" We arc very distant from the. Ntat,es, 1 1 (lie i) It of hccpsf, and surrounded I))' bar- bnrians of dout.ful faitb. .Tif face oMho " country; Is moumatnouirnnd of great ele vation, wiih. n appearance" ot sterility . Jrorti' n scarcity "ef WalrrT"Th popgta thousand souls, is widely scattered thru distant valleys, over an area so immense that twenty companies of the U, States troops Are Insufficient for its protection against Indians ; and your own people are o badly armed that they cannot protect their own properly from depredation. Agriculture and stock raising, the (wo great interests of the Territory, are de pressed for the want of a certain market for the produce of the soil, and for the want of protect ion, for flocks and herds. Your mines are nearly abandoned, and . their products (gold and silver excepted) " will not hear the transportation to intvrk- et. Your htghwnxs are in a bad condi- - lion i and. the.xcliool master, (an indispen aide functionary in a popular govern ment) is rarflwseen among you. """""The country is overrun with red and white thieves and robbers. Your prisons are insecure,, and no appropriation has yet been made by Congress lor a Territo rial penitentiary. Your ancient laws and usages (which were based upon the prin ciples of the civil law) have been sudden ly overthrown, and a crude mass of new laws (founded upon the principles of the common law) have been substituted ; and tbese imperfect laws are imperfectly ad ministered." But this is ooJy one side of the picture. The other is presented in the, following extract : " Your count ry is one of the very health, lest on the globe. Your agricultural pro ducts are various; your soil; rewards la bor abundeotly. and your tillable lands may be increased perhaps more than a thousand fold by improved acequia and by tanques. Besides, at a cost within your, reach, your acequias may be car ried upon higher levels, and enlarged in to canals, thereby affording water lor ir rigation, wat power for machineryand highways for commerce. The scarcity of water is more apparent than real ; for excellent well water has been invariably found in the valleys, at depths from fif teen to fifty feet, and 1 am much mistak en if good well water cannot be procured at practicable depths, even upon the Jour-nadadel- Mujto,- and at tbe JVIesasin eluding that extraordinary tabic land the Elano Estacado. - Jfw -faeiliiea for stock -raising are unequalled; and a well-organized volun teer militia force will protect you from red thieves; and a penitentiary will rid you oLwhtte thieves Your rich mines of gold, silver, coppery lead and iron, and your abundant supply: of common sak. coal, gypsum, marble, nitre and soda, on ly require time.capital, industry, with good roads, to make them available as a great source of public and private wealth." Deep Sea Soundings. An Interesting account has just been received by the Royal Society of an expedition for mak ing a survey of ihe Pacific Capt, Den-' ham, R..N.. ot the Herald, gives tlje te - suit of - the deepest sea -soundings ever made, taken ty him in 30 deg. 49 min. south latitude, and 37 deg. 6 min. longi- tude. - The sounding was obtained cm a calm day, on a passage from Uio Janeiro lo the Cape of Good Hope. . Capt. Den ham huff received lrom Commodore Ale KeeverkSjnited Stales Navy, 15,000 fath oms of fine, 10.000' fathoms on one reel ! ana ojmj on anotner. and that was the line u". The plummet, which was ele ven infes long, weighed nine, pounds. Wheri$076 fathoms were run ofT the line, the seVbottorn. was reached. Capt. Den bam and Lieut. Hutchison, by whora.be was assisted several times drew up the line fifty fathoms and dropped it again, but it stopped, at the sanio mark, and would hot run another torn of the reel. The time occupied in taking their sounding was nine hours, twenty four minutes, and sixty five seconds ; the lenght of lines 7-7 geographical miles of 60 to a degree. The highest summit of the Himalaya mountains does not exceed 2S.O00 feet. .Thus the sea bottom has depths which greatly surpass the highest elevation upon the earth's surface. Great care was ta- JflS59 Jfin ;up,lbe,rplummiio.bovi'the'' nature of the bottom, but it broke tit 140 fathoms below the water line carrying away a thermometer which bad been at tached toft, at the depth of three thou sand feet. This sounding is the deepest ever made, i he strength of 1he line was equal to 72 lbs. in air the 7.700 fathoms -JKejg&eiUwl plummet.- London Ptipcr. . '- - AVB uhlcb V 17 il . . A apprentices, clerks, and' others ! iuli jj AKNinus. i up nrnriio i i have of spending Jheir-earnings as last as iney accumulate is one great reason why so many never attain a position ! above mediocrity in life. A person w ho j receives but a small compensation for his ! frvice will, with a little care over his i exchequer and a system of regularity in ! bis expenditures, find that at tbe end ofj tbe year be is prepared to encounter any j r nergeocy or in.suap. ui. as a gener- al It. rr I hall ma to ira tni.l...'.l '- - rnniiiK ijuiir un nB ujrjr are line, llius leaving them wholly unprepared for j of emergencies ny sicKness or omerwise, '- A TSystem of curtailing unnecessary ex ami behsertf ddmeobT-tmrriWnireiIolks.4iea , would bring arouriffllie ::M srrafvvinsr results, and be the means of i fJzrtitano in fifriinenee flhtf Staftdliiff- in ui. in sy Li' tr.ici'.J to i..' l.-i'. i it .i i expenditure of money in earlier days. Albany Transcript, M YSTE RtoUd DlSA PpEa -SUS- isier cty ui .unsneMown yesterday, in conse, I que nee of lbs mysieriou disappearance of a very-pretty, intelligent girl of IiTsh parentage-, (16 year old.) named Honors Cochran, am) wing i a domenicln the family of Marcellu Carpenter, of No 75 Green street in tbal city. Toe circuintanceare briefly astfolluws : li appear ihat This girl ha resided with Air. Car penter's family about nine month; thai she was formally of the Roman Caibolic faith, and that she bas a mother ol the same belief, resi ding at No. 6 Grove Place, in ibis city, and a brother younger than herself, residing in Ash tandr Man "drat about nior months since the girl renounced the Unman l.'atholie fitb and wa baptised al a Free Will Baptist meet, ing house, where she has since aueuded wor ship with ihe lamily of her employer ; iha4 on Monday last .she was jisiled by her mother, and went out lo walk wiih her, that when she eiurned she said Ibat her mother took her lo the house of the priests, who squeezed her hand ao hard that he hurl her, and, only lei her go when she promised to return lo see him on the neit Monday ; that on Saturday the brother arrived in Charlesiown, and she accompanied him to this city lo see her mother, since which time nothing hat been heard from ber. When the mother was interrogated, she said that bits and her son left- Honors on Saturday evening at six o'clock, at the Filchbnrg Kail way station, and thai then Honors slated that he was going lo Cbarlesiown, When she was loid ibat there were fear thai her daugh 4 had rf wirb seme fatal accident, he said she wss not afraid of thai, Irom which it appears that she know more than she is willing lo tell. It is believed that the girl is .confined by per- ot ww are opposeu 10 ner present religious belief. A boot a week since she chose Mr Fosdkk, of Charlesiown, for ber guardian, but the paper had not been signed at the lime of her disappearance. Mr. Carpenter gave in lormaiiuu to the authorities of the circumstan ces, and a search instituted for her had been unsuccessful up to last evening. Boston Times 14A. STEAM BOATS. From a list of Stelam Boats owned bv the principal cities of the Union which we see going the rounds of the papers, we ob serve that Wilmington is put down as own ing 15, and is surpassed by only four sea board cities in the South, viz: New Or leans 111, Mobile 78, Savanah 27, Balti- more 34. -Wilmington, though, is not cor rectly reported as she has 20 Boats now plying to and from her port, and 2 others fret yet ready for service. : We ar gra lined to observe her positron so lavora ble, being considerable ahead of ber sis ter Charleston, which has six time her population. This fact shows the desire as well as the capacity of Witminstori to ilov an increased traaspoctLng.,b.usiiW!ss. which is mostly carried on up and down the Cape Fear, thereby rendering the des patch ol all goods which our back coun try friends should wish to receive through or from her certainly reliable. Wilmington Herald. We published last week the method adopted by a certain county Clerk in or der to secure , bis fees. His form of oath was Ibis : " You swear that the eon. Tents of this paper are correct and trueto the best of your knowledge and belief. You ow-m4Uty-MuUstaJif.;r ypp (;oi " A friend thinks that the oath administer ed by ihe Superior Court Clerk of a neigh boring county' is much better than the above, as tbe clerk not only makes the person swear that be owes, him his lees. but ho will pay it. His form of oath is as follows: - You swear that the contents of this paper are correct and true to the best of your knowledge and belief, and that you will pay me ten cents, so help you God." This oath he uses in swear i n g Ju rors a nd Wit nesses whe n giving them Iheir tickets. Wudesboro' Argus. JET We witnessed a frw day since, in this City, a highly iuccessful eiiraclion of the great toe nails'of each foot, without ihe 'slighted pain to the patient a lud of tixteen.yeir of age duiing the whole operation. Hi feel had been rendered almost useless for the last eighteen month by ihe diseased nail of the great toe ol both leel. The system ndopted was ibe same as recommended, Grsl, we believe, by Mr. Ar noli, a surgeon of much repute in Loudon, and Pari. Snow and common salt having been mixed well Ingeiher, was applied lo each toe lor five minute previous lo the operation,! hereby cau. ing an inensaie numbness of the pari ; each nail wat then cut down the middle, beuealli and through, wiib a scalpel, and pulled out wiih a pair of forceps. The feel were Imihed and the wa- if.r then rhYnged to ihe temperature of fifty0, I'arh. Thirty drnn of Laudanum. With direr. lions to keep both toe wrapped in linen , i ... . . cRe. This mirpmion was i.ulormed on- ! d r the medical hand of Dr. F. J.f 1 1 sy wood, who has acquired great skill as a surgeon from variou operation of mueb difficulty. Raleigh Standard. " INDIA-RUBBElt CASE. We are informed, says the Washington Republic, that the Commissioners of Pat- ents yesterday decided against the exien- - ' r . I t . I ' . ... mat tins pa'ent was very valuable. Une the grounds for not extending it was, i that t thp patentees bad already .reapeiL pie remuneration. The natent. we I tits on ihi- InAian v??t.hh '.RMiai.V,X"TSa r. il.trt.i TZZt:,.'-Xrffi'i i. ! OUR PLANK ROAD. The ci'izens of Rowan are invited to read tho subjoined letter from our daugh ter, the County of Iredell. She talks like a very Wnsjble rand polite woman," as nhe respect and esteem, she must remember to .keep" ber promises to the letter. It is unsafe now. as it would be wrong at any time, to fail in duty, presuming upon the youth and inexperience of our daughter for an escape from detection. . To Rouan . Dkar Mother: You well remember.wo dl,M!,'bi"e dl,y 'e"1 I arrived at womanhood aud sei op to myselll'Z f nl, sHeclionale aodruM-wVrihy during minnr- ny, you seemed lo repose confidence in mr ainiiiy lo act lur mysell, and no sooner bad " I applied for ihe portion of land coming to me than you laid it off on the western side of your plantation, and a partition fence wa buill be tween us by mutual consent and at our mutual expense. 1 then went to work, and having been laughi habits of industry and economy wniie unuef your control, I pursued Ihe even tenor of my way for many years, doing husine on a. moderate icale.' I always looked before 1 leaped, in accordance with the principles aud mat im laid down in my early training, and ibu avoided icrape. I al way made it a point lo pay up a I went, I but forming and sustaining a character for honesty aud punctuality. I have raited many ton and daughter and ibey are all good looking. If there ha ever been an ill favored one among them of either sex my eyes have deceived m, A! julawghfef - are prover bial for beauty. But I am digressing. My primary object in addressing you at this lime i lo explain my manner of doing husine. 1 base always deemed it a matter of importance, before I began lo build, lo calculate whether or not 1 would be abte to finUh, led a failure in tbi particular might excite the risibilitie of some body. 1 never embarked in any great work of In ternal Improvement because 1 could not lee eiactly where the money wa lo come from, and you had never taught me in my youthful day, that to spend money wa ihe most ready way to get ii. I have since learned, however, that this i ihe doctrine of some, and from ob servation I begin lo suspect that the doctrine is not so erroneous as it appears paradoxical. "iou remember, 1 date say, a conversation we bad on this subject about two year ago wheu you were al my house on a visit. And in order to test the truth of the doctrine, you proposed lo me, you recollect, thai we should enter into a co partnership fur the construction of a Road that said road should commence at ihe centre of the' old plantation, and thai yo'u would. build it lo Ibe partition fence if I would carry it on to the centre of my plantation. But in order lo save eipente ii was'sgreed thai ihe band should all woik together under the tame Overseer. So we w.-nl at il. Now, my Dear Mother, il you should happen to fail before the rUiad reache the partition feoce.and , all, my. money is. expe.nd4.o,ywt plantation and my own left roadless as hereto jote, I will be compelled lo deny ibat spending money was the mosi ready way for me lo make it in this case. Thus you will perceive ibat there is danger of ibis doctrine being disprov. ed. or al least thai it is not without exception. You will please reflect on this matter. And if people begin lo mork, and say that I Be. gan lo build and was not able to finish"; you will please prove your sympathies in my behalf by aayiug to such, thai tee ; began, to build and were nor able '"lo finish. The pleasure of your company is respect-4 tuny solicited at a party lo hp given at my house, on Ibe 4th day ol April next. Bring all your lainlly whb you. V ery afleclionately your, Scc. IREDELL. General Superintendent: We publish in this week's paper a communication sigrfh'd .ien.ii,,, accusing me citizens ot uowan j of objecting to the appointment of a Gen- , eral Superintendent of Company Schools; j anu .atso oiyecung io wr. wiuey as tne Incumbent of that office. The writersays,. " From actual observation he sees," Sec. We must say we have heard but little said by our citizens of the creation of this oflice any way ; and less of the appoint ment of Mr. W. to fill it. Those who have spoken of the measure unconnected with that gentleman as the agent for its execution, have universally approved if. so far as our opportunities have enabled us iu icnin. uui we nave 1101 ueen over i. u... i ! till MMX 'a'HHv'n JStr; Ital gouflT pressed tbe fear that Mr. VV. is not saf- ficiently practical to render any very im portant service for the improvement of our Common School system. But we have beard of no one who hijs busied him self even to blow this horn, unless the ' Watchman " may be accuxed of it, and we hardly llunk' ReaJity ould--make out a case against us. We entertain a pretty high opinion of Mr. Wiley as a gentleman and a scholar, and sincerely Lo'ie that In e ,n,,ors he hns.e ntered UP on be may prove eminently successful. That the oflice he fills is an almost indis pensible part of tbe machinery of the Com mon School system, no one who will re flect for a moment can well deny. This is so obviously true, that we must believe 'Reality's' "actual observation - is con- fined to only a small portion of our conn- . J I in Telegmplied for Carolinian. NEW YORK MARKET. - . New Yosjr, February 2G(. 1851. .On Thursdsy the market waoinwlias anaeitled by tmtiMfiJssrSi dr ns uemnHed a corjeesion. m r rid y-rhea lee 1 4)00 batv n4 im &nwrfi -itwy arrM)trr4 to4.0& loO be We. Hmtj ul," " would out Xlnl-il ih." Will we gain any thing by carrying out lha suggestion of ibe Journal ? Would it not tend to perpetuate the neers of the country.. atLNorth Carolinal .It .wilL le Carolina r Shall the answer b, "ibe bad nothing to bring and Ts not here.' Surely hot. liave we fiS bfei pro ducts of the soil no machines ? Take a handsome specimen of ore from every Coal, Iron, Copper, Lead, Silver and Gold mine in tbe State: take a specimen of our. Marble, Leopardite, Sienite, Free stone, &e, -And. where is William Russell Palmer's Threshing" Machine, which from good&ccounts is;pneiijflhsrf reatest tnve tions of tbe age. Who would be afraid to compare accounts in bog raising when D. C. Moore, of Duplin,-stands ready to back us I Can Chambers. Cairns 5t Cham bers, send nothing from their Cotton Fac tory ? We have hundreds of Cotton Fac tories, in the State : These may all send specimens of their cloths and yarns. We have a number of Woolen Factories, turn ing out cloths ol varies kinds and qualities, and some very superior : The Rock Island Factory in Mecklenburg, and the Salem Factory in Forsythe, will compete with any similar establishments IMorth. 1 be Messrs Edwardsof Lineolntontare bard to heatin Castings. There is a large number of mechanics and work men in that little village alone, who are capable of pro ducing articles every way creditable to the State. Wm. 12; Rose, Esq. of Gaston, and several other manufacturers in tbe up country, can send Specimens of Nails. Car riage builders all over the State may send up articles in their line. In fine, we think there is no difficulty about it, if the people can be aroused to take an interest in the subject. ; The ladies might do much to save the credit of the Stale in this exhi bition, and if encouraged to try, will do their part right handsomely. L3 We invite the attention of the citi zens of Salisbury, to the Card of Miss Pike, in another column of this paper. Miss Put e com es he re with ve ry h ig b t e s t i mo nials both as to personal character and the system of Mnemonics which she teach es. We have seen a letter from Professor Deems, of Greensboro,', where she taught several classes, which is very creditable to her. :. ; wi, ; TEMPERANCE . CELEBRATION, The Temperance men of Taylorsville, N. C. propose to hold a Celebration in that village on the 11th March next. The Division of the Sons at Taylorsville is very, large, numbering 147, and a lively inter est is felt in the Temperance cause by the people generally. 'The ladies are prepar- ing a banner to present to the Sons on "that day public addresses will be deliver- edvand a public dinner given. DGf We are indebted to the Hon. J. P. CaiTom eIl for a' copy of Patent OUice Agricultural Report for 185T. This is a valuable document, and is, perhaps, the best remuneration the farmer receives for the taxes which be pays out for the sup port of government. We expect to cull from it8 pagrs during the summer many articles which will prove interesting and valuable tq our readers. Melancholy.- young man named Cruse - ' ...I . r .i on oi mr. .inurew v., ruse 01 mis county, was killed on tbe 19ih ult., 27 miles West of Fay elteville. He wa returning from Market, when a loose horse ran up behind bis team, frightening them and causing. them to run away ma snrinpi io nop ni norses, be was thrown to the ground and trampled under tbeir feel so seriously injuring him that he died a fttllf li ill I r n f I a aa u it j " ern flour brings a better price in the Northern cities than the NoYihem flour; and that Ihe rule Is exactly reversed in the Southern mark etsNorthern flour commanding the highest prices. Tbe " Fayetleville Observer" thinks it the Southern packer would take, a little morf care in the finishing of ibeir barrels, i?ll!Iili!nlJ5?lJX!! J8,"!L'i"y.i"aJi and bound w iih smoothly dressed hoop Southern flour would command a preference both at home and abroad. It is ibe nearou side appearance, the Observer thinks, that gives preference to ihe Northern flour in Southern markets. Screw Propeller. The Cberaw Gaxelte, of tbe 23idTeb., speaking of Ericsson' inven tions, ays thai alihougb he is willing lo accord to that gentleman the honor of inventing ihe Screw Propeller, it is well known to a number of gentlemen of high respectabiliiy now hvin I -l j . . " I ...a- r. I. . .!.- , . ' . ,ttl , jiuE ! " 'ren . u i h raw i, era ad son of ibe lion. Maiihi-1 ..r r-- mont, was il.o real inventor of the Screw P,o. neller. and annlied il to ih nrnn,t.i ... ' . - w fK'i'uision iii-ii:! Dinmilsion nl boat on Ihe Pee Dec river about (be year. iSaoi PWV1 Ihat nJw In ttsA:Tbre:dealb"?V,',-?W?-,l, anJf,M" would hsrv.e akew the fMce , lo 1 V C Hit' ill ,u -i.' il j j It fcli.uil appear in our next. per. A formal presentation took place in Washington, Tuc sday. of the- block pre, pared by tbe State, of Norjb Carolina lor ihJVationai Washington Moirument; 1&oque Hon. A. W. Venable.'on ine pari cu me State, and by Mr. Maury, Mayor of he city. Tbe block is of handsome marble, a production of the good old State which it represents, is, four feet long and two feet high, with the arms of North Caroli na handsomely sculptured in bass relief, and the name of the Stale in conspicu ous letters beneath it. Quere. Is this the samo block which lay in a shop at Monument Square in A uguitfPIaSfr w4tnlhff-nfBT of our State sculptured in antique capitals, in bass re lief, and divided thus : NORTH CARO- - UNA. v If it is, we submit tothe judgment of the Printers of North Carolina, whether it is not in decided " bad taste," to say ihe least of it. No plea of necessity from want of .room, we think, will justify such apiece of awkwardness. Tbe name of the State should be in one unbroken line. FOUND DEAD. Jenkins Harper was found dead a few mile he. low here one day last week. lis had been mi.; IPaLiPiiL JL '.ex $ 5 d h ad e y id'ently been dead thai length of lime. When found be was sit '"Ii sjiih in n irw sqiuiui iud ting against a tree, within 'a few yards of the big road. Wo one know eiadly how be died tail (uspieion red strongly upon a jug ol whii- key which was standing near him. John Wi ley swears it ought to be hurrg. but the evi. dence against il is wholly circumstantial. Mountain Banner. If the man who sold Harper the liquor was noi authorised by law to sell it, it would look rather more reasonable to hang him. As il is, however, ihe crime of murder rests on the beads of all the citizens of tbe State. Everyman who is slain by the business of legalized grog shop within our bounds, is a murder case set down to Ibe account of the State. Tbi being lrueTil becomes every citizen to look out lor him self in this mailer, and lo wash bi hands of it so far as it is in his power lo do so. PRESIDENT FILLMORE'S VISIT ; SOUTH. It bas been staled in the papers that Presi tot.Fillinpre intends lo. proceed on . a visit through Ibe Soulherrj Slates, and l he rice by the Mississippi' and Ibe Lake to Bufftllo. We believe il is the wih of the President to make tbrs towv Wt H 4 not certain that -he will be able to do so. We hope ihat he may,. both for. h'is own" gratification 'ad7ha1'oraTad,mTrTng" and gratelul fellow-citizen throughout the South. The following excellent remarks on the subject we copy fiom the New Orleans liulleliu : " Some time since it was stated that Mr. Fill more, alter the etptraiion of his term of olliee, would make a lour of ihe Southern Stales ol the 1 Coulederacy, he never having ; been i in the ouih or Sothwil, -i'n& never bavin" had an opportu nity of w 'itnessing ihe wonders of (be Valley of tbe .Mississippi. Tbi slaleineiii received gen eral rredence, and wa hailed with unbounded saiislactioH by a large and respectabJe portion Ol our Citizens. In lad. outside ofa eertain i-ir. cle, ihe retiring President will be greeted with a warimb aud respect which will be leotarkable in it uuiversality. " Late accounts from Washington indicate that Mr, FtHmore wilt be accompanied by sever, alof iho"merhbers of hi Cabinet; all o whom, we doubt not, will be welcomed wiih true South ern hospitality ; which means sincerity instead of formality, heartiness instead of hollowness. The display portion of the reception may not o0,4uue so grana or on so magmhceal a scale a4 i usually inecase in more populous and wealthy o.mc anu cuuniries, out we venture the aster lion, without any fear of truthful contradiction, ihat there will.be more heart feeling, genuine respect, and kindly regard iu the attentions which may bfc paid him who wHi bave no pow. er lo reward friend or lo punish enemies, than any thai have been paid lo a public man since death hat set his seal upon the sage and pa iriols of 76 and 1812, lo say nothing of those grand old statesmen over whose loss tbe na tion bas been called upon to mourn three limes within le ihsn that number j vear.;v. rrirmvr n so pore and beautiful that it com mand the undivided praise of friends, aud extorts even tributes of admiration from oppo. nent. As a Chief MagUtrale, he bas been true, jusl, and exacl, fully up lo ihe tine of duly prescribed by the Constitution be had la ken a solemn oalh lo support. lie bas nev. er swerved from Ihe true path. no mailer how nreal ik inmnnhnn. .1 . anuuneiU4baj ik-ad4iialsIU eneoontered .. r,. ,.,, luo une njna - h w on .ne 9iner. And when ibe storm of fabati cism beat upon his head, and the waves of se cess.onism rolled al his feel.be stood calm, on moved, his steady purpose never failing him. racn nour added strength and ferveury lo hw devolton io bis countrv. hi. . .h,J country, and nothing but hi country. . flo for. got the .ection of his birth ; be refused lo know the divisions of latitude and longitude ; he would know no country hoi ih IT.;.. . . . . I . ' - " iid niiu iiiuiti hie. V ith Ihe a.,i,i.nce of such men a Clay. Webster, and Cas, the fearlul contest was urougbl to a happy and ausnicim,. i.rmiA. tion.'and hti J' L'-T?' ' he. and Ibev Mrm.il u u. :,t- . . I I . - a. into iu "ho lasting pralitude of ihir n...,m. i . . .'--j rmi uru a ciear Viii, ,1,. ..j . . " pneeeTBi 'disbuTed! m:T. " anu patriotic th. r Claim L Wlllion his vvav to ,T" ; k """,,e,rJrd. ' '" in tbal terrible " J "au "c.."en red, what would have tstr f is ina nnii.iin . . t wy. J - VVIIMIIIIIll III IfllfB - , : i ltVtil(l anyl.J: . . j jr . - v v rut, and f urn wiaU h. .l, J7. I ..t!iii.Ui,,t!,i-,j1eci1,t,KJ!!, 1; ; The order was received here on S , last, and on Monday.mornini ,he r y oy. commenced lUirsefve Union. March 1st. .V m Cf JDcaAeiAe IJeutiuattlGo learn from the Charlestnn ... . of Hon. Joshua John W.,T - flf Governor of South Cali Mia pianiauon, urook Green, Wace.m on Sunday mornins. at in "!. an attack of paralysis.-.. 4, ' 'rwi NORTH CAROLIXARaIlUOAD The Governor and Council of State cently in session in this Pit l. ' fe" I .wen..- 7"' aav an. iiuiiiicu inn luiiuwing p nit on, r f5U5Ajnerest;9Jt tbe Nortb Carolina Railroad "pre. 'sin C. F. Fisher of Rowan Counts Nathaniel G Rand, of Vke IUb'l. P. Dick, of Guilford. ' Samuel Hargrave. of Davidson Samuel F. Phillips, of Orange ' hod x. strange. jr. 0f N. Hanov William T. Dortch. of W. n- er. Wm. II. Washington, of Craven. Hal. Standard, DZfThe papers of Salisburv na n lrilSh "L Pi the ?."rae.ic of various directions, from tbeir respective places; and Charlotte st present more than alive with business' i. paving the way for more. At a late Plank Road meeting in SaJiibi .j, iDuiuuona were a.ioptea, among at,, eral others in favor of .. . v ,"feIilBnt j """" nuury io fllocksville, ),(, a Vtew to its extension in Witt-.i... Greensborough, among other Roads, prJ "' wins mount Airr Jn Surry. And Charlotie has already, Plank Road nearly completed lo Lincoln- ion, anu another in rapid construction to riaiesvme. 1 hese roads, he it !,.... I li : j . ... ' . nic aiumrnueu io - oraw the Mountain trade ;" and would it not he good policy for the citizens of Salem and Winston earnestly to beslir themselves, and strain c..jr ..cue n nccompiiMi uie extension I of t he P. & W. P. R. west ward from tfais place, originally designed, or will the terminus answer a4'UerJJrP0,eJ We I tninK the toad should by all means be- f,w!i.l An. I (I-... . E 1 ...u u, me suuner me oeuer, in virw of the movements around us. We un derstand considerable efforts are being made in favor of the Salisbury and .Mocks, villo road, wjth an eye to its extension to Wilkesboro. I'eople s l'rcss. IJisuops. Il is suid that Rev. Frncii L, II I Ski , j - ' uawKs, U. V.. ol Aew lork, will be eVrted I lii.hoj) of Ihe diocese of N. Caroliim, vice Bitb- op Ives, resigned. The names ol Dr, Mw, Raleigh, and Rev. Mr. have j.Uo bees I lueutioued in connection with the othee. Tkl eleclToirwTiTTa'ke pface Convention nexi Mav. A Iiihop i alu lo be elected for itit'io, j cese of bouth Carolina, in plare ot Bishop 1 uausuen, deceased.. Kev. 1 J. Shaud. of Co lumbia, is spoken of for the place. Ifaiifs-I oorougn Argus. Visit to the Caloric Siiii. An invilit. lion having been extended to the J'resi- dentof The United States, the Prffidftitl elect, several menibers of the Cabinet,! and other distinguished oflicers of the j Government, by captain Lowher. of the 1 ifWrxstmr to-vift-t7rt-vesset,-i hey-yest- day proceeded to the steamer some timel before noon. Tbe party Gen. Piercel accompanying Mr. Fillmore embarkedl for tbe Ericsxon from the .Navy Yard ini tbe United Slates steamer I urn. National Intelligencer. The President elect yesterday morningl paid a visit to the President of the Lnitrdl States, remaining with him a ouarter of nn hour:-Naliotml Intdlisrnver-. We are reauested te state that severall members of Congress from, the iate of! iNorth Carolina did not narticinale 10 IB I . r i proceedings had on the 22d. of lebrusl last, wheti the Hon. Mr. Venahle madel an address and presented a piece of msr-l ble from that State for the Wasbingtotil Monument, because thev had no knoi ede that anv such eeremonv was to takel place, cither from anv Derson in North! Carolina or in tbts crty. j r MininfT Proxnert. We were shown I VI or two since ome ol ihe finest sample of 0'" ore ihat we have ever seen in this county. 1 They were, taken out of a new veiu si theCiff'l mine in this county, at a point biiheno i onened. bv Mr. Pennman. an eiperiena nne-rsii1"" ,!l k.i ..ti...,.. Wa Uain than .Mr. Pennroan-iutends- sending JLheanipJe r' I t,r ..hil.tli.... in ..rrlur I,, tnlllire rSpil''" 1 I enlisl with him in Ihe enterprise of ellrcli"f I ihe precious metal. Charlotte Whig. rYTr-j t..i. Wk.Lr it is rumirrtl. will ..receive tbe appointmen t . of I'- j Senator, to' fill the vacancy alf" piration of Mr. Mangum's term. Salisbury Watchman says, it was rumor ed last week that Col. Wheeler bad re ceived the appointment, hut does nlare mneh ronlidetice ill the report;- Tbe Standard denieslhe report, upon best authority. Col. Wheeler passed .IhrougB "' ., .t'.nlare Wasliington, las"1" . . : r 1 his is al we Know anoui iv . . . 1 1 . tomes - It is also stated mat n '"V.Lt n,.KK;n i.. l.fi Favetteville lot J rrgton .Citv. .He " ;u . - . rr i',-,rr lyHiiun7" 5T-',s-f-' injli iithl f'om; his 01 7 ol tnsi On IWtern 8(f left1 A the,1 ore! Xstro1 J.I fHi. iiih viii frsj tilt Of "Bsr itk inn 'Se' Si rxtd

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