t .1 -It ' ir ' 11- H' 1! I I- iiir 't-M . !. t ' U. ft! 17' -; - I:- it? 'V ! ; v. I if I' $4 hi fii.: to- IK: 1 f- -' f ,-' 1- i 1 1 r if .i ; I - a' I: t -('.4. i-8-f Finr the Cnctfdfrcai7. f 'if m 7 7 WRITTEN FOR HELEN'S ALBU2I. Ai.rtwihgtfs, nut long saice we tneti ? f Aa fri ida f raifl we soiuSi will part i A last) w teavo wiui raiiH.,(s' h ; f It fills, with sdaes, my fond heart. it . i i In tbr dear? mother's, fond embrace, I tears jhre in thy hjsppthias,'' : t AbJ when gone my soul Jv ill Wei ; Thy ulrnj bf aceful.eiitlness. ; h V : -:i;7 ' i - ; ' ' ' ' I iHlf.' J I hIMVfcan SaiHriff iwi the hrirrv deei i - - . . - - - w Far ditait froin tb'e Jidud the "When sickened on my berth !l lie -j" Fair ouej will you remember mel . si it When P Carolina' genial soih .7 "My youthful f wtste r quickly tread, When minting with some happy soul f When tEoIliug 'long the flowery nlemd ; t ' ! .. i p When kmefy on the moooitaih lop " 'Reciininj in the mossy rocki fa alfthoael scenes I'll think iwf thee' ' I Then I IcJeo, save one thought for line. PjULiDKU-uu, April, 1652. j; ; -"" : 7 ; TAK ING Of VUNCJI, j; i iiti round. M . v f. ; ".. . H. .1! 1 1 Smile if be burns hh Ungers with Uip Phs thflutr. ' - '' i Sings ym love mniasthpn H ; pnri! bisjbair in ihtk irijdllpj f '. Takes nn umbrella vi-iib htiiiio anleven ; ! Wers golashes nfffr rliisk. . I Has a s?ecrtt phss on for cruel. i I Wri'es acrostic?, and contributes to a- jdps albuini ' i h ' j ; fCurls his wbiskers 1 ; . j 1 - Is the4ljprv. Sec "to tjie 4LdiefM Be ntvolnnt Mangle Distribution JSociety.' - Kepps a tat, and a regular acuunt pf his daily expensfs. ' - .jf-.- 1 ! II is greatest pleasure, isftci attend 4 inee rig at Exejter flail, and bis next greatest jirasura isito have bis name men jioneij tinmongst those vyhom vye observed pn the jjJalonn.w S:c. (Sic. j ' J IIis lohdrst tie, next to an aged grand' mother, is that ot bis white neckcloth. 1 I Can hum the overture to 'VenFreiiphuh. 1 Carries a pincushion j.and acilated about with him and 'is never uh- jirovided wjth a scent bottle, Xot Ipar f ents. j Goes opt in the rain to; letch a ,Cp J 4Josn t smoke. j Helps rnammas sriawl on with the raceoi on oi tloimess snppmen. :f Ws his jhair and handkerchief full of &Cf ntsan(it is a pity the samp corjpp.ttfc Baidof liis bead. ' j.. f " 1; j- ' ilolds a ik' in of sijlc withexerrlary llnc- tnrns ov pr ifipilfaves of niusic Vith grt al Jligitnl ski! a: elar .-i:rfr bke 'lends novels ui vulce laughs of o -lisps morei-.id'joke.s with tlti uU maids alleftixi quotes Keiry penset opr- ls prestissimo and makes Sflf geirrilto usfftiloA I ! . M$iucb "arej the hatnts bf ftho nice, oqng" man. A ITlNT FOIltU ii BOYS, Boy, truth i one oil t hi riebpst Utvpi tou can rvT fin, nr nno a on shoold fcbeih asiol priceless vftlupl . Mihy of j?fur jhvfprnllo to honoilanil iw,riHSs fl'r,,"i'nffltssuhlime: pr r pipand ba vp fil,.( to Vcomp what tb-v rpfht nnv hen. mn of renown, bjilbof my c astirjg Jt from 1Pr bosoms. All .m ,J,,H Urm in the beginins. hoys, but it y be lo.vj by wipkedhess apd cnrfles?! .!r'M 3H hflve' !not linsti i t, and ' w a Ihnni !ess ; ?M ,mT- qpt. let nothSnc! cheat yoti oof iNt ; lor i,s equal is hardly to be found AVhen lost, i" , . ; j; . r. 'rl'e language, bnysi is a sure index : orja Wlckec) heMif and low hrpeding. ; f)o Qlf P' 4 man or a boy! who eommnds .tfTf' .frn'p MS hefghb;;ff oM nveP henr the(n uuear no oath ever trembles ,oU their lipemulate their bright ejamJ 'nn y" Von read the tjitalngue oS sin l'f crime You will find the disgracprl flClots to ha ve been proline. ! Reflecl ort' knd let no jwdrd of profanity Mps.: !. V . v"erjf he company of such as haunt: .Jnf ,Vrn(,; they may induce. overlner-U fT"' m partake of the cup of shame an4 po.son.. beware of them the telnpt jlnwine epp Hon; it .will !eal yoir'tb1 f s'n disgrace yon forei'er'-lon vrtd ,or iVbs; wo are dealing in facts rW you. Touch not a drop; for you nay become a drunkard in the end. land VoMknow hpvy pitiful an objpct the boor ;pfJlkard:i. ; i r ' ; f BHhonest, be genprou. be frank! be Jober. be virtuous, abounding in truth' my boys and you nepd not fear the conse Burn. Life is. just opening her fitful path before you, but armed with these -ffifr-VW? W ru' fearlessllr to )he battle of life and fear.np evil. You may be orphans, but if you have these as Vopr jewel you will meet with friends'and nmpragpmpnt in every lane oi life. Men Pf jbustnes and wealth have their-eyes Tf "-hingr you ; thev want PlfTks tor theii- store!rand apprentices! fbr Vim Ps if yop have the virtues iL-ji w-: L 'u ' v '""" "y ;wiii nor asK a W iff ;M!rP,mPninl Hut will choose lou-ai once. lak;nv rhn t.: c:i f 9f on and when they sep il$irt V?; you may I fill ffcfjr places with bohof and renoWni as if ia nave passed, a way. I Bov: Wilt m !Pf f whl wp have been sang and thinktne. Act? i i'k S't - WPFMi: Fouhry.-Shut tberp tin "iJ -fM-f W tlark-igiye them a little light two or if 'iS-itorr'tim a'day, long enobgh to fill them . vr'AV-l;"! IOD"' nnif PTrt ihemrun : fife Jfel keep them ten or twelve To hundred imd f.iiir it pertont htvelirri rn o?er4 during the patt l wclfp laoBlbi, isli. flrBALKYiHORSES '! 1. l-Tti kratfiift hfkn Ehfflisli friend, who 8 jctff frjf ruixnbers pf theprl, is to lillclij a ft fail v norse or teatri'hehtinil them and fjull 1 h v in hi irk wWrdrf. j t should lia cjope on ff ot ft llff i r irM lIl4XlfW;c, "OJ i f il'noijrillih such hn meiit.aud will kooii .iiUgiladiijo eii. forward at the WoMjoj citn iiAiiid: f 'he;mtijil jstulhcrn ill yrhl arid 11 f)ipTtcilytrP arnl traetatde alter three pHr NcjfnjtorinLs. The afurerrtention einier!(ij tells imp he npver failed to con qiV iit it single instance, ami that too ijout 0e stroke of a whip pr otherwise malireatihg the animal. J Ml :,Y !l v ! ' T. E. V. ;i VRural New Yorker. , I The ppndan'Time co'mmpnts uponthe 'fapttfiatjn'.rilne cafps in. f en of Wrifck ;or disaster at Sea, marly lives are Ipst be cause the! boats provided expressly for such emergencies are plther out of order or cknnotjhe used. Somptirnes a plug is rniMnSid the irons will hot swing readily ; the boat is stove by skilful management j riibHishi pf all sorts is pild upn thm ; andjouing to these or other causps, it is almt jinvariably the case that : one or more of tlin lifp boats provided is entirely uisa jdp.;,l The Times tiCilPts. as a fpm pdy j forij this, that it tsljiuld be a jrejgjuUr part of ijlujv on board ship to se that ev eiyhii1 !alM)tit thpjse boat's' -is irtjperlect ord-r, a, oil ! t o : tx rcise be crew in getting them opt and ready lor service. The ijme arid; labor would hie 'abundantly re pa'i'di by the increased "e'fTicipncv of 4hes.e protrclive arranuemnts in case o! pan grr. ? And it is manijfestly absurd to incur so iriucti ; expense for lifeJoatf. &c, and thenj want of proper care to allow them to become utterly useless. J AN UNNATURAL MOTHER.; About se vp ti o'clock yesterday evening, on Seventh strpet, near Walnut, a woman stepped up to a young lad and requested hfm i.toli bold her infant child for a few minutes remarking that she wished to step into a store near by and make a purchase. The boy took the child and in about hall an hour, when the mother not returning, hie tirade search for her but to no purpose. The child soon became fretful and began to screafW which attracted the attention of some persons residing in the vicinity who upon bearing the boy's story, had the infant taken to the Orphan Assylum. J h j ! Cti. Com. May 39. ! Multicole Rye,. We have been shpwn by 'li'hornas O. Acree several stalks of Mullicole Rye, grown on his farm above town; in Bedford. They are eight, feet six inches: hiyh, with bulk and head in proportion. The yield-pf this grain, over the Rye usually 'grown in this country, should make it an object with every farm er tp;test its value. Lynchburg Virgin; inn. i r f : . r CrX. Vhi'(lirs History. The fallowing complttrieiit in the men.is ot this popular product ion is xtracte Irorn a letter Iroirr Hon. Tbi'Ui'ts Sergeant.'' President . f the Penri-ylvania His'oiicMl Societv," to a fiiftid. jilnied PhiUdelpbia. 15th Mrch 1 852J Uncuhdun Republican. 1 iretuni you Col. Wheeler's Book' with mHnv thanks bir our kindness. If is fiill of curious and interesting mat ters about the good old- timns, and will prove a very Valuabb; addition to that rlass of borj literature uhich tieatsbf those Spirit stirring events." I W GOODS ; : - for i SPRING AND SUMMER, AT SPRING GROVE, Iredell County. BlOGER j& RECSG are receiving a very handsome I and entfrnlstock of GOODS r theapprOach iiisrj8iinimer!lriide.v , , Their friends and customers nre repectfully mvited to give . them a call. No efforts shall be spared to pfease aiid iibcnmmoda:e. j j We rentier our thinks for the liberal pntronsg? re ceived. and hope by strict attention to business to merit a contiiinafice of the same. , April IK lHf)2. . 51tr ; BOaBR & WILSON i JRWCLCIIS & S3LV3:2I.S.THTIIS, KEEP conitn'ftly on hand an ex tensive assortment of . Watcttfl, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-Ware, 3IXSIC1L IXSTECMEMS, REVOLVING PISTOLS, Pcrfamery, Soaps and Fancy Articles of every description. Persons wishinptor nrchase ar ticles im the above line, will do well to call and exam ine their fine selection, one door above the store of W. Murphy & io. Vatches. Clocks and Jewelry repaired in the best manner, and warranted for twelve months. bepine and plain Watches altered to Patent Levers and warranted to perform well. Salisbury, May 1; 1851 r rfl2 HEITIIIETTA LINE OF ; ! Steam and Freight Boats, ARRiall in excetlent order for business. 'Our Tow Bqats have been recently repaired and made good as new.; . We have also added a new FlaMor low wa ter, and well adapted to the service. She will, carry ;700 bbls. merchandize, and draw only 20 inches water. Those favoring us with their patronage, may expect as prompt sod, cheap service in every particular as any other Line can offer. !. . ' , G. TEMTNG, Preset. i ' R. M.ORRELL, Ag'nt. A. l)i CAZAUX, Aent at Wilmington. ' if Fayeteville,Dec.2l, 1850. 28tf i i . 1 if- ! " i't - . i ; i',' : ; 11 ; t 1 . 'iii 1. 1.1 . 1 Nil i id 1 m Wanted at the Mansion Hotel) 1000 lbs of Feathers. TW1 sobecriber will pay CASH for 1000 lbs. good Feathers1 Call at the Mansion Hotel. 1 f HAND JAMES, j ramh llth. im 'tfS , Da. ia. wHxrincAi) if j OFfERS his professional services to the public He cab at present be found a I his reidence,unless protessionnlly engaged.' 0SctI& Joltastoa's THiite Row r SaltshdrJiily2lB50.tj. i i 4 v JAMES HOR AH, . VrXLTOIt AND OZ.0 OH ZS AUXB h" Ouubalte the Watehman Office. I ' r) ; 'thesSidKilipl, Back and Joiiia fScrofela, Wit fixed pain' wht??r:;! Where IhitTlaateV Ujf4 ainca'nexist: j .;V;" ! X .' ' Thf9c !a5tfr possess the advantages of being pot ttploiritighl boxes : hence tbej reiain their falllir I cf lfbrjited iain Extract has been soje)4 avrly nsed;b Phyaictans and th people in gen both in tbia! chantry: and Europei tbat it is almost ,n;d ikwio tay mjrifiinjgaboQt It. j "Xki there may Wslte who aand In lnefd bf its healing powers who haveliot yet fried ju l or their eakes we will simply fctatciwjiat it haa dbrteiin thousands of casesand what it will do f ' U 1 i ' . - . I i 'I a ? . ipr inem wnep inea. f rt? j- if 1-1' ff 1 DAVIDTS DR HEBREW PLASTER IN 1 NORTHV CAROLINA. f 1 1 Messrs. j Scfvti. & Mead : I hay e been troubled vith the throntc rheumatism for the last twelve years pn theUst of Julyf 1849, 1 was so bad that I could not torn myself iii bed and the pain so sevefe that I bad noi glt si tri'hkiofsiji days At this tirrke my attending ay sicaan prescribed ihc Hebrew Paster, and it ?ftd llkifi'ern'k the pain left me, ajid I slept more Iti'an haifthenight and in three days f Va's able to ride ilt. I consider the " Hebrew Plasterthe best remedy? for alt sorts of 'pajns now in use. jO J W. M'MINNI ! Hendersonville, N.C., Ang.l6l650r if I ; ; t'j;.; a u i j i ! ; 5' . 1 i I 'I 1 Beiaare of counterfeit and 6a tmiattows. H 1 The!genuinewilHn futore have the signature of E.i TATLOR;on Pie steel plate engraved label on the top ofiesch jbilx. ! . ' " 2, ' :'. I f- ! pdrjprs are advised that a 'mean counterfeit ; of this article is in existence. f! j The genuine is sod only by as.fsnd by our agents appoint ed t h r ou ghou t the Soth-jni no pedlar U Idwed toell it. Dealers and purchasers generally-are cautioned sgainst buying of any hat our regular agents otherwise tuey will be imposed upon with a worthless article iU j ; I SC0V1L & MEADJ 1 1 13 CiiWrtres street, New Orleans, Sole Genjeral 1 Agents f?rthe Sdnthern States to' whom all orders .'nnus ; iririahlyl'be addressed. ;' '. ' . 1 1 . jTheGnuine .is fob sale only by he following author ized aentsin North Carolina : 1 i i:Sali4btiry, W. Murphy f- Co. ; Concord, Murphy & Bilack I Charlotte, Edward Sill ; tatesville, MotrisSn, Carlrort Jf Co.; Newton, G. B.Gaiiher Co. ; Lincoln ton. B.p. Johnston ; .Shelby, A. R. Homesley ; Dallas, C Sc J,Ffoheberger i Rutherfordto;n, J. W, Calloway; HrtdeifbnvtHe, I). B. &, A. JVltlleri ; Asheville, Sintth Si itc'Dokalt; - I . "! 2ml. ill--: DiyiE HOTEL,! MOCKS VILLE, Davie County, North Carolina., npt HE undersigned having purchased the above na,m- X.' ed Hotel, (lately the propertr;of R. t. JohBston) wjbujd inform the Public, that he js now prepared to j extend n welcome 10 me travelling commumiy, ana accommodate his guests in a mannef equal to any Land lord in this section of North Carolina. No exertions wSjlP be spared to renjder all who raiayi favor hita with their patronage happy and satisfied while they take their-ease in hislntt." I. R. AUSTIN! May 4, i(352. lyl I II; B1ANSI0N HOTEL, IT a- I! SALISBURY, JN. C. i! THIS large and commodious H0u?e. so long known as phe of first Hotels in the ouihern country.JS nw owned by the subscriber, wh, is determined to spare no pains or expense, in increasing, if possible, the fair reputation which it has so We I deserved. : I Additions and improvenients to tHe buildings are be ins madel: Furniture of allikinds that Is not in first-rite order, bejhg removed and; replaced vith new. 'The rloiuse is we! supplied wtihfa numbeV f excellent ser--vaats. flfhe I ) it ' vaats I 1 I? STAGE OFFICII is kept at his House, Ml the stages, one Hack excepfed, arrive at and depart from thisHousche subscriber being tM stage I gent at thisj place. .,- -j ,' U' THE TABLE will always be furnished with, the best the market foirds. Tjse; Gentlemen's Hall is supplied with a varte il. of neWspsjpers, religious, fiterarVHiid political, taken from all tbe" principal cities in the United States. I I THE STABLES ' ;j are large.comfortable, and attended by the best Ostlers in the country. Carriages, Buggies knd Horses always on hand to. hire. ! j! O" Large stock yards, with griod sheds, . troughs, racks, &.q.j Connected wrth the Hotel. f The subscriber's anticipations are piore than realized, and he feels greatly Haltered at the early increase of the business of the House He Dopes by attention to meit a continuance of the same HAD jamesj i March 1st. 1 852. 45tf Wadesboro Afeus, Asheville Messencer. Char lotte Whig, and Lincolnton Republican, publish onc$a month for" six months and forward; bills to the subscri ber. . JA ME St Ready Made Clothing. 1 THE .'subscriber havi ng just returned from the Nortn, is now receiving his large and splendid stockpf I liiADY MADE ClbTjIIXG, . t Cloths, Cassimeres. Testings, Trimmings, 4c. Im short,; he intends J keeping a pfrffct Gentleman's jfjVrnishiiig Establishment,' which for! variety, quality a ud. cheapness, shall not be surpassed in the Old Nofih State. H is deterniiined, if care iiijfelectjng his stock, and a Ftrick personal attention to business, are.anyfof the qualities that merit patronage, "none .shaft surpass him. -: 'I I . ' ' ; ;: i Gratefdl for past fafors, he solicits the attentionof lis old friends and patrons, and tljepuhlic geperallyjto t!he new siocli above ajlluded to. Cll and examine r yourselves. ; Clothing; made to order is heretofore pa the shortest pot ice and most reasonable lermsi, HI ' JNO. A. WEIRMAN, W No. 63, Cowan's Brick Row Salisbury, N. JC. ' r- torn I f I jf.r ; R. Mi ORREIiL, j Forwardlug and Contmisslon Blertbant, ; j Fayetteville, N. C. I January 30. 1851. U jtf3t To Farmers and Planters. 1 " : . jM f .' - ! -' . I ? THE subscribers as agents for the Imporjers hffve ' made arrangements to keep constantly on hand a supply if beft j 71 Peruvian Guano and Agricultural Plaster which they wiU sell in quantities to suit as cheap as they can be purchased in the northeijn cities, adding inly the actual expense of getting them bereJ ' ; ! I J. & D.'McRAE Sc COj iWilmThirtori.Feb. 28. 1P52. i l?t48 TtD IATr CiliADDlC ! lllr UiL li r .tlUUltlllLJt ' i HAVING permanently located in he Town of Salisbury, respectfslly teti- ders his services to the public in thf varioua hranehes of his Drofession ' ! I Office. Vest's brick buildinst, nearlthe Rowan Hoase, and one door above the Watchman'tOffice. ! 7 f Feb. 19. 1852. 7l ,. - . ;K . tf42 7 ! . 350.000 LBS. RAGS, 7 QLD ROPP, BAGGING, &e. Ranted, at 3, centa f per Ibl cash,i delivered to us. f 7 I I U.-v ;7i' j H- BRAS$Qk ON. ! I Favetteniei Marchlll. 1652: li t 3m46 I W. T. SI1EMWELL, HAS IS STORE AND FOR $L$ Vim T 111 t?rc X 1 I 1 I ftto ind Java Coffees; Teas and Spices, 7 I ' Wbitie and brownj Sugars, No. I Mackerel Sperm and tallow Candles and Molasses. ; Saluh'ury. April 15. 1852. j 50jf . ; Vmmts for imeljerpj FASHIONABLE pROIlIES v. : AND ' WHITE GOODS.; E MYERS invites the attention of the Ladies. and all who desire .to DOTChase. to the most splen did assortment of Ernbroiderie and White Goods, ever before offered in this market, which be i now exhibiting Jt his cheap store ; - New style muslin, lawfi, and cambric collars, Beautiful arischennyisettes. ind inanteletts, , Honiton. and Valencenees collars aitd cjuSs, , 4 Lace,;musl!n and cambric sleeves andefeffc, in great -' variety, " .. ,! Rteti htack and white lace canes and berthes. ' ! Swiss and jaconet edgtngs, insertirtgs, frills, ahds arid j -7 nouncihgs, a large assortment, Infants needle wbrked robes and bod iesJ.Tery rich, Paris embroidered, sccillaped and plain Jawn and catn- bnc hahdkercoiefe, LadiesSmb'd rnourntnz bandk'fe. sleeves and cufTs, Jaconet, Swiss, Tarleton, N a nsook, checked, striped, figured and embossed muslins, White cambrics, bishop and long lawns, Irish liihens, linen sheetings, pillow case Jinen csrhbries, linens, splendid Satin Damask Table Clothes, Napkinai and Doihlas ; a most 'magnificent lot of Emb'd Lace and.Muslin.rWin dow Curtain?, &p., dec. Don't foreet khe store with the sign of ' ; THE TIED FLAG. Salisbury, April 15. 1852. j 50tf GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF NORTH CAROLINA. ! THE next annual Meeting of this jbody will be holden in this town on Monday the 7th of June next. Subordinate Chapters are required to send Del egates and returns. ! . H. P. RUSSELL, Grand Sec'y. Wilmington, March 31, 1852. I 8w50 i ' ANOTHER I " NEW ARRANGEMENT. Williams Brown, AVtNG purchased the Tin Shop formerly known as the shop of Brown &Baker, have opened the same in! the house of D. A. Davis, opposite the store of W. Murphy & Co. where he proposes to carry 00 the business in all ilts various branches. He is now ready to receive the ordersof his friends and the pub lic, for all kind of work in his line of business. A fine assortment of Tin and Japan Ware kept constant ly on hand for sale.. : ' House Roofing and Guttering executed promptly and in the best manner. i Copper arid Sheet Iron Ware ot various kinds also kept constantly on hand ; and any work in that line riot ready made promptly executed.. His Sheet .Iron Stoves are a superior article, and very cheap. -T STILLS . j of all sizes kept for sale, and made to order at 50 cents per pound. The subscriber respectfully solicit a trial. Mer chants and Pedlars are particularly invited to give him a call. ' Country Produce, old Pewter and old Copper taken iii exchange for work. ?i ; Salisbury,-Jan. 8, 1852. t 1;36 Statesville, N. C. j THE Subscriber having purchased this Establish- ment, which is pleasantly situated immediately on the Northwest corner of the public square, and has at tached to it a number of convenient offices for the ac commodation of legal gentlemen and others, will give hs undivided attention to the interests of the House, and spare no pains to render comfortable all who may favor him with a call. The house has undergone some repairs, which adds to the comfort of families. The servants shall be faithful and honest. Drovers may find good lots and plenty of erain at reasonable prices. Call and give mo a trial. Thankful for past favors, ' and hope for a continuance of the same. t ' W. B. GRANT, i Statesville. May 13, 1852. Iyp2 Important To Country Merchants, Slave owners and others. THe subscriber is now carrying on the WOOL II AX Manufacturing business in the Town of Concord. He warrants his work to be good, and wish es to say to Country Merchants and slave holders, that, all order from a distance by the wholesale will be, at tended to, and filled at reduced prices. Address me at Concord, N. C. II. A. May 13 1P52. 4 AREA. 3m2 I M. BROWN 8l SON, Are now receiving the following articles : 2000 lbs J and 1 in. English refined hir?e shoe Iron, 33(10 lbs band Iron frotn 1 j, 2, 2 nnd 3 inch. 10000 lbs tyre Iron, nssWted, 1$ in ty 2 in. and , . 2 X i. I J in. X , 1 X i inch, 2000 lbs. round and sq j.ire Iron, assorted sizes, Hoop Iron, from 1 in. 1 in. and 2 inch, Cast steel and blistered do. j Ames' and Rowland s best shovels and spades, Mill and cross cut saws, horse shoes aiiid nails Rifle and blasting powder, i New crop Cuba Mai asses, (superior,) j 4 Rice, (.good.) i April 29. 1852- - j . 52 7 ; GENTLEMEN'S AND LADIES' '! SHOES, ! THE subscribers have on hand; and are constantly manufacturing, Gentlemen's Boots, shoes and gai ters, and Ladies' shoes of every variety. ! Our stock o, children's shoes is large and handsome, j Our work is of the best material and Workmanship, and will be sold low for cash, or on short Credit to pane tual dealers. Repairing done in a neat manner, and on short notice. ; j All kinds of country produce and dry and green hides, taken in exchange for work. Cash will be paid for BEEF CATTLE. RYMER 6c MO WRY, j Opposite Wrn. Murphy &J Co's Store. April 15, 1852. j iy50 7 Dr. Milo A. J. Roseman, HAVING permanently located at Ins Father's, 10 miles Somh-West of Sal isbury, respectfully ten1 defs his professional services to his neig!.bors and th public generally. March 27, 1852., 6m48p I $50 REWARD. ANAWAY from the subscriber, near Mi. Plea-' sant Cabarrus county, on the 13th instant, a ne gro boy named Iorri1. i Said boy is 21 years of age, very stout builf about 5 feet 9 inches high, very dark, with bold countenance. He had otk when Jje'left a copperas shirt, and! aL grey sack coat ; a strong pair of pegged shoes and a wool hat. 1 have no doubt said boy will aim for some free Siate, and that he will tra-r Ael under an assumed name, lie is a xery smartboy and can wtite a tolerable hand. I will give the above reward for ha I apprehension and dUery to me, or for his confinement in any jail ao 'that I get bim agin. Address 3 ' MOSES BARUIER, 7 Mt. Comfort. Cabarrus co.. N. C. April 15. 1852. j sotf t0h Stiaaaton (Virginia) Spectator cop v three week. VILLAGE A HOTEL, i . . It CJiJKii!U:' ; . XICTE are now (o receipt of our spring a uu 1 w w r 1. ' x-a-- ,hm fur sale, wboicmk retaH.at very low prices. The jfoIlowingM part of oufSiocf . . 'f f: ".b f ; 10,000 lbs. Tyfe Iron, i inch; by I inch; 6j000lbs. " i ;j" li " 9 " list of 3JK)01bs. i . i -r If " t s i' At 31)00 Ibst?" f 3 " i 5J)00 lbs. Horse Shoe Iron, 5J0OO lbs. Dva( Iron, to 1 inchj; 5J00O lbs. jBand Iron, assorted, j 5J000 lbs. Square! and Round, assorted, 10,000 lbs. Hemlock Sold Leather, 1,000 lbs. best Northern Black Harness do. 1,500 lbs. Phil. White Lead, pure, at 8, 1,500 lbs. I ! if " No. 1 at 8, ' , 225 Bags Prime Rio CoflVe, 7 18 hhds N. 0. and P. R. Sugars, 25 Labels ire fiiied dp. 1R00 lbs. best Joaf 1 do. '75 hhd!s. f)fi nie West India Molasses, 100 kegs fine Rifle Powder, 40 sets Blacksmttfi Tools, ' ; ' 30 boxes Tin' Plate, 1-3 crossp 1000 lbs, Wre assorted, for tinners use 4000 pair Boots; and Shoes,; 13 u i 100 kegs blasting Powder, , . 37. 2000 Jbsl Cast Steel to 3 inch square, j ,! Odtagon, 0lister, Crawley aifd German do.". 1200 lbs. CANDIES, assorted, . ' 8 Jars Quicksilver, -. 20 barrels Tanners Oil, : ! 10 pieces Anchor Boiling Cloths, No. 1 to 10, 150 dosi. Kossuih fur, wool and silk Hats, ass'td . 50 doj. Panama, Ieghprn, tulip, Sonnett, CjO bergh, and English dimond Summer Hats. COOKING STOVES, ! various sizes. Also a very large stock of all kinds o DRY GOODS, j' Hardware and Cutlery Bonnets, Drugs, 1 Queensware $c. We take this method of tendering our thanks for the very liberal patronage that has been bestowed -ua herelotore, and hope by strict attention to business (and cneap goods; to merit a .continuance 01 the same. j; Vil. MURPHY & CO. Brick Store, Main Street, Salisbury, N. G April 15. 1352. 50tf NEW SPRING AND Red Flftg, Salisbury, April 8f 1852 m HE suisdriber would inform his ffiends and the JL puhlic'generally, that he is how receiving thelarg est and most extensive assortment of 1. STAPLE AND FANCY '9 "- v .17 that he has "ever before offered, which being selected with great care by himself, "he reels assured that he Will be enabled to offer greater inducements than ever, i He takes his methnd-of tendering his thanks for the very liberal patronage that has been bestowed upjrm him, and by the inducements he isdeterrnirjed to offer, he flatters himself to be able to merit a continuance) of the same. Mi . ' M "r ' 7 49 E. MYERS. SPRING AND SUMMER i BROWN, FRALEY & CO., ARE now offering for sale as fine a stock of Goods as can be found in Salisbury, comprising a gener at assortment of , - - : Dry Goods, - Groceries, Hardware, &c, &c. Ladies and) Gentlemen will certainly find it agreea We to call and examine their stek of They have sdme of the most elegant patterns of La dies' Dress Gpoda to be found ; and some of the finest and most durable cloths, ves;ings, J$c., for gentlemen , ALSO . - READY MADE CLOTHING, KOSSUTH HATS. and a large variety of other kinds for summer. Boots Shoes, Slipper, dec, of every grade and price , and a host of other things which time forbids to enumerate. Calhand see. . 1 Salisbury, April 29, 1&52. 52 SPRING DRESS GOODS. Salisbury, April 15,1852., THe subscriber is now in receipt of an assortment JL of Ladies Spring and Summer Dress Goods That in style and price, he feels confident will give en tire satisfactton. 7 Rich Brocade Dress Silks, plain and chanea. Ile do., black Satin Dchitie, Satin plaid Be. rages. Tissuies. Grenadenes, Foulards, Berate He Lains, Challie. French Juronels, Organdies, Printed Chamlirs and Lawns, plain emli'd ainH plaid TaHeton. (iinaham. Irint 61c. dir. Also PLAAIN AND EMBROIDERED CANTON CRAPE SIIA iyLS. Camels Hair and Berage dd. Purchasers n want of bargains are requested to: call soon at the cheap store of 7 E. MYERS 1 50tf i i j i i Red Flag.1 ': t TOTHE PUBLIC. U T. HAVE established a school near Andrew's Mifls JL in Iredell county, for the education of females The plan, will somewhat different from most other schools inbw m operation in this part of the country In aod.tion to the usual instruction given in schools. I propose to connect with this Institution various depart ments in the light branches of ,he arts, together with a complete system; of housekeeping. The Object is not only to school he pupils, but to fit .herb to enter st once, and successfully, upon the active duties of life, fully qualified to maintain themselves in an honorable wav lt is proposed to receive into thi, school (a limited num ber at present); pauper children, or the children of such Persons as are, aot able Ao pay the charges. The pa! rents or euard.aqs of those who have means will if charged S2 50 per session of five montK. HoTrd cal be had on very favorable terms, If there are those f who are pleased wiihhis plan and feet disposed 10 bute towards making i, more efficient. tLTyW reones ed tocorrespond with me at HoustonvilleloJn. "'! I 1 . . t .. ..:. . A- M. NESBITT, TTAVfvri I-! L . . ;' ! . .r7N 7 wssm Z&m .7 , : ;Mrofl;,,,a. GOODS; F S1IR mm rXXs.,Vsb;ra fn the Town of tMlzens and ifeJd t street. on door below A U Tt?C ma herehe may be found n'- Caldwell's pffice. Professional I dtluel? timta Bfc" on Janaary lit,i852. ' " i f-'i I".----" t ' j j i . i' . , 1 ...',.; j ; Marr&e Ucensc jp New Si 1 : VT. ?. teliofeAi.;; I - T T Fancy Drv 1 stock of Pitny ,c;. lowing:, Ft 'or Brocade and ch i printed challys, 7 regei, embt.swis t capescoHars, c 7 cheched, jackop. t. tnsntillas, ki'd'a'v shawls,.p!ain and bonnets, ribbon.-!, lish and America!; brown domestic V'! f Ready madeclui! coats, frock tees, r and, fancy cassir.-,.-: fancy sill vesjs, nt . trunks, i cloths', cc-' shoes, &.C-; &c, a sold linusuaHy lo spectfully invited t elsewHerie.. Coir - y Apri 15. 1-- jJOE; :rl ' Saddle and : ' 'il" ) I ' "! if ' . " opposite IVTJV.. HAVING of Salisbury, i business, j jiavii . the State and n!s i please el i4io ni y done at short nol . duce t,skep :in exc:.,'. 41'fHH-..;-' January 15, lr.. . iJsxrr-'i business in the cr commodiiting ten. nnr establishment public wp'nts of t! hdpes t he citi ze n - i needwo-k, will ;:. . He will possess k ers ia the surround: public will avail il. J Jan. 8',, 1B52 71 7 Ann: ByllisEicdh I 7 the S: WaebIas, til h p brsaf ech Hoi;?- last Session pass' t! i; HAN !A:Tto a;.: olina!. ' 7.WbebIas, The ; for the e ectors i r wiih ;t.be';jundarioT:: Sec. 1. Be it the State of Noi t f, by the aut hority r.f number of men.! the second clau-c the amenkled C : North Carolina -i AvDLU835, be: tv. "Ipossessyd of a !, fifty 'ifcrm'cT "Ir-r i day of election,", v 6hall eadlas toi'ou twenty-arte years who have been i , the fctate twelve daysof an:y election shall be eitii'fd tu Sec. 2.j Be it fin the Stat )et an! ! Proclamation to ti, six robnthf before t: General Assem!.!v, and the anendtn r.t which Proclant.-ui. : perfect copy of t! cate ptthe Secret nr tion andnrie copy t ; shall $au?ej to be , State andipoted i Counties1 tin this K; election of; tnenr-n xl Read three ti ; . -the whole ipumb-r ( tivelj a Adlraiifir l i day of January, 1- ( I, WttiiAM Hit r . State of North On foregoing i$ a true r. General i AipseniMy original pnjfi e in i this3lst day of i 3V?tii WirEREAS, ' the Ciinstiiiition r i t to confer ott every ', mons. the rij5lit-.tr v No. itherefcre, t known thar; if th'- ? tution jshall be afr'H representation in sembjy, it-wiJI (" tl ficatioR, I have is i ratty with the prov - In tfstimony w i '-the.St$tf'p(Norli C ajld caused (the : Ct IS!: HDone ' ' first day 1 ' one thowi-.- in the 6th yea r of ' By the Govern r. TaobtAS fETTl.E, J 'Persons into ' will please I see (hit Court blouse of i!.- ' j Jan,9, IS.V2. ' ?' - p, R. r)-i EALERI:ni Foot Sjones ; I' short, a;ny article t a : Italian, d'y, and work warra'nr J aged before delivery, Ordejrs for any of ; with the Editors ef t with dippatch. ijiJIlI'DI THE Co-partner firm and rin:i " this day disoved t ; All persons intlt i i'' come forward ani r :..:- 17 ;, t J 7 77- Salisbury, Feb. 1' Blanks bf eve: 1- rlsfi! I a is . f is- i j- fialisbnry, C I ana iprwara om 10 tne aaoecnoer. : -! S ' If - it s 11 X ? Il II' I- -in Si'i 'Itt I--' ii i

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