hi.-.. Fur the Watchman.- TflE CONSTITUTION Uil MATTER-- . -..kriJ univarkal law of alt !i perin - nixeo bodies niinenu nijB"t imi.in of substaricer U definileTand inva. au tae -" anm consisting Ji, elements Bni,'d ,0!ke, ln ,h rj, mi,eJ; bullbey will not combine to jbird iutnce diTerent from both un ileir component particles unite In definite JlrtiMf, th 10 one Parl bJ weihl Jiefine substances, will unite with one l... nnv nther nronnrlinna ihev will Ijdi i--r - j .jjtumechmiit ally mixed. For example, one weight of hydrogen gas will combine jltifbt part by weight of oxjgen gas and ijftifbl of oxygen and form a substance call Jwloiide ol hydrogen : but added to any weight qJ oxygen, it will produce one or ollae compounds mingled with tbe por. tl oxygen 7or hy rogen in en-ess. The 0 af definite proportion established by Dr. jjiioi se the principle that every compound jjjoBiiiU of a combination of atoms of its juliiufnl pans, is of universal application. gin is feci one of the most important dis join in physical science, furnishing infor- previuuily unhoped for with regard to fceuti secret and minute operations of nature, lfrtlwing the relative weights of the ulli- tiitlnmt of mailer. Thus an atom of oxy wiring with an atom of hydrogen lorms lictaipouud water ; but as every drop of wa a,ioMTer small, consists of eight parts by nijlrt si oiyg. and one part by weight of lrogen, it follows that an atom of oxygen is .jMtoDts heater than an atom of hydrogen. lilWitmNnanner sulphuretted hydrogen gas ftivtich is emitted Irom rotten egg) con.. 'ilisittero ptriKby weight ol sulphur and assf hydrogen ; therefore, au atom of sulphur ill tines heavier than anmiom of hydrogen. lh carbonic oxide is cnnstitoted of six parts iseigbt of carbon and eight of toj j gpn. and iuiiooi of oiygen has eigLt limes by weight ill Horn of hydrogen, it follows that an atom of sWs is six times heavier than one of hydro i 6tnce the sameiiefinrte prnportton bold, lU composition of all substances that have' wsfHtninfd, it may be concluded that there ut ttil dilTweni-e s iti i .the wefghrof ... the u.ll1: alspirlicles ol matter." Mr. Somertille. t tboW appea f t he n t h at rh a tf e r ca rr be mr iieddown until we reach certain atoms, or xitktei that are unaffected by any agencies ks can employ, and indestructible: Hat svery compound sub&lauce, formed by atsre, or by art 10(H) years ago, or to day. Btosipoted of the same, number of these par- tiruod combined in the same wy. That God, in all his works proceeds by mbsr, weight or measure," as well as by psxiry; and that matter did not always ex- Fsr-ttSir John Uetschetl sVs,r: whett: wit Nof them. lis sometimes said that inorganic matter ; lot afford evidence of design, "afid proof 'lenitor as organic matter doe. Hut here JtMS the contrary. For the infiniierial par- tvea of dornienlafy obs'nce, tell thrir iilorj that " the band that made u is di- HITJ.E. For the Watchman. ' IBE WGREIIS TULLOFLfFE? 'Aito the existing numbers of the animal fnn, more than 1000 species of quadru 5000 species of birds, and as many of iMr known lo naturalists. Of reptiles the number and variety are im. but unknown. Tbe species of shell ras, radiated animals and zoophytes, fclinoit cover the bottom of tbe vast Si (iceed all calculation. The forms of Ntblss vary in almost every infusion of "Ptbls or animal matter which nature pre. Nine hundred species ot Intestinal alreadr been c 11 rao.led from ib f animals, and even some f inese hu ye .parasites within them. And of in. rws hundred thousand species are known, pfa number of specie affords but a faint fib incalculable myriads of individuals H imm of tbem tnclode. Vast- ftocke "otiw'imes. darken the heavens like an 7- Clouds of life float in the atmosphere, """a tracts cf the ocean are often colored Jlas,or covered as with a sheet of fire. J rop of the ocean from pole to1 pole, t "op'wal desert, and arctic sea, the stagnant rid lbe deep sands of the' ocean, the I "dibs rocky strata, the subterranean cav, nN tbe eternal hills of Polar ice, not less lemperats clime, and the open undu ol animal existence. The falsi i l . . . .w will M,a 1 uo UV1iV99mt j vvu- I lift 16 annheriirhwa nn aneeias- PUS itr ranse bfeniovment. another be. n"fiolation owns not a fool of the elobe.' ! For the Wsichman. fr""-r a mx j u-x, A O XS. t lefence!"Ther are I "Tint case V In ih I5rr uiaM;"Wa '- '..cm. we M J. J. BRUNEI!, Editor $ -Proprietor. tend mat ibe kettle wu cracked when we bor nivf ii mm..At- ;. . , .Sv77, iui ii wi wnoie wben we returned,. WrroTyTtl . ... ...u.iraiae me conauct ot iom persona that we often meet with in societjr ; they do and ay thing, thai re injurious to others i glory in th m; boast ol them; the whole community ii in a ferment about it i Unnik it... ga :. ; -T&7.1Ecriff aTTotoWVnew are a bout to cot it. ' .i .? -II I to flifnittv ii ... L 1 i t t it . .. .v .., t -,, 1U Bnu upnoia, in the faced all their own declaration witnessed by dozens of persons ; they-deny all about ii : they never said so; never dreamed of such a lnLn.? I . body who says they did is one grand liar! they are innocent as the child un born. Mr. Editor, have you never met with such persons T If you have not you have lived in a happy state of society, and may be called a happy man. Such are the men who scatter around them fire brands, arrows and death, and say tbey are in sport. 1 X. OUR PLANK ROADS, At the beginning of the last year we gave an account of the progress of tbe several .Plank Roads in course of con strvcfion from this town. We propose now to continue it up to the present time. rAYfcrrEviLi.E anu western boad. We learn that 106 miles continuously of the main stem of this Road are now under toll that some 5 miles more are completed, but not in. connection leaving only about 7 miles unfinished between Fayelteville and Salem. Besides 'this, the Compnny is about to construct a branch, (leaving the main stem 33 miles from town.) about 12 miles long, to Evans' Mill on Deep River. This branch has been surveyed, located, and a steam mill removed to the work. Active operations will be commenced on it in a few days. la addition lo this, the Company propose to build another branch to this branch, leaving it about 11-miles from the main Jem,atid running 4 J rniles toGulf (llaugh 'ofify Bridge). Active operation will be commhced 6n it in a few days. Contracts for constructing both these branches have been made , 1250 per mile. - A separate Company has been organiz ed under a charter granted by t be last Leg isfamrr, tocoTistrocT a Road from Gulf To Graham, in Alamance county. Stock has been subscribed to secure the Road to Dixon's Foundry within 12 miles of Gra ham, with every prospect jof its continu ance. This may he considered ai a con tinuaflon of the Western Road, although constructed under a different charter. FA YE'ITEVILLE AND SOUTHERN BOAD. This work ie now complete. The Road leaves town through both Gillespie and Winslow streets, unites in about It-miles. P great number ui thins precisely alike we passing through all the heavy sand, and In heltevethis similarity 10 have oiigiB- j terminating in Robeson cpu nty, where! Mceptfrpm a common inciplo ind.pe-1 are nrm, goou ronus. lunyutup- iiy una iiinufr uuu uiiuruui uuimg iuv past year. -In to-day's paper there is a semi annual dividend of 4 per cent, ad vertised. rA VETTEVILLE AND NOBTHEBN BOAD. Ten miles of this Road have been con structed during the past year and is now under toll. Tbe Company purchased the Clarendon Bridge in March last, at a cost of 12.000. From the receipts of the Bridge frompril lsi;and:lfro Road since Sept. 10. this Company nas been able to declare 0 per cent, dividend on its capital stock, leaving a considera ble surplus. Tbe work will bo prosecu ted vigorous during the ensuing year. FA VETTEVILLE AND CENTRE ROAD Fifteen miles of this Road ha,ve been completed, and 20 miles more put under contract, reaching to Blue's Bridge in Richmond county. Tbe Company is mak ing ; every eflorT toliav,e r this Road extend ed to Concord in Cabarrus county. Great hopes were entertained of aid from the Ute; Legislsture; but the eoTt failed, jf any assistance was due ro any section of our State, it was to this. T The Teedee country has never heretofore asked or re ceived anything from the State, and we think something was due it. The con tract to Blue's Bridge wjll be vigorously prrssed. and by Jan'y 1854, that much if no more, will be completed. It is to be hoped that Richmond, Montgomery and Stanly counties will not let the work stop at the Richmond line. FAYETTEVUXE AND RALEIGH ROAD. . This Company, organized as a joint stock Co., and without a charter, has con structed a Road from Fayelteville to Kingsbury, 1 1 miles, and has put the same under toll. Surveys have been run to McNeill's Ferry on Cape Fear. A char ter was obtained from the last Legisla ture, and the Company will be soon or ganized under the charter, and will be prepared to carry on the work more ad vantageously. florth Carolinian. MAN SHOT IN PHILADELPHIA. RmirletrJn Mercer, welf known as haw n imirr cellar.-at-the corner, : ar;CJblesutjti'eeji.;; ' KeEI A CHKCKDrOR ALL TOUR .ALtSBUIiY. C, THURSDAY, JAUARY-lia,:ig5a; A Slorf ok xLonia Napoleon. The Dublin correspondent of the New York curious piece of information, copied from the Belfast Chron icle, which, as he ayt, "tells its own etorj" wbicb reads like a romance a French oue, perhaps : . There Ijves in Paris a genllsman, who,-in December. 1847, wrote" I cane wilb pee, feet clearness that Louis Philippe will not be three months on the thron-j of France," Louis Philippe was exiled in February, 1848. Thai gentleman wrote shortly after the Presidential election " This Bonaparte scion is a traitor. Not a man looks at h'un but feels tbe instinct of avoiding him as a treacherous man. He will strike for the Consulate for the Dictatorship; and God knows what witl lollow." tie struck. The coup d'etat of December, 1851, tells how he struck. The same gentleman wrote in the March of the present year " Tbe tyrant aims at the empire. His gaze is fixed upon the crown. Before a year there will be a revival of the Bonapartean dynasty, and the French will kneel belore Napoleon the Third." Tbe empire bas come. The man who predicted these events is no common man. He thinks and looks around bim. He participates in many movements quietly, and gathers knowledge which, in our view, no other man, at this moment, in or Out of Paris, could find means to acquire. His previous predictions give us confidence in what he Dates, lit fact we know him, and know that he would not detail as truth what be did not know to be true, for he is generally one of the least speculative individuals we have ever met. .. Well, that gentleman we would tive his name if we were permitted writes the sub joined on Thursday last, and all before whom it omes can measure its worth, and the amount of credence to be attached to it from what they have already learned. Tbe revelation will seem curious to many ; to us it is by no means so, as we are aware of the aources from which much of bis information is derived, and bow he derives it. That it is true we are convinced, and that the British government are M up" lo the machinations of the French Emperor is evi dent from the Terfred state of our defences, from the embodiment of our militia, from the addition lo our maritime' hands, and irom the establishment of Channel Fleet. The following is the communication refer red to : I In a secluded part of the wood of Bolougne, at a pUce called Madria, wbilome the resi dence of Lamsmne, is a hour stir rounded, by trees, and the windows of which are never' 0 pened, except sometimes at dawn, as if Id let in fresh air. This bouse, all day. and on many nights, has the air of being uninhabited; bu! often timet at night there comes about suspi cious looking characters, who take up their posts in the thickets, and then about twelve or one up come several carriages, with the blinds close down, the portr cochkrk is opened mys leriously, they drive in and ibe door closes be hind them. What is ibis place T Ii is the residence of Virgiuie la Sabotiere. r.- Thiti for: many- persons indeed, nearly atl isnoexplanaiion. But let us enter one even ing last week, and perhaps what may be going on may enlignten us. in an apartment sumptuously furnished, is a grand supper bid out, lesplendent with plate and brilliant with lights, and around sit half a dozen men and as many women, who, while sipping their champagne. are talking animafedly of conquest and empiie, of aggiession and ra pine. "Yes," soys one, striking his fist on the fa ble a man with heavy moustache, hoc -d noose and satuiine, bilious countenance "yes,1 when once I am crowned I will proclaim J" rome king of . Holland, aal not. only, proclaim him king, but make him king, while Belgium shall xeign but as my vassal." "Yes, sire," said all but one, whorrjwe shall not mention. " And then King of Rome and Italy, and Protector of the Helvetic Confederation shall be no empty titles they shall be mine." " But, sire, England?" observed one gently, j - " England, my eternal nightmare I England, the assassin of my uncle ! Every step I take I find her in my way. Let ber lake care, per fidious and meddling Albion. Let her beware that she interfere not, for, as surely as she in terferes, will I land on her shores, ' and show them that their island is as easily made a French colony as was AlgieriT 'They fancy themselves impregnable ; they will find their mistake. Thus spoke Louis Napoleon in the house of Yirginie, la Sabotiere. . I must now explain who she is, and how he found himself there, premising that the inform ation I am giving you may cost me dear, though I hope no one will aid the rascally police of . Bonaparte in (racing th author of the news here given. How I obtained it is a secret of life and death. But every word I write is true. Louis Napoleon may not carry out his after-supper bofsl, but the words were spoken by him; When Louis Napoleon Bonaparte 1 iwaa a State prisoner in Ham be was treated with ve ry great kindness and consideration. Amongst others who saw him for different purposes was Virgiuie, a very pretty girl, daughter of an old sabot maker in Ham. After a while Louis made proposals, they were accepted, and two children were the result. These children be was very much attached to. Tbey were pro vided for, and sent to first rate schools. On his advent to power, in 1848, ihe.'Prince gave Vir. ginie a pension, and then, in December, 1851, be gave her the beautiful residence above alio ded to. With $ natural taste for debsuchery, resem Ming, ta :claf cterjfts Ri gent and Louis XV., one of the delights of Lou. is.Napoleoa Js an orgy,- with plenty .ofvwine and isrormsoi .4Iaiac;--hit: haiiHaees-sa xtif ;&rtJla ired. i o4iwui4;e ao 4nso ai jawjuioim anu , :Ely.ea woHnfirpa.:lhr. ial certain Dq THlS.AIDLftHTTJf AI." , , Gem' I Harrito. then there was the cozy little house at Madria, and that has been selected by him as the seal of his midnight conferences on tbe affairs of tbe Empire. Surrounded hj parasites, pimps and prostitutes, healed by wine, he tries to rouse himself in this despicable way to emulate bit uncle. Not a dozen persons in Paris, apart from his own clique, knowjwprd of alj L lbis. , JBut ll have told it. Was I present ? did I not receive Ibe report from one who was present ; was the orgy revealed lo a second parly, and then to me T are questions I cannot answer. I give the information as true, exact and his lorical. It may be denied. That will only prove its truth, as, for a Bonapa'rtisl to say a thing to be, is lo prove that it is not. - From the Journal of Commerce. LEPROSY. Extensive publicity has but recently been given to the fact that this loathsome disease, precisely indentical with that spo ken of in the Scripture, still exists in va rious parts of Palestine, and has been car ried lo the Western coast of Norway, bor dering upon the North Sea, where it is said to exist, all the way from the Naze to the North cape. It is not cotagious, but hereditary; and the first cases that are known to have ever been cured by other than miraculous means, were eight who were treated in a " leprosy house,' re cently erected by the Government of Nor way. Dr Daniellssen, the physician, be lieves the cure to be effectual. A letter from Rev. J. C. Richmond, dated at Ber gen, in September last, and published in the Evangelical Catholic, of this matter. The whole number affected by leprosy in that country, is estimated at three thou sand. The disease has begun to pene trate inland, and is sometimes found far in tbe interior. Mr. Richmond calls attention to the im portant fact that the Norwegian emigra tion to this country is to a great extent from leprous districts, and persons known to be infected have already emigrated to the United Stales. ... Dr. .Daniellssen r - gards it as certain that the disease will develop itself among these emigrants, and might naturally be expected to become prevalent. Mr Richmond recommends the adoption of tbe most stringent mea sures for tbe detection of such as are dis eased, that they may be prevented from settling among us. He proposes the fol lowing remedy : " Many vessels with envgrants now sail annually from Norway' to the United States. They land chiefly in New York. Let the city or tbe state enact a law, and make it ki-o-Au in Norway , appointing a physician to inquire if the disease exist among the emi'ants who arrive, and if any sueh' be fflnd, let them have their choice bet weer being transferred to a hospital or retimed to their own country. The remedy may act harshly in some in dividual case's., h. .a it is by no means more tyrannical thin the quarantine laws that already exist. It wilftend to secure fu ture general' ns n gainst one of the most fearful calaml'.ies lliat can become per- miMiyU Jimoifg a people. In iclrtiing bis letter, which is ad- ' rV .. "j ua have witnessed, as indeed you d; ! ifi the East, tbe poor creatures, sot: "ii'cted with that type of the dis ea vti.ch covers the face, and even the ej t1" Vis with red tubercles, and, by the grow to of the same within the throat, destroys the speech, or reduces it to a hus ky and hoarse effort, while the poor leper in a few years decends to the tomb; or could you behold the limbs by degrees dropping from the body,, and whi le by de grees dropping from the. body, and while tbey remained, so destitute of feeling that J the poor sullerers Irequently burn them selves with deep scars before, they are" even aware of tbe heat, you would not wondor tbavtJj5hould..wish ..XqjirousjsucJh attention, before it be too late as may se cure our posterity against this loathsome infliction. " c' ligen'c A correspondent of the National Intel er gives an extremefyTnrerestingde scription of the leprosy, as it-exists in Jerusalem. We extract the following: The quarter of the Lepers is a sad and impressive place. By the laws of the land which bave existed from scriptural I times, they are isolated from all actual contact with their fellow men: yet there seems to he no prohibition to tbier going out beyond the walls of Jerusalam, and begging by the road-side. Near the gate of Zion, on the way to Bethlehem, I saw many of them sitting on tbe rocks, their hideous faces uncovered, thrusting forth their scaly hand for alms. 'Their, huts are rudely constructed of earth and stones, seldom with more than one apartment; and this so filthy and loathsome, that it seemed unfit to be occupied by swine. Here they live and propagate, whole fam ilies together, without disJinMo,npf sex i and their dreadful malady 13 perpttuaiea frfim generation iganiPitioni ai45;lhey ibat rci brou got WW Djranflea iot e ft . . ' .' - a a a .-1 "--- I IViL NO NEW SERIES. VOLUMEiX NUMBER 30. a steamboat disaster on the Mississippi. We find in the Natchez Courier of the 17th instant the following particulars of a late steamboat disaster on the Missis- sippi river, of which we have before bad bf!' ccount by Telegraph. Jhis state ment was furnished to the Courier by a passenger on the ill-fated boat : The steamer Western World, from St. Louis, bound for New Orleans, had ar rived about two hundred miles below Memphis at half past four o'clock on Tues day morning, the 14th inst. It was dark and raining. A large steamer was seen coming upstream, which afterwards prov ed to be tbe II. R. VV. Hill. The pilot of the World tapped his bell twice. The Hill replied with one tap. Tbe .World again tapped twice. The Hill again re plied with one tap, and came on towards the World. Tbe pilot of the World back ed her wheels, and strove to get out of the way, but the Hilt struck her some twenty feet from her bow, and cut her deep down into tbe water. The passengers were then informed that the boat was sinking in one hundred feet of water. In about four minutes from that time she was turned bottom up, and in as many minutes more ber cabins were broken up and floating from the wreck. There were about forty deck passen gers lost. Never shall I forget the wild shriek of agony that for a second rose a bove all other sounds as tbe vessel rolled over, and they were launched into eterni ty. One poor man got on board the Hill with bis two youngest children, and turn ed lo look for his wife and three more children that were following bim, but in that brief space they had passed to the world of spirits. The Hill remained by the wreck as long as she could, but the deck passengers had but a poor chance or escape, as tbe World's guards were Jull ol oxen, and the other passages blocked up with corn. It is thought all the cabin passengers were saved. Mrs. Fttzwilliam, her three chil dren, father, and servants, found tbem selves on board the Hill, in the same dress that they rose from their beds who the exception of a quilt the lady bad around ber. ... Another, young ., lady was carried frorrrner stare room oyTBelsooKTIarTEing. Fortunately, these were the only lady passengers. There were about seventy in. 1 he gentlemen s cabin, and so noiseless ly did they flee for their lives that scarce ly a sound was beard in tbe cabin a cry ol fire adding, if possible, speed to their flight. Little or no baggage was saved, and but few escaped with a full suit of clotbes. BALLOONING. M on a- Pel in,, accompanied - by - th re a .. oL h is friends made a balloon ascension in New Or leans on Christmas day. A large number of persons assembled and ever thing pasted offio the satisfaction and delight of the crowd. Tbe balloon was of immense size, but tbe car was the great curiosity. It was built in the shape ol a Urge skiff, with extensive wing attached lo the side, enabling M. PeMin to guide the di reciion of his aerial craft from within. The car is buiit mostly of cork, lined around with cavities containing i;as. The ascension took place soon after 2 o'clock, amid the cheers of ibe crowd, the stars and stripes flying from the light vessel. I. Telia lor some lime could be dimioctly seen walking about io bis frait stre lure, directing its movemennts. I be excite ment of the spectators was much heightened by witnessing the balloon pass through a beau liful while cloud, which lor a lime obscured the floating machine from sight. After rising a great height the balloon look different directions according to tbe will of its pilot, but finally went olTtn a south western direction. Of the voyage of (he -aerial navigators the Crescent says : " Mons. Petin and his three companions, who took a balloon-ascension on Chmimns arrived in safety at the New Basin, at four o'clock The next morning. We are informed by Mons P. that he attained the great elevation ol twenty thousand feel'. If "which' height "the pressure on tne lungs was so great Dial it was with dtlticul ty they could speak. During the ascent heeo- countered 'iTe ibaa )itrefenl euerts- ol air that from East lo West be jug the strong est, but that at no lime did he find any difficulty in directing tbe course of his frail bark al will. ..H was Uieintenjw have made a landing on the coast ol rloiida, but upon throwing over a bag ot ballast for the purpose of lightening his car, the hook of , the bag caught upon some of the rising attached to the balloon, below and out of his reach', thus rendering bis descent into the waters of Lake Borgne unavoidable. -The point at which they struck the water was near a hundred miles from the city, which space bad been traversed in less than one hour. - " Upon touching the water, the car, which was heavily ballasted, sank immediately, im mersing the voyagers in the water, but with presence of mind, tbey clung lo ibe fastenings of the balloon until the car having discharged itself of its contents, rose bottom upwards, wben tbey seated themselves on the bottom, and tbera. remained until rescued from their perilous po sition after being twenty five minutes in (he water by ibe steamboat Alabama." OO The Presbyterian and Cohgrega- jnTCjoyentjon of-Wisconhne .ad'ppM' passed by stc cegmV. .nv .t fa-A.-. ,nov I AOrtnt eliiM 'Wial : ";,or quite Tin: c 1 1 1 . : A STRONG KKETCII. v On entering my rooms a few evenings since, I found Vol. 19th. of the.-jSrnf,' fresh from the bindery. Opening it, I com menced carelessly t urning over the leaves, when my eye fcILorLlh Mnteoco aboTe: Not quite cheese." Now, what the deuce? gave rise to that saying f thought I, as tha words recalled tojnemory a seeneja-hitfo j was rather a ttrong impression on a sen- sitive organ, I did not easy forget it. -Some years since I was employed as "' warehouse clerk, in a large shipping housa In New Orleans, and while in that capa city, I came across something that wasn't "quite the cheese," as tbe seqnel will tes tify. One-day k vessel came in, consigned to the house, having on board a large lot of cheese from New York; during the yoy age, some of them had become damaged by bilge water, consequently the owners refused to receive it, as tLwas"ndCs the ''" bills of lading said, "Deli vred in good or der and well condition," tley were there fore sent to the consignees of the ship, to be stored until the case could be adjusted, I discovered a few days afterward, that as to perfume, they were decidedly too fra grant to remain in the ware bouse in June and reported tbe same to the concern, f rom whom I recei ved orders to have them ... overhauled, and send all that was passa ble to Beard & Calhoun's auction mart, to be disposed of for the benefit of the un derwriter?, and the rest to tbe swamp. I got a gang of black boys to work on -them, and when they stirred 'em op, "B f the bones of Hull Kelly's quart mug! but the smell was illigant entirely," I kept a respectable distance, believe me, for ttrong nigger and strong cheese, on a hot June day, just bangs all common essences, in cluding a certain varmint we read about. Presently the boys turned out an im mense fellow, about three feet six ''across the stump." from which tM box had rot ted off ; in the centre a space of about ten inches was very much decayed, and appeared to be about the consistency of mush, of a bluish tint, which was caused by ibe bilge water. The boys had just set it up on its edge, on a bale of gunny bngSi when I noticed) over the way a big darkey from Charleston, S. C, who was notorious for his butting propensities, hav ing given most of the nigges in the vicin ity a taste, of his quality in that Una. - I bad seen him and another fellow, tha M'gMiprevLPU stand, one on each side of a hydrant some ten yards distant, and run1' at each other ' with their heads lowered, and clapping their bands on the hydrant, they would butt like veteran rams. A thought struck me that I might euro him of his bragging and butting, and have some sport also, so I told tbe boys to keep dark, (which, by the way, caused very little exertion (o them, all nigtr,) and I called "Old Jake" over. "They tell me you are a great fellow for butting. Jake 7 ' ' I is some. Massa, das a fac I dona butt de wool 'tirely orf ob old Pete's head, last night; and Massa Nichols was gwtna to gib me goss ! I kin jiss bang de head orf ob any nigger in dese parts, myself I kin !" " Well, jnke, I've got a little job in that line for you wben you haven't anything' else to do." " I'se on han for all dem kin of jobs, myself I ii" " Well, you see that large cheese back there?" "Itloes dat ! I does, myself." -Now, if yoit can butt a debt iti it, yoa shall have it." "Golly, Massa 1 you follin'dis nigger P No, I am not. Jake just try me." " Wot ! you gib me de bull ob dat cheese if I bult a dent in urn ?" "Yes." "De Lar! I'll bust 'em. wide open. I will, mysef. Jess stan back dar, you Or leans niggers, and clar de track for Ole Souf Carlina, 'case I'se a comin, myself l..isJI : And Old Jake started back some fifty feet, and went at it at a good quick run, and the next instant I heard a dull, heavy sounds a Itin d yflsqukfi, and Old Jake's bead disappeared from sight, with the top just visible on the other aide, as he arose wrttr tnVrie w-fash ittfted riecklacff; f he soft" rotten cheese oozing down all around hi in, as it settled down, so that just his eyes were visible. From the centre of it Jake's voice smothered, as he vainly tried to remove the immense cheese. "Oo-o-o er de Lor! Mas took om orf! O 0 0, bressd'd Lor! Lif um up! uor a rnigDty, j .;..... : ; , Meanwhile 1 was nearly dead myself. i having laid hack, on a cotton bale holding ' myself together to keep from bursting. while tbe boys stood around Old Jake. . I paying him off. . 1 De lor, de nigger's breff smell! vou . ? does'nt clean your teeth Old Jake I" ' f 1 say you did nt make more dan four 1 limes dat han, old boss." Well, you is a nasty niggar, das a fac." ' - t- Well, you is de biggest king of Welsh Rabbit, you is." ' Wbar you git your hair crease t" and thus the boys run on Old Jake now half - smothered tmiff i't Jjiro..nd.loId tharo.to 'iafceit-4lft: Jake : . . a growling . . .. '" .;, . . - - : Gdr a roity 1 1 dongm irfCdjJrflrlg3S nfta8rf.ysnlMrFf91I1, ,4 n ..4 ' I . 4 lireo me -pistotdcac?. SSeftigsawiiajaito