ill It ii 'it - t I i .-1 11 '1 -V- i f - mi- iii. I HI A. Mi 5-. fci7Jiw;t Ovid's jtfcttrwit:.. J j nilE itremyr-tlHintiaiiii,-0oaij Pain in I .w.. j;.!i riin Haek airtd Joints :iSerofufi. KiOg Evil. White Swellings, Haifd fTumors,SriT Joints, n .li fiipaiiwbatever.11 Where lb fyaiter ifPif -Pain cannot . ; lil. , JL'! These rtastera possess we aavania" Hifair-tight boxes; faf ntif? jMe'jr retajin ibeirjfyllir'j tue in all climates. -:u; - f ' j -V-Ehi celebrated Pain Eifacior has! been r$n-; siveW used by; Physicians nd4 the people w penai, both in this country and Europe, that ttj is almost need Jew to say any tbinabojat Yet tbwjnayjbesomc: "-1 .Who stand in; peed oUtsVfifog'powew.Who he et nv.t tried it, j For .their akes ire will sifoply state P ; . ' it haatldne in;ibbusand of bases, and iwbpt itwi:do; for them whetj tried. ": i jjM: : . j ! .1 - I -f jf : :jew david-3 or plAster :.' ";i ? north Carolina: .. 1 , : ! Messrs, Swvil &, 2VI ea d p ! I j have been troubled with ' ihe chronic rheumatism for jlhi last twelv yearf On the 1st of July, 13-49. 1 was sdrbad thatjl could iqt turn '.. myself in bed,and the pain so! severe that Ijhad fot slrpt "a wink for six days At; th1 if.ftune mjf atfeodihjf phy sician prescribed ihe " Hebrew? Piaster," and it acted 5 like a charm i the pain left me, and -jjale jjtt more than ' half the nighty and in three dayV I wai jabl to rfde out. 1 consider the" Hebrew PlasMr" the best remjedy (or all aorta of pains now in UfM?J? r G.. W. M'MjfNNij1' llenderswnville, N.C.,Abi,;16;iC. 1 ;; Beware of counterfeits andlase hnltattorig; . ITT The genuine will in (future ha vejthej signature of E: Taylor on the steel plate ejngra ved; label on j the top of each box.- . " ! J 1; s I . j -j j I', advised that a mean counterfeit ot i' f- : ! 1 i I ' i f . . this article isf n -existence. The genui in sold only by us, and' by ourj agents appointed throughout ibe South and'no pedlar is al lowed to tell it. Driers arid purchasers generlly-are Cauxioned agaiinst baying o( anj but ouirregut agents otherwise they will be iuipbseU upon wich; a worihleas article.' r SCOVll, & MHaDJ 113 Chartres street, N"ew Orleans, ole General Agents for the SouthernlStf tes, to iwhom all orders must. invariably be.addrejpejl. . v f The Genuine is for Mleojnjy by the foUoving author ized agents iri Nonh Carolijia f ! . ' ; . .Salisbury, VV. Murphy djf Co. ; Concord, Murphy & Black ;Charotte, Kdward Sill ; Statesville, Mmrison, 1 Carlton fit Co.; NewtojGrB". Gaiiher i Co. ; Lincoln- - ton, B. S. JohnstbnUelbyA. U. Iloirnesiey ; Dallas, - C. fit J, Frohebergef ; Kutlrfprdiori, J. W. Calloway; Hendersonville. h. B. &, A. Miller I Ashe'villei -Smith 6c. McDowell, 2ml, (iraud Masters OHicc of the Uraiid Lodge of the State ; of N. Carolina. .' Newbern. 19. 12. 10 the Masonic FRATEMiy in. Nojrth Carolina At the last communication of the Most! Wor shipful Grand Lodge it was Resolved, That eaoh Ma son ;n the State, botirreiidelit and active, ik, and. he is hereby most earnestly requested by the 1G rand Lodge of North Carolina t'o transmit, 4s sdon a possi ble, to Brother A. T. Jerliins ' of Newberni C. JW. Uf Ilutchins, of Raleigh, William Swaim, of Gref nsbo rough, or E. Myers, of SaljsbuEy, as may lie moist con venient, the sum of $., more of less, 'for Uhe ipeedy erection of St; John's College, ihe receipt wherekif will be weekly announced in' the papers published jn the aforementioned places. IJ j ' - ' Brethren, with confidence pf succesvt appeal to your liberality in behalf of Ithist enterprise, 'it he impor tance of which has been fully established by the Grand Lodge, 'and the general concurrence of the Brethren throughout the State. While epough has already beeri ."done to encourage the hope oflsuccess and eviiice its entire practicability, fhuch, yet' remains to jbe- dqne; o reiidet. this successce'rtain.jand? even to prpsecule uh Temittingly the measures vjlreaVly commenced. Arid Xjft'it Is confidently lelieyed,jbat lheiaidwhii ydu are able to render will be Inip'y sutTiiient to accom plish all thisiand that speedilyu Upon your jactioa then as Masons, depends the success rf an enterprise which promises the richest benefir to the cause of Mafeonry I and of humanity in gpneral.j Sopie of ojur iLodge haVe 1, contributed promptly and jnioblyi to lhi$ work, n rd we Ojiily asl; your careful consideration of ihe 8ubjecticon- t vinced as we are that nothivjg mpre is nieedd tofcufe i; , your cordial Co-opt-ratiori in a favorable and early re- ; sponse to this appeal. Reniemlwr that in ibis as in eV-- ; try orher social inovement7iffry !s tig strength qnd V support. I am Respectfully and Frate'rnafly yours, " . 1 A. T. JLIRKLNS, Grand Xasleri u :f ;pub:t:Dec:f:.IO:d9. . ' j I - j , f 1! , .Editors of Newspapers aqd .Pjeriodicbls. friendly, to ( Ihe Cause will please cepy'llije iiUove. j "1 ; j, ISU DRUGS, &c iIII'j Subscribers are lrmweceivinir a larnrp &m i of fresh DKlUiS.M HblClNES. &c..'.whiehhev will sll: to -Physicians andjotjlterl, at sucjli prices asfcan not;fUilto be -ttitisDicto'ry.i, Froli this ime, : bey twill hernstartl!y in receipt of jfiiesh jgooda.jandf all orslers proibpily filled, upon the jio"tlViVorablejterins, I , 1 SILL v SILL, ji.sis &, jChemistg, 1 Opposite Mansion! Ilwjel, Salisbury, N. G. , 152, ti e -; i n " ! T Juue 10 M. BROWN l& SpN, 1 ARK new receiving heir S Spring and j Summer s aoocis, eiijior.M'ing every.vajiei y oi siyie ana ia?n-f . i - ii - - i i c l i . i r : i i ,Uoh,- o be foun South' of fjthe Potomac! corisistingipf Endih, French, and il merican Staple Goods, j and l ane) Dry Jlftrtlwarc and iuilertf lletf dy - Made ir CJolMng, lluts and Jionnets. JhlphJ isluna and utass -iVxne, j vies, fyc.i t mt a a m S Grace- ! Oustock of Goods is as cbmblefte is any in this Mar- Iket, and will be sold as cheap a the chenpesi, wbole- isale and retail. Give Us u call betbre biying, as ae Sore deunmuedjto ofl'er exltrabrinaiy iniJucehients ltd tpurchasers. 4 Salisbury, April 20.! 15.2. 52i f V TO THE PUBLIC. IJIAVFestahlisheda school near Andrew's Mifcs, in Iredell county, for the education !of females The plan will be soew'hajt -.ifeml ' frgm most otrfr Schools now in operation ib this 'part o( the count eV : tin. addition to tfce usual int ruttipn giveit in schools I, nVj--x ... W....J vi ..mi in i n.-i h u i luu ij rioijj cepari-. rnentsin the light branches! of 'jth ; arts, ligether witS a complete system of housekeeping. Th . object is ifot Only J( school the pupils, bqffo fit them t enter at once, and successfully, upon, ib active duties of life, fIly, qualified to maintain theniijelyesliri an honorable wiy-; It M proposed 'receive into ij'acliool''( limited nui-i ber at peenj) pauper chil Jreiji, br the cl'ldrep of such persons as ae irtot able tot pay the charges. ?The na-- jrents.or. guardians of thosj" wihbi have- niean4 Will jbe kharged 2.50 per sessio -of five months. Board cnji jbe had, on very lavorable teirm. : If there are those wjho are pleased witb this plan lod feei disposed o cpntri tate tdwards milking it mc re efficient, thty art requelt rd lo correspond With me t t Housonvi!!e, Iredell codn ly. N. C. . I! I A. BAGGARLYl May .7, lP52j ...j 'i ! - o:a:m:l2 f i : NEGROES milE subscrjber will FOR SALE. at public sa e, on; the 27th JL Jolv, at the old residence bfChark s Milla, dec-d, I i " I 1 - i V? . if ' Six Kegrqes, Cons'stin of on old mart, jonej woman jaud four ciil diildrenrthe prepexty f Maria Mills, deceased- "-Jnk l, 1852.1. , ( ; ! if-i ' I Ut9 j New Spring; arid Summer ':;W If (101 ids. . Mi W ! i Marriage Jjicense for satplhere j ivlrr close! L onjtie 4th of JunfL Thefneki aeawao'wilj coniH inence oa TbursdayKthe )i 5th of J uly. U 4 ! H Tuitions per session of five months ja advuflce. Is at fitUpwing rates V: ' , ;. j . . j ; Elementary Dranches, i I i' j ; ; $5 00 Arithnieticu Geography, English Grairpiar, j j. W lAlgebra, Geoinlry, SUrveypng.yhHosophy, &c. j!2 0O Uatin and Greek; including; all Jower branches, :15 00 liiRnnrrl irt irittato fa milieu ia 565' 00 DC month, j. JlOn lhe. 5th of June, the Bductinal As30catin will meet, t All members, and especially ttte 1 rosiees, are requested tp attend. 1 B CLEpG. 10t4 I : E ' 1 iJfewIiislit .... Iredell !co.,NCm May 20th, 1853. IS O- Thei Lincoln RepubhcanlndJAseville Messen ger will copy ahd continue anti istioijaugus:. -f ;. Wanted at the Mahsion Hotel, 10Q0:ibs of Feathers tiff THE subscriber will pay CASUfcir 100f) lbsi good Feathers Call at :the Mansion Hotel. s . -i; ' I t 1 HAND JAMES. ' -March 11th; 1521 .. 45 U - Spring and Suinjnier Goods, I new! fashions for ; is ; 1 II, II. -.Bp&ffriSoi .. I HFashionable Tailors find Clothiers, HAVING entered into Co-pirtn'ership fir the-pur Dose, of carrying on the Tailoring Olli- HCfi, on a more extensive;scal4.od wiih the viewol more successfully meeting the jcriasing demands of the public in their line, take occasion to announce, that they have just received a Very handsome and full jsup- dIv of ' ; : I READY MADE CLOTHING, coWtpd at the North bv the senior partner of the firm, and may therefore be depended on as superior in; the quality of the goods and the style and mapper of the workmanship, and particularly infregard to tKje fit of the torments. 1 Thev have also on hand a leautiful and su perior assortment of CldthsJ Cassjmeres, and Vestirigs, which they will make up to order, as cheap as can .be Jbought elsewhere. Of course they will be glad tbmake 'up ny jroods their customers may wish, whether bought jof them or purchased at oiher estbiishnientsi ; MThey also continue to receive tje latest Foj-eign and American Fashions. Thyi havejaliready received the Spring and.StimmeiLFashfons for 1852, and ihvite gen tlemen to call and examine them.f ' II. H. BEARD, 1 JAMES B. BEARD. -April 15, 1852. , , ;: j , ,j - 22tfvol.8 ; ST AND BEST SARR1VAL, Spring ani Slimmer 1! : GOODi J. F. CHAMBERS & CO., 1'X 'AVE iust received their fresh slock of Goods, B: 1 fhmnrisinT a most extensive andl varied assort rhent of V -""1 O - - - : . V Staple ami Fahcy Hardware! Gioceries China aud Glass : f Ware, Ready Made Clothing, n hoot, snoi:$. 4. I Also Railroad Gcariis Complete. Indies and Getulemen are invited o call and examine their stock.'. - i , . Country 3Ierchants : Pass not by;without a thoiough I II I i l . . examination.. I ry us, and you snail naye oargatns. tSalixh'tir'y, April 29, 18." 52 1 1 lAOUi SHOP IN; LEXINGTON, N. C. PEItRYMANj HARRIS & Co.j HAVE opened a Shop in the Town; of Lexington; and are now prepared to receive the orders of Wielr friends apd alj others who may waht work jin their linij of business, They have made arrangements to extend their operations, so as to accqmmlodate alii appli- canai and meet all demands, from the 'most common article up to the elegant and sumptuous I CLOSE CARRIAGE. Their work shall be put tip in ithjpNeatest and most substantial manner, and sold at prices '.'I irhich cannot ' fail to give slatisjfectiorL. Nore but the very best materials, Jpf wood arid iron, shaft- be, used; - . ; j f 1 being their object to give a fair equivalent in all casfs, they "will unhesitatingly warrant their work for a' reasonable tengtn ot time.; r I REPAIRING donf at shortest notlceKand at low prices! ConfidViiit of having it in their power to serve the'lpuhlic iln this, line of business in a mitnie iha'shall ensure its apprpbatiup, they respecU fully solicit ;a trial. ; f i j Lexington, June 17, 1852. 1 7;3w BURT, BROTHERS & CO., 5 0 Broadway, New York, P Manufacturers and WholesaleiDeaters in BQOTS SHOES, &, BROGANSj HAVE NOW I! STORE : ! ; Cases, and are daily receiving additions of fresh and eeasonnble Goods. South ern Merchants purchasing for Cash are Solicited tp give us n ilea II, as we assure them that the will be pleased wither stock and way of dealing. 1 i We are willing to sell low. ' B. B. Sc dO. 17, im 7:3.n . . WHOLESALE CLOTHING HI i j Hopkins &, PairOhild, Xo. 230 Baltimore Street, BtLTDIOHE. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND & LAltGE I ASSORTMENT OF READY MADE i of al, qualities, to which they invite?lhe attention o f I i dealers, s L "i May, 20. 1852. 1 l; l3 3"GREABARGAIS.X8 ; Two Dozen Buggies Golrij off at Cost- Now's le lime to h II . i ; f!Bay-Baiains!!!,;-k ": HIIICLEft of almost every desert ptin, hiade of j t te moat: superior timber, and materials of) the hestqua!ity, tjnd by experienced and faithful workmen, U the shops of the subscriber,) in Salisbury, and sold on tej best terms, that any one wishing to jbuy can bsk Ad work warranted goodrand it anyproves in tea (Boninle tinw faulty, it will be replaced r made good at myi fliop; opoii application. Those vishng to pur chase any kind of Carriage, Wagon, Boggy, 4c.. iwill do well local before buying elsewhere asjl am deiter- minfd to give ibnrgains that can't be quilled in the State, in any kind of workL new or old; I I h i'b' i' h ' S. JOHNSTON. I Timber Wautnd.uth as Whi'e Oak, White Ashe, White Hickory, Yellow Poplar and JVreirorrion, tor f bieb cash or wtrk will be paid. j. s. jr. nrirR ir.nt lerm of the New ntitotfr;-wi j ' mm ITATTC11 J1U U OiL April ItbV. tL iROUlMlWlcl rflHE AMERICAN (foXTOItfd OWN BOOK j JL tSmo sheep, 50 cts l A manual of Extemporane ous Eloquence including: il course pf discipline tbi the faculties of Discrimination Arrangement and Oral Dis cission, with practical exercises in Reading, Recitation and Declamatory jpebatei. , . " 1 . If ill;! 5rrhiS Book is the production of eminentftnember of the Legal Profession, distinguished for his chaste and elegant style of ora'tiory, arid was written for thl use of those who were ambitions to cultivate the art oixtiem poraneoos Public jSpeaking, and bjrjihe same ptpcess of study acquire the ino less important accomplisliment of a . fluent and elegant style of conversation. -Is ji ijln view of the high encqrnjiiims -which have feenj be stowed upon this manual, '-the! Publishers take pleasure in recommending litis Book to the favorable, notice of Pa rents and Teacjhefs. I ' . : j. J Ctlair' Itlictoric, University Edition with Mills copious Questions and Analysis Octavp sheep $2 00. -.' i; . 'i " ; To speak or to write perspicuously and agreeably, wrthipilrity with grace and strength, are attainments of the utmost consequence to all who purpose, either by Bpeech br writing So address the public. For without masters of these attainments no man can do justice to His own conceptions but how rich soever he may be jn knowledge and good senie'; will be able to aviil him self less of these han possess half his sjpre.but whd can display what they possess with more propriety. ; Persons desirous of improving their style in compo sltidn, Itrengtheaing their; conversational s powers, or cuhrvating their taste for pablic speaking will find Blair's khetoric University jEdition f The Boosr j libkc's Eboty on the; Human Understanding, Octavo sheep 2 0U. i j H j j Whoever wishes to train himself to address ,the hu man judgment sucessfullyi! ought I0 make Locfke. his boaom friend and 'constant companion. He introduces his' reader to a nibst intimat acquaintance with lhe Cbrtst?uciion and Constitution 4)f the inind ; unfofdsev f ry; property whiciibelongs ta it ; shows how alone the judgment can be approached, or acted on ; through vhat avenues, and with what degree of proof-a man. may calculate with certainty on its different degrees; of .as sent - besides thii Lecke is auxiliary to the sam? pro cess lor Which I have been sol earnestly-recomdending the! Matiiematics,! that is giving to the mind a fixed and rooted haVu of clear, cogerit,;lose, and irresistible rea soning." WM. WIRT, Attorney Gen. U ;'S. . ! In addition to the above tve publich r American Gentleman's Medical Pocket Book, :50 cts. ; .'i" r Ladies " " " ;50 cjs. j Tllese volumes! describe ;thf character and appear ance of She. diseases incident. to each sex and the pro per mode of treathient. - ' - BSairts; Rhetoric bridged Kay's Edition, 18 ml sheep H fori schools, j: - 7 cts. Brackenridge's History of the late war with i - '' j GreaiiBrilam, with numerous spirited il t lustrations, 12 mo muslin, ,i Col lot's Levizac's:French Grammar, M ' i - Pronouncing " Reader!" ' i ' Interlinear ; " V ; , f 1 i French Anecdotes and Questions, :; Dialogues! and Phrases, f; 75 cts. 50 cts. tO cts. SO cts. lid cts. 550 cts. ' i Key to Exercises in French. Grammar, 02 cts. 'I fTftestise of these Books has-been rendered eafyind available to every- one, by the lull and clear rult-s. and explanations which. the Author his given in theslptro duerNjrj to each volume, so any person with thefassist aiicei 6f ihtse BoOks can, without the aid of a French teacher, by devotfng a few moments of each pay fo stpdy.soon acquire a knowledge of the French, f Evidences of Chrfstiahity by Alexander, Wat- I. '' : i son, Jenyns, Leslie and Paiey, 1 Vol. 18 mo, 5 ns. Jibsb,nvsSurgery4--Text Book! in the Universi i ky Penn., 2 vols, 8 vo sheep colored plates, Ky'B Infant and Primary School Readers and ! Defiriers, Nos. I, 2 and 3 i f Ly ell's Elements of Geology, 12 mo muslin, ! colored plates. 1 7U50 1 25 There is happily blended in jhis work of MrLyell, in jan eminent degree, two qualitiesieldom found in ;ihe dontrlbutions to scientific knowledge, first an intimate acquaintance with! the subject and its kindred branches of isejence and Literary research, : together with the power Of communicating this informaticn in language Unsurpassed for eegance. Although this Book jia de sighed for the-us of Schools and Colleges, thi- easy la miliar style in which it is written renders it a pleasing oompanion for the general reader. : ; ; ITIacikeaizi's 5000 Receipts containing much useful and valuable information . in Agricalture, Bleaching, Brewitig, Calico Printing, Carving, Cook ing, Confectionary, Diseases, Dying,; Distilling, Fiarrie ry, -Gaidening, GiMing, Inks, Medicines, Metallurgy, Painting, "Perfumery, Pottery, Preserving, Silk Vfornis, T:aohih0j'&c., &.,-'&.c., &c. i U This will be found a valuable Book for genefal re ference by Farmers and others 1 vol. Octavo Sheep, $H23. ; i ' . ::.',; ; ;r ; Th4 above list embraces a portion of our Pfiblica tions, uird in addition to ourownfwp keep on hlind a Jarge. and vell assorted stock of Books in the various departments of Literature and bcienc,e. Schoolulas sical, Medical, Law and Miscellaueoius, together IWith constant supply bt Foreign and Domestic Stationery, both of a useful arid ornamental character. i 15 TROUTMAN & HAYES.! r ! ' 193 Market Si., Philadelphia. May 27, 1852 ! . : 4tf ! B05ER & WILSON; JEWELERS & SIEVEK8JIITMS, EEriconstanjtly on band an ex tensive assortment of Watches, Clocks Jewelry,' j Silver-Ware, 3irSIC.lL INSTRUMENTS, REVOLVING PISTOLS, j Pcrfamery, Soaps and Fancy Articles ;j of every klfscriptiqn. Persons wishing to purchase ar ticles; in the above line, will "do well to call and exam ine their firte selection, one door . above the storeof W Murphy cc Co. ; k Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired in the best manner, and warranted for twelve months Lepine and plain Watches altered to Patent Levers and warranted to perform well. ' ; Salisbury, May 1, 1851 - . tf 12 HENRIETTA LINE Of i ; .. i - ' ; - i ' . . . ' ; . . 5 'Stcani and Freight .Boats, A RE all in excellent order for .business. Ouf;Tow Xii. Boats have been recently repaired and madgood as new. ; we havejaiso atiaeu a wew f tat ior tow wa ter, and Well adapted to the service. She wijl carry 700 bbls. merchandize, and draw only 20 inches water. Those favorina us with their.patronage, may expect as prompt and cheap service in every particular as any other Line can offer. - , : G. DEMING, Pres't. i i; i R.M ORRELL, Ag'nt. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent at Wilmington. Favetteville.DecL21. 1850. 28tf ; JAMES HORAH, j WATOB AND1 CIOCK -IVTAKEB. ; ! Ojipositcltlic WatcJitnan Offiff, i : ' l i' Salisbury, I. C COTTON GINS! HE Subscribef respectfully jnfprms the Cotton planters of North Carolina, that he can furnish Kem witi Gins of superior construction and workmsn shipt made of the best material, at 2 per saw.r His Gjna are, warranted to run light, gin fast, and make good cotton. ; ': : life requests those jn want of gins to call and exam ine for themselves.; I AH orders thankfully received and promptly ariended tp I He refers to the fallowing persons who have tried his ; Giins: -Messrs. Mdss, Laird Alexander, and MP'es Pitts, near Concord Rofus Reio. Mt. Mourne, and W Nf. Brownof Mecklenburg. 1 : j r. j. McCR eight;: I Cotton Gia.maker, Camden, Sv Jane 10 J 852 Cm .6 Price adv. 7 00 HMSIOM HOTEL J ! . M iniij J ' SALISBURY, N.c. . ' : . oiuse, so long "known flHlS larsfe and commodious I .;Jt. as one of first Hotels in the Southern country, is nam, h the anlMrriber. whol is determined to sparer no; pains or expense in increasing, if possible, thef fair reputation, which it has so Nell deserved. . . Additions and improvements to the buildings areie ing made Furniture of all kinds that is not in firstrrste order, being .removed and replaced with new, The House is well supplied with a number of excellent ser vants. The J'i : I ' , J j ! STAGE OFFICE is kept at this House, all the stages, one Hack excepted. arrive at and depart from this Houseuhe suoscnoer peing the stage agent at this place. I THE TABL will always be furnished with the best the market af fords. The Gentlemen's Hall is sobplied with a varie ty of newspapers, religious, literary knd political, taken frorn all the principal cities in the Upited States.. j ! THE STABLES ?T arellarge, comfortable, and attend?dhy the best Ostlers in the country. Carriages, Buggies and Horses always on hand to hire. ' EP Large stock yards, with good sheds, troughs, racks, &c, connected with the Hotel. The subscriber's anticipations are more than realized, and he feels greatly flattered at the uarly'increase of the business of the House. He hopes by: attention tb merit a continuance of the same. 1 11 Ai IJ JAMbS March 1st. 1852. . ! 45tf Wadesboro' Argus, Ashevillf? Messenger, Char lotte Whig, and Lincolntpn Republ ican, publish ofce a month for six months and forward ber. bills to the subscri- . JAMES Ready Made Clothing. FTT HE subscriber having just returned from the North, JL is now receiving his large arid splendid stock of READY; MADE CLOTHING, CUlhs, Cassimeres, Vestings, Trimmings, SfC. In fehort, he intends keeping a perfect Gentleman's Furnishing Establishment, which for variety, quafity aud cheapness, shall not be surpassed inthe Old North State. He is determined, if care in selecting his stock, and a strick personal attention to business, are any of the dualities that merit natronaste. none shall surpass him. Grateful for past favors, he solicits the attention of his old friends and patrons, and the puhlic generaljiy,to the hew stock above alluded to. Call and examine tor yourselves. Clothing made to ordler as heretofore, on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. JNO. A. WEIRMAN, No. 68, Cowan's Brick Row , Salisbury, N C. March 25, 1852. 47tf DAVIE HOTEL, MOCKS VILLE, :Davie County, NoHl Carolina. THE undersigned having purchased the above pam ed Hotel, (lately the propertyjofJwF. Johnston) would inform the Public, that he is now prepared to extend a welcome to the travelling community,; and accommodate his guests in a mariner! equal to any Land lord' in this section of North Caro ina. No exertions will- be spared to render all who may favor him with their patronage happy and satisfied while they take their " ease in his Inn. May 4, 1S52. lyl I. R. AUSTIN DR. DAN'L R MORRIS J AVING permamently located in the Town of Salisbury!, respectfully ' ten ders his services to the public in the various branches of his profession. . . ; Office, West's brick building, near th? Rowan Hpuse, and bnp door above the Watchman Office. Feb. 19, 1852. tf42 . T. SHEMWELL, HAS IN STORE AND FOR SALE, Rio and Java Coffees, Teas and Spices, Vhite and brown Sugars, No. 1 Mackerel, Sperm and tallow Candles and Molasses. Salisbury, April 15, 1852. 50tf UENTLEHEiYS "AND LADIES5 ' SHOES. rjIIE subscribers have on hand, and are constantly JL ; manufacturing, Gentlemen's Boots, shoes and gai ters, and Ladies' shoes of every variety. Our stock o children's shoes is large and handsome. Our work is of the best material and workmanship, and will be sold low for cash, or on (tkort credit to punc tual dealers. Repairing done Jn a neat manner, and on short notice. f Alt kinds of country produce and dry and green hides, taken in exchange for work. Cash will be paid for BEEF CATTLE. - RYMEli & MO WRY, Opposite Win. Murphy &, Co's Store. April 15, 1852. Iy50 Dr. Milo A. J. Roseman, HAYING permanently locatedjat his Father's, 10 miles South-West of Salisbury, respectfully ten ers liis professional services to his neighbors nhd th ublic generally. March 27, 1852. 6m4Sp R. M. ORRELj Torwarding and Commission Merchant, Fayetietille, N. C. January 30, 1851. tf3S - i Important; To pounlry Merchants, Sldice owners qnd others. I THe subscriber is now carrying jon the WOOL II AT Manufacturing business in the Town of Concord. He warrants his work to be good, and wish es to say to Country Merchants and slave holders, that all orders from a distance by the wholesale will be at tended to, and filled areduced prices. Address me at Concord, N. C. H. a. area; 3m2 May 13 1852. DOO'T. :D. S. PAHHCR, AVING permanently located inj Mocksville, offers bis professional services to the! public. Can! be found ar the Davie Hotel. Office jusMpposite the Hotel in Brick-house'. June 10,1852. tf 6. MARTIN & And General Cemmission Merchants, No. 3. Boyce $ Co.'s Wharf, f 1 CHARLESTON, S. C. AVarrants for sale here. THOMAS D. CORY, HAVING taken rooms at the RoaIvax HorsR, befr that lie is prepared to execnto all busies. belongin2 to his profession.' Having enioVed everv nnrv.r!.J! -L acquirinj: a thorough knowlJdge of the Art, and with u r. i .-t )ean.,no nesitaton ia felt in Bub mitnnj his work to the judgment of the citizens of this place, i- j The public af incited to call and exaWme rpecimen.' Kylm 9 of Fancy Cole, for pictured BRYAN Ti.aTii7i?i?nTvi)i? i w a i i ' i auBwujji iuuc CO.s , gjf SffiSKSSK: flu:. -..'i!f ib , Vi;' J r ! . n.-m.fli'- "r ' -.r- Rwf Flair. Salisbury STAPLE AA: be enabled to offer greater r7h."nk. foribe Tl fakes this metnoa oi icnun i g"' - lie takes . , , been , bestowed upon IlnT 'and by Ks hirSlf to beiahieto inetU aUontinuance of he flatters himself the same. ; 49 SPRING AND GOO IfflOV BROWN, FR1LEY & C0, A RE now ofTering for sale nne a ww; . can be found in Salisbury, comprises m K5U . al assortment of urn- Dry Goods, r Groceries, Hardware, &c, &c. h 1 ii HI Ladies and Gentlemen will certairay iihu n ble to call and examine their sfock of i i, j ... r. . 1 ' .1 agreea- SI They have some of the most elegant patterns ot in dies' Dress Goods to be found j and some of the finest and most durable cloths, yes;itigs, ijc., for gentlemen. 4 ALSO j; "If' READY MADE CLOHIG, ' KbsSUTH j II ATS; and a large Variety of other kinds for summer?8" h Hoots, Shoes Slippers, &ci . of every grade and price y and a host of other things which time forbids to enumerate". Call and see Salisbury, ApHl 29, 1852, h ! ;J52 SPRING DRESS GOODS. Salisbury, April 15, 1852. r'SPlHe subscriber is now in receipt of an assortment B of Ladies Spring and Summer Dress Goods. That in style ard price, he feels confident will give en tire satisfaction. i ;j : j Rich Brocade? Dress Silks, plain and chanea hie do., black Satin D'chine, Satin plaid Dei. rages. Tissue, Grenadeiies, Foulards, Be rage de Lains, Chti'.lie, French Jaconets, Organdies, Printed Chanjbrics and Lawn?, pVainr errib'd and plaid Tarletons, Ginahams, Prints, &c. eke. Also PLAAINA ND EMBROIDERED CANTON CRAPE SHAWLS, Camels Hair and Be rage do. j Purchasers injwant of bargains are requested to call soon at the cheap store of E. MYERS, 50tf Red FJasr; Dr. A. M. NESB1TT, llfl AVING permanently located in the Town, of JB-Jl Salisburyj tenders his Professional services to the citizens and surrjnunding country. HisofFice is on Wa ter street, one loor below A. H. Caldwell's office, where he maybe, found at all times, unless absent on Professional duties. ; ! ! January 1st, j852. -v! ' FASIIIOllBLE EMBROIDERIES ' AND WHITE GOODS. ' i 4 - : E. MYERSJ invites the attention , of the Ladies, and all wpo-desire to purchase, to the most splen did assortment of embroideries a ii (I Wliitc COOtIi, ever before offered; in this market, which he is now exhibiting at his cheap store : ; : i New style muslih, lawn, and cambric collars, -yv ' Beau'.ifal Paris dhennysettes'. and emb. maintelietts, ? ;. " Honitori, and Valencenees collars and cuffs, ' 1 ) Lace, muslin and cambric sleeves and cuffs, in great Rich black and white lace capes and berthes, Swiss and jaconet edgings, insertings, frills, bands apd nouncings, a large assortment, ,-. , ' Infants needle wjorked robes and bodies, very rich, " Paris embroidered, scollaped arid plain lawn and cam i brie handkeircniefs, ' ' j- Ladies emb'd mourning ha ndk'fs, sleeves and cuffs,' Jaconet, swiss, jTarleton, Nansook, checked, stripedj hgured and tembosseu muslins, White cambrics j bishop and! long fawns, linen cambrics; Irish linens, liner sheetings- pillow case linens, splendid! satin Uamask ijable Clotles, JNapkins and l)oihIas a most magnificept lot of Emb'd Lace and Muslin Win dow Curtains, &jc, &.c. Don't forget the store with the; sign ot j THE RED FLAG. Salisbury, April 15, 1852. 50tf ANOTHER ' NEW ARRANGEMENT. Williams Brown, HAVING purchased the Tin Shop formerly known as the shop of Browa & Baker, have opened the same in the housr of D. A.iDavis, opposiite the storeof vv. iuurpny cc v . wiierej he proposes to carry on the business in all its various branches. He is now ready to receive the orders of his friendsand the nub iic, lor au Kind ot work in his line of business. A nne assortment o I in and Japan Ware kept constant ly on hand for sale. " ' House jioofing and Gutlerimr executed promptly and in the best manner. hopper and brteet Iron Ware of various kinds also Kept constantly on hand ; andany work in-that line not ready made promptly executed.. MiaSheet Iron Stoves are a superior article, and very cheap I STILLS N of all sizes kept for sale, and made to ordert 50 cents I per pound. " The subscriber respectfully solicit a trial. Mer chants and Pedlars are particularly invited o give htm a call. j , - ; " - Country Produce, old Pewter and old Copper taken -ciimiiwr ior worK. Salisbury, Jan Statcsville, N. C. 'THE Subscriber having purchased this Establish .u v",e'lt' whicli is Pa8aotly situated immediately on the Northwest corner of the public square, and has at tached to it a nurhbor of convenient offiicea for the ac commodation of legal gentlemen. and others, will jrive his undivided attention to the interests of the House, and spare no pains to render comfortabje all who may faror h.m with a fall. The house hasuneWone some repairs, whch adjda to the comfort ofifamilies. The servant, shall be fa.thful and hUest. Drovers may find jrood kits and plenty of jjrain at reasonable prices. C&U and give me a trial. Thankful for past favorsf aud hope for a continuance of the same. i ' c r B. GRANT. wuictuiuc, way la, 1W52. , iyp2 Blanks of every description for sale f . ; -j ... .... i- . t ?. c - - : i - m r wm i -ajr-wr- SUMMER (0005 8.1852. Iv36 VILLAGlMlTELi TV, ' stock of lowing : Brocnd r printeJ c ' reges, c enpe?, c cheched, j mamil! ; - . ' shav.U, ' bonnets, i , hh and. A brow n J. : Ready wi Coats, fr and fancy i fancy si.X trunk?, shoes, A.c, sold unu- pectful!y j flpewheie. H April 1 Saddle avi: ot'S ibusiness. jthe Stat a. please n!l w : done at duee takrn i ; Jgnunry I business, i:i Cpnihiodaii; pent estal.!: public u a i . hope the need work, He: will ers in tl.f p:. public will a ! I--- Jan. 8, -1- A XBy JIh 1 1 J t ' o f I pexsvf each t ast session ; AN ACT t blina. 5 Wnrr.TA. for the ek ( iwjthvthe la; : i Sr.t 1. He Stair c f y the autl. umber f i he second X: V -the: amende! North Gnrol A.i D., If.'l."). ' possessed i ; ifty acres f lay of eSecti i shall read as t wenty-one ivho have 1 he: State t day of any shall be enti: Sec2. he Sri'e 1 Procl,ainatioi; sis momns ot : General A; and the amen ! which Trot-in: perfect copy i fate of the S -s : ,ioh tfndjhe 'c shall caue to ! State, and pn Counties in th election of iih s I Read three i t!lie whole run:, tjively, and rnu ' day of Jariuarv, I, M II State of Not si. (' foregoing is a tr ! Oeneral A i: . Qrigirtal'on lile i i : this 3Ist'day of lh A no Wiiif.t-. ' the! Cbn?iiiuuMi f t4 Confer on n. i v mons the rfght to owi jtherefore, i wp that il ihe !.: tutjon chall 'Uegre;d ' repiresentatioii in eat 1. ' serably, it wijl lrli.m -flea t ion; I hare Js-Aml t niity witfe-ithe '.'-pepyisioM : j In testjmoiiy -' j-iereo!, I tHe Swtei of iioith Can. apd leausedlhe tlreate I v-i f Donje at ihe ( u. s. firstdijyof D' 'f! -rv'Vone thousand ei ' : ini the 7CtJ year pf our Iru. i By, the, Governor, ; i Thomas SettIe, Jr., Pr'f;': Persons into whose: han.N f "will: please see tbit a cop!ff; Cbvk House of Iheir.respeWjvt Jaril?, 1852. "M K I. , i -it.. U Foot S tohes -Mn y short, any a j! Italian, Eftiancr warranted to p - J ' 1 . aged! before deli very, it i'y' hA.r. tor a'tiv oftfie ar with! thelEditdrsjof the wi ii DR O FFERS his; pi ' - He can atpre.i.t ion ally enl:ar"- nlishurv.JtlH 1 AST "received 'a Fi lot of-supetUiif v TOBACCO.; AT THIS OFFICE Blank V - i " ' 'lull I . J m H Af:, tjl -Kr,: 4v4--H -I-l t-rl-.l Wll, '"-

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