From the Spirit cjf the Times. ; Abel Hack's in a Tight Place. .. . BT THE AUTHOR OF COUSIN SALLY DILLARD, Monroe, Union Co., N. C, July 4th, 1851. ' Mister Forterl wjishes to lay a case hfnrn vmi that I t Li i tt is hard. You see ... .w. . I was afein From the National Intelligencer An Appeal to Hitory So. III. Oh, Ve.xice! Venice! when thy mlarble walla Are level with the waters, jthere shall be A cry of Nations o'er thy sunken halls, A loud lament along the sweeping sea ! If I, a northern wanderer, weep for thee, What should thy sons do ? Any thiing but weep." 1 I 1 f Byron. n a poor mail, and luck has hrn not binied under the waves ; ihe; sands of lhe evr sense jl was born ; and 1 B . what's uors the law has been agin me. tbormput. have stole several 4imes, and not been found out, but that's agin my prfnsipples. 1 don't sfe how them as gets rich by stealing can ehjoy their riches I could'iit dov it, and so I wouldn't steal. I rnout haye begged a id loafed about as some does, but I'm atjove that, loo; so I hs suffered some in this'wofld, and 1 al lows to suffer some more before I'll cither ktpk! or hem. Bui that's not to the p'mt ' iWi to study, lo direct, or to control. It or rather to the half pint : for the worst quires hut a cursory reading of History to dis ..;t Sr. mxi ao wn t hiilf '-nint to beciti rover that the verv same virtues and vices, the LSI II i "J w - r - -j g- - - r - - . j with, l'sposel hadl diunk about that same wisdom and lolly, which mke or ma Society was hrokenup ; and it was from this chaos, and from this spell-bound mistaken religions phrenzy, that real social liberty and happiness wer to be restored. It was in the Helvetian recesses ; that ; law and liberty took refuge ; and there, out of chaos, about 1152. began lo rise a class oft free burghers, and a sure foundation was laid for the most remarka ble (all things considered) Republic that ever Vkmce still exists, a splendiid ruin. She is existed in Europe ; and. more strange, still, continues to exist. Lei not the reader hastily mistake inchoate elements for structure. The idea of a Republic was not even excited ; it fob lowed as a consequence in the course of events. But. defective as wan the dural form of go vernment under the House ol Zaringen, when merce 1 Uvr thronging population 7 Where compared with modern ideas, it was no doubt Were a competent pen employed, and that the best which existed in Europe, when in 1257 for a long lile, on a historical comparison be.! Uri, Schwitz, and Untericalden formed with tween ihe infancy, mature age, and decrepitude, j Zurich the first mutual defensive league which of individual men and nations, the condensed s eventuated in that republic so renowned in af- result of such a comparison would constitute a reflectot, necessary to all who have human con- re- desert, the dust of ages, have no" covered her ruins : nor need the traveller exclaim, Where once tood Venice I No, traveller ! Yonder is Venice, dimly seen on the silent shores of the Adriatic. Where are her ship 1 Hr com- DO YOB WISH TO BDY. IP YOU DO Call at the large Store East of the i Court-House ! Where Goods can be had at reduced Prices ! j&wamv&amn j FAUST & AT Spring Grove, gj R BOGEIl &' REESE r ..he Northern Cities, a com- RE now reviving iron. .V SnrllS all(l " 7il:-U IMiil:ifi, i.., : H T invite if ... - i 1 ESPECTFULIA chants visiting the N well assorted stock of onh. ntmntitv of the' ardent, when who should come along nut Forty fool Houston." Now, Mr. I'., it so happens that I am a tow man irt inches, nnd 1 can't hear for one of those tall Mlows ti be looking over my head at somAhing bevond me. Ses I : - Mr. Houston, ook some other course." Ses h " What's the rriHtter. Hucks V ises he : 1 don't wijn'i you to be a stan- din' thar a lookin' oviir my hed." Why," ses he, -Hucks, you are a fool mar in private life operate to produce fike efFts in affairs of Government, 'with an enormous differ ence in amount of evil in the latter case, as ter ages under the name of Switzeilaud, from the canton of Scbwitz. It ought to be carefully observed that it was from the same chain of events came the first Helvetic league, and that rose also to impeiial power Rodolph. Count of Hapsburg, ihe ances tor, ofjtke yet existing Imperial House -of Aus tiia. Men inhabitants of the imperial towns, and free lands of Helvetia sought the protec- NEW SPRING GOODS ! THE undersigned takes the earliest opportunity to inform their friends and the public in general, that they are now receiving and opening a beautiful stock ot J SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS,' which they are offering at low prices, consisting in part of the following, viz : English. French and American gingham, white and colored tarlton muslins, plain and embroidered grena dines, hortensia and other very fine dress goods, printed and embroidered lawns, black and fancy silk, bl'k, white and colored kid gloves, 300 pieces calicoes, w hite and colored doylies, striped and tambord drapery muslins, summershawls, French, Swiss and Jaconet muslins, bl'k and fancy cassimeres, French and English cloths, Read Made Clothing, Frencli Lace, Florence and Crape BOX SETS, Uumbrellas and parasols, books and stationary, wall pa per, large assortment, Java and Rio Coffee, green and black tea, loaf, crushed, granulated and renned sugar, pleie and hanusome ; -f EngHf h SllllimerUOOuv. - c vr9tings, cot French and American cl. nam9. ton ades. tweeds. s,lkf . muslins, Iarts. J brajd rages, trimmings 're' " wreaths, tabs, ve and other make of bonnets rt.fici- s . ason rv fine hats, caps, shoes ana ikmm. - -"" , . nd j i ru. mHo n cr" 1 1 nisi". ilOCK v at nina I -;i., fine fans, accordeons, pen""'-'; Hardware, Cutlerv. Cnn. We are now opening our Fail ,,,;, . , s i'L. ' . . er I .L.ll horn. wi.h.completestocKO,ourrr-. anJ side combs.breast p,ns.siu. - r h , ihal on Irial our nriri nn.l ....i . . rntire satisfaction. Orders solicited July 1, IbM VILLAGE V C' & iii . . I - - u - r.:-...f ,k.,f,nrv art c e. Brass clocks, Hardware, Cutlery, Queens, China, and Glass- are, Statesville, N. c m 1 !an1 rilll.5 sraonsiinini t pleaantlv reaching to a greater or less extent the whole . lion of Hodolph against the nobility, and gave community. v In process of analogy it would: be found that no folly ever committed, through individual vice or improvidence, but could be mure than paral leled in communities, and in nations too. liehold the reckless course of ihe Heir of a fortune, amassed by industry, honesty, care, and lon! years of life and toil! Behold him con- That whs enutr; I Ihadnllers wanted to ; t.enining ail ihe thrift and ihe forecast of his hit a tall man, and "jForty-loot" was the 1 ancestors ; travejjkig with heedless haste head highest I had ever sen. So I goes-up long to ruin. ; compelled in the end to abandon and jags him in the short ribs. Ses he : ; to strangeis his already dismantled mansion, - Quit. Hucks ! iu area fool !" ! nd4lie bruad lands by which it is surrounded ! to his standards the best iufautry then in the world. Harmony did not long endure between Ro. dolph and his Swiss allies : war and p"ace fol lowed until the death of Rodolph in 1291. and the attempt of his son and successor, Albert, !o seduce the Burghers of Uri, S-hw'nz, and Un- terwaWen to change their dependence on the Empire, and come under the direct authority of the Emperor. This produced some years of discontent. The Swiss, as we may now call them, refused, and one false measure after an other widened .he breach through 1307. Im- ately on the Nonhwfi corner of has attached to it a numlwr of ( o( ,.. 1 .niUm.n nr., 4 ,.lh Tk. drum ouinine.fine French brandy and uaue.ra lhe subscriber will be g.ven u, th, ,r ;,.,, medical purposes, wi;h various other patent medic nes j;)jffd (o nZ I dye-stuffs, groceries of all kinds, and good quality. m(t wjh a cal The Weaycrs Reeds and Blue Cotton Yarn, ;tlZ:: V with numerous other articles too tedious to enumerate. j ots and plei.ty of cram atr-a.. v. - i ; t ;,a rr n m 1 1 v. a re re- . : i t- i , .- , Our customers, ineno? Bu ' - , ana give me n iriai. inankiii tor t,,. spectfully invited tocall ana ewmmc .. no pains on our part shall be spared to please, and to sell as cheap as the cheapest, and upon the most accommo . L.,nn,,nCiBal dealers. Country produce ta- u n 1 1 1 n uti".' 1 " , hope for a continuance of the vnme. Statesrillc, brpt. 30. ls'iil. Stewart's syrup, a very superior article, dair cheese, j ken excr,ange for goods, such as shelled corn, oats, sperm and patent candles, Philadelphia calf-skins, sole J flax sed feathers, bees-wax, tallow, wool, if washed leather, lining and binding skins, Miles & Son's boots : picked clean.' and ladies shoes, Beebee's hats, We avail ourselves of this opportunity to tender our CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, ! ilZ inusiar.aim npc TAll.niilM; bT If and t.i HE subrcriber bf lr spectfully to annoiiiuc t IS Well upon that I dfirs into him ain Extend lhe view to lhe conduct and action of perial pride blinded the Imperial Council, and Well, then at last Mister Houston gets mad, and takes me ly the two arms, and ; gives me a shake that made my teeth chat- , ter and my eyes strike tire, and he bands m over the fence to the constable, and he ! takes me down to liabatt's ccoss roads, where the Court was held in a masheen machine house, anld Lawyer Joolus" was , employed to defend me. He is a mighty good-harted inan, Joolus is, and so is Judge Battle that tried me; but there was no chance for me to. get of F, and so I, 'fesses guilty, and JoLlus turns into beg- gin' the Judge. He said 1 was a poor un- a Nations, and a parallel Id this picture may be injustice, embittered by contempt, induced the lound in every page of history. If such a work as we have suggested were compiled, and accessible i lo every honest in quirer after truth, the experience bequeathed by one generation to its successors would not be wholly lost, even though for the present dis a large stock, chase hides and enamelled leather, sheet tin, sheet, hoop and tire iron, anvils, vices, screw plates, hardware and cutlery, saddler's tools, saddle trees, hog skins, Tanner's Oil, White Lead, window Glass, &c, &c The above goods with many other articles not nam ed, were selected with the greatest care. One of our firm having spent near two months in the Northern citis making our purchases, and bought with cash exclusively, and we are now prepared to offer to our friends and the public, at our large store, corner of the Court-House, at Wholesale Or RetAi I, one of the largest, best selected and handsomest 3lock of desirable Spring and Summer Goods ever opened in this Town Call and see, get some of the bargains, they are eoing off rapid ly. J. F. CHAMBERS & CO. Salisbury, March 27, 185147 IMPORTANT ftEWS FOR ! 1 fortunate man. with six children, and little given to likerj; aiuj there, was no jail nigher than Charlotte, and it would never do to send mcfto jail. Has you got any! stocks here V ses the Judge to the Sheriff ? No, sur," ses the Sheriff ; " this is the second Court ever hld in the Co"uhty of Union, and we ain't eddy witti sich things yet." Well, I felt a bit of relief when I heard the Sheriffs anser, $nd the Judge looked down at a piece oil paper, and then he 'says - Mr. Clerk, record the judgment of the Court : Let Mr. Hupks be confined in the blocks for one hour. I And," says he "Mr. Sheriff, you can conhe as near as possible to executing the judgment ofthe Court." How is that f slays Joofus, flaring up and looking wrathviat the Judge. " Your honor don't mean lo inflict any unusual punishment V j " Oh, no P says te Judge, laffin ; "the mode of carrying oat the sentence is left to the Sheriff." And then all the lawyers laff, but Joo lus and some said "ftnce Joolus? and so got madder still, jatid sajfc : " Mr. Sher iff, 1 dare you to dd that !" And so they tooki me out of the Court house on a general In IF, and as the law yers came along to dinner, thar 1 was ly ing with both legs t tirough the! crack of a rati fence, and soim; fellers setting on the fence making sportj of me ! And I heard lhalj a, queer-looking feller, "Ham Jones," sayj " Joolus, look at your client lw And then I thought Joolus would have fainted. He 4urnekl to the Judge, and he Bays: "My God, Judge! I never had a client in sich ajixjbefore 1" And the Judge and all of them lawyers laughed out. But felt hurt my feelings was burtj. as well as my legs. 1 don't know whether or not you are a lawyer, but I want to know whether it is accordin' to the American Constitution, to put a fellers legs through a rail lence because they haven't got shocks in a new county ? I want; to know, sijr ! Ibr ef that be accord ing to the constitution, I'll go across 'lire line to South Carolina and help to make a new constitution ! . Yors to command, - I Auel Hicks. I ' ; i free Swiss to fly. to open resistance, which of course led to independence. There is no doubt of ihe general fact, but evidently much of fable in the record of inci dents which led to the formation of the Helve, lie union. In one respect, which we cannot regarded. The pages of j such work abound pass unnoticed, the philosophy of history was in examples of lhe most humiliating adversity, 1 remarkably sustained in both the great epocha Rjjjj Road Contractors and Others ! produced by the deteriorating intoxication of of Helvetic history, rrom ihe invasion of the success. The most exalted interests of Na- country by Julius Caesar to the Swiss Confed lions would be shown lo' depend on lhe very ! eracy (1308) thirteen and a half cenluries had same principle as the success or the failure in I passed away, and from the reign of Charle life of the most humble individual. In Socie- mague five centuries had elapsed. No ade ties, the family in which harmony and perse- i quale benefit can be gained by historical study, vering union of action prevail, seldom falls, and . without the scale of time. We are now to open lhe glorious age of Swiss history, and to see, though faintly, how many centuries it cost to reach independence, and how much of blood and time has been ex pended to maintain that independence. H. always deserves to prosper. So in Govern ments, in unity there is strength : in disunion there cannot fait lo be weakness, disorder, and eventual misery. Produce the conditions, and cause and effect will follow. We have already faintly shown what Italy was, and what Italy is and what France was, and what France is ; and whv the one country has become covered with broken fragments of a once glorious prosperity, and! the other has B.CASPER fc CO., have this day received from New York a large stock of SOLE LKATHER, French Calfskins, Boot & Shoe Trimmings generally. Those about to engage in Rail Road contracts would hnd it o their interest to call and look at our large slock of heavy shoes. To . : sf tti anrne B cullliiiuain-r vi ...v N. B. We also extend our invitation to moirw u.- r I I f.. Il r.nrwn mlT 8 OCK VI interested inenusiiusu. - , f . j k.:. .nnH hsn, n " to ?Kf USB COM. goods as wui c-t.i,v. - , our word for it. if they have any judement about goods, or knowledee of business, they will lorlhwith come 10 u.r conclusion that they have wronged and spoken falsely ot their neighbors. Tn conclusion we announce with pleasure to our friends and the citizens adjacent to Spring Urove.that our store is permanent, and not " a mere mushroon es- .Lr.i . t ;f I if- on, Hon ih snared us. we will laoilaiimr.iii, "u ii "v - i ... - i . . he is still to be lound at tns o d s anj ;r, .lt Row.Salibury , whrre he ise r ra : t c ' execute all orders in his line. He , Co:..-.. neither tire or surrender. April 17, 185150 LATEST AM) MOST APPROM FASHIONS. ' which tojelher with a good deT- f fT. flatters himself, will enable him t.i ; K:. v all who may favor him with th-ir ;..,t;j1:, , done at the shortest notice, and i?ie t;.,. terms. J. A W. Salisbuiy, March 26, 151. DRUGS! DRUGS ! NEW CALCULATING MACHINE. An ex'raordinary calculating machine, says lhe London Times, is now placed in the Rtr- i f r t x alroarrled I rinmi.ha nt I v. and lhrhm,h rPntiirips; , 8ian UOUrt. It IS trie invention Ol a 1 OllSn Jew, BO .. f- ' j t ....-..p,.. . , named Slaffel, a native of Warsaw, and works addition, subtraction multiplication and divis ion, with a rapidity and precision that are quite astonishing. It also performs the operation of extracting the square root and the most com plicated sums in fractions. The machine, which the inventor calls Arithmetical Instrumental, is about (he size of an ordinary toilet, being about 4 inches by 9 inches, and about 4 inches high. The external mechanism represents three rows of ciphers. lhe first and upper row, contain ing 13 figures, is immovable ; the second and third, containing 7 figures each, immovable.- The words addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are engraved on a semicircular ring to the right, and underneath is a hand, which must be pointed to whichever operation if 4 SIGULIl INCIDENT. Yesterday week. Mrs. Watt, Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Davis, tpree pious and estima ble widow ladies of this town, all in usu al health, called upon Mrs. Judd. a pious method i st lady, ir.tywife of one of our cit izens, who is lying at the point of death, wjth the dropsy hourly expecting the iiivvMfel,i ,vji niiiuso auiiiuiuus sue nas been ong prepared. After spending an 1 hour, in which tile tenderest and holiest sympathies of CrfrisiiaTi hearts were free- ly commingled, tjiev rose to denary anH ! taking the dying! woman by the hand, iney Ppoke words of encouragement with their leave takinjt saying to her tf that she fremiti near hep end, but perhaps some . of them might bjt in Heaven before her." Yesterday (Sabbplh) pious friends .again tissemhle nroundjthe hed of the dying wo- i'inan, but these friends were not there. Tiey hadall ihdetT been strickendown Hvilh the Choler during the week, and Were all in Heaten before her P IVii ! Chester (HI ) Un ipn ist. i Fu.vpTY. The Washington Union of ihe 2J lost, publishes two columns of Editorial dentin clilion of Ibe secession f Democratic South Carolina, and condemnation of ihe aid and com ' lort given lo thai Si ale. by lhe Democracy el. Mfhere. lit next Pvo Columns are devoted to proving :hat ibe Ccmproniise is a "Democratic measure"! ' : to overcome barbarism ; to reunite instead oi dislocating lhe Provinces of a most splendid part of the earth's surface ; to give to a people speaking a common language the kii.dred ad vantage of a common Government. We now leave the soil of France to visit another theatre of human vicissitude, in which similar causes have produced like effects. Be tween Fiance and Germany proper, and on the high crown of Central Western Europe, and in the elevated Alpine velleys from which flow the higher fountains of lhe Po, the Rhone, lhe Rhine, and lhe Danube, spreads a country of i about one hundred and seventy miles in leiigth, between the Lakes of Geneva and Con stance, with a width of seventy miles, om urisinff an area of about thirteen thousand square miles. This comparatively confined is to he performed. The figures being proper mountain and lake reinon. rendered sublime bv arranged, lhe simple turn of a handle is then lhe Alpine crests, was the Helvetia of ancient, givenvand the operation is performed at once and is the Switzerland of modei-n ages : aland as if nv magic. The most singular power of wherein Nature has assumed her most slern the instrument is, that if a question be wrongly and imposing features, and wherein Man has stated as, for instance, a greater number be- acted some of his most heroic scenes. Obscure in (he mountain recess, the Gallo- j Celts, or first known inhabitants of Helvetia, i emerged into historical light by their casual connexion whh the Cimbri, Teutones, or GauU. j This was not; however, uniil within the first , century before lhe Christian era, and in conse." qufcnce of lhe military operations of Julius, by whom they were partially subjected. Reduced to a Roman province by Tiberius, more or less rigidly subjected to Rome until the extinction of I hat mysterious empire, Hel vetia partook in ihe various vicissitudes ol its history. Christianity as one effect of Roman domination. Bui the country of Helvetia, ob scure. only comes into viiew casually, a id du ring the first five hundred years of the Chris tian era its history is almost a blank. Involv. ed in the long distracted Frank Monarchy, it was nor indeed until in the reign of Charlem agne that Helvetia assumed a distinct provin cial position. Civilization advanced, and shield ed by mountain walls, the people have ever since maintained a distinct nationally. In lhe division of the Carlovipgian empire Helvetia fell into the German part, and shared its for tunes through four or five centuries of change. As lime advanced, so newlcause of action arose and made themselves visible. most the Ladies and (jentlemen, we would say that we have as hue and good materials for manufacturing as can be found in any of'the Northern Cities. It has become quite common to bray and make a flourish about materials having been bought for cashdec, but we say without fear of contradiction that we have the Best Workman on BOOTS and Ladles SHOES to be found in this State. As to prices, we will sell as low as the lowest. We warrant all our work to fit well. A call is respectfully solicited from the public. Our shop is one door below the Book Store, and formerly occupied by Mr. Jacob Lefler. H. B. CASPER & CO. Salisbury, Ma 1, 1851. 52 New Cabinet Ware Rooms. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public 'hat he has opened a Cabinet Shop in Salisbury, and has now on hand almost all kinds of FURNITURE usually made in establishments of this kind, viz : China Presses, Wardrobes, French Bedsteads, Mahogany Rocking Chairs, Sofas, Ladies' Mahogany Workstands. All of the above named articles were either madr by or under the supervision of Mr. Richard Fox, foreman of his shop. Any article not hand will be promptly made either of mahogany or walnut. He has now on hand a haadsome assortment of Wholesale and Retail ! Dr. Suiiiiuercll, Iove V Co. HAVING purchased the large and valuable stock of Drugs, Medicines, ice, of Brown James, have removed to the stand lately occupied by them opposite the Mansion Hotel, where in addition to the large as sortment now on hand, they are receiving fresh supplies from the North of all articles in their line, which they are selling on the most reasonable terms. They wish particularly to call the-attention of country merchants and Physicians to their stock, for they have now the largest assortment ever offered (or sale in Western No. I Carolina, and are determined to keep every thing on hand that may be wanted in their line ; and will sell cheaper than the same articles can be bought elsewhere in this section of country. Their assortment is com posed in part of the following a nicies ; Calomel , ( Amer can and English) blue mass, do do, corrosive sublimate, hydrarg cum-creta, red precipitate, jalap, rhubarb v'En glish and Turkey) opium, morphia, (sulphate muriate and acetate) sulphur, sublimed do, lac do, carbonate am monia, sugar lead , bi carb sodo, bitart (potas?e. The various gums and gums resons. all kindsof extracts and tinctures, sulph ether, sweet spirits nitre, spts lavender comp. The essential oils and essences, bark and qui nine. The various preparation of iron and iodine Also a large assortment of painif, oils, dye-stuffs, var nish, (several varieties,) acid9, ic. They have a'so ma ny articles for house keepers, such as Delluc's flavoring extract for pies and the like. Farina, starch, tapioca, arrow root : all kinds of spices, bath brick for cleaning knives, camphorated patchuly for protecting clothes from moths, Lyon's magnetic powders for the destruc tion of rats, bed bugs, &c. Also, the following opular remedies Brandreth's pills, Peters' do, Townsend's sarsaparilla, Sands' do, Swaine's do, Ayer's cherry pec toral, Jayne's expectorant, vermifuge, sanative, &,c. SPRING & SUMMER FASff FOR 18.M. ' IIORACR II. HEARD TAILOR, HAS just received at hi9 old stand,) from New York, the X7 American and European Fathion, for the SPIIIM; AN1 SI M51EK, and will continue to reenve iheni quarterly. He is prepared n execute all orders in Ins line of lhe trade , in a fashionable and workmanlike manner, nt the shortest notict. From hi? long experience in the ;ut ot cutting and making garment. he feels confident that he can gir customers. He respectfully return his il aiik-i the public for their I ibera I support .. r ,;. ; . t fore , an 4 will endeavor by in rea-ii ' t-, customers, to merit a continuance i.t HuUAO: II N.B. Allkindsofcountry pn.uuc t- :z-i t ket prices for work. Salisbury, March '21 , 1 .!. -rfrd i if STILLS AND TIX-WA BROWN & BAEEE HAVE on hand a supply ol .v 7 .. . WARE which i hey wi.l , ; any kind of Produce which the men -old copper and pewter. Guttering 1 . . time attended to. They will sellstillsat fifty rente p; uttering at titteen cents per toot,ii.J' .;.. n proportion. Salibiiry , April 12, 1 K0 ktL 1 re1 fit . , t t J i f fl Itre r.ct but ih W MEDICIMIS ! MI'JtK A: harri ib& fa tj rrtti punctually attended to. Salisbury, April 3. 1851 48 Excitement Not Over Yet! ing placed for subtraction from a lesser, de. tecls lhe error, and lhe ringing of a small bell announces the discovery. The inventor has exhibited the powers of this wonderful calcula ling machine to the Queen, Prince Albert, and 1 avm several persons ot distinction. 1 he inventor exhibited a machine for ascertaining bv weigh ing the fineness of gold or silver, but this is to be substituted to further and more severe tests. Both machines are, to say the least, exiremely curious, and have been rewarded with a silver il i . t I r i x uiruai uy me ivussian government, uuring the week the director of the Hank of Enland visited the machine. Great Invention. The Intelligencer's N.Y. Correspondent says he was recently shown a plan of a capital invention, by Mr. Edwaids, of the house of Edwards, Sandford & Co. "It was for lhe artificial manufacture of ice, by which, with a simple contrivance, not larg er than a small " refrigerator," an individual in the tropics, or any other habitable region, can freeze a gallon of water to a solid block of ice in lhe space of one minute ! This will be a great thing for the planters." Gathering and Prevarinsr Manure. active and insidious agency rose imperceptibly, ! Without manure, no fnrmer can farm to and, uniiLihe present lime has ceased to ope. 'j advantage With manure, his land will rate with varying power on the destinies of yield fruitfully, improve in quality and he Southern Europe. The middle of the eleventh grow rich. Now. what is the use of ex. centrry arrived an age not so rude as is gen erally supposed, but violent ; warlike without miliiary discipline ; tyrannical without order, and consequently neither the Impeiial nor Pa pal power defined. In lhe midst of this state of political-chaps two' men rose up, each in his way calculated lo augment lhe turbulence and fan the dimes of.waK Pope Gregory VII, or Hilderbrand, elected Pope in1073 and the German Emperor, Henry IV, contemporary, were ae exponents of their age, as far as Jtalv and Germany was" concerned. Henry was strange as inany inaynow regard ii, the chain pending your horses' and hands' time in trying lo grow corn on land that only yields 2 and. 3 barrels to the acre ? There is no use in it you wear out your plows and other implements, exhaust the pow ers of your team and plowmen, and,nAe no money. Whereas, had you taken a couple of good hands, and a team or two, you might have collected manure enough to fertilize that very land, so as to grow 8 or 10 barrels to the acre ; we have, in an experiment, grown more tban twice pion ofeivil ordr Gregory, of the pupal pw- the largest quantity, and so can you if you er. It was an age pf preparation, of violent try. The fact is. that land, bv beinff fed. Mankind seemed lo have no set. nd produce one hundred bushels to the acre excitement. neu uome. i his mnptilH aito r i, ihouoht and aspiration was no momentary con drtionbf mind. " In lhe year 1096." says Lard ner fcls Hit;rjr of iSwiizelahd,? 'ihe first Crusading army el oui, comprised of numerous volunteer, in great part of France ; in 1099 hey made themselves masters of Jerusalem and the neighboring country;" Ai diffeient limes, after shorter or lopger Intervals, during lhe course of ihe two following centuries, em perors, kings, bishops, dukes, and cjmnis, with a multitude of priests and monks, whole hands of burghers and peasantrj nay, troops of wo men and children, marched against the infi delt." iii and no man should rest contented until his whole crop averages 12 barrels to the acre. Repository and Whig. Enormous Yield. Mr. John Q. Hew lett, residing about three miles from Balti more, on the Frederick Turnpike road, raised this season seven hundred and eigh ty bushels of prime white wheat on a fild containing 18 acres, 2 roods, and 6 perches bring a very small fraction un der Jortu two bushels per acre. The grain was sold for ninety-five cents per bushel. Cane bottOIll, Rocking aild WindSOr cod liver oil, Surgical Instruments. Orders by mail CHAIRS, Which he. will sell chsap for cash. He may be found at all limes at his shop on the cross street opposite W. Murphy &. Co.'s store. lLJCohin9 always kept on hand. Country produce will he taken in payment for work at the market price. Plank and scantling wanted at this time. JESSE A. STOKER. Salisbury, April 10, 1851. Iy49 EAGLE MILLS! THERE is a fair prospect of a Company of North ern Mechanics-and Manufacturers settling on the Eagle or South Eaele Tract. The South Eagle Tract is adjoining the Eagle, on both of which is a splendid water power of great force. I have a beautiful piece of Land in the South Eagle Tract which I propose to lay off in small lots of one fourth of an acre each, for the ac commodation of Merchants, Doctors, and Mechanics All such persons would do well to give this rising place due attention. ' There is a tide in the affairs of men Which, taken at its flood, Leads on to" happiness and wealth. Here is a chance. Capitalists would also do well to look this way. I need a little help to carry on more suc cessfully, the enterprises in which I am engaged and on which I propose to enter. I am steadily progressing however, though slowly, with my original schemes, to wit: the erection of Factories for spinning cotton and wool, and for calico printing. But as I advance the prospect opens up, and invites to larser and more fruitful fields. This location for manufacturing purposes and for a Town, is very favorable. It is near enoush to the great Central Rail Road, and in a very healthy region of Ivountry. 1 will sell lots privately on the most favorable terms to suit purchasers. The water power on the South Eagle Tract, is immense, and capable of driving, almost any amount of Machinery. Early applications either for lots or an interest in the present or proposed enterprises win receive the most lavorable oftVrs 3m4 ANDREW RAGGARLY Iredell County, N. C, May 14, 1851 ti7. 17HITEHEAD f 1 r r Ltttj his protessional services to the nuhlic vHe can at present be found athis residence .unless proiessionauy engaged. Office In Johnston's Whltf Kow. Salisbury .July 21, 1850, tf. NE W CO PAMXERSinp. TTHE undersigned have entered into a copartnership X. in the Mercantile Business, at Wood Grove, Row- an county. I hey intend to keep up a well assorted siock ot uoods, and hope by close attention and by giv ing goou oargaina to tneir customers, to merit a liberal share of the patronage of the surrounding countrv nrjr ir.lur51 mrir menas 10 can and give ihem a trial. u Kinos oi country produce taken in exchange for wuo, auu tail priCCS BllOWeC U. ti WOOD a oo ,Q-n ' RQBT- IIARRISr Aug. 22, 18.-0. 15 Steam and Freight Boats ARE all in excellent order for business. Our Tow Boats have been rrontlu r.n,;..j .j w. We have also added a ru, v. i - 1MI I W , J VV E are receivki: at I)r C R W)i the lareest and best stock t M' ments, l atnts and Dye Mul, Fancv and useful ArticVs, try. (See our lariir will sell very low for cash. f ' LOCKK i Cllli! l Snliihiiru ifr, tit -i- i II recti it i 1 Vs, rrr liriM)?' : ) ' f i.ind-liilir ujiJ U ji..' f . . k :ash. I Kf EP constant ly on li:ml tensive assortment ol an -x- THE SUBSCRIBERS would call the at- JL teWion of the public to their stock of celebrated LEFLER BOOTS AND SHOES, now on hand, the manufacture being superintended by Mr. Jacob Lefler, who has been experienced in the bu siness for the last twenty years, and has always given universal satisfaction. Just receivd from New York and Philadelphia, a fine lot of Calf Skins and Shoe Trimmings, bought entirely for cash, at reduced prices, enabling them, with the advantage of their Tan-Yard, to sell lower than any establishment in Salisbury. . HARNESS, &C. They also have on hand a fine stock of HARNESS, BRIDLES. &C. made by an experienced workman, which they are sell ing at reduced prices. Persons wan-ing any articles in their line of business, will please give them a call be fore buying elsewhere. Hides of all kinds will suit a ell as the cash. Come one. come all Shot. rr,r,. site the Post Office, and six doors below the store of J . r . Chambers &. Co. BROWN & HAYXES. Salisbury, April 24, 1851 51 BOGF.R & WILSOlK xi;vi2Li:ns v Watches Clock Jewelry, g- t, j Silver-Ware, &An i i MrSKML ISTUI MKMS. K!'.0LUU rFfJorc k Pfrfamery, Soap and l anry tnk- -ir,- 1 of every description. IVrn.-w ! tides in the above line.wi.i ii" ine their fine selection , oi)-d " r'a: " Murphy vt Co. Watches, Clocks and J-- -v rv ' manner, and warr.inieii t r t i: Lepine and plain Va: Ii- ;i .'-.'C and warranted to perf-irro Salisbury, May 1, 1-."1 S. U. FORI). Wilmin.-t. file -1 re J vi fhtU t.. 1)1 F.ALF.C IX M AUIJLi: MOM MFMS : BI' wit Ston- Paint Sio:i s : If short, any article called tor ol -1 1 L -r Italian, Egyptian or Amrriran and work warranted to pVae r r, ' a ged before deli verv . it i? at ), - ; ' " t-lrders for any ot ihe .i'.uv n.-.-.w' with the Editors of the WIlI.: w with dispatch. !' ' at. P'f J o c 5 as new. wa- 2 1 1 I . -no ii, T1 ,ne er,c. She wJJI Carrv iOO bbl9. merchandize, and draw only 20 inches watef Those favonng us with their patronage, may expect as promDl and chean ervi- in . r . . ' t i. a- rijr particular other Line cjin offer. as any O DEMISG. P,,.,',. Useful and Ornamental! iul, siiintcrioera would re X spectfully call the attention of the public to their FURNITURE ROOMS. at the old sttnd opposite the Rowan Hotel, where they nave on hand, and are manufacturing the most fashion able furniture, that has ever been manufactured in this country, viz: fine Mahogany Dressing Bureaus, Pier and Centre Tables, with Marble Tons, WARDROBES. SOFAS, spnng seat rocking and a fine lot of cane bottom and WINDSOR CHATHS They also have on hand a large assortment o'f plain fc CHEAP FOR CASH, as they can be bought any where in this countrv and we would sav to the oublic ih.-,. ll ..;... 7' . ty or under our own supervision. All we ask is a call o t..fy bo;h in furniture and price. We return ou hanks for past and present patronaged hope by pnnc tuah.y and promptness in oar business, to merit an in crease. All kmda of produce or lumber taken ?n ex change at lhe market prices . WILLIAM ROWZEE c 7. , . . " SAM R- HARRISON Salisbury, April 17, 1851. 50 DR. led JAMES H()RAH. L,ft .WATCH AND CLOOK-MJ c: Opposilr thf Walrhuun I'.d'f- 14 1 Just Received 'H Hi- a. c. h-. led in the Town ol Cn. -r ' . services to the citizens an.l - i r r ; Olii(e, N. 3, Ham' K Concord, Sej,t. 23. A FRKSH suui,:v f IIu-l. V- Oil, a rhoice jut o( Vr! : 'r Kxtrncts, Hull's pnm ru" I Shot, MeLean's Venn I'l.'-'. itc. SIM i i.K i-l-i anrurv. .Mav '.'.). if " r " p"Z i- S.ALT AMI MoUh-. i I 1 SACKS SALT. v 1UU G-bbls 20 laz Rio CotFee, M A. D. CAZAITY .R;' ?RRELL. Ag'nt Fayetteville,Dec.2l, 1850. irnington. 58tf flHA LBS. of Bacon StlLsbunrJJnlvai 1B BROVVN & SON. -49 " VW Salisbury, May L". To Officers and Soldier of 1SI2 ! I v..-. -M3-' hi JAM- Wii B R. M. ORRHLL, Forwarding and CommlUn MerthanL T- ... " rayettcciUe, A. C. January 30, 1851. tf 38 will attend to the proseci' der the " Coun!v Land li eion of Congress. Salisbury-Oct. 10 S0. Rork Klnnd Jrnn and KfrVr.; OGER & MAXWKLL r- t .. i . celebrated Rock I.- ar.u , . Orders from a distance pruisi; : a.-f- Salisbury, X. C. It J . . Dr F7M. Henders0!, TJAV1NG permanently i'1' . '.'.r; JLJL L-oncord, tender-dim-i place and vicinity, in the seven. c "in- - r... .) U-'o ra'1- 13 Warrants for sale here. Si York. Concord, Junf 'f'

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