. u : -H .lv vv f rv v4 H i .-. Hp: V : i in i - - ; I '' ; m:- i v-l-if.! A.'-" 'A I : ii liir -'A'- ! it),:: 1 j ' -:" A- - A A! .V. rs 4;. ivr Watchman and mee I.V Tli lcffla kit!' r if i i rU,Anc'rJ rk.J jM ijlEETlNd Si I : a- large ana izdns ol Iredell of Mr. Jacob pur. opriely portion of Li !! Wjlpcl 4 the r !brrfatJ ! ifUfiner ; after lBSJ5ydCountv.a meeting which ee, delivered a ounty, and also hpointed ihe following Wll i II CUCII l ie faai: jltUfiS P. ' Ckmbbell, Jr., Leliand, Allison I$sq The Com miff following '' r ti" m rk iTrirM- j-i; nihil- -.t L. j rjfiiefte4itj&.8t ibfehce eastward t,,i: m LUC : vie5 line, thence with and thence with i ' . IT - f 3 I si ' i wo a ddi 1 1 on a I ca n Commons favorab e &j$$f,pYffiM and opposed tp lhi i Mlh$t i tfc Bp oved that t h e pro If?t-Mip9.p"vef K ,Jp I'wousnea in ine r- .4i-hiSi-lffi:li.riBi i I.S ..t t; l . j .: -L U'f cJdttpvvJirc was adopted, r .j5WD D,nieefrj ujournea, v. .t i e UYli titiivte. i ! 4 S 11 tor's family, and sickness Hn the office, must account U r?alamiei 4S wis twuei s paper ; ana for the f .Til-'"f$js-:t .jtalvi fi ; . i ' j ylnTkfeliIdFtadiPhTslogttoiny, combi I rim ui vfuipuui j i ucuvenng lectures In(ialeli-caia ia' the above' acien .leini:velii'pUa have resolved. to take fwteifif arelL i jlmjT. will visit Lexington ,uii5w er, wii Do a meetfng vwiuiw,ih:uiii y 1 P e c,l,ena oi ssajis l.wii.50Hi: tte ichantry aihall see fit to MM is , at 3 o'clock P. M. fiMapln to the Rail Itoad M'ftee1 thd $th July next. 7 I K. RsV(.-BiBItOP si&mfe Lflk's Cherchy Salisbury, on Sunday toot. 1188 ShkejklplLBnr.nrr f - isisaiaattiape rendered backwith erg 2-S ' faUglritoilohtfX ft. Wright, Town. EKEW.ngllast,: 10 minutes to ;fSflmk-iUaaehter of J. J. and IWNiiiUful in death- !. ' lW&-1? Wstantv Mr, Benjamin aOl'P'! 3arB- The decease has sv Wl Wy $m$ his death. Com. "tWtff fw9 S months mi 14 iayi SI? fl fr,f tighter of William ar ISWy. Maryland Wtit T -I" n'Py De "a,d that though f f Mr FFs -rrB 1 ana I qualities. ler Hkll 1 charity, was indeed of Hj-fli ???raftW4ad fbr one as younff rr-H' fM ornament ot grace &!MlRH if f !J:'v, : but quiet, MMWftll.v known, eten S ( iP1ua'pt(ince-; bu she was never- r-sSf? 'H!1 devoted friend-the 3aisaif "jffhafeica, obscured partly by SI5Tilo-her mostand none :fc4f ,t?i m .Hved her more, than her iy tU.3H- inenas,- w nose loss tfeey txepaied. 1 tut t ana irnm iir hmA n .i ,u.,. li&t t .ri Mvni iiCT oome. ana thnnsn iLPt-aeMl liHS. .i;.! .u if j 'i -.V i T L BIN iuy( ;.fom4hkWi&rc.e that disturbed herr "lllt? WfWed because that k.Vl A -I , Si 11 v J.P. S. wfllpleasecopy- i IS & CO.. : iJLa fefcia u M-!fiJu P!e Nly receivincr aiMwtAn. fell i6 ani Enable Gon : Mmmim are solicit n WOIF W wiU be pleased Um h.. -.L . . ... . . " V B. B. itCO. tn tibfOTiTr--?' iJia .. arL Tf f OTcaville,offers ; 1 . t fJa0 0. . . i ft iiiijff:.; it-.'' Ttfffit: beginning ai me laoKin lyriheforler of the Wilkes K S l Yadke Coun; f rMl Irflfl'to ilfnder Coiaif y cor- i - ih a v dnw i n : i tne. AitrtollloPW? i.qoirtte having been ;.i M2k.m. vftiKer men moved that Sel'riei.'' ' " s to :: t- i f r-i v . -1 );pmppa&a . a T '151 ' k jftil jcoont by Revl John rTf WTM'alf, .of Salisbury, to Miss f,W?tiWi Mi Fisher, of Cabanitia. IJ :!. 7 ! SAM'L H. littl ; Vat. 1 f t. . i.w I . i . : . . r PURE &; UNAPtJLTERATED Palnis,OiLs,Brnshes,Pntt -ALSO-. stum, B.fr ""tw-! rand 'ro.p. v, ' j? ' SomaiHn9 and Creams - Fan- Prtw?feh? HMi?Tot. rure Wines and Brandies warranted not reduced and selected eapWly for medicinal SSS. ticIe.DQrchased frnm iW;a L.If rT ... . cr7 ar- to be-such'a. eiSJ.ff TTf ? fnd Goods carefully Daclied njLL-.lLlLir . 1m. osteite U -. .1. : Madder, logwood, C?bod, fro givesatisfactioni pS,lri"Aa expnencea hands at rfj 1,? to which they can have access Lat iiinv tim.T " IOre Advice gratis to those pircng medicines. June IT, 1852.. fl -Hi id fill' ! JUST REGElVEli A T; PENDLETOS METtvifDRUGlTORE, by XX. express, a quantity j . s ; . ' 7 I ; Quinine, '; f 1 . ; . ; ig.i ' Gm Opium, II I . Powdered Opium, Rhubarb,: Opt. i , Pint jRooiii I ' ' Balsam Covaiva. Chlorofohn,, I L Blistering Ointment, Mjvvvrsi jrvwae: A "Blue Mass. k June 17, 1852. S , H! i 7:f J?T!eceived at pEifDfiEtoil's DRUG STORE, a lot of SUnerfin C.ttll A tlG..'JrtUPinn TOBACCO. t June 17.- V-7;tf ? r -: MEDICO-DENTAL SURGERY, w. f. nAsbsiik.n. .:tL :.. fj ESPEpFpIiLV offers his servi A c?s in the IlygerticaJ, Surgical am and Mechanical J treatment of the various Hi: - iPISEAlESOF THE ,"i : . and expects from a more5 thjrotigh acquaintanoe with cause and effect, the many improvements in mechanism, io uirrii a cuinmuance pi lavors'so generously be stowed for the last 8 or JO years, i f I; N. B. Dental SaRqERY' can only be faithfully and honestly dispensed iby a person wiih high practical ex cellence in his mechanical manipulations, guided by a knowledge of the functions of the humati economy, dur ing health'a'nd 'dissaseM L - ;M f t O" Communications directed to Salitbury, will be attended the first opportuiity. " ) 1 June 17,'1852. ; i ? i !;i-vili 5-tf MARTIN & BRYAN, ' : :; ' FAtppBP, ; A And General Commission Merchants, JVb. 3, Boyce ido.Wiarf . i! CHARLESTON. Si C.!; THE SOAP 31AN IS IN TOWN. E'cfy body has bought ajrisht. IT is hot unfrequemiy Ithei case in two or three days to hear the declaration, bWn't you bought the right ta use CRANE'S SOAP ';Whyi you fcan do four days washing in less than one day, without boiling or rubing. All you havetd do is, to soak your clothes for thirty minutes in warm water and' rinse them out, and they are nice and ttagti' if: Sv' 1 The undersigned haa jthe;sole; righito Si CRANE'S Chemical Componnd Washing Mixture OR 3 in and for tjhe State of N. Carolina, and will be pleased to serve the citizens of Salisbury with therigbt to use this valuable Dteoarattot He can he found, for a few days only, at H James? Hotel. V Experimental' washings will be made for any one; at their own homes, if request- At fX a a m nnin ! a i f t Via rrat rrA rn it Kik nivan C rrm ladies and gentlemen ofuncjoubted veracity in all parts ot ine country, wno are in jtne use oi me iviixiure. ror further particulars: see snali bills. O" Persons livihff at a. distance can brocure A ri?ht for the Patent bjr sendingf4edol1ara tb Ji J. RYAL, Raleigh, N C, which will-entitle them toHhe right to use the Patent, and recejpe to make,;and directions to use ine r reparation, wnifcrr wm, in an cases, oe sem io purchasers by return inailrjn due form. 'l ! ill! t IN LEXINGTON, Ni C. PERRYMIN HillRIS Co., XXAVE opened! a Shp jfn the Tow ni of Lexington, I anrt or nrtw nrpinared in rp reive fh nrdera ftf their friends and all others who may want work in their line of business, Theyf have ;made arrangements to extend their ODerations. fio ats to accommodate all aonli- cants and meet all demands, from the; most common article uplto the eIegantand$ump3uoius; ! " (JLOSE UAiililAiiii. Their work shall tehut up in ihe. Neatest afid most SUDSiamiai manner anu jfuiu- w iyrtccs -which cannot fail io give satisfaction. None but the very best materials, of wood and iron, shall be tised. ! 1 . f V v v 1 v It bein their objeel Io give a fair equivalent in all cases, they will unhesftitioglyt warrant ;their work for a reasonable length of time, i f , i A ; R EfffA Ift ING : i ;, : A done at shortest natice.fand af low prices.1:..! jConfitjenl of avit!g i ijibeij; paver toerve ihe public inihiVt of basin? s iri a manner that shatl ensure its' approbation, they respect. fullyssolMit a trial.? j fl .? ' : Vt M'" - . Lexington, June J7, 1852. ; i 7;3in k- ii HE! Subscribers we riow lrceivjpg la jlarge stock fcWh DRUnaiMRDtCTNESi &e.. which they will sell to rnysiciansana pinery atsucn pnqrswiuT not fail td be batisfactary. J Froni, this tinle,: they will be ephstahtly in receipl of fresh .goods, and : all. orders promptly filled, upon ie niost, favordhle terras.; 1 , ., . i !f f I SILL! SILL.y ; i! H 'Druggists ot Chemists, -h Opposite Mansion'Hjtel; Salisbury, NC ; (.Junejp,l852,Ttf?i... (',1 A- ( Warraiits 1qr sale here I Tplf;f j; baft p , 5 ; ;:, t-i in .;;.U1 H "jAVING parcb.se d be.pfbt Summer retrett,. ,,.-! . - " miiig ; turn KKUUI laa IDf 1 ' Knii, ioi ne ji makjng every necessary improrement for ihnnrr.;-n- riJ. .r . - - -. mm luuuuii vi loose who may repair to those Yalaable; Springs in search of Dleasute or hlit ; 1 r " 1 2 , Progress, and. If iprtcticable. the water will soon be broagfat into the house by hy draulic machinery ; convenient; bathing houses -are be ing erected : lodffinff foomd.r.iu;J. ..7, ! nished with all that ; wfll cohtributejio the enjoyment of the occupant ; and the spacious premises are teine or namented m T.rious wayai In alibrt, the proprietor is determined to render the qatawba SPrmgaPaPof h?.?031' .T patronage .Wm i: and he assures the public that every possible effort shall be m,i.,eca,? the favop f the 4 ho call upon him. O-Travellers who stop at Catawba Springs, will find the very best if entertainment ; sad to all, the charges will be as low as the provision markets will al- IOW. i ! ".j! ,. j f ; , . Catawba Springs, March 3, 1852. tf5 i s HEAD QUAETEfiS, Salisbury, Hay 18, 1852. fTipE Officers of the . 3rd Regiment of Volunteers J". Xcry commanded to appear at the Court House in Salisbury, on the 2d day of Jaly- at 10 o' clocki with side arms for Drill and, Court Martial, and on the 3d. at 9 o'clock, with thi r.-' nies for Review and Inspection, iwith three' rounds of carinage. tsy order of f I 1 xxr , 4r,Tr3 s- BRW Ci- Com'ant. W. M. BARKER, Adj.! I i 6W3 READ THIS! ARRIVAL OF AN ENTIRE STOCK OF NEW GOODS. Maxwell & Horah mst received their entire neih htdck of opring ana iSummer uoods. Just purcbasedNn New York arid! Phililelhi t . duced prices, whicKwill enable tht-m tosell remarka bly low, consisting ohhe uisuat vpietyofi Foreign. Do mestic, and- Ladies' Fnnrw i I r): ! Waul . Sara, W 'SS IDs1'? COOKIXG STOVES, HIED WARE AXD CUtLEBT, MATS. BONNETS, BOOTS AND I CROCKKR V TV A UK . .CT TIONERY and FANCY A TICLESzGROCKRJRS? Cheap! to all of which they solicit the attention and patronage of the public, and pledge themselves to use' every effort to merit it. Small rrojit and Quick Re turn will be their motto. I f ( I i s - f Salisbury, May 13, 1852J ! f 2tf STATESFILLE FEjIALE SCHOOL, j THE subscribers beg leave to pay to he public thaij i they have employed Mies CKOLtNi W, McLean as teacher in this place, and that her school will com mence July 1st. She was educated in the Edgeworth Seminary, and has tausht fn Greenaborci to ih mir satisfaction of her employers, sie cojea Iwith high recommendation from comnerent tntlai:nnA tars ii IH alaoiadd that the health and moral of our village are not to be urpaed. Her priced per teionj of five month, vary from $6 00 to $10 00 ; Muid 815 00 : Drawing 1U 00 ; OiJ Painting IS 15 00. i Board in ""T r8 r 8'Tlgi? &mx9 from 6 00 10 7 1 ' H. flV McRORlE. W. STOCKTON. M. MOORE, R. BELL, ; , I trustees. June 10, 1852N COTr G I IN Si -1 S TIHE Subscriber respectfully iafornis the Cotton planters of North Carolina, that he can furnish nem wun urns oi superior construction ana worKman ehpp made of the best materials,! -02 erisaw. His Gins are warranted to run light, gin fast and make good cotton. j f , ' ! He requests those in want! of gins to call: and exam ine for themselves. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended toi j .'I S- j !' He refers to the following persons who; have tried his Gins: Messrs. Moss, Laird Alexander, jaiid Moses Pitts, near Concord, Rufas Reid, Mt. Mdurne, and W. N. Brown, of Mecklenburg. Ui f , ', I ! R. J. McCRETGHT,- j i Cotton Gin-maker, amaeo, S. C j June 10, 1852.--6m .6 V fPrice advj 0Q K Stsitr ot lovtnjfeaiidUnsi, j ROWAN COUNflfY. it j jj Andrew Lyerly, et alj. ) tin Equity; i : v. I Li ' n M; -. Richard Gheen. Spring Term, 1852. . v Petition to Sell Laid. M T appearing to the satisfaction jpf 8ai4 Court that Rioharrt HWn io nnl n inhnniiant if Ai Statei ! It was ordered, that publication b4 made.iri the Caro lina Watchman -for six weeks, requiring him, the said Richard Gheen,1 to appear at the: jjiext J:Term of this Court, to be held at j the Court-house miSjtlfebury; on the; 8th Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, then and there to plead, answer', or demur to the Petition, in default thereof, judgment will ibe taken pro confesso, against him ! 'f U H i L. BLACKMERJCi M. E. Salisbury, June 10. 1852.-f6t6. 1 l Pr.i fees 85 NEGROES WAiNTED. Salisbury, Jane 3d, 1852. CASH FOR NEGROES. rUHP siiKajr;Kr ia nnw in Tri- fnr iKe nnrehflkA X of a LARGE NUMBER 0lWKEiYl YOUNG NEGROES, .suitable for the Sduiiherriti iMarket, for which he is paying! THE HIGHEST iiPRICES IN cash.., ' -r- v:! ; . n .iH Jj , f : Persons having any of the above, named; property for sae, will find it to their advantage! by making applica tion io him, I MYER MYERS. D Communications! from a distanioqattehded to. 5 WHOLESALE CLOTHING ''I . r ! ' Hopkins & Pairc Wa- 91 A RltIraore Street.' HA 1.TIM0RE. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HA iffy A LAR$E ASSVKTMCifli I Ut KJJUJi MAJJ. all qualitiestb Which they invite attention of - ;: 1 oraiers. ( ma May 20, 1852. . ' fl iff: 1)3 Blanks of every descripioi jfor isMe . 1 1 HOUSE AT TMS .Daeetofe-lGniiil of tiie State of N. Carolina? -- ' i V-Vj Ntwiirf1 Ar?l IO loco O f he; MajSOJTTC Fa itt inrr 1 n KAm Ii Pi.l:.. ! ; Al IDC1 last OfflmA l mJF .K Hf. X7 I mim -.M Vl W.II shipfiilGranj Lodge ir wis Resolved, jThat each Ma u t i. " 90111 rwlent d active, be, and bej hereby; most earnestly requested by the Grand rrc, V, nn varonnarto transmit, is soon as possi ble, ta Brother A. T, Jerkin, of Newgem, C. wVd. Hutchips, iffRaleigh, William Swaim, of Green J-ougb,or E. Myers,of Saliabury, as may be most con venient, the Mm of 85,inore or less, for the speedy erection of Sl John' CU.. -7.;. t. r. f- f . "T"f-v tvpi nucirw will be weekly pnnoonced in the papers pablished in the Brethren: 'with confiIirte f ? 1 JJlnll!V? Hhtlf "'"prise, the impor lance of which h hn r.,ti- ....ki:.Lij L" . r . JiPt!tP general Concurrence W the Brethren u.uuBuui ine otate. ; yvile enough has already been done toencoaraee the hone! of KnilM anil mrrl r. i. enure practicability. mnh vr rm.;n k. j render this success certain! and even to prosecute an remutinglyihe measures ifafready commenced And yet it is confidently Ki; ,i,.,",i..i.:j Li-1". feub 1 l.Fender will belktnply sufficient to accom- F.u . u5 anu tna t speedy. Upon your action then as Masona, depends the sudcess of ah enterprise which promises the richest benefits ito the cause of Masonry and of humanity in general- Some of our Lodges have contributed Dronmtlv snH 'nnhl ia m j only ask your careful consideration of the subject, con vinced as we are that nothing more is needed to secure your cordial b: r i "viv hum COI1V IC sponse to this appeal. Rendmber that in this aSin ev ery other social movement; harmony it it strength and mpport. 1 am Respectfully and Fraternally yours, , . ': A. T. JERKINS, Grand Matter. pub:t:Dec:f 10:ds. : j- . 1 Editors of Newspapersjand Periodicals ifriendly to the cause will please cfrpyfjthe above. ' The Estate mbst be Settled 1 1 ALL those indebted to Ihe estate of John Murphy, deceased, or the old ; Firm of J. & W. Murphy, iuuicu wntc more, 10 can ana settle, or they wi have to settle with an Ojeer1.. v . W. MURPHY, Execuor, -' I and surviving partner. May 27, 1852. . ; j ; . 6w4 Tii Weekly! Stage Line FROM: SALEM TO, j JEFFERSON, N. C. ARRIVES and departs from Salem in connection with the Northern Line. E. T. Clemmoxs, Contractor, respectfully informs the travelling community am public generally, that this uire is wen BiocKea witn arse, able Home fir... r.nau. es, careful and experienced drivers. . Ihe best eating houses have been selected. No pains nor expense snail oe soared on his nan in ronHoml pleasant and agreeable. If!, O Office at Zeverly's Hotel, Salemi N. C. May 2. 1852. fl . 6m4 New Spring-and Summer GOODS, FOR 1852 M. BROWN & SON. A1 RE . now receiving their Spring and Summer . Good . Pmhraeinor evjrv vn rll v nf at via an A f. mU ion, to b found South of khe Potomac, consisting of Engusbi French, and American Staple ana iancyiiry lioods, Hardware and Qflery, Ready Made Clothing, Hats afid Bonnets, Delph, China and Glass Ware, Qroce v j rtei, 4-c, &c. Our stock of Goods is as pomplete as any in this Mar ket, and will be sold as cheap as the cheapest, whole sale and retail. Give us call before buying, as we are determined to offer extraordinary inducements to purchasers! ' Salisbury. April 2Qi 1852. 52t THE subscriber having been appointed Agent for Trnsteea of SnlishiirV Female Anlem v. would inform all persons who have contributed to the erection of said Building, that he? in pursuance of an Act of Assembly passed at the session of 1850-'5l, (page 530) made sale iof said Dronertv. and is now readv to nav over to each contributor ot their legal representatives their prorata proportion Off the fund arising from the sale of the 'same. 1 1 t . vj MICHAEL BROWN, Agent ; for-Trustees of Salisbury Female Academy. May 20; 1852. ) I ; 3tf Sale of Valuable Lands. PURSUANT to a Decee of the Court of Equity for Rcwan County, obtained at the Spring Term, 1852, 1 will oner tor public sale, at the premises, on the 19th day of June next, thknds bef6hging to the heirs at law of Alexander Snioot, deceased, lying on the waters of South Yadkin, known as the .Thomas place, adjoining the lands of John ; Luckey, iSamnel Smith, Henry Rudisill and otherfcoqtainiag about S 300 AipRESA v Terms.--r-Credit nine months, bond and security, x Also.lTWo Tracts of Ltthd, belonging to Ann Eli zabeth Chambers, infant vard of James Alexander, ly ing on the jwaterf of WillMrow's Crek, adjoining the lands of Richard Cowari.rJohn K. Graham and others. These t&crcontain, the im about S3 3-4 Acre, the other Ka bout 94 AcJCS. They will be sold on the premises, on the 15th efcray of July next. Tenns-li-Credit 9 monthjs.bond and security. 1 BLACKMER. C. M. E. Salisbury Mayj 1,1 852-tPr. adv. 8 3t5 Jysf Received & Fresh Supply of TOMB STONES. THE subscriber wdulcjespectfully inform the citi ! zejislof Salisbury dad the surrounding country, .u.. Ukoinr..n.,l TTriVhlo nliliIimllt lliai uc I t r - - . , . in Salisbury, which may be foutjd at his residence, on Market street- where he "is prepared to furnish Grave Stones of garble Slabs ancy upright stone on pedes tals, tombs monuments, Ac, at a Very small profit. W I . I XVA-tUA m -.-Saaa IT.viniT tingravipg aone neany nuiiucij)ni.tB. a short notice, fill any orcfer jfrom five dollars to 8500. -m L '111 ' f ' m .fA ak Ho pains will oe tpareii io give enure pjj,iisii.iij. Old Tomb Atones festoreufto their primitive whiteness. . GEORGE VOGLEH. , Salisbury, Apri 8,1 85. ) liAND HOR fALE. PURSUANT to a deeree of the Court ot tquity, majie at Spring Terrt,il852, 1 will sell at public It.onjhe premises, on Baiurday.the 3rd day oi Juiy it, thit (valuable tract of land known as the Tan-Yard Tract, formerly! t!he property of Levi Cowan, situated seven miles West; of SaIisbBrysdjoining the lands of Mat thew Plnramer. Daniel Menae, and others, containing 117 Acres; Thiisa vtJoable piewof land.and has upon it a idwening-housej and Tan.Yard, the latter in good repair. This property i situated, and any onwlio wished to go into the. Tanning Business would douhtless do well t6 purchsse iL ' Anv one wishing to examine the premises, may do sobyealling on Mr. E Rice, who; may beand at 5 ; Terms made known 04 the day of sale. T. T. LOCKE. Com. Janell852.J4t6.!j; Grand east . -v ' s is"."1-' ' "Y'T' ' Marriage1 IAtnc rof sqte here. H'' i ' . .I:;' ' V i "tTiejiaiikets. . . ....... r . ,y vww 1 .-.t irnnrtr iim. it ; 7 l 1 dU 0i Bacon, 120 15 . . i . lit iTai OQil: LOtlbD Yirn 71 s?. ln - - rr 1 i V7? "wT,wt. Deew. 20S)0 - Butter 10 .V. oitai TiriiDfra imn iiri. i! .j - Molasses 3540; NaL.4l(a5rOat.40S00t Irish -aawuaira is a - " .1 wmmmmn 1 ni tatoes 1250 00 : Sweet do. as a An . 5- T:r- 7 09 : Do. Loaf. 00a loii.5-Rrir"irtV"3 low 8 9 Wheat 75 S : Pork ft 64 7 1 --T. Bft, HUBl JK Jl June I0Bew.T 52 a 01 . "r;: -Xl ! Cotton 8 a Rl P.ir ao?.'r.-iAiU.r. 475 0 : Feathers 3235 . Flaxseed 81000000 Ird ' - -i- w-v . uaiu io M IS' Leather. sole. 20 23: lfl..9iooc. v.u- J. Uats, 503 60: Sonr hm Cbo- u.r m 7. 0.1. i. . - c. " ' L.r" " "" 'u"',u ft iR. i '"c 1 bU " TaUow, 7 8 : Wheat 85 9w 9V. v" . VHEKAW. Jan 0. Kieon ttr W , nfl a IOI . O-.J-l tV"Z? ' See,rJ,Jt a : Coffee 12 15 : Cotton otwt :.ora ii98lI2 Egs 12,315: Flourfl 0 Leather (sole) 48 & 22: Molases3S 40 i do. ck 1 ' v if 4, ; Sugar.brown.8o 10: do. Loaf. 124 a 15: Sh T i. oa 4J fi 37 Niiln.rnl 3 7 . I? ;- I : l rnMl I If) A i en i ' - ! , '. r DR. S H. PENDLETON, OFFERS httTsrofessionalt services to the public i He can jbe found at Coi. Robarda' Hotel. I OAUiBim, 41 ARCH ZO, IGOZ. 147 f -i NEW SPRING G00DS-F0R CASH. rilHE subscribers now offer for nnli r iX. X duce, thej largest, best assorted, and most desr- aoie sioca ot staple and f ancy DRY GOODS, ever exhibited n Western North Carolina, at from 5 io percent Jess than the same Goods are usually boiu ior on creau. Also, 137 packages shoes and boots, very cheap, j 150 doz. hats and bonnetsall sorts and prijrea, 13000 lbs. henilock and oak sole leather, i i 2000 lbs. Northern skirting and black harness, 30 doz. French calf pink lining and pad skins, 250 kegs best Northern nails, 1000 lbs. horse shoes and horse shoe nails, 50 setts blacksmith tools, ! 18 boxes till plate cross, i 75 boxes 8 X 10 and 10 X 12 glass, " 35 doz. Arries' lon and short handle hnwL 75000 lbs.ass'd tyre, band, oval, horse shoe, square add rouna iron, 120CO lbs. Swed iron shovel moulds. j 3500 lbs. Gertnan, square and octagon cast 6teet, 144 8 day ard 30 hour clocks, 1 125 setts best springs and axles, ' 3000 feet patent and enameled leather, 450 kegs blasting and rifle powder, 337 bags Rio and Java Coffee, j 25 hhds. New Orleans and Porto Rico sugar, 40 bbs. Stewart's clarrified do. 3000 lbs. loaf, crushed and granulated do. 50 hhds. good Molasses, 40 bbs. linseed and tanners' Oil, -30 bbs. Mackerel, 6 pieces Bolting Cloths, No. 5 to 10, i 4500 lbs. best pure and No. 1, White Lead. Also,, a very lai ge Stock of ''j ! READY MADE CLOTHING. All cash dealers are respectfully invited to call, as bajrr gains will be offered and no mistake. j JENKINS & ROBERTS. All persons indebted to J. H. Jenkins. Xr Cn Jenkins & Roberts, will please call, without delay. ad settle, as longer! indulgence cannot be given. We will pay cash for lOOO, Bales good Cot ton. JrJKtrSb S ROBERTS.! April 29. 1852. 52tf I Salisbury. Spring and Summer Goods, AND j FASHIONS FOR 1852. NEW H. IL BEARD & SON, j XJAVING entered into Co-partnership for ihe pur IX pose of carry ins on the Tailorinir Ruii. ness. on a more extensive scale, and with the view of more successfully meeting the increasing demands of the public in their line, take occasion to announce that they have just received a very handsome and full sup ply of J ; READY MADE CLOTHING. I selected at the North by the senior partner of the firm, and may therefore be depended on as superior in the quality of the goods and the style and manner! of the workmanship, and particularly in regard to the fii of ibe garments. Thy have also on hand a beautiful and su perior assortment of Cloths. Cassimeres. and Vestini which they will; make up to order, as cheap as ican be bought elsewheje. Of course they will be glad to make up any goods their customers may wish, whether bought of them or purchased at other establishments, j I hey also continue to receive the latest Foreign and American Fashions. They have already received the Spring and Summer Fashions for 1852. and invite gen tlemen to call and examine them. ! II. II. rARD. i JAMES B. BEARD. April 15, 1852. 22tf vol.8 LAST AND BEST ARRIVAL. ! '' : Spring cmo Summct 1 J. F. Gil AMBERS & CO., ! H AVE just received their fresh stock of Goods. comprising a most extensive and varied assort ment ot Staple nnd Fancy j Hardware, Groceries. China and Glass Ware Ready Made Clothing, j j . BOOT, SHOES. Sec. -'. Also Railroad Gearitiz Complete.! Ladies and Gentlemen are invited tc call and examine their stock. ! . I Copntry Merchants : Pass not by without a thotough examination, ji ry us, and you shall have bargains. ; Salisbury, April 29. 1832. 52tf j (Q GREAT BARGAINS. Xfl Two; Dozen Buggies I Coing off at Cost Xow's the time to :. (Bay Bargains!! j VEHICLES of almost every description, made of flttA mAat airvrjs ffmKr nil tra lsritt la: aT tk best quality, and by experienced and faithful workmen. St tne SnOpS OI we auoscriorr, iu oimuuif, auu awiu on the bestterms, t.hat any one wishing to buy can atk. All work warranted good, and if any proves in rea sonable time fiialiy, it will be replaced or made good at my shops upon application. Those wishing to pur chase any kind of Carriage, Wagon, Buggy, $ejv will do well to call before buying elsewhere, as I mm deter mined to givejbargainf that can't be eqasllediia the Staterin any kind of work, new or old. I . - i ; I ? , J. S. JOHNSTO Timber ! Wanted, such ss Wbie bak;White Ashe, WliteiekkyJYellow Poplar and persimmon, for which cash or work will be taid. . V J. S. J. April 29, 1852. - v. v '52tf lr C5 f 1 t 7 I vf ii t -xf ,j I 1 I -v : j. r " ! I nrrTc 3VVJUC j VALLEY- ACADEiZ I ST711mwll ' 1.. . 1 - ; k-m. u u 1 1 m - VS7 1 VI . A Wi .F AUC ETT B . will c I TBI a"!! rM -... . ' ?--cenoot0 tbe I6th of Jnlr. in the kii , - m - 1 . rT "vriwrs. lioarci r rr Kr!.: : . J ,u 'aocr, wassics, ; fl. i. J TT tnglish, 1 ftlO in l 11 - I lm. a Ih.. - . i , " ' - - . ' ' - - - - ' T 7, " ,4 '7, ceruncates we deem it unnece add any thmg. f sm ; SvF. PATTERSON, E. W. JONES, JAS. C. HARPEH, W. II. DULA, I 8. P. DULA, x r Trustees. CERTIFICATES. I Mr, EoWAtO W. Firrrr-r ... t. several year His deport r student at the Dan Ri ver Tnf itnt. cn a to- secure nimt it. . 1 his stad.es Paasifaland Mathematicalith grea i f ,nd Dd tode Very considerable att, He has chosen Teaehinv i"rT .LrL:.v . ' - ead) considerable experience, and we regard him j ... -u rmmeni degree, those elements of c; acter which aniformly make a successful teacher. A. C. LINDSCr, Dan Rtvtr Institute, YanctyvUle, April 0, , 1 852J Hir. LDW11D VV. Fifrti-re mmnM.J r" cal course, when a lad. under IHI 111 - Inn , anil i both industryland aptness So learn. Jf For three v pan oe conducted the Lnglwri Department in my ft! with fidelity and abilitv. I regard hi high integrityiand promise.!-f'i 3 .-..'.! M ! v!.: '-.'tAVJJ-BINGHAM. ! ! Oaks. nrnro0 V r- May tx, I V ' :-. i - Cw5 TROUTMAN, & HAYES, f A'liiiadelplila. ! v. HPHE AMERICAN ORATOR'S OWN COO" lomo sheen. oU eta. A minni nfKn.ftmnr. ous Eloquence including a course jof discipline for t faculties of Discrimination Arrangement and Oral D cussion, with practical exercises in Reading. Recita V : a srx w-v . . a " ana Lieciamatory UeDate. V i V j 1 H J his Book is the production tf m minm nf ' of the Legal Profession. distinguished for hi rhat. r elegant style of oratory, ant) was written for the us those who were ambitious' to cultivate the art of Ex tf : poraneous Psblic Speaking.and by the same proce study acquire the no less important accomplishnietu a fluent and elegant styfe of conversation i ' In view of the high encomiums which have been t stowed upon this manual, the Publisherfl take plea -in recorameiiding this Book to the ; favorable notic Parents and Teachers. ! :r;- Mills copious Questions and AnaJysisl-Octavo t. 82 00. t . ' i 1 v 1 1 . - - , 1 i ' To speak or to write Dersnicuotial ian1 'n ' with purity, With grace and sirength.areattainnief. i the utmost consequence to all who nnnov.Viihn speech or writing to address the poblii. For wit! masters ot txiese attainments no man an do jamic his own conceptions! but how rich soever he may in kuowledeeand cood sense ' will he ahVin avail I self lestof these than such as possess naif lis store t no display what they possess with more propria Persons desirous of improving their istyle in con -sition, strenEthe ninsr their convenmiibnat rvurC cultivating llieir taste for public speaking will f utair a Rhetoric University Edition " 'fHE Book." Locke's JEsay on the Human! Understand: Octavo sheep 2 00. i f i " Whoever wishes to train himself 141 address the ! man judgment successfully, ought 10 make Locke, 1 bosom friend and constant companioni He introtL his reader to a most intimate acquaintance with t construction Bnd constitution of the mind ; nnfolJs t ery property which belones toil : shows how alone r judgment can be approached or acted on ; throoh w! avenues, and with what degree of proof $ man r calculate whh certainty on its different degrees of t sent ; besides jhis Loeke is auxiliary to the same j r cess for which I have been so earnestly recommenJ the Mathematics, that is giving to the mind a fixed r rooted habit of clear, cogent, close, and irresistible r. soning." j WM. WIRT, Attorney Geo. U. S. In addition to the above we publich American Gentleman's Medical Pocket Book, 0 c " f Ladies M J " j , 0 t These volumes describe the character and ar per. ance of ihe diseases incident to each Sex and the j r per mode ot treatment. h i Blair's Rhetoric Abridged Kay'a Edillpn,,I8 mo k!. for schools, ! ji ' 37 c Brackenridge's History of the late war with Great Britain, with numerous spirited il- lustrations, 12 mo muslin, ; Collof'a Levizac's French Grammar, vj ; 1 : " Pronouncing Reader, fj x" Interlinear " . . ' - "; " French Anecdotes and Questions, " Dialogues and Phrases j IN 1 to c r t ,. . k I t j' f C v J c . r r , r r , . " Key to Exercises in French Grammar 37 The use of these Books has been rendered en?y, a available to every one, by the full and jelear rules a explanations which the Author has given in the Ir in duction to each volume, so any person1 with the a? ance of these Books can, without the; a id of a Fit: teacher, by devoting a few moments j of each day study, soon acquire a knowledge of theiFrench. Evidences of Christianity by Alexander, Wat- J son, Jenyns, Jeslie and raley, 1 vol.J8 mo, Gibson's SurgeryText Book ia the Universi ty Penri., 2 vols, 8 vo sheep, colored plates. c; 7 ; ivay s iniant and fnmary School Headers and j Define, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 - II - ' . : ; Lyell's Elements of Geology, 12 mo1 muslin j colored places, . jl l-v-'J -l i There is happily blended in this work of Mr. I.j in an eminent degree, two qualities sefdom found ir: t contributions to scientific knowledge,; first an intir . acquaintance with the subject "and iits kindred brant! of Science and Literary research, together with V power of communicating this inlormaticn in Ian'. i unsorpassed fir elegance. Although this Book h signed for ihe use of Schools and Colleges, the ft familiar style in which it is written renders it a r,'f- companion for the general reader. 1 1 : V JiacKenzie'i 5000 ICeccIpI, co ,t, much useful and valuable information in. Agrici;!' . Bleaching Brewirt2. Calico Printinri Carvin -r r, ing.ConlVctionary, Diseases pying. Distilling Far; ry, uaitfening, Oilding, Inks, Mediciries, Metsi:! -Painting. Perfumery. Potterv: Preaervinc. Silk Wr - Tanning. SccL, See.. Sect Ate ' S ,f This will be found a valaabli? Ronlt Cnr .nml ference by Farmera and others 1 vol. Octavo t' The above list embraces a portion of our Po! lions, and in addition to our own. we' keep on hir ! large and well assorted stock Of Books in. ihe! vir departments of Literature and Science, j School, C sical, Medical, Law and Miscellaneous, lozether v a constant vtpy ot Foreign and Domestic Static: 1 both of a useful and ornamental character, i TROUTMAN 1& HAYES, 193 MarketSt.Philadeb!.:!. May27;l852 ' f;X Jvi.4if O fXl HE present term of ihe V Iniifai u. ;'i , X on the 4th of Jane. The next aeaaion will mence on Thursday the 15tbof Joly. s j j ? i Tuition, per session of five Wnihs in advance, i following rates : f t. vvvjv . V;r' : Elementary BraochetYt' "tn:: ; Arithmetic. Geoffranhv. EntrlUK nramm.'r ' r Algebra, Geometry. Survey ing. Philosopfiyi Lc. 1 . Latin and Greek, including all lower branches, 1" Board in private families is $5 00 per month. On the 5 th of June, the Edaeational Aasociatl: meet. All members, and especially! the. Tru;t: c , requested to attend. ;!;v-j.V:v:Ti::;. , Jew Institnte, Iredell co.,N. C., , t v . ; May 20th 1852. , Kn TO The Lincoln Reunblican and :AUiev;!' " ger will copy and continue antil lit of Ab"us! c . r, :: .' : ' .- r - v- .IA; fi !i