" of half century without bav T.. .irtims to t.h n1"'"1 tendeney. ' , . .rrfttel. maddens men i.i Den I'.. , uf women. They had nev- i ..r,nnilv never married. urd,anac""" ' , Urnit.the elder ana more ,,.-... W8 jCOS8 k'"d f manl ?'- and rktlier good looking, having .-' r - i. II .ret fie-tire, and ....-nance. Schlesinger, bis t7 f f .... . Anrt ki Mured, tbin. sa- Kft,V'j:..iAM who seemed wholly H-. . .:. mmprrial pursuits. f, he unbent, he favored hi acquaint ' ;.u ,ioinl views on German me- j:...l tf info tlieolo'gV Or f , . .,.wmticsr He was a rare r in"" : . . iii. obtruse problem, or insoiumc and was much respect wealth. for an ... IniiTfTlA 1 'Wr." " ' nmhitv. and W u" 'v .. - ' f-worii. fnr nid.mii ... .... - ..... iyrjpii partialities were iu. Ll the pair who for twenty " v . .... i.. -.-..l..,,..! iK. had harmoniously rM.... ... f lif ft)ether. waiusmti uu u, .... -- tho habit ot absenting nimx ton ,n mo unu -""V, tfve-to have penchant for romance anc rffordyftoge.hei -fror the wtg. , ve,,e,iemy dcVoled w reflate his "eg ctj o bus, essbam boomjng Cbristine ha tore jet CSflttSTANTO EV13E.NCB. TTor BOXBCBO CASTC.ET wart ago there lived in .a town ' ... .-MaTiburg.two wealthy tra- r..fnri J.J. 1)11 UN Ell, fiiitor 4 Proprietor. "X' s r. G' I Harris it tin" NEW SERIES. volu,m e i xn umcjfr 37. SALISBURYvNra ...- nml prolonged so much that bis partner oecame uiiwy. Ljlrrd at the first opportunity to. seek M explanation lor bucii u.iuu. The occasion soon preseiuru ns-u. JSehlesingef. in rs usual oru sltbequestionlhit had trembled on his .forsomeuays. . , Waldsmit leu. urn 1r said : . . . , Do you see anyionig JfCoatT ... Hit partner scanned Dis ampie www n U.nnv anil ohriolc his lacrioi supeniiw.wp''fjv-" Xol a large hole on ine ieu siue : Another shake of the bead. Then you must be blind. Hark in Jineeaf l am going i i.W.Msmit uttered this alarming an wncement be hastily left the office leav- iScblesinjer io a i stafee ql stopra oewu- fcnnent. . Married The ejaculated. tal an Id tool r With this consolatory remark he was iboot to plunge into the mysteries of the . . t .. 1 , 4 Hger before him. when ne was siar.iru k 1 deep groan. It proceeded from' his irrk Falch, whose head had fallen on to M desic. . "Are you ill P was the grHtT inquiry. Falch raised his pale face, and, turning BOOB his employer, stammered some- ling unintelligible, and endeavored to wime bis pen. . Schlesinger eyed him curuiusiy ior lew seconds; and as a strange liglil twin- ded ia his ieen. jdark eyej said r: You beard what was said just now. t Vt-rv well. Do you know who the iJf it that is to .be.roy.ji.rtf4Rd!l?J, 1 do. answered Falch, threatning 10 iint. Is slie fair or dark, old or voung T Younsr and fair footless as the lilly lid graceful as the s wan T exclaimed the Ttting man, with enthustasm. "You know her, then T was the mea- nred inquiry. Mdo tbat is, I did once. 1 mean. Here the clerk became so confused 4t his otf erance tailed bith; and b A urn id away his face to conceal the deep car- ation that had spread over the wnoie 01 Hit master questioned him no further, ktt witb a sarcastic smile wreathing his 4i lips, resumed the work he had previ- lybeen egaged upon. indue time the marriage tooK place, d the bride, to the surprise of every one M found to be Christina, the Oeiie 01 mo eighborhood. . She was a fair-comDlexioned, light- Wdr handsome . yoomj-wroinan about tv vears of ai?e. Her lalber ioiiowcu eratpdrsiilts; whreh'leiJ his neighbors imagine that he was better circum- BCed than was rallv the case. LhriS; "w.as she was irenerallv called, bad a 0 , wj shrewd head upon her hne snouiuers, wlasshe had been Dinched in her fath- household, had early resolved that she Mid avoid, if possible, being so in inai iktt husband's. - . Waldsmit chanced to her at one of the lairs so popular in rmanv. and was immediately smitten ai one of those large attrati ve beau-. ho impress old men m6re rapidly 4they do young ones ; and Waldsmit Wowed ap his uitwitl a vigor which jHpfised even himself, but was i extreme ?greeable to both fatber.and daughter. Jh had a great respect for money, and removed every difficulty without ch trouble. Chistine dismissed her ad. rert. among whom was Falch. a small ""r's son. tans ceremonie ; and after a liiine. althoush hriel courtship, saf- krieJI to4w Jed Jo thftAltiV bybMl JM'e aged adorer. Tbe ceremony was Jwrooiied with smoe eclat, but the only 'dnt that lent aay.miyelty to the event Ibe extraordVnary-exCitement under r"5? the bridegroofh'i- partner, scnies "f. labored, lie did the hopors-for bis Uineni M.n.1i.;r. nn ..! in fiavn nuitle onedhiao d hihita ol taciturn pro- VVhne verhe" "gazed aTw' and paled so strangely tbat it was reared his hilarity would provoke a fit of apoplexy Then be laugfied so long and loudly, ca pers! so extravagantly, and indulged in such a vast amount of shaking of hands, that some doubts were expressed as to his perfect sanity on that day. These were confirmed, even after making all due al lowance for the festival, when it was ob served that he drank deeply, and when thoroughly inebriated pronounced an ex travagant eulogium on womatiklMynr general, and the bride in particular. Hi best friends were scandalized by hwJieing carried to bed totally helpless, an if so end ed this, as it turned out in tha end. inaus nicious marriase feast. In the morning Schlesnger outwardly resumed his habitual jtemeanor; but, as was afterwards too Veil remembered by several parties, hetegan to enter upon n verv singular rnoue of behavior towards his clerk. Fa It will perhaps expedite as well as ex plain thjrttorv, if a few remarks are here bestowed on this young gentleman. lie was good looking rn appearance, ,c . m it s i: : and a kind ot vverner uerman in uispusi- K. : II. -fT-i.-. t - k avt r.mpl unnsi. IIUII. IIS oucbicw .v wo -v V. ...... J d to K Cnristino nau f h a a C i:.aLva mttamed dis imagination ; oui unumg w the impetuous loive he made to her was not reciprocated, he. fell into a very me lancholy state. So he thought 5 and lo relieve his thick coming fancies, began like a true Germanto scrible a romance of blighted affection. After Christine's marriage, he employed every spare hour ha had u Don his task. The precions man uscript was concealed in his desk. This SchWirurer soon discovered ; and Falch, nnon his arrival at the office in the morn ing, was frequently puzled to account for 1 hi. disorder of its usually neat a'rrange- . 1 1.1 1 ments. In the day lime ne woum .ci auite embarrassed by finding Waldsmil'a eyes fixed upon him with a very anxious . . 1 1 1 L -.-.. stare ; and he would as mm sucu euro ordinary questions, that poor Falch began to think that some malign powers were mA cminst his neace of mind. And 60 you say Alauarae vraiusmi i T' Schlesincer would remark in him. Falch never could reply- distinctly to him, but always felt himself blushing to the temples. Would voa like to marry such a ladyf I ivnuLI. bv heaven !' shouted Facb ns he threw all the animation he could mn his not inexnressive eyes. Schlesinirer's lace darkened, and he saul rti e M : . .!.!. f nfm K-fi -no more. I ne inrnumrmro ui v ...- freouent v threw Madame Waldsmit in Falch's way ; and the infat uation of the young man became quite .l.rmlnir If she sooke kindly to him. he luded that she had still 6 .v -j ,.r , . . - alingertng-sparkrof love for him, and im , mediately rushed into poetry. Some of ibe scraps he had the temeriiy to forward to bis mist ress; The whers, alt addressed to Cbristine, he carefully retained. He .. one dav had the audacity to throw himself at the lady's feet, and pour out a declaration of his passion in tne nign sown language of a Werner, spiced wun tne gloomy self reproaches of a Manured. ... Madame waiusmi . inugucu ..v.v..j,, for bis position was a ridiculous one, with friendly warning, left him with her mr.ol.int? lauehter ringing in his ears. r- t t. "- .- tra or-a v - stv tc j - enasuea his teeth, threatened 10 uecomc ""7 and vengeful. AH this while a basilisk eve was upon the young man, and scarce- . J' .. .. II.. J...l..nn Jan. y one ol tnese smy ueiiiu'""" --r ed observation. This pantomine had last ed about three months, when, one nne ai ternoon, the whole neighberhood was hor rified by the report that Waldsmit had been murdered. Schlesinger set up a u:.i...o ., And the officers of justice be ing summoned, found the husband of scarce three months lying in bis ware- a,Hhht,.t to tbe heart,- - A.aagger wbichrrwa (bttod Lneartbe ody-wasre- :..A n one which had belonged to Falch. In addition, one oi me cier tie epistles to Madame vtbio.... found near tbe body. Where was Falchf :;,, A search was instituted, and i.-rL- m.J. i Auite -dear .that .rob bery bad been committed, for he averred .. .- . -.,A At a hundred thousand fran were missmg; Ich-was speedr 1.. u..! .too...: and arrested for the atro- cious crime. He was discovered in a boat on the Khine. devouring VVerner while . 1.. ir;n Kia meerschnum. oucn nonchalance did not .tvail him ythins.. he' was thrown into prison, wards brought to trial, wnen au v. . minating incidents were proved in evi- " . w - . 1 i..liaii.nB ai in dence. and, despite nia Fr -- .v.a imina euuiv. un""" noccuuc, - " ' in admirable style, andprttposed marriage, The widow, it has bewkaid, liked money; and as by the robhWy ot tbe jewels, her husband died rfoeti poorer than she had anticipated hwould be, whf n he should quietly havjbetook himself to his last home, siiWook Schlesinger's proposal In to serfpds consideration, and after the lanse61 two days gave him a favorable never expect a bargain io a non-advertising establishment. So, too, with men.j They say the man who does not advertise bis goods has nothing worth advertising or if.he has and does not.be is a skinflint, and it is be tie ho keep out of his clutches. ?" he bling propensity bad conducted him to ru in. Vhknileithe letter by t e body the scraps of poetry produced bj be wife and the manuscripts .111 beldlobencrusiveot-h was condemned, not to death, but ui con. .f hi. vnuthrand some doubts of his T perfect sartity.o pepeutal impri: sonment in the dungeon of And sp poor Fritz vamshed-uniameiucu r ... i:'nl nf . '. irorn iuc hk ... ,- KoKt,inrer beean to pay bis late the expiration of her period of mourn- . tbey were married, for two years they seemed to live happily enough together. Tbe husband's wealth increased, ind as Christine rolled in the lap of luxury, she was serene and contented. OneHay while roaming about the house, for lack of some thing better to do, she espied in an up per and long-ago disused chamber, a clos et, which was locked. Curiosity is na tural to thesex, and being a strong woman, he soon forced it open, and, despite the dust and rubbish, commenced what in bousekecDintr parlance is termed a good rummage. Her exertions were rewarded by finding a bundle, which, she orougni to light, and opened. It contained a coat and a pair of trousers, and a box, which -she no sooner saw than she turn ed pale as death, and sunk half fainting to the floor, liut Christine wfis not naiurany timid, and she soon recovered. Tbe box was identified as one belonging to her late husband, and. she did not ifloubt, contain ed the missing jewels. The coat and trou sers looked much like those worn. by her present one, and as she turned them over a letter dropped out, which, on reading she membered was one which ner nrst husband received on the morning ot his assassination. Without the remotest sus- nieion of Schlesinger, she replaced the bundle in the closet, and on his coming to dinner in the evening, related all the fear ful particulars to him. The effect of her communicauon upon him was alarming ; his eyes rolled in his head cold drops of perspiration stood on v.;. Krnur hU hair auivered and his UI1 " I . whole frame shook as if he had an ague At last he said : . Woman ! what have you done T No harm 1 hope. The recovery of the jewels i fortunate. "What! WOUId you ocirnjf mo VinHi-selv exclaimed. Christine looked at him amazed, and as she observed his haggard appearance, a ihoui?ht. vivid as a flash of lightning, pass Across her brain. The murderer ol VVal.Umit was before ber; and with we brittle of horror, she fled. Schlesinger, .m. with a Unife. nursued and overtook !... in it. hall, where he severely wound mA hmr in ihm arm. and would have di nirhed her. had she not turned upon him ilike a tigress, and alarmed the house. Her cries brought assistance .mmeuiai.j and they wero separated ; but Christine L-.rf irriimin; OUt '. rt , P ..--t - ti .U .. -w..,.rl. - nl ' .Seizei!aJaB.H .jLUP-t.y.i,!.;,,..r.ij Waldsmit!" , , ' The servants stood aghast, and tne wretched Schlesinger, after casting a elance of mingled ferocity and tenuer- ness upon his Wile, rusneu up bum-- locked himsell in his cnamoer. a.'" . l .. . . 1... I I.liri8 agitation had somewimi tine sent a communication 10 mo P..v agent ; and, upon that functionary arriv ing and learning tne siouiiuii.b !.... lars, he judged it to be expedient tha Schlesinger should be arrested ; but that a . I ' . . V. r r lha wicked roan was Dy mis umo urj reacb of human Iv On burettnglbedoor of his room.he-was.discovereuqutwiw--.' On his dressing table lay a paper, contain- ing. in his own handwriting. ine io..ow...g confession: "1 muruereu iaiu.....w did it for the love of Christine. I loved her on ber bridal day. 1 love ner now. Fa1.1v is innocent. Of course a judicial investigation im mediately took place, and tne noco of tbe immured completely e.u.i. n- u At released, and conuueteu io uia .:- t-oA in triumph: All his romance -ir..iinn for the exciting and singu T- . t. i k a4 lft hchind him in the dungeon of Riarxburgvhe cdnslgpdlhls to the flames, and resolved to lead the life . kl. ;.wliitriius citizen. - As lor 01 a bouci, , Christine, if Falch would have proposed, she would have had him ; but that gen . '.' l-.i t ih. aliorhest narticleofa ueman.iiou.""' o - :. . ... n . m.,r. ihe widow of a mur a wish iu j L 1 1 1 .'.nA flhrisiine eave her hand to a young couiitUohree, years, 8ipa.yeda.lherfutune.andabanoe to subsist on a small annuu,, Court of Prussia, commiserating her mis- fortunes, had granted to her. . . . 1 Narrow Minded Men. as . . j . . .Jn,i m Are rule, merchants wno ao not u.v...-r clpi and narrow-minded in their views, ' . . f th. crreedV imDa- nd a perieci ijpc . "u .. rii "... ...Ur. in nnler to real' tience ol tne ie..0 .... . a fortune by a single wr..., - - THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH. . The Baltimore American, in reply to the sneers of Some Northern journals at movements to advance Southern commer cial interests, says t :-- What is the North to do without lhat assailed, vituperated, agitated, convulsed South T Nay what ran it do without it J What is the basis of its commerce T What is the basis of its industry T What is the basis of its exchange ? What is tbe basis of its manufactures? What feeds the looms of England and France? What builds and freights its ships ? Hard as it may be for lhat region to acknowledge the fact, the only reply is: The South and its Labor ! In 1850. The Labor of the South gave those elements, without which American commerce at the North could not exist a moment, in the following enormous quan titles: Rice. 215.312.710 pounds. Tobacco, 199.752,610 pounds. Cotton, 2,270,000 bales. Cane Sugar. 247.581.000 pounds. Maple M 32.309 880 pounds. Molasses, 12,700,000 gallons. Alt this vast production ol national sta- nleihe substantial basis of Northern manufket tires and commerce is the re-- suit of Southern labor, independently of mmense quantities, of provisions, hemp. flax, cattle, and various other articles grown in Middle and Western States, i . . ... .- 1. :..: I m. where 'the institution is mammmeu. mm them out by a blow and where is the North as well as the South 1 And snau not tbat South be justified heartily by all its parts, inconsistently with all its own interests, it can consolidate the trade of supply and production within that geo graphical boundary wbtch aholiTionism or its kindred tricks cannot penetrate ? The South must feel that as long as an Atritator lives at the North, wicked enough 16 entertain his unconstitutional heresies. and powerful enough to find a press or a rvr.litirin to herald them there is no se- enriiv for its property I It is admitted that this1 property and its labor are the foundation of national wealth. They are, moreover, not only the basis of national Wealth, but among the slitongest elements of national power. The emblem ol tne ...nri,i'- nAif is no longer the Olive UI " I branch, but the Cotton Plant I - Ma. WsflSTEt and tbb Fasmer. Some years since Mr. Webster started off from Marshfield on a trouting expedition to Sandwich, neighboring town on Cape Cod. On approaching a fine stream he alighted from his wagon, and just then be met the owner of the farm, whose stream run tbrougb it. Good morning, says Webster, 'is there any trout here ?' 'Well, says the farmer, 'some people fish here, but I don't know whaMhey do get., i'll throw my line in, says Webster, 'and see what is. Webster walked the banks of the stream trying his luck, and the old farmer followed bim. Soon Webster re marked 'You have some bog on your farm.' 'Yes,' says the farmer.'that ain't the worst of it.' -Fishing still further along Webster says, 'You seem to have plenty ot mosqi toes here.' 'Yes,' he replied. 'that ain't the ferst of it.' Webster still kept throwing his line ipto the deep pools, and (hen said, You have plenty of briars here.' 'Yes,' says the farmer, 'and that ain't the werst ofit: Mr. Webster getting sorricwhaldis couraged in a hot August day, bitten by mosquitoes, scratched by briars, and not raising a single fish, dropped his rod and aaid.'he didn't believe there was any trout here.' 'And that ain't the worst of it.' says the farmer. 'Well,' says Mr. Web ster.'l would like to know what the worst of it is!' 'There never was any here P says the farmer. Mr. Webster enjoyed the joke, and often told 7t to his particular friends. , '11 ? i is 1 - i.. : : u lacatu.-j .iii he says, and it Las given to .the accorm lilUied Secretary an opportunity to unlold. tn at bold and masteflymaniveMhe policy Tub nr.Acics I tub West Indies. In an Article in t he London Times, we find the following passage relating to the result of emancipation in the English west mmes. The picture drawn, is indeed a distressing me, ; bat its correct ness s onurmeuuy au-,. Counts from various quarters:. ,' Our legislation has be the presumed necessities of the African slave. Alter the emancipation act, a large charge was assessed upon the coio- ny in aid or civil and religious mam-uuna for the benefit of the enfranchised negro, nd it was hoped that these colored sun- . r- I S ...... .1.1 annn ft iects orthe llriusn urown uiu o.". J .. .. 1 e 11 ::.... Pmm assimilated to-ineu leiiow cmru. i all the information which reaches us. no I... th.n from the visible probabilities of the-case, we are constrained to believe that these hopes have been laismeu. u negro has not acquired with his freedom any habits of industry or. morality, nis independence is little better than that o an uncaptured brute. Having accepted few of the restraints of civilization, he is amenable to few of its necessities ; and the wants of his nature so easily sat isfied, that at the current rate of wages he is called upon for nothing but fitful and desultory exertion. The blacks.therefore. instead of becoming intelligent husband men, have become vagrants and squatters, and it is now apprehended that with the failure of cultivationLAn. the island, will :r rs fc .,. . t -jfF ,e SQU rcea tor. in I.ntekNal iMPHoVEMEJiTi. The following are insiancet ot liberallity in work of improve menl wbicb may well engage the atteniion or our North Carolina reader : The Mitouri Legislaiure hat patted three billt chartering rail road compaiiiet, giving aid in IL hut lo one. ibe North Mitfouri Railroad Company, Slate aid it given lo the amount of two millioni ol dullurt. The Committionert of Alrshany county Pno.. have tuhcrilied ibe turn or $750,000 lo Ibe AUegbaoj Valky Kalrad. 4i 4 eaid me) would have tubtcnbed a round minion. u. $250,000 were retained lo pu.h Torward the Steuhenville rad. ; Only think of Mi a tingle eoumy, giiog tingle work. $730,000 t- Thiio, in m 8iaie which it in dehl lorly ruliiont 01 uouar, intnuj expended on similar workt. W hat but the ei perience of unqtiettloned benefitt could induce a people already to deeply in debt, and to heav ily iaxed to tubscribe tba sum ? They well know, lhat ihe new turn ihut lo be epeided will greadj enrich lbero,.and enable them the more easily to pay ofFihe debt already eiimrrg. Would lhat our people. eould tee ihe effectt every where produced in other Slatet by liber al eipendiiuret (eilravngant and watielul i' penditores ibeywere originally called,) for in lernal improvement!. If they could once tee and appreciate the increated value of lands, of the wealib and comfori l""l''V" - ' . ... ..iviJ which follow tucb worKt, iney wouiu u .r ikair lori!lnl a like liberal policy, thai tbejigtoxiyoya The Ftmr Remedy for Scalds. U will W recollected Ibal tome oHhn papcrt have had a paragraph recommending the U of wheal flour in Ihe case of scald or burns. A gentle. man at Da) ion. Ohio, taw it, and the oiher day. as he wriiet the Empire, tested it to hitaatit faction. He ays ; HiVhiU At ihe tunner table, a little child, which was teated in its moiher't lap, tuddenly grasped hold of a cupful of hot -lea, teverely scalding its lell hand and arm. - I Immediately brought a pan ol flour and plunged ibe arm in it, covering eaf eiy t ne pan tcmur t flour. The effect wnt troly remarkable 7 the pain was gone instantly. I then bandaged ihe arm'loosely. applying plenty of flour neit lo the skin, and on ibe following morning there was not the least sign lhat ihe arm had been scald ed, neither did the child suffer the least pain after the application of ihe flour." Cure for Deafness, Dumbness, and Blind. ness.n English physician has lecently ar. rived in New Odeans,. who professes to core the deaf. Ihe d.imt., and the blind, by ihe use of prossic acid. 'The following .paragraph it Co pied from ihe London Timet, as evidence of hi tuccest in England : " A number of scienlinc gentlemen astmroicu l I lor or I urnouu, of the United States with regard to the in. terferencc of the European powers in af fairs on this Continent. His despatch will convey to the statesmen of Europe the fixed determination of the American peo. pte to permit no foreign power to extend their dominions in jhis direction. Our limited space precludes the publication or this State paper entire, and we must con tent ooselves with such portions of it as we think will best convey to our renders the tone and spirit thereof. South Caro linian. , . . With regard 10 the acquisition of Cuba, Mr. Everett says: The President does not covet the acqui sition or Cuba Tor the United States. At the same time he considerflthe condition of Cuba" as mainly an American ques tion. The proposed Convention proceeds on a different principle. It assumes that the United States has no oilier or greater interest in tho question Tthan France or England ; whereas it is news sary only to cast one's eye on the map to see how remote are the relations of Europe and how intimate those of the United States with this Island." The Island of Cuba lies at our doors; it commands the approach toGulfof Mex ico, washes the shores of five of our States; it bars the entrance to that great river tvhieh drains half the North American Continent, and with its tributaries, forms the largest system of internal water com munication in the world ; 11 Keeps which at the doorway ol our intercourse with California bv the Isthmus route. If an Is land like Cuba belonging to the Spanish Crown guarded the entrance lo the Thames or the Seine.and the United States should propose a Convention like tbis to France and England, these powers would assuredly feel that the disability assumed by ourselves was far less serious than that which we asked them to assume. Mr. Everett goes on to speak of the proof tbe President has given of bis sin- 1 il . -. 1 a! t MM -tf cerity in not ocsiring too a4uiuH v. Cuba, and introduces the Crescent City Affair: No embarrasement caused by the indis cretions of the Colonial Government of Cuba ''Ti'avirmovdnurt'rfdm'ine pain or duty. In this respect the Captain General of that Island, an officer apparently of up wright and conciliatory, character, but probably more used to military command than the management of ci vil affairs, has, in a puflfctilio, in .jr.eierect.j'ihamr: 6f a prfvate steamship, who seems to have... been entirely innocent of the matters laid to his charge, refused to allow passengers and the malls of the United. States to be landed Irom a vessel having him on hoard. This certainly is a very extraordinary mode of animadverting upon a supposed hns of the libertv of the press by the subject of a foreign Government in his native country.. , - The Captain General isnot-permiUed . by his Government. 3.000 mijes off. to hold any dFplomafic intercourse with tKe Uni ted Slates. He is subject in no degree to the direction of the Spanish Minister at Washington ; and the President had to choose between a resort, to force to com ... 1 . C .utu w.tiiitnn pel trie aoanaonmeui ui "3 B,":w"r"x .. . thAt Uid Ihe golden eggs. U1"K ." ' raetedness of interest in XrSn akin ,0 that of the farmer who Stinted htslana to nau of seed necessary to prouugo . -under the expectation of saving a seed Ur-aVnt haTvr As a8 general in1 an abundant harvest, n e ality necessary to man. . . !..Ia la lL!n - . ' . - vulx. - o . ....... u ihn nnuse stroctingorcontrolhngiupopu r : t .fMaa 1 nm piiiikiiiiiiiiiilii'i im'.'v - that memorials have been signed by clas ses of colonial society hitherto standing aloof from politics, ami not only the bench end the bar. but the bishop, clergy, and ministers of all denominations in the is land withoar exception,- nave-recun. their conviction that, in absence of timely relief, the religious and educational in stitutions of the island must be abandon ed, and the masses or the population re trograde Xo barbarism." DISSATISFACTION. The Washington Correspondent of the Baltimore Sun informs us that much dis satisfaction is expressed tbat Gen. Pierce has not gone to Washington, to confer with' Senators and Representatives about the'formation of his Cabinet, and other ..:.:..! it.P Whatever dissatisfac- Ron may be felt,by partizans, we h nk the public at Urge will be pleased at the circumspection of Gen. Pierce, regard fl M. nnrnosesand of his failure to meet the expectations ...pi vague coiyecture. " 1 IVi. Commercial. t- t- J I. t.A T.(vlnr by a procest recently pitcoverru oj.. and applU'd lor the cure of dealnett and blind- nest. . , Between twenty and thirty patientt attend, ed, many of whom, it wat stated by their a rentt, bad been born deaf and dumb. I hey were eiibmitted to varront test, by-wheb it wat proved lhai their dealness had been cured by the application of Dr. Tumbuir remedies; .nd what appears mott tingular is, lhat wheih er ibe diseate depended upon paralytit of the auditory nerve, rupture of the tympanum, on ah. ttruction of the imeraal pateaget, reltel had been immediately obtained, or complete cure effected without delay, pain or inconvenience. Several patientt who represented could now tee perfectly well." lhat they .. . IJ J!..i.M.at - All OffLb. The goiu..-" vu - T v v-"- every !tWrV the Bataboor Saute county , Wmontu., Buvfr, 1 tt mrsm k m v r l 1 tu - j 1 . i . . . a - . Wfi.fwhdb norland theyitwr Two interetting linle girlt.daughtert of Dei. ... II Pprrv. of Q iintigamond village. Wor- eetter, aged respectively six and four yeart, were drowned in a niUpnd near lhehotite on Thurtday. The y6ungeT-tirt hd-evftently fallen into the water, and iheoldeal had gone in lo aave her, having taken off her thoe, and slockingt and left them onlhe bank. rbx.ae. wat one of heart rendering iniere.U AVbat add. ed ttfitf tadnes. wat th-kct that alargewatch. do who had ber n.muixled,. came rn perfectly drenched with water, having beea trying lo taVe lhecl.Tden buT rt''1,rT,1:'" n,wwn' ..,i.li.'.iii interruption of commercial Intercourse, which would result in war, and a delay of weeks and months necessary for a ne. gotiation with Mdrid.with all the chances of the most deplorable occurrences in the interval, and for atriflelhat ouhto have: admitted of a settlement by n ex chanfee of notes between Washington and the Havana. The President has, howev er, patiently submitted to these evils, and has continued faithfully to give to Cuba the advantages of those principles of the public law under which she has departed in this case from the comity nations. But the incidents to which I allude, and which are still in train, are among many others which point decisively to the expediency of some change in the relation ot Cuba, and the President thinks that the influence of France and England with Spain would h-weU emnloved ia inducing her-so to , modify the administration of the Govern menr of Cuba as to afford. the, tneani of some prompt remedy for the evils of the kind alluded to, which have done much to increase the spirit of unlawful enterprise against that Island. " Mr. Everett next proceeds to show: Th at a convention, such as is proposed, would be a transitory arrangement, sure to be swept away by the irrestible tide of affairs in a new country, as the project rests upon principles, applicable, if at all, to Europe, where international relations are. in their basis of great antiquity, slowly modified for the most part in the progress of time and events, and not applicable to America, which but lately a waste, is fill ing up with intense rapidity and adjusting on natural principles, its territorial rela tions. Then a graphic sketch of the history of the Continents of America and this Repub tic is given and I Mr. Everett says: , No person surveying these event with the eye of comprehensive statesmanship, can fail to trace in the main result the . undoubted pperatiort of the law of our po litical -existence. The consequences are befoie theiworldtJasL. provinCjFWbiclia hail languished for three cent dries, under H f '4, "I 1 I : 1 be ffeW.We'-WCtAP' S la.m:..r . . - : " . jjJ ton IVhA All VerLlBCTa WWW- T . - ' . , . 'nili-Jw a-l.XjljLz- ,..LM-Myii4'

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