0 v THE CAUOLLM WATTIUm. I ' ti on - l"r ypnr' 1 Dollars payable in J ; nrfijv '"j n),i ngid in advance, Two Dollars i ...rrf. . ' .1 i . -I I I. "..rrf. "Jt ' ... . ' L I 1 -! rents V ' VxTs ii. trf,J " ' "or t,ie first, and 2j eta. .r1711 'ftfr enct puk'1u',nlineriion. Courtorders ri '"j1 r C(iii. higher than these rales. A lib Urf i!,nn to ibo v who advertise by the year. ru ... (.Mifor must be post paid f - . i ur u'"- I trill "n for the Ululated Family Friend. or ir. -tff ntur n " pan"--UBeIc" rrow, Mf ,he j"3' l',at " l0"tJay j ,,i,ik-jrhajm a bright " to-morrow," V,!I fbw t"cvin-s aJI uway. fnrro'' come, not bright for trxe Wukf to-tty" paw idly on, VhiC' wkea lhrir eyM lhey c,o8e' ' Wheih'f iucecw bo near, or gone ; Think of' w to","rro',l yulh, Vh art Piarting oh bfe'n way, lt y,ur act b" lm: ' trutfi - u if " M u " t-4,ay-" sjb:!? rfainir.; upon fame, fnw, ii;iCt, H uch things ; fj.it thu from tbec fur thy name, Yuiu ihy .luily labor fpriujs. y,,,, mrl fj)f:ulclh forth afar, I,w l iiMi'rr iis place of birth ;) T.li u i?!lU'" ,,'i0 a star Xlif of "'f suuh of earth. Tjiw wi re,y Lrin' hg "a'l ' ()f.waJ, to titm: who work ; Oai't'iy actions but by reason, ' Xwth'ii thy duty shirk ; nd l'n " t'-t,ay" an y a morrow, hil! liiJJ' ii i" " the past," ra1 f'm" l',e cnrc wr w'"'niv, J, d.Tctl from work at lust. II ' I i II II I I is i 1 S t J ii i n II II i x i a . Hipy A ; WATCH M A N J. J. BRUNER, Editor 4 Proprietor. " Keep a check upon all vor RCXERS. Do THIS, ASD LlBERTV IS SAFE." Gen' I llarriton. he could obf ,L , . 3fisinciorv answer the important mti tt.nsvier lo when he hH Jl.. T. and ne 3hi::uC?,V.ered'.in confirmed nn nf , W"?. occasnaI indica tions of impaired intellect'. ,r A shadow seemed to rise xuuUf ,hur lhought8 ad turn toAearinesa1 AH bhMful hopes and sunny memories." She was no lnnrvr . tlie younir neon e of ih :..uu. : , I SCf .. "e. y. uncommon' rr-'V cu useu ,n triumph over her - r-.wW... UKr lamer thoucht -i j .CH,uc uer lor sin, and her ! Hcp-mother said some cutting words a- I fcl,hte. dSCe h" coct had brought heart reminded her with the assurance tfeat one false step in life might be e 1. Thus was the lily broken in its bud d ng beauty, and its delicate petals blight e l by harsh winds. - b J'?1 thi pressing atmos. r-.u or neglect and worn: but fnrtn. I wac r" TrS"'?' cnok n tieiy with less kRPrvn.ec t " . , , " s'5"eu, ana lell faint. 1 rW, hkve doiiP. hrn.. .1" "r:r now what I did. I awoke nn rZ " SALISBURY, N. C, THUTCTTp NEW SERIES. VOLUME VIII-NUMBER30 i EUZAHETII WILSON. DV L. MARIA CHILD. TV ft.Ilftwtntj Ktory i founded upon facts whicli oc- i J ....... lalti'T (tart I if llw oirr)itcn.U hi 4iumi ' ; ". " -"'"mii century. i, vm iiil'f't are utill in tho memory of many "lUiabitaatswf '-'hester county, rennsylvunia. , Concluded.) AH summer long, he came Sunday af. Iirnoon; and with him came moonljght ilVsnd flute warblings, and tender fhispcriRgs, and glances, such as steal twav woman's heart. This was the iry'.!afld of her young life She had tmeUfy now into whose eves she could szp, with all the deep tenderness of her jl-jI, ard ask, "Do you love your ovvn ,n) r Thc-young man di J love, but not as she ;vedbim; lor hcr's was a richer nature .iJ gave imorc than he could return. He' f:companied her to )icr father's, and they eregc&erally understood to be betroth KJ. Hebadhot seen her brother William, kthewas told a thousand affectionate Srfcdotes.of his kind and good heart. JVn'tJiey rcturnfd from the visit to the Weadtfcey brought with them the Mt blue bench marked W. and ff. Lizzy proud of her genteel lover ; and the fly drop whicli it novv ,seemcd possible I add to her cup of happiness, was to poduce him to William. But her bro irrwasfarolf; and when thrf antumn Jme.Jer betrothed announced the neces W wg to a distant city, to establish tali in business, h Wfts a b fcrpartipg to both. The warmest letters k ruuicoiu sunstitute for those happy brsof mutual confidence; and after a a. e, his letters became more brief and IV f rl,VT' lhe yng man was , jova,nto,el deeply; and among his lointhecity.saytung JoJ looking widow, with a small fortune, nocariyevmced a preference for him. M Prel;:r-ed, by a woman of any t fab .If qunlaies, is what few men, even i it;?tflmrnctcr'Cftitlstand. 01 thfact. and expe- jceu,thrrgard to the most deligate geptable ,noUe8 of expressing pre 'nit i " -m.r expres rnakes-a widow equal to twenty ; cr women." Lizzy's lover was not i;-8 aractrr. andhe was vain and - j ill i iv i ii n i i) r r -i i . . - iiiririore. mat a In those dais th al between sentence and execution than at present. The fatal day and hour loon veZ n,d S"" " m from ?he g0 hev'sJ f Srmed i undand what the said to her, and turned meekly to obey their orders U.,T. V3 '. vvhen he had ,SZ ' " ,.ne I dlv. Razed on the litilVM.,! uif L SM: I she could safelf trUr secTetTtV 1" ! v H-W i, am I 'U'.h!ar'.: s.he with a supped ! SriL. Vhe" ,he' o.'" "er no. a shod- "..ci, as ir sue frp tk " r , i 1 -c'cu io co over Iipr. nn. hr. i. ,c sun paier. whisper, as if sr:;r aPr nivn l . r, auunu 01 h - 'wivr, -t-te U1U It. 1 he father,' she replied. J ; Did you not know he meant to do it?' He Ifllfl mo k i i w r riCR nana mr. ct I . .. vuai Jit" " u i n u aiiii ir cp a k; i i - glass humr! on th wVli . ,Tm Pu'scs. His los r his fm li ' " and as she raised her head, she saw the ff ,eVulJlIe r his death society has been little curl that had received her mother's I i 'tf ,f activeand valuable mem caresses arid trip firCt i,;,o . . i 0er- Ualetrh Stadnr,t i rv i ill if ii'n i i . lt t 1 w vrV. V 1 I I f I , a ookoI the most intense agony, she gave DEATH OF RICHARn hivpc We record, with feelings of regret the death of the Hon R;k- u: J 5 . . Mnn,u...r.. P . al h,s residence, on menial reie&rch : b. in.,-. " 1 llnZ i nn"nooP ,ast' art" protracted ! eal; instead of finding hV uh imV Tfc "S illness, in about the Oflfh v r 1 il, , . '" u,,,m rbu' m M lT. vji uu nirp. r. Hinps rpnrconi.,i r.. . Po. i" mru ior one term the "MW ,arge continenn i Lidgecombe DistriAf ; tu t.L r mra . , I rr --"" iuc iuiu congress! """"'"""nKnown. oftheUnited States. The, have however conferred gal lfi,, nrr! V lS agenl,eman of "greeable man- i n ,ho- f"ow ,heir ,rack,.', Thev hare ners good conversational powers, and was I f ff d Ph-"laWi.hed grea, foci Jf light, characterized by generous and kindly irn- I Warn '9or9 of what ihey need Dti spc IT c lc l- .. . . 1,11 no attemtf ... . . . . 7 . .. r ' " eiu mem in attaining Tor. ther discoveries And so e,ren,innru, INAUGURAL ADDRESS REV. E. F. ROCKWELL, - rtor- or KATViAL KltXCE. Delivered before the Board of Trxuleet of Dandson College, August if ' Gentlemen of tiik Boaud or Thcstees. T, . .. ,n AXR RESPECTED Al'DIEVCK 1 he field 0f phr.iral SoJ u..., it comprehend, he U :na'",' ,or i . uuiictsr, tor veal ihistoman. and . . . it under ,he domain 1 he prosecut.on o .hi,, much has done bu, much remain, ,o he .ccomplK Sublime, useful and brilliant discoveries hare been mad by ,he laboriou, efior.., and the per evennff dili2ence of ik ;f..-4 - r -r ' puing .k.-p.th or b.v;;.77;ndT, menial rPiPil, . u... . . . "peri. ne regions exn orpd fr,- . Kri.r i Hiau rainer tnovrn 1" !IiC con,'rn, ,ie bejond-bow much and give me snm. ml. T.. m ! a look of the most intens, asked himfnr ." "VV"! Pul u'"en 1 j a loud ffroan. and hnrvinV k rll ' :5 l ' i -i i . """t-iuinK to suonort t ho i i ., j o mte in ner , children, he wasanKry. and choke'd them r 'C" forwarl un lh of the l L i . ....woo iua i ?sie WOUhJ hkve done, before the brain was s.ul,ified ana heart conp-pnl .l ? lv rtme ana sor- kJUC,lu longer showed much feel row. Jg about anything, except the little blue firit Every mm r.. v i . trom household du mes lying among the-bushps ' What is his namp nnA i , ... urre uoes tie live .: t r . wv'" "wtn uouseno a au- 4 Uh don't act . r i tips, she wou d retire to hnr liti i a- , k Ine 1 ouSht not to have i . . uci utile room abd seated on this bench, would read r' iL fc Su 8 wn,cn rushed her lov ing heart. She would not allow any per sn to remove the bench from her bedside, or to place a foot upon it. To such inan imate objects does the poor human heart cling m us desolation Years past away monotonously with Bhzabeth.; years of loneliness and labor b me yoong men, attracted by her beau-' tf. and emboldened by knowledge of her vveakness, approached her with a famil larity which th r .l n , J 'k"" ui uairerv. Lm their nroflifraov wc tnn w:i.. eq to Oe uan?erous tn r. f l ... bhe turned coldly from them all, with feel- Tv u,oi anu weariness. When she was about twenty-three years old, she went to Philadelphia, to do house hold work for a family that wished to hire her. Important .evenly followed this change, but a veil of obscurity rests over the causes that produced them. After some' months residence in the city, her health failed more and more, and she returned to the country. She wasstill com petent to discharge the lighter duties of household labor, but she seemed to per form them all mechanically, and with a dpll stupor. After a time, it became ob v ous that she would again be a mother. When questioned, her answers were in coherent and-contradictory. At last she gave tnrth to twins. She wept when she saw them ; but they seemed to have pow ejvto withdraw her mind from its discon solate wanderings. When they were a fe months old, fshe expressed a wish tcj see Philadelphia ; and a lad belonging to the family where she had remained du njng her illness, agreed to convey her part of the way in a wagon. When they came irjto the public road, she tolcihimshe could Walk the rest of the waytand begged him to return. He left her seated on a rock npar a thick grove, nursing her babes. Sjhe was calm and gentle, but abstracted a usual. That was in the morning. Where or how she spent the day was nev ef known. Toward night she arrived in Philadelphia, at the house where she had formerlv lived: Sho sppmpd l'n PI' li o rr rrn n r apd miserable : what few words she said Were abrunt and unmRHnintr n nn nor . I """ ..v uit Cl- tijtudes and motions had the sluggish apa- ' "inic uucs lie mauired ihp Krtu- o. u . . .. u'"in. one eavp h,rn a w,,d look of digress, and said- ' 3SK ,nc 1 ouSh' "0' to have tsVfpr. f ,t l"r,"ure, mat ! njiuut s nnu inonons naa 8 serv ll ?i , ty K'rl who ,iveJ out I tiyof an insane person "Mce, should bfpnmn . , I TVtl i. .. , l,C?'0mo oool and ta t . ""V8 vcr- slow to bo Ich d 'US',a,lJ Wl,e"- last, news itt n".!?l-oll"e refused ehimi ' . . camc not to vindi-i arrested, she gave herself up with the &:ters Ti ' . . csed to answer her skme gloomy indifTerence that marked . - ..ic poor deluded fT I r I ntvnla fall hpr QAtinnc QI-ia , rmmA L The npYt dnv iHptp wao n,mn nflt j ...v.v . uo u i uiiiui (llJWil L . at two strangled infants had been found iijt a grove on the road from Chester. Of course this circumstance soon became connected with her name. When she was arrested, she gave herself up with the i ", 41 e innr .! ...I- I . . u. . - . . " comciomV ,uul" S,rl awoke to I all her actions. She denied having com ttTerfti.n.i: ness ot her misery, and ! fitted ihe murder: but when asked who ,v keenly r' u'relchedness as s le supposed had done it, she sometimes "'Hiamihad pro n5Uurts can sufrer- s mddered and said nothing, sometimes hiheh. 'r to come and see I said she did not know, and sometimes an- Van h . ,,or.llle win,". and her tAi . w"h Peasant and " ww ' f uuu tJUliJ V I I UJUO CI 11 skyered that the children were still living. 7l i . . . . . ynen conveyea to prison, she asked for pjen and ink ; and in a short letter rudely pjenned, she begged William to come to fitarned intnZ ambled, and its 1 her, and to bring from her bed room the r'or!aken- anT 10 was cast 'I1116 t,,ue beh they used to sit upon in toni A shJ a,S' llm,1 was not the the happy days of childhood. He came rful brother s ( V he neck of her a.t once, and long did the affectionate 44tthere was' sn $ r lhc firsttime, j cpuple stand locked in each others arms. 1 1 him "O,net0ing she Conld nnt '(SShhinpr. and ivifhnnt tho r.,w,n t cnnU it vas not until the second interview that hjer brother could -summon courage to ask Jrhether she really committed the crime qf which she was accused. Oh no, William7 she replied, 'you could not suppose I did.' lou must indeed have dreadfully I i ' 1 Uf! uiidi.i e i - r" 6e ,1,. 1 '"'r fetched J' T 'Zr7 He,pitied k ' 11 .h." was no con- tht h, : T 'M't earnestly did xin.J J. f"'1 round With the "?n. he o , "unu so me' must If SSrS'bnt hnlf ' V'" I ' mve,b" 'o her, who ll"rl, 11 alon in the wide CUJ' c r r' SUnlf uf the con- I i, r slile o1 gloomy "difference, snn h.i.r. i" in . " ' """'iu wurr the 'lou rre hot h poor 3 Ve' ,5ut thpy I Ranged, dear Lizzy,' said he5; for you Psts of th u' tenets the ; used to have a heart that could not hurt al kitten.' I T &nr rl in n t ft 1 1 a l- a n a 1 ' oVim a r - m d. but never wanted to harm anything.' Hp tnnh h , , r-j - v the emaciated fingers, and after a strong effort to control his emotions, he said, in a siubdued voice, ' Lizzy, dear, can you tell me who drd do it V She started at him with a wild, intense i;aze, that made him shudder. Then look ing fearfully toward the door, she said in a strange muffled whisper5, Did what?' Poor William bowed his head over the li. - .1 ,L. 1. UIJ : L.: ' . . -liiauu turn nc uciu in uis own, ana vvepi i:i t!u . ine a cnna. During various successive interviews, tbit..- k id r" ; "le:?' e oomy r ..... v., . ' CTS ff n.irkC fe"ces and busy to H-... . .ncu to her ton n..f..i r. lVVhrth to At last. She inerownlifr;: 'n an:'.foralong uuieu in the balance. Km t. i r . "poor sinner. I3ut every body desert,! m . u was very co,d;, had 7body;o;Vrd he was very kind to me.' thCrBU sr'1116 his name rged the bro nl'A T ,nto slrange. mad laugh, picked nervously at the handkerchief she H N her?hand' and repeated, idiotical ly. Aame? name ? I gUeSs the babies are alive now. I don't know-I don't know but I guess they are.' To the lawyer she would say nothing except to deny that she committed the murder. All their exertions could wrin " irom ner nothing story she had briefly told her brother. During her trial, the expression of her countenance was stupid and vacant. At times she would drum on the railing be fore her and starp round on the? crowd with a bewildered look, as if unconscious where she was. The deranged state of her mind was strongly urged by her law yer ; but his opponent replied that all this might be assumed. To the story she had told in prison, it was answered, that her not telling: of her mnrtU of tu- made her a accomplice After the u$u al display of legal ingenuity on both sides, the jury brought her in guilty of murder, and the poor forlorn creature was sen tenced to be hung at Chester. The wretched brother was stunned by the blow that at first he could hot collect his thoughts. But it soon occurred to him, that the terrible d onm mirrht c- ; 1 1 U ! , ,c , o" oiin uc ar rested, it the case r.nnld h K u,uugm ouu- aDly betore the covemnr a r:,: : accordingly drawn up, setting forth the w..v..t.uu ui ine minu to which she had been subjected, in consequence of fits, and the the extreme doubtfulness whether she committed the murder. Her youth, her beauty, the severe sorrows of life, and the obviously impaired state of hef reason, touched many hearts, and the petition was rapidly signed. When William went to her cell to bid her adieu, he tried to cheer uer wun tbe hope of pardon. She listen ed with listless apathy. But when he pressed her hand, and with a mournful smile, said, " Good bye. dear Lizzy; I shall come back soon, and I hope with gjood news,"' she pointed tearfully to the little blue bench, and said, "Let what vyill happen, Willie, take care of Mai, for my sake." He answered with a choked voice ; and he turned away, the tears flowed fast down his manly cheeks. She listened to the echoes of his steps, and vVhen she could hear them no longer, she threw herself on the floor, laid her head down on the little blue bench, kissed the letters carved upon it, and sobbed as she liad hot sobbed since she was first desert ed by her false lover. -When the jailor vjvent in to carry her supper, he found her asleep thus: rich masses of her glossy brown hair fell over her pale but still lovely face, on which rested a serene smile, as if she were happy in her dreams. He stood and gazed upon her, and his hard hand brushed away a tear. Some motion that he made disturbed her slum ber. She opened her eyes, from which there beamed for a moment a rational and happy expression, as she said 44 1 was out in the woods behind the house, holding my little apron to catch the nuts that Willie threw down. Mother smiled at me from a blue place between two clouds, and $aid, Come to me, my child." ; The next day a clergyman came to see her. He spoke of the penalty for sin, and fhe duty of being resigned to the demands bf justice. She heard his words as a mo ther hears street sounds when she is watch ing a dying babe. They conveyed to her ho import. When asked if she repented bf her sins, she said she had been a weak, jerring creature, and she hoped that she was penitent ; but that she never commit ted the murder I 'Are you resigned to die, if a pardon should not be obtained V he asked, j ' Oh, yes, she replied, '1 want to die.' j He prayed with her in a spirit of real human love; and this soothed her heart. jShe spoke seldom after her brother's de parture ; and often she did not appear to bear when she was spoken to. She sat on the little blue bench, gazing vacantly on the floor, like one already out of the body. 1 sheriff. Poor William had worked with a des perate energy of despair ; and the govern or, after a brief Hpat. i , 1 Pnt ; ,u i &'mucu a paraon. j but in those days the facilities for travel- B "e,c iUW ; anu it happened that the country was inundated with heavy rains, -ujwuere impeded his progress Hp Ctnnnn.l . I , . r o HOMICIDE. Samuel Flemmixg, formerly of Vanrey county, but more recenily of McDowell was shot dead by W. W. Avekv, E.q.t in ,he Co," ( iX ?,07an,on' 00 Tuesday evening, (11th inst.,) of last week. We arc indebted to the kindness ohhe Pom master at Morganton for most of the follow! particulars : Flemmi.no entered the Court House about 4 o clock, and Avrnv lfmo,i:.i.. i. towards him, presented a pit0 and fired ; the He stopped neiThVr lb? Io, T o H Z . T, ? ' hindeTlT fldS a"d br0ke" road ,h, h- lh. lo,' r of LTaM n"dh. Cd.h.,S,.t,rgr- Wl,en he came to "d fell and expired in ! ,J ZmlZ'. -a.u.y v,reeK which was usually forda- hip If l.'m. c II . .J 3 auuen ioo nigh to be cross ed, and it was sometime before a boat could be obtained. In an agony of mind he pressed onward, till his horse fell dead under him. Half frantic, he begged for another at any price-mounted, and rode furiously. From the top of a hill he saw a crowd assembled round the place of ex ecution. He waved his handkerchief he shouted-he screamed ; but, in the ex citement of the moment, he was not heard or noticed. All eyes were fastened on the gallows ; and soon the awful object came ...... u.auwu vision, rather of mercies' there are women's garments floating in the air ! There is a struggling, a quiver ingand all is still. With a shriek that pierced the ears of the multitude, the desperate rider plunged forward. His horse fell under him, and, shouting A pardon a pardon !" he roll ed senseless on the ground. He came too OL . V UUUHPPy Elizabeth was dead, ohe had gone to " Him who made the heart, And who alone decidedly can try it Then at tho balance let's be mute' We never can adjust it What's (Zone, we partly may compute, liut knbw not what's resisted." Pale as a ghost, with hair suddenly whitened by excess of anguish, the wretch ed brother bent over the corpse of that beautiful sister whom he had loved so well. They spoke to him of resignation to Gods will. He answered not for it was not clear to him that the cruelty of man is the will of diul PoA,ni.. i i.i-.ririiiiv flllU tenderly he cut from that fair brow the favorite little curl, twined about with so many sacred memories, and once a source of girlish, innocent joy to the yearning heart that slept do calmly now. He took the little bench! from its cold corner in the prison, and, gathering togeth er his small personal property, he retired to a lonely cave in Dauphin county. He shunned all intercourse with his fellow men, and, when spoken to, answered brief- 1 J a1'" auieiiiiiiy. j nere ne died a few years ago, at an advanced age. H Tirol 1 iciiicuiucicu i ii ine region round a mar i UOUl, as WILLIAM, THE H ERMIT. Avery immediately surrendered himself m.U civil authorities and was conveyed lo jii m' SeSsin al ,he ,ime he has prob' ahly Had hit trial before now, and we hope to fiV6 'J'Ve ,he re8,,1, in a postscript. Ie difficulty which has led lo this result ha its origin at McDowell Court, some ihree tfeeks ago. Mr. Averv. as a lawyer, made some remarks in-'the Court House- which t-LEMMiNc. construed as reflecting upon his character. After the adjournment of Court, as Avery was passing Irom ihe Court House to his room Flemming attacked him with a cow hide. Avery was unarmed and unprepared lor the attack, having on his overcoat at the time ; but ho struck Flemming wi.h his fit and knocked him partly down, when he fF.) picked up a rock with which he struck Avery in or about the eye. " Soon after this they were seperated, and as A. passed on to his room F. cursed h.m and lold him he would hht him with " any thing, from the point of a pe'n-knife to the mouth of a cannon." The panics met no more until Tuesday evening of Ut week when Avery, as soon as he saw Flemming,' advanced upon him and shot him deadHs above n . , F;. was armed ith a Revolver, a ow,e kn.le and a spear at the lime he was Killed. He had evidently gone to iMorganion expectmg a rencontre, and probably determined to kill or be killed Mountain Banner. m contribution to ihp sirt.L i i i . v.. iuiii in rviinwruf'p: enlarges the world of mind-Jai universe that lien n uh.n the grasp ol human thought. Thus jn.s great circle of sciences, indissolublr joined, knows no rest. Their law- 9 pro2reLheir mono conquest ()ur view expands, and ,ha s'and po,nt ol to-day may be far in the rear to morrow. And it cannot bo uninteresting to ,op here loi -a few moments and, from that eicvaiion in h.ch the present generation has been carried io look around us in various directions, and sur. ey the ground already travelled over. We will consider this poim of space a, our start S Pint. And what are some of ihe nreat rerelanons made by science which have open ed new viu i ... i . . . , - mau anu cn.argeu toe range of human thought ? tirst, let us notice something around and oeiow us. I here is no great aodgeneral truth more important in its bearing onthe whole sci ence of Chemistry, than ibat of Definite Propor ons, ,n the ingredient, of compound bodies. In fact, Mr. Habbage say, that Dal.on's theory on tbls subject, first exalted Chemistry into ih rank ol a sc.ence. We now know eve substance in nature, not an element i, compos, ed of certain elements in invar iaUe. proportion,. U e sen .hat the Great Author of Nature has followed a certain order and ruUin the creation of he world, and the organization of matter. hen we decompose the simplest fragment of matter, we see evidence of that mind that hath wisdom: we revere ihe work of Cod. And what shall we say fr,her when we look in ihe same direction, and following the lead of the celebrated hrenberg with hi, powerful microscope, we almost discover elementary molecules endowed with vitality? Here is anew world opened beneath our tet ; vast in extent, and as astonishing, both lor muh.tude and the minotencss of its inhabitant., as can well be imagined. I, could scarcely ex nte greater wonder if the globe itself had been penetrated toils centre, and there had been found an interior world with its own central Iu. " w,in IU own race, u( anima,s j plants. Who could have imarrined all matter quick wnh livmg being Who can teJL" how deep progressive life mav po."1 ;f....: Seven Hundred Cannon at one Depot in Bos I ,.cu,lc are,"n(1 so small that 500,000.000 n IInrhn , . 1 OJ: 1 ol Ihem can find amnlrt .n- r... i ton Harbor. For ihe defence of ibis port, and ... Bu,,,,j oi me united States steamers and other vessels stationed here, or built, or to be built in this quarter of ihe country, we are told lhat there are deposited at the Navy Yard at Charlestown, not less than seven hundred can non. They are of the most approved model and description known in million - l each been thoroughly tested and proved 'by the !",g '' a!,imaIs u,'oud with animated artillery officers and engineers of the (ln !,.CP.fantJ lbee no mc molecules Cnvor.m.n.,! r..:. . cens, Out ner ert m iUr .. liuo a. nnmner ol Ihem were i i ...niAauuii, aw cast at the fi,undry at Soith Boston. sm- endowed with the power of muhi.-lication be them cost S1400 each, if not more Were 4 nJ ""'y rue ibat the ' dusi their average price, unmounted, not more than I " T"' nrC u!ive'' h is alive- AVrt 8300 each, the etnpnc l ' , , ' l,epd not resort '0 fi. tion fur stran-c thin-,. fr raA eonnnnn ' . " uu,c w oulu i nil h is si ra n "e r. l-'.v,; r. ' , f rr. v- 'ui'-3 Hum i ne mind ol man, but I ruth from the all comprehending intellect. And who ran i..ll l...t i i. " I the instruments of discovery are improved and exceed 8200,000. Boston Atlas. in a crop ol water? And wl,... r...:i " "i i. uit lusjii (;. mains ot cretaceous animals are found so small hat 40 000.000,000 of ihem only occupy ihe space of a cubic inch and these form vast beds ol rocks both in this country and in Europe?' Hhen the very ice of the Polar seas, and the U9lors ik. i. .a ,uC ot-ans, as well as the fluids of Jit. mg healthy animals abound with animated ex. or and DR. GRAHAM'S ANN1HILATOR. Dr. Graham has been in our village some days and has had a model of his AnnIUMn. 1 '.I I I miiiiiinaiur inaue wun wnicn he purno ti. ... Mississippi without a Governor. Tho. offices I t,,R ot Governor President of the Senate, and Spea- i perfected in this direction, in the ame de-reo ker nl thp llrtn i lew , , M""ri"iit;5, navmg '" ' " m me onrosile, wc 'nav la u , become vacant, the Secretary of State of Mi! i to discern the ultimate :..:. lid a"- ! ,M,PP' has 'sued hi proclamation calling the ! a,1,i count out the panicle, .hat en er into any vWBvv iui.ii r 1111 I P .ltn inaf t k 11 f lliflT t I Hl1 V. . . l .1 - itm c i T ' ,,,a' : r"-... .iiuun uioy are ,n weight and s za dent thereof mav ho rU.-.n i .. mannm,. ,i.t i j ,, ,u criiie me ofhee of Governor until the first day of January Mississippi thus presents the singular spec tacle of being without a Governor till the Sen- resi ate shall meet on the 21th and ln n n d w i irsr Put. Gov. GlION. Who enrrAPiloil in ik . ( . v- v. u,c . . rice, as President of the Senate, on the rena- bio n-rt matter. anu count out the panicles that en ComDonnil inapprccialjle bv anv iiiiriimni. n i - J J ....... 111 F Vi lli J Aii.l when we look at ihe progress of analy. j sis unai do we see ? The anciertu made but . lour elements : Air. Farth, Fire and Water. ; I5ut how great lhc advance made upon that, j when now we. have fifty-six elements when ! more powerful instruments of research aro , brought into use, to separate elemiis in sub j stances that before were Tnrt 9.i),.n,..l,.. , ...cury ; especia liy since. Divy at the i.i.i.ii- oi i ne cenrurv took the lead .... .i. i . . be. more ses visiting Washington soon to uree his ' . ' V Peside"1 of ,he Se"ate, on the re.i, claim for a patent. We have seen the i , , J-'.ITMAX' has 90 construed the model, which is made of tin, and is quite ' IV ,T h' Vtrm ' ffice ' expire wilh simple in its construction. t'hougVVe do ! f. 1 : SV iii i . i . ; tin ui me present month. nnf i""Z i me centurv inr.L- iK i .-.kc .1 ii .. 1 , "'"4.- "iimks me inierregnnm wi orougiu into p v than former a"e tubes and other pieces, and the machine : produce much coon. -Charleston Courier. '' U alchemist,, dreamed of IS complete jT The hardest oiids. even those most proverb. . Ihe Doctor says that he can project) RAIL ROAD ACCIDENT. ; fur ir hard:,..s a, granite and adamant, the gas from his machine to an ordinary Wp lparn rm ,,o n, , , , ' can now l,e resolved into invisible and height, whereas that of Phillips only pe i ' ppT S'S." tad i " f 7 mils it to escape. By means of cocks he : OI1 Friday evenin- ast A?,hn , , maMer' aml ,h mo?t fl,i', can be con. can also regulate the quantity of gas, or wasa abou" ' 7 'ft' ' the real shut off entirely He thinks that with a i 17 miles bdow Aiken, the boiled of The oco ' ' . ' r , , few of his Annihilators he could have : motive James L. Petiru einUled killing tn . C -' a.n', ,!'" ana,...n2 and com. quenched the flames of Moscow in 15 min- ! stanlly, ,t is supposed, the engineer and hiwo 1 2 lu " ' f'l,,Prior !o a!l ..r.nm tU ...u v i i I-.1 1 . o'--r anu nis two jecl matter, however atten-iati-d r,r rfwH u.uuiii me nine wucii iapoieon view- ; assi'iaois, ueing ine oniv persons present t he ; ;. uics irom me lime wnen iNapoIeon view- ; assistants, being the only persons present. The ed it and pronounced it the grandest sight engineer, Mr. Scholle, has always sustained a he ever beheld. j reputation for sobriety and steadiness, and has The arlvntairpc rf T dn n r .. - .--r, v. u i . wi,nn.i.ii a Wirt- chine over that of Philips' are many and important. It is more simple in its con struction, will project the gas, regulate the quanitity, and, he says, will extin guish fire, which Philips', we see, will not. We trust the Doctor will realize his most sangnine expectations and the world be proportionably benfitted. Moun. Ban. been twelve or thirteen venm in iK ment of the company. Camden Journal. OCr The Wilmington Journal learns from ! Mr. Fleming, the Resident Engineer of the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Itoad, that ' on the 12ih inst., a section of about ten miles on ihe Soutb-Carolina end of the road was (opened fir freight and travel. The laying of i the iron is said to be progressing with consid. kt y , . ciaujc mpiuiiy. i,amaen Journal. TK 'Rptt loK mail cf on m cnir. n,ni7 - M w iy. .viou 111.41 I OttCklU SUII VUIIUUU that should have left Liverpool on the 1st Tl m " ,T , inst. for Halifax. left that port on the 28th I ii""!"1 rumored m. ington that i c at tt i .1 , '"r "lBn:u is soon to re ire Irom ihe Cab - ult. for New-York, where she arrived on n-, .u., r rr-Tr..- ,k V o j .. .L is , .. ) ne'. nat .Mr. C ri rTENDEX, the present Attor- Sunday morning, with the Africa S mail I ney General, i, .o.ake Mr. Webster's place and passengers. The Baltic, however, ar- ; as Secretary of State, and that Ritus Cho vtk rived the same morning brought four days I is to be Attorney General. rived the same morning brought four days later intelligence. At the latest accounts rope rius was dangerously ill, and rumors were current that be was dead. Austria denies the right of France and England to interfere in the Germanic confederation. sub. tk;, spiiit that moves our tower. ran nt.Mml... d"epet arcana of nature, and interpret her pro foundest mysteries. Lnt another Davy ari-e : It mantle of Sir Humphrey fill upon one non- born ; lei ome ol the old ch-mi?s return, and with ihe improvemr-nt rnide ince they !ept irj death, let them run their race ar.ew, and what mi"ht we no: expect ? Some, yea, manr ofthoseub. stances now reckoned elementary, might be again resolved. And what limits "shall we put lo inventive genius, when we see ihe god of light, ihe real Apollo, at ihe bidding ot' man em ployed to paint miniatures; dipping hit pencil in his own liquid li2hi. and forming images to the lile, beyond all human skill ? When we see the whole country, not to say ihe whole clole, connected lojelher with a vast net. work of metallic nerve, and thee trembling wnh ihe passage of sensations, carrying ihoughlf on Ihe lightning' wing and with ibe speed al- . i i :. . i . J. i . . . . musi ui iini ;T wnen this wonderM and mys- is to be Attorney General. Everv human beinc bn t--.,lr 1 ryon within: duties to perform abroad ; ; He.on VwU'313- L""h" influences to exert, which are peculiarly , ItT. r,nt esnm-v ,n a. the remits, his, and which no conscience but his own ie-000-13.rK1 " i .,-.i"Hira;!Pfr for the P! Can teach. ! f ?" f r,ertric,''v OVff rc ; a grrvr velocity had : brrn aij-rifj br'.ore .

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