L t m m oouua ana me Atlantic Vfoean, was presented. Report of the Board of Health, for the week ending Tuesday Feb. 8lh. " The Board" have no new cases to report, and they are gratified in being able to slate, that the last cases occurring, some two weeks since, are up and nearly well. ROB 1'. F. DAVIDSON, JNO. A. YOUNG, R. C. CARSON. Charlotte, Feb. 18. 1S51. P. S. Later accounts by private letters state that four new cases have occurred. The Committee regard the matter as one of much importance, affecting the commerce of the whole country, and especially the coasting trade from the Eastern States, to the Gulf of Mexico and the West I idieg. The North. eas. tern part of North CaioJina is hounded by a coast of a dangerous character, and it is pro- posed to remedy existiag difficulties by open- ing an inlet at the footbl Albemarle, where it is-said a good ship-channel formerly existed. and lo construct a darn or embankment miles in length, across Croat an and Roanoke Sounds. It is given asf the opinion of scientific w 1 men who hare investigated the subject, that; this measure is practh able, "one that will in volve a comparatively : mall expense, and one that will result in all tl at is desired. The report was accepted, and a copy order ed to be forwarded lathe Senate and House of Representatives. Ratftgh Uegister. ; has seldom been recorded in the history of adventur ous pioneer life. It is a notable and) impressive fact, that no great cities in the civilized world ex cept those ol the English race and lan guage have materiality increased in pop- uiauon witum lue last ten years. CURING MADNESS. Cedrone seed, recently discovered in the valleys of Costa Rica, Central America, and said to possess the property of curing madness, and of neutralizing the virus of the bites of dogs and venemous serpents, is attracting the attention of the Faculty in Paris. A Medical Congress, including representatives from different states of Eu rope, is shortly to be held, to test the effi cacy of Cedron seed in mental disorders and epilepsy. From experiments on va rious animals, great hopes are entertained of its high remedial value. Some of the seed are to be sown in the Jardin dis Plantes. HEALTH OF CHARLOTTE. ! We specially invite attention to the report of the Board of Health lor the week endin" on the ISth instant. It will he seen that no new case has occurred during the week. We think we can safely say that " the prevailing dis ease" has entirely disappeared and there is no danger for persons to come to Charlotte as usu al. We are glad that alarm has been in a great measure removed from the minds of the people, and that our village, for the last few days, has been assumins its wonted business appearance. We understand the Board of Health will continue to act a week longer, and if no further need of their services appear they will make a final report. Journal. sale, the said IJoard of Directors may recover the bal- executor or administrator, or either of them, bv suit in ' aQot liie u'11 " as e people ol La any Court ot Kecord having jurisdiction thereof, or by warrant before any Justice ol the Peace of the county of which he, she, or they are residents ; and any purcha ser of Stock of the Compiny under a sa by' order of the Board of Directors shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as the original proprietor. Sf.c. b. Be if further enacted, That the said Doard I f Directors, their officers or agents, may agree with j the-owners of any land over which the said road is in ( tended to pass for the purchase and transfer thereof ; ; and in case of disagreement, or if the ou-nora K)V,'i emene covert, under ae or nn compos mentis, or out know what they have done , ... .. .u., ui'jiiiiaiiou 10 any two justices ot the ! Peace of any county where the lauds lie. the Justices , shall lsSH,e their warrant to the Sh-r.tF of said county to Care of themselves. While We are Tea ..u.umoii iweiuy ireen.iuers to meet on tlie land to be , valued, on a day expressed in said warrant, not l.-ssthan ' ; fifteen nor more than twenty days thereafter; and the said Sheriff on the receipt of the'warrant, shall summon ' I the treeholders accordingly, and when met, shall draw ; ! twelve of them, who after b-ing duly sworn, will im- ; i partially value the land in question, and ascertain the ' I damages the owner thereof may sustain, and the in.iui- ! D....u.i . iiKen,,snau be signed by the jury and counter signed by the Sheriff and returned to the Count v Court to berecorded, and in all cases the jury is directed to uescnoe in- land value,!, and the valuation shall be con- vvil1 m. tl, .l .L i . .1 a trade , elusive; and the said Company shall pay the sum as- I rUP' Uie dft W"en lhe' let the " sess d, and upon payment thereof, the said corporation of the great mountain region 0 tChar.' fciiau nae tne same interest therein as if the title in fee simple thereto, had been conveyed to them by the owner, i O Ho . I 4.1 T1 1 i , .... 1 11 nr, tnuricu, inaisalO IKjaTQ Ot IJl- in the counties barrus have done. Just convince them of their true interest, and all people wi!i alike pursue it, and their diligence and spirit will generally be in proportion to the strength of their convictions. V'e have said nothmg about the people of Alexander and Caldwell, for we do not We pre sume that they will, at all hazzards, take ing homilies to our neighbors, it must rot be supposed that we feel satisfied w;:a what the town of Salisbury has done. -There are many who have not subscribed a dollar to the Rail Road, who might cone ; to the aid of this great artery of the pre 1 perity of our commerce. The mercbar; Sec. 9 rectors or their agents, may ;agree with the proprietor or proprietors, i(Jr any quantity of land they may deem ne cessary for their purposes, at or near each place or sta tion intended for the collection of the tolls, fur the pur pose of erecting the necessary buildings and gates ; and in case of disagreement may proceed as above directed in the preceding section ; Provided, That in such case no more than five acres shall be condemned to their use at eacn station. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said fk.nrH r.r 1l.ru.,.r. .. . lotte or Concord. They had better me a large sacrifice than to submit to such a state of things. Verb urn sat." RAIL ROAD SURVEY. This work, in the hands of Major Job McRea, assisted by Messrs Fry and Sig ner is progressing on this part of tbe lioe quite satisfactorily. The party have r cated the Road from Charlotte via Cos cord to within a few miles of ihis.pla- The wet wealher, and some few unex pected curves which they had to put il Nobody blames a rich man for going with his elbows out, because erery one knows that he has got money enough to get him a new coat; but it is unpardonable in a poor man logo ra. ged, because every one knowg lhat it ia out of bia power to do otherwise. The Slave Trade. Letters from the uc'awiul "e said lioard of Erectors as soon as five British steamship GladiMor. dated Bight ! KS ltVZZ Ot Benin, September 29th, announce that I from all persons using said I'lank Road; said road to be 6he has taken five prizes, one of which i made not less lfl3rl e'?nt nor In"re than sivtv-six feet with 250 slaves on board, was sent to Si! I ZTZTAiVT lbe V" hM"Z- ' KJl uiaiea tnat tne prouts shall not exeeed tweutv five per erra Leone. and that the Centaur steam. . cent on ihe enniiai ts , r....,..,. frigate bad captured a slaver, with 250 ! Sec- u- Be farther enacted, That if any person j on account of private dwellings, ba slaves on board, a fortnight previously. ttT itT l P lhe l"" " 'a rmof ff caused some dela). bt energy and indus- J lenng to pass the place or places designated for the col-! ,, T ; , lection of tolls, the toll gatherers respectively may refuse i lry "ave brought them forward with5 1 he curiosity of an honorable mind ,' a passage to the pen or persons refusing to Pav ; and much raniditv as the most exacting cocli willingly rests where the. love of truth 1 ,f an' lwrson or Per,ns ha!l f"rdby or fraudulently "CD raP,d,l as lhe most exacting cu does not urge it further onward, and the !T an7 S'' withoul havmg paid lhe ,e?al ' have required- To breakfast and get love of thejielghhor bids it stop; in other paying thecal toil shall with w.Te,un;e.rri. or ' Work sun UP and o work till sun doy words, it willingly stops at the point where , h,,rs"' URe M,d r"a(1 between the points designated for i without stopping for dinner, which is t-e the interest of truth do not heck. .. on- ?Lr; nraetice of this corns, is more 1 ...! i l . ri i . t i scuKi vui;aiiY, io ue recovered 1 1 ward, and chanty cries, Halt!-' :ertdSe. in other c than is reouired of slaves.' nnd vet tbese . . i ft-

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