ll i 3 .il, Ci r4 tie 1 Mil N. in El t 111, 1 1 . r, i h . ! these rales. A lib it hn ailvf rn-x by lle year. 1 r , g.liior niuol oe P I pa iJ. ; '.fJinXtTS OF IN TEMP E UANCE. IK" 3i ib19 httt., Mi? Robert Dirk. ittuati'V' Vlfi-lMMi - at . Cuo.. V ...iK eastern birl'ol Oraii2. lid . rj. rfuririiMh fv In th evening i. 4h ' mmf4 w ':: ifom tn ' ihwB he tc out of tight of lh fe. "'frVoadny following bis body was found, j iW 'h9 M1 bi",e ,n''uy ""ci. llilif txxJy wa found, (""on nei'-, "5m reiue",,'f ,0 uve h'"d 'l,e crie ' !fLcii..n. I"'J 'UP'il proceeded arirors, and l from on in disl res. . f'.-.n.Mii-ii is . lhl having been thrown Cif-Joiw, h wa luo drunk lo hHp him- 11,111 ci.tix q "ence " me epuure,-pei. 1' II l' . I ..... M L. .. I a . n . u u I I J IB full'. lr,M' - "Mr TJFiTprhtK budy? nd-a 4i4t tendered -gtnMwm BiirMhealioveUCIs. (. Pifkmn win a robuti young man, ahoul "' ' "" Olll'orlUliale ul driiia"".'. ""A?1'1 have ,nJ utelul 'n. .i I,, l.ii iini mili' rli-arcuiei! hi o,. Las Wt nit ririiiini nun io at emmi-n nun ir-dc-tti a t- warning inose won . II....!,. IM -Hillsborough if gjwmurh uioiipy did the Stale of North Ljftot receive luf ihi man' life ! Il would Idysume curious people lu know how many t ' .ii... I... I k C.... T.. ijjgj Of tMiail umiuiii lump lamic lira. II I be man who sold him ibe liquor, .iif, iniiin mi avi-rai-e. one iich job a year, pi' lie Siaie b realized $4 ! Iy the opeia- f be utimild turn iff two such joh, the tit In parted wjih him lor ! If he fur- Lilwir jobs, th Stale U 91 head! titetlM Iihj" figir. 9i, and we think il it r hHine ah I vury poor. We doubt imrh whether Dicknon' farnilf would ,roiienied to his deaih for $400,6oO.OOO, JO! Bui ihey have no right ti ba conaulled ii nutter like tliii. The State mutt have W I ii. Gkkk?( W, Caldwell will prouounre ' lii fatatuism, but who care il bt) doe. It M Itke common tense to a gr at many pro. !. Nottb Carolina, however il mar appear 1TBE TEMPKKANCE MOVEMENT. llotNi Vofk Tiibun givralh (ullowiii Meawtti wuli retpvet 'to the progreut of the Jbiiie Liq'ior Law. ' Puvinu i.n tiir Pockets. Micbix baa Mpdihe Mitme Law iliniiih to" li brauthe rfiW L'gilaiure by larc iHajoriiiea. 'l'h 3spl ie to"te nn t' in July. X"er fear itea! MirhisHii was amiirtj; the earlienl in 1i !:. JVrtf wnri ihi-ii killing them I Hail the liiiaaai been hard at work nn the Maine Mtihii winter, but we tear with poor o'-eeg. Ml'fftu M'Hjul' u 8eualia luuiia, bitfeaa iuailurss lor julep, while Gen. Cat the pal Httml ol Michiaji,,i a lemporanre in.in. rlimi awiilier year will briiur IHiuoia. , W a.. r Pine he hm brnken ground tbi year by iwiiaiiigoH License. LAW. . Good lo ! lei piilcec'cuiui lu a head ! Vtmwi ti still bur partialis he;ird Iroin on Tv nave lit 1 a il roiinrineil th. Irannmilleil fiTeTeprauF: u 1 1 niTTn'itrrtTrrrhi t 'hji t --K-- rtinei her itrineiit Law by a handsome ffiy. - - rw Jersey i neilertino a bill baaed nn ihn ffiiM Law and ibete are hope entertained of ir"ag Ilkude lIand mil iind.mU.dly have her JUhaLuiw!! reun.deled furihwith i meet and fmi Ihe ol.jetli.ni of Jud'fl Curlis, uulet "crcy upp,es il can make parly capital f!neling ihe lull m lh Senate, whets II n. Mi'Snflme r DeirVocrafir "to the License svalem. tmi iiimi.ti 'frunt- Itld the aaU nl' I io,,.,, ik U .l l...il. t ui-i.h ii,, luS'Usniiniu t. wHld he lik rt': nrtttrt n IT nllt th MHritMttl hf nn lLaa l..n K.1 .... IJ... Pvly enaciine that Ibev should not run nill. We mt,y ae the Maine law for a bul certainly shall bave no euch J "or hreitdYs dial. And if democracy see ''tK'ai tha amended Maine Law, let it be eily ture the Kuuueller will vinl liberal. Hlluey tlon'i, salloetra could iiol aave ii Iroin !o)ing defeat... - aim and Massachusetts are morally cer- to loucb llu ir IVohibilion Law this "i We tr, TT.nr.ihen them, while Con- nwfe "hnpfTd ni ihera are encoumg !,Ii. j!cp.iitl,vnTiii aud .O.nioTTto.o it'Wr. .: 8ol Temperance Car moveVn f aVafina 71.. - XV. . 1 -3 " vaniiig, , m regret 10 icnrn Moo. o Mr. llnnfL,.'!! llsvsIT of it a m (a rka"a , M 7uwfl on Wednesday tbn 22nd Via Sisgj's creek, some len or twelve mile litaB' ' ''"9 '''8Cf n ,lie r lo J auck. 'I be circumstances attending the , currnce as relaied to u. are painlul iu irme. The lad, Le llaiell, was a M"d iniereiting brty, about 12 years of Vd bad been spending a week oro with "lsiaer. u,,,, :a . u..:i.i: Situ! k vyiiiia'-ivr tut. uuiiuiiii j r -N. C. Rail Road some three mite i"! ."'""borougb, -On. .Monday, ibe.day V B ,enl dowowith provisi.ui lo request that I he lad .lioold be permilied r llm Wajl0 B. oe e, ,xtr,rnej, l. ,l0ee bim.. The father condoled lo wSlairMi. l Jou Ba,e f,,cw' nslructioo la . J man io charge id the wagon, la re ,d,. 0,cu bridge upon it thai j. "Uferoisav .....:.... . i o. i iWtiL . oioiagg rreea migni Woided ixoiwutialandmv Mr. llizell'aiu- and nul IS ilhula nliiii. I k. ttu.,n!nh. lr..i:- r . r'fH"" w. ::tfn T T"01 olhe' 'Merofuther. and lb earnest enlrea fc.i..ii i ' i " ' leara, the young . :;il:-LA. ..5'il"il!ltsued hia.JupAS..Iairus: ?.Ts1lelM-.- rrr ,sr".rr v., - .v.ffiv;,,.,,....,iv. aiiU "B0"?ro the atream, the swrfK 1l 'he curreiil -induced binio. wi'oinx inpiitti i uiiinDmrni, ana now mKes Mkcrilep Airnrard in" the good work of pre . - ""fl ler crt izrnii from depravity and crime, ,.;Wliliil ealer.uu) thin till theiy ba' done U L J. J. BRUNER, EJitar 4" Proprielon n ie me tiuei ol rhe bed Hi. 11- Fu. I.jund the neti day. tbout a mile bew the plaee where the wagon entered iIki itream. While ih puUie will deeply aympaihiae whb t afflicted parent in their bereavement, the young man ti whoi dare the lad wai enlrnst. ed, will merit the severest censure, if nothing mwn. Ur hia heedleei conduct in tha affitir. Hillsborough Recorder. From the Southern (8. C.) Agriculturist - THE VA Ltfi OF Af LtlOADS SUndino; lbis-vening upon the hunk of the river at Alston, we were most forcibly impressed with the sentiment, which we write down as a caption to thin article, The water was afcve with tiver cralt the shores with bany laborers. Th brc kn bridge, picturesque in its misfortunes stood high in Us desnlMe use leanness, whilst th heavy lailen trains, with hissing enxines, were bearing rich freights to am ious consignees. Dales of cottqn. barrels and boxes of produce and merchandise, covered the sand strewn shore, and, the trihuies ol river and road here presented ajbriible illustration ot the eitent of t products and wants of those who dwell in the interior of the State. Never again can we return to the old system of wagon transportation; for Railroads have be. come fixed amongst the necessaries of life and fixed, too, by a&teuu; rpjujuf than that asunlly accorded to mere con vettienee. When profit attaches to any mode ol transportation, all who can avail themselves of that mode will Mick toil. The common roads are no worse now than when the entire middle and back country wagoned their produce to market; the river in Mill open from Alston to Co lumbia ; yet thousands ol planters have waited lu transport their cotton bales on the Railroad . and the-river boats dis charge and transfer their cargoes as soon as they strike it. These facts prove the value of Railroads tothe producers of our staple crops and we have no need to go farther than the past year's experience, lo show the truth, of our assertion; but when we add the public convenience af forded to travel the rapid transportation of the mails, and the other benefits arising to a community from a perfect system of accommodations of this sort, the (act is incontrovertible. In a recerit number of the Railroad Journal, we (ind some capital remarks on ! he. s utjr St v AV h i c It jure vx tracts. . tt Hi weftTinawnsavslhe Railroad Journal. that oponlhe drdinafy highwajs ibeeconomical limit lo transportation is euiifiaed within a comparatively . few miles, depending of course upon the kind of freight and character of the roads. Upon the average of Mich ways, cost of transportation is not far from fifteen cents per ton per mile, which may be consider ed as a sufficiently correct estimate for au. average ol thi country... Estimating at bf m trow 4heyVjMft-vfwhett $1.50 per bushel, and corn a-t 75 cents. andTFT33"BusiTjt-e a tori, the value of the former would he equil to its cost of transportation for 330 miles, and the latter 165 miles. At these respective distances from market, neither ui the ntuve nrUd-ra wou(d) hav ny ccmt mercirtl value with only a common road as an avenue to market "But we find that wecan Tnoe jkroper !y ...uponji.'i.il roads at th rate of o per ton per mile, or for one tenth the cost upon the ordinary road. These works, lhrrefort!;y extend the cosr n'f transportation of Hie above arti cles to. 3.300, and 1.650 miles respective ly. At the limit of the economical move ment of these articles upon the common; hiehwav. hv the use of the Railroads,! an - .' wheat would represent the actual increase of value created by the interposition of such awork. , - I r will be seen that the value of lands are affected by Railroads in the same ra- . ' .1 - . I . . t .. . . m ? a .. t n r, n . I a . f 1 HO ai Lliear prunot.ris. x ui uiaioutr . ian . lying upon navigable water twot-s. or - in the immediate vicinity of a market, may-Wwiofth -foTahe uJlure,.,of 8I0O. Let the average crop be esttma ted at twenty-two bushels to the acre, valued at $33. and the post of cultivation at $15, this would leave 018 per acre as the net profit. This quantity of wheat (two-thirds of a ton) could be transported 280 miles at the cost of one cent per mile. or 93 30, which would leave 14.70 as the net profit of land at that distance from a market, when connected with it by a Railroad. The value of the land, there fore, admitting the quality to be the same in Jrolh cases, would bear the same ratio to the assumed value of $100, as the val nr of its products $14,70, does Jo $18. or $82 per acre which is an actoal crea- hOnoTthe value to that amount, assum-' ing the correctness of th premises. The same calcul&tiort may of course be ap plied with equal force to any kind and species of property." S t . nnn!l,.n tc Ihd , te( us near no uiuto juiiia" jji . . li : l A., n..i,r Art , I baa Ka.nTVj imponank ikaiiinu3 piiyi-visu etU the people of our State. - Arguments like the above should convert grumbling and backward capitalisuinlo earnest sup- ibe mack in new Roads does bot -Yield fat divTdenasTmmeara Tt HT ya IT TMTieT propri t y -w t ivi jr, - r value bv tliese afiikf1lmw6irbi"Ty" :'S Km j enr.cacroir atttora ; T-:-"'RoLai.r - " roads, ,yThe capitalists of Columbia (wiU a fewimaaanimous exceptions, among whom we may , number the late Robert. Liitia Esq., who contributfd liberally lo the stock, and backed his opinion as to the value of the enterprise, by making heavy investments' real estate) prophesied that the town .would be ruined her streets deserted, and her trade gone forever. Il Ts True, thai the cotton trade bas sought a natural - a v enue fwrnfebeiH-jbyr Railroad transportation ; but has thus wrought no rain to the town. Hunt the town over, and try to rent a house now not one is vacant. Ask the capitalists if their lunds are idle? and they will tell you that a flnurnishing Insurance Company has ! sprung up, and the trade of the town calls lor still another Bank. Look to the re turns, made on oath byformerchans; and they will show an increase of half as much more as former years exhibited. The smokes ofa dozen steam driven shopsshow that the industry at I a at is at work 5 and in addition to her former population, a class of respectable and laborious me- chanici throng her streets vieing in taste and accommodations with thwieW our largest cities, now transport hundreds of passengers' o $tt crowded hotels, and the whole place wears the smiling features of rapid improvement. lines of these Roads have grown into towns ; and already have Winnsboro and Chester, New berry and Anderson, and Sumterville, called for Banks. They have all become places ol trade. Look at ttle country along these new lines of Railroads not one straight streak of desolate swamp and dreary pine barren, like that presented by the South Carolina Road but a gliding panorama of richly cultivated fields and comfortable homes is presented to the tra veller. Five years of trouble, and doubt; and perplexi ty, and misfortune to the projectors and suctainers ol these great works, have ef fected these which we' have hastily writ ten down ; and now, reader, let us ask you, what good results will have accrued to the community at large, after they shall have been in successful. operation twenty five years T The Washington correspondent of the New York Courier and Enquirer lima sum up a succession ol defeats of the Democratic parly : It U s little singular that the election ot Gen. Pteteo wi ibe iaL success, which I he Democ- t'racy baa any where acbinved. ..la Nuih. Car olina wiib a clear majoiity in l lie Legilaiure, it was unable lo elect its candidate for the Se nate, and ut. last tk ;op a renegd wiib tha vniy parly, and taileo witn him. In Maine, j one of (be strongest Northern Democratic ' Stales, il lost it Governor, and appear in a c . . . v. ' .i wi- urawmits-i iins.iniii-iii us oim e r-mi itr- ib tin lair way to conrede the feenator lu the Vhi"s. i , , . . f . . i ' l .. l . 'i i ? I lure sod nurse that come to weigh the eye- In Massachusetts, where it has Imrue sway lor , , . , , t . , , i . 1 1 i i . ' lulu down and sleep the senses in oritfuliies. two years, il has eiiKMienced a te.'iilile deleal; .,, ... ""' , . . ,, . i e- i e. i ,. bleep is a common blesstnu, none ine worse Iosiiik all, save us buuor, wIik-R wa-s- left be',. ' . r , . f . , v. . , I . . v I.Ainn n .. m ..... n . I. . r I. I ,1 ,1 k. .Iuntn i.t,.K, , . , , J I'I, hind long ago, as " an unconsidered t die. . -m t -. -,. . t - -j, ii , in.Otilaware;.Mr.Clyton ha ridden overall i tinim. !l li.n I twtitrrli li m nml hi fri.nf!a lm. ti-. n Ill New Jerey-lhe" Democracy saved appear ances only by conferring its choices! honor up. on a Whig, whose coal ha been orecenily turned thai the gloss is nol worn off. Ir Lou isiana lb Democracy undertook brieve re the u arl ,.f iK. i.rcvioua WlUtr l-eoialaliire wilh so little toccess. that it representative bete are I denying the attempt. When a mangels mad and stops his pa- lops ins pa hpejr, he ..always borrows. the nexip ot his rretghbor, to see 11 in wimufawai. ol his patronage hasn't killed ihe editor and dressed the columns in mourning. This grows out of the fuel that none try to show their spite in this way but the kind of people who imagine that the world rests on their own shoulders." COTTON PICK I NG EXT IIAORDI N A R Y. The Matagorda (Tea)-T iibune-oniaiu the lollowing reuoil ol two day' cotton picking. iw that vicinity, lot the authority' ef which ih edilor vouches. It is certainly the most eitra- In a room jh. we knew manjr year ago. let. astonish our readers ; Cotton Picking on Cancy. A correspon dent, for the authenticity of whose iatementt we will vouch ia every particular, tends ut the following pariicular of a lest at coilon picking that receufly came off at the plantation ol. Col. Thorp, on Caney, which we think figures a lit lie ahead of any account we have yei seen pub. liihed. In case any doubt should ba expressed, of the accuracy of ihe statements given, w will here say that w have lb corroboraiing evidence ol the gentlemen whose name ara mentioned below: Col. John L. Thorp, John L. Croom, and Drin Thompson. Esqrs., being planter on Caney Creek, living near to each other, end liaving each brag cotton picker, corfcluded lo have a lair trial ol their respective hands, and a bono of $16 wu lobe given to the moil auccettful hands. October the llih beiqg a (air, bright day, ihe compeihort (lour hand -from each pUfltaiion) eofmnenced af tunrlse iha nlanlaiiou of Col. I horp, and ended at dark. .One hour wat lost by weighing the ctl ton, at 12 u'i5brcb..-.MeMr...Morrjsan'd.;Hiil, gentlemen -of veracity, wore ihe weigher ol ibe cotion. The following wa bown lo bo ihe reull of the day' work : ' ' '. 1 U. DoTBi,iLrBEiTttiArE."" Mr. Croom'ifour hands! Aaron Dave JireT Lewis Total ' 8015 , Mr. Thompson's four hands. Jabe " $70 W.t 715 JackSoTf Mike t340 Total 2880 ' From the foregoing figures ou will nercelve that Col. Thorp's four hauda averaged 842 Mr. Groom's 752 ; and Mr. Tboinpnon's 720 pounds each. The second day's pk kinif, on October the 13tb, a faiday. was ai (he plan, latiua of Mr. Criium, and was aa follows : Col. Thorp's four hands. Ned lb. 1125 Ben 1135 Arthur 000 Bob 050 -: 4110-- Mr. Croom's four hands. Jim 675 Dave 1050 Aaron : 595 Lewi 835 Total 3155 Mr. Thompson's four hands. Jabe ii85 Wat 960 Mike 765" Jackson 770 Total 3680 Col. Thorp' averaged 1027. Mr. Thomp. son' 920, and Mr. Croom's 788i pound. Mecsr. Cope laud. Hill. Mnrria and Sam mon were present at this pickinn : lb hands liegaa at sunrise and ended at sunset.. JfaTrjrt slaves can beat ihis, ihey are welcome to l lie palm tor cotton picking. Yours, The total amount picked by I he 12 bands in ibe two days it 20.210 pounds, being an aver of 842 oundi to ibe hand per day. The lour best hand pieked in . two day 7.8CO pound, averaging 9(15 pouud to ibe hand per day! From the Illustrated Magazine of Art- DREAMLAND, Charle Lamb regarded bed at a very re gal domain where a man mihi loss and turn ble at hi pleasure, and wiili his led ciinaiiii drawn cUaa-amttikd,; be inreh"of;ll,;he urv; ' veyed. And Torn Hood, in hll " Lay o( Kill manse)2, addresses bed most lovingly: , "Oh, bed, bod ! delicious bed ! A heaven on earth to the weary hed." And some tiody has told us mat balmy sleep in kind nature's sweet restorer, and our "real , ... . .,..; P .,"1 rillt I.UIIIIIIIJII , IWI M II tW r-'l' I,, I, HIS"' B . .... V,. .. - . comes on, birds roosl in Ihe trees, n-Iies een . , , . , - ... - . V man lorgetung, arid willingly lorgetting, lae not se anT WTlftTrnd" iTroggtenyf' pendicularity and motion, Iteti down on beds or truckle beds lo horiinntat sleep " To sleep, perchatice lo dretnn." 'Vnat ' wondertul niac What a wonderful place is Dreamland! It myteriM I ha II a the wonder ot Time and space lb thousand arid one nights, are there annihilated ; the mind may wander whithersoever it wilt, and all through that !ber" b7 varied agency employ. ;-.he .funk. ing faculty, released from common drudgery, goe iriird w barrier, and never halting in hi confte, We lie down. Everything it very silent. We hear the ceatelett ticking o ibe rlo'-k, and wonder when we shall go off. We hear ihe church cloik strike, we listen and count the hour. ' Another clm-k catches up Ihe sound, and toll i ha hour; we heaiken to hear if yet a laxy clock sjill lag behind it fellows ; no. 720 785 '375 ' 835 -. . . We crow rest ess, we become confuted, we . . . . , ... i a . . ... death come tl ill hear the ticking of the clock,- but the vi - . , -, -- n . . . liar object I...I in.. . a . 1 1 1 1 hMinmina in ir m a nn mi.r In. I U,,l,1l,e I ' n,ii, m uviii.n ...wiw " " ...--iw distinct. We- are -going off. We berome more and mor coniuteu. e torgei wnere we are. We are off. Where are we T , . r 1 1 1- . . , ibat "we' taCnor beS had almost forgotten ; bul there it it, clear and plain beloie u. There is the window wilh the blind half down a wo saw it last, the same frayed tassel ihe same red and black carpel, the tame tieel fender, the same old pic lure -bought in Drury lane, the seme library table, with ihe leather cut and rubbed and sorely damages', every hint; just a we led it. More than that, there is ibe same proprietor, Old Leighton a we called him, with hi sil ver hair hanging on (he collar of hi coal, and hi silver spectacle thrust high upon hi wrinkled .forehead, talking it he earnestly, e. oqoentlv, and to ut. We knew that be ha lieen dead tiieia ten year, we are ure of j km and the leelinir is anvihinir bul oleasaui. We are afraid to ay o. afraid to a.k him ! as a ' . L U. ai)Vltiin2 aOOUI Hll fOIOUrn IU me Ulisrcu wuriu ; . h .eem. ih'ai wa ahould be lakinc a" iberlv i ' . a a ! ! . . to out anv ucn queue, and w antwer a wen r ' ..". . at we are aitie. uut me matter Become a larming ; for hi we lurn ilighlly toward the door, ibat door I opened, and another man, whose funeral we attended hut a werk ago, etmnea la -with - a-pleajsnljmile. Then a frightful thought come into our mind lhat.botb of lhee men,, died unfairly, tbaf botbJ, were si . . a a sfain Jhy cruel hand,, and we did it, I hat we NEW SERIES. lr VOLUME 1XKUMDER 44: Away we go down lh,e sleep stairs at a bouad, u Into the busy aireel, sway, away, now up a. gainst ihe bouses, now out amid tbe w'birl ing carriage, now almost down, how rough ly bandied, but inward n'll,: Tor a we live they are lit pursuit, and our hair rise irtd biir blood creeps. We have led the busy town be. hind us, and are oui 01 ihe dusty country road. Ilia night; the star keep Watch, and lar a way wa bear the ond ol feel, onward, on. wat(Va4LJa-wr Wiled Jew- wheew- ?r,,,,;f, Ibera is 4 deepj.tliick, shad, owy wood, where giant Ireea sUelch oHi their arias, and stem and branches twist together in a strange mytleriou fa(iion, and there is si leuce ; we rni'h forward, uway, away, down, dim mysteilous air-leg, and foleina dells ; but hark ! they are dill behind, and w e gnash our eelh, and .Irive lo cry aloud, but there isa.stif ling sensation in our throar,irnd "we cannot hiut, and, flinging piireves.upaajhe grnuud, we press our face lo the sod, and reluse lo look up. But gradually, confessedly begin , know that the clot k U licking, and thai we are still the same guiltless Jones ibat we were" an hour before. Who ba not at one period, or another fell ihesa or similar sensation I A poef make Eogena ArirteitlTri3inTisf nlaSoIaliTTreT learlul story of bis crime, and tell it as a dream. In Dreamland we do iiol know where w are going to, our mental ship ba no pilot and no chaarl, our mind is governed by no rules; and though all the day lung il ba been at quiet a jade as ever worked in harness, becomes al night Pega.tis for then once, and scampers where ii will, or upwards flies "To brighter scene in the world above, or carries us away, like another Maxeppa, inio strange and diurnal forests which mako the heart grow cold. We lose our present self, and play fanlalic tricks until the morning. No slory of wilcbrrafl and of aged dames lidiug on broomstick through the air could be mure wnndeiful than ibis. We are at ibe gold diggings, playing ibe old game of Tom Tidier' ground, aud picking up gold and silver, but we cain orr itr trri emrnt. grant ship. We are in the East, amid dark - ',,lf ,,tl ictureque turbans, ar.d dear old memories, but we did not crime by the Orierjial Steam-Packet Company. We are in the frigid regions ul Ihe ftorln, huge Ice Islands are about us drilling triumphantly on the deep, dep sea ; bnt we came there by no regular method, we flew there like, a bird, W are in mines sin k a were disclosed lu the man in ihn northern legend lie effulgent witb diamond fruils, pillar of gold and precious clone, fountains with waler of a millon hue, and over all a float ing and delicious music instead id air. Well, we did not descend aiiyelidli, we sank ihruugb the ground like a liick in a paulomitne.. And H. is not only space that Ts destroyed,. bufyilma U&VMMipilMJi'- kvW&. , " W i?1t in all ajei as well as in alt countries; back all ages as Well as in alt Countries; hack- wards or lorward. this WaV or thai wav. il ia ... ii all the lame Id Ut. And not only 0, but lbs! manner in which we enmnreaa in our ilrpnma manner in wnicn we compress HI tltir dreams is ibe most marvwllpu of all. A few second . i.- j . . make lip a lllelimo. A Sound suggest, a Ham of.lboutibt, and ere be sound ba died awov . ii J Ihe train IS all Complete. Sir...,i ,t,l ainriu. ilior. . nf.l.iom, ikat Oirange old stones mere are ol dreams mat have come true, lh.it have been fulfilled to ihe very .leller. Some, , j j - j indeed, llllerprel dieaillS in a variety of ways, in which rvery object n-i - J - ..-'...- . ,:,-- J- . 4- reiuleied typical, aud Ibe vvhr.'lej.hxng ' f setu'ites. ihe picture page ol an hieroglyphic almanack ; : " Dreams always go by cttntrariee, my dear." However il may be, and wiiliotn hazarding a word about it, we mu.l all ailmi that dieams . are very mynierious r ttiat the mind, at lineity to wander where il will, play s wondrous triek i wilh ut all. Strange it is when regal Mab I ride forth, drawn with a learn of little niomie ! across men's nose as they lie a?leep, gallop. , knees andlawyer. linger., and.old.ei. neck. and ladies lips ; strange how the rides;; The cover of the witigs of grtutihiipper ; The traces of the smallest sHclcr's w b ; The collars rf the mtiuiirhiues wol'ry beams ; Her whip of cricket-bone ; the lush of film." 8oine dreams there are which we would nol willingly forget ; some, indeed, that we woold willliugly make reality, if wa could. A beaut iful thought of this kind is given by Coleij(le in his " Ancient manner, vvnen, as ine snip ot a on near ihe bine and one Imnil- after another Ira'een, the wretched mau cue out : - . , - Tn3irdre'iiu"ofToTfia' thiririaged ' " The lighlhoiiae lop-1 see? Is this the hill 1 is ihis the Jtirk t Is this mine own country ? " W glided over the harbour bar, Aud I wilh sob did pray, ' Oh, lei me b awake, my Ood, -Or let inc sleep away.' . THE RIPLEY TRAGEDY, Robert Peters, who was shot on the 9 h in dam by Charle Haird, whose sister he had e duced ii nd refused lo marry, wa still living on ihe llih inst. ; bonhere wa little probability of-his recovery. Baird wat in California when . I. . . I I. : . . 1 .,.... ...In .aa.'l,t him ' l m liir new, ui. ms sisiri i.uii, iv.in.. - immediately letl tils liuslitess, ana scarcely toon j j i. . i re.t or food uniil he reached Ripfcy. Height an intervie iew WHh Peler. Slid. Used everf ar- 1 . . - eiimenl and everv enireaty io inuure aim w make the only reparation .en possmte " ! 1 1 . ..iT m A tA a as ihraa I hirkta-a llirl fUil la rlti art I I unaiij cicu nr.- u. ...ir....u a I J . : i L. . II k j sfa I hi hardearninji if he would marry hi. sister. ..lull .1- .r I II .1 ... Li. l.i.l vvuen mis wa reiut-u, uu mew . F...ui i-l ... i . . .- and thot tb seducer, WUh lnaintenlrrtn,aaHre"", A,vUu further ,dt. Thai the irniat marie hytkla franklv ver. of killing bim on the spot. Mi 1 c .baneie m uuu.uuiMsn.i Lr.MiV.Hfi'.lTa ? Haird i id lo be partially deranged. Tb" I ihe rights of Ihlr peraowr UierelA, or totheelhireif,iiuj. utmost )mpa.hy i. fef iu R.ple, for Baifd and j hi sister. Peter i a taib-r. and formerly I ?of the uenerai Land oak, a patut of reiiuquiaiunet, ijik w'eTIieoTnlB -hi. city. Another version id the ..or, is.tba. Ml liairO WBS rilliwseu iif a nun ,i.ii. u , ' . . . ah J w j s (tii.i -lii i!, it' ii'it be oiilit lo liuve licin, j el in a way u.l.ivli i(i, uatuial leeliti of a I ni' ii.l reiy binilit-r Ulit jusiilj-. t'tn. Vai., 1'tb. . .,, ... . , lT7i(fowe A(i-iee. Waich and frii(y your, elves aguitifit the leruptuiion of litMiding any poetry to the Editor; Ashnille Sjfctator. , - 7 Soiiio English writer suggests tht 0jo people of GfearBiitain should nil -wear blue, in bonot of he Puke. 'of Wellington, tt having been bis favorite color. ; iSomeJ one suggest that, the g..lleman whn'prq poses this must be operating .iiMMfivfo, ,,j BY AUTHORITY. ui-st I1W1 Of TUB I'NtTEO BTATEB V ..-, ', ramr during Vlt .Saivnd geMion qf It rhtity-ttaHui-Otm ' I, , r:,rrTZrZi:.r- A.1 SV1 IKX1UIU IM .1-11 . "'"I - am. - vu.-n.. v. lambli. . , , n '"St Htnmtttf MJeumfl UHtt Huum aJlvfimrtihH?i -Itw I'mitnl MtlU of America in ( unarm wuimiliM, Tlua fraia ' iH1 Wirt trtrjln"inr ot Ott. nn mii kKmII W Uld Io SmUI I lu Hie lllilrict of Columbia la any action of debt, aiKiuupMt, ef I otlii-r tiin fuoiulni on or arlxliig out r ny cmiti-KCt or mrrot inrnt, or In tny mill or proetmiinR In tquiw, brought ur prosaas, ted fcr uuf.irtliiu tU iayiuent of aiiy dibSr-of uy sum or uuw L of money, due or claimed to be diie, by rerj.n of miy oontrut ut airreenieiit ; and any iraoa no liidd to b , or IniuriMin d Urn waul uf bull, in any nicli actiou or ,uit, or uroecmliui;, ilitill, en apriHratton to the rireult oourl at Mid iltHrk-t In ti-nu tinie, r U any judge Uireot lu vocauun, be aucnargea ud uiuif a ouaunu apueMrmire. JVl.l?roved l't:bCBafY 3. 1j5'I. ' et-syc (Ai;t So. 17. ; , AN ACT to continue kuif pay to curtain viikmand orphans. , hr it "imi Uil li Me .S. ufe unit IIoum of li.jrtif)Uoftaf the Cnttnt SUitn'tj Ainrrira ir CimartM atmwblrtl , That aH wVlowi and uriliauii who were granted and allxwed yinws' haif-ay by tlw provi,loiis of the act approved Ui twenty.flrat day of July, one thrainand eiiht kmidroj and forty-rirtit, antttlctl " Aa art aiucii'Hu, the act Ki anllnK lialf-pay to widows or or. nhnrn where their hui.bi.lida mt fa lilt' r I have illrd of wound! rW ceived In the iiimuu-y service 01 1110 united eiaiea, la Ml i iwcuiieaTnicni ffiuirilillerii or ineuiiuaa and voiunteera, pi Jwly foartk, ie thouMtnd erlght kundrol aad HurtjrMiix.v aa . act aiwrovod the tweuly-aecotid day of February, ouc Uiousiiliil ' eiirhl hundred and fortj'-nrne, entitled " An act granting Jlr yenni' half-pay lo certain widow, aud officer, uou-coniiiiii4 .,i!i,-t-r., mii. iaii and privates, both rgular and volun teera,' be, and they are hereby, granted a continualMe aC-aal half-pay under like IjiuituUuiia and rutrictinna, lor a rurluer pa. riod of rive years, lo commence at the expiration of the half-pat provided f..r hy theaforeaaht acta : Provided, hutmr, Thar su cute of the draili or.iBarruige ufancli wklumhefurc the fxpiratliig of aaid tenn of live yean", the half-y f ir the rvmalmler of Mw term ah nil go to Hie ehiid or chiidrau of Uiedcea-ed..thotr ova. dier, whilut under ihe age of "Kteen yean; and in like wiannor the child or cliiklren of auch daneaaeil, wli-n tliare t n wldiaa 'hull be paid no longer than while there U a child or children tu det the age aforaaaiil.: Aiul prurhlnl further. Thai a. gTeale nua uliall be allowed in any cane lo the widow or Llie child or chit, dnn of any officer llian the half wy of a lleuienanl colonel : I'rotiilrri WAer,-That Ihe aet ap(iioved th. twenty -mina February, one ihounand eight hundred and forty-nine, " grantinf tlve yeam' half-iwy to certi-ldow, and orphan if ofliecrs, non-ouiHi-ioieil ollk-era, umaiciaua and privates, both regular and volunteer," be an extended and construed ai lo embrace Um wldim uod aiiiror hidrs nf the olHoera, iion-cotoiMtniied lkjn, muiiicuUM, and privates of the regularn, uiiiilia, and volunteers of the wxr of ghtK UuuJted aud twefve, an of the varkm Indian wars tinee aeventeen hundnal aud tjlki-ty. Huf. i. A4br i'JkrtfC.f!P-u'w''"aa':-Scern, WbconimiiiMoiied onicera, inualclauf, and private of Sh UevolutloiiMry Army, who were married autaieiiiient. lu January, Anno bomini eighteen hundred, shall be entltli it to a penfoa In tba saiae manner as lln'-e who were aiarried befum that date, i Approved February t, SLa, .o. ia.i . . , , AX ACT granting the right of wny and making a grant of bud to the Slate or Arkansa and lllourt, to al in tne aon lioa of a raihowd frotu a point on the MiasiMippi opposite the mouth of the Ohio river, via Little Rock, to the Texaa boundary ear Pulton, la Arluuuiia, with branches l Fort blitt Md isms Misii)iul river. - Be it emitted hy the Xrnoir on A limine ttf fiepreletnNp'f the r-niieH AmrHra irriwffrtw a .wU-TluH S right uf way through the puhlic laudd le,laiid llie name is hereby, granted tit the ?lule iif Arkainas and 'MiBourl," fof the eonslrire tion of a railroad from a pmnt on ihe Mifaiappi rtveTfOpfweils) the moulh of the Ohio, in the fl lie of Mn-oiin, via I.I ! lie Uork;, to the Texan linmiilary line near Fullon, In Arkanaas, with brsnch es from Utile ltock, in Arkansa, lo the Mii-i.l.il river and to Fort Smyth, in aaid State Willi the right to hike necessary mate rial of earth, tom-, tinilMr, Ac, for the conidrucliusi tfcemf i J'rvi idrd, That the right of way shall not excei-d uue hundred feet on each side of the length thereof, and a copy of the surrvy . of aaid road, maile tuider th ihn-liwn of the- l.eiiii-laliirea-ef .,111 - i: 'r-etrrr-tT. and w. the ttmeral IjmhI -Olrtr. trt WashittgW, said state, slultl be forwarded to tile proper local land otuce re- i. . U it farther That there be, aM Ishfl- s.. -i ) Kv. granul Hi the States of-Arkanw a!id Miaa.rl rtjpocrtwlv. 'or llie purpnK- of aiding in maLiiij llu rallr jail and brandies aa. nforeai.l, wHhinthetr rurprtvt' thntta, WefyimNWiitflotttn l"d degnaicrt by eveu uumla-rs, fr six seeiiun, lo width t,Rrl AlU l4 .UoaiLaixllu-ain liea; but in caw it shall appear ' that Ihe United States hare, when liw line r route of said ra j l SV&uiteb tuuai a Utc aulli-H ily afnraaaid, sold autjr part tst anjr j .etin h -nliy granted, or that llie riirht of pre-emption has al- i lacheil la ibasamc, then a alm b luwtafiTanjaKeM.-.jisra)s, to be uppuiuted hv the (iuv-ruor ol said Mate, to select, suljoct to the approml BforeKaM.'fiwntlieliMHtaoftheUnTledrHatesimwi' contiguous Ui the tier of m-ciiouiiluvoivpi-clWd, souiucU land lu ,.", .,.., r ilMt. r ,,-nim a stuii be rmwi to nch ! ' Untied stale liavesoid; or in which the right of prsv emiK,ou lias aiuu neu ua aioieiiui, .uiwi lao.ip w iuj tiii.i in .(UaHiitv l on.- half of six tectt ins 111 width on each aide of sard m.miMimmei'm iww wljoUM. MMHaUhm .use LtMiieaJitail : JimiUM. Unit ihe lands . V he lucalcit shall lu m ca- ie nirm-r ma ntieen irniea- vTraa ilie lineal the road ':"Jti .eiir.'SleairVer'.TIiat lfeb.aelV." hv gr.int.il li'.ll be ;,ili. -.1 ill thr con-trtM-tion of aaid road, and .1, ui i. .ii.)., ,.v, of otly a ihe wortr priyesjas. si4 sbaa he ajs Jilhal lo no oUier ui poae hall-ioaj-cr : AmT pryrlifafuij&er That any and all land" reserved to the Lnited State hy ttf not of Cotign, for the purixi. e of aldlug In any oixi ot tatornme auuever, no liHe- kes froib the uerutltm of thii act. except so far as it may be Th to locate the routes of the aaid railroad and brancht-l reserve lsuiK. - .-- : I rough such neeeaMrf S;. S. Mluilbtitfiirlhtcreiutite'l, That the secti" lis and parts of sect ,ms of land which hv such grant snail remit' the I nl- ted titates aiUdn six miles on each side of siiidrmvl II nallw sold for lens lh.ui double Ihe liillii nuio puce of II ' lie hui.la when sold. fKC. 4. Awl tm it fuiU,er endcUiL-Tmi the i Ida Here. hv ffmnffd to tb- said state llall be sulij-.t to 111" Ipoaal of :the Legtalatnres-lherrirf; .T tlie fawtiaeeleresaM . J and tha said railroad and branches shall lie ami reiuk fiMillusrf public hhdtwav for the use of Ihe (ioveninient of the. United I Bates, free from toll or other charge upon the tiaii..poi taUoii of any property or troopaail llie I. mlcil Mistus. . . . Su-., ,V :lnrt it fttrther ennrfnf, Tlial thetsnde herebjr granted to said stutes shVrH bedipowl of by ! State only Lu the manner I" How ing, that is lo nay, that a'qualitity of land not exceeding one bnmlwd and twenty .sections, and inckided withlw a coutinuoiu length of twenty miles of said road, may beaold; and when the (iovenmrs of said State vr States ihsll certify tntlie Secretary of the Interior that twenty contniuuus luilea ul aM road is cumpleteil, then another like quantity oriand hereby grant- . ed tnny be sold ; and so from time to time, until aaid road Is eon . pletvd; ami il said road L not canplu. d lihiu leu years, uo fur ther aal. s shall be made, and the land unsold shall revert to the) l ulled Slates. , :';. I-ks'. li. .Uf.1 be it fitrPter enartrit, That the United States, mail shall at all times he transported on llie said road ami branch' es, undemtlie direction of the Tost Ottjiie DeparUnehl, al auohptloe a. irengress wavUiy Uw duajet....-: Approved fehrunry, ft: .Ii-,buc An No. 1?. , "'" AX ACT lo make llie salary of the Judge of the Criminal Court of the IMstrict of Columbia equal to that of an Aaaistant Jartge of Uie Circuit Curt of sW IHstrict. fie it enaeett by the Urn ate liml Hone of KeprnemrntltM My the luitil .s'iifei of Ameri"! tiwijcess armtiletl. Thai Oje irararr rrf -thr rtitf-'of tWe-itinal .tlaatt .ai, the.flutrfcaat AltteL,. lumbia be, aud the same U hereby, made eqal to an Asslfunil Judge of the Utreult Court of said Oistrlct as bow eaUldislie hf ' Approved February 11, ISM. " ' ' tu yvnuc An N.i. ?. 1' '"n AN ACT for Ihe-reli -f of the low'u of ftellevlcw an the cf ties "sfc " Kurliu4otL.aJaa Ouhuqqe, in the Stale of Iowa. ft enwteJI bfVw .Jennie aA Hwme of K'hwmiSittielf 'qf''' the United hbtte of America in I oiidett uatruihed, That there , shall lie and hereby is granted to the town of Belle view, in town, the laud bordering on the Mlsslsstpid rieer. In front of aaid towa,, reeerved by ihe act of aecond July, eiglileeu hundi'el and thirty six, for a public highway, and lor other public uses together with the accretions which may have luruied thereto, or in frout th.re-. of : to be disKaed c,f in such manner as the corporate authorities -may direct. Tlie graat ttiade try this aet shall operates svettrts qaaahmeul enly of the right of Uie United Slates iu and to aaid - ie.i ,i.u i,,i,,. rit.il , promtses. anu snail in no iii-iiii"-i .---..." ii"wrtn; er to the use tlwreof,; l uImU he juieot to the swism s. T - a seaenorjsuasr- oraoni a patent of reUiKiuiJuneut. lu accordance 2 - . .. .i..,! .... ....U tl.r..f.-r aa In nt wilh Ihe provi.. other cases. ' , irijtiitf.irVie:rmviee4. Th ihn there skati-fcemsrt f . ... ..- . ksituisul ansi iLiaslv. rrmr nj mean w wuu lTm -T I ifiT j V? tTi V fur DUDVC ntlllWrti IXilU. i ajiisvi a"1.'' aav , ...... " . TT" .. . . ...I. ia. u.h. .riu.r.le.uh.riliaa 0r; nemspsro qi - .--, ofaaiiliith4adHWt : . . . . luthoTttliie of Said Cliy a a ceiuewrj -e- . .i .... ....a l.il.- lKiM.,n liiinitred uai.F uiirte. I Ol II ic . 'u . . ' . - - . ' . -e Tg. -4 '1 f 1