,1 t.H JmiM . liiWMXL ADDSESS . . ... v SJT. fifn arch 4, 183 r ,,,ii... suitable I other, raih '!! .:.....;..inces. nnder which I have been preside over lh mrt with a profound ..fM,il.itlH. oil' WHB nothing rehensb.n. t wjmrwitar?ww !Ld m. i"'1 " " ml Im wfM5oll(ilT:WrTii your "TLa-etable ,,,r '("'!'. ftiikW' ureieicfte f my f.er. ! n i.! ,b. ' '. ,ru,y r, ,h' r V'"'1"" of 'the nation ewifidence; but ""Isrlrom listening my obligations, only HioibHr weight. Vu have iMinned we Zil. WVi7 I wfcTi'ir tor the- bilrilmeoi u ibl rrquiteinents, you will be un : (ike great .jdiaiqlf tJMcfcJt!lMl.6 n within th" quarter of the ceo ,d the roiiseqnent auguieiilli..n and illfiiij of duties imposed, in the adininte- both of jour hum and foreign sffiirs. fWhi-r the elements of inherent force in kr R-pi(li- t'Mire kept pace wiib its unparal d in i",rr,Hry piMit'". mI, baa been the sobject-ol r though' Jilicuioii, on both sides ol ibe ocean. . LJiuiri . . . . -- ., atuy .ihjreeearejijijjBerainer r.,..,,irv made " the" I hen " recenriTrces- Ll ibf'impiriaiii Stale of Noith Carolina WC'Htoliiution "i 'he Uni'ed States," one Like tutijfri of hi special conjiraiulmion Ltti a.xiirui. bowrtrr, whn ib KimiNM Hurwui " wmhi ill rfolwiiiurjf trujg'-e hd QlMubsidfd, whrll writ jurf eiirjjliig mibe kiir "d eirtrrmini'liif of Ibr iioWfriin, iber w fi pvidiii rincioi m l vigor, equal iu the grai ntiion meljiiiil liuvelj lultillfd bj wur Inibvf. I' ntl i -prfnmjiium aiiurmn r, but ralin prixitc lm clear viw of I hi- aource '(iwi-r, in jfovfriinienl rintiiiiicd like oura. ) to parallel to nay ihat. alih- ujjb compar fl; fk, the new. born nation wii inirin- "lit iiroii). Iiicotioiderabln in population d ianMil (eour'e. ii upheld by a M ami inif llijjeni riiiMeli-ilxioH ol righu. Win all rrviliiitf puiMie to iiMiiilalii I be in, ; anger Hin armament. It caie fmin tbe mrt ill lb remliliion. Ienieiel In the lie Mi" of the iime. Tlie Ihoiifrhi iif n u i ha i day eie a prai'iurwl aa their iium-mi. ! uttrioiav 1'trey wa?f?!t n fmio ol ilieir eneigo-i iipoo ifle ami deluie lii.ierW-mh. a ttwn and fearleH ateji dpyiiiiit tbr 7r5rwvnlew"a,irr 4i hail bii 1 hart biiherio i-iMMirn-cntied the Imiii l u liecdom. and planted their ulalMlMrd fin 'I ban tliMrft. aitaiiiot ilan!'i which have Jbraiaued ltm aUrdd Mierual asuatlMH iikb baa al Tune feailully menaced at h e. faey iiiti-d thMMfvei eqoitl tbe mlmun llWrai problem, lutrnderatand ta bicb tfieii mida bad been illuuiii.aieil by the (Uwiiihk jut iit: the, revirlmtoii. The object "jjbt lunula iliinu dreai-d it a lliioj; Wll'it. Tin) Iih(1 ell.it.ii'd liol i.liU the i a" hi-e, i.ui lir all histi'iy -atfit hi ftn imeb mire iimi.imI. ib Jeapai-M t imniHi The i.pjtri-Mid br(hI :ibif.-Wil'l. fa laal (In) io ibe .ie.nil, bae lurii'-d-ibeir nhniiciaiil, nut in find IhuKC llhia eilin jjSC lltlJfejIlJbl- lbeb?ldj.wftj!!il 'fW-fbatiatttiy. c4MMrv4Mjpba4ebd :sud liMiiij( raili4iii'e. lilt ibia, ntir cuunirtr baa, in my juHirmenl, .JdttUed...it;,hiahe "Miitiy. It ha ipikrt, and will conlitiu I'll, nut only Ii) h wui(ti but by it a t. th tfie ol vinpaili), encimratfeuienl and 1,4 ij.nse, u4 rwfiifnil li.len t 4Mien, 'Stcb primmiiu'e I'.ir the laiget lattoiial liter ' But. after all, i he int amiiuiUtlit eneoui plltem and pi ilr ill appeal lor lieedolll will be o hictiiiy. ila liiitl and h uiunipba. Eminently the power ol oor advueacy re. iatiioiiur riHiiiple, lint not etamiile, be it re an be poweiful lor lattiig gMid, tiif'd appaieiii adtantajje mav be named. 1 U nt baaed 'upon eternal pifn-iplen ol iidjiilire. Our btibeia decided lor them.' "".both upon the hour tu declare and the hour 'Unite, They were their own judgetut ib eir iiicra, under which it ccamt laem to Hl'iaMch oiher their live, their fi.rtiwea, ktii laried honor,' fur lb arquUiiion l tbe I"!! inheritance liainmitled to u. The ""(J with which that great conflict wa open , l. umlrr the .fluidaitftt.of a 1011 ilet and ''li'eiil PiondeiM-e, the uiu-oiiiplainiiig en w,icb ( wa( preculed l ila "wnmaiinn, wera only triaad by ih 't and patriotic jMf ol eotceaeHHi wbcb WieiiMd ali i ib CQUuaila of lb rariy fit V l lh moat impreaai eidencea f that '"do i 10 Im found in lh fad, thai lha ac 1 f, our ayalein baa dinpelled a de N (if wlicltiule. whi. h. ( ih ooinel.diatiirb. a IU bnrtiaMfM.xechiBgMiii1:J4b TSinv ' j j I .rf.aS.nstiiaiil4aiasraafc?"asalji.nfl - 1 1. , . i.t SI. Bhi tin wit Siai.. aormniilated wealth. - , - . '2. 8 mmfa population, aaa proven 10 -.Jwainded. The (tars upon your bauuer huve ,euntf nearly three told their original numler. (baarly popiiliiird poaaession skirt ibe jM the two (real oceans, and yel tbi i'eae u( people and territory haa not t town iinvir compaiibte with the harino. J wtioa of Hie Siatea and the federal gi-: 2"' in their repeclive consMtu'iooal i M hiia afforded an addiltonal guar Yf Ihe strength and jniejjrhy ol both. . in etoeirence (hit mrifeiie tknd Bit.. . . . 1 . I.. ,ani Iblbe policy of my adinmiattation ill J '(M,,,.i. , Indeed, it i. , lo b. Wdtbat .., a,.i,..d- .. . ...d ...r NMhe gtoK render ihe acquisiiin.. of lM...roB..rnli " our jlw.cion. ' 4Vl, hnp,,an. t,r .r pretec-ion; if not, Mum),,, .t ... 1 r .. fcj.v. T vommerca-ana inat weace m , j , , ,- . . . ii .SWdib.rW.MameoVi. wall.U, du-ie, .0 Upeib.rmed 'VJJ J gr.spmg ,pi,. ,,, a view.f cla.m,.he protection f nd the be Z- at i,i.eiad srrwiiu .tdJn aga iH!KrH Kmi but clam . . - n conniierca. and IIM oeace ia ine "etnarbmal faith. .-WV have' aon- 'Refer reeV.se. -N-s rea.nnable man.ol.any lh,.'ry or pn..,r.. lo inv'.t. aggre. 1 party w.H e.p..? tb h, ' ku e. bl. vt- it a tJi aidless ef It tsspoawbvltty. aaiat lbs ibu J. J. HliUNER, Elitor ty Proprietor, -- t rtiitititn ol relationa ol peace aud amity wiib all nation. PurHwe, thereP.re, at once jiirt and pactttc, wit m aigniticawly maided iu tba i titidurl td our b.ieiga aff.ii.. I intead thai iy administration (hall leatj no bl.M tlmii our (air record. and trut I may aafely gira ibe aa auiance that no art whbin ihlegititnale- acope td my cn.iitii,ml control will be inlerated, on Ibe pait id' any portion u( our cttixe-na, which '.'' ehlUeiige aveady ittel4N,lelf the tribuiial'..f the civilised wurld. An admin i.t ration wnuJd be unworthy of contidetica at borne or re.pe. t abroad, abould il ceaae to b influenced by tba cHiciion. thai no apparent adViiuKe can be purchaaed at a price an dear aa that of national wrung or diebmior. It in nH your pivilejt, nation, to apeak of a. dicta ih paat. Tbu air iking incident . of your hiarfly,- replete wiib Wiution, and luiuisLtina abundant ground for boiielul contidenee, are cuinpriaPolirieTToff comparaiiTely In ieK--But tl your paal ia limited, your future ia bound lea. 1 tiblijiatioua throng the uneiplored pathway ol advanceineat, and will be limitleai a duration. Hence, a aound and coinpreben policy abould embrace, not !ea Ihe diatant future, than the urgent prevent. The great object of our purauit aa a people are bt to be attained by peace, and are en liiely cuiiaiateiit with the tianqniliiy and inter. leata tf ih feLol mankind. With the neiah boriiig nation upon our cnntiuenl, wa abould cultitrata kindly and fraternal relationa. We caii deaire uothiug in regard to tht-m so much aa to aee them consolidate their alrangth, and putaue the paih priperily and bappinea. It, in ibe c,oarae of their growth, we abould open Jtaw channel id trade, and create addili-mal lactlitie lor Iriendly inieri'ourae, ibe' benefit realized will be equal aud mutual. Of Ihe com. plicated European vyatem of national policy we he heretofore lieen iiidependenl. From tbeir war, their tumult and aniiettet, we bae been, happily, atml enliiely eiempl. Whilst lhee are- confined Jo Ihe nation which gave 1 hem eiisieni-e, and within their legitimate r;adiclio1i,ltiey cannot eff-cl a they appeal l our y mpaibiea in the can of human fieedom and iiniveial adtaiicemeni. Dot the vaal in 1 treat ul uniuiiieri-e are cimnioii to all man kind, aud the advantage of trad and interna tional intercom e tntipf alway pretent a noble Held l.ir ihe in-iial inH'ience ol a g' eat people, W11I1 ihe if liunly and lionenily car ried out, we have a right to eipeci, and shall wider all ctrriJtiiat aiice req tire, prompt recip rot'ity. 'Ibe rtlii which lelong to u aa a iBlltjB;.WE'JnJ:.!it' wr Vw. hgLMxiaiithaUhms1 a bicb pertain to erei citizen in hi itidivid'ial capacity, al home and abroad; inul lie sacred ly inaiuiaiurd. 80 Idiijj a he can difcern ev ery atar in iu place upou that en.nign, without wealth l pim Ua-e br bim preferiueiti. or iitla li secure lr him place, it will be his privilege, and mift be hi ackuow l-d.d right, to stand ilialmrbed even iu the pretence of prince, with a ptiiud coUM'ioiiniM' thitt he i him$eil one of a nation ol meieiatm. and ihat lie eannol, in lenitiiiiate inruiii, wamler ho la r from home, iliai the ajjeiii. to. 111 he bll leave beliuul in ihe place which J now occupy, will not see that un rude iiaud ol p..wer or tyrannical passioii i mid up.u htrt wnh tminminy. ! real tie, upon every ea, and am every soil, where our ruierprtse may rihtluilt eek the prutei- liMiirorMrt viotable panoply fur the ermiiy tf American riahts. And. in tbi eonneiiun, rr can hardly be neceasar lo- re-aflirm- -iirlttctpbr who h iroitdTioW WTeYaTdeW ritflit. aeetiriiy. and repose of ihi "CoiiiWje'racy M-jeci the ida ol inleil-rence or colonization. 011 this side of the ocean, by any foreign power, lie ood pre.eul j-iridiclion, aa Mllerly iniidini aib!e. . ' Tb opportunities of observation, furnished by my biiel eiieiience a a oldier, coufiimed 111 my own mind ibe opinion, entertained and acted upon by other Iroin the loirnnlioti ot the g.iverliuienl, that the maintenance of large standing armies in our cinniiry would be uoi only dangeiou bul unnecesearyi They alao illnstrafed the importance. I mtgbl welt say ibe absolute necessity, of the military science- and practical skill furnished in aw h an etninent de gree by the iiiciiiuiioii, which ha made your army What it is, under the discipline and in i rod ion ol officer not mnr distinguished for tbeir solid attainment, gallantry, and deaollon lo the public aervice, than for unnlrirusive bear lug aiid high moral lone. The army, a or gaiiized, must be the nuelewa. around which, in every lime j need, the airengib id your milita ry power, the aura bulwark of your delence a nafl'tiiat milili way b readily lowned inlo well disciplined and emcnsni organization . l-l' fl"-!?"" "'-,:'-U . 1 And iha. ,kili,aidalC-aaioii.m are you thai yiitTm'ey take rhypertormanca of, Ibe past a a pledge for ibe future, and may ' . ..1. . .I.,.. .1.- I . ukl-iW kaa Ufa COilDdeuriy eipec inai 'no ig, wuivn - - -ed il untarnished fold over every ea, will stilt float in undiniinished honor. But lhaae, like niany oihervdijed, ; WtH be appropriately line many oiner ijtt.i, w... i-- .n, t rt. n,wiitf.f ,r-lbairli urouicnt. ai luiurr ihiki ' . . , .. . i:...i. .r...i-kai nf the trovernineal. lo l"i - ry - which I shall alwaya look with proiound re jiect, and with irustful confidence that ihey will accord lo me the aid and uppoil, which 1 bait much need, and which ibelreiparience aiid wisdom will readily iuggel. In t be adminielraiion of diMnet afTair. you e Ijiecl a tlesoteil iaiiegrity in ihe public aervice, and an 'observance ofilgld economy in all de parimeut. so marked a never lobe justly que, tinned. II (hit reasonable eipectatiuu. be rim realized, I frankly conies bai one of yur lead - a . 1., . : ... s sBsnl rag b...a d.,.ei .s-ppom. - . - mui. re.ul. in a b.nil ia.tng a.l tre. Offit.r. can be properly, regarded only in le ighl ol id. fc.r the acc.mplUh.nenl rd these and ..occupancy ca.tc.ler no prerogultva. nor i..,,.rto...ie desire (or oreiero.etd any clai.ru .1.... i.. ...wi.trl wild aole relerence lo- the iurj " Stlf a CHKCtcrOff all you - ' R CLE IS. MIISBURXCa jJinRSBAIARCILlIaljLS.Sal elrmeal o( cuccess, a lit retain peron, kbown-to onder the influence oi political iboeiility and partizan prejudice, in positions, wbieb will requite, not only sever labor, 4ml cordial cu operation Having no implied en gagement lo ratify, no rewards to bestow, no resentment to remember, and no pemonai wishes ia cbuIi, in electiout lor ufficial ttaiion, i shall lulfil ibis difRi-ull and delicate 1tbdllmtT1rgrlotif rwmfytipitflt my character or position, which doe not con remphirtraTn1cieiitTiiargrijfa best interest of my rountry. 1 1 acknowledge my obligations lo be Ihe masses ol my country. men, and to them alone, Higher object than personal aggrandizement gave diieciion aud energy lo their etertion in the late canvass, and they shall not be disappointed. They re. quite at my hand diligence, integrity, and ca- pactty. where ye f Tbfre arg dulte to ba pe rfm ed. Without these qualitie in tbeir public er vnl. more stringent laws, lor the prevention or punishment of fraud? negligence and specu lation, will be vain. With them, they will be unnecessary. But these are not the only points, tn which you look for vigilant watchfulness, The dan. gers of a concentration of all power in tbe gen eral government of a confederacy so vat a ours, are too ubvtoua to be disregarded. You have a right, therefore, lo eipeci your agents. In every deparlnienl. To regard StrfClty The fhnirt imposed upon ibem by tbe Constitution of the Untied btatea. (be great scheme ol our eon atitutioiial liberty reals upon a proper diairibu. lion ol power between the State and Federal authorities, and eiperience has shown, that the harmony and happiness ol our people must depend upon a just discrimination bet ween the separate rights and responsibilities ol the Stale, and your common right and obligation under the general government. And here, in my opinion, are the consideration, which should form ibe true basis ol future concord in regard to the question which have most seriously dis lurbed public tranquility. If lbs federal gov. ernmenl will cjonttiie it sell to the eiercise o( powers clearly granted by the Constiiuiion, il can hardly happen that its action upon any question should endanger ihe inatil iilions of the States, or interfere with their right lo manage matters strictly domestic according to ibe will ol their own people. In eipreesing briefly my views upon an im piillaul rut jecU. w hich baa recently agitated ibe nation to .aliMuM a learful degree, I am moved by iio$ther impulse than a irmsl earnest di-stre fur ihe peprtuaiiim ofitiat Union, which ha made u what we are. showering upon 11 blessings, and conferring a power and in fluence, which our lathers could hardly have anticipated, even with their most sanguine hopes directed to a Ur tdT tutors. The sentimenta l now announce were not unknown before the eipresiiin ol the Voice which called me here."7 My own position upon this subject wa clear and unequivocal, upon the reroid ol my word and my act, and it is only recurred to al this lime because silence might, peihaps, be iiiiscousf rued. Wuh ihe Union, my best anil dt-aiesf earl lily hopes are entwined. With out it, what are we, imlii idually or colleclivel) 7 What liecoiiie ol tbe noblest field ever opened lor Ibe advancement of our race, in religion, in government, in the aits, and in allihut dignifies and adorns mankind t From thar radiant; con" siellation, which both illumine our own way and points out to Mruggtii g nations their course. let but a single star be lost, and. il there be not Do my countrymen need any. assurance ihat uch a catastrophe is not in overtake them, hile I posses the power to stay it ? Il i with me an earnest and vital belief, that as the Union has been the source, under Providence, ol our proDpeiity lo ibis lime, so it is the surest pledge ul a continuance vl the blessings we have en. joyed, and which we are sacredly bound lo transmit undiminished tn our children, Tbe held of calm and tree discussion in our count rv is open, and will always be so, but il never ha bee ii and never can be Iravs red for guotf in a spirit ot sectionalism and uticharttableness. The kiunders of ibe Republic dealt with things a they were presented 10 Ibem, in a spirit ol self-saerificing patriotism, and, a lime has proved, wiib a comprehensive wisdom, which il will always be sale for us lu consult. Every measure tending to strengthen the fraternal leel iugs of all the members of our Union, ha had luy heartfelt approbation. To every theory of society or government, -whether the- rifl"pringj ol levertsh ambition or of morbid enthusiasm, calculated lo dissolve the bond of law and affec tion which unite u, f hall interpose a ready and alern resistance. I believe that involunta. Aiuacuuicde r acy , J recogn ized by the Con siituiion. I believe that il stands like any IS" er adiniiied right, and that ibe States where it eiisls are enittled lo efficient rernedie to en force ibe constitutional provisions. I bold that the laws of 1860, commonly called the "compro. - - -? ..... . w.. .. . . w,ti am,MrtMrMa.H agai ititt...ktii..l.n.n.L. .n.ti.,1 r . - - ....;. .,:..! -..:j .:. 11.. to be unhesitatingly carried into effect. I be lieve thai the constituted authorities of this Re-J public are bound to regard ibe right of the South In this respect, a they would view any other legal and constitutional r(ht, and that the law to enforce them should be respected aud obeyed, not with a. reluctance encouraged by a ( 1 act opinion as to iheir propriety in a different" stale of society, but Cheerfully, and according to the decisions of the tribunal Id which their exposition belong. Such have beep, aud are, my convictions, anil upon I hem I shall set.' 1 .errantly hope that the ques tion is at rest, and that no sectional, or am bntoos, or fanatical excitement may agatn threaten ihe duiability of uUr institutions, or obscure ihe light of our prosperity. liul let not ibeWoundation of our hope rest upon man's wisdom. It will not be sufficient t bat sectional prejudices "find no place in ibe public delinerKtijnii. ft wilt nor b snffiefent tbai tba tasb counsel of -human passioaara.re.. letted-, It must be. felt, that tbre is no na. liunal seariiy but, in- Jhc;nai,un' kumble C-'I ruong-ptotiaence.- --""i -Wa bate been car j red ia safety tbroHgh pe- liloua ctisis WUS -cxwtUrlike tbusa aiucb Do THIi, ltl t.lRrST VIS tiTt.' gave u the Constiiuiion, prevailed to uphold it, Let the period be remembered a an admonHon, and not as an encouragement, in any section of tbe Union, to make experiments where ei perlments are fraught w ith such fearlul hazard. Let it be impressed upon all hearts, lb; beau tiful tl our fabric ia, no earthly power or wi dom could ever re unite its broken fragments. winumn a uu liifsiivv, niium view vi mo e r ' ' - " Standing a I do almost within view of the within reach ol Ibe tomb of Washington, with alhbu cherlihed niehioiief oPrbf pasl gather trig around me, like so niany eloquenl voice id eihoriation from Heaven, I can express no bel ter hope for my country, than that ibe kind Providence; which smiled upon our Fathers, may enable tbeir children to preserve the blessing ibey have inherited. From the Raleigh Register. , EXTRACTS if From the Diary of a North Carolinian, at present travelling in Europe, com municated to a friend in this City : Naples, Dec. 13. 1852. Am again at sea, on boad the Orontes, bound for Con stantinnplel Shall resume my Diary or Note Book. long lost and forgotten amidst the "first impressions" and of a Backwoods man abroad. Indeed, it is atnasinyTroogh to recur to these "impressions; coming from the new world to the old.onc imagines himself endowed with double visionbe sees, or thinks he sees, so many sights, and all so strange. He begins bis "notes," and silly enough, notes down everything. He pasxes on to France, to Germany, to Switzerland, to Spain or to Italy. Every step is another change something newer mill. At last novelty ceases to surprise habits and customs grow at once "fam iliar as household words." He finds a mo ment's leisure, and glances over tbe first few pages of that "Note Book," and is horrified at ihe idle stuff it contains ! I'd give hundreds jusl to peep into somebody' elser Fortunately, mine "gave out" at the very beginning. The few pages I made shall, however, long be preserved ,-ns the greatest curiosity J' ve yet-seen." They are never to "sen the light ol other eyes," and are now dubbed and buried Tbe lollies of a Traveller." But a word for Naples. The Italians nave a sayings :See Na pies arid d 1 lndeed.it is worthy of the praise. There is no Bay like the Bay of Naples! no Is I lands like Capri and lschia. There too are Lake. A vernus ; and the; ..Ctassje snores of Buiac. where Csesnr mid Cicero had their villas, and where Horace and Vir gil loved lo live, "amidst these scenes of gay delight." Then, bless my sourrwhal a climate 1 Think of reen peus for dinner every day the year round ! Yesterday I Kaw.lhousamls of moat beautiful and ten der fldvvcra; but, like a practical man. uniting tbe useful with tbe sentimental, 1 conies. myself most affected at the sight o a cotton ,.e,o; w,, tm. blaant ui DedembcrJ,. Alter ...alL Aeauv.ius . .. .. l:. 1.1 L. u l........u ;n A. 1 . " L ' . 1 e - afPompr VlStl- tO - iptrsi tm!.nm.MTi w v vno find ntilhtns' to compare to the -latter. TbFre degen eigh houses all ! And oh I my eyes! rare among the curious, there is a lady's toilet complete even to the box of Rouge I But fare well to Naples. I've strolled for the last time amidst the ruins of Pompeii and Her culaneutn. and roasted my last eggs on tbe crater of Vesuvius I Dec. 15. At Malta, a beautiful, neat town ; but am disappointed4nhe Palace, Cathedral and Armoriaof the Knights of St. John. The trophies, armor and wea pons of warlare here bear no comparison to those in London or Madrid. The for tifications," however, are vast and magni ficent superior even to those of Gibral tar. Here I had placed under my care by the American Consul a country womanv who excited no little admiration among all on board the steamer, Mrs. Hay, the niece of a former President (Madison.) wh4eaves4beomfoand joys and friends, and with a little son, and a 41 -I..-..-.I l.i..l,ir hi-a iih alone the small awijm-wB ..r daners of the deep, and goes as Afaie,' sionary Teacher to the shores of down- trodden Greece. . r. on &An. snend a. dnv at Smvr p - viir - w. - --"r 1 t ... -.IRr. onH na, where two yoong Russianoflicers and If. findins a French Steamer bound for the coasts of Asia Minor and Syria, suddenly change our course, and" strike for the "Holy Land. We see but little of Smyrna; but little, however, satisfied us. It is a large and important City, but de void of beauty, except from the sea, whence it only dazsles to deceive. I visited the fam ily of the N. C. Missionary, Rev. J. B- John son.ol Iredell, who seemed wonderfully de lighted with my call, and chaperoned nie every where I wished to go. Tells me 1 am the first citizen of North Carolina be ever saw in S.. though he has been there 19 years. At 5 "P. M. we go on th Sea mander, and such a sight I In tbe cabin were some five or six Europeans, and on dek about 15QXMrkrCrfeekirrAtr "atis. Arabs. Eihiopinns, and Jews,, they too toond for Jerusnlem. and oorcotnpan. nt (We lea dm s to come 1 HoweKer, r rd.dt hold ot,r ani will b iiv-iVi nnra,, ioot . is stnnd " " ' ' A-1 wnere ooes one see -a grearer varieiy . erate pagan Homans just as it stood , h , , plltr(.(i .heGnrden of Gdh r 1 .u....?.. P.,;.. teen centuries ago-streets. temples ; - ; . ....... Hhove th Gr VT " 7 a?' " a r:.VmnT...' S . baths, shops, walks, gardens and , . . .. mii ' frnM ,hm , " . ' " 1 j rV.ir rhance Tor se 'OB atidtrtud- tfi 0MtfCeriatn1y didllanc-ei ami d-tnerrfxern Mee,,. c C rlPrisKntty anbthet proCfssi otit'pany, WH meet at the Depo J.1) S'M nl:v series. VOLUME IX NUMBER 45. Dec. 22 Li fid nd tspetid 'a' day at Rhodes a most interesting city all in ruins, but filled' with the : architecture, arm, inscription,elics and ' trophies of the Koighis of St. John, of thn erusnders.' Dec. 25. Spend Christmas at the little tillage of Scandereuin, used as the Fort of Aleppo and DnmnscuS. " Upon hospl I . , , , n A I ' i .... n.U ... M n II il.. it.Akllallull we paid our respects fo all the dignitaries and officials. - Were of course received with tbe marked respect due ourselves, and tbe great countries we represented '. were treated time and ngairr, hour by hour, to tbe everlasting; chibouque, coffee and sherbet of the EasJt. There 1eing no American Consul. I called first on the En- gl.su. ami lound htm on a "big spree a fcinoVi nteMtgent matt; but sobjercittarbt nlmost universal infirmity of tbe Anglo Saxon race. No people in the world drink like the English, Irish, Scoicb, and Americans. In all Southern Europe and I Asia, 1 ve seen only two drunken men one Spaniard and one Greek. Through with our visits, one of the Russians and myself muster up two old guns and go hunting; but no game. Tbe gazelle abounds, here, but can only be caught W44be gHtymrrd Lte- 0 J r. .... ing, return to the Steamer; indulge in a glorious dinner, and remember our coun try, our friends, and the fair. - - a Dec 30. Sail from Bcirit for Jaffa are driven back by a steamer to Haifa near Acre where the Russians and my sell, joined by an Austrian, venture "to part company" with tbe pilgrims on board, and proceed by land to the Holy City. Failing to find hotel, house or but til to sleep in at the miserable village, we mount some Syrian ponies and go to Mt. Cartnel. (a few hours off.) where we are most cheerfully and hospitably received by Ihe Monks of the Convent '; and are delight ed with the splendid view from this sa cred spot all wot thy of the miraculous display of divine power, in the issue be tween Elijah and the Prophets of Baal. The sea, the sites of. Tyra and Sidon, the mountains of Lebanon, tbe hills of Samaria and Gnlilee, the plain of Esdra elon. and the yale of Sharon, all in one glorious panarama before us. Here loo we met with the Coreb, or "Locust" tree, of the Scriptures, resembling tbe apple tree. T . " rZ'Z'." f 7' '. ' """ '"LZT"".: JanCarv. 4, 1853 With the rising sun we enrtbe galea of tbe Holy City of Jerusalem that city oyer which the Sa viour wept, and which was once declared "Ibe perfection of beauty." 1 hasted lo the spots enomeraied by the eye of Fniih, as tbe scenes of so many nacred events of the glory of Solomon, the lamentations of the Phrophefs. tbe sufferings of Christ, the preachings of l-lie Apostles and of the wisdomV the power, the mercy r J.. , r st :: . S and the wratn 01 uoti wrath of God. Ffrst io the Mosque of stood the temple of the Lirrf." down Jhe !vi': Dolorosa, along of which the splendour of the city and sur rounding scenes first broke forth In H their beauty. The Holy City, the Uead Sea, Ibe mountains "beyond Jordan," the Desert of India, ths wilderness of St. John, the valley of Jehosaphat. the barren rocks, the gfoves of Fig and Olive, Mt. Zton.the Tombs 6T t he Ki er objects eqaalfy sfrtkingand wreresting, all open upon the view. Late this even ing I went to the Holy Sepulchre, where griel and sorrow weep ior sname. 1 ne Convent huilt over this spot, so dear to the Christian, is virtually in possession of the Turks, who stroll through it smoking chi bouques, whilst Greeks and Armenians disgrace the sacred rejics wilh the most ridiculous and disgusting superstitions. But weary with the fatigues of the day, I T m '.. OIL retire gratified wih the attainment of one ' ... : l . tL ' 4w ..: L k ... . a..n. .1..- . . . - . : r ut" """ " ..".r. f-etivwtm itits t-rerman town,intts.iuir . r Jm-i.IUL Tomorrow we go to oethlebetnf the l omb of Rachel, and other places of sacred in-. "TlCTPSt Jax. 6.- To day bid adieu to Palestine, with its wild, desolate mountains, its cool vales, its beautiful flowers and Its verdant fiendMTmpostn'g now what- arrTWey" not in April or May? At II A. M. we set out from Gaza across the Desert for Cairo. Gaza is a rare old town noted in Scripture, and particularly famous as the city of which Sampson "carried off the gates, bars and all." What is singu lar for a Turkish town, it has no gale even now. -Whilst our camels were load ing. a procession passed by. which turned out a curious spectacle. It was a group of Arab women, all veiled and in black ; next came a still larger group, veiled but in white. The latter formed a circlesur rounding the former, when they set up the strantrest possible "concord of sweet sounds,' clapping of bands, wkk rl-s6rs of steps, bops, and . nnii mnvemeni in nil incir . . . n . k.i- J . . . . . actions. The singing w. piamme.yei o rapid audiaauch-iitpe as lasl.it very .. .11 ii ,tPinW I felt exeeedinsrlv like rc -c :...lf,SI.i..J'l-.-l,,f""'.T.T'.... r .." " " 1 J l-ll rU ci.s.j .-. crrFwrlt 1 1 i, ." (..,. Ai.; ti.t . .1 t cliiii.ii., Mi, whs the chief mourner i father of the deceased- Tliey in blaclv. were the female relations, rejoicing thnt be had gone t Paradise. As well as I could learn, their rejoicings re bad only. when males die, as it is doubtful if females are ad mi 1 ed a t a II jn Mahomet'a Heayea. Certain it is. whiie the men pray regu-" larly five times a day, the women seem never to hava any concern about religion; . not having, aa l bey jsuppose, any soul, to save. Indeed, throughout the East, some fatal belief has 'stumped them a worse than slaves. If love of aoniirattoa: be (as has been said by some woman hats ting author.) the ruling passion of theser here in the East they are never allowed to enjoy i t--for nofemaIci can T aprwarTnv publia wit bout being so utterly iledas; to prevent the view of a single featore.-- Heavens, too I such horrid veils, and aw-. ful JBlooiners" as the poor creatures ara rhnde lo wear. To day we all were oblige ed to mmmt Camels tbe JJesert begin-: ning al Gaza. When goitAslow the tnoi tion is easy, but "sleepy" aUt.it almosE. Uerks one to pieces. My . "JSleed!Llirai.ii noble fellow, except that tba mean oldj thing would, every now and then, lie down, with me. Our departure Itom Gaza was quite imposing numbering 12 Camels and a Donkey bearing tents, chairs, bed and bedding, great barrels of water, sacks. of coal, and coops of chickens and other fowls. We hnve an eleven days journey; before us, and are in tbe "care and keep-T ing 01 seven Arabs, two uragomen, tn.tr I. At mt H l HI our tent at 5 I'. Al. Jan. 15 To day for tbe first time tba desert changed from vast bills of sand to immense plains alternately sand and pebbles we are evidently approaching the Nile. Saw numerous gazelles. 0n of our camels gave out. All suffered greatly from heat this day. Travelled 16 hours, the guide once losing. the paths. . . Jan. 17. Rise at 1 and are off at 2 A. M., and by 10 A.M. are at the gates of Grand Cairo, where we change the Cam els for Donkeys, (the fashiutjhle mode of travelling here, and gallop up to tbe Bri tish Hotel, all safe and sound. Am per fectly delighted with the Oriental char acter and appearance of Cairo. Stroll through tbe Bazaars, visit the Mosqucsy Baths, Citadel, kc; all fine. Jan. 18. Am on my Donkey at 6 and otTfor the Pyramids, 4 hours ride. Cross the Nile ; see the Isle of Rhoda and Nil? omcler. Am in raptures with the rich ness and verdue of the Nile. The river,, however, in size, bears no comparison to many of those in America. Tbe Pjra- mids fully equal my expectations in the grand, wonderful and mysterious ; but tha Spbynx close by is a humbug, ' Ascend the great l' ratnid nnil hnve a magnificent view of the Nile ami Desens. Return Id Cairo; find some Americans and English arrived; get some papers; indulge in a native dinner of Turk, Arab and Egyp tian dishes. Wyill he able to get a boat to descend Ibe Nile in a few days, and meet the steamers at Alexandria direct, lor Europe. This has put me in a ttjost comfortable humor. ,-:-.: Jan, 27. Am again on European soil, . Land at Trieste, a neat Austrian Sea 'lurn ,hrotigh Germany to Paris. Jan. 29 The English chaplain sell, with our vnlet de place, set oil the sights of Venice. I've seen mil ties, and towns innumerable; but my seeing, I've met with nothing til pare with ihe varied, dnzzl'ng, profuse 1 icnness una granueur. 01 mm lauen ct'.y,: Built upon the bosom of the Deep, strong and proud4 tberpride of her people, she ; Wgw, l" . ' . in every age. Lo building in me worm, unites such a variety ol Architecture, such a profusion of ornaments, as the church of St. Mark. It combines all the rarest beauties of Rome, Athens. Jerusalem, . Alexandria and Constantinople. The Qucol Pnlace is hot less remarkable, and the Pi zza St. Mark has not its like on the Gtobe.-V And there IS every kind oTSta- wns nappy in producing artists, wno oreaioea these, Venice ever stands forth as the em blem of might, grandeur, and beauty. See the master-piece of Titian, in which he has portrayed her as a Goddess, amidst the saints, breaking the bonds of oppres- sidnrwnd reeptvnig-m gated kingrtomrf rising-" the oceanf"she sits on the Heavens, encircled by the yiP fues and crowned with victory. Ah I that 1 could -have seen her in tbe dayof hef ' glory "beautiful Venice, the pride of the sea." But she is shorn of her glory, and; alas! bow fallen I Jan. 30 To day began the Carnival s and never -did my eyes behold such sights ns this rare, old city now presents. She" is fairly herself again. , But -my gray goose quill9 is unequal to the task of de scribtion. ' rjp'We are requested to state that the new Fire Engine purchased for . the City has arived, and the members of the Fire r. .0..',.. .p. rumiixivil ln!liirn nut lis. -- - - -- LdAy, (Friday) at half past three ,oclk 1 on which occasion Ibe New Lngine wtlf ; ' - . . Ifc - a - v .xT7v,.zr i aee : ci-( -11 I nil ibom 'mteaddieMerfeii(eed. lceUtjujCoiHiC.J;Jir" sroii bufpany- wt meet- a ut wrpvi, r . I f