i .'-.tiani rcmtirt It home. Amove the ingenious tri IS"-" . , - .1 . tir j. . TV. ...... . . . i . i ur Minn 1 1 mill rur. i iiuh u Burn .A,fi.n ihaf khe Lttannfr,, wtulii th nk in- """. . .,.4- . .-t.U in Ihlf IUFl lllUlil IKJSSfB.-OUB. " -,0 of Char!,, Randall, Esq., a ciiixeh of Leje couu 'Georgia. Th&bbjectof it if to Weep people jcool in 'o'mnXT, and assidi them irt preserving their equanimity !a enod temporal In abort, it is a Fanriing Uicbine. ...hndv may set it at his elW while he is reading ' np,.r, 0r taktnc hit aiesta of an aftcrtoon, and,wuh- his ain? a.thjnp to aid il, Randall Sran will keep t gentle brec about him, and drive the flues and ofuqiito awajj. Or it may be net hrside a child's iuor couch, Vir the bt'd of the sick, und contribute machine for jlhe tame purpose wai once patented l Cotnmodure jPtorrow. ,It was very in; enfousi, but toQ Lnire to Com into use. Mr. Randa rilittlMnatter , L , JiflVrent plan, and can bo afforded fordxut ten Some, wise heads in this city there ark who; profess ,fl think that the? Worlds Fair will draw together (par bv'tre6dncert) the Revolutionists of Europe, trctanJ. France tnd Americas and the result mat w ti v. ill the tyrannies of the uit . w oriu. ue course, ihfe l M moonshine about this, but it ii not un Uflv 'that friends of jepublicaniam fronj all lamds will trtei in Londoftl next May, and consult together on. this tai kindred topics, ; Nor is it improbable, on t le other kind thai-Rif"'8 " Austria', Italy, and kindred tyran- will be tiprc presented and idle at the World's Fair. Spying the " Industrial Classes," not the least industri ous in London J next May, will bo the pensioned diplo matists, pi' ind machievels, of the arbitrary govern jnrnts of Europe- I think that no one who has reflec eJon the. subject in all its bearings, can for a moment dubt that uii.4r the cover of a mere ex hibition of ha niin productions,, many things are brewing not usually accounted among the excluded productions of Barclay & IVrVjns, wiih these light before us, faa Mjartin Van Iiuren utd to say boforo his favorite vj.-w was en the ho shall sny th.it because porter and ale jace in the cry stali Palace, Barclay & . petkini will dit bo represented at the 11 World's Fair"? Be wiird tljit ia the asnomblajpfs of the Revolution ijij snd eneijnes of Nicholas and falw-jhearted Autria, tJi wen that hastiaed the scoundrel I faynaq will not frgtjttcn.fi r TiflsinguJr charges of corruption against sundry jrtbcr of jljTtr New York Legislature, are' of course BakirilE a gjeat deal of talk. It is W wonder that the wee of romblitiff 'is rampant in thin city J if mem- brrs of pur Legislature voluntarily conspire with gam blers, for (lh sake of filthy lucre, to destroy a bill which is iikfly jto gio into effect against them. This may, in iet i, bfl ca-d ' corruption in office." j ' The new steamer for New Orleans, thio Winfield Scotf. will lot be ready to sail until May lt. The U. ' & Mail Stemer. Georgia, wjll leave kr N jw Orleans )m Ui avw.jVi Bt's.a dark'-r siJe) Ceuwd a are to expect i, I send jou the following Census and S'atistics tf JretJll : . ' , There a rV 10,593 free inhabitants ; 4,162 slaves ; 163 death ; 501 births ; 102 mar. riages ; 20 Minister ; 33 Churches ; 21 Doc. tors ; 4 Lasers ; 17 white idiots ; 1 black do; 8 insane persons ; 4 white and 4 black deaf and dumb persons ; 2,593 children at. tended school wilhin- the year. There; are 1,115 farms, upon which are 2,999 horses ; 394 mulesnd asses; 3.688 milch cows ; 77 pair of working oxen; 5,249olber cattle; 1.0,235 sheep ; 20,(rl7 hos. Produce, 51.477 buh. els wheat ; 3 632 bushels rye ; 523.793 busht els corn ; 167,414 bushels oats ; 889 bales cotton, 400 lbs. each ; 16,198 A us. wool ; 8,559 buheU peas ; 14,011 bushels Irish po Catoes ; 34,355 bushea sweet potatoes ; 50 45G lbs butter ; 4.919 Ions hay ; 23,067 lbs. fltx ; 904 bushels fl ii.seed ; 10 033 lb, bees. wax and honey ; $49,915 value hony.hjiide rnauutactory ; 7b,lbl value atiimals slaugh tered ; 31,715 lbs. tobacco. . There are 723 families nearly all of wboTrt have some slock, so that we feel safe in sa)ing there are at least 3.293 Worses ; 4,067 milch cows; &,b4 other cattle; 11.208 sheep; 23,618 hogs; the value of the live stock would be about 8359,400.; M There are I think not exceeding three (arms in the County not registered, the owners being Irom home and no person that 1 could find able to make the return. 5 1 would r.eie return my thanks lo1he cit. izens of Iredell (r the kind, courteous, and gentlemanly treatment I received, while en. gaged in my official duties Very respectfully, yours, &c, THUS. L. TUCKER. Carriage Building. ! TO THE PTIETJC UNDERSTANDING that statemehts -havf beea . made and reports circulated in the Northern! cities, and extensively through the hack country, to the injury fthe Merchants' Steamboat Company, by a (fertain person known to the stockholders of the said Coin pa ny how in existence as the Merchants' Steamboat Compa ny whereby the said Merchants' Steamboat Company have sustained serious losses in freighting and forward ing : The undersigned, Agent of the Merchants' Steam boat Company, represents the said statements and re Mrts,by whomsoever made, to be false in fact atid ma iciously mean in intent ; and woulitespectfull state, ,pr the benefit of the Merchants of Nejw York, (Phila delphia, and Baltimore, and those in the interior of N. Carolina, and all others who are interested in the for warding and freighting business, that they havie been and are now fully prepared to carry with despatch all jgooda and merchandise that may be consigned to their jcare or shipped by their line. t j j In addition, the undersigned would respectfully state, that the Merchnnts Company has now plying between jFayetteville and Wilmington, the steamer Rowijn, with Tow Boats "Ben Berry,"' Odd Fellow, " MikeCron ly, arid "Ready Money and that during the low stages of water, a contract with Mr. John Banjts ena bles them, by the aid of the crack steamer " Brbthers" j(the fastest boat on the river, and drawing only 1 4 inch es water,) to defiver goods Consigned lb them in Fay- letteville with as much, if not more despatch, than any other line now on the river. T. S. LUTTERLOH, Agent Merchants 'Steamboat Co. March 31, 1851 j 3jt49 New Cabinet Ware Rooms. Mr. Editor I wish to call attention through your paper to the fine work in the Carriage line put up at the establishment of Win. Overman & Co. of your Town. I see no reason why any one should for a mo ment think of going North for such an article, when,; by going a few miles he can get an excellent Carriage of any description, at the above named establishment in Salisbury. I have visited his shop lately, and can safe ly say, that I was not prepared to see Vehicles of so fine a finish, and of such durability put up. I trust that rjl HE subscriber respectfully informs the JL public that he has opened a Shop in Salisbury, and has now on hand almost all kinds of FURNITURE usually made in establishments of this kind, viz : China Press, Wardrobes, French Bedsteads, Mahogany Rocking Chairs, Sofas, Ladies' Mahogany Workstands. All of ihe above named articles were either made by or under the supervision of Mr. Richard Fox, foreman of his shop. ' I He may be found at all times at his shop on the cross street opposite W. Murphy & Co.'s store. j ' 0"Coffins always kept on hand. -Country produce will be taken in payment'for work at the market price. Plank and scantling wanted at this time. JESSE A. ST0KER. Salisbury, April 10, 1B31 . Iy49 LAND SALE. Tfjevrd Ut! take so tru I . For. the Watchman. SECRET SOCIETIES. 'Ma. EDlto: A fate number of I contains ad ; article from the Christian for the future, it may not he said that any North Caroli- i nian has supplied himself ftom the Northern cities. I A CITIZEN. Cabarrus County, March 31, 1851. '' ) t PURSUANT to ah order at Spring Term, 1851, of the Court of Equity for Davie County, 1 will ?! sell at public sale, at the Court House in Mocksville.on Tuesday the 25th of May, a Tract of Land belonging Ihe Observer," Intejltgencer, in be effects pf Secret Sooietjcs, vhich seems that you will, no doubt, confer a favor on mtnv of your readers, by civinc k. publicity. It is as rWlows: : ! M . C i il. t l it pun i n nca jkiitiiita nrrtumu Jtii.in itn iifriinur rnn ion, but neutral. Yet it is a lamentKble fact, that su tvuly dijs'd, and promising youngj nien at the time ": of joiuing llicn 'mipieties, whatever bt the! cause, have ' i J . .i '.- . i ...... J ..ir i:.-:. i j . . Pfttl (ilWTTCU wjhi lO leave i mimiis e xrcinex, cf;isc iu attend tljie mean of grace, question the incpiration "AerrmtiH-e, begin to talk loud alnmi triest-craft : M Lrn Ilia liunnl nudi itifl ,i Iw ill f l.ilH.'ih 11 ml lhi Ilsh. niiiiii ii iv m mw ui ill' ill mill uui iu uun ii iiui in- -fiJrl. and tK-rikh wiih the world." I i ' - Odrown )bsiervati(n and experience compel us to cd inride witji the author of- the above. h 'That effects, deleterious to reliijioii, haTe grown out .'of the. pradticfU. workings of secret fltciefies, is a fact believe no one can succtifisi'iilly gainsay. presume to assort, mat in) all places, orgam injurious ; on New York SJarery. Th special commit. : lee of the New York Legislature, to whom was referred much of the Governor's tnes. sace as related to slavery, made a report, cpn demninj the figitive Uve law as unconstitu tionaUunreasonahle and cruel, &c. Fj)rcille: resistance to the law is, however, condemned. to the heirs of Samuel feilliman, dee d, lying pn the wa ters of Dutchman Creek, joining P. H. Caihj William Hardkins, and others, and containing about 600 acres. A credit of 12 months will be given, the purqhaser giv ing bond with good security, on the day of sale. , L. BINGHAM, CM E. April 10, 1851 Printers fee $3 4t49 Arrivals at the TCatiMoii Hotel, From 1st. April to the 9th. ; which w5 ... . i . c do noi xtiotn 'o(this. character, are religiously k.. iJ 1 1 it trt in Sonic sect on, they are a blessing, ffhese places how ever, are inly to be foHtid,.where thclcontitution, in its '. belt features, is strictly obscned, jinjd where none are admitted to ineinberthip but men of dociuYdly good mor al chaructcriil From a society conpos'd, wholly of men wefj gntiiiMledj in christian principle; and who re- j afd religion n paramount to every 'thin;; else, no evil will accrue.' Fountains like these, send f rlh no impure . streams, and if all secret individual organizations were ttiile up Of such material, there would l e no occasion torpeak of the destructive tendencies of secret socie- i! . i '. .!..: j:..s .:... I ..r Vr. iiu can every uisiinci uivinpi uibi ui outn ma terian ' .We know; that many of the members coiufMjs ihg tuiofll 'f' these' bodies are desperately immoral. Sometimes this class predominates,! and hen the infu- encs of' the 'organization is tigairujt religion. For as certain am the carnal mind is epfliity ajgainst CJod, m ceriain Uie influence f a carnally mindtd organization . is against religion. Men takcA'frotn thej very dregs of Society into close connection with jthers of respectabili ty, without being required to reform hi every respect, Soon became exCfedjagly bold and so daringly conceit ed that they consider themselves as good as their asso ' fiates. fadeed they soon settle down in the conviction that fhev af e now just good enough, nn l are satisfied to fest lheir hop: t.f the future in the effjeiency of their I uaoclatkitiS. They seem to think, anld perhaps per- fuade others to think, that secret societies have supcr ' leded chrlsiiaBity, and that nothing mcjre, for the pres- rut uj !UIUe IB llti 'riii , mail hp uvvr piiu uiu in t.trii- ' Bfction wjth them. They are not loutjh -to indulge in ill kiuds of immoral language, use expressions and re late anecdiotes manifestly intended to place conscien tiouly opHing chgymen in an unfavorable light, and My many things highly disrespectful f religion itself, thus leading iriany to believe that after! all, the Church htiniblig, religion a fable, and morality a mere sound. No wonder that seriously disjiosed youiig me-tt, thus as- the inspiration of attendance upon , Man is nutur system, accord- John Tate, Mount' Island, Mr. Porcell,do. ' sdo. Jos. James, Iredell county, B. B;.i!ey,Mocksville,N.C. P. Meroney, - do " -S. McClery, Fmnklinsville. G. II. Makepeice, Montg'y Newbury Hull, Davie co., I). Darns, Lancaster, S.C. Capt. McCulloch, Rowan. A. A. Scruggs Wilkesboro M. Hudson, Iredell co. l)r. Win. F. Bason, Jno. Iiiiiram, Anson co. John MeCreri.Ena. NCRR Dr. T i. Bryan, Mocksville V. Fr-mk Carter, .1. II. Vogler, Lexington, Dr. Robt. Burns, " D.W. Honeycutt, Gold Hill Dr. A.M.Nesbitt, do R. Ramsey, Rowaji, T. Camron, CabarrusJ Dixon Barnes, S C. V. Selurfi, Cabarrus B. Ciienn, . . 4o Robert Staw, Charlotte. Mr,. Caudle, do Mr. Fry.Eng'r. N C R R. Mr. Graham d do Martin Jones, do do L. II. Lamer, Phila T. Cranford, Rowan, Jno Tarrh, . do Jesse Thomason, do ; Mumford Lyerly, do AV. J.Hoke, ' Lincolnton, LVP.Henderson, i do "A. Deimel, Concord, Mr- Davalt,v Charlotte, J. Trotter, do P. B. Chambers, Iredell, C.Melchor, " Cabarrus John G Dieiv, Phila, John P. Burke, Rowan J G Goldsbury, Randolph B.Bai'ey, Mocksvijlejj T.Bailey, do J. Robinson, Wheelingj Rev. Ferrabee, Davidsoni Wm. F. Davidson, Iredell j E'ock Cope, Daviei M. Parks, ' j do Wm. C Wiatt, Virginia', II. N. Wiatt, do ; B. Fisher, do John Ins:ra.m, Randolph, A. C. Mcintosh. Taylorsvile J. R. Berry, Henry co. Vs. Mr. Sweeny, do do j J. Hill, do do i VlissrMary Hill, do do ! C. Hill. do do j John D. Burke, Davie, 300 BALES OF COTTON WANTED immediately, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash. Apply to SOIWGIIW : v - I - .' i i SPftING AND FOR TUB SUMMER TRADE! MX tag ENNISS, SHEMWEL&& CO. Dealers in Foreign and; Domestic Dry-Goods ESPECTFULLY beg leave to announce to their friends and customers, that theyare now receiv i large and desirable stock of I j STAPLE AND FANCY DRYGOODS, embracing all the new styles of Foreign and! Domestic Fabrics, suited to the spring and summer trade, among which are j Striped and plaid China silks, fancy French Jaconets, dottied Swiss muslins, barege, de lanes, white and color ed satins, cheni ginghams, orange and blue lawns.em broidered muslins, checked, book aind Swiss muslins, embroidered Canton crape shawls, needle worked capes, colliars and cuffs, rich embroidered robes, lace; and mus lin mantillas, (Paris style) French gingham Snd prints, (great variety) hosiery, table damask, towellings, cotton andl inen sheetings 12-4 wide, Irish linens, bleached and brown shirting, brown and black cloths, fancy cassi meres, fancy silk vestings, together with a beautiful stock of leady Made Clothing, embracing fine dress and frock coats, brown, olive, black, blue and drab business sack and frock coats, linen coats at all prices, cassimere and iMn pants, fancy silk vests, fine shirts, cravats, i$c. i HARDWARE 8c CUTLERY, Hals, bonnets, boots and shoes, which have been'purchas ed for cash with great care, and wjll be sold unusually lof. Onr stock is now much larger than it has ever been, and as regards beauty, we think it decidedly the prettiest and stock ever offered in the State. Ladies ana the public generally are very respectfully invited to an examination of our stock. j, Corner Mansion Hotel, Salisbury. April 3J 1851 48 LIT OF LETTERS EMAINING in the Post Office at Salisbury, on the 3 1st day of March, 1851. April 10, 1851 JENKINS & ROBERTS. lf49 THE RED ELA6 '! Salisbury, April 3, 1851. SPRING AND SUMMER J. W. Hacket, Wilkesboro'! Leroy Springs, Charlotte, D. C. Ramsoijr, Stttesville.jj Daughter, S do ? J. Fulton Green. do .M. Richwine, Gold-Hill, P C. Carlton, Lincolnton J C. S. Idler, do L. C. Haines, Divie co i Chs. Cabott, do j J. Thompson, Mocksvilh';J. Robinson, Wheeling, Va J. A. Bitting, Iluntsville.'l ' In Cabarrus County, on ihe 3d instant, by Rev. D. A. Penick, MATTHIAS BOG UR. Merchant of this place, to Miss CATHARINE BURNS, youngest daughter of the late James Burns, sen.' At Mr. David Waddell's, in Iredell Countv. on the 2i insi.,by the Rev. Benj Arey, Mr J. JAMFS PUR CKLL. of .Lexington," to' Miss HENRIETTA L., youngest daughter of David D. Salmon, formerly of Fayetieville. In Davie County, on the 1st inst., by Joseph Shiver, Esq. Mr. P. ROBERTS, to Miss MARGARET CARTN ER. diiugluer of James Cartner. .1 . In Duvie County on the 25th ultimo, by Jesse Ct?m ent. Esq , Mr. GIDEON HOWELL, to Miss LOUISA HENDRjX. i At Fartningfon, Davie County, on the 26th ult.,by the Rev. B. Qleg2, Rev. JOHN W. FLOYD, to Miss AMANDA J. TAYLOR. I In this County, on the CAUBLi:, aged 53 vears. 6th instant, MrJ JAMES THE 3IARKETS. ,tociated,' should soon begin to question : we oripturesr and grow lax in their . the Tegularly instituted means of grace - ally prone to evil, eagerly embraces a ing U which, he may give loose rein tj his wicked pro- Vnues, ind yet. by vjrtuo of it, cherish a hope of fu ton safety and redemption. We repeat then, that all - wgan!iatit,ri8 made up, indiscriminat -ly, of good and 1 had meagre against religion, especial y when the influ oce of Ok latter predominates. The ?e remarks apply Perbaj, inorfe pperly to the Sons of Temperance, tVa ny ther secret assi)ciation, sine ; it is certain that, ..... tuyniry, iney are uie inou noiay, uuu unuu, iu -uempupg to jut down the evil of intemperance, gene- 4 We olhejrs eiually fatal to religion, by their indiscretion aa emiuiKiasm. But my remarks bavealready been , extended far beyond what I had inteided, and I shall therefore conclude by giving-it as m;r decided convic tion, that no permanent good can resi lit from an organi ljon that is not based upon 'and cohtrollcd by, sound verpool, 1 40 (3) 1 50 hriitian principle and morality, and that dot-8 not re juire, of p'ery one, thorough reforms tion of character, 1 unmorlj, prior to being admitted tc membership. - 'Salisbury, April, 10. . Apples, (dried) 40 O $00 ; Bacon; 9 10 ; Cotton, 9 (S) 9 ; Cotton Yarn, U0 95 ; Coffee 14 & '16 i Corn, 5o 60 Beeswax, 18 00; Butter 12J ; Fldur, 6 01) ; Feathers HH ; Iron 3J 4J ; Linseed Oil 80 ; Molasses 3540; Nails 55i; Oat3 0 00; Irish Po tatoes 1 I0; Sweet do. 35 40 ; Sugar, (brown) 8 10 ; Do. Loaf 00 12J ; Salt, sack 2$ 00; Tal low 9 10 Wbeat 1. ; Pork j i i Fayetteville, N. C April, 8 Beeswax 20 22 : Bacon 10 l : Cotton iCi l(i5;.CoriH590: Coffee 13 14: Flour 51 : Feathers 30 32 : Flaxseed S10Q00 Iron-, Swedes, 5 6 : do.-English 3J 4: Lard 10 Jl: Leather, sole, 20 23: Molasses 2527: Nails, cuU4 5: Oats. 50 00: Sugar.bro.,6 9: do. loaf, Hi 13 : SalKsack, 1 30 1 50 : Tallow. 10 : Wheat 1 S 10 1 I Cherw, April 9. Bacon per lb. 10 12 : Butter 20 28 : Beeswax 2021 : Coffee 12 15 : Cotton 8 10: Corn90 1 Eggs 12 15: Flour 7 7 : Feathers 3035 Iron 56$ : Lard 1012i: Leather (sole) 18 22 :" Molasses 35 40 : do. Cu ba 33 37: Nails, cut, 6 7: Rice 4$ j 5 ; Sugar, brown. 8 10: do. Loaf, 12 15; SaitLi- I Iredell County, March 2C, 1831. s I was greatly Census of tWs and other buy Mr, liruner : Dear Sir, A .JJr"ed, to finish taking the Couuly n the time allotted me of a nretsin? nature deimanded mv at loiionvl have hitherto neglecjted to have an . 'J .,r5tl of the Census of this ounty puhliih itx ta PaPer Yel a e ?nttnuny seem CANDOR. SALISBURY COACH FACTORY. W would call the attention of the public generally, to Smith Barker beautiful lot of Vehicles nowij on hand, and going up at the above-named establishment ; and most especially would we recommend the Lajdies to call and examine their work and cheer them with a smile of approbation. j They are receiving a lot of mosrbeautiful trimm&igs, and also the latest Northern and Eastern drafts, j N. Bx We, would also call particular attention to Mr. Wm. M. Barker's (one of the above named firm) beautiful and elegant manner of painting military Flags, Signs, J-c , be. ; also, gilding of every description done to order. They do their work right and no mistake ! THE SUBSCRIBER IS NOW RECEIVING HIS stock of Spring and Summer Goods consisting of the usual variety ; all of which having been purchased since the 10th March, after the Great decline in Goods, to which facrhe would call the attention of his friends and the public generally. , I 48 E. MYERS. r i I i.i Bargains, Bargains. ririHE undersigned' having concluded to dispose xf B their Large and Desirable Stock of Goods, would inform'the public, that all goods on hand I will be sold at REbUCED PRICES. ILT Having about $18,000 worth of goods in store, embracing every style, ftshion and fabric, we flatter ourselves that we can offer inducements which are unprecedented, that we can please the most fastidious taste. -We invite you to come and examine for yourselves. Nj charge for looking! Not wishing to identify ourselves with any of the humbugs or isms of the day, we will not trouble you with a long and tiresome list of merchandise, but rest assured that we can furnish you with any thing us ually found in a well selected stock of goods. P. S. Owing to the absence of the Senior partner and a misconcep:ion as to time, on the part of the Jun ior, it was announced in a previous advertisement that we would sell our stock of Goods at auction in May. This is a mistake. ; The highest marke price will be paid for all produce in exchange for goods. M. BROWN & SON. Salisbury. May 3, 185149 DRUGS ! MUGS! Wholesale and Retail ! Brs. Sumnierell, Powe & Co. HAVING purchased ihe large and valuable stock of Drugs, Medicines, &c.,of Brown & James, have removed to the stand lately occupied by them opposite the Mansion Hotel, where in addition tb the large as sortment now on hand, they are receiving fresh supplies from the North of all articles in their line, which they are selling on the most reasonable terms. They wish particularly to call the attention of country merchants and Physicians to their stock, for they have now ihe largest assortment ever offered for Sale in Western No. Carolina, and are determined to keep every thing on hand that may be wanted in thei line ; and will sell cheaper than the same articles can be bought elsewhere in;his section of country. Their? assortment is com posed in part of the following articles Calomel, (Amer can and Englishj blue mass, do do, corrosive sublimate, hydrarg cum-creta, red precipitate, jalap, rhubarb (En glish and Turkey) opium, morphia, (sulphate muriate and acetate) sulphur, sublimed do, lac decarbonate am monia, sugar lead, bi carb sodo; hitarti potasse. The -various gums and gums resons, all. kinds of extracts and tinctures, sulph ether, sweet spirits nitre!, spts lavender comp. The essential oils and essences, bark and qui nine. The various preparation of iron and iodine Also a large assortment of paint? , oils, dye-stuffs, var nish, (several varieties,) acids, 6fc. They have a'so ma ny articles for house keepers, such as Deliuc's flavoring extract for pies and the like. Farina, starch, tapioca, arrow root ; all kinds of spices, bath brick for cleaning knives, camphorated patchuly for protecting clothes from moths, Lvon's magnetic powders for the destruc tion of rats, bed bugs, Also, the following popular remedies Brand reth's pills, Peters' do, Townsend's sarsaparilla, Sands do, Swaine's do, Ayer's cherry pec toral, Jayne's expectorant, .vermifuge, sanative, Sec, cod liver oil, Surgical Instruments. Orders by mail punctually attended to. Salisbury, April 3. 1851 48 Standard Weights and Measures. NOTICE is here by given to all persons concerned, that I am always ready to correct and seal weights and measures. All persons who hare measures or weights unsealed, are directed to call and have them tested. Otherwise the law will be enforced aginst those who use unsealed measures or weights or measures in tradC' WILLIAMS BROWN. Standard Keeper. Salisbnry, April 3, 1851. ; 31 R Austin, E. D . Alexander, Mrs Elizabeth Bijown, J M Brown, D Cath Brown, Solomon Btjown, Michael L Byers, Hamilton Black, David Brown, Nathan Benson, Elizabeth Brandon, Rufus Barber, Jonathan Biackwell, John B-own Sarah, Barringer, Henry Bpiley, Radford Basmger, George Bailey, Nancy C Bennett, Irving B Brown, Moses qiarke.J 2 dames, Richard Clingman, Miss Mary E Guneo, John B Crotser, George Geaswell, Samuel Camron, James 2 Correil, Hezekiah -Clress, A H Correil, Jacob 2 Charfin, N S A Chunn, Dr M L (tasper, J L Coddle, J B Coughenour, William Creason, John ' Cuiherelf, Mrs Martha Daguerrean Artist,- 2 Donathey, Hawkins Davenport, Austin Eamhart, J A Earnhart, Miss Martha 2 Elliott, Upshur Eagle, sr., John Earnhart, Mrs Mary S Finley, Robert Fraley, John Farrabe, Mrs M F Freeze, Tanner Jno Fry, James W 2 Foster, Mr Thos Giivin, Mrs Ann Gardner, Geo Gorman, H S Gangwere, J D Hampton, C & J Hank, Jehu Hess, Ancelene Hilick, John Harris, Jacob F 2 Hill, Abraham Harris, Richard Hix, Richard L Hayse, John Jesse Huland Harris, Miss Ann Holmes, MLiRE Hairston, Peter W Jameson &, Ruger 2 Jones, R M Johnston, Nathan Keeler, John 3 Kerr, S T Krider, John W Kellar, John D Klutts, Ann Eliza Klutts, Levi 348 Kerns, Franklin Ketcby, Peter ' Kessler, Chas W Kincaid, Jesse ! Little, Daniel Lynes, Edward j 3 Lynn, Joshua A Lawson, Hiram Lentz, Henry Mitchell, R B . Ma ha ley, Jesse' Morgan, Wm W Mall, Catharine, Miller, Green Melealey, Joseph McKay, Miss O J Marvin, Dr D R 5 Miller, Jesse Manuel, David Manuel, Gooden Mowrey, Betsy Miller, William Melton, James 2 Moore, Alexander Mullen, P 2 Mowry. Peter 4 Miller, Peter A Morriss, James Ndrinnn, Dr A E Owens, Mr S Owen. A W Pool, William Phillips, Harry Parnel, Royster Polk, Siimuel Pool, Jefferson Repult, John Rodgers, Solomon Rufty.E ( "; Rodgers, John'C Rbdgers, Matthias Rpdgers, John LRamsour, D C Ramsour, Mrs. Sarah Rice, David Biddle, Vaden H Russell, Jobn H Smith, Elijah Solomon, J B Sfoker, Jesse A Sossaman, Christian Shaver, Pamuel J Starkworth, Wm R Shurrwod, W S Siirewalt, Wm Smith, Dr E Trexler, AD Thomason, Joseph Truxton, Adam Todd, Thomas Trexler, Henry Thomason, Geo W Warner, Fredric Wiles, John Williamson, Peter Watson Clary Wood, Thomas Wise, Tobias Williams, Samuel Watson, John W Wise, Jordan Young, Margaret 2 Youst, John Young, Benjamin Young, Solomon 2 Young, Adam B. JULIAN. P. M. TAILORING. -o- re-w - B XT. OAUH Se. SOZiV licensed tottery Broken and Dealers in . Bnjf Sqeir; Bullion. Gold, Sitttr, ke:. ICS Pratt St. Cal 1 i more, Maryland. ' CLUBS r CLUBS!! CLUBS!.' ' Persons at a distance who wish to purchase largely, are reminded that by forming themselves into Clobs! and ordering by the package. they can have a greater selection of numbers sent them than by purchasing single tickets, as by -this means ihey only pay the risk, on a package of Tickets, which is a great advantage, for by this mode of parchasing they have all the numSers placed in the wbeel, which they otherwise wooldinot obtain We sent to one club in Ohio over 30,000 in a single package(of wholes last month. For a good prize and prompt attention to orders, address the -world renown prize sellers of old," ?,33LT CAIm & son. 13 Pratt st.. Baltimore, Maryland. For April, 1851. 20,000 DOLLARS. Maryland Consolidated Lotterv, for the leti. efit of the Town of Bel Air, Class 20, to be drawn in Baltimore, Md., on Tuesday, April .ww.. cu.i, enuers. SCHEME. DfllllllMllt: IP YOU DO. . I Call at the largo Store East ofthe - Court-Douse ! -TOiere ,Cood$ can be had at redcrcd Prices ! r prize of $20,000 is $20,000 4 prizes $3.000-are $20 000 4 do 2 500 are 10.000 20 do 600 are 12.000 20 do 400 are 8,000 Tickets $5. Shares in proportion. 75 Numbers and 12 Drawn Ballot. Certificate of Packages, 25 Wholes, $74 00 do do 25 Halves, 37 00 do do 25 Q-iarters. 19 50 20 OF3500EACH Md. Consolidated Lottery, for the benefit of the Susquehanna Canal, &c. Class 19. to be drawn in Baltimore, Md.. on Wednesday, April 23. 1851. E. fc. CARR & SON, Venders. SCHEME. Prize of .$37,500 is : $37 500 20 do 3.500 is 70 000 25 do 1.500 is . 37.500 v 25 do 750 are 18.750 25 do 305 are 7.632 124 do 250 are 31,000 Tickets 10. Shares in proportion. 75 Numbers and 12 Drawn Ballots. Certificate of Packages, 25 Wholes, $150 00 do do 25 Halves, 75 00 do do 25 Quarters, 37 00 do do 25,Kihih, 18 75 Brilliant Scheme for April 2G, 1851. $7 0,0 0 0, 100 PRIZES OF $1,750? Grand Consolidated Lottery of Maryland, for benent ot Consolidated Lotteries ofMd., Class K, to be drawn in Baltimore, Maryland, Sauir. day, April 26th, 1851. E. N. CARR & SON, Venders. SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 Prize of 100 Prize do do do do do $70 000 is of $50,000 is 30000 is 15.000 is 7,500 is 5.000 is 1,750 is $70,000 $50,000 30.000 15.000 ' 7,500 5.000 175,000 NEW SPRING GOODS ! , THE undersigned takes the earliest .ppportonity lo inform their friends and the public in general, that .they are now receiving and opening a beautifal siockof SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which they are offering at low prices, consisting in part of the following, vix: . . . English, French and American gingham, white and colored tarlton muslins, plain and embroidered grena dines, hortensia and other very fine dress'goods, printed and embroidered lawns, black and fanev silk, "bl'k, white nd colored kid gloves, 300 pieces calicoes, white and colored doylies, striped and tambord drapery muslins, summer shawls, French, Swiss and Jaconet muslins, bl'k and fancy cassimeres, French and English cfoths, Ready Made Clothing, Freuch L.aco. Florence and Crape Unmbrellas and parasols, books and stationary, will pa per, large assortment, Java and Rio CnfTee.rreen anJ black tea, loaf, crushed, granatated andj renned sugar, Stewart's syrup, a very superior article, dair) cheese, sperm and patent candles, Philadelphia calfskins, sole leather, lining and binding skins, Miles j fc Son's boots and ladies shoes, Beebee's hats, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, a large stock, chase hides and enamelled leather, sheet tin, sheet hoop and tire iron, anvils, rices, screw plates, hardware and cutlery, saddler's tools, saddle trees, hog skins, Tanners Oil, White Lead, window Glass, &c, Sit The above goods with many other articles not nam ed, were selected with the greatest cafe. One of our firm having spent near two months in the Northern cities making our purchases, and bought with fcash exclusively, and we are now prepared to offer to our! friends and ibe public.at our large store, corner of the Couri-House, at Wholesale or Retail, one ofthe largest.besc selected and handsomest stock of desirable Spring and Summer (loods eer opened in this Town. Call and see, get some of the bargains, they are oing off rapid ly. . J. F. C1I.13CE&S Jl CO. Salisbury, March 27, 185147 FRESH STOCK ! i Spring and Summer Goods ! H 1851. 1 vs. Doctor M. Parker. s9j rlltJlii suoscnoer orgs leave most, re-f lfl JL SDeCtfullv to announce to his old friends I if and patrons and the putdic generalljj, that 'if. he is still to be found at his old stand in Cjwan's Brick Row, Salisbury , where he is ever ready and willing to execute all orders in his line. He is constantly in re ceipt'ofthe LATEST AND MOST APPKDVED FASHIONS. K which together with a good degree of experience, he flatters himself, will enable him to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. All work done at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable derms. J. A. WEIRM AN. Salisbniy, March 26, 1R51. 48 State of JLovtti Carolina, , DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Qaarter Sessions, Feb. Term, 1851. Henry N. Click. T Justices Judgment levied on the fsaid Doctor M. Parker s undivi ded interest in four hundred and fortv-eisht acres of Land. It appearing to the satisfaction of ihe Court, that the defendant in this case, hasremoved beyond the limits of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made for three weeks in the Carolina Watchman, published in Salisbury, notifying the de fendant to be and appear before the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at the next Court, to be held for the County of Davie, at the Court House in Mocksville.on the 4th Monday in May next. and show cause, if any he have, why the judgment aforesaid should not be affirmed, and an order of sale issue accordinsly. Witness, Caswell Harbin, Olerk of our said Court at Of fice, the 4th Monday in February, A. D. 1851. C. HARBIN. Cl'k. Printers Fee SH 3.49 Attention! Claimants! ALL persons having elaims asainst the COUNTY OF ROWAN, (required to be passed upon by the Committee of Finance.) are notified to present them to the subscriber at the Office of the Superior Coort Clerk, or at the Book Store of J. II. Coffman, on or before the 28th day of April. OBADIAH WOODSON, Clerk of the Committee of Finance. April 3. 1851 j 3'48 J. D. WXX.X.XA2KS, FORWARD IX G AXD COMMISSION! MERCIIIXT, Feb 13, lS51:tf40 Foyetteville, A'. C. Tickets $20. Shares in proportion. 78 Numbers and 13 Prawn Ballots. Certificates ofPackages of 26 Wholes, $300.00 do do . 26 Halves, 150.00 do do 26 Quarters, 75,00 do do 26 Eighths, 27,50 All orders by mail from any part of the Uni- ted States, containing cash or prize tickets will be attended to without delav. E. IS. CARR & SOy. " 138 Pratt Street, Baltimore. tatc ot ILovtvTiQUna, DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleasand Quarter Sessions, Fefe'y Term. 1851. Edward N. Parker,"! Original Attachment levied on vs. 1 Doctor M. Parker's undivided in- Doctor M. Parker, j terest in four hundred and forty- 1 J eit;ht acres of Land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case, has removed beyond the limits of this State, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him : It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolica Watchman, published in Salisbury, that the defendant be and appear before the Justices of our.Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at the next Court to be held for the County of Davie, at the Court House, inJVIocksville, on the 4th Monday in May next, then and iheVe to replevy and plead; otherwise judgment ly default, final will be entered against him, and the lands levied ofl, condemned to satisfy plaintiffs debt. Witness. Caswell Harbin, Clerk of onr paid Tourt at Of fice, the fourth Monday in February. A I). IBM. C. HARBIN, Cl'k. Printers e $5$ ti-lS State of iiortti CavoUixa DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Feb'y Term, 1851. Original Attachment lev- I ied on said Dr. M. Park- er's undivided intereswin 1 J 248 acres of Land. It appearin2 to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case, has removed beyond the limits of this State, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman, published in Salisbury, that the defendant be and appear before the Ju.tices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at the next Court to be held for the County of Davie, at the Court House in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday in May next, then and there t re plevy and plead, otherwise judgment by drfaulufinal will be entered against him, and the lands levied on con demned to satisfy the plaintiffs debt. Witness. Caswell Harbin, Clerk of our fnid Court, at Of fice, the 4th Monday in February, 151 . C. HARBIN. Cl k. Printer's Fee $5 Ct4S State of JLortfi (Carolina, DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, FeVy Term, 1851. Henry R. Austin, Trustee,") vs. Hen-y R. Austin, Trustee," vs. Doctor M. ParkeT. BROWN, FRALEY & CO. ARK now receiving and opening at their store, oppo site the CBrick Row.I a' new and splendid stock of which thev believe haSj never been surpassed in richness and beauty, by any stock brought to this place. It com prises a large assortment of fashionable fine fancy goods for ladies of excellent qualities some of the finest Sifts ever brought to this market, varying from 1 to $5 50 per yard ; fine prt! Grenadjer, embroidered do-, pit. Foulard Silks, do. Chini, black satin, du chini.blk chal ly ; very fine pt jaconets, embroidered Swisses, grenadier shawls, crape shawls, capes and collars, muslins and ginghams, (fine assortment,) white goods of all descrip tions. Also, BONNET RIBBONS, rare and costly ; Bonnets from 25 cts. to I 12 50, of the latest fashion and finest quality. A handsome assort ment of flowers and linen cambric pocket handkerchiefs, from 12$ cts. to 5, fine gloves, hosiery, shoes. Ate., &c. For gentlemen's wear, they have brought on some of the finest CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. vesting9. pocket handkerchiefs, cravatsT glove, hats, boots and shes. They invite special attention to their assortment of ' SUMMER HATS. They have also Bebee's spring style of silk and beaver hats, very beautiful ; together with a general aswrtmeut of merchandise, to wit : Groceries, Hardware. Cutlery, fyc. Their stock was purchased by one ofthe firm with cash, and will be freely sold at shon profits. Ladies and gen tlemen wishing to get fine and fif-hioeaLle goods, will do well to give us a call before buvinz elsewhere. Salisbury, March 27. 185147 SPRTXrrkTWxMIKR FASHIONS A, m. m av J V iia A.MM. M-m W. M. A M. Ks A. A M. V A. 1 FqR1851. HORACE H. BEARD, TAXXiORi HAS just received,(t lira old stand.) from New York, the O A merican and European Fashion, for ihe SPRING AXD SI MMER, and will continue to receive ihrm quarterly. He is prepared to execute all "orders in his line of the trade, in a fashionable and workmanlike manner, at the shortest notice. From his long experience in the art of cuttitigand making garments, he feels confident that he can give satisfaction lo his customers. He respectfully returns his thanks to his friends and i he public for their liberal support tendered him hereto- ' tore, nnd wilt endeavor by increased efforts to plea hi ! customers.to merit a continuance of iheir favors. HORACE H. BEARD. N.B. All kinds ofcountry prodace taken attbemar-; ket prices for work. Salisbury. Match 21 , 1851. FEMALE SCHOOL. THE third session of the Islington Female Serai nary will commence on .Monday, March l?lh. Miss M. E. LANOSTROTH. Principal. TERMS. Tuition in Eng'ish, per session, lo 812 Music on the Piano, 20 Vocal Music taught gratuitously. Pupils chargeJ from the date of entrance. Bonrd may !e hud at C and 7 per month. ALFRgf) HAROKAVE. AN DRAW HI' NT. Lexineton. N. C, March 10. H51 4i6 Doctor M. Parker. Original Attachment lev ied on saiu Uoctor M. rar- f ker's undivided interest in 24t acres of Land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case, h;$ removed beyond the limits of this State, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman, published in Salisbury, that the defendant be and appear before the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at the next Courujo be held for the County of Davie .at ibe Court House in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday in May next, then and there to re plevy and plead, otherwise judgment by default final will be entered against him, and the lands levied on, con demned to satisfy the plaintiffs debt. Witness, Caswell Harbin, Clerk of onrssid Coort at Of fice, the 4th Monday in February A. D. 1851. C. HARBIN. Cl'k. Printer' Fee 5$ 6t48 INFANTS' NEEDLE WORKED ROBES AM) BODIES. THE Subscriber has just received a small lot of In fants' superior Needle Woiked Robes, really a a beautiful article also a lot of Infants' Bodiea, which he is offering at very low'prices. E. MYERS. Salisbury, Dec. 19, 1650. 32 LOOK OUT ! ALL persona indebted to Crow a & Jame will please come forward and settle immediately, or they will have to settle wnhran officer. BROWN i. JAMES. March 27,151. tf47 Auction Sale. ON Friday ihe 25th of April. I will e!l. at .poblie auction at Gold Hill, the valaable mining property of A &. D. W. Honeycutt, being a large interest in tht tlonevmtt A Cu!n Mine on (In'.i Hill l.n alnKl Mractof Land in the vicinity of the Mine, a share in j the Carter (Jold Mill, a valuable Iron Safe, a finehorac, I and a number of oiher articles not necessary to men- I rr t a tion. terms maae Known at ihe ;e. L. BL AC KMER, Trustee. 4 April 3. 1851. 4t43 . Sugar & Coffee. . THE subscribers have now in, store a bearyatrckof best white and brown Suara, Rio and Javsoflee, teas. Rice. No 1 Mackerel, high loast Scotch; anafT. fine chewing tobacco, segare, sperm and Hull's earners, aole leather, pine apple cheese. All fresh and wiU.be aoU low. ENNISS. SHEU WELL k CO. Salisbury. April 1, 1851, 48

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