'nff'TiK! liAIlOtlVI WATfIlMA. i " ! . ' - Atw ' I ' Tr. .wtm -Inn V n in (JvanceJ (Cut if not paid in advance ,,T Dollars j! m J fty ft"19 charged. C WiiTisralEsrs inserted at 1 for the first and 25 eta. for each suWqient insertion Court orders charged 25 per cea. higher tliaa these rate. A liberal de duction, td those who advertise by the year. 'jXttut tq He Editor must be post paid. 1 SPEECH OF ! MR.' jlAYNER, OF HERTFORD, On the proposition to change the ponsiitu ': tion by legislative enactment pi as to ex- tend to voters for members of t ie House of Commons the right to vote for jnem- lert vf the Senate, In the . louse of r . L n- mil. i onA iqra uommpns, ucc. ivui tinu ut . Tho rhnjority of the Committee to thorn 'Ihtuhject had been re fe red. ha v jng reporteij a bill to chajfige the constitu tion legislative enactment, so as to ex jrnd to atlVoter for members of the ilbuse o( Commons, the right to vote for rnrmbers ..ofjjthe Senate, and Mr. Ilayner iavingiofiVrpd a subsfitute, a bi I to pro vide (or taking thejsense of the ieople of the State, on' i he proposed chanjjeof the constitutio'h and for calling a convention limited to that one object and tc no other, in c;ise a majority of the people of -the $t;tfe .should jVotc in favor of it --the ques tion coming Up on substituting Mr. Kay pryg bill for the bill of the committee, Mr. Mr. Uayner said he heartily joncured with what bad been declared by other gentlrnifn who had addressed tlie House, in regard to the solemnity and importance of the work on Which the House was en gaged. We Kre (said Mr. Un employed n no ordinary work of legislatjion. The tsusl work of legislative duty here can be Aseisily 'undone, a done. The people )nve but tof pass on our acts, and if they ionot approv'e.our successors can at the end of two short years; reverse our actio. i. Jjut in the serious business ofJ'changing one of the provisions of our fundamental law under whfch our fathers liv(;d, and un der which wejhave lived so securely and trmilv. the O.akp. is pntirlv A'tifpront pur present action is intended jfor a long jdistant futureit is to affecti the very frarhe work of our social organization it is to opertte fop good or for eviil, upon our nosteritV-after we'shall all havle left this busy theatre and our very names be for gotten. Serious and imposing! then, and fraught w ith the most momentous conse quences, is th&iwork in which ware now engaged ; andibeavy indeed is the respon sibility which rests upon us al . r , am decidedly opposed to amending the constitution by 1 legislative enactment. I i admit the amended constitution of 1835 providesTor further amendments by the ' Legislature, but I think thai aj proper in erpretation of (hat provision and one most in accordancelwiih the theory of our in siitutionsshould confine such amendments to the exceptioris just ajludedjlo. Those exceptions aro suclas involve mere con venience of opinion in regard to the ne cessity of some slight change, in the mere machinery of ihe government-U-and when there is no crent vital princip e of the or-anic-law involved. For in; tarjee, if it should be fouiid by rxperienc, that in or. der to avoid the inconvenience of a tie in the Senate, and for the promr t organiza tion o( that body, the office of Liejutenant Governor should be cstablis jrd in this State, thenJt would not only t e more con venirnt, but eminently proper that the j change should' be effected by legislative j enactment. So, in regard to allowing any recorded in tho Journal if tins Should be i found to work an inconvenien je and a use less waste 'df time, and it should by some- 5 ihing like a general concurrebcc be con- sidenul best to limit this to the call of one fifth a? in most other legislative bodies, the change could and ought to be made by legislative provision.; In: hotl of the hcascs put. no great principle of popular njnts or ol tree government would be in vadedtherc vvouhd be nothing involved" in the change conflicting with the settled habjfs of the Deonle. nothing violative of vlhe great ririncinlcs which donstitute the ; basjs of the political fabric. Not so, how- tver, in regard to those cardinal elements of our ci vil polity, which never have been ; a part and. jiarcel of our social system j not so. in regard to questians which at f iect the rights pf the citizen;!, which strike t the source and fountain of power. This view of the subject seems to be in ac cordance with the history of the conven- nun oi inns. An examinatjion oune ae tes of that body will show that the dis tinguished men who composed it . looked ,pon the compromises therein agreed up cKhs a final settlement of he, distracting estions and sectional jealousies which tad for years disturbed the councils Of the State, i All the pritevances then ; complained of; Were considered to have been settled. iN" new element of disqui et, either of seqtional interest or of popu lar privilegeysejemed to be contemplated or the next half century. Head the de I Mesof the cotivention, and you will see that it was w ith these cheering hopes that kjhc! members of that body terminated their j i kbors. How then are we to understand : that provision of the constitution providing amendments by the Legislature? Hy.that it wis intended to provide for 'cose immatcnal changes of the mere ma finery of the igovernmenti, without inter fering with any great principle on which ' 11 .was based. v 1 1 was aller this provision d been, agreed on (in committee of the . u'Me,if I recif)Hectiright) that the able ' ajd lamented Meares moved the addition ; provision which was aljso adopted, pro ;! 'ngthat no convention should be called, !retcept by a vote of two thirds of all the ' mhers of both llouses. What are we l9 understand by this bjit that he who 1 J0vr(J t, and the convention that adopted foresaw thai it some ft ture lime an at- mig made, nod merely to im J. J. BRUNER, Editor 4 Proprietor. prove the machinery of The government, I . . . y i 1 uui to cnange us organic pnncipieswnicn could only be done properly by the people in contentionthrough a vote of a bare majority of the two Houses? Little" did that convention suppose that in fifteen years their foresight and wisdom would be brought to the test of trial. Am I not therefore warranted in saying that this attempt to change one ofi the great fundamental principles of the con stitution by legislative action, is not only ibntrary to the spirit and purpose of the provision of the convention of '35, in re gard to amending the constitution-ibut that it is also repugnant to the very theo ry of the government itself? The very first great cardinal maxim of free and re presentative government laid down in the "declaration of rights," which is declared to be a part of the constitution, is this, that all political power is vested in and derived from the people only." Here is a great question of political power affecting for all time those from whom we derive our brief tenure of authority, with which we cannot rightfully interfere, except by making provision to consult those whose servants we are, with which we were not sent here to interfere, and with which we dare not interfere, unless we assume to ourselves a prerogative which the people have reserved to themselves. This assu ming to know what are the people's rights better than they do themselves, although resting on the affectation of great love for the people, is anti-republican and contra ry to the doctrine of constitutional free dom. This doling out favors to the peo ple by piece-meal, is constituting ourselves their masters instead of ther servants. The gentleman from Burke, (Mr. Avery.) said that it was evident, the convention of '35 intended that all specific amendments not involving an entire overthrow of the organic law, should be by legislative en actment. .The proposed change does in volve a radical alteration of the organic law in one particular. What is more im portant, what more safely "guarded, what more intimately interwoven with the frame-workof civil liberty than the ques tion of suffrage ? -And the change con templated proposes an entire abandon ment of a system that has been commen surate with our history as a people, under which the glorious deeds of our revolu tionary history were achieved, under which the people have lived contented and happy, which was never heard of in the catalogue of complaints to redress which the convention of 35 was called. Ordid the gentleman from Burke mean that the provision in the constitution for calling a convention wasnot designed for an amend ment of the constitution, but for the fram ing of an entire new one to suit a new system of government upon an entire over throw of the present republican form ? If so. a moment's reflection will teach the gentlejnan the absurdity of his position. Such an overthrow aS he speaks of could be nothing but revolutionary, which dis regards constitutions as well as ordinary laws. An amendment of a constitution pre-supposes that the great principles which constitute its organic existence are ; to remain unchanged. " An entire over throw of the organic law," for which the gentleman from Burke thinks the provi sion for calling a convention was design ed, would involve an overthrow of that very provision as well as all others, and would throw us back upon the original elements of social organization; and be ing revolutionary in its nature would not be likely to regard the barriers against the popular will, by requiring a vote of two thirds. . ' ' i Another objection to changing the con-! stilution by legislative enactment, is its great convenience, which will render it habitual and thus destroy-the confidence of the people in the stability of their in stitutions. This is the trying ordeal through which the people of the several States of this Union are now passing and from destructive evils of which nothing but the conservative, cohesive character of Anglo Saxon institutions can preserve them. Constitutions or rather the ele-; mentary principles of constitutions, should Lbe permanent. I am one of those who have na faith in the, adaptability of cer tain defined fundamental principles of what is commonly termed liberty to the wants and conditions of any and every) peoplei France for the last sixty years! has given us the best practical illustra-j tion ofthe utopianism of constitutional tinkers. The besr constitution for any people is that which secures most happH ness to the citizen consistently with thej power of the government to make itself respected and to preserve its stability. When the great Athenian law-giver was asked if he bad given his countrymen the best possible system of Jaws he answer ed that they were the test Athenian people were then capable of enjoying the bless ings of. Solon showed his wisdom as much, by adapting his Jaw& to the pecu liar wants and conditions of his country men, as in the intrinsic excellence of the laws themselves. Where any people are sufficiently enlightened, or where its enj joy ment has accustomed them to its bless ings, civil liberty will of course enter more largely into their, happiness than any other element of government,- and when a constitution secures this, the onljf change to which the people should accus tom themselves to look, is & mere adap Keep a chxcktjpoji all your RCLEK-S. Kit- : . XjFCs SALISBURY, N. ijC., THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1851. if- . bbbbbbbbsbbsmsmsibbbbbsb tation of its machinery to the wants and developments of the age. In this lies the strength and powerand harmonious work ing of the English constitution. From 1GSS to the present time, its great cardi nal landmarks and elementary principles have in the main, continued the same. It h as from time to time, beerj merely modi fied to adapt it to the exigencies of the ispirit of the age, and only then jwith the most extreme caution and deliberation. Nothing is better proven by experience than that permanence and stability are necessary in order to secure the I affection .of the people for. the government and to Unsure peace and quiet and contentment fin the community. Industry and enter prise haVe. nostimulus to exertion with out it. All the impulses of a I patriotic iambition, all the high and noble incentives o professional fame, to scientific and lit jerary renown, all social ties of kindred jand home, best flourish androsper under 'the consciousness of stability a tfd firmness ;in the institutions under which we live. Consequently,: the public mind instead of being accustomed to look to constant changes in their fundamental law, asthe panacea for every temporary 111, should rather view with jealousy every attempt to unsettle its long established principles; and if, as in our ease, it be the work of an illustrious ancestry, instead of being derided for its antiquity, h should be ven erated on account of the associations which marked its formation. I fear if we now set the precedent of changing the constitution bv legislative provision, that the character which North Carolina has so long enjoyed for conservatism and sta bility will be gone forever. Fault. find ing is one of the commonest ingredients in man's nature. Every moral, social and political evil will be traced to some de fect in the organic lawr the General As sembly, instead of attending to the duties for which they were chosen, and of striv ing toromote the honor and character of the State, will be session after session, engaged in solving constitutional prob lems, and endeavoring to show how much wiser they are than Were our fathers until that venerated instrument, which has so, long been our boast and pride, will have finally disappeared forever. I suppose I need scarcely insist c-n what will be admitted on all hands, jthat all changes or modifications of the fundamen tal law should be free from; the baneful influences ot party-spirit. In such a work of wisdom as that of making or revising a constitution under which posterity is to live, the minds of those engaged in it should be divested of not only partisan jealousy and bitterness, but ; of all those other distracting and unhappy associa tions which must necessarily attach to those selected for the business of ordinary legislation. The various questions of a local character, the agitating subjects of State policy, the conflicting interests of rival sections, together with all the other exciting elements that enter) into the ordi nary contests of the hustings, are calcu lated to disturb that spirit of harmony and compromise, and to prevent that calm and dispassionate consideration, so absolutely necessary in affixing the land-marks of the constitution. This is a matter better understood by the great body of our peo ple, than some gentlemen jseem to sup pose. Call a convention to revise the Constitution, and Delegates will be selec ted with an especial view;to that object alone. Men will be selected with refer ence to their wisdom, thejr experience, their patriotism. Can this be expected of an ordinary legislature? Agitate any question of constitutional amendment as much as you may, and yet can you ex pect the elections to turn upon it alone? In theseytimes of high party excitement, can you expect a legislature that will readily sacrifice party allegiance to the public good In most of the counties, the election pf members of the General Assembly turns upon party politics in some upon questions of 'State improve ment. Can you expect a legislature thus elected, to reflect the popular voice upon an abstract question of constitutional re form ? This method, then, of amending theconstitution by legislative enactment, is not only anti-republican, inasmuch as it is calculated to prevent, a fair expres sion of the popular will but the very in fluences which usually prevail in the elec tions of members, are calculated to pre vent that calm, unbiassed, and patriotic action, requisite in so important a work. I do not wish to allude to the circumstances, under which this proposed amendment of the constitution, first came lo be agitated, or to the influences which have thus far marked its pro gress lest T might be considered by some as fiolatinc that rule wjiich I have laid down for myelf, not to introduce party t thh discussion. I indulge in no partisan crimination, when I say, that the history cf the agitation of this sub. ject is calculated to alarm etery conservative North Carolinian, more especially, if the pro ject now on foot succeeds. 1 Violent as have hepn our oartv contests heretofore, yet the con- ttitntmn has escaped the contasrion. With one accord we had all agreed tojfeave to popular opinion and tbe developments of time the reg. ulation of tbe organic law.) The provision complained of had existed, wjthout complaint, ever since the first establishment of free go vernment among us.: The people were satis fied with it, no demand for change proceeded from them. But in a heated political canvass, one of our candidates for Governor in this State nominated; by a party convention as the organ Ni , ( Do THIS, AND LlBEKTT IS SArE' - Gen'l Harrison. and exponent of a partizan creed, introduces this new weapon of political iwarfare. The people are told that their revolutionary fathers, in pretending to frame for them a system ol free government, had cheated and deceived them. That jealousy, on account of power, no matter for what good reasons withheld, which is a striking characteristic of man, is appealed to, and the people of ail sections and ail par ties are called on lo rally around "the poor man's friend." And because he who was the hero of ibis movement has, owing to a peculiar train of circumstances, been finally elected, we are now called on in the common parlance of the time, to carry out the popular will. By the way, do not gentlemen of the dominant party here see the absurdity of ibeir position ? In one breath they tell us, tha the gubernatorial election in this State turned upon this question, and say that is a reason why we should make the change. And then again, we have it said, and echoed by the party prtss that the election was the result of a changelin the public mind in regard to party politics and hence they claim it as a party triumph. But it is not on account of the party relations of this question, thati look on it with such misgiving. It is the precedent likely to be set by it. Our constitu tion is to become the mere loot-ball of party. Constitutions are limitations upon those exer cising power. In republican governments, the people put restraints upon themselves. Every one knows how easy a matter it is, by appeal- ing to the weak and the bad passions of man's nature, to make generation dissatisfied with the limitations, a preceding one may have put on their exercise of power. This has been the nusiness of demagogues from the days of the Gracchi to the present time. If we counten ance this attempt to make the constitution ther mere stalking. horse of party, wheieisthe mat ter to end As soon as this question shall have answered its ends, some other Solomon will discover that the people have for 75 years, been sleeping over other grievous wrongs and just as often as the ordinary appliances of party can not avail for success, some other pro vision of the constitution will be held up as the relic of feudal tyranny, or some new amend ment proposed as a cure for all social ills. Carry out this movement by legislative enact ment and a horde of demagogues will overrun the land. Yes, that pestiferous brood whose calling ever is to delude the unwary, for their own selfish ends ever now keep in retirement many of the best and purest patriots in the land. But consummate this measure in the spirit in which it was commenced, and the reign of these harpies will, I fear become interminable. There is a palpable inconsistency in the pur poses professed by those who favor this amend ment of the Constitution by legislative enact- ment, and the means by which they propose to accomplish their purpose. This extension of the right to vote for Senators to all qualified to vote in the Commons is advocated as a great principle of popular liberty. If this really be so if this is a privilege which the people have a right to demand and the witholdmg which is in conflict with republican institutions then of course, the change should be made as speed- ily as the frame-work of our government will possibly admit of. If the Ireemen ol the Slate hive, through either the design or the over sight of those who have heretofore been en trusted with the modeling or remodeling of the organic law, been defrauded of their rights, then, in the name of liberty, in the name ofjus- who originally made- the constitution. My ob tice, repair the wrong at the earliest possible jection to making the change now is, first, be day, yes, at the earliest possible hour. By the cause of the circumstances under which it was method proposed, how long will it be before the people obtain their rights? In the first place the proposition must obtain Ihe votes of three- fifths of the whole number of both Houses at this session. Suppose it to receive this vote now, which is a matter ot very considerable doubt. it must again be submitted to the next Legislature, and must then receive two thirds of the whole number ol the members of both Houses, and must still further be ratified by a magogue in the land, who may hereafter at majority of all these hazards and all this delay tempt to divert the public mind from the party even supposing it pass safely through such a trying ordeal. 1 his great ana precious noon, i rri i f ii which the professed advocates of popular rights affect to have so much at heart, can not, even under the most favorable circumstances, be en- joyed before 1S54 if we are to waiter the slow and tedious process of amending the Con- stitution by legislative enactment. Whereas, by the passage of my bill, the people will be first consulted, and that within a few months, as to whether they desire the change; their delegates will soon assemble, and it will re- quire but three or four days to make the alter- ation ; the matter will be accomplished, and at the very next election for members of the Genera! Assembly in 1852, all persons will alike vote in both Senate and Commons in- stead of having to wait till 1854. Why, sir, if this be a matter of as much importance as some gentlemen pretend, then I say they are trifling with ihe people, mocking and insulting ihem, thus to dally with them, and subject to sacb risk and delay, their rights as freemen. We are told the people will have time to re fleet and pass on this question in the next elec tion for members of the Legislature and the gentleman from Burke (Mr. Avery) asks what is the difference betwixt consulting the people then, and consulting them now for, says he. the people can then elect their Representatives . -.L i i i K n i . Bioura -.n ihia c 1 1 1 1 1 . wiih reiereiiuo iu men .... -. - j . . How can gentlemen use such an argument as iK5 he.i ihev see that vear alter year our elections turn mainly upon party poli- :. n,t nt An m.esiinn, of State do icv. Tkio ;D r mv .rrnnoe&t obiections lo a- mending the Constitution by the Legislature You cannot obtain a reflexion of public opin ion upon the merit of any specific proposition 1 UI9 IS WUW va J because there are so many other more exciting elements that enter into the contest. Parly fpolitics, internal improvements peculiar views in regard to southern rights, and numberless questions of a local nature-4are calculated to oi vert the public mind from one isolated ques. tion. How litlle will the public mind of this Slate be prepared to decide upon a great ques- linn r C inncl ll 111 Inna 1 reform, at lbe polls in loo-i. e snail men j . f o Presidential election : our rr?t-. 7 -l.-ii l tn tho tp ipmpt - - - i . minds thoroughly agitated and inflamed by all NEW series; VOLUME VII NUMBER 48. I the issues involved in such a contest. Is it rea sonable to suppose, under such circumstances that we are likely "to obtain the quiet and re flectire judgment of the public mind on the question of free suffrage ? But pas my bill- and .call upon the people to elect Delegates, to make the proper change in the Constitution, and there will be but one naked question pre sented for consideration, uncumbered and un trammelled by any conflicting issues. The public decision can not be mistakenjor. it will be narrowed down to but one object. And of all questions on which the representatives of any people are called on to pass, that of amend ing their constitution should be in accordance with the unprejudiced judgment ot the popular mind. The gentleman from Burke, (Mr. Avery.) says that those who support my amendment are evidently opposed to free sufl'iage. That the ienlleman merely assumes to be so ; but if it were true, the being reminded of it is no ar- gument against the propriety of my bill. So far as regards the choice betwixt mv bill and the bill bf fore the House, it is not the merits of free suffrage, that is in issue but the question is, snail this Legislature undertake to decide upon what sort of a Constitution the people need, or shall we consult the people as to what sort of a Constitution they desire. The ques tion is, shall the Legislature from time to time dole out privileges to the people, or shall we make the legal provision for tne people lo elect their own delegates to make effective their own will. Suppose it to be trne, as suggested by the gentleman from Burke, that land tose who concur with me, are opposed to tree Suf frage yet how much belter friends to popular freedom do we show ourselves to be, than he and those who act with him ! We are oppos ed to free suffrage (as assumed by the gentle, man,) in principle ; but yet, recognising this as a free government, where the people have a right to alter their institutions if they desire it. we are willing to consult the people, to leave the decision of this matter lo them, and if they decide against us, we are willing lo submit. But the gentleman and those who agree with him are in fivor of free suffrage they desire to see the change made but they not willing to leave it to the people ; being in favor of it and being members of the Legislature, they insist on carrying out their own wishes, with out first asceitaining whether it will be agree able to the people or not. 1 am not in the habit of dealing in professions of great love for the people, and am'now led to make these re- marks in reply to what we have so .often heard here about the people's rights being witheld from them. Now let the gentleman from Burke re. fleet and consider, who is the greatest friend to the peoplehe, who is for carrying out his views, without consulting the people, or I, who am willing to submit the question to the people and to acquiesce, if they decide against me ? As to my own individual opinions, in regard to the merits of Free Suffrage, as an isolated question, I have no hesitation in avowing them, although that has nothing to do with the ques- tion now under consideration. If this were an original question, if we were now engaged in making a new constitution. I should not object to the principle of free suffrage. I do not be lieve that the Senate is any more conservative in its character, by virtue of ihe election of its members by the fiftv acre free holders altho' it was no doubt so designed to be, by tho?e first brought forward. It was introduced as an element of party strife, to prop up a minor- ily party and a weak candidate. And il we yield to the behest of party, that which should have been demanded by public opinion, in or- der to entitle it to respect; we-set a precedent. the evil consequences of which no one can foresee. If Ave yield now to the clamor ol party rage, we are but encouraging every de- issues of ihe day, by presenting himself as the j great cnampion ol me consiuuiionai reform.. r - i if Absta ynncipus, should be our motto. When the progress of mind and the developments of lime, prove some change in the fundamental law to be necessary, and lhat change Js d. manded by a conservative and patriotic public opinion, every friend of republican government should quietly yield, if he cannot conscien- tiously concur. Uut when an effort is made to ! make the organic law the mere plaything ol faction, to identify great questions of constitu-j tional law wiih the discords and tumults of par. I ty strife, every friend of liberty should resist it at the threshold. The evil is not so much I in the change itself, as in the temptations of ; fered for still more violent and radical reforms. ' It is cheapening the constitution to allow it lo.i become an element of party. I object lo ibis change at this time, in lbe second place, be- cause it is entirely delusive in its characier. It affects to bestow equal privileges on all, when in fact it does no Such thing. In what consists the value ol the right ol suttrage 7 It is not the mere privilege of depositing in the ballot-box a strip of paper, with the name of A or B or C on it. '1 hat of itself confers no substantial power and but for the, res ills that are to follow, is a mere idle and unmeaning ceremony. 1 he value ot tbe ngrii ol suttrage 1 UUfS IIOl COII8IM 111 UUII" Mil rk iu wicaac . . triend, or in voting against ii to spue an ene my. i nat wouia ue convening a mgu anu lemn duly into the mere gratification of private leeling. i ne real vaiue ana importance oi ine right of suffrage consists in the extent of tbe power exercised, in selecting those who are to control ihe government and to direct its opera lions. Suffrage, then, to be uniformly' equal. must be so regulated as to give every voter in lbe State an equal power in ihe government of the State, at leabt in its legislative branch. Will free suffrage do this? Certainly not. Suppose you allow every man to vote in the Senate, does that make every man's power equally felt in the Senate ? Certainly not. In the County of Hertford, some GOO men would elect a Senator. If equality of power is what . i tiirir-a rr a r mm ii ai"rw 111 11 1 I ... f : . nnr I I villi ntfsnr: uv d'juiov , vv j j . - - men in Guilford also entitled to elect a bena tor, and in (he latter County it will require 1 some 2500 men to elect a Senator. It is not perfectly apparent then, that all ibis talk about free suffrage is not tp give any man more real power in the Government, than he hat now, but to delude the ignorant with the idea,' that the right of suffrage has answered all its ends, when a slip of paper; has been deposited in the. ballot-box, by which a friend has been grati. fiedjux an euemy punished, orjhe purposes of party been accomplished ? Siri it is an insult lo the understanding of the people, it is a mock ery of their privileges, it is a slur; at free gov. ernment itself, to suppose that the people look upon the right of sutlinge, noias a great privi. lege secured to them by their fathers, by which their influence in the government is feltbut as consisting in the mere -ceremonial of the ballot box and the indulgence of personal feel- ing. My bill is objected to by some because it i proposes to limit the action of the convention, if called, to the sole object of amending the constitution so as to extend to all voters in the Commons the right to vote for. Senators. And we have been told that such a limitation is based on a distrust of the people, who haTe the right to frame their fundamental law just as they desire. This inference is by no meant a legitimate one. I admit the people ol North j Carolina have the right to amend their consti tution as they wish, provided it is left republi. can in its character ; but then, the Legisla- lure, on whom devolves the duty of taking the initiatory steps of providing for the legal and constitutional assemblage of a convention of the people, should follow, rather than attempt j lo lead public opinion on all questions of con stitutional reform. I mean, of course, in ref.- j ereuce to those great cardinal principles of ! popular governrneut-which appertain to the n. ture of free institutions and not to those slight and immaterial chariges, which time and expe. j rience.have proven to be necessary in carry ing on the mere machinery of the government, which as I have already said, it was the de sign of the convention of 1835, to leave to legislative enactments. The limitation con templated by my bill is not imposed on the people by the legislature as contended, for by , some ; my bill simply pioposes to put the ques tion to the people, whether they will themselves call a convention limited to (his one object. If the people call the Convention, they impose the limitation, and not we. But it is asked, why not consult the people, as to whether they de sire a convention without limitation? For the reason that this question of tree suffrage, as it is called, is the only one which has been gen erallygitated, and on which lbe public mind has been generally excited. I presume it will be admitted by all that it is not the part, of wisdom, for the legislature to put itself in ad- vance of popular opinion, on the great question-! ot constitutional reform. It is a very easy matter for agitators and mischief makers to in flame the public mind and to render people dis satisfied with the institutions under which thay live. If the people are wronged, they are apt to find it out soon enough. 1 do not think any one on this floor, can say conscientiously, lhat there is any other great' question of constitu tional amendment, jhat has been sufficiently agitated as to leave it doubtful whether a ma jority ot the peopleof the Slate desire a change. 1 dare say there are many questions on which active politicians might produce discontent and the desireof change ; but sufficient unto the day, is the evil thereof." On other questions the popular mind is now quiet,'and 1 for one am not disposed lo disturb it. On this ques. tion of free suffrage, the public mind has been agitated, it is doubtful on which side the major ily inclines, and I am willing lo leave its deci sion to the tribunal of the ballot-box. I occupy the true republican platform on this question. I shall not attempt to lead public opinion, in re. gard lo altering the constitution ; neither will I attempt to carry out my views, regardless of the ; wisuoi me people ; uui i am willing lo leave j this matter to them, and no matter what may be : my view as an individual, yet I am willing to i " lo me Qec,s,on ' l&e majority ol the l J - f I - m (Concluded next tceek.) MISSOURI vs. THE NASHVILLE COX- YEN TION. I'he substance of certain resolutions recent- j ly passed by the Legislature of Missouri, con- ' demnatorv of the Nashville Convention and its proceedings, was briefly stated in a para graph copied into this paper a day or two ago. Since then we have received a copy of the re solves, as follows : if.vorrrirThat in the opinion of this House the practice of convening such bodies as the )ate Neville. Convention is dangerous in its lendencies, calculated to foster sectional jeal. nuies, and to weaken the bond of the Union, ; 'fhe people of Missouri will co-operate with no ! organized body, be it North or Souih, the ap- parent object of which may be to foment na- ;ijrtllH discord, to alienate one portion of the j Confederacy from another, or to diminish (he veneration of the people lor the union of the States. Resolved. That the House emphatically de. nies the doctrine of secession as maintained, by Southern statesmen, and dissents from the resolution of the Nashville Convention, as en closed to his Excellency the Governor, by the Hon. C. J. McDonald, of Georgia, and the Go vernor is respectlully requested to return the resolutions to Mr. McDonald, with a copy of these resolutions. MR. WHIT'S APPOINTMENTS. WTe have been requested to give tbe follow, lowing as a list of appointments of Philip S. White, Eq., in bis visit to tbe different Divis ions of the Sons of Temperance in this section of the Slate. Mr, White is an able lecturer and is rendering the cause of Temperance effi cient service. j: At Rocky River on ihe 10th of April. At Philadelphia on the 11th ' At Charlotte on the 12ih 44 Al Davidson College on the 14th At Hopewell on the 15th " At Dallas on the 16th " At Lincolnton on the 17th Charlotte Journal, Deep IVocr Mr. A. D. Bacbe, of the ,U. o. toasi survey, says inai uoiusoorougrj, U. S. Navy, During the passage from the Rio i de Janeiro to Cape of Good Hope, made sound ings to the depth of three and a half miles ! and brought up bottom. Tbe sounding apparatus was a 32 pound shot, attached to a line strong enough to bear sixty 'pounds weight. 1