k 1 ; h f i 'd I.' H - i I - H !' x ! . Vy ' ; ! . ' 1! !j 1 i 'k, !: i ITnolra plinallon -v apordgy c6u1d be fiiiren lo the Sotith for thii L itli'T ?5 . ;'r;;rt nfUhe Demo-fSn- Docrat, and iitif"" i-fi'l t6 Congress, in onnrirtion -trip1?, .i the -fi"";: - c !"VS2!S n neol tne prr or bad majorities We omitted Ut week to no. Voifitf M number of this iff-:. V1-M.B Ub ediior ueeen. J it reader' attention to an ar ftrWeh iiplafo ihe position ,l? WrVgaia fo!b Presidential 1 unprincipled man rVnfioWce o the people than ' -ntifour-'attd contemptible man f4 E I ifter rea3inj thejstaiement refer f Si l Mm'Mb" treachery. W,l Qjii'rf iNirt" Cartlin di.grace lb. ---JoMeeJ' has article devoted iVwi.'MB b"n-of eIeclion 'GinjSoott and himself lor the fcrihe'y;aje candidates. Up "yotf 'sapjiose, reader, this !griuniledj Simply upon the .! .tnrtrtihis Wav to Lincoln 0f a llenatorsbip, we learn Will lattii (tfri te haxa:;nurnber of friends tvifljand buWss which demands UtU!, lb making this trip Gov. levelled inUhe ordinary way; tarf-fcis friencls assembled at h lithif bereVaiKl;'greeted him in a t,4 wasamfest to allbat it was en 'ywexpecfed ohlhii part and without irticUn tlR;part of his triends 1 . GWharnlered hot a word. OmWiclJ of privately, that by any Witifcquidifc tprtiired into election j. Bat tKat made no difference : It Owtmlitiflal eriernies best to accuse f eteioneerifJ'Jregardless of ; the. i ,Thft.(fly worjcfflr is that they did s - - - - ehrg? Km with isomethmg worse. k hSvft "lust as mifch reason lor pe- ! iis missidi isi connected with pjcjleine agajns tlie peace and dig fotttaip as thftt it jTs for election parfioseand arc surprised that i id not at least Suggest something ti 11.1 it! l! j 1 i I 1 Jen iich the " JobHft 4 .. le even ng inU!,!"5 oclamation. Mjr DemocraiicYriend admmed ,that rf ihe word.;iere truly copied in lo the Register, ,lhe came wa. (m .1 .u'o,...l . but offered to largely; jC, wtfE marring ordulortion .ftk:,-.. T - r. - ws; vr Bum? perwer- Inn iP iiftfit-i.inii'.'i t.:'. . - k -1 ' 1 i-t :.' . 8,un or f vppri.ion that altered the meaning of !.V"V "UP UOIOn. , 1 fait nnl seen ihe original paper, and ,, therefore ! cannot vouch for the roihfulnega f the copyalli (hat I can aay iMrjat such tahfication is not a vice among Editbrs cenerally :! the lowest that ever daubed a. greasy spot with lies would! (eel dSsi graced Iq be cajught in a cheat of thisSidrt. " It wpuld be downright rgryi and tb ylu, icMyofthfs excerpt is the onlv otieaiinn l-ti As rny loco friend verr iustlv said; UhUi the truibibe game g up fnjhe Soat iHt uirnspuinoi oe true, irtor one, will take ack all J bavejsaid upon the subject, and will rnake the amend honorably as far a can. But if, & 1 Verily befieve,: it is truly stated, it aball be hearo; of againU-U: tball beUouied If om every stump in North CaroUna-litt shall fe procliimed at every galherins it Slhall be stereotyped for fevery press, and shal neither sleep nor slumber until tbe;day of Election, and if Pierce shall unfortunately be 'elected. which bod in bis mercy forbid, ii shall haunt him oh the ihrone like' the: fclbosl of tBannuJ) Down it will not ! Ii U an open, a shtrrlelesJ, an impudent aviowal of all that the WJiIgs have charged upon the Pemoeratg denied it lis true, with holy horror, and charged hack upon the Whifii in one universab clioru. ni nn f. fense, sufficient to deprive! ihem 'of all conri. dence and- suonort. it is a nVlibersiiP! nrtmiaeinn .bat if Pierce is elected s'lh& Freesotl Demo. cratic leaders" "as aresutar vorlian of the Democratic patty " are to dime i forjja ratea hie proportion yt official patronage. Read ibat again Mr. Jones, says Mai. Gaines, an old sol- dier of the Revolution, who is somewhat deaf. It was again read distinctly by the, speaker, for the old gentleman, who leaning forward on hi? cane., seemed cautiously to scan and consider every! worjJ; jifter a pause; , ' Mr. iofl.-4-Now, sir, what do you say to that ? J f , I t ' : ' Maj GdineuA must be a' slip or oversight in the Editor some great mistake, it seems so barefaced-! 1 i . ' !' Mr, jdnes.-rN ol bil oi slip or oversight 1 thnk it is a great mistake; to pre- ! -in.: ! r i : I i. the doclriues proclaimed in ihii precious man ifesto ? T'ITScqtC had dared .to make such a de. claration, is there one here. Whig i or l)emo crat, that would gire him a! role ? jj Would he notlcease to bare an electoral .ticket in a tin. gle Southern Stale . When it was.discovered by mere accident, that Wmi ii Brown had pro miaeda vey small share of the patronage of the I Speaker's 'office to this same-faction, if he should be chosen to that office, although it is skid he had ; his speech of thank '.already prepared, he was repudiated by Whig and De. mocraQwith contempt and loathing,: But here is a promise of exactly the; same lenor made in behalf of a Presidential candidate, only on a more magnificent scale; and shall he be par doned and forgiven and smiled oii by Southern faces, j Are you; prepared!, fellow citizens, to kisaj the hand that is about Uo smile you. Pause, I beseech you, for! the sake of those who are to come after yod. , - -l-J ; U-i 1 ; ; DEATH OF THE DUKE OF WELL- ; INGTON.; ( This distinguished man is dead. He dieji in England on the I4th Sept., of ap oplexy. His lame is so interwoven with I THE MARKETS; 3 i i S f 1: 1 i ' Salisbury October. 21. 7 Apples, lined) 60 S00; Bacon, 12 3 15 ; Coitoo. 70 8; Cotton Yarn, 15 Of 00; ColTec 11 12, CornO (955; beeswax, pQ(3iQ i Butter 10 12$ ; Flour 843 ; Keath,ersv8; Iron 4; tinseed OilgO Molasses 3540; Nai.s 4i5; Oats 2j,Q00; Irish Po tt toea 40O 000 ; Sweet fo. 33 & 40 ; Sugar, (brown) 7(99; Do. Loaf. 00 12 J ; Salt, sack 75 ; Tal low 8 (3)9 iWijeat 5U3 8 i Pork $G f : - ,- "j ; FAVEtTEVILtB, N. C. Oct. 54-Bwax 23 : Bacon 12 O 13 ; Cotton 9 (3 10 Con? BO SUO; Coffee I0i3ll: Flour 450 O : Feathers 3033 : Flaxseed 300 000 Iron, Swedes, 5 06 : do. English 3 4: Lard 13 0 14: Leather, sole, 20 23: MoUssea 24326: Natia,cat,4&5: Oats, 403: 00: Sogar,brb.,6 3 9; do. loaf, 10 a 11: ;8aca,:i 5i O I 60 f Tallow.; 7 08 1: Wbeat 80 "'Hi m u . ;:l Uif ii jERAwi Oct. 6. Bacon per lb. 00 ffi 12 : Batter 20 (323 : Beeswax (3 20321 1 Coffef 12,3 15 : Cotton 9si39 : Corn 50 G0 Eggs 12 15j Flour 41 & 34 : Featnen 30335 : , Iron 536 J : tard 003 13: Leather (soleU 8 O 22: Molasses 35 0 40 : do. Cu ba 33 & 37 : Nails, cot, 6 O 7 : Rice 4 & 5 ; Sagar,brown,8 0 10: do. Loaf, 12 3 15: Satt.Li verpool.I 40 Q I 50. K S Salt DR. S. H. PEJ 1 Tn , m, n DLETON Sausbcrt, March 25, 1852. 47 Drugs ! i Drugs! ! Drugs! ! ! IUC UISIUIV Ul IMO UUJC III IWU UBl VEU !VK H tn h fnnnH at r.rtl I? rwHariaVHstt.I ! as to render superfluous any remarks of ours. Wilmington He? aid. Pgety in a Penitentiary. -During the pastoral visit of fhe Bishop of Toronto to Kingston, bis lordship baptized fifty con-; yidts at the Provincial Penitentiary, and confirmed one hundred; and ten others. MM GOODS ! A Splendid I Assortment ; rl HE subscribers are nw feceirins from New York JL n Philadelphia, their Fall and Winter stock of 1 - win ii 1 iiiiiiim m GOODS ! 1 I The Grand Division Sons of Tem perance will assemble in ibis place, on Taesday, the 26th instant. A number of Public Addresses will be delivered during its session, i On Tbursdaythe 28th instant, there will be a public procession of the Order and an Address Tfae members of the Orderlkeneral- ly are cordially "and fraternally! invited' to attend. licKt BtACKMktt, j i D. A. IJavjs, I! Jl. A- Weirmait, " J. J. BfttNEa, ?! Ji. R, VooLca'. Thosi. T'. Mkiwxtil Jj. H. Ekniss, Com- Rowan Division. Salisbury, Oct. 18, 1852. A. J. Holder. Com. Salisbury Division a I tout mime 11 1- sbifar upon the devotion and gullibility of . L' J-L .j'...iL. .!...... .1 n ' .1 : t . ' Ii uir ueinucrnim party 01 meouin, ana in mat sense there On the 14th of October, by the Rev, Daniel A. Pe- nick, the Rev. P. T.) PENICK, of Cabarrus County, to SARAH LETITIA, eldest daughter of Mr. Milas M. Bailey, of Iredell County. Near Ebenezer Academy. Iredell county, oiijthe 12th insdant, by the Rev. A. Allen, Mr. N.'M. GRIFFIN, to Miss HARRIET HOWARD. , I i it vSt oq:cAsi6n lo wti .cjarly refers tq ;wit : th Warn spent id "this Town, we no- Sjfnpmbertof Jibefal, minded Derdo- Jjjttseft), fvho realjy jseetried pleased H iJe;inpnstralioi which had been Visptlyotup inf h'onor.to our distin- .5tcttuwutnte.".- Ul lurtii ! i ' " ! r I eptind,'ActiiaJly entered into the H of the occasioii L Jmd when Gov. nintade bis appara,jace in the por- tsentupa hearty hzza. The. editor of Hiee.waspresei anu.; prooaDiy no ills (act! it hp vvh nnt himsfilf nne of J later, ; Of eoqrse we do not pre -losayf,tVat in tbjs they intended a . fxefit. to Gov!. Graham as a candi- H was in honor of ihe man, iisliBished;ability!, pureness of l!cr,and;greatorfh,iave won fori present biga? position belore tne -Mwute, anu Avoicn iiso?ciaiina fcpeel if his iell)W. citizens of what- r vwlCjahami fs above reproach, f ather elected or defeated in the ( jrrrD?3 qnaracter win remain le:so li'ghlarpve those of his tra Jje'r .to Jbei reached by their (jile man who never ffaea Wrq;toBY 'trust, and in this f Me,;ive baveHhe strongest assur- blefthat 'fci never" will prove T?.bthR.I" l 'n... KUUHUCUVC VI UI3 ieilUW-C.Il- of the word, I think it is barefaced : But is no slip or oversight jn it. Ii was no doubt issued Upon lull', deliberatinn and by' the highest t power in ihe sanhedrim. ! John P. Hale, you knjow, has just. been set pp by the Freesoitera as 'their candidate. ; He has taken i. be i stutrip on his own hook, and there U great danger that this " regular portion of the demo- crane Warty imay straggle i off wiiht bun. A loss f ; iny ! stibsiantial pait of this force will Uf a peilect nre anuihilalor upon all hope of gelling Neuf ork, Ohio or Indiana, fj In fact it endatignr nearly every State at the North and iNrth-W?8t that they ; had counted upon. Ii'is a new riticb in the old song pf " come backl" It! is a bew supply of manna for the hun gry tribes, in ;be wilderness.; It is now no doubt fltnttngai the! head of every freesoil paper at the North, and streaming on every banner over the laud. A khould suooose that Mr. John P. Hale finds ;it right hard to -get over. You see, my! friendi ibey had a mighty stake! on one card, arid they must make sure of that, or the game is; up with them. You can see now; how i hey came to make such a desperate play, h 1 see! it, says the old man, but 1 call it a bad mistake, j m ' ' I ' I call it ft bad mistake, a, dreadful f mistake, contiuued the speaker, addressing the audience, coming as it does upon the heel9 of all that has been chjajrgedand denied,. it leaves! our South ern denibcra9 in a woeful dilemma. With whai face will ibey deny secret union and fra ternily 4 ihejPierce! leaders with the Freesoil- ers. Ejl thei think now ihere is no danger ot Mr. VabBuren of bis son John or of Mr. Pres ton King orjif Joshua R. (iiddings,; or of any upon their long list of active freesoil adherents gelling into the Cabinet ? Is there no danger of thai ice stripped aud exposjed demogogue, William ll. Brown, being rewded fpr his past services and disappointments ? But the State Righti pMy at the jSuuth! what iar to become of Tberxi Are they not V a regular portion of the drrjojeratje ? and if so, may theyj not ex peel ib cpme in for a share of the spoij ? Mr. Rheit miht jit least expect a seat; in the Ca binet.! fWelH something surely must be done for ihosefWhiiffs who have gone over and given iJkdnmLri to the enemy. Mr. ! Robert A babe in a house is like a well-spring of pleasure ; messenger of peace and love : Yet it is atalentoftrust.aloan to be rendered back with interestp BORN Oct. 10 A daughter to Dr. W. R. Sharpe; Davie. I " 15 A daughter to Charles Smith, Town. Dr. S. H. yBJLETON, IS now opening at thd oldtsland, heretofore occupied by Df-i Wheeler, a large! and corflpiete Stoek of DRUGS. MEDICINES, FAINTS, Oils, J)yv-Stuffs, Perfumery Liquors, Wines Surgiqal Instruments, Ci gar, Snuffs, Tobacco, Teas, and All of which he offers at greatly reduced prices. His stock was purchased but a fe'w weeks ago by himself in New Yom and consequently can be depended upon tor punty. . An experienced band always ia attendance. rre8criptiof)s carefully put up at ajny hour. day or night, i O Orders from a distance promptly attended Their stock of Fancy Goods is the largest and finest we have ever offered to the public, and for variety and style cannot be surpassed. J' We feel assured that those wanting fine and fashionable goods can be pleased if they will give us a call, asfwe are determined to sell as low, or probably a little lower, the same article that can be bought at any other place. Our stock consists in part as follows : j Fine land heavy fancy brocade Silks, " white Plain white " ' ' Black watered " Black rept " Black gro de rhioe Solid colors gro de nap, satin de chenis, i : ; Thibet printed high col'd de lains, 1 Embroidered de tains, ! Bayadere printed satin cashmeres, Paris printed robe de lains. new style, English and American printed de lains, Smalt figured high colored de latn for children, Paris galla plaids and ginghams - Black and colored velvets, ! Printed do. for children,; French and English raerinoes. ; Solid colored nious de lains, ; Brocade alpaccas, : Swiss and Jaconet Edging and Insert ings, Cambric and Swiss flouncing and bands, French embroidered collars, chinaesetts and sleeves, Emb'd linen cam. bdks., nice, fine and cheap. Plain do. from 10 cts. ip, Black and white silk and Cotton laces, Silk mantillas, merino sacks. Ladies cloaks from $20 to $40, Shawls, long and square, I Ribbons, gloves, hoisery, ne assortment, Silk satin velvet and straw Bonnets. For Gende)mens Wear. iSSIk satin velvet and plus vestings, very fine", English, American and French fancy cassi meres, Plain black doeskin do. Black, blue, brown and elk ret cloths, Ready Made! Clothing for gents and boys, Boots, Shoes; men's and boys Caps, Bebee & Co., and Oak ford's tall style Hats, Ready made shirts, collars, hdks. and fancy cravats, Tin Plate, Copper and Wire, kept constantly on hand. ( Brass Andirons and Fend ers, Hardware and Cutlery, Qpeensware, Groceries, &x. Fine Cigars by xbOox, with a variety of arti cles too tedious to mention. We tender lo our cuatofcaers our most hearty thanks for the large and liberal patronage extended to us, and we can only promise in the future, as in the past, to devoje all our energies to serve and accommodate bur customers and friends. BROWN, FRALEY & .COi to. Salisbury, July 22J 1852. I2tf 'ii j i ' : r '' GOING, GOING, GONE- 0,000 WORTH OF GOODS TO BE SOLD THE Firm of W. Murphy mCa. will ex pire on the 1st of January, 1853,. and for thei purpose o requcmg tne presen siocr oi uouui on handL which is very largerid fresh and well assorted, U will be sold for cash at about cost Among ft pe sjockimay be (bund ment of i Staple ! : : NOTICE. Tn lripcrintr the Lutheran Church Council . held in Salisbufv on Monday October 18, i852 it was Resolved, that Britain Michaels be appointed Seiton. to Vis Graves, and keep! tbe yard clean as aiirlh h offers his services at verv moderate prices. No other person has a right to charge for diging graves. 1 ' J. H. HOWARD. Sec. Salisbury, Oct. 19 1852, ! 25 N. B. Mr. Michaels can be found at Messrs. Smith & Backer's shop. i j j J. H. H.,Sec. Administrator's TTaving obtained Letters of Administration on the JLjJL Estate ot Kadiord BSiiey,? deceased, i win exf nosie to Dublic sale, on Tuesday the 26th instant, at the! late residence of said deceared, two and a half miles from Salisbnry all the personal prpefty belongs ingj to said Estate, consisting of ; N j FOUR LIKELY NEGRO SLAVES, Three head of Horses, tied Mules, Cattle, Hogs. 500 bushels of Vorn, Wheat, Oats, Hay: Fodder, a quantity of Scantling and Plank, - Household and Kitchen Furniture, A lot of Brick Farbing Tools of every description, one Wagon and Gearing, &c. etc. ! , JAMES E. KERR, AdrtCr: October 8, 1852. Iw23 DRY mm mi Fall & Winter, Trade, SIGN OF THE RED FLAG, r Salisbury, Oct. Isf., 18$2. t;,',t rr-lu THE subscriber having met with some disap.-t , r meat in receiving bis soodsjowinj to detent on the South Carolina Railroad, rakes this ir?u J informing his friends and'the public genfraiiy, that I I IS NOV RECEIVING A large and beautiful Stoc:: SUITABLE FOK.THE ; inn mtm tilt M . TRADE. which, when opened, will comprise the most if Auraeuve Assortment i he has yet ofTered, among which are ; Plala aid Cgartd Drc?s Silks, of the ticct stNk ; Extra rich de Lalas, tad Cahtuert. ; , Itaasila de Lalas at II tii. ftr y ar4 ; Eaglish, Freath, and Ccrmaa Mertaocs; Bamsiulnps, llpart&Sf and faatcn (ht!is ; Freatb, Eastlik aad Ittieriraa PrluU : Utea Camkrit k Lawa lUndk'fs, from 12 i tts. to I : Emkroidered Sleeves,; Cellars, Cars and fare s ; Mftimlai Cellars. Caff and SWves ; Swiss and Camkrlc Trlailn;s, Binds at , j nour.ch:. ; Thread aad Eobla Laers, Ldstos aul mserua-s , Rich Bt'iBtt Aad Keck CUka&s silk andV cotton Hose, Kid Glove; lonj; anJ !.-rr. Mohair Mitts, Cloths, Cassinieres, esjtinga, ; I a' alIe Damasky Napkins, To we lis, D3nlask Sheetings, Long Cloths, dtc. Jtcf I AIsoj I A Splendid Lot of READY MADE CLOTHING, .. . . .. ; ... . . . 1 all ot wuiicn win be sold at urtusua sign of the RED FLAG. Sept! 30 1952. . Co;! ly 1q prices, at ti; RIVERS. 22 NEW FALL 8l WINTER 1 ! Salisbury, N. C, Oct. , 1852. tf25 to ft 00 z? .3 S 2.5 S 9 S m ft it CD . a 5 o f o o s n 5 O ft- 6" g a- a good assort Sole and HarJ aree stock o June last, a they can be at 10 to 11 &r 7 to 7 4 cts 4 cts heap. old at a les$ any establish riot be refused enemy- lhim!hs J b:f Georgia, beintr one of the first and ..wvJi A,turiinu. mav well claim a place in this new; category. Mr. Douglass as being the viiuable Lands for $ale--4 or 5 Tracts. right hand man of Kossujh, and Ihe peculiar y HAVE several small but valuable plantations On representative of intervention, will of! course J the waters of Hjjnting Creek, in Iredell pounty, coirie iu as ine exponent of that interest Soule, wich1 1 will sell on good terms. There is water pow- .l- T?'.umn Lil iflk his olace as the tvoe er bnone of these tracts sufficient for any purpose.- of FillilnisteHsm. Any body will do to lepre sent the wholesale robbery of the old States now going on : So we may as well put down WillianvJ. Brown jn this department. Now let us read blow the catalogue would stand : ft EXTRACT at Centre, in Stanly lbyllrbjJosEs, Esq., s'i -r rran T l!n;n Vftt b " "v.- hi fr&Soilf DemocrHlir leaders of the AaeBuf porhon vfthe Democratic Pfptl if elected, m make WtI03! B.E.K TItE31 AJf'D the De- lPlStR?BUTI0?i op OFFICIAL htirit 1S E'MLETION OF; AGENTS l.-TfO I GdVERJWilUIT.f n j $$ fir the Locofoco lead. cst'SK'presuminff upon the ox- W - lher N7 at the SdtathT Pa- e in toe iting or riAaraA In tWlf lhal lhey shouId lUjM'! he hornsr-kicked itfv -wciieJo an hon- i47Lh i8' wh ever Itc-tiu. Por?ihrnuted to heretofore, lW.7J'b,,'aMto addreM von. I read T?'a,Semen' amongst oth- -Selresed my tonish-l "Am iftdi ' r, 7 cquesenc NSw-i!Kaidtw kd no grui woai ha Mr h.n ra (tabat Mtbe Utter mrlrvpa n( ih'm '?.!!.Jh (eh curious to FBAXikuif PiEKCBofNeW Hampshire,, Martin Van Buren or John, New York, R. EU Rheti, South Carolina, j- Robert Toombs, Georgia, , 8: . Douglass, Illinois, Peire, Soule, Louisiana, William J. Brown, Iidiana., , : Verily, hure would be -a te.seiaieu pac ment," a streak ol tat ana sirean. ought, it would seem, to suit almost any stp. mach. I wonder bow the execution of the fu. gitive slae law would (are in such axabmet as this. ( .Here is a wj l"r " Gorsuch murder, and did not raise a finger to. wards saving the life ofje pwner, ad.d no .hing.owardlarresangtbecriminalsarwards. o i v . . - A ....itiii.H lrr ft Dismissed, would ne oet .u -misdemeanor in hli office. I t low ciltzena, how likely t. wpuiq w hUgtocome to pass ! And emergency er again ar.se, and the gi uye ' ' r J . ..Lf .l . tart I hat 18. slA laW nbt oe laimiuHj ccwmt .,..,!..,. in ihe re.islr. " lor ihe wanl ol zeal or good faith in thei binet this fugitive lae ripd into erecutionL it IS tti.t nnV Union1 tottiere abd ttw ik torn in two, wenaV select from our neighbor; of t.s con. UrrSouth of u. model wnereby to forrn our new qbvernmenM Ori we ge;Kosuth , o look out some kind protectoramoog the power. fuJ nations or Europe. ; Xnit hut . This1 is A discouraging project, I admit, bu is it not the legiUmataTetlect ot caring ou Aqy nne wishing either to purchase it or to invest cap ital as a partner in.tie erection oi a raciory, r uic -nery of any descriptibn upoh it, will give me a call soin. These' lands ire alt witbin one day's travel of the! Great Central Rail Road, in a healthy section of Theabove named water location is joining the Ea gle Mills Manufacturing Company and this place is nok called South Troy ; arid there is a fair prospect foil a Rail Road or a Plank Road, to run via Eagle Mills and Sooth Troy, or near there, leadingvia Mbcksville, Hamptonville and Wilkesborough;on to wards Virginia and the mountains? when done, the rich provisions of those rich valleys will flow to Salis bury, and thusjrnrich the Great Central Rail-Road. Then! there will be a chance to speed all kinds of man ufactured goods to a ready Market. Cdme and help m: hiM Panr Mills. Brass and Iron Found ries, Wool MStlainr aiiv thine else ydu please. We can com-J raence and build a Rail Road to Salisbury and, then to the mountains,; we can make the Iron here, either the T or U, Iron, and wk can also build the Cars and Lo coinoiives at Eagle Mills or South Troy; So let us look jnto mis. tnattejr for Our own advancement, and the credit of the State. 1 j C I ANDREW BAGGARLY. N. B. The citizeps of North Carolina South Car olina and Virginia, are requested to consider :he above. ,'(- "I j -1 : i -f A. B. Eagle Milis,: Iredell co., N. C, Sept. 2 1852-2Uf Hardware, Cutlery, Queqntware, and ; GROCERIES A large sjbek of Iron, Upper, nass Leather: Also, a very SHOES, fought fh the month so about 25 per cen cheaper thkn bought now. Also about 150 pieces heavy Gohny Biding at 15 cts 200 , 14 " Dundee 150 Coils Rope . 50 Kegs good fair Nails, 200 very best; 6 Jars Quicksilver, very ;c The abpve'Goods will all be price than they cain be bought at ment m tnts place;. L,osi wuij for Goods! when cash is. offered. 1 p: S. Whereas an advertisement appeared in the last Watchman, a part jofiwbich was a follows : .V And to supply those iwho have hith erto traded with a large House here which has temDorarilv curtailed its busirleis. We sup pose that 'our Firm is the laj-g$ House" allu ded lo. if so. we hereby notify icjur customers! as well as those who ar& so wjirig to supply them during our temporary curtidrneni, that w intend no curlailraent, either temporary or per manent. and that we can supply hall our Whole sale customers (riot already supplied) with their ...,! aecnrimcnt Vf Goods aliu'reatlv reduced UCU1 Utftfl (-" j ,f-7E r v nrioea. ' Whenever we intend lo curtail Our btl siness, we wilj give due notice to the public anjl to our wholesale customers at lour cost and not at th r'nt of nv Braffiadocia. And as to . w w J C" IT" itlS (9 O i6 . co 3 I5 Si 3 3 3 ' B t tt XT 3 CL. rs ffi m Jjvi a 6 a o -j j cn O ST cr c Sd s4 ill go's 2 OB 5 ')msmSA 53 5" Pa- Sis - $ es J . o- Ba GOODS FOE 1852. ' : . ' : i-t".-'; . "' I ,- : i . Fl HE subscribers are now receiving -and oper.,i JL one ot the largest and mOst desirable Hock : Fall and Winter Goods ever offered in ibij tnnrkt t , consisting of ' i! ' j : DRY GOODS' Hardware, Crockery, Booths, Shoes. 'Half, Ready Made Clothing. Brussels three ply and Ingram uarpttwgs, mo Qna-Jart Coffetf, Loaf and Brown Sugars, Raisins, Cheese, Molasses, Buggij Tire Band on Horse Shoe Iron, Nails, spring $-Ajl!c: , Carriage Trimmings, (a largcfstock!) Ss.l Leather, While Lead, Sperm, and ct,i:r Candles Bassliiff and Ilopc, Nova . . Grindstones. TANNER'S OIL, Hdta and Ca; . BLASTING POWDER, Blankets land Ker ; . CLOVER AND GRASS SEED, 'iiidow GL , Saddlery, Blacksmith Tools, &.c. Sic. V We invite ill who visit this place Id buy, Git h : WhoUlaU or Retail, to give us a call before bu'l; We hive adopted the cash systetin. andwill o(Ter."t ! er indaeefiiients to cash1 buyers ;than has ever betn -fered in Western North Carolina. Oujr oiotto ia tl-i profits and quick sales. f I CHAMBERS &! CALDWELL. Salisbury, Oct 7, 1852. if 23 HEAVY STOPE. WHOLESALE !& RETiilj Embroidered Cambric Handkerchiefs. October 14,i 1852. E MYERS, have just received a lot of Embroid- ered Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, which he. is selling off rapidly at 62 J cents. 24 E. MYERS, Red Fag. Notice to Debtors. THOSE indebted to the lafe firm of Locke & Cow an, for Leather, are hereby notified to come for ward and make payment of the eame, as the business of said firm must be sealed. Apply to Elijah Rice, at the Tan Yard, who is fully authorised to make settle ments. ; T. T.LOCKE, Admr. of Rich'; Locke, dee'd. Oct. 14tb, 1852. ! 3tpd. 24. Mantillas, Mantillas. Oct. 14, 1852. THE subwriber have just received a lot of PLAIN A ND WATERED SILK MANTILLAS, lio: ed and wadded," which he is offering at the low price of $5 50. Call soon ait the ! Sign of the Red flag. 24 , E. MYERS. "- ' -.ni.1.1 t ii, ; . " " ' ' Administrator's Sale. HAVING taken Letters of Administration on the Estate of Thomas Murdoch, dec'4,, I will offer at Dublie sale, at the late residence of the said Thomas 1 Murdoch, dee'd., on the 9th day of November next, the ' following property, to viz: Household and Kitchen Furniture, Farming Tools, two Wagons, one Gig, one ! two horse Barouche, one set of Blacksmith Tools, Ten IUH of Horses. Cattle. Ho?s. Sheen. Wheat, a lame the supposed curtailment alluded to, it has nb 1 qUantity of Corn, Oats,, Hayti Fodder, Coiton in the . ': :...;nai!.n rf iknta in ' a a a A uiiih mtnv nihpr rtinlpa. Sa tn ron tin ue from existence', save in me Munj;iMinv - whom .he bops fvfa.her , ,fa -b-j- - T T N MURDOCH. AJmT. 4, JENKINS & ROBERTS, 1 RE now receiving the t.aroest 4no hap stock of Fall and iWInlcr GOO;; ever delivered in his market. Therir purch:ie r Fall are at least double those f any fbriiner se.-w-r: The object of this extension is Inore thoroughly tn i . the wants of i hose Merchants in ihe Wesiern Con.' who purchase their stocks in this marart and. t -ply those who have hilheild traded wilh -lare l. . here, which has temporarily curtailed its buslne; They confidently solicit the inspection of their .! which icomprisei every variety .ajid grade of Seasonable, Staple and Fancy dfll (00ll 5, In conclusion, we say,' we are not in th bab t of transfering our customers, but should it ever become necessary for us lo do so; we Will ir i oonH idm in ome Houfe. where, we toiiiK, they will be satisfied to go. ! ! j I J J ! W. MURY, & co. Salisbury. Sept. 23,. 1852. ill 21if President and! his Ca law shall not (We I car THE Justices of the Peace for Rowan County are requested to attend on Monday of the County Courifor to elect seven men as a Board of Superin tendents of the Common School tor tne nexi ; A- W. BRAN DOM, Cn'n. .. o. R0wan co , Oet. 18, 1852. 2w25 State of aiovtft iivoUnt j DAY IE COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter-Sessions, An ! gust Term, WM. nr:it:. III ... I, A Am'r v The He ITS St LaWbf , William Baity ; Petition for sale of Land. T- .nn.imrtn ih "aatiafs ctionl of the Court, that Bichmond Baitv. Morgan Baity; Dennis Baity and this State: Jt Is therefore ordered by the Court, that! publication be mad Ransom BaSty are not inhabitants Also, at the same time and place, I will hire Twenty Negroos, belonging to said estate. J. M- Iredell co., October 14, 1852. 2w24 LADIES MOURNING DRESS GOODS. ! Salisbury, Oct. l4, 1852. THE, subscriber is how opening a splendid Lot of Ladies lourninff Drc Good, con sisting of CANTON CLOTHS, BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, and DE LANES which he is offering at low prices. i ' - i , Persons in wapt of goods of the above description, would dp . well to call soon at The Sign of the Red Fag. 24 i E. MYERS. Dr. Bason, Dentist, (las this pleasure to say that he ia now in Salisbury, ready to attend to the duties ; of his profession. e , -r pet. 14.1852 tf 24 Ilardtpdrei Cutlery, Groceries, Sole and. l"j ; Leakher, Coach Trimmings, Ehptic Spr'rrjs. Iron and 1 eel, (a large variety.) Blucl I smith Tools, fie, jev They believe it unnecessary o enuineaie, a - i t hardly be possible for any one to cajil ftr an hi: which Uhey cannot furnish. Their etoje-k 'of Ready Made Clothing is large and varied, comprising very lsrraV, of q and price. Tfoejr have also an iexrem,Jy hravy f;i SHOES VND HOOTS, &c, All of which were purchased fur cash, anl at it- i advaniageoas prices, and will h founc ad;i led t wants of the community at large. . "t AH wishing to buy Goods to isell ajniri, are p ; larly invited to Call and exanio theiris;! k ; chasing elsewhere, as it h utterly otit ofil.e (j s for any estabtisriraent to ofter greater ipducfiiiff.:-! will be offered here. -J ; j . '' ' Cash dealers ire invited to call, and get ' gains as they never obtained .before. ' 25000 LBS- BACON. The undesigned have alaol 2.00 its. excel: t ' vr Bacon, which -they are offering at ftiir pr;c". I JENKINSl&llOUEUT; . Salisbury. Sept.tQ, ip2. , j 2 0 ' : Jalll Gjo.Op.s7 AT NEW YORK jCOSTj 1 TOE TIR3I OF Barnhardt, His & Co., WILL terminate during; thi winj'er, and f r purpose of reducing tbejir etok of tf' hand, which is larrse and well aswrted. they !.! and admtttfd on ail hands TSxTpTICE- Application will be made to the next d falls :: our experi JLfl (LegisUtare for an amendment of the Charter ot Uavidson UOiiege. -. -September 27, 1352. ! 5w22 TTDTICEi-AnDlicatiori wjll be made lo the next illl -I -Legislature of North Carolina, for an act to a- nTencl the Charter incorporating the Town of Lexing ton, Davidson county. Application will aiso i ne icauc ai the same time for an act to enlarge e.J?rlr fioundsof said Town. j J MANYCtnP. September sa, iea, , ; for six weeks in the uarouna w aicnmao, iiuiijf..5 :j b:UtA RjiJtw Mnrtnn RailtV J Dennis Baity add riL t. .a k. n,l imniir ii our next t'onn pt transom uj h vr'-rr, rJ T. , Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to; be1 Nld for the counly n..;. .i th Conn House in Mocksville, pn tlie vnn4.. in tsTrtvprnheir next, and how causey if arty they have, why he prayer of the jief ion J M granted ; otherwise Judgcflent projeohfesso will be eto- tered agaa?t them and the. case near v WiinessJCaswell Harbin, Crk f our said at Mocksville, tbe ;4th Monday m Price ady. .$5 50. lively VspUilat COST, when easb iVoff-reJ. A iheir ssock may be found a gJ afsorimesit c t c. Ausust. A. D HARBliX, UIX. 6w22 CooM, 1852. Expedition of Emigrants to Liberia. APPICATlON having ben made by upwards of one hundred free? person of color for a passage to Liberia, in a vessel to sail from Wilmington, N. C , we are making arrangements to despatch a vessel from that placeabout th lfiNovetnber next. ThA nrsH who mav wiih to sail from that port. . . -ii i i.. dnnar immrlialilr. in ! Tn aknit: i!mnl evrrv thinrr nfsnallv at tnat time, win picnic ic u -.----j, - , ... " - r-r : r : ' ' ! . i :i- . : mis cumin j. i DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, .t?;n'.t QUEENSWARE, IIAJS. CAPS. ; ' saOESl DRUGS. MEDICINES, PA IS 2 . D YE-STUFPS, c. . V-. I. Oi 0. Xo 4J,I O. O. F., to- Trp a ,4tiijrariAn will fcie ! rriade t Cxt Jl ! Legislature: of North Carqlidi to pa.ss aniactlto j incorporate Excelsior Locge, r catedinStfitesvine. Hrder Sept. 27i 152i order that we; may secure a vessel large enough, and make other necessary rrangefuents, tor tne accommo dation of all ho may wish t go. - v W. McLAIN, Secretary Am. Col. Soe. Colonization Roomt, Washington. ) j- . ri 28.1852. ( 4t23 Papers frieldly to the objoct will please coby the -t; i W. McL. Persons wishing to get bargains will d w!' and examine our goods and price, cs; we are ': ed to e'H ofToar entire stcekH z ' rtARNIIARDT1. MIX GoH-HiU Oct. 5", 1852. p I A t "I NOTICE. Lad pp. Wi H.! MORNlSON; Sejy N OTICE Application Will .'be made to the next A IMPLICATION will ba; maJe tortl.e rrxt r Legislature of yonh (Jaroiina. tor an ac to in- JX tore to enlarge the Corprair i ,.fc.2tawba CAHeee. I - r of StaaesviUe. tJSLniCi7,. j Sept. 23, 1852. ...... i J . corporate Catawba Cfl'ege. October 7, 1852. w23 r-.f i .1 1 1 9 . 9 :-

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