-if .rr f I ' . 1 J. hi. Si: f' ' i H" ' 'l ! I" ! ; If! ! l-. i i I flit! i ' ' X . - i ! i i ' - S I -., 4 ! i fSf; T Doiiaas payable in i jtfiffni! r -jLl.i SI for the firsthand 25 els. J '1 inaTm insertion. Courtorders ..fears". .hope- - it1! i ' ( t Jackson, California, April, 20U852. ' ,.l-.-JT have mist received yours i .cdidrtj.witb lo answer ' fjlWtv w,sfa tokm?w 80r?ietbg l l 4 -i jL tiara nillV I flffvisA trti. ' Siting ifboul negro "i.. .vfekt.dal o t matters not are uncer- about negroes. Men are es here, nor are there e ones; it takes bard I economy to make re ifi the cold and rain tt St ft a 'Utnlil -l . rch.ldreri are speechl. ,:.. ' - . ... ; ;" viuf auu men io - uo woman Durst tears. i ' .c,Ui 'dollars a year to the band. flliiftam i ow? eIPeence 0 ,bii so iitfwe "rtii "ch: better but there $iailVijw Jrnda f to do much - fc" :ii" bere CIElli mak more t'kr2'&myity eipensfe.t arjft. .Very, 'f fowb&kii- iw larger tbcompany the e i j ;reed Miter haying :.$q large a 'f ! lr beiitff:i marjager, jbal t could iVmloy ibftoilaidvaulagebuslyj. . It is very l.hca?e tlil alma'n cannot hold gord i 0d pb t4mfloy many hands ; many 'faJvaftta3 We labor under here thaf hrkoo nou f bout. 1 ( ,tif af 8 a"" i ne aojoining coun Jreiffjzjrabit California. fVfarkj what I I itwtt perVps inaiiv of iberrj, will be sor. jtiheecntered into such a specula. of w comers have wished that l'ver hacj aiatiedand wliat rhii8t be the 'fjjjruif tbelDowll county company who fjffjlit December ;-last accobnt they werg ifljmlco, (jfexico left theij- vessel she 'p out of Vi'aii'r, provisions, ankJ the Captain ;5 credit. bepassetigers reirtain there at fecf bC ibeiatives. ;- ; hjpbaveriy ideik of coming to this coun iV'inoul fewf hand with, vouj-setjle on a 'krtp'tlJO ft'bd oftock ;mosj profitable, it. jibtw business thjlm diggrng and if you Jtf:iwtifiej to e iti this countr, youi in the lt ol lime )c(hhi m4ke a pretty fortune and (f Ull,.etijoy.'pf rbapi: first rafe"fealtb. To boy 'helping,! to Maj; Smyth, (Mprr 'l:n)iiiid Bibfl Moofe, (.uddy Crek) died Mffiy ber alsp a man named VValker I SC P-d-Hins i&nd Tbos. Corpejning reached dayt ct in good ihealtfe, their ppor prospcl 'it ' very before! good them fk tsiber bturiar j (toiling ver u'elb;now,'malcing near half 't lp baud, but soon as 1 work out my uMwdlnut have to!' haul better diggings, ai-llias't longer moving; about !tr) much agaiii.t miuers here, but we are ifd(U dm Writ a oAoq as conven. - j 1 aj your;i &c. j 4 , C if D. J. FORNEY. 'winibe JtiliMtrattB Family ifriend. pV it'AMEr.TO JiE A BENEDICT. BV TALBOT,;GREENE.f : . j Hi cold ari they who say that love .. i,. MustftrbtbeiplaiiKkhin the hdart, i - ' Aid culiiw(f hy the feand of time - lo mate 'lavesand Woasoms tarti! . iis.a platit thai springs at cnce I - Vp toil fail fui(i-prtVt lbrm; : Uitlike thy w ilfe Av nti Hie oak, j! . l btntls mit break? not iji thet starm. i I' ' i-f J I 'AJ 6. 'Graham. Pleaje, sirj the stage-cobch Is in waiting vr, u vjiuut'u inline waiter a second lat en- Hm'M coij'arousef:me fullyl as I mm lostinhe fumes oi my) cheroot, Q. tuteerfuljfirl. in 'myih'i iotel, ;in the 4i'ulillage.fyM'urgraon, Nobh Carolina. i i-r i tin iu imiiiHfr i but tell the driver, .. ii .iiiuticieuu to urry afmoihebl for mel : poking tny.' little leiceterasf previous to j'Waiag my frvds ; fur I bad baited a stage (f3iiion,piriJy to ejijoyj the magnificent ;cetjeryia nd. partly on account of the WlA tue.wlher." . I - ' 1 ' U weather, leuugh moderate! was still in- iii'v. ii $..: . ;JHI - i JT v -! " " - - ' SALISBURY.' ' N.- C, THURSDAY, AUGUST ' 1 2. 1859 Z : ' ! - : ti r ' - 'Si. u ... j' m :, v I : - . . a i t -n ii. i-zrz and haveieeu wiingbe for three hour forjhe sta 10(0 PiryPity!!,, Lord; - fc ibm! ejaculated the beautifo! maiden at my . s ' t ' 7 ,HMVi :iucin; in. den tleraen, who will be so gallant at to vacate their seat, forjhese Hor bplesi creitures ; see Ibose poor Iittie chldrea!are freezing o death. Remember, God atb iiidt .ftt yoif do it unto the least of tbes, ydu do it u'fito me " k , - wouid be bappy tcxJgraiifi yifc ki& 'AU fee, now .poke1; for ; the first time, the young gentleman whom I! afterward learbed was an ini)ortant suitor of the lady's favored by the Mier but scormMby tbe lady Fafored, not Nj bis virtue., ! Mut for (hi., princely! fortune. r,would b kapPJl o gratify yod, Miss Alice UeJanry, but would rather be excused from vacating a comfortable seat, and your pleas H society, to givie place lor these rude pao pers, especially ip he5e mountains, in! the mid flof guch a coldj bitter night. Here, wo (nn, take that, and begone to some neighbor, ing farm fipuse, anl travel at some more .ea .oriable tour, and he threw in her fac4e a few piece of silver. ; : T There is no i blouse 'in four milesj sir; the wajers are rising last, and we would jdrown or freez on obr way back. Take only my chil dreji, tben,and IJllj walk alone -myself. Oh I do fJor (he; sake; flbe lives of myi children lor the sake of faeaven !" and with a pita oua nooan, the poof- woirtan bent forward and gazed imploringlJalmosV frantically, up into om faces. I f - f:; ! - f ji By all tbaf .Igabred; cant stand this ; they f11 my seH ' I'fhould perish on the toad I" exclaime4.t opening the coach door and fprihgipg out " tjee. driver, lash my gagertO;tbe tpjof thf stage and stow part of htse childreniito thejbobt. 5 Haste ! if you please str, and-there is aSdollar -fbr yMir trou- Mmv.i-- r h- J : On I sir, Jtibot sir, but God will reward ydti '!.; miirmuretj tie grateful woman, as she sealed hersejfjjnJtjBe coach . ! ff )Vil you psrwt mekind sir, to thank you alsj,jforyor very' humane and gentlemanly cjotiduct,' spdke thfe yburig lady, as she extend ed jlof me jber sofi delicate hand!,, and bestowing ii4 of tbe we'etesH smiles imaginable you bafejmy Mgrtitude jsir, and proloundesl regard; 'ffue! tiujbiliiy is Idjfficult to find, sir, hence I would be nippy to know more of you- but the cjoachj is slaningt adie'ti ! adieu!" and in a momentjl found myself alone upon the road. I Twelve 1 nionibk after the events Recorded above, l lound myselt strolling alone in Miltbrd Pjark Njew Orteanf, 6triting vainly to overcome a depressioii pt spirit ihal bad come !over me some: days previous, Ironj; the sad intflligence received from my father j that through j the vil Mibyiand treache;r of a plartner in business, he bad become a bankrupt, and thad we were now -fbeggars. jSad, sad 'newXo me; VV irhrmy eyes bih Mpon the ground I strolled' along in such ab agony of mind Jhat I scarce noted the fine 'carriage's that palsied a,nd reipassed me every moment, or the many gay parties around, and was awakened only from my reverie by the flut. teriog of a perfumed note that fell at my feet, as aspler.did coach land four: dais bed past me. i 1ck1n2.it up i was somewhatf astomsned on 'pi readiiiii'Jibe lolloyin2 ' Mr. Ralph Emmerson will please call all 22, corner of llenard and St. iSt. James streets, this evening al six o' clock." i j I 1 ; i Not a fijtrle pu$zled to .discover who it was that dropped the note, I betook myself back to my rooms at the St. Charles to await the ap pointed bour Although my father had been long and favorably: known as a' wealthy thrifty merchant in New Orleans, yetf I was myself quite a stranger iti the city, not having the pleas. ui6 of an aciquaintince with a single iady, for 1 ad jb'en absent Tom'bom9 far a number of years, hajnd liad returned but a r few days pre vius. iFoujr years! of my life had been: spent in fofeign iravel, and lone the lasf in searching for be i fair slrangefr I met 12 months previous in the stage coach irunning from Morganton to Lincolufon, Nortb Carolina. Who could it be the? j poufd it be Alice Delancy, the long lost, long sought of my heart? But no! no! Yet the houi drawl nigh, I will wait; and for a time my curiosity and" anxiety drownedj the heavy weight at my heart sind alleviated my sorrows; occasioned by ihe misforrunes of my laiber. . J , j r It wants but forty minutes of the bouf. How heavy, how slowly time flies! Thirty minutes twenty.five ah ! Fcan'l wait longer. " Hilloa, omnibus, drive me'to 22, corner o Bernard and; Si.' James ! Streets," and in (five minutes I wis set down before a princely man sion. I rang the Mell and was ushered, by a servant, through a uit of rooms into a gor geously decorated Chamber, where I was re quested to tarry a moment. Seating myself on a rich sofa. I ran my admiring yes over fbe magnificent ijnirrors; and painjings ha decora ted the walls, wbn I thought I ijecognized a familiar countenance in a painting suspended over a mantel. ' , 1 , , 'Approaching it, I perceived, lo my JOJW astonishment; that it was the likeness of my long sought Alice Delancy, of stage coach rpe. mory, and forcettin myself and my whereabouts in Vny exiacyI sprang joyfully fd; ward, "latm. in aloud. Alice h sweet Alice! and havf I found you atlast!" I A merry peal of laughter rati" out bebiud mejust as I was reaching ui va around tle way.farer's head with bi, igjonvandiwaneuand roarted, and howl. fMcadtfBcffin th' lofty pitjes and down k.HMUi gorges in the dfstance. Bu yet ?t fled to i cocuiue. my jaunt Ifcn the "g in .qxiestfpntidliavin njade my prp ; ffckonwi wiih the host, j'dic., at last t W the fodi,l; -H;rll of the driver by (fpecoachv 1 lu;bnd it already tenant i .""Kes ptrsdnaw' Aina a hia..i;r..i fttt otheri mlemen. The lady was j5fl ji atmw jttujr was uiiful as heart could wish. -fc,,"T uiMoatne menmir eves of (jpalr, he h4if the laven, Jier brow the (VAfcer Cheeks the rse. her iins .sM-Hhe fevered self my brain all up "4iirate'' me ev. now as if uniyotm hew?w he. m cemletnen wW hmh r- Mi. , na L i ll . ?P?.''booj; flve-aiid twenty, the 4JJf ecKhWof Hfei - The jailer evidently wi ,lr" enl th drive's whip ns3)e davadvanded. more bo is UtnetheTalnHVAn Ji.l l.:.tL . A- J' --Mi I-...; lP'namaerinmi 'cloak. T annl; hnrtr in 'Fer tilh lb fcold; and muse .lrthe r beng. beside me kitl W dark' fa 1 could no animkltiDT rnnntnn. ..ILj . - e r tomr PuVa I moments when .mi. ITi 7J9eiy.o3ed;from my pleas- ti-i "?l Jortie one baiirnV f;.r, lite. 'WueBflmw iK !,J:,L i.i. ! .... 1 ""P Vtim I. .-t 'f t ... . ir-;r Dy3-r-8tiii stand !" tobillVyto hi!panting cattle, VkJT.'SS Who it-Could.be out in seh a A WJ- Pla. Ort such a bitter R..4 ti ani ? f0ad St0od irold colW1??: M '6 give us pass thi? Clotte-.b?gZed Z half fV ie4'CVl'ren- 4nd kbe Whed Wiun fidver to ih ,rv.. V Alt Hk.,1 . . 1. 1 - . U.-uaw, gentlemen, has iu.t iClfrai??:attd ow lying in 'WToSt' miWren; and H. t 1 Plllhrouffhihft the loved image ; ut hall mm nrma In PmnraCO cinlprl KflU Abashed. I ilumedl round And be heid. standing in ihe middle of 0e floors tbe fair original herself. 1 Bui I was sojoverpowered J could not utter a word, of grecliogr nor Ibe lady either, for perceiving my exUcyi before ber pbr. trail as she entered, she could do nought in tier modesty but si and and blush .scarlet. In anjto roent; however, 1 Jrad gained;pjrself possession so! far as to greet he fairijady ,aod Jead fter to,a seat.t " ; !, . i " lr : J ! j !And,i gentle reader, beford I arose from ,tUt sofa, I-ugh but tJ will nol Jelr roe lU how 1 popped me question uw wo wwr j, she hat her hand upon my mouth and threatens m..n';.iirnont if I tav anvthtoff la- ooui i ne many sweet kisses Oh ! well, pray r""rj auui win skip over mat Let' it suffice dear reader, f Iflt unit ft in few eeks. to the gentle Alice, by and with tb advice and consent of her father. Who bad long BCU3IU10 man, given up all booes "wviiiig. a nusnana tor ni daughter as be soon jeamed, both by experience and observa Mon, jhat epery woman was by far the best qualifffed to choose her own husband, and also Ihe trbth of that aphorismthat : , f Wbe? Bhei be wilt, yoo may depend oot. Ana wnen sbe won', she won't, so there's an end onV I EDITING A PAPER. i- . i- i ' : ,! I s i- M.:; ; aear what the National Intelli eencer says bpul editing a newspaper: ,! ! i Mitny people estimate tbe ability ojr newspaper, and the industry and talent of its editor by the editbrial mailer ii con. tains; It is comparatively ah easy task for a frothy writer to, pour out daily coll qrnns of words words upon any and all subjects. His ideas may flow in one wishy-washy everlasting floodand bis command of language may enable him to stringj them together like bunches of on ions ; and jyet his paper may be a meagre and poor concern. But what is the toil of suh jrjian who displays his leaded matter largely, to that imposed on a judi ciousj wellj informed editor, who exercises his vocation vith an hourly consciousness o his responsibilities and. duties, and de votes jhimself to the conduct of his paper vvith.he same care and asisiduity that a sensibile lawyer bestows upon suit, a hu mane physician upon a patient, without regard to show or display! i'lhdeed.thf mere jwritihg part of editing: paper t but a small portion of the work. The care, tbe tifne employed in selecting, is far more impoijtant,j;ban the fact of a good editor better! known by his selections than any thing jelsH,j and that we all know is half the battle.; Byt as we have said, an edi tor oqgbt to be estimated, arid his labors understood and'apprciated, by the gener aj conduct of his paper, itston,lts princi pie arid aims, its manliness, its dignity antl propriety. To preserve these as thev should be preserved, is enough to occupy fully the time and attention of any many. If to this be added the general supervision of the newspaper establishment, which most editors have to encounter, the won der is how they find time to write at all. "SKY HIGH, SIR, SKY .HIGH!" Wherever the news of Gen. Pierces " Home views1 on the Fugitive Slave Law and the in stitutions of the South has extended, it has pro duced a prodigious sensation. In Charlottes ville, a;; public meeting was forthwith held, and the changes rung upon tbe shameful fraud will immense effect. People are beginning to won der, in; all quarters, that they could have been imposed upon so long by such gross impostures!. - Tbe revelations from New Boston exhibit the Locolocos in the very act of playing a Yan. kee lrik upon the South. 1 They have -don0 the thing before, but they bave escaped detec tion until afier its consummation. ; Now, like a thief caught in the manor, they have no loop hole of escape. They knew their man Pierce they' kne w that Van Buren, and Hallelt, and Rantoul, and Bryant, and Dix, and ihe rest of the Free Soilers, were going for bim with " a gush of enthusiasm." He was nominated be cause he could obtain that support and as he was able to obtain it, because he was known to Van Buren Co. to LOATH El he Fugitive Slave Law, and to revolt al the institution of slavery. ' -':. How can: tbe people of the South .confide in t$ese men any longer? With Gov. Joe John son of New York, in the. Executive chair of Virginia who has shaken ouri institutions tjy their fciuodatioos and a New Hampshire Yan- kee in the Presidency whose fellings revo ait the institution of slavery what is to become df us lRifchmond Republicans J j j The Supply of Water at Ve4 jrt. The Crotonfriver has been found in.sunicijent to sup! ply the! population of NeW Y?or IwSth water, pwingjo the lavish manner in Ivfhjch it has been .uied. j The subject bits jbeejn made: k matter ff inquiry by tbe jauihoritlei, and th following are some of the facti reported by the committee s. , ' ! "Thl minimum flow of tbe tjroton durioo; a drought is less than 27,000,000 of gallons in 24 hours. Now all that flow is brought to this iCity, and yet the supply is now dovrn in the re. iceivingf reservoirs more than three feet lower jthan th top water line, and tbe distributing reservor isr not full by ten feet. The quantity jthat ca,i bejdelivered in one day is limited to the capacity of two pipes of three feet diameter; so that if the Croton river could afford us any greate rf supply, we could not gel out of the diffi culty for some lime. The committee state that the cosi per; gallon is three-fourtbs; of a cent, and that the daily loss by waste amounts to 8500,000 per annum. , The committee coof clude ibeir report by the suggesting that, unless ihe citizens' voluntarily refrain from the waste, it will be necessary to pass an ordinance stop ping the supply of water to all steam vessels ; to interdict the use of street. washers for two or three months, and to close ail public and private! fountains, and to compel the street sprinklers to obtain their supply from the riv. ers."iI: H v. f ty: 1 ' ;r.j! The Kew York Times thinks ;it better to see if something cannot be, done to ascertain whether the popular Inclination may not be in dulged by tbe extension of Croton facilities and says : h L . . f . h'i-'l i" i ilil "It is decidedly taking the back track fo counsel a more niggardly 'eibplojfnMot.iol the element. We should rather encourage it. use. It should b furnished freely to wash out tbe streets.;and rinse out t he gutters, and purify the interiors cf sordid Louses. la thfi absence of health ofiicers, it? is iour onlv hon Aln.i pjague and epidemic By all means enlarge the supply to meet tbe demand, and not attempt the hopeless task o contracting the demand to tc mcjufo oi a iMiiiiea supply." n I- : ,'. I-. - J j ' " ' . From the FayeUeville Observer, f A Great Discocerij for North Carolina. A writer in the Washington Union mentions prodigious .results to flow, partic ularly to the turpentine region of North Carolina, from the discovery of a process to make oil frorrtirosn.i It is stated that two barrels, of the refuse rosin, now gen erally thrown away, as coiling more to get to market than ft will produce, will make one barrel of oil ; that tbe oil is worth 40 cents a. gallon, at which price the demand for it, is greater than the sup ply ; that the cost of making the oil is tri- It is estimated that $50,000,000 are an nually expended n the United States for sperm pil, for rail roads, factories, &c, and in consequence the price of animal oils has; materially advanced. A commit tee appointed by the Lowell mills has re ported that "one-half less power is reaui- site to drive heavy machinery lubricated with a mixture of this rosin oil with its bulk; of sperm oil; the mixture costing but three-eights of the price of tbe sperm re- quired Men used alone. Now when, we estiQie the saving thus effected not onlyin he cost of the material, but the advantages to result from the saving of power required when the mixture is used, it will be perceived that one of the most important industrial results known to the present century is being brought through the means of the discoverv to which we refer above. Its effect ort the value of property and labor in the pirie-bearing re gions of North Carolina and Georgia can not fail td be wonderful indeed. While it tends': to cheapen the necessaries and comforts of life 4n manufacturing regions. it must eventually quadruple the value of lands producing rosin, which are now or may in tinie become accessible." . lEffecU of the Dumps.- curious case is related by tbe Troy "Budget of ia girl in that city losing her speech for a whole week ! Be. ing disobedient, and refusing to answer her mother, when spoken fc, she found after sit ting dumpiahly fn the corner about an hour brooding-over her bad Condaet that she was unable to utter or articulate a word ! Her friends did riot take particular notice of her for a couple of days, supposing she was keeping up her pft. Finalli she wrote dovvp that she could no speak, when her friends became alar- ed, and consulted several physicians. , After a week had passed ffhe awoke one morning, and found herself again; in speaking order. troubles. We have more rotwm in i.t- Of than fftirlw ; t ... w trXIUil ii us. , i.ney are hold. i by must be met hr a daring and reckless numerous and efficient police, and when con ticied, "punished wiib th severity which ibeir We doubt if our present po- But it is belter than! the ad. Both must I lived in TBA-COfTEE-INDIp0. A wrfter in thej National Intelligencer estimates tbe value of Coffee consumed in the Ufiited Statics, England and France, at 859.000.000, ad lndigoi. $2 1,000,000. He states that th4! genuine Tea tree, in its full perfection: grows to a height of forty to; fifly feet, and is cultivated from fat, 70 cleg, to 32deg. north latitude, un der severe frosts tjtnd snows, antl many of the mountains, high upon whose sides the plant grovvs, areicappea wun perpeiuai snow, i he idea inat l ea win oniy nour- ish in a i hot climate appears to be erone- ous, we recommnas tne cuiMvauon oi both Tea and Indigo, for which the cli- ahd "soil ioffdifferertt sections of this coun try are' Wejl adapted? He says Tea can be procured in this country un der; seven cents a potind, calculating labor at 60 cent per diejn. A tea plantation requireare the jfirst and second years, after which it is a most hardy plant, and will yield tea for twenty-five to thirty years; rSp the ptify troublte is plucking the leaves and drying them, which is labor for woraf niand cBiiren. Three men ac tively engaged ten Hours injtbe day may collect 50 to 60 lbs. qf green leaf, and another fvduld manufacture them, and the quantity bf dried Tea would be 12 1-2 to 15 lbs. !fair plantation would produce 300 lbs, per acre. I have as much as 480 lbs. per abrie in tfie year on some land I held on the West of ChinaJ Of Indjgb he is equally iangfuine,and denies tht its cultivation is Unhealthy ; nor is thait its character where it is known and cultiHted. ie is of opinion that it can be ppiluced here under- 30! cents per lb. Priees of Indigo for the last forty years vary from $1 to $3 per lb. NEW YORK ROWDYISM. Rowdyism has become so rabpant in New York that Vigilance CommltteesM are re, commended, to deal otat summary punishment to the ,oflinders. The Journa) of Commerce condemns i the suggestion as a revoluuonary meaiure, aking the adrninistrliion of justice out of the bands of the Courts.jaod devolving it upon men not appointed in a legal or consti tutional wlyf andbyhomeans necessary where public otfilers who administer justice are elec live,! and rfiay be superseded at inyjlinie if neg ligenl of tMr duties,. :Tbe ca$a of this la. nientable state of aflaSrsi in lhit ,jcilj H aim butes to tbe citizens iheraselvef. io ot elect. in the right kind o persons for public officers i "The scaindalous conduct of some of the magistrate, : including; some ot the aldermen, in releasing rowdies "and villains, without trial, has doubtless done much to embolden the lat ter. and W bring on a state of jinsecority both lo personsftaiid property which; in this city i Is altogether iinprecedeoted and disgraceful. I be hordes of foreigner! who come among us, many ot them ignorant and , Melons, and not a few adepts in villainy, ire another; cause of our Crime, demand. lice is sufficient. ministration of Justice amonr n. be reforrned." - r Yankeb Homespu When Maine," said Uncle Ezra. r helned iA hr..t "E.a n,e, P,ece of 6round- We gqt the wood off in Winter, and early in the Spring we begun plowing on-l; It was so consarned rockv ih.i we had Id get forty yokie of oxen to one plow we did fdiih ; and I : held lhat plow mor'o a eek. I thought I should die ; It e'en a most killed me I vow. Why. one day I tvas hold'n, and the plow hit a stump which measured just nine feet and a half through it, hard and sound white oak. The plow split it. and I was mi straight through it when I happened to think it might snap together; aifain. so I threw mv feet out, and do sooner done this than it snapped to gether, taking a smart bold of ihe seat of my pantaloons. Of course I was ihibt. but I held on to the bandies : and. though the did all thf y could, lhat team of eighty oxen could not tear my pantaloons, nor caiuse rne to let go my grip. At last though, after! letting tbe cattle breathe, they eave another tronff nall altogether and the old stump came; out about the quickest.: It had monstrous long roots too, let me tel you. My wie mad tbe cloth for tnem pantaloons, and I haven't worn anvmh-r kind sincej. The on;ly reply made to this was; "I should have thought it would hav onm bard upon your suspenders." "Powerful hard." Sam S licks' s Traits of American Humor, From the Fayetievile Observer. Look Out ! Our town is flood d with pamphlets, sent tot qqr citizens under the frank of Members of Congress from Indi ana, New York, &c. We have one now before us, addressed to a highly respecta ble Whig merchant of this" town, franked by Daniel Mace, whom neither the receiv. er of the pamphlet nor ourselves had ever heard of before, ii requiring a search over the whol e list of Members of Congress to find out Whether there was such a man in Congress at all. It was finally ! discover ed that there is such a Loco foe o member from Indiana. : The pkmphlet is headed "The Whig Abolitiobist attack ! Whigs and Aboli tionists gainst Pierce." And as the au thor seetbs to have supposed that that was so barefaced a falsehood it would require constant reiteration to make any body, even hirrtself, believe it, his first sentence isas follows: "The abolitionists are bit terly opposed to Franklin Pierce." The enormity of this falsehood is appa rent to eyery man of the least information. Does any body deny! that John Van Bu ren has j taken the stump in favor of Pierce? That Martin Van Buren, the candidatp of the Abolitionists for Presi dent of the U. States at the-last election, has written a letter to the Locofocos of Tammatjy Hall, declaring that f he lives Pierce shall have his vole Does any body deny that Gov. Cleveland of Connec ticut, and; Preston King of New York, and Robett tiantoulof' Massachusetts, and Da vid Wilmotof Peiinsylvania.all df the very highest standing , in the abolition party, all eminent leaders of that party, are w . Does facts, open in their support of Pierce ? any body deny these well known we ask again ? We have not had time to read tbe pam phlet entire,' but setting out with such a glaring falsehood, we have no doubt that the whole is in keeping with such a be ginning. ; We would like to know how many of these pamphlets are franked into Northern States? Not one! , . . , At a meeting of the Cape pear and Deep Rii'er Company, at Pittsborough, on Thursday last, a committee of VVays and Means recommended the borrowing of $30,000 ; that all tbe day laborers be dis charged.and the hands hired by tlpe year be put on the lower works; that the other ex penses of the company be proportionally reduced and that the Legislature he me morialized for further aid. Fat. Ob. An Itenfor Geologists. A letter from Lake Superior says that a wooden skid was lately found rtwenty feet below the surface, iipon whicbJ was resting a mass of copper weighing more thanrfive tons. Two copper tools, and several hammers of stone, together with coal and ashes of wood, were lying around it, as fresh to all appearances, as though they had been made last year : and yet there was six feet of vegetable soil above them, sur by a tree which, on being cut, proved to be tit least five hundred years old. The Pierce Development Again. J had almpst mfcde up my mind to vote for Pierce but now I would not do it to save his life." Such wa s the remark to us on yesterday morntngijyia Whig friend, who was dis satisfied with Geh.5Scotts nomination, and who had just rfnd " the Pierqe De? velopment will not ;dnly have the effect qf bringihg back into our ranks thefew whoi in a moment of disappointmentjhad feft (hem. but we shall be greatly surpris ed if it does not drive from tbe support of the Democratic nominee many a southern Democrat. Pet. Intelligencer, ; , I s x - ' ' -V " " ) Law, like cob webs catches small flies. ' i ; A; BEAUTIFUL PAL::.. ; We-find in the home "bool: T turesque the following bcr.utif ! by Washington Irving: , "And here let me say a v.c : . of those vicissitudes of our clirr. are often made the subject cf repining If . tbey annoy us c : : by, exchanges from hot to1 ct;!J. to dry, they gtvc us one of th t tiful climates in the world. V! the brilliant sunshine south r , with the fresh verdure of the IT ; ; float our summer sky with cLu geous tints or fleecy vvhitene: ; down cooling showers lo rcfrc : ing earth and keep it green. G.:r are all poetical; thej-phenorr.?:. heavens are full of sublimity r.r ! Winter with as has none of it i r; gloom, ilt mav have its howl; and chilling frosts, and whirl;. storms; ibut it -has also itl Ich : of cloudless suniliine. whenth? r earth crives redoubled hrirhtr. dajj; when at inight the stars I. intense lustre, or the moon f locus t landscape with her mostJlmriJ r alia men the lovnnxntitliri : n: r bursting: at once 'into h'.f and I redundant with vesretalion. r.n ! ou with? life I jand therspIenJ;:r. summer its morning voluptunu evehinff clorv its airv nalac; ii- or . 0 i ' ' f - - gilt clouds piled up in a deep V, and its guests of tempests bf olnir cal grandeur, when ihe forkej I: and bellowing thunder volley f; battlements of heaven ani sha:;.) : try atmosphere and the sublimr chofy of bur Autumn, magnifies : decay, withering down tbe pomp of a woodland country, yetrefic!i: from its yellow forests the bok!?:i of the sky ; surely we may 5:.-y : our climate " the heavens di-c! glory of God, and the firmament; tortn his nanuiwqrK ; day unto cry etb speech ; and night uato r.i '.: eth knowledge ir Terrible Riottn Baltimore. Tie I papers contain accounts of a disgrace. that city on Saturday night, between ! companies the Pew Market and the V They met near the intersection of llo Baltimore streets, and1 foughfor t'.r Muskets and pistols were freely i:s ' sorts of missiles! were burled by t!.: ing parties. f-7 'j, - r! ;. , Tbe tight was renewed between 4 m. on Sunday, and fasted till 7 o'clnc!:, her of persons were wounded. Ar: Walter Sparks received a pistol ball eye, and Richard. Hinton one in his c: F. B. Didier, a merchant, while lot'.: ihe fight, was shot In he face, anJ i: a dangerous condition.1 The police have been either wilfully negligent r inefficient; Orfly one ma n was a rrc ; . Aerial Voyage.--t. Petin, the rcrcr lishes in tbe Bridgeport Standard tie i narrative 6f bis recent balloon a--c that place, and his landing on Lonj f:! . which; we make, the following extract : I ihrew out more ballast, and we .-. neatly as far as it was possible for 1. . ings to exist; we had reached tt.? ! 22.000 feel. The earth appeared r. ibennometer at nine degrees below r cold was intense ; a heavy hail str.rr. the air by a power unknown to us, 1 bly an elective power, enveloped us i ; ing and awful manner. Respirattjr: most impossible, and we could not L other speak. One1 of my compare . benumbed, fell into a profound sleep, so weak that my otherf companions were hardly able to orjen ihe valve, we succeeded in opening il, and we C rapidly to an altitude of 13.000 feet. ' aniniilutH nl araUmA . tit -Mfk ri i em mr m m m h m m mm m.mm Ka.a ei mu. A Km mum ll a u mm L m.m a m. height grows vivid and warm,! as the ! comes 11 ancTc hilled. For us no r. limits, were existing. The dreams ( f dine and St. Pierre were realized, i peace seemed to be on eartbi, and t! globe were united; States. But a Mr ality of terrestrial objects, and we d: to the ground." K;k I 1 " l- ! 1 1 U ( - Suggestfan8.'"-Vhin I seeploc,;!.' year after year, iri the same track, ! fence or gully, till a dyke of iconsL'er is thrown up, and ! of course ! a corrc leanness in the interior, thinks I i (here is a want of good husbandry. jWfaen I see a fruit tree loaded the lop necessary for;. bearing well; r perhaps partly dead, thereby keeping i of the sun from the under crop, lhirA self, there is an indication of bad Li;' When I see a total failure of a ct dian corn, thinks I id myself, if tht : bestowed all the manure and perhai i t the labor on ball the ground, be v, , bad a fair crop of rota bags the follow ; When I ee"a farmer selling IU : ten cents a bushel, thinks I to myn'l, mer had better give bis purchaser tea leave them on bis corn and grain. One bf tbe safest and surest cum rbjcea, is rice water. Boil rice until it ' pasty, and after you salt the water i:i wis boiled, drink II freely. It wi 1 ; Ii 1 . 1.1. J-'. -L " I ... f.- . niy a rerneuy tor oiarrnu;, 1 . nd other disarrancements of the 1 . is! nearlv efeven rears since we trie and gave it puoucuy, ana we unuiv i.. erations are generally beneCcial, f Anecdote- X friend tells us i. anecdote which we prononnce d?cL?: One of ihe storekeepers of this j davs since.' ourcbased of. an Inh v. quaniity of butter, the Jumps of whic! ., ed for pounds, he "weighed in th; ! aqd found wanting." Sure it's yer if jlhey are light," said Biddyi in r;7 complaint of ibej buyer, "it's yer o.. it Cot wasn't it a pound of soap I mesilf. that! I had in the other end cf tl when I weighed 'em V ' ! . j The! siogekefperl had nothing n;cr. on the1 sobjeciTiTp j j J t ,A Isdy," opoa taking up Shelby's rove Lfst ManVlhrew it dawn very su-ii; claiming, ! Tbe; last man ! . .plea r.i? ! a thine ever were, to happen, Avbat i . come oi tec women t ; $1 1 4 i 1 11 i 1 i i I i t ; i ... i