.j.At i lii! Uii ted Males, ae- ;,nsmet;ron-Tue,day nt Haf U nmM i e discharge of cannon, ftnthroi&hihe Armory by M Lnd Major Symington, the H ,dd to.Charlestown, where theV e 'r-ur rrtbiutps at Sappingtonis Tlrd receive the sa utations of thte f"4. after wh ch they '.vent directly tb o Uwber they arrived in time fojr ." 'J..'"!.. J.;-U.,1 At -., were ivarui y iv.u ,'hi. President pa4 v'sit to Ba 1 tiLo Lis arrival. On Wet .i.mn(T nvrniiiiii lire ui mn j h! ineludinsSthe Maybrand Counci , iVinchfsterJu'aited upon him, and,, ' , tv L fiFiirke. Esd.. invited him . Th ((resident made .1.1 xAnnllMlT I ho inVITO W . - i..:ir of Anmw liunier, nsq., neioo .Voce meit way irk that . f,,r Winchester, Nvhere he L.:it;nf ricenfion. nd whence he k nr iii" t i departure Thursday morning fqr White on i kjpini, rr...0 I hc;lAYincnesier ivepuuncafi the administration of rresi- .c.iirtinrfi rrffet witn the warmest Ration in tjje Valley!, and it has af. ,,1'the ppop great pleasure to givda ,.jCal demonstration oj thejr regard. , nconle. wftfrout regarjd to party, be le bim to Upe of the; most faithful J nAtipnal Presidents kve have ever -.Yiit. InkWncer. j . --- 1 " I ! iVakal Vpcctt m rfria.h bi, sS if lter to Ibe Editor of the Natiotj ntfllncifrom a Subscriber in He rior oi m$ ptfue "i Georgia, unaqr . .till ' . I I . . ! of Jury mi nas me louovving mier- Howell Cob)) will carry Georgia for ernor by a large majurity. The firj ,,nare mqvfng ofT fronji their red-hejt kni lou'Aril the Union ground. They f out thai oiu not suit me reiiect cautious )pli of ou Stafe, who aj-e ily conservjitive in ejvery thing, arid k the Utiio! worth preserving. Geolr Vias pursuel a different system for the fare of the folate frod that of Souih oltfin. bk ad of appropriating lare is for milijary foolishness, we haje J our State) funds for practical pur s. Our P'Jpple aire likely tb remain ,ome, tthifejt theirs will leave their le under tlm fear of revolt and opprejs- . FjK! FIE ! FIE ! be 41 Nortr)1 Carolina Democrat" piib- rs the follcfwing. The character spio- 5 ' 1 of, b Uorse thfjn we ever dreamed i-a great dml worse ! ir man tliat will take a paper for a Ith ol ftirne, and theiji send it back used" Km! unpaid fojr," would svv'al- a bliml djj s dinner, land then stoijie log for b$ingblind. 1 rs, aim lit woulu do worse than that. wouldr' marry a girl on trial, and send iback jo&rr father at the end of the yvmobn. i ith the words " don't su Ifd on lirr back. ! !4f,-. U- JTING ilNTlvltEST of THE UNI. J ED ST.VTErf. , j . I fot the Watchman. THE TEMPERANCE STAR. Air Zioa." Written, for the Hib'riton Division of the Son of Tim perance. Br Lady. I Deep the darkness, dark the shadow, ,v l ; . That enveloped this fair world, TUl the watchword, " Touch not, taste not, Handle not," abroadjwas heard, O for Temperance ! Co reclaim a fallen gorld ! " On the mountain's gp appearing," t Lo! the glorious Temperance Star ! t Carolina : to the rescue ! Send thy gallant sons to ar ! " Carolina! Up and arm thee for the war ! Lo ! the star has risen in glory ! And the clouds are fleeing fast ; Brightrr hopes are now before thee, 1 Soon the darkness will be past. Sons of Temperance, Onward in the glorious cause ! i Hail ! our Banner leads us forward ! See the mystic words unfurled, I Heaven smiles and bids us onward; Fear no foe in all the world. Sons off Temperance ! Never give the conflict o'er ! V- . ' 'I LATE AND INTEIJFSThNG FROM - SANTAsFE. ;"p By very late intellgehceof date July 1st, from the capital of New Mexico, we learn that a body of three hundred Cam anche warriors presented themselves, on the 27tb and 38th of June, the villages of iynton Chico and Ea 'Cuesta, situated in the southed part of the county of San Miguel. They professed purposes entire ly peaceful towards the inhabitants of New Mexico, and especially admirations for the Americans, assigning as the rea son of thefr visit that they were on their way to make war upon the Navajos. who live considerably west of the Rio Grande, and about the parallel ofSanta Fe. Not withstanding these professions, they djd not leave the pillages above-named with out committing wanton depredations on the inhabitants, killing stock- for which they had no use, and driving off others. No personal injury, however, was -inflicted on any of the people, though some of them were rudely treated. I Col. Alexander, commanding the United States forces at Los Vegas, sent troops to the points mentioned, and Col. Munfoe at last advices was busied in issuing orders designed to chastise and repeLthe Indians if they could be discovered. The people of the lower portion of the county of San Miguel were put in a state of great consternation by the unexpected .lll r .lU-!Sll,e'on Wednesday the 6th inst., BET- rti ..oiij vaucu ujiuu ujc uuvntroi-iiuu Tl: KEKR, infant daughter of Col. John A. Lillin- military aumonties lor protection. Further news from that quarter will be looked for with interest. 1 Tvra i Ih this County, on the 12th inst., bv the Rev. J. R. Peterson, Rev. ADAM EFIRD, of Davidson County, d Miss CATHARINE L., daughter of Henry Miller', E4 : Y Ih this County, on the 5th inst., by Rev. P. II. Dal tonj Mr. WILLIAM R. WHITE, of Iredell, to Miss MARGARET E. COWAN. Salisbury, July 28, 1851. CHEAP GOODS? CHEAP GOODS ! ! AT THE SIGN OF; THE RED FUG! S- - THE subscriber being anxious to reduce his stock of Goods as much as possible before receiving his Fall .supply, will sell off those on hand AT tittEATXY REDUCED PRICE ! Persons wishing to purchase Cloths, Cassimeres, Vest ings. Bombazines. Alpacas, plain or figured Silks, Ging hams, Lawns, Muslins, Berages, Tissues, white eoods of any1 description, Linen and Linen Drillings, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Lace or Muslin, Capes, Col lars, Sleeves or Cuffs, Muslin or Silk Maniilias, Crape or Berage Shawls, Bonnet Ribbons, thread or cotton Laces, or Edgings, Swiss or Cambric Edgings or Insert ing and Gloves ; ladies dress Caps, Marseilles corded and grass Skirls. Marseilles Quilts, damask table Cloiife and Napkins, Towellings and Diapers, embroidered curtain Muslins, linen and cotton Sheeting, piw case Linen, Shoes, Clothing, or any other article usually found in a dry goods Store, will find it to their interest lo call on him, as he is determined to sell "Greater Bargains" than have ever before been offered in this section. 13 E.MYERS. P. S. Don't forget the store with the sign of the Red Flag. (Treat Attraction f GOLD HILL ! B EEIAS & CO. HAVING LATELY RE- ceived a large and p!endid supply of Summer Goods, and wishing to reduce their stock will sell at a very small advance on New ork Cost. The citizens w s Qli) Wheat w Kowan may aepena upon nnaing theirs the finest and best assorted stock in the county, comprising the rich est Dress Goods manufactured. Ready Made Clothing. Groceries,' Hardware, Dry Goods, Bonnets, Htsand Faacy Articles. Always on haod the largest supply of Coffee and Sugar which with every article ih their es tablishment will positively be sold lower than ever, as we are determined to reduce our stock to make room for our Fall supply. Gite us a trial before making your purchases else where, and we will convince you that vou can srrbar- i gains at D. Elias &. Qo's store, Gold Hill, N. C. Having a large order for Feathers we will pay the highest market price for them. All other country pro duce taken in exchange. July 12, 1851 tiIDecl2-51 ICTL THE VIRGINIA CONVENTION. This body, which people began to fear had resolved itself into a " perpetual session," has at last adjourned. Our memory does not serve us as to the time when it first met, but it is probably about eight or tenmonths ago. The Richmond Times gives the following as some of the most important features of the new Constitution, which was finally adopted by a vote of 75 to 33 : " Nearly all State and County officers are to be elect ed by the people, including the Governor and Lieuten ant Governor, the Judges. uf the Supreme, District and Circuit Courts, and the Justices of the Peace, Com monwealth's Attorney's, Cltrks and Sheriffs. The Le-. gislature is to be apportioned, the House of Delegutes oh the Suffrage basis with a Western majority of four- r. A li . . ... 1 I. . . T-1 ; ; . c . icrcu, oiiu me ucnaio wiiii an jiasierii majority ui ten, which arrangement is to .continue until I8G5, when the Legislature may agree upon a new apportionment, or submit the question of basis to the people. Taxes are to be ad valorem, except that slaves Under twelve years of age are exempted, white males 21 years old are to pay a capitation lax on 400 worth of laud, slaves over twelve years of age are not to pay more than the tax on 300 worth of land, and licenses, incomes and sal aries may be taxed at the discretion of the Legislature ; seven per cent of the existing debt of the State, and of 4'..,.. 4k ; ... K . . . ' it., r . - .u cvirijr i uvui u utui, 13 iu uo bci apan annually iui tue payment of the interest and principal. The new Con stitution is to be submitted to the voters qualified under it, on the fourth Thursday in October, the returnsmade to the Governor, and if he proclaim it ratified, the Le gislature then elected is to be superseded by the new Legislature, which will be elected on the second Mon day in December and will meet on the second Monday in January, and the sessions will be biennial. From this summary recapitulation it will be perceiv ed, that the prominent modifications of the present Constitution consist in the adoption of the system of popular elections in all departments of the 'government j in the abandonment of the principle of the representa tion of property, and requiring the Legislature to pro-j vide for the payment of the' present and every future public debt. . toni aged 1 vear 4 months and 8 davs. At Gold Hill, on Monday the 11th instant, JOHN TIOMAS, son of Francis W. and Elizabeth J. Scott, aged 2 years, 7 months and 2 days. Salisbury and Taylorsville Plank Road tJccti nar. There will be a public meeting held in Statesville, 6n Tuesday the 19th August next, (being Tuesday of Cotjrt,) for the purpose of procuring further subscrip tions to the Salisbury and Taylorsville Plank Road. Several addresses may be expected ; and the books will sbe opened to receive subscriptions. : FRIENDS OF THE ROAD. July 30, 1851. 13 XEW ASSORTMENT OF ENTIRELY NEW WORK. State of iiorttt t&arolfua, IREDELH COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1851. Jaraes.Cowan & Co. i T . , . . , ,n. vg f Justices judgment levied on 100 Jacob Overcash. S acre of Land- It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, Jacob Overcash, is not a resident of this County. It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court, that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman for the space of three weeks, notifying the said Jacob Overcash to appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Iredell, at the Court House in Statesville, on the 3d Monday of August next, then and there to show cause, if any he has. why the land levied upon shall not be condemned and sold to satisfy plaintiffs debt and costs of suit. Witness, J. F. Alexander, Clerk of our said Court at Office, the 3d Monday of May. A. D. 1?51. J. F. ALEXANDER, Cl k. 3t 13 Printers fee 84 50 NEW YORK CLOTHING. WILDE, BATES & TAYLOR, A J? (SUCCESSORS TO C. T. LONGSTREET & CO.) . 1 Hi H jo. 64. Nassau St.. yew York. WOULD invite the attention of Merchants and Dealers in CLOTHING, to their Fall and Winter stock, which for extent, variety, style- of work manship, cannot be excelled in the United States, and they believe an examination would fully repay the trou ble of purchasers. It will be their endeavor to sustain the reputation of the late concern fur selling well made garments at low prices. A better class of oods has been got up this season than is usually found in clothing houses, anil with special reference to the Southern Trade. New York. Julv. 151. 2mll t THEM A K KETS. v Salisbury. August 14. Apples, (dried) 40 Q, 00 ; Dacun.'O Q J5; Cotton, 6 Cw ; Cotton Yarn, 00 i)Q ; tt&r 12J & 00 Corn, 75fflt?0; Beeswax, 20,0 ; Cutter 8 10 ; Flour, 4 (2)0 ; Feathers a ; Iron 3J rQ4 J; Linseed Oi!90; Molasses 3540; Xai.9bra.5l; Oat3U,S00; Irish Po tatoes 503 UL; Sweet do. 35 ,3 40"; Sugar, (brown) H 72 10 ; Do. Loaf. 0U 9 12 J ; bait, sack 3 25 ; Tal- oQ S ; Pork Fa YETTEVILLI, N. C. I August 12 Beeswax 20 : Bacon 12J Q 13 ; Cotton 6J OS ; ComUO Q 95 ; Coffee 10,944 : Flour 5&5 : Feathers 3 ) O 3 . Flaxseed 11)0.200 Iroo, Swedes, 5 ($6 : do. English 3J ,'S4: Lard 12 (3 13: Leather, sole, 20 23: Moiasses25,27: Nails, tut, 4 J 5: Oats, 00,2 00: Sugar,bro.,6 Q 9: do.loaf.HJO 13: Salt.xack, 1 30 (3) 1 40 : Tallow. 10 Q : Wheal S90 O so 00. Cheraw, August 12 Bacon per lb. 10 12: Bauer 20 fi-JS: Beesv.iixfa 20 221 : Coffee 12,2 15 : Cotton 5.-28: Corn 90 2 .$1 Eggs 12,2 15: Flour iO SCJ : Feathers 30235 : Iron 526J : Lard 10(2 12: Leather (sole) 18 (S 22: Molasses 35 .2 40: do. Cu ba 332 37: Nails, cut, 6 Q 7: Rice A Q 5; Sogar.brown.S ,2 10: do. Loaf, 12$ 2 J5 : Sali.Li verptK.l, 14021 50. A m SUPPLY! i85i. m By (he usual Cheap Line ! 0' HAVE JUSilRECEIVED IGROES WWWl 5000 LBS. of Bacon just received and for sale by Salisbury, July 31, 1851 M. BROWN &, SON. 13 To Builders. We would call the attention of. the public to a very superior lot of fine Carriages, Rockawaysand Buggies, now finished and being finished, of the most superior material, at J. S. JOHNSTON'S shop, one hundred yards southeast of Murphy's store ; which for elegance and, durability, cannot be beat in the South, and can be bought on better terms than at any other establishment in the State. Call and see and examine for yourselves before buying elsewhere. July li 1851:9 Line of four Ilorsc Post Coaches from 2, an articljou the 'comparative condition hn;Wsljanc American shipping inter as tleritMl from Knglisk -authority, itm lie ay t will be seen t That iboj (United States exceeds England r actual sinnane.; Ibal upil'r thi present navigation laws treaties, te United States is supplanting. m ui ihp hast India trade. , I That feign seamen' are lo be to sobio uhsfii((h(l for Uritish seamen. i nit not; j me rica n system oi inierestmg 'iTicprg of I a vessel in her freights is wjor- I imitatiun. ' i 41 IUIfiMORK A.mkrican" expresjses ?iljichjwe readily respond to, t Halt at Cnfliin fielfiion of Congress prompt and de fmeastirts will le taken for the establish- lof tile entemplated line of sieameris to "a. The V Richmo.nu Hei'uhlican lhfl Varwihis non.slavpholdinrr States are e !ter another, closing their doors againsK f?e blackl;! What is to become of them ? ts ate thr to go ? - Happily in the case of "an cojonliation, the dictates of humanity of interest combine, and both noinl to the tofAfricfi. TV siren gt hen Liberia is the t way to japrn tt (s the commerce ol Afri. Let us enable her to open roads into the ior as fal as practicable. Ii is Relieved 'y a prutUiit and energetic effort, the whole ol the rUer Niger and the valley of Tim o, woulc.be thrown through Liberia into Hinds of American merchants. land from Under." It is wonderful to think the Bunker Hill Monument is bending like a bow, backward and forward, every dajf by the influence of the sun! As the sun dur-j ring midday shines on the south side of it, thai side expands, becomes longer than the north side, and the consequence is that it bends over towards the north. The same must be true of all other tall monuments, and also of tall chiml neys for some ofthe latter are. five hundred feet high. This movement is not simply frorr) the south towards the north as at mid day; but in the morning it must be westerly, at noon nor-' iherly, and in the evening easterly. These re suits have been unexpectedly ascertained by Professor Horsford and his pendulum experi ments at Bunker Hill, in reference to the rota tion of the earth. And thus it has ever been in scientific pursuits ; while searching care fully after oneolject, another is unexpectedly found. 4xk uJlu T ftul U on ihe mule I kavel. One of our most riers, a few days ago, brought to ManU lload, at one load, with A, Band of Gipsies lately landed at New York, among the immigrants hro't from Europe by an emigrant ship. They are now encamped, with their covered wagons, jn the neighborhood of Hobokert, and report themselves from the vicinity of Durham and Newcastle, England. Xbe women and children are said to possess the peculiar physical features of their strange race, having slender figures and' tj an abundance of black hair. The men purbue the business pf tinkers, and the females cook their meals by fires made in the open air. It is probable, that we are indebted for this odd importation of hu manity to the increased facilities or emi gration afibrded by steam navigation ; and, should this small nucleus of a hew race of people which we have acquired in these Gipsy immigrants be enlarged by accessions hereafter, it may be reserved to the United States to solve the problem whether it is possible, under any form of iraulei, 117 bushels of meal, and 20p lbs. social and political institutions, to amal i weighing in all about 0200 lbs. The gamatevith other races a stratge order of cosmopolites, who have, immernorially, been nomadic in habit, and intoleraqt of any admixture with a different people. North American. PICS tmvtl llt tn nnrl frn u na R mila . II, ' awtidijin with ease in one day. The wat,8oltS lor 81 a bushel, and the Lard '3 Cent i tir lb be added. that this gentleman is the inijiridual stockholder in the road. He " rei'1! OS lne benefifof his liberal invest, tin the nihility to do fn one day what would FayctteviHe to Warsaw Daily. THE subscribers having secured the mail con tract on the above Line, will commence THIS DAY, running a Line of Four Horse Post Coaches, Daily. Leaving Fayetteville at half past 9 P. M.,and arriving at Warsaw at half past 7 A. M., in time for the Cars North and South. Returning, leave Warsaw on the arrival of the Cars, say about 1 or two P. M., and arrive a.t Fayetteville in ten hours. Every care wil) be taken to render the line pleasant, convenient, and safe for travellers. A Line of Stages will be established as soon as pos sible, by the Plank Road, from Fayetteville via Car thage and Ashborough, to Lexinston, Salem, and Sabs bury. McKINNON & McNEILL. Fayetteville", N. C, Aug. 8, 1851 3ml5 Utatcof Jiortn Carolina, J DAVIE COUNTY IN EQUITY. ) William Newell, vs. Samuel Newell, Robert New ell, Martha Ann Newell, Sarah Smith, Paul Moo-dey. Original Bill. It appearing, uponaffidavit of the plaintiff, by his ag4nt, that the defendants in this Bill, to w t: Sam uel Newell, Robert Newell, Martha Ann Newell, Sa rah; Smith and Paul Moodey, are not inhabitants of thi State : Notice is, therefore, hereby given to the said defendants, to appear at the next Court of Equity, to be held for the County of Davie at the Court-House in Mocksviile, on the 4th Monday in September next, and plead, answer or demur to complainant's Bill, or the same will be taken pro confesso, and the cause set forbearing ex parte. Witness, L. Bingham, Clerk and Master of said Court of Equity, at Office, in Mocksviile, the 9th day of August, A. D. 1851. i L. BINGHAM, C. M. E. Pr. adv. 85 50. 6wl5 Valuable Land for sale, TIIE subscriber having determined to remove from JL the State, offers for sale the following valuable tracts of Land. One 13 miles south of Salisbury, in Cabarrus County, on the new Concord road, containing 170 acres. One other on the same road, nearly adjoin ing, containing 100 acres. Three other tracts in the County of Davie, two of them on Hunting Creek : of these, one tract contains 250 and the other 200 acres ; and the third tract is situated on the Wilkesboro' road, nine miles from Mocksviile, and coRtains 240 acres. One other tract in the County of Montgomeiy, near the head of Cheek's Creek, containing 50 acres. This tract has on it a first rate grind stdne quarry. Persons wishing to examine the tracts in Davie County, may call on John Shive, Esq., or John Dawalt. Letters addressed to me at Coticord, in relation to the other tracts, shall receive prompt attention, and full descriptions given. If these lands are not disposed of privately before the 28th August, they will then be put up at public auction in the town of Concord. A. HALTEMAN. August 9, 1851 2tpd T" Town Lots fdr sale, Fin HE undersigned will sell to the highest bidder on JL the 5th Saptember next, several Town Lots at the New Institute, Iredell County, N. C. , jGEO. W. ALLISON, Aug. 6, 1851 3tl5 and others Trustees. THE building of a Court House and Jail will be let to the lowest bidder.on the 8th day of September, at the Town of Wilson, Yadkin County, when and where a, plan of each building will be exhibited. The plan of the Forsythe jail will probably be adopted. Both buildings to be of brick. TYRE GLENN, i T. C. HAUSER, -Commissioners. I. JARRATT, ) July 26, 1851 4wl3 NErY0RK IMPORTERS & JOBBERS, Freeman, Hodges &, Co., 5 Liberty treet, Between Broadway and Nassau st., 1 Xear the Poit Office. NEW-YORK. lE are recceivirig, by daily arrivals from Europe, T T our Fall and Winter assortment of Rich and Fash ionable Fancy Silk and Millinery Goods. We respectfully invite all Cash Purchasers thoroughly to examine our Stock and Prices, and, as interest gov erns, we feel confident our Goods and Prices will induce them to select from our establishment. Particular at tention is devoted to Millinery Goods, and many of the articles are manufactured expressly to our order, and cannot be surpassed in beauty, style and cheapness. Beautiful Paris Ribbons, for Hat, Cap, Neck and Belt. Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, of all widths and colors. Silks, Satins, Velvets, and uncut Velvets, for Hats. Feathers, American and French Artificial Flowers. Puffiinsjs, and Cap Trimmings. Dress Trimmings, large assortment. Embroideries, Capes, Collars, Undersleeves, &, Cuffs. Fine embroidered Reviere and hemstitch cambric handkerchiefs. Crapes, Lisses, Tarltons, Illusion and Cap Laces, Va lencienes, Brussels, Thread, Silk, and Lisle Thread La ces, Kid, Silk, Sewing Silk, Lisle Thread, merino gloves, and Mits, figured and plain Swiss, Book, Bishop Lawn and Jaconet Muslins, English, French,! American and Italian Straw Goods. July, 1851 7tl2pd State of ilovtn (avoUua ALEXANDER COUNTY, Superior Court of Law, Spring Term, 1851. Samuel Tate vs. B. W. Newland. Ejectment. This case coming on to be heard, the death of the de fendant was suggested, and affidavit being made that E. Newland, D. Newland, r. Newland, and the heirs of John Newland, heirs of said B. W. Newland, are non residents: It was ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman for five weeks, for the said non-residents to appear at'llie next term ot this Court, to be held for the County of Alexander, at Tay lorsville, on the 9th Monday after the 4th Monday of September next, then and there to defend said suit oth erwise judgment will be taken against them. Witness, William G. James, Clerk of our said Supe rior Court, af Taylorsville, the 9th Monday after the 4th Monday in March, 1S51. WILLIAM G. JAMES, C S. C. 5tl2 Printers Fee 5 1 . 1 Taylorsville Academy. THIS School will be re-opened onhe second Mon dav in Sentember. It shall be the design of the subscriber to prepare Students for any College they may wish to enter. Parents wishing to educate their chil dren, may send them here without the fear of having their morals contaminated. I can say and not boast Taylorsville is unsurpassed by any village in Western North Carolina as regards morality. There is no such thing in our place like a "Grog Shop," Temperance witrTher concomitant virtue reigns triumphantly over every other vice. Good boarding can be had from 5 to 6. Rates of Tuition low. B. SCOTT KRIDER, Principal. August 7, 1851. 5w4 TLVE CENTSllEWARD. RAN AWAY from the subscriber on the Gth instant, an apprentice boy named JAMES BASINGER, aged about 17 years. Said boy James, is of pale complexion, red headed, with large ankles, bending in I will give the above reward for his apprehension and delivery to me in Salisbury. All persons are hereby forewarned against violating the law by hfarboring said hov. .MlUllAtL. UAV 1 o . July 24, 1851 CASH FOR NEGROES, Salisbury, July 10. 1S51. THE subscriber is now in market and wishes to pur chase a number of Negroes, for which he is offer ing the Highest Harket Price in Cali. Persons wishing to dispose of the above named pro perty would do well to call on the subscriber. MY Ell .MYERS. Communications from a distance attended to. Salisbury, July 10, 1851, lOtf. Telegraph Water Carrier! THIS is a new and very useful invention for the purpose of raising and conveying water either from springs or wells, tor domestic uses. It is also usetul for raising ores from mines, or any similar purpose. It ac complishes the same amount of labor in less than half the time required by any other machine, with half the amount of labor. With this simple contrivance a buck-, et can be sent to a spring at the distance of three hun dred yards and returned with water in three minutes time. It is simple in its construction, durable, and not easily to get out of repair, The undersigned having purchased the patent right for the counties of Rowan, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg, in this State, will be pleased to sell individual rights to such as may need them. Letters addressed to him at Salisbury, N. C, will receive punctual atiention. A. II. CRESS. Salisbury, July 10, 1851 tflO N. B. All persons having in use the Telegraph Wa ter Carrier in use in the above named counties, are re quested to call and see the subscriber as he does not wish to have any unpleasant controversy with anyone. A. H. C. SALE OF VALUABLE " real Estate. BY virtueof a Decree of the Hon. the Court of Equi ty in and for the County of Montgomery, I will, on the 14th day of August next, expose to Public Sale, to the highest bidder on the premises, (the residence of i the Late r,ol. John Crump,) the very VALUABLE REAL ESTATE known as the NARROWS OF THE YADKIN, j on the Montgomery side of ihe River, consisung of se- j rverable Tracts, containing 14 or 1500 acres in all The Land including the buildings, improvements, and the Narrows, will be sold in the first place, and the se- ; veral surrounding Tracts afterwards, separately. This Land is valuable not only on account ofthe fer tility and productiveness of the soil, being well adapted to the culture of Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Tobacco, ic, , but also on accotin- of the excellent FISHERY attach ed to it at the Narrows, where a great num er of Shad ; may be annually caught, and the Water Power afford- ed by the fall in the River at this place, which enter- j prise and capital could make useful and profitable by i the erection of Mills and Machinery of every descrip tion, to any extent that might be desired. Besides these capital advantages, the situation is beautiful, romantic ami healthy ; in short, desirable in every point of view. Twelve months credit will be given, the purchasers "ivin bond and approved sureties. i J AS. L. GAINES. C. M. E. July 9, 1851. bwK) npiIE SUBSCRIBER JL a second surnlv of SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS UOOUS ! consisting of French j;icon-t. silk t.sues.organda mc 1m, bonnets, ribbons, crape shaw!?, lace cap and col lars, b'ack French cloth, simmer coatins. black patin; " ail of which have been bought si.ice the -'Oth of April, and if there is any advantage in baying late in the Spring, we have it. We have a!o, a fine lot of SUMMER HATS, Beebee's fi ie silk hats, (fahiomb!e .) Hivin on hand a fine stock of all kinds of dress goods for ladies and gentlemen, we respectfully solicit a call as we intend to sell low,? Al?o, Groceries, Hardware and Cutlerv, ROOTS and SHOES. Come and examine our goods before purchasing, as it affords u great pleasure to exhibit them, and also k!1 as low as thev can be bought in ihi market. BROWN ERA LEY $ CO. Salisbury, May 15. 1S51 2 P. S. Tin Pinte, Sheet Copper, sh-et Brass and Iron, btass Kettles, and Iron Ware kept constantly on hand for sale. We are agents for t lie Island Ford Manufac turing Company, a new Factory in Randolph County, , which iiiiikes superior Yarn and Cloth. We keep a birue lot on hand and will seii at facttrv prices by the I bail or bolt. B F.&CO, EDGEWORTIL FEMALE SEMINARY. Gov. J. Jl. Horelieari, Proprietor. rilHE next session of this Institntion w ill commence JL on Monday. July 7th. Or application lo the Prin cipal, circulars will he forwarded. iiMtig all necessary information respecting the school. RICH ARD STERLING, Principal. Greensboro', June 1, lt51 9t"pd JOEL SULLIVAN, t fit i i f Sad lie au.i Elaruc Iaiinfaetnrer, opposite Y. Murphy tj- (')., Salisbury, S. C. HAYING permanently located myself in the Town of Salisbury, I now ofii-r my services in the above business. Having worked in some of the lest pimps in the State and also in the Northern cities. I think I can please all who may favor me with ;i call. Repairing done at short notice. Prices moderate. Country pro duce taken in exchange for work. JOEL SULLIVAN. Januiry Q3, . lyS7 Negroes and Lands FOR SALE. virtue r a DeeJ ot J ru-t to me execute,! ty ir - . . . i i les ia'OX, ior Hiri.-e i.jerem r,iissru, I shall proceed to sell .it the r-s.denc of said Wi'cox.in the Tow n of Hamptonv , n the 5ih-a-iid th days of August next, the following property, to wit: Ten Negroes, OF mFFFJ!ET SIXES AND AGES. State ot iiortn Carolina, n i atrfs of I WD CALDWELL COUNTY. 1 1 AIU W 1 Ij.IJNJLJ, required three tfay. Fay. Ob. r andNtw School. According to ,ent jVnnual Keports ofthe Old and SchocA Presbyterian Church in the Stale s. the former bodv numbers lvnodh37 PresbvteriesV 381 candi- s'oruje ministry, 237 licentiates. 2, toinistt'rs, 21875 churches, and 210,- comrntjnicants ; members added with- I"6 Veal- nn fYxminotlnn lnflo. hv N;4' Scoooi Church numbers 21 104 Presbyteries, 1,489 ministers, iMl 1 iTO onmmiin. 5.,afa0;i added within the ! vear sion, 5,090 ; by certificate 4,203. Jour. Com.1 - - DCP Some of the foreigners, shipped from New York to labor -on the Cape Fear Improvement worked a day, or two arid then refused to stay any longer, be cause Ihe fare was not good enough for them. They say they can't eat bacon, that salt vituals ruin their constitution that they would soon die. , We thought they would not like the food that ouif la borers generally live on although it is con sidered very good and wholesome. The truth is they are rather lazy dislike hard work. N. Carolinian. and O3 la the Charleston Courier of the 28th, we find a call for a public meeting in that city, with about 3 columns of names appended, to oppose separate State action. They nre in favor of resistance, but nat l Soutu Carolina alone. To Carpenters. THE subscribers will receive proposals till the 6th day of September next, for the building of a two etpry framed house at the New Institute, to be 28 feet bf 22 with a shed and piazza and five rooms in the low er? story. GEO.! iW. ALLISON WM. LOVELACE, M. GUNN, Po3t Oak, Iredell County, ) Commissioners. ; August 6, 1851 3'5 i Just Received QQQQ LBS. Tire Iron assorted, from 1 to 2 f 10C0 lbs English refined ftorsetshoe iron, f M. BROWN & SON. 'August 14, 1851 4- SUPERIOR steam Engine for sale low. AodIv to ! J. G. CAIIWS, Salisbury Aug. 14. 5 Just Received and For Sale , t ARRISON'S Celebrated Columbian bl4ckj and red Inks, at the Book Store Salisbury, Jly 241851. H II. COFFMAN. blue. 3tl2 CALDW Superior Court of Law Spring Term, 151. Elizabeth Maltbea vs. Irvin Maltbea. Petition for Divorce. It appearins to the satisfaction ofthe Court , that the defendant in this cae is not an inhabitant of ihe Suite of North Carolina: It is therefore ordered, that publica tion be made in the Raleigh Register and S.i!ihury Watchman for the space of three month., that the de fendant be and appear at the next term ol our Superior Court, to be held for the County of Caldwell, at the Courthouse in Lenoir, on the 5th .Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, to plead, answer or demur io the allegations set forth in the plaintiffs petition, oth erwise the same will be heard e.x parte, and a decree pro nounced accordinaly. Witness, C. C. Jones, Cterk of our said Superior Court, at Lenoir, the 5th Monday af ter the 4th Monday in March, A. I) lKrl. C. C. JONES.C.S.C. Printers Fee $10 3m 10 Mocks v ill e fe m a l e SCHOOL. WILL open its second session on the 21st instant, under the instruction of the Rev. Edward W. West. Mr. West is a graduate oi urown L mversity,,has an experience of some 12 or 13 years in teaching He is a fine classical, literary and scientific scholar. Those who want the substance instead of tinsel of an educa tion, have a chance to obtain it. Terms per seR.-.io:i of five months : English Department & 10 00 Languages and mathematics, 1" 00 Those desiring to study music can have the instruc tions of a competent teacher at $1G 00 per term of 5 months. J F. MARTIN, HUGH REYNOLDS. idjoinin4 r John John- t:j Clary other. one llli.e West it II a II. j't i 011 ami otiter, known u t.. name : inr Tract; 12 urn ;.,:n ,ng A. W. Martin and known as the l't t'V Tra '. joining Win. P.:ir.'e--, rcid others; n acres on wl.idi there i an ex i; nt nieadiiw, nd.om.tig the land' ot the late Uenj I'atter-on. dec ! One IJII icre tract, known as the able lot, Di'imj J-.-. .m ("oa.-s, and the Tow.i lots. Aiso. the lot a 'i I. hoii- - ri main Mreet w hereon s-aid Wilcox, now re-. w A improved. Al3", one oppirsite on the south :de ol main street, where kaid V'ilco.x formerly l : 1 iive, w e,l impro ed. Variouioth er lots adjouiitiif, one tid and sn-ral !arid., M-verfcl Waon-, one I!u''v, sew la hea. ol hor-es and ratt'e, hoz ari'l sheep ; all said Wilcox's household and kitch en furniture, c nistiii z oi Ids ati.l furniture, bt-d.-tead", bureaus, sideboard and vji ou )ti;er ar'icles ickj tedious to mention WlLlE FELTS. Trustee. July 10, lI 3tl I LOOK OUT ! 4 LL perr,ns indebted to Prou n A Jameg w il! plea I come forward and settle n;. have to ?ettie with an ct:.t( r. ned.ately, or they Will March 27.1-51. LUO'.VN i J AMES- GiT COMMON SCHOOLS. THE Committeemen of the several School Districts will remain and continue in office until the first Thursday in January, 1852, the Act of Assembly provides that ihe election for Committeemen must re nem at the School House in each district on;the second Thurs day in the month of October in every year. The School Committeemen of the district must hold and superin tend the election and make report to; the Chairman in ten days the names ofthe personselected , and if they have accepted and agreeed to serve its Committeemen for the next year. A- W. BRANDON, Chairman Common Schools. Salisbaryjuly 14, 1851. j 6tU Mocksviile, July 5, 1851 Volunteers ! CtlO Attention ! ANSON HOTEL, SOUTH WEST CORSER FROM THE COCRTHOCSE, WADESB0R0.' N. C. T THE subscriber respectfully informs the inhabitants of this community, and the travelling public in general, that he has become proprietor of the Anson Hotel, formerly owned by Mr. West, where he will be happy to accommodate his guests in a style that cannot fail to please. MARTIN SIG MAN. July 1, 1851 ,r 5tll .i ATTACHMENTS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. HE Officers of the Volunteer Regiment are here by commanded lo appear at the Court House, in th? Town of Salisbury, on Saturday the 16th August, at 10 o'clock A. M., with side arms for drill and court martial Bv order of C. S. BROWN, Col. Com. WM. M. BARKER, Adj't. July 31, 151 Superior Havana Cigars AND best Virginia chewing tobacco, for sale by May 15, 1851 SUMMERELL, POWE, ii ro. 2tf. J. D. WXX.X.XAXKS, FORWAEDIXG ASD COMMISSION 31EKCIIANT, Feb 13, 1851:tf40 Fttyetl!llle!jL? JII. COFF3IAX keeps constantly on hand st the Sausbcry Book Stoke, a large and most val uable assortment ofBooksuud Stationery. Salisbury, Sept. 12. '50 I8tf tatc of ZlovUx Carolina, ALEXANDER Cot NT Y. Equity. IT appearing to tlie sati-tatt.on of the Clerk and Master tor tf County of A exan -!-r, tt.at-E em Ste venson. Hannah Lttkev and her l.uiand, James lack ey, William Stevenson, Nancy Wallace, and her hus band, Jeptha Wallace, are no- inhabitants ot tins Stale: It is therefore ordered, a ij'jiJged, and decreed by the Clerk Mid Master ol s.id Court, that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman- f r three months, that the above named perwjns, parties defendants in a suit in our Superior Court of Ivputy now pending, wherein Ilenrv Watson and w.t'e and others are com -p'ainants against James S et'.ii and Aiikjp Mcvi-ii-son, Executors of J in:e- S . v !-' n. d-e'd, br.d othem are defendants, to appear at the i.'H Su;-: or Court of Equity . to be he.d tor the ( oi.n-y .f Aiexander, at the Court Hou-e in Tay r-i , on she 0th Monday after the 4th Monday in Septen.iVr, A. D -lr.'l, then tind there to plead to. answer or demur to ihe sew rai alle gations m the hill of complaint of the named eomp'ainanis . el k-rth, or judn.er.t m cor.lesso w illle taken ajam-t them. Witness. John M Carson, Clerk and Ma--errt our said Court, at ifr ', t:i Tavlormlle, ihe Oih Mon lav filter the 4 h Mor.Jay in Mirth, A. D. . Ic5l. Issued -2ih dav J'i'.e. A. D- 1-51. JOHN M. CARSON. C M E. Printer? fee 10 r': To Officers and Soldiers of the War j of 1S12! X will atfnd to the prownw.n ( cims arising on-, der the " Bounty Land Bi sion of Congress. Snlibor-. Oct ,;fi-.i ai me li s JAMES E KEKR. 20if County Court Vrits ibr sale here.

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