r. I I VllS! J .u J cr x. ui;o LI.Vl. A LECTURE, ! i;7m BEFORBfTflE NCW YORK illi :IJTtt .oirir: simmf.TY. " If H Wf rnhn nr.- - - 'tlrreot mis couphj w ucirrcu j-.tieveoiui,.'t MetropohUm II; Jj, by the 7 Wm. A. Graham, on the above subjcc't- '..1 !.. l.u.f nisir 'aee.-.miti.iiiiiit Iktr iioiif ri""" ' -- i I, jjt Lutlier iraaisu, i rcsiucui, ot iuo oocie Dr fla"ki lr. Francis, Dr. Da Witt, an J felinjiisln'tl gcniiemeu, presented inni j, be audience,' n'ml," ' afurffic" jqflause. whTeh" MmlwJ siil-id.-,!, said : I ftuAnti "i ldit and Gentlemen : Dunlin" the ew l ork Historical Society as ITjfipf tTistmitroit, I have not -scrttpb-d to tm ijttkftlf tsk devolved on mo this evening, - conscious of mv inadequacy to its proit- Lgfluent .; ail ;i riiiiary object of its estab- Ijjarttbemi; ii'i s,n,,.v aiiu,uisseniiiiai.ioii oi a 0& knowledge of American history, t lie to- IKOg fWCIl l prujuse 10 iii;ij;c win .hoiiiiuu jritih invasion of North Carolina, in 1 780 rbrtrng leen requested to turn mv at- jdBwiDi; subpvt pcrtaiuing to the history of fcStiiiuVti Static, it was not until after the eeofthw, and at too late a period to prcpa e -soother, that I learned that a reverend and IJtoultrfBiwk,hpn;ccded me jfcienw of exercises appointed by the society, Wtttde tie Hubiift of his discourse another in- IgrtiK chapter in the'-Wstory of North Cafoli u :.L .....I;... !t,f,.i.iiiti..ii -.r frtiii r.,,. T & n lul rilllivi mivi ii.i.nvi. una iih i, i ImU gWlv have chosen some, other topic, to Ii jMKr.Wleiy ana mieresi to a course ct jm which has thus far been' so well received lit Ik public. ; wtict is withal commonplace' ; but it is the Iarrofour ancestors of their struggles and s.i njrt their frcrdum and renown. The scene, a.ieireumHriiK'il, but the actors were jierson jj(Dsf principl -s and representatives of na m, Mil ujoii the close of the drama depended fate of an emjiire. If other apology bo want for the election of this theme, I 'rim native ihrrr, on J to the manor born," lidfruiii occasional access to official document, Mtttwfrom Hie4ratHtloHS-Hrld legef k rs xf t bo-e bynorable wars bor3 witness of opiiortu- Iia Lr atxuaiiit.mc3 with some, at lcat, of i- .1 - i ' i . i .i ijteveuu oi wai jh riou, am iinprcstsca witn me . that from u:aut.. i4ukh.ir-fd Iffltaj presses ill the tlieu mtant Mate, at the Ioe of thiise occurrences, and from uegli;pjce r'Knleirt' inw; it Iras not rm'h'ed tuit j us- J. J. iMiUaLii, Il'lilor Proprietor. ' Kr.f.if l ctiF.cic ero.N ij.i, voir Do-rnts, r f.TnctiTTfs att.v O'en' Jlarriton . m;v ksi:!;n;;. VO LUM R J X-N U M U U 41. d that the eriod to; w hich we reter is 1780 ti 1TS1, more thau tive years afU'r, the first wiltW in th war of the Kevolution at Iex- lagtoa, and full fuTir years after tins national Dc- lantkn of Independence. AN Aortli Carolina tma . wa indifferent ridb'iBtiHor whrle other Httfev wr tbe tlrp- mdl ar, of in rv-jjard to the common cansi' in IkiKipiemy oi' the eoiiU't. A early an the, f tin; jtymp Act, and down to the breuk- ft of'iiostilifies. disputes" of a donv-otic na- I!. tutkhiiy the rihu. of creditors in the i-ro- Kif to pfix-ui-d hv att-u hni'-nt aijainst the lauds h'i-Uwr r-siiliii' in Knglan J. and the mal-ad- 13tiijn of the provincial jjvemment, had ntiritattd ktHvt-u the crown (throiiirh the lull ruvrmirs and the iM'oi.Ie of tlw- mlonv. yiiA, added to the causi of complaint of more LjukftB4,j.ro,ltK!:,d- a free dWusstowtrf the ituuon ot (ir. Bt Lntaiii, and f hariwiied and p9StoiI..4lV fntirw-tmiirrl' iti-r4rrtirn to the ;tU of Iintisli Mil.jv. W in th ctdoiiic. Km ifcneJ In tlu-w controversies,' the imputation service uu,q tU rMuittions of Con-rreM, totnect Uie common wemy in otlier St;te8 fand her uiili ta were marched, by divisions, brijracK regi nwnts, and battalions, to the hid of STcarV Ima and Georgia ; not to mention Uiattberanka of Sumter rind IVkens were ofUm filled wifti her c.tins, who took service under thone famous partisan officers, when those States were the seat of war, and were computed among the troops of Nmth Carolina. From Xe J... wi..i. jncbwve there were few battle fieldinwlich jK.rlion of the troo engaged in defence of the IilxrtKs of tlie country were liot hers. liwW,w thewi!oirtrtbtiin,- iijvir; forTnil tary ojeratiins abroad, a coiisideratde force was .WllrlnkrJor defence and safi ty t,f the state. Altbough the great mass of the people ere trhe to the country, there was no contempti ble number who m.iiiitrMii.nl i... .1. . ....--V. IllljUll Ui IIK crown, and stood ready to diT?nd it with arms. I his was more conspicuously true of a body of Scotch Highlanders, who had emigrated in large nuinlH rs to the waters of the Cape IVar in the incipient stages of the controversy Vtween the colonies and the mother couutry ; and the sig nal victory obtaim-d by Colonels Caswell and Lillingtoti, at the bridge of Moon's Crwk, one of the Western tribuUiries of the Cajie Pear, on uie .'.th ot ft-brnary, 1770, with one thousand , men, over the toTj- foTCcs leTied lU tliat regioii, under Gen. McDonald and CalL Mtd-od, mim bering fift.H?n htindlFed men, who w,.re nmrciiiug to relieve Governor Martin from his exile on hoard an Euglisti ship of war at the mouth of tlmhir Fear, and to briug him back, and restore hiin to his authority in the eoloiiy, is one fcf tlie proud est event of the war, in that year. . Pursued with vigor, as this victory, was, in capturing pri soners, arms, military stores, and munitions of war, it so broke the spirit, and destroyed the re sources of tne enemy m the State, and o cheer ed the hopes of the patriots, that it effect were widely and d.-eply felt. Still, the fit ling of at tachment to the royal cause iufected individuals and in many instances piervadcd w hole neighbor hoods and districts, and required constant vigi lance, determi nation and energy on the part of the authorities and troops of the new government. In tlie spring of 17 7C, a formidable invasion was threatened by a military and naval arma ment, under Sir IleWy Clinton and Sir Peter Parker, at the mouth of the Caiie Fear, and a JarJ,'jV'bary; Yot Hut its attention was soon directed to the more tempting prize of Charleston, where in June of that year, occurred the famous repulse w hich, ha astrous tidings of the fall of Charleston sprea 1 rapidly through the country, bringing gloom to the heart of the patriot, cheerfuluess and joy to the loyalist, and inclining the wavering and irres olute to the cause of royalty. Early in June, the militia of the counties of Mecklenburff nnd uowan, comprehending the region between the j rough, which is near the centre of North Caroli na, and more than'tWo hundred miles from Cam- dem, was an entii-e abjindoninent of one half of the State to the depredations of the enemy. 'fins is mentioned, with regret, by Lee, in his me moirs of the war iii the South, on account partic ularly of the district between Yadkin and (Jataw- ladkin and Catawba, who had so early and so ba. on whr .ffi,.i,.i., u nnA A.v.a i tl. . ... consUntly signalized their devoUon to liberty, j riot cause he prouounces a high eulo-num. With were ordered out under Prigadier General Puth- j the Pritkh in front, and the tories within strik-toopp-ose. jhetjjum4JiM mard ouiu. righLauil.lcfi, Uie 4m- HntiKh General. Scaa-ely had they asst-mtded , test now ' U-camc in that section, a warrc orW at tto pdnintiin wiles north- 7 with noim.i.edialc resources ibr its i.roUc east oi Charlotte, when liiteTligence arrived of tiou but tiuxse furnished bv 'itself, and these gn-at-an ass.unblage of h.yalists at Pamsour's mills, v diminished by the melancholy events to which some ..fortt miles distant, bevond the. CaUwVuk ' mIIiuS,.., .,ir.....u. I...... ... ..l.. 11...' .1... in the County of Tryon, and within view of the of the country did Hot forsake it in this trviii" preajent village of Linwlnton. C uwilling to hour, and it was, eihaps, fortunate that the l'.rit weaken thi force be had L'athered to inmede the y i ii . 1 :.... t:..i.. . 1 . 1 1 . " ...j, in ii.-t 111,1. iiuwjiii lino iin- oiiili', ?l 10 advance of the Pritlsh tinnv. Genital liullu r- n. .11 . .r...l ,.t ....i...i .., 1 . . .' ' ... - i ' j Trj.in vi tuiiiiini'ii 1 iiui tt 1 1011 iiiiu lord despatched orders to Col. Francis Locke, of activity in the gloom which overspread the south Kowan? and other faithful officers, to collect the . em country. available force of their several neiirhWhoods. I A rmanv milX. i..tn..'.;.i ,.i;..tJ ;.. and surpress the msurreetioii at the earliest prac- j this district, w)u "strugirUd with the storm's iica or M.i!e, iiiid a. .-ohitii.n r-i !i.-:.t,ig. eii. Siiiaii- W'imkI, -of f!i" t 'I'li'lln htltl liflt,hil st ttrltil ill Colli- maud to Gen. Gates, to a-Miine the command of her militia 'hnt were'orj-hoiild le ca!l'l intoser-, vice a. measure .originating. iJiiutith ss, in no .CJiti'j of JLn,-j4-(.L W ttonrtur 'ah, tho ae-- tual (Kiipant of the; executive chair, and prompt ed iy a sense of the tuomentous nature of tLe -cri-is, but utterly at aiianco with the plain pre cept of tho constitution, which then, as now, de clared that " the Governor fijr the time being, shall bo the captain general and coiiithander-in- chief of the militia." The Governor, under the . constitution.'liad no fxivyer of veto to arrest the . . law, and, fitt'rrante Win, did not interfere with the actiouof tho board, though, in a later stage of its exist-nce, ho refused to fill a vacancy ot- r, curring fmin the resignation of one of its iriem b ts, upon the ground of the constitutional ob- p. jecuoii. 1 ue ij-gisiauire oi .ouui aroiina, mo , The main a my moving directly northward, in the direction of Charlotte, Lieut. Col. Ferguson, with a detachment of regulars and loyalists, was despatchedwest of tho Water, or Catawba, to advance in a parallel line to it, to 0en free-communication w ith the loyalists in that quarter, and incite thtanto eflective curojierations wiUi the PritisTr " To ojipose the mailt. army Ihere was no force but the militia of Meckl -tibiirg and Powan, under Pavid.siinaiiiL the legionary corps of laie, '1 hose troops had b-eii UDoii tlut v the irrcater iart of w umrluiVl!iaHy the-4.-til'relu! ycaruad,Jiyjt4. 4'ii;ictuienV xlothtd 1 ot tiates, had constituted a kind of national guard and corps of observation. On his approach I 'a vidsun prudeiitly retired hi the direction i,if Sali. Juiry, but liavie, delighting in enterprise, and b iiig peifi-ctly acquainli-d with the count rf re solved, not only to watch the enemy, but haira-s aiid annoy him whenever occasion should serve. Ki-eping wdl advised of his positions niiduiove iix ut.s, he struck ou every opcrtunity, .and al ways with effect. Pv a heriloiis exploit, at the John Iltitledel tlleh GovrTlior. with tho powers 'of a dictator. Prcei dents thtse, nthtr classical than colistitutioim!, according to oiir sys tem, and only resorted to, umpiestioiuibly, in those emergencies, because of A imminent dan ger to the very existence of thiMtate. Thecom inissioiiers coiistituting this board, by the elec tion of the L gi.-lature itself, were John Pt-liu, Alexander .Martin and iraiidates Davis. Their se-km a commenced at llilllorough, ou tho ptember, 1 7Ht, and coutiuui'd, by 4-- idantatioii of Cm it Wiilmli one of n i-i.ii. I Nth of Si e nioiiieiiu 11 axiH'areu tnai one .loini int.. ' .! 1V..1...1.1 ii,,. c.11;.,.. r....i, ...... ,.c .1...:. ; .1. . c ...1. i- .. 1 - 1 1 . .1 .1 1, mini,,. .i t .,1 11. ,!,.,, m.i 1 , :inii,.,,r. i,iiarr . . . 11 t ...v., ,u t,,, lulling 101 IIIU1.-3 01 iiii-n 1 in .ii me .-ouiii vtiroiiiiii oiiuer, lie coinj'iriciv ' n. ikh,, vlii... , Sloore, of the county of Tryon (now Linhdii, country, two characters desi rve to be eonspicu- I surprised anoutost,and,afu-rkillin'aiid wound"- ' 17h1- w1'' its aiilhoiilies were returned to tho who liad jiHiied tlie enemy in South Carolina ously renvmU red. These are Prigadier Gen.' t ing about sixty of the adversary, da-he.J off un- ' L-gi-datm.-. Their joiinml, with o much ut the preceeding winter, had recently returned, Win. Lee Pavidson, and Col. Win. It. Davie. j hurt, with a lar-v acquisition ofhors.-s and arms i their c.rr."-mdeiKv as has b-e.n pres. rved, Is dressed m a tatU-red suit of Pritish uniform and j (i, ,,. Davidson, was of Irish extraction, and his r1tm tilu JttulUM iv:j. ; .?!..' the nio-t iutereriiig . ,Uuiw ias, in our n SXrorit.:niTflrilirimieei! TilfflseTr a Iieuf..ii;iiil 1 "...i..:;.." III,.; t. ll .1 ...1 . .1 . : . . :. . . .v ,,;.. .,,...1,;. .. TI ...I ...... !, t.b A.t n vv r f iivn;ui nil 1 it; - : .1 unteers, hastily nssciubli-d from the neighboring country, under Captain Graham, and reiving 011 the firmness of his troops, made a gallant stand in defence of this Carolina " cradle of liberty." & tk peu ef hwtoryj- Lt it fee rme me excepiiuii 01 a large uetacnmeiii irom tins nrmamcnt, which wa landeil and committed some depredations in the county of Brunswick, among w hich w as the sacking of the private man sion of tlie patriot General II owe, 110 Uritibh force had entered the territory of North Carolina until ifui period announced in the outset of these re marks, th ltr half of the year l "ftO-- - - Put, although the geographical osition of the State, or tlie military -plans of the enemy, had thus loug.delaycd his visit, he now came with a prestige of succe-ss which threatened entire subjugation.- - South Carolina ami Georgia bad been overrun and conquered, and their patriot citizens driren ,lo concealment, exile, or submissiou to his victorious arms. Charleston had fallen on the 12th of May. Irrrrrroring his uticeestf with wdonel in the well know n regiment of North Car- region, were emigrants from Peunsylvauia. He ohiia loyalists, commanded by Col. John Ham- was educated at an academy called ' tue. n's "ton, of Halifax. He brought detailed accounts Museum." in Charlotte. hh,1 'tin .1 idi a m.l.l. of the siege and surrender of Charh-s oii, and an ; ardor to sustain the patriot cause it, arms, was ... .or.u.Mve im-ssage. no... ira v. ornwa.us, , commissioned as Major, in one of the regiments I tv a j,,,,!,,. dis,.,iti,,f his fo.ee, und-r cov unit he would march into that section as soon as 1 rmsi.,1 m V.WIiof 'iimiiini thri A.iit'niniiini ai.. 1 " rft ,1 v . 'f. .1 " 1 .1 ii , -T ....... ,T OI Ull! uuiMings ana enclosures ol lie vi I age, - . .ju, s ua, .1.1. nntjjiuucuu, uuu'i icc, 111 i hi), ui mis Ciipacuv lie uiarcijcu norin afford a sujiport for his army. A ery soon there- j ward in the brigade- of General Francis Nash, alter, .Nicholas elsh, of the same vicinity, joined the main army under ('Jen. Washington, in ! l... 1....I 1 !:. 1. : . t - ..:..i . ".. i . .'....- '3 . Y- "..ir iiihi iji-en in me iiniptii xfiTOwr eifjineeii riew jersey, and served under tlie eommatider months, and bore a major's commission in the in-chief throu-rh the three followm? cai'nuai.'iis. same regiment, also returnisj, with splendid of- ' during which time he was promoted to a li-u- cquipmcnts aild a liurse of (Told, which 1 teliaiil-eololielev. with the .-..iiuiihiiiI of n re.ri- ticial was ostentatioiLsly displayed to his admiring as sociates, with artful speeches in aid of the cause he had embraces-!. Ho also gave the first infor mation of Pufoid'a defeat.iand repn-seiited that all resistance on the part of the whigs would now be hojH'less. Under these leaders, there was col lated, in a few days, a force of thirteen hundred men, who were encamped in an advantagi'nus jiosition, preparatory to their being marched to i'ffccL a. junction with. 1 the JJriti&b ..in South. Carolina. Colonel Locke, and the other officers who had nieiit. His presence at home, at this juncture, was purely accidental. , The troojs of the North Carolina line having been detached to reinforce the Southern army, then under the command of (Jen. Lincoln, be obtained permission io visit his family, from which he had been three years sep arated, with the exjiectation of joining his regiment in South Carolina. Put Charleston being in vested at the time of his approach, and all access cut ofl .he.wai thas saved from xafitnre -.with hk. comrades in arms, and returned immediately to his home in Mecklenburg. He, however, did not received the orders of General. Putjieifyrd, . al-. rgnlmnself to-repose-in -inartiv itr, but, taking ready referred to, proceeded to execute them ; command of a . Unly of militia, rendered tabictive with the utmost alacrity land' romptiludif. In f service in iiiiellnig the" torv insurrectilons rouse- ls than five days they levied their several qiiiotas. and, crossing tlie ( atawha at vanoiis lord, ef fected a junction within sixteen miles of the camp of the royalists, ou the 10th of June, with three hundred and tiriy men. At sunrise the next inoruing, with this unequal force, and with out any etnef eiimiiider r understl rriigi--nietits of battle, except that three companies of horse, which constituted their cavalry; should go in front, they assault's! the camp of the tories. containing, as already mentioned, lliirteeii liuudred nu n, and, after a- well sustained and bloody engagement of an hour, compelled them to retreat. The particulars of this action, did quent on tlie tall ol v liarli stoii. AtuFr the cap ture of (Jen. Pulherlbrd, at GahV defeat, Col. Davidson was appointed a Prigadier (Jctieral of L militia, and lllu lia.l immediaU command of the citizeri'soldiers of the frontier county of Mecklen burg, at tliHr tim'e w hen the services of every man was required -wlio eaptiblu of beariagv artns. His romantic devotion to the public service, as rnanrfi'sted in a -continuous aWnce-of three year from .1 young ami endeared family, his f-imitt.ir-iiy w ith the Weir fongbteii fildds of Mohiiiouth. Bradvwine and Germantown, and the fact that he haii s.h-11 service under the eye, and with the approbation of Washinarton, made him a star of time j-rmit us to recur to them, are of much in- i. guidance to his countrymen, and inspired them tcrcsL Ploud relatives and familiar acqnainlaii- the kill of a veteran commander, Lord Corn wa I- ccs fought in the opposing ranks, and when the centre of tho State ; and ou the 2Jtli of that Vi;iiTiiiUiVit"iii.ti iilfii.r in tftii inlifll7.i iTlli tiirTi'Hj moi:Jik"Jigltt"-teiop.".inidcr." L'mrtciHiiit-t-VA Tarleton, overwhelmed and massacred a Virginia regiment under Col.' Pufofd, at Waxbaw crk, iaWlUgentand accute in their commelieion ."W tue frontiers of iorth Carolina. CMi tne iiiiinvb.d, j-alousof uiKluecoutrol bv I 1,Cth,of1 Aujjust, hi a jutchtj battle near Cam imother counln. aiid ready to board any coil- i Avn hc hit,i defeated and rout-d tlie main tmia r,ir,g W eoHehmeute. This ""v, which had Wn allied for the defi nce of m,,..;....,!...... . i - .i i -., i the South iirwh.r ( Jeneral Gates, the hero of Sar- ""Li" iiiiesieu in iut; aiacruv witn wincn T . .7 fwpunJid to the call for the first coutiuental atoSav And "Hhu!?" eonsoUtioii w-as att- w,ml774 ; iu the pr.K-. dings of her ra- ""I!,st4irt'a U) u,e wounded spint oiine Aineri proviiiial iniiirri sses ,.,l .Zil, tr. I can General under this crushing defeat, by the aUMim,.nt of (!,e st-.t . . o.,.i ' success of (Jeneral Sumph-r, in capturing, about ttkiti..r i..;l. i f; . .. li.:.i i the same time, a convoy of the enemy, vet this :'OfMiit er popular assemblies, among which ! tho sam0 tin"'' a convo' "f the enemy, j i . .. , I. .. it. . 1 : r .. .. T' r .. fl..k.v t. iiiirkad. tlift. ferld, mA ,msm tlinn Jfiff w era l'Cumlier!atid, llowan and Trvon assfai IWUlf niemuialil and his force of eigh t . i ,i: me im moral ,le meeting in Mecklenburg, on j u,,ar I1"1 lo r"UM' ",m "'"r MthofMni ittv .. i,;..i. .1...1......1 ..i. i.... ' the loss of his artillery, arms, and bs J . 1 - -' - . '- I .1 . J..... ..I...........!.. ll.,! ' risinng creeK, iwo oays aiw-rius. un, sav s a spirited w riU-r, " the tragedy of the Kith, ..J: 1 bv the dasIiTiiir Tarleton, iiviuus . . . . . i e l .1.1. hundred men put to route ana uisperseu, witu .ggage, ai p-liaellcv. A&J these iiroiript and decisive manifestations 'Wtimeut, had U.-cn sustained by military aid, lJ wirfteditite scenes of danger, in a manner ptuved.that she had no Htdfh, seitional, Oclbive idean of defence and proV-cliou. Es g a thorough military organittion at nwineial Congress, whii-h assmbl.-d in l"eenber of., tliat. . .1 i. i t:jii-ioii ffin. mill, ' . ,. 1 1.a I,. JJCo, of that province, whhavi.col-, &W treasur anJ f r " 'fe I 2J Wge army 0f whites and igroesT pro-! a the maintenance of Ua , a .ad oth .martial law, and offered freedom to the I expeditions 5 f l.er coi.tu.enU 1 tri ain more than a mousanu o. nei i'.mi i - i at the surrender of Charleston, and paroiea, limn il.imr uilh the catastrophe of the 16th, tin . , , armv of the South became a second time nearly anni"hilat.'d To this unbroken succession of reverses to our arms, it must bo added that the ' resources of North Carolina to meet the imjicn ding danger, had been greatly impaired by the 20th of August, 1776, in ". "'V, TfZ , "h. year an ex,edition was aent ' pi, mpr--v- - . . . . - : .1 ..MuuwJinrr veiirs in tlie lOW 1...... ITTwnceg and S11V, of the 'jmictign with a detachment of regulars and oner at wearing their iv;;ll ktiowu badge of a greeii ,piue twig in front of the hat, and the whigs a simi Lr badge of w;hiU; .paper, which was in sonic ..in stance taken as a mark by the enemy, and wca sioned the wearers to be shot in the lioad. These were the only means of distinguishing .the two parties in the acljon in which neighbor met ueighbor in deailly strife, with the rifles carried in hunting, and In the use of which Weapon one hundred men on-mRer side-were as expert and unerring as any like number of Keiituckians in the time of ISoone. Seventy men, including five whig and fourtory Captains, were h it dead volved on them in the most devoted spirit of patriotism, and with a proper sense of its niagnl liiil , and exi-cutiil its duties with fearlessness, ability, and eminent public benefit. Conducting an active correspondence with Davidson, Davie Jem-nil Sumner, and other officers, as to the o- " . ... i . . i i .. he thrice drove kU the liritkl, ravnlrv. t., r,.- ' M,UJ"S " u" "".V ol Uie, invading enemy, lis c ive tl,,. rebuke ,,fth,.ir ,...ander-i..-, hief.and ia'1:.'u,c,-s',rkir,1'isll' s'. f,'"1 ,'ltr, ''t ; w,th llli.de good hi retreat, with a I., much inf. riof '"' pHmy ,e uppr oran- i.il...t r.i. .... i .ie n- -i i cues oi uie v aiH- liar aim l edee, as io ine to that ol the enemy. Lord Coruwallis occupied i . . ' ,. . , .' , ,. the village, intending to advance to Salislm-v. j n"n)& r ,a,a,,,,"P f tones the d.s- Put, with his overwl.i-lmi.ig force, he found it no I irll,"s '? U' ut 'l Ua f,"' tie in, and iin a-uies tor Keeping mem in j (luck; with the Governor of the State, with j General Gates, and subsequently with General Greene, in regard to the rallied troois of the i i .- . .i ..ti , ..i - kj . P - nvaiiwn im it' r ' ...... - I, .tu on board a man of war in rh "c v' t . . - . i tie last royal Governor of .North Car- kTr, T,Z in" nature Muawulr, anterior had been ohhVed to over-looked fn estimating the appalling nature ' mini ' T1 of the crisis; and the merit of a brave resistance. .m tb.... j... i-..-- 1 ti.... ... n imixHlimeht to the onward pro- i S, i'Uk and KuuJrfbrd, marehed gress Lord Cornwalbs, tlie w a.nj 9f sup-. ' St,? Part of the State aainrt - tl j liS ' "I ArtSbu Scoviliu., from a royallTemksary llis roadto Charlotte, U.epital Mcef tt,i. nues, irom a royalist emissary un roau ui vu,.. r- j -;no:(MT : m nanw. ;.. .1. ' ' ... V ..... .i ihn first ooint of his destination, but t .' ' MM "onu-wesiern sccuon 01 , couuij, , ri, Amrfrv Uolina- .l t iuu t. h.wf ..rellel to the great rivers of the country , ,. "T'rr" t stt Wmndarv. upon an 1 mag- j . iiiie. unuer (.. nerui i;i( ii:irii,ri auu crossen v"" ---r t 1 Cn 1 IIS,'n' lrove tl,,! tory c"nnd-i iuary 1,110 igiiain ami -l ltiHte ..t . rp 01 . t .I... alaiotuw. of mans, so much of rove the torv command- mary ime. - , . , Fletcher, fro,., the seige of geography as may be n7(1 six, and on their Jreat, 4e movements wh,ci we Sha demny . c- - invir-Kix, ana on their retreat, me iuu - - nP,t a,l Ca- JSg-jl t hem. with thecapture o tr;i- t.Wr Jollovcrs. Tliis in known , tawba nvcrs we e ci -T , . . , miiaign, from Sae,,and t e --; --- niiiiw til. .. . .. . ....in ninrr .1. lh In. , "lynus witu WU1CU 1W camps ; sircaiiis -"n S If IVdee, i fNortl the oec S.. I. Carolina. 11e Catie rear uoa the mountains ofNort irutij v--.,.----. .. . ..,i1 to me oeccan, 111 i - - t iina- and runnniii j ... h it.. . - r "na . . .- . p.. mirsiuw a like JWo-T tumn of. 1778.afor f nineteen ! South Carolina. iue vai... , - . - 4kTH' dVsnatchM sinsf tK- (WliiWi bing tU&Vpcn and Hatf-or .' 1 ".lan. w ,!, .." ." , . -. Tl.. l)a s tUtt UCaasircam o. v"v .1 -'v iiuij raiii.iN.nl 1111. lini un AttiiHA riteia. - . f woundetl, llie loOs betn shared aboirt equally by the resjiective sides. It is a remarkable omission, in the histories of the war of the revolutioii.that no author, neither. Marshall, Lee, Pamsay, Potia, nor any other, that I have consulted, makes mention "of this inixr tant battle of Painsour's mills. The only intelli gible record of it, ' fxirnno, wa puldished in tlie newspaers of NotLth. Carolina thirty years since, and has been copiediy Mr. Wheider in his recent collection of tnalrritt hixlorira of North Carolina, It is likewise noticed by Mr. IiOssing in his Rtent work, the 'Field Pook of the Pe- volutiou.' For daring courage on the par of tlie whij assailants, considi-nng that Uo eneiiiy Sut huihbeWd therit iff the pro)rtiolirxf Rmrto one, and had great advantage in jiosition, it is surpassed by few events of the war; and as a chastisement and a check ujon the rising and exultant spirit of the loyalists over the recent dis asters to our arms in South Carolina, the result was of the same nature, and almost equal in its salutary effects t the victory of Caswell and Litlingtrinrat MW" bur years preceeding. i have failed, earlier, to mention that Colonel Locke and his brave associates, after resolving to engage the enemy, despatched a messenger to carry this information to General Putherfold, and request his co-operation if possible, but did not make his compliance a preliminary to their attack, and that this officer, having heard of the retire-' ment of the Pritish forces from Waxhaw to Cam den, had, without knowledge of the intentions of Locke, crossed the Cataw ba, with the purpose of himself dispersing the tories at Uamsour's, and arrived with his brigade on tlie battle field alsut two hours after, the retreat of the enemy. Pad the assault been postponed for this brief space, the victory doubtless have been more romplete, nnd jHjewiblytnanyof the gallant dead would have been spared to encounter. the invading Pritoii, trained for the conflict by this first essay in arms. Gen. -Rutherford, in " the succeeding mouth, ' 'joinrd Otwral "t?ate in command of a4irigad! of I milifia, and in the "di fi-at at Camden, oti-Hiu Iptlt of AiifmsL was wounded, and takeri prisoner hy 1 the enemT I Jtiut, therefore,docs not apjearjtt the , --iiuih':iaml1ffB Kt'St-Tf- 4,, " "...WimAo-r polnta ;S K'tC1" ' 7r" uaws. not lo -iu- would nud-i w ith hope ahd confidence. Of t'ol. Davie, a less minute introduction is ncwsary. Sui i iviug tin: wa.hb,'caim; sul sequentlv known to the Union, as-,oue, of the great A meriean ontUMss 4aw v. rs and staii j a leader 111 every great enterprise lor ine improve i.ieiti a nd elevatiwH. of iha. oharavUtK-itf -his. ,0 w u State at one time her Chief Magistrate a 11.1-111-lier of the federal convention, "a sperial -minister of France, in conjunction with Mi. Murray and Chief Justice KlUworth, during Napoleon's C011 solate, and one of the most accomplished anel el egant gentlemen of the revolutionary race. At tlie jieriod to which wo refer, Ik- may have ln-en twenty-five years of age some four years gradu ated at Nassau-Hall, Princeton interrupted in Ins law studies, bv the events of the war - ' r' Inter anna, siTetit If pus he had gratified his early desire, and the itieliua tions of his genius, and became a soldier of stu dious habits he had brought his well furnished and disciplined mind to the study of military science, and had .mastered it. llis service had been in the horse, where he had received the ap probation of Pulaski. H had approved his gal lantry at the battle of Stono, where he was se verely wounded at Hanging l!ock, and on other fields, and his. zeal in the patriot cause, by exend ing an estate, constituting his chief, if not only fortune, in equipping a legionary corps, of which lw waa.now at.the. head. He was prudent, v igi lant, iutnejiid and skilful in his iitove'iifag"airist theew't'rryratidw eloquence, and an undaunted spirit, he was among the young men of the day, as Harry Percy, " to tho chivalry of England." Having received his supplies, Lord Cornvvallis moved forward from Camden; on the Hh of Scp- place of repose or security, llis sentries were -hoi down at their posts, his pickets kept in a constant state of atarin and annoyance, his wagons, with stores, seized and destroyed within a few miles of his headquarters ; and, in one instance, a foraging party of four hundred nun was attacked and driv en home with a loss tf twentv-sfvt-u hilled and wounded, by an amlitishing partv of seven imli vidualsfroin the neiglilK'ting country, all of whom escaped unscathed; the Pritish officer di-claring bis return-, ''-that li- Imdfooiel -a iae-ve.. ry bush, outside of the lines of the eneanipinerit." It was luaniti -stations such as (lies; tlmt induced Lieutenant Coh)if t Turletoii, liib's" '"History of tiMi C .'uiupmigUMiu lhe CbtHes," t o honor t hese ad joining comities of old Mecklenburg and Pow an with the designation of "the iuo..t' rebellious district 111 America.'' The printing press the first that had ever 'bet n carried to that region of country was put in requisition, both by roval 'Governor and Gen eral, j! sefVltltoU upon rebellion and In-a-oii: but without "ser'loii effft. - - " . hile llis lo.ribhipi w as thus occupied and enter tained at Charlotte, he was astounded by (Tic de feat and death of Ferguson, at King's Mountain, aliout thirty miles to his Jeff, with the loss of his whole force, liolh regulars ntn 'loyalists, killed, wounded, or taken prisoners, together with all tin supernumerary arms with w hich he had been furnished fur the inhabitants of the country who might join-1 he (orat.'.tiiiHrd;'H:f'th is" rrremo--ral-le exploit, achieved within a mile or two of Cie.'tiiUiliaKyrKak-uai JHus Caroliuos,, .011 its,,swu iheru side, by the co-oj.iTaUou of Colonels Camp bell; of Virginia v ll'fvel;md, SlK"lby, Sevier and McDowell, of North Carolina; Williams, Hill, and others, of Sotilh C.-iroliuia ; it would be but idle rep.-li.ioirto speak in detail. Of the action and it incidents, a full description . is coutuilicd in I'oote's "Sketchi-s of North Carolina;" and biographical memoirs of its principal actors in Los.siiig"s Field Pook of the Kevolution." No one can, however, contemplate the gatherings oil .1 . -i.i.. nt.i l. .1 1 1 inese inirepni rsotis ot LiHK-ny, miner ine lead- latcly defeated army, the rcinfoymeiits arriving from other States), and being levied in their own : the Poard rf War si-ems to have exerted its ut most faculties in the department of the commis sariat in providing food and clothing for the army. And w hen it is m-'ollecU-d that the- State had mj seaport of niiicli commerce, h'"t inhilU taiits,then aVnivi "oTilamTug ftieir i-tiTef supplies " of foreign goods through the neighboring States that Wilmington, the principal, of these, soon fell into the hands of the enemy, w ho also held -South Carolina and Georgia;; "and almost Tsfmub tiineolislv with tjie march of Coiuwallis o Char lotte, had lauded a large body of troops m Vir ginia, under Arnold, and wi re threatening an invasion from them-i that there w as no internal navigation, and that ihe lest nieaus of transpor tation from 1 be feilile valley ot. the Koanoke and huriutU.', w a,i by the ordinary wag- 0(1 of the planb'-r, hud that ho riiCimiifenrtjIepor- -lion of the fciipj-ty of these had bet 11 lost in the ' route eii-iiing the defeat of General (iah-s, the .furnishing the must iiidisptnal.ili.' .'uicessarfcrtif life was a Herculean task. The ordinary protluc tioiis of the earth had Ixvn v ielil-d, '.hough prob ably in diiniuidied quantities in inatiy six-lioiiS, by iva-in of the interruptions of labor, from the heavy drafts for military -service,-in South Caro lina, as well as at home, during the year; but in The; chvnmstif rices -of --si egry w h ieh en viroued. the . : Ijiute, the grcai privalioii was. in (lit want -of wdV w ithout, ..w hkh jtuunal.ud cun'iittJUi reseryed or vegetable enjoyed a privation which was a like felt by th; army and the people of tlie coun try ; and it is quite apparent from the correspou deiice of this board, that an army essentially lar ger than that which', was brought into the fiehl, could hut have bva l :ig m uiit.aia -1. . In their coiiimnnicatious with ( Jeiieral't Jreeiie, the com missioners expressed their regret, that ill couse Hiienee of the exhaustion of the treasury, tlie legislature had adopted the policy of reiving on Lthe militia for the public defence. This species gorges and passes ot the Alle- ghanks, and taking the field, without quarter master or commissary, each man upon his own horse, and furnished with his own arms, "the horse to be sustained by the grass of nature, and the soldier from tlie homely contents of his wallet, made and filled liy-his wife or 'mother" their concentration (heir arrangement of the tempo rary command by election their long marches their eager pursuit of the eneiiiy" his refuge en the mountain top their assanlt, persevering courage, and overwhelming victory without ing" carried back, in imagination to the sublime si.Rplicity and law ta,wr,i?irir"tmrf of the Sw iss cantons against thwnvasioti of -Aus tria. This victory, which was obtained on the 7th Lof Octolier, was decisive of the campaign. In stead of proceeding to his meditated conquest, tho Pritish general was compelled, to address himself to the tak of maintaining w hat he had crs of their respective sections or neighb. "hood of force was usually called to tours of duty of -flit' them, Irom tin much was expected. In his train was the late Koyal iovernor Martin, who, having lingered off the mouth of Cape Fear, iif a ship-of-war : for more than a year after his expulsion' from the Prwince, in tlie hof ie of restoration to authority, had p.ud a visit U Jtew York and was uow return ed, and hoed to receive that dutiful submission, under the guns of his Majesty's army, which he hail lieen unable to exact by the aid of his pro vincial adherents alone. A printing press form teniber. with the assured expectation of conquer :....xT....K r1. m 1u.r..rn t 'hihivisa i,niilil lu-imr 111 lOI III V-IIUIIII'I) m iiwv.v..... .... & ... ... 1 11 1 .1 -i. another -army iiitoiUdWUkJiiMi force there were adventitious aids, from which pursued by Davidson and Davie to t!,,, ( atawha, with the Capture of a portion of his baggage ; he rctreatvd to Winusbirough, some twenty miles west vvajl of Camden, as the most eligible position for thefireservation of his acquisitions in South Carolina. ' - Thus terminated the invaiion of 1780. Put die end of the war v as not yet Pv his detection of HillsborOugli as the pirint for n'-fonning bis hinted arm'v, Jeneral (Sates had the advantage of consultation witjthe Govern This b IV at ed also a part of tlie furniture of the camp, with or of the Slate nnd the legislature, wlneli, in which it was inU-nded to fulminate threats, ga-! view of the public danger, now held two aq.mnt ...i... . :...;.si .....l .iistwl.iili'jjariluiis. protections ed sessions in each year, and assembled in that and promises. In his ranks was a regiment 01 tevahst-Sj -raised in North. Carolina under tiny command of Col. Hamilton, a Scotch merchant in Halifax, and connected in business with a house at Cross Creeks, in the midst- of thejietlle- nietit of bis countrymen ; a person held m greai tow n on the 5th of September, once applied itself tojiroviding for flit; defence of tlie State" in .every iractIcaTl'r iueTKd. "'"A ( its' prtreding se-ssiou i board had be. 11 created 4for earryiiigoii trade, for jhe b-nefit of the State," tor the ptrriiose ot importing or -procurm- -ai in-, tcem foTthevirtu.'Sof privHhi life, atul who,.aC- ( and "other .military sjorcs.tor.the army, as.vell leTtWwa?w?as1iW Norfolk. .From these, it was ho)ed that, dis- chandise, for the use aiid.coiisuiiq-tipu of fill' ..ir..;...i U J encouraircd. .toaf i.- Jtstato-, cood teot.k ot - tia, rue& . .A"" . l" l'"" r- ' . ... . . , 1 - ... ....It .1 b.Ll k.Jiuil nftiufJ iu nit.hc tor the lanre- inmv;ii was noiwti CJUiy; rCCFUIU.S wnuinm-r wM, turned out on liorst back', occasioning a large con sumption of siiljsistfiice, it seems to have lieen ' ai;ranged that but a limited number should be or dered to his aid, except in the innm-dinte expec tation of a general engagement. Accordingly, l-irg - di-tachm -nls, numbering in all 4,000 men, that had been, called out by tins Governor or Poard of War, and were on their nirrch under Generals Alb 11 Joins, uegoiy, and others, to unite, with the army of def-nce, were halted and disbanded, 1 'st, by joining the camp, they should consume life scanty stores of the continental col dier. A"t the next session of t-he Legislature, which eonimencT-d rm tlie 1 Kth of Jmrnnrr, !7fll, War, and "estaWi-di ft Council Extraordinary," to consist of " three jaTsonii of integrity amiabil ities, such as the Gt iieral Assembly can have the greatest conlid 'iice in," and to invest the actual Governor (Abiier Nash) and this council, witli executive powers of goveiiiiieiit. after the expira tion of his official term, prov ided the invasion of the enemy' should prevent the holdingof the elec-. trons," rftid ". ther rtwlfng- of tlielgrslatum--' at the usual time. -Put 1 hav e seen 110 record of the organization of this eouucil, or any proceed ings iind-'r these- statiifes. Tlie result of the campaign probably rendered thein unnecessary. ' It is tu b- regretted, that among the documents of this period there has been but a mcagrcr pre; ervation of the correspondence of Governor Nash. In the infancy of tlm government, no-law requir ed the executive correspondence- to be recorded, nnd, there being as yet no permanent sertt of gov. cnimeiit, such- iap-rs had no other depositoiy than in the private mansion of the incumbent. IF; died some four years after the war, still high ill the public coiifid- nee,-nnd at the tinre of his fleiiiise a member of the Congress of the con fed-' criilioii. 1 laving imiJtits altn4t'Jli'ft tin tfnWC1" tires of d P nce adopted by the State government inthjv'to her, the ikrkext hour of war, I cannot 'withiiotd the expression of my gratifieatipn,1hat th rough'1 verv line of the public sMnteSi of the mrmf fsnrti Tf Poard of War,th:ofebf(!'ithe th"lotViiVf spiritof .defiance - towards th en Miir. and hrt'iinquailing det-rndnatirrrr tr r-iW ffihlr evt-rv entrgy f the riWyti-v4r -Cri?i?( wi i:i7:iV.,:r3,.,:.:,i