ft r!iT S '-fl i I i it ff4- li PPP '..''If I ! - , '! J". r' I r tf the rrceeding of the 1 ffiMMerto'4iib: most VVrwe- wiice there is no prp.; ,1 Air .! . i - !1 ' jkti that sucb a .own as.Fayette- iSfj)W'T7r.ii-..v1 il. nart ! j us i J H.-1V and hour 7 1 felted UK!T " v '. i . . Snlisburv was singular in "thi proceeding of her f f! T feri& coyejeif betivcen theirs ol ff; ai )Le Ircglar. meetings of, the teii 4n'y H m J " r anl 1?&ttXihskitnilt " secret socte. " i::v&KbliJ affairs. r .TELEGRAPi Reported for The stfram rived at New. 11 ef FKehas ar. 0ring,fte Idafe from II Saf Francisco, W thy 15rbTl 08 fit jiav:un:Mail;a gexcy for the been of was like- WLforW Uan a fcitizen of anot- that it is Wrong;, ine Agent Ml&i;Te&ident. of be State, not ffould h$Te au ine aa vantages Dtaflfe. hejable more readily to 'Mirrors in the mail administration S t1e'State,ind more likely to expe- jjjj.hver Pe "friuus inierseci R - -.Lv'iii-totWin all ihft honors arid JirtftUH .BU'" rT I. ------. r Lsiitjepviclf may be assign to tided to race icaq ue uas uuuerio re ncar with thd Patriot in the t. firtiM' had shown a want f n Wjr mia sitod: tne ij We should really ;leel t hat wn a want of to look alter this i m p ropri ety of sucb so obvious that we in ami .i I iVp.ns should it send a : . - a "i a. m a. r r tardly believe but there is some mis- yew to.repoi b Sererat- communic or must excuse us ions c?nilted this TbTOses W'hio CbNVENTioN.-t-The FiriTcl?ee ba?e called a Slate Conr &a'!fi.Niille 1Kb second Mondavi in riruarVoeitJ for fl!6 pabosevof' appojiiiing .Wfifn &a U bi Katiohal Convention and toidngiElectorsl or thcState at large. IA Lottery .fender in Maryland, i he&tls. ohe of bis late adver- Tkelwo greatest: He roes of the present iiyareGeoefal Kossuth and Emory & Co; ineis was 'done vesterdav 1n.ei. rtir Ilpusi? If Cbflgress of moire than or f;nary Consequence; More than the-usui ilnuer p ;merriorials Were preserrtrdi serjulido$4 i 'The subject of dis4 cossioiiinlhg ; Senate - was a proposition ppoyte :fdr!.tfaeTpi ntin. of the Seventh-4 jieosor w haveinpt room in this: paper oporof tlie proceedings. It will liaiouli iiexiNati Int. of the 1 3th. SfffPtfDd utwdeteintaepHouse of RebresentatiTes tjy japproprialion, on encart iodemnii ast.;Mr. Bavlv kw yflH!. jViend "Ooin Alabama, Mr. ' tat;he his: naconceotion of the num. iOSiduOUS PI1imipa'-hA: will hava at ika tkiiiflelti; tor ejerj man who had JWtae 14 tftubdeMheireasr)whlch;it will SMNSn-iwilJ; recollect Upas long .MM tbet Will tise everv oDDOJrtuniiv . . i. . " - . , II . J m Xseaai ' as they caniio, that MIGRATIOH t6 CALIFORNIA; ! rWMorth Carolina, Consisting pyawot white men: an H itnn w-v r& nr. i fS !i r.i .. llS'S111 representaiire orth4 JS?JJ .District T l Wonder if thi -T-woe cl ed Mr li.v.i, 11 .Ration ... 4 ti . - . : f : . r iiiiviui us 110. . 4 ' received a Hornet Ironi What has be; DDI5G FOR STATE BONDS nrl th Stat? bnd. recently UniM..n wmaj m tne Dresi it of the The to pei cent. was about rs, mostlv bv citi. Mr.' Courts immfdlatIv eiSlate. ttnnt wnoie.amoi ff Ik1?" l,he "esslul bldders. -Wu? f! ftr Ml Pourts. r. WQ one excem itm. hv Vitl fiifrin. rJ.7..fi,,e ! an? we learn also the 'jW fcr.Mbat officer has thus far reJ tato in nrfminm t ...J S f"r the in,! . inProiiunw belweerf two lsari ' lwentJ-fie hundred. dollars. I ( I. ! .M I " the H.f., I .l-'i ; -- '!-!-1 - Win i 8WU Of Massachusetts wliirK fKSSS M10 0n Wednesday lH,ry 5lb?Sl Coan,ioL was elected wwir!t ar', was chosen Speaker of r,that,CVrr'n.,on heretofore M J' -- - - of the nrvrs- rtowpfti7w"n,Ble, of that State linder "wi trip r. bother year. iYa. nr. dented prosper ty, HThti Indian trhnhr troops disbanddj t Busing xljibits no improvement irj prices, m wnleqlence of lbe;Wis :b(n& Pterstbikyd. iThe re poKsTeUtive to eibvof jmniense "t? p ui kvhi isearij lle Mar Dosa County. afeScohtradiA if 1 who n Mer to be m6re; cef aln df Vrotefi. -beredomgUtot Wthan ; hree xfebk3 Iftr Bisiery U imvu tuat uver fa.iut iuwi l ill'. LTiMOBfe. Jan. 10J c NMteiorjjsiitanlay was firm, aod thred tfioQsantl bales wfcr0 sold. Tbe sales of tfiq week iamblint lb tifteen thousand : bale$. l ill SAVASifin, Jan.! 11.1 l The steamer MagrioUai Ciapfi iMejjfulty, ex. ploded her boiler at SUSimdiisi.ridanJr U vii. u a-uernoon. jvapU. WCWutljf dyi And eleven Haiids we re kille lied. Afllhn nia. sepgerstwere sayfed, I John Austin, ike enin. ee, of New Yotki and ten toth'e'ry were injured. The whole of tfejforward Dart? of th? bftt 1 . i 1 l. ,i 1 m rr , blown out, and the ezptesion. 11 5. ne 8unR in j - i l 1 r' IThe' 4,539. ieh !miniites after deaths m Baltimore In 1850 the number ii ! ilfi were 679. last year were imber Was 4.625. In 1849, 4;576. Deaths by consumorion last vear - i ' I- S : 1 M ..I 1 10. Oeleans. Jan. On Saturday Xhree thousand bales of Cotton were sbjd in this rriafket,! an prices closed firm. Rid Coflee has Jlecljiae l. Tlie sales of the weiek comprised fifteen thousand bags at Irom 7 itd 8 lepuj jThe tyo& dji tlnd a- mounts; to eighty-fivlef ihdusand jbagsil I 1 he ship Lehrntti Storey Iboundi hehce for Liverpool, withl afcai-go of i27Dt) bale 4f Cot ton, has bilged ii the South West Pass. jTtere ai;e ten- feet ql water in her ho have gone to hH assistance. The; Cotton tnarkel on Saturday closed: very firm. The sales of the iweek comoriae 850 bales aliSl a 55fbiIiiferior! & a 6' for drdi. nary j'lt a 7J jor! Middling ; 7 a 7J for Good $owj i' 1 Jan.; boats 11. ; ( A tragical affair occurred here on Saturday; niglt about eleven o'clock, an omnibus driver of thername of Johb Sloan having been stabb ed witji a dirk ni e breasi. An inquest was held over his body this VSuiidaly) morning, anrf the juryfiretur ried ai verdict to the effect ihath deceased came; lb his death in a wound inflicted by a knife J. M E, bharpe. i: i inter in Cincinnati has consequence of in tbe bands ot nainted an ea?le so natural mat 11 lays two epgsi a.day. ; No; one learns to think by getting rules for thinking, but by getting materials for thought. b . Mi4i--: V ;'! V) . ;.l -i : if vou nut two neraona to fdeen io the same nrdpm,itneolfwhofjrr;ha8 jliel tootn acbejand (he otherjs injldyej yooi will find that the person Who, has thVpothache will gb:to slep 1 first. ; It is said ita a small piece of Irisin'dipped in the water which i plced jn a Vessel on a stove (not an open! fire-place); Willi add a. p jcu" 4iar property ,to( tlje , fjt.mospire .d'tbe room, which will give ;grpat relief to persons trbu tiled With lLcougbJj jT6el.Heal of ibe stdve is suffi. cieol to throw dfTjlhe aroma of the! rosin, and ctves the same relief that is anorded.by tbe eombuslion of the i-osin. Thjs is preferable to combustion, because ihe evaporation is more durable. The same rosin weeks. i 1 may jbe used for TORNADO IN MISSISSIPPI. orm I :n.l.,-".-,i . For the Watcbai ! ANIMAL HEAT Every one, who reflect si it all lt know tbtt ijj-'peat in jour OUl clothing doe owies, but mere ly helps us to preserve wh4t i generated within ineajlhaijiii cold 4ia fbff we need for this purpose! an article ojre si that; is: a good non-conductor of heiait, that (will neither permit the air toj son in Jcjootact itb tbfe skin, nor; the heat to pass through it into the air to be carried r,fT. But ill hot U'fnthp ! iva nd just the op(4site ; fbV it is our object to get rid of the heat then, as; il if tpf preserve It in wniier.-' CCfeKossutb dirteri with! the President on tbe 3d;; X pr tbe Balti morel Sun, says was ratnera cold atlair.'" m T 0 OriSaturdaythe 31st ultimo, a terrible s passed over a portion of Missiasippl, demolish ing (Milhouses, tim,beri fencing;, and:every thing else! Id its - track, which was several miles in widtb? .;? ft '.V;:r:.j!4:'v:k;.il--::.' f One of the moll distressing calamities con. sequent upon: its visitation happened on 1 be plan tation: of Drl W4 &l PoindextejJin Njoxubee county. Hit dwelling house; wasi completely prostrated, td-getber fvith sevenjof his seirvant's cabins and other outtuildings ; buLjwbaiU still more lamentable, Mj-s. Poindextesr, the Pr's. wife jjand M fs. P,!, the -mother dfW; Rj. foin -dexttr, Principal I fit the sjFertiajo Institute, Geofjg;e, soniof Capju Jarhe Pojinexteij, Ind a negro boyMere'witanllyjkilled.f.'everil other menihers oftthe family were! aeirejrely injured : TbeJDr. had bis shoulder distlocited, and others their ilimbaf krp'kenJ i j ; ; :f; n. riljor Geln. iSeott,! we scef it stated, honored Kossuth with a call pn NewpTearls day. While there; Gen. paltafcaiae- in; and gdipg up to Gen. Scott; in bis usal! puffy ojiannejr, exclaimed, ypl Genera), areou prepared io leadj a bun lred thousand brave Americans to Hungary; to assilt)ur friepdj thel Goveitior V 14 S'r' re plielJrGenerallScoiiiiklrawin hijmtself upj to the beiflht of his stately person,!? I (aim prepared to lead imy couritfymep wherever Coigress1direcis; meld gol" Tbe; jaftswer jwaai ibat ofja -true American, and worthy "the: hero of a hundred UalUCS. MX x ! i (jCr The; Iouse of Delegates, of tbe jand f Legislature, I b a yote of; pQ to passed a re solution tfisavoving Ibe doc intervention. Mary 6, has rine of Maine follow 1 The Hodse of RepresenativjBs of the Legislature?, oh the 10th inst, passed the ing je solution! by a tote of 84 to 34. ; j , :) ; f .. I ' -1-."- i ; Resofyed, That we earrtstlj desire that the Government dfihe United Staes may ejieTtj an influence in cane Wise and proper manner against all such! intervention a$ was practised by Russia ajrainst Hungary, during the strug gle of the Jailer with Austria. miles this side A lady who fives! about Uen li of sundown, aays hat her boys are the niost ten der, hearted children ahe ejser liw. She fays if she asks one. of them to .draw a pail of water he Instantly purats into te$rYt! a jit is well known tool tbatibe heat of the bu man system is, in health, iif ' all jjarts of the wprld, in cold as well as in hotclrmates, at what is marked on thecomrion Thermometer, Blood Heat ;" or 98 degrees much above the ordinary summer temperature.! How is( this kept up t You keep the hoMse trial the Spirit lies in warm, just in the same way that ypu do the one that the body lives in. You burn car. bpn in tbe wood in your fire place I or stote to obtain heat Tronvit : soyouldo in jtlje lungs 1 for the same purpose ; only ypu! do the latter with out ever thinking of it ; or faking ny care to PriVjhe; fuel on the firer; except wbea youitake yonrfood. No one can probably explain all about the mode in which vital warmth is kept up. In fact it is a mystery Slow the consump. tjon of fuel gives out hieat.lbut we knowj the fact that the measure of heat is In nroDortion to; the amount off carbon consumed i sp it lis in the other easel But if the beat is all made in one spot in the body why is not lhat organ, and tbe parts near it much hotter than other parts ? Just as the fire place or stove is bolter jtban pther places in ibe room t ;Perhaps this ould be the case if this was the Only cause of beat ; bit then we must remem,bef how jrapidl the blood circulates through the heart and lungs. When all the blood in the! body pisses through them many times in an boor; and the jheart beats tAree times, during, one respiration ; so that the beat does not accumulate there, but is carried off into the system where it is needed, by tbe blood. . : . Bui to meet .this supposed difficulty, isomie say the oxygen of the air does not all unite with the carbon to give out heat in tbe lungs ; but that it is taken up by the blood and ckrried into the circulation, and that it unites with tbe carbon to give out its heat tn diflVrent prls df the system as It, is wanted. That is nearest the urface, to' meet the chilling influence of the external air, an of the perspiration df the skin which carries off beat, and prevents too great an accumulationJ For when tho pores of the skin are closed we have a fever. Id this latter case, '.where the carbon and oxyuen unite in tbe blood,, of course tbe car. bonjc acid is carried back to the lungs and breathed out. This idea does not differ from tbe One advanced in Turner's Chemistry, page 765; wbeie he speaks of the oxygen received at the kings carried by ja compound of iron, to eveify'part of me body : add the animal heat arising from the oxidation of the worn out tis sues of tbe body that have been replaced! by the blood. The old matter? then, that has perform ed one office in tbe systetd, and is worn; out,1 is yet good for fuel, and when burnt (or which is the same thing united to oxygen) helps to keep up the beat of the body. ( ! j We have alluded toother supposed in flue n ces in this case. Que! of these, is nervous in fluence; there is some similarity to a Galvanic Battery, which produces heat. And then again, the conversion of liquid blood into solid flesh and bone gives, out beat. If you melt ice, wh cb is solid water ;; j when ydu have given it 140 degrees of heat and have just me lted it anc no more the water has the same temper, alure that the ice bad when you begun.! Then if you freeze it again that same amount, of heat must be given oul before t can become solid. So it was formerly said that the blood in turn ingj to fiesb,jand so on in; the body, gave out some of its heat that assisted in maintaining the same temperature always. ' The cause first mentioned' however is the! one! chiefly relied on to explain the phenomenon of animal heat. i ; i C HEM IE. NORTH STATE LODGE, No. 26, 1. O. O. F. Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God in! his Wis dom to remove from this earth our ; beloved Brother, P. G.J Albert G. Oterma, -I j r Resolved, That wbilst with monrnfnl solemnity fau the Words on our heart 'f all is; o'er" ' and though iew are ready to meet the death of a dear friend andcheer fully say, f ' ' " i' . I i; . Unveit thy bosorri faithful tomb, -Take this new treasure to thy trust And give these sacred relics room,; I To slumber in thy peaceful dust' Vet we can with pleasure recur to the memory of our departed brother, as of one who was aa upright citizen ana gooa neigiiDor, naa gaineq ine. connaence 01 nis ac quaintances, and occupied a high stand in the business community his pleasant manner, kind and friendly in tercourse, shed a general influence over, all around him. Resolved, That wSWill long cherish" with fond fkve and affection the many virtues which adorned his; life, and hope his brighi example will, be followed by those be has left behind. ; s; ''! j yRetohed,tht the immediate family of bur deceas ed brother have, our heart-felt sympathy for their irre ps rable loss. . . j j ; Resolved, As a token of the loss we have sustained ai d the grief we feel, we will wear tbe usual badge of mourning for 30 days. r: I Resolved, That a copy of these Resolutions be for warded to thq relatives of tbejdeceased. j 1 Resolved, That the above Resolutions be published in the Carolina Watchman. : i i S '.. , SAM'L HARRISON, N. G. Attest, , I U I . . John A. 'WeikhaWJ Sec'ry. i ' . In this county, on the 14th' instant, by the Rev. Ste phen Frontis, Mr. THOMAS AL RAMSAY, to Miss ESTHER REBECCA McNEELY, daughter of Mr. ILuel McNeely, M . . j j In this county, on Wediwdav the; 14th linst., by the l ev. Samuel Rothrock. Mr. WM. SAERET. to Miss CATHARINE BLACKWELDER, 0 On the 15lh insUat, by Rev. John t. Scheck, Mr. VM. SHUPING, to Miss ELIZABETH WIL- II ELM. : I! : ! i ! it: - $ l I - 1 : ! In Greensborougb, on the 14th instant, MARY APOLLONIA, infant daughter Of Samuel W. and JUary ai. James, age about egnt months ; , JpncsYillc Male and Female - AGADKMIES. Rev. W. o L. VixJEitox JA. M.j Principal. ! Miss MiaoAKET Bast, Principal of tbe; Female De Dartment. i " : b :' I ! I S UR next session will commence on jMonday, tbe. 19th of January. It is important that all young ladies and gentlemen, wishing to enter, be present on tbe first day of the session, or so soon as circomstao- Ices will permit, j :N .,. . f For the benefit of ithe two schools we have a fine ap paratus, with globes and maps to illustrate the import tant sciences studiecM We also bave a welt selected Library, to which all can have access. I ' ' 1 he cost lor board and toiuon, vanes trom $3l UU to 38 50 per session of pre months. Ornamental branches extra : Music $15 00, and $3; 00 for the usel of the French 83 00 Drawing and Fainfoa 5 00. on tbe riano instrument. Yadkin Qovnty, N. C, 33 BARGAINS! HE Subscribers havle forne very desirable Winter ? V , cea Pr,co, variety of other Goods wbich they wish to dispose jof; before Spring, thatthey mT tt room for their Spring Stock. Any persons wishing to buy goods for cash ;or barter, would do well to give jus a calt, as we are very desirous to reduce our stock as low as possible j , We keep com tantly oa haqd l a 'supply of, tin-piaie, beet-iron, j sheet and boltNoppef iron wire for Tin ners use, and for Telegraph and Water Conductors. j :BROViy,!FRALEYkCO. SahsjboryJait.'g, 1852 i 3tf Fall and Wiiter Clothing. ISilie 18, 1851. E lMYERi is just in receipt of a most splendid 1 1 Lo of Fall and; Winter Ready Made Clothing, Consisting df abe usual variety. He thinks it useless to enumerate.: !i M f Persons iesirjous of being convinced of the place to buy bargains, will call at the I 20 j I i Sign of the Red Flag. j i A CARD. ' DR. D. Fv jllORRIS having determined to locate jtn the town of Salisbury, respectfully offers bis professional services to the publiic as a practitioner of Medicine. Hej will be able Jo attend to professional calls by the 1st January, 1852. . December 18, 1851. j j H i 33tf TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. i Wm. Newell &, Son, Wholesale Groeers aod Commlssloa llerchaats, : j No. p, So. Water St., Phila., HAVEJ atays on hand, a large and well selected f assortment of Groceries, Wines, Teas and; Liquors, to which, they invite the attention of Country Merchants. ;'; , N. IB. Produce received on consignment. I7t23 1 GREAT BARGAINS IX DRY GOODS AND HARDWARE. THE subscribers haves a very desirable stock of Dry Goods and Hardwarewhich tbey now offIr at greatly reduced prices. Among the stock is a fine assort ment of fancy Calicoes, bleached and brown Shirtings and Ginghams, black and fancy AlpacasJblak and brown Cloths, fancy Cassimeres, Jeans, Tweeds and Satinets, Vestings, Crape; jShawls, white goods, Sea, Ready Made Clothing, consisting of fine Pants and Sat in Vejsts, business Coats Shirts, Drawers, fancy Gra vats, with mafiy other desirable Goods. The citizens and public are respectfully invited to call and examine and get some of the bargains'. EXNISS. SHEMWELL CO. Salisbury, Jan. 15, lfe52. 437 .i $100 REWARD- THE above reward will be given to any person who will j apprehend and deliver to the subscriber, at Brownsville; Marleboro' District, S. C., his negro boy, who was stolen fiom htm ort the I7lh of December inst with the thief who sole hini. The negro boy is about three years old- light complexion, can't talk plain, un usually bowlegged, with a small scar from a burn on tbe right side of his nose. : i- f The boy was seen itfthpossessien of a low, stout built wagoner who was driving two bay horses. ''I " T I'l .iM '; ' JOEL ALLEN. BrownsvilleiS. C. peel ?!, 1851. 3t37 THE MARKETS. $1,000 WORTH OF DESIRABLE GOODS :; !;i FOR CASH THE firm of Jenkins Roberts, will expire by limitation on the' first day of April next. In or-s der to close said concern, they new offer their entire Stock! for Cash, at- a very small advance on New York cost. Merchants, and all. cash dealers, would do well to give them an early call as bargains? Willi be offered. T All persona indebted to said Firm will please call, . without delay, and settle he same as - they are very anxious; to have the old business closed by the first of April next, at which timejhe subscribers will open the largest Stock of New Spring and Summer Goods ever ottered in the Western part of North Carolina ; all of which will be sold for cash, and at such prices that can not fail to induce credit dealers to pay cash. They will pay cash, for 1,000 Bales good Cotton. ! 1 i JENKINS & ROBERTS. January 7 1852. ;; - i 5t36 JUST RECEIVED, 425 Bags Rio Coffee, new crop, j 12 Hhd3.;Sugari 7i a 9, 138 Boxes good Cheese, ! 30 Bbs. and 1 do. New Mackerel, 40,000 Lbs.;Ameriean Band, Horse Shoe, Sqaare I : and Round Iron, all sizes, 20,000 Lbsi Refined Tv re, from H a 2 Inch. ill JENKINS & ROBERTS. Salisbury, Jan. 7, 1852. 5t36 Dr Ai? M. NESBITT, T"f AVIMG permanently located in ; the Town of JLJL Salisbury, tenders nis frotessionat services to tne Citizens and surrounding country. His office is on Wa -ter street, one door below A. II. Caldwell's office, where he may be ijfbundjat all times, unless absent on Professional duties. January 1st, 1852. :t .-, , Salisbarj & Taylorsrille Plank Road , J . ) j Company . . : j Office at Salisbury, Jaj. 3. 1852.;; BIDS will be received by the undersigned for build ing the following Bridges: I 1 One bridge across Grant's Creek, just above W. S. (Macay;sJIill. I : One across the race near the same place. ; One across Wtalnut Branch, about eight miles frojm Salisbury. t Kj . ;! One across Brjgg's Branch, $i miles from Salisbury. I One across Second Greek, 9 miles from Salisbury. i One across Chunn's Meadow Branch 10 miles from Salisbury. ' -! o. " . I One across Hide'sf Branch 10$ miles from Salisbury. I One across Creglow's 'Branch II miles from Salisbury. All! the above: Bridges are on the line of the Piank fcoad now building from Salisbury to Statesville, Materials for the above are to be found by the Con tractor. Bids will also be received for the grading and completion of the 7th,! 8th and 9th sections of said mad nlank and stringers to be furnished to the Con tractor. For plas, estimates and specifications, enquire of the undersigned at Salisbury. : Hi: r irnnnttv t . -i y . iiiuftrni, i rrai. Jan. 81852. ; j; . 36tf POCKET BOOK LOST! THE subscriber Tost a small Pocket Book on the ! niht nf th 7th intant.some where in Salisbu- ry, containing die following bills, to wit : one $100, two $5 eight $20, and one $10, all South Carolina money, except One $20 bill on the Cape Fear Bank. During the evening ne caned ai.ine iimnsiou umci.im Rowan Jlouseland at Daniel Shaver's shop ; and be lieves be lost it either at or between these places in go ing froW one to the other. He had it when he left the Mansion Hotel, aad missed it first, shortly after leaving the door of Daniel Shaver's shop. The pocket book is of Mack leather, with checked cotton doth lining, and a spring clasp: ! He will give; $20 reward lor tbe book '"f r'T i lURTIX MmS. f L Awhaiy Q 9 800 ; Baeon 000 j Cotton, 7jeCottonarn- 75iY 00; Cofieell & 12$ Mm, 65a 00 Beeswax, 2030; Butter-8l0t Floor, U ? i '1? 'iS i hott ' 3i Linseed jOil 90 ; Molasses 35340; Nai.s5ffl51; Oats4000; Irish Po tatoes 75(3 100: Sweet JoJ as a An . w.--V 7 ! m ; salt, sack $3 25 : Tal low 8 09 Wheat 753 $ f Pork 6 : Jan, 8 Beeswas 22 23 : Bacon 00 00 : Cotton 7 Corti 85 390 ; Coffee 10.3 11 Flour 450 & : Feathers 32 O 35 Flaxseed $10012 Iron, Swedes, 5 6: doTEngf ish 3 4 : Lard 12 13-' Leather, sole,20 23: Molasses2527: Nails.cut, 41 s! Oats. 453 50: Sairar.bro..R 0- An tr m t, . Salt.sack, 1 25 1 40: Tallow. 10 Q : Wheat 85 (S SO 00. f Cberaw. Jan-8. Bacon nr lb' 10191- T?..fi 20 028 : Beesvax 20021 : Coffee 120 15 : Cotton P 8 - orn 90 0 $105 Eggs 12 0 15 : Flour 5 0 861 : Feat ne rs 30.a35 i Iron SaRl 1.rA io- Leather (sole) 18 0 22: Molasses'35 0 40 : do, Cu ba 33 0 37: Nails.cut, 6 0 7: Rice 4$ 0 5; Sugar,brown,8 0 10: do. Loaf, 121 15 : Salt. Li verpool.l 40 0 I 50. r NEW ARRANGEMENT. Williams &, A. J. Brown, HAVING purchased the Tin Shop formerly known aS the Bhon of Rrnwn X- Rakr kmi.iult.J .u. - r . . v mmmm , ..v . vpUU IUC same in the bouse of D. A, Davis, opposite the store of r. murpny oc-o.-, wnere tney propose to carry on the business in all ih various branches. They are now readv IO receive the ordrra of their frinAinA ik. n.,K Be, for all kind of work in their line of business. A one assortment oi 1 in and Japan Ware kept constant- iy on; nana lor sale. 1 House Roofing arid Guttering executed promptly and in the best manner. CoDDer a-nd Sheet Tron Wr nf vr m-vm nillU0 aieu kept constantly on hand ; and any work in that line not readv made nrnmntli; irntPil Th.;, Cl.-. I. j i - r j - . t.'- uucci iivii Stoves are a superior article, and very cheap. STILLS of alt sizes kept for sale, and made to order at 50 cents ' per pound. , . The subscribers respectfully solicit a trial. Mer chants and Pedlars are particularly invited to give them a Call. Country Produce, old Pewter and old Conner taken in exchange for work. Salisbury, Jan. 8, 1852. Iy36 To Hire. A CARRIAGE ; BLACKSMITH, spplv. to Win. nmn JSaiiiHorv. or to1 Pritcbard &. Co., Mocks- ville. oil to.thekanbserjbe, 5. biiles west of Mockwrille, Davie county. N. G. 1 ; ; tV GEU. WiWJVW. I janisary 15th 1851' 3t2J . . . , ' LAND SAT.R BY virtue of a Decree in Equity, I will sell, at the Court Honse in Salisbury, on the first Monday in r ebraary, ls5x. as Commissioner, tbe following. valu able Tracts of Land:-One Tract lying six miles West of Salisbury, near the Statesville road, on the waters of Second Creek, containing 96 ACRES, with common imprpvements thereon. Also, one other tract "known as the Moore Tract, 18 miles West of Salisbury, near the Sherrill's Ford road, containing 130 Acres, having on it a dwelling and out hous es. Both these tracts will be sold on a credit of 12 months, with interest from date. THOMAS T. LOCKE, Com'r. December 25,1851. 5w34 RAGS, RAGS. THE subscribers as agent for David Murphy, wish to bay about 30.000 LBS. RAGS, Cotton and Linen, of any color. ' W. MURPHY & CO. December 18, 1851. 6w33 State of Jiovtit CavoUua, DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Novem- ber 'Perm, 1851. c . Alexander M. Booe. Adm'r, vs. Henry F. Wilson. Original Attachment, levied on three I tracts of land and Town Lot. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court,, that Henry F. Wilson, the defendant in this case, is "not an inhabiting of thisState : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman, notifying the said Henry F. Wil son, to be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be, held lor the county of Davie, at the Court House in JVIocksville, on the 4th Monday in February next, then and there to plead according to law, or Judgment will be entered in favor of the plaintiff for his debt and a sale of the lands decreed accordingly. Witness, Caswell Harbin, Cleik of said Court, at Mocksville, the 4ih Monday in November, 1851,. C HARBIN. Clk. Price adv. $5 50. j 6w36 State of Jiovtli CTavoUua, DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and. Quarter 'Sessions, Novem ber Term, 1851. . . William B. March vs. Henry F. Wilson. Original .Attachment, levied on three tracts of land and Town Lot. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Henry F. Wilson, the defendant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, thai publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman, notifying the paid Henry F. Wil son, to be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Davie, at the Court House in Mocksville, on the 4th Monday in February" next, themund there to plead according to law- or Judgment wtll.be entered hi favor of the plaintiff for his debt and a sale of the lands decreed accordingly. Witness, Caswell Harbin, Clerk. of said Court, at Mocksville, the 4th Monday in November, 1851. C. HARBIN. Clk. Price adv. $5 50. 6w36 State ot i&ortti eavoUua, N DAVIE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Novem ber Term, 1851. Henty Backster vs. Henry F. Wilson. Original Attachment levied on three tracts of land and Town Lot. - It appearing to the satisfaction of tht Court, that Henry F. Wilson, the defendant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this Sltfte : It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman, notifying the said Henry F, Wil 8,n, to be and appear' at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Davie, at the Court House in Mocksville, on the 4ih Monday in February next, then:and there to plead according to law, or Judgment will be entered in favor of the plain tiff for his debt and a sale of the lands decreed accord ingly. Witness, Caswell Harbin, CJerk of said Court at Mocksville, the 4th Monday in November, 1851. C. HARBIN. Clk. Price adv. $5 50. 6w36 nVEW CARRIAGE SHOP, AT MT. ULLA. THE undersigned has o pened a Carriage Eetab lishraent near Mount Ulla, in Rnnn eoontrL and be leave to call public attention to the same. He is prepared; to do It kind of work in hia line of business, in tbe veryibest manner, and on the most ac commodating terms.; He proposes to make a perma nent establishment at tbe above staod. believing the public wants of that section of country require f.t. He hopes the citixensjn the surrounding country who may need work, will give him a call before going elsewhere. He will bossess some advantages over Carriage build ers in the sarrounding TilUgrs. and bees tbe country nublic will avail themselves of the benefits of tbe same. v JAMES BROWN. Jan. 8. 1852. 36:tf It N the .red! fl.u;. Ej JWYER3 Is now receiving its Fall an J : stock of tSTAPLE cANn GOODS, consisting of a beautiful assort meet cf ;Ladesellrers Jgootlc, of the latest and roost fashionableTrstyles. i a magnificenit jot f Embroideries, ch f. . Lfice and luslmCapesiColtars,1 7 ; Cuffs, Cambric andSurhs EJ:;i: and IniertingstthdliLacex ar :,! Edgings, InftmisWtcflc . Wor ed Jtobes and WaiitK Hen ' stkched ;ah(fEmb'(t j J.. C. Handkerchiefs, also Hose ries. Gloves! & Sia wls,i Black and colored, plain and Watefed Silk Ma also Cloths.! Cssmerr,'YestjngiP Kentucky J Satinets, Tweeds, Flannels Linaey, Kersev?, J ets. White Goods of all descriptions! M arse 1 1 t Damask Table Cloth and Nanki a lot of Gold and Silver Plated Girandoles, a ' tiaudaome Embroidered Jit: n WINDOW CURTAINS. Persons wishia? to narrlmae nv nf f 1, , cles or any article usually tliund in 4 City Dry ( oiore.are rrquestrdlo call; and eiftnine roy i am determined t0 sell greater barrnns than ev - . ; l -"it?. :ifE.,MYi:i; Salisbury, Oct. 9 ISSt I , j 2; NBW ARRANGlilJE iwSs. . E II. BEARD & SON, Fashionable Tailors and CIcl!.' HAVING entered into Co-parmerfhip for Dose of carrvinaton'iHa F?iillrtriii" T ness, on a more extensive scale, and wiih tl.e v more successful ly meetin? the ? Increasin g J,-: the nublic in the i line, la kit! occasion tn anno they have just received a very Landaome and f ply of ' - ; "J ;! READY MADE CLOTUUU selected at the North by the senior partner of t! - and may tneretore be defended on as superb r . quality of the goods and the istyle land ' manner worKinansaip.ana particularly, in regard to the ! ; garments. ' They have also on band a beautiful : perior assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Wnd which thev will make no ta iwderJ a i eha n ,-. . , bought elsewhere. Of course iheyjwill begls J t . 1. ..:- : ' . . . ' i . I , , any, giwus iiirir vuiHointrra may wisa, wneu' r of theai or purchased at other establishments. They also continue ta receive the latest Foi American .Fashions. Thev hate klreadv tn i Fall and Winter Fashion for 1851 and Y ' gentlemen to call and exaaoine them. Octobe2,1851. H. H. HKAHD. i JAMES B. GDI ALL personsiwdebted io H. 114 Beard, tn are requested to call and aeule between -thn first of January, 1852, as the '-old business mu--: SaiiAiiTT, Pel. 2,1851. '. .! ' S3tf!" NEW FALL AND WI.Nj ' ' AT ' J i Spring Gijove, , IREDELL COCXTT. I BOGEli & REESE RESPECTFOLLYj irivite 4fir cumoui. I and citizepsgenerrly; idjacem to t Store, where we are ! now! receiving a larj' v, plete assortment, of -GOODS, eoitaMf f.,r ; and Winner Tradewhicjl we jnieod jo ti. the most' accommodating; terms to : punctual We deem it unnecessary to enumerate .;' just received, ,but sairice jbysayinij, fliat 'our : braces almost ejvery-artic e asuaSy called I -town or country stores. ! ; i' ; We have also on hand a large stock cf I -made Linsey Jeansand Woorocks. ; We will take In "exchange for Gonl ?! Oata, Wheat, seed .Cotton. Flax Seed, T; wax. Wool, Stc Sec,, at rje MSrKet puc es. TaTEiare now io receipt f cur Full vT Goods comprising every article and, Domestic '.Wz':-Tf'm l ' DRY: GOODS. usually brought to this market Hardware -ryj Rio.Jajfa and M ochaj Coffee j, Lonf o:i ! gars, finie'gfjen and'black Tea, CJothsa . 1 I Reaidy ; Made Clothing, Bpggin; ;a n J il o; e , il'lats, Caps Bootsland Road Tools,' Black Smith-Tool, fire ; White Lead. Oil, Glass, Hemlock Leatl er, pjurcbasers visiting this market would i', interest to call and examine ojur lar. d Stock,. bought for cash exclqsiey, win. atwholrsale or retail at nnprectld'-nteJ o J; Fl V IlXMU K R S , Salisbury, Oct. 30, 1851. ; Office' of the Splishurtfyund '1 ! ; PlankUoad Qompar)';. THIRD IJISTjili:. AN instalment of Four Dollars a SKir able on the 26th Ja naafy.l ;!52 . Stockholders will pay to the President at . the Mdeil Stockholders Will pjiy to -fc'a: Statesville. " ; f ? f By order oi the Board, . ii Slalisbttry,rc; 1851 J f i :" i J, ' -. I i I . pissolation Of Compares:: ; Tlj'qTICE is herebyvertMit the C J. heretoibre existiag between the i t bis day expired by limitation. The Lu after be carried on by William tiowzee , m i Allrpersons indebted to a3 Wil; pleas? cu". forthwith, as the concern mast be cio- sons having claims against us kill prest metit. j . ! 1 ' 1' ' We have on hand, finished in a very . iin 'elegant assortment of work of all tie , r can be bought s( cost.f Call and tuy t i p,. . j WILLIAM KU" ! jS.AMUEUl;;IlA:. Salisbury, Jan. I;jl85j2. A SUPERIOR team Engine for sale low appij iw Snlishuw. Ausr. 14. 5 Valaable Jfogro Girl i; : I! WILL sell at tb Coo rf House in Tuesday if Febreary Court, Vicey, grd girl, belonging to .the estate of Hit!, ceased - Terms six.mootbs ifed't, inter- Jaa. 15, 1852. t- T- LOC T Dfotnlnfinh of Co-iiarl i: : HBCo-psrtQersbi heretofore ex 1 Rrtn oil James A.iMcNeety C dlMolved bv mutual consent of tie I n sobs Waving laims against the said i'r.j to present th same to Michael Fii'.h r and those indebted ti lhe saJd firm, nr. to call on him arid make settlement f f : K,.;4:;i !-JiJAMiAMcNL;y iJanuary 6, 1852. ;: j p: pp P ': Blanks pf every descriptio: i ' i at tiits! nrrrc 'f! s . I : i- .-r .1-: I . .1

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