II M H 1 -'-I 1 r 1 j Ik si t From the' FayetleviUe Ofisertef. ) .'liANCSaM SPEECH IN FAVOR OF GEN. SUUTT. j ; iTHe' constituents of Senator Mnngjim -1-' Will learn with regret, it not wtin ur Wise, that he has delivered in the Senate i!labored speech' in favor of Gen. Scott as the Whig candidateor the next Presi-j 4ncy. 7 -q - , 1 ' !i i jTbe speecti not havlne 3"e come u! iflfuHjwe cony the following notice of it from the National Intelligencer; , ; ; 1 it Mr. Mansrum claimed the indulgence f'the Senate to make a personal epla v ;f. 1 nation! placing bimsfc in iiis true posi; j i 1 iibn, which lie contended bad been rnUun stood and rniirepreservUsd. ; j ! The consent ol the Beoale having eep i j.f Mr. M. spoke for near an houMrj the cnrse of which be said he; should prbbaj b!i stand prepared ta a upport the nomi nee of the VVhig Convention, bull avqwed as strong individual preference for per. ScptL, maintaining that he was'thejfirm friend of the Union and the compromise ! raJnsiire, a iMjx pressing his belief! that "he! was the ciir Whig in the coqntrjl that cbnld be .elected. .4 i i , geiJcei and made a brief speech, defining i bis positiondeclartng tbat be would vote . ;ir no man ktat would, not suppqq the '. compromise pleasures, and that he would tibt unite wih any party that would en- djea vor, d i redtly or directly to open these ; Questions, or f agitate them. even, io the jpose of securing votes at the efy uinj presidential lectibn; nbr would be corn bine to elect any man whose opinionjsare ! nbt beyond doubt or cavil 0n the finjality of i he compdonuse. 1 , 1 1 rj Mr, G win made inquiry of Mr. Jlan g;uqi as to whether be spoke from author ity in what hie had said of General Scott's viejvs of ithejeompromfse ?-, 1 jf HMr. Manjgujn pbe from his kjvotw - Ifdge of Gen, Scott's character, j Hej had lib communication with him ori political questions since 'December last. j "The subject was then dropped." y I In the report for the Baltimore Patriot ye find the following additional particu lars: ' j fr ' " 4 ' v I He purpqsed soon to retire from pub lic life. Ho was no candidate, and! did not expect to' be nominated for any thing. As io a preference for the presidency, he diuVrejJ with his constituents. His, first cbolce'was Gen. Winfield Scotti I " j "Mr, Manum stated at length his rea- 6ns, forprefering' General Scott. Heeu logied lijm as the! hero of Chepultepec . and Churubusco. He considered him in favor of the, compromise measures, but thought it unnecessary to bring up that question now, He exculpated him lrbm - all connection vvith the abolitionists. He vas, said Mrj.; M., national as any other candidal e in: is politics , As to bis avail ability, he w$k the only man who could i oe ejecieti me onjy vynig in ine country whd could get hair votes enough to elect UIU1, And in the1 Nv Y. Express and Rich- graphic despatch from Washington 1 j Uudze Mansrum's sneeCb in favor of Scott produces great sensation among po liticians. Scott's nomination is now icon .sidered certain' - ! i The Express says editorially- l" Mr. Mangum, of N. C, has made the double announcement in the Senate! that ne js in iavof 01 uen. peon loriue iirespt-, deVipy,1 whilst jhis constituents prefe M!r. Fillmore, and that be expects soon to re tire1 from public life. lie is an old soldier in the field, and baying served the Whig party long and well, his opinions will be likely to haej much 1 weight, not "onjy in Norih Carolina, but elsewhere. It ii ceW taiti, however, that the Whigs of the Old North State in all their primary meetings. weiDeucve, ana in aw me yv nig presses pi iuq piaie, nave expresseu a preierence tor ir I'lUmore." r ; j No one we pressnmej certainly not wje, ...Ml A ...int. i .L Li i L ucj tmr. magH" riguiweiii wrimu, aim so express. pn au properoccat ; - . . . L. 1 ' ' ' i I - "! ?; fiiohs, his owiR opinions and wishes on this AUm. ktkrt m,AAl ... V HJrlsi ( : m.Mm - M.MMM m iiliiiii a 11 in :i . w m-t rm m m . ,iutti ua riuvin usigMBe olUcial position for which he is indebted foMie Whigs of North Carolina, for the i i purpose of lh warting their well settled wtjli known, unanimous;: oninionst and wishes. Mr.lMangum! knows and admits thlt bis conkthuents differ;from.hitaJ He knows that they are unprecedentedly unanimous in that dierence. And yet at tht; very moment, of all others when his 1 ortpalitioii "to jlliPir will; can be most eflec- ; tiy exerted, has he iteriped forward ;ta if i. tiiiv weigui Dtsspeecri mhV hllVfi 1 Plspwhpro f -vn IrnAiir nwt'. Iti we think we can lalVlv cr it. Kkjnress, tbat it only I weight in North r?i;if . . . L:n.. lu if . K iqns of the j people of Ihts State have been win uriiuerttinj lormea, ana are too tirm. iv onscu uiiuu princ d e. io ne nttprfpf! hv ; M( JUangums speech, or course The people; oi uie.BOtuti owe , too deep a debt of gratitude to Mr. Fillmore, for hi. brnd uautunAinqmimsiraiionoiine government. twrt uta launiui execution oi tne Unwt, to nl(pw any other name to come in success fuf competition 'with "hia for their conli- ;4 iJence-ancis support. Let the friends of s'jUf. Itillmore. every where; North and ftomh, stand firm, with the full and her i ffl "assuraoce that nothing can change ih? purposie of the Whigs in this jState. i f go lor b lllmore. And they will go for do man who occupies an equivocal iowlibn oh,' the Compromise question. jl W-if .icaia twai ucu. ji;uvi utuun such to be removed hv Mr '.'.Mansam's effort to .prevent the - 7 i " i...: ndnnt idri of Mr. Marshal 's resolution, en- dorsihd the Compromise in the ! Whig Caucus I Mark of fll ' 8reeding.lTbere is no bet tertec.Ot ill breeding ! tn an the practice of interrupting another in conversation by speaking; or commencing a remark ub fore another has fully c osed. Ao well bred person ever does it nor continues conversation long withi one who doc$.-r-Tbe ater often finds Jnterestingiconver satioh abruptly waived. Closed, Or declin ed by the former, without sus pecting the cause. ! 1 A well bred person will not even interrupt one who is iii 41 respects great ly inferior. If you wish tdjudgiJthe good breeding of a person itb whom you are but little acquainted observe him or her in this Respect, and you; will not be deceiv ed -However intelligbni fluent, or easy she may appear, this grace proves the ab sence of true politeness, jj lt is often amus ing to dee persons priding themselves on the gerjtility of their manners, and putting iortn a J ! . 1 their efforts to appear to ad van tage in! many other respects, so readily betray all in this paticular. A HAPPY HOME, The first year of married life is a most important era in the history of man and uiie. Generally, as it is spent, so is al most all subsequent existence. The wife and. the husband then assimilate their views and their desires, or elses, conjuring up their dislikes, they add fuel fto their prejudices and animosities forever after wards.! j:;, j:v - , . . v -j j ' I h&ve somewhere read, says Rev, Mr.: Wise, in his Bridal (5 reeling, "of a bridegroom who gloried in bis eccentrici ties He requested his fride o accompa ny! hirri into the garden, a day orftwo; af ter their wedding. He hen thrw aline over the roof of their cottage. Giving bis wife one end of it, he retreated to the oth er side; and exclaimed h i j ! Pu!l the line." . , , ' ; j She pulled it, at bis request, as far as she could. He cried, Iuji it over." "I cimt1 jshe replied. MBut pull with all your might "shouted the wbiinsical busbaqd. I f But Vain were all the efforts of the bride to pull over the line, so ong j as fber bus bant) held to the opposite end. But when be fntne rpupd, and thty both pulled at the end, itjeame over with great ease. ! Tbpfias'tbe line fell front the roof; "you &f6 bow hard and ineffectual was our labor when we pc lied in opposition to each other ; 'but bow, easy and pleasant it was) when we both pulled together ! It will be so with us, my dear through life I If we oppose each other, it will be bard work ; if we act together it will be pleasant to live. Let us always pull to- getW" ! .: '' 1 : : I 1 i In. this illustration, homely as it may be, there is sound philosophy. Husband and .wife must mutually bear and concede, if they wish to make home a retreat of joy and bliss. One alone! cannot make home happy, There needs unison of action, sweetness of spirit and great forbearance .the great, end of happiness in the domes tic circlC.-.jwwte Repository." 7 he Mysterious Rqppings.The cause of the roypteriuus breaking f windows in a house on Vine street, in the Northern, Liberties, (Phil adeiohiia,) has been discovered. and the evil removed. , Instead of th? windows breaking, as was presumed to be tke case, by some un known band, it has been found thai a little! bound girl in the (anjily, aged about twelve years, ere- tticui.iu cxciicinciit iiiiue oouee ana occasioaeu the destruction. The minner in which she op. e rated was certainly very adroit: and not until she confessed to the act jivas it known how the damage was done, notwithstanding Lieut. Nutt and selreral of his officers, and some oil the friendsj of the family, werje watchiing the house, inside and out; J be little 2irl stated alter be- ing cW, ioterrogated, that she bad thrown stones potatoes, onions, indelotheai hooks Idto' Uhe w hdows. frora within and without. The 80 rtkhe t(ieidlegeMe rfeM ?ft- V . uwill uuriWKi'- o weeks he family accused! the little iirl of doins tUe iMjscoiel, but sbe strongly denied tm accu- I i . C'l a a f - - ts ' . a rt W wept biuerly. Jbrom her statements pi neii mougni me missiiesi came irom - . -. t i v. . s? . wbfere another servant c rl was at! work, with I another person in the same room. ; Here she continbed crying : and at a moment when the others! were not watching her. she threw a stone andlbioke a window in the kileheb. This ad- ded na pre ta the mystery! and of course the in- mates iof the house were much frightened, j The number of Danes of fflasi broken were whole silly eistit. un featurda? the little ? r was ta. ken to the almshouse, irom whence sho came w ; 1 t i : B ' . three years ago, to be bound to the family re. ferreel to. Ledger. i ! 1 ,f A CIIRfnns Ptn1 i ! i T . A"r' Buchanan, among the isspes on which ,Ue .:VblS.Parir has been ihoro..ghly "caiwn, mentions me ianiied tats Uank in bistBaUimore lettet. It is a curious fact In ih is iat the Pennsv)?ania Legislature utiona praiing for a fe-charter of said 4hat Rlr.lBucbanati. name may be found on record to the tame effe-!t Whate?er odium ma? he attarheH m th wiaKti.k.nwnt f- nb th democratic part? is entitled to a larce share. ren "en- Jackson would have continued i U. S Banki prow ided it could have been mod I "t vi.uiuuig iurv 9wi notions MOVMExNTS 6 KOSSUTH. ' t WXSHISGTOJF, A PELL 15. i Kossuth remains here in a state of almost perfect quiescence. fo excrement attended hii reception and there will be none at bis de- par to re. A large number of members ot Con Kress ana omers nave, boweverj called upon ntm.at bis rooms. It ft understood that he de. ires to see Mr. Clay again before he eares, and made an attempt jo effect it to-daj, bm was ippviuieM v ne wii 1 probatljr be more for a position are not likely innate to morrow. A Curious Suit. In the Marine Court of N. York the assignees of Louis Emana e! sfueij the uncle of ! a Miss jLevy for tb6 recovery of ailot of furniture. ( Emanuel and the lady were engaged to be married, anu in; anticipation u iuw tfvcpv miss u; bought the furniture. Emanuel. providing the funds to pay for it. The parties were to be married 1 according! to agreement, about the middle of next May t but Eman uel not long since gave the; fair one noV xicemai ne coaia not marry ner, pieaatng poverty as a reason.! She took this notice! as a breach of promise, and when the fur niture was claimed, she refused to give it up, and suit was brought to compel her. uncle, who is her guardian, to restore the chatties. . The jury found a verdict fqr iae 1 ueieouaui t 00 xuisa u. remains in. possession. I " H ; " ?;! FASHIONABLE EMBROIDERIES ,.4 .jjj, j.., 1 AND - J. K. , 1 I : VVHITE GOODS. 1 "3 E M YERS invites the attention of the La diet, nd all who desi re to purchase,; to the most gpleov. did assortment of Embroideries aud White GoodJi, ever before offered in tbia market, wfrich Ije is ntw exhibitins at hi cheap etofe :! I; j 1 i New style mnsliri, lawn, and cambric collfrj, f Beautiful Paris chennyfliettes. and emb.j manteletts, 4 Honiton, and Vafencenees collars aod cuffa. 1 ? Lace, muslin, and cambric sleeves and coffs, in grcY . . j varietjrj i j . . ' j h -.- .: ; s.t Rich black and white tace capes and, bertoes, f Swi88 and jaconet edgings, insert? ngi, fril s, bands and, ; flouncings, a large assortrneqt, ; Infants aieedte worked robes and bodies, rjfry rich ; Paris eoibrpidered, scollaped and plain lawn and cans?; bris handkercaiefa, - . j Pi;j ' 3 Ladiea erab'd mourning h a ndk'fe, peeves cuffs, V Jaconet, swiss, Tarleton, ansojkvcbecked, stripedj figured and emboased muslins, 1 ; j J, White cambrics, bishop and long lawns, ioen cambrics, Irish linens, linen sheetings, pillow case linens, splendid; Satan Damask Table Clothes, NapkSna and Doihlas y a most magnificent lot of Entb'd Lace and Muslin VVin-; dow Curtains, &c.; &c. Don't forget the store winV thepignot TftE RD FLAG. . : Salisbury, April 15. 185 f 50lf ! - CrEKTLEMEN'SrApj tADIES' j :! ' 1; 'SHOES. ! ! ! s i 1 THE subscribers have on hand, and are constantly; manufacturing, Gentlemen's Boots, shoes and gai ters, and Ladies' shoes of every variety. Our stock of children's shoes is lare and handsomei i ' Our work is of the best material and workmanship,? ana wiiii 09 soia iow ior cwn, or oq snort creau 10 punc tual dealers. Repairing done in a neat ! manner; anil on shott notice, j T : : I .. ' . ' ? All Jtinds of country produce : and dry and greea maes, ianen in exenange ror worn. ; r Casli will be paid for BEEF CATfttK ' j RYMER j& lMQWRY J I Opposite! Wml. Murphy At! Cos Store. Aprfl 1 ;852. - V SM I h; Mty i JLL persons indebted fo the late firm iof Warrenjfc Rvmer. are! reaueSted to come forward and make payment without delayVas longer ndujgence cannot be 1 given. Call on Moses Kymer. I t M! 1- I 'Ti P. -Ml WARREN, , f , ; i ,!:- 1 , MOSES RYMER. Ami 15, 1852. j !H $150 BACON AND HARD , if i FOR SALE. QA (inn LBS. of pri me Bacon and Lard for OVI vJf VfVp salei at the Rowan House. These articles are warranted to be of the best quality, having, been managed by I. L. KOBAROS. j Salisbury, ApAll 5,1852! jj j j 50tf 'r , $25 REWARD. fTIHE Clothing Establishment of tfae subscribers was -L, entered by means of a false, key, on the night of Friday, the 9th iostant, and a piece! of light colored Cassimere and a quantity of! ready tffiade jclothing tak en, j,' We will pay the above .reward jjfor he detection and ; apprehension of the thief or thieves, or for any id! formation that uiay lead to their detectiofl. i I , I ihorace; h. beard & son. April 15, 1652.. J ,' j . j4w50 Tbi Farmers an4 Planters fWH HE subscribers as agents for the Importers have' Mi made arrangements to keep const htly on hand a supply of best j . .f Jf ,f l! Ik , S Peruvian Gxino dnd Agricultural Plaster which they will sell in quantities to suit; as cheap as; they can be purchased in the northern lities, adding only the actual eipense of getting' them here. : : ! JJ & D. McRAE & C0.;. Wdtnington, Feb. 28, 1852. J3t48 EDUCATION. rilHE TruesteM of Rocky River Academy, respect X, ; fully , inform the public, that they have placed the: above Institution under the care of Professor Silas C. Lindsley, lately iof Greensborough, N. G. The high qualifications of this Gentleman, both forf the instruct iiiir. hiiii iruvirniHciii iit4 vnuiii. iifii;rifi viiiiifriiH n Academy is situated at Rocky Rhjer clurcbi where iuck lapmujuig cTdj oouwui.1 . j Tun nn ffis nn in nn unA rv (A nn Arfia months. Board and washing $0 iier month. The ;ia V V AW V W AM rvW-S CSDE3VSS VI I healthiness of this location, for year pastihas been en-I ureiy unrxcepuopaoie. 1 1 neaenomsuc yeaj aiviaea into two sessions, commencing on the! first Monday of May , :1-L-. j irwm. i i v.. s...;s. i 1 1 : i-j I and November, j Afteria student has entered (which can ie uone a: any iimei no ueuucuon is maae excei for,8tcknesss. 1 T ISM' if I Rev. D. A.IPENICK, r R!. H. MORRISONi Dr. C. A. ALEXANDER, DL ALEX AJ DER liEVI PARKS, Col. W. F.i PHARj H. KIRKPAPRICK, Sec. Trustees, t 'Rock? River Academv, April! ill 18S2.l-3t50 f ;0" Professor S. C. Lindsley authorises the Trustees to sav that poor youth of good promise , 'morally and mentally, are gladly received whether they can pay or not. i S - I . :: j GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF NORTH CAROLINA. ! 'i t "" ' i iL "1: ( m HE next annual Meetlnsr of this body will'.be t JL i hoi den in this town on Monday the, 7th of Jane next. t Subordinate. Chapters are reqjairedto send, Lfel- egates and retarns. i ' ? 1 I - i : j H. P. RUSSELL, Grand Sec'jr, Wilmington, March 31, 1852. 8w50 T. SHEMWELL, I, ' ' 1 i 4llo ii jUiXJJ JCUSX oixvxi, ; Rio and Java Coffees, Teas and Spices, i White and brown Sugars, No. 1 Mackerel, Sperm and tallow Caudles and Molasses. Salisbury; Avrd 15. 1852. ! , . 50tf NEW BOOKSi AND STATIONARY T HAVE lately received a handsome stock of Kw j " r It ' i S- -! . -. I I: 'i- i ; -KM . JL atid valuable HOOKS, together with a new Sap- ply of superior btationary. Call land see. I p. COFFMAri i . SalUbory, April 1$,1B52. .1,1!, ' 50tf I Marriage License for sale here. Valuable Real Estate , I IFOR SALE. : rTpi EIB sobscriberofiers for sale lha well-known Tract iL of Land on which be now resides, two ao4 a half niiles at of Salisbury. There are 200 ACRES OF LAND in the Tract, alt In good order-' The Saw and Grist Mills r all in good repair, as also the Dwelling and obthoasea. 4 Having determined to remove be will give a! bargain; He' will remain in North Carolina until the first of, April, t Applications after that time may b made to John D. Brown, Salisbury. The subscriber hiss other lands lying near this tract which be will sell, if desired-1 h i' " THOMAS E. BROWN. Jsn. 29, f 39tf RUN HERE EVERYBODY. THE undersigned informs his friends and customers, generally, bar he still occupies his old stand, pn Main street, where they will find at all times a splendid atock of'1 iv ' .,; Saddles and Harness, of the latest style, and made by the best workmen in the State, and no mistake. He feels certain, as to beauty and durability, of giving the utmost satisfaction. As competition is the life of trade, he would inform his frienda and customers that no pains will be spared to please the public. All kinds of country produce taken or Saddlery ; even chickens, butter, and eggs. All kinds pf repairs done with neatness and despatch. W. J. PLUMMER. SalisbnrytiIVfarch, Ilth, 1852. tf45 i ANOTHER NEW ARRANGEMENT. Williams Brown. .1 , . "tTAVING 'purchased the Tin Shop formerly known JLSL as the shop of Brown & Baker, have opened the same in the bouse of D. A. Davis, opposite the store of W. Murphy . Coi, where he proposes to carry on the business in all its various branches. He is now ready to receive the orders of his friends and the pub ic, for all kind of work in his line of business. A fine assortment of Tin and Japan Ware kept constant ly on hand for'sale. House Roofing and Guttering - executed promptly and in the best manner. Copper and Sheet Iron Ware at various kinds also kept constantly on hand ; and any work in that line not ready made promptly executed.. His Sheet Iron Stoves are a superior article, and very cheap. . T STILJLSi-- - of all sizes kept for sale, and made to order at 50 cents j per pound. ; ' : The subscriber respectfully solicit a trial. Mer chants and Pedlars are particularly invited to give him a? call. : I : Country Produce, old Pewter and old Copper taken in exchange for work. Salisbury, Jan. 8, 1852. ly36 , state of iiortn earoliu, DAVIE COUNTY. In Equity Spring Term, 1852. 1 Thomas Brandon, David Brandon, Hannah Campbell, Mary Ann Sharpe, vs. William Brandon, Samuel Brandon, John Brandon. 1 Petition for sale of Land. ; In this case, it appearing, to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants, William Brandon, Samuel Brandon and John Brandon, are not inhabitants of this State: It is ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks, in the Carolina Watchman, for the said defendants to appear, at the next Court of Equity, tobe neldjor the county of Davie, at the Court House in Mocksville,4on the 4th Monday in September next, and plead, answer or demur, to complainants bill, or the same will be taken pro conlessp, and the cause set for hearing ex parte. Witness, 14 Bingham, Clerk and Master of said Court of Equity, at office, the 4th Monday in March, A. IX, 1852, and in the 74th year of American Inde pendence. H L. BINGHAM, C. M. E. Price adv. $5 50. 6w49 Dr. A. M. NESBITT, I TTAVING: permanently located in the Town of JLM. Salisbury, tenders his Professional services to the citizens and surrounding country. His office is on Wa ter street, one door below A. H. Caldwell's office, -where he may be found at all times, unless absent on Professional ditties. January lst, l852. StittC Of ilOttU 2tlt0l(Usl, Dl MnmDU PAnM-PV 1 nnmuui vuun 1 jl. Court . of f leas and Quarter besstons, Febru , , 1; ary Term. 1852. fsf1 tt r . r. laci last vyiii and 1 eatament ot MillTcent HTxon X being produced in onen Court, and the due exe cution thereof being proved by one of the subsc tibiae witnesses, ana ordered to be recorded. And it ariDear- inz that Henlev Nixon is aDoointed Executor therein : and it further appearing to the Court, that said Henley IMixon nas iettme btate or gone to parts unknown : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Watchman, a oub- lic newspaper printed in the town of Salisbury, N. C, tor said Henley Nixon to come forward and appear at the next term ct the Court, to be held on the first Monday in May, 1852, at the Court House, and then and there .qualify as Executor to the Will of Millicent Nixon, or renounce his appointment and the office of Lxecutor to said Will, or Letters of Administration with said Will annexed will be granted to some of the next of kin Witness. Benjamin F. Hoover, Clerk of our sajd -XX Y . a a j . f - m 1 Fnce adv. $5 50. 6t48 New Spring and Summer IS. W. T. SHEMWELL, WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Staple a fid Fancy Dry Goods, is receiving his well selected stock of If CW Goods, consisting in part of the fol lowing : it For the Ladies I have, T Brocade and chamelean silks, super, blk. ero de rhine. printed ctiallys, plain black do., black and fancy ba reges, emb. swiaa robes, printed muslins. French work capes, collars: cuffs, and nndersleeves, dotted swiss, cbeched, jackonet, and tarlton muslins, brk silk lace mantillas, kid gloves, pea ereeo.and brk canton craDe snawis, piain and white emb. do., linen cam. hand'kfs. bonnets, ribbons, kid slippers and gaiters, French, Eng lish and American prints, white goods, bleached and brown domestics, &c, dec. j Tor the Gentlemen : Ready made clothing, consisting f hl'k frock and dress coau, frock lefs. and linen coats, at ail prices, doeskin r- " " ana rancy caaeimcre panr, oi k and while aatia vests. oey silk vests, at every rate", shirts, collars, cravaa, L tfanks, eloths, cassirneres, linei linen drills, hats, boots and shoes, &c., Scic., a'l purchased for cash, and will be sold anasoally low. The Ladies and oublic are re speeifully invited to an examination before purchasing eisewnere. Hirner mansion Hotel, Salisbury, N. C. GOOD LAND FOR SALE. offers "for sale Seven Tracts of hnMh neetion of countrf.sur- Land. lyiBS inj . i ' jLainthln Ttoiabbors. who stand high. 11 tm'iah I Thi land IS Well ;d Clo;er and alsd Stock raising.! Some goad Or ehards with a little improvement. .nd . ood Mdl Site, for any kind ot macninery, j , ractofie. close by. jSome good Icadow, d e o clear. One Mill Bile. 38 Acres ; one 12 acres of bottom ;!ona tract oi w y and Tobacco Land jione Tract of 100 Acres, w,,h good buildings, orchard l and mdow,l &c, ; 1M Acres mostly Tobacco woodland; 100 Acre, sail ttUe for Tobacco, wood land m e stly, and nearly 100 Acres, all wood land, suitable for Tobacco, &c., &c. I wiH.sell, about 400 Acres in one tract, or divide it to suit pur chasers. Those wishing to boy good land, cheapf now is the lime come and judge for yourselves. Any one desiring information! respecting the above property, can get it by applying either to the subscriber at Adrews Mill, near John Dalton's, Esq., or to A. B. F v Gaitber, Esq , Col. F. Young and Capt. P. Houston. I , - ' , ; ANDREW BAGGARLY. Jredell county, Dec. 18, 1851. - 33 . aTpboclamation, , By His Excellency David S. Reid, Governor of the Stide of North Carolina. Whereas, three-fifths of the whole number of mem bers of each House of the Ge.neral Assembly did at the last session pass the following Act: i i AN ACT to amend the Constitution of North Car olina, -i ; 'i 1 i j r ' v.;- ' I 1 : Whereas, The fi-eehold qualification now required for the electors fori members of the Senate conflicts with the fundamental principles of liberty : Therefore i Sec 1. Be it enacted bf the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted b$ the authority of the tame, three-fifths of the whole number of members of each House concurring, that the second clause of third section of ther first Article of i the amended Constitution, ratified by, the people of North Carolina on jthe second Monday of November A. D., 1835, be amended by striking out the wprds " possessed of a frbehold within the same .district of fifty acres of land for six months next before and at the day of election," so that the said clause of said section shall read as follows : All free white men of the age of twenty-one years (except as is hereinafter declared) who have been inhabitants of any one district within te State twelve jmonths immediately preceding the day of any election and shall have paid public taxes shall be entitled tojvote for a member of the Senate, i Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Governor of the State be, and be is hereby direcSed, to issue his Proclamation to the people of North Carolina,' at least six months before the next election for members of the General Assembly setting forth the purport of this Act and the amendment to the Constitution herein proposed, which Proclamation shall be accompanied by a, true and perfect copy of the! Act, authenticated by the certifi cate of the Secretary of State, and both the Proclama tion and the copy of this Act the Governor of be State slall cause to be published in alt the newspapers of this Skate, and posted! in the Court Houses of the respective Counties in this State, at least six months before the election of members to the next General Assembly. i Read three timeB and agreed to by three-fifths of the whole number f f members of each . House respec tively, and ratified in General Assembly, this the 24th day of January, 1851. ; i j J. C. DOBBIK,S. H.a , j' WIN. EDWARDS.5; S. f. StAte of North' Carolina, t pffiee of Secretary of State. I 1 1, William Hili, Secretary of State, in and for the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and perfect copy of an Act of the General Assembly) of this State, drawn off from the original on file in this office. Given under my hand, this 31st day of December, 1851. V WM; HILL, Sec'y of State. j And Whereas, tpe said Act provides for amending tie Constitution of the btate ot North Carolina so as to confer on every qualified voter for the House of Com mons the right to vote also for the Senate: , Now, therefore, to the end that it may be made known that if the aforesaid amendment to the Consti tution shall be agrepd to by the two-thirds of the wbole representation in each house of the next General As sembly, it will be then submittud to the people for rati fication, I have issued this my Proclamation in confor mity with the provision of the before recited Act. In testimony; whereof, David S. Reed, Governor d the State of North Carolina, hath hereunto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of said Stale to be affixed. C ) Done ajt the City of Raleigh, on the thirty- l. s. first day of December, in the year of our Lord, ' J one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, and in the 76th year of our Independence. 1 , By the Governor DAVID S. REID. Thomas Settle, Jr., Private Sec'y, Persons into whole hands this Proclamation may fall, will ,'please see tha a copy .of it is posted up in the Court House of their respective Counties. J (Jan. 9, 1852. I , tAe37 1 S. R. FORD, Wilmington, n. cj DEALER IN 3IARCLE MOXniOTS ; nEAD AND Foot Stones ; Paint Stones ; Imposing do., and in shprt, any article called for of either I C Italian; Egyptian or American Marble : ! work warranted to please or no sale : and if Anmi aged before djeliverjl.it is at his expense. i' Orders for jiny of the above enumerated articles left with the Editors of jhe Watchman, will be attended to wunoispatcn. f Nov. 9. 1849-29tf '5 ( . : - f f NEW CARRIAGE SHOP, j A A M T. ULLA, THE undersigned has o pened a Carriage Eetab lishment near Mount Ulla, in Rowan county, and begs leave to call bublie attenlinn m ih S?same. He is Dreoared to da ousiness, in tpe very best mannerand on the roost ac comrnodaung terms. He proposes to make a nerma- . . l . " V- """.111 U1B (IMC Ul nent establishment iat the above stand, believing the oublic wants! of i. , .1 --r-v..w i -vuuiry require is. ; jje hopes the. citfzens in the surrounding country who may need work will niu. k;m 1 1 ur , . : m -u 1' tau "eiore going eisewnere. We wilt possess sonje advantages over, Carriage bnild erll" th,8u,Foand!nS villages, aod begs the conn try rill hi l will avail fki.m.l. r .L . f j. .. ' lutuiBciyrs vi me nenents oi me same. , o ,aL I JAMES BROWN. Jan. 8, 1852. Ii ,r f M. DAN'L F. MORRIS, AVfNG permaraentlv looted in th - - w.. V uaiiauury, respectiuiiy ten his servicea to ilto nnhlio in: iu kiurn Q.1:U j it , dels branches Of hm nrnlMainri , . ' Office, West's brick buildi n7. niar thm 1?aus TT..m1 and one dooa above the Watchman Office. j j ! Feb. 19, 1S52 tf42 : 1 Just Received a Fresh Supply of ..,?MB STONES.' ' 1 1 " " auiTaT f Lw B,a re8PCtf'ly Inform the j citi X stens off Sahsbary and the surrootding coantrj, that he has ooened IrTnw.M wm. ,Jf inSaliry. Pnr.r7 7 - , 'I l 8 Ver7 0 Profits If ifaUjr 01 Nhm Pricea.vHsviog kT -S101' froo fiw dollars to 8m WO Oama Will hi annrmA j . Y" r - r -r w Bire aatisiaciion. -o i- i. L I' -w.vj v uULilU Slhahnrv ..w:l:0: ifltn 3)0.fW)n T.RS Pino II QLD RO. BAGGNG. wanted, . 3 cent. V-r per lb. cash; delivered to os. - x - t f 1 f V nn . kt ' : i? .J! ? lOkaivsUiN dt SON as, looz. i 3m4fii - uuee sansDnrj & Tajlomille Plank waa tonpany. i j TT1HE snniual ii meeunff af o.j:ii. - JL Salisbury and TaviJr,: rtlwc."iae of ! ny, wiu oe He! Id iii the IW" UVaJ? P- Wednesday the attendance is retedrr VALUABLE rn HE subscriber impoiita:; Rail lioid Control H B. Jasper t C: thislday receive J f, York a largfc; stock of ' SOLEiLKATT1 i FrencU Calf Ski r.., ISoot & jShoc Tri; generally. ; jThose about V in Rail Road contracts vu o their interest jo call c- ' our large stfrck of heavy f Gentlemen.'we would stv good materials for,niar,i: of the Northern Cities. I to bray and; make a f. been bought for cafh, .t contradiction that we 1 J Best Workmen . to be foubd in "this Stat-, low as the lowest. We A calt is respectfully shop s one, door be! os. occupied by Mr. Juc. ' TT -A. .4. Salisbury, Zh: i ' 4 V JOEL , It" l L Saddle ami : HAVING per: of Salisbury, . business. Havip.: the State and also please all who n?n y done apt short noli, . duce taken in en . January 15, It, , . EAJS-. HERE is a : em Meclnr ! EaslebrSoiith C is adjoining the L water power of c;t Land in thelSou:: off in small lets i f commodatitin cf..' All such persons due attention. , "Therein . ; j Which, t-' Leads cn t Here is a chn: look this way., 1 ; cessfullyithe en;r r which I propose t: however, thouc,!i ? wit: the erecti; , wool, and for cn! prospect opens u ; , fields. !j This Ice:.:" m Town, is very , great Central 11: . Country. I will, terms i to suit y. South Eagle Tr .. almost any auic either for lots or enterprises will r 3ra4 ' Iredell Ccuu' , OFFERS his He can at : professionally e- Saliahury.Ju.'y WAT Oil . , one" Ml KEEP co.;,: , .tensive E: ) (Silver , MUSICAL I ., Perfar of every descri. tides in the at inejheir fine ti Murphy & Co. I Watches,' CI ' manner, anJ u Lepine and i '. and warranted t : ; Salisbury, TI j RF.all in XjL Posts ha e as new. We 1.: ter,and well ri.' 7p0bbls. mere!. ' Those favori: -as prompt and other Line can c A. D.GAZAU. Fayetteville, I I IVactc ' .) iooo : THE suU:: Feathers. , , I . " J ' Marc's ! 50.000 i: IjWILLjiay r: ion and; lin-.-, in Foyettevi!!e. a Paper Mill ir. . getting my ra: , as much for ra nod be forced t-.-arranged with . rags delivered : - March 4, i: THE Co-r ; firm ani . this d&y di?!?ov Al persons m come forwarJ i Salis'jury, I I ! f " I "" 1 I Fentar " 1 1 anuary Jo, i Bi THE SuL : Dw i sell at reduce ! ; which they i . may give tow..-. wishing to buy : toigiVe ns-a c&ll, Stdck-asJow as We keep a sheet-iron, i! ners use, and I ! 1 i ? jSali&bury, J. . i "2 i ( - t I , , S !

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