"' . r .1.,. n"hri! nV . s . III. -.5 If. i I v'at SnlisMfy. Wednesday ant, int. s'ltishurifko Mt "Pleasant. Jlrnictor. Ilesidenc', 'of conveyance not specified. emissary t- rM.tys ai jiju Mt. Pleasant &atn dys at t-e i n. in . 'Ml rifast, Fridays ro. i Siurnlrs. Contractor. 1 ' "Hi . i .V U.;t'. Uite trip Vi.i hi. p. ni. vp Troy, Thflfsditys at $. l" : . .5" A. .I.J.. ,,eSilinuTyaturdayijit 5 a. at 5, a. days by m. 11 Residence. Sator. And at I kow our opinion are more or lesa tn--jflaenced by those among whopi we hare long associated, so if we nee the fruit, we can guess the" qiiality of the sil-'Vl would not if I could, close my eyes to the fact thit there are men among us born north of Mason's and Dixon's line' Who are worthy of all respect. That there are such among the ' Sohs?r of temperance I have no doubt: but you do not see such men attempting with out cause to injure the characters of their neighbors be cause they may differ, with them in opinion, or arro !THiing to themselves any other standard of morals than ithe Bible. They "know frm what has been manifested Jin the country of their birt.rf, that fanaticism is not to be jtrusied on any subject. That it is blind and undiscrimi ihiting. Thrit give it claws and teeth it soon wiljhite. jThey know that every change toward reformation in the habits of the people mt be slow and gradual, and that truth (much less error) cannot be forcibly or abruptly introkiced info a community without evil consequences. jWhenever a Society (whether of one idea or of many) becomes a " pent up Utica and attempts to stifle dis cussion bv vulvar slang and pointless- sarcasm, it needs n- prophet to foretell in this age bp the worJd, and in jthis countrythai it " will be of few days and full of trouble-." . Sobriety savs I have set up as a defender of the ;Chiirrb. and ' he's made declarations inconsistent with jjthe IJ ble." .The community can judge which is the ijmpst commendable character, the defender or abuser of ! the Church. How can he judge as to the soundness of my interpretations, when he confesses that "he is no theologian." The world needed no confession on that subject. If be was as candid on other things the pub- mm Carolina: Mutual INSURANCE COMPANIES. nWle t)f C(inVi; atSCC UOt Spe- i,;hc would not be disturbed! soon, bv either his bad selec- j J T I ..:..... v.- J. ,11 .. .i TI il. .1 i- ;n 11 tions or his dull originals. ; lie talks about his illustra i tions. I hope his experience on banks and roads would have taught him that he has mistaken his genius. Let S U O p. m. ,t() ruptions. 'fbse soil of the iiurserv " will (1). jf b' tersnow its fertility by asking than by answering. I !kmiTKf jtwl; tk.u. T !ini f n : tilfwt it rmaa imr nmr9 A at Troy "l) ' J a' m- if ifobriety answered with all his " profound reasoning," it; wouid end in " vol ct pretarea nihil. THESE Companies are both doing a cafe end pros perous business i jTheiliii Company has issued some Twelve Heiidred Policies I and had, at its anniversary, a surplus mS cient loiiave itid sixty per cent, on the premiums paid in ! The l!ire Cojjpany has issued rearly Four Thousand Policies i andhasa capiial of over O'$500,000!eri! in bond properly secured. For the present yeajr the fo lowing gentlemen have been elected officers : Life Company. DrjCliarles E. Johnson, President ; W. D. Haywood, Vfce Prfsident; James F. Jordan, Secretary ; V. H. Jones, Treasurer ; Perrin Busbee, Attorney ; Dr. Wif liim H.jMcKee, M. E. j JPire Company. J. O. (Watson, President ; J. G. B. Roulhac, Vice President; J. C. Partridge, Secretary ; Richard Smith, Treasurer; John H. Bryan, Attorney. j J, HERS'M AN, ! General Agent for jboth Companies. Mr. Hersrnjrh has arrived in this pface prepared to t4ke risks in either Company. July 10, 1851. THE WESTERN MUTUAL (INSURANCE COMPANY LIST OF LETTERS i REMAINING in the Pdst OiSce.at Salisbury, on the 1st day of July, 1851 ' . J OF r;i of pdlTOcal i:ns$:roRV. i.bomil:iU? idea of a dl.UMTulrr , U,...i!!tt: di'J not iriitiate .uny NORTH CAROLINA ! rllip last Legislature chartered a company wiih the JL abbve title for the purpose of insuring their proper ty gaist loss or damage by fire, and also of injuring theirreipective lives, and making all and every insurance appertaining to or connected with life risks of wllatev- s ,. iT.nkn til In f veople U evident to W m- i - ' I M , ,4 a i! nit t:r- the OrdT of the " Sons" equality with, or sunerioritv to the Church? Sobriety says 'inv witnesses have not answered to their names." Is this true ? I consider myself fortunate hot only that my witnesses are above : .. A ... .1.. . 1 . 1 ,i . , j . j ,i mi ! mi.:io uui iii.ii mev n swercu prompi v, not at mv I vii !r heiiu (wrigi nH'd with , . , , . ' j.,, y " ; i l" h en . hilt at the en 1 of rilltv. I hi'ir vrurp ia anriih o frnm the trumpet notes of challenge to the murmerers of seorn and indignation which is heard not only in the ranks of the Church, but in almost every social circle. I could point to I he testimony of the " Sons" and their excuse, (li.coirtt'iiied spirit r:ie f vi" " f !, .if " 'if- n -t ' . . . ! .. .f . in tho lead f their ttiUTttions wa. S is uUo now V . .U Nfltt'hH (urir wif . . . 'i.o!i ai'uresed lh( j'iMtpk o! At- i iig(Micei ) lint (Sett. f'rtm-in But to the counts! Did Philip S. White claim for i er kind or nature. The Company has been organized ajnd is bow ready to receive applications tor insurance againstjloss or damage by fire. The following officers have bejen appointed : i D. A'. Davis, President ; Wm. Murphv, Vice Presi dent ; John M. Horah, Secretary ; A. H. Caldwefl, At torney,' ; j Executive Committee. j John? I. Shaver, J. II. Jenkins, H. L. Robards. 1 Dr. A. M. Henderson, Medical Examiner. Persons wishing to insure in the above company can 44 that White was not t& Order.' " Sobriety after a receiveiany information in regard to its principled and call from the ljth May to Uie JGth of June, answers ne- ! terms of insurance, by application to any of its officers. gatively, nnjl Jiot rnly denies, but is willing k deny with J. M. Salisbury, July 10, 1851 HORAH, Secretary. tflO Mi- th'!1 r-'h ullnno, JSeuaior to tho issrppi, n ui i hij course ol tii reu i.hM 4 Mr. (,aliUn tn relation ..t;l that itl-'ft l flemaiiditi ameiid f i ,il,e (,'iilltilioil, and, iiif cai(i ol fail f I ..tVaiti t!.iiii:!ltf""iJ to frr4inn, wiwf f -i.,ich'd ;by Mf C illiouji tiper iur ()-to. f -.-lviri'n i l! ; iht Mrj; Cnlhoiti told! ;nf (1) lid no eipiccUtiyh ofoli-i I tfie.e nil'oenls ; u'l .1r. C thought . .IimiuM i" kIuiI, why ihjen .S.mth I miirt in, ih flrn) tlioti d a .TjoMthei ii ,(n .;-V ; anil htit Uf. i'ltlhouni had r()(ircA i?nnnij'tr lids rif m Republic which wasi ,-',ri lurineH'oiit ol oite oflhe lfa;ii)eiit!(j I'jiienei'it Miiiirtt."- i I ( .... . 4- - ' - !- - - - -""" i '?x of I he -Canvass. L'Ndr $H hdi . "Slew," "Wr havp th inostfl.it I icoootiis ffotj) the coutitiejs of Cherokee, It and liaywopd, and that iifinan's m;t n ihos three-(Mtunties, canntt be less )(),' AW hjiveno douM their accouni an oath, that White ever uttered such sentiments: and his reason is'that he 'heard White Bay in a public peech that " h considered the Order ' infinitely below the Church." Xow here is a swift witness ! We read that wheTi a certain man was first told that he was with Je sus f Gallilee, he simply denied ; when told f he second time, he denied with an oath, and when told the third time lie began to curse and " swear" ; and I ask him " professionally " if his testimony would not be just no thinrr as to the fact under consideration. The second count. Sobriety still opens on the old jamount of labor. W ith this simple contrivance albuck- trail by asking questions. He asks " are we not enti- jet can pe sent to a spring at the distance of thre hun- Telegraph Water Carrier! HIS is a new and very useful invention for the purpose of raising and conveying water either from fpringsbr wells, for domestic uses. It is also useful for raising ores from mines, or any similar purpose. It ac complishes the same amount of labor in less than half the time required by any other machine, with half the tii.vrTr.iUNu tied to the riht of de barring thieves, robbers and Jiruni nrds .' from our-Society .?" You have the power, but whether yon have the right on principles of reformation is more problematical. " Christ came to call sinners, not the righteous to pentance." Sobriety blows hot and rM wijX the same unouth. He makes the. princi ples' of the 'Order as pliable as the Fairy's gift which ;dred yards and returned with water in three mjinutes time, tit is simple in its construction, durable, and not easily to get jrot of repair, The kiadersigned having purchased the patent! right for the fcounties of Rowan, Cabarpus and Mecklenburg, jin this State, will be pleased to sell individual rights to isuch asf may need them. Letters addressed to Him at uld be doubled up like a fan, or spread large enough to'SalisbuVy, . N. C, will receive punctual attention' .... .. irrt n . .1 u" j. . t L t t it r r.l us ukus with; I he Subject U liom leliuiilt at (ailthT will! I hose icoiinl ies-J onouh, but ate ihey true'! r,e w iHslioiii i'liMeiprsl .(Jo mil oner Mk tlTt tiUlJi and w. liifr4 no idea thei -its ar- Hint ung hul laulJeiy1; iuiii it 1 1 er. O il! ilo.i in ition oil I ut fl nirt'fH," Imii is , and it is ii tn i nert u f a t.atuNotiifi'iitaioi Uy in ;ue r in hai the iiilijifnaiiiiji of th-; i have fl,)llr,e(I ihem, xtv therii Ijovv Car at!errjptiiipito (U ter thf tr readers, wej .i pretend lo iy. Athrville Messenger; Foryfie Wulchmaii' i Ecttont When a inanl sud(ierily flings aside hp H imrens-tjn rtjo's (with which he is to compass walk t.f ffKjfth rimotest bound,' and sjt down tjt mf nctthij ttie canopyyff Heaven, ) arid nrrHvi ti bef!!hu publrc like to, fecare-crow, wih iiilttn'ng ii.)Iio wind, eUrftly tho 44 Sons? ' not b' ftstonislicd if not only w " poor outcast" of thfliardeu'of Sobriety, li)ut the smaller birls rid only Ofxtoiia:iy, fjiould taka flight atufly y t sufli mi njiparitkinl If the Order will pojst y in the' 44 vast Temperanco palaco " its the m- ur f ' Ixne, Purity and Fidelity," I am of opii- me airf8ai(j palace, which now resounds "with cover an army, lie at one time, says the object of the 'Sons' is tb take por outcasts from society and treat Ihem as equals ;' and then he again asks if ' we do right in receiving (under certain qualifications) those who havp done wickedly and jicted disgracefully' ? By what le gerdemain those who have done wickedly and disgraced fully Cyin all at once be possessed of good moral cbarac4 ters is a mystery too .dark for me to solve. I hope the luminous mind of Sobriety will again take compassion and let another ray of light fall on the 'Opake lmagiha tions of his readers. But S. says 'if they prove unwor thy, we expel them.' D has known numbers to with draw, but never has he known or heard of one that was -expelled. The poor too are debarred ! I ask S. if the reason w7hich he renders for this refinement of cruelty is sufficient to satisfy his own conscience? If the poor are excluded without regard to moral Character and the moi'l rieli are alone to be received, what sort of justice and philanthropy is this in a republican country? Af-t- r such an exposition rf the principles of the 'Order,' I hne to bo excused from the examination of the third witness, the cfTVcts on society produced by the order. ) The testimony would at best be uncertain and conflict- ing, time will best test his credibility. Momentary suc-1 cess, or future is no criterion of truth, as is fullvjjroved j by the histories of individuals, families, societies, reli-i gions and nations. I shall not take majorities for ai standard, for by this test the 4 Sins' would not only be j too short, but Christianity and Protestantism would be j but sjuh!I in comparison with Paganism and Roman-' Catholicism. Let Sobriety give the rule by which the i competency of his last witness can bo ascertained and ; let the pood ami evil of his testimony be contrasted, and ! compared, and I f. r one will not object. Sobriety talks about 'professional ftvalship' and 'pro-, fessional capacity.' Well, this is news to me ! He saysi ' he is no theologian ;' is he a doctor, lawyer, a dentist, or a Temperance Professor! I have never made tho first enquiry about his name, his locality, his profes sion, and know nothing about him but as 'Sobriety.' I haveonly judged of him in the same way that the ge nius of an animal is sometimes known hy its foot prints on the sand, or by the; elongatiotfof iisears. This may j be an humble confession, tor 'not to know sobriety)' Salisbury, July 10, 1851 A. H. CRESS. tf 10 SALE OF VALUABL i REAL ESTATE. Alexander, James Arey, Jane Miss Avery, William VV. g Browning, Samuel 3 Byers, Hamilton Bason, W. F. Brackett.C. H. Boston, Andrew 2 Bradshaw, Bettie Miss Brown, Levi Burke, W. R. Barger, John Berry, J. R. Blackwell, John Benson, John Brinkle, John Bland &, Dunn, Bradshaw, Robert Bogle, J. C. Cress, Calvin Cox, Mary Mrs. Coon, John Corriker, Andrew Clarke, Jeremiah Cofield, Joseph B. Caldwell, Walter Clark, John Chunn, Thomas Cozort, Anthony Crosiand, Benjamin F. Dent, Wilford Disharune, Miss P. Duvali, A. 6 Dunn, J. Enrnhart, Margaret Miss Eagle, John Frieze, Thomas FiUhoar, M. Freeman, W. C, 2 Ford, Thomas M. Fraley, Miss Jane S. Fry, Francis M. Fleming A.J, Gillian, Mrs. Ann Green, Milus Graham, John S. Graber, A. F. Gales, Margaret C. Gales, Mrs. Mary C. Grogan, Martin Graber, J. L. Hall, John Hyde, Thomas C. Harris, Dr. Henry J. Heathman, David Harris, James M. Hare, Samuel S Harris, Miss A. Haynes, Isam Helper, William A. Hill. Miss Lydia James, T. A. Jacobs, R. P. Kestler, John & Co. 3r9 Y virtue of a Decree of the Hon. the Court ofj Equi- tylin and for the County of Montgomery, I will, on Kestler, Alexander Keller, John D. Lyrely, Mrs. Elizabeth H. Leach, Richard Lemly, Henry A. Lawson, Newton Leach, Miss Louisa Mowery, John Morgan, William Morgan, George Moose, John F. Meanis, Jacob Minor, Pascal McNeely, Jas. A. & Co, Mull, Edmund Moreh, A. H. Mann, James E, Madins, Esley Mesemere, Jacob A. Osborne, James W. O'Neal. S. H. 3 Overcash, Jacob Crissy, Miss . Owen, John R. Pless, Jacob Parnell, John Peeler, George H. Parnell, Benjamin Piess, Henry Pfummer, Matthew Piummell, W. S. Russel, John H. Reeves, Miss M. Rob'ey, Mrs. Elizabeth. Raley, George- Robison, Henry 2 Rough, Wm. 0. Reid, John Ritchey, Henry Rains, Thomas P. 3 Roseborbuah, R. M". Rogers, John Scherer, Rev.' Simeon Shem we II, Alexander Stammire, B. II. Scroggs, Dr. A. At. Springs, Richard Shaver, Miss Margaret Smith, Mrs. Elisha Swink , Oiho j Thomason, Joseph Tarrh.Geo. O. Thomason, Tamar Thorn, David Thomas, Dr. Wm. G, Turner, Samuel . Trexler, D. R. Warren, Peter Williams, James A. , Waller, Mr. Waddell, Gen. Jas. M. Yost, Miss L. Young, Benj. S. B. JULIAN, P. M. 0 YOU WISH TO BUY, IP YOX7DO, Call at the large Sfore East of the Coart-flousc ! Wkerc Gosds can be hid at reduced Prices! NEW SPRING GOODS! THE undersigned nkes the earliest opportunity to inform their friends and the public in general, ihat they are now receiving and opening a beautiful stock ot SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, i THE MARKETS. Sllixburu. Jul it lft. o Q tix. Cotton Yarn. 00 S SO : CorTf 121 nri Corn. 6UUl),Bee9wax, 20,20 ; Butter 8 10; Hoar, 4i a 0 ; Feathers i-S ; Iron 4; Linseed Oil 81 : -lol(L HAfi' Ki o?t. 1t f t..i r w , uindvtfuv; irisa ro tstoea 81(3 00; Sweet do 35 S 40 ; Sogar, (brown) 82 10; Do. Loaf. 00 I2i ; bait, sack 821 00- Tal low 9 ,211) Wheat 75 8 i Pork - . , 0 Fay KTETitLi, N. C. July. 8 Beeswax 0 (S : Bscon 11 & 12 Cotton 7JS?i; Corn 95 S8I ;Colfee llj, 12:Floor 5 55J : Feattierj3J ;S 3i : F;axseed SlUO.OO troo, Swedes,5 (26: do. English 3 J (2A: Lsrd 11 & U: Leather, sole, 20 23: Molasses 25.327: Nai!s,cut,4J 5: Oats, 503 00: Sugar.bro ,6 (3) 9: do. loaf, 11 (B 13: . Salt, sack, 1 30 (S 1 50 : Tallow. 10 O : Wheat 81 0 SI 10. v Ckekaw, July P. Bacon per lb. 10(3 12: Batter 20 ,32S : Heeswx,Q 20.21 : Coffee 12.3 15 : Cotton 5 Corn 93 3 1 E'gs 12,3 15: Floor S Q .Nails. cut, 6 (S ": Rice 4J ,& S: Sugar. brown.g ,-3 10: do. Loaf, 12 J Q 15 : Salt, Li verpool, I 40 o 1 50. A KW SUPPLY ! a i85i. which they are offering at low prices, consisting in part of the following, viz : j English, Frendd and American gingham, white and ' colored tarlton mushns. ulain and er.ibroi Jered erena- i I dines, hbrtensia and o:her very fine dress goods, printed ' 1 and embroidered l.iuna Vi'ai-tt no.lfnnrcit. Ki'b ...t,;,- . ' and colored kid .WO, 1 " ."a 3s 3035: Iron 5: Lard 100191 ! colored dovlis. strird ,A ,nrA j'' ' .ther ;so:e) l?.: Molasses 3o 40 : do. C f ..,u' .... ' v'.. "L V .- . - M S 37: 5 cuuiiun "im icueii, arjj jaconet mu? inj, D. K J and fit m y casimeres, Trench and E:iji;sh cloths, ReaU j Made Giothinrr, i Freucli Lare, Floroncc stud Crape Uumbrel'as and parasols, books nn I stationary, wall pa per, large assortment. Jnva and Uio Conre.'ffreen and j black tea, loaf, crushed, granu!ut-d ond rerined suar, I Stewart's syrup, a very sj-enor article, dair cheese. sperm and patent cand'es, Philadelphia calf-skins, sole leather, lining and binding skins, Miles fc Son's boots and ladies shoes, Becbee's hata ' CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, a large stock, cliase hi Jes and enasnelled leather, sheet tin, sheet, hoop and tire iron, anvils, vices. screw plaies, hardware and cj:lery, saddler's tools, saddle trees, hog-kins, Tanner's Oil, White Lead. wiudoT Glass. The above goods with many other articles not nam ed, were selected with the greatest care. One of our firm having spent near two months in the Northern cities making our purchases, an J bought with cash exclusively, and we are now prepared to oiler to our friends and ilie public, at our large store, comer of the Cour-llouse, at Wholesale or Retail, one of the 1 argest, best selected and handsomest vtock of desirable Spring and Summer Goods ever oprned in this Town -Call and see, get some of the bargains, ihev are jroinrf off rapid ly J. F. (HAMBEUS it CO. Salisbury, March 27, JS51 47 B tyithe 14 h dajy.iof August next, expose to Public Sjale, to - i i . m , i i i . ,t - i r me nignesiyoiuoer on uie premises, tine residence ot the LKte fpl. John Crump,) the very VALUABLE REAL ESI ATE Known as the NARROWS OF THE YADKIN, on thej Montgomery side of the River, consisting! of se verable Tracts, containing 1-4 or 1500 acres jin a! The liand including the buildings, improvements, and the Narrows, will'be sold in the first place, and the se- Verai Surrounding Tracts afterwards, separately. This Land is valuable not onlv on account of the fer tility and productiveness of the soil, being well adapted to the; culture of Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Tobrrco, olc, but also on account of the excellent FISHERY attach ed to tt at the Narrows, where a great number of Shad may be annually caught, and the Water Power iifFord ed by tne tall in tne Kiver at this place, which (enter prise and capital could'make usetul and profitable by the erection ot Mids and i'.iachinery of every descrip tion, to any extent that might be desired. Besides these capita advantages, the situation is beautiful, roilnantic and healthy ; in sviort, desirable in everyjpoint of view, Twelve motifs credit will be given, the purchasers giving bond and approved sureties. , JAS. L. GAINES. C. Ml. E. July b, 1851. 6wl0 25 Dollars Reward ! RAN AWAY from N. S- A. Chaffin, of Davie Co., about twelve months ago, a mulatto girl, named ELIZA, of small stature, and tolerably strait hair. Said girl was sold first at the sale of Matthew How ard's property, and was bought by Wm. MurpTgy. She was subsequently purchased by the subscriber. The above reward will be paid fur her delivery to me in Da vie, or for her confinement in Rowan jail. She was lately seen on George W. Brown's plantation, seven miles west of Salisbury. N. S. A. CHAFFIN, July 1, 1851:3i9pd By Nathan Foster. PATRICK SPRIGS n aitd buoyant die for ,i!io steps, fox! at will in twelve months nd Jepiilc. The lilils ''S;uihed, (Ips music will bo hushed, the gfjr "''t bji the haids of beauty will bo dead, apd Tibl ! The World wijl no longer be dje- r---3 the ch.is anecdotes of. the Catam or irii th' f tolittrgume.nts and jjirofound reason' ihe 1,'eutennnt ! Sobriety will relapse iito : bifbafinm. (when it was " fashion able." 'fitotrjach tlicir children out of the Bible 'Sitftfc of Jiortn eavolfiun, i CALDWELL COUNTY Superior Court of Law Spring Term, 18511 Elizabeth Maltbea vs. Irvin Maltbea Petition for Divorce. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case is not an inhabitant of the! State of North Carolina : It is therefore ordered, that plublica- may urjjne myself unknown. Sobriety has been pleased j tion be made in the Raleigh Register and Sal to lo bestow on nie the title if 'Captain General V I shall! decline thei honor. General might do, but the adumcti Captain' or 'Lieutenant' woftld never vmswer. 'Cap tain and Lieutenant' are both soldier-like words, but; sorno liquor drinking- rascds have made them 'as odious as the word occupy, which was an excellent gfoodi word before it was ill-assorted: therefore, I had need toi looRMou'!! i Sobriety advises me 'to pluck down from the Goose' Couchani aTd be shod therewith.' I thank him for his advice, hut my 'tender sensibilities' will not let me plncli 1 anymore, from the poor bird, for fear it would be dis-j I t'.bled to sonr to, that 'vast temperance palace, whose, j canopy is heaven and whoso walls are earth's remotest pounds ! - , D. 1 lisbury Watchman for the space of three months, that the de- l peri or at the :!-fvi.jty first atruttrd into a nostiioh from which i'J? d.updscd fj lrionk, wlien 'i first t.Hk np'the :-d V.Jiintcenit his services b.-halt'of a ' hie-r.-i'-rcr '.T who i'ttsfcaueriiig tjbe pois.(n(1f infideljt v 'r went, apd Vsack.-niiig tlhe charSicter of g( fc.il rh? W,;W'J Ht light under h banner, "his big f'ice" then iroi-!.omeil " thjut clergymen in high Hd litile re'ifnr,! f..r - .V. O'.,. .... I... f ."iir.s.'lvc, iud U. tlije. -i?;,ri which H re I uii- tj Jo awj)-Uie vvil'' ofintfinpermice. lie grfrtt er.vii-t for worthy leeiilH, and wondered H e.MiJI ), iii wicked as to irinlieuU' w' nmeh cis virttie. and eo prejudiced! up not to oompre ''H arjjuitu-n.ts ami profiDUnd reastiningsi he fiudii ;ly. grounds then tukii sliding from in ' tVer, h?fi 1m learns that evtyri the Drder wdlitly ii l.arnrM, v h(u the whip uind Fimr is rtpt'lj-'(i. Iif, ! xifrienc(9 that the cotMniiinity is bored by "i hirunuef , .iiml fist sinkijng into a "TfefreKh !;"Jr Under til- i-niates which he administers I1 the ntct.: tlUt "hit mrTlvlvoief lh.-n 'Mnlrna 'liA treUe "hd whines oht""the Order isbulj an e int rntjjr at of; d iing goKt, ntid u dvrf coniir l;L" Chjurch.'! VVh.it coudi iccjisom I Hoy it KjiMrc' jWt.hit(0on and Hal. and Newton, (ifi on 'kiv.w that Nohnetv had fraren hi tesfimont- lo X in a use is like a well-spring of pleasure, a. "A bnlx messenger of peace and love ; Yft it is a tahmt of trust, aloan to be renderedback witH interest fendnht be and appear at the next term of our S Court, to be held for the County of Caldwell, Courthouse in Lenoir, on the 5th 'Monday after (he 4ih Monday in Sentemher next, to plead, answer or! demur to the allegations set forth in the plaintiffs petitidn, oth erwise the same will be heard exparte, and a decree pro nounced accoxdi2lv. Witness, C. C. Jones, C erk of our . said Superior Court, at Lenoir, the 5th Monjday af ter the 4th Monday in March, A. D. 1851. C. C. JONES, C.S.C. Printers Fee $10 3m!l0 MOCKSVILLE SCHOOL nstant. BORN, Jnne 53 Twin daughters (o D. Whitlock, Gold Hill; ' 24 A daughter Daniel Moyer, June 21) A son to Augustus Davis, Davie. " 2D A daughter to Wilson.DanneIl, Davie. July 'J A son to Rev. J. II. Coffman, County. In this Countv, on the .3d inst , by Jacob File, Esq Mr. ALEXANDER MAY. to Miss LUCY ELL Ell in this countv. on the 3rd instant, bv the Rev. Ja$. Adams. Mr. THOMAS T. MAXWELL, to Jlisb ZILPIIA1I. GRAHAM, daughter of the late Abe (iraham, Esq. ILL open its second session on the 21st Mr. West is a graduate of Brown University, has an enerience of some 12 or 13 years in teaching. He is a fine classical, literary and scientihc scholar who want the substance instead of tinsel of an tion, have a chance to obtain it. five rkonths : 1 English Department .... Languages and mathematics,.. Those desiring to study music can have the fnstrue tinnsfnf a eomnetent teacher at SU6 00 ner teiim of 5 months. ; J. F. MARTIN i HUGH REYNOLD Mbeksville. Jnlv 5. 1851 6 10 Those educa- Terms per sefesion of i I S3 &. 110 00 115 00 REAT IMPROVEMENT HAS BEEN MADE VjT at this nlace since last season, and bv the 4th of July -the proprietor will be able to take in any. and all persons who may see proper to patronize the place, ei ther by way of boarding, or renting good Cahins to those who may prefer boarding themselves good veg etables supplied in the neighborhood plentiful and cheap. These Springs are situated in Patrick county, Va., seven miles northeast of the court house, between No business and Bull mountains, one of the healthiest pla ces in the known world, and the mountain scenery pos sessing the romantic features which every where char acterize the vicinity of the Blue Ridge. There are two or three Mineral Springs near each other lately discov ered, one of which is a very bold running fountain, and several other fine cool freestone springs. The Mineral Water at this place is doubtless as good Chalybeate Water as this or any other State affords. It is specially recommended by physicians for the vari ous diseases peculiar to females. Terms of Boarding for man and horse, per week, S7 50. For Boarding and Lodging, per week, !5 00. In boarding by the month a deduction of 1 per week will.be made. The rent of Cabins, to those who1 board themselves, will range from $3 to .') 50 per; week, agreeable to the quality of the cabins ; but none;can be rented for a shorter time than four weeks until after the 20th of August. Mv address is at Mayoning Post Office, Patrick Co., Va. ' ; B. FRASHURE. June 13, 1P51 ' 5i8; EAGLE MILLS! HP HERE is a fair prospect of a Company of Norih- A ern Mechanics and Manufacturers settling on the j Eagle or Souih Eagle Tract. The South Eagle Tract j is adjoining the Eagle, on both of which is a splendid ' water tower of irreai force. I have a beautiful piece of Land in the South Eagle Tract which I propose to lay off in small lots of one fourth of an acre e;:ch, lor the ac commodation of Merchants, Doctors, and Mechanics All such persons would do well to givr this rising place due atten tion. " There is a tide in the affairs of men Which, taken at its Hood, Leads on to" happiness and wealth. Here is a chance. Capitalists would also do well to look this way. I need a little help to carry on more suc cessfully, the enterprises in which I am engaged and on which 1 propose to enter. I am steadily progressing. however, though slowly, with my original schemes, to wit: the erection ot F.iciorics tor spinning cotton and wool, and for calico priming. But as I advance the prospect opens up, and invites to larger and more fruitful fields. This location tor manufacturing purposes and for a Town, is very lavoraMe. It is near enough to ihe great Central Rail Road, and in a very healthy region of Country. I will sell lots privately on the most favorab'e terms to suit purchasers. The water power on the South Eagle Tract, is immense, and capable of driving almost any amount o: .Uacmnery. Ivtriy a pp. ica t ions either for lots or an interest in the p.e.-ent or proposed enterprises will receive the mot favorable offers 3ml ANDREW KAGGARLY. Iredell C. unly, X. C, M-nj 1 1 , 1cn1 i MAXWELL ARE RECEIV1SG THEIR SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF GOODS ! WHICH THEY ITED TO BISPOSE OF ON THEIR US UA L A C COM MO DA TING TERMS. P LEASH FAVOR US WITH A CALL EXAM INE, HEAR PRICES AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. Salisbury, April 14, ls51 50 By (he usual Cheap Line ! THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUST HfCEIVED a second supplv of SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS! consisting of French jaconets, silk tissues, organd ntB lin. bonnets, ribbons, cmpe shawls, lace capes and col lars, black French cloths, summer coating. Mack Mtin ; ail ed" which have been bought since the 20th of April, and it there is any advantage in buying late la the Spring, we have it. We have also, a fine lot of SUMMER HATS, Beebee's fine silk hats, (fashioimb'c .) Hairing on hand a tine stock of all Winds of dress gaods for ladiea and gentlemen, we respectfully solicit a call as we iptend to Sell low. Also, J Groceries, Hardware and Cutlery, BOOTS and SHOES. Come and examine our goods before purchasing, as It affords us great pleasure to exhibit them, and flso sell as low as they can be bought in this market. BUG YN Fit ALE Y $ CO. i Salisbury, May 15. 1851 2 I P. S Tin Plate, Sheet Copprr, sheet Bras and Iron, I brass Kettles, and 1 ron Ware kept constantly on hand tor. vale. We are 8-ienu fr the Island Ford Manufir. tunng Company, a new Factory in Rando'ph County, which makes superior Yarn and Cloth. Wr keep a large lot on hand and will sell at factory prices by the bail or bo't. B. F. L CO, BRO I II ERS L1NE. fllHE Steamer BROTHERS and Tow Boats STE JL VENSON and DAVID LEWIS, are prr pared to forward with despatch, a.l goods consigned to the Pro prietor, it The Steamer BROTHERS is of light eeavght, and wrii suited to run in low water. She possesses power and speed, and is admirably adapted to towing, and can accommodate about '20 passengers. The Proprietor contemplates running the Boat him self, and will give special attention to way freight and lavil stores ; to towmg, and wid also attend to the comfort and convenience of Passengers. From his long experier.ee as A.'ent in Wilmington of iIk several Steam Boat Companies, i.e thinks he can give aatiafac t ion . To Merchants in the interior he would say, that all j Goods rtup-ped by him. will be deuvere-i to their Agenta I in Fayette-, ilie. II, i Ajn.t n Wilmington ia JOHN C LATTA, to whom all communications may be ad dressed, as Agent of ihe Sreamer Brothers. JOHN BANKS, Proprietor. May 25, 1951 4t9 THE .1 V U. BED n FLAG ? Salisbury. April 3, 1851. SPRING AND SUMMER THE FEMALE SEMINARY CONDUCTED BY THE REV. PROFESSOR MORGAN, will commence on Monday the 7th July. June 25, 151-8 Ditty. In this place, on the 9th inst., JOHN SUMMER) now that bobriety had giken hia testimony lo i ELL. infant s.n of John T.. nnd Al.irv Wrifrht. acreid .k .l. j . i 'i . i t i I . . i o n r i - inaae inrjn a mussing tinu tun .ornament to four weeks 1 :.i '11 k .li . ... i I . i . .i t - iiiey wouiti oiiiv wisrii to Know uie lact , - --- to the cause. Thv miirht regret that ! fu-hVa at'ie tiruth,had not j been aided by the '!'iij-riti and jirofbutid reawiningsf jf Sobriety, ' K m lljeir day ;dhd ceneratioii the new dtspejisa- ! 'not Heen ushered into the -orld. i 1 ' 'V turght poibjy acratch hia head foran answer, ; fh'ow uhdprj.nied, thatb.rn s'orthk)f Mus..afand 1 .ft where the people are st outj-ageously vir- ; "n?y are never neaiea unnecessary teal, tlmptianv!irreat farce, where the mother are7! "fa awertintr their ritrhta in ciSnvenliona. or wlalk- .Wee.taala Turk, and whom tender aenaibilitiea f hoked ai the1 fahi(nabl4 conditio of ladiea in "'miifoiis land, why ho should leave stifh a r,!l; ami H-movo himseljOfrotnl Mich leniper- ' '"'ir? and trst feed on the hiijisks, and then abuse ' lint reajoiied the depthsjWf hija. own cperi- m;v assuutmcst of extiuelt kew woriC We would call the attention of the public to a very superior lot of fine Carriages, Rockaways and Buggies, now finished and bein finished, of the most superior material, ayj. S. JOHNSTON'S shop, one hundred yards southeast of Murphy's store ; which for elegance and durability, cannot be beat in the South, and can be bought on better terms than at any other establishment in the State. Call land see and examine Jot yourselves before buying elsew-here. July 1, 1851:9 iMocks- S5 00 8 00 10 00 e rt.iiiiU-t e..n!,l ,,,. ' r. ..I J t.AA K,-i...v (.ruinary virtuilr but .n, fretfjrijia to'extr Mirk mtfh id blo to contra his lnppetitiU that "eh jtj-hcher, wh.-thej- inspired by .plat ukejpf J,,hn! EveitiSt-iPhdiD hibsclf. vl t1"rP,i thidited if he a Pcared in miph-a . a,n'th'' Hx maninthe vforld, ,th "W'&a wtucii aejwrate theortiand SivflyZtb politicallyiiot when aked with .. '"-l th countrv trnm ,kiki I -J., . Huafied by a .tapfe reply to the UiWrrog- NEGROES WANTED. CVSII FOR NEGROES, j Salisbury, July 10 ,1851. Tfn HE subscriber is now in market and wishes to pa JL chae n number of Negroes, for which he is offef' injrthe Elislict market Prices in Cash. Ferson wishing to dispose of the above named pri perty would do well to call onthe "subscriber. MYER MYERS. Communicationa from a distance attended to. Salisbury, Jy 10, 11, lOtf. FEMALE SCHOOL. rlITE Fall session of the Female School in JL ville, under the direction of the Misses Clement, will be opened oh the 21st. July. Terms per session of five nionths: ' Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geog raphy and Botany, - EnglUh Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, As tronomy, Botany, Physiology and Composi tion Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Mental and Moral Sciences, Rhetoric, Algebja, Geome try, and Latin, French S3. Drawing S3, Painting in Oil colors, 10, Music on the Pjano $15. Board in the village can be had at $5 per minth A competent instructress has been engaged who will devote her whole attention to Music. By order of the Trustees. 1851 4tl0 SECOND INSTALMENT. Ojjice, Salisbury and Taylorstille ) Plank Road Company. AN instalment of Three Dollars per ihare on the stock of the Salisbury and Taylorsville Plank Road Company will be payable on the 20th July nex:. The stockholders in Iredell county will pay to Sanjiuel R. Bell,' and those living in Rowan will pay to th Fresi rlent at thi3 place. . By order of the Board, Jul y 4. 1 S5 1 : 1 0 ' W. MURPHY, Bres't. ; Tho Lincoln Courier. ri'iHIS Papet, which has recently been enlarged, and JL is now printed on a new and clear type, attpras ex- relent onnortunities for advertisers who may kisdi to draw business from the Western Counties of the! State 10 their home markets. It has a large circulation west of Salisbury, offering greater inducements than any cither naner in ita section of the State. Address, ' THOS. J. ECCLES. Ed i toi j 4cc. Llncolnton, Jmiel7K1851 7 EDGEWORTH FEMALE SEMINARY. Gov. J. 171. 3Ioreliead, Proprietor. rilllE next session of this In?titntiotl will commence JL on Monday, July 7th. On application to the Prin cipal, circulars will be -forwarded , giviqg all necessary information respecting the school. ' RICHARD STERLING, Principal. Greensboro', June 18, 1851 9i7pd DABNEY W. PARKS, " Formerly of Iredell County, N. C, " with ? SPARHAWR, DUXT0N & WCRTS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IS FOREIGN & DOUCSTIC DRY GOODS, No. 92, Market Street, THOMAS P. SFARHAWK, ) wilson Dc.NTON, Pliiladelpliia. MALRICE A. WCRTS. J New Cabinet Ware Rooms, rjTTHE subscriber respectfully informs the JL public 'hat he hns opened a Cabinet Shop in S-iIi-'jiiry, and has now on hand I almost ail kimls ot I FURNITURE ! usually made in establishments ot this kind, viz : China j Press?, WnrJrobcs, French Bedsteads. Mahogany Rocking Chairs, Sofas, Lidies' M-iho2 uiy Workstands I All of the above named article were eitlier mad"- by or undfr the supervision of Mr. Uiehaid Fox. foreman of j his shop. Any artic'e not hand will b promptly made I either of mahogany or wnlrrut. He has now on hand j a haadsome assortment of j Cane bottom. Rocking and Windsor j CHAIRS, Which hr icill sell chsap for cash. He may be found at ai times at his shop on the cross XjCidiiris always k Countrv produce will be taken in payment for work at the market pr.ee. Plank and scan'.;. rig wanted nt this time. JESSE A. STOKER. Salisbury, April 10, 1851. Iy4li rilHE SUBSCRIRER IS NOW RECEIVING HIS JL stock of Srit2tf and Smiiiiier Goods consisting of the iisua, variety r all of which hiring been purchased since ihe 10th March, ftftrr the Great decline in Goods, to which fact he woi;l I call the attention of hia frieoda and the public -gencai,y. 18 E. MYERS. JOEL SULLIVAN, I'iiy t.n s store. pt on hand. SailJlo and Ilarno .Janufacturcr, opposite W. Murphy Co., Salisbury, N. C. AV1NG pefmnnently locnte-J myself in the Town orSjlisbury , 1 now otler my services in the a bore tes,s. timing wo-Keii in sorr.e o: tne rjesi anopa in l 1 al.-o in the Northern ciliei H Oft! WHITEHEAD l lie public. DR. ri. FFEKS his professional r,frvic-s io e can at present be found at Ins residence, unless professionally engaged. Ofltre--In john.toars White Row. Salisbury ,J uiy 21, 1850, tf. Ladies Summer Mantillas ! HE subscriber has received a l trunk i can piease a, i wno may tavor ne wirn a can. Repairing done at short notice. Prices moderate. Country pro duce taken in exchange tt r work. ' - JOEL PULLIVAN. January 23, 151. ly57 LOOK OUT! VLL persons indebted to Brow n &. Jamea will pleaae come lorward and settle immediately, or they will I have to te'.tie with an cff.cer. T May 8. small 1.. 1151. t of Plain March 27.1C51. BROWN JAEMS- I4f7 Dr. F. M. Henderson HAVING permanently located in the jown of Concord, tenders his services to jhe citizen? of the place and viciniry, in the several branches of his pro fession. Oftice a few doors below the store 0f Phifer & York. Concord, June 14, 1851 tf" Cloths, Cassimeres and VESTINGS. APRIL 17, 1S51. and watered si'.k, turc satin and Muslin Mantillas for summer, which are very beautiful. He would invite the ladies to call and give them an examination. E. MYERS. 1 Sign of the Red Flag. NORMAL COLLEGE. HE annual examination will commence on Tues day the 2'Jth of July, and co-it. tue three days. Commencement exercises on r nday, Aujst 1st. 1 T preacti tatc of ilovtn Carolina, ALEXANDER COUNTY. In Equity. IT appearing to the malefaction of the Clerk and Master for the County cf A'exander, that E'ern Ste venson, Hannah Lackey and her hc8!and, Jamea Lack jy, Wnliam Stevenson Nancy Wallace, and her hoa- i band, Jeptha Wa! ace, are no, inhabitants of thia State: i It is therefore ordered, adjudged, and decreed by ihe Ork end Masrer of said Court, that publication b made in the Carolina Watchman for three montha. the Annua! Ser- tna( aove named persons, parties defendants in suit in our uperior E MYERS has just opened a tew pieces; of blue, . brown, invisible green, black pnd ereejn cloths, 1 black and fancy cassimeres. Also, a beautiliil assort ment of Marseilles esiing5. Gentlemen desirous ot purchasing an extra superfine suit ot clothes, are soltci- , COpy ti; Comtnencement. ted to call and examine his ciotn Detore purcnnsing, bs he has an article that cannot be beat at the sign of the Red Flag. 50 Rev. John W. Ttllet, wi mon before the Cohere C, asses, on the day preceding Commencement . President C: F. Deem? will address the Literary So cieties on Commencement dav. B. CRAVEN, President. June 13. ISol t 1 Prviiiv. io he held for the County of Alexander, at tbt Patriot. Register, Herald, People's Press, and Argns, Coon House in Taylorsvi le, on the 9th Monday after. Court of Equity now pending. wherein Henry Wmson and wife and othera are com piainantsagamstJan.es Stevenson and Amoa Steven son, Executors of James Stevrnion, dee'd, and Othera are defendants, to appear at the next Superior Ceart of To Officers and Soldiers! of the War of 1812! j T will attend to the prosecution of claims arising cn- sion of Congress. Salisbury, Oet. 10 der the" Bounty Land Bill" passed at the last ses- ViM nilUlJJJllliL 1, 950. JAMES E. KERR. 22tf ALL persons indebted to the latf firm of Brown b; Elliott, by note or account, are !reque9ted tomake immediate payment, as longer indulgence will not be given. i j h JOHN D. BROWN. Sanririog partner. Februtr7,13 1851. , f if. 40. Q 7 Embroideries? Salisbury. April JT. 1850. THE subscriber ins just received a most splendid as sortment of fine embroideries, consisting of Lace I Mulin, Capes and PeVrinesf Mus'in and Lace Col ars, ! cutis and sleeves, valenclenas, collars, cuffi, ehem-zetrs. j infants robes ai l waist. Swiss. an i cambric edirngsand j inserlin-js, muslin band;., rlouneinjs, lace L ad dreiises, j infants caps, &c. All of which are of lute importation ; and have been purchised at reduced rates. He woulJ most respectfully invite the LADIES to give them an examination. He takes great pleasure in ahowing his goods, and ie confident he a offering them at lower price than they have fcver before been offered in thia market. Dont forget the store with the sign of the Red FU. (50 E.MYERS. the 4th Monday in September, A. D. Ie51, then and there to plead to, answer or demur to the several alle gations in the bill of complaint of rhe aboe named complainants et forth, or judgment pro confesao will b t taken against them. Witness. John M. Carson, Clerk ! and Master of our said Court, at office, in TaTioraill, ihe 9th Monday after the 4th Monday in March, A. D. i 1651. Issued 12th day cf June, A. D. 151. JOHN M. CARSON. CM. E. Printer? fee S10 3rn7 North Carolina Rail Road rnn'A THE Annual M-e.ing of the Stockijo ders oi io North Caro'ma Rail Road Company-will be beld in Greensboro', on Tharsdsy the lOui dy of Jnly DelU The Board of Directors will hold tbetr 4th Qaaricr i .,n. at the same olac. on Wedneaday the 90. j "- Jaae 3, 1851 JED. H. LINDSAY, 4.5 Secretary v f ihi