IIIE CAROLINA WATCHMAN, SaliJ)"ri, IV. C. TflUSDiV KVEMM, XOVODEK C, 1851. In citements ! We have had rather . 1. . n nil r sham of" excitements" this jorc : l The County Court is in Session, tbt ilrst place, ana is 01 nrst impor- i a krttif ih first thintr (Innn hv , WAS to grant licenses 10 retail, liquor, "..i.:- nUri?. to David Darrincer. Antho- m in'? i t w , ' Ilatl'l Slid fn n t, i .. Tnrini and Dan I. shaver to the I " i;lvt in defiance of one of the laws of Instate of N. Carolina, requiring the re 'comtaendation of the Board of Commis sioners. There were severahzbuntry Ma- Urate on the bench at tlje time that may Cclj ignorance of the law in question, l'j: several others were there who can- Vol icape behind even such a plea as Public sentiment will " deal" with The outraged rights of the corn- that. '..-ft nuniiy must and will be vindicated. If tur Town Charter is worth any thing it i competent for its own protection. If it worth nothing, then all our Corporation mill nml t'niil t ml I r . n !.. S ftrc iim vmj iiu & lie c icv i .-,1 hllrfi'd taxes, and snnf th mr.. fU- 0"u y V - - -j- .. . v vy liiU VC) without law. ( Rinson & Kldred's Circus ComDanv $oent todays here, and" half crcation"(7) VereMf crazy about that. They had jac bouses to sec them play both days. I ,ad then we have had a visit from se lf ral very distinguished personages: They Were Napoleon Bonaparte, and Josephine 5 wife ; Prof. Webster and his victim, ir. parkman ; Gen. Zachary Taylor; len. Lopez dc Santa Anna ; Gen. Win- (eld Scott; besides the cruel savage lied ackrt. We are indebted to Mr. Dexter Lr the exhibition here, of these great folk, one up in wax, in a most superb mannery M corresponding very accurately with x best potraits we have seen. t And then, as if to burlesque all these real pretentions a raw, red head chap ('om the mountains arrived here on Wed rsdiy, with a live Hear, which he led $bout the streets with a tow string ! THE V JUGS OF GUILFORD. The WhigsfofOId Guilford, ever brave fodtruc, have recently held a public meet- in which resolutions were passed fa- t'jring the re-election of Mr. Fillmore, ind responding to the nomination of the tlun. Wn. A. Graham as the Whig Can i -.date fr the Vice Presidency. The meet tir also expressed the wish that a Whig fiate Convention be held in that town on f e 3rd Monday in February next. We (Link there can be no objection in this Jrction, cither to the time or place ; but jnthu contrary that both will prove as generally acceptable as can be expected. Let these notes of preparation for the Ifxt years' struffirlo rtMi ih . I I m. ' J oi?. 1 here is work to be done both for forth Carolina and the Union ; and the untry expects every Whig to put on his harness and. do hisduty. Ikinly Rash. This unhappy man.con Vcled of murder of his wife by the Spring Term of Cabarrus Superior Court, appealed to tlm Sinnromo n n,, , j- f - w W W V. I I , 1 IIO 3jgment of the Court below beinir con- Ned, he was brouirht before His H nnnr u vviuv,uju msi wecK, anu fntenced to'be hune on Fridav the 23f fkwmohth. His Honor addressed the f soner in the most feelin i rr manner, for leme i I "umomsmnff turn to nre- IDiniilAv ,1 i ... In. J u,a uu. ine prisoner was r'y ailected and wept bitterly. He the fcarcelv his head while in r0B'rt House. j '.of a paper ol the above title, edited kCV.S. 1). lJu-MrAss, and printed by our , - . james, issuing trom Ttensbortf. N. C. The "Message" gives 'Mmctobea verv useful nn.r u tin. t u i. . nrcially inten(Jed tQ supply a can jj a Methodist journal, hitherto felt w region of country. It will howev J"o be devoted to the news of the day jndenng the shifting scenes of bHsy - from them extracting useful les r. 'kjfP,n8 'n view the part it is to play jT, IaslErcat destiny of man. -L 6 McssaSe is very attractive in np- tal:lhn '"echanical Part ofiUsin thit I re is an' lhinS lacking 4 rem , PaMmcnl il is because the means llsry ",s not at hand. Mr. James 5 ' his business, with ienius efficient for almost $ in any emergen a Printing ollice; Tlle Manteo I apcr Mills. The excel- JP'r which it y "w iiuw using lor C ",r lhleishi known ns ,he ii, ' . "Per MilU' This eitablUhmoM jt5,s rnS"UCleJ SOme two or U ch, "!"''' telievc- about Kom"8 " P'oprietonhip. For a the., ..',h0fhatl,U i ndjp,,in i,s 8UCC"S WM down, U i "S. hust y l"nB. It has "et rebuilt( Md rcfumishc(J) and put in operation again ; and this is some of the first paper they have made. It is decidedly good paper ; but we are assur ed by tho proprietors that it is not as good as they wjll be able to make after a while. All their Machinery being new does not yet work as smoothly as it will after it has been used a month or. two. The, first instalment, 10 per cent., on the subscriptions of Stock to the Raleigh and Gaston road, has been called for. The International Magazine for Novem . ber, is on our table. We have barely had time to glance at it ; and its table of contents is so large that we cannot ispare room for it. Each No, of this Magazine contains near 150 pages of matter. Ma- ny of its subjects are illustrated with fine wood cuts. Carrying Bundles. -Many people have a contemptible feaf of being seen to car-' ry any bundle, however small, having the absurb idea that there is a social degra dation in the act. The most trifling as well as weighty packages must be sent to them, no matter how much to the in convenience ot others. This prises from a low kind of pride. There is a pride that is higher ; that arises from a con sciousncs of there being something in the individual not to be affected by such ac cidents worth and weight of character. True. How much better it is to carry one's own bundle and enjoy the pleasure of thinking " well now, this will save Sal ly a walk: She may continue her house work without interruption," or again: " SamJs in the garden, Til carry it myself. Why should I trouble him for every little trifle, as though- my own hands were not made for use ? We return our thanks to some unknown friend for a copy of the excellent address of R. Gorrell, Esq., delivered at the last Commencement of Davidson Coll lege. We have had the pleasure of seeing, this' we k, Mr. Newsom of the Carolina Republican, and our nearer neighbor, Mr. Campbell, of the Concord Mercury, They are both looking well. Raleigh and Gaston Road. Mr. Bird, the Superintendant, was in this City on Saturday, anil while here, received a des patch, stating that 700 bars of T iron, (and not U, as stated in the Petersburg papers,) which he had purchased at the North, had omvea ai uarysnurg. Mr. V., immedia tely made arrangements, through the tel egraph, by which the Iron was probably delivered at Gaston, on Monday evening. We learn that it will be immediately laid, and so much of the road as thenew iron will cover be put in thorough order. The cargo from Europe may be shortly expec ted.and the calculation consequently is, that it will not be many months before tho whole Road will be redeemed and regen erated.'' This efficiency speaks wejffor those into whose hands the Road has been committed. We learn that there will be no cessa tion of the regular operations of the Road, and no detention, indeed, during the pro- C !i . . git&s ui us re-construction. lial. He The man that bet on the white chicken, when ho saw the bird ' Jikely to be whip ped, cried out " hurra, for the black chick. en, as I said before 7" , " Hurra, for the Union, as I said before " cries the Raleigh Standard, after having done its best to tear the venerable old fabric to pieces ! Even South Carolina has turned a deaf ear to the glowing Democratic sympathy of the Standard, left it to make its own excuses, and get out the best way it can. The Standard said it did not approve the contempleted course of South Caroli na. Such were its words, while its soul and spirit Were irrepressibly exhibited on the side of the disunionists. Greens. Pat. The Journal says :--The Directors of the North Carolina Central Railroad have excluded the use of all ardent spirits from the hands laboring on tfieir great work. Messrs. Bland & Dunn-, contractors for the Stage route to the western portion of North Carolina, have determined to em ploy none but temperance men as drivers on their whole line. .This' tells well for North Carolina. Greens. Patriot. The co-operatipn majority, over the se cessionists, in Southward in a, so far as heard from, is upwards of 8,000. The Mountain Banner well remarks that it is an anomaly in the history of politics that a people should vote, by such a de cisive majority, contrary to the almost unanimous voice of the press ;sand it shows that the people reflected for themselves and saw the ruinous consequences of sepa rate Statction." John N. Long, who was convicted pf passing counterfeit money, at the term of Superior Court held for Guilford last week, was sentence to receive thirty.nine lashes, stand in the pillory one hour, and be im prisoned nine months ; the punishment of whipping and pillory was inflicted on Saturday evening. Moses Deen, who was found guilty of negro stealing, appealed to the Supreme Court. ' - . The trial of Weaver, implicated with Deen, was removed to Rockingham ; and we have just heard from the court in that county, that Weaver was put upon his tri al and acquitted; but was immediately bound to Forsyth to be tried as accessory in the same case. Greens. PalrioL An old maid speaking of marriage, sars it's lke another disease while tbere life there is hope, Telegraphed for the Charleston Courier. Baltimore. ni jn to?w 7? ll -Vork nurke! Cot. TON Was dronninir nA tk. j l i it . ' " ,UUUHUa Da were i u ,0Ur had declined six cents. In (be Baltimore marUt u. j j i. to .... rr,, "ur uau aeenned ri: " o . V, e week cmprised 10,000 baffs at 84 cents. ThA j . Sins me siock on hand is 20.000 haa. - . Baltimoee, Oct. 31. ci: rrLTs .nu vi-W- k . s,x nunaa bales were gold. M.ddl.ng Orleans was worth from 8 to t LIZTZ' and middHnS Uplands 4 to i! o ana olDer arlicles are un. changed. Sterling Exchange wasquotedat 101. The agricultural Fair at Harrisbu largely attended. Pa., is The Hon. Henry Clay has started lor Wash, ington, and is in good heajth. The English and French Ministers at Wash, ington have joinlly received notice by the Eu. ropa : ihal the fleets of their; respective Govern men is w,U watch .he coast to intercept any ex- Cuba008 U Vi6W of invaW Thirty.nine more True Bills have been found by the Grand Jury in Philadelphia against the Lnnstiana rioters making 170 altogether. ARRIVALS. J ov: Chatham, with Exprsss, Telegraph Cum berland and Cassidy flat in tow, with good, fof & Hunt & Wi?g,n. M Brown Son, Barnhardt, Hix L 1 J!nk'n3 and Roberts, Holmes, Culp & Co, W tiff W v ' oV Frie8' J' F- Chambers, Croml Well Hix, Enmss, Shemwell 4j Co ' if" ! erchant Go's Boat Mike Cronly with goods for Bailey HowelJ, and others. y' lint 11 C- in . . , V v, 7 '"j ai,u rtverastwro in tow with $oods for F. If H. Fries, A. Hunt, W. R. HoU G W Brown, Brown, Fraley Co, D. McRorie, W. Murphy BJl; 3-Steamer Chatham, with tow boats Telegraph and M. Brown w,th goods for sundry persons of this town and interior. Fay. Ob. ARRIVALS AT WILMINGTON. Oct .29-Wake from New York. Nov. 1-Schr Mary Isabel from Baltimore. fItlli,??un,y'on he 22d ult., by Rev. A. Baker In this county, on ihe S3d nil., bi H. L. Robards Inn pottsDREW J' BR0WN' 10 MiU ; In Mocksville, on the 29th ult., by John P. Gowan CUKJNLLIA McGUIRE, aged 15 years In Mocksville, on the 2d instant, by Rev. B. Clee the Hev. COMMODORE DE PORTER NEI SON to Miss PAULINA RICE. rUKlt-K SOJ,, In Davie county, near Fulton, on the 30th ult., by L mlphIsdon: TEED0C myers' to Mi" h.IS,ihjl S" 'JnesJ'nin?.the5Ih inst. JSPr. ? Sd' Mr- K1A" CORRELL, in this Town, on the 5th instant, by the Rev. John omnan, Mr. A. G. F?nr.nRR H dnncrhn-nr w:ii: "cZ -.T ' l" "xloa ofl.r, In thistown, on the 5th inst.,by the Rev. T. Pace 0... iiiiuiii orrmn ivicauu, mr. Ak3 D U K 1 SPHV tn AT,co SPDrvi YARBROUGH, . "'"iJ uuubllA In this town, on the 27ih ult., JOHN WILLIAM nfant son of Burton Craige, Esq., aged one year, five' months and one day. ; In this town, on 1st instant, Mr. D. R. BELMONT, aged 32 years. ; iTitUn,J' 0n the 3lst ul,imo Mr- JAMES W. IlEILICk, m the 3Sth year of his age. T Tl'rxThi3,coun,y' on the lst in9t - Miss ELIZABETH LINN daughter of, the late Col. David Linn, aged about 16 year3. In Concord, Cabarrus cotmty, on the 22d ult., a2ed 14 years, 10 months and 12 days, Miss MARGARET A., second daughter of Capt. Wm. M. Henderson. In Yadkin county, on the 24th ult., JESSE VES TAL, aged about 75 years. nt?rPavjdson coun,v' cn the 25th ult., Rev. JOHN RICH, of the M. E. North Carolina Conference, a ed 36 years. House and Lot for Sale. THE subscriber having removed from Salisbury, offers for sale his House and Lot, situated in the great North Square. It is convenient everv wav.and a verv fea sant place for a family to reside at. For terms, &c apply to John I. Shaver, Esq: SAMUEL W. JAMES. November 6, 1851. 27 Trust Sale of a Valuable AND MACHINERY. BY virtue of a Deed of Trust, to me executed by James W. McRae, I will proceed to sell, on the premises at McRae's Mills, on Little River, in Mont gomery county, N. C, on Thursday, the 18th day of December next, (unless the Trust shall be previously satisfied,) the following property : Five Acres ot Land, with ibe Factory Building otore nouse and dwelling Houses thereon, with the water privileges attached, toge ther with the following Machinery: One Willower, one Beater Spreade.r, eight 30 inch Cards, wiftr Card Cloth, ing, one Railway, two Drawing Frames with eight 10 inch Boilers, two Speeders of 12 Strands each, one Grind, er, four Spinning Frames of 132 Spindles each, four Reels, Water Wheel, Gearing, Shafting, Pullies .Hangers, &c, one Lathe with Tools, one 6mall Press, one large Press, various Tools. &c. Terms made known at the day of sale. J. G. GAIRNS, Trustee. November 4, 1851. 7w27 O The Fayetteville Observer and Wadesborough Argus will please publish the above notice weekly for four weeks, and forward bill to this Office for payment. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. HAN ING qualified as Administrator 00 the estate of Andrew Lyerly, dec'd.at November Term, 851, 1 will sell, to the highest bidder, on the 25th of this instant, the following property, viz gjP Horses, Cattle Hoss, and Sheep, gs, and Sheep, One Wagon and Gear, one Carryall and Harness, a quantity of Corn, Wheat and Oats, a NEGRO MAN, one set of Black- jmith Tools, Farming Implements, House hold and Kitchen Furniture, and numer ous other articles not here enumerated. The sale to continue from day to day till all is sold. I hereby give notice to all persons indebted "to the said estate, to make payment, and to all persons who have claims against the estate to present them duly au thenticated within the time prescribed by law, other wise this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. JOHN LYERLY, Adm'r. Npv. 3, 1851. 3w27 Ml jftV. COTTOI FACTORY 2k IIE MARICETS. , : 3 Salisbury, Nov. Q 6rs8; Cotton Yarn, fcO 90; Coffee 12 pj on SSo7i?75u;DcC8W"'20'2!0' Gutter 8 10; Mt- -V .A ,wu s linseed U 90 in... rn ai uu; sweetdo. 35(3 40: Sn..,r fh, uiapi Jia) O.i OrK Oct. Cotton 7 Q'tl Cnrn Rft tm . , 1 . . .14 ' e, - ' - - - - iw v . vuuee j u.o; 1 1 : r lour fathers 32 & 35 : ffaweed 8 100 12 Iron Swedes, 5 6: do. English 3 i 4 : Lard 12 14 Leather, sr!e, 20 23: Molasses 25227: nS. cut 41 5 Oats, 45 50t Sugar,bro.,6 tjo 1 tfn ji l 80 oo ' 5 1 40 : Ta,,oW' 10 : Wh w 9nA' 27 Bacon Pr lb. 10 13): Butler 20 23 . Beesv.ax 20)21 : Coffee 12 15 : Cotton 5 ffl8. Corn-90 8i Egg9 12 15: Flor4i 5 Feataers 3035 : Iron 56$ : Lard 10 12 Leather (soe) 18 22: Molasses 35 40 : do Cu'. 3J J: Nails.cut.6 7: Rice 4 5 Sugar,brown,8 10: do. Loaf 1Q1 l t:' verpool,140 1 50. ! ' SALE! SALE! HAiIn GQ-dtrmined to remove to the West, I snail offer for sale, at mu r.ci.l.n. r.L. vine, on the 1 iih inetnm i .nrr. j - a guuu, uui suiaii i ract ot a.ju.uur miie ana a ha It south nf M.L-.vi!u ng 121 Acres, jo.ning A. G. Carter, and others, . V -i j i"1' aweiung house and suitable out building, two good little meadows, &c. ; nt the same time one town Lot of two a,.. - j j handed Piano ; about 300 bushels of Corn ; Wheat ; Oa,8; Household and Kitchen Furniture : Cn' nogs, &c. Terms made known on the day of sale ' " v i rx WM- A- HALL. Mocksv)lle, Davie co., Nov. C. 1851. 2t26 SAr.E! SAT.F! THE undersigned having been duly qualified as Ex ecutor of John TIl7mnn iIho.k.I .. -ii t- i- i . .. 7 v vdzru, win oner at his late residence, on the 26th of N. c L i- i c .. . -.mhuci, iur puu- Iic sale, the following property, to wit : Two IVo ffiocs HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN" FURNI TURE. 5 HORSES 3 COWS, a stock ofSng" HOGS, and various other property, including farming utensils, and two Wagons and Gear. A credit of six months will be given, on bond and approved security. JN.tJ. All creditors indebted ro the oatt u.;n ni.n. come forward and settle according to law And all creditors will please present their claims duly authenti cated within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. GEORGE UTZMAN, Ex'r. Salisbury, Nov. 6, 1851. 3,27 PHOTOGRAPHIC MINIATURES. "O McINTOSH, would respectfully inform the citizens of Salisbury and has taken rooms at the Rowan Hons for .tJ of execut.ng Photographic ITIiiiiatarcs. He does not boast of his skill in the art, but invites La dies Gentlemen to call and examine specimens at his rooms. His Dictures will snpak fr iK.mi,,.. Pictures of Children taken almost instantaneously Sept. 25, 1851. 2ltf BWslocklbFSaleT- HYr1?0 been aPPhued Executor of the last Will and Testament nf TnV.n i!t-mnr. .1 1 " I.I1.IUUII, uctu.. will otter tor sale, at the Court House, in Sal on 1 uesday of the week of Superior Court, the 18th of November next, Thirty-four ehares of stock in the Banli-of Cape Fear, and Twelve Shares of stock in mnK ot wadesborough. Terms six months credit, with interest from date. GuiOKGE UTZMAN, Executor. foff, 25. 1825, 8w21 Cotton Yarnotn Yarns. TllHE subscriber would inform those persons who X. have been waiting, and others desirous of pur chasing, Buena Vista Factory Cotton Yarns, that he is now prepared to supply them, either at wholesale or retail. Persons unacquainted with the above Manufactory, who wish to see a superior article of Yarn, are invited' to give him a call. E. MYERS. Salisbury, Sept. 1851. 20 Cotton Yarn & Sheetings OF a superior quality can be had at the Rowan Fac tory, or at the store of J. F. Chambers &. Co., at reduced prices. Yarn of any number from No. 4 to 12 at 80 cents per bunch. Yard wide sheeting by the bolt of about 34 yards at 7 cents per yard. Or by the bale of 500 yards at 6$ cents per yard J. G. CAIRNS, Ag't. Salisbury, Sept. 25, 1851. '21 saleoFland. IN pursuance of a Decree made at the Spring Term, 1851, of the Court of Equity for Rowan county, I shall sell, on Saturday the 8th of November next, on the premises, a tract of land, owned by the late John Wilhelm, lying on the waters of Dutch second creek, about ten miles from Salisbury, adjoining the lands of George Wilhelm, Elizabeth Misenhamer and others, containing about 71 ACHES. This tract is sold upon the petition of the heirs of John Wilhelm, deceased, for the purpose of partition. Twelve months credit will be given, purchaser giv ing bond with approved security. L. BLACKMER, C. M. E. Sept. 24, 1851 622 Price adv. S t FAMILY "HAMS7 CASKS of sugar cured canvassed HAMS, just received and for sale by M. BROWN &, SON. Salisbury, Aujjust 27, 1851 17 Salisbury Academy THE sixth session of my , School, has commenced. English and Classical At the request of my friends, I will admit into the school Misses and young Ladies from five to sixteen years of age. A separate part of the Academy will be reserved for them, and their hours of attendance will be from 8$ to 11$ o' clock in the forenoon, and from 2J to 4J o'clock in the afternoon ; so that I will always be present when they may be there. Rates of Tuition : Primary and ad vanced branches of an English Education, S7 50 per session of five months. Ancient Languages and Ma thematics, 15 per session of five months. ROB'T. G. ALLISON. Oct. 1G, 1851. 4w24 "TFCOUiNTltY MERCHANTST Wm Newell ! &, Son, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, No. 3, So. Water St., Phila., HAVE atwiys on hand, a large and well selected assortment of Groceries Wines Teas Silld Liquors, to which they invite the attention of Country Merchants. N. B. Produce received on consignment. I7t23 T , 11 I II CASH FOR NEGROES, Salisburt, Sept. 25, 1851. THE subscriber is now in market and wishes to pur chase a number of Negroes,! for which he is offer ing the Highest Market Prices ia Cash. Persons wishing to dispose of jhe above named pro perty would do well to call on the subscriber. MYEll MYERS. Communications from a distance attended to. Salisbury, Sept. 25, 1851. , IQtf. To Rail Road Contractors. GILLESPIE on Roads, for sale at the Salisbury Book Store. i Sept. 4, 18 Blanks of every description for sale AT THIS OFFICE. WAITED JX "OH- It. ' 4r 'irnt ttarj 1:1 r-im rv , . j. anJ Sparf V'Peo.i,, !N Gal t. Seru . . nf bc Un. 'rrt GOODS, AT THE RED FLAG. MYERS is now receiving his Fall and Winter JLi. stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY OUUDS, consisting of a beautiful assortment of Ladies Dress Goods 1 ot the latest and most fashionable Btvl magnificent lot of liltilbroirloi Gil r n a a most Lace and Muslin Capes, Collars, Sleeves, Cuffs. Cambric and Swiss Edgings and Inscrtings, Thread Laccs and Edgings, Infants Needle Work ed Robes and Waists, Hem stitched and Emb'd L. C. Handkerchiefs, also Hose ries, Gloves, Shawls. Black and colored, plain and Watered Silk Mantillas ; also Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Kentucky Jeans, Satinets, Tweeds, Flannels, Linseys, Kersevs, Blank ets, Whue Goods of all descriptions Marseiles Quilts Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, Irish Linens : also a lot of Gold and Silver Plated Girandoles, and II an (Nome Embroidered IVItiliii WINDOW CURTAINS. Persons wishing to purchase any of the above arti cles or any article usually found in a City Dry Goods Store, are requested to call and examine my stock, as I am determined to sell greater bargains than ever E. MYERS. SaUsbwryOct. 9, 1851. 23lf NEW AATENT" AND H. II. BEARD & SON, Fashionable Tailors and Clothiers, HAVING entered into Co-partnership for ihe pur pose of carrying on the Tailoring 11 CSS on a more extensive scale, and with ihe view of more successfully meeting the increasing demands of the public in their line, take occasion to announce that they have just received a very handsome and full sun ply of ' READY MADE CLOTHING, selected at the North by the senior partner of the firm, and may therefore be depended on a superior in the quality of the goods and the style and manner of the workmanship, and particularly in regard to the fit of ihe garments. They have also on hand a beautiful and su perior assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres. and Vesting, which they will make up to order, as cheap as can be bought elsewhere. Of course they will be glad to make up any goods their customers may wish, whether bought of them or purchased at other establishments. They also continue to receive the latet Foreign and American Fashions. They have already received the Fall and Winter Fashions for 1851 and '52, and invite gentlemen to call and examine them. H. If. HEARD, JAMES D. DEARD. October 2, 1851. 22tf ALL persons indebted to II. II. Beard, on account, are requested to call and settle between this anJ the first of January, 1852, as the old business muft becloud. II. H. BEARD. Salisbury, Oct. 2, 1851. 22tf NE W F A LL A N LMV 1 N T Eit .AT Spring Grove J 1.1' fs IREDELL COIXTY. BOGEIl & REESE J RESPECTFULLY invite their customers, friends and citizens generally, adjacent to ibe above Store, where we are row receiving a large and com plete assortment of GOODS suitable for the Fall ! and Winter Trade, which we intend to dispose cf on 1 the most accommodating terms to punctual dealers. j We deem it unnecessary to enumerate the articles just received, but suffice by saying, that our stock em- j braces almost every article usually called for in either ' town or country stores. We have also on hand a large stock of best country made Linsey Jeans and Wool Socks. We will take in exchange for Goods shelled Corn, Oats, Wheat, seed Cotton, Flax Seed, Tallow, Bees wax, Wool, ccc, ccc, at ihe Market prices. f5Gif THE subseriber having proved the Will of the Hon. ' James Graham, and qualified as the sole Kxecu- j tor thereof, both in the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, of Lincoln County, and before the Ordinary's Court of York District, South Carolina, hereby requests , all persons indebted to the estate of the said Testator, 1 to make payment without delay, and those having i claims against the same, to present them within the pe- riod limited by Law. In my absence from the State, Dr. J. D. McLeax, will act as my agent in Gaston County, and in York District, S. C, L. B. Brtax, Esq , in Rutherford, and C. C. Graham elsewhere. WM. A. GRAHAM October 27, 1351. pd4t2G MW GOODS GOODS 4 s OF iN & SQXj Cot"Pr,in g ffen. 5 UU(JIS, to atjJ ,, er 00- 18 Place FALL STOCK, 1851. IT E are now in receipt of our Fall and Wi.ter , oS comprising every article of Foretrn and Domestic DRY GOODS, usually brought to this market ; Hirdwire and Cutle ry, K10, Java and Mochi Coffee, Loaf and Brown So gars fine green and black Tea, Clotnsand Cajsioiere Ready Made Clothing, Bagging and Rope. ' Ilats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Rail Road Tools, Black Smith Took, fire proof Paint, White Lead. Oil, Glass, Hemlock Leather c Purchasers visiting this market would find it totbeir interest ,0 call and gamine our large ar.d de.irable Stock bought for cash exclusively, which we will t at wholesale or retail at unprecedented low prices. J. F. CHAMBERS, At CO. Salisbury, Oct. 30. 1851. 26 Fall and Winter RnnnliPQ f ..ww. UMWW I 185. THE Subscribers have received, and are yet receiv ing, the, r FALL, A.D WLKTJGK STOCK OF GOODS, consisting of every variety of articles suited to the wants of the public. Ladies and Gentlemen are invi ted to call and examine iheir etock of DRESS GOODS, which is larg'-r and superior in style to any of their for mer stock?. They cannot fail 10 be suited either in quality or price. They would ask the attention of La dies especially to their stock of BLACK SILK MANTILLAS, price from G to 15 Mereno Cloaks from 821 to .$25 Silk Velvet do. from 10 $35. Tkee st superior aitirlrs of the very latest stylet. Also a large assort inent of Black and Fancy Dross Silks, Honncts, Ribbons, Flowerf, HaU.Capi, Boots and Shoe, and READY MADE CLOTHING, Groceries, Hardware and Cutlery. 2j' Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. JtUOWN, FRALEY cV CO. Salisbury, Oct. 1G. 151. 24tf Medical Department of HAMPDEN SIDNEY COLLEGE, Uichmoml, Virginia. THE tuurteen:h annual course of Lectures will commence on Monday, the '.UU of October, la51,and continue until th firft of March ensuing The commencement for conferring degrees will be held about th inidd.e of Match. R. L. !!! ann an. M . I) , Profesor of Obstetrics, &.C. L. W. Chamdeki.avne. M. I)., IWessor of Materia Medico, c. S. M At'rt.N, M. D., Profror of Chemistry. Ctts Blll Cibs'jn, M. I) , Prof, of Surgery, kc. C. P. Johnson, M. I) Professor of Anatomy aod Plivio!oy. D. H. Tkkjh. M. D. Professor of Theory aod Practice of M dinne. A. E Pj:tt("I.a. M. I) , l)rtnonf rator of Anatomy. Th" ficilitK s for natoiinr-al and Clinical instroc tion in thi intitm:-ri are Lrsurpasned. EXPENSES. Mitrir-uiatioii fee g5 Professors (-fs M'rejay, $ 1 05 Demonstrator's fee 1 0 Ura. djation f-e fti.'i. Th pr:c- f.f Board, including fael, lights and ser vants attendance i u-ually 3 or 3 per week. The Catalogue, ic, containing fuller information concerning plying for it cIk! Mill I- forwarded to thooe sp- or specific enquiries will fee answered by ietter. Address 7w.4 .MAI PIN. M. D.. Ian of tb Faculty. Beebe's Fall Style Hats, 1851. T IJR subcri'er ha j-jm received at his Store, The Stsn of t Ae lUil few cases of Bee- be's Fashionable Fa. I styie Hats 20 E. MYERS. Fall and Winter Clothing, Salisbury, Sept. 18, 1851. E MYERS is jot in receipt of a most splendid . Lot of Fall and Wm:er Ready Made Clothing, Consisting of the usaal variety. He thinks it tuelesa to enumerate. Persons desirv: r,f being convinced of the p?ace to buy bargains, wnl call at the 20 Sign of Ihe licJ Flag. TO THE PUBLIC. I HEREBY notify the public, that my son, John Me.CIelland, has lirty to trade and transact any kind of business on his own responsibility, and that I aiu not considered as bcind for anv of his contracts. ALFRED C. McCLELLAND, Salisbury, Oct. 20, 5w25