, - , ,,', ll j f. , 1 I r I'lulii? '.li i? ! 1 t - M- I s1 - r 1 x -p .1 1. ; " 5 1 . i f i , i. i i , ? i i " i i i-j vaipl''iVJisnriii savant, . - for the first, and 25 cts. enljnsertion. uounoruers 1 i1 pvbrW'rVZuWan these rates '.Hi n0tuwv MffelL SrtI,f ' Aug 9 1852' " 1 t It .wirdtnff to adjournment 'flS it Adopting the Constitution.. .;J MtpOr'-rl Y, ftr nA ralli iim.n ftffflf rtnTt$e Constitution to report. JCnUf1)pfj; ClUmiay, before the KXf.11 perfon present) were jnUrtr1 an A flekpft In Tl9r J B4rtnU alteration a-nd amendment, 1 CoMitutlbii ! lAilociatianlshall be, called the "Mtii.-nilAcricoIturali'Socieijr. ft jit TrUlenU iou. 4s; siinVindbne Col ri '.-uVurer. and a Committee of Corres- three. of this Society shall r Vijce rresiigenis, 5ind one Corresponding $ecre- f e)Presde!3 severally, according to , I '-- Jl mm shaU have power ers 'hen necessary.! O- of the President alLi-ffieeitings, lake the Chair, call the rtooWfiiWjM mat ipe onsuiuuan anu 'i "ile tUihU- enforced ; he shal also i8aItktiotjTiih the Vice Presidents, if rZivltf'AM lb ink proper, call irregular Cifc $'h &kUtJ a,'!uc ,imes an p!a fliir otiiritoO best, subserve the inter- ,.n "V --15 . 'i 1 s ' 1 , 1 ! U if lb' Soy - I iff 6 Ik'sM) bhe duly of the Recording feini!oI Society; preserve all its Gi W lelhJpiiafi read tbe same iwhen Sody. , s v.-. -v ! I'm T.Uffcalf tib he dutr of ihe Corres. W;nSe5fetary. t6' waif upon the Committee J . " 1 A 1 ; -11 .ut- t laW lhelf reporis:iotj Society, and W t!l jh predings of tbb Society be. 'bp tV i'rf I he Society and disburse tgai ob brler of the j Society ; to make Uporoi9iifha , staje bf the Treasury Q quarterly J red; I ill. 9f. K H1Jj brt the duty of the Committee vCorr&ftonnclo icommunicate wilh lother 'Swrtieij soil injeligent drmers in different Wans k jfefl country; lo collect as far as '''cjtti ulft! fjpfeimns of grains, seeds, ''mi, faf-minsr immpfmentsJ and whatever they r 1 it, 1 f A' 'lt iJ: . f : : 3if Cfejtl UfPIUI ,IQr, flic nqvanceincm 01 irtgri- . ' ' ! ' " ffil-jti . 1. ::;ur irOUtDiry anu airiooK our raemuers. Ait,'lf."Toei8pcieiy, shall have power to Ti tint Win, If s rhfrnberS to be collected at .jfof ifiJiafferiimeelidas for the purpose staving th neessary eipenses of the Soci- kui) int. a ton i-ilJ rirf ir a fri:i n ma nrnvlr?f? atirti JuAifl n.ol exccT&the siiitt oftwo dollars per Irt. 1U.1V Stfitv sball meet nuarlerlv. Hi:,0n)nn, fhn'sewhd Thursday in October, !wwd Thur?day,:ifl January, April arid July. 1 fa, r 12 The fVgfjtar members of this Soci jJ tbfcir bj divided M.nto eight parts or Com. stoM,two ofy'lih committees shall report ?tef't jpw-f liaaever subject shall be as. ijjcu ill r in. j -r s , t irt. 1,3; It shallj lie competent for this Soci tyfilklf derojrt proper to 'cause one or wtddVe8,orlectures; to be 'delivered at M lif !l Mnilfnij' t r . 1 1 J. Art. 14.lLhail I be competent for this So-fJUl-ifino&lf jneetinas to hold Fairs and Inward ivremmW.ppOn whatever productions it IJlhip'iidperir; 'provided that none but jtiertloj" thiaSoliety shall be competitors j'preirjms,; jano provided farther, that noth. j'lkitSf 'btideshall be: so construed as to .11 mi oocieiy irom.awaraing nonorary 3i'?Tlra o0icer8 o thfs Societv shall ifliiulett Coriirrlittee to award premiums: y.i';r " lit is. . rr we.satae Ja, not otherwise arranged "ijlefltftetrjbprs shall form a quorum vfo&fnfa.cliAft f. business, bur a lessinum- wj. iiiiwurn if(m day to day wnjWngr, "and shall! hold their office for pwrjdVfihg-goud behaviour. i , JMiiqje ut in is vonsuiunon may , "'"not amw.ded at ahy Tegular meeting luntrt" ai quo cers shall beelected at (he CTf!ffo tJrtrJs'6f the regular members,or fcL '8tl ayrtferany proposed amendment ."PjitpoDeaioriihree months, 'Wrlftfter the same. 4 ft.T Uainsay; a CommittW of five n n : 4 v(orailia,a permanent otneers. JJOOrt ft fnVv! , 1 """S icjjuncu f-.vairtny,as;loUows j hkrf'111 Cowan, William P .EH' !fJvI. Wkey. fflMW' Chambers. IPjMMion. two Commil HiJifS- rePort 10 tbe next meet l-M :t?.';f NEW SERIES. f tt; SALISBURY, N,,C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1852. evolved, j That the proceedings of :h1k mUtJ a tlbet with the Colisi ed ln;the Carolina Watchman and Farmers' journal. fc( -t . j,, , ; , ; , . On motion, the Society adjourned. i urn n rt a-1.- l. tid!,V tH oA?..J Heming, J, G. Rams a v. CelBa"' Dr. S. D. Rankin, Se'tL Niters be appointed a kad M eight Buinesa Com. H:V.fXnc?' G FJemiriVr and iRob't "weiujnf .t " oc,ctl a piace lor me ASonM18 Society.! ! r YindCi fn Messed by Dr. D r?!f 4..;wa appointed to address Court House al Wilkesborbugh, on Friday, the 6tb day of August; when upon motion of L. u,tuarmictiael, Gen. James B. Wellborn was called lo the Chair, and on motion of Col. B. I eUy, Ci I.. Cook wasi appointed Secretary, ipn motion of U B. Camichael. the Chair. man appointed a Committee of three consisting of. .Richard J. Cook, Hon, Al Mitchell, and L. B. Carhiichael, Esq., to prepare Resolutions expressive of the object of the meeting,fwboftaf. ter retiring a short time, reported the following, whiebjwere unanimously adopted : 1 4 1 ticsolved, That the platform ana principles aid down j by the Whig . National Convention meei ! the approbation of the Whigs off North Carolina. 4 ;-44 . i Resolved, That We Will Cordiallv snnnnrt Gen. Winfield Scott for the Presidency and William A. Graham for the Vice Presidency ofjthe United! States. M ' ! . f . j ftlesolved, That we recommend to the Whigs of this Congressional District,that a Convention be; held in Statesville, on. Tuesday the 17ih of thijs month, being the week of the County Court of Iredell, to select some suitable'person to be rub as the Vfbi candidate for Elector of said district, I . I ' ! , s 1 i Resolved, That the Chairman of this meet, ng appofnt ten Delegates to represent this county in said Convention. In pursuance of the last resolution th Chair- man appointed the following persons delegates to said Convention, to wit's Col. B. Ft Petty, Dr. James Calloway, Wm, W. Hamototi. Samv uel C. Wellborril Col. Wm. Barks. James C. Horton, Ralph : Pruit, Samuel E. Northinion. Thomas Dula, arid Hon. A. Mitchell. 1 On motion, it was ordered that the proceed ings of this meeting be published in the Caro- lina Watchman.3 4 i I . Whereupon the meeting adjourned. I I I JAMES WELLBORN. CA't. C. L. Cook, Sec. tn he, Whigs! A. J. FLEMING. Corresponding Secretary. pursuance of notice. ! al large! number of of Wilkes county assembled in she SPIRITUALS KNOCKING A SOUR CROUT SCENE IN A CELLAR. . ! BIT JACK HUMPHRIES. L :' i' ;' ' ' ' Pennsylvania farmers, Germans moslly,have an inalienable love for sour crout : indeed, it is intvogue with most Pennsylvanians and New Yorkers. W confess to a slight recrard for the edible ourself. Like codfish, sour crout is rath t I j ; '..-" 1 A. I ' ; i er odoriferous than otherwise, but to " well- regulated appetites," strong and wholesome diet. is a part of eh(S in the inl y in cabbage, m la a cr ii is a pari oi every tail s domestic arrange ntenor ot the Keystone State, to and some particular night have lfy time cutting upand packing down the sour ut. ignite a party ot old and young assem ble, and the liveliest kind of a time comes off in i ne spacious Kitcnen ana cewar ot 'our house at home " Thos-e that have ever witnessed one oft these sour jcrout'bees, cariwejl realizes the mmerial of our rather humorous story, while al- most; anynooy can nave ai nearly laugn at tne fun of the thing. . 4 1 ' l lj . uaoay Ksiem a iai, jony, oiu, reurea zav ern keeper, near Marr-sourg, ra.,,one tan, laid in la Urge stock of prime jcabbaee, and in due course ot time, cauea in nis irienos and neign- bors lio maryifacture said cabbage into first class krbut.::- Never was there, probably, a more jo ctind and heart v assemblage of youngsters and ol4 'un beneath the lirnehphoi-e4 roof of Dad- dy Eckstein. Clammy Eckstein was an old laav oi coouiv dimensions, soi,up on tne regu lar Dujich style of human architecitire--square, foe and afi, 'two single jwpflien rotted into one ! Things had worked along towards 10 P. M. the biffirest footed maiden had gone through " a part of the performance of tramping down (sans stokitigs. with a reef in skirts) thjsi cut cabbage in the )iarrel.. (Yhe old Tons had lit their pipes the fidoMe was " sere well iuri" things set back candles trimnjied and knickfMfeks ordered up biithei " heads of the eebt4ishmeh f Molly, ydu and I4 ritz go down and toicn up oie oeer, saia apd down : the de cider, and some dat goot Daddvl Eckstein! to his ivrdw cel i a rway started mainm,1 preceded by ajfat faced? jbutcb gal, with sundry mugs and pitch ers. . -t ! ' It i if ; I The cellar was deep and dark the gal got down before the old woman, and was just about to) relieve herself of tbet ipithers ! and selling them upon a bentbV vrhen she let go all, and gave vent lo her lungs. by a J" Ugh-b-b-h ! Mine Got t-t J run here.e e I j Mammy did pot fail to clinch the gal, and she in her endeavor to get upi, and mammy s theft losing its equilibrium; giving a pitch down war(s the old I man and bis goodie compa- nre,'V above, arrived at the; head of toe stairs tust in: ume iQsee raamuif iuo downickety spljt, only stopping at ine iooi thte brbad cellar isteps kersouse t t iTbe cat screamed lustily, the old lady was so shook about, contused and coplused, mai a very "sonorous grunt Ayas the. utmost she could do. I4 Go lowngcjtown !" cried Daddy. Run town In shouted another tuicn aaaoy. f ' I : . V. -!'.' ... ' jiJUf .1LSJ ! L "Help ernupj criea a innru. i Mine Goltt !gd town I"; "Go town-n-n n 1" ! , Well, vyjdef jeufVl donl you go mit some- UAAvi" v..wlH Dadcfr. as one atfer anoxner the company took turns in advising " somebody tc go," I -i . :4r! r I .'! i- i !! ; t i u Bosh I" says the , old map, " you pack f cowards, I go meself !' and crowding through he took a light and made a Step aownwar.u.-- old lady, jand at star.led me and The girls and fellers, and old folks, up stairs wefenot;quiet observers of. these acrobaling tableaux, ijfor they yelled some ,;ran others rushed not Co the rescue of those! in the cellar bur to make their mortal escapes from the house cryrng out ; ' , p .? a , f Devil in der cellar I" f IVufe's got 'etti. Teufel's got 'em 1" " phi mine Got! Daddy ish kilt 1" "ijjrhunder ad blitzen I" roared out one old fellow "dish jish too tarn pad for letJmine djEl freotsj Eckstein be kilt rail cellars, and dese tarn cowards r&n aiway ; I go down by thunder ancl uiuen!, and to carry out ibis patriotic interi tiots, old peter Bromwig seized a candle anil his stick alnd made a dash for the cellar, flankji ed byjjhis pld woman, begging him for Gotls sake not; to n6 to der teufel mil d rAet in A cellar. I ' '' Mi But Peter's blood was up he went forward the cries of Daddy Eckstein add gal were awiui. ne old lady appeared to have her quietus, the gal cried out that the teufel was at them, tooth and nail, while old Daddv roared worse than a Louisiana bull in a tornado. f He's got us ! Hes got us !" f Whos jgot! you,. Daddy T 1 cried Peter, al the head of the stairs backed up by his wile, two snaKing crouti eaters, and aome six or eisht double fisted gals. ' fOh h;h der teufel, der ttu oh A aA V bawled the old man, a if interrupted in his course by a dire antagonist. ! Koom down, Pe. lair I koom dow-w-w-wn ; bh! werre gone he's got u.' j - ' -M A he gal managed to lumber un stairs with la rush, i The gathering, at the head of ibe stairs bearing the gal coming i before they saw her, ppK it tor -grantecHhat bis sable majesty, being sure of those" below, was now after those a- bove, and; they went, with a yell and confusion better imagined than described. Not so olid Peter Bromwig he droped his light, but drew his cane, bawling J i ; M If you be de teufel 4I'm cone, but 1 gives you a knock mil mine stick, ony wayi and her- wang he brought it. Luckily for ihe Dutch gal's skull, it was thick,1 and the cane hitting the top ot tne doorway, had some of its force mm gateo, go Katy the gal instead pf having her gourd cracked, was merely sent reeling down stairs again, breaking her fall upon the old Dad.; dy, who, upon all fours,! was crawling up a step or two, bellowing all the time. ! ! Tbe excitement spread the neighbors canie, in a minister had been sent for a doctor was wanted. Old Peter Bromwig vatorously expa. tilling Upon the knock he had given 4der teufel, was standing firmly against the .door, declar. ing that the 'old critter' was trying to rush up and devour all hands ! I The noise and confu sipn save a tew groans frbdii Daddy Eckstein, was all quieted old Nick had finished bis work -4-poor daddy and mammy land the sal, wre pronounced done for.! But the minister came lights were brought, the 'book opened, ibe cel lar door also, and the minister began to $x orcise the evil spirits in; a low guttral high Dutch tone, i as he descended, the cellar Stairs, follow, ed by Ihe stoutest hearts. j Nothing of note transpired until the party bad reached the cellar when a pair of "shiny eyes' i Were seen, accom pan led by a pair of ugly horns and a beard, the profuse length and dimensions of which might have enchanted the most inveterate female ad mirer of hairy beaux, s It wis loo much for most of the ministerial escort for ihey wheeled about and fled, two of the most courageous seizing Mammy Eckstein aud lugging tier oodiiyiup stairs; the girl came too, a ad made her exit in double quick! time, and as she did so, the teufel fin.: j ! i Lc iL: i. i:it.. louoweu in me suapo ui u Mig imjr uuai, Which had gone down the cellar in the daytime after cabbage leaves,! and (being shut down, arid riot liking the maoeuvres of the crowd, had pitched into them, the gal, mammy and daddy in particular, raising the devil in good earnest, and quite broke up the sour crout parly. who happened to be returning from the' oierk s desk. : ; i -. '" What the devil are yoo doing here with those chickens ; get out sir, get out," whispered the doorkeeper, j If j No you don't, though, yqu can't come that game over me, you've got chickens yourself for sale, get out yourself and let me sell mine. I say, sir," (in a louder tone to the Speaker) "are; you buying chickens here to day ? I've got some prime ones here." ' : j !.4: And he held up bis string and shook his fowls until their music made! ihe walls echo. ," Let me go, sir," (lo the let me go, I say. Fine large chickens to tbe speaker only sis bits a dozen. " Where's the Sergeant at arms," roar ed the Speaker, "take that man out. " Now don't, will you, I aint hard to trade tvith. Youjet me go-j to tbe door keeper you've sold your tic!ens, now lt ma have a chance. 1 sa4!slr to the Speaker in a louder lone are you buying cnicKens to , doorkeeper) " Go ahead," "at htm agin,' final's right,' whispered some of the opposite members, Xnrho could command gravity enough to speak, "at him again." " He'll buy them." He only wants you to take less at him again. j CURIOUS LOVE LETTER. Madam : Most worthy bf tbe admiration, af ter long consideration, and much meditation, of the great reputation yon possess in th4 nation, I havie a strong inclination lo become your re. lation. On your approbation of tbe declaration, I shall make preparation to move my situation, to profess my admiration, and if such obligation is worthy of observation and can obtain com miseration, it will be an aggrandizatiob beyond calculation, of ibe joy and exultation of Yours, i ... Sans Desidebtion. j 4T ' the Answer . Sr; I peyused your oration with muirh delib eration, and a little consternation, at the great infatuation bf your weak imagination, to show such veneratiou on so slight a foundation. 1 suppose your animation was the fruit of recre ation, or had sprung from ostentation to display your education by an odd enumeration, jur rather multiplication of words ol the same termination though of great variation in respective signifi cation. Now, without disputation, ypur labo rious application, to so tedious an occupation, deserves commendation, and thinking imitatim sufficient gratification, I am without hesitation, Yours, i Mary Moderation. "I say, sir in a louder tone to the Speaker cuss your picturs, let me go fair ply two $t one ain't! fair to the Speaker and Sergeant at arms let me go : I say, sir, youup there to the Speak- yelk !" er- yqu can have 'em for six bits ! won't take a cent less. Take em home and eat -etp myself before I'll take Drat your hides, don't shove so hard, will you ! you'll hurt ihem chickens, and they have bad a travel of it to-day, any how. 1 say, you, sjr, up there" j Here tbe voice was lost by the closing bf the door. An adjournment was mov ed and carried, and the members, almost Mother said a little fellow the otjher day, 'is there any harm in breaking egg shells?' ! Certainly not, my dear; but why do you ask f " ' " Cause I dropped the basket just now, and see what a mess 2 am in with the ryCoramission, is published in the Y,i papers. He Was, shot on the 7th c! J the desert, near camp Yuma, by lha c'. wrwm lie was irying to induce to rcl-jm 'JM iJ-i - i -IT. MI Influence of thet, Moon upon the. Wed' A Paris astronomer has published tLo i of twenty years observations upon th e nee of the moon1 upon the weather, tbe new moon to the' first quarter it rain ring the period of twenty years emU; the calculations) 764 days ; from the f.r: ter to tbe lull mopii it rained 815 days ; the' full moon to the last quarter it rair: : days; and from tbe last quarter to tl rrioon it rained C90 days. So that J iri. moon's! increase there were 1.G09 rainy and during her decrease only 1,437 a i ence of 152 days. TLis difierenccs ia likely to have been accidental than tLo i of any natural cause, and the concluii .n ' we derive from the statement is that tL- : has no influence upon the weather. , Jim was employed to cut wood by the day. the boss came along and found Jim lifting the axe as leisurely as flat boats go up the Mississippi, accompanying every blow with a grunt. " Slow work, Jim, slow work." 44 Boss, ihe Bible says we must use mod eration in all things. The boss was non plussed. At dinner, frantic witn mirtn, rusbea out lo nndjour jim plied his knife and fork wilh remar friend in high altercation with the dbor- kable industry. The boss remibded him keeper about the: meanness of selling! his own chickens, and letting nobody else sell theirs, adding that "if be could just see that man up there by himself bed be bound they could make a trade, and that no man could afford to Taise chickens for less than six bits." 1 I The, members bought bis fowls by a pony parse, and our friend left the Ca itol, sayitig as he went down the stairs, Well, this is thei darnilest roughest place for selling chickens that ever I came across sure. Spirit of ihelthe$. of bis morning text, but Jim was ready. " I've been reading the Scriptures since, boss, that "whatever thy hands find able to do, that do with all thy rnigh." Boss told Jim he was entirely too learn ed to-chOp wood, and tueretorej very po litely requested him to take up bts bed and walk. paternity husband the base D IOOK It llgiU UllU uiauc mv TWegM had jgot loose i from the was coming iip With a surge th mi. mk. namn hll nrPaPltrC OI JIIIIIU,! fbfitbbld alsoj slid, heels foremost, bitting) the Iir Diitfh sal about midshinsiahd givingilier ejujjb leewardUo precipitate her all standing, backwards down again, carrying away the old lady, twbo had just b?g4u to " bout ship and . -S . ;.v t.i.- . ; - 4. I Lift; ! it J !.'; 1 ' t - SELLING CHICKENS TO THE ! ! LEGISLATURE. While the Legislature ;of Missouri was session, a few years ago, a green fellow in from the country came lo Jefferson to sell some chickens. He had about two dozen, all of which he had tied by the legs tq a string, and this being divided equally, and thrown across is horse or shoulder, formed Bis mode of conveyance, leaving the fowls With their heads hanging down, with little else of them visible than their naked legs,) and a promiscuous pile of out stretched Wings and ruffled feathers. Af ter several ineffectual efforts to dispose of his load, a wag, to whom he made an offer of sal?, told him that he did not want chickens himself, but that perhaps he could sell them at that large stone hobse over there, (the Capitol,) that there Was a ijianl- over I there buying,' on speculation, for the St. Louis market, and no doubt Ihe could find a ready jsale. H Th dl lighted countryman started when His informer stopped him. h j " Lbofe here," says he, "when you get over there, go up stairs and then turn) to the left.! The man stops in that large room, i Yob will find him sitting at the other end of the (room, and js now en gaged wjth a nunjibei4 of fellows buying chickens bfmself for sate;' and tries to pre vent other j people from selling theirs.- Don't mind him out go right ahead," i4FblIbwiqg the directions, our friend soon found himself at the door of the Hall of Representative To open it" and en ter was the work of a moment. Taking frond his shoulder the string of chickens, and giving them a: shake, to fresh thbnr, he commenced hts journey towards the speaker's chair, the fowls, in tbe mean: time, loudly expressing from the half form ed lirovk to the harsh quark their Sense ofbod pain. ' , J .f ;' : "I say, sir" -here he had advanced about half down the aisle, when be Was seized by Major Jjackson the doorkeeper, THE CALF'S TAIL AN.-THE AU GEH HOLE. The) North Carolina Argus tells the following capital story, for Which it is in debted to the stump speech jof a Virginia member of Congress. Wef have read noth ing that has called our cachitiatory mus cles more violently into play for a long time : The proprietor of a tan yard adjacent to a certain town in Virginia, conctuaeu to build a stand, or a store on one of the main streets, tor. tne purpose oi vending his leather, buying raw-bides and the like. After completing his buildifrg he began to consider what sort of a sign1 it was best to put up for the purpose of attracting atten tton to bis newj establishment; and for wanted to know was, who owns the nigger? days and weeks he was sorely puzzled on That's what I look at. this subiect. Se veral de vices; were adopt ed, and on further consideration rejected. Oh, dear ! Mr. b erguson, yqu surely At last a happy idea struck him. Hebor- iest wheh you say my'babe is the hand ed an auger-hole through ilhe door-post, somest child you ever saw. Yob must be and stuck a calf s tail in it. with the bushy soft-soaning it." . - ' W. .. ... end flaunting out. After a while tie no Well madam" replied Mr. Jfjurguson, need a grave looking'personage standing may possibly Be so, for I now recollect near the door with his spectacles i gazing h thought it very much needed soap of intentlv on the sign. And there he contin- some kind Mr. f erguson was seen lmmeaiaieiy ai ter, making a hasty exiti pursued by an broomstick. Tough but Tolerable. A shrewd Yan- kee, travblling in the South on a voyage of adventure, came to the habitation of a widow lady, well to do in the world, who had an onlv daughter. After tarrvinsf a few days, the Yankee and the miatror be came mortally pleased with each other, and the latter remarked to him that it he liked her daughter well enough; to marry her, he might stop and become tjho mana ger of her estate. The bargain was closed, and the nuptials were consummated;; but the Yankee was more surprised than de lighted about three months after! the wed ding, to be presented with an heir, whose complexion and hair indicated a not purely Caucassian. The started for Nashville, and laid before a lawyer. ; ' I " I cab obtain a divorce for you," said the lawyer, "upon proof of the facts stated without delay." T S " A divorce !" said the Yankee. " who said anv thing about a divorce? i What I i A Western paper in noticing the t ges of the cholera, says :-Every : that was able to leave Jackson, Mi; did soi andj has not yet jetbtned. V last Sunday there was not enough 1. . bury the dead. J Some eight or ten cc: lay in different Ihouses se??ral days. farm; business! of every is SU;: edjand every iilwclling house is L. uPf ; 4 ; jl- .Til . i An Ugly 0athl-Ah the eastern part cf I wae county, in ibis State, there resides r. named B , now a j'iMice of the peace, a very sentible mab, but, by common c the ugliest looking individual in tho whole c try, being long, gaunt, sallow land awry, gait like a kangaroo., One, day he was bunting and on one bf the mountain 102 met' a man on foot and alone, gaunter. viV. all odds, than himself. He could give the' fifty,' and beat him. t Without saying a B raised his gun and deliberately I.-'. it at the stranger. For God's sake, shoot ! shouted the man, in' great alar Stranger,' replied B l swore ten 3 ago that if I ever; met a mani-iglier than 1 I'd shoot bim ; you arc the furtl one1 I've . The stranger, after a careful survey.of his , replied, VV u, captain if 1 160k anf wors you do, shuts I I don't want to live any 1. exchange paper, r , u ) 1 i 1 ' nkLrryt , The New York Evening Ijis the D cratic abolition qrgan, boasts that there I a word about the " finality"! of jthexornpr- in tbe; Democratic platlorm. ! It regards Scott as the peculiar champion of tho " . ty' : principle. VVe 'quote its language : " If General Scott and his friends 1. tinned to stand j where they j stood vh wrote, and if he had not accepted an. lion on a finality platform, there isnodo.4 any of the prominent candidates hsl;, Democratic Convention would have' be. fealed by him. j But lie Is now prcseni the express champion bf " finality 5" of : there is not a word in the Democratic pL The very sentiment wfirch would; have Scott strength, if he had adhered to the r . pies of the party which presented hi:.1, now, and ought to enure to the benefit cf 14 whose abstract notions1 of slavery arc r; 4 liberal and just as any ever proiesseg tvy Scott, and whose general notions cf ment command our unqualified. admiral k bed to'stand gazing, and gazing, until the curiosity of the farmer was greatly excit ed in turn. He $tepped out and address ed the individual: ; "Good morningr said he A Case of Conscience. In a! certain "Morning," said tbe other without mov- Ladies Moral Inform Society," exjsting not many miles from, the ban ks qi a cer tain river, the members were required to sicn a nledge not to " set up.f as it is -- -in O : " : ing his eves from the sign "You want to! buy leatoer T said the storekeeper. " No." "Do-you wish to sell bids ?' ! "No." ' I; 4 "Arc you a farmer ?" i "No.w J "Are you a rabrchant?" 4 "No." . f I "Are you a lawyer? i ,;No.w I T "Are you a doctor?" 4 "No." . ! . !4 : "What are vou then ?" "I'm a philosopher. I've been standing here for an hourjtryin to stfe if 1 could as certain how that calf gottljrough the au- eer-hole, and I can! makeiJUt to save my life." 1 enragca a coun- bow ma- 1 1 say landlord said a tip an in trv village to a tavern keeper; l ny liquors Can I get for two long bits ! 4 Five said mine host. Well, fork 'em over. Come up my boys and drink.' 4 ; The liquor completed, helpullcd out two old worn out bridle bits, which were long enougif in all cobscience. :lt . is! needless to say liow savag the lahd'o looked, when his customer waiKeq cooiiy uui - midst the shouts of the croWd termed, or do anything else that might be supposed to have a tendency, however re mote, to immorality. One evening, as the President was calling over the names, to knoW whether! each member had kept her obligation, a beautiful and highly respec table young lady burst into tears,) and on being questioned as to the cause, said she feared she had broken tbe pledge. " Why, what have you done?" asked the President. j " Oh If' sobbed the young lady, " Dr. kissed me the other night, when be wait ed on me from meeting." OhJ well that is nothing very bad," saidJthe President; his kissing dqes not make ii jhatyou have broken the pledge. Oh, that isn't tie worst of it," exclaim ed the consciencious young ladv, e& him buck a gamp f I kiss- -i-U----r-! .1 , . i 1. An important discovery nas Deen maoe m London by a Mr. Roberts, in the use bf tin for zinc plates, by which a great saving of expense is effected in the arts, the large quantities of nitric aciJ, zinc, plairrium,&c, to produce elec tricity, Uing superseded. I Mcrdekof Cot,. Craio. The officii ac count of tbe murder of Col. Craig, commslnder ol the military escort of the California Bounda. t, - The Atlanta Intelligencer says, tho rc; Pierce's speech made in January b&t, al Boston, New Hampshire, which is now i extensively republished, is an " abaliti lumny, manufactured ixpressly for the ernlmarkct" If this be' true, tho reporter j prepared that report early in January la , sess the art of diyination in a degree will certainly secure for them immortality, its truth can only be reconciled uponjhc Dosation that the v. in January last, knew i rf ..... rf L ..... eral Franklin Pierce would be nominate the Presidency I This we tnjagine no r the! United States, in the wildest freaks lancy, will be disposed to regard a supf ca se . A ugusta (Va.) Chron tele, (aali -' oiiio for scorr.: i '.I'M il-'i : ne of our Delegates to the State C, lion, who went to Columbus doubting, r with a thorough! conviction that the el votes of Ohio will be securejd for Sec. Graham. He (fays, "allowing a lar; centage for desires and prejudices,1 and c ing one fifth from what he knows o( th? Scott will carry; Ohio by a decided rn:r The Locofbcos themselves, everywhere tbeSiatesman office, admit .1 this) anJ care if it be so. They bavo.no Pieyce is either a statesman; Dr a cannot muster any enthusiasm for a thi; lawyer whom a; set of political gambler: foisted into a Presidential candidacv, ' view to their own advancement, the.'. chance to be elected. Sciota Gaz. ev icier. SOl'ii. Correspondence of the 2V. j Y, Tril u WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. , Indiana, Penn., July .20, 1 " Nlnr hai the nomination of Gen. been received with more cordial cm!. , and nnanimity than in Western Penns) 4; His illustrious character 'and iberoi: t:. have taken hold on the popular heart, : only express tfie conviction of every i n t c I . man in ibis section of the State when I r you that Pennsylvania will cast bcr c!. vote for the Hero of 'Lundy'a Lane 1 than; ten tbduiaud majority.' The ev-ir it are apparent to those who lire here, a: ny of our opponents admit it. j - But tlty make a desperate struggle to retain ihsir i supremacy, and we will have a warm r.:4 contest. But tbe. name oL Winfield Szc :t tbe Whigs of Pennsylvania like a flamir in the heavens, and in that sigh tee si .i qucr. Mark lb prediction. ! ! Yours truly, h t. j. aiai. iiuy wv 17"- - j- the Whig nominee , for Governor cf 14 says the New YdrkFribune,! mentioned i recent Whig Convention of;, that Staf. while be was at the North during the si: 4 the National Convention he waited 0:1 1 Clay, then! gradually sinking upon Lis bed, and that the great Whig leader gav moag lis last expressions, bis testimony 1 integrity, patriotism, and virtue oMm Scolt.4 4 " ! ' - I ; i 1 . tacK up stairs r i ;i mu j i . i ' ; 1 ! " ; " .-!!"' ; .-."' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ! . ' . . ) I ' 'i ;. ; t- i ' "I - ' 1 ..- f 4 r 1 i ; '! I , .-J. ' ; - , ' .- ." : : : . ' - ' ' '. j E ' t ! ; ' - : E : M" - . : .! : I 1 - ;4 " - i . : ; ' ; ! ; j 1 " 1 1! 4 i i r IT 1 J s I 5 3 J 4 ' 'X ilt 31. ' f- J 1.

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