MOUlitOIUtUPTlON. ':7 "TiJer stand how the people of V rk MO lot day tolerate the corruption 'Vih Pl"'r o( ,hal "P"'1 ',nl,u,e lo rlblic itrJMZtur which w T'ast ,ek' ' 0,,e "P ,Lal J,iuK tfZ, bad inierlerred lo suspend, il not 16 pr. Hi tm ginl " rpwdie who lately Jj7, ja upon a cnmmiiie meeting in Tam. Halt, anil beat rnembera of the com- '... Lillinn manm nf litem. Thar nr. Cjudi. rowdies", r ill ?!l(oco, ib' Judg b rowdie belong. ?ti,(n faction of the party. and ibe coinrail. "fwoiher. Th rowdiet had been tried il,. .another court and couvu-ied. knd before nearly - , , . r-- ii,i7 natfrd Judg 1IorrisTuferier7e3 iTfiifhd frm th Penitentiary. The ffoyt tltciea vg ......... ... ... ta . . H.,,1. M..W... h!. ..... whereas f in private sale l.y ib i,,Mlhoriii of lot lor 12,000, which ha JJ, publicly valued by the assessor at $25, third wa another private aaln ol prop, -qrtlued at $300,000, lor 160,000. Ooe JmUt T lhe Cuuncil moed lo bate the -j, it public auction, nd he was upported other. All the other eoled down the Ztut which wat ool eeo allowed lo appear -i th fniouieti. Bui H 'h' ' 'quailed by practices which Mitil in the U. S. Goeroent, a may be M by 'he following elrc Irom a speech itt. mr, of N. II. in jjlbe Senile on Tues ,flii(:- I There ii a practice, Mr. President, is has Iks istertained uon lha highekt authority, dick prevails even with regaid lo this body, b akick money is obtained from individuals kdjseliim agents by wbin we are I r- i ua tA i.ih.. ib B., -f Thee claim ajerit, air, have a prac. let o( rrpresent nig lo lue sailor In our ships rfnr upon a loretgn roast, mat n is necessa. is empty Wrii ih order lo get iheir pay. I listihad urdrrs presented lo him, where as sjck ii dollars Lave" been charged and attired (or procuiing th signature ol the Sec- sjttrj lo a psper, wnicn ti i jii as rout n a Mmr i courst for bint to affix as il is for the dirk to retd the SenaU jourAial every morn U. And, sir, when he beard of the farts, and tailed lhe agent before bim lo inquire why it rutbil be charged Ihis money lo ibe sailors. tin wit lb answer which be received 7 Iii. aeenl very coolly tatd, " I do not bwv, Mr. Secretary, as ii it any of your bust- i; thai is the way we gel our living. I told that this psactice prevail veiy eiten kisd ibal jailor ate swindled io lbai nt, betides ibe way ti which) I called the at- iMiot ufrtie "Senate t dy or rwo Muce. As officer who is now in ibis city, ol a kikljr bouoralile character, temiuked to me in fcresrs iwthe act which was passed last year, (kit kt did not see why bbill did troi cover thole, and tncludt compensation lo those k served in California and Molico, and oth place, before 1850, as well a ihoee who tried after that lime. lie said he mentioned ttt itb presence of one of these claim a- put. "Why, sard be, "it is the easiest ( ia ibe world; yon just raise a fund, and ranpyt it through for you. or words to thai tel. "Bui," said ibe office, ' I will, not iai anything for any such a purpose; I ouldlooie everything I have in the world be hit I would do ii." "Then, sir," taid lhe a- (ftliobim with an oalh, " you never will gel tttntil jott da not xaise a tuud Lo b dvr i W lbs sgenls noi tn ceoU , Now. Mr. President, we are about pass- tf ibia bill to piovide against Senators sell- 1 themielves, but we are sold outside ; wt "sold -bjihest'-lgeni who i ufouridus diTy ; m ibe atmosphere of pestilence and death h attend the free and the (rogt that overswept a tand nf Egypt U purity Use U whea com Pi lo the presence of lhe claim. tgenU al latest the purlieu of this government. 1 influence, our countenance, our aflec'ions, aievervthing is bartered and sqld by these a- ftliwbu block up your capiiol and block' up a avenues to Ibe departments ; and it ha got Mfi air, I bai e va th tatlo caaod ge pay lor doing bis duly without the appro- at sad inter vent ion of an tfienl who it lo plktor bim. These are fact, which I am "poa the highest authority ; ibey are fart cat he substantiated before a committee 'Aii body to morrow. I got tome of them h testimony o iht secretary of lh Navy, pi under oath be for a" committee ot lb" vm today. I am told, further, ir,jhai th tm been carried to ueh an eitent that 'hi tOSne dnwn Imml In litru: Here is JtW fountain offilth .thjM tdortjatrea anbonest mercbanl cannot get bis ve. jttered tt Ibe port, ol New Yotk and pay duties at i0 custom-nous until be get an r him. through, wba it to be paid a "Prceniage." p Lu1' f,om whiog,on ttyt ibal 4r. " irluiion to the agent who collected JPwmafrnm sailors, referred lo Mr. J. K. 'i iimn secretary ot rreswem !i. J f !rjI Pf the .Maty tay a tf Walker ViVtUi tall iV. - .kClL .eA Ann. v m1, rr W II IV It w:rw J would have amour.led lo 80,000. CONGRESSIONAL MATTERS. -Vaf the Baltimore Sun, writeaa followt-t t "ig prosperity ana eireogm i ??w,7 ' " best deleneebetter than trmies or navies and better than ab JHiiic dicta which an eoemy would T'ha Chinese are said lo draw upon their brili ..... . r.:-L. .k.;. paiuuic UI IMVUICUIIII mill Sla. It.. L,w. .V. .r..i J"1 Aligns' of England on tbi continent. 4b rt -comtnuuicaiioni uriwe eo jj.wic and (lie Pacilie, and jhereby doo kJ".dom'ie eommerc;' and -unite- firmly. i-.z." interest ind iprlmo-. the l-.ssiern " "ttl'm .t iiij Ti . K"ns oi iue nepuouc. intnt....:.. .. . .i: . . ! Iht Tehuantepe - Wp'ooeerroad. Ii ..wm iit iiiCB couiinimii;! pec traniU-Thal-will . - ' . . : ... ik r"u. ii can . ue-maae wiiaoui iwibiu... . - - iV IS ih ITSiiJ: .e j. ij , ' VWHT, otHCF ITTUni . a . "' ana -win ne nn "! ;wf wrHory xaojua wrTj, j rir- -jrTatm n.litor ifc Proprietor. w fHift id ads at ibt California terminus, and . .i ik. lerrnintt iht Mittioippl ; amTbymeaet of lb Tebuaptepec route, the work at th Cali VrT o ol ,,ne wni b r'ly ftciliialed. The Senate will, neit week, affirm the right i uovernmeni ind it ciiiient to the T. butntepee transit,; ind it ja honed that the :,. "n?f.L5iJ! !k ibe wbok subject tniothrir " i win ue me oral step toward preparation for successful war with England. .. Hi, uurvpe ner Bt Cl," "."V , '," ' -T- Th lone ot iht Sentlt waa leaa Mr.liL lo'dty than yetterdty and il wta agreed to inquire, before taking hostile .leps. whether Great Britain ha violated lh Clayton and ru ia uuiwer treaty or not jThe'giYiremnlhiia fatitf bill Is lo Be rolled la rough the Senate in a few dayt. to lh gener at saiisiactHin ot the whole eoiiairy. It will embrace lhe homestead bill, lhe Bennet bill for uisiriiiunnx isnas to ibe old Stales, and the itn portant bills sraniinjr lands in aid of railroads in ibe new States. So this Congress will not oe oarrea ol important legislation. THE SENTE VACANCIES. The National Intelligencer contains a long letter from G... Fooie, ,.f Mississippi. He contends that lhe Constitution Rive him power to appoint a United States Senator, and inti. mate hi jatentins) to make ibe appointment, The Slates of Kfiod Island, North Carolina and Mississippi will be deficient in senatorial representation on the 4th of March neit. iheir legislature having failed lo make election of successors lo lhe Senators whose I arms einire, The Governor of these States, it is said, will each tend a person to fill lb vacancy, and leti the constitutionality of tbt act. S. Carolinian. Washington Irving, while at Mount Vernon the other day. remarked thai k remembered seeing Gen. VVtsbiugtoo iu New York, when he was a child live jeaia ol age. and while lhe General was passing through iht street. accompanied by a crowd, young Irving was at tended by bis nurse, an honest Scotchwoman. Tb wo (Ban forced her way up to lh General, leading ber child by the band, and approach ing, addressed bim" Your honor, here it a bairn that is called after you," The Gener al paused, and placed his band upon lhe boy' head, gave bim hit 6lesing. Mr. Irving stale that ht ha a distinct recoHertion of he whole seen which occurred ia the year I7H7. ' " Bishop Ives of North Carolioa has form ally abjured r rolestantism, t on ol the items of news by steamer Arciic, -just arrived from Europe. Another paper has il, " Bisop I es ... t. Aiaurl I r a I hn in Kalh met ami If . . m There is, therefore, no longer any doubt, (as there ha been but lint for some weeks past,) of the strange course of ibis prelate. Since the above was in type, we find the following paragraph from tbt Pari " L'ni- verse " : Fay. Observer. " A general tubjecl of eoversalion at Rome, it ibe recent conversion, lo ibe Catholic faith, of Dr. Ives, the Anglican Bishop of Carolina. in the United Stales. Dr. Ives bad for a fong lime embraced Poseytra opiaioatv an felt strong -tympaiby for lb CaYlolto rtligion, WhlCB had sul'jeciea Bin io mucu remooa. trance. -Since he bas been al Rome, be ha nut himself ia relation with Monsignor- Gifl, r n. . ,r- !;.. il o i lb CalbollC Dtsnop Ol Virginia, u. o., inu addressed himself to Monsignor Talbot, ibe orival cameriae of lha Pope, iii order lo mske hi solemn l'juratior and publicly profess Catholicism. .. This ceremony took place on ibe 26th Dec. the Pope in person administering the tacrament to Ibe convert. Dr. Ivet, in abandoning the Roisconal Church of lb United Slates, bas g.vea up a very advantageous pbsiioo.-x Hit wHtrai fiari it I aid that the now begin lo delend bim a. gainst ibe aitacks of wra proleslaot minister " . -j .l. n:.i ... D who accompanieu m "up I.i Silliman Ivet. D. D. L. L. D. lb in ik nrdtsr ol annoinl ment, of the Epitcopal Church of iht United Slates, it a naliv ol vermoni, ano was orig. i.sllv settled at i minister, oter a Congrega- lionalisi Society, in ibe county of Si. Lawrence, in (hit State. The effect of lorming certain ae. n...ininrenhins and intimacies, at that lime. a4S4)Kf-li"1,,,,-lr Church, which, abandoning bit congregation. al flock, Je tnlered and earn lo ibis city. Her be married a daughter ol lt tenerant Bishop Hobart. and wa ellled a Recto of St. Luke't ChulcTii Ja Hudson Street, Op Thursday. September 22d. 1831, bt wa cou secrated Bishop ot North Carolina, in Trini . -M...,.k PKiUde Inbia. Altba time ol bit oUoii.m from ibt protest ant faith, he bad been Ruk t went v on tear, and wae ibt third. tha idrolecoitctation. iV. y. Express. Directions for Fainting. Sew Mat when you are alone. Afway tetect tome rooop poriunity. The more per.on. ther ar about y mi the rnor uceetfiJ wtll be your fit. A friend' houe, when ibere it a tlmoerw aa evening parly going on, it far fro-o a bad op. poriunity. Never faint mor iban onct ia tba ' ... there mav u a laiiina on in lam "(, , . the tymptthy on the second eipertmenl. A wo. .h.,M not only lainl well, but above tu- Be vert careful, therefore, otter le risk a faint unless you bate torn object io ,iew, such as going out of lown-or a new gawn-or a box it !h onera-or be ng uken fo .ome fete-or any other l.tll ctprlc wblcb your husband m.J bav U used rog. In uch case by.terict art ju.iiflablt.- Punch. KWAMirA. Lady Margaret Her- h-rt ..ked .omebody for apreiiy pajir .or -, . . . oereon. what fit tTir "ei rrr1 "tti-er- irai r - - . . " Kt.1 P A l II hi K OPOJT 4 LI, VOC E lUlKKS. ': ,. SALISBURY, N.C THURSDAYt FEBRUARY 10, 'CTiMn6Ya Bn3 in tto Bosloti "JLdvtr- titer, Iht following extract from letter dated Lima, Dee. 24, addressed to a gen tlemao in that city: w Yflu, have no idea of the satisfaction lelt by the Americans here at Mr. Eve rett's settlement of the Lobos bostnesa, the ne trr of wbicbx has jusrreKcted-ur by special messenger. Nobodv here: of anv hd Jhj isajLdoflbt Uk HxiM reru. and we could not fear therefore but ipe unit-a &tates would finally bedispos- i . - - -j w ""-'fw a lo do her justice. But no one could tell how (ar matters Would go. It wn known luw onrat least ol the vessels chartered by the guano speculators was armed to lb teeiby and it miff b I happen that she would attempt to take the guano by force, mr me very purpose ol brine nirnn a m . iisiuii. lue prompt and timely action of the new Secretary of State has nut ll ,;rh I .. . . . : . .r . nou me joy is unbounded. It has no doubt saved ibis government from a convulsion iue -Norte-Americanos, as we are cal led, irorn being extremely unpopular, ave Decome gfeat lavontes. A inngnifi- cent ainner was given yesterday at the palace, lo our worthy Charge here (Mr. J. Randolph. Clay.) Mr. Miles, lb Special Messenger, and several American eentle- men resident here. I was prevented by indisposition from attending. I tinder. stand lhat an honor of this kind has never oeen pud to a foreign minister. But the Peruvians may well rejoice. Had the United .States persisted in pro tecting the Guano speculators in getting the article from the Lota, the value of the Chincha guano which forms lhe sole revenue of this eovernment would have sunk one half, and her credit would have been prostrated. The Lobos are es timated to contain two millions ol tons. which at thirty dollars -per Ion. is sixtv millions of dollars. The combined effect of the loss of this great property and the depreciation of the Chincha guano would bave been national bankruptcy ; an im mediate overturn of tho government, and a series of bloody revolutions. With the turn things bave now taken. the prosperity f .Peru is assured. Kbi wilh now go ahead rapidly. The euano deposits are inexhausli ble, and as a great care is taken under government suspervi sion, to regulate their removal, confining the operations to certain spots, so that the birds may not be frightened awny from others, this 'smgirfaf source of. revenue is- renewed as fast as it is exhausted. From henceforward Peru shoots a long ahead of all i be other South Amercan States on the Pacific coast ; tind a she feels that she owes this to the magnanimity of the United States in retracing a hasty step, her gratitude is unbounded. It wilt give us a lasting influence in her councils. The Peruviac gorernment is behaving very handsomely toward the vessels char tered for guano." Reply from Mrs. Tyler.wifeof Ex Pre sident Tyler, to the Duchess of Sutherland. The Richmond Enquirer, publishes a reply to the Stafford House ladies from the pert of Mrs. Tyler, wife of ex Presi dent Tyler. It is written with considera ble spirit, andmuch earnestness, and takes the ground that il would be best for these noble ladies to attend to the objects of distress in their own immediate neighbor hood. ' She asserts, without hesitation, what we have no doubt is true, that the Stafford House affair was the production. not of tbese ladies, but of- their husbands, wbostf political opinions are well known. add that its object" was. Probably, without their knowledge, oi a character entirely political It is well known, she says, that ibere is but one rock upon which the Un ion can be wrecked, and that is the very one upotv which these ladies are stiriving to impel it. They may possibly not know, but their, prompters know well enough, that a country alteady numbering 20,000,- 000 -of wha totarrtsrimd rfoubting ifspopai latum once in twenty-three years, must. very shortly, in a great measure over- w toe world. Nations, which "are now stars of the first magnitude in the no- iiucai iirinaiiieui, uiusi sorinK into com parative insignificance in the progress of this mighty people. All this must hap pen on the sole condition that our Union continues, and to break it asunder is the only means left to prevent the inevitable consummation. It is to this end that the efforts of their husbands have been direct ed, and to effect this object that they have made them cats-paws', in the present im pertinent, unhallowed, and unprincipled enterprise. v-'v vy rs. T. dwells, with considerable force. upon the recorded fact, that as long as England held possession of this country, she refused, in spite of all remonstrances, to nut an end to the traffic in slaves. Iter constitution proclaimed freedom to the slave whose feet but touched her soil ; yet she kept the colonies as a great slave mart, and exposed, them to all the evils which such a condition of affairs could give riSe to. for no other purpose than lo gratify her avarice,' As soon ns she was expelled as soon as she lost the market for her i ofamous me rch a ndise then, and not before lbnrBhe became atealaus en , - , . , f " " . "Hv.SSre..? nss-y-f : r ;z . "j . .. : . ,i..,-.hi:.urUl oneVita to Drobib t ffcenses t umneueu woui.t. serve ine ena r Ol IDC WOriU, nau uone moos -r: .t.I.. . ; .K VtMmr ! not Yri tbrilio-bf Wf Do mis, and Libert vis sirs. -- - Otn'l JIarritan UpotrtbrwbolerlhiiA.verv credita ble production both as to manner amfj tanet.-liichmond Duiputch. , , a-,. NORTHERN DNCLETOMITCDE. What i chapter ibe following scene would bits afforded Mrt. Slows for ber romance, bad the witnessed lr, or inytbing approaching lo h, on a Souther plantation I , Wt give, ibe arti cle just at wt find il ia tbt local cojfma of the Philadefph ia Bulletin : A Scene. Pew persons fa the community have any adequal conception of the misery lhal exist in the court and alley ot Philadel. pbia; few know of the thousand who are pin ing in ahjeel want in our snidsi, and wboara sfruggfing to obtain tbt commonest uecestartet of life. We witnessed t tceoe this marning which eiciied wonder and pity, and aerved to furnish aa idea of the legion who are sulTer ing in this great city. Tuesday is appointed by lh Provident Society for giving out work I their employees, aud (or receiving and paying for lh work already done. The office of ibe Society, in Piune street, wa absolutely besieg ed during ibis morning by hundred of women who were crowding into the building, clustered about lhe door and windows, and eagerly in. tading every point, back and front, by which access lo ibe office could be obtained. The feces of all these females bore lhe mark of car and want ; many ol ihein were widows, aad most of them were mothers. The scarcity of employment during the winter season at lhe kinds of work to which Ibey have been acco lomed, drives these poor creatures in swarm lo Ibe olhce ol lb rrovidenl Society. Uuring is week in the dullest and must ini lernent season of lhe year, the association furnisbea a certain porijou of labor lo those only who are ia absolute want. I be weekly allowance ol woik to each person is lour coarse calico shirts. for making which they receive 121 cents eac h. Tb eagerness with which woik is solicited, even at ibe pittance received lor it, is an evi dene of the suffering condition of lhe appli cants. A committee ol gentlemen superintend Ibe giving out and receiving of work, aud thus avoid an eipense which would be otherwise in curred. The object of the society 4 to di couragt ptuperism, and extend assistance only lo persons who will labor lor it. Most of the persons who apply for and receive work are foreigner who emigrated lo ibis country to bel ter their condition. .Tbi class of people, in stead of going al once into lhe sparsely settled district of ibe country, where labor is plenty, and wages good, are loo apt to crowd into ibe most wretched quarters of our great cities, cie- le the want of employment from which , they suffer, and assist in spreading lhe great moral cancer of pauperism.' The Bacon Market. We bear much ap prehension eiprrssed that the at tide of Bacon musr necessarily be low during lhe coining season, owing to the large quantity in prepar ation for shipment. We are inclined lo be lieve that no fears need be entertained upon thit subjeet. Il is Irue that more hogs have been slaughtered in Easl Tennessee ibis win ter than at any former period, but it ?s equally true lhal Georgia never received, lest supplies of pork. Tbt large number parked in the North-west, are not intended fur the Southern trade, but are held with a view to shipment lo ibe European, Australian and Caliloriila mar. kelt.. The immense supplies which have here tofore sought a market from Cinciunaii, by way of -New Oi leans and Savannah, will thus in a great measure be suspended, and the seaboard itself will look to Tennessee to make up the deficiency Much more will the interior of Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina depend upon Tennessee lo meet their wants. - It i wll,hefeforei that our people bave de voted their attention to extensively Ibis season to lhe curing of bacon, and our Georgia friends need have no fear on ibis head, as ibey will certainly be furnished with a laige quantity from East Tennessee. Our own county will send off a considerable amount not less than hall a million pound. Almost every man we see, beside iht regular dealer, has some lo sell, and the cry all over the country is bacon bacon bacon. Such is lb influence of railroads and by such means East Tennessee firndefnart"Witfttne prosperity. Athens (Trna.) Post Gcttichdlk: AcorreipondeBt oftbtBoton Transcript, narrating a visit to Golischalk, the young American pianist, relates the following incident: I saw a strangely dresssd child behind bis chair, who appeared lo watch bit fjery motion with tbe most intense interest, and whose bis lory is quite a romawc. In crossing the mourr taiit of Andalusia, Golischalk met the little fellow, then scarce eight year old. He had lost both hi parent, and was under tbftcbarge of his maternal uncle, who treated bim with lb greatest brutality, and obliged iim lo go daily to be roadside and beg. GotCschalkV sympsibies were al once interested for thV Jil- ll orphan, and leaving bit chaise he went wlib him io hi 'uncle, who, for a mall ium. wa io-1 duced to pari wilh bim. He ha ever sine accompanied Golischalk ia bis travels, and served him a a. valet. II i dressed iu ibe picturesque Andalusian costume, and eicites no little interest with his master' visitor. -ANrurX'iP,or lf'hridat Though the legislature of Florida failed to enact a Maine liquor law, it has done the next thing to it. According to a bill-just passed, all licenses hereafter to retail spirituous liquors are to pay a tax ef 200 : and persons offending are to be NE7 SEUIi::; VOLUME JX-NUMBEIUrt. 1853. Household Duties. From variety of i causes, nojwog is more common man to find American women , who bave not the slightest idea of household duties. A wri ter thus alludes to this subject: fin this1 neglect of household cares,' A merican women stand alone. A German lady, no matter how lofty her rank, never forgets that domestice labours conduce to lhe hentlh of bedjrutid mind alike." An EnglUh-lady, whether she be only gen tleman's wife or a duke's, dors not de spise the household, and even though she has a housekeeper, devotes a portion of her time to this, ber true, ber happiest sphere. It is reserved for our republican fine ladies to be more choice that) even their monarchicaland aristocratic sisters. The result is a lassitude of mind, often as fatal to health as lhe neglect of bodily ex ercise. A be wile who leaves ber house hold cares to servants, pays the penalty which has been affixed to idleness since the foundation of the world, and either wilts away from enui, or is driven into all sorts of fashionable follies, to find employ ment for her mind." j .A Passing Thought. We believe the following has been published in our col umns once before, but it will bear repeti tion : " Rothschild is forced to content himself with tbe same bky as the poor newspaper writer, and the great banker cannot order a private sunset, or add one ray to the magnificence of night. The same air swells all lung. Each possesses, re ally, only his own thoughts and his own senses, soul and body these are the pro perty which a man owns. All that is val uable, is to be had for nothing, in this world. Genius, beauty and love are not bought and sold. You may buy a rich bracelet, bnl not a well turned arm to wear it a pearl necklace, not a pretty throat with which it-shnU vie. The richest bank er on earth would vainly offer fortune to be able to writeja verse like Byron. One comes into the! world naked, and goes out naked the difference in the fineness of a bit of linen for a shroud is not much. Man is a handful of clay, which turns quickly back again into dust." 1 TABLE UAPIMNG, &c. , It has become very popular among tbe young people of our City, to have what ibey call, a table walking. They procure a light pine ta ble, gather around it, place their bands on il, and alter the elapse of some twenty. five min utesithey go round, and the table follows ! This Isrery miraculous f Can we, by "any reasoning, tell how the electric fluid- from lhe body gels into the table 7 Too deep, for the Ani mal I And mure, we bave never aeen a table walk ; but, we have heard certain tools usually to be seen on the dining tables, " walk and talk, to some purpose. lo cut a long story boil, -the whole affair is another humbug, with sufficient believer, to keep il in constant agt tation. By the way, we beard an old bunts man tell a tale, not a great while ago, whicl w'll do to tell in connection wilh this spiritual rapping yarn. He says, on a certain occasion. he: in company -with -a- friend, went out fox hunting; lhe day was exceedingly cold the breath would almost freeze be tor it rencbed his lips. He bud listened an hour for his dog. LuL cuuld iiot hear, tbem bmk ; he look . bin born, aud made a desperate effort at a minister blast. Not a sound could be beard. He turn ed lo bis companion, and attempted lo say something not a word could be beard! Hi made an effort to hollow for his dog, but hi voice would not rise above a cold whiner. tia'trvbtfoH borne. A few duys after, the weather having turned warm, he beard at a distance indistinct sounds of a horn, of whooping, and the balking of dogs, . f ie look his horse, rode lo where lhe sounds seemed to be ; but, no one was lo be found :he horn continued to blow, dog bark ed, and the whooping ceased not. The lact is, says our informant, every effort, the day brlore, froze as last as it escaped lhe lips, and becoin ing thawed, tbe sounds were produced ! Who will now dare get. up and say, ihis is nnrruet"tfariy niirshoafuferhiiiilmember7 (bat a mill w heel, freezes up, and ceases (a run in severe weather, which, . if left -alone, will (ha w out, and proceed 'o run, w it bout ony hu man ajsiefance. Reasonable, very reasonable. Lice Giro ffe. ' Tortures of the Sex. A writer in Cham bers's Edinburg Journal thus details them: " About a hundred years ago a lady went about with shoes that raised her heels three inches aboVe the floor, and threw her whole person out of its proper balance, occasioning, of course, a severe strain up on certain muscles, attended by constant pain. A little later, a tower of hair, po matum, flour, pins, and pinnrtrs had been reared upon the bead, such as an inquis itor might have considered himself very ingenious in devising. In more recent times we nave seen tne entire sex sun mit'ing to torture in the waist, with an equal degree of magnanimity. Or taking the form of a monstrous prolongation of skirts, tbe fair martyrs as scavengers up on every street jn which they promenade. In a form of bonnet for aummeft-wear, tbe front comes only .to about an inch behind the iorehead, so as to leave tbe face fully exposed to the attacks of the sun. A great number find it absolutely indispens able to add to this abbreviation oi a bon not a sort of supplement of silk,, called out .4 Iii.; -iii. Ballootiitsts say that they are not sensi ble ol' their own mot ion." The earth seems to sink away under them. : Sympathy for criminals is a passion with;" some. The very fact that a man Is a cut throat or a foot pad is accounted a claim on our especial tenderness.", All '. the he roes are clanking fetters or pounding s,to'na in "prisons. ... , , ; ., Daniel Webster had strength off indi vidual being. lie, was not a bushed up man. Such power cannot be borrowed nor stolen. Air. Webster had might of nature. " . , .... Persecution is employed by the Catho ; nnTreTai?2r.rr . Fia ncls J lea j jiaiy ii that a Catholic who listens to Protestant, preaching is-ar marked manrartd peoplt are forbidden to have any dealings with him. ' Self sacrifice often invites unkindnessi A man who shows any desire to do good, if at once made a pack horse : and those who cannot use him cal bim a bypro- cnte. f Rending is Irksome to ain uncultivated - mind. Many think they would love lo read if I bey had time : but let them sit down with a book, and they will soon think of something must be done. Foul air prevails in some parts of Lon don so that birds will not live. , Ati Idler in a bustling city feels like a vagabond. He Is not hearing his part in the great effort of the world. ' , Labor without Love for our fellow men will not he likely to do good. , There is such a thing as being willing to make sacrifice for tbe reformation and,, rescue of the' degraded and erring, while the heart . feels a strong dislike, antipathy, contempt! The temptation to this is strong, Thtj vicious are often so false, obstinate, per verse, that it is hard to fee! gently to wards them N. Y. Mirror. I'rflr7e Tom's Cabin as a Sabbath School Book. The Pittsburg Derpalch stales that lha cheap edition of Mrs. Stowe's woik has been introduced as a Sabbath school book (n lb school oflhe Liberty street Mhnditt Episcopal Church, in that city. Some opposition is made, but ibe majority are in favor of lb step. ; Tba children Ai-bo read that work and live up to it will become more inveterate 4s f for teller (not in ib Pickwickian but lha opprobriout sense oflhe term) than the Spartan boy wit' per, intent as a thief, who kepi tbe stolen calf wtn der his clothes',' nnd allowed bim lo knaw out his vital?, souuer than disclose iht Ibieft. Someiilil divine out West, has said thai Ua, cle Torn" Is the best concocted lit of the nineteenth century. If to, hont .webivea" Utjnnd ol young ones that would put even Mrs. Opie to flight, with all her ponderous volume T Boston Chronicle. ' ' The Sch'oMtaer iFonfeVr.Thfr foltovdnjfj says ibe Mobile Advetiiser, is a copy of a bill sent in to a gentleman some time since ! osalada 1 50 ' alachinoniinc-magin 50 2 000 Pade, Joe.'- Can any o! our readers interpret, it 1 At first we took it f.r apothecaries' Latin ; judge our surprise, then, when lhe key wa given Iq, us, lo find the above inscrutable items were (imply these i " . . " A horse haTf a day," and "a taking ott farm home again.1' -;...:--v-': - - - Can any of our readers heat that T ' Conviction of Rekd. The New Tork Herald ol Sunday says : " '" Enoch Reed, the colored man wlioe die. has occupied the attention of the United Slate Circuit Court al Albany during the past week, vcs yestetdtiy morning declared gtiiltyof si sisiing in the rescue of the fugitive slave Jerry, from lhe oflicert who had him in charge al Syr acuse. Notwiihstaiiding the combined effort of the abolitiouists of ibis and other Stale; beaded by Grrrit Smith, to sa've Reed and kit coa4iutoflb-onj punifehmeut and ah bough 4af- succeeded in Vtartng off the trials until excite. " ment upon lhe subject had entirely died away, eicept among themselves the national conall. lution and the Congressionnl compromise of 1930 have, in this instance, been fully sustained by an enlightened nnd impartial jury. Tin' is a glorious tiiumph of the laws of the land oyer those agitators who would set them al defiance. Il is a triumph of the principles of justice over fanaticism: that will be appreciated by the masse of lhe country, nnd one that will be of juuuila rwcft.i who our aouinerit tirethren, which for a lim bad been distorted .by the gruuudle inuieua. lion emanating Irom rival Siale and cities. Ilaynau in Italy We lake die following paragraph from a letter in the Newark Adver. liser, dated, Florence, Jan. 2d : r ' Tbe famous Marshall llavnnu ffamiliarlv called th "Executioner of Brescia ") ha beea, nere some days, reel vine all sorts of attentions iroo, lhe Gfancl Duke and bis minron. fn tb -midst ol the ill concealed corn of an indignant community. I he occasional appearance of lh really hideous lMkinr nersonair rrftKr- ir (foi be has certainly the most ill-favored bead and face ever seen on human shoulders) ia tb invariable tignal.fortbe biuerest etPrthtoa nf popular haired, half suppressed hisses, and ol " butcher." beast." " woman murderer "Austrian Jack Cade," 4c, oic, dec. Hi servant share in the contempt. Tinxos in Nkw.Yobk The American Bi, ble House, in Nassau street, wa sold al lh Merchaiii's exchange, on Thursday, Cor 8105,.J 000. N. C. Piatt was the purchaer. 'Th Society Library building was also-oldi -' It brought 9 121,500, d John Lafarge was th purchaser. Mr. Howard a short time ago, purchased il for 110,000. - SuoAB. An -aciive specutnrtve Remand fur- sugar bad sprung Hp al New Orleans for snirar ojj plant alion. aua ilM 4es of r-f fnfmtnr' ete ft 1 4L tul Koidert akednrrfacf JJSmLkGuMmd rKl-TattftflUtK'-sr4.--- ,f;. ; s-saa j j .... . . , -. r. - r i?"

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