E liatvs C .iil hi lit J C' I 'l ', rl ll sr. till Li teAUtf'J k!H' r) ,;i,.ir i-.ir :;' h V t.'l'' f-ii.i ht..::i :rl u; i-- ou hit uf fh l. litfce un'y on the yy.-S", aw fir-ivmc ; mi it.. ii.r& of r itulii ill in or 1- l.ir. cctu-ive of i iru.B.iruit : tl u L ki lutjcutui trt.ti o,iiiaxii!.il (i ill .11 or t ut. eelutVB ot t f.'..ucff cotapi-UMiilJii, the c .inii:iuu of jl i Mm.in or i.urti wli.-ib.-r ! W. b' lU.U? " , W tllllVU tTttiiaM, VIUJW tuaud vessel r..u,Onlwa fthM.M ehiifa'for Suitt-nance of nay aujudg wUtl conip:u..itl-.u .bull be p.t-1 to the e iptuln of nld nwl, ud 1 lis Mune shall ba p:tl.lHecurUiug y : Pimidta, That la do cam th ill iransporbitlou ud sub.Uteucu b allowed at a nM cacaediag, fifty ceuu per diem. r IranspftruuJo snuu a, m.ue ; it 13 auy outer .erst, w... Tor aetaal itlendann at nay twnt ox eourtji, two dollar per r awiing Mcl atteuaiince. far 1 p molilne (ran their resldene to said court or com tva - wna ptr mil tut going, and tan tuna for returning. , . Printer fees. For Mblublnf anf autiiu. nnttea, or oroar raiurea oy mw, 1 Ttb.LflarUeraaJ cidirt, ilrtm.ut, or other tieraoa. at anr acvpajMir. tortr eanu ptr pjmtt iur mi nm hhw tioCaWl tw.uly canujrer IVAo for aac aahijoent InnarUou. That Ui eoroBmiMtltta baniia roi W4 .h ill hitliiilt the furuWi- Iiic Uwful fWitcuce, amlsr oath, ol imblioaUoo, to b maiia and " " tumtahed pflatCT af iaWtar antkinn tua puhliualiw. Tlw terra foUo,iothi act,. h.iliturun one biuulreilwuTUa, count- Uf ack agar aa a word. Wbvn there are over filly amt uudcr ' oeaa4r4 woriK th: rtnllbe counUil aa one Min, but not baa thera are laaa, exrq't wiien tbe wnjlt Uilule,Tt4lle10T ar- - ar eMAiitBj ka tfcan tirty worda. Tlia atll 01 leeiioi ciera,BtiMutji ikii'irui-jra. h 111 paid arlnurt and witnee, and lwful fvea Ki eentpHaUgn. . ana ooptea 01 inra ncvcapri,f wviiit. iui .. . 1 1 . 1 1 wfcerabykiwMwarerr,leliifi.eorofthipreT!illirp:ir- IcV l(irlt, to TPCf I Ve ' BUCtt ftrtlClfd. II! ty, aball be taxed by a JRe or clerk of thrcourt, and be iucluil. . d la and forta a portiuolVl' a JwlgajaenL or decree agalnal Mia jnHV tin (or Wrirdfll, Hlld fife to their ar loalnc party. Sues tttxel aU ba filed" with tint papara la taaeaaaa. . . ,. ' ranCfment III the Lryslnl ralce. In eaaea where the Cnlted Sum are partlsa, the wjarhalliBll, 1 c -a the order of iba autiri, to be entered in ita miuutee, p-y u, the ; . Jorora and wltaaaea all uch leva IH. y may appear oy ucn or. r Is be anttUtd to. which amiu alull be ailoweti hiia at the trea' try in aie wxwiiiw. . ThafeeofiheB3arsli.tKeWieflmriiisalonr,anadi.trlctat. araeya, in eaaea wneta tue vniieii au.ie u .i n a,rtaUWpadttiljifih;drce.untantil.etrcaw lerwarued to Hi First Awlitor of the Tnaau y. la Brta eaaea, whara iher I a cu'lcinimtif.n and aaie, th cot,afarath.y are payable and CB be paiil out of the p'o- awedt of aaie, r-ta.-.U be p..W on the proceeili of diIp, b ill be paid wa th order af the court Upon the Bltng of tbe taxed biito, uakiiif thia a iwirllnoi of Lhe record In the cae. a unreater er areater eoa-Beaaattoo for acy arfc. n- pmic, iihii eJewd by Mm lhaa l proTWed in U1I1 aet ; and all acta and wrt f clllow1iiloetli orthemaiiy other o, t eater l th in a herein provided, are hereby repejli-rt, and to rrctive any other "tth'lfruT; tLJSrH ISZT laKeiee any otiwr or jre iier iee laao imw --r.. . I ekell, aa eeatietlna tbereotfo any eeurt of the Called tkat, fcrlelt nwt nay a Hue not iieeiUa live buidred dollan, and be lT, ';'nfM"on' 1 toil ahull t be eonumrd to prohibit the payment of any ary authorized by sutut : 'rortaeti, 1 hat In tbe stole 01 Cal ifornia arid Territory of Oreron olucers, ju--or, and a iuieaae eh.iil ha allowed, for the term of two ye.ir?, uouble the fee and com- ajeaeaMon allowed by thii act, with filly par cent, added thereto, for wo year thereafter. That before ary bill of emti ahall be tnxed hy any judge or oth er eaVetv era Hoircd y any ieer f the t4--.u.. .In. Uror of eiahoinf aurh bill shall p-ove by his own oath, or me other paraoa hrior a knowledge of the fart, t be utt ich.il u, such blh and lied herewith, ihat the aerrirea cl.s'gOJ therein have etetk., aianaHK, aommiHoner., or uisi let aiurnyi me p.in aeen actaally and necetaaii'y perfo'med, as theirin tinted. That witnivsra wni aa the rnrt af the L'n That wltnivaea who are required toatteud any tennof thecurt hS etitva fcbriU Be luripcDJl'l.M to kttenu 10 testifv ernersllir on th'U. h;,rf. and not to depart the court with' at leave of th court or dl-tricl attorney, uo ler nhk'h It .lull be their anty to appear before me fraud jury or petit jn y, or botn, aa thry .hall ha requl-ed by the curt or diKti ict utwmey . N writ shall be neaary to b ine into court any p ioneror perv.a to raitody, or for rem .nrtrpg "Mm froaa, th court tnto rutorty ; bat tbe same rb-ll be done oa rhe order of tlie c ourt or diiii iciat tbraey, tm wltkh so. fee shall he charger) hy the clerk or marshal. BSC.', jlarf Itiifuttl'tr maitrd. That irany person shall btlsely taheaaeoth or ufllrmati. n In relaii. n to any natter u aharia ha thi art. such nenon shall be deemed lulllT of oe lurv ad apna conviction thereof shall sutler the paiua and peuaiUo ka that cam provided. , Sac & Ad ImitfurlAtmactrd, That all laws and regula. I leahcrttoforc mle. which are bieorripalible with the provision. f this act, are hereby repealed ami abrogated : Provided, nrt eviAWeee, That thi art shall att be coeutnied to repealer aso!i'y ay-clatta or provision of an act approved' tn eighuenth' erp-" - at saber, eighteen hundred and fitly, entitled " An act to amend ad aupph-nemary to the act entitled, 'An act respecting tugi- i Mve frosa justice, end persons escaping from the service of their sasilsii," approved Feb) uaiy twelfth, seventeen hundred and nine ty three. (c. Amttr it further mnrM, That the net approved Sp teaaber twealyighth, eighteen hundred and fifty, tutiiled "An art sa provide for extending the hw an1 Judicial ry.teui of th Vattad States to the State ef Calllorni-," beas amended aa to eon trr on the district erart of the Bute of California, Juil.dic.uou ia eSerlmtaal eaaea as fully and completely aa if conferred by law ; poo the disti Ict or elrcuff conrl of the State of Kaw York, Approved Fehruary'tS, 1658; '" From ihe Camden Journal. NORTH C AKOLI S A CO I'L A IN IS -jW etH 4tiwg4e4tiU4iiai!j.lj. ! ctt ion in ihe Lancaster Ledger l the 9h inai., 1 which wac'i.ieil firno lhe &!ir.lnii y (. (..) , ... . aa ,i . o ' Watchman, in which Messrs. Ii"'rA Rene 1 kfive .fut.IisJ.erl a IreiaM lull, pr.i l , ,y their Agent, Mr. J. ,lm Kosser. It is evident.-' (rom tbe nan. re i t ihetr arr,,iiriaiiingreiiiiik, '.-'tluu'..t'':lva..ta jrraiily arrjudkC Carolina Hail U'nl and i' Agrnl genei.illy ; tuf iny penrnn with ctimmtTn rrrrte wtairtf Jia ' . , -, , , known, that the eipen- on onhghead. iI Mgtr Jrom Pbilarlelphi, to Chsrlesi.m. co.dd niribaven dl0;63 rem, at iai;d in ihe bill. Mreser, iii making nut lhe bill, shonld ketat.5,'fctpeieMHCharlea.nn 16 par k- i get lo V . Fulion. 810,63 eenl.M Ijf I lern o. a hove nnckaget went lo .Messrs. Bogr (eese hv tome oilier rouie : I. tit ihu LillToKf p expense. &C.011 ;Li 10 inkarrcs being fj;t me finm (Charleston, I collected ihe . Wi..... r II.. l.;l,-Lu-.., L...L..in.;, ... ""my" - .. .. i-"'" ae ww'WV - 1 11 i ' i T - Bt R. r 4 wnuLi a.Ua r.erruikJlhaMhj.a ling.hea.l he; j lag (be only parkaa received here, ihn hauling frtimdepi.i, and the chmge. fr teeeivina and forwaidingp.-sl nea.ly double what lhe ex- pf net wiiuld be per parkuge in a legnlar lot of r . . ,, ,, ... " . . , good J hence, Mr. Itrtiner will see, ibul lhe : aivnj,naiia mi tnt. tioir.lipufl i,t aimar fr.irri Phil. ....... . ' tidefphia ir Cm mrfeii, jit ' putdiebed by Measrg. j Doger tie Reese and al the ieqiesl of the 'ge.nileinau reeidiug in Charleston, ''is' greatly wtfj;j(.e..iiauk tieed an impiieitfoli on lhe MeichauU of Wei- " tern Norlb Carolina, ins'ead of doing ihein a .aw.T... tney mr.,.iro.,..,,r,rr,.M.I,e, ,. , complaint. hen Messit. oger di Rr 1 . . .1. ... t...i...i. j ! . i 1 i: . r , received iheir lieigbl hill from Mr. Rueser. if.1 -fc tavws)tra;iti,r-u.eie.uver ch'g,'d, vvby did a t " a a a? a Ti "' -r- , loey not call n .ir. Kotfer, or myteii, i.r an eiplanation, tthich - would hate been given cheerfully and In their rtifaciion. Would ihit i otjbajfe beer, much belter for all paiiiea. that. J 10 po nit a a swig ot a eoininnn ant laue ttatemenn of expentet on goodsby the Charle. ton tad Camdeh route T I wnujd-adviee Messrs. Buge r & Reete, and the gentleman residing ini in Cbarleioti,"iidnpi Crockei' rule, i.e.: B sure you are ligh. and then go ahead." Messrs. Boger & Reese, eay tbey blame - me-lor their storage bill." Nw, let 11 en "tjuir. Into this rhaitr,nd see who they should blame. This Company have always adverii 4 that they would not undertake lo notify con signers of tbe ai rival of goods ; but when good icach their destination on iheir road, they are contideied as delivered ; hot if not tuken away, -they are stored' at the risk ol the oiviier. and retained subject lo order. UenreTTn will be 1 that the Company do not require me to forward good beyond this 'depot, or to notify wner ul their arriralhere. Now, if Mes. B. W Rj. rnusl Idaine some one for TheTr iter J aga LilJ, it teem to me it should ho their Agent Ttir.Cltrle4e. w bri. duiy. it..iija.ii..ua rjij;. lire of Li having sent the goons I. .r ward, At tfee fialiafewy'N. -C-) A.'rfchaisrMai44he fronts hiJajdfrante ;,w.Snrriil - ... ,i .. . -1 , ' I L..J l. ,fi ...I'J . . - . .. " . ... . ... j'r t t... it.iri'TlSJfi.iJi'itv ":itta.- rt aMIfsr sie-wHI aa rire nceniti "Pt .tatentetil. WlF:!? l-JfiliXt-Sfn i i v i.v ;:u j, u ; i. 1 ? j 2. .. Yui IXs Ftiir, M' f 1" l!i.i!ti I.mii iu.4uii.iii. ui.v a tetter -to the editor in the - Ashevilie f 8wrt.tr. uewsriir ll. ei.izens ofNorth ga, - - - t7rTruTi 0 tO tM! iKe ffOjtf f ttJHI fO 'l our SiAle creditHbly rpprescnifd inihe WorltJ'a Fir. 1I suggenln that met'rnga lie hM nnd commiitrrs be nppointrd ln each Judicinl District lorrceivfi conlribu tion, to collect nut urn J products and other sutjj'Cts proper or exhibition, and to pro , , . . V 1. Vide lor ttlfir t rRHSmiSSIDn tO AeW JOfK, , .. 1-11. iri the rXptMlrfeS brUlll (lrfrtyed hy anch IUmU . . . . ; ft HIH)' lie fHlttetl liy tllrt ContriliUMOns III , . - i , t . - . . a ,r. IllfTHl 0.1111 putlllC fill I lt-I llltll VIllllHl I'tr ... 1 thttl purpose. Ill Oltlf f lU fSf ClUe tlC ett - . r - .- . . ; fit MiCCr-fS of I he piHtt. lie Suggest. lit. 1,11 1 CUtlMlllllfd hllOUld Dl A 0I lltl III H!3 The ciiizens ol Sp'trlrtnbnrg. S. C. i 1 , 1 i i : 1 1 ieltl H meeting on the SilSt III!., Ill rr-IH . . m 1 1 tu,n to the Const TUCl loll Ol ft l'lctlk K"H(J Ill'ITI lliHt plHCe to AllfX'lll', Ml 1 . Criro- j . .. . 1 iil n. 1 hf CH IZ'MIS (ll A'lf Vllle DllV not , yet rrMOtlt'ed to the 8Uggetlon. . . J I . : .. i M .uounwn Hanntr jor oe. .nr. v. tusort, 01- r-rs Tor anlt- lhe prinlinj! oflice of lhe " Mountain Ban- r .... ldvpril'hows'haMwb,9h'n'n, ' . I""'' '' r "' nd ,h' " nn a eou natron"P. lie require ine purcnaer 10 , r. ; 1 11 . conduct Ihr paper nn Prmocratic principles. 1 he rd- iior of the Banner ie now .lopping a few day in.lhi Town. IT The Wilmingioniana have pledged theme!vr if the (!rnf ral tJovrrnmrnt ahall rrluse lo improve the entrance info lhe Cape Frar rivrr, ihnl lory will lake upon thrmsrivf the accotiiplikhuient of that work. Hiil Storm The most terrific hail storm, which we hare seen iircount for years, occurred a. Columbus, fJa , on Thursday evening ihr lliih inslan'. Scarcely fl llPHse escaped serious damage, and many were lotal. J ly drstiuyrd ; and whrn the slorm had passed over, 1 the bail was found lo cover lite grciutd lo ihe drpih ; ol one loot, in placet where it nanam up, it ineasur- ed four feet. Mnny persons were injured by fulling chimneys, limbers. Sec. Ai last accounts, no estimate approiching accuracy of the damage bad been made, MR. KING'S fll'ALTH. ' The Dreamer Black Warrior tis we learn by telegraph, has arrivetl from Hi vana, with dales to the 13(1). Mr. King has mo red to nnoiher planialion ; his hcnJlh. is wori-e. and no hones are enler- ' tained of his recovery. . - South Carolinian. - Axccss nj Motion Jieceipls. I tie Ja- vannah Courier oeThuraday hnsreeeived private despatch from New Orleans, which states that the excess of Cotton TC . 0 . ,, ,r ceipts, up lo batunlay last 111 all lhe r ' J Southern pons, amounted to 515.00OJialet being an increase of 9,000 bales for the week. The following are the iletm fur which Con- '-wrsartr imvw;:7 t.V--Tjr-tt7ri-aw-ei-., 1 aisia uaic uuiuc aiiiaoiaiainaii 101 inline no i , ., r,h " House for Pie.ideol P.erc : j For repairing lhe Pretidenl'i Mention j including cleaning, painting, white w ashing, P..,A. ,h .art wine .,1 affiess'. f .. . . " . . 7, . 1 .1-.- l ear- ri ge house, d-.c, ere thoutand three hundred dollars. For healing, ventilating, pninting the wall landcealing tbe room, and lhe purchase of . , ... . . . - fuooKs" rrrr- trtrr-rreiriaeiit wtiBrwVi-fafswir-aiae ttt::: . Portefiittifthiftg the Preitdent'fi llooae, to expended under lb o directiwi ot th Presi, dent, in addition lo the' proceeds f ihe'aafe of tuchofthe furniiure and eq-iipag of lhe house ,nay be out of repair. fifMfve 'WanrftYo- . .. , . , . . lars in all only ttxlu one thousand three nun- " uret vMliurS. We have received, says the Charleston Courier, various responses to the arHft--iiietical. puzzle in nddil ion to ihosrt noiiced by 11a nn Saturday, but all use fractions, ! vt liif-h is iiiniir reel, Thr fi.lluu-ino- simiile BOu,,OI,, however, Will aOSWer 4he t6- . 0 . ' ' , 63 60 0 0 4 ' 1 100 ... If tlii. solution is correct, we could have given it a week of two ago, several ol our subscribers having worked it out thus. But we do not think it is the correct'soiii-" tion : The figure 8, is made the repre sentative of the figures above it, its own value counting as nothing. As we under stand it; each figure is to count for all it represents, and is to be used but once. -Indian Claims. That portion of the Cherokees known as the Texas Cherokees, have' commenced the prosecution of their cJagCTTfx 'Miao!FJ4 'H'WeJaWit-ltasTa undo&btedfr be JtaVaSjIhsje ,7, ST" Miw Prxr ar lemTg-Cr?rjinf!a,8 j Ui.i ..1:. .;.!iiufs i - ; 1 WValprn Nurth CunJitia inalettd of donm them a fuvur. ! - - W. .hull nut atunint lo n-u tf t.. all l ia I),, nil ill Mr. BW. .rticK tat .a far .. U .ffiiU M. . k... 10 ftavtxe itir. axiey 10 wan ttntii nennnm intwinmii W have B'i id'' ihot Mi 1 frrr & Rwae bare pol?!ihcd th long liat" tt coinpkinta wilbout Mill. In a.iAlnin lIlMm Hilhitlll ttlliitVinir what thrV .. .i . .1. . j .1.. were (Hug ; and we fret quite eure that when they are beard (rum Mr. Djxt-y' eijilanaiiou of the enonnoae eharjea will filler turn out iDcorrrct or reveul aunietiunf la not brretoiure given to the public. ; ' JU- BAley eaya, I bop the Watchman will " d the m-edful by eurrnelirta; tbj taiement,"' in refereiwe to himaelf we auppoee. We have given hi'ti the benefit pt our enlumne. which ia ell he can reaennabl.T exprc - The elhr-r article ia from oar emepundeiit "Juio" whneepiitiotpat ulet - ia In n liev lh SflDth CinM Rail Road Cmnpsuy and ila agrnta of blame In lh' par ticular caae published by IMram Boger & RreaeV. ; 'UuVtiet aecTrit to apprehnnd IhSI Wi hftH Wffl ft'1 t . , . f n J ' 1.L.1 IDgi of oppoeitliin t.i tn Kail Koad C-ompany, and tal . I,... ...iPMr.,1 ih.. i..Ani Into thia matlr-r. "Jiie- lea- w aaiured we have none and pvnumaHy ,n intereat in the eomplainta which have been ruado thrnujrti ( : . ... 1 . .i Tn,. our colunina, more than any other citizen. The retyop"' ibility of the wrongaof which ogr merchant corrfpkrin, alinuld real upon the head of thuee who perpetrated them. A ltd tf-ntir language ha been of a nature in reference to the particular eaae of Mewr. Boger At Ueee, ai to K"""'M,,,."m - h- --- ! ( b wh j, ,,,,, ,,,4 lrrrt, w regret it, and did not mean it.thould be ao. The fad t, we have had two claasei of agent in our mind whfn apeaking of thfae trouble, jol aa lhe om pluinta of our merchmU comprehend both daaar-e of a- --rgen.a, wnruirr eaiui.o ur p.ie.io.rT - wfo neglect of buainf, and inefficiency. We . ,!,. , ,t,. .m., derived know nothing of theae tniuga except 1 it le oenveu from rrcpictaWe merchanla here, and Kake edtanced ' nothing, Ltrued a. it .hould be, which their te.umo. ny will not aaatain. We ahull probably look at thi aubject (gain. , Charlealein Uletrke t. CaLmo, Mirch tl, WSt The sale f cotton to-day, up to IX o'clock, vara X) bales, at Halt. Sew York .nairkef. Maw Voaa, Meh 1, Ml The general ton of ih cotton market to-day, ltunijr , Uilv ler, but Iher Is no actual change In quotations. The sales of cot ton to-day amount to t,(XXI bale. Bole of the week are JJ.OOO baJeeVOFlour hat dedlaed tH cenu per barrel. GVt in Vharlollr. We learn f(m the tVe. lern IJi'iiinctiil I hut firiangenienl are in pro- yress lor lighting up lhe a.reel uf Cbatlulte titb gag. From the Raleigh Register. ruBL.ii: Meetin(;. A verjr large meeting uf the citizen of Rl eijh w'betil nl lhe lown Hall, Aii'Tu'ead'iy 'a'f leinoon last, .fiir, the piiiiisn T lalting iiieas." uret lo invito Millard FlLLMORG ! vieil iLi c it V. en rout. Itir hi lour llin.mjli lhe Souihern State U.i moliiMi. I lit Mayor nl .be Cii was callediothe Chair,,-b-n Skatom tsALs. K-o, .. :.. . .1,. ...t -.a ...; . ..1 .k- ill aoilio iririuini. rijiiainru nie i'j.-si .te iiw ineeiiug. A C.oiii'iiiiiei-, ciiii.i.iinji uf Meatra. 8. V;, Whiting, V. UuliJea and tSeattu. tiiili', was then apininled to l.iing in tesolu hunt einiresive of ihe sente of the meeting. i h, reore. a0, ,,,er . nne, a,..e,.re, rep..,, 1 . 1 1,. 1 .- 1 rtiriiie union mg, tiuit.il weir uiianiiiioiaviy a dojiied, viz : Wherkas. it ia understood that Inert is a "irVin;r'itrtiahirrtT that Kl Presitlent FlLLMOHK, and ibose memhera of bit f.irtner Cal'inei, who are accompanying him on hi Smiihere lour, can he induced in visit ihi City : And wheru At. lite cilizem ol Raleigh deeirn to nniie wiib '4ei fplttew ciiizena el.trswbera iii-auiiabU de monslra.iont oi regard for bin. and ibeoi ! "Therefore,-- llr.solr.td, Th l a (.'.o.itroi tl e e uf Fr le. a p -poiuied liy the chair lo proceed, itnuieditiely, In I'eierahiirg, lo Under to Mr. Fillmore, and iVe. the hQspiialitie of ihe cup.iial of Noiih Caroliiiii. Resolved. Thai a furiher Cnmmiitee af five he appointed to invite lhe B'ii,n of ihe City Commissioner in lhe premises, and lo 0,oii with Idem in making all suitable arrange nent for lhe reception and entertainment of uj g oesne, :-iJrrmbt'rhey inewt .tietati aisnlt.i,:. ... ... 'pjjg jyring-genteriten wr-re-ie'4ie4 ib: Cornmiltee under iba tiral reanlution vii : Messu TI. W. Miller. H. W. fi.M.ed, t. O. Uiaucb aud.Sealou .Gate. Uind .'b e -. cond resoluiion, Messrs. W. . Scoii, Thru. D. Hogg, Cbailes Dewey, Win. W. Holden and A. M. Mcl'heetert, were detignaled. From the Correspondence of tbe Baltimore Sun- - ..VVasuisgtos, March 14. The discussion of the foreign policy of ihis Government, arid -rttpeciaHy in rela tion to the Brilinh iolerference in Central Americanairair. was reneweil in the Sen ate to day, by Mr. Mason. The position which be holds in the body, as Chairman ol the Committee of Foreign A Hairs jhvea to his views, at this time, tbe utmosft'im portance. 3 The' speecb-f litA1VAfJSl chiefly confined to a reply to Mr. Claylon, upon the single point heretofore mad hy M r."M asem; btM-;fbe jurisdiction of Guatamala. If so British Honduras is in Central America, over which Great Britain has by her treaty abandoned any jurisdiction. Besides, the extension of her pretension from that of a transient and limited to permanent ju risdiction. h of a recent date; and h an aggression upon the rights of Central A rrierica". and inconsistent with the Monroe doctrine and our future peace and safety. The possession of the Bay Islands is al so another act of open aggression, and we have just received advices of a fresh ag gression in the name quarter. Mr. Mason closed his wpeecb with a solemn declara tion that England had gone as far as she could be allowed to go. in her aggressions upon Central America, and that this conti nent, and the wholei continent, must be mvvdsb- allrhfed.toandnccept war in preference to any policy that would efdia.tlw ITbua w tit e.uwingDea ?xdP$f&vQ ny tatMises-out uewreu: oy rnanyltween Young America and old , Ens and. : ' - -vj-s---'- - ', 1 . . , ., . r lid'il I 1 1 f jill'I'l-t 1.1 1 i t !;.- I ' .1 fn fm cc II, fir tr-mr rnn.vrrllrltori rn t' .7 . . . . v-n,rn- - ,'i0'-,-",rr " i ri 11 fl, nun r miirn i.-. - ..... - ! " ' . 1 ... .1- .'. . n ... f flf. MIMI ' KIKIW nwt lllti . I4, -f :FT7."t" i'T"..r.'ii.t.r'..'.tik: 1 ......5 . i T-ilr.i i.t-;.'.r. in vr nd.prr.f.p!..r. BtH. of .... may nr.Kff inrirwm nrmnnn nn rrn a Bion of ConKfess tlorinsr the lumnur Correpondencr of he N. V. Heruld- Trouble ' SriwiM jfiimored Misithder' . . . r stunJing. - W ASBiNGTOst, Mirch 13. ' A CRhlnft mpeting wwa held last even ing, heini; the necond one y extent y" ; tint nothing h trnnpirfd. the procpwrHur! hiving br-ea kept a-cref ? mil ..is unuer . - , , . a ilfliltttrlA,t .iirjAl Hitntil ifiii(thjt 'A!ril iinoinimeiiis tiHVe re-n . . . 7 I : -A- , . IIMIIr1. Ctllr-nV lorfljril. U'llicn It! MB srm , 10 un- iriimr m unniu" The Nw Yoik and oiher collr-etorships will not, it is srtid, be diKposed ol for a few dH. There is a rumor of a difficulty in the fd.the peop a.d .1 did not - pe elements of har.....t.) ; hut it was added ttiv Oenerai n-rce wou.u are,, ... . er oy f.. .r,ng n ,.. fsters would be merely hi cleiks 10 carry 1 ' J e hv ki own Mtrenirih. and that the mm out his will about appointments and eve-; rvtTune else. It Keeitis. however, that the cabinet of r, mat toe- Cn..,.,r, tTtore Hi a 11 Clerks, ami (1 a Will o I heir n; ficers want to be to have a voice an. hence each has been the centre of aiirac ,.i un in' rttirav fti Miirnr 1 fi r (lajS. toenail. It l-t lion for Ihe last few lheicahiiielisiiolrvui.it. Secretart Mnr Cy. It IS repor.e.l. ,ns,.S lipoq tiav.ng IliS,,, " "fP"''i.enr-. - o. j. nun vt,,,.r.,s S. J. Tlftlen lAsrtle ta. Secretary Matey lo do nothing till he em and one ot the baruhui nrs .saiil : Wall till Tihlen comes, ami mi will ee how . 11 . 1 1 1 ivi 1 1..... ..... ..i II Will e, liril, I liarii iitn t,-uilir, nisjL . . 1, - ,-- - , .. it known, has a power of attorney from John 'Van 13'ircn l The haioburners have become rather stiff this evening, io reference to ihe-electorship of .New Yoik. They say they are bound lo have a man of iheirown. Secretary Marcy tWore today that M'. Schell will not have the appointment ll he can help it. Such bays the power be hind lhe throne. What s.iys the throne ilselt T Mr. Schell is the candidate- ot the slrong booker parly, and if they fail in getting the appointment for him rw?lt he sure lo revolt. QC7r"Ve take jtTre-trrtiJwiiig paragrah from a lale numbepof tlie New Ytiik Dai ly Hei alii : " Laudatory comments upon the Vie gidenl's inaogural atldress are delighted with if. jri iihort, everybiMly is pleasel excrpt lhe abnliiionists. . General Cass i happy lo find General Pierce a ' real oltl lo arms opportunities 'which will be tin fogy,' antl Judge Douglas, is. cquall) hap- J proved by the w hole revolutionary patty py lo discover-that he is a true disciple of j to divert lhe arms of the contending' lia Younu America. The foci is that the ! lions f.om use nifninsl r-cli oi her. ami to udm:ojt.ilM-Wc.t.Jt't clear thai' there is no misundtrstuiiaing it. The last sentence, which we have ta ken the liberty of italicising, fonusa beau t i tut commentary on what pieoedes it. Cass underslandu from the, iaaugiLral Jhali Pierce is a real old loity, and Douglaathnl I fef-tlslrttvjTfdsi -d--A'.ouojr.-Aineik.H.a'! !! y i"t f h e address W w&coiciSa"and'-" lea r ihat ihere is no misuudeistandins; it !" In tis weekly issue, the Herald repro duces the foregoing paragraph in the fol low ing shape : " " Laudatory comments upon the Presi dent's inaugural add.ess are pourini in from all aoariers. Whies as well as Democrats are delighted with it. In short, . .. ...i '.. . 1 : i . . ,l... ....li,i.. rww, ptB t-ala. lTeO:l..iNS is ItaiutV to Uuil IjelvX.j , - - a ''real old fog)." and Judge , DuUgUs I equally happy lo discover that be is a true ilisctpltr All Louug AiiierlCa. i.:;t;v - .7-...--.-. . ll will he seen ihat the Herald with draws its compliment to the inaugural on Ihe score of conciseness and clearness VVe uhfiulil fie if lad to learn of those who thing General Pierce's address a model of candor, and explicitness. how it happens nini vn-j ir-K-iina niir nuiinii niy .in vm Fogy; whilst" Douglas holds that he is a disciple of--Young America ? -, AVe thought a stampede among ihe multitude of hungry offn-s seekers al Washingtoii bad U. ken plarce by ihit lime; hut (hey hold on like grim death, according lo the accounl of lhe Washington correspondent of the Snutheide IL.iiuut.ul ... t. .. t . .., . . ..:.i . I . I. .. eraiions ol the olTice-seeker ahoul the Capiiol. Such iriiif-ii cannot lt pronounced Whig 'an- e4erWW4iW---lW- h ocratic. Tlie" 'correspondent ''TiTfhe fjenidcrai A I ft. lh rriiitiiiii rn.trt.s. il I Urn n u 4 ..itii -j--. - - - i - " v-o.ioi around, peeping into every hole and corner of ibe Executive Depanmenis. seekirrg ' desk ' " J I o stio n'm-.r. eec,( wiih wh.ch .here la IiIIIh In rln aiirl ulenlv In mt Th... nui,. e.rr birrh head.' an L- ' Iheie are leu of ibem lor every nTace in the : J ... - P.' T " .aw..a m a . VI(, 9 ere.loi Departments lo be vacated by removal, ibe most of them will begin lo wear the air of mendicants." ... This is a nice commentary by a Loeofoco. upon Jlie avidiiyjtvitb w;bich bit own party hum sfier spoiT5;"nr- gry rarVrrv4l! yeuinanryjjrjhe count ry. The people may learn now. II indiibT h able proof will avail anything in prodircTng conviction, thalihe bun sled principles ,I Dem ocracy amount to' nothing mote . nr lest than "ibe loaves and fNhes.- Rich. Whi. TH E JJUllQPBAiN.NE VVSUi f The intelligence from tlie old World, bv 1 animated. ; alaerli rspbno'itif j. i . ' . I uml uttiL' ss nit: Ihf revolutionary ..I 'I' ti rfVfi litlOM'irv viWm 1 . . v- .I rlifrt.s.d .l,n,,ilv Mi.o, IU -o,1. ; - , , . - k: nit rto iirtt inet'. ei'il"iMr iU tr?HcU. -ry. Htrn.nst the Ja-of dd. verat.ee and .' . . .. . 1 1;... n .1 ? There is not a life tke.n. not ft man imnrionerl. not n coercive net of admin istration agninst siwspeetftl and tlisaflVct' , .... .. ed par,ii.ut multiple, nm malcontetits ami nogment tne Mrn m - , - - it ;.nisconn reSen.met and hoMih.y. This may not "J ) mg : l()Iy appear to il.e eve r authority, but it muKt r' ,h- my rehHIion be know and fell aboilt ev.ry throne, of I cl. ll.e- Pt.pe repli.r h is Mlr wi Jb i ...i.tu ....... ( loat Hieae signs of vour miUi..r... v. the co.iiii.fnt is otrVHiit ni.d coguisti.t 1 .1... 1' . Ii ; r....... il.a .lvia iil'irir. 111 I r. 1 ..! 111' - , ,l(H, ,,,e rt.HleM ilnntr he te III HIT lillM. l l ' , . i i .1...1 a ...1 llllll 1111111 n Irl III i"- ni' iiriirin,'". the feT -.1 ....,h.a.Mlr t .nv ..l-.tlie. M.r,eclr.il " " ' V 17 cahtieH. hrlorf tnnurfs can tie mnfur- d for maintHfrtihg' even n re-ajH-ctablai r niKtHiicf to thf military pv-r. I'nllowfd aa tliuf inn. I li tit' I h. ll 1 flM i I II nllll llr- ) (f . m.m,.,. , ' Tb. n.witive denial Ky ICwuih of the ; .,.,,, nr(irlII,1M,iolI attributed - ' - :. . ' ' . .. lo ,,iin h lriiuf,,lt wjlh warning to .he ... ... . . . t'.iTliri.ililwly I ha ftelllll ItTlllMlllin Ol vtiitllioilisi". i ne ar'iui iiiinni inn in AUJlVJtllil.ltli; aiUljlCI',V WHtl WHICH It will . , . . I r 1 1 . . ' thrust fielore the people, proves thai tney , xttiwrl , ,J,e j , , H , , ! e. s ol Very in- I jlIicj)US (rlrn, or , h(. 1MS, irifkeiy . j , , l(tr. Thus I he v may . ' drawn into n premature conflict. aioJ flJV-clive tollti--t lor lhe M.vereignty ..i- .i... 1.. 1... l.l trm.n Hm;)st ,f Ut .nut (u ill iir iir-iiiiifw- m- " 1 r n 1 1 , r-ini urti. 1 T ,ii,Hrv ' 1 . ' n T s .1 .. ihe continent, t'Mciallv Austrian lorees I. 1 111 in Italy, fraternize to any conideiabe ' . , . , . . ,. extent with the rev()Inlioiiits, is one ol , , . , . , . . 1 the most hopelul indic'tt.oiis connect' , , ' , ,. u. .... . ..... vt.ns Hie. mnuMI nilir. JJl l n-rr- ,r, ,,, . ...iiu.n, r.,,ir. iro ...... fit It rlijaa nitiin in r i rriiirai gtllriiu wnr t : . "a ll is only hopeful in ill1 event if a gener al reiTionstratit.tr, and hardlvto be taken i.ii.. - ... ii.-t-.-.r..,..l.l.ili -t lies resprelllli.' Hie rogreSS Hl)l OeVeliip lllenl ol retolutKll.arV Hlfairs. Vr m,.mi.v .,. i.s ii ..rienla Ahnn! ,' ' . ' . . ' . Hie European ti.irizoil. All the. nat ions Ol Ihe coi.lllie.it exhlt.lt a SlUirlltlg ttm perainent. and evi.li-ntlrtriove tin in allX ' ,.. .- ' i ii v . loos rustrust. one. ul aoolbeiv I'tUMitH tl Austria, Austria anil Turkey. KnI.tfid aVid'TaoceVpFaoce aiiit alt Tire resT. and ii ,, . , ,, ' . , Hit 11, M rii.T u.,.1 I! . wiiMtmtii u,.,.r.,l:i- ' ' aie most linaillal'le u-lations, each, and all lo each. Ui.tl.-r lhe external apect ol .i;.t ,; . it . . 1 diplomatic cour rsies. Lncefianity per- , I trtut-a, an toe roynt CtlCl.es, yiiii iie peo ple are no! insensible to I he Gjsnsequences a thi - tippnrt u nine " which ffi.rst revert to f theui uiion lhe first uatiof.-il Mirtirtions j diiect ihetn against the ttespotisin ibey otr too 10.10 n. sert.iiety-.-upjie.i.i. . I' , .a III , the event nf it war between I urk'-y and 4nlri I Iior.. i, K .Kunuli' m .niviii.i, v .. "'' of Ihe fesull. should the lalte-r Wage an tma tiaris. filled will, hate against 1 tie "puv I... I... ..I , I it .. .. .. i ... . .... . . tintler which I hey have lieen so reinorse. f.-...-..-.. . .., ,J.,.,..,t. .; Jessl y oppresses!, wuu.J we ff aliieS ,"ol the Turk, and contribute their aitl ill every i : t :i : n t i i.. nil in .'I wn.cil ll wooxi oe nine hi put no ' army in the fii-ltl. and mn,tnii so ..lien SI Ve II -positron -Ihat - Austl iar-Hl a Single : ... .1 l :.. ..ll - l..t:i:... i... cniiiiiniun, wotiiti, in nil prooamiii y . ne seriously cripple,!. Indeed Ihe govern- j menl would find it impossible to sustain - ' m iis ltnlmn inHuenee, ami thus a diver- ' ..; ,i- -. i , ..1 VtiluiLnnLts tln-io ulm-n unii i lie nn- - " . " . . .... i proved wil h Vwnd,4titillUk Jft - cesslul issue, if not encountered by foreign . - " unri leiinoii. . - - At such a -time- as this, however, snecil : lation is al fault, and nil is vague conj, c . .. tore, with those who have the amplest facilities to.ohsel.ye llirj signs and detect n,,. occut phenoiueiitt of the political ' world. We' can perceive the external iijii t r menu oi , j ua naiuifts ; e- siUDB wli passion, purposes, hopes, fears and aspTrations animate several parlies to the jfj,' - anragomsmx ot human -lile ; lut we- can only a-wait the resull, uiih an earoest stmpathy with the nroare-asive and re bub licau luslincts ot ever tpi. sseil people. BuLimore Sun. riVniTIVCI l.lnli.no-i, . . . . n n. . . j fJDfMC V Mill 1 'T A 1 "" w bile J. Wesley Jones, wiTh h few of hia'HrTtstomrranrons?vlr-re ... ' ' st nnf .inty in t h rv s. rJil.aile mu... nour ! - vtr ;- i' mi wi iitn iiniiii ttiuiieiij : 1"' wi uuguriirut llir UM IH.-. Pnntoscope some lemaikafjly strange j rocks, ami giving a frightful veil, advanc i w ilh ,ftnct.s f ,mU I . J ' ! .nPn tb "" W,,, reat Coolness, t urn ed upon them bis carrma and somewhat i mystically wavillir over the instrument ' the black clolbs ill which' his llietures I I. -i.i . : i: i . i : - Somewhat Irightful nrtlXimitV to the in slrument. The savages had beard slrango ttlorioa ..l" fl...,li, ...J.... " .. l.:i. I... I . . .. u,lrts, it. one errtmr ttuir-m-wtt-A.-iutlii Parties of reil skina liiiir Btrir.b.r. ik. ..aused a moment, then vre. ed to llife 'rinht. with ejis fixed upon' the dreaded inslru tnenf. t ' . ' . . - a - . - . ?. JXaj)ia.etttatlalloIJoW its dnwelrous: point in eVoua noinr in b a. . vi. w 11.17.7 ir,Tli J 'fCl ' iM'P !' rpl went n re mUltaneriufyetrnroke ' - in.'- Hiicu il,,. .vU l,i,.t n (Writ hrt.Mitd (I, J' t-t (,f NlCf. in 'Mi.'- uimiii int-'im ..1 1 1 lians i!l,,l,. ,.. . 3 .,r : From the EuropenninteillttrhcKrefr: Iiiulnrr i f", , ' w. - A the ceremony admitting p, R;a L iM , , , j..- ., ,. 0( o , - r " T , " ? i..l vl Dr. jwntrttl oenhe: fotrth of Sf. pe,rr. I " . . sxriurnru iu oiurf'ri. 1 in. Wk... tTiiVTtT Lrwiii, a CiHiMed'inin Uli....: i t 1....;..... - ... 1.... "'jsiw ""'- "'I' chv. Who hadraa. I,..ii il... ...... .. 1 . . ' . h - I . "'TV'b "41 re, ITe-llllV. lie-1 Iff I V IlleiOllatlOll Ullk i 17 " . I r?5Tl in nee niuger 111 I'ltialmrj,, IV. where he ...v. vrn ....(.imiijc oum i,arulmtin. Fur the Waichman, - Ma. BaxxaT Yotir edrtofisT BohcV sr ii" epgi. "'m"" " "ur F"ppr, rrvpeeting Mean. Br ; .-.i- m.L. . .u . " 7 . ii.-ig.li Bun, rentier n neeeaury that I ahoilj re- We wi,l dip,e .'bou, .rWobVetw; ,. r " ' puoiinKua hW uf t i. fr.if.1,1 1m ..itl UM ,t . ' t yoor ins.oi tne treigm dim sna letter of ihese remtenien k. .1. .. 1 . . . . . -- eil.-ct eannot Be miotaaen. cirti, la instimce.in yM, , cation ana tne ruu,,rnl ctunmpnts mi the Fayrunilb i C)bTver. That paper, watchful of ; own (own. aeize uram it 'Mo show . enormous charges and kmc delay at the inlerest U ,u it readers whit attend iht shipment i . i t. , " u ul" "oiina Kaiir,d. ,d , nch ch"nf W,H recuicile their areatern friead. thiuis to tbeir oiu route, i rayeileville fur ihe lraiisnoniirH..,i..u 1 , - t rcii Nothing can be plume, ,,., ft, fc oft ma' ,6e '' exhibits of. Messn. JL. ger & Rere' pritate ageutr, are held 11 b ,1. , - ' . ' uo:c oeiiij rnargi-awe upon lhe t'har esto aiu . " ' rwaa, , South t amlina Railroad, bv aft whotv mtereat it is lad. 1 , , in, vwiine wih uui uuc iu auuiori, -illlHT Wl a. l , , ., . , , Heny ibal Meatrs. JJoger Si Reete hate kea miaH vrn oupiiiee iiiih uoiii line 10 nmiincr. .icithrr win ..,, .. drrfranrk-rl " ir-tM nU.U : i. , ..rhrfrr.rrrb.rl ' if r k. : - ' f paaaine atrange, that they and yotirsrir should at - I cnr-ful to etoneraie their' prirale azmtt from bltma. ' nd Psist in charging the uhttao un,iitheirr(r)ttoftaj I Soil'" l irolma Kailrnud, directly in the face uf lhe facta u, kir u,k , lhe (.(.r (jf hw (.mtB . - you cannot h-lp but lenrnthat they did not entrust ihetr ousniesa to , the femilh l arohna Kail lt.,ad sfenu, bat I " t'-rwarumg agents f their own . l.-cia.n. m: PaaJ "I T. t tllimgue m Charleston ami John Knsser m CamoVa ; neither of whom ha. any more connexion with the Rti Road than yourself. Examine lhe same letter kius further and you will learn that the heaviest ptrtofibi I iniposnion wa in the sliiimij expenie fmm Hiiladeltihi j. n-Cbartsl.ai, 'whsw'Their':ceill''IT.Titt'.pitt jau4 , !?f0 'B cts; when he should huve paid only 166 eta 'i-b lutf Jine-haiiw ju,jMcorniccti.ai witbjhei ('r!iiiH Rail Road audit agent than has ihe Stage . - - 'I -nch fnim hereiohalisbury. Hut it wasclearlriheda- ! tyof thi ('liurlenori agent" to have rrirrecied1 this enor- ' rTTUT- wl'icl would have cost dim onl) the trt I b'e of poiniin? it out to lhe ship aent. rt . V. . r , . .t I I ne new neavf item of complaint the stor!". rtorc 10 t iiiid.-n, !t Kit cts. piifl hv Jihn Rosser, whiehoe- rurn-d hv iheaw private agi-nia u. horn this hofFheed of Bigir was eutruAtctb-DegtcCtirq; tuinfurtn tlie owner of Ms arrival in t Htnden. let lh-sc ageauare eipres lv exiincrated fniin hlaflid. and the public earners rtn would not In- enfrusicd with it Hre held respoasiblc. .Mr. ' Villipigiic stioiild hat'.- known lhe regular rale "f ship. i"g le-j weeu Philadelphia anil Chart, st, ,n. and being the selected guardian of Mcsaral Boji-r 4 Keen- inlentt. ought lo have puid no more, and either hear Mr. Rieerr should have mfimen ih nieri'hanta 1 it ihianttnl le. in OIIII4I ill 1. -I llllll-II, u w llllll llir en ii nye wuutw ... : i ... r i i... i.:i. .i. .....ik.a hp(,n ,lV,,ni ,hpn llleir (rt, hl ls wou)d new hire bn-n 'publieherf. - III vour editorial Von erronioiisiv sneaa of thrst i .....:... . .. .. . , , . . ....... . ..... i,. rj l.i,.B 111 111 1,1" UllI.lll .lllR III 11, V. C-llUl.l l. ui'-itti. ! chant submit totht-m ipIh Rood, and ihi-ir sgi-nts, and sav "the reas.)(i that mrr- cause lliev rannni hrlptli aiiyCKigeic Wv' itsar ne iveren ton waggoner tmui ne urnnm uua-n wet- i . . . ll- , ' r ,ti a - f for frcirrht ctfarire. amlilial w hen once pail all is over; V-ifes'iiT-jSi-ii- aiioafaeiT.iii' r-w-rtung.OTdile eftsrj , suit for five, sit, or ten dollars, thi-v w.mld !. ! lime and niom-v than the irals mi?l,l he wnrih. , , - - , . . ,, ,h.. that errora are rviniriiiiliil we on not duutit. out taai inri j nre more frrnn(.t ,,,, tWa ,, ,, Bny otherhneofl . transporfatiini doing a similnr buw.iess.as your pumirsiw vctiiild imntv. cannot hf atuin-n. And whoever hrlrdi ; . - . .,,fc, t iron lie mr inner ami ,r rvirrviraiMiii auueriue w. I ,,lc pillifu, M1M vm, melltlon. whl.n it is re-poiwble hccihhu of error? I fear. Mr. Kdiior, yim sre l liulr. 100 "'" yet. from Rail R,.nds to undersiand tbeir; " morfnii njirrtndir They are a easily dealt " ' ...... u.,i,i ;.,.i,. k.. ii, f,.ri shwh In I ..... VM..),. .J .... Jfi t. The payment of freight upon defiveryirme W ' ' . . . ' '., ' ' j" ..n iZdKa- panics, but is riffidlv observed bv ell well reenlsted af"! ii.iiiii-R. mil la iiirriii v niiwrvi-ii l.V Dll "'Ii i'. j panic of the kind, for the reason thai ll is inr".- ' security against Tiist." And instead of "alHauufoT"" .i i. :. ;.i ' .. rminon cuaw v, ,i,i -ne iiii.nrv in ptiiii, ii i- . Willi mi-rrlimila In m.b-i H-Tiiicilfi in advance, Snd VIW1 llieir frei-rhl nre, inula are miide out. nd b,-r shown, whatever is doe is paid over to ihrro. "" m"re in,Pf cn T""' !- ' CamXn'ttmWa Hiaupiii, tna ji ne nerrT tn a - , am constrained to Bnwj 1-ptli.t ( nut iiiixtal irvnl li tllsl ITT I lit M. I""" - . ;. -,hMB ,CPnf4 -,ad mrme w end I had, in coi.e,pience to pay . Ww"J found due- This same investigation uisr1"" "--J - il?? ' T ; 'dTat tbr-H . . - . j . e. vuim. Iiwv---n .iadl j too miich reudinese on our part to visit censum 1 ,i . ...:.i . :ur....,:.. ....----..li'e. llie, m I woiiiu ,i.-ii .. inese ari-eiiis wiinoni iiiiiiiiiinii; "-- - iheOH M eaam. Rooer it Reese's freiffht lil IH ...J r. ,U , i . . .l...i t uuc iy erronious cnarge maue agaoie. r- . , .. ...m nn,-" -i " ythe fartitew j that they could not get tnnr n,ulr , ihei l" "n ,,,r ','", 'Tn I," T harre I- I do not l0! wiu.re these' fafsS ramdrrhave iheirwire-T. .1 .... . L. . nftrile " ' i,. taw-F.I,irte tn mtpt in flirt' Ui the pA . , J ' w - - iMwrvet to H , , , . . same by publishing my correction -jUSTltE- For the w atcnmaii. t, . .. ... - - .'..t-.A i. ike Itetrat vVJf-l A review or an article puuui.ei. ,, j0. Weatern Advocate, March IHh, !?- . " v... i ' ' The next error., which we wish to '"'.Both ei- ieniieFaiicc- !,, '. . fj, article, is couched in the following ' M - 'iei." I,rt it.hc remembered onre r.-r , author is spcaon the wi;' "'u7 eourj in reference to temperance ; and .nat . mi He. between the two eitremesof to.ai frr . rnn in,nm-.nnl.. that is, moderate orH'"'" . bef .. ih ne T'reTnrlrr-Jat' 'h jgL.x. Mjail rock "(! l!'., locked h,. ,t1 - ..urA r I ern U I II 1 rJI 1 1 H 'I I w. t mires of gross uHernpcr anee i.-lii o.i- i a right J defence and refuge. V1"' - .he smile P -1 nosition for a man wising o cm., . w0 M . . great parties now, can M m aif - iu i eZregi.msiy' ,. lllto mo ' -.-.Bd IBeiy . . n ., nunes. an pniisea .to.aii r- . . w n . h.r eitreme, ' 1. 11 IT- ' u 1 u "ti. .i.-:3r '-"Hi e . . t --. Wa,a,mi; "1 .1 ,-.w-.-:-v--ABi,'.i-jk,.w f -