i 7 - y - - ; HIE I'AUOLIXA WATCHMAN. Editor & proprietor. ft'oLVlfi Salisbury, X. JC (No 44 TUrRSDU' EVWIXG. JIAKCH 1J, 1851. . J. i. BUIAKR, 1 - TiiorosALs Font carrying the mail ) IN' NORTH CAROLINA. Extract from ihn act of Cungrebs ofZd March, ; ! !' 1S45 IS. .,; , bcif further enucted, Tbat it shall be the lti' of th) IVtmasteir General, in all future ilrtthi'"0' contracts tor tlu tranportatiojof tlie , w;j tJ, let tho i:iinH in every csw, to tin; lowest jbi.JJ-'r tendering sufficient guarantees for faithful . .rf finance, without other reference to the mode iurh,tninjrtatioh than ma be necessary to '. .!: t.i !.. it'lcrltv. eeriaintv. nml v.rrn- fi,ii'" ,'v w" '"' yv' r ' "v-. frotj uch tlran.'itoTtation ; n1r shall any new ftmtrsutor hereafter be requiredi to purchase out, j0f tV.t. at a Valuatiojn, the stock or vehicles of : aoV 1""' i',oa4 jonrfw tor or tn'YHn,e r0Ut'" Jv ril'l-'f will )' careful to read the forms and intnio'tiohi nrnxjiided' to this advertisements 'iVy are rpiited to .state, in their prorosaLs, the 'miX hv", which! tin')'! intend toi convey the mail. .' "Where 'tli' u and Weight -of (the mail, or the fM catjevi tiy in' the schedules shall require jt, the untrac't jll m jnade for roach, steamboats, i,r railroad conveyance, as the ease may be and (f)tiMHjuflJtly,' iijich routes will be let to bids pro joking such rnhde of conveyance, hi all other c;vf the relitfi will lx) assigned to bids propo sing the iVaplftmoof; transportation.. I J3F Ipiilr'V'i'i companies are specially notified ftliat their regular bids arq t be understood 'ny including thoVlily jot each office on the line of their r-siHftivi road?,, not over a quarter'ofa ''roil' from a, depot. Separate projtpsals for office .'more than U garter Jof a mile.off' will4e consid ered. - ;- ': P .-V' jr i, , ' frojosals fof carrying the iijails of the United talU from tbf lsi day of July 1851, to the .30 Jutw? 1853, inclusive J in North Carolina, will be ; recti Vi'4 a tl Hi contract otliev U the 1'ost Office IVrtment, m the citv of WaslringUjn, until 10 ij in of the Ut of April 1851, (to U? decided byi i '.Ail I. i I . 'i a i . i .i V Xhti jyu uay tn ipru,j on inei roums ana-iu tne manner; and time herein specified; viz : . i 'iiioiiTiilcAnonxA. " 2801 From JlaKigh 'daily at 10$ a m ; ,. ,liy Neijse, Ftrt-nt-tvill I'acifiic, Franklin ".. , I ton, Stjaunton Henderson; liidgeway, Ma- eon t)eiot,aud Littleton , f , To (i4Hn.ii by p in, H7 miles, j And Wk be tween 3 a in and lpm. 2802 From'Iialiigh jaily at 2 p m ; ' liy UardayMiUe, Tleasairt l'lains, liunn's Level and Averysborough To Fuyettevilh by Ik fi in next "days 60 ' luil'-n ; . S - . . And back daily between 10 p m and 10 a next lays. , "l'roposals for'tri-weekly iservice, to be rin at hours to I' numed in the bid are invited. 203 From" Jiulvigh at 4 a m, three times a 4'ek;' undaV, Tuesday and Thursday ; Kgle Uock, Wuketiebl, Stanhope and ' N;4fill;- : To lii"ekv Mount by 1 O p m, 02 miles ; ' .And bacVlitV'eii a iu and 10 p m.. . rrojxihals for daily service, at a sjeed not ( less than 5 iiiils an hour will Tm- conid ered. ' Mail t reach Kocky Mouut in tinKi. fir the tears going North and to leave there immediately alter the arrival of the 'cars ''oinv South. 230-t From llnh-igli after arrival of Northern Mail, say at 5 p m, three times a week, ' Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday ; lly Morintrvilli';- 'hapel Hill, I lillsl trough .tiryc.iwpring, ;Mason llall (Jraham, and Alainance ; , r-) To (itcensl)oro by 4 p m next days, 84 miles ; j . Ami Kick between 1 a in every Sunday, Tued.iv, and Fridav, and 1 a m next davs. Burnt Sbop to le supplied from (Jraham three time a! Week. .'J'roposals'to embrace Burnt Sho) in the regular route ainl supply Mason Hall and (Jfoen Spring with branch mails are in invib d. A Iso roposal's to extend to Salem. 2805 Froirj; Raleigh at j m once a yvV Friday; Hv Kelvin (Jrove, Holer's Store, Fish lanb S.tagvijle, 1 led 'Mountain,-Uaniels i Mills, jind Y;jn Hoook's Store; J To )xlorouii by 7 p m next day, and b:ielj:: by Mt, Tirah: lied Mountain, j ; U)iind Hill, Stagville,j and Flemington : t To lUlelgh l'jween H ; mThursday, and 10 ainextday, eipial t)5( iniles aiitl back. 2800 From llaleigh at o a mJ twice a week, Sun day and Wednesday; tv Holly Springs, Haywood, Adolph, 1 lttshoro ,!St Laucance, Mar : lev's Mills, Heed Vreek, Franklinville, Ceder Falk' Ah)ro)g,.Ca'raw:uy,' SjH nccir, Silver Hill, Cot ton drove, and Jersey Settlement ; to Salisbury, by 5 p in' next davs, 1V8 liwiles ; and back kn.i.. "7 ... 1 AW 1. 1 . . 1 betw wmn ii I i iu i'.VH.l Mild 1 C( II CSH IV. aU(l i , i 41 1 i J 1 YtTtl , ,, v- , - . . , . V "r be coi4dered. Also, 1 proposals to end at W 11 m next da 1 reposals for, tn-week I v service S will lio considered, 2807 Front Ibtleigh at t a in three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday; by Au Vum, (lulley's Store, SmfthnYld, Boon llifl, and ayncsljorouli ; to GoIdsWro', by 8 p in same ws 51,mfl'S-; and l,Kick ln twievn "arrival of ears fr"M AVilniington, say 2 p m Tuesday, Thursday '. and Saturday, and ii a ni next days. 503 From Faycttvville at 'J a m daily ;"by Dun ilarrach, Kandalisville, .fonttlier, Laurel WI,Spnni.l Ongl'tsville S. t., to Chemw, 0. by 4;p hi, 7 a miles; and back daily between i a. m ami U 1 i ' p m.i i roposus tor tri-weckly hTviJ.i U, , I . .i . I wnice. In Ije run at hours to nauu-d by the Lidd.. j v . .,i. i i" i wavier, arejnvitvi. I royals to embrace (iloj- olw and lUhn. ttsville and supply Laurel Hill, Springfield fand Brightiville by bide mails will U consul, n d. ! . ; S09 Frojtri Fnyetteyilh at 3 a m, twice a week, Sunday, and Thursday; by Little Bock Fish, St,.luils, UuiilH.'rtoni Lvrsville, and Ga(ldsville ; toMarionILS.C: bv 12 m next davs. 7 H m;i,s- r - vr- - ' " " I- V.uL.i' a i.. L- i ' ... X'... (if x oii.in.iiiu- hi, u h in OI1CU it WCCIV. : GiUt r : lyjy ; J "Tf .r.:,: .tu.r .I Tl'-T? Vk L,..1 if ;X i!i k ;Mr2.a"' : ' ivy.Tf 1 IUUI 17 4 l ilt;) III'" fti. IV . . - a wer Vr 3," - i, uiTQwn, N hite s i.revk, v est brook, and 8 - t 7, -" V tmip . andvek between 10 a niTuesday, AtrttrMlav And Satrfnliiv aa .BW7, and u a m next days. mtKJHaHrorseim-uW'lrlirRrvironrniTivitr1 r Proposal for semi-weekly service are invito . -V - u rorn Fayettevtlle at 2 ra three times a '(W Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday; by : ; Clinton, and Springficia J to Warsaw M Wk Utwecn 1 m Monday and Friday.!" uac" "a ana-Pm n.e.xl aa) ' M 10 p ni Koxt d:iys. Proals to end. a "ta" U 1 , m "4 FarflWoit, X. C; are invitek n; and bock between 9 a m anl 3 p W Froni Fayettelle at 0 a m. once a week. m' .J r?lX)1sals to at MshFs by.4 m next days, 9 miles iand lack!betwe?n 2 p Monday; Wednesday and Friday, and j4 a rn njext days. a : Proposals for Xlaily ' service - ate invited. To leave Fayettevillei on the ijriival if thenail from Cheraw, say lti p rn, af d reach "Warsaw by 0 a-m next day, or in tim to con nect withfthe care going South. vLeave VarwiW after j arrival from South, say 1 p m ai id reaepi ',. jlfayetteville by 1 a in next day, y ; j 2813 jFroin Fayettenlle at Cam, twice a week, . luesdayand Saturday ; liiverside, Jolit' Bpnille, Grain's Creek, Carthage, Calejlo lia, Ai manVHill, Stone Lick 3VhiteIIous( , Ililfs" Store, Salem Church, and, Ilealing Springs ; io Silver Hill by' 12 m, Thursdayand fMoiiday,4r in time to connect with the mail from lfaleigH ; thence to Lexington by 5 p m, 1 2 2 mil es ; aqd back, between 0 atn, Tuesday and Frkay, arid C p ni next Thursday and Sjinday. Proposals to end at Salisbury, instead ofLexinsTtoil are in vited. 2814 From Ilaywood at' 8 a m once i week, Monday ; by Martha s V ineyard, Chalk Lev el, rorthington, and Summervilie ; to Averysbb- rongli by 0 p m, 32 miles ; and back bei a in and 0 p- m next day. proposals to Neill's Creek will be considered. ween :8 supply 2 8 115 From Ilaywood at 5 a m once a weep, Tues day ; by Longstreet, llollin's Store, k Har ington ; to John-ouville "by8im,41 mils ; aild back by the Pocket, between 5 a m 'audi 8 p ih. next day, omitiug llanngton. I'roposals to onit Harringta! entirely will be considered. (Seje 2842) Also proposals to omit Johnson ville (See j 2813.) 28 1G From Haywood at 6 a m once a week, I 1 hursday; by 1 rades HilTIackney's X roals ; ej y ana rove ; to reen .Level by lz m miles ; and back between 1 p m and 8pm 2817 From Nashville at 1 p m once a week, Fri day; to Peach Tree Grove by 5 pm, 12 miles; And back between 8am rnday and 12 m,same day. 2818 From Clinton at a m once a week, Wed nesday ; bv Pine Grove, Monk's Store, New ton's Groveand Draughan's Store; to Averys Vtoro' by 8 p m ; and back to (iibb's Cros?Roads, Iloilly's Store, and Ik-arnan's X Roads, befween G a in and 8 p m Thursday, equal to 40 mles and ! back. j ZS 9 From Laurel ITill after arrival of mail from Cheraw, say at 3 p m, twice a week, Tuesday and Saturday ; to Buckingham by 10 pf mil's ; and back between 5 a m and j I'roposals to extend to Wadesboro' are j m, '4L .lam. n vited. Also, proposals to commence at Springfield ih ; stead of Laurel Hill. : ! i 2820 From Laurel Hill at 2 p m once cj week, Tuesday; by Stewartsville ; to Giloolis by 5 pi m, 12 mile's: and back between 8 pjm and 1 1 a m. I'roposals for simi-weekly servibe will be considered.- ; 2821 From Lumberton at 7 a m once a week, Monday; by Howellsville ;to rtpspefct Hall by 2 p m, 20 miles; and back betwjeon 2 p nt and 9 p m. I'roposals to embrace Smith's Bridge, either one way or both ways will coi sidered. , l 2822 From! Little Rock Fish at 1 p m, Miondajy, b Lumber Bridge ; to 1'hiladelphuH by 7 p nn, 20 miles ; and back between 5 a m and i 2 m. ' " . - iV 2823 From Lumbertcn at 6 a m once a week, Friday : Philadebhus. Gilorjiolis, CewiMur HiIl,Stewartsville, iueensdale, and Alforille; to Lumlerton by' 6 p m next day, equal to 37, miles and back. J j 2824 Froni Kli.ab thtown at 6 a m once a. week Tuesday ; by Big Swamp, Fair BlurJyGujtn Swamp, WhiU' ilarsh, . Whites411e, aJijWest'J-n rrong; to hhabethtown by 2 p m next jl hurs day, equal to 52 'miles and back. Propsals toj omit r air Bluff are invited.' j i 2825 From Weldon. daily at 2 ani; by Ualifaix, Futierd, liattlelKji-o' Rocky Mount, Jyner's Depot, Vilson, Black Creek, Nahunta, Golds borough, Evej-ettsviile, Faisou's lepot, War saw, Strickland's Dfpoi, Teachy's, Waslfington Dei tot, Sill's Creek, Cvpress Grove, Wilmington, and Smithville; to Charleston, S, C. in 3ljhours, by 9 p in, 340 miles; and back daily between 3 m and 8 pin next day. 28126 From Weldon at 3j p. m once a week, Thursday ;- by Qliankev and Westlaijid ; to Littleton by 8 a m next day, 25 miles; anil back oetween 8 a m and 3 p in. 2827, Fnm Weldon at 3 a in three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ; by Jack son, Rich Square, Koxable, Hotel, and Wihdsoir ; to l'lymouth by 8 p in, 72 miles ; and brick be tween 5 a m and 9 p m next day. I'roposals for semi-weekly service are invited. Also, jpropp safc to reach Plvmouth in time for the departure on 2868,, without reference to the advertised schedule -on that route, proposals for changing which are invited. j 2829 From Enfield at 5 a m, three times a week Tuesday, Thursday,' and Saturday; by Pineturn, Scotland Neck, Balinyra, KoauoHe, and j iaiiiiiioii , uo juuimMOii vy o p in, aim u (Jardner's Bridge; to Plymouth by 12 m next day, 7 1 utiles ; and back to Williamsf on between 12 m Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and 7 p in same day, and to tnheld, nexllday U' p m. I'roposals to ro throuirh the satme dy will A IV ' 2829 From Enfield at 0 a m twice a weekjTuds- day and Friday; bv Ileatlisvills, Brihkley- ville, Kingwood, and Sycamore alley ; to Itnfield by 6 p m, equal to 17 miles, and back.! 2830 From Booky Mount at 6am three jtimp a weejv', Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ; by Tarborough, Sj)art;x, Falkland, Greenville, and Pactolns ; to Washington by 1 1 p m, 71 jmiUs, and back between - a m and 5pm Saturday', Tuesday, and Thursday. j 2831 From liockv Mount at 5 a m three times a week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday ; l , ,T-.,- , : .. f-.nv i t , i 1 i." , oy jin lanisiown ani ix'iioru io jmouisouiq o ; - 3 A, A i . c. ,1 ;L p m, thence at o a m daily, except Sunday; to U , .. A , yn ., r , , A Frainklinton by 8 a m, 48 miles, and bajek to Ixjuisburg between 5 p m anvl 8 p m diiily ex cept Sunday, thence to. Kocky 'Mount, between 5 a tu and 4pm Monday , Wednesday & F riday. 2832 From Wilson at 9 a m onee week, Mon day ; by Stantonsburg, Speight's Bricge, & ' 1 llV to "ookerstown by 6 p m, 23 milep; x . v I - -v... . , tj l " - 1 nugy areiuvuea. rom Everettsvilleat 11 a m.oncea bee, y .Thursday ; by Whitfield's Mills, bW lk, andWclio; to Strabdne by 7 pin, 22 niileB ; attack between 6pin and 2 p m next SaVertA! A1WW LUm ov m;u1 ; oacKto Kenansville by a p in -Saturday, and to ; Strickland's Depot by 2pm Wednesday. Pilo- to cence at Kenansnlle will be i ' 1 I i tousiuerea. - I 2835 From Strickland's Depot at 5 a m dnca a week, Saturday ; by Kenansville, Hallnlle, Richland, Comfort, Trentofa, and Pollocksville ; I? . 1 jT ill to Xewbern by 8 p m next' daf, 83 miles : nd I .kick, oetween o a m 1 hursday and 8pm next day ; with an additional weekly trip from New-j bern to Trenton and back every j Monday. Pro-i posals for semi-weekly service on the whole! route will be considered. ; 2336 From Strickland's Depot! after , arrival of mail from Wilmington, say at 3 p m, Fri-i day ; by Taylor's Bridge, Six j Runs, Lisburn. Gravelly 11$, Cypress Creek, and; Ellisville; to i .jr ctujviue oy am nexi jsunaay, cumues ; and back between l pm Sunday and 1 p m next Tuesday. 2837 From Nahunta at a m once a week, Mon day ; by St. Charles and Beulah ; to Eagle Rock by 6 p m, 40 miles; and back between 8 a m and 8pm next day. Proposals for semi weekly service will be considered, also pro posals to embrace LowelL 2838 From Wilmington at 6 a m once a week, Friday ; by Long Creek, Beatty's Bridge, Black River Chapel, and Harrel's Store; to Moore's Creek by 2 p m next day ; and back by Long Creek between 8am and 6 pm, Thursday, equal to 47 miles and back. 2839 From Wilmington at 5 a ra once a week, Friday ; by To-sail Sound, Stump Sound, Foy's Store, Onslow C. IL, and Catharine Lake; to Richlands by 6pm next day, 7 1 miles ; and back by Bannerman between 4am Sun day and 5 p m next day. 2840 From Wilmington at 12 m three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; by Whitesville, Fair Bluff; Marion C. H., S. C, Mars Uluri, Bradley ville, and Sumtcrville ; to Manchester, S. C, bv 10 pm next Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, 156 miles ; and back be- tween 6 a m Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and 6pm nextWednesnay, Friday, and Sunday. Proposals for daily service at a speed of not less than five miles au hour will be considered. 2841 From Averysboro' at 8 dm once a week, Monday ; by Hannah's Creek ; to Smith field by 6 p in, 30 miles ; and back between 8am and 6pm next day. 2842 From River-side at 9 a in once a week, Tuesday ; to Harrington by 4 p m, 20 miles; - and back between 9 a m fc 4 p m next day. 2843 From Beatty's Bridge at 1 p m once a ? week, Friday ; by Colly Swamp ; to Cane Tuck by 5 p m, 1 5 miles, and back oetween 8 a m ami 12 m. Proposals to extend by com mencing at Gravelly Hill will be consider- j . ed. 2844 From Onslow C. II., at 6 am once a week Sunday, by Piny Green, to Swansborough by 2 p m, 24 miles, and back between 5 a m & 12 m Saturday, or in time to connect with the mail to Richlands. Proposals to embrace Palo Alto are invited, also proposals to commence at Pollocksville. (See No. 2847.) 2845 From Newbern at 8 a m three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, by Kinston and Mosely Hall, to Goldsboro' by 6 "a m next days, 65 miles, and back between 8am Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, by 6 a m next days. Proposals to reverse the; schedule mak ing with route No. 2834 a daity Northern mail (except Sunday) to and from Newbern, are inn ted. Also proposals for three additional weekly trips. 2846 From Newbern at 7 a m three times a week, Sunday, Wednesday,! and Friday, and byXrayeaf jjley to Beaufort by S-p m same days, 48 mile, andback. between -7 a m and 5 p m ''" Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. 2847 Prom Pollocksville at 7 a m once a week, Friday ; By Palo Alto ; to Swansboro' by 4pm same day, 27 miles; and back between 8am -and 5 p m next day. I'roposals to end at Had not are i n vited, also proposals to embrace On- low C. H. and Piney Green. (See No'. 2844. OQ1Q from Pollocksville at 2 pm every other Monday ; to Iladnot's by 9 pm, 22 miles ; and back between 7 a m and 1 p m. 2849 From Kinston at Gam oneo a week, Friday; by Sandy Foundation, Pink Hill, and Bu- ena Vista ; to Halls ville by 6 p m, 34 miles ; and back between 6 a m and 6 p m next day. 2850 From Greenville at 4 a m once a week, Friday; by Contentnia, Hookerstown, and Snow Hill ; to Goldsboro ugh by 9 p m, 49 miles; and back between 8 a m and 12 p m next dav. I'roposals for semi-weekly service are invited. 2851 From Pungo Creek at 12 m, Thursday ; to North Creek by 3 p m, 9 miles ; and back between 2 a m and 1 1 J a m. 2852 From Washington at 7 a ni once a week, Thursday ; by Bath, Pungo Creek, Pante- go, Leachville, Germauton, Sladesville, Swan Quarter C. 11., and Lake Landing ; to Middleton by 12 m next' Saturday, 110 miles; and back by Fairfield instead of Swan Quarter, between 2 p m Saturday and 8 p m next Monday, with an ; additional weekly trip ; from Washington every j Saturday at 1 pm; to Bath, by 6 p m; and back between 7 a m and 12 m. and 12 m. I'roposals tor J semi-weekly service on the whole route will be j considered; also, proposals to embrace North Creek. See 2851. 2853 From Washington at 1 p m once a week, Thursday ; to Ocracoke by 9 a m next Sat urday ; and thence to Portsmouth by 12 m, 85 miles ; and back between 8 a m Monday and 12 m next Wednesday. L 2854 From Plvmouth at 2 a m three times a week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday ; to Washington by 1 1 a m ; thence, By Swift Creek Bridge; to Newbern by 10 p m, 70 miles; and back to Washington, Monday, Wednesday, and A Friday, between 3am and 1 2 m, and to Ply mouth by 9 p m. Proposals to embrace Gard ner's Bridge and Williamston are invited. 2855 From Plymouth at 7 am once a week, Thursday ; by Skinnersville and ScuppeY nong; toCQlumbiaC.H. by 4 p m, 36 miles; and back between 8 a am 6pm next day. 285"6 From Windsor at 4 a in twice a week, Tuesday and Saturday ; by Merry Hill, Ash land, Colerain, Harrelsville, and l'itcli Landing; to Murfreesboro' by 11 p m, 61 miles ; and back between 4 a m and 11pm Monday and Fri day. 2857 From Edenton at 2am three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ; by Hert ford, Woodville, ElizabethCity, New Lebanon, South Mills, Lake Drummond, and Deep Creek ; to Norfolk, Va., by 4 p m, 77 miles; and back between 8am and 10 pm next days. Propo sals for three additional weekly trips will be con sidered. 2858 From Edenton at 4- a m once a week, Thursday ; by Ballard's Bridge, Mintons- ville, Sunbury, Gatesville, and Somerton ; to Suf folk, Va., by 4 p m next day, 71 miles; and back after arrival of Petersburg mail, say between lpm Tuesday and 8pm next day. Propo sals to end at South Quay, Va., and supply Holy Neck, Va., and Factory Hill, N. O, are invited; also, proposals for a second weekly trip between Gatesville, N.C., and South Quay, Va. 2859 From Woodville at 12 m once k week Sat urday ; to Durant's Neck by 3 p m, 1 2 miles; , and back between 8 a m & 1 1 am Saturday. 2860 From Elizabeth City at 5 am once a week, Wednesday; by Camden, Shiloh, Indian town, Corner Gum, Currituck C. H.,jNorthwest River Bridge, Va., Hickory Ground, and Great Bridge ; to Norfolk;-Va; by &nx next da-, 63 miles ; arid back between l(p jm Thursday and 8 . . pm next day. Ki ; j. r 2801 v From Elizabeth City at 8 a ni once a week, ; . Thursday ; byNewbigOn Creek and Nixon ton ; back to Elizabeth City liy'3 p m, equal to "1 11 miles, arid backv"; f 2862 From Powell's .Ppint'tjl am once a week; ; 'Monday ; by "Roanoke. Bland; to Nagp Head by 4 p m, 20 miles and ' back between 8 a m and '4 p m next day " Proposals for car rying above mail three time$ a Week from the 1st of July to 1st October in each iy ear will be con- i sidered. ' I I 2863 From Powell's Point it 8 a m once a week, ! r j Monday ; to Koanoke Inland by 6 p m, 30 ,! miles ; and back between 8am and 6 p m next day. ' 2864 From Creed's Bridge, Ya at 7 a m once a week Monday ; to Knott's Island, N C, by 12 m; and back between 2pm and 7 p ni. 28G5 From Washington at 8 a m once a week, Tuesday ; by Blount's Qreek ; to Durham's Creek by 5 p m, 25 miiles ; and back be tween 8 a m and 5pm next day. 2866 From Durham's Creek at 6am once a week, Wednesday ; by South Creek ; to Bay River, Craven county, by 12 m next day ; j and back between 12 m Monday and 8 pmnJxt dav 2867 From Currituck C. II. at 12 m once a week, Friday; by Coirijock and Poplar Branch; to Powell's Point by 6 p m, 25 miles ; and back between 8 a in and 2pm next day. 2868 From South Quay, Va., lj p m, three times a week, Monday; Wednesday, and Friday ; by Winton, (N. C.) and Edenton ; to Plymouth by 11 p m, 102 miles; and back be tween 11$ p m and 10 am next days. I'ropo- j sals to commence at Franklin Depot, Va., are in vited. Bidders to specify the hours of departure and arrival at Plymouth. 2869 From Murfreesboro' at 6 am once a week, Saturday; by Potecasi, St. John, and Koxa- ble, (Britton's Cross Koads ;) to Scotland Neck, by .8 p m, miles; and back between 6am and 8 pm, Friday. 2870 From Murfreesboro' at 7 a in three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ; to Winton by 10 a m, 12 miles ; aud back be tween the arrival of mail from Portsmouth, say at 3 p m and 7 p m. I'roposals to end at Franklin Depot, Va., are invited. 2871 From Kidgeway at 7 a rii twice a week, Wednesday and Saturday J by Nut Bush, Palmer's Spring, St. Tainnjany, aud Merry Mount ; to Kidgeway by 7 p m, equal to 17 miles and back. 2872 From Kidgeway, after arrival of cars from Gaston, say at 10 a m three times a week, tuesday, thursday, and saturdaj-; by Exchange, Lynesville, Clarksville, Va., White House, and Hyco Falls; to Halifax C. II. Va. by 11 p m, 56 miles ; and back between a m and 3 p m, monday, Wednesday, and friday, with a tri-week-ly branch ; from Lynesville, N. C. ; by Wood worth's to Boydtown, Va. by 6 p m, tuesday, thursday, and Saturday ; and back to Lynesville by 12 in, monday, Wednesday, and friday. 2873 From Henderson at 1 p m three times a week, tuesday, thursday, and Saturday ; to Williarasborough by 3 p m, 9 miles ; and back between 9 am 11am. 2874. From Henderson 'after arrival of Northern mail, say at 10 a m, thrpe times a -.week, monday, Wednesday, nd friday ; by Oxford, Be rea, Koxborough, LeJisburg, Moore's Store, Mil ton, and Kinggold, Va. ; to Danville, Va., by 7 a m next days, 77 miles ; and back between 10 a m, tuesdays, thursday, and Saturday, and 10a m next days, with three additional weekly trips? from Henderson to Oxford and back, between ar rival of northern mail, say 10 am and 4 p m, tuesday, thursday, and Saturday. I'roposals to change the schedule so as to connect at Danville, with route No. 2894, as proposed to connect at Greensl)orough or Salem, with No. 2895, will be considered. 2875 From Fraklinton at 4pm once a week, Wednesday , by VViltoii, Tallyho, Buffalo ' Hill, Red Mountain, and Caldwell ; to Hillsbo rough by 7 p m next day, 49 miles ; and back between 6 a m tuesday, and 10 a m next day. 2876 From Franklinton at 1 p m once a week, Wednesday ; by Harris Cross Koads ; to Hall's Cross Roads by 7 p m, 18 miles; and back between 6am and 12 ni. 2877 From Forest ville at 5am once a week, Wednesday ; by New Light, Wilton, Brook ville, and Tab's Creek ; to Oxford by 7 p m, 42 miles ; and back between 5 a m tuesday, and 7 p m. 2878 From Forestville at 11 a m twice a week, monday and tuesday, to Kolles ville by 1 p m, 5 miles, and back between 8 a in and 10 am. 2879 From Warrenton at 10 am once a week, Saturday, to Shocco Spring by 1 p m, 1 1 miles, and back between 7am and 10 am, with two additional weekly trips at the same hours, tuesday and thursday, from 1st July to 1st Oc tober, each year. 2880 From Littleton at 6 a m once a week, Sat urday, by Grove Hill and Areola, to Ram son's Bridge by 12 m, 21 miles, and back between lpm and 7 p tn. 2881 From Oxford at 5 a m pnee a week, thurs day, by Waterloo, Gregory's Mill, Abra ham's Plains, Brownsville, and Young's Cross Roads, to Clarksville, Va. by 8 p m, 42 miles, and back between 5 a m and; p m, next day, with an additional weekly trip between Clarks ville and Brownsville. 2982 From Oxford at 5 a m once a week, Sat urday, by Tallyho, Dutchville, Knapp of Reeds, Stagville, South Lowell Mills, and Enoe Mills, to Hillsborough by 7 p m, 48 miles, and back between 5am and 7 pm, friday. 2383 From Wilton at 6 a m once a week, tn dar, by Tranquility, Fish Dam, West Point, Prattsbur-T-h. and Trice's; Store, to Chapel Hill by 7 p m, 38 miles,! and back between 6am and 7 pm, next day. 2884 From Hillsborough at 6 a m once a week, thursday, by Cedar Groye, Walnut Grove. Prospect Hill, and Gordonton, to Leasburg by 12 m next day, 35 miles, and back between 1 p m friday, and 9am next day. 2885 From Hillsborough at 6 a rn once a week, tuesday, by Walnut Grove and Van Hook's Store, "to Roxborough by 4 p ra, 24 miles, and back between 6am Wednesday, and 4 p m. I 2336 From nillsboro'at 10 i a m once a week, tbnrsdav: by HawneltL Mount Willing Meadow Creek, and McDanieU, to Rock Creek by 6 p m, 29 miles, and bacls between 10 a m Wednesday, and 9 a m rmt day. H2887 From Ashborouirh at 6 a m once a week, Wednesday, by Gray's Cross Road, Salm Clinrch, Allen Skie"ns, Lasiter's Mills, Dix Mills, Rnmor's Mill, tr. Tmv bv 7 t m. and back bv Motamoros and Cox's Milk between 6 a m oLl 7 n m tnpeov pnnal to 38 miles and cau y i.w-j , back. 2838 From Asbborough at 6 a m, once a week, friday, by Moffitt's Mill4,: Waddell's Ferry, and BrowerY Mills, to prosperity by 5 p m 4s 30 lmLv, and back between 6 k m and 5 p ' . k 'm, thursday; -"- v - , . " 233a From Mason Hall at 6 a m once a week, Uiurslayf by JMeasant Grove, Rig Falls Fawcett's Store, Mooresrille, Stony Creek, An derson's Store, and High Towers, toLeasburgby i2 m next days, 52 mil(, and back between 1 p m fridayrand 7 p m next day. Proposals io commence at 13urnt Shop are invited. 2890 From Greensborough at 2 am three times a week, monday Wednesday, and fridav, by M"onticelloTTTiomronviHe, Lenox Castle, Blade's, Locust Hill, and Yancey ville, to Milton by 2 a m next days, 55 miles, and back between arrival from Farmville, say at 2pm monday, Wednes day, and friday and 2 p m next days. Propo sals to run in connection with the Henderson and Danville route at Milton will be considered. 2891 From Greensbordugh at 4$ p m twice a week, monday and thursday, bv Jamestown, Pennrield, Brummell's and Rich Fork, to Lex- mgton by 12 m next days, 35 miles, and back oetween 5am monday and thursday; and 3 p ra. 2892 From Greensborough at 6 a m once a week, fridav, bv Gilmer': Store. Shaw's Mills, Clann's, Holt's Store. Hartsh nm. Rock Creek, Snow Camp, Sandv Grove, Mudlick, Cane Creek, Hadlev's Mills, and Rock. Rest, to Pitts- borough by 5pm next day, 65 miles, and back between (I a m sunday, and 5 p m next day. 2893 From Greensborough at 9 ra once a week, tuesday, by Fentriss Centre, and New "Sa lem, to Ashborough by 6 p m, 3 1 miles, and back between 0 a m and 3 p m, Wednesday. ! From Greensborough at 5 am throp rimiU i 2894 a week, monday, Wednesday, and fridav. by Hillsdale, Monroeton, Troublesome, Rcidsville, Itawlinfrsbun?. and Graves, to D.-mvillo tv a r. m, 51 miles, and back between 2am and 1 p m next days. Proposals to expedite and change Salisbury route will be considered, in view of! nt-viuic l(J vunui'ci at orensooro wnn llie changing the schedule on the Henderson route ; also roposals to commence at Salem and run direct by Kernersville, Stimmertield, ttc con necting at Salem with the Salisbury routeboth ways. Proposals to embrace Wentworth instead of Monroeton and Troublesome, are invited. 2395 From Grecnslxrough after arrival of sta;e from Raleigh, say at 4 p m three times" a week, monday, thursday, and Saturday, by New Gard en, Friendship, Kernersville, Limestone Well, Salem, Midway, Martin, and Lexington, to Salisbury by 9 a m next days, 65 . miles, and ' back between i a m Monday, Thursday, and Sat urday, and 12 p m. I'roposals to commence at Salem are invited, in view of extending 2804. Proposals to extend over 2923 and also to go via Jamestown will be considered. 2396 From Reidville at 6am twice a week, Wednesday and Saturday, by Wentworth k Ragle Falls, to'Leak'sville by' 12 m, 13 miles, and back between I p m and 7 p m. Proposals to commence at Wentworth are invited. 2397 From Reidsville at 6 am once a week, tuesday, by Lawsonville and Blackwell's, to Yanceyville by 1 p m, 24 miles, and back be tween 2-p m and 9 p m. 2893 From Hillsdale at 7 a in once a week, tues day, by SuinmerhVld, Oak Ridge, and Be- lew's Creek, to Kernersville by 12 m, 22 miles, and back between 1 p m and 6 p in. 2899 From Wentworth, after arrival of mail from Reidsville, say 8 J a m once a week, Wednesday, by Pleasahtville, Madison, Ayresville, Crooked Creek, Colesville, Francisco, and Bi- Creek, to Mount Airy by 2 p m next day, 69 ! miles, and back between 3 p m thursdav and 8 i p m next day. With an additional weekly trip j from Wentworth after arrival of mail from Reid- ! ville, say 8 A a m, Saturday, by Pl. asantville, to ' Madison by 1 p m, 17 miles, and back between ' lpm anl 5 p m. J 2900 From Salem at 6 a m once a week, mon-' day, by Walkerstown, White Koad, Plakelv ' M"adison, (irogansville, Ibrse Pasture, Va., apll 1 Traylorsville, To Martinsville, Va., by 6 p m next I day, 63 miles, and back between 5 a m Wed nesday, and 8 p m next day. 2901 From Salem at 2 j m once a Week, Satur day, by Rough and Readv, to Gerniantown by 6 p m, and thence by lied Shoals, Martin's Lime Kilns, Colesville and Avo, to Patrick C. II. ! Va., by 8 p ni next day, 50 miles, and back b - ' tween 6am monday, and 0 p in to Gerniantown ' and to Salem by 12 m nexl day, with an addi- 1 tional weekly trip from Salem at 2 p m tuesday, to Germantown by 6 pm, and back between 8 a m and 12 m. 2902 From Salem at 4 a m three times a week tuesd,v, friday and Saturday, by O'dtown, ! Bethania, Little Yadkin, Tom's Creek. Mount j Airy, Good Spur, Va., Ilillsville, Cranberry ! Plains and Jackson' Ferry, to Wyiheville, Va., ! by 11 p tn next days, 93 miles, and back be- j tween 4am tuesday, t hurt-day, and Saturday, 1 and 11 p m next days. Proposals for semi- j weekly service are invited. 2903 From Salem at 5 a rn Sunday, tuesdav. ( and friday, by Muddy Creek, Pan- j ther Creek, Huntsville, H amptnn vjlie. New Castle, and Hriar Creek, Wilkesboro', Church's i O. J .1 1' . l r i ... omre, ana ooum runt, io jenerson ny ju p m next days, 91 miles, and back between 5 a m tuesday, thursday aud Saturday, and 10 p m next days. Proposals for semtweekly service are invited, also proposals to supply Clemmons. ville, instead of Muddy Creek, and likewise proposals to supply Doweilown by this route. 2904 From Salem at 7 a m twice a week, tues day and friday, to Clemmonsviile by 10 a m 11 miles, and back between lpm and 4 p in. Proposals to extend by Smith's Grove lo Mocks ville will be considered. 2905 From Lexington at 7 a m once a week tueday, by Walser's Mill. Fulton, to Mocksville by lpm, thence by County Line and Oik Forest, to Stalesville by 12 m-nxt j day, 48 miles, and back between 1 p rn wednes- dV a n-J b pm next day, with an additional weekly trip from Lexington to Mocksville and back between 5am and 6 p m every fridav 2906 From Lexington at 7 a m once a week. Wednesday, by Fair Grove, La Grange, Eden, Hoover's Hill, and Sawyerstille, io Ash boro' by -7 p m, 41 miles, and back between 7 a m ard 7pm next day. 2907 From Huntsville at 6 a m once a week sat- urdav ; bv Red Plain,, Rt Bend, Forbuh, 'tv..;.,!, -.t u vt . vxtA Republic, Doweltown, and Mt. Nebo ; to Rockford by 7 p m 35 miles : and back between 6 a ra and '. 1 p m nxt day. j 2908 From Rockford at 8 a mnce a week, turs- dav : by Walnut Lane and JonsviHe ; to ; i lnar Lreek by 0 p in, 2 miles; and back between 8 a m and 6 p m Monday. t ! 2909 From Rockford at 6 a m once a wk,un- day, by Si loam, Stony Itile and Little ; i adkin : to Germanton by 4 p m, J'J miles j and back between 6 a m and 4 p m Saturday. '2910 From Hamptonville at 7 a m once a week. tuesday ; by Zion, New Hope, Mt. I'izgah, and Liberty 1L11, to Statesville by , j' 114 and back by Liberty Hill, Snow Creek, Post Oak, Wil liamsburg, and Eagle Mills, between 7am and p m next day equal to 34 miles and back. 2911 From Uamptonvilfc at 7 a m once a week, Monday ; bv JLorclacc ; to Wilkearrobr - "p m730 miles; and back between 7 a m and 7 jmnext dayl ' - ' J 2912 Prom Briar Creek at 8 a m every otherTbuw day;by Hay Meadow-and Mulberry; to Laurel Springs by 6 p m, 23 miles-'and back between 8 a nrand 6 p in every other fridav. 2913 From Wilkesborough at 5 a m once a week, tuesday ; by Lewisfork, Stony Pork, nd Brushy Flat" to Boone by 7 p in, 36 miles ; and back between 5am and 7pm next da)v 2914 From Wilkesborough at 8 a rn once 'a week, iuisdy ; by Eikrille, Fori Defiance, Lenoir C. H., and Copenhagen; to Murganlori by 12 m nexl day, 49 mile;and hack between 2 p in wedneday, and 7 p m next day ;wiih ill aditional trip from Wilketorough at 8am erJ ery frflay by Eikville and Fori Drfiance ; io L?noir by 7 p m, 33 miles ; and back by Kiiiff Creek and Warrior Creek, between 8 a in add 7pm next day. a , 2915 From Morgauton at 5 a m twice a week Wednesday and Saturday ; by Brindletown Mountain Home, Minertrille. and Cuba; lo Ruiherfordton by 8 pm, 39 miles ; and hack between 5am and 7 pm, tuesday and friday. Proposal for tri weekly semcrare inrited. 2916 From Morganion at 5 a m twice a week, thursday and sundny; by Marion, Old Fort, and Swanano ; to Aheville by lip mt 59 miles ; and back between 5 a in and 11 p m,' monday and thurtday. 1 Proposals for tri-week. : ly service are invited, in tiew of similar ser. vice ai d an expediied sckedule on the Salisbu. m,ry ro,,te 1So' 2926, to connect with the tireenville, TV., route at""Aheville. -Time through from Salisbury to Atherille not to ex. ced 42 hours. Returning in same time and! connecting at Salisbury with No. 2395. 2917 Fmm Morgantown at G a m once a Week monday; by Linville River, North Cove. Grassy Creek, and Hakersvillr ; to HurniTillo 6 P m ne' da). thence at 4 a ra thursday by IJald Cieek. Ivy. Democrat. Stockpile, and Reem's Creek ; to Asheville by 4 p m 90 miles; and back via Young's instead of Dakerstillo between 6am friday. and 4pm next gunday. Proposals to supply Young's and Bakersville both tray are invited. 2918 From Morganton at 5 a m once a week Saturday ; by Peikinsville, Colletiville,1 Globe, Valle Crucis, Sugar Grove, Boone, and Moreiz Mill ; to JetTerson by 6pm next day, 79 miles : and back between 5am thurtdaj and 6pm next day. 2919 From Lenoir C. IL at 7 a m once & week, thursday ; by Lovelady, Catawba View and Witt en burg ; to Tajlorsville by 7 p m, and back by Liitle River, and DeaPa Mills, to Lenoir between 8 a m and 4 pm, next day, equal to 31 miles and back. 2920 From Jefferson at 5am three limeg a week, sunday, tuesday, thursday; by North Fork. Taylorsville TV., Pandora, Dugger'a Fer ry, Dividing Ridge, Elizabethtown, Happy VaU ley, Blue Plum, and Green Meadow ; to Jonei. boro' Tenn., by 10 pm next daya," 78" mile t;' and back between'5 a m t'.iesday, thursday and Saturday, and 10 p m next days. Proposals for eemi-weekly service are invited. 2921 -From Jefferson at 8 a m once a Week, tuesday, by Hilton and Manly ; to Shad. rack Greer's, by 5 pm, 26 miles ; and back between 8am and 5pm next day. 2922 From Month of Wilson, Va. at 8 a m once a week, Wednesday ; by Gap Civil N. C. Trap Hill, N. C, by 7 p m 30 miles ; and back between 8 a m and 7pm next day. 2923 From Statesville at 6 a nv once a week, Saturday ; by Fancy Hill, Stony Point, and Taylorsville ; to Wilkesborough, by 6 p m 37 miles ; and back between 6am aud 6 pm, Fri. day. 2924 From StatesvilJe at 6am once a week, Wednesday ; by Bethany Church, Maple Bottom, Houston ville, Hamptonville, Dowelton, Mount Nebo, to ockford. by 6 p m. thence at 6 a in friday by Soul! ramp and HaytMack ; io Mt. Airy by 8 p m 83 miles ; and back to Rock, ford between 6am and 8pm satnrday, and to Statesville (from Rockford) between 6am and 6 p rn tuesday. 2925 From Salisbury at 6 am once a week, Saturday ; by Mt. Vernon. Mocksville, Smith's Grove, aud Farmington ; to Huntsrille by 7 p rn 41 miles; and back between 6 a mcc 7pm friday ; with an additional weekly trip from Huntsville to MocksviUe and back between 8am and 8pm tuesday. Proposals to omit Smith's Grove, will be considered; also tor weekly service only on the whole route. 2920 From Salisbury at 10 a ra twice a week tuesday and friday ; by Cowansrill Statesville, Iplar Grore, Bunker Hill, New ton C. IL, and Drowning Creek ; to Mdr ganton by 11pm next days, 84 miles; and back between 5 a m tuesday and friday and 8 p in next days. Proposals for Iri-weekly ser vice and an expedited schedule are invited, say to run through each way in 24 hours, in close connexion wiih Nv). 2963. so as to go -through from Salisbury to Abbeville in not exceeding 42 hours. Returning in same time and connect ing at Salisbury with No. 2895. 2927 From Salisbury at 10 a m, three time a week, Sunday, tueday and friday ; by Mi. randa. Spring Grove, Dep Well. Mt. Motirne, Beanie's Ford, Catawba Springs, Vesuvius Furnace, Linculnton. Shelby C. H. Fillmore, Mooresborough, Wbb's Ford, Rutherfordton, Chimney Rick.:aud Fairview ; to AfrbevilU by 4 a rn tuesday. rhurday and Sunday, 145 mile, and back betw eeu 8am Saturday, tuesday and thursday, and 6 a rn monday, i hursday and Sat urday. -I'roposals for semi-weekly service are invited. 2928 From Salisbury at 10 a m three timet a week, sunday, lue&day, and friday. by Chi. na Grove, Coleman. Concord, Harrisburg, Charlotte. While Hall, Rose Hill, and Ranale. bury, to York ville S. C. by 12 m next days, 72 miles, aud back to Charlotte between 1$ p m and 11 pm. tuesday, thursday. and Saturday, and thence to Salisbury between 6am and 8 f rn nexl dys. Proposals to run from Char lotte by the most direct route to Chester C. H., JS. C. are invited. Schedule lo be specified, connecting with railroad at Chester C. H. lioute to be curtailed as railroad is extended. 2929 From Salihuary at 10 a m three limes ! n ,a V' Z o l,,C??V Kockville. Gold' Hill, Kendalls Store, Albe- t j a a marie, Norwood, Cedar Hill. Carolina Female College. Beverly, Wadesboro', and Morten, to Cheraw, S. C by 5pm next day. 90 miles, and back via Chesterfield C. IL, S. C. instead of Morven N. C, between 4pm (or arrival ol mail fmm Fayetteville) sunday, tuesday, acd friday, a 12 p m next days. 2930 From Salisbury at 12 rn once a week, friday, by Organ Church, to Mount Pleas ant by 6 p rn. 19 miles, and back between 5 & m and Ham. ,. -t. 2931 From Jamestown at G a m nncp a week, Wednesday by Huot'e Store, Institute, Fair Grove, La Granse, New Market. New Salem, Sandy Creek, Troy Store, Long's Mills, Pat terson's Store, Snow Camp, Clover Orchard, (See fourth f age.) j- 1 .IL