IMIN. tfor!,SQriiit.r year, Two Poi-MR t,Lce if not odvaufe, payable in wo Dullard ,.f 'n-yiarr fur eai:!i bseM-nt mserijon. i,L,i.,l'i.i nTwi!. hiirlrtr th;iu t h r L'ourtordrrs irs A I l t tte year. .mil drJuciipn l' 'I'" wlu U(,Vfr,,t b '1 fshxrrEu for the watchman j -- ..1 Vtom the Now York Observer t'nVlc i:bc:i on .TiiiiWrlal Cheating. - It is too had." said Uncle Eben, "it A, riot use to be .W: this ministerial cheating ijt one of: the degenerate signs of I tBf no.;. . r . , Tins remark of Unci. En not , Iue ' , . j i ,iJfrht wl.irh but of certain Ps o' u a t" l had' been iroum on in iiisinmu. mi. jcii- l " r 7 . n i,;L J;,i kins had been sitting bv, his sidesome fivfriiviiri mutes, reading a newspaper. lUr,V . ,, i - r VL . w ! If a friend called when LncJe Lbeii was V . J. f li ii !l i ii tf ,.vvsn,r wi s handed l - firin, and hf was expected to rend till his host should be ready to engage n conver sation. Tliat readiness was sometimes indicated iy ;i question, but wore (re- qiiently by remark whicli led o conver- j atiaii n the subject which occupied his j IglltS. ; i , I'lif expression you have used.' sail lll"- I. Oil iIr. Jenkiris, willingly laying aside, the . .......... n..r ' IS! f fill! l nfll I It iJluo m a.n n lir' n '' vx i. ii, iijiiij nimiii chfHiihg of mmisteis, or cheating by min That istrue saTd Uncle El en. In which sense should it be taken?' said Mr. J, 5 : In both senses.' Did no one cheat ministers Javs V- ' i in former iNot very otten. 1 remember a story told me by ny lather, which roirues used to feel towards m misters. It hHpene(l when my father was a small toy. mbre than seventy years ago.' One Vibe minister's fowls had gone to one of lie neighbors, and took up his quarters, there, A tjievish fellow wfnl one night and r6bb(Ml the roost, taking among the other fowls, the minister'. When he came to ;exHrnine his spoil.! he knew the one which (belonged to the minister, and so he took j him home, and jthus brought bimself out. as the thief. In hose days, my father said, if a man wronged a min ister he vvas looked upon as! a sort of Al- rerine Human, f nature is pretty much the same ai ni umes. j suspect there were men then as well as now, wbjo ivduld take the advantage ol a minister liolwithstand--ing his Llafcjk coat.' M 1 'There were not many Cjiriistian men who would jdo it in thoe days.' 'There are not many Christian men who wduld klo it now.' 'There are a great many Christian men aIio do do it now.' 'Vou, are not wont to speal; harshly of . if.. i . j i wrnur. brethren : 1 hardly ktd v how to . iaip joii, i j- Vou must; take me as I IsAv. 1 i e Hie sure the word vhcathii mav not b precise Word to express my ide a. Cheat ing involves the idea of decept ion or trick cry. Th,e;wron; which is o lit en practised on ministers does'not often j involve that idea. But that matters not.! Whatlsav is, tbrtt mkny Christian men iwre guilty of uishoiM'.sty towards ministers!. 'That is a hard saing : I suppose you are ready In prove it. 'Of course I am, or I should not have sV'd it. let us suppose a cjiie that will aJ us ih getting riht ideas of this matter. 10U owe me. we will say, a h undred dol- lars. Voti engage to pay me of July, and you put your nai on the first le upon pa I'r to thai ellect. In consequl'nce of that acrpemenlV I. form ce'itain enagemenrs. The first of July comes, and 1 hear noth ing from yoiC My engagements become dw, and I:; must meet, ihem as I, can. S'thje timivjn the fall I go tol. v ou. and ask -ou for ibtt.1 money that was clue on the lift of July. Vou tell me you hav'nt it then, or it is not convenient i ryou to pay thrn. tliaf -you will prcH)ably have it be ;foTe long. , The next week, Uou take all Jour familf a hundred miles; to hear Jen ny bind, of you relurinh your wifeVpar ,;'or.!)r giv. a costly enteFtainment,-for which the cash is paid. v What sort of a min wouli it take ta'do suqli things? What would you think of yourself if you j were CHp.ilile of treating mq in the way .1 have supposed ' 41 should not call mysej' an honest BV 'Certainly not. And if you knew I had ssfhred not only vexation but positively los by your conduct ; if you knew that 'toy family had lacked bread I on that ac . nt, youvould not like to liieet me.' '1 sliouhJ not. i 'Well, now let me suppose another Ase. A parish that is, tb: men who compose t,' a majority of w mm, to say Jfifr least, are Confessedly Christian men, wivite n mimster to settle wit i them, and ' FwViise Uf pa him six hundred dollars a in two e(jual semi-annni l payments. he "iirsi payment becomes Hue: only a Srn''ll p"-l ol if is paid. T je minister -fciJe. his engagements in vien'of the pro ie made jhy the parish to pay him at a ; C!"ft,1ln 'ih-fe. Jle has promised the mer tihis money by that day.: He cannot p'U his promise for a very obvious rea--0. hut ofWbvoh will not be taken into ount by the merchant. ' Ministers.' he y, hdgld keep iheir !promises. iv tHn no un,esstiey practise Hat they preach. Oliier mfn, it is to be P'-cted, may fail to keep thejr word; h mintrr, if he wishes th stand faif llh the public?, must keep liis promises.' ... i ' - ! , 1 he minister bears the clold looks of ll .mi',rchaLiit for several months, when, "eil'l-irii. li . .Si . anrnj; nothing about bis jsemi annual PurUT nt' n'' ca"s on thP treasurer of the jyh The treasurer is sorry that there no tnonny in the treasury. I The minis- 11 0 tnnrift in ,i. a i; tri t . : ij treasury. . i ne minis- TKU1US OF THK llUOLlYi WATC 1 MrAnI!W;?orr'' and vi,l sPk tol Hetbat can travel well afoot, keeps a ' Aana:Mr.D. who have not naid their Lhnrse. ! J. Jr BRUNER, Editor 4 Proprietor. subscriptions.' In the courss of ft weeli V() fce (oes sQ M fc y musl calt on some one eIse- Mr- B. hag a note, to meet at the bank soon, and hence' ' ,,ut J aa SUUG unreasonable i lai ne shouW be f to pay his subscripJ .. . ., , . ' " 1 . " t,on while he has anything else to pay; M r 5o m i i l i Mr ' Cal,ed on : he had no mpy l spare the reason he does not mak known : the election is approaching, and be has made up his mind to serve his country in the next Legislature, if secure an election. The year comes round, and the he can minisi ter has received only about three hundred . , and fifty dollars of his salary. He tiasi suuereu in living, in reputation, and in purse ; his family have suffered, if not the pains of hunger, t he-Jack of some jof the necessaries of life which they could rea; dily&ave procured, had the parish or the men composing the parish; fulfilled" their written engagement. What sort of coni duct do you call that?' ' It can't be called honesty.' Certainly not. Is there any diflfirencd in principle Deiween ine two cases sup posed r I can't say that there is.' .If II rrt n very wen. i nen it any caseis like the above mentioned one occur, I 'spoke the truth when I said that some profess ing Christians are guilty of dishonesty to wards ministers. Now, I will ask you if any such cases ever have occurred f I suppose they have a good many of them.' j 4 Then I have proved all you; wanted me to prove.' But the parishes do not look in the? light you do.' I That may be ; but the question is, do not IJook upon it in the true, light V ' 1 think you do.'' Looking upon a thing in a false li and calling a thing by a wrong nam, does jol better its nature. A great many min-j isters have their influence and usefulness greatly; irrjpaired by the dishonesty of those who contracted for stheir services. It is in vain for Mr. AvB. and C. to throw the blame on the parish. The parish has no existence apart from the men whjo con stitute it. In order that a man may be free from blame in the matter,' he musf promptly pay his own subscription, and do all he can to bring the parish to right action.' I should like to hear you explain min isterial cheating in the other sense.' I have not got through witn the first scene yet. There is another way in which ministers are cheated by some men who profess to be Christians. Once upon a time, a certain man put up two barrels of pota toes for two of his neighbors. One wag sent to Squire M., and word was returned that they were not satisfactory. The man hastened to see what was the, matter. 4 The potatoes you sent me,' said Squire 4 are miserable things ; there is not a large one among them : just look at them.' 4 Zeb has made a mistake,' said the sell er, 4 and brought you the wrong barrel. I meanyhis barrel for Mr. He W'as aboutfto add the name of his minister. -The barrel was exchanged for the one filled with fine large potatoes. Thejsmall ones were sent to their original destina tion. No difference was made in the price. Why was it thathe. large ones were picked out for the squire, and the small ones lor the minister Because it would not do tor the minister to complain. It was the duty to practice self denial ! -That is a specimen of the way in which ministers are some times cheated by in dividuals. 'There are not many persons who are mean enough to treat a minister in that manner.' - .: If ''all the ministers who are now set tled over churches, should be called on to give, testimony on this point, I am afraid it would take a pretty large volume to re cord it. And now I will explain what I mean by ministers cheating in the other sense. When a minister spends his, time in idleness, or in some secular employ ment, during the Week, and comes before his people'on the Sabbath with a j half-' prepared, feeble discourse, he cheatsthem out of. what they have a right to have. Theyvpromised him a certain sum, and he promised them the best products of his; mind and heart, and if he wilfully ftjils to furnish them, he is guilty of dishonesty the same in kind as that I have been speaking of and much greater in dejgree. To withhold from men the bread of life due to them, is a greater crime than to withhold the bread that nourishes the body. I consider it a great crime for a parish to wrong their minister: I consid er it a creater crime for a minister to wrong his parish.' I must sav in regard to ministers as 1 did in regard to parishes, that ministers do not look upon it in that light. ' Some of them do. and all ought He When through the inability or neglcfct of a parish, a minister is obliged to turn a- side, for a portion of the time, from his appropriate work, that is another matter ; but where that is not the case, failure' to . .i -1 il .. .I give the w "ork of the ritual wella gation, is tl, whole mind and neart to me the ministry, to laj)or for thespi Ifare of the church and cohere- . : . . u:.i .j;.i,AKtii ' iiiuij, ishjp worai muu ui uianuucay. good . j yswtj, .- j rr : 1 - . . k ,, , , MMMMMMMiMiMaMawMaawMMaMBiiiiiiiisiifM 1 " Keep a check cpos all tocr iSS Do this .. .)! : Rulers. ;. SALISBURY, N. C, j THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1851. i 1 i . From the Goldsboro Telegraph!, DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE IN PITT. The reader will remember, that we publish ed a short lime since, an extract from the cor respondence of the Southern Baptist, in which it was stated, that Briiish Crown, prior to Mecklenburg, and tha' we requested some friend in the county to give us further informa tion upon the subject. In reply to this request we have received a communication from a gentleman residing there, containing a trans cript of the resolves, which we publish below. From ihern it appears, that altpr all. Pitt must yield to Mecklenhnrg the honor of having mov. ed first in the noble woik, since the Declara tion of the former was made on the 20th of May, A. D. 1775. This circumstance, how. ever, detracts but slightly from the credit to which she is entitled, since it is very probable, on account of the poor facilities for intercom munication in those days, that she had adopted her resolutions before she heard of the act of her sister county. Under any circumstances, they reflect honor upon the county and breathe the spirit of a high minded, patriotic, and de termined people, a spirit which we venture to predict still animates the bosoms of their de sceridauts, and which will develope itself in action, should the future prove that their lot has been cast in those "times that try men's souls." We hope that our friend will pardon us for publishing so much of his letter as will rfcrow light upon the subject: Greenville, April 4, 1851. My Dear Friend : I saw some time ago, an extract in youi- paper taken from a paper published in the Western part of the State, which stated that the people of Pitt county had declared Independence even anterior to the people of Mecklenburg, as evidenced by re cords in our Register's Office. The records alluded to, are the proceedings of the Committees of Safety tor ihis county, during Revolutionary times. They are now very much worn, but are still perfectly legible, being written in a very plain and handsome penmanship. Several years ago I examined them, and took a copy, and often thought thai I would send to some paper for publication. The-copies that 1 now send, are the nearest approaches to a Declaration of Independence that I can find. The one of 1st July, is a part of the proceedings of the Committee, and is in serted as such by the Secretary, as it appears never to have been a part of ihe said proceed ings. It is on a separate piece of paper, and in a different handwriting from the other, and the signers, with the exception of a very few, are different persons. It has been preserved, however, in the same book with the Commit tee's proceedings. This last may have been prepared by some member, for those citizens to sign, who did not have an opportunity of signing the first-; or it may be the separate de claration of a party's disagreeing upon some trivial point with the Committee parly, and ap pended to their proceedings for preservation. I have preserved in these copies, the punctua tion, spelling, and capital letters of the origi nals. Martiuborough was the ancient name of this town. Yours ever sincerely. Geo. V. Strong, Goldsborough. 44 MARTINBOROUGHvJuly 1st, 1775. The Committee of the county meat accord ing to Order as Before Mentioned, and has en tered into the following association. We the Subscribers Freeholders and inhab itants of the County of Pitt and Town of Mar linborough, being deeply affected wiih the Pre sent alarming state oTlhis Province and of all America Do Resolve, that we will Pay all Dew Al legiance to his Majesty King George the Third, and Eodeavor to continue to succession of his Crown, in the Illustrious house of Hanover, as by Law Established against the present or any future Wicked 'Ministry of Arbitrary Set of men, whatsoever, At the same lime. We are Determined to assert our Rights as Men, and sencible that by the Late Acts of Parliament the most Valuable .Liberties and Privileges of America are invaded and endeavored to be Vi- olated and Destroyed, and that under God, the1 reservation, of them, Depends on a Firm Un- j ion of the Inhabitants, and a steady, spearited ; observation of the resolutions of the General Congress, being shocked at the. crewel scene now acting in the Massachusetts Bay and De termined never to become Slaves," to any Power upon Earth. ..We do hereby Agree, and associate under all the Tyres of Religion Honor and regard for Posterity, that we will Addopt and Endea vor to Execute the Measures which the Gen eral Congress now Sitting at Philadelphia may conclude on for Presserving our Constitution anrhOpposing the Execution of the Severale Arbitrary, Iliegale Acts of the British Parlia ment and lhat we will readily observe The Di rection of our General Committee for the Pur poses aforesaid, the Preservation of Peace and Good Order, and security of Individuals, and private Properity." Signed by John Simpson, Ch'm'n.. and 92 others. 44 The Subscribers, professing our allegiance to the King, and acknowledging the constitu tional executive power ot Government, do so lemnly profess and testify and declare, that we do absolutely beliove that neither the parlia ment of Great Britain, nor any member or con stituent branch thereof, have a right to impose taxes upon these Colonies lo regulate the inter nal policy thereof, and that all attempts, ly, . . . . fraud or force, to estab sh and exercise such aims and powers are violations of the peace andecuri.y of.he people and ought to be re- ana secur .y P j . , ... mt.j-i 1 a na 111 m i mtiii ii i e ir r in iui? I IIIIC nrovince. singly and collectively are bound by he ne,. and Resolutions of .he continental and provincial Congresses,' because in both they are freely represented by persons chosen by .hemsefves. and we do solemnly and sincerely promise and engage, under the sanction of V ir ana engage, unueruc a . lue , honour, and the sacred love of liberty ana our CountrV to maintain and support all every ,e..i,iMrin mimhin and siinnori an everv the Acts, Resolutions and Regulation, of the ASB LlBEHTTIS SAFE." pen Harrtton. Continental and provincial Congresses, to the utmost of pfir power and abilities. In testi mony whereof, we have her to set our bands, this 23d Day of August 1775." Sjgned by 77 persons. THE KENT COUNTY! MASSACRE. Confession of the Mur&er Drummond turned Slates evidencefour of them im plicated arrested the Police in pursuit of the fifth, &-c. ii ,,. . jQ Q rp, Havre de Grace, April 13, 8, p m. There l i ,i ,j uua utrn i;i rui r , i iicrmnit urir iu lid, ill turn. sequence of the arrival of an officer from ChVs C7 . . .. . -J'T I tertown, who immediately pioceeded to arrest a man named Nicholas Murphy, on the chargH of being one of the murderers of the Cosden family, at the Georgetown i Cross Roads, in Kent county. It will be remembered that a man, named Thomas Drummond, was arrested in Cecil County, about the first of March, on suspicion of having been connected with the murder, and lodged .in jail, where he has remained ever since. The evidence against him was, that on Wednesday evening, 26lh ult., ihe day of the masacre, he disappeared from the neigh borhood suddenly, and without assigning any cause for his departure, and could give no sat fsfactory account of his movements during the interval. ! He alleged that he lodged at the house of a man by the name of Ford (who lives in the neighborhood of Black fIJird) on th,e night of the m irder, which declaration Ford corrobora ted, but stated that Drummond did !not arrive at the house until a late hour of the night.- One of the pockets of his pantaloons bore the distinct impression of a bloody hand ; Murphy, the man arrested here to day, came forward and testified that he and Drummond were out together on the afiernoon and night ef the mur der, hunting muskrats. Drummond, notwithstanding tjiis; testimony, was still held for further examination, and has now confessed, declaring that Murphy, Shellon, Ford, -Sills and Taylor, are the parties who committed the bloody outrage. They have all been arrested except Shelton, and the officers are in pursuit of him. This is not the Shelton the miller, who was among the first arrested. Ford is the same man who testified at the ex amination that Drummond did not reach his house until after midnight. I learn from the officer who arrested Mur-" phy that Drummond declares that be had no hand ih the matter himself, and that the only object of the band was plunder that his guilt only consists in a knowledge of ihe conspiracy before the deed was committed. t Webster, the uncle of Mrs. Cosden. who has so long rested sunder the suspicion of having been the instigator of this dreadful tragedy, seems to be in no manner implicated by the confession of Drummond, who intimates that if some of the Cosden family had not escaped and given the alarm, ii was their intention to have followed up the plunder of work and blood, and that other families would have been masa cred the same night. Murphy, on being arrested, appeared to be the least concerned of all the crowd assembled. Ford aud Sills have been lodged in jail al Elk ton. Yours, W. W. L. Shocking Murder. One of the most heart sickening murders that we ever read of, was perpetrated at Baltimore on ihe 10th inst. A sprightly interesting child, j 5 years and 2 months old, led his father's house after dinner to go to school. His parents were alarmed when he did not return in the evening, and sought and advertised for him. Nothing was heard of him until the afternoon of the next day, when his body was found in an old slaughter house. He-was hori ibl y ma,ngled and bruifed appearing to have been beaten with sticks on ; lne back, head and amis, and gashed with a knife on the face, neck, hands and body; his arn,s terribly cut and gashed as if held up to defend himself from the blows, lie appears to have been dragged along; the ground after being wounded, and thrown; in the slaughter house, where he seems to have composed him self to die by laying his head on his arm. Three boys, 16 and 19 years of age; and two men, were taken up, charged with perpe trating this horrid outrage on the poor little boy. But, alter the most laborious examina tion, nothing was elicited to authorize their de tention ; and they were discharged. Later. Discovery of lhe Murderer. The Baltimore American says, j 44 It is established beyond the possiniuiy oi ,(,. i i . .. f a doubt that the atrocious murder ol this inuo- cent child was perpetrated by another child : r once fully convinced all who heard him of ihe truth of his statements. Il appear hat he and a negro boy of between 12 and 13 years of age; j This loss of the Company is very heavy, the the act beinT consummated with the cold original cost of the etahlihment being up blooded cruehy and determination. j wards of thirty thousand dollars. The walls "The nerro boy's name' i3 Henry Long, of the building were biick. but th" in of who lived with Mr. Bankard, adjoining the heavy timbers left them in a mined ?tr;te. No old slaughter house in which the body of the part of th establishment was insured, murdered child was found. Circumstances Since wriiing the above, we learn that only havin" directed suspicion towards him. as soon a part of the yarns were saved. AsMxirough as he"was arrested he confessed that he com- ; Herald of "23d April. mined the murder, and related all the particu- j lars connected with il in a manner which at 1 An Extraordinary Arrival of Emigrants. little Rumpf (who ought to have been al school) pr a somewhat boisterous passage ol inirly six were playing together in the slaughter house days, during which she lost her main topmat, and that Long had lent Rumpf a top-cord, which . fore and mizzen top gallant mast, with tails he afterwards asked for, and the little fellow ' anached. She brings 5 cabin and 95G steer told him that he had thrown il down. Not ' arP passengers, making a grand total, inelud- r i :. . u nvi a rnci: in,- I u un trii iuc ... i J .l fi.A ,u -fc- i , , .. o fUn neaa who ti--, , ; f from the house into the yard, but he former caughl him and took h.m again tnto .he slaugh- Ipr hflI1,P. ,vhere he says ne reconciled mm so - . . '7 1. I . -I I . 1 1 . .1 .ii a nhi a Ifirwrer -that they piayea togemer a , V The negro then again aemanu-u . ..-.u, ..a iu nhA nersisiin-r that he had it not recommenced beating him with a stone which r. Washington despatch says : J he lo, he held in his hand, until he staggered and tell lowing, as far as I can at present learn, are ;n it.n corner nf the house, and then beat him rhM ;,, his arms in ' - a uer . , , , ihus he uci uu e - . . , left him, not dead, but, as be; says, crying, ana NEW SERIES. VOLUME VIIi-NUMBEU 52. after bolting the door wenHo his own home. 'Ihe boy says he heard the child groaning du- ring the night. It was evidentv; be lived for some hours after being hurt, as he had crawled from ihe corner in xvfcichie was left and placed himself under the winrkwv. where he was found. The of agony thro' j u'hich he must have pase!$s perhaps the must J nearl-rPn"ig teature ol the cae ; w hich ,n a!' asl,pcrs, may be "regarded as ne j scarcely parallelled in ihe hitoiy of crime. 'f"p negro boy is free, and intelligent for'his ' A . , T ...... - ' "" vuic-irss iiiiMur-i ,,, wuilij he reiterated his -story, seemed utterly incapa-i ble of understanding or'ting ihe enornSi .ty of the crime which he had committed." AN ACT Concerning Orders of Publication. Sec. 1- Be it enacted by the General As- sembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by ihe authority of the ?ame. That in all suits, both at law and in equity, in which orders of publication are now allowed to be made, eithei by the court itself, while in : i..ii i i . . rsiou, or iy me cierK,or cierK ana master tn ; equity, during the vacation, it shall be lawful i for Ihe court or the clerk or clerk and master, ! to cause publication to be made in any newspa per whatever in this State. Ratified 2S:h January, 1331. AN ACT To amend the 51st section of the 102d chapter of the Revised Statutes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General As sembly of the State of Nonh Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, I hat hereafter it shall be the duty of the sev eral sheriffs in this Stale, to advertise the sales of lands for the taxes due thereon, at least nine ty days in some newspaper published in their respective counties, where there is any paper published in such county ; and in counties where there may not be a paper published, the sheriffs shall advertise such sales in the near. el newspaper to such county : Provided, how ever, that in. the case of the sale of the lands for taxes of non-residents or of persons living beyond the limits of this Slate, that the same shall be advertised in some newspaper publish ed in Ihe city of Raleigh, in addition to ihe ad vertisement as hereinbefore provided for. Sec, 2. Be it further enacted, That so much of the 51st section of the chapter 102 of the Revised Statutes, as requires all sales of lands for taxes to ba advertised in the State Gazette or some other newspaper published in Raleigh, be, and ihe same is hereby repealed. Ratified 24th January, 1851. AN ACT To amend the fifty-first section of an act, enti tled 44 An Act to provide for the collection and management of the Revenue of the State." Revised Statutes, chap. 102. Sec. ec. i ne u enacteo ny ne general as- ir?..i.. i. sembiy ol the tjtate ot iorth Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by ihe authority of the same, That so much of the said section as directs the advertisement of land for sale of taxes in the State Gazette, or some other newspaper pub. lished in the city of Raleigh, be, and the same is hereby repealed, so far as regards the sale of lands for taxes owned by persons residing with- in this State; and. in such cases, it shall be nMfQmVo Iv Tlir PVnVTI the duty ol the sheriff, or their deputies to ad- OMISSIONS IN I II L bL LNTII CLN- vertise such lands in soma newspaper publish- SUS. ed in the county wherein such lands are situa- The original tables returned by the Mar. ted ; and if there be no such paper, then in shal and filed in the Census Olfice, profess to such newspaper as shall he published nearest include the names of all prions residing with- thereto: Provided, il shall still be the duty of in the United Slates at the time of ihe enu the sheriff to advertise the sale of the lands of meration, and il is important that these tables! non-residents, or of such persons as "live the should be as correct as the nature ft ibe case beyond the limits of the State as heretofore will admit. Appeals will be hereafier made lo prescribed by law. these records to asceitaiu facts of iinwr!ance Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all laws to families and individual. Kefe rentes are and clauses of laws, coming iu conflict with ; now frequently made to the Cenu Bureau lo the above provisions, be, and the same are ; ascertain from the ducumnts iu the office facts hereby repealed. Ratified 23th January, 1351. COTTON FACTORY BURNT. The Coiton Factory at Franklinsville owned by the Randolph Manufacturing Company, on Saturday evening last, was consumed by fire. The fire was discovered about nine o'clock at night, in the dressing room, which was in the upper story ot the building. In a short time the flames were communicated to the roof. whereupon it became evident lhat no effort could arrest their progress. Money and goods belonging to the company were saved, but the machinery, being fastened to the building, was destroyed with i. No other buildings were i . nurni. We have not heard that any one pretends to i know, or even conjecture, ihe origin ol the fire. mm i . r . i ' i . i The packet ship Wa-hington, Capt. Page, from Liverpool, arrival at New York on Sunday, af- . l i r i nut ..!. il : n I i rw nrni0ra n nri I - r f w .11 1 .11 1 11 ijui. a 1 111 1 "- " ' , m wprp fgt . . V, , , rmg the passage. Hus m (he grea eM num ber of human beings ever conveyed over he Atlantic. Capt. Page has brought over to this . .... . . 1 . . . - n t, nr.,,t 1 i-o iwivntroa InA Piiiir. c,,u'" ',""" 1 ' - ;' m0us numuer o, o,.u, n.,.,....,.,,. those Senators who thou ht it dishonorable to lake constructive mileage. Messrs. Clav. L n- Messrs. Clav. L n- i derwood. Badger. Seward, Mangum and Com, .. " - er. FLAX COTTON. The London correipondent of the New York Commercial Advertiser says of flax cotton : J 44 The use of flx cotton, manufactured ac cording to the process of Chevalier Ciauen, i now in progress on an extenive scale at Brad ford, in Yorkshire, and at Cork, in IrelankJ, large mill owners at those pJices baring en tered into contracts." j j One of the most distinguished agriculturalist of Pennsylvania, familiar all his life with the cultivation of flax, writes us to the following ef- , t " r feet : . " Flax is of easy culture as any crop we can raise, and in cost in, bears but a ma!l propo i. tion. pound for pou rid, with cotton grown oh new ground with the best teasnn. j j 4 Hemp requires a stronger soil, but the j yield is much greater tbau flx. My e xper(. i ence leads me to think that ihe crop uf eiiber is much less liable to faikire than any crop we , could raise, as flfx matures oly in July. an4 hemp in August, both out of dinger of injury from drought, the dry season generally occur . ring later. . j As a fabric for sheeting 1 and shirting ' deem linen a luxury when compared with cotl ... . , , . ... .,, . . : . J ltMi, uuu our idoorers wouiu never wear couon if they could procure linen al a reasonable price. II the hiire ol these plants can he pre. pared for power spinning, it will reduce tha demand for cotton fabrics to a revolutionary extent, greater even than that produced by the use of the gin in the rustic costumes of our people." t I That the success of the new operation will be followed by a reductionin he demand for cotton fabrics to an almost revolutionary ex tent" cannot, we think, be doulited. The peo ple of every part ol ihe continent of Europe can raise, and weave flax for themselves ; and Rus sia -and Poland, which now supply England so cheaply with grain, will find themselves bene fitted greatly by adding to the grain large sup. plies of flax, which can certainly be raUed at less cost than coiton, and will ield a fabric that will be preferred. We yet, however, have doubts of the success of the new operation ; and our principal reason for now bringing ihe matter before our southern readers is, that we , desire again to invite their attention to the fact that, for ihe whole of the last thirty year, the tendency of southern policy has been lhat of driving the spinning machinery to the flax growing countries of the world, instead of in viting it to take its place among its own cotton fields. Should they not, then! take warning from what is now going on, if time be yet al. lowed them, if failure from any caue attend the present operation ? Had the tariff of 1842 been maintained we should be now consuming at leat nine hundred thousand hales, a large portion of which would be worked up in the southern States ; for by 'this time the northern manufacturers would be chiefly engaged in tha production of finer goods, leaving to ibe South the production of coarse ones. As it is, our consumption, North and South, is not like, aa we learn, to reach even half a million, and there is little prospect of change in the future unless towards a reduction of the quantity. A few years of thorough and complete pro-' lection would enable the South 'to iblp its own manulactures lo almost every pait of the world and so much below the prices at which similar oodjJ COIlId ,,e snppied jjy England, lhat ihey . , , , , , a . , c , ... 1 m,Shl a,m'St SCl flHl al defianC? 5 and et lheJ' den' emselves lhat protection f We entreat them to look to ihe fact they are every day more and more nlacing ihe control rf the sninninrr machinery of the world in the hands of the flnx growers of ihe world. Washington Republic. ; relating to the place of residence of families in j 1790. In view of these circumstances, we j have been requested to call the attention of all j individuals who may have reason to think them. -I ?eVes overlooked by the afvi'ant marshals to j these fads, and to request lhat they will furn ish to the Superintendent ol the Cenus the name, age, color, sex, and condition, (free or ; slave,) and birth-place of each member of the family, wiih their olace of residence on the 1st aa OI June ,asl- Sat- Int- : South Carolinians Deserting, their Stale. j The Greenville Southern Potriol says : v kno,v nf n.uni0n and W()rh who are a, ,ou, having South Caro- . i:nft ftn arrniirit i ,l. -in,;nPj ,..r moij and warfare wiln xlft (;etlra (;vern. me( which characterizes her. If b persists in her mad scheme of seceasiort, hr bet rili Zfiu will leave her in droves, and move, a one told us a few days since, into the I". Stales." SOUTHERN TRADE. The Boston Journal says 4,Ili well known lhat Boston has suffered in its trade by the agi. tatiwi f S.avery quesiion. Not only South ern, but Western trade, to the amount, as es. timaled by some, of even two rniljions7 of do. lars, been withdrawn from ihis city and given to New York, in consequence of the odor of fanaticism with which our ci'y is impregna ted." We may add that Baltimore hss come in not only for a large share ol the trade here refr. red lo, but for a portion of what las been here- 'tofore enjoyed by New York. There is & strong feeling in ,he South In make BaJ.imora its commercial emporium, and it is incjrnben? on our business p-o)ie to see thai the !aci:ities l trading ai d j'ernnal interrourse shall be on the best fooling. Bull. Amer. A Yrlcran Printer n the Washington (i!iJr nL'ice, there is a gen; Umaa. Mr. Collin, rO years of age, who work it ihe case from twelve lo fourteen hour every dav, and-w-a!ks rum arid to hi home in Georgetown, a di. tance of some three miles, every morning and evening. .1 f 7 'I 1 1 ' n " ! : ' I !."(''.. ' A " - - ;i ! i.

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