ft 1.1 ... .. $1 8 1 here n ."i.-fiift lf;i-; luni rsmiot bp fM, - There re wuuU iliut tun miiy be fruJ in i'ne t!uni And thought but die eyes can unlulJ. - There's" a look ao eiprrsvite, to timid, m kind, - , So conscious, so quick to impart, Though dumb, In an instant it apeak out lha mind LaijiCii.tlia.M instsnt the hf sa,,, i -.- This eloquent ailence, this converse of sou, ' ' . In vain we attempt to suppress, w-. - Movr aromnHr appear trow the wis to eoatroi.T--;.' Mora apt tbe fond truth to express. - V" - - ' And oh, the delight In the features that shine Tb rapture the boaorn tbt meet. When, bleat with each other, Ihia convent divine, Is' mutually apokea and felt. w. m. From the Illuatraled Family Friend. THE GREEK'S RESCUE; The Dungeon of Aa pies. 1 TILE OF 1T1LI1X FElSECrriOS. I bappoened be residing at Naples during In reaction anifljiroscriptions which succeeded the return of Ferdinand alter lb revolutionary crisis ol 1769. Many of the victims were de. ounced by the priest as much fur ibeir sua peeled heresy a their treasonable practice. Father Don Alvex was particularly active in this pious work." He was a younger mem ber e a Castilian home, and bad been bred in the strictest diaripliue of llie Jesuits. He bad spent bis life in penances and intiigues, the former, I presume, to give him keener relish for ibf latter, and the latter to compensate for the tedium ot the former. At the time I knew him, be was past the middle age ; his features were already wrinkled with years, but marked by that haugbly and cruel eipression so apt to be produced by ibe indulgence ol arbitrary power. He had rnme tu Naples with high re commendations lo the com I, to assist in purg Ing tbe city l tbe disaffected. His diligenre .in this pursuit waa truly beyond all parallel. I am yet unable to conceive by what process be became so minutely converanl with the prevj eus history of such an immense numtier of per ons in so short in time.' His information was ever at fault, and bis measure very rarely .. thwarted by miscalculation either in design or eiecuiioo. A soon as be bad made bitnaell matter of a suspected person, be did not at once art upon hi evidence to bring about an instant infliction of puniahmeui, but used to give the prisoner tbe benefit of a dogmatical eiposition of what be called " the salvation of tbe holy church." It this bad the desired effect, alter a litlt longer confinement, the captive was lib rated on his good behavior. But if the here. Jie perset ered. jn hii rejection ol t he prescribed C recess, he was lorlbwith handed over to the eadsman. Ill society in whirh I moved made me ae. qualntnd with Father Dw Alrit. -1 Was tbetv irouog and load ol adventure, and very natural y Conceived a strong desire bl visiting, with kirn, some of the unlorlunates whom the police were constantly arresting- by his orders. By practising some Cfrorteous a9idottiei Ss well a little flattery, I ingratiated myself with him, and obtained per mint iun to accompany him on hi dismal visits ..to the prison. After vi.ii ing one or two cr lla, in which we found inmates quite willing to believe, anything tad everything which my guide thought proper lo propound, we entered a narrow dismal bole Surrounded by wall down which the damp trickled almost in a stream, end with be floor composediof granite o uneven sui face and harp edfls. The torch carried by our attend ant discovered a bundle of straw it the corner farthest from the door, and resting upon it a joung girt Don Alvex motioned the jailor to Withdraw. The creaking of lh hinge disturbs jdt th prisoner. She started from her recum bnr posture, but her eye had been too long at' customed to darkness to endure the glare ol the torchlight. She arranged her disordered hair nd clothing as fast and completely a she could, and wbeu at length she ventured to scrutinize Iter visi'or ; I marked th deep crimson that toflused her lace and neck. I bad been accustomed to behold the eie.ee ding beauty of tbe women of Spain and Italy, but wheal saw this unfortunate captive, J leli at one that I bad netr met with any one who loveliness was so peilect. When I say I hat hi was i see k and W i over y li near mcnt th impress of her clime and nation, I red not attempt a decripiitn Don Alvex bad told me, previous lo entering th cell, thai it contained a heretic who had been some lime under confinement, and appear d resolved lo reject every chance of aalva- Ivua ' lhis. be added, v is the last oppor Unity of repentance I shall give her." .' Thea words still echoed in my ears as 1 contemplated tbe stern front ol the Jesuit, and the pensive innocence of the Greek maiden. Perverse child I' commenced Don Aire 94. I bate once more come to offer thee iibertyv and the favor of the Virgin, it tbou wilt em Itrstee tbe bc4y fart b.4 "Adeta so the jailor had wh upereSm The was called bad now rat down on her coarse bee), and, with her hands folded on ber bosom, eerned prepared for any calamity which might await her; She returned no answer to the priest's observation. - . Whal T coutinued he ; ' dosl thou treat wilh contempt the servant of the church! Mark - pervreo lafideT. Thy fate t in thr own hands. Thy death, 1 swear by all ihe bl aaiaia, shall be the penalty if thou persiatest in thy SMibeliel ; but if thou w ilt listen to the truth, hair en thy head shall be injured. How " eayesl thmsf Canst thou endure death ; or wilt thoss live!' : , ilaat heedless 4 itij ftV iflied Adelail ia a lona or meianehoiy which pierce my heart. 4 Still, not heedless." she added, with anima- Iron, s go long a I know not , the falv,, of Con rad.; Tell me, priest, I conjure thee, is be iti ' lh power f . Why i the fate of that young man so dear ! thee,' replied Don ALvez, "that it is prefer ted to tbine own ealvationT Adela met the look of the Jesuit with a calm and penetrating glance. 'V a ;-,- Thoo snayest be leaned in thy faith, she ' aaid, 'but thou art a novice Aere 4aying her hand upon her heart if thou knowe Unot that 1 w aveman'i lorr,: tn-Tdfqtrfng"opon '"ibaobjecr," lorgeta all ather inleeen. - . . 'Then Is it sinful, and deserve nertitlion.' ;7"rpnedlBe "pnesU ' " ' LJ. rTaa iii ImpotUe that-lean be savwl,' I . quietly rejpined tbe tooiy (ireek. .V.i i f II .,.:.-.it Vi I i 1 It . - . i -1 . f L..n)'j'. . ... v 1 ii sole itt heretic !' replied my companion : ' I will lor the Iat time inquire, dost thou re fuse the mercy of the chmch T' ' - Do I refuse the liierey of the church 1 said Adela. 7 Why, wretch, dual thou call these bolt and bars, Ibis dungeon, this daiknass, my Jong lihpii6hment, ni)t w"aled"teM1Th,iiif Vof't lured mtkd, my almost broken Heart dost inou call these, mercy? 1 kuow not what is meant by th churchy aqd I Cat not r I oVeplif and reject both it and thee. You dragged tno btta r because I worshipped according lo lha cue turns of my fathers and my nation and you would have dragged hither also another being for th e rame oflence one w howas loo noble, loo generous, all loo worthy lo commit the smallest wrong. )ul he has escaped thank Heaven, he has escaped. Ob .Conrad I' she ei cluimed, clasping ber bands; ' wbo shall love thee when Adela is gone?' For a short I line sob confuted her beatitiloi form she aoon recovered, and then added, with an emphasis I .h-lt fr.i I A. it-- ,ti. ... - - . .. . . .... "J .... J, and thy church; 1 cannot believe that truth is allied with cruelty, or thil Heaven has given you., auihoiy to destroy its own creatures." t know 'not who is your God, but I leel that the great and good Intelligence who rules the world will not punish me for serving him as I have been taught, for believing as my simple teason dictatea, and, above all, (or rejecting your creed, ao full of cruelly, bloodshed, and nppresaion. Leave me now ; in an bour I will be ready lo do your bidding.' " Enough 1' aaid Don Alvex sternly, and mov. ed toward tbe door. I look advantage of his position lo whisper to Adela. Do not hope loo much, buj I will be your friend.' Her large daik eyes spoke a gratitude which I am con. (Idem I aha II never again receive from any hu man bring. The jailor listened the heavy door, and I (ol lowed Don Alvrz, who wan battening from jhe building. When ( overlook him, 1 inquired his resolution aslu the fa'.e of his young (Jraek. 'She dies to inoiriuw, at noon,' wa the la conic reply. - It wa then near evening;"''- He " was ai firt very unwilling lo answer any question concern. ing' ber, hut, liy dint of rloe ujiplicalion, I el. traded as much iuieliigence as put ma on a track by which I at length discovered Conrad. I have hot ability to describe that gallant youth. There, was the geuuine AlUe aiampon hiscba. racier and frame. He entered eagerly into my plan of rescue : it was sufliriently perilou. hui ibal lo him was a recommendation rather than olherwiae. Tbe design was lo bribe the jailor to connive a our admission to Adela's celt, and the to bring ber away wkb4is. and tijibl a paasage through all opuosiiion. . A liieudly v-ugRxciyiw wn wa in oay won bis skid, at a uoiuf from which, fortuiialelv, the i " . .. .i prison war not far distant. " With some- diftl culiy I obtained an interview with the jailor, and for one hundred piasters received hi pro mise to admit us. "Tie was as good as his w..rd. We found Adela in a calm slumber. Pet baps she dream ed of Conrad, for the moment he atepped to ward the couch, she sprang into his arms with out a moment's doubt that it was- any one but him. She willingly tesigned herself toour di. reclion. When we bad emerged (rum the cell, we gained tbe outer gate befure it was disco v. ered thai we had with us lbs condemned cap 'iT fir,r ntf ecohd assailants were laid al Conrad's feel by alabs from bis rapier. We were now in the street, fleing fur our lives Conrad tirt, with Adela on hie reh arm. 1 defended ihe retreat. The late ol two men had a salutary effect in chei king , the temerity of their companions. After some hard blow bad been given and received, we g tined the beacb. The fishermen, placed AdeU in tbe boat, while 1 and Conrad stood at bay and repulsed our pursuers. 1 think another life waa sacrificed:' in tba scuffle. " The case was now desperate, for the number of our enemies increased every moment; 'Wf thfavir tVaIveinalkrilbe lMa, and the first stroke shot u into deep water. A volley ol diuaket balls whizzed over our bead without doing us any damage. The night was dark, and were rowing with our utmost airengtb, two thing which every moment diminished our danger. I cannot rett why rid a'Tempi at a cbaae was made, but so it happened that all our obstacles were at an end when we left Ihe shore. Before daybreak, we reached a cotiiralian ,l; , a- j 1 ; dist tAfhe ffing ; aiid when the sua shoo rulltustre on the city of Naples, we wero many league disiani down tbe Mediterranean My pail of the adventure of course eiiled me from the Neepolhan metropolis lor a time. As Ihe excitement of the crisis died away, Father Don Alvez found more difficulty in procuring victims. II is zeal could not be satisfied with a solitary delinquent or Iwo ; so be retired lo Rome in a piqon at the aversion of the Neapo litans to undergo martyrdom. When he was gone, 1 had less difnVuliy in negotiating an in demnity. I was attached to the locality, or I should not have, troubled mysell le wtusne-liu - - - nose I regard Naples ae the scene of ihe action o.Lt.1. ... 1 ..r i- , JV-K.VJ..l!.V,.!!m-Jl.iJlteJ,..JUBava ttlUSX OC- I caio to look back opon with- pleaaure. Tmk Death of Isfantj. Those wbo never oel a child, are unable l understand how great a void the death of a little one can make. There if, we think, nothing on earth thai can cast so long ami wide and hl-k a shadow as a small coftio. It is emphatically the shadow of death "whfch freezer the parent's heart. " small as is an' infant loinli, it aometimes i capacioua enough to bold all the brightest hope and dearest joyt f a whole family circle. - The little child is often the bright focus where all ihe raya of gladness in a household ceoire, and from which ihey are reflected airaih over hamYv earts ; and when this central light is eclipsed great darkness full upon all. How many there must be in heaven, gather. eo up Irom all climes, even from heathen shores, who have died so young as to retain-no memo ry of earth, and to whom thai world of glory see me as their nadve land ; whose souls were washed and regenerated ao early, that no eisio of this world was ever visible upon them. Whatever wound of sin there miy-hare been, has healed without a acar ; their every thought has' been moulded by the society and .scenery nf heaven, and they stand continually befoe fbe face vl the Father, In how large a sense we may aa j, 6f Such Ulhe RrngiTomol" n"e"aenT jCapl. Cavnelraa Vantlertiilt. nf New Yotk, haa suhloul. h4 entire rt)(hl ukihe.. Pcificiitte 'if steawer. - H receded ooe "iniTlion iwo hundred thousand dollars iu cash for it. 1 MrBROVJUc? SON, Art now receiving their Fall and Winter - GOODS, p Comprising a large assortment of - 1 8tapte and Fancy Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Hal. Bonnis, Capa, and Shoe, Sugar, CdlTre.Tea. Cbeeae, MolaMC. &.C.' Tira Iron, l in., li in., li in. and 9 inch. Baud, round, aqua re and horse eboe Iron 4. Steel, Drlph, China, and la" Ware, Window Glaaa, assorted aise, , Blaatinc and Rifle Powder, an J Safety Fuae, together wjih a grt. varietyLof other Uood. which f ' leir former sfoek. wilt ewnpeee with U" marten ana wm newta on lerm tor ea or on time at equally as low price. We invite ear cualomer and the puti'ie to give a a call. Saliabury. Nov. 1. tW5-J. 27tf ri"lHE aubucriber haa jast received a nplentid) awort J. ment of Clotlli. CuMllllre. At Vt InX1, of every hue and color, which cim jjeqiill--ed thi market. J. A. WEIRM AN. Tailor, No. 68, Cnwan'a Brick Rowe, Kalinbory, N. C Dec. 2. 1832. 230 R. M. ORBTITiTs, Fsrwardlag aad. CeataiUiilea lerchaat, FtyrlleviU, JV. C. January 30; 1831. f3P Jast receired a fresh scpplj of . TOMB STONES. TUE subscriber would restiectt'tilly inform the citi aena of Saliahury and the aurroundinir coomry , that he haa opened a .TInrblo CtablohsllHt in Snlisbury, whirh may be found at hn residence, on Market street, whfre he ia prepared lo furnish Grave Stone of Marble labs fancy upright atone on pedes tal, omb, mnnomefltir, etc., at a very ntatt profit. l Enemrin? done neatly at Northern price. Hiving 1 made the necessary arrangement, the subscriber can, at a abort notice, fill any order from five dollars to $500. No pain will tie snared lo give entire satisfaction. Old Tomb loneareatored lo their primitive w.hiteness. (5EORUE VOGLKK. Sslisbury, Nov. 93, lt52. Enoourage Home Industry BY PATRONIZINO TOE MACHINE SIIOP AXD FOUNDRY, Of Stafford, Clark Ol Dixon MANUFACTURERS of all sizesofHorse Powers nd Threahiirg iWaichine,-floth portable and stationary,) Straw-Cutler of varion pntierna. Wheat Fan. Mill , ami Faoiorv Gear. Saw and tirisr Mill Irons, Bark Mills, Wool Carding Machinea, Edge i . a . m- . ... Tool, Ac , &.e. Address, Snow Camp, Alamance county. N C. October 20. Ii2. Uwpditi Statcftvllle; N. C. THE Subac'iber having porchaaed this KstbTif ment, which i pleasantly situated inrmediaretyon the Northwest cornet of the public q nitre, and haa at tached to it a number of eonveuient offioea for the ae eomrnodalion of legal pentlemen and other, will give hi undivided attention to Ihe interests of the House, and apaWt.no palitf .to tender eoftttfrtlable U who may. favor him with a call. The house tra nnde rgone sogm repair, which add lo the comfort of familiea. The aervants shall be fhillifiil and honest. Drovers may find good lots and plenty of grnln al reasonable prices, 'all and give ma a trial. Thankful for past favor, and hope for a continuance of the same. 4. W. B. (3 U ANT. Statemille. Mat 13. 1852. Typ2 CATAWBA V. STIREWALT, HAVING purchased this beautiful Summer retreat takea pleasure in informing hia friends and the public, in general, that he is making every tteetasarj improvement for the convenienec and comfort of those who niy repair to those Valuable Springs in search of pleaaure or health. ----- Arrangementa are in progress, and, if practicable ihe water will soon be brought into the house bv hv- araano nmcoiiK-rf ; convenient naming nouses are ne- - .. ... nistied with all that will contribute M the enjoyment of the occupants ; and the spacious premises are bring or namented in varinua ways. In short, the proprietor is determined to render the Catawba Springs a place of real enjoyment, to those who may patronage him : and he asaurea the public thai every possible effort ahall be maife 10 secure the favor of those who call upon him. Lr Travellers who stop at Catawba Springs, will find the. very best of entertainment ; aad to all, the hargea will be aa low as the provision markets will al low. Catawba Springs, March 3, 1852. tf 5 LEATHER BANDS. r 1 1IE "s'uliserffifT has' put np machinery for stretch . T. . . . ri- inn iemenlinir snil rii-Mitnif lunH. wilh sir,r nyeia,;i he ban't are stretched with powerful ma- chines, made xpressly inf-ff)9rltrtA n-,iM'' culty or banda stretching, and ripping under the com mon way of making them, ia entirely removed by this procew. Band made in this way will hold their widih evenly, run true, and have a uniform bearing on the drum or pulley, and will give from 15 to .20 per cent, more power than those mnde In the ordinary way. They are made ut of ihe best selected oak tanned Spaniahed Leather, and no paina will be apared in make them equal to the beat Northern bands, and will be ui4 a-low n they can be brouahl io New V-wk, Banda will be kept for sale by J. G. Cuirns, at the Saliabury Factory. CHAS. M. LINES. HuntV 8tore P. O., Ooilford co , N. C. ' July 8. 1852. ,', p.llylO Plank Road Notice. A GENERAL MEETING of re Stoekheddetsot the Salisbary and Taylorsville Plank Road Com pany will he held in the Court House at Salisbury, on Wednesday the 0th of February next. By order ot the Board of Directors. r . L. BLACKMER, President. Salisbury, Jan. 1, 1853. 5w35 $100 .REWARD 1" ANAWAY during the month of September laat, a a. ' from the blantaliofl of lite Isie Mrs. Martha Cun ningham, in Lancaster District, South Carolina, a ne gro man llamed JIJI, aaid-netro about 40 years of age, a mulatto, about 5 teet b or 10 inches high, stoop ,slinuldred,anU.lciokAdown wbca.pokea.to.Aa ua-. picion real upon bun as being 4i plica led in the mur der of Mrs, Cunningham, he haa no-.loubt absconded tram- tea of the cerMequencesrI wiH pay the- above jet htm. UTZZ.iLL- h"mr reward, if delivered st any jail sn thnt I can get b - nxruir sxnvrM kitvtl let . ,y - ' 'Adm'f. eslal ei tale Mta. Cunntnahami VILLttS HOTEL; HOTEL. 1 ec. 32, 1853, . . 6w34 and '....... w ,., i- "',.;.; I ....!.--, I.nme. liens, Aiilctioii ol tlie fjine, tcinale Wcakm, lie. No lemule, suliject to pain or weakness i" the back or Siiles, should be without it. Married ladie, in deli cate situations, find great relief from eonstantly west ing this Plaier. . """T"7 "'- The application or the Plaster between ihe ahoulders ha been iound a certain remedy for Colds, Coughs, Fhf h1tcrnd Ancfn of th Lungs in therrptimery stsge., It destroys indamatioa by prescription. Th following eominendation is from an agent re- J siding ?t TrentonTenneeaee : ' . r;,..,,-.J.,,-1. : I itirrow, Vinson ua.' 1 eon., nw. r, ,w---Meaar. ScotilA. MrD-4Jentlemen: The Hebrew Plaster ie becoming popular in this section, ; There is a lady in this county who says she would not be with out tbte PUsterfor five-hundred dollars a year, ' She wa afflicted for some time with ae enlargement of tbe apleen, which gave ber a great deal of pain. The swel ling and pain bad extended op nearly to Ihe armpit, and occasionally she could scarcely breathe. She wa confined for a considerable lime, during which she was attended by some of our best physician, hut they gave her no relief. She procured a box of trie Hebrew Plaa ler, and it relieved ber almost immediately, and oo aha 4ps a aupply of .it on hantl.oncsiani'j! These he! yo are at liberty to ase as yea. think proper they are subatantially true. Respectfully yours, die, JESSE J. WELLS. D" Re ware of Counterfeit and Base iinitaliona! CAOrtuttarThe aubucriber ate the only general agents in Ihe Southern State for-the sale of ihia truly valuable Plaster and, in order to prevent purchasera being imposed on by a counterfeit article, sold in this city and elsewhere, for tbe geuuine, tbey invite particu lar atteH?n to the following marks of ihe genuine ; 1 The genuine ia put up in smooth, engine-turned bottom boxes, soldered in. 9. The genuine has the engraved bead of Jew Da vid on tbe direction around the box, with accompany ing record of coart lo K.Taylor, Rochester. ALSO TAKE NOTICE. That the genuine has the signatare of K. TAYLOR on the eteel plate engraved label, on the top of each box to imitate which, will be prosecuted aa forgery: The Counterfeit is coarsely pot ap, in imitation nf the old label a, and is sold by several dealera in mrdi cine.in ibis city for the genaine article. BEWARE OF IT IT IS WORTHLESS. SCOVILlt MEAL), 113 Chanrea at., N. Orleans, Only Agents for the Southern States, to whom all or ders and applications for agenciea must invariably be addressed. . THE Genuine i for sale only by the following au thorized sgent in North Carolina : Salisbury, W. Murphy dr. Co. ; Concord, Murphy tt Black i C harlot le. Edward Sill; Slalesville, Morrison, Carlton a; Co.; Newton, (J. B. Uailher &. Co. ; Lin enlnton, B. S. Johnston ; Shelby, A. R. tlomesley ; Dallas, C. Sl J, Froneberger ; Rulherfordlon, J. W. Calloway ; Hehdersooville, D. B. & A. Miller; Ashe ville, Smith &. McDowell. Sept. 16 1852. 4m20 Embroidered Cambric uaDdkerehiete October 14. 1852. EM YF.RS, have just received a lot of Ernbroid- ered Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, which be I selling off rapidly at 6-.' J cents 24 E. MYERS,, Red Fag. 8. R. FOUI). WlLMINtlTON, w. c. DEaLF.E LI HAtBLE M0t MCXTS HEAD 1VD Foot Stone ; paint Stones ; ImjiosiDg da.,nd in short, any article called forof eitier Italian, E?yptian or Imfrifan Marble : . and work warranted 10 please or no sale; and if dam aged before delivery , it ia at hisexpense. Order for any ol the a hove enumerated article left lib the Editors of the Watchman, wilt be attended 10 with dispatch. 1 ' Nov. 9, 1849 29tf CREESB9R0Ur,n ' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. THE cost offnsurance on the mutual plan ia but a small sum, compared with a joint srock company f Thia company being located in the Western part o. the Stole, consequently much the larger portion of the risks are in the West;-very many of which are in the .eoon-tryi- - The Company is entirely free from debt"; have made no assessments, sttd.havr a very large amount in cash and good bonds, and ta therefore confidently recom mended to the public. Al the last Annual Meeting the following Officers were erected for the ensuing year : JaxKi Si.oix, President. S. (i. Corn. Vice Pres'rdent. -C. P. MEStnENRALi., Attorney. - Pkttb Ad, Hecrelary and Trenrer. " -Wnxrta it-: CnmrJto; tlenerat Ageiif. ' . DIRECTORS,, Jamea Sloan, J A. Mebane. C P. Mf nderjhall, W, S. Rankin. Rev C. f. Deems. J. M. Garrett, Dr. D. P. Weir, W. J. McConnel, of (ireenUwro ; Dr. S. G. Coffin, J. W. Field. Jamestown ; K. Kllioii, Cuil&wd , W. A. Wright, Wilmington ; Dr. C. Watkins. Carolina- Female College ; John I. Shaver, Salisbury ; Jno. H. Cook. FayelleviMe ; E. F. Lilly, Wadesboro1 ; J. J. Biggs, Raleigh j Leroy Springs, Charlotte ; J. J.Jack adn, Pittsboro'; H. B Elliot. Cedar Fall. PETER ADAMS, Secretary. Dec. 2, 1859. tf30 Paper, Paper. Paper. aTHE subscriber having been appointed agent for hsToth pany, Lincoln county, is prepared to famish all kinda of Paper a' the Factory prices. "" " E. MYERS, Salisbury, Nov. 25, 1852 30. Red Flag, Valuable Landi for SaIe--4 or 5 Tracts. I HAVE several small but valuable plantations ; on the watera of Hunting Creek, in Iredell county, which I will sell en good terms'. There is water pow er oh one of these tracts sufficient for any purpose. Any one wishing either lo purchase il or to invest csn- ttal ss a partner in the ereeiioa of a Factory, or machi- J nery 01 any description upon it, will give me a call soon. These lands are all within one dav's travel of the Great Central Rail Jload, in a healthy section of j 'tsMMf, , ... . '- The above named water location is joining the . Ea gle Mills Manufacturing Company, and thia nlace Ts now called Sooth Troy ; and there.il a. Cur prospect 1 for Rait Roffd pf sr1lankr Rerfr t reri-w- Ese4 aiilt and South Troy, or near there, leading via Mocksville. Hamptonville and Wilkesborough, on to wards Virginia ami the mountaina ; when done, the rich provisiona of those rich valleys will flow to Salia bury, and thua enrich Ihe Great Central Rail Road Then there will be a chance" to apeedall kinds of man ufuclured good to a ready Market. Come and help me build Paper Mills, Brass and Iron Foundrlea, Wool ""7 ""!( eisc you piease. we can coin- ...... .u uuiiu nan una a 10 r-ansoary and then ta the mountains, we can make the Iron here, either the T or U, Iroa. and we can also build the Car and Lo comotives at Eagle Milla or Soulh Troy, go let u look into tnia mailer for our" own advancement, and the credit of the State. ...... - to ' ANDREW BAGGARLY. N. B. The eitttena of North Carolina, South Car olina and Virginia, are tquested to consider ihe shove. A B Esgle Mills, Iredell co., N.C., Slept. SO, 1852-2 It HENRIETTA LINE OP Steam and Freight Boats, ARE all in eieellent order for business. Oar Tow Boats have been recently repaired and made good aa new. We have also added a neap Flat for low wa ter, and well adapted to the service. She will carry 700 bhls. merchandise, aad draw only SO inches witter. Thoee fsvOring-aatwith their patronape. mavenet aa prompt and cheap service in everv narticulsr .. .n. other Line can efler. .. G. DEMtNC. Prea'l -A .S AaAPXrAen.i.Svnr.nf;. Fsfetteville,'Dec.21. 1850. S8if- JC' "Dr. Bason," Dentist, "flf jTlf T T -ttepTeaadra-iaasIy that Belsne-w i Tr 1 ' Satifburt, ready le attend-to the lni.i( tn- ( kit prolVwton intie 1 !'J duy prolit. . ,, . , . , . O- The Booka published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and command large sales wbetever ihey are olfored. . . for further particulars, address . postage paid ) PANIELs at ublZ, ' - Successor to W. A. Leary &. Co., rrfoTT3o"Nor Fall sSfc,Winter Trade, at THS SIGN OF THE ItpB FLAG, Salisbury. Oct. I it, .1852. THE subscriber hsving myt with some disappoint ment In receiving hi goods, owing lo detention on the Soulh Carolina Railroad, lake thia method of informing his friends snd the public generally, that he A large and beautiful Stock SUITABLE FOR THE FILL i wwm TRADE, which, when opened, will comprise the most . Attractive Assortment he baa yet offered, among which are , Plata aad Igsred Dress Silks, sf the newest styles; Extra rich tie Lalas, aad Caahaieres smIIb 4e Ulas at li rU. per yard English, Frearh. aad Ceraiaa kTeriaees; Bsatkazlsrs, jtlparcas, asd Caatea Cleths $ Frearh, Englbh aad iaerlraa Prints ; Llaea f aatkrir a Ut Uaadk'Jk, freas 1 J cts. te lit Eashreldered Sleeves, Cellars, Caff and Capes; earning; Cellars, CsITi sad Sleeves ; Swiss and Caabrlc Triadngs, Bssds aad rieaarlags ; Thread aad Bebia bares, Edgings and lnrtlags ; Rich Beaaet and Xetk Ribaeas. silk and cotton (lose. Kid (jlove, long and abort, 'Mohair Mitts,. Cloths, Cauimeres, Vesting, Table Daipaak. Napkins, Towells, Dnmask Table Cloths, Sheetings, bong Cloths, Jr.c. Slc. Also, .4 Sjtlfnilid Ijot of READY MADE CLOTHING, all of which will be sold at unusually low prices, st the sign of the RED FLAG. MYERS. 22 Sept- 3041852. COWANS VEGETABLE LITJIONTIilPTIC, OB FRIEND OF THE HUMAN FAMILY, SCrrERtNii FROM ' DISEASED KIDNEYS. SUmc ia the llluddfr and Kidnryss Weakness of (he Loin, dfc Thi invaluable medicine ia for sale at the Davie Ho tel, in Mocksville ; at Dr. R. Campbell's, in Iredell ; sl the Drug Store, in Charlotte ; and at the Carolin Watchman Office, In Salisbury. The aubscriber is General Agent for the. sale of the above Medicine, in ibis Stale, of whom any quantity may be obtained by addrei-sing him at Salisbury, N. C. or calling at hia house, 10 miles West of this place. F- D. AUSTIN July 15, 1859. .,..,,,: 1 1 tf , ,.. HESII AND CHOICE yrocK of NEW GOODS. Maxwell & Horah, Are receiring and opening tfirir stuck of Pall and Winter Hoods. juat purchased in New York and Philadelphia at re duced prices, which will enable tlirm to sell remarka bly low. consisting ol the usual variety of Foreign. Do mestic, and Ladiea' Fancy 1 oj au',ia 'w W COOKIXG .8TQI HlIDwilE ASD fXTLEIlT HATS. BOySETS. BOOTS A XI) SHOES. VIIIW, GLASS AXD CROCKERY WARE; STA TIONER Y ami FANC YA II TICLES; GROCERIES ? Cheap MO alt -of which- they '-'anticir the attention and patronage of the public, and pledge themselves to use every effort in merit it. Small Profits and Quick Re turn Will be their motto. Selisbnry. October 7. 1852. 2tf . X0(TT. . S. PARKER, TT A VINH pemrientlyica!ed in Alot-kavrrie.iifleri Xi his professional services to the puhlic. Can be found at the Davie Hotel. Oincejust opposite the Hole in Brick-house. June 10,1852. tfff. More Fine Buggies, ROCK A WAYS. AND IllOX AXLE .CARRYALLS of the best quality. Just finished, and for aale cheap very cheap. Call and see. J. S. JOHNSTON. Salisbury, August 26, 1852. 17tf MARTIN & BRYAN, - MTdDBS - - And General CoimissIoirMert Itant" Xo. 3, Boyce Sf Co.'i Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. T. C. WORTH, COMMISSION rORWARDINO -MERC W11IISCT05, SOaTfl CAEOLOA. JtJLT 29 1853." . . lypdl3 - A L.L. persons indebted io the Isle tirm of. Joseph F. XW. Chambers ! Co., are hereby noiifted lo come for ward and mke payment between this date and tbe 1st Jsnoary neit. The business must be closed, and fur ther delay cannot he allowed. ' JAMES C. CALDWELL. Agent' November 25, 1852. if3o LADIES M0URNIXG DRESS GOODS. Salisbury. Oct. 14. 1852. Til HE subscriber Is how opening a splendid Lot of A Ladle nonfiling Drr7;0od, con sist of CANTON CLOTHS, BOMBAZINES, ALPACAS, and PE LANES, which he ia offering at f thr abtrerrtteSCfrpridrl, would do weH to call soon at V f 77k! Sign of ihe Red Pag. ,04 ' E: MYERS. Blanks bCevcry descriptron for sale IWGOODfOn t tuul ura,rrs. Kruiiiriim d.,,,. : . """'tt ... .. '"".Ol Ol, X ,,,rt . on Boon nonce. . uuiie. All kinds of country produce ml j hide., mken in change fa, 7 Cash will be paid for BEEF CATTLE -AjmM3t852:: MOCKS Davlf fnnntv Val.V . vw.a Lit,.... w n m n . r a iud u',ur'8naoaingpurci,fd11.,i " X ed Hotel, (lately the pVnyTf R fT? woald inform the Public, that he is 1 'S extend a welcome to tbe m..iu j '"fNi accommodate his guests in a manner tttth i lord in thia section of . North Camti.. iJ ,n'uf will be apared 10 render all who m.. 'r.'. ," their patronage happy and iaiisfi,H t;fJ"" i their" ease in hiS Inn.' rhe 1,t. H. K. May 4, 185?: lyl A16T1S iraw pall & wiimi" GOODS Ml 1852 A one ol the largest and most TT1 F.ll .nd Winter Goods ever oflerei I! Tt A ivm astJ ... . DRY GOODS, Hardware, Crockery. W. Shoet. Holt lieaaij maae Wolhtng. ISrunel, thrtt M and Inirrilin C.nri,i1tt,r,t . , Coffee, Uuif and Biown Sugars. Ra. fU,, If.J..... 1) ""'"si, v,K"ri '"-""" "utigy i irt, HuHd en. Horse Mat Iran. iY(,. Surimgt fAA, Carriage Trtmmihgs: (n lrst iWm ismner, mine ismi. Xprrm and oiheA niiuicm, sanKKiHsTHtia Stone, Son w.i. ?i.i t- 1 '-f?i,.fc. ..1. .r 1 CTfw uniiuv'tnirs. J , Xii fill,. Hut mnA r BLASTiSG rowur.n, mnnu,, ,,, r CLOVER ASD GRASS SEED. W,niU q osuoirry , pmcRsmiin J.oois C4.C. ic - We invite ail who visit this place to bur Cki iv mirtalt or art nil. to give us s csll helore Urm, J W- k... .A -.1.1 u . . 1 - inn .wHiro uir i.,rn oi-iriu, aim wi,t blirr gini er inducements to ciikIi buyers tbau ha, ever brrns (ered in Western North Carolina. Our 111011, J pronts ami qmca s-ites CMIAMHKRSdt CALDWELL Salisbury, Oct 7, 1.VX tf 23 FALL AND WINTEB lillllllY II. II. UEAKI) k SON. Fashionable Tailors and fiothitrs, TT AVE juat received a most aupurh .loci al $A MlM. and Wmtn If early Tiade tlelblai Clsslhs fc.,towit: A general assuririMTM olUwr. coala. Dress and r rock Coats, Tartis and ru K. a beautiful assortment of Bovs snd Children's Clothiaj Gebl'a Dressing Gowns, Heavy Rouble Ortwitti Jbunrf I sills and V ests-; hnf --ShTrnr, Cn'nr mi) Cn vats; Suspenders, Drawers, lie ; und Poicket Hind kerchiefs of a superior quality, and alnioniWrfsiw'i article belonging to a Clothing Mori1 ; Kignher with superior lot of Cloth, Cassimcres, Vesting Oye rtoat in?;s, &c, which they will sell as cheap as can-he Wrhriit mil Southern market, and will he made up to order, 'm superior style, sod with the best trimming the Nwth em markets caotd afl'jrd . Tbey have . alio trawl their Fftll lllld Wllilcr Fnohioiia M 1959 and '55 ond are. ready lb put ork the la jest fasliions, ... Taylors' Shears, Points, Thimbles arid Needles.kepl for sale. - The undersigned reepectfiilly invite iheir fitendsafcl -the public lo call and examine their "K-k V II II HEARD. JAMLtf II BEARD. Sept. 16, 1852. S2i( wis PLANK ROAD. A T a meeting of the Directors of the SalitboryinJ rl Taylorsville Plank Riind CompanT. tiettlii" -hemni -StoTr,pewhW'4th;'1rawiBrtriW Treasurer charge interest on all iiistalrpmeawaa 1 arrears, unless paid within thirty d.iys Iroia this dan and that the Treasurer charge interest on il insiai menta which mav he called lor hereafter, it said ib. ments remain unpaid moje than thirty days. . It wasfurther ordered, thnt the Trewtrer bt .te H ef to make collections .of back insialmenis remaiolfl unpaid, in accordance with the provisions uf tat Ctd pany a Charter. L. BLACKMER. Prtil Salisbury. Srpt. 24. 1852. tfi WHOLESALK CL0THIX1 5. Hopkins & Fairchild, RUTIIOIt KEEP CONSTANTLY OS HASP i UP ASSORTMENT OF READY MADS of all qualities, to which ihey invite the aireanss dealers. May 20. 1852. i)E IjAINS, DKLArNS- EMYERS,JaS:juslj:eceived bj l'f7lJ . from New York , a small lot of rich, lir.'n De Laina ; aleo, another lot of Velvet R;bboo. forget the aign of the Red Hag. ,,rr LAND FOR SALE fTlUE undersigned offers for sale a leaWeTt -..1 - ' :"-y,--"f :t"-l-A.--rir-VtffttijTffmWVtt lying lour mnes ouum . . i Tnirl e1! Charlotte and new road to Concord. 1 1 tains an - - .k) .. l- l . -r.i. --..-A li ue I tnnbered, ai a r r ra 71 ,i 1 B ml p it ri . 1 wnicil "rr urii tn-niTu. several eligible location for building. yftm. -' aVvj BB . . . nf Fourth Cr"1 Another 3 raciauuatea on tnc .- .wfi efeJ . . -,w-u aii;ct.,.W .contsitHS? .1 Thi. tract is well watered and impm-ved, aaV'W 1 J a eood dwelling house and all necessary "" The land is generally eood. Any pr, purchase either of these tracts enn owm n .s u oain and accommodating terms. I n yJ viewed by calling on the subscriber, wttu ' aore in ahowing thetn, DAVID WATSC August 3, 1852, if 14 -? Mantillas, Mantillas- -- - - " Jf i- i - 1 ClRrt ' " ' THE subscriber have J'"' r'r'r VT1LIJS, " " AND WATERED SILK mVU ed and wadded," which he is otlVr.ng at a. JUL. CUa-a ai.k- RfA fUiA j. ?i ,mi 4 if s T ifliJ- III IK A 1 1 f n...i.. il,. IfatfmSB Mm X -' AT TllIS OFFICE: H ' "1 'Jk W leM , " s ilr tfSNWA StWi ivaS i, nt- Ksaiwti -.. w a - .