M -lit ! i . - - ' ; - ; . i VtHK m8 WATCUM , 1 Two Dollars P ' . i oAn'th iho su1iHied ex- eh to the Navy uepartineu.. i fit . .... artJct CiukLes 1. run. cuu,- .u-l',..cd .Si- ea ', Aloany, now f " .... J ...nr..ft ii d:ited. Nat. Int. .. UavNA, SEPTEMBER 1. ... ' ' t..7. h:ivtn? been en- 1 n ii.iintn'r 01 nnsnners ru . J, " 1 ';'"- ' -----; "r: :::,;,.,: iz'S'Z- H m- j .m ,.. , , , ,b!r.n r ill H H.l if V A llV 1 nr- -rf-"-rt -r- . - . L u ll u ij m h v v i'U h. i i j rw wv .-urn 1 1 t w la v ' III'"" ' ' ' ' ' 11 DD TTTT? D ' ' T T " ""fzz: - "- - :: ! . 1 i 1 W35g - 1 NEW SERIES. VOLUME VIII NUMBER 90. SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMER 18. 1851. " Al 1 he requHst of ihe CnhiiimnrJani of the CasJle, the prisoners wtp aked if they had the benefit of medical attendance since their .... hi to Ihil Haee on the 27tlw t conijueirie-ni. 1 ney replied that thoy had. 1 - I IT t III L ! ! ,eTed blotter lot lie Captain Genk "y were also asked if they had :been provi JaJ-ii- j . Heil with two mpula n on .,t,tU !.i "i1? i..iioVli.niihtheaniiMLMliem. I liad bread and coffee fr breakfast 7 Some .!, Hi realilv accordediin a ie- I lhalthey had ; but others replied thaMhey ... m i in V bit o f . , j r .,k 1 havin'' i ,,)t ' time Jeu trans- id? Ci?il "ie ; f ,jm'1' anu " 1 mr ac hainz been made to W.etr n4Jmer. . ..... .ml.ini of ihei(La9tIe inloiitned tne t XlJl , . ' "i . ir. .. I Klutfrl I lint lit a ..I tiara r,.wl .... :l..ir . fiuh nitmler 01 piisonns wMiinjr sr- ; " wnu urcu jnunueu ior ac- coiuing 10 ine oruer. At had noi eolle. he commandant imrnpdiateLy inquired the reason of his subordinate, w ho sia led Jhal those who had been confined there on the previous evening caTne too; late to be pro vid.'d for on that morning, but that they would have their allowance of coffee at dinner.' He 1 uhoill ar)"w wiinv r innijr-u;- nrir as we learn: irom memstriv-es. Til ' I .1 . j,rr present throughout trie inter ejnoiher jjeitileman, who was itnduc. f,i.i)ptor il Prison, came in during i's uJCf)ari(l remained until its cloe. The I L .1 1. i I U Xf r 1 I t til 1 i iUrn, ahd hid lfir hair cl lely cut. Wf.e CUIIIMieO III H Uinifu jam-ij, icce wai had thrjjb two grated doors lffo.ift being etnifly of iron. In the nie room bet weeiulhege two doors lay vntftili worn by the prisoners at the time ccmtitienieiit. 5 L our .'entrance thos Americans were or- io gjraiice tofhe Ifpnt, and all loreign. ,re jent to tire othe ud of the cell. I n being made lor thejkiicer?, the following 14K A. 'KklLy, of New Orleans, former- Lfiixd tion ; Uoii-UY M. GkIdkk. of New u, a native f Kentii ky, a lieutenant in tie; i'-ucr, yi , aisuii ueu- pother officer of inb eipedi'.ion present uell. They were. Informed that I find lJ permi .iri to visit them, and that my ai to oMatfj'from Ihem any information tiiijjlil choose- to gi vej which would be for Jloihe Lioyerninenliyt Hie U nitr-d tsfttes, ihips mijjbt be the means of deterring I uf our countrymen from placing them in the iaimi d,plnale. situation. They old distinctly thai they were in the pow pt Spanish (Joverniiienl, and that nothing lie dope lor them as Americans, inasmuch rVi(lei)l' )rocUiriation had derlarejd y perions joining att invatfjng force would j I'urfeil the protecijio'n df the (Jovernment L nrfed State i. T'hi waw said to prevent jf,rminj any fvlse hopes from my visit, tie infortnutioni obtaiiicd was niven in the fe ol the entire1 fiaily by the aforesaid , and being uncontradicted by any of mijf be regarded aji the testimony of the iey Mated that, the expedition saiJed from gleans in the steauter'I'ampero.' J'hey n."it sure of the exact number cortui isinjj I thought it was -17; that it certainly did imuiit to five hu;tidrfd. Helore la.tiding in 1 hey anchored nep Key West,! where Imnined oeveral uirs, and were viiiied ie citizen of thatlulace. Theyj landed . i i about IwoochfC of the morintng of I t:h August. The if first light loolk place !13 h. l'rorn thiU 1 period .they had lost wliecli'.ti of d;ites : They had live en pnti, but could nolell hw many ol their If bad been killed They were armed I 1 . s . ... mjemneu cntHkell; had no rifle's ; but udiviifuals had revolvers, and knives. tyughi with theni.feo.UOO carlridges. 'dmaiijf more alif landing. They had 'lilm. " Soon aft?r, landing they louud iJ been deceived.Jftnd became ansious'to ibmne. They had beeil inlormed bel'or.e ? 'ht fourteen Iowjis were in possessimi rutridts, (to usejheir own1anguage.) i th whole' island was in slate of lev jo. They .suppose hat the fifty men cap ith Col. Ci itteutjen- were endeavoring MiLeir escape, ('hey so infer, from the fiithey were all dipirited fiy theiiecep f ry met with, afiddigusted. as lhiy said "It may be proper to add that the prisoners appeared to be in gooI health, and by no means so much reduced as their exposure and hard, ships would seem to warrant. They even ap peared to be cheerful, which may have been the effect of their relief from a condition of far greater anxiety, and suffering, experienced du ring their wanderings upon the Island. " I should have stated jhal my first lieuten ant, Mr. Taylor, was with me during this in terview. "The wliole. numble of prisoners, including those-not yet brought to Havana, is officially slated to he about one hundred and thirty. " I have just learned 4hat Lopez, who was captured- on Friday last, (August 29.) was brought in last night, and publicly garoted at seven o'clock this morning." ter states that the America heal a schoo tier of 130 tons, with all sails set, "most shamefully." and she could probahly, beat all the schooners and cutters of England. Thfe correspondent of the Times, describ ing the proceedings at Hyde on Friday lassays that the event of the day was the appearance of "the Yankee." She didjiiot show any superiority till she was oil Kyde pier, " when she seemed as if she j hatj put'a screw into her stern, hoisted j heij fore and aft foresail, and hegan to fly j through the water. She passed schooners ' and cutters just as a Derby winner pas ses ine rucK,- and as Uavvling, and were witnessed by anumoer of gentlemen who had been invited to be present. Several barrels of shavings and chips, saturated with turpentine, and hilly ignited, were easily extinguished by the gas thrown from it into the barrel.' A further experiment was made yesterday af- ternoon by Messrs. Shoemaker and Peters, in j fought in Mexico, may give you some idea THE YOUNG SUCKEK VOLUN TEERS IN MEXICO. A writer in a Canadian pftper, describ- j take it at From tEe Cincinnati Enquire r J AN AUCTION SCENE. Strolling through our city, we chanced into 1 an auctlou-room to see what bargains could j make. The auctioner was upon the stand with a piece of calico. ' Eight cents a yard ! who says ten ln I'll gire you ten," says an old lady. "Going at ten! Going! gone! Yourt, madam; walk in and settle." " I didn't bid on it," exclaimed the old lady, advancing. ; " We'll thank persons not to bid if they don't want an article," said the auctioner. 4 Going, ! then, at eight ! Who says more than eight!" j " Nine cents," said an old gentleman oppo. tie. ; "Nine! nine! who says ten? Going at nin ! going ! gone ! Yours, sir. Cash ing the peculiarities of the young men in Illinois, tells the following s:ory : 'Pin . ..it V O 1. . ir 1 . uc vay nr. xuuu oucspr v oiunieers nine cents. ed, slid with the speed of an arrow out towards the iMab, standing upright as a - a - an open lot adjoining the Vulcan; Iron Works ol their characteristics. He was there of Messrs. Murray and Hazlehurst, in presence J perfectly desperate in a fight. One of the of a number of gentlemen anxious to test the j office r related to me a liule scene which utility and efficiency of this importiant invention, j occurred at Buena Vista u hen the whole A tar barrel, thoroughly saturated, and filled j brunt of the Mexican advance was borne with shavings, and dry hoards ; split up, the hv ar. u0imun, 1. 1 Ueroy Winner pas- I whole well soaked with turpentine, was set up .u'u " ' r, " , 1 I tht hrpp7 f,ocuan 1 1 r 1 cc j . ,nougn tney would be annihi ated by su- int Dreeze Iteshen , on end on an iron frame to admit of free draught ! r.,k 1 i 1 " I didn't bid." said the gentleman. 44 1 ddnt want it ; I wouldn't give you five cents for lb whole piece." Auctioneer, getting mad: 41 If any one bids again. ihy will hive to take the article or get into trouble. 1 browing down angrily the piece ot calico. Give me something else. Ah! gentlemen, here is a fine piece of diaper. What can 1 get for this? What do I heart anything you please !" 11 i start it at live. Ten ramrod under her canvass, whiln th viole nee some eiifht or ten feet above the edoe schooners were staggering under every stitch they could set, and the cutters were heeling over under gaff topsails and bal- lootv jihs. of the barrel. At a time when the combustion was most intense, and the heat had fairly taken hold of the boards and the sides of the barrel, the instrument was put in operation, and a The America went about " in splendid ' , m , aseo(,s n,,,d' wr'" n wa9 ant- style, spinning round like a top. and came ! !fhRe,,;;ra,ted' dirTd- T" e h.u'i;.-wr ....toT. i 1 n -t 1 I he effect was astonishing. A though proba bowling away towards Cowes as last if u a- .u ,i:. " r .: i: , r , .1 . , 1 uiiun luc. u i v t ii i a 11 "tr 111 an iiupncai ion il not faster, than ever. As ii to let our 1 m r .u best craft see she did not care about them gas evolved by the instrument was actually dis she went up to each in succession, ran. to ' charged upon the flame, the whole was extin leeward of every one of them as she could j guished in twenty five seconds, and nothing re and shot before them in succession com- i mainedbut the reeking barrel and its black. ing to anchor off Hyde at least two miles win ..rni.i, nnu i"iiiit-u : 111 an uiMaili ut- cull- 1 i a 1 1 tents were enveloped in flame which rose with I , h'S nfle lnt'!y, d drop- ; j-u n nirAicaii. oei up tlie pi lis : anil I the whole regiment took up the word I and at every fire would shout "Set up ays another. " Thir. fifteen!" tljd. rtdfcn ! translation. Havana, August 27, 1851. Sir: I have received the letter whioh vmi addressed to me this day, soliciting my perrnis sion In hold an interview with the prisoners who have beenbrought to this port, and who formed apart of the invading expedition which attacked this Island. I inform you in reply", that I order the Commander of her Majesty's frigate " Esperanza," on hoard of which the prisoners are, to admit you ill any hour at which ou riiay present yourself, to hold the desired interview, with permission to remain with the prisoners o long as you may find it convenient. AndTravail myself of this occasion to assure you of the esteem which .your noble conduct and frank and honorable, character entitle you to from me. I am, therefoie, with all respect, your obedient servant, dec. JOSE D E LA CON C II A Charles T. I'patt, Eq., Commanding U. S. sloop. of-war Albany, and sen for officer of the naval forces of xi the U. S. in this port. charred find moistened contents. Not a spaik was to be seen, yet the power of the instrument was not exhausted until some time after il had accomplished its work. the pins. 1 he officer said thev fotieht like demons, and with as much drollery and fun, as if on a spree. At another time, when a charge was ordered, one of the officers could not think of the word, and he shouted " let her rip P wjien the whole line burst out with the yell, let 'er rip P and dashed in among ihe Mexi cans, laughing and shouting the new bat tle cry." " Twelve and a half," says a teen." cries an old lady. ' Fourt cried several voice. " Fifteen I am offered ! fifteen ! done at fifieen ! cant dwell going ! g o i-n-g ! gonk ! Yours, sir. Step up, whoever bid." -No one came up all eyes staring in various I parts ol the room. i " (ione then, at fouiteen ! Voi up iere ' ours sir, walk AMERICAN TRIUMPHIS ON THE OCEAN. The American yacht America which went, over from New York to England, ha3 proved fleeter than the fleetest vessel on that side. The following letter on the subject, under date of London, 19th Atr gust, vvbich we copy from the Philadelphia American, will be head with interest : England has enjoyed a world. -wide fame foe her fine squadron of yachts, which the noblemen and gentlemen belonging to the different Yacht Clubs have taken a pride in exhibiting ay home and abroad. These gentlemen are now enjoyin0them selves at their clubs at the Isle of Wight, where their annual regattas corae off. The last great race of the yatching world will take place on Friday, the 22d, and it is open to the clubs of all nations. No less than seventeen of the finest yachts afloat will contend for the prize, a. cup of the value of one hundred pounds. ) The American yacht America. Commo dore J. C. Stevens, has entered as a corn- ..... p 'lies and deceit ion' practised towards ; Pallor.. Ihe appearance of this beauti- i iui cratt on oowes nas causeu an extra- "Country peonlelirenerallv fled at their f-a.anu none i. dried them. Worn eratnl latigueilhe m V II. ordinary sensation in the-Yacht Clubs, for em. Vorn out sne nas maue i wo or ujree suori inai iripss uejhe men composing this with a few of the English yachts, and has 'fv away their Irnis a week or ten days j in every instance ran away from them !y they could fcot distinctly reiiiemher lall I. Last week a few gentlemen were inv nan nol'nt h lime iHtin or1 I.. . L I 1. .1 . 1., . -. . - .....v., . v. vr. . rpn v I fi s n.r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rr-1 1 -s ur i iiiuxnuua ( ' as Would give ihem- I ,riJ.inu, kr hut inn thpi- Kv witnessefl 0 - - . her speed. tJaey have not Xccepted Mr. Stevens' challenge to the Yacht Squadron of the Kingdom, on the plea that Mr. Ste vens proposes to start with "at feast a knot breeze" and requests permission to "boom out," which is against the rules of ' Wn they tlev away their la rms, Uoyal Yacht Club. Mr. Stevens of- much of uli;ihey brought had; been ! fered to run his yacht against anyyacht, hikI fnr fnv stake tin to ten thousand ? mu,ket, thotfah au'ntlicer, ant) that pourfds. 1 believe up to this date the chal- lenge nas noi oeen accepieu. mi-nunmc the deepest interest is manifested in the grand Regatta of Friday. Several Ameri cans, who badrntended to depart for home to-morrow, will remain expressly to wit ness this race, for it is not yachtagainst yacht, but America against the world. In thp London i 'uuen ina.,ation towards Gen. Lo l"c - , l'-Mf. Sic,,r: atiS many of ihem na,P,o Press takes up this subject in an earnest ahead of any ol the crafts she had been running against." Having landed Mr. Stejvens, she afterwards sailed for Cowes, "and bowled away like a sea gull, leav. ing all the boatmen and yachtmen with a deep sense that she was a tartar.' " The Tirjnes entreats the English shipwrights to jay aside the delusion that they are the; best builders in the world, and to take a hint " even from an enemy, and follow thej models of the Yankees, instead of per sisting in their present shape and mould of bow, beam, quarter, and run." The Tirnes states that the anxiety ' respecting the result of the great race of the 22d, is deep and earnest, and that the course round the Isle of Wight is notoriously most unfair to strangers ; and, indeed, is not a good race-ground to any one, inas much as the current and tides render lo ca .knowledge of more value than swift sailing and nautical skill. The advices by the steamer A?nerica to 24th August, state that the challenge of the American yacht to sail against all the Erjglish, was not accepted ; and that at the) regatta which came off on the 22nd thi " America" was triumphant over all competitors. THE FIRE ANNIHILATOR. We copy from the Baltimore Sun the follow ing interesting information in relation lo Phil lip's Annihilator. We are gratified to learn that a company has been formed in this coun try with the right to fabricate and vend these machines : Phillip's Fire Annihilator Formation of a Company- Trial of the Apparatus. The National Intelligencer confirms the statement that some citizens of the United Stales of high standing having, after negotiations during the summer, obtained from the patentees in Eng land the right of fabricating and vending Phil lip's celebrated fire annihilator, they have in conjunction with other respectable gentlemen at Washington, formed an association for carry, ing? inlo; effect, in the most vigorous and exten sive manner, their laudable and interesting ob jecf. The Intelligencer addsr: " The members of the company have been in conference in Washington city several days past, and the result of their meeting, we under stand, has been the appointment of the Hon. Elisha Whittlesey as President of the. Compa- ! their motto, whether in business or plea- j nyjand P. T. Barnum, Esq, of world wide ce- sure. This indomitable, never-ceasing j lellrity, as Genera! Manager and Secretary. I energy is the secret of their success, and ! Ihe company have already entered on ineas- although it is sometimes carried to a lu THE METHODIST BOOK CONCERN CASE. i We are requested by Mr. Early, in or der to prevent misunderstanding, to say tha' the agents of the Northern and South ern Churches agreed to employ, and did employ, the same reporter in this case (Mr. Sutton was the gentleman engaged.) They agreed also to use the same set of plates with their respective imprints for the North and South. The vvork is com pletedi and may he found at the Methodist Book Concern, 1G7 Main street, Richmond, where any man can have it bound in muslin for 80 cents, or in paper for 50 cents. It is a work of deep interest to all Southern men, and especially to all law yers, Northern or Southern. It forms, in deed, a part, and a most important part, ol the history of the mes.-Ilichmond Dispatch GO AHEAD! ; John B. Crockett, the son of Davy Crockett, the editor of the St. Louis In telligencer, is now travelling in the Eas tern States. His letters to his paper are unusually interesting. We cut the fol lowing description of the gojaheadative ncss' of the Yankees, from his last letter: The Yankees are emphatically a 4 fast' people. Whatever they engage in, they do it with a rush.' If it be :a matter of business, and a dollar sparkles in the dis tance, they go at it as if life and death depended on the issue. It they are en gaged simply in sight seeing, they appear always resolved to have the first sight ; or if a meal is to be eaten, they are sure to gel seats at the first table. When a boat is about to start, they are the first aboard, and when it lands, they are inva ribly 'the fjrst ashore. Not content with travelling thirty miles an hour over a rail road, they jump off carpet-bag in hand, at the end of the trip, before the cars stop. 'Go ahead, at the top of your speed,' is ff Curious. On last Friday, while some workmen were engaged in prepar ing the rock for the underpinning of Mrs. Love's Hotel, Mr. Davis broke open a rock, that had all the external appearan ces of being perfectly solid, when out flew a beautifull varigated Butterfly, and flew : foced man. Bui the bidder could not be made to walk up. "Thirteen, then, madam ; you can bare it at your bid." " 1 didn't bid. What do you think I want-of that article ?'' said the old lady, indignantly. " Here, I'll take it at thirteen," exclaimed a voice at ihe other end of he room. All eyes were turned in that direction, but no claimant stepped forward. W ho says they'll take it at thirteen ?, " I do, said an old fat-faced farmer. " Well, sir, walk up and lake it." " I'm afraid ii's stolen goods ?" says the fat- away as n mbly as if its tinny wings had never been confined in its rock cell. We, examined the rock after the butterfly had fled, and found a small cavity in the cen tre of ihe rock sufficiently large for its re pose but all around was solid stone. We have often read of toads being cut out of large trees, and serpents being found imbedded in stones, but this is the first instance we recollect, of this beauti ful and ephemeral summer bird being found in such close quarters. This will be food for the curious and skilled to di gest. Troy (Ala.) Palladium. Hie. auciionT, now qui'e mad, sprang down. and was about collaring the old man, when & persmi right behind him, cried: " Don't strike him ! Il was me that said you stole them !" The auctioner turned round, when a big dog, apparently right at his heels, snuffed and bark ed most furiously. With a sudden spring upon his counter, he ordered the crowd lo leave. An acquaintance at our elbow, no longer able to contain himself, burst into a loud laugh, as a genteel little man passed out al the door, whom ho told us was Blitz, the ventriloquist. AN IRISH SALUTE. Tltrn Iriwlimon wo m loft in oliorfrn n( 1UUU1C 1 AlkUAb. shjp whje jts oiricers wrnt ashore, and The present number closes our connex- strictly enjoined not to make or permit ion with the Lincoln Courier; and we any noise on board; but a jug of "ould are not prepared to say whether or not Irish," one of them had, and the opportun the paper will be continued under other , ity for "a bit of a spree." was too great a auspices. We have experienced much j temptation for them to resist. They in pleasure in our intercourse with the citi- j dulged freely, and as many of our public sens of old Lincoln, and they shall ever I men have been known to do, soon drank be remembered for the kindness they have ! extended us. We shall change our loca- I tion in a short time, and from the town of J Yorkville, still trust to keep up a com- j munication with the Old North State. This change has not been of our own seek ing, nor is it a matter of necesMty ; but our interests demand the sacrifice ol some comforts and friendships. We extend to our brethren of the North Carolina press our thanks for their kindness and trust our acquaintance will still be kept up. To such as will comply with the request, we would ask them to direct their papers to the "Remedy" Yorkville, S. C. We shall fill out the time of subscrip tion with our York paper to all who-have paid us in ad vance ; while the accounts of those indebted are made out, and a set tlement required by cash or note, at once. Lincoln Courier. I:f ' f life to such . ... i ... i UP. nut their interitioii wats lo throw, them u(i ihe Spanish Government. jThey lC"inein all togijher. but in small par ;w I at d.fcVrein tiuies. They had subsist 'fy upon ftuit, nd ihe last meait that u,tein had eateti was a poition ofj their oorse. Ihevfe wns no ack of hoi. ..it ',aeyrain. . Lieht. GiiJer stated that he mu,krt, thoifyh an mtlicer, ancj that ' tW'Miy.eigh, roipdi of cartridges in his he threw itMiivay. ! Kelly state j iliat ihe F.ditnr P ih Pn ta. .MrJisigur, was instrumeu ffiuading hi ldr lftxV b. . 1. . .. l.M. n ti.iu join, me cioeuuiou. fPJSfd tiimi.nr. ...... II ....i. II " J UJIVMI IIItT OUU . Ll .1 , rcasono believe that he per thin ' .... . .r . . " I ' "J aisn. Ihe whole parly "flillitir-K i.,,1., i ' t aild manv of them nni ''ou'd I ll Uni- m h m nr ml ha.vR their sDeciftl corres- ict, was taken nriit...r u ru f ;..v, PlJiU.i.... .- .. '! . ' " J w' J"J k '. ran mrp igh the crowd. "MUted ,hut Lopez w :.Vm - lva' Ud thirteenth., Ma;,nty. of Ten, e sec, Wan- l . -1 . " ljro to rpiiin. t.t'... t . 1 1 .i . ! .,i0,t. o tUo Tulo rf Wicrht to renort iijinir. ui oemg IOIU tnai I'wuuc-ino fn. mi- oi. -o--- li)PT ..... . i M . "... I " i. . .1 ...:.U . . 1, 1 o ani everything connecteu wuu u yachting. The Derby or Oaks never .Attracted more attention or caused greater excite- mnnl t t-i u n t Vi tx ftirl Kl pfvrnincrpfratta'. One pez was chief of the seman was second in uvja-, i fl t(jig lo th eir best belief he a M'Cot U, r ,n,"'. Col. Crittenden illh-l ?j .iun UUI III" IUU ,tt 'Mtliro i . M - .n.x Wtr,.r .'V l4,J''in named l'ra- oUuh a,;vil,,l'tf't General, was mor. ' mm... . L 'trl, . uUfn-1 W,at impeifecl ures for the fabrication of annihilalors as fasti as possible, vunlil they shall be commensurated with the demands of the country, and that we presume will be every house throughout the , land worth paving from, the flames. j 44 The mode of charging it. is as follows : The j outer case, which has a double bottom, is filled with a certain quantity of water, and two cyl- j inders, each opening at the top and bottom and j thej sides pierced with holes, are placed in the. j inside of the outer case or vessel. In the in- ! side cylinder is placed a block of composition, greatly resembling in appearance, taste and smell, gunpowder ; though of course, not pos sessing its detonating properties. In the cen tre of this block is an orifice, in which is placed a vial containing two or three kinds of acids. A small orifice, which communicates between the; interior of the machine and copartment under false bottom, in which the water is con taihed, is stopped up with soap or beeswax, and the' top having been placed on, the Annihilator is ready for operation. The mode of putting it in operation is by a small iron rod which pass es Mown through the top and rests on the vial. Pressing this down at once breaks the vial, dis chirges the acids a;.d the combustion of the blosck of composition immediately takes place. Art intense heat is at once produced, steam is almost instantly geneiated from the water in the bottom of the vessel, and ihia steam pass ing through and opening the orifice which hud been closed with soap or beeswax, mingles with the gas in the interior, and both are dis charged together with tremendous force and dicrous extent, yet, upon the Iwhole, it is a valuable trait. Since I left home, 1 have often been reminded of ; an illustra tion ol the desire to hurry through the world, which I heard Irom one of our own citizens a short time since. He said that if a big mortar could be constructed which would throw an immense bomshell, con taining fifteen passengers, from St. Louis to Boston, in five minutes, with an abso lute certainty that fourteen out of the fif teen would be killed by the explosion, he From the Sin Francisco I It-raid, Aug. 1. SHOWER OF FLLSH AT BEMCIA.CAL 1FOUNIA. On Saturday, the 20' h ult., a shower of meat fell at the army station near Benicia. It was first observed hy Maj. Allen, who was struck by one of the falling pieces. The shoiver last ed two or three minutes. The pieces wa from ihe size of a pigeon's egg up lo that of an orange the heaviest perhaps weighing three ounces. No biids were visihle in the air at ihe lime. Specimens of this meat, which i appa rently beef, were preserved by Maj. Allen and the Surgeon of the pot. A piece that was ex. amined three hours alter it fell, showed a por tion of a small hlood vessel, some of the t-heatb of a muscle, and muscular fibre. It was slight ly tainted. The tzround on which the shower h themselves into a very patriotic spirit when one says to the other, " Be jabers an let's fire a salute." "Agreed," says the other, "but that wud make the devil's own noise." " Tut, man, we'll stop that, just yon hold a bag over the mouth of the gun, mo darlint. an we'll hev a roarin salute with out any noise at all at all." Pat acquiesced in the arrangement, and held the hag as diricted, while the other touched off the cannon. The officers hearing the report, hastened on board, where they found one of the Irishmen and everything in a great state of bewil derment. He was asked what had be come of his comrade. : Sure,' said he, i ' Patherick was holdin, a bag over the mouth of the cannon to stop the noise, while I touched it off,. and the last 1 feeed i of hint, he was goin' wid the bag, in tx greal hurry towards the shore, and that's the last account 1 can give ye.' Young Amrrira. ' Father,' exclaimed the hopeful st-n and heir of a gentleman of our ac quaintance, on Friday lat, uhile the latter was congratulating the youth upon hi smartness in his M-hola-ttc s'ndies the youngster having attained eight ears of age Flher, I'm au A me i iran, ainl 1 ?' ' ' Yes, my boy, you are,' responded the de lighted parent. Well, father, you aim, are you .'' Not hy t.iflb. mv muj.' Well. then, exclaimed young America, in a, thoughtful manner. when 1 grow lo be a man I will be able t lick tico like you, won't I ?' was though tickets for seats by the 4 Express j about three hundred yards long and eighty wid Bom shell Line' would at once be at a premium; each passenger being anxious for the chance to prove himself 4 the lucky fifteenth.' A STREET FIGHT. f . . i . ,.C ix ct r r l . writer, relernng to ine rac - Vofume hr h ,he nozze-of the machine on day at Ryde, says that the squadron ol , dwirP(i lo extinguish." vessels following tno jacuis JV. A ,rUjof ,he Annihilator was had in by the " America' and from he manner jin.nore) on Thursday, in the pres in which, one by one, she soon distanced , num,)er f gentlemen, in the yard of dipm (hp sMtUfMrf nn v nroveu umi tue and the entire amount of meat between two an I a half and five bushels in bulk No pieces of hone were found. A strong wind from the west was blowing at the lime, and the skies were clear. This is the third occurrence of the kind on record in the last six years. Th iheoriea heretofore in voe. as to ihe A fight lately occurred at Winchester, ! cause 0( such phenomena, would seem to be Tenn.,. bet ween the Hon. Hopkins L. Tur- i ne,ralivej t,y the accounts given of this in ney. late U. S. Senator, and ;George W. gtance. We trust the surgeon of the post will White, Esq., editor of the Independent. publish his observations on the subject, both f.r The News says: the benefit of science, and ihe satisfaction of Turney attacked White. striking him in public curiosity. the face with his list. White then drew his knife, when Turney cried out that he was unarmed, and asked the crowd stand ing around to take White away. Nei ther was seriously injured, as White made no attempt to stab Turney after he "hollered." Death from the Bite of a Rattlesnake. Win. Lovall, who was on Monday bil by a rattlesnake, which be kept in his hou-e as a cuiiosity. died about ihree o'clock on Tuesday from the effects of ihe poison. He endured the most honible lorlures from she time he was bit ...:i .ti. rulipved him. His limb and body nie. Irom -these uti. i .1 "anv u I , " '---uhmh ! iue mo ""a J"- . l?ak al ou,"p' ut"1 ,oi8,,me -uui! Iliu cuL'eir.en ,.f .n i . - - - w Mia w pretensions of Brother Jonathan to supe riority was no idle boast ;'and the numer ous spectators had a most. con vipcing ie monstration that her clipper bufld -anu last sailing bad not been overrated ; i fact, the Great American' was the theme of general conversation." Another wri- A trial of the Annihilator was had in inis xiiy ence ol a the Mer chant' shot tower. The machine is one of seferal which have been imported by Messrs. Edwards, Sanford cc Co., of Adams & Co's F.reitrn F.inress. and is of what is called the v o 1 . . f .L Til . . r II.. ... ..linn A nn.M.lll.' IlimpH LlicL. j we re a w i ui iy Biwni.aiiii inuan i .... : Ttx,0 hv(i-iiu weie in al'eiidan e. but ifieir y FALL FASHIONS. The Philadelphia City Item says that 4 Scotch ap)iira,iuns failed to have the least effect. plaids will carry all before tljem this winter. ' phtla J)aer. Plaid silks, plaid ribbons, plaid .bonnets, plaid ' , .A-1 i.:n: . gaiters, are to rule. ine siyiet arr. orniian. and picturesque, and will lendj a charm-kaleid-esopic hue of Chestnut street. The gentle men are also to wear plaids. Uid pants, plaid nnd hu-iness coats. The blue dress coat L-..!. xv itna c.-Vxi I tact m a fl 1 1 fa C I II red ! ItiS U0O31 PI.X7, 11 I1H- ".III..." -3 - - , S i I " I cUt ini England 3. The experiments were with metal buttons, is griming jnnd daily, a id nilfer the smerintendance of Mr. Samuel M. ' soon it wilt occupy the prominency that first Srioeraakej, Mr. Wra. Peters, and Mr. Geo. A. dislinguiaUed il.' The Washingti.n T. legiaph sav- : W e have learned from good authority thnl ai r ing. inents have been made in this country by means of which J?re thousand mm wid in a very hort lime be placed on the l-' i:;d of Cuba. -i.Kv.-t to the ci-mmar.'.l d leader- ho im .-.1 lo t tried. We could state the d-tads of these ar rangements tf ere it iolitic to do so. " Mr. Smith, vu said once that you officia ted in ihe pulpit do you mean by thai yoa preached !" 4" No, sir; I held the lijhl lor the man what did." "All ! Ihe court undersiood you different ly. They supposed lb al the discourse came Irom you." No, sir; I only throw 'd a light on it. " No lev'uy, Mr. Smith." Happy Mjn.'Vle editor of the Pittsburg Chronicle say s : " Talk about the enjoyment of wealth ! It never can be enjoyed. An abundance of wealth is a heap of misery. A man w ho owns a houe, a smill wife, a big dg. a cow, two or three ftt pig-, and a rfTzeu children, ought to bs satisfied. If he ain't he can never be." Chhra. Tiie lied River (Li.) Republican, of ihe 1b. h Augul, ays thai the cholera is pre vailing fearfully in the upper end of Rapides parish, ami above on Cane river. Mr Mere- pith Ialuovx had lost seventy negroes uj it, and eighty moie were under lieatment. J. M. Mllkv, one of his overmen, had died of the fatal disea.e ; al-o, Dr. J. S. Martin, one ih- everal oh v :c:ians employed to wad upon o 1 1 i . Several can's h id ccuticd at Clau- and the disease had made in appear- tlx tei viiie ance on Cane liver, lust five out ot seea . a O.ie lady, a wid-jw, bad ban J ?. A change' of fortune h ;:ts a uie man 00 more than a change m iLc moon.

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