. I, ,:'.ul for the Watchman. CCR I OUS FACTS. j '.ffbeB r'J d'tti light, proceeding t : i.,m;hnui boints, fall upon a cheat-f ifetw , ' ; ! TV A i a daik room, tbey produce a red "irtjl fcrtglifiTeliit 1 -ould produce inglr, provided I lie differ. ,),. length l ibe two beam, from the ijjoa.poiniilo'He red ipol on lb? i paper, J ....i. (tm0.0000258ib pari of an inch. ll.-.Umt 'effect Will take place if ibe differ- j length ne twice; uiree lime, or l" " .1 . .:. ihn Quantity. Bui if ibe difference I, ,ha Unfiibs ' ibe Iwo ray be equal to one bun ine- -- i I"" - r l . itfiJ ihe Q .UUua uwn pari oi an men or io jil '! " I' ' entirely i L. st ml ti.il lslJ nhmijutm "I . 7 ' ..-:ll.'li thw tl ultn.j ha.-i.i: yj ihe dill-'reiice oi ine lengntn o tnir equal lo Ibe 1$. aj oi me u.uuuu. gsik p b7n'HMbi ,he re Pl arising from combined beams will be ol ibe same inlen- L . nliiiiia uriiiilr) .rniliiri I WillCn UHC mvi.- - ....... , ! u' interferenceeilend also lo send. ITif clear ihaTiwo" equal and similar sinnes w ilf be in unison, il they-cuin inicie the same number of vibration lo tbe (jfinibe same uinr. out n iwu iuni nnnj; im nearly in unison, thai one perform 100 tibration in a second, and the oiher 101 in iki wme period tluring the first few vibra- liiMrJna ty .resulting sound will combine to oneol duuble intensity of either, because Atrial 'vei will seusihly coincide in lime us place : but one will gradually gain on ihe jlffWli at ibe.liUiiylLVjLljritm mrfllstioii in advance. Then ilie wave uf trfbira irdii-e ibe sound being iriisilily mtlbul the receding pari of one coinciding with k dtwinjl Varl f ine olhert 'thy viil de 01 one another and occasion an instant si Th mind will he renewed immedi- -ltr alter, and iH gradnafty increase till the i jUiidred'b vibration, when the two waves will Itnliine lo produce a sound uf double ibe in "jwiil'trt either. J A tuning fork affords a good eiample of in ftriereoc. When that iiixliumenl vibrates it fin branches alternately 'recede from and ap Ipaca one another ; each communicates its . Jakoiieo lo ibe air, and a nmsiriit.iiole is the 'Miequrnce. If ibe loik jie held upright, -iH i toe l "in the ear, and !um-d round ii uibile viliiating, at eveiy quarter revolu -4Mlke sound will scarcelj be beaid, while al ;i iote rniriliate poin'. it will be strong and -"int. This ibenieno arises -from-ihe in ultrfnce oi the undulations of air coming from ,1 iwo branches ol I be foils. - When the Iwo 'wii oiuride', tif when ihey jire at 'equal Ifaattes from the ear, ihe wave of air enri IV to reimuric ricu ouirr, uui ai mt? tuau tuii, where ihe Iwo brhiicbe are at unequal1 fttmcfi from the ear,' I he length of the wave iS'tby hall an undulalion, and consequently iwiuj one another." isfrference uf iwo. hot rays must produce cold. kikneii reiultn from the inleilerence ol Iwo itiot' lij;bt : lilenre ensues from ihe inter bice of two undulations of sound ; and still Her or no lide lo ihe consequence ol (be in- wfrftnee oitwo lides." t "Light and heal, as well as sound are not til beings, but ineie modes of action cominu sated to our perceptions hy the nerve." - nilLUSOfHKK. For die Waichinan. PIR CHILD DOES AS H E IS TAUGIIT. Batty yetri ngo a eneraWeitHigid-'- wa, not more than 1000 mile Irom here, pu vU'ning the family of one ol his parisbion. nthen a child came into the room, and, a 1n a be stw the old man, in the presence Ikii parents, began lo cry out "old long leg wC : old grand daddy C ;" and o other insulting epiihel. The parents with shame al such a specimen of their tain endeavored lo make the child bush ; ilk old man replied to thernthaMbejpught Kl blame the child ; lor be only did what ikii is in impoiiant thing for parent lo re- br; their children Will do what tbey are "lit. You leach ihem to call their minister, 'heir teacher by bad name j lo apply in fg and abusive epiihel lo tbem ; ihey 'iiikow; some dav vour irainini? to vour con. lou rncouiaire ihern in act of insub- Mtioa at school, because it f bows indepen- manly tpirit, Stc tbey will show ibeir fit I nn It.n rt r m unl h tr , - J" PWIIIC U.IIV - lead your children and servant lo do your ijliferi lome private iniurv ; lo lurn iocfe their erowinii rmna iii nnen ibeir fence flWihrm down ; lo worry their cattfe and hi' ilh doi'i : tliov will nrarliia lin'ol. VOU. rjjulae uujjhl I hem. "elihem an examnle of Dronriet : of PJ immoraliiv or vice, vou will hud ibein rea- r,Hwr.'- YeT weliTeulliBTr seniTof iiTor- f ligation, of obedience io law and authority 4 J and n, and yu may e ihem eUva, IHeonipicHous place on ihe gallow, un "lieloreijaiid ibey have brought down your r J air wiih sorrow to the grave. SOLOMON. wncid Mutter ,A Frs-neh eientifie jasl Mates thitt jf has been ascertained 'f'ot expeiriments. that the bad r'1 "J aste of butler may be entirely ored by working it over in .water ,e with chloride of ime. The discov ;?JM made by a Drossels farmer, whose ita ' to ,H'te a sufficient quantity of k r Waler t0 Worlt il an( Put 25 ,0 4() uroP ol chloride of 2 k ""J 10 pouoJsof butter. When C, bef" worked until the whol" has M hMUgl'1 i,,!i con,act wilh ,,,e water, b.e wfked again iri pure Water. it will hc found to he as wret as o'tginally made. The " i-ipr-rimf-nt Hf!4 y bo ,r'ed, and we commend it to kUrieBVftr'frivf 10 thl1CT- ZfynfgA&iifcri l)urter6r of usiiftgr J. J. IHiUXEK, , EM'?r $ Proprietor - Another rfiVctuai mnA r L bu ter is said to be, to churn H over with milk .until Ihe old salt and bad taste are ftll-rr moved, and then work.it over and salt it fresh. ' . . ' ' From ihe Cotton Plant, Feb. 17. ' 1 DIRECT TRADE SUCCESSFUL. M The cotton ihrub, which .evenly year ago WM grown only, in sarden. .. yield now id IhelUnlied SfaW a, imouni l eiMrtable produce which in the year ending wiih June, '50, amounted lo seventy Iwo mill. on of dollars, of which from itii i i.. million were clear orofii in ih lis increased growth has si.runir uo lht m,. cairtile navy, which now wave lis uripea and star over every sea, and that foreign influence, which ha placed the internal peace, we may ay Ihe euhsislenre of millions, in everv mn. yiaciurtng cminlry in Eurooe, within ike mrw er of an oligarchy of planters." Blackwood's Magazine. In spile of all opposiiion in ibe face of the hungry army of greedy speculator in colton in ibe teeih of threats ibe great cause of ihe planter redemption from commercial bondage WM P S direct trade it gaining ground daily. The war is now for result. The theory is ad mitted ihe piinciples endorsed by ihe people in every pari of the South and Weal Alliance witlnhefe -Wet byKaHroade: A -onli nenlai JJepm for Cotton io break down ihe mo nopoiy of Liverpool. Direct shipments by I lie planter avoiding all unnecessary charges, out or which ihe - middle men" reap golden har vest, and through which the grower loses ihe profits of bis staple. Direct importation. The maiiuUclure of cotton into yarn and coarse latiili s. Steamer lo Europe. These are prin. ciples and purposes whic h are mighty and must 'p'revaiT.' -""Below we give the announcement of the first step. We now tell those wh have woiked openly and secretly against direct trade, thai ibis great measure will have a fair trial. A trial ly parlies not interested in its failure, but tfho htivo no iuleresl in New York or Liv. erpool, and not being engaged in a profitable " piesem airangetnent" are quite indifferent lo thai" change which is so DIsintgbestkolv (?) dreaded by certain influences. The iren. i If man who visits America, we hope, will b enabled lo ascertain ihal he must eiperi lofiud uo encouragement from those who daily suck i i i f .. -ii i ,- our nit; otoou. nn wjij De assured mat among ike flu alers n ibe tr pi att i.ifls w here be will witues their economy, and have personal associations wiih them, is Ihe only place where he can gather proper information lo guide Ihe great Company no interested in ibis movement. We can say lo ihe friends of Direct Trade, lhat no effort will be spared to carry our part of ibe rrag-mi lhgh. AV ra Ibe forma- lion ol a LiiMii.eiital Depot fur'Ctitlun aaa fix. ed .fad. It is a settled commercial, principle ana recognized as such liy a powerful Compa ny in Europe. There will be kicks against il. Lookout for your weathercock and pretended friends. The question ha been narrowed down lo a mighty small point in ibe. action. of ibe planters. " 1 here can be no doubt," writes our fiit-ndiii Europe, "of the practicability of your plan" for a Xohihieritar Depot or Cotton." It would lend greatly lo fix the price of Cotton, and would advance ihe consumption here. Bt! white we will do all in our power lo aid in fhi m ilter, we murt expreVrlbe fear we have, thai your planter are loo' inTOnltstStir iTid too generally insolvent lo be capable of any eiten iv or firm co ope ral Ion," die, Ate. In reply lo thai, we joined issue. The Issue is up for bearing. , t he parlies are at the bar. A dt iiiie rested Judge comes from Europe to sit in judgment in behalf of the capitalist and manu laeiurers of ihe Continent. What will be the verdict 7 Where is ihe Memphis committee 7 Where are ihe influential member of the Bal timers Convention 7 The agent of one of the oldest commercial companies in Europe, soon visit 1he United Sraie for iheeipress purpose of ascertaining by actual observation wbeluet, or not the southern planter are willing and able to participate in this commercial reform. Let every .engine be put lo work. Let ihe Planters meet in thousands and lens of thou sands at Memphis. Blackwood' Review says, ihe world is at ibe mercy of an oligarchy ol Cotton Planter. Thai oligarchy has been groaning under heavy burdens. That oligarchy ha been but lately (be bull of ridicule and mis represenation in England. That oligarchy of planter holds a femiul power a power which can shatter the institution of England to atom a power which urrouud; Ibe South with wealth and independence. An aliiance is openly in the lace of Europe sought wiih ibai oligarchy by a government "Hot over disposed to love England or lo submit to ber commer cial power. The agent ere this is on hi way. I-ei the Planter meef. ' What will be Ihe an- wejJAIi patient toil lo bring about tbi organization, now ibat we are- eeriotwly approached on the utijeelr aball we fail .in ibe hour of action. Where is the President of the Macon Conven tion 7 ,;Where the Iriend of lhat movement 7 This i but a part ol il the result ofil, and ii may in twelve month be the glorioti accom plishment of the principle it sent forth. Those principle jwere eudored by the Legislatures of Alabama and Georgia. Tbey eland at ihe head of our Journal. They are the principle for which Ibe b.-roic De Bow ha labored through life. Shall ihey exist merely in theo ry 7 Shall we still go on. in our sensele bab bring about air lines, and prospective 'would btJV and ' ought lo be' and ued to be when the present i-at ow command 7 We again call on ibe planter lo lake this matter up. "F orm organization. Lei u have light. Let u meet this agent and atify our.elw and Satisfy him. Let us no longer trust lo Ihe Interested advice of our enemie. or allow our friends io be misinformed. The people ekAi. atma.and FWida and1 Georgia, and South ij.- . i i ;.j,ii' ami Tennessee ana a ,L... nH Teia. are all inierete m mi j' " il .....1' ' 1.14 ejj cutftfff dwtrict. We sTppcai to tue pr.sa . . .Another iTt7IiTmTmm KtEf A CHECK uroW A(.L TOCt the South. Where i DeBuw'a Review t It the Ibunderer ol the Mississippi valley opea hi hull..:.- . . , ..i T . . "-"I""" a octsj is a uatue to De lougot, and principle io be overcome, or Iriumphanl.- Wiiect Irade will iriu.nnh if ihe planter will only be true lo therriselvet. If after all our proteslaijon. we draw back now, then there i no language lo express Ibai' unmeasured con tempt which will l and ought lo be fell for us. It is said lhat the Colton Planter cannot be relied pnf evo wiihaUihe principle involved thai tbey cannot be induced lo leave the old track ; lhat the present commercial buodag f lha Soulh t br deetiivy T h. Lir erpool will alway rule ihe price' of roilon ; that the middle men and the usuiiou interest and the extravagant charges will always eat up the profits of the grower, and that in pile of all organization, and notwithstanding ihe tad experience of ihe planter lhat they will not consistently co-operate with any one for their own benefit. Cotton Planter of the South is ibis so 7 We do not believe il. The Baltimore Patriot of Friday lasl gives the following notice touching the movement: "An Important Movement. There can be no djubt thai ihe wealthiest and most influential commercial organization in Europe, has deier mmed to send out an agnl uboi visit Uior ihy purpose of ascertaining whether or not ihe colton grower of the Southern States are dis. posed to throw off the Liverpool monopoly of - 'lk .. :.: rui fit uposuiou w-mnnuig mora no less than for ibis mammoth society, inconiunc lion with ihe planters of ihe coilon districts, lo create a continental depot for colton. The dis position ol a few private houses lo aid ibe di rect shipment of a few thousand bales olcoiion, could not be regarded as a matter of niMch Im mediate consequence, bu: Ihe importance which attaches lo the movement when beaded by ihe Company alluded lo, cannot fail to arrest pub lie aileution and lo produce decided results. We have been shown ihe correspondence, which is Iwo fold. The first communication is from a . dis;iiiguished foreign Minister on the part ol bis Government, referiing lo ihe President of ihe Company now .enlisted. Tbi Company writes as such to an official now in Ibis country, slating that ihey are dis posed lo carry ojl the plan proposed in a con tinental depot for colton. The parties, and the names, and the country, we are reques ted not lo mention; as in a matter of such importance, involving, loo, such immense coun ter interest, ihe friends of the movement have ibeir reasons- for keeping ibe detail to them selves. There i no doubt lhat a powerful Euro pean organization for Irade is about making responsible and definite propositions lo thu planters for the establishment, by direct ship 'lie nt, pi a depot of cotton on the continent to supply ibe want of 1 he--tmeh4tw.-Tfcfs..is. no. mistake about this. 'Che evidence before ug i ol ihe highest character. Il is inten ded lhat ibe agent visiting America shall pro. ceed lo ibe planting disiiicls, see the plan ter lor which purpose' lhey will be invited 19 meet at certain accessible points and a, certain exactly what the disposition for di reel shipments is the ability of the planters lo act the difficulties the opposition, it any, I and everything e!eiiecessary for ibe Infor. mat ion ol the company. I hi preliminary step ts taken, a ihere have been Iwo represents lions made in. Europe one, thai rhe planter are? trresponsFMe and mdipoed eo nper. futgr-lhe- oiher, ibat -4by an be-jelied . on. 1 i i .t . . i :r r. r...:i;.;A i and are eiermined, if furuiabed. wiih i facilities ! and responsible agencies, m make direct ship: f meui. ine uiintr no uoum win uo mco, and fairly tried, as the company in Luropeare very much interested in lis success, ana every I ' I j. r .i . if, : way disposed o favor be movement. II H i carried out, and a depot for cotton established on the conlinenl. very important result must lollow. It is confidently believed ly the conli nental powers, thai ihey will meet hearty co operation from ibe cotton interest, which ia sup' posed to be not over-fond of Liverpool. We watch this movement with interest. On ibe Jims iubject we pulilfsli from the Baltimore Republican and Argu of Saturday: Direct Trade. We have been shown a correspondence by which it appear that an opulent government through a poweful com mercial company ba determined to carry oul as a policy, the formation of a Continental De? pot for Cotton. The European parlte are lul ly equal lo the task and an agent of mature years,, of standing and intelligence, is about lo visit America for the purpose of ascertaining for bipi- elf and the future guidance and satisfaction of the company, everything in relation lo the di. position and ability of ibe planter lo carry oul ihf "great m0vement.-we.are glad ol tni. Our experience assures us mat tne planters are ripe for it, and the movement has only been retarded by ihe want of proper commercial or- gatHtwtiim.- aTrorganrerOion alrrioT" Impossible to form wiih ucb a large interest against any change in the present tyalem ol colton trade. We are not at liberty to state name or particu- are. Il is sufficient lo lay Ibat ine European parties are interested against ibe present sy. lem and in favor of the proposed one. They have certainly all the mean and influence ne. cessary. It remain to be seen now ine pian lers will act. The interest of ibis Conlinenl and the Zol Verien are npposed to be co oper. aiiiig. If carried out it will be(the death bluw lo Liverpool monopoly. Succe lo the move ment. Tftefirsi Printer. In examining the Old records, of Massuchuselts, for 1641. we find the following verbatim, in a style of penmanship, very similar to the German text : Stephen Day, being the first that set upon pr i n ting. 1 S g ranted 300 ac res f land where it may be. convenient, with out prejudice to.tvny towne." Xew York city. wrtb h etirbttt baa lwa, hli'a popufan.in nie.5ttKHtt Pha4elpbia ICS,- 000. BaUimore 169A)00, Uoston laa.uuu, iw Doiiih, iicp'Libertvis From the Raleigh StBJard ; THE WORLD'S FAIR. ' We have been much gratified by the responses of the press of the State to Mr. Alctteap .letter tn relation to the Icw York Exhibition, which we published a week or two since. The Wilmington Free Fress says i We are pleased to observe the alacri ty with which the North Carolina press have copied Mr JeRae' address, relative to the Crystal Fa 1 1 ace. We do hope its influence will not stop with the editorial and publishing fraternity, but that the, pro pie will take hold of the matter end carry out his suggestions, in a spirit becoming a State, able to do as much as this is ; in a spirit which doe not bait a t the admi ration the be(tiful dress excites, but keeps on to the practical point set forth The Charlotte Whig says : " We thank Mr. McRea for bringing the subject of the New York Fair to public notice, and hope that steps will be taken to give form and action to his patriotic suggestions. II North Carolina is repre sented in no other way, we at least hope that some of the fair from "the. most, re bellious Colony in America " will be fhere. bime 4tte creations of the sculptor, and the lifeless colorings of the Artist." Most if not all the other papers have copied the letter and invited to its sugges tions Ihe attention of their readers. The Fair in New York City will be opened in May. A spacious and elegant edifice is in course of construction ; and it is lo be filled with the productions of na lore, with the results of inventions of whatsoever character, and of discoveries in science. The States of Europe and the States of America will certainly be there with their contributions ; and perhaps por tions of far Asia and Africa may be there also in the same way. It will be a sliring, a full, a great, and long to be-remember-ed time. North Carolina can present her self among the communities of the world with a much credit and respectability as others. She can go wiih her hands filled and her garments sparkling with ihe evi derrces of her varied resources; Of min erals she can contribute troflr, gold, sti ver, copper, coal, marble, granite, precious stones ; of limber she can ofFer specimens of pine, cypress, juniper, live oak, hicko ry, and "white and red oak all of which enter, more or less, into commerce ; she eft show fiercer Hftfrpenlirie than any oth er State, and specimens of wheat, corn, flax, colton, and tobacco, which will vie with those from other portions of the Un ion. But what, it may be asked, is the object of this T What good will it do 7 Who wilt be benefited by it f We answer. the object is to give proof that North Car olina is not asleep, but that she is awake, and folly alive to the value of ber position and resources, ns wen as to me impor tance of the developments nnd improve ments of the age. It will effect good hy making these resources, their nature and xtf ttfrknowfl 444wwpitalitJand entcj, . . . . prjsjn men 0f tie Northern and t Jjj astern UOUUS are . - .!,. f.,r &wn nnft nn, now III Illtl Ki'i hm euuv,uuu, miu soon III r I.-, r .. -,i nnn I ...ilr . , ,nnnnn mnrm . it nrt,4 ;n ) , .... ... ., , . , probabi Itty.to the premiumon these bonds; , . ., 1 . . , and it will encourge mechanics, farmers. laborers and energetic business men tore move hither, and thus swell our popula tion and consequently our power as a State. We might say much, more on this in teresting subject, but we leave it focjbe' present with our breth ren of the press and with the enlightened friends oTtbe move ment generally. We trust the suggestions and recommendations so-opportunely and lorcibly made by MjvVIcKae, will be car ried out; but. in order to do this, let it be borne in mind that prompt action will -be necessary brf the part of those who are anxious that North Carolina should be ful lyand properly represented in the great Exhibition. P. S. Since the above was written we have seen a Circular with an engraving of the New York Chrystal Talace, trans mitted lo the Governor of this State. We make the following extract from this Cir cuUrrwbiob embraces-abri efd eScxi pf ioti oi the plan and size of the building : " This building, constructed of Iron and Glass, is erected on Jteservoir Square in lh e "Ctry of New York; by-1 he A ssocitiow roa tiik Exhibition op the Industry or all Nations, incorporated under an Act of i.be Legislature of the State of'.'New York, the 11th of March,. 1852. TheJ use of He. servoir Square is granted by the Munici pal Authorities of the City. The Ground Plan -of the Building forms an octagon, and is surmounted by a Greek Cross, with a Dome over the intersection. The ex treme length and breadth of the building are each 305 leet. Height of Dome to top of Lantern, 148. ' Entire space on Ground Floor, 1 1 1,000 square feet. Whole arfea, 173,000 square feet, or 4 acres." The President of the Association for this gram! Exhibition, is TheodoreSedg wick ; William Whetten, Secretary and Treasurer, both New York City. iis,.cprDroqriJnheEa''t to W stout Arabs Spinning and also Jdiillmg, and their -wivtis building Jjgvets and. (Jt'ingr VUltti8.""v -.4 i t i iij-fiMtn-nii n iitsliwisi-sjaaiii wan miiaiisji iiarii i nlTiMiinnTn" n r " -r - NEW SERIES. : sara.'.' -VOLUME IX-N UMCKR43. minNesota-st. PAUL Gov. Ramsey, in bis recent annual mes sage to the Territorial Legislature of Min nesofa, amongst rnany interesting partic ulars respecting the rapid advance otfihat flourishing and beautiful region, takes the annexed notice of the rise and progress of the seat of government, St. Paul, whjch is sitilaTed" on l h eTairBank of th eHfissi ssi p pi, not far below the Falls oi St. Antho ny t - - " - - ----- " - - - "In concluding this, my last annual mes sage, permit ine to observe that it is how a Utile over three yea-rs and six months since it was my happiness to first land upon the soil of Minnesota. Not far from ivbf.re we now are, a dozen framed hou ses, not all completed, and some eight or ten small log buildings, with bark roofs, constituted the capital of the new Terri tory over whose destiny I had been com missioned to preside. One county, a rem nant from Wisconsin territorial organiza tion, alone afforded the ordinary facilities for the execution of the laws; and in and around its seat of justice resided the halk of our scattered population. Within this single country were embraced all the lands white me n were privileged to till; while between fhrm and the broad rich hunt ing grounds of untutored savages rolled, like Jordan through the Promised Land. the River of Rivers, here as masjestic in its northern youth as in its more smuthern maturity. Emphatically new and wild appeared everything to the incomers from older communities; and a not Teast-rel feature of the scene, was the motley hu manity partially fiHing these streets- the blankets and painted faces of Indians, and the red sashes and mocasins of French voyageurs and half breeds, greatly predo minating over the lesd picturesque cos tume of the Anglo American race. But even while strangers looked the elements of a mighty change were working, nnd civilization, wiih its hundred arms, was commencing its restless and beneficent empire, lo my lot fell the honorable du ty of taking the initial step in this work, by roclaimmg, on the 1st of June, 1819, the organization of the Territorial Govern ment. and coriseqtieiit extension of the pro tecting arm of law over these distant re gions, ftince that day how impetuously have even's crowded time ! The fabled magic of the Eastern tale that renewed a palace in; a single night only an .par- lief our reality of growth and progress. " In forty one months thefew bark roof ed huts have been transformed into a city of thousands, in which commerce rears its spacious warehouses, religion its spired temples, a broad capitol its swelling dome, and luxury ar.d comfort numerous orna mented and substantial abodes; and w here nearly every avocation of life presents its appropriate follower arid representative. ; In fortyo'ne months have ilcnsnl a whole century of -achievements, calculated b" the Old World's calendar of progress a gdverViment proclaimed in i the wilderness J r jttdteiary -wewttxrdrTa 4twlator r-4- stituted, a comprehensive code ol laws di I K,(1 ,n. adnntt'd. our rinniilatfnn nnin- - '- ' 1 1 1 t u pTed; c Tries- a ad to vvws xptt a JJ i ng.. up o n evrVy hand, and steamWtth its revolviiTg wings, in its seasoiijtaily fretting the bo som of the Mississippi in bearing fresh crow ds of m;tt' and merchandise within our boarders.' aCjXk has long been known to Physiol- : ,i :fj .!. coloring matters, if administered to ani mals along wit h thetr foot! rpdssesses the properly of entering into the system and linging their bones. In this way the bones of swine have been tinged purple by mad der, and instances are on record of other animals being similarly affected. No at terippt, however; was made to turn this beautiful discovery to account till lately, when Mons. uouliti speculated on what might be the consequences of ntlinin'ster- ing colored articles of food to silk worms just before they begun spinning the cocoons. Prosecuting still farther his ex periments, he sought a red coloring mat ter capable of being eaten by silk worms without injury 'resulting. He had some difTMiully 4ofiml at first, but evenTUslly alighted on the pig nonia chica. Small portions of this plant having been added lo the mulberry leaves, the silk worms consumed the mixture and prodoced-Ted---rolored silkr I this majirlrTnprdrirrir-pr i ncesy'-vv4ie'9Wdett' ner the experimenter, who is still prose cuting his researches, hopes to obtain silk as secreted by the worm of many other colors. Tin England there are four thousand miles ol telegraph ; in the -United States, twenty three thousand. A Telegraphic message, which could be seftt in the llnited States, for one dol lar, would be charged, for the same dis tance, seven dollars in England. IIe,w-h6 has a love for nature can nev er be alone. In the shell he picks up pn Iliersh'orefft"' in the grain of sand and the niorning dew be sees enough to employ hfs mind for hoursi Such a mind is never idle. He studiVs the works of his Maker which he sees" alt artfond him, awl find pleasure Of wbtyb the devotee of.sm and pleasure j I vj'.'il." , '1 Lo tu;ie !';.... ! i n ; ,,ricly js cay and uncrri-iiionious. Never unuYi take to' go through with a bit of fine manners when the intentiorr is transparent one " should be natural, acting always as if one could not ! the great secret of a good manner is to forget, yourself. Conscious people must find it hard to avoid awkwardness. 0ns - formality is practised in this favored land to a fearful extent. -tThn-further south you go. the worse it is. We mean that of introducing. Smith, of Mississpl meets his friend Brown, of Alabama, walking wjth Jones, of Tennessse. Rrown instant- ly cries. Mr. Sn.ii.ih, Mr. Jones of Ten nessee!". They advance, shake bands, fall back and toochThrfr beaverr.Crrra gentlemen, let's take a drink I What shall it be ? AH drink. " Jones then swr Thompson approaching Mr. Smith, Mr. Thompson, of Texas more shaking of hands, more touching of beavers, more drinking, and, so on ibrtjugh the entire thirty States. A trayellel once told me that he had undergone foAteen introduc tions and fourteen itn ultions to "liquor ia - one eve.iing at a club, in a southern city. At the north, he gets oil by the shake of the hand another odious custom. The band should never be given except to a friend or a pretty woman. ' 1 he true rule is never to introduce unless Ihere is an express reason for ma king two people acquainted."- We must add, on "our . own authority. that pro nt is the proper word for this kind o( acquaintance making. ISiiLiliSC-uxiiie, nn the suhjecti the conjugal relations. We will quote an extract or two : A bachelor is a .nerson who enirvva j r j vervlbing and who pays for nothing. Nevertheless, most men marrv, at least in this country, lining married, they should never trouble Ihe enjoyment of the bache lor by fondling their wives in his presence. or bestowing any manner of public ten derness upon them. There is nothing in worse taste. I he bystanders are sure to be either envious or unhappy, for it is a hitter thing. Shakpare lelljsus, to look at happiness through another mans eyes or tbey think the sentiment misplaced, and are disgusted. Every Benedict should economize tlio exuberance of his affec tion, and keep it to sweeten tete-a-tetes, Ie will want it before be gets to the nd." And we add our directions to the "af flicted," never to talk about Mrs." in put Up, nor about any other near relative. If -is a - secondary form of egotism, and equally repulsive. "The system of making a parade or procession of a marriage ; going to Phila delphia in a white bonnet, wearing orange flower and hi idl lace to balls after the weMingTs uft -people. I tjiink with great justice. It i very well for John when he marriesiSti san, to take her to Jersy City and'oack, for a "pleasure ride," as the Westerns call it, to sit with her hand in bis rt" 'he way over and back agin, btjfentlemen ought to know better and jsfay at home. " By ihe.wr.yoiCmv countrymen, when you semi out, your wedding curds, do not put jour name and hers in the left hand corner of the pasteboardas if you bad -erfeied into a cormnercial arrangementr " ind'-wish to give the names of the firru;" " jlf-a-4au has to couyeyJus wile nnd mother-in-lavy, (poor follow I) thereby ma king what in call (l in Massachusetts, a Lym couple, "two gals and a fdlcf" let him beware of olLuitig an arm yr -each, " and walking sandwich hetweenhem. An offence against appearance, which could not be tolerated, even in (MeriotlS male, accompanying two strongi Vinded sisters from an anniversary mcctiS fat the Tabernacle. . . , " . How Fortunes are Acquired in Havana. is a weii Known fact that nearly all the merchants and shop keepers of 'Ha vana aro native Spaniards;, and, as I have before stated, they are not only con tented, but fanatically devoted to the Spanish Government. A large propor tion of this class carne to Cuba as adven turers, and began life as clerks on small . salaries. Alter accumulating five hun dred dollars, iht-y would purchase a share in a joint stock slave trading company ; and, in the course of a year or two, receive a profit in the shape of a dividend amount- j'njr to Ten" thousand 'dollars, which sum, re invested in the same business, soon then generally returned to Spain to spend their ill gotten fortunes, leaving a crop of clerks to follow in the footsteps of their inhuman predecessors. It is, perhaps, not eenerallv known lhat some of our New" wealth has been attiibuted to the sugar business, Ifave de'rived their largest revel nues from capital slyly invested in the rdave trade, l'ersons who are curious in such matters may leafti further particu lars by rhakinsr inquiries in Havana"" '"s': " Cvr. New York Minnr. - ' Its Effects. The success of the Eric's son hot air ship, must and will lead Iq some singular revolutions. It- will anni hilate explosions injure the business of coronors drive wooden legs out of the market, and give a buoyancy to ship build ing such as'has nof'bren felt since Alex der rrojisrd the 11 ctlmspont in a onJ trorse " wagon. Hot air engines will give nn'immenso impetus to cjlmJer building, will knock boiler shop's iito-a cocked -hat - Steam lhiaieiwillhi- eers- will-be reduced from men of the first sC5rwit -:. .a X