",i,.'r c"'i" ui'cuiii-.ij . , A-sxis" o'' "" Kfirvimliitint of ..J" v i ,,,! il luHiJrrartUft, That in i ' jj jW i j .... ... ......i ... ,.f .... .....,i. 1 i SsrnoOiHlalies f Dm office of Currryor Oeocral "('"Twn o S""" wvyJh8ra mbi ir" .LAing lna nieces urnler certain cireuiustaa if urj"." iprovwl ttw-twrifth of June, mi irvd ind forty, the neM mrtts, may, record, 25 VsssMtJJa JWSfettriUti JaaMw, note turn. Iih ..w.ni. Wers, im amies, io reut iouu, wrrrnrimr iJatrirtA:farTe rti rri.STTirt.r.r..i? ",wrtiivUii rf t-tai.d. therein, .Ddi JM tiewnl wb.e dUlrtct iaeluried uch ut, ihll 1r" , i., .jMtMi in. and devolved uimmw thm Cum. T ttJhtH trO tiuwtI, That nailer the authortrr V Jj the' Owml.wlnner of the General Land Office, Sr)of. w "'"' tC"1 Lulu le, hU 1 Jcf i ij' "fb M ""I", records, and olh- '"fafllK pur"' Ukmit tmc therefrom or ma f?! dwreof. wKbout rharrt of anjr kind. JT That the field notes, maps, uJ other pkt meutioned in the first section or the act yfiS " amendment, shall , in no case hereafter be H ihe authorities of any Bute, until such Bute shall Wise fur the recvpUon and safekeeping of the If rT-yj, recimln, and wr the aiiosiance ol tree access to iist tf lo aouiurltl oi ine xniieu abates, as nerem prori- jWWS4V:,.-,.,. Frauc Act No. 18. . I f11 ue of Wsjhlnirton. imytl bf tkt .SrtMfe aad Uoum of RtprftmUtUrm of U hUe4 iff ' wiyrrss swmkmw, i nat tne r ,ftn lamuvau awr -pn.pi wqu.dk ine TZZoi Se X'Hled Sbki to miiploy Clark Mills to erect, at 1Tj vuhieehiu. a coluaiuil equestrian statue of (ieoree in, st such place on the public grounds f tM eity '"TLulmHted by (he Frenideut of the I'uitcU State.. . t. . .. ,m ivt ri"TBLIC Alt No. 14.1 ijfjp-prohtWt priilic neealleOTin tin District of Columbia Ljf h an,i Uuuh of KepmrttiiUil4 of jW f i '""' in CvHtfr aruMtl, That per-".-nn.lr sentence of death, or who shall hereafter be ail- cTiiWDrr death, mthin the District of Columbia, shall bo .nhin the IU of some prison in the said District, or . ..nl or encliisure aiUoininr such prison, and not ehe- C ud II shall he Ihe duty of Uie Marshall of the District, r . .lik ..uh .Smm rftL.u. -. .11 Ridkers as fu-h uutrsliall or deputy tuae deem necessa- -mir. lo attend at such executions. . - TrUarf b it further rnnctnl. That the aaid marshal!, .jsytj, saau iuti mi 1'in.iii. Awnurj miiu uie ouunsei -rMwr, two or more physicians, and twelve respectable TttrpresentaeeeryeiKw eseewsiemtmua; t the re-1 u7 person to be executed, shall abo alhw any ministers MBfj. snt uoie iliau ihree iu nuuilw, and Bisiy of nls" or " l. nkurn. to be present thereat ; but no person or oer- Lsvrr taw those In this act mentioned, and no person what Enerrtke a of twenty -one years, shall be allowed to wit Liifssi) execution. srorra jauyar o, i Piulic Act No. 13. tlHai'sitendths provUions of an met approved tb third Sjffl.npiteennannrTO aqo rnriy-seren, ana an acv apprnr tveiljf -mlii "f February, eighteer. hundred and forly sj. ftr carrying into effect the exlsfins; compacts with Uie ass of, Alabama and Miwisalppt, iu relation to the five per . had and school renervallons. itssvHW fry tlx .vnuie and ffuute Rftrmntatitvt of xr.u tittfM itf Anuimvl Is t rusifA ...... xt. . K. ipasMof "An sci tt amend an act oiititfeMt an act to amend lis rrr into effect, in the 8ute of Alabama and Missis- avlbtiuun compacts with those Mates with regard to the sht cesl. fund and school rexerrations," approved March tans, one thouMand ebiht huudred and forty-seven, and the sritrad the provisions of said act, approved Feornary twen joa. cim kandred and forty-nine, he, and tke same are -9Sj, eiteaaed, so as to allow Uie state of aImsiw tkree years parsvMre S this act to complete the selections of land - awsei ey ihe said acts to which this is an amendment. . flroved January 2 1V& j We have seen a good deal of lime and iptr wasted upon the annexed putzlc, jilxll bands "guv it up." j A PUZZLE. jibe following sum or problem was giv--aw a boy by a -gentleman, who all'ered at (30 if be would do it within six jmilis, at. thf! same time assuring him ftlit could be dotiej and there was no laitk" or catch" about it. Take ibe nine figures, digits, 1, 2. .3, 4. 47,8, 9, and also ihe 0, and then. add XanitnrVAfliA en ltit flu... u a n . sMS..n. jniuiuciuci. ai iiioi. iuv?jr aiiiuuiit. iu juaA m-using tnem all once and nut once. fins, for instance, take 7 and the 0. and pjmaked. and ihen to the 7a add air P rest oft be figures, not used in making We have made 09, which is the near- R we have come to iU If any one wilt ftus knoiv how it is done, we will in fra our readers. Yineyiird Gazette. The Pari. correpondenl. all differ aliout the 'M onEe'ne'w" "VtmpiTir''VyhiwSiiy Jtre dirk, some blue, and some that though pi,ibcy emit such a flood of light a to aeein fct" The truth i thai nothinc is more diffi. JJmb to determine Ihe color ol a pretty wo k.'. ...... "'I'lU'l!?. '"i:?:"::'":'" -rr- - Si. . 1 ft tics, iuo nuo eiiner vane, wnn vary, tmoiion, or they sparkle eo much, that you frrknow where lo have ihem. But while ii a disputed point, another fact ba. been fwlged, which seem, to be generally con- fh That he i. an inveterate imnlier of ri. Jfo. At the la. lei of the Court mu.t ne. fwttilr become those of all who a.pire to f France a great augmentation in the piimpiion, and consequently in Ihe price of "wco.may be eipected. R ichmond Whig. I M FATAL CASUALTIES. A man named Isaac Williams, near ty years of age, started home from place, intoxicated, 011 Tuesday even ' st. in the rain, and was found dead fie road next morning, about 5 milts rm town and within a mile or two of Nwndwelline. The verdict of the iu- jff inquest was. that his death was RWd bv intOlicAtinn and evnniirei. ri . . . ' lAllred Storv. whir u the hlnnk mttL t I ti a wagon, aunoea Ana-teiLJittmej r"ipung to get into the same, and the i'HOD run over and killed him. He has wife and si children. Greensborough Patriot. Mouthful Partu Six admirals dined WurT. last I united ages amounted to 550 years, ieihan ?.t io r... t.:. ( to be called into rtiv s.rerpiKi. It jwgly feared by his friends however, bis age will stand materially in his IM he is considered far too young at fatto be appointed to any responsi-jW.-Punch. .. . . re., coal is doomed. An ukase W E, rcpcrul Highness, Napoleon III. has jj tl from the saloon, of Pari.-anJ as fTs the vogue to all the world, we may se it d;. r. li. hi . --"i'i'i ironi i ins western iiemn. fl. 11a m. . -. .. i.i i . . i w ., - ".i.iI,ur is B uiuo veivei, ainie. J? ".i"din collar, sleel buttons, braided L ! be 'd black wa. a very unprelen il cheap very cheap, compared i more conspicou. aucra.or. It bas bad Wdg 'f'Snwiing batl-doienl Viuj i ana yen be fsri writer da- -lkti!f rt n"nou ea'ravagance to main mWlikl:fkU:- 1 1P33, "lujT"'"" xllft ref11l'Tll:efliYImKV-' -ttissivaHialat TWti, il i.IU V.i7 1 rr siT- " Ha remain, were brought by their parents and bu- ,. Hk,;W', -6trW. W in at i. c.l!ed Ff.xir'. grove yard- ' ' ,u.l, wa, iv(. n,,J Uli!l a dutl,(;e 1 lutiiih ol th I .hiee j oke of oip, la .he dei,tb of eleven and a halt inches, average mea,u,emei. Oo uch oil. ,,,u M cwn(T)n o b prMfiuj- .ea.oft- they b,T0 continued growing; Wllhoilt lh l..l -I,....!, .L L.I . . v" 'fuRn me wnoto turn ordinary (real men! ' .;"" Y' n " rrm '' Ihnt field, well tilled only la thrde,..!, of .ii or .even inches nave suffered se re rely, while on other, tide by tide the crop, do net suffer atlall. In one dIscs wai it field or corn, ol a yellowish green, and with .leaves rotted by ihirsl bile separated only by a mge st, was another portion tt leant a fool taller, with a deep green, broad and uncurled leaf. Yet the manure wa the same. On aoking an explanation, be learned thatlhi. wa. the re.ult of the fir.i experiment in jwUull plougbkgcwtPUtotv.T-. FOR TUB WATCHMAN'. COMMON SCHOOL SUPERLNDENT. Fiom actual obsetration, I perceive that ve. ryinany f the citizens of Rowan are opposed to Ihe appointment of a Common School Su. perintendent, and many are disposed to receive Mr. Wirey with unkind feelrngsr- Tbie wrn.er ofthie article ha. no connexion with Mr. Wiley except at a citizen ol tbeStaieJ but he happen, ed to be in Raleigh when the Bill Wat patted. The Dill wat introduced aod chiefly auttained by Mr. Cherry of Bertie, a gentleman that kuoWe at much about Common School., and Piapa. well bow io iaiprtyva ihero a artyJ man in Ibe state fhe friend, p. the Bill urged TSaTlbe tytiem wat a ureal one. it fT.r! iks entire rising generation, it ha. much to do with ihe character of ihe next age.it expend, an enormout amount of money, and yet till this year, it baa had no bead, no one who tudied h in all in behilng., and detoted hi 4 attention lo its tucce.t and improvement. Such a eour.e ot action it not tolerated in any other depart, me nt or pursuit. The building of a jail, a gold mi ne, taciory or uanroad coniract mutt have a Superintendent and high waffet. but Tor.ooth ., T , . 6 . . . ' iuuin, the annual expenditure of (200.000 in the edu cation of North Carolina'a children need, no enlightened Superintendent. Ii j. objected: 1. Thai the .alary ia too high. I believe there i. not a Superintendent in the Stale that gel. le.s. Take out his travelling eipen.ee, the wear of conveyance, allow a ire. mendoua po.iage bill, and then allow a little for yeara of toil by way of preparation, and hi. alary i. no better than very many overseen receive in Rowan county. 2d. " But ho cannot attend to the whole State." It wilt be hard work certainly, but wait and- tee. All will be aure. to hear from biin in good teaaon. 3d. " But he won't do it, he ju.l want, the money.". A'ever condemn a jnan .till he,. 44 tried. Any man who due the work, will earn ihe money. 4th. " But ihe county Superintendent, could have managed well enough."! - Peibapg, ihey could but thr-y did'tti do it. I examined the returns in the Governor, office in November last, ajwi only fifty tour counties bad made re. !! Hit' turns for 1B5I. There waa deliuqueucylwflul63 1",e f-W, Slc., 6lc., amouuung to tjl a vengeance. A large portion of Ibe return, that had came to hand, were .0 wretchedly made out, that no man could make any thing -of them. About $75,000 of ihe distribution, have never been accounted for, let ibe Super intendent, tell where that little aum is, if ihey can. More than 950,000 lie. unemployed every year, I canr.ot tell whether the Superintend, ewf r tte'lt or not, tim tt ties in-Their- offices without any advantage to the people. The Gen eral Superinlendaut will remedy thi. evil. An immense amount of .swamp lands belongs to the School Fund, nearly 8200,000 have been expetiuVd-Ht Hetrrpts-attfrainage, but lorscaui of .vepmpeient Superintendent, ibe expenditure ha been a dead loss. Squatter, are making ibe timber, into .hingles and lumber, and .hip ping it off by cargoes. In thi respect a General Superintendent may save fifty limes hi .alary every year. . Other slates, that have long tried Common Schools, find a General Superintendent indie, pensible, and we most assuredly shall find one advantageous, Wait fellow citizen, and lei r. W 1 ley h are time, h a understands h ia bu- ainesl and has energy enough lo make himself beard in every part of the State. The object i. worth Ibe experiment, Mr. VViley'a .alary will not cost Rowan county more than $18 a year, even if be does no good whatever. If the people "harden their hearts and stiffen iheir necks," no man nor system can profit them, but if they are willing tolry by fair experiment, they will see thai Wiley at ihe head of Common Schools, will be glorious for North Carolina. REALITY. DitTJf. j ary, Mrs. ANN W. RAMSEY. conort of Mr. J D Ramsey, and daughter of D. A. Davia, Esq , in the 26fb year of her age. Mrs. Ramsey was for several years a 'member of the Presbyterian Church a retiring and devoted christian, often while In health, known to be engaged in .elf- ex. mination, and even during her uncommon suflering. 'while the hand of disease was dissolving her earthly bouse, she made a thorough survey of her hopes, through the aid of her Pastor, and friends. . On finding her foundation secure her spiritual house firm on the ttocl", ane eontempTiled calmly ahtf wiifcaul'dliniiy; ibe crumbling of her earthly tabernacle. Having set her house in order, .he committed her babe of seven months to a covenant keeping God bid adieu lo a fond but stricken husband, a devoted father and many frienda and relatives, snd fell asleep in Jesus, lesving them to mourn. (Con. ' At the Joneeville Academy, Yadkin county, on Sun day the 6th of February last, st 5 o'clock. A. M., WIL LIAM B. LOWRY, only son of Richard and Eliza beth Lowry of thia county. ' The disease which terminated in' the death of this amiable lad was Typhoid Pneumonia. But two weeka previous to thi. painful event, William had left hi. pa rents willingly and cheerfully to return to the school under, the csre ot the Kef. Wm. L. Van Eaton, where lie had ' already attended during two preceding ses sions. On Thursday, Februsry 3d, he look ill, but no alarming symptom, manifested themselves before Fri day nighi, the 4th. Early ibe next tnorrrtng a mes senger was sent to bear the sad intelligence to his pa rents ; but it was not the? will of Heaven that they should embrace once more their beloved son ; as ihey arrived in the evening of the day of his death. Imagina tion may in some measure conceive, but word, cannot describe their beart-reridins; sngoish- in- finding-lh.t WilliarrJ-Lowry was born on the 26th day of jWay, and wa. therefore sged 14 year., 8 month, and r1 in, l.ui ihc L..J cue a, i, I.(,j ,ttk(. iwuy, oh-wed be the name of ihe Lurd." Cos us. KEW FIILM. a vj.-mu opened a Ca.tri.ge Shop at the well kno" ln' formerly occupied by Willi.m rL " Wou'a i'Cfullfiu7brionhefr pnblie generally, that theyare now finishing off.ll kind. Carriage. Kockawara, Buggies, &., In the very be.t and finest ,,yle. frhey can furnit two horse Carriage, at from two lo aiz hundred dollar. ; oat hone Rock.w.y.,from $130, to $200 ; Top Bug' a,'f!L o VS ', 20 : P'n B.gi'. from t)H5 to 5U lo 875. All ihey ak of thoee who with to qy J. to come and examine their work, and ihen try it They warrant iheir work for twelve month.. Repairing done in good .lyle and at abort uotice. and .. low a. can be done elsewhere. They have in iheir employ1 workmen of long expe rience, who for Iheir .kill cannot be aurpassed ::9H P35Wfr fSBoVd to. CIV u. a e.l'l before yoo b-y. wm. ii. smith' D ,. L ' II. G. HOLDER. Bahsbury, March 3, 1853. ly43 NOTICE. I WILL offer for wle, at ihe Court House in Sr ville, on the 3rd Monday in M.y next, the fol tee- follow- ingiraci. oi L..nd listed .. follow. : 120 Acre., Merrick", hrir.unli.ted 1850-'5I tax, I 25 334. AwBmji Morgan. IBM --.-r-prgrei iuo ncm, james rope in trust,. 1S50-'51, 280 Acre., E. K. Johnson, 184U-'51 269 Acre., Wm. Mill., 1850-'51 83 Acre., A. W.Neill, J851, 74 Acre., A brum McRee, 1850-'51, 91 Acre., Daniel Moose, " 27 Acre., R. K. Woods, rd, 1850, 280 Acre., Franklin Johnson, " iu Acre., u. iwia. A w4 - 4wvKm Vt L'asi Q.. - 44 Acre.. John R.sh, 31 iuu Acre., W. Trmplelon, - 210 Acres. Jonathan Cheaher. 196 217 Acres, C. II. Dowden. 95 Ac res, Elijah Hendron, 67 Acres, A Mills, 93 Acre., A. Moose, 00 Acre., H C Elliott, 206 Acre., James Morrison, 223 Acres, Robert Suinpter 1849, r lira Acres, Iewis Battle, 100 Acres, Linsey Johnson, " 60 Acres, Martin May, " 34 Acre., W Wrigtrt, onttsterj 3 years, 1 too J. A. ROSEBRO, Sheriff of Iredell County. Feb. 31, 1853 Price dv. $8 70. 11(43 Managers' Office. GREGORT & MAURY, Richmond, fa. A MAMMOTU" SCHEME ! FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, Cl.uC lot 1853 To be Dr.wn at Wjlmingion, Del on Saturday, March 26tb, 1 853. 672,500, g35J)00 d25,000. 31 Prizes Of 1,000 Dollar. I Prize of $72,.''0() 1 Prize ol 35.000 1 Priite of 25.000 1 Prize of $ 15,000 I Prize of 10,000 1 Prize of 5345 214 (lowest a No: Prtzrs) 1,000 63 i"rizes of 500 : tl6,95 75 f, Lotteri-l Drawi Ballet. Ticket. 830 ; Halves $10 ; Qrs. $5 ; Eighths 82 50. O" A Certificate of a pack age. 25 Whole Ticket, will be sent to correspondents for $236. A Certificate of Half, Quarter and Eolith Ticket, in proportion. O" Oflirial drawings duly forwarded. Address, GREGORY &. MAURY", 4wpd43 Richmond, Va. FEMALESCHOOL. MRS. ANDREW J. BROWN rejpectfnUy' inT f)rms ihe citizens of Salisbury, (hat she has opened au hoot for tittle yrfs;-ar thr -faosTdtng ' tvoase of Mra.'WaEJt. . Every attention will be paid to ihos entrusteij to her care ; and should any one who may be disposed lo patronu- her, be dissatisfied wiih Ihe progress of their children in their several studies, no charce will be piode. A limited number of small boy. will be admitted. Term. $5 per session for the prlm.ry English orancnes, ana 93 lor the higher. Salisbury, March 3, 1853. 4l43 MEMORY. MISS, PIKE, will lecture and give a series' of in teresting illustration, of R. & W. G. Pike's system of MNEMONICS, hi the Methodist Episcopal Church, on Friday evening the 4lb March instant, commencing at 7 o clock, r. M. ID" Admission Free.' Salisbury, March 3, 1853. . U43 DR. JNO. SWANK", OFFERS his professional services lo the citizens of Salisbury and its vicinity. His Office is oppo site the Mansion Hotel .nd adjoining Dr.. Sill s Drug Store, where lie can be lound unless professionally eo gaged. March 3, 1853. if 43 BEEBE'S SPRING STYLE HATS, THE subscriber h.. just received at hi. Store, The Sign of the Red Flag, a few case, of Bee be', fashionable Spring Style Hata. E. MYERS. Salisbury, March 3, 1853 43 WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER WARE. H. Ii. Miller & Co., Whslesale Watth aad Jewelry Hesse, JYaJ22.lJBiUjtiinr4jSt.JOT Importers of English and Swiss Watches and Toole of every description. Watch Com Makers snd Manufacturer of Fine Gold Jewelry. We call the at tention of southern and western dcalera in Watches, Jewelry snd Silver Ware; lo our very extenive stock, assuring them that in no ai tide in our line shall we al low any establishment to surpass us, either in quantity, quality or low' prices. We are ihe only Wholesale House in this branch of trade in Baltimore, and shall ase every fair means to induce southern and western merchants to open accounts with us. Our terms shall be as liberal and accommodating as can possibly b found in Ihe United Stairs. We will lake great pleasure in showing our good, to southern and western merchants, whether they open accounis with n. or not. L. H. MILLER & CO., Iy39j Importer, of Watche., Baltimore. ADMINISTILITORS' NOTICE. fpiHE undersigned hiving, at February Term 1853, J. ol Rowan County Ceurt, nhiained Letter, of Ad ministration on the estste of Albert Overman, dee'd., herebv live notice lo ihose indebted lo said estate to come forward and make navment without delay ; and those having claims against the: Same ate required, to .oteaeiulb.em.Iijr payment according U law,.0iher- wruw this-nonce will be plead in bar.of their recovery. :t)B A D1AH WOODSON 'l..'.l '1J,,- '-- . ' - ' Aifmisiistrjrlors' ""Feb.-17 1853. .3,4,1 ";"r .. t. -,.. i , ; ,1 t .,i ,:i .-....,, y ,,r ilic fiutjiirae i.f carrying n ihe .t i i lis'f y ailtl IIiUltli;i.OIakisl3 IIlIMIIt s on soinewhul extensive cle, would beg Irtve to .nnouHte, that .be i. now ready to receive ihe call, and order, of ihnee w ishing work done. " At biur h irnnlJe an.l .r. the h.. secured the aerviee.of Mia. A. Wn tna l.rlJ t ..r.t.. r. -iv . i . j vo" ') iite uitnu ifisiiionutue ana axu-naiva eatab- meni.on uroadw.y, d. Y. who i fully qualified to man.ge ibe boaine. in all it. taxiou. form, and ehang V She IVelt no he.ii.tion. therrfore. in arr..i... the meat enirre. Mtlicf Io4Tiir 'wHtr ciiffliUrtiiriif aucceaaolicil. ibt patronage of the public. The Earia f.ahion. and pattern, are received monthly. Order, from a di.i.nce faithfully and promptly at tended io, aod work tent abroad hall be packed and fowardtd with cart. CT Reaidence, aeeond door below the Poet Office. V , , M. A. REEVES. S.li.bury. Feb. 24. 1853. THE Firm of W. Murphy fc Co. i. thi. day di. aolved by mutual consent. All person, indebted to the firm are requested to c.l! at the old .land and ettle the same wnh Wm. Morpbjr, whs Ii authorlied to iettieaM the business. , . WM. MURPHY. JAMES MURPHY. ROB'T MURPHY. 4w42 Feb. 18, 1853. IW FIIIII Ml) JEW Wholesale and Retail STORE ! THE subscribers h.ve formed a Copartnership,. nd will conduct ihe Wholesale and Retail Bu.iness in S general and complete stock of Goods, at Murphy's well known stand, Main Street, Salisbury, under the finaand style ef Murphy, MckW AtCo. . , WILLIAM MURPHY, JAMESIttttffPttr; JOIIN McRORIE. JAMES S McCUBBINS. Salisbury, Feb. I, 1853. THE Public will perceive by, ihe above notice, that we have formed a Copartnership to transact a Wlioleuie mid ItelHil Trade in a full and complete Slock of Goods at the above we'l known l.nd. Our long esprrience, extensive business acquaint ance, with ample cash means at command, we confi dently believe will enable us to present for yyur intpec tion, as large, general and well selected stock of Goods, adapted to the Spring and Summer seasou a. can b found in any Southern Market.. We eipect to be in full receipt of our desirable and eiien.ive Stock by the l.f to the 10th of April, when we should be pleased lo h.ve buyers pay us a visit, carefully examine thestock a. to extent, variety, and prices, pledging furselves that no effort shall be want ing on our part to make it 10 their interest to purchase of us. All orders will be filled punctually and promptly at the aame price.,., if the purchaser were present. MURPHY, McRORIE Si. CO. Salisbury. Feb. 1,1853. tf42 lllll DAILY STAGE LINE. OUR DAILY STAGE LINE OF FOUR HORSE Post Coaches, arrive, at ihe Mansion Hotel 9 o'clock, p. m. and leaves 7 a. m. Mr. II. James being our duly authorized agent at that place. RiPLY, SPRINGS & CO. DAILY MAIL STAGE. OfR Line of four horse post coaches, which carries the daily mail from this place to Raleigh arrives .1 the Mansion Hotel every day at 9 p. m. pnd leave. 4 r. m. Mr. II. James, is our agent at Salisbury. BLAND &. DUNN. I WOULD state (that the public may not be deceiv ed,) that the regular mail stage from Chrraw, S. C, to Salisbury, stops ar the Mansion timet. Also the regu lar mair Sta ge from this place W'A shevi llevl a Lincoln ton and Rutherford, aiopa at the Mansion Hotel. II. James being die only agent in Salisbury. Both those stages arrive every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and leave every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ,..-,.-, , 11. JAMES. : N. B. I should like to employ two gofcd (4 horse Stage) drivers. ' .JI.J. . Salisbury, Feb. 3, 1853. tf39 Attention ! Connly JHaimants ! ALL persons hiving claim, against ihe County of Rowan. (10 be passed upon by ihe.Coiiiuiittee of Finance J are requested lo present ihem to the subscri ber, on or before 2Gth day of April next, and tbey will be attended to. OBADIAH WOODSON. ' Clerk of the Committee of Finance. Feb. 27. 1853. 3t4l IfhsleMre Drac laipsrters aad Dealers In Fsrtlga aad American lragi, I'hrsilrals, Mrdlciaes, Palats, Oils, Hladatr (ilass, Dye Stalk, kt., ku if o. 10O IV. 3rd St., PHILADELPHIA. J C, B. fc CO. invite the attention of Drug . gists. Merchants, Grocers, Manufacturers snd others 10 their slock of well selected, fresh, and reliable standard goods. Purchasers will find among' their assortment every variety of Drug Merchandise, Perfamery, .Surgical In struments, fcc, which they will supply of very choice -quality, and ,ai a, law .prices, a iruo. b bou4Ui in Phila delphia or elsewhere. Orders, whether entrustred to us personally, or by tetter, shall receive eqaal attention, and the interests of rfcermyiriiilly rriril 4a all reaptwa- 1. C. BAKER tt Co', celebrated MEDICINAL COD LIVER OIL. Thi. scientific .nd popular remedy, so extensivelv employed by the Medical Faculty for the Cure of Pul monary, Rheumatic, Scrofulous and Neuralgic Diseas es, has attained a celebrity in connection with our sig nature, unsurpassed by that of any other Manufacture. It ha. been used wiih the most signal and gratifying success in the Hospitals and Dispensaries of Philadel phia, as well as in the private practice of the most emi- ,Bf.ttljLbIltson. In order to supply ihe public with oil of nncloubted parity snd of Superior Quality, we have employed an Agent at the Fisheries who will forward our Oil direct, so that purchaser, c.n depend upon .11 Oil bearing our Signature a. a fresh and genuine article. For information concerning it. utility, mode of ad ministration, analysis, and other interesting matter, we refer to the pamphlet published by usycopies of which will be sent gratuitously to physicians and others, ad dressing os, post-paid , or on application to Dn. .Sill dc Sill, Salisbury, of whom also ihe Oil can be had. Feb. 3rd, 18S.- - 39-1 y I OFFER fer sale a beautirul situation for a public stand for a travellers Inn, snd other public business, snd st a very thriving place, said to contain Two Hun dred and Fifty Acres of Land, more or less ; which I will sell low for cssh, or s part cash, or for likely young negroes. Or I will sell luis at a fair price, (one acre lots) situated seven miles North of Jonesville, Ysdkin county, at he pisee known as .Mt. FUss.ni.or Cocker hsru's Slsnd.- The Post Office is 0.1 the Stste Road, Surry eounr; N. 43.. Any one wishing to buy in this healthy country place, will please give me a calland examine for them selves. , - - P. II- DAVIS. Februsry 10, 1853- .5w40 Blanks of every' description for sale , AT THIS OFFICE. . mm ..I ...(. H. (..,, I I, a .J ,j ( 1,1 If :,, a I, .1, i, i- U I u- taioes Xiii9 000 ; .Swe.-t tlo. 3j iu) 40 ; S.iL';ir, i brow 11) 7 G1 ; Do. Loaf. 0l),d KJ ; Salt, sock ,, 76 ; Tal low 10 19 Wheat 50 ; 1'ork 7 - -- - .--- rvtrrEviLf,i,- N. C. Feb. 2C Beuwax 24 fS 25 : Bac on 10 1 1 . i Cotton 8 Of , Core 60,865; Colfee 10 -31)1 f jFou.t 450 ra r 'Feather 35(337 r Flaxseed $115(3 120 Iron, Swede. .-5 iS6 : do. English 3 A34: Lard 12 ia 1.1 .Leather,aole,20 23: Mol.ase. 2427: Nsils,cut,5J 6: ! Oataj , 45(4)50 : Sugar.bro., 6 13 8: do. loaf, 10 Q 11: B.lt,.ack. r T3 BT 0F Tatlow fiia, ViicAt-JA 80. . . Caiaaw, Feb. S3. Bacon per. Ib.00al2j : Butter 20 (328 : Beeswax 13 2021 : Coffee 12 15 : Cotton 7, 9 : Corn 50 62, Egg. 19 15 : Flour 5(3 95 : Feataer. 3035 : Iron 56 : Lard 12 13: Le.iher(sole) 18 82: Mol.we.35 40 : do. Cu ba 33 37: Nails,cfjt,6 7:, Rice 4 5j Sugar,brown,8 iO: do.Loaf.12i 15: 8Jt,Li verpool.l 50 0 00 DR; S. II. PENDLETON, OFFERS hi. professional services lo the public. He can be foiind at Col. Robard.' Hotel." SausBt av, Maaru 25; 1852. " 47 THE I'l lll II' MAY RELY ON US M We advertise what we can do, and do what we promise. IIOR ihe convenience and accommodition of th travelling community, we have established a splendid line of Four Horse Post Cosrhe. fmm Char lotte, N. C, direct to the Northern Cities, Greatly Reducing the Faro. 1 This line of Four Horse Post Coaches is now in suc cessful operation, running ffrom ihe Chsrlotie and S. Carolina Rati Road direct to ihe Richmond anj Dan ville Road, on to Richmond and Petersburg. Office at Kerr'. Hotel. Charlotte. N. C. " " Rowan House, Salisbury, N. C. " " Hopkins' Hotel, Greensboro', N. C. The Coaches leave Salisbury every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 6 A. M., boih for Charlotte and Greenahnrough, returning ihe next day by 6 P. M. Connect, at Charloiie with the rail road, and at Greensborough wiih P. Flogg's &, Cos splendid line without delay, on to Richmond and Petersburg. Through tickets to Richmond and Petersburg, Va., can be procured of A. D. Lindsay, Agent, at Charlotte, and II. L. Robards, Agent, at Salisbury. C. LUCAS fc CO. Salisbury, Jan. 27, 1853. AEW BOOKS, - for" sale at J. H. ENNISS' BOOK STORE. North Carolina Form Book Con taining" forms of all legal instruments important to be known, by Justices of ihe Peace, Administrators, Sheriffs, Clefks, Constables,. Sec, arranged and com piled from ihe best authorities. The American Farm Dook. beine a practical treatise on soils, nianuies, draining, irrega- t 1 till sijii if a - Ssfiji ium, ,;rusts. nrnui, roois.if una, Cimou, tuoaeco., and t rxra naT .-i--t.ii ii .... . , , , t - i t every W.ple product of .he foiled State, with the be.t Xf'JT methods fur nlnntintr nitliL'stincv nt.l np.n.Tin. f.. . ' , IW, market. Mr. I!lit' Practical Cook Book, comslniiig upwards of One Thousand Receipts, con sisting of directions for selecting, preparing and cook ing all kinds of meats, vegetables, and salads, also for making all kinds of plain and fancy breads, pastries, cakes, jellies, preserves, Sic, SicT Hind.' Farrier, beina- a Drnctical treatise on on att the-diseases an.t acciilenu to which-the iiatsr ts liable, the causes and symptoms of each, and the most approved remedies employed for their cure in evey case. -, Oowning's Cottage Residences, or a a ertef tfestjrns rrTnrat cminse. snd cottiige vil la, and their gardens and grounds adapted lo North America. Salisbury, Jan. C, 1853. 35 FAUST & WINEBRENER, Importer and WhoUnale Dealer in FORElCJf k DOMESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. NO. 6SJ NORTH THIRD STREET, Between Arch i. Race, West side, Philadelphia. 37 Wm. H. McRary, . FR0 LEXINGTON, NORTH CAUOLIM, RESPECTFULLY informs hi friends and ihe puh v lib that he has permanently located in Wilming ton, N. C, as a Commission and Forwarding -Merchant. There is now nine Steam Bunts on the Cape Fear river : One leaving this place for Fayetieville ev ery day, which will enable him to forward Goods wiih out detention here, as he is entirely disconnected with any particular line. N. 0. lit will be pleased to till orders for Groce ries Conee, Sugar, .Molasses, ejc. References: 'MeereT-ffrTTT-4r' Aswo,.l.iuflio, JULXL Mr. B. B. Roberts, Salisbury, N. C. -Messrs. E. A. Vouler S( Co., Salem. J. R. & 1. SbJiait, Greensboro". ' T."M.-YtiiB,' Mftetfivllle, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. Jsn. 30, 1853. Cmo. 38 ON the 1st of February the undersigned will com mence running a daily line of Steamers, consist ing of four light drafi boats. .They will leave Fayetie ville every day at 7 o'clock, A. M , and Wilmington every day at 13 o'clock. (Sundays excepted,) landing Goods the next morning at 7 o'clock. Shippers by this line may rely on getting their goods uprwiih uiore.Jeppalth than ever before fey any Boating Company on ihe Cape Fear River. Superior accom modations for passengers. Good, intended for these boats should be marked care of E. J. Lutterloh, agent at-Wilinington. and bills Lading sent 10 him.) T. S. LUTTERLOH. February, 3, 1853. Ini39. . ' VORTn'FElLIOlT, ' - (soocsssoas TO J. O. WILU1MS.) Forvrardiiif and Coinmitsion ' Merchants, FAYETTEVILLE, N. CAROLINA. J. A. WORTS. (Iyp39) w. t. ELI.IOTT.' DR. J. J. SUMMEEELL, ' OFFICE - OPPOSITE Feb. 3 IB53. MANSION IIOTFX. Irpd -Notice! Notice! THOSE indebted to the late firm of Summerell, Powe tt Co , are notified to come forward and make payment, without delay-" S. further Indulgence e.nnot, be .Mowed,. .Apply to ' - .' -- ' J J-SLLMM-LRELL FsXrZ ry Tf. r3""-" Stf rw f- Williams Brown, INVITES Ihe attention of .11 to hi shop of Tin, Sheet Irorr, and Copper Were. He. has several workmetj pfauperiot ikill.ifl. hjf. employ, and is con. ; stantly replenishing hi stock,. lie is selling ware. .1 a low rate, .nd ia determined to furnUb alt article, in hia line ascAeup aa can be bought elsewhere ia the State. .He i. at all lime, ready to receive the orders 4tifciss-ao4 tha.p4ljli aal. aajf work, not oa band promptly made to order. Call and see and bear price.. Hi. Sheet Iron Stoves are a .upcrior article ... and very cheap. STILLS ' of all sixes kept for sale, and made lo order. The subscriber respectfully solicit a trial. Mer chants and Pedlars arrparticularl) invited to give him a call. eoimrry Produce ."old Pewter .rid old Copper taken ' in exchange for work. Salisbury, Decr30, 1852. Iy36v9 SeUin jfTat GosX rr HE-'.abscribera wishing io close their business JL during the present winter, reeDeci fully inform ibeir friends and the public in general, thai they will sell at coat their present STOCK OF GOODS. f l) arm n hi. ef i nl iriTrnM a' ' UVsVlS A .1 W OllilMI Sf xa I W WH tJ.CtOCKS. JEWEiRY.mnd FAX- CY ARTICLES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Those wishing to purchase arin lea' in oui Tine, wilt do well to call soon. BOGER & WILSON. N. B. All persons indebted to the firm either by notes or accounis, will plesse call and settle ibe MUM before the first of January next,. tier which time they will be handed out for collection. - HQUF.R & WILSON. Salisbury. Nov. 6,1852. 29 NEGROES WAITED. CASH FOR NEGROES ! f 1 HE subscriber is now in market for the purchase JL of OJi: IIDXDItFD .'VEUIIOES, for which the HIGHEST PRICES .V CASH will be paid. . - Persons jn the arljoining counties with property of ihe above description for sale will find that they can set the highest prices by making early application to him. MYER MYERS. Salisbury, Dec. 23, 1852. tf S- NEW CARRIAGE SHOP, AT MT. ULLA.' rVIHE undersigned has o X. pened a Carriage Ertab lishmrnt near Mount I'll., in Rowan com nu, and beg. leave te -V I VfyiL t0 ca" puhll attehlion to'lhe tt4Ji'JgHP ss me. He i. prep, red to do SEjir.--'SS1f ijjuj Qf worfc j j, jne of business, in the very best manner, and on the most ac commodating term. He proposes to m.ke a perma nent establishment at the above stand, believing the public wants of that section of country require it'. Re ' hopes the citizens in the surmunding country who m.y need work, will give him a call before going elsewhere. He will possess some advantage, over Carri.ge build ers in the surrounding villages, snd "begs Ihe country ' public wUIavaiLlhenueJvcs of, the benefit, of the same, . JAMES BROWN. J.n. 8, 1853. y36 ID" The subscriber will furnish Coffins lo order. J. B. FOR SALE, Valnablc Real Estate in the Town of Salisbury. between (be Rowan Hotel and the Bank. Apply lo MICHAKL BROWN; January 20, 1853. tf37 BY EXPRESS. Salisbury, November 25th, 1852. toadies Clonks, fjtulics Cloaks. ; ' T ti E subscriber hv iust receivej h. Express Un st A a sen ill lot of Rich Silk Velvet and Black Wa- tered Silk Cloaks, to which he would invite the atten tion of ihe Ladies. At the sign of ihe Red Flag - St Att Ot JlOVttl C.ICOUUA, DAVIDSON COINTY. afj lht Euphrnnia May vs. Howard P. Ml Petition for Divorce. In this case it apearHig to tlie Court, lh fendant ia not a resident ol'lhis Stale : It is otdered, thai advertisement be made in I hi Walrhnian for three months, for the said a'i ard P. .May to appear at the nexi ,erm of ou Court of Law, to be held for 1 he coumy of A et the Court House in Lexington, on ;he Ism afler ih 4lh Monday jn March next, ihen and plesil, answer or demur to the oeiition in the e or Juilgnirnt. pro confeiwo will, be granted and the eaa set down to be heard ex parte. Witness, C. L. Puyne, Clerk of our. said Court, at office, Ihe 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in Sep tember, A. D. 1852, and in the 77iK year of our Inde pendence. C. L. PAYNE. C. S. C. Price adv. $10. 3m32 $100,000. BY enclosing $ I, post paid, and directing to lh subscriber at Friendship, Guilford, N. C. , any and all persons, wishing an easy and profitable employ, ment.may receive by return mail, the mean, of making frwii 91 t'a lar..m,lhiuw valuable discoveries in demand at almost every house in the United Stnies. Persons embarking in this bust- ness nisy make it pruhlahle with a capital of $3 or $4, son. in ihe Northern and Middle Slate., in the last year, and thousands of dojlars may be made in the Southern and Western States in the next 13 months, by S knowledge of these discoveries. Every family should have them and save several dollars s year E. J. HUNT. January 27, 1853. 1 4mpd38 TRUST SALE. PURSUANT lo the provisions ofa Deed of Trust lo me executed by Moses L. Mikel, for purposes therein contained and expressed, I will, on Tuesdsv the 15th day of March next, at the Ruck -Shoal Cot ton Faciory, on Hunting Creek, in Yadkin Count v. proceed to sell at public sale - r 25 Mia res of Haul i9ioprvly, equo) (o 0 one founh of the Faciory , Mills 4. Laada. The projierty consists of the s Cotton Factory, Running 396 Spindles In good order,' GRIST. MILL and SAW MILL, and LAN DS ATTACHED The Mills are in good order, having been recently re paired at considerable expense. Any person desiroua of purchasing will be shown the property on applies lion to J. 8. Grant, Esq, on the premise... . Term, made known on the day of sale. J OS 1 1 1 CO W L ES . Trustee! February 3, 1853. 5w40 JAOKS FOR SALBT THE subscriber has tn hraatifiil-Jacks of large Site, which he wT?I sejl on fiir terms'" One is eiifht," add ihe ofher. hefweit iwei pd Trirr:VPira;rilil "' ' tcrs addressed to. me ai Stalts.ville. or at Siiow Creek," F!rry4J533 ttr t he De- avlierelore , aarolina L Huw- idsoa, Inhiti. there to tae files' 4 3 4 J: - b 2 -. 4 1 v :Wv.-.; tii. .t'-i af tor? le " .J 1 i-auiraA?; ,W