' - - 1 1 "V if i r i t SABBATU EVENING AT-HOME. Avhen Sabbath bell hateceased their sound, Si And the hours oimy are And twilight draws iti curtain round K And tho'ebadoft gather fat ' 4 There j one pt nd one Ione, Round which dufl hearts inoet cling1 , lAnd the fondest memories, one by one, ? Their Choicest trdusures bri nig. f Tha4 spot is Home ; Admit m discord its sacred, walls (ben ; vAx festive halls, (Nor crowded jnarf , Nor gayest hatilnw of men, -Can knowia joy P kweet aad pure V None sucli to tfyein is giren ; ... . . -L'J-1 J .'Aljfrnl MT U&e ines lor ennui. f-. This earth wert quite nearen Tve wandered far! 'tnong other bowers 1" .. ' 1! '.-.It. - J t ij i nan tnoae mycinnoooou kw, jViih hope of gathering fairer flowers v Than in those, aj-den's grew : ' 5 Yet in the cold wjorjd's earnest throngs tij 'Mid its dinjnd stormy strife, i AffrCtion torns Uj) scenes and songs Of my young joyous life. . Home's well-lovejJ group! Its Sabbath song; , :; Its tones I seeijn to hear ; ' Though borne full many a league along, j! They come diK I iiticl and clear. X) Sabbath night jo treasured liome, ! &j Fond pride of rjriejmory's train ?And thoughts of j ej, where e'er I roam, Shall bring my youth az&tn, From Frasei'a Magazine. LONDON IN 1851. We Are on ihe eve of a decrnnml cen iosii Twenty vcfars ago the population of London was estMUHtediit a million andX halii Taking th average rate of increase tindrt a neriod o saxtv vears. W6 may as -l"yr - i ; ' . y surrjf, with a tolerable certainty of being clo$ upon the trjHrk, that the next census will-exhibit a population not materially Under two millioms and a half of human betligs, men, women, and children, living Turfpleasure or pain, pursuing their toils or Cultivating their enjoyments,, within thillover growingjhive the metropolis of the World in olherlgreater aspects of pow cf tiian that ofmdre vital statistics. TJie superficeJi '.covered by the close net work of houses in which this vast multi 'tudtfi' are pent up extends, in h straggling ' and, irregular forrn' over eighteen or tjven- ly iduare miles, pq uai io twelve or iwir . i . . l : trep thouiantKacrjes You may travel i eas'i and west in' riearly a straight line, tbVough an unbroln'continuify of houses, to i distance of jbetween nine and ten milis, and norlhand south between five ant! six miles. N?w streets, squares, cres cents, and suherban villas, hardly to be distinguished, except by a gush oftrees . anil' flowers here and there, from the more compact and populous streets upon whose - f liremities they re grafted, grow up in thick clusters upon the frontiers with a ra- i poll the pidjty so astounding that it is impossible atfnny particular moment of time to fix tbd actual limits (If that brick and mortar chKos which comes upder the general de f sign a! ion of Londpn Even while we are making the calculation, fieJds, gardens, arid 6leepy hamletjs, are in process of oblit eration by masonry and scaffolding on all sides. No man lean define where the town ends and country begins. There is no country, in the true pastoral sense, within many mijles of London. From whatever point rif the compass you ap ' proach the great metropolis you have shadows of its giant limbs, in the manu factories and residences that dot the sur- A. face long; beforej you come within the breath of its loaujejl atmosphere The for elcner who enters at the mouth of the riv- ert feels the in flue pce of London nearly a hundred milesaffi He sans up to London Bridge through a panorama of towns seat ep on, cliffs, or dipping their verandahs in toS the stream : mabsions, warehouses, dbcksl and wharfs ; Infest of masts, pre senting a congress ol the merchant flags -of the whole civilized' world ; and a crush arid din of industry by land and water, eqcIi as no exaggjerft ion of the imagina tion could have pfefiured. If he will on lyrtake the trouble ti educate his wonder dipping into a fe iv of the marvellous feats that are daily r ccompliahed on this miscalled Silent Highway the trade it carries up and dwn the myriads of men employed in it, tle quantity of money paid trid peni in nDor nnu revelry on the river and its banks between sunrisp ntil ; sunset, and the, floating population eternally navigating its animaled sur- (cc-h will diWer ample reasons for . 1 ' concurring with he Frenchman who de-! clared that London was not a city, but a province. I , ' -In populousness it jexceeds some of the. inbst respectablejkrovjincesof Europe, and ie&veif (be. capitals of the world at an im rnVnsurable distance behind. You micht pjck out of our dense thoroughlares. with out mteMng them; streets, lanes, and ak (yt, equal in extent to the Broadway of jfjjw York, tlie greatj quay of St. Peters hilrg, lb Palaisj Roal, the Louvre, and (he TuilriejJ. The population of Pari : - ,-CS-"- POETICAL. I m'nges not very) considerably above, half' m house, the following rules of order, with hVropulationot;Lonllon; St.PeterSburgh!l;?m?5t Pci innocence on hM pari of any 1 .11, ... . b thtntj in the world, save pleasing his honorable fj than a Td ; nd' ln roS8 nur"bers, patrons in the preventing their being further the population! oLojndon will probably, anuoyed : j ) under the next census, be found to be equal 44 LOOK HERE I Iqthat of Pari4 Vienna, Madrid, and Brus- , The Allowing rulei of r will be hereaf. . . . 1 1. , obseived in this Hotels Member' of the wU, added together, j Assembly will go the table first aad the gen- fTbfcse dry details suggest a lively idea tlernen afterward." tf trwn!rftinn tft ivKlch We riftte br002ht the art of packing, illustrating to lhe last extremity the economical problem of the greatest possible number irt the smallest possible space. Assuming- the area of London to be nineteen squares miles, it yields-ins a population on' each mile of 130,000 human creature, performing within that stinted compass all the opera tions of life and death, mixed up in fear ful melee of passions antTinterfsfs, luxury and starvation, debauchery an( criminali ty, hard work andidleness; besides an in firmity of occupations useful.; oVnamen tal and mischievous, making loe, begging alms, picking pockets, juggling, grinding organs, rolling in carriages, exhibiting happy families" in the streets, and re turning at night in unspeakable misery at home. This population is taken on an av- erage of the whole surface, ilf we de scend into the more denselyi inhabiied quarters of the town we may f airly double it ; fromhich estimate the reader is re quested to draw a faint picture in his thoughts of the condition of existence, re spective of aircleanliness, bodand space. in which some hundreds 'of thousands of people,eat, drink, and die, jn London, from one year's end to another. A quarter of a million of souls subsisting within the limits of a square mile is a spectacle of a stand-up' .fight against nature, sbch as can not be rendered very intelligible by de scription. The magnitude of the wretch edness baflles us. Individual suffering makes a direct appeal to our sympathies, while the sufferings of large masses are somewhat vague. The mind can readily admit a family group stricken on their straw pallets by famine and disease, but it cannot all at once tak'e in a whole dis trict undergoing the slow agpnjes of defi cient food and a foetid atmosphere. As the numbers crowd uporyus, the dislinct ness of the misery diminishes. MISPLACED CONFIDENCE. Jones is in general a good hiisband and a domestic man. Occasionally, however, his convivial tastes betray him into ex cesses which have subjected him more than once to the discipline of Mrs. Jones. A' few nights since he was invited to "par ticipate" with a few frientls atiFlorence's by way of celebrating a piece of good luck which had befallen one of his neigh bors. He did "participate" and to his ut ter astonishment, when he rose to take his leave, at the "wee short hour ayont the twal," he found the largest brick in his hat hre ever saw. Indeed, he was heard to re- mark soliliqueutly. "I think, Mr. Jones, ) vvfi neverquite so tight before." He reached his home finally, but by a route which was anything but the short est distance between two points, not. how. ever, without having experienced very considerable anxiety about the reception which awaited him from Mrs. Jones. He ws in luck that night, was Mr. Jones, barring always his primal transgression:; he got into his house, found hii way, into his chamber without "waking a creature, not even a mouse." jfter closing his door.'ne cautiously paused to give thanks for the "conscience undefiled; which se cured to Mrs. Jones the sound and refresh ing sleep which haupreventedlier taking notice of his arrival. Being satisfied that all was right, he proceeded, to remove his integuments with as much despatch and quiet as circumstances would permit, and in the course of time sought the, vacant place beside his slumbering consort. Af ter resting a moment, and congratulating himself that he waY in bed, and that his wife did not know how long he had been there, it occurred to hinrthal if he did not change his position Mrs. Jones might de tect from his breath that he had been in dulging. To prevent such a catastrophe, he resolved to turn over. He had about half accomplished his purpose we are now obliged to use the idiomatic language of Mr. Jones himself, from whom we re ceive this chapter of his domestic trials "when Mrs. Jones riz right up; in the bed, and, said she, in tones that scraped the marrow all out of my bones, said she. 'Jones, you netf nt turn over, you re drunk clean through' N. Y. Post. From the Warrenton Netcs. The following laughable notice was pasted upHn tr Hotel in Newbern, during the time the General Assembly held it sessions in that town many years ago I A landlord ol that place, who was extensive, ly patronized by the - members, being of the ,e,l C a" a t ?a "I, lh 1 notion trial momhwm r I ihj I ..nuM., . " M I 1 1 ' I i .....w., uiai mi,HiV(it i, iuu iJttHiui u uric a supeiior class pi mortal,, a sort vt majestic personageg, entitled to far fmdre Tesnect and honor than urivate inrli virliikla. '- H waa nil ulienuSr.iifinp i.i nhri;.nna i i-; .;ek.. tc the neglect frequently, 'perbapsj . of other equally respect ihle customers. As there were sotrte, however, who would occasionally get bricks in their hats, us people were wont to do in those days of ignorance the members we,ie frequently annoyed by these, and remonstrated witb the landlord on the subject, telling him it was unpleasant to be so pestered by rowdies and blackguards, especially at table. The simple-minded landlord immediately set about remedy insr the annoyance, bv writing y : ' - -----1 I and-postir-z up in the mostlconsoicuous Dlaces Afler reading it over, be did not exaejly like it.- It did'nt say anything about rowdies and blackguards ; so, to caution tbern paiticularly he. added, J .; ;i' :f; Noia Bena, rowdies, and blackguards will please not mix wilh the members, as it is bard to tell one from the other." SMALL POX IN M!ONTGQMERhT. The, Alabama Jpttmat of the 25ib instant, sa)s : 1 he Hoard of Health reports that no new cases of SmalLPox has occurred since the 9ib instant, and no Varioloid for the last week. In fact, ihe epidemic, which was never of fnuch importance from the first, Las ceased here been vaccinated out." ! This is a very satisfactory demonstration of the advantages and importance of vaccination as a preventive against this loathsome disease. The facility and rapidity of transportation by means of steam from one extreme of the coun try to another, and especially from the seaports to the interior, render general vaccination a mong the whole people much more necessary now than any former period of our history.: This fact is apparent from the appearance of the disease in so many, and such remote sec lions ol the country during the past (all and winter, and should admonish all elates to pro vide against its incursions; by the only preven tive known to science vaccination. This is easily performed, and is a tended with no dan ger or sicktiess when the matter is obtained from a healthy subject ; aijid as to its efficacy, there is no doubt in every instance where it takes properly. It is truej it is very difficult to tell by observation, nay almost impossible even by the most practiceiJ eye, whether the ulcer formed on the arm is' a perfect orie, and a sure preventive against the disease. It's ef ficacy may, however, be easily and effectually tested by re. vaccination, until it fails . to have any effect, Or produce an ulcer. When this oc curs, the subject may Xe considered as in no danger of taking the disease, even though he may be in the same room wilh and nurse a patient with small pox. That vaccination is thus efficacious is abun dantly established by the progress and history of small pox, from the time of the discovery, and especially vindicated by a case which or curred near Hamburg, South Carolina, last fall. A gentleman, the head of ia family, who had been imperfectly vaccinated, took small pox, which proved to lie a very severe case, and al though his wife and a family of several children, wilh servants (all of whom had been vaccina ted) remained in the same house and lot, and nursed him during his illness, not one of them took the disease, notwithstanding all wf re ex posed to it. We mention this fact to remove the doubts which niauyfeel as to the efficacy of vaccination as a preventive, and the preju dices indulged by others. Augusta Sentinel. The Artesian Well. Mr. Welton, the su. perintendant oi this work is still daily engaged in the prosecution of bis arduous labors. He has now reached the depth of 1020 feet, and is slowly penetrating a mass of rock, beyond which there is a hope that a supply of pure water will be obtained. He unites an indom itable spirit, of perseverance with a" happy e quanimiiy of temperament which enables him to pulj up .with' the vexatious freaks of what may be regarded in the most aggravated sense of the term a bor. The well has progress ed, however, without further accident or break age a result which augurs favorably for the future. Charleston Courier. The Boston Post very pithily remarks : It is stated that Shadrach fled to Canada, and has arrived Upon that soil where a slave cannot breathe as it is reported that the fugitives inthat province arestar ving and freezing to death. OF" An old lady, of Jersey had an unac countable aversion to rye, and never could eat it in any form, till of late they got, she said Mo making it into whiskey, and I find can, now and then, worry down a little.' Ex. This reminds us of the speech of a member in a Western Legislature ' Mr. Speaker, my county beats all creation : last year we made 50.000 barrels of whiskey, besides wasting thousands of bushels for bread !' ICT" The Whigs of Tennessee have nomi nated Wm. B. Campbell as their candidate for Governor. Chaplain is to be Demanded by the author ities of Maryland.; The forfeiture of the bail does not inis contended, release a charged with crime from punishment. person From the Greensboro Patriot. A Monster' Caught. . On the night of the 1st inst., Mr. Charles Hill, of this con- ty. catisht in a steel trap in Tom's Creek, near William Hill's forge, a bpaver that weighed forty-seven pounds, and measur ed three feet seven inches from the tip of thenosetotheendof the tail. Its hind4bot measured seven inches across the toes, its tail measured one foot in length and six inches in breadth. Hurra! for old Surry ! I challenge the State to beat that if she can. i A. D. Mr. Airy, N., C. April 6th, 18l. We heard the capture of this animal mentioned at Forsyth C. House this week; and it was said that there are some other beavers in the neighberbood engaged in the construction of a dam. Ifthis be the case, we trust the creatures will be let a lone and not exterminated It were pleas ant to contemplate the existence and the labors of this" remnant of a remarkable race of animals hitherto believed to be ex- linct among as.--Greensboro" Patriot. A SAD CONFESSION. Not long since a wealthy merchant of one of our cit ies poured into tbe ear of a valued firend his bitter com plaints of the conduct of his two and only sons. 'My life is rendered perfectly miserable by their reckless dis sipation and shameless profligacy,' taid he. Thai friend inquired of the merchant if he could bear plain dealing. Yes,' was the rebly. i 'After whaf I have been made to suffer by those of my own household, I feel that I can bear anything from otbers.' The friend laid his band kindly upon the merchant's shoulder, and inquired, Where did your children learn to drink intoxicating stimulants V In the most impassioned manner conceiv able, the wretched man exclaimed, 'At my own table! and, O, sir, ' said he, that reflection ia the most bitter J drop in the draught lam compelled to drain.' Where on earth, with all bis wealth, can that wretched father now find happiness? I He has thoughtlessly made his sons pass through the fire to oup American Molock, and the scorched and blasted victims will, in all proba bility, torment bia vision and wring his heart with an guish while he MTe or go before him to dishonored graves, dragging him with bis lad of sorrows after them. - I Keep ihj ib op and tbj thop will keep tbe. W. P. BASOIT, D. D. s. HAS the pleasure to say that he is a?ain in Salisbury, ready to at tend Ibis! professional duties. , .. , ' f- Thankfui for past favors, he feels determined to spare no pains or expense to render this ffarticular branch of the medical art a blessing tojall who need its benefits, and apply in. time. ' t j : As he, will necessarily pe absent a portion of his time, any written communication left or sent to.Sulisbury, will be stlended the first opportunity. March 6, 1651 1 43- 12tpd Carriage Slaking Business at Gold Hill. rilHE subscriber begs 'leave to inform the citizens, of JL Rowan and adjacent counties, that he has taken the sh'p on the main street,! two doors below W. A. McCorkle's slore, and opposite J. M. Coffin &. Co.'s steam engine, where he will continue to make to order on short notice, and on reasonable term3, all kinds of vehicles usually made in jthis part of the country. He has the advantages of procuring the very best of timber. He has also procured the? assistance of his father, who has bad experience irt thf business for the last thirty years. Repairingdone on short notice and on reasonable terms He also begs leave to return his most sincere thanks to all customers for their heretofore very liberal patronage, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. ' ROBERT M. BROWN. Gold Hill, March 10, 1851 6t44 Copartnership Notice. ABET & SnOUTELlJ would take this method of in forming the citizensjof jFayeiteville and the public generally, that they have 'associated with them, in busi ness. Mr. JAMES R. McDOiNALD, (late of Salisbury;) and the business hereafte will be conducted under the name and style of Aref, Shells well A Co. Arey it Shemwell return jihanks for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon! them, and intend, by strict at tention to busiuess, to merit n continuance. Mr. McDonald would respectfully solicit his friends and acquaintances to sivei htm a call. Fayeneville. Feb. 23, 151 Ct44 FEMALE SCHOOL. HE. third session of the Lexington Female Semi nary will commence on Monday, March 17th. T Miss M. E. LANOSTROTH, Principal, L TERMS. Tuition in English', per session, $S to 12 Music on the Piano, 0 Vocal Music taught gratuitously. Pupils charged from the date of entrance Board may be had at $6 and 7 per month. ALFRED H ARG-R AVE, AN DRAW HUNT. Lexington, N. C, March 10, 1851 4t4G LOOK OUTl " ALL persons indebted to Brown &. James will please come forward and settle immediately, or tkey will have to settle with an officer. BROWN & JAMES. March 27,1851. tf47 tatr of liovtu Carolina, ALEXANDER COUNTY. Court of Pleasand QuarterSessions, March Term, 18.51. C. W. Clarke, Original Attachment levied on defeTTdants interest in two tracts of Land descended to him by Will from the estate of vs. John J. Adams. James Thompson, dee'd ; one tract adjoining the lands of Wilie J. Templeton and others, on the waters of South Yadkin, containing 560 acres more or less ; the other adjoining the lands of Win. Cowin and others, on the waters of Jumping Run, containing 300 acres more or less. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that John J. Adams is not an inhabitants of this State: It is ordered that advertisement he made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman for him to be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Alexander, on the first Monday in June mxt, and plead or replevy in the above cae, or judgment will be final, and the land levied on, con demned to pay plaintiffs claim and cost. . Witness, A. Carson, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the 1st Monday in March, A. D. 1851, and the 75th year of our independence. A. CARSON, Cl'k. Printer's Fee $5 50 6t46 Dr. J. J. SUMMERELL HAVING returned from the city of New York, re spectfully announces to his friends and the public that he may be found at his office, in the new Drug Store, at all hours. Salisbury, Feb. J7, 1851 lUXJKU c WILSON KEEP constantly on hand an extensive assortment of Watches, Clocks' Jewelry, Silverware, Xusica! Instruments, Revolving Pistols, Perfumery , Soaps, and Fancy Articles of every description. Persons wishing to purchase articlesin theabove line will do well to call and examine 1 heir fine select ion, one door above J . &, W . Murphy's store. Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired in the best manner, and warranted Cor twelve months. Lepine arid plain Watches altered to Patent Levers and warranted to perform well. Salisbury, Jufy 20, 1S50 I . t f 12 Five Dollars Reward. R UNAWAY from the subscriber on 1 10th Feb ruary last, a negro man named DAVK. Said ne gro is about 5 feet 10 inches hiijh, and h;is a spot in his right eye, larsje front teeih, out-mouthed, hisrh cheek bones, and co.irse featured aged about forty years. I will give the above reward to any person who will ap prehend said negro, and deliver him to me, or secure him in any jail, so that I get him ag iin. WM. WOODS. 44tf Rowan co , N. C, March, 12, 181. TUTORESS. V YOUNG Lady of xxid education and wilh satis factory recommendations; desires a smiiition as a Teacher, at a reasonable salary. Address P, C, Insti tute, N. C. March 20, lt51 2m4G Cannon's Line of Baltimore Packets. T HE suhscriher intendf running a regular weekly line of Packets hetwfen Wilmmirtun nnd Calii- timore, consisting of six Ai I. last sailms schooners, Corinthian, Susan Cannon, Virginia Griffith, Palestine, Gazelle, I Geo. W. Robinson JOHN W. CANNON, Agent, J. & D. McRae, Aents, ! Baltimore, Md. Jan. 25, 1S.'1 13t44 j Wilmington, N C. COT 1 O.N YARN "jVTAjY I?e had at the Rowan Facto IvJL ryl in this place, nt QQ cents per bunch. ! It (is warranted to he-ascoodas 'any that isjmade at any other Factory. i ;J. G. CAIRNEd, Agent. Salisbury, March 10; 1051 44 STILLS AND TIN-WARE. BROWN & BAKER HAVE on hand a cjupply of STILLS AND TIN WARE which they will sellcheaper for cash or any kindpf Produce which the merchants buy. Also, old copper and pewter.) Guttering aad Roofing at all times attended to. They will sell stills at fifty cents per pound put up uttering at fifteen cents pr foot, and sell tinwattcneap n proportion. ! Salisbury, April 12j 1850 MEDICINES MEDICINES ! WE are receivings l)r. C. B. Wheeler's oldstand the largest and best stock of Medicines, Instru ments, Paints and Dye j Stuffs, Spices, and Perfumery, Fancy and useful-Articles,; ever brought into this conn try. (See our large hand-bills and Catalogue. We will sell very low for cHsH. L-QCKE & CHAr FIN. Salisbury, May 1849 2 To Officers and o x, . . , w-m-r iOlfllCrS 01.. lilC H ar 1812! TT will attend to the prosecution of claims arising un- JL der the " Bounty Land Bill ion of Congress. ! Salisbury, Oct. 10 50. passed at the last ses- JAMES E KERR. 22tf R. M. ORREIiL. Forwarding and Commiion !lerthant, Foyetttzille, N. C. Jaanary 30, 1851. t38 JOEL SULLIVArT, Saddle and Harnev Manufacturer, Two doors abate Summercll Voice's Drug Store, and opposite IF. Murphy Co., Salisbury, X. C. HAVING permanently located myself in the Town of Salisbury, 1 now offer my services in the above business. Having worked in some of the best fhops in the State and also in the Northern cities, I think I can please all who may favor me with a call. Repairing done at short notice. Prices moderate. Country pro duce taken in exchange for work. JOEL SULLIVAN. January 23, 1851. ly37 References John I. Shaver, Samuel Reeves, D. A. Davis, James E. Kerrj A. Henderson, Jenkins dc Ro berts, W. Murphy Co., J. M. Coffin. Gold Hill ; V. C. Barringer, Concord ; Dr. John Foard, Rowan. R I CARDS. FRISRY i. Co., Xo. 6, St. Charles St. Bal timore, Domestic Warehousemen and Importers of British and French Dry Goods, direct from Europe. Have on hand a large stack of American Goods pur chased previous to the recent advance which they offer by the piece or package, to the. Inspection of Southern Merchants, in competition with the stocks of Northern cities. Their importations are now arriving. Let Southern merchants examine carefully Southern stocks. All purchasers are protected in prices against Northern markets. 12tpd36 w. i, iiii; Statesville, N. C. THIS Establisliment is pleasantly situated immedi ately on the Northwest comer of the public square has attached to it a number of convenient offices tor le gal gentlemen and others. The undivided attention of the subscriber will be given to the interest of the house, and no trouble spared to render all comfortable who fa vor me with a call. The house has undergone some repairs, which adds to the" comfort of families. The servants shall be faithful and honest. Droters may find good lots and plenty of grain at reasonable prices. Call and give me a trial. Thankful for prist faors, and hope for a continuance of the same. M' B. GIIA.VT. Statesville, Sept. 30. 1S50. NEW FALL cy WINTER GOODS. Ho;t:u & MAXWELL A RE now receiving from N. York & Philadephia, a -m handsome assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vest ings,and variousotherGood for gent'enien's wear, w ith a variety of colored, solid and figured alpaccas. cashmeres, delanes, poplins, lyonese cloths for ladies dresses, with velvet silk fringe and Jenny Lind binding, iS;c., for dress trimmings ; shawls of various qualities, some very fine ; bonnets, hats, caps, some fine quality; shoes and boots, a larire assortment ; children's shoes and boois, suitable for winter wear; Crockery, Delf, China and (J!assware,a Far Sells Jenny Lind Tea Ware, mill and 4 cut, Rowland's best; Smith's vices atid from 4 to "20 penny nails, saws from G inches to G feet hammers, cutlery, from a very .fine pen to 1J inc h butch er and carving knife and fork, indigo, blue cotton yarn, weavers reeds, Dundee 45 inch bagging, rope and twine, sole and upper leather, good, SrGAR, COFFEE, YOIXG HYSON. IMPERIAL AND BLACK. TEA, CHOCOLATE, MOLASSES, fcr. kt, Salem and Philadelphia Almanacs (or 1P51, Moffatt's pills and bitters and different other patent medicines ; Dyestuffs, Jc. with numerous other articles. All of which were'purchased for cash and we intend to dispose of them on the most reasonable and accom modating terms to punctual dealers. Our customers, friends and the public generally, are respectful !y invited to gite us 1 call, examine our stock and jud'e tT ihem seites. Our whole aim and study will be m jL-ase and oblige. .. Salisbury, Oct. 14, 150. S. R. FORI). Wilmington, n. r. EALEU IX MARP.LE MOM.MKXTS; HEAD A XT) oot Stoties ; Paint Stones ; Imposing do.jnd in shoft, any article called for of either Italian, Egyptian or American Marble : and work warranted to please or no sale and if dam aged before deliverv.it is at his e.xpense. Orders for any ot the above enumerated articles left j with the Editors of the Watchman, will be attended to with dispatch. Nov. 0, 149 3Hlf LOCK BEFORE YOU LKYP ! Till subscribers woulil respecttu.lv inform the cMi zens of Salislnirv and vicimtv. tint we have open ed a BOO I' AM) SHOE SHOP at the stand occupied hist vear by Barringer A: Co. .and j one door below the Book Siore. We in'end to sell n low :is any shop m die place, and employ none but good and experienced wo: I. men (ur stock ( t LEATHER $- MATERIALS will be purchased in New York by one . f the firm, which will enub'.e us to get a good article, and to work at a low pr.ee The best HOOT U AklU in Salisbury, is to be found at th s -hop. Ail oik warranted. Dry nnd green hides and nil kinds of coun try produce taken in exchange tor wort. H. B. 'CASPER 6c CO. Salisbury. January 1. 1S51 11 1 "CLOTHING," "CLOTHING," BV TELEGRAPH. 7ST received a lare lot ol Ready .Mude Clothing, among winch we tiave some 01 ine nnest atiu cheapest Over Coats, ever hron'ht into th: market, (live us a call and we will convim e von thnt such is the fact. M. DROWN SON. December 11, 1S."0. 31 Rock Island Jeans and Kerseys. B' Oni'M cc MAXWELL are n-ent or tl.e sa e o the celebrated Rock Is arid Je:n.s and Kersevs. ' Orders trom a distanc e promptly attended to. :J.J B! UlCKLAYINt; AND PLASTER I NCI faithfully one, in good time.anJ on reasonable terms by the subscriber who has been engaged in that business for the last twenty vears. Address, Lexington, N. C. A. L. WATSON. Janua, 185 1 ry 1G Ciuo'i Just Received this Day OA BAGS RIO COFFEE, O J 20 So. 1 Mackerel, brand ot IciU. For sale by M. BROWN 6c SOX. Salisbury, Jan. 1, 1850. 1 HAGS ' RAGS ! ! flf LBS. e'enn cotton rai" wanted by the 5J J J 5lh of February, f r which a fair price will be paid. M. UROWN SON. Salisbury, Jan. 30t. 1-51. 2-.tf. DH. ted i A. C. JI'ItnK having permanently loca- in the i own or ioncorj, oiiers ny proiesaionai services to the citizens and surroundinj country. Office, No. 3, Harris' Brick Row. Concord. Sept. 23. 20 DR. IkX. WHITEHEAD OFFLKS his professional services to tlie public. He can at presenube found at his residence, unless professionally engaged. OffireIa Johnston's White Row. Salisbury, July 21, lr50, if. FOR SALE. SEVERAL lisht Rockaways. four or five cood Bug gies, built of the best timber, and by good work- I men, WUICII Will pulileiy lie llira,;ei ui" I bought at any shop in this part of the country. S. JOHNSTON. Salisbury, Feb. 13, 1651. 40tf ALL persons indebted to the late firm cf Brown it Elliott, by note or account, are requested to make immediate payment, as longer indulgence will not be given. JOHN BROWN, Surviving Partner. Ftbruiry, 13 1831. tf. 40. m hotel, I THE LARGEST AND .CHEABEST C STOCK OF GOODS h HO H'Av ONSIST1NG in; part cf Clotting; Dry Hardware. Cutle, Boo,s, Shoe,..nd T' getheF with a large artment cf irorerirs of everr'rf! scription, China, Glas5wtre,e.,ic., and in fan 7 other article suitable for country trade ; to all tjf Knaan and nuhlir crntrl'w 10.11 j J r . 1 selves. Our'stock is seiectl wiih the greatest , r -- .'iiiiii nnu see lor inem re in ujc rorinern cities loncasn. to sell as cheap, if not cheaper, than can be rtUfh.. .L State. A call will satisfy. i T We are sole a2entJfor Pecare and Smith's TenTr,, rel revolver II5TOL, whh concealed trigo great invention. i , ' "J Country merch-jnts ho want to bnv bv are especially invited to tali. The suhsenbers' p',i ' themselves to give them as good bargains as ihev cfl possibly get in New York. All Kinds 01 country produce bousht at the hiffbt ces by ELIAS CO. Gold Hill, Dec. 12.' Iy31 " LARUE SALES k S3IALLPRonT The Subscribers TJIAKE this method of informing their friends Vie I'"0'"--, haf they -continue 10 csrry on the Loci aim 'tur-uiuKiiig i.uinep, in all 119 branches, it th vyyur,,- , ..lurrtiv vV 1 0.1 iore The. have on hand fl I n riTu m , r4 f . . . . . . . . r r-. Shoeg, of ail descriptions, which e ai.nm k v. j equalled, by any new or old firm in this part of the foot, try, and which. after tle GREAT EXCITEMENT is over, by their fine finish will enable job to see Chere to LEAP with safety Their work is manufactured out of the best material and having in their fn.pl. y fnsi-.a,, t,rkmen. and well known and expt-jiyiced LOOT MAKER, who can feat the mt m this place, those who' favor them with their custom may depend on beine accom modated to theirsattsfactiou. Prices to foil the time -all orders thankfully received and promptly executed' i:i:snt2; ' done with neatness and despatch Thankful for tbe I liberal patronage heretofore received, they hope tonerit ! a continuance of the siiine : All ar invited to call and examine our Stock, and -1 " THE T !' 'N'T I.IKE DO.fT BfV." N. B. Hides areennd dry, taken iq exchange fr work, also country produce. 1 WARREN & RIMER. Salisbury. Jan -9, l&ol. 373o. NE W COl'AR NE R SJl 1 1 TIIIE undersigned have entered into a cc(r:neTfcip JL in the Mercantile Businessvat Wood (ir'ove Row an County. They intend to keep up a wrli assorted stock ot Goods, and hr pe by close atter.V.m nt d hi- tnv Linwgood baraains to their customers, to ir.-m a l.lr.l share of the patronage of the surrounding iumrj. They request their friends to ca'l and gie ihein a im. All kinds of countrr pro lnre token ia exclinnge fcr goods, and fair prices allowed. I). B. ;XV()OD, " ROUT. HARRIS. Au2. 22, 1850. 15 Dissolution of Copartnership. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between Ro? bert Harris and R. R. Crump, in the Mercantile' Business, was dissolve1 by mutual consent on the 22d July, l.r(). The books remain in the handa of Robert Harris, nnd nil settlements of accounts or notet, will 1 made with him. AH persons ore requested to come for ward and make settlement, either by cah or'note ROB'T. HARRIS, Aug. 22, 1S50 15 R. R. CRUMP. FRESH GOODST JUST received by Expresro -day, tlie following article-!, to which we respectfully call the atttntion cf the pub'ic. No. 2 and 3 Mackerel, Y ieh Salmon, SO boxes ch-.se,: lOOO 1 1. pure vvlote lead. 1 060 wjll be paid for belter aTl ir e, IOOO Us. lire Pi oof Paint, in oil.rl.enp fcrcasb Drermltrr 11, 1-330. . 31 . .ST1MSON ic CO'S XM-Ycrk. Xew-Orlean and Mobile Eipre!, c 1 ( )N N V.l "VI N( Wi'ii thesw,i"iet tn.) mot rrsimn- si' !e Eire-ses, IrUcm the principal Towns in Maine, New Hampshire. Vermont Mnachusrliii, Rhode Ii.m.l , Coiitieciicui . Ii-.rr ("anrjdn.New York State, Delaware, P : ! a n ia . Mar!nrnJ, Iis!rict of Columb'a . Ii;il'a:.a , Ohm. I bums, the VJ.lrll Statrt genet.'iiis', the M .-! 'p.pt an I A'ahama river town, and the prom 1 tie i) t p :i - ; !i ( u :i r; :,d I l.e ("a rTii i nfcs. Our Nn i.,1,1 ;nc mi '-m- i lr at;.! pnt-et, ihftt we csti secure the sP- and -j mly :rati-prtat.on t, Irnybt, trunk, pac kages, an. I a'ua!e pa a In m one end cf the country to the h r, ' mi betw-ri the tiK'St rrniotr points I ri'in cur n::i f-v yea r x j-r i m-f in the eprrs btliries, W hi e ronil'-Clrii W lib Ad.llllli fc Co., and our ininu tni- ai! aotaej. nt ()in-r respects, (rot the least of wlnth is ti,e cniiiidfi.ee and patronage of the N. Y 111 k coin 111 ti . u e I r ttiat we hi :i never cene to ie i!in-t f-i.'ne :: -!ti( tu ti to our friends the t'-we,!ers hnnker- tnd m-ri h:int- cner.'i I i v. We te lea ve rrrrHil a t lent ion to our Caumrnis Ex pres trom New-( :,eans, and our Kxprcs-d between N. Orie. ms and Mi!n , ( iiice : C.-iii'p Street, New Orleans, and 19 Wal Street, New York HENRIETTA LINE OF"" Stcfm 'tad Fralil Boots, RKall in excel. et order lor (.uness. Our Tow X . Dnat have !. rn: 1 v iep;i:red iitid made good new. f have a o u(!d J a tif ir rl.it tor ffw wa- tcr.anil we,, ajat-ted to tl.e -eivire. Mie win carry; 7UH l')ls m-n dainii.e, an l dtaw only 1'IJ inchti water. Those favoring u r(i ili- ir rKronajre, may expect as prouipi a nil tlieap eivice in every particular as any other Line can oiler. tJ. DEMINr;, Pres't. U M ORRKLL, Az'nt. ; A. D C Z.TX. Agent ai Wiltnii.jion. Favettevi.'e, IVt;. '2 , 1K5). 'tf Kl'IIN'S MANU 1 ACTOKY. o. 7. ISaltiinore St., Knltsniorc, 71 d. .L person in want ol iroi'd and durab.e iatiru- ments i . t tiii'l ttietn in il.,s L-tab.ishment, ot Piano's art- warranted , a nd beautiful ton- ami fmnh. A anv instruiiietit l i. t Joes tiot Come up to expectation. will be removed without any cr.are. and another put in its place without charge?. Address, A KIJ1N. No. 75. Palttmotu st., lia.uinore, Md. June 20, 5 MST OF PRICES. f, octave fmm .s 1 -0 to .NOti ; do from .$250 to ft.l.'.fl ; 7 do from Ss.'JDO to .v500. Orand Pianos fnra ft."(M) to 150H. JAMES I10RAH, WATCH AND-CLOCK -MAKER. Opposite the Watrliuian (Iffirr, Salisbury. .. -'. Nesroes Wanted ! Cash ibr Negroes - 1 k t A T I H F. subscriber is now in market and M-hes to chae a n:imker of Nerc.ea, lor whicn ne is oi:".- nz the Highest Market Prk ts in Ctn. Persons wi!nnz 'o dipo-e of anv of the above nam ed property would do we.i to call n the subcr,l-er. MYER MYERS. Communication" fr-m a d'ance attended io. 3alisbnry June 13ih, hi0, 5tf. J. II. rOFF.Tf .X keeps constantly on hand at the Samsevry Botk Stoke, a larze and most v! uable artment ot lSOkt Sllld MailOIltrrj. Sahsbury, Sept. 12. i0 - l-f Onn I LBS Pare White Lea d., warranted to be m jjJ superirtr to any other, by a guarantee cj Si (ioo. f.DO lbs No. 1. IfO OaMns Linked Oi', 1000 lbs Blake's patent fire end water prcof Patat, just received.. M. BROWN & SON. Feb 2: tf42 J. D. CTXXiXiXAXYIS, FORTCARIUXt- AAD IU3I31ISSI0 SEKrniXT, Feb 13, 151:tf40 FayetUriUeX- "Blank Warrants fbrale here.

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