1 1 if 1 ! i; t hv v:-.. ; -.. :t -4; ; ;! to -. . 1 v I y if :-f rfl l ikm: :'s-- t ;j .'Si . 4ifW:- . - . I- i li,- 'Aii irli!.:!;, : j If ' .. -.; ?n A- .-Jmv-I ;.j Ml;i ll jL,-..... .....JL . ; ".1 J. ri-l - ""T r ? jrt, ;4It.-s:) W4 I I .:.. lievision of the Wj'fM TUe delegation rroi,thf A rm-ncnn bl Society mi SniiirdjV: n "f Jt? vJ:.iiU-f Kirikin bill a eoQf fsf Jfjc ! Illr UUI iwow M.ivfp - n . . ? Hr r" t. . ;n m rnivh linn in which connictiiiK i the proposed risinrt ownr ,o ij J .win wh chi bad caused much dimity oi opinion in th Bpnchufcb Tk- fcltnwinff committee was api rm ' " o 3; - .... , -. -i-...r ...tfwl.r lhf; hUPStlOnS 1 111:! W:' Dr. Stmrp. of Boston 'Dr. Cone. of UfOZPr oi rrnnsji"; iNW YO'k Y ro G. Jifmpier. I! 111 GOODS! Kb N w York; J. 0 ; 'fA". Wbri-lock. Ol t L' M ; R A nrlprison. Ke v. Kf- 1 RfJf Ml Prcki Tbey are rrri; Ml i utqini me-ing in fnon orei ilfd ittiioi.gtibe persons who Composed1 Vhe Con vrMt foil,' lid H l 0Uje ! p,tnt.e ibnl Abe exUiirig cnuseH of difti- 1. culty may be aniicnbly ind satisactorilj ndiustej.,:. - r ij " . - j,..' j j! 'Zegittathe- vrd.Tb$Umg U a rejHr of a pociiou uf be procedihji ai ibtr (ati. Kf. ,in f tho LttUiature f ;WiiConiui M given lo'ibe Milwaukee Seiitipel J? , ! Tbe bill lntrduced by 8" n at or A ban on l.ehtlf of doge of hi lcio.HlueiiU,exmirfinj a rifl or a .by gun (rm eerui..n. and wfin b paed ibe Senate aner beii amendefl a include a powder Ba-k! and a boi !" b, Wa. liken wo in ibe cmninee f;ihe whjWe, ibe Mb er diy.and amended by ; iniluding id heei empiion a px kH pmfol. (ieru ied 10 ibe eapa cilj o( a pim,) tirace i.l poiiiler dgs a p of hiab b.mi. for wading, and variou. ..ther Mhingt. -I In ibi lrm it wa killed hi mornmu, to ibe greal diaipiwlirieiit,ol' the ons of Niin- ! rod, ibeOtnight) hunter v-S j. .: f mi' m Ji ff : il. Woman's Rights . in 1; CdljfornU:& iff Irnm n Francisco av ifr I n reader may nm be awae of the extent jio which we bave carried woman' rigbujindlrtbat aori: oj I thing. In Caliloruia. lie it known t nem.. iherefore. lhal we tux a w wuiru,enfir tfnmm to carr on tm.ioe. to ibeir own name l iiidepeodentl) ol iheir huhand, or ot their bur Hiinda crediioia. The enclidied adveriineni. which I lake from ibe San JFrancisco Herald, riret all the iiifinmni ion necessary touti under llandin)! on the mI jecl ; Notice. Whereai Mr. Eunice Smith, .fwjfe f japer F. Smith, lb cityj of San Francieo, has tbi day mide and recorded, ac Wording to iatuie her declaration that he In 4ends to, carrf on .boineB in her own naniej, iWhdoillierown cc.unl, to wi, the Real Estate jaW Auciion tmeine ; Now, therefore, he fgifeanoiice that Irom th'l. date the aball be in lividualJy reponiWe in hefjown nan for all idebta contiacied by her on acco'uDi of ber said ;buinen; and the inlands Jo avail beraelr ol vla.ll he provision of an act cnlilled ' Ao act to jautborize married womeu to transact buainesi In their own name, as aole tirade r. J : -.H." . ' ' ' Evmcg Smith. r MSan FranrUco. Auxjl; 1352.' "f Dear mother, said a delicate little girl, "I H. H. BEARD &: SO ioiiable Tailors and Clothiers Vft rftv.i most sablrb Stock of nniv nadc Clothlnc Cloitbs,' to wit: A vmM """?' "Pf.". "T?f i : . . T Ul , iliiaMNiatl ' Graff Dressing Uowns, nrgj Ji.irrw fants and Vests ; fine Shirtsf CoannCra ratsi Sppenders. "l kerchiefs 9f a superior quainy,-"" 1""' .T " article1 brllohgiog to a Clothing Store ; iogeber with a raperior lot of 1 ? ' 1 i" !; j:'1: Cloths, Cassiiaercs, Testings, pcrcpat- any .1 V V- r. ; i bare broken your china rase ! 1 WelL you are a naughty, careless, trouble tponie;)iitie thing, always iti inif chief go Up ptairs till I send tor you. , , ;; . !t And this was a Christian mother's answer to jlbf tearful Utile culprit, who bad struggled with llnd conquered lemntatiou to tell a : falsehood to icreen bar fault I Wiih disappointed, disbeari. ftned look, lh child obeyed ; and at that iq inent was crusoed in ber linle heart the sweet flovrer of liutb, perhaps uever again in after tfeara to be revived to, lile. Ob, what wefe a Ibouiaod vatett in comparison I INSTINCTS OF THE TIGER, j i5 In a wora entitled " Drown Anecooies,, iwe tee it stated that on a certain occasion, a parly of gentlemen from Bombay, while visiting the stupendous cavern temple ol Elepbania, dis covered a tiger's whelp in one ot ibe oiiscure; r!4eesses of ibe edidce Desirous ot kidnap: ping the cub, without encountering the fury ol Silt dame, I bey look it up hastily and cautiously! abd retreated. Being leli eulirely at liberty, a6d extremely well led, ibe tiger grew rapidly, appeared lame and fondling a a dog, and in fiery tepect entirely dornvsticaied. -At length paving; attained a vast size, notwitbsunding its appareul gentleness, it began to inspire ! terror by its tremendous powers of doiug miscbiel to ja piece of raw meat, di ippinje witb tilotid, which rflli in its way. It is to be observed that up to I tat moment, it bad leen 'studiously kept' born tw animal food. The iusUntj however, it ! dipped its ton vue in blood, soiheihiog like mad-, - I'Dfis teemed to have seized ibe animal a de. . itructive principle, hitherto dormant was: nwa kaned -it darted fiercely, indj with glaring eet upon its prey, lore it wiib fury to piece:, and growling and roaring in the most fcailui -Otanner, ruhed off lowaids ifee inugles; If: " ! Flti-SH AND CHOICE 19 : STOCK OF U, ' y NEW GQQDS. : f a J Haxweli & Horah, Are receiving and vpcriing their stock of 1 1 Fall ind Winter Goods. J iost parch tsed incw York and Philadelphia "at re dojeed prices, which will enable them to sell remarks U low, consisting oi the asual variety of Foreign. Do mestic, and Ladies' Fancj j 1. ' i CpOXDIG STOVES, nlEDWlltC A5D CCTLEUT, mATS. BONNETS. BOOTS AND SHOES CHINK. GLASS AND CROCKERY WARE; STA-l TIONERY and FANCY AR- i Cheap ! to all of which they solicit the attention and patroaaee of the public, and pledge, tbemselyes to ase rj effort to merit iu SmU frqfil and Qutil R' turns will be their motto. . Saliabnry, October 7, 1853. .. : .1 s 2tf -.i-m 'JLlhtfiliJ will sell as cbean as can- be bought l!n afhern markei, and will be made Tip to erden inj. Wrior style, and with the best trimmings jtbe North. fli.t,.iJ .ffr,r Thfr have Slao received fKta nit tVlnfflr Fusil iona for 183 nI ?53, ind are ready p pot ap work in the latest tasniona. ; , . .y.., ? jlBylors Shears, Points, Thimblesland Needle, kept elondersigned respectfully invito their pieods and .k lnkiu (i oalljanH ica mine their stock. 1 . H. h:Bearp. I v JAMES B. BEARD Sept. 16,1852. , 22tf vol 8 GOiiNG, G01N(GUNE ban AAA uiTilllllll mMjm mmvx SOLD. OF GOODS TO BE , THE Firm of W. MurphV df Cd. will ei ni.ft on the 1st of January, 1853, and for the purpose of reducing the present flork lof Good? on' hand, which is very large and; fresh and well ..nn,rl it will be sold for casn; at aboul cost. Among ibe stock may be foundk good assort sment of: Staple r Ml- I 1 c ; PLANK ROAD. : ft m maaliiKl Jvf fk TiirtMnrm aif iK ftlvatkriw mwA L' Taylorsrille Plank Road Company, held at Gra- hsins Store September 24th, it ws ordered that the Treasurer charge Interest on all instalmtnentanow in arrears; anlesa paid within thirty days fro m this date an that the Tressarer ehsrge j interest on sll LnetaK inenis which may be called for hereafter, if said tnstal tatnis remain onpaid rooae than) thirty dsya. . t . s ; It iwas furtber ordered, that the Treasarerhe re qnir d td make collections of back instalments remaining unpaid, in accorianee with the, provisions of tha Co ' ipip'nf Charter,! -V Clh - . 4' L PI iv BLACKMER. Pres't. ft ef.-r' 'if Gatiihtry, S?& 1852 M22 DRY GOODS 5 ; Hardware, Cutlery. Queen$waret and A lare slock ol Iron, Upper, Sole and Bar iigj' r.athr ! Alan, a verv larce i slock of SHOESJ bouuht in ibe month ollJune last, ai hrtit oi nir rni rhpaner tban: thev can be bought now. -Also about .i '. 150 pieces heavy Gunny Bagging at 15 els. 200 H " Dundee V at 10 taill. 150 Coils Rope, - I at7 to 7i 50 Kegs good fair Nails, I f 4 cl. 250. " very best " :- ; 4 els. 6 Jars Quicksilver, very chap. j The above. Goods will all be sold at a less prie than they can be 'bought at any establish mejitlin, this p!4ce. Csi will tot bo refused IbrfGoods when cash is offered. 1 1 j I. S. tVbereas an advertisement appeared in t5he laM Vatcbman, a part of f hied wae as follows il " And to supply those who have hith erie traded With a large House hire which has temporarily 1 curtailed its business" 8UP po4 that our Firm i the largefFioujse" aliu dedf 10, if so we hereby notify our customers, as well as those who are so willing to supply hem uring our temporary curtailment, that we inlJnd no curtailment, either temporary or per. manent, pnd that we can supply al our whole, sajf customers (not already supplied) withthejr usual assortment of Goods at greatly: reduced pricW (.Whenever we intend to curtail our bu sinlss we will give due notice to the public and to o)ir wholesale customers at our cost and not ftt;tbei cost of any Braggadocia.jj And aa lio the Supposed curlailment alluded to, it has to exif tence, save in the Imagination of those to whim !the hope was father to the thought. -In concluion, we say, we are not- in the habit off t?angfe ring our customers, but should it ever became necessary, for us to do so; we will try to end them to some House, where, we think, the willlbe satistfedjogn. j u l 1) w mftrphv a, r.n. Wrntdr ifor W''m,1'7i Go7,l'?.,i" i- ... l ; .li:. Dr.t.r im 'annul has beenynencial in ckseaof f 'JV J PS" arid yveaaness in uf NTOi rrOTli ness.Afitciionf the bptoe j: e"Wy No female .eubject tol pain wea koej Jn tlie Nic4 or stdesishottld beiwithoat it. UMamedjladievid delf ce situations; find great M WI" inz this Plaster. ;. : : i ! T ! 'i p l"fl 'l m apipH eation of thi Plastef Grand Haste WOQcei of the -Grand i Lode of tne Jsmeioi flr varoiiiia. uuow 3 Nkwbers. April 19J 1852. H rflO the Masonic FaAXWUrrT in North Carolina :v 1 : At the last .commomcauon.oftthe Most wor abtohi r.od.Lodge it was Resolved, 'That M.. "n the Site, botb resident and ,H od, he is hereby most earnestly reqaestedy the Grand Lodire of N6rtb usroiina io "'-""-,"- bleto Brother A. T. Jerkins i. wewoeni. oefcoo- Salisborv. Sept. 2 1852. 21tf i COWANS LITHOXTRIPTIC, oa VEGETABLE 'if; M l-.i'r: ; FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY, j . I i SUFFERING FROM . : : f j J ; DISEASED KIDNEYS'I ' ' ; Stojie in the Bladder and Kidneys, Weakness il I" i of the Loins, iffc. . 1 ' ij This inclinable medicine is for sale at the Davie Ho tel jrt Mocksvilk ; at Dr. R. Campbell's, in Iredell ; at tfie Drug Store, in Charlotte ;'and attbe Carolin Wacbman; Office, in Salisbury. I t , . ; The subscriber is General Agent for the sale of the above Medicine, in this State, of whomUny quantity in a be obtSined by addressing him at Salisbury. N. C. or calling at his bouse, 10 miles West of this place. : E. D. AUSTIN " M. ntf i has beenidand a eainrfemeuyfiiojrjvoia, s.. PhthiaicViiW Aflecttoos of ibv iLupgin thhr pCtnary stages. It destroys inflamsiibrt tf pre scripjlorH ; j ' fTne fblUwing comraendaiiofi jiti m ai agen rev aiding at TrentonTennessee!;i li J Ufa r if i TREKTOT.Gjbsoh Co.Te4, Nov. T.'4p. , IlifeasraiSooW . -. . --: nnir in thin iwciion I here is a ladyi in this county who saysiheronld not be wuh- Mi m Plater for. five ihtrnd. oiart "j wis iafflldied for some time, wun ao farKciur.n V! .r apleed, which 'gave her great f eaJpfain-lTh! swe -liigkni pain had eterided op newlyjto e artftp.1. andUcaskpattyeooRsca u?JW" confined fori a considerable; time.rfirtin; wbicb sbewas attended bylsome of our best &t&Wfi! herl M relief, She procured a box of ftif Hebrew ?ta ter andiiCrelieveder ilmost ;initteiately, andrKf sbejUepsy aappfyof it lop. hand jastantJy. jfTbeae fa'dtl yoa are at liberty to use as yorj think prpper--thearc substantially true. ; j M j If 1 ,1 h i ' (O-$e ware of Coanterfelts and fbijlmiuiions ! j cluWoxLi-The Uubswbers Wrelh oiUyerral agentslnithe Southern Slates tr the ae of this truly valuabU? Piaster; and, in order! iorfvfntpurchafe js being iropoaed on by a counterfeit aricje, s.ld jnjths city and elaewhere.for the genuipe, lhfylnvpte parO;cii lar attention toihe following marksiof the genuiae,: . M The genuine is patj np in smooth! engioejrurned bottom boxes, soldered in. j - ! iJ 'i L 1 5i! The genuine has the engraved bead ot Jew a vid on the direction around the bo,ifih aecoiupanyj-. in rrVird f court to EJTavlorJ lochester. ; : p I 1 il ALSO TAKE NpTICg j y U That the genuine has the signature of TAYLW the steel plate engraved llabel. on the topof eacb box-j. to imitate which, will be prosecited.fi forgery, a j m Ibe Counterfeit is coarsely, put upiia imitation the eld labels, and is sold by several fealers ; cine in this tcity for the genuine articlM ; r i BEWARE OF IT-IT IS WORTHLESS. ;;:i;r ir a ; , I scov)&. mead, , i 1 i n3Chartresst;jiN.prMn84 ; Only Agents for the Southern Staesio whom all or ders and applications for agencfeamBstj invariably; be addressed, -'l : j : tj! ; ' TflEjGeifaine is for1 sale only bjr he following; au thoffzed agents in North Carolina?? i -VJ j ! Salisbury, iW. Murphy & Co. ; Cqricord, Murphy Black ; Charlottei Edward Sill ; Statvineofrisoni Carlton r Cd ; Newton, G. B. GaitHer& Co. ; Lin colnon,?B. S. Johnston ; Shelbyl R. Homealefl Dallas, C. &! J. Froneberger ; Rutherfordton, J. W. Callbway ; - Hendersdnville, D. B. fe A- jMtlHr ; Ashei vlll4 Smith & McDowell. if H ! J i j jSept. 16!1852. ; j ; .: f f 20 . ; .j ! Wanted at the Mansioh Hotel, ,1 f ! ! 1000 lbs j of Fevers. ' ! rj HE subscriber will pay dASffbirflb0lba..g4od A IFeitheri Calf ait the Mansion! Hotel. jt I 1 -i ;: i- HAND JAMES. ; 1 : Match 11th, 852. H-l f ! tf45 .. j -j ' M ;r :'i ' Hjj- :i; j ; - - j Ready Made Clothing. riHE aubscriber haying just retnrny fromtbe North, : JL l is now receiving his large and;splendid stock of 1 RE1DY MADE CLOfllllSG, CloihsJl pasjiimeres Vestings, ltfrnings, dj-c; In short,! he intends keeping a perfect Gentleman's; Furnishing rablishmeiit, which fof fariety, quaUtyj aud fcheapnesst sliall not be surpassed! in the Old North Stat.. He is'dciermiiied. if care in Electing his 8topk, and a strick personal attention to business, are any. of the qualitiea that merit patronage, none snau surpass hirai in - ;v . ! ' . w i :,:! Grateful for past favors, he solicirithhe attention of his old friends and patrons, ana in pumic gtiferaiiy.io the new stock, above atluded to, Cal;ind examine for yourselves. Clothing (made to-order- aii heretiofore,,on the shortest notice and most reasonablHerms."' f JNO. A. WEIR MAN, I Nii. 68, Cowanfs Brick Rowipa.babory, N . .C n of S.ltab.rj. 1 no- off or ZZ'ttsJZ oi Um. for a .h.rir us Aiatr aajiaa siiav :7:.I..ll wbAni.v favor roe with a call. Kepamng ; be;wee TR0 done at short notice, rnces moaeraie doce taken in exenaoge or Country pro- . afWeme Janua ry is. JOEL SULLIVAN. Iv37 V - :: Brethre kly announced in the papers publisbed in the j entioned places. M " .Tr. I hren with confidence of success, 1 appeal ios nc a" If mo M9 CJoquf-r feciiltirs cf ! eussnoft, m ! 1 ! I NEW OAR III AGE SHOP,' i. AT MT. ULLA. FT1HE undersigned hash o- JL pened a Carriage betao lishmentnear Mount Ulla, in Rowan ijounty.ano begsleave .!! nnbtic attention to the rWWi.- i ia Dr.Dared to do igJmazsm aj Rjn(! pf work in his; line, of businessitn the very besi manner.andon the most ac commodaiinfe terms. He proposes to make a perma nent estiblishment at the above stand, believing the public wantfi of that section of country require it. H hopes' the citizens in the surrounding coontry wbo may need work, will give him a call before going elsewhere. He will possfsssome advantages over Carriage build ers in the surroutiding vitlages, and begs the country public will avail themselves of the benefits of the same. i James brown.. Jan. P. 152. ! 36: tf I ANO'I'H Eli f NEW ARRANGEMENT. . r a 1. a a Wm asw rvs i i i :M khi t ai . inm pnirrunn's uki 'fvi - your iioer..nr..u i-" j r- - . . - . tance ot whicnnas oeeii iuhj ".. i i rv-J r Lodge, and;,he generaljconcurrencef hBre,hren - fTb. jh has alreadyjbeen I jirSimr.. While enoui! dnetoencorage,the hope of success J and evce its entire practicabilLiy. roucn yet remains m rt-r . render this success certsin.iand even ro prosecutf-an-remitlingly the measures already commenced. -1 And yet it is confidently believed, that, the aid which you are able to render will be amply safficient to jacCom. plish allihis.andihaipeedily. Uponxour actlonjhen as Masons, depends the ascceas of an enterprise winch promises thi richest benefits o the caow ofManry and of humanity hi general- Some of our Lodireabave contributed promptly and nobly to this work; and we only ask your : careful consideration of iheeobjej?t,on vinced as we are lhal notbmgnwre is needed toeure your cordial co opratioiui a la vorablf and early re sponse to this appeal . Rf memjeT that in this as in ev ery other socia-l inovemeut.Jsarmony it its tren$ttknd support. I am Rrspectfolly and Fraternally yours, A. T. JERKINS. Grand Matter.V pub:t:Dec:f:t0:ds. ? ' - :' ij If ' Editors of Newspaperaand Periodicab friendly to the cause will please copy the above.. i ; - I V WHOLESALE CLOTHING March 25, 1852. 47tf BARGAINS! ! BARGAINS! IJ nH HE subscriber offers for sale his 'BRICK HOUSE A!i and LOT in the town of Salisbury, on street, oh dbor above me Wattibnian Office. ' July IHI 1852. uPAIVlJEHOTIKU MOCKS tsH! T. VILLE, Davie County; North Carolina. ! rijl HE undersigned having purchased the above nam i JLj led Hotel, (lately the properly of R..F. Johnsion) would inform the Public, that he is now prepared to ext. ind a welcome to the travelling community, and accommodate hisgue6tsin a mannerequattoany Land' lord in this section of .North Carolina. -No exertions will be spared to render all who may favor; him with their patronage happy and saiiefied while they tale Main The house is Jaleeand convenient for a Boarding House : it containslseyen rooms ahd a pa ss-w;y above and be lowj with fire place in eaeh roomjajnd; two large cel lars jwithoi fire place id one of theni.j; The lot is large and Irani bck: the whole jdepth bf!te 'squire, whlh makes it convenient tor building purposes. P The subcriber also oflers for , fior-slilei two valuable small Plantations, one of them contains 100 Acres), andlofchoice frait, anda ,beautifalfsiaatioii, apq one of the healthiest places in the country ; the land w well timberedjand is well;odaptejd?tO Cotton and all the grains, ind is within a quarter! of a mile of the Rail Road ; tbere is about fohy acres bfeajred land on this plael The other plantation, 140 jere, l)s :witb;hi 34 miles of the, town of Salisbury and is ooeof th most convenient places in the eouhtyibe land is very freeS and productive, and is I well witeed ; the land p all fresh, and so arranged that every ifield can be paa tureilj and kt cinft be beat' for that; pprpbsei it has a most excellentiMeadow Wit, wel;sejt with herd grasa, and? is wril adapted for iobacco ajNd isotton, and can?: he heat for all the various crainsJ&c! Both of these the crops! o them; togetber of! young'Cittle, Hogs, anjd wishing )b b!iy will please to ROUSE Williams Brown, HAVING purchased the Tin Shop formerly known as the shop of Brown & Baker, have opened the same in the house of D. A Davis, opposite the store of W. Murphy & Co , where he proposes to carry on the business in all its various branches. He is now ready to receive the orders of his friends and the pub lic, for all kind of work in his line of business A fine assortment of Tin and Japan Ware kept constant ly on band for. saleae cheap as can be sold in the State. House Roofing and Guttering I executed fprompily and in the-best-rnanner.. Copper and: Sheet Iron Ware oi various kinds also kept constantly on band ; and any work in that line not ready made promptly executed.. His Sheet .jlron Stoves are a superior article, and very cheap. STILLS of all sizes kept for sale, and made to order at 50 cents per pound. The subscriber respectfully solicit a trial. Mer chants and Pedlars are particularly invited to give;' him a call. ' i: Country Produce, old Pewter and old Copper taken in exchange for work. Salisbury, Jan. 8, 1852. lv36 Hopkins &, Fairohild, Ko. 20 Baltimore! Street, BALTIMORE KEEP CO SS TANTI4Y Off HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF READY MAVE 1 mmm hotel, of al qualities, to which they invite dealers. May 20. 1852. ! fh. ttUpntion o ! NEGROES WANTED. Salisbury, Jane 3d, J852J;i CASH FOR NEGROES. Market for- theipurchase YOUNG rfiHE subscriber is now in Market to JL ofa LARGE NUMBER OF LIKELY NEGROES; suitable for the Southern Market, ! for CES IN for which he is paying THE HIGHEST PR CASH. . ; s Persons having any of the above named property sale, will find it to their advantage by' making applica tiontohim: ' MYEK IMYrJivS. ; AlT Communications from a distance attended to...f5 t - - ! LAND FOR SALE, i THE undersigtied offers for sale a valuable Tract lying (our miles SHiih of Salisbury, between the Charlotte and new road to Concord. Said Tract cn tuins 252 ACRES all wood land except 1 0 acres. which are fresh cleared It is well timbered, and has o.n.rn I elivihle lonatinna for building. ' I : ' M Statesyiile, N. C. THE Subscriber having purchased this Establish ment, which is pleasantly situated immediaiely on the Northwest borner of the public square, and has at tached to it a number of convenient offices for thej ac commodation oi" leffal gentlemen and others, will give , j- . . : ,A U nt ik. Hnn.. . a SO 1 mftirtphl ll whn ,.v The land is generally good. favor him with a call. The house has undergone some repairs, which adds to the comfort of families. The servants shall be faithful and honest. Drovers may find good lots and plenty of grain at reasonable prices. Call and give me a trial. Thankful for past favors, and hope for a continuance of the same. j W. B. GRANT. Stat fSvWeJ May 13. 1852. 1.2 CATAWBA SPRINGS places can be had with with a handsome stock their M ease in bis Inn." May 4, 1852 lyl H.R. -AUSTIN. GENTLEMEN'S AND LADIES' f li : f' : SHOES. I ' rilHE subscribers have on band, and are constantly JL manuiacturing. Gentlemen's Boots, shoes and gai ters, and Ladies' shoes of every variety. Our stock 0 : children's shoes is large and handsome. I ; Qor work is of the best material and workmanship, and will be sold low for casA.or on thort credit to punc tual dealers.i Repairing done in a neat manner, and on abort notice. ' ; Al kinds; of country produce and dry and green hides; taken -in exchange! for work, i i ? . , - -: (Jash will p paid for BEEF CATTLEi I t , H 1 I RYMER & JVIQVVRY, I Mi I Opposite Wm. Murohv & Co Store. I April 15, 1852. And ii Farhilner Tools, i Those call on the subscriber at mis resiaenc?Kiour iuun Salisbnryil on the roaE leading? to! Hix's! Ferry.f Persons wishing to buy would do Well to call soon, as: fine only object he has io pfieng his property for sale is to go to the South on account i f his ealth. Bot'if these places are in one mile of each other, arid thCentril Rail Road o'na near djiidwayi betweeb them. Good Millssand Market for timber handy. 5j P. S. InjtheJ last mentioned trscrjj there j is a boat orti-five acres! cleared. "I Ht ' ; i - I i - : ; :! ;- i CYRUS; W. WEST. Sept. 9, jl 8321 ;" . i,t: M I I9tf .. 1 f I "Jusll Received a Fresti Supply., of. f: 4 ! fTOMB STONES, i J ri HE subscriber would, respectfolly inform the citj J tens of Salisbary . and the surrpunding coantrf, that he has ooeiied a iriarble Establish meUt in Sasburi, which may be found jt Jiis residence, on Market street,fwHere! he is jprepafedj to furnish Grafe S,nU r If arhl S!ah fiim infi?ht St one OQ DedeSr talS, tombs, raonaments, oto, a 1 at very boi piJ"'". T Entravinfit done neatly at NortHerni prices.; Haviajr made tbenlceasary arrangenlent.'piejiubacriber "i-1 a short notice.'fiU any order from five dollars to $500. ',$opaios will be eparedjigMf aiifejiatUfaciiof: Old Tomb &ones restored to their primitive whiteness. f; 3! M GEORGE! VOG LErUt ' auabury, April 8, 1852. j: f V1 ! I ! " . ' -5' i General Commission Merchants, H Wt 8, Bopct 4 Cos -Whaf.ft i tl : Charleston. s.f c.;.l ,f --'it Dksolntion of Co-naHnersbip. THE Co partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Joseoh' Fu Chambers &l I Co., aaa this day ti4nlved hi mo taal consent.- All persons indebted to .lj i.i. Cm. iU nU,u t on I JameM Cr Caldwell. 1 inn taw aim . -w f. -7"T rj, T-" S t 1 who is duly authorized to settle the business of the con cern. i:. J -I' j 1 - : l.J..FKCHAMBERS,t: P. BiiCHAAltJt.K.'s, il! J. CipCALOWELUv M. CI CALDWELL,, New Co-partnersMp. nriHE rubscribers have thia day enterf d jintn Coi partnership loathe Mfrcantile Basfness! in the towWof ; Salisbury, at the stand formerly Iceopied by : J.'F.-Chambers 4b Co.; nnder the firm of Chambers & HOTEL. ! V. STIREWAIiT, HAVING purchased this beautiful Summer retreat takes pleasure in informing bis friends and the public, in general; that he is making every necesMrv improvement for the convenience and comfort of those who may repair to those Valuable Springs in search of pleasure or health. Arrangements are in progress, and, if practicable, the water wilt soon be brought into the house by by draulic machinery ; convenient bathing houses are be ing erected ; lodging rooms a re being renovated and fur nished with all that will contribute )o the enjoyment of the occupants ; and the spacious premises are being or j namenied in various ways. In short, the proprietor is J determined to render the Calawba Springs a place of ; real enjoyment, to those who may palronage him : and ' he assures the public that every possible effort shall be j made to secure the favor of those who call upon him.. I O Travellers who stop at Catawba Springs, will find ihe very best of.enienainmeni ; aad to all. the charges will be as low as ibe provision markets will al ow. ': Catawba Springs, March 3, 1852. tf5 Another Tract situated on th waters of Fourth Cretek 14 miles North-west of Salisbury, containing 226 acres. This tract js well watered and improved, having on it a s?ool dwelling house and all necessary out-hobses j-- Any person wsniDglto purchase either of these tracts can obtain a great bar gain and accommodating terms. The land" can ibe viewed by calling on ihesu jscriber, who will take plea sure in showing there. ' L'T DAVID WATSON,' August 3, 1852, tf 14 . f Vi LEATHER BANDS; ft: T"; HE subseriber has put up machinery for sfretcp-, ng, cementing and riveting bands wiih copprr- rivets. The bands are stretched with pbwerfal ma chines, made expressly for that purpose, and j the diffi culty of bands stretching and ripping under the com mon way of making them, is entirely removed by this process. Bands made in this way will hold their width evenly, run true, and have a uniform bearing onlie drum or pulley, and will give from 15 10 2Qper cent, more power than those made iniihe ordinary way.4 They are nude out of ihe best selected oak tanned Spanished Leather, and-no pains wilt be spared to make them equal to the best Northern bands and will be sold as low as they can be brought in New! York- 1 ' Bands will be kept for sale by J. G. Cairns, at the balishury factory. CHAS, M. LINES. Hunt's Store P. O.i Guilford co .IN. C. July 8, 1852. ; J pdlylO T. C. WORTH, . . 1 OOEIICTISSION & rORWARDINO MERCHANT, t WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. H July 29. 1852 Jypdl3; of the Lei elegant stN those wha " poranrom I Study acq-iir a fl'umt an ! I In view i f stowed Dpi.i, in rfcomnin: Parentan ! J niair' Mills COpio: 2 00. . j To speak . with purity, , the utmost ( speech or vs ; masters of 1 his own con-. . ,inkuow!p(!, 'self less of 1 whocan I i Persons i s!i ion, fire! cultivating t Ulair's Rhei I ; LockeV VOctavo t-!.. , t " Whoevt-r ' man jutiiZMH bosom fr;-n ! his readt-r ti construction ery property I'udgment cari avenues, ar.J calculate wi;', sent ; bVsiJt - t cess for whit ; the Matlienm ' rooted habit : spning." :In addition t A'Ufrlcan Gt '' ! ' These voL atice of the J. pfr mode Of 1 -Bair's Rhetc i. for schools, Brackenridgf V 1 j Great Dri! i ! lustratioi-, I Co Hot's Levi, " , rrot: ' Intfr', " ; -Frt'iu ; " 1 Dial- . " K-y 1., fThe use of i' available to ev explanations diction to ea. '. aiice of thtse .teacher, by t! . study, scon ac Evidence? of I son, Jenyr.s ' Gibson's Surt:' r v y Penn., 'J Kay's Infant nr pefiners, N. Lyell'f Llenir : Colored pi it-. " There Is li;i; n an eminent contributions t acquaintance v. of Science a no I power of conn "Unsurpassed I r ned for the familiar sry!e i ; companion for ii llackcir, much useful ar Bleaching, Dr ng; Confeciio ry,Gaidenin. ' . Painting, IV ri Tanning. Sec , . This will fe t ferejrtce by Far; 1125. The above h' tiotis, and in a ' large and well n- depirtments of L sicaj. Medical, L a constant s-ip '.. both of a useful i'- Ti'a May 27, IB BOOT D S PATIZCCR, i H AVING permanently located in.Mocksville.nffrlJ his professional services to the public. Can be MANSION HOTEL, pro found at the Davie Hoiel. in Brick-house June 10, 1852 tfB. public. Office just opposite the Hote taill T SALISBURY, N. C. rriHIS large and commodious Hou?e, so long known JL as one of first Hotels in the Southern country, is now owned by the: subscriber, who, is determined to spare no pains or expense in increasing, it possible, the fair reputation which it has so well deserved: ' Additions and improvements to the buildings are be ing made. Furniture of all kinds that is not in first-rate order, being removed and replaced with new' The House is well supplied with a number of excellent ser vants. The STAGE OFFICE is kept at this House, all. the stages, one Hack excepted, arrive st and depart from this House,! he subscriber being the stage agent at this place. THE TABLE will always be furnished with the best ibe market af fords. Tbe Gentlemen's Hall is supplied with a varie ty of newspapers, religious, literary and political, taken from all the principal cities in the United States. TflE STABLES are large, comfortable, and attended by the best Ostlers in the country. Carriages, Buggies and Horses always ' i.i. M- . on nana io nire. S. R. FORD. WrLMratrro. nc.' DEALER IX UARDLE MOXUMETTS HEAD ilf TJ Foot Siones ; Paint Stones; Imposing do. land lit short, any article called for of either i J ;,', b'-l Italian, Egyptian or American Marble s - I and work warranted to please or no sale ; and if dam aged before del ivery.it is at hisexpense. ! U : f Orders for any of the above enumerated articles left; with the Editors pf the Watchman, will be attended to with dispatch Nos '.9,18493' V' R. M. ORRELI., -vp M Forwarding and Ceomhslea Jferehant' Fmyettetille, N. C. January 30. 1851. . tf3P- More Fine Buggies, ROCK A WAYS AND IROfiTAXLE CA RR YA L LS-of the best aualitm Just finished, and for sale cheapvery cheap.? Calf o V J. 8. JOHNSTON. Salisbury, August 26. 1852. i ,J7tf:i't;, UDIES MOURNING DRESS GOODS. , t ,' Salisbury. OctU. 1852. ji I l t ? THE isabscriber is now opening a splendid Lot of Ladies TIonrnIiis DrewGhnrlt. can. f IT Large stock yards, with rood sheds, ironcrh. " VVf" BOMBAZINES.' racks.&c.connected with the Hotel. - ?rAy.MlWbANES.wto&i6tEtxngu t'i 1 : : . -.. i iow pnees. 1 u NDKiisrr a anucipanoiware more tnan realized prices ind he feels greatly flattered at tbe earlv increase ftb t ,YT '"r01 ' aW- of the above' description, Imdnnf ih Hni, H. ,Anh...: : ' -1 wo"" ao wen to caK soon at . . uvvvivr ikuiiwi 10 m,nr t Caldwell i t AV m 33,1352. il I .i .'11:: J. F. CHAMBERS M. C. CALDWELL. Angast 30, ,1S52. B anksjof every description for sale a contioaance ot tne same. ; J , f HAND JAMES. ! March 1st. 1P52. , , , 45 ! Wadesboro'! Argus. Asbeville Mease ! lotte Whig, and Lincolnton Republican, publish once a montn tor six montna and forward bills to the enbacri her. i J . ja MP WANTED. 1 I lo gd ateadf girl or woman In nurse. Apjy lo ihe suhscriher at the Manl ion House, br al the Store. ? ! f . J; -I - , Dnnnnm ,. H 2il v ! 24 Tfie Sign of the Red Fa, , ; Cj.'AI YEIIS. V" Dr. il-- SaJisbsr, Sepf. 33 1852. A-M. NESBITT, I ,H AVINO permanently located Itf the Town of , oansoory. tenders bis Professional services to the cittxens and sarrrwodingconntry, HisotBceison Wa- " "t, ow door below . A. I1r. CaldwelPa office, w.r,. .noy ue ipuqa at. all times, onlesi absent on Professional duties. -p. f- ' January 1st, 1852 J i. - ! Blank Warrants for saU Her$. bob: ts-. EEPcon?r tensive, a MSICAf. IXS'l . ';' Perfarrr; of every descri; r; ticlep in the a: u ine tbeir fine s-' Murphy & Co. Watches. CI manner, ana wnr: iLjf pine and ! and warrantea u Salisbury, ".lay henh: RE all in ex I Boats have f ! I r 1 ss new. i v e t. teir, and well a i ; 700 bbla.imert! ; Those favorir 2 as prpmpt and t! othe Line can t: : A. D. CAZAl . : Fayette ville, L 17 at on - uppcv.i:. COT- THE Sub'crt planters of -hem with Gins t ship, rnsde of il. Gins are warr good cotton . J He requests th ine for theroselv promptly attend Heirelers to t: Gins.5r-Messr3. Pitts. near Conr N. Brown, f it ; it Jobs 10, c S 5 1! ill 5 ii 4" f - j