o Sg THE I Ajfrtvellin curnispifadeiit.ol I Fraer Mag. time, writes Irmit JUmcionaii. and thus de- tcrihei lbo( cuuotii by wLich the bog is uifd up: ' I ' I j. . - . ' ' ' ' What crnd.ilea jver.e jn Egypt what , cows If jo 'Denial, or lorkk in llatiund, pigs are reJ uiih thU IriAinif difference -their a- creiiieti of chararlerjatu hut as long a thtiMiortul coil; and lliM i$ abbreviated with owl 'j ceremony' anil from the most worldly motives. ' In uribe pitr it, free is humored: bei rsjuges the sirerjs he reposes in thorough yotirfown; he U eerv r kvheife respected; but let the llhread of bi ekitnt le severed, anoV hade of Mahomet! ' what a chance! ; They think in Cincinnati n i thlrisj but making the most of ..hint. How many 4f Jjisyklnd perish annually to cement the vast prosperity of this city. cai. Dot he I ol I. About liftVb njyears ago, when it . Contained only .one hfi H of its eiisting popula- tionja few bold spebulaiiors , began the trade. Selecting the bains and ibe sides of the anni. trial," I hey made; pickled pvk. of the rest they tooaUmall accounts : toon, however, the idea occurred to one nnWe acute than his fellow. tbittte hPHdi und Hie leM. nay. even me spirt J tnd the vertebrae, might be turned to ac coutii. Trotters and cheeks had iheirpatli. lanii and thesV nants looked iid in the market. !Aiboot ibis time the markets of sauages caWht the inspiration, they found these luxu- liei Saleable ; and so nany pigs were to be ilauiihtered that the butchers were willing to do itjfor nothing, that U to say, for the perqui tile 01 the entrail and otTal alone. I he next step jwas due gniii ' of France. A Frenchman established a brulu manufactory and created a market for Ibe bridle j but. his ingenuity was outdone by one of bis countrymen, who soon afiejrjarriyed. This man was determined, it eeqs, to share lh spoil ; and, thinking noth fnglse lefi collected iie fine hair or wool, Mrasjjed, dried, and curled it, and stuflVd-7 mat tresses with it, but he was mistaken in think ing Nothing else hft.Is.yet little was done with iho lard ; rh y invented machines and quftzed nil out of it ihe refused they threw awaj. Mistaken rnen again ! this -refuse was he fubMtnce of si carina candles, and made a fortune for the discoverer of the secret. Last, ly came one who could press chemistry into the er vice of mammon;- he saw rhe blood ol countless swine flowingfbrongh the gutters of tbecity, it was all that was left of them ; 'but It wenj to his heart In see St thrown away ; he port- derrd long, and collecting the stream into res- rvo rs, made pros iiate bf potass from it by the The pig was usedj up. ten Y h i BLOODY AFFRAY. On Tuesdnv last a company of six sailors belonging to the U. S. steam frigate Sosqu haioa called at the groggery-of John Cooper. Iii Portsmouth (one of their cruizing stations.) and j after imbibing pretty freely led without paying for their licjjonr, and returned to Gosporl, to house of ono Smith, who also keeps a li qu6t shop. Cooper followed immediately after, and! on entering the shop an altercation and a row( eiuoed between him and the sailors, in ibe -course of wlii -h, lie made a pass at one of tbffoi with a diik. but without injury, when one f'th-e sailors prot need a gun, on seeing which Cooper took to hirijheelsi and the sailor fired at Kirn without cflectl' Cooper in his retreat took belter (ua shop by the way, and shortly after .savy the same gang of siailors pass by, in loud conversation, Irom) which he gathered that they Wte on their w;aj to iyf house and intended to kill him if they caught him. y' !rfier ihey had passed on, he porcured three fowling pieces vith he loaded and took home whb him. The iailors had in the mean lime taken possession of his house; but without making any show of violence. Cooper, how. fr, delilerately discharged all three of the gujis at them, niu a they retreated into the yard reloaded and fired jai ilhem again 1 Three - (he sailors, vizi John Walsh. Robert Mc(iee tr)jl Samuel Retid;. wer? mortally wounded, and S&rnuel Shannon severely but not dangerously.' "lbe remaining iwfo also received slight wounds MCee had his elbow shattered to pieces by a tbarge of buck sljot, and his arm was atnptj. ted the same ejening but he is not expected lljrecover. Walsh and Reqjd received wounds io'lhe breast. hjulder sides, lace, dtc, and though still alive there are no hopes of recovery. Cooper was at-rei ted, and after a hearing be. fore Mr. Justice Uaugh, committed to jail lor farther examination yt;erduy afternoon. iVor. qfk JleraJd of 20lh March. The Post Ofuk Coin. We learn frorrv the Philadelphia Ledger that the die for the three cent piece, ordered to be coined by the last -.Jpongre'ss, has bjen finished, and that the coin, jige would be prjoreed?d with at once at the 31int but a defecjt .in the Uw which makes no .provision for proering the silver and copper to ;commenco withJ In coisequence the coin, 'age will be delayed until the proper steps are taken by tbe authorities here to remedy the de. tfciency. The new coin is described as de. eidedly neat and tasty, and will be a convert, lent substitute for coppers. It is one-fourth popper and lhree.fourlbisilverso that the baser metal affects the, color but slightly. In size it js between the gold dollar and ihe five cent jiece( but it is sj much thinner than either that i blind man can easily distinguish them apart l,ly the touch. I be face of the coin has a capi. j lal C, with three innumerals, indicating the jWalue of the coM, embraced wbin it. Around 1,'lh edge are the! thirteen stars A the originaf sh Stales. On the reverse it a afar having in its centre an Amirican shield, and around the ede .! United States of America, 1831." In ihe middle of last January the Schaffler !nee was perfo rmed in Munich. The Scbaf- fler Tanx dance is this : Yin lfc-jretr.lpl7t aj dreadful plague ravaged Munich. All doors and windows were closed fnd men avoiced their neighbors. In tbe midst of this trW and silence, a troop of men, coorn bf trade, (Schaffler, in tbe dialect of Ibis psrt nf Germany,) came in from the coun Irj with much, 'and green branches, and wenl fom. house to house tailing to the neonle lo pen Iheir winflowi 4nd doors. The people, ftt lhj uneipedted iujnmoit, Cami forth, and, at if fo frantic joy, danced through the streets, and ilrangely euoug),tlie ,plauge spell war pi' u .viiiniiruji anvil vi i ma eveni. ID t iSchsHler Tani is performed erery fetentjb year. Ji .Tbe men weaKgay icarUt coata, black velret ; :: 'tmalf elbthesyillow aprons and eaylv orna. i! inented hats : Ihey always dance before the royal palace. Tha bright dresses, music and atUndaoee of tbe harlequins, made a lively tceue. Tbe S chafHer Tanz is generally ibe iomrafnocoten of the carnival. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. The" St. Lawrence (U. S. frigate,) Com- mandey J. R. Sands, arrived offCpwes on tbe 12tb instant, withJbe American contributions to the ureal exhibition id 1851. She has made the passage IromlSew xork in twenty days. ENfJLANDJ The process of seceiving and arranging the articles to be exhibited in the crystal palace is going on very satisfactorily and no doubt is en tertained but that theliuilding'will be opened at tbe proposed time in ihe month of M ay. A JargH body of Hungarians arid roles, re fugees from the late strugglefin Hungary, bad arrived in Liverpool for Ameria,tbut on iheir arrival frornTuikey in Liverpool, tbef were met by a deputation from the London Demo cratic Committee, who have induced them io be at hand in case their aid should be required to assist the Democratic cause in either France or Hungary. f -. A: Th English government jhave, so far, paid or ofjered 3 to every man who will go to A merica. A few, of tbe Hungarians have ac cepted the offert but tbe Poles all refused. The local magistrates and mayor of Liverpool have had several interviews wiljjthe, to pusuade tBern lo migrate. Public meetings have been held to raise subscriptions for them, and it is proposed lo have an amateur performance in the Theatre Royal for their benefit. They are said to be a fine body of men, and the firm, qui et and orderly conduct in Liverpool has, it is also said, shed a lustre Vjpoii their cause, and made an impression in their favor .which will not soon be forgotten, j ' France: WTe have but little news of moment from France, brought by this arrival. , The weekly account of the Bank of France presents the commerce of that republic in the most unfavorable point of view.- 1 he-bullion in the bank almost equals the amount of notes in circulation. I The celebration of the carnival has also ex ere bed a depressing influence upon the com mercial prosperity of the capital. The manu factures and wholesale merchants complain that, with the exception of a few English, there are? noforeigners in the city. Tbejiccounts from the. agricultural districts however, are more favorable ; for it appears that the Urge stocks of wheat, formerly held at Beauce,' are nearjy exhausted, and that the recent large exports to England induced the farmers to look fir higher prices, i Paris, Wednesday. Gen. Exelmans has been raised lo the rank of Marshall France. The President has reviewed several of the re. giment8 leaving Paris, and, has Issued orders that at these reviews no cries whatever shall be tittered. .j . j Aaecrel society at Lile has been discover, ed in the very act of banging art effigy of the President. : ' . j j In the departments, in all the'iowns, theSo cialists have been attempting 16 make some demonstration, but without success. All hopes of a fusion between the two branch es of the Bourbon family is at an end. The ybung'Prince at Claremount has written to that e fleet to the Orleanist committee at Paris. ' AUSTRIA, f. ., Beyond the discussion of the complicated Roman question,' we have; nothing new from Rome. The Austrians ire being advanced Lin unison with the Neapolitans, close upon the frontier of Rome; with the view of keeping in check my revolutionary movement in that quar ter. We have news of various cohpiracious, as proposed or threatened; in Italy, but nothing positive. - We learn that a cabinet council was held upon the 19th, at which it was resolved to is sue a comprehensive memorandum of ihe Ger man question. This document Will, it is said, contain the views of Prussia upon the whole question involved in the revival of the old Ger man confederation during he past year. We learn from official reportsl thai the com merce of the Zoll Verien J has Increased con. siderably. There has been a falling off in the customs receipts of sugarjcofleej and raw ma. terial ; and this is more than compensated for ihe increase of manufactured gobds. HESSE CASSElj. We lake the following terse but graphic de scription ol the slate of affairs in Hesse Cassel. The political conflict seems loi be degenerat ing into a series of vulgiir quarrels helween Prince, officers, ministers,; chambers and sub. ordinales, who abuse each other w ith Provin- cial intensity. The truth of whiich cannot be doubted when we read ihe following : ' Latest proclamation from Baron II ay man to the officers of the Hessian arrny of Cassel." This Hessian, it should be' remembered, is a' re lalion of the Austrian butcher. ( . Gents : I have summoned yon here lo jell you I have been coirunissioned jby His Royal Highness to crush under; foot hat pernicious gang that threatens the welfare pf the Slate. Sirs, The question is, who is to rule this god. abandoned, godless, pernicious gang. " We shall soon decidejihisqijiestion in Cas sel. Sir. in this little State the throne is in danger, and all ihe thrones in Europe look here and upon us upon this little arrhy. I ask not if you will obey. It is for that I have called ypu together. You must obey; for he who obeys not shall have his soldier coal pulled off his hack and have a blouse put on him. It is nothing to you whether the orders given you, irs, are constitutional or not. His Royal Highness has sworn to the cotjsiitution, and I have lull powers from him. I aim the constitu tion for yon, sirs ; I. If any ofj you prefer the smiles of that gang of traitorspo ihe favor of your Prince, whom God has sft up, I will pull his coat off his back and put i blouse on him. Gen's, your servant." ; ; x The State of Baden has also passed a law for the regulation of the press. Its main pro visions nre as follows: Abolition of the cen sorship ; all articles lo be signed by ihe writer; caution money must he deposited by publishers and authors : publishers, printers and distributors- of work are responsible or the contents, and alike liable to arrst and prosecution. The Chambers of Deputies has been burned. Cape, of Good Hope. We learn that the Kaffir war is likely to be more piolonged than was at lirst anticipated. Sir Harry Smith, at the' head of 5.000 men, had given battle and killed seventy or eighty. a. : : i .'The rumor that Pitt, the murderer of Hunt, had been arrested in New Yolk City, turns out lo be unfounded. Information has been re. ceiced here that Pitt has; tailed from N. York for Calilornia, on board the steamship Ohio, and was to touch at Nf w Orleans ; and we learn that tb Mayor of that City baa been re ofiested, by telegraph, to secure bim. The negro man, who committed the murder, under Pin's direction, is in Cumberland jail availing in s inai. uaietgn standard. RALEIGH AND GASCON ROAD. We learn from a reliable ource that unless a moveni ent is made to resusritate this load, that at the end of a month, operations on t will be discontinued. We do nol use the language of exaggeration when we say, ibis is an appall. ing fact for Petersburg. It wjill not only f ut off a vast trade which we now enjoy, but will de- prive usi ot all chance to secure any portion of the trade which the Central Road will open in North Carolina. Let the Raleigh and Gaston Road go down, and a Road will be made from Greensboro', N. C., to Danville. These are facts; and tbe question is, will we sipp y the proper remedy ? Will we tome forward and doonr part, in again putting I le Road in tirder 7 We have heard a good deal said about clubs of ten. twenty and thirty being ormed to take ibal .portion of ihe Stock which Petersburg should SQouiaer, oui we pave not neara yet inai as ma ny as three have been found J'ho were willing lo put up the proportionate amount. In our pa per of Saturday we published the adveitise ment of one of the first wholesale bouses in Petersburg, stating that they will make an rangement by which merchants residing; in the upper Counties of North Carolina can receive their goods direct, and at as low rales as if sent by Raleigh." Now, what a tale is here told ! We know the firm will do what they promise. They have Ihe enterprise and t he means to do as long as if can be done. But how long until the Raleigh and Gaston will that be ! Just Road is down be yond redemption, or placed under the control of those whose interests are rival to those of Pe tersburg. Should the first contingency happen, 'the upper Counties of North Carolina will gel iheir goods, not by wagons, but by th Dan yille Railroad, which will get access into Car olina, and tap tbe " upper Counties" at the very fountain of our tfade with them. In the event of the second contingency, we shall be, obliged to. trust to the lenjder mercies of those who, with every interest in the world to divert trade and travel from us, will possess a voice! in the management of the Road sufficiently potential to enable them to attain their ends. Again we say : "these are facts," and we should be glad to see a sample of the logic that will con. travene them, i We regret to have in the above article, which we copy from the " Peleraburg Intelli gencer," (whose Editor, we are certain as much regretted the necessity of penning, as we did the reading of it,) a Confirmation of the ap prehensions we have latterly felt, that Peters burg would fail to do her part towards the re building of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road and for what reason ? Simply because it is the belief of a certain portion of her citizens that Norfolk, whose interests are rival to those of Petersburg," will thereby divide with them tbe rade of North 'Carolina 1 ; Without flopping or carmg to enquire how far this may be so, we may venture to state as ' fixed facts'" 1st. That the re construction of the Raleigh and CJaston Road, in connection with the Central Uoad, will open both upon Norfolk and Peters burg, a largely increased amount of trade that it will augment greatly tbe business ot Petersburg, whatever it consequences upon that of Norfolk ; and 2nd That the digicom inn. ance of operations upon the Road will !certaih; ly prove a fatal blow lo the traffic of Peters burg with a large section of North Carolina. Let the Road go down, and, as the Inteili. gencer suggests, our upper Counties! will net Iheir goods l.y way of the Rail Road that will inevitably be buiSt from Greensboro' to Dan vine, connecting with Richmond. Let the Road go down, and, so far as this immediate section of the State is concerned, it; will be much easier for us to obtain our Groceries dec, by having them shipped to Wilmington from Baltimore or New York, and thence by the Cape Fear to, and a Plank Road to this place from, Fayetteville, or even by waggoning from the latter place, than by way of Peters burg, the n. With the Central Road completed, how easy will it be to get all arliclesideslined for Wake, Johnston, dec, by that route? If Petersburg, therefore, is blind lo her own in terests, she alone is to blame. It seems quite strange, by the way, that, while Petersburg is thus deterred from contri buting her quota to this important work, thro' jealousy of Norfolk, the latter place does not seem to be at all anxious to avail herself of the superior advantages which, it is alleged, will enure to her behalf. That Norlolk will be a great gainer by the rebuilding of the Road, and its connection with .the Seaboard Road, there can be no question. Th wonder then, is, that, with such a field of competition for a vast and varied tiade open before them, both of our Virginia sister-towns do not entr upon it with alacrity and energy. iAnd what shall we say of the Counties along ihe route? what of Raleigh? Are we all asleep? Has such fatuity taken possession of our minds, that we cannot perceive! what an appalling blow the discontinuance of the Road will inflict upon our interests ? Rat. Reg. . A VISIT TO THE MEXICAN , CATHEDRAL. A correspondent of the Union, writing from the city of Mexica says. ! ! One day last week I spent a whole ran;. ning(six hours) in examining the Cathedral and its treasures. By special favor ihey show, ed us every thing, among others the custodian, in which the consecrated bot is exposed on cer tain occasions. It cost) $500,000, and you will not wonder at this when I inform you that it is full four feet high made of solid) gold, and studded with precious stones. The pedestal is a foot and a half square, inlaid with: diamonds and rubies. At each corner is the golden fig. ure of an angel, exquisitely carved. Around his waist and neck are slnns of the finest e j pearl. His wings are inlaid or covered with diamonds, rubies, and emerald. In hi? right hand he holds sheaves ofjwheat, made of yellow topaz ; in bislett, hunches ot grapes, made of amethysts. The shaft is also sluded with dia- monds, rubies, and emeralds. I he upper part. containing the host, is made to represent the sun, and is a foot and a half in circumference ; the rays that emanate on one side afe made en tirely of the first water, beginning with some of large size, and gradually lapering ofF. The cross that surmounts the top is also on ibis side made of diamonds, and is superb. On the other side, both the crossi and the jrays are of the most beauriful emeralds perhaps larger mm tban Ibe diamonds. FANEUIL HALli REFUSED. The Mayor and Aldermenj at Boston have re fused to grant the use of Faneuil Hall, oh the 27th of March, to R. E. Altborp and others, for the purpose of holding a mass meeting of these opposed to the fugitive slave law. THE CAROLINA! WATCHMAN. -' ; j V ; - Salisbury, X. C. - ' -! : TnrnsDiT Evoixd, ipcil io, mi. .,, i i ...I-- . - ' . - i , ., . ; . ' Corruption in Neib York Legislqiure A nice mess they've had in the Iiegis lature of this State: A Bill was present- i - j - ed more effectually t) suppress gambling. The Sergeant atj Arms, undertook to de feat the passage of lhe Bill, and the Gam bling Houses in N. Y. City were to fur nish him the moey necessary for the pur pose. Accordingly, he went to work on those members hy whom he expected to kill the measure, and bought up three of them at 8125 each. The three bought men composing .the Committee on hills, suppressed the bill in question; and gave, the Sergeant at arms notice of their ina bility to reach it in lime; which notice was also the signal for the payment of the corruption money. But the whole thing jeaked oqt, anj the guilty parties are now in trouble. O3 A Letter jn the Philadelphia North American, from Charleston, says "the sentiment of resistance and revolution in South Carolina! has greatly abated al ready, and is sensibly declining every day.' "The action of Con gress has tended to soothe-the asperities of the people which 'existed previous to the passage of the Compromise." Mr. Clingman. This gentleman has published another remarkable speech. VVn have some notice of it on file for our next paper. He is setting bis sails to catch Whigs and Democrats enough to elect him to the Senate, it is thought. He will get his share of tbe Democrats, but we hope the Whigs will keep clear of him. The proposed renewing of the Raleigh and Gaston Bail Road is likely to fail of immediate success. !This is matter of se rious regret. It appears that the Vir ginia stockholders vy ill not take hold of it; and in fact, the North Carolina stock holders have shown a degree of unwilU ingness quite unexpected at the time the subject was before the Legislature. QUIt isThought Pilt, the murderer of Hunt, will stop at Havana. If so, he will be safe from the lavy, for a while. CANDIDATES. Mr. Deberry-. of the Anson District, de clines a re-election to Congress. Augus tin H. Shepperd also declines a re-election from the Greensboro' District. Jas. T. Morehead, is spoken of as bis successor. DCP The importation into tbe Port of New York, of foreign Dry Goods, (or the first quarter of the present year, exceeds those of the two preceding years about S5.000.000. Messrs. Berry & Hill, and the Misses Hill, gave two Concerts here during the present week, at the Mansion Hotel. The Electric Piano an improvement on the common piano, designed to pro long the sounds to any desired length, hy curious connection of an electric battery with the chords. The applicability of the i ' ' J discovery has not yet been entirely estab lished. Town Ordinances Repealed. We Irani from a private letter, dated the 31st. ult.. from one of the Commissioners of the Town of Salisbury, that the Ordinances on the subject of Small Vox, and in rela tion to intercourse with this place, were all repealed at a meeting of the Board on Saturday last. By these Ordinances our citizens were not only prohibited from vis- ittng Salisbury, but the people of Salis- hury were also forbid coming to CharlottP. We are glad, therefore and especially so, as we learn several persdns of that Town wish to visit us that this harrier has been at last Temoved ; and that they may now do so, without risking their per sonal safely here.or hazarding a large fine and other inconvenience at home. - I'vJ Char. Jour. April 2. We can assure the "Journal" that the citizens of ourTown received with great pleasure the news of Charlotte's final ex emption from the disease with which she has beerrso long afflicted ; and the Com missioners repealed, without, unnecessary dely, .be Ordinances of non intercourse thus evincing their sincere desire tore-es- taonsn mat intercommunicauon lormenj , . . . p existing between the two places. May it long remain uninterrupieu oy similar, or other causes. THE TRUTH IN A NUT SHELL. , The Washington correspondent of the Pennsylvanian speaks a deal of truth in this little paragraph: "Talk of the settlemet of the slave question. The idea is absurd. It wjll never be settled as long as a demagogue can ride into office through its agitation. If the South were to tie its hands and seal its lips, make no resistance to anti-slavery preachers and ngro stealers, and make no attempt to. reclaim their property when robbed of irrthe agitators of the North the Greelys. and Garrisons and Abhy Kelleys would not be satisfied. Then they would go in strongest, for arming the slave for assassination. " PLANK HO AD STOCKHOLDERS ; MEETING. A friend writing from Statesville, on the subject of the meeting of the stock holders of the Salisbury and Taylorsville Plank Uoad Company, says: Col. Thos. A. Allisrn was called the Chair, and Mr. R. F. Simonton appointed Secretary. The Charter was then read, and proof adduced that advertisement had been made of the meeting of the stock- holders according to the provisions of the I charter. An election was then gone into for Directors. On the first bIlot, Messrs." Wm. Murphy. D. A. Davis, Col. T. A Al Kson, and S. R. Bell, were found to be elected. H. C. Jones, J. I. Shaver, E. D. Austin, and 0. G. Foard, were run. but neither had a majority, whereupon anoth er vote was taken between E. D. Austin and O. G. Foard, (the other two being withdrawn) which resulted in the election of Mr. Foard. A committee was then appointed to draw up the necessary by laws for the regulation of the Company, consisting of H. C. Jones. N. Boyden, J. H. McLaughlin, James E. Kerr, and . P. Caldwell, who are to make a report of the same at an adjourned meeting which is to he held at Salisbury, on the first Tuesday in mav next. The Directors are to meet at the house of Mr. 0. G. Foard, ! on next Fndav, to elect, a President. . Our subscription in IredeJl is 8.350, and I think that we will find less difficul ty in obtaining subscribers hereafter than heretofore. Books are ..now open here forsuhscriplion to the Charlotte road, and several thous and dollars are subscribed. I hope both roads may be built, but the citizens of this place will have to subscribe very lib eratty if we. succeed in getting both roads to this place." WE ARC (iLAD TO HEAR IT. The New York Courier and Enquirer, in the course of an Article on the consequences of the agitation of ihe Slavery question, makes the following remarks : The time for nipn to reason calmly upon their part, has fully arrived ; and we now call upon the merchant! of o:ir ci'y to look about i hem and observe the actual elate of affairs. We do not ak I hem to lake our Word for "any thing ; hut we do demand them, to look at the facts as they . are, and arrive at conclusions based upon the fads a they discover them ; and we boldly assert ih'jjl sneh investigation will lead lo the following conclusions : First. There-has been a very large falling off in the Consumption of domestic manufac tures by the South. Second. There has been a very large fall ing off in t'ne Spring tiade general, ofihe South with this riiv. Third. The diminished consumption of do- mes'ic manufactures lv the South, arises Irom ihe deliberate charge made by the Journal of Com merce nd backed by iis co laborer in fo rnenting agitation, that the manufactures of N. England were encouraging outrages upon the , lights ot the South and disunion iie. Fourth. The falling fT of the Spring trade ' generally, of the Soiih with ihi city, is justly attributable, to Ibe constant, daily eiiortsot ine Express and Journal of Commerce, to inculcate the belief at the. South, in which tliry have suc ceeded, that the whole Noiih is siiU agitating the question ofSlaveiy that this city is deep, ly infected with ,l'W7iort.vi that our Piess es are Abolition Pi cs-es. and supported by Ab oiition reader and Abolition adveitisers anil that our merchants are in truth. Abolitionists ot the blackest die. ami only seemingly Inend- ly to the South to benefit by this trade Whether ihe Courier .and Enquirer is right in attributing th .above facts io the course of ,' ihe New YoiU ICxpr--ss and Journal of Cim ! I . MM .. r. ... ; (iierre, we are not prepares 10 sa. i ne ialm j that New Yoik i bsiii; her tiade with the j South in consequence oj the aiialion ti the ', Slavery question, is enouh lor u-, and a mo.t gratify inn lin t it is. e learn frotn :otiihern merchants who have returned from Bilti more this SpiiiiL', that the trade of that city has heon greatly fieyond all precedenre orcmlcula. lion. Iuiinen.se ftoeUsof goods have been sold out and replenished over and over again. Ma ny Southern merchants who have heretofore deat exclusively in New Yoik and Philadel. j phi, have this j than Baltimore. Spiing gone no further North THE COALITION ILLUSTRATED. Northern. " We mc st coye into collision vitit the ame RICAN Government. I say must ! For the Fugi tive Slave Hill shall nev er be enforced tliroi'chout the land !" (Apff, From Rev.Sam'l. May's ppeech at Syracuse ; An li Slavery Standard, 20 h March. Southern. " We mist rrifft the is sue or tamely submit lo the tyrannies of one of the tnnH intamous and corrupt fiov ernnients under which a civilized people ever lived." Charleston Mercury, March 16 Here we see that the object which Nor them Abolitionism hopes to attain by its incessant agitation of the slave question is precisely and strikingly identical with ; that - na are! r. i n uuniuiuu ui mrsr wui ; a u '. - " - . , j ....... Th p jno he hfnds of i pach other with a faithfulness and a unity j 0f purpose ise which men whose thoughts, hopes, and aspirations are Jhe same only could do. To get up a fight with the Government at Charleston is what the Secessionists are after in the South ; to have the ArmV and Navy brought into the field to enforce the Fugitive Slave Law is what the Disunion- istiare longing for in the Xorth. They are now raving SO frantically as lo induce the impreSMon that if tbe Government will iv will Httark thp (tov emment. AT. Y. Express. 1 1 w iiii'ii,n i 1 1 v j - - - Our Rail Roarl Ts aghin all right. Pas- penger are cariied over as heretofore, and ihe FreTght Car pajs over ihe Rnad without diffi- cultv. It is not likely thai a serious detention will asain occur; at least, we hope not. Camden Journal. Plaxk Roaos. We copy from Hunt's MeV. chanta Magazine, some remarks on this BCJ improvement : i 44 In the list of ihe. great improvements bica give lo this age ihe character which it will tlr in history above all others the. age tf ham,,, ness lo'ibe peop!eihe plank road will be,, prominent place, and it deserves it. It chan. s ihe condition of the farmer, wherever it "jj found. It gives a thoroughfare, second onlj 0 the railway; and in this repct, superior to it thai it may be used. by all, without heimr ,ujj. jfcted to the rule and regulations of othiri 1 lo ,time' P",t. ?r equipage in which the, I ina i vmwwsc iimn. ii aiiuiuiiaies one of lbs ' sorst evils known (in our rufal life an w iiujii uaa ii.niriiu innue a larm In ...i I ... i- e ' fomr in many parts of our eoun'ry, an iniolunlary her. milage, secluded, and attainable only by a weal ry pilgrimage over- no, not over bin tfcrouh roads which seemed lo have concer'rufd n me evils mat couldjemliarrass tbe traveller. I. .1(1 mart id tin Innnar 1- ... I . L A, i , ii "ucip inrre 15 nlanlc' rond. The larmr la l.rrwinl.,-4.. .l a , ....w. a uumui II Qp jj cinity of the village. and city, enjoying ki Wq. etiis, and exempt from the inconvenience. Tho plank road finds its way to ihe forests, first, building itself from them, and then placingThe wood treasure into active use. h allurr ihe settler to redeem lands hitherto et down as desperate real estate ; unreal as to income, and real only as to taxati..n. l goes up into wild lands and civilizes them, li threads the envi. roii of a rily wiihlpleatant drives. Ii magni. fies ihe means used by the farmer in takinghi pnduce to market.) li is the road of the peo. pie open to all, and like the nation in whosa enemies it has grown into wich favor, it it tv. ? r ;at 'greasing its range and extending ucur wis . I w w Railways, with all their value, and ihey are of priceless worth to many, are yet the thor. oughlare for iheitizen away from his borne for the journey, ihe travel, ihe tour ; but tbe plank nad is for home use for the transit which is begun and ended in a day or its frac. lion which is to him who uses it a double value or occupation for the hours of the day, which increases the happiness and comfort and piofit of the firm, (hat foundation of all the in. Mituiions of society." Bounty Land Certificates.' There was shown us this iporning the new bounty land certificates which have been en graved by order of tbe Secretary the -Interior, to be issued to those entitled to the bounty undfr the late four of:: Con gress. They are printed hy Messrs. Top pan, Carpenter, Casilear & Co., and arc really beautiful specimens of the art of engraving. Thq hundred and sixty acres certificates are ornamented with busts of I'residentsTaylor and Filmore, and those of tbe forty acres certificates by busts of Senators Clay and Cass. There is also on the hundred and sixty acres certifi. cates. a representation of the young sol dier setting out for the battle. field : then a picture representing bis return: and then another showing him settled down on the laud, granted to him by the gov ernment, and engaged in cultivating it. On the forty acres certificates is Genera) VahinotoiCon the battle-field ; a veter an soldier looking out lor a home in the far west, and another showing him en- i fruToil in aii I f i t u t i 11 rr tf rfl-i4 i-tw! rt a. " . , . ln nun r -V. uui luii nir nil in 1 1 n ur . We understand that the department. is now engaged in'iuing these new certi ficates to those entitled to the bounty. Baltimore Patriot. Sketches of Xorth Carolina. We hi the pleasure, a few days since, of seeing Col. Wheeler, author of the forthcommg Sketches of North Carolina, on his way f rom Philadelphia to his Ume in Lincoln. Col. Wheeler took his work North with the view of having some engravings pre pared, and to ascertain the terms on which be could have it printed and bound. The work will be published in two volumes of about 300 pages each, and will be deliv- ered at the low price ol one dollar per volume. Col. Wheeler has prepared a plan, in the shape of a tree, showing the origin of the Counties ofthe State and the date of their establishment. The Counties are all traceel fiom the three main stems, in a very ingenious manner. It is little sin gular that the Count ies of the Albemarle stem are all embraced in tbe- Ninth Con gressional District, and that these are the only Counties which sprang from that source. Tbe plan is to be engraved and attached to tbe work. I Col. Wheeler's work has received the highest commendations frorfl the Press of the State, and be has been cheered in his arduous labors by the approbation of "some of the best and ablest men of the country. Every citizen who can afford it ought to subscribe for a copy. We learn that Ihe author expects to appoint Agentj in all the Counties, in the State, with the view of making it convenient to the peo ple generally to subscribe, j We copied a paragraph, a few weeY ago, from one of our exchanges, stating that the rvf-v. Francis L. Hawks, formerly of this State, was also engaged in writ- g a history of .North Carolina. Z"C7t Z Theological cha- - j ----- 1 racier. Rultinh Standard. m w i NEW YORK CORRESPONDENCE. New You, March 20, Yesterday forenoon the weather wm b!utely fa try, and must have astonished ihe strawberry vinet ry materially- Indeed, it most have disturbed te?ti ki. miiirc treneraJlv. in its winter's nap. A few hv Df ,uch warm weather wca!d be highly conducive 10 j Q 4 ' th growth of mint, and furnish us with juleps equal U those of which the New Orleans Picayune has txB boasting, lately. In the afternoon, huwevrr, a co westerly wind aros. to notify u. to shut our doors windows, put on oar jreat coats, and not try to- cro tn eeason Articles for the World's Fair hare ceased to arr hr,nn.t uld mv come, it would be U late no It is a great pity that the Americans did not hate k cr police that there would be a place awpned Min , Crystal Palace fof their prodlictiona. As it . the ' tides that have gone from the United States, t oo. pie of American ippnuity and iluH. MMJ ci - ""i." ' ' , Krtt inflDKITCI, 1 J - . i Kit i b vmrw 1 1 1 u m "