For the Watchman. PATROLLING. , - vn A prvfewur of chriitianity, ind f Jitl Tte th prwuc of palrollia on th. Sb- 'VrftLfi word. W hava only tan comtnand s'" " b our divins Mitterrand oT thii troaU ' LrfZ UniM"., to word on, of them "Jk, Binr h pa(tea of holy writ, toroceedin(fp a ftilibls and often pamrae fepatatui-e, but Z wmat Kin Kin from whoaa djcwu,,, j k ill d. lima inflict nn. ",Z-1h.,naltita !?th Denaltiw allached to bit taw The -MtWT. h,,, ,m. fiwHiddoft lo ra'her mansa on WrrnndiilnUdlt HB"' ' , ..( .1,. imniftinna attar-hs-H I t"VTl.ifVandiha'BwriHl manner 111 . . ti VI1PIICW W IIIC - .- ik h. would hae ui remember and e7 it Now -uotnf, e " ....... ....... iVsondava, hunting up negroea to flog, be not T Ibe Sabbath, then I know not what would Lmwit a twihi""'"1 . " " - m.i fl.jt.Bitt li 1 a Inn nf luat euDlPl'er.y - -..-... ' - jSTiiw, ind a tin of tha moat criminal character ; it , '.J man In defiance of their Maker, and in di- to the mandates of neaven. ,..1 the law of the land ia, in regard to thia ill nriMK . I care matter. Batjturr ha the ight to enact a law in conflict L mt lawt of God. V ben Jehovah aaya, " Kernara- Uikt jlWialh aay 10 aeep ikiij. iki ihsi uiu gif, a paritcie 01 t'H'it - - wwH(j , Jeacrate that eacred day ; and if the ciil la w, in .1 - ...aVloiB ill llal aAarlllitaa aHlaaaT ill ft m it 1 II Unit 1M anquaiinea amy w Btmio tw n ih sBoatn,.mwi , w j j ... lufait ntmmtm in nAMitaulintf i)iM: Wu,.o.7 -r-;-.-" U.r. ihe law it not tnecific, and leafea it to the Ed the Patrole to eelect their own lime of service, .1- rhooM to Derforin duty on tha Sabbath, then the aiu lie at their own door. They voluntari- uiprftumptuouxy aiauoey me uivine injuuuuuia, anu iB MUitht Hit commandmenU whoae wrath it a liaawnf fire . We can hardly conceive ol crane IJiXwaout than that of desecrating ie aacred Sab iiaaf ibe moat high God, and, yet m have recently, iiarfoccaaioii, been compelled to w'tneaa it, un- it moat ajfravated cirenmetaneea. Jtiat imagine laomlf, Mr. Editor.a Patrole (meuiberaof the church) tfutoboiiae of God on the Sabbath morning to m the fMftl preached, and, after the benediction, tal jnj UaK with unuaual ipeed from tha holy place tu uack nay negro-houte in the neighborhood in que at !ra; "wooly heada' upon whom to gratify a low toeaalT rrowing out of their own ignnraaca and aelf aRit, and jiou have preaented to your mind precisely an ooreyea precisely what our eyet have aeen. Such wtM m poatively an outrage upon the christian com juiit, and in a diatrict, leta barbarous than this, I am huvd, would not be tolerated. Suppose a minister of ipapel, after duly performing pulpit strvicsa on Sab .alouniiiig, abould immediately mount hit steed, and 7 jfiopirjg orer the country in search of stray negroes, tut, I aak, would be the opinion of the public ra re fi to aich an ambassador of I he King of peace T , But iaca euoduct be reprehensible in a minister, why aahl it be allowable in a member t Are tbey not all "wben of the tame mystical body, and are nut the rtiadmetiM ejoa!ly bwdmgopon lilt, lumy hum- ytiua, the xuntuttlted JMlUataMt.olM otiuju with impunity, auch conduct on the part of tjofilie membrrahip, have but liuls regard for the janial wiliare of Zioo, or the morality of those stand 4 it euanection with her. Let the world serve the fan, but Gud forbid that tha professors of the religion Unit, ahuuld " crucify afresh the ton of God, and fatso to as open thame.' -' I-- Tadkltt ImprAveannut Meeting., k naming of the cititena of Surry, Yadkiri , and ad- ooantwi wit held in the Court House it Rock - riTiMtdiy March 8th, 1853, for the purpose of Wijmia consideration tha improvement of the Yd- aRifi. On metion of Col. A. Mitchell of Wilkesboro', Geo. PaiB Grtei of Surry, wat called to the Chair, and well Hubin, of Davie, wat requested to act at Se- At the re qneat of the chairman, Mr. N. Boyden, of IlltlbDrr. einlainpd the nhiM.f nf the meeting to be. iMiW'aftsnSaii' af liaWnaoala' la the ii woveaie Ot k Yadkin River, from the point where the Cen- fi Stilroad will cross it, 10 Wilkesboro'. He ttatrd pitie completion of the road across the river within hmi two years, waa as certain at tny other event it in future , that the charter for the iraprove- fitof the river had been to amended at to authorise wmpany to orgnifte when $25,000 of the stock is fcribed i that, lhat tmouul would, in hit opinion, iimprjr aamcient to ensure good batteaux, and per- Mi Steamboat navigation at far np at Rockford. Steamboat! drawing only fourteen inchea water H law boats, avers now ranning to advantage be- Wilmington and Feyetteville t that there would PI Wa'dtuIty'K'getffi pu Rockford ; that the object was to commence not at the upper end as the old navigation 'paav did, but where the Railroad crostea the Riv "1 workup atream, and put the work in use at last aaaipletd ; lhat be knewTrom personal observation j1 bad been done in o;ther Siatea, uponrivera not as miibleof improvement at ours, and aaan evidence rat eonfidertce in the tuccess of the enterprise, U? was t be one of a company of twenty-five, to take kk to authorize the company to organize and wnce the work at once. ,kTlbe Retting and he retponded in hit most iiu- r anmner, calling an the people Tram cooaidera- Wrttrioiiam, State pride, telf-reepect, r"iKl the welfare of their posterity, to take hold of wk; that improvements were going on all around "nd they are bound ta do something to improve condition, or be left far bThind, and drag ouFaT rn,0l Uiatence in comparative poverty, or leave told ef ihi. h;,.k . A '..,,.. alavhM ""M he responded by Hying that he thought the C"' trsund kJ k .11 anil the main "'Dtiscutsed by those who hid preceded him ; that. ! log ago concluded that the greit fault of North littiiW waa loo much talk and too little action j j'1 dvamagetof such improvement! were clearly ,td by their effect! elsewhere; that the time 1 "''"I baa now arrived, and atrongly urged all those ."',eil, to lend helnini, hanj In the rllent of their in aid of the work. S. GRAVES, Ch'n. H Mi, Secj. i ritliaii .... Vfl I C? an (niwic nonce (riven, ins " niB " "f i ---,.1, ,n uie voun uoiiae on 1 uesaaj 01 sju oT1 William Rawlev. Esa. waa called to the -j ""nam nawjey, r.sq. waa ci tkTi. Wortn ippuinted Secretary .?s.'- H,a following prear iT'no'yd.pted.tow.t ma following preamule aud resolulioni were :4ai',lp' propositKmi having been made for 71 Convention in the 6th Cougrasaional District i?9rpow "l5 aaaadidata Ut be supported by "i warty, we, a portion of the Wfiiga of fturry, !WBLZr irisuoeiroin vanoiuj puriions oi in "fauiung : vecnuiiv propose nounna a voiiveumn . af Wnisum.-ntt TUeiflav nf Foravth Sntterior .tZ7 """a tha 13ih af .Aoid aaau. whtchOitna ad ffliT"1' hope wluast tsitatiMI apprubs- WJ nt-gorlly t.i k iJ Resolved, That the following delegates bs "waaar ur w Wolff, F. -K.AnnstfoH, Tivoa.j'. J. J. BRUNEK, Editor Proprietor. i "' " -J T" '" , , . . Z- . iirTr ,n , , , .. . " 1 'rrT SALlSinjRY, N. QM THURDAYa MARCH 24 1853. ) , Marim, Bawe,, Job Worth. Dr. Joaeph Hollena worth. -AUes Denny, Eliaha Banner, Hugh Gwyn. Mordeeaj FUing, John Hamlin, Wintton Fulton, Gid' McKraw, C. B. Franjtlin, Wru. Fentress. It & Hm. Resdred further, That a copy of tha proceedinga of thia meeting be fnrnished to the Rowan Whig Salisbury Watchman, Salem Prats and GrasnstW Patriot fur WMiRAWIY,IWv Joa Wobtr, Sec'y. OFFICE HUNTERS. On ol the editor of the South Carolinian, (Columbia,) having tuiiad Waibington City to ibe Pretident Inaugurated, giv tha fol. lowing apicy account ol thing io Waibington on lhat occation. TRIP TG WAStttNGTON. On Sunday morning we were uthered into Watb ington, and conveyedby the driver of a hack,, to the " National Hotel." Our tntrtt to the Federal Capital was anything but agreeable. Having arrived at the National," and recorded our namea, were politely informed lhat we could not have a roomnot even beds upon the floor, aa the bouse was full. The oblig ing proprietor. Mr; Deiier, dlreeied ui to iiiridry loJg ing houset on the Avenue, aiyingthat he would board ua that it to say let ua eat our mealt at hit table but that we must find bedt elsewhere. Well, we un dertook to follow bit direction!. The first lo which we went wat kept by a Frenchman, who certainly thought that wa were a parcel of scam pa. There were six of ua applying for lodging!, and hit reply wit that he could give ui three mittresseion the floor two to rich mattress st the rate of ft I per night for each mem ber of the party, the room lo be engaged for a week. We thought $43 per week rather high for about ail feet bedroom on the floor. A condition that thia French proprietor inneied to telling hii room to ua wis, that Mr. Dealer ihould recommend ua, and that be ahould guarantee payment. The nel place we tried waa a pri vate boarding house, kept, of course, by a widow lady. Her bouse wat nearly full, but the would try lo ac commodate three of ua. We toldhet- we did not care much fur inconvenience, and the proceeded to show ua our room. It was about ten by twelve feet, with three single bed set up pretty close together, and a trundle bed, luch ai ii generally used for children. Her price. , wis $2 50 per day. We told her we would take it, add begged he,r to take out the trundle-bed, aa (.here were but three of as then on the trail, we bad no use for it, neither of ua having brought on any of our chil dren. She replied that if ihe took out the trundle bed ihe would hive lo chirge ut a dollar a diy more. We bade her good morning, and projecuted our seirch. We went to another private boarding-house ; the landlady a widow of course said abe could ac commodate us it the rate of $3 to $3 J per day. We atked her why the charged 10 much. Her reply waa unique and characleriatic ; ihe raid " ihe harvest wis I f"Uy ripe, end that ihe. ought to ihrust In her tickle at well at others" We had no idea of being reaped just then,, for none of ut felt (bit we were ready for the barveat. We very blandly told her that she waa per fectly right, but that neither of the party felt that he waa-yet ready for the shearing. About ion-down, af ter a weary day's wandering in queit of lodging!, through the influence of I friend we, procured a good room at theJNational! Hotel,, and we now say that we will long remember Mr. Deiter fur his kindneei ind caiirlesy ia n ift our ejiwM two or three hundred during the day, and it waa a spe cial favor, which we cannot forget, lhat he bettowed upon a i in giving ut one of hit belt rooms.- We cheer fully commend the National Hotel to all sojourners in Washington ; for having travelled from Charleston to Boston, we cln with truth ny that it ia the beit bolel we have ever lodged at, The National being the principal rendezvous of that patriotic portion of the citizen! politiciim and office seekers was of course overflowing. It wat thronged from morning until nighl, ind no one could desire a belter glacet to nudy human nature,Bthjjinin iia puWic hill, and roonn during the week of pur sojourn. Office -aeeken congregated there from every Stale in the Un ion, and, ipeaklng generally, a more inxioui-Iooking ind hungry set of beingt we never raw. In one cor ner you might observe a seeker holding on loan M. C. by the button, setting forth hiiclaima in a very earnest manner. In another place was one of the tribe exhib iting hii document! with a list ol nimea ai long ibtt ppended to some of the Maine Liquor Law petitions, while all betrayed concern and anxiety on their coun tenance. --It- would require no great jexperierice, in. the. tludy of physiognomy to select from the crowd those who came there to try to live upon Uncle Sam's fundi for the next four yeiri. theni hid brasa enough to visit the President iu periori; Tor it waa airongly in- TimatedbTihTO would not help their cause io any degree. So there ihey were, day after day, fretting, anxioui ind bede villed, until aome of them began to look really care worn. Hotel billa were being lengthened out, frequent viaita to the bar ind oyster cellar fast diminishing the soon learning iheir file, their conditian Wat about aa miserable aicia well be imagined. An office obtain- It waa thought that Preaident Pierce would refer alt the minor ippointmenit to the heidt of the respective department, and thui relieve himaelf of a labor that would make a Herculra succumb. In truth, it would be impossible for one man to read one-tenth of the ap plication! before the President, even one week after the Inauguration. We were informed that already sever al barrel a of these document! had been arranged and put away. South Carolina, ai far it we could learn, had the imallest number of applicant! New York lhe largeat. It ia itated that greit caution ind prudence' will be .exercised in all appointments, and (hit " fit nets' will be the first ind moat requisite 'qualification, and that thia rule will be rigidly'adhered matter how strong or influential may be the applicant's back tn. South Carolinian. FEMALKSCHOOL. MRS. ANDREW J. BROWN, respectfully, in , forma the citizen! of Salisbury, that, she hat opened a school for little girti at the hoarding house' -of Mrs. Wih, Every attention will be paid to those. entrusted to her care j and should sry one who may h dtsnosed to'Bairohlxe dttaansrtrd with the nroirrrss of their children in ;heir, aevrral wudisJJ.predut'rwc),-ihd fifruier taking Ue rooms of the no-chares wn aa'TOaoe; wiiw:;-irumir w 1 f will-detHd, - .- "iii - . ...-'- 'l ermt a per session jot toe primary t.imin j "hreft'chVai-arid. tWtWtha'libsr--.,.i . 1 Sahsbory, March 3, 1853r - ; j l Kr A CMSCEUFOtf ALL VOVI RCLSAI, ' - . ftjtreapoudenc of th Philadelphia Presbyterian. LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. THE lIlGCliTIOS-oTBX CIBUET Wau iwroM, D. C. March 8, 1853. Afesara. Eiitori : The thirty-second Cougreai haa closed. The sixteenth Presidential term haa expired ; and with a quiat Mgulayj rMnUing ths planetary movement!, the wheeli of our natiouej government roll on. There ia no government on earth whose progress it attended with as Uttla ef material glare, and so mush of tha moral auUime. Altnoat prophetic seems the design of our starry banner ; for the progress of our free sys tem! beara analogy to that of astronomical Science Star after atar beama forth, and lakea iu luminous posi tion in our political ikies. Thirteen at first now thirty-two, and likely to increase indefinitely; yet doei each appear, asiums its position, and revotys in its ip- propnate aphere, as a sovereign State, so quietly, that tha harmony of the whole ia umnarred whilst our fed, erative system, like the power of gravitation, holds all together, aud each in ita proper orbit. ' , On Friday, Franklin Pierce waa duly inaugurated Presideut of the United States Considered merely as a civie and military pageant) the solemnity of tin in auguration falli far below that which attends the euro. natiuuf many a IV. Rllt IVinl-fTlnlal ln Urn n...... I -J 1. 1., .. " j...... u in,, M.iai, anu- t,ibiu,i- cal asaociatinns, it was an occasion of surpassing gran deur. I shall et burden your columns with a detail of the civic and martial procession ; although it was quite imposing. The day was inclement. Snow was driving, and a chill northeaster made the out-door spectators tremble. , " Notwithstanding the untoward state of the weather, thousand! upon thousand! were seen, at an early hour, pressing toward! the various localities favourable for beholding the pageant, or for witnessing the ceremon ies of inauguration. None but the gentler sex were ad mitted within the Capitol. In vain, did husbands and gallants plead and remonstrate at tha "separation j but the guard wai inexhurable ; and, in many casea, the gallant lady refused to enter, and abode the beating of the storm, rather than be parted from her attendant. The rotunda waa crowded with ladiea, and outside, in every, position, whence the procession could be seen, hundred! and thousands of citizen! were clustered Even the trees in the Capitol grounds were occupied by men and boys, perched, crow-like, upon their boughs. At noon, the storm somewhat abated ; and the grand procession moved from the City Hall westward to Wtl lard's Hotel, where thy received into the column the President, the President elect, ind their suite. The column was preceded by pioneers, snd headed by the United States Light Artillery from Fort McIIenry, ssveuty-five strong, with four brasa gum, four caissons, and all the appliances for field-service. Then followed the Mechanical Artillery, the " Young Guards," the Uiiited Siatea Marine Band, two L'uktd States Marines, Washington Light Infantry, Iowe Greys of Baltimore, accompanied by Voliandt's Band, National Guards of Harriaburg, Pennsylvania, National Greyi, the Washington Continental Guards of New Yoik city, with Ad kin's Band, Mount Vernon Guards of Alexandria, Martial music, Linnhardt'a Bands, Washington Guards of Baltimore, Jackson Guards of the asms city. Continental Guards of Washington, Montgomery Guards, tha " First Baltimore, Sharp Shooter'a" the same company that behaved so hand somely at North Point the Walker Sliarp.clMters of the District, the Boon Riflemen, the German Yagers of thia city, and the tame of Baltimore, and the Virgin ia Rifles of Richmond, Virginia. The military wai fol lowed by the civic procession, composed of the Demo cratic associations. Empire Clubs, citixeni, the judiciary, foreign Minister!, clergy, committees, &c. After receiving the Presidentthe President elect, $rc, the imposing column moved along the Pennsylvania Av enue to the Capitol, Arrived at the north side of the Capi tol grounds, tha military wheeled into line, and the Presi dent! ind their attendant! passed in front, receiving, in their progress, the Customary salute, to which General Pierce, uncovered, and standing erect in his carriage, responded with much grce. y II and Preaideiit, Jf'ifl tnote rode side by aide, in an elegant barouche carriage, with the tops depressed, to ai to be in full view of the multitude. The carriage wai preceded and followed by marshals, with orange scarfs, batons, and uniform hous ings. Arrived at the. north gate of the Capitol grounds, the President alighted, and, appropriately preceded and followed, passed under a covered way constructed for the purpose to the .north door, and thence to the Sen- ate C hamber. After being seated a few moments, in front of the Clerk'i desk, a procession was formed, and proceeded, through, the rotunda, to the east portico of the Capitol, in the following order: Marshal of the District of Columbil, Supreme Court of the United Slates, Sergeant-at-arma of the Senate, Committee of Arrangements, the President elect and tbe President, Pitde'8eiam'OTd mem pliilic corps, HeaoV of Departments,- Governors -of States, Mayor of this city. In front erf the portico a large platform bad been erected for the occasion, provi ded with seat! and a desk. The spacious yard and ad- loiiuug grouuoa were ntieu wun a ueuse maaa ol tuimau beingf, eagerly awaiUng the approach of the official cortege. Wben the new President appeared, he was greeted with a cordial ahout of welcome, that made lhe Wrtkta rtag. Tlta wM acShowfcdged Iw Uen. Pierce with several graceful obeisances ; after which there wai ahushingf the murmum of the vMi rtuititude. till all wasquiet. The General then faced the Chief justice, aridMitAiandsoicmnZy Ufttd toward lleuten.Teseivei the oath of office, administered by that high functionary and waa President of the United Stales! It Wai a solemn moment a sublime scene! linked with the glorious past, and with, the momentous future, - It was another record of the uttered will nf a ereut people an- ttlher aaai,rljin of the niajeaty of law! another waymark f in the march t fibartythe hipad in the history of freedom : Ulesaed be the King of kings for civil inititutioni so simple,- yet so magnificent ! A national aalute from the park of artillery amtouueed that the ceremony wai completed. After taking the oath, the Preiident diveited himself of his outer coat, and without mannscrlpt, proceeded to deliver, in a clear aud anlmafeffvWeeTfi At a public speaker the President 11 excelled by few, A voice melodioui kius yet manly intonation! and flexion! o his theme a person lithe yet well knit pw "gyace fVtt 1 1 awd ''1,1) fKt"'""a'n"d""aMfvT"T well adapted to Bctioif'M'Wtcw nervous, direct, yet lufficiently drnate, make him se ennd lo few of our public men as an orator. And whilst those Who associate the dignity of power and po aition with slow movement and quiet manner, might criticise the delivery of the inaugural, at being marked by too much action and change of attitude, I think it ia generally ooneeded that no address of th kind was ever better, if so well delivered. Different passage! and sentiments of the speech were heartily cheered, In the progress of its pronouncement ; and the whole wa. very well received, and is esteemed by men of all parties at a stalesmanly, frank, and eloquent performance., ' Every Christian heart must have been thrilled with pleasure, when, with solemn voice and earnest attitude, and both hands upraised to Heaven, the President exclaimed 1 "It mutt be eif that there is no national security , but in the nation's humble, acknoufledgrd dependence upon God and his overruling providence." ' The firat sentence of the iddresi was especially is pronounced is touching and delicate as it wai modest and magnanimous. " My- countrymen : It ii a relief to feel that no heart but my own can know the person al regret, and bitter sorrow, over which I hsve been home to a position so suitable for others, rather than de fcraW for myielf." After th ceremonies "were "ovVrt the" president re paired to the. White House, where he received the visits and congratulation! of a great many friends. 1 rcsuinni Fillmore and family just exchanged apartment With istrer ai vvtiiaras rioiei. ... j - . 'Th wnciirai-lha.ry BiUa upm WcU.AVaiilv. rrrgrss was- swofu aa xresiaeni, was in us unu oeca!mn,vrmi wfthoot' foundalian;' Prfdnt Pierea 100a u?e win ia ns naaaner in va oa vaj-r"v DoTtim.tun LiBF.itTVissArE Out' I JIarrisvm, of his tallow eitixena receive it iulhe manner ia which the flufioui Covenanter! and Puritans took it, when they ratified the solemn laagne and covenant, by lifting the right hand towards Heaven, according to scriptural uaageiji'' : 'hemembera of Mr. J illmon'i lata cabinet, have ad dresse4 him a highly complimentary letter, expressing tha tinijiingled tatiafactkia with which they look back lo their oficinl and personal intercourse with him, and their admiraori of hii uotlritig devotion Ui tha public service. The eijPresldeut't reply waa in tenni ejnally compli-twmirlr-" KST(uiaeXii.imiSl have been mora fottunate in the selection of hii cabinet, no mani . festalioa of feeling or even a hard word,- has ever dis turbed the harmonious action of the council board." Tile higher officers of the army In Washington, and the officers of the Navy, both in full dress, called upon their respective Secretaries, and were by them intro- aucea w rrewueni lerce. nucr wnicn, toineu py ma : chief. ,f the Bureauaof their Department., they repaired j to WihVrd'e Hotel and bid adieu to ex-President Fill- j more. - i The llrt of eabjnet officer., a. given in mylatt, wa. correct. YesterdaV thev were nnmniated to the Sen- ate. andSnrtnedT-Tani aisuredT by person! entitled j to credit, that the rumor to which I made allusion last iv.'; week, affectiug one of these appointment!, ii not founded third day. if there ia any soreness remain in fact. The thing wai pretty freely spoken of here 1 . , , , ' . , ,. , and I learn in Peniwvlvania atsoitVTiodirins- from I ,f,8 throaUglve a dse ol Salts, Mr. Pierce's high principles and independent bearing, I am constrained to believe that the rumor is unfounded and injurious The Senate is still in executive lenion. It will require in additional letter or two to complete my aeonunt of CfiMajtmaland nthtrriiiinga; aoyoat my Nkshanock. Mr. Cobden lately made a strong speech at Manchester, England, to about six thou sand persons, in which we find the follow ing instructive and remarkable paragraph concerning the effect of an European war on, American commerce. As the view of an intelligent foreign statesman, we com mend it to the regard of our readers. " have heard a great deal of trash talked, and have seen a great deal more written, about what is to bo expected from the United States of America if we declare war with France. Don't deceive yourselves. America is not comine to put herself in alliance with the Anglo Saxon race, to make war with France. If you go to war with France, I tell you what the Unifed States will do. The first thing they will do will be to assume a very bold attitude, and require you instantly to aban don that right of soarcb which you claim ed and exercised during the last war. and was left an open question even at the peace. Now, you will be obliged instant ly to renounce the right bf visiting Amer ican vessels. America will no longer al lowwith her tonnage now nearly equal to your own, to do what you did 45 years ago, wfth impunity ; and what will be the consequence T. America will carry on the commerce of Europe. Do you think, with your navigation laws repealed now I invite the merchants ol Liverpool, whose organs talk so glibly of war, to pay atten tion to what I say do yotrsoppose lhat, with the navigation laws repealed, if there is a war between France and England, and oar seas swarm, as they will, with privateers having letters of marque ma ny and many a stout steamer built on the Atlantic shores coming over here with lefters of mar merchant vessels do you suppose, that, underruch circumstances, any body would be such a fool as to send an ounce freight under the English flg ? Would not the insurance be some 20 to 30 per cent, more j fc fa lnsurance o some American ' , , . . s , . , I ship And who IU the World do yoU , think could then carry on a compel i I IOI j irhanv commodities, if he had to DV 20 or 3U per cent, more loan moso woo brought their goods in any foreign ship ? Tourihlps rousf go ana enter tueutseives auu.gei jegtswt! ed either as American ships, or Dutch ; .., ii.i...,i,i. .T,u; kr 'P8. 0T Hamburg ships, bet anything but ' English ships ; then you may bring '0Ur commodities here Undr gome Other flag i j fa t wj, becolne 0f ,he sbipwrighls I , , , r, '.. . j of Liverpool, when all the knglisli are i gone, and no others building ? They may l f0iiwr the shios. or theV mV eo to- the r , j v workhouse, i bat is wbal will follow a war ; that is what will come of the "high hand," and "pitching into France," as the saying is." " Don't listen, to those papers which talk about "pitching into" Fihce7and':tlon't delude yourselves with the idea that the United bftales will ever come to help t he EngJish.lanywat tbi&l may b carried on. The Americans are too shrewd lo, fight other people! buttles when ,, fightm it Will bejor ttemscl " . -jm.,.-..j.........M,.,m,.jLf,-j,....nft.api when you find Sir Charles Napier bus addressed a tet ter to the London Times in relation to the French invasion. He urges an effective system of defence, and says that the Bri tish cannot bring into the field more than 2t0,000 regular troops pf all arms, after leaving garrisons in places, that must be defended. He adds : That is a very small force for the pro tection of the country, even when suppor ted by 30,000 militia. The Government, botvever.seem satisfied. I therefore it elude they hare na fenr of a sudden at tack, and the 80,000 militia, if well olli cered, and well commanded, and- kept longer in the field, will no douh: become -"l- . r ..... ... IL.. .... I enecll ve .in HIM, AS iu uir. I n.ui in botres that-ibe 5O00.eamtt and. ..1500., ' - ... ,. . .. .marines VOled Will enable the AdmiralltV : J. .I..". .ffi;.r,t fUsnsI Hm ml tO nrOtlHCe an etllCient Vnannet neei,HnU, as the coiamiUta liavtt made their report n'manntng me navy, is io va: nopeu tiome 3)iart wm -oe the Queeh tftcall in-Sny emergeDoy PMlibff MaroB wapted W -NEW SERIES. VOLUME IX NUM HER 40. TREATMENT OP SCA It LET FEVEK. Iri a letter from Mr. Edwin Chaplitj, of tlie Island of St. Helena, recently publish ed in the Charleston Mercury, he describes the following treatment of the scarlet fe ver, as having been eminently successful. He says out of thirty our cases where hf adoiinistrrcd the jalap, not one remain ed irr bed more thairThfeeT days r - Z)(wron.. Immediately on the first symptom, (which is sore throat) give a full dose of jalap to an adult, 60, 70 or even fin na . , n;ki ... m i ? S'""19 Bt m8bt f,ve stfong ' PTP" frn' ,rom a teacup lull to a pint, accord ing to age and violence of the nvmp'orns ; lhe ncxt d(y gjve ,miI1 j 0f jalap . , . ' " J ' r y " th1 qJnitty gtvetl the day before, Continue the pepper tea at night. On the ( which Will generally effect l Cure. The l.dnSCS. of course, must he rpculnteifl arcur. ding to the age of the patient. A TRUE PROPOSITION. We ara certain ;hat tha truth of the following proposition caonoi be questioned : " The traffic in Hum ii either right, or it ia wrong. There can be no medium : half right and half wrong. It it b right, it should be at free tu man ai any other busmen. If it he wrong, it abould be prohibited." S. C. T. Admcale. BY AUTHORITY. . LAWS OF TU L'NITKD PTATKS Passed during the Second SMuim of Vis TJtlrty-ecund Cun Urem. ICBLIC Act-So. 25. AN ACT to rCfrulate tlie fee and cottn to be allowed to crk", irMirehHlln, and attorney! nf the circuit and district courts of the United tfLitea, uud tdt other purpoflit. Be it tmu'Ud by Ui &rmit and Iinvte of Reprwntntifits of we iititUMi mvjiim 0 America in i oitgrr tiKenitti&tx fhat in lieu of the cmnpntitm now allowed hy law to atturnt-ys, solit-it-orw, and procUir In tht? ITnited States coiirtj., to Uuiu-.18tiUe8dii-trict attorneys, clerk of Ihe district antlcirrult courts, niartthaaU, witf4'sstufor!HHtwiitrtrs,itfidH'ktt hi t4e several iStiiitjft, tiie fidlowing and no other cominnsation vhuil be tuxed and al lowed. But thii act nhiill not he corn trued to prohibit uttonieyH, olicitor'r), fnjtn charging to and ri-ceiving from tlieir fllenta, oth er than the Gnverniuerit, such reaitonable conipfiHatiuii for their ervicos, in add it (oh to the taxable cost, a may be in accordance with general usage Iri their respective States, or uiay be agreed upon bet wee u the parties. 'Fees of Attorneys, Solicitors, and Proctors. In a trial before a jury, In civil and criminal causes, or before referees, or on a flu. hearinjr in equity, or atlmiralty)a. .('Hkel fee of twenty dollars: Prvrittni That in cases in admiralty and maratime jurrnujtction, where the iibelUut shall rwvvi!fliw than fifty dollars, the docket fee of hi proctor shall be but ten dollars. Jn cast-s at law, where judgment is rendered without a jury, ten dollars, stud Ave dollars where a case is discontinued. For scire facias aud other proceedings on recognisance:, five dollars. For escfi deposttftin taken and adrai'lted as evidence in the cauae two ilollars and iftlty centit A coinM:riftittii.n of live dollars shall be allowed ftr the services gitaitrwl m mumm removed' from a district te a cireutt court by writ of error or appeal. For examinatiou by a district "attorney, before a ju'lp or enm raisKtoner, of a pernon or persona chargi d With criiiK', tive dollar peF day fiii the time necessarily eiiipioyed. For each day of his necessary itttcfidaitce in a court of the Uni ted States, on the business of the Cnited Htates, when the same hairhe field at the place of hii 'abode, live dorfarx, and the like aiiai fac hi attendance for. each day of the term whoa Uhj aaid Court shall be held elsewhere. For travelling from the place of his abode to the place of hold ing any court of the United States in his district and to the place of any examination before a judge or commissioner, of a person or perEons charged with crime, ten cents per mile for going and ten trents for returning. When an indictment for crime shall be tried before, a jury, and a conviction is had, in addition to the attorney's fees allowed by this act, the district attorney may be allowed a counsel fee in pro portion to the importance and ditficuUy of the cause, not exceed ing thirty dollars. years, prtwecjuf 'tf rffelettitat -Vfrtt4it--wMa3fc-4fc jJaiteil mati-j., wa concerued, in a district where the law allows no taxable at torney's fees, and for which he has received no compeiisatinn, ex cept his per diem and animal Salary, be shall be paid for his ser vices according to the provisions of this act. ' For the services of counsel, rendered at the request of the head of "a 'tlepartmrrrtwnch sum as mny he sttpirlated or agreed ohl" Whenever there are or shall be sereral chargen against any per son or persons for the same act or transaction, or for two or more acta or transactions connected together, or f"r two ornifre aeUor transactions of ;Uie fiame, cjass of crirneoroffeiictts wliich maybe projiwrly Joined, instead of having several indictment, the whole may be joined ln one indictment in separate count, and if two or more indictments shall be found lu such cases, the court may order them consolidated. M henever two or more thing belonging to the same pTsnn or persons are or shall be seized for an alledged violation of the rev enue taws, the whole shall be included in one suit ; aud if not so included, and separate actions are prosecuted, the court may coq- 'ftSf''ltMr' fife mfewtf is -. -4 iwm . -.Mm?vvx-K&--.--Sr-r---n n henever two. or more Indictments, suits or proceedings, are ney, prosecuting them shall be paid but one bill of costs for all or them ; and if any attorney, proctor, or oUaer perin. aduiited, t tnahge or conduct cwn in any court of the UulUul Suites, or of the Tet ritories thereof, shall appear to huve multipUed the pro ctdiuga.ia any c.ayse before such, court, jio jus ttrincrease coti unreasotiiihly and vexatiously, such persou may be required by . order of the court, to satisfy any excess of costs so increased. Whenever two or more charges are or shall be made, or two or more indictments shall be found against a person, only one writ or Warrant shall be necessary to arrest and commit him for trial ; and it shall be suilicient to state in the writ the name or general character of the ott'ences; or to refer them ouly in very general terms. Ouly ote writ or warrant shall be necessary to remove a prisoner from one district to another ; a copy of which may be de livered to the Sheriff or jailor from whose custody the pri-winer insy be taken, and another copy thereof to the shrill or jailor to whtrse cubHly he may be comnritled, and the ofiginal writ, with the marshal's return thereon, shall be returned to the clerk of the district to which he may be removed. WlieiTever a prisoner is committed to a sheriff or Jailor, by virtue of a writ, warrant, or 'kiiltilniiM,'" sla brls authority to hold the prisoner.tand the original writ, war rant, or mittimus, shall be returned to the proper court or officer wiUi.tUt 4flicta'AiiaHmJia-tt Clerks' Fees. Frtr laftutng arWa-efitertiig every process, comTh1!rinn, anrmno, ,lalaa. loitlaa,JKWBtHtttJtel''''", or "'her writ, except wilt 01 veuke, suiumiiui," or ut,in-aa ftT a 1 1 iit'Mrwie daUri -.-; Kur tiling and entering every declaration, plva, or other paper, ten cents. For Hiluiiniffterins every oath or affirmation to a witnew, or otlitr. pcrauiv frsee , jaet, l eetrt. for entering any retiuTnrrttreveTdrr, enrittnuanee, jHitjfjnerit decree, or .recognisance, ili-a wing any bond, or making any record, certificate, return, or report, fur eacli folio 15 cts ; and for a copy of any nuch entry or reuurd, or of any pajMrr on tile, not exceed luu one foli,i, ten cents ; and for each additional folio, ten ceiif nev. nraaernttiiff thMn ahatl Ki liMtd biit ohn hill iif' costs for all of r each adiiit..nal folio, ten ce!uJ .MssfclMatt the trial or argument of a cause, where isnue is joined and t'At' mony given, iueluding venire and taxing costs, three dollars. For making dockets and indexes, and for all other services in a cause where issue is joined and no testimony given, including taxing costs, two dollars. For uinking dockets and indexes, and for taxing costs anil oth er services, in a cause which is dismissed, discontinued, orajuitir ment or decree la made or rendered therein without issue', one dollar. Jn equity and admiralty causrt only the proeets, rdeadinrs decree, and ch orders arid memorandums as may be necessary to (ihow the Jurisdiction of tjie eourt and regularity of Uie pro ee,llnr, shall ue entered upon. th anal record j- and tn case of alt appeal, cipies of the proofs, and of such entries and papers on file aa may lie necessary on hearing of the appeal, may be certifi ed up to' the apiH-llate court. For affixing the seal, of the court to any instrument when re quired, twenty cents. For issuing a writ of suh-na, twrnly-ftve cents. For every search for any particular mortg ige, Judgment, or other lien, fifteen cents. For traveling from the office of the clerk, where he is required by law to reside, to the place of hold ing any court required to be held hy law, five cents per mile for griing and Bre for returning, aud Ave dollars per day for his at teilMance on any melt eourt or courts while actually in aession. For searching the records t the court for judgments, decrees, and other Inatruments constituting; general lien upon rent estate, and certifying the remM of such Mfrilji, fifteen cents for each per son against whom such search Is required to 1m made. For receivingkeeplng, aud paring out money, in pursuance of the requirements ol any .statute or oruer 01 couri, one pur on the amount so received, kept, and p:ild. , In casea removed by writ of error or iipnenl, the clem a tees wr -: ,- ....nrt.n,,. ,h,,iibVbnt oiiedollar. andthe -! ,riuwJU.dhtw:t il.'rAui. sm ic!ZiSx"aLj'm)Mai ' "fliall tie, anl hereby are, authorised :and e4npowwr(;u-..tu-aiIiiiii na-.. ., ;0l.fn..suita at the.sauie eourt, but one travel fee t one pel uieni ter oaths. Uke aeknowrolirments, take and c.rtlfy affidavits ,nnd , .,. -n,,,wv,n .kji he allowed for attundaooe, ta b taxed In tire deKitioiw in the same manner as commiasioners, and shall bo taMM ,0-,)ie aame feel and eompeiKwtfvnthTOfur. , l , MonhMje . ' 'I ii I . n, I , l ,rw t I, ! . . t .1 , iiMue tliiui two nt of any kind iu b- li.ilf of tlm ,io- i;tv ,.r pjtrU'-s, tu be served on t!ie s:iiiie person or p,'rson, i,r ;irl or H-rsoiis,are or m,Llit la si rv,-d at U,e same time, the marshal shall be emitted to eoniM.usat!.i.m for travel on onty two of anrli . writs ; and to ftare umieresaary exensei it li;tli be the duly of . " the clerk lo Insert the names of aa many wllneaawi tit a cause. In uchubiena, aa convenience iu serving the una will permit. ' And in all ea 4a when mileage Is allowed to th marshal by thia aut,4t ahall 1m aahueptkMt torMetva Uhmwhwot hisasXui trae "' Xnea, to be pryfrd on his oath io theMUafacUoSuf till mt., .: .;. . ., Fur saeh ball bond, Bftjr eenu. . J Fiar auinmonlng arq.ralsera, each fifty oenta. ;" Fur erery oonmiituu ut or disc harge of a prisoner, fifty eenta. For efery proclamation In admiralty, thirty cents. I i tat aaleaof Teasels or other pnperiy, under piw- ta admiral- l ty, or ander the order of a court of admiralty, and for rerelvlng r., aud paring the inonrjr, tor any ua amier An hundrod dullara, i two aiid one half per eeuttraa ; for any Larger sum, sm aa4 uies . t quarter per otntum, upon ih exoeaa. ... For serving an attachmeut in nm se a libel la admiralty, two , dollars ; and tha necessary expenses of keeping boats, vowels, or other property attached or libelled In admiralty, not exceeding two dollars and fifty cents per day ; and in ease the debt or claim shall be settled hy the parties, without a sale nf the property, tha ' marshal shall be entitled to a eommlMion of one per cent. a m first five hundred dollars of the elaira or deeeA. and ono-half nf one per cent, on the excess over five hundred dollars; PrvvuM, That in ease the value of the property shall be less than the elnlra flrcrf, and Hi Itiefi cane," such comuiission ahatt be allowed ouly on the appraised value thereof. Fwwvlng a writ of -possession, partition, execution, or any final process, the same ' mileage tuFta herein allowed tor the ar vice or any other writ : and for making the service, seising or lev ylng on property, advertising or disposing of th same by sale, at orr; or otherwise according to law, receiving and paying over the money, the same fees and poundage as are or shall be allow ed for similar services to the sheriffs of tlaeveral States, respec tively, in which the service may be remUlLl. For serving venires and summoning eveS twelve men as grand or petit jurors, four dollars, or tiilrty-thr.'S and one third cent! each ; and in thoee States where Jurors by hc laws of the State, are drawn hy constables, or other officers of the corporate towns or places, hy hit, the marshal shall receive for the use ef the offi cers employed In drawing and summoning the jurors and returns ing each venire, two dnllanvand for his own trouble In distrlbu. -ting Uis c,.r,irMi, two dollar for each Jury i PnniJfd, Thalia) no case shall the fees for distributing and serving venires, and draw ing and summoningiuraT by township offioers, including mileagw chargeable by the marshal (or such service, at any court, exceed fifty dollars. For travelling from his residence to the place of holding court, to attend a term thereof, ten cents per mile for going only, and live dollars per day for attending ths circuit and district courts when they are both in session, and for bringing in and oofumit ing prisoners and witnesses during the terra. . For executing a deed prepared by a party or his attorney, OM dollar. JTt drawing and executing a deed. Ova dnllara. For transporting criminals ten cents per mile for himself, each necessary guard, and each prisoner. For copies of writs or papers furnished at the request of any party, teri cents pef folio. For holding a court ofinqulry or other proceeding beforeajury, Iueluding the summoning of a jury, five dollars. The marshal of I lie district of H uth Carolina shall hereafter be entitled to receive a salary of two hundred dollars per annum. The respective courts of the United States shall sppolnt criers for their courts to He allowed the sum of two dollars bst day ; and the marshals are hereby authorised to appoint, such a number of person, not exceeding five, asthejudgesoftlieirrttspeelireeouru shall determine, to attend upon the grand and other juries, aud for other necessary purMscs, who shall be allowed for their ser vices the sum of two dollars per day, to be paid by and included In the accounts of the marshal, out of any money of the United States in his hand ; the coMpensation to be given only tor actual alteneance ; and when both coitrta are in session at Use same time, to be paid but for attendance on one, court. For expense while employed in endwivoriiig Warresl under process any a:rHon charged with or convicted of a'crtme, the sum actuittly expended, not to execd two-dollars per day, iu addition to his compensation for service and travel. For disbursing money to jurors and witnesses, and for other ex-H-nses, two per centum. , ror attending examinations before a eoimuissloner, and bring- injl In, guarding, and turning primmer cljweti with crime, aud witneases, two dollars per day, and the sarwior ea each deputy neo etfsaxily attending, not exceeding two. 8kc. 2. And be it further ettavtrd. And be it further tmieted. That there shall be paid to the uiaTHhali his fe for services rendered for the I" ni ted 8tUy for summoning jurors and witnesses in behalf of the United State, ami in behalf of nn v nrisotntclo he tried for a eamtal offence : for the maintenance of prisoners of the I'nited States, confined Injail for any criminal offence; fur the commitment or discharge of suoh prisoners; for the expenses necessarily incurred4 for fuel, tight, and other contingencies that may accrue in holding the courtt within the tiistrh t, and providing the books necessary U record the proeeediags lltt i'yttJw, That the marshal shall not incur an fxiMMtue, of umre than twenty dollars iu any one year fur furniture, or fifty dollars for rent of building and making improve menu thereon, without flrtrtsabroithng abatement and -tor tlm AttTctary of &e 1 q wr i.,r, a4 gvtUog Ills inwarton ia ' theplreiiiises. t?BC. 8. Ami b It furfhrr rnstrtrf. That every district attor. ney, clerk of a District ctmrt, clerk f circtilt court, and marshal of the United States, shall, unlit otherwise directed by law, upon , the first day of January and July In each year, oommencwtg with the first dayrt of July next, or within thirty day from and after the day spfcined, make to the Secretary of the Interior, in such form as he shall prescribe, a return In writing, embracing ail tu f-- and emoluments of their respective offices, of every name and character, dindlnguitdiing the fees and emoluments received or p iytt? under th tmokrupt ael, from tJsft xwxit8& 91 payablw fr any other svrvire ; and in case ff a marshal, further distin guishing the feesund etnolumentts receiveior pi y able for service by htmMf peffw.t.Hy retwiered, f rom thfmr reeeivtsf or payaWw for servicft rvrrdervl by a depitty ; attd also disinghiftg'-thw fees and i-muhinictitt s) rcCt'ivd or payable fur service rendered by each "h'puly, by n:ime, and. the proportkm of UPh fees and cii.-iluiiK iili which, by the terms of his service, each deputy is to re.s ive; and ul.o embracing all the ncesary nffiiti expenses of such ollicer, tirgcther with the votKrheni for the payment of Ui same for the half year ending on the saltflHrsi day of January or July, as the case may he. which return fclfuill be, in all Oijses. y er itied by the oath ortReonTi er making the, same. And no district attorney sltail be allowed by the said Secretary of the Interior to . iVtStn of the fees and emoluments of his said office, for hi own personal conipensatitm, over ajnl. above his necessary office k pennetn, the necessary clerk hire tirclu leil, to be audited and allow ed by the proper accounting officers of the treasury, a sum ex ceeding six (Tibusnnd dollars per yer, aud after that rate for sucte ; time as he siiall hold the oDtce; and no clerk of a district Court. shall be a U.i wed by the s;ild riecretary to retain of the fees ana em nl time nt of his Kaid. otUee, or, in case both the said clerk-htpa . shall be held by the same person, of tlie said offices, for his own trbWJtl AtWT?siittioit , rnvr awl above -tii otcsry espenaew of his nrttie and necesnary clerk hire included, also to be audited , aniTaflV! jttewttw,rnwf sum exceeding three thousand five hundred dollars per year for any suon district clerk, or circuit clerk, or at and after ttttt rate frtr i-uch llfne as -hf shaTlh Vld the office Provid'tt "" That when the compensati'tn of any clerk shall be less than nva ntjtutrrtt doIHtrs per itmmmvthediflinrv, art eti tiy the prirpvr aicounUug ollicer 01 the treasu1 to him th-refiom; aud uo marshal shall be al iTcretarv to retain of the fees and emoluments his own comuenr'ation. over ami above tnwttncc to hi) deputies, which shall in ho case exceed of the feen anil eni'duineiltM received as payatjte foi rendered by the deputy to whomthtf tilbtwauce is m.1 be reduced-Mow that rat" by the said Secretary 0 whenever the return nhall t-htw that rate of allowan. reasonable. anl over and above the necessary office the said Hmrshals, the neees-nary clerk hire included audited and allowed by the proper accounting o Ulcers uux,cxcceiUiiK fix thousand dollars per year, orJ that I the tranmry of tfie I ntted tnteSi or deposit to thereH the treasury of Hie rrnted tates, or to the-cre-lit of thw Lpsirf ind nllow- w fit be paM L lv the said , w office, for 1 liroDcr al ii Ve-fourths I service I ul may 1 liiterior I nn- 1 ftses of 1 I to be A fftreas- ymd af- a every AiaJT .iiilak. Xmiurftr. thnriifsy.aa hnay 1m diraete4l by tie &cmUrf wf Mr - Interior, any surplus of the feea and emolument of his offlw, which his half-yearly return so made as- aforesaid shall show to exist over and above the compensation and allowances hereinto fore authorismi to be' retained' and panlny hiin. And Iu ivery case where the return or any such officer shall show that ft aur plus may exht, the said Seeret-ary of tbe Interior shall cause such returns to be can-fully examined, ntnl the accnun'ts of disburse metits to be regularly audited by the proper otticers if his depart ment, and an account to be opened with such officer in proper bocks to be provided for that pui'oe, and the allowances for per sonal compensation for each calendar year shall be niade from thw fees aud elu"luulent of that year and not otherwise: And pro " rifted, rtMr, That nothing ih any existing law of Congrmt autJiuti&U.i coijnutin to a district ... attorney, clerk of a district court, or clerk of a circuit court, or marshal, or deputy ui.trj.hal, for attendance upon the district or circuit court during their sittiug, shall be so construed aa to authorise any such payment to any one of those officers for at leiidiMithr thaats xaurta whibs siiUnf for the tftar action of bunes under the bankrupt law merely, or for any portion of the time for which ei ther ftlaid courts mnxJfeUidd-, fflp TrWirwrny rnint'iTr-i m mil iuw ; mm ov nueh charire ih ah i.ceoUtit of any rtfflceT hntl be certitted ns mr- ahlv,or shall be allowed and p tid out of the inney herettbef.i -appropriated for defraying the expanses of the courts of"the Sui ted States. And no pur diem or other allowance shall hemade to wrwlwiirfluiukm .ftt rule days ut the circuit or dis- . trict courts ; ami wl u the'circiVt or nTstHH rnmWtlhmwmm time, no greater per dienyor other allowance shall be made loan such oftieer thu forau ilttendance on one court. The two last provisos of paragraph one hundred and sixbr-scwT of the Civil and I)idotuatic May tlie 1 " eighteenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty -two, which re quire clerk to certify account, and confine the marshals, clerks, ..r.,i .liitrifr utt,.nwvi itf tin norttiern und Momhern lii.ttriRtai of , allowed by tbe State law toclerks, attorneys. Ua. StaM sWta? are bereby repealed. Cowm issioHcrs'- Fees. For administering an oath, ten cents; taking an acknowledge ment, twenty-five cents. Kor hearinit and deciding on criminal charges, live dollars put day for the lime necessarily employed. Kor attending lu a reference in a-litiguted matter ill a civil cans! at law, In equity, or iu admiralty, lu pursuance of an order of court, three dollar per day. - For taking and certifying deposition to file, twenty cents for each folio of one hundred words, and ten cents per fbli for eacch Cfipv of ihemme trrrrtishedtaii par "" eentet. - - .K,y issuing any warraut or writ, or any other service, tbe saute compensation is allowed to clerks for like services. For issuing any warrant under the the tenth artiele of the treaty of the ninth of August, eigiileeu hundred and forty -two, between tile t'nited States and the iueen of the Cnited Kingdom of tlreat' Itritain and Ireland, against any person chargedwith any of tha crimes or offences set furthiu said a rticle, dollars ; and the same sum for any warrant issued under the provision of the convention fur the aurendtr of criminals, between the United iHatea aud tha King of the French, concluded at Washington on the ninth of No vemlwr, eighteen hundred and forty-three ; and for hearing aa4 deciding upon the Case of any person charged with any otTcnoa or crime, and arrested ondi-r the provisions of said treaty, or wl Trillion, flvp dollars per day for the time neceaaarily employed, WifrtMihv' Fee. For each day's attendance in court, or before any officer pursu ant to law, oiie dollar and fifty cents, and five eenta per mile tut ....,-iii from hla nhice of residence to said placs of trial or baar- a,ul Hve cenu ner mile fur returning. When a witness Is. nrH).Clta disposed of, an " per diem 7 only In ths other aause, "L m H,AtiMlaA tw " miantm-. l! wtiiiiTTIfifmfl