t y ft . r r ... f T hr n-wr.Ttt-o lor.T.AK-.vnl.!jr ,rr)p '".K . Two l)c f 4 . : 1 ... r ?i 4 rUf ( , .' . .....ill 1 llTIMliV : itffl not f il.-H a I $1 for iIip lirsl.nn.l -! VI, 1'' 2 . i. : .1. ... I. ... 1 r . ..! Ili 'Il.T lllff raff?. n'rt fl i!ivf-wli' adw'rti- I')- yca CJilor mujt l "J' ra,(J- , t lalitor inu. fcrrilKSiKU COtNTY TRU lit; n,,rn if.c Baltimore Amiri I ,rs,iiird;fv. is.ihe clearest account f .l,Mt' of lib alfucious murders perpetra 1 1 ! " wi'fk iit hi li I lie borders of the Stale f . trninV ni' refinance of (he laws! of : cuie liiem :yat, Int. ; We briefly ftjrnlned in yesterday's Amri ,i. i.tct intelligence had been4eceiv nil 3 B til ; a rrrs:-- -r'---- , . - t , : - - - - , A lib- T x- JAJJSi. V M y f-i J W V VI Ai II 11 I II H VV li LAX XU jeiE i ; J.-.J; BRUNER. - ' ' -;: ' sai.'" -"--r . .. . 11-, r, ( CHECK OPOJT ALL TOUR i5SOC-"Ij - . I ; J3itor Proprietor. ) j. Rulers, i ' ' .S2 Do tris axo Liberty issafe." ) ! . 1 1 , -.Gen'l Harris. ' ) NEW SERIES. VOLUME VIII-NUMBER 21. n.Miier ot extreme douf.t. He was bot in ihe left shoulder, and alo badly healen and bruis. ed bldows with a club. The reporl that he was mulilaied by a cu4 with a scythe in not cor- 1, city THt :uvo ritiz-ns of Hlimire ; rSc' le '3 "llU ing i houw in ihe neigh, vl !,fi'ki:!cl-in Chn-it-r counfy, IVU i ""J.f whore the oflray took place. J,L- hruis-cj by iho neiroes. we lean. wpr nni riously injured. The former came on vesler- SALISBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPjTEMER 25, 1851. in tntr i t a.iuti . aire Uve. w'hil ft)!'sivoriii to recover sojne The coulidence which we ex. : lie correi-lness ol the report has ifiinit'l hy the intelligence, jince re. i he 1.- roiifiinit' ! i .! vthAh invents the afliiir with the inacter of P'if V1 t',c bloodiest and most hir. J' uuira's'ts. The paiticufars which Ivn ,,'cn aide to gather up to trie lime of wii. rihi are l f""c decree extraordmaiy, but mlv eip'a'iiied by further accounts. V f..!iM'iir2i(etiiiN nre the most, reliable tllut r . t ' i COffH' to ". mi.1'" ieuw ; 1.. U ihiriv "of-persons (rum lialiirrijifre couniy, f. . ..I' li I'du'iiril ( 1 i.:. ill ..inn oi " j- uuirui ii, ins !oii a. .-I. I. a liriftliPW Joalion (wirkiw'K I TV Lcf, Nvhln'elson, Nicholas Hutc'hin, and j ,f havf ) e vicinity, makintheir way 4frpfn Whose name we have been uria- lowards Philadelphia. As far as we can learn, i to acertain, went into Pennsylvania lor no arro5,s had teen made in the vicinity where i day morning with the body of old Mr. Gorsuch, j which .wa buried yesterday afternoon. I The f.meral liok place from his late residence j (n Lb York road, and was attended by a lare i concourse of persons Irom all parts of the sur j rounding country, by whom he was greailys. teemed and respected. He was shot in the ; led breast, the ball enieriniz a short diatanrA a - hove the heart, whilst the surrounding parts were completelYidJIed with shot, with" which the gun had also been heavily loaded. The negroes who were aciiy in the affray are said v. .'. . J 7 r i purpo-e o? recovering two runaway slaves jn7jn" to lh rller Goreuch, and who were L j 0be jiathori" Chester county, at a 111 flic H(ed Christiana, between Li n. Ir md Prjifidelphb. J'be party jse'eured! the aid of a deputy tf ii 1 Suies .Urhal and of several police o li e ni.:J..a..l. I .... ru i i irilll I liuacij;iita, iou uii 1 liuiflldy inofll. procfeJed 4o lo neighboihood in which laic were supposed to be secreted. Xen near lljei Ijouse to which their suspicions directed t ley met two negro men, one of m was recognised by Mr. Gorsuch as liis hi. Tbo whites gave chase and the neirniea 1 and 8uccede in getting into the hooe. Lb a Closed af;iiist the purfeuin parties. i. lorn ot lti;lp waTI hen sounded by the ,ie in t ti 9 hqu?c, and a liIletofu'ool was fawn iroti ilii windows, striking one of the ry!ol" wbjlef, In the mean time, a consider J cvowd, Imqstly of blacks, began to collect f tid ill-! House, probably called there by tje J:id vTIhe!-bugle. . ! p.,(;lrsflchand his party attempted to force inl.k lVlk ira.y-kw -trm - i I L . I I ' r4 mio u- uiii,-i uaii oi iue nouse wnere hlacki had rted, IjuI fin Jinn the neynie p-d with gun?, scythes, and other wcapojis, I tUo finding (hat the crowd on ihi ootallrla i rapidly: increasing, attracted by the coi. rd.f4owiijgf.ol the horn, they concluded iHal it impossible to ellect the capture of tjie rofi, and tprnmetied a retreat Irom tjhe if. A,ihy ll'lt the hmjsf, ail Mr. I-ld-J Gorsuch was instantly shot jdead, a ball ring hit urea 5t;ne fir te heart, and another " S-i3 cllcct iu thVleiji -shoulder of h is son. Mroe afterwards 'rushed on the wound ;lipn, ami, it is-said, beat and mutilated them hhwkmg manner.- The ton of Mr. (or Urepoed,.wa entirely disemlmwel jed i jttcejilug blow With a scythe. Mr. Joh. t;.Miith and Dr. l !in"roul wolinded, and were lying . I bouse in t Re neighboi hood of the scene ijf conflict in an almost hopeless ctmditittn. fTicer, aii lo be from Baltimore, was al IIHtIi lllf nifirfallt k.il lairiM J. C 3 ' p-.' "V iujij, aiiu was ill- nidi taken o Columbia, where he was ly a! last Accounts. 'w ionjot Mr. Gorsuch, after his father j killed, drew u pistol and shot dead the ne. Jhy Lad lired the fatal shot. He was then '-'HI aiiu lj;irliaiOIIil V munlnrnil in tti A m kin e hwfr staled above. The crowd that ed 4hiut the houso'afll le blow in' of the i l-i rt'pofi'4jto ,'ave amounted to some Jie.!, h6vtng evidently that the negroles l ---- I'"--" J W 1 1 A U , mv .IU wutrje the affray tooknlace. llt may not bo amiss to say that our ac count, published above, is fully corroborated by Ihe statement contained in "the Philadelphia and lialtimoie county papers. American. Instead of any attempt to express our own sensations on the perusal of thrs shocking uar ralive, we copy fn.m two Philadelphia papers, what appear to us to be their verjast reflec tions upon the subject. : FROM TIIE PUBLIC LEDGER. The tiagedy al Christiana, in Lancaster Co. of which the correct particulars are given in this morning's Ledger, is one of the fruits of the, " higher-law " teachings f the fanatics who look beyond consiiiutious for their rule of action, and take the promptings of an inflamed eai as me evidenced ot an infallible conscience. When the law for the recovery of fugitives from labor was first passed by the last Congress, these men got up indignation meetings all over the country, counselled forcible resistance to the laws, and advised (such was the excess of their philanthropy) the colored population to the commision of various high crimes, even in eluding murder. The effects of their counsel is lo be witnessed in the scenes at Ohrisiiana, A citizen of Maryland nod his son, empowered with the due. authority, and assisted by officers of ihe law lo capture their runaway, are resist ed by an armed body of negroes, the father murdered, and the son mortally wounded. If these are ihe fruits of philanthropy, the teach, ingft of conscience, it is full lime that the au thors and instigators of such diabolical outrages were taught that ihe laws of the United States are the supreme law in this country, and every citizen must either voluntarily submit to it, or seek some other countrv. where he can dia. charge his duties as a citizen without putting his conscience to so terrible a strain as is im plied in submission to the legally. expressed win ql tne majority. FROM THE EVENING BULLETIN. The Christiana Trasredu. The melanchol. O J ' lv trairedv at Christiana, in this State, bv whih ;CT - - j ' j - pwo citizens of Maryland lost their lives, has (established, in letters of blood, the dangerous (character of the modern abolitionists, i .... . . . j -ne Jugitivc slaves in question, when they fired on the. representatives of the law. onlv parried out in practice what the abolitionists Constantly assert jn principle. For years past jGarrison and his followers have been tellin" L ugiiives that they have a right to slay any man, je he even master or public officer, who at empts to impede their flight ; and these delud- d negroes, in perpetrating ihe altrocious mur. named I by a company of U. S. Marines, from the Philadelphia Navy Yard, and a detail of fifty of Marshal Keyser's police It was the intention of Marshal Rob erts to scour the neighborhood and bring d justice all the guilty ones. AVe are informed by several gentlemen who came passejigres in the one o'clock tljain from the West this afternoon that the greatest excitement prevailed through out Lancaster county. The negroes were fleeing in every direction. jThe State and local authorities who have taken the lead in the matter, have acted in the promptest manner. The United Stales authoritieshave also exniDited the most praiseworihy prompt- throifl' of liermlo rtnii.l ..( it,. r- i ic.u. tr qunre, ana seem, ed lo lake a good look on ihe soldiers and the immense throng of people outside of ihe square, and then turned round ai.d knelt in prayer for about one minute. He then rose and turned towards ihe front, and in a clear, manly voice, and in tones loud enough to be heard by ihe thousands present, (for it was as still as nihi.) spoke as follows : " Countrymen. I mosisol. emuly, in this last awful moment of my life, ask your pardon for any injuiy I have caused jou. ii was not mv Wish to iniurn nnv -mm .m m VU 1 wood as well as iron, and last twenty years, It snouid te inserted nr a ..i;t ij.l ..c i in h r T. . H s-.-nvi iui n ui IIIII- ' mi OIIIOUI1I. I ... MVSTEUIOUS. We are informed that a negro boy last week found,,, a bodyof wood, belonging to Col. Hum, d Culpepper county, 3 pair of boot,, in which, after lakmg ihem home and anemptin- to put n ' '!f,!,d',JC?rere41 snme of bumin feel. Ur. Hcllord being informed of ihe fact, uenl n company with the boy and g(,me gcnlne'u to the woods and there discovered the remain. ng lM,nes of a human skeleton, with ihe excen. Hon of one of the arm hones. In tL earh a pocket book, containing a Urge roll of bank notes and a letter, were also discovered not far from Ihe skeleton. The notes, however, were so much mutilated and injured by Ion expo, sure to ihe weather, that their ralune could not be ascertained, th I he letter was atsi iAr in .'KmK II . . r : vu V 1 Ca ' y nai ben made lo miKn dttaced to ascertain to whom it aai hold the water, through which the Stoe may : Erected. Portion, of his caat, which was " revolve when used : fine material, were also found. No clue " If any thing can be yet added to tj,i, invalua. . ) heen had to lead to the" iJentilj of ihe per ole list, essential to the beauty an comforrof on or (be circumstances by which he came tr the household, i, is .he whitewash, brush. 75 , bis end.- Warrenton ivJ V l . S wash should be m.idi t.lir lime, with a little salt -hrown in logive it solid ny. And what a cheap and valuable heaotmr . - B to out houses RecluccJ Duty on Rice.k correspondent of the S. i. Flrnrrx u-ritinrr C.km P.-..i.r. .. j M ,s lo m ure anv one. to nni. r.ii. r. . . . . ' v- '-e. " ikhi un. myobjeetwas your freedom and happiness I bealthM I7 " h ' WllVnR a,,d . Ver aot Jul U3, says that the Custom Le.guo Here hewas imerruDied bv ,h. ,L T ' ' ' and 9uch a P,ea'S relief to the sur- .n consequence of a commercial convention "ess m maintaining the law, and ferret- I roo,n with friends. interrupted bv the litlli'Or in (Vs. I l i . i OP ....v. ... .,UUi, Vuu uorse oacK.; lie conclud eo by saying, ,ny intention was good, and my hope is in God." He ihen bowed and turned rroi i 4 n .-I a . I- L .w-..u aou ,uok nis seat, apparently with as mited. mncn coolness as it he hud taken a chair iu a with the Kingdom of Sardinia has reduced the Now, whatever may be the fortune of these duty on Rice hf.y per cent, or from two Pros, remarks, they havCbeen experimentally enjoy, sian lhaiers to only one, begiilnn from . ed, advisedly noted, and most respectfully sob- post 1. 1831. This reduction Imounts to tex rf'y t'diiiad made arrangements to on tV. .i ! . " u in "nn:a, in 1 iic 1 1 a i in " i u tiiiiuiiiMis mui- m m tue murderous manner which ws N,cr wc rrcord to dy,.,are only obeyed the ad. r earrie'd out. It U nln rerwirted I bin I rUf tile negroes were either killed or ... ; i r t . . - . .i . v wounueti during the n'lhay; liut ttis j " J J ----- vice of (hosp whom ihev considered their H lemN ()lher negroes, loo, who were hi nn danger ot fipfinliira" kavu Kafrrrvrd imrlar ilia InfliiriA rT "seems to bo unconfirmed by the more he sam pernicious doctrines, accessories5 to "nllC accounts. . Amo'ntr hn oritivA wIia Jl: VT... J- .u.. ..:... I. ; " --r. iois iimruLT. mr uu wib ;ouijr iii:rs biuji "iej around Uio house tdi'ere were a num. berP. The blood of all, whether white or ' W:ino only rclused, when call- j black, who 'felhin this fray is on the souls of "ti bv ilia1 M.u.ni.1 i; i T. . . . U . . . J , ing out those who have so boldly resisted us rxecunon. The, officers of the Marshal's police who went up were, under an opinion of Mr. Reeit, deputized to act as U.S. Depu ty Marshals. v We understand that Judges Grier and Kane have decided the offence of the riot ers to be treason against the United States. Suspicion rests upon some fifteen or twenty individuals. Additional. We learn through Mr. Merry man, who came down with the Ybrk train last night, the young Mr. Gor such was still alive, and sope hopes were entertained of his recover, though his situation was slill most critical. His de position had been taken in relation to the circumstances connected with the mur der of his father. Mr. Roberts, ihe U. S. Marshal from Philadelphia, the U. S. Dis trict Attorney. Mr. Ashmead, and a U. S. Commissioner from Washington arrived at the scene of the outrage on Saturday, accompanied by a detachment of eighty U; S. Marines and fifty of the Philadel phia Police, and the most active means were ai-onoo adopted for the purpose of securing all supposed to have been con cerned in the outrage. A large nnmber of persons from the surrounding country and from Baltimore county were at the place, and were earnestly seconding the authorities in their endeavors to arrest the grjilty parties. i'Up to yesterday morning the number of arrests made was thirty only ; two of the parties, those named above, being whites. Bail to a large amonut had been offered iforthm, but refused. Among the negroes under arrest is the woman who blew the horn as the signal for the gath ering of the blacks. Pinckney, the slave who shot Mr. Gorsuch, has so far not been arrested. The statement that the body of Mr. Gorsuch was robbed after the murder proves to be cprrect, and adds another revolting feature to the affair. He had oyeri$400 in his possession before the af- F I i farA Kl3 l.n.l I . I V . .1 . I-....,., ,a urau uacK, oeiween tne iron grasps ; ihe negro hangman then adjusted the iron throat clasp, and lied hisj feet to bolts on each side of the seat. During this preparation Lopez was in conversation with his friend. The tall negro hangman, who is kept as public executioner, then look his place at the iron be hind. L pez kissed the cross handed to him by his friend ; the negro then gave one turn of the wrench, and Lopez died instantly wijhout ihe least struggle. This was precisely asj the clock struck seven. The military at once re turned to the city, he band playing a qoick siep; the thousands dispersed with little or no noise ; some of the rabble tried to get up a row, but it would not go. There was a solem niiyinthe whole scene which struck into the hearts of the mob w hich but a few days previous were in wild ecstacy of joy at a brutal execu tion of fifty human beings, oh whose corpses they could glut a savage revepge, by commit ting the most inhuman of indignities. "An Eye Witness to the above Scene." ADVICE TO FARMERS. To the Editors of (he National Intelligencer. Gentlemen: The unequalled circulation trf the Intelligencer renders it peculiarly desirable for a few hints therein if you will spare the room, lo farmers and other gentlemen located at in convenient distance from all mechanical aid by which to meet ihe ravages of time incident lo every homestead. Unsightly dilapidations and casual breakages are often endured by the most exemplary proprietors solely from the difficulty and remoteness of all present remedy. I there lore respectfully offer the only recipe for this complaint, and quite different, loo, from most other prescriptions, being as pleasant in its ap. plication as it is" grattifying in its effects. The marvel is that it is not more general, as the few who rejoice in it as a regimen have never been known to abandon it. It is this : for ev ery householder thus isolated to have a " set of tools" and habituate himself to their use ; and lei no man demur at this suggestion as of diffi cull attainment ; he will not rind it so, while its advantages (independent of pecuniary ones) are more numerous lhan room would be expected here to enumerate. Amusement, recreation, employment for mind and body, and health, ro sy goddes, with her legion of blessed attend- fray, but afterwards the onlv monev found ! an,s following in her train, are some of the rich bii his person was a 81 note and a blank I fr.ui,s of "g,eal Nature's plan," as the di check. ! Vne Young calls it ; and with such a col- leagee as him my purpose will be explained and ilnn it. i.1 T - rr- y mo wepui y arshal, to assist I in urcemen ol ihe law and the capture! of "gFoe, bJ, actually encouraged them jin "ui-iuhi outrages. i ijhose who incited the riot as fully as those who ae re'ri!i.i f. .u? en t j i vi mo imeiimence oi inese nor- " i-utragea has caused the most intense lee) citv. , "csiuuscu me mosi tnte ki " Ml ll,t!l i mure rnonlv niwl iK'ia M'uch reeled on the York road, ab J") l"urnules from the city, where he v Vjer of a fine farm and a valuable m out i tas i.. mill. S engaged in it. t From the Bajiimore American. THE MU41DEKS IN PENNSYLVA , NIA. -V lrrn that SHven nersons have been j arrested five negreos and wa whites ! An tb nhttrcrn nihiinrr concprned in the I. Ila i4, - i. . ' 1 1 .- . . . I - ' I Ai wen known throughoiii the whble tfecent murderous outrages at unrisuana, y'v. aitft - ii , . , . ,, . 1.1 T . ... .... ti . ..i : xxr ttn K inoeeo an ine hi iancasier counvy, iTiinsjivftina. wc li fct1 lnc affair, were personiof furth?f learn thai in the course of the af- nispeuauiiny, and the outrage ; fray tree . negroes were killed. As may UP'Ja them whiUt lntf..ll.. ;.,l : il ' : i ., : . UrwP'"j lh,'m -vhiUt ,ilwful,y 4',d ! be well imagined, an intense excitement ) auetuiiin to re.nossesa tbemelvp i .i i n.ii;m. .t.. iirnronii,,..' -- ---- nrevaueu uiougiiuui f t. ' Ik ' m,r-0'ljU' u ' and especially in tha. i me a ave they were n search ol ran .... V. ... n u ,-inout ft t.Vr .in !, i . ,i Ju- UfSSl. umauvu " oaltod ,!,,,' J,, ,re7,a,c. ,J .1 I emy procee.lr.l lo l.ancns er wi.h .he W hlnK .11. M . . li j From the Newburyport (Mass.) Herald; j THE EXECUTION OF LOPEZ. j We . have' now full accounts of the bloody scene which has been enacted in Cuba, and whiah has been long expected by those who hav6 watched most closely the progress of e. vents in that quarter. There is. it is evident, no seiious disaffection in Cuba beyond the latnllles ,T cuuic ul' itie vtcalihy Creoles, in which the young men, ambitious and educated, chafe at being under ihe despotic rule of Span ish military officers. The great mass of ihe wjiites, particularly the poorer classes, upon whom any great reliance could be had for the revolutionary movements, are clearly in the work done up in half the time taken by my pro sing, tic says : " Time's use was doomed a pleasure ; waste, a pain ; That man might feel his error, if unseen ; And feeling, fly to- labor for his cure : Not, blundering, split on idleness for ease. Life's cTares are comforts ; such by Heaven design'd ; He that has none, must make them, or be wretched. . Cares are employments ; and without employ The soul is on a rack : the rack ol rest ; The souls most adverse ; action, all their joy." Diyden, though perhaps with less suavity of; manner, holds the same : E GIL.MAN. PER CENT, of th first COSt of Carol inn il iff r. . ; " al lhal Prl' d the chauge will no doubt con- iclona liegia. The President of the "deiably increase the consumption. Charles I ennsylvania Horticultural Society, Ca- ,on Coricr. leb Cope, Esq , has, at a most liberal ex- n o T, 7 pense in constructing a hoThoue expre"- A 1 "-Th Ca.oo Rouge lv for it PPorr,miQl; express- Wa earn$ ,hal a C,2en of h , fa Lrowini a Znth' ' s"cCded in discovered a new system for the manufacture growing a plant of this magnibcent water of sugar, by which be can, with the ordiourr Vi a. 1S.e.?Peced that a flower an1 ,eftf ' machinery now in use, make a .uar perfect. will be exhibited at the hall of the Socie- ly vhUe. The molasses, which will be in less i), uinese saloon, at the stated meeting quantities than at present, will also be chan to morrow evening. 1 his will be the first 1,1,0 ,nf ordinary natural syrup. anu onry? piani that has bloomed in this ' v ; country. The leaves of this specimen ' , l K a-"ioxists. A wealthy now growing at Springbrook Firm, the j is,?etarb!,7le" - NOrt.h seat of the President, are seven in num- I My Reason . WHuK feet. n d.ameter, (taller,. fpUced on edge,!, le negroes, whose health i, inrigorLd and than any man in the city of Philadelphia.) preserved in thai pure and bracing Atmosphere ot circular form and great beauty ; they It is quite a frolic for the little fellows, aud ihey cover entirely the surface of the water in bathe in ihe briny sea with all ihe gay disport a tank twenty-four feet in diameter. The j irg of a school of porpoises. We should like flower at this hour is not fully expanded, j lo l,e furnished with an instance in the free but from the rapidity of its developments ' p,a,PS where the children of laboring domesticf it is thought it will be on that Occasion. ! are trealed with equally humane consideration. It will then be of the gigantic proportions j Xorfote Herald. described above, in form resembling the I Son Killed by his Father.' man named nymphcea adorata, or water lily ot this Hopkins was killed some days since, in ibo country, and is alike fragrant; in color it i north part of Stokes county, by his own father, is white, delicately tinted to a rosy pink- The old man, we understand, alleges lhat he ish hue. The size attained by flowers at furd some one stealing bis honey, after night : Chatsworth, the . grounds of the j Duke of i ,hal on approaching, the thief retired ; he hal Devonshire, and at the- Royal Gardens at ! ,ooed to uim fo 6,P 10 which no atlen Kew, England, were fourteen inches in i ,ion was Paid ? whereupon he shot, and the diameter, and have been the wonder and 1 . ef urn;d ou' 1 b his,own . who died admiration of all who have had the grat- 1 ,,nmrd,a,ely; There are however, strong cir. ification of seeing a living plant. The ! ? mkn 11 eooJ frr ...v.:u ,u: . I ui sou, ouu mai ne snoi mm wi'.n malice ' vuil;u mis pinrib was grown were obtained from Sir William J. Hook er, the Director of the Royal Gardens at Kew, on the 21st day of March last, thus showing the immense rapidity of its growth. Evening Bulletin. aforethought. He is in Stokes jail, awaiting trial at the approaching Superior Court. Greens. Patriot. The British Flag pvblicly burned in the street i, of Montreal. A correspondent of the American Celt, wrf ling from Montreal, states that,- on the recep tion o( the news that the Queen of England had signed the bill of pains andpenalties a gainst her Catholic subjects, the union jack wat publicly burned on the public square of lhat city. The Celi,s correspondent further stales that, in order lo keep the matter as private as possible, instructions were given at the tela- MATRIMONIAL. The Alexandria Gazette of the 5th instant contained an extraordinary advertisement, in letters and figures as follows : 44 Wanted A Husband. Being desirous of entering into the holy slate of Matrimony, with a sensible, honorable man, I have adonted mis pian to accomplish that, which, by thecus. raPn ouices not to report the occurrence ; and lorn of ihe world, I am debarred from doing in ! ,na,t 'n consequence of these instructions, the any other fashion. As no one will buy a pig J on'y paper in Montreal that referred to the in a poke, or trust to lottery chances, 1 feej it burning of the flag was the Gazette, incumbent upon me to say, that I am what the world calls handsome, and have a disposition to drive away dull care. My husband must be from twenty to thirty ; good sense preferred to good looks ; and no simpering fool, who imag ines a lady taken offher feet, by his smiles, no uneducated ape in lavender kids and yellow stick, no mature dandy, such as promenade for smiles of silly girls and impudent stare?, no mustached baboon, need apply, as no one will GREAT YIELD OF WHEAT. Edmund P. White, Esq., of Caroline county. Ya., in a letter to the Fredericksburg News, says : At the solicitation of some friends, I have had two acres ot wheal threshed, and intend to have another. Alter running ihe wheat twice through the fan, the first acre made by " The wise, for health, or exereite depend : God never made his works for man to mend." While the accelerated progress of the arts in Sfmnish interest, and, besides, entertain from 1 our country for the last half century is a just i advertiser, by addressing through the Pot Of. gome cause animosity against ihe Americans. ! subject ol surprise and nratulation, we would i nce a no,e lo ADA. I please me but a sensible, educated "emleman, measurement 51$ bubels, weighing 58J lbs. who appreciates domestic happiness bv the pos- ; ' ine Dusn'- secono acre matte oo ouu session ol one heart. If such an one is desir- , eh' weighing 59.J pounds to the bushel. The ous of taking lo himself a wife, who has a small eame wbeal when 'horoughly cleaned, weighs fortune, and who would try to make her hu. 6l2 Pourd to the bushel. Il is the Maryland li:iml liannv ti u-ill Blue Stem. We are requested to slate, sa)s the Abbe, ville Banner, that Jam km IIoistov. an officer V II It I I I , . j. . . . - . " -Liopez was undoubtedly a brave man, hut he acknowledge our dependence, more or less, on As prool ol the sincerity of 44 Ada, '"we may of the Revolutionary War, or if deceased, bis has shown himself through the whole lo be these little handmaids of science (the working f mention that she accompanied the notice with heirs at law; also Naxcv Brooks, widow of without judgment, and to have deceived him- ( toob) as our indespensible agents in every en- j the fee chargeable for three insertions in that Elisiia Brooks, or if deceased, her heirs at self as well as others with a belief of his per? : terpiise. They are, therefore, resorted to with : excellent journal, the Gazelle an evidence, we law, will obtain information greatly to their in sonal popularity, which has never had any ex- equal pleasure and profit by the man of genius, j lake it, not only of good sense, but of business terest by applying to F. W. Selleck Esq., Or islance except in his own imagination. The' ihe valetudinarian, the amateur, and lover of capacity rarely excelled by the opposite sex. dinary of Abbeville District. escape which Lopez and his party had at Car- j domestic comfort, neatness, and economy. The advertisement very naturally, we suppose, ( denas was the narrowest ever known, and could I hey are, moreover, of easy attainment. A i created quite a sensation amongst the Bache ! Rail Road Investments. It is a well ettab- nqt be expected to occur again in a thousand years. It ought to have taught them caution. In addition to the accounts which we give .U 1 " I II .. I " I """n I'M o(v.. in -i. i.i r , ff., Ill IIUIII I niittiiei' flr.j(ioruch an il. re,?,rl0rUch and his friend firt 1 h "pessary legal aid. This ' 'Ul ri n i.i..... ' . .. i oion in the statement pub- 1 Cl . Baltimore county that portion of it where resided. A number i m. hi. .i . . . ir frn, C ",'nur,l,r"i'.lqutrer, which s rrrf. ' i Vx rpP"f'. we learn lhat the " ,n; f l reports. .H,P'Utiin i'the vie ' i'1 'Mature' ol the ll'l nil L' I icinity, having been l'P'iUt i b",uaaf. hfnl,i lm ( t "if-rimg, ani n Ol nir ... ,. T .. . cour,, ;ii rt,l,"0,nK aiioluionits ab o -L . ur',, Ihey should n.ir. 'I'l... .... J. "''Olli if Vl i i iic uujwrr f lUv .klV, f"! current-reports sjale, P' ir . V J assembled, with --witMcu hniiu v.. ; .t u " in inr ui'llU' n-rtv i'v v" i w .... - , Jleteriuination to see the authors of the ; Outrage broughLto a strict legal accounta- bility; X. t The Philadelphia Bulletin of Saturday j afternoon rTas the following late intelli ! gence by telegraph : r V Inrn. bv a teleerraphic despatch to visit of the o mi era Whit am IV Rp.F.n. Esq.. District Attorney tim .y ; "0i(J a meeting, and asked the Lr ii.;iu,untii rnnntv. that J. L. TllOUP' I y. . .......-. - Jfox Esq-,, District Attorney ot i-ancasier county, vesterday proceeded to the cene of the murder, and returned lo Lancaster city this mornmg at iwo otfock. having in custody eleven prisoner, cuaicu linle studio or room is necessary in some part lors in and atout the town of Alexandria. Even lished fact that at the present time, upwards of of the house or out houses, ten or twelve feet j the smallness of the Ada's "fortune," it will be 8300,000,000 are invested in the various rail squate, with lock to the door , a work bench i perceived, has nol operated as an insuperable ways of the United States. below, brought by the Empire City, we have near a window ; also a small solid bench to objection to at least one suiter, well known iu ! the following Iftter from one of our own citi- chop and saw on, and a rack attached to the j ,4 fashionable circles in this state. Hear him : zens, a well known merchant, who wa9 pres- j wall on which the small tools are always visi - j as he speaks from his famous 44 retreat :" ent at the execution of Lopez : J hie for use. Our toobmakers have within a I To the Editors oj the Wash. Telegraph : l 44 Havana, September 1st 10 o'clock. years made such decided improvements in Gentlemen : A lady who is ' handme and This morning General Lopez was executed as j tte beauty of their finish as imperceptibly ere- hag a sma), foMune advertises in the Alexan- a Criminal. I lie scene was imposing, aitnousn 's e w iibuuhhB lunu, aim d (Jazetle for a husband, a " sen h e. er In. awfut. All the military in the city were form- ! Ii1e confidence and practice they become a fa- in a large hollow-square ; in the middle was vorite pastime, saying nothing of its rich acrom SI 50 It. "T W com field,. Tb participating in the outrage i '"vi h. .ii" ' - iiiui v;i i no . c .;u,fkr wasthehlowin.. of iLn, I Tiie prisoners are c'upoi. ii. 'w, , r,u' an a aeaai nre v; j:::;r., ,AT-,.MU, '"iii'fthij ,.i ili came through ,ir,Dl Pant! ,! ,ar,Hl,, ye.day, iorne !fdv. ifU,s l,l r'l''i lo this liorri- n ' nti'.,...- "Mowing ol a lijorn. I j J1"7 I" '"h ..ck ... . V 7' came upon the nartv. ; blacks and two whit s. ineiwiuwoi "UUIH ... ii . . ' - I J'r J : . . i ' v on ;i ,.i.. .. i i I. i i ... . .. I,' i "otn : utM)' llii'm ... it... . f J negroes." ' Ci composed of nine n i Mr H lOt latter are Elijah Castnorand Lewis nan jiaway. They were committed to Lan- I This morning the U. S. Marshal, Mr. Roberts, the U. S. District Attorney. Mr. Ashmead, and a special U. S- Commiss ioner from Washington, left in the cars lor i-.. . . .1 I. 4 m o t i nT ft l orri- Christiana, lor trje purpose oi ui.o . i 1. i e.Un ViJcrtri. handed Iiorougn invesiigauuii ui "o - Vnii nu Lilla,.1, r-. , i -,u triVot; )l dead, il render his recovf ry a IIIUiUUUll III rongWMwu w -o" , ..... .ik. . . ii xniii0c n ' uck n 7 y x (JeiuI' ,hm'? ' and arresting ait suspecieu These owcers, wiin iue y r,wr ed Ihe machine of death, on a platform raised ten paniments, as have been said or sung. feet from the ground on posts, with a railing round, and wide .steps from the ground in front. On the platform was the garote, au iron seat or chair, with ihe back in one piece, extending higher than thenerson silting on the seat. On , this back, even with the head, is the apparatus she Brown's Hotel. Here they are, of fine quah I of death, consisting of iron clasps which are to ity. j fit it he sides of the head, and a clasp to pass 1 hand saw round the throat. From behind is a long iron 1 ne saw bar attached to a screw, which, put in motion 1 f"re plane by the hangman giving one lurn, draws ihe 1 jck plane side and thioat pieces light, and at the same instant sends an iron in to the spinal marrow of Ihe neck from . behind, which causes instan taneous death. ' Suchr was the machine for Gen. Lopez. He behaved like a brave man through out the awful moments. He walked, surround ed by a guard from the Punta fort to the steps I of garote, as cool, apparently, as if be was at triA heart nf nn armv. .. - - j - ' , . .... c i t r I 4 He was diessd in a long white gown and ' would advise a lewoi earn si. .-is ior ,uui a white cap ; his wrists were lied in front and ber, white pine boards of d.fftrent thickness of aiove his elbows behind, with l"be cords held the quality of "common cullings" are used for by soldiers. He ascended the steps with two ; more purposes than any others. civilians, friends, no priest, as common in such If any happen to ie wnnom a gtinosiont-, i ; ' ' ii r . . 1 t i . . 1 ... .-I cases, tie iacea rouna, anu'seemeu iu iukc a BavERLY Tlckkr, Eq., one of the Faculty of William and Miry CuUege, has recently died. He was extensively known a a poli tician of the Nullification and Secession School. He was a member of the last Nashville Con vention, and was the author of a Book, publish ed fifteen years ago, entitled 44 The Partisan Leader." 0" The following new Post Offices have cated gentleman, who appreciates domestic happiness hjf the possession of one heart." In derrihin7 hfr henu ilril. that ladv his Ac .... ..I ii ii i i n ' j 1 hese carpenters tools areuouut.ess tor sate scri,,ed ,fi and X shalI al once reppond 0 jeen esIab,iihed in ltis S,ate. xvilbin lhe weck atmost ot tne narowarc stores in tuts city, i her card Bidding, therefore, an aflVctionate was iuducedto inquire the prices of such as : arewell to lhe many friends I have found in would be necessary for a small shop at Baden ; nuL!ic ;ff gbai henceforth dwell in the peace & Brother's, sign of the 44 Golden Saw," oppo. i j Sf,riiritv (1f domestic bliss. Mv drpam of 1 50 1 25 75 75 62 75 50 1 25 2 40 00 1 smooth plane 1 drawing knife 1 hatchet 1 hammer 2 aupers, say 1 brace and bits 3 chisels, assorted Nails are necessary on all occasions. There j are six or seven sizes, all al 5 cents a pound. 1 gouge 1 rule Compasses 1 square 1 hand saw file 4 gimlets 4 sprig awls 1 screw-driver 1 gauge 1 whetstone happiness is about to be realized, and I sh-il henceforth be the possessor of a handsome wi!'e, with a small fortune though 1 hope not very. Adieu ! ( Your obedient servant, HICKMAN. Reb Rover Retreat, Sept. 4, 151. ; 18 37 25 50 10 'zo i j 12 ! Crime in New York. The report of 25 i Mr. Matsell, Chief of the New York Po- 37 j lice, states that within the quarter ending with June there have been ten tlwusand arrests made in that city. Thirteen hun dred of them were for assault and brtlte- ending August 30ih, 1951, viz: Buckland, Gates, S. E. Smith. Khi'fs Tan Yard Cabarrus, Levi Klutts. Soapstone, Mi., Randolph, Harrison Creek, Cumberland, Sweet Water, Watauga, M. Hay worth. A. Melviii. Thos. Fading. H. W. Brummkll, E?q.. Postmaster at Brum mell's, Davidson County, has resigned, and Dr. John Hines has beeji apjointed in his place. Greens. Patript. 25 ' advise one 20 or 24 inches diameter, 3 or 4 goad look on tho soldiers and the immense inches thick, sharp grit. It can be hung in FREEDOM PURCHASED. 1 Bolding, lhe fugitive slave, recently sent fitom N. Y. to South Carolina to his owner, will be brought back, his freedom having been pur chased by a subscription of 82.000, which was fimlU- muitrt no in New York on Saturday. i fifnJ fice were for assault iti intent oWner agreed to sell him for $1,500, pro. to kill; and thirteen were for actual mur- j vided the additional um of 8500 as given to der. There are six thousand liqudr shops rav the expense of his arrest and recovery. in New York one third of them; not li 1 censed, and ttco thirds open on Sunday. i There is a sportsman in Mi&iigan so lazy. This will account for a good deal ot" the j that he put out one of hi eyes the other day, to crime. save lhe trouble of winking w hen he takes aim.

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