1 A i i 1 - ' 1 i 1 . -: ,. ; I , l .,,, (; I IWc 11 I J I L 1 ' " i 1 ret t sef " ail ! 'J: m uud U.ro . 115 1 ':" A'. ibmIJIc euure.- Now U' common ' "" i ;il.lrih(! i U- ..llWIIIg T'f" hhuoii . iCiur of action. wL-o chance I..r p. ' , . L,,v : ii mil the wisest course. j-, IIUU,v ; n not me wipr wu.-r. mZ a', th. chances of . ... ; fcwwte hitiw.. M , ter CM . .... ..... -iwu nnlr.d iu our laet article, that " T '. lLwi. i. ,.i.Dubl with, folul bull.-'! i! -.....-J aiwmina- la the body. Doe i I1 ilk 2S'p!y when uodoc th. influence liquor J Jmii Its is Can the wautaid"iPuMiioencyi "beared fori t un the studies of naioreana iHr1; ' ...,Mflitlv prosecuted T V hos- mind ..naiihion.or itrcneih when y P?Ka mm- The hi,tor'' ,,f ,he w,,rW r.'Pon1 f f-rffCl "') f i 'n' TBr J ,c "" . j'. r., 'rlul benefit Imi rtMMteraW dfiufi.iig, Vdi wDirwy. Injury. Well, IM murata 01 , lf i wrtWUartHbatiful- I i.iu ilium iliia aiii-atained plauet Dr. rr,trrr.nk lhai aligh' i..toxicti.ni.ka The I CL md Ml-ltineivd become quurrelauiiM, the wek I . " lloWllllf ID WIUIll llltUAKKIHIll ' . mill of course hlipclv uufriend- ! r"1, ; ii ,1 ,. inki iniiiiiii.ii,m (vrliHiib i f"Z:. .h. ...i.Lil eouae).lhrowa the U.d io 1 FLZnlilV to the coiiibalilive orgau.aud rotwe. f" u-ikm And hence it ia. that men tight ao i I-" J...L: !).... .nrh a rourafi aa Jhitluok I tjafUiking. liuci mch a ruurae aa Jbn liiuk j thtj "'" ih lual ..ftliia mill. He coutw. i:a Inrfi LthtwiaeatT " 1 I . r 1 f 1 1 ' II .. ' 'B HIV " " - ... I. DUt -i. . e.r -1 Tht the nmel ce r 'Hinu'driiikiuS pruduoeamll the gnim drunkeiineaa in prk-ea. They fl u ler tliemaelvea from iheir long expe tororlA 2ud. That haying made all the drunkarda, rience in buainriw and exieriwve n-q'iaitiinnfe, lo any .k . id rrtMirminp' siit. .iiuw ir nruwr" . W ithout a b ginning nothing iaencept TL i:m druiikeiiiieaa ia in the world, it therefie r vt l..i...r Kdiriiia m ifoiiir: tini" ifi India- . '. I MirCC- n nr... K - ......ftt imi 7 . . " . rile'fi'y '" " coinpli'tioiii aitice no ctMiiplelnui u.niiiiut a beciniiinir i aa a man couiu noi com- Likuuie triihoiit finil beginning it. Whatever haa gjiiflfoMblo agency in me proouciion w mmgi nuucin; cau. Since without thia cause, it can- k. ..,ir .Now the armiment atanda thua: derate dritiking w the beginningof drunkeiineaa; being Wuuiiil, it ha an indiaperrraable agency tn ft prw A k.vir.r ,n iikdisnAiiauble nirewv tn ita pro- WBUH, """R 1 - m . Cjtkil producing cuuae. It clearly follow thero miderale drinking produeea all groaa df uiiken C Fur'he'' came that motley army of lypera, y, iifn: ih world like the peatifiroua locuata of Egypt, nNt tv"y ''""K Bret-n n '"Vely they touch f j.lty cume from the region of lotui abMinence? tamily. Did ihey apring up full formed lopera, like aiuldier. of t'admua from ihe Kiwn teeth of the alain mI ')' Men do not apring to maturity in drunk 2m ia om aight'a debauch a JonatVa gowed vitte. pro of Ail! blown drunkenneaa ia formed by mod mi drinking. Aa certain aa ihe acorn produeea the Lkir okt i certain doea moderate drinking prorfncei iisiuik lliereia not oneonk tree, ihnt did not apring Sat tioy acoru. Nor cim there be found one aot, ho KDprtKiuced from moderate drinkmg. If there hd ' hi acurua, oak treea had not been in existence. If . an Ui nut been untderate dxuiking,druiikenucawotild akirt sunk ita niilliona of immortal eouli in perdi 'idik empire. Aa btoaaoma are the forerunnera of feiaianwderate drinking lllu harbinger of inebriation. Iit Uuorn there ia no fruit. VViihout nioderate ttuifllwre i no drunkenuen Bacchua first truina jlacipleaip. ihe.ejenicnlary achoilaof inoderute drink "aiWbro be graduittea them iu ihe college of bopele" TjijjfjU-.if thry had never received loaeoiia-w lht amnKhooli: thev would never have been prepared kaNwihe hlli) of bacchanalian graduatHin. Men fiiat Mkialha " middle courae then ilia quite easy to jnial wub acceleruting velocity dowu into iheawininh KHofpuaiinlenipeniiice. " r aciliaoetcenaua avemt. ViWmw4WHiiHMleratdfHdtiu'l.i1uoesalldruuk Lars. limn, lo advorule moderate driukini? la to udvo- iiattae eVUa of tetpriw rr U tfcw .w ob-ar t--- He eallivales and prolecia Dloi-aonm, wnnoiii which no siakl be. i a cultivator and urotecLor of the fruit, irach thrie bluwioma bare. For lo protect bloom i to aatrel fruit in ila embrvo aiule. Moderate drinking i IbaWim .fiiii.miu.riii'iiip. And ao to be an advoeate jf'Boilpr.le drinkiiig la lo be an advoetteof drunkenneaa Midi k produced by it. venal ia me ainerenre rim-rn Jtrfeudiog a caue, und the thing produced by lilut cause? litbere any diiference between advocating a war, and Jna vhu.lt iknulii.i.. ii T ! ihnrA anv ditfereiice in Wof mural iruiU. between piihliahing, circulating and wmmtwling thiaie book, which cuutie men to be Tiih- JWa.injlocaiHig and diflircng mndelity itaen i lie Rouaimriida l oin rame a worka -to be laiigni in to.-'ti:Bli."lli' "A7r rr(iiii'"or oillilKl ra'LPIl. DILI uu..n...i IIIV w "'ft - h- Wa caanot Ulietta ollwrwice, jahatever ulber luea. jiybelwre. I frlkkk arv iktil i. m rlfi.niliim of a eAllftfi bein? tll6 Wtt..jiefCTding;the":tmn!r-p Eaiuuows conciuwveiy mai ne, wuo auvotoir.. tuc WIcoure" as bring the wiseat, i fearfully inatru .1 in nriliii.;. it. uU;i. .,f il.i. k i ii nwUL He. hv laapleand precept from a hih place of inflnnce, pro-i, mt lo thia greal republic a courae of action, falwly rWlh" witeal," winch priiducea alt drUlikeMIeW ; aruiikrnm-wJ, in the short spice of the lairt ten pn, "cost this mition a direct expense of six hundred aiuot of dollara an indirect expense of six hundred of dollars, has destroyed I liree hundred thousand "Mim aeot one hundred thousand children to the la. kiwi L... 1 iL..,....J .i..i.. k. n. inall . Ha. nmiraiiiic t ll i iibci i iu iimiiiw.. tniiiiaiajoo" of one' Ifiouaand; 6e fittfldrVltt has eauaed two thooaiUMl pejatuis to cuuiiull ei has homed or otherwiae- dwtfiiyed pioperty lo noOBtof glO.OOO.OOOliaa made 200,111)0 widowa, .oMnJUus of orphan children." Hon. Edward Ev- apaa.., - .... ::1 , - . W louk at thia lirrlfii. nrrav of dreadful evila re- "gfiom the middle courae," in the ahort apace of Tw; and judge ye cititeua of thia free country, akkriliU ii-.,J.ll. iw..... " kij.llv ailvorated bv "Wtliaarifo, men to walk in. INCOGNITO. For the Watchman. - Life Sketch," " TUli PIILN TER," 8lrrnlvn..l I... I klnu ki. knl . '"JVttt ma. iutTtwiiMA ma , Wliriiii, aa strong aa arty " pitn," m bit jreaf Aearl gioiea, like a glowing grate. i"" Fkilanihrooic keart. tiled with ihe art. T-i'i -mightier than the aword" : Pranw the ire " aa imnr.ii ..... i...ik. thai ni'tr will dit ' pi Hi lollies, and iia tieaaiuga Uen. rVrnW ... ' k.i.i, .fad aliAikk - IKK Wltklb. I.....I I l .. ... .;..l,i . --.v ni,u iuuiiuti to iia !M,'. . tott'rinz thrones, and crumbling crowu alleat, Mueer . natriot re i o ice : Vm ihe virtue of the Printing Pre; T"i: loreerom. life, and Hope tfsetf, " . but dream, will mock our wretcbednes. 'II : lo irf dan, lit. anil MODe tttU . Truly your. - LEON1DAS BROWN. UJtiPaT, March 1853. For the Watchman. Life Sketch, No. 6. THE LAWYER. I ku been lauded, e'en for many fear, ! iaey-r , never met their just reward science ! save, alone to those "aadaiUe in the law, ihey deem it bard. ft Modern Isiryer, ia a feeling man, txlAaii, as many e could show ; AManl. I. i i... e . i.:l i ! Hat IDf many talet of mirth, diatres and woe. , nui ii, irr. .i ...i. Tv' Bt 'or truth make you -Jktl day 's not day ; a mountain, 'a I believe i but a speck : WVitt'r ImfaiiM. uriira . I . '.iwliWteVli.rVr,iMli aWe ' . "I.'.'' IJI.1,1 ... . I " I - I I ..A.I I.'- " . tuiwuoau wiinj inajiy atuuii.ejiiu.iu'- .! jw abileHes." pft kM his iearl, r s 4 rtfiJ,Haef and also bfaaettiiWd "v i?hw'W4 rt be bring " , ,4M fifU faena, long neglected on tX.Wmtto i i rv, . ". uti ihi" liiili iiml., MI..S A. SLATER, ki r n:it- hv Die Ki'V. i:. Mr. J A f lit place, to Mies Abl.l.I A 1 Dim. - 1 I : I uiu 1-CbncorJ.oii MM" of J. 0 VVillii, aged our In ihi. place, Ihe 32nd areh Xiiwt.) infiint dauglir In ikl. I.)... .nr. ik. 0)r,.l in.f.nt M B I t i S W CR AIGE,wife of the la te ThomasCraige.and daughter joflhe In Samuel June, aged about 35 years. DISSOLUTION. rpiIE Firm of Jenkins Av Roberts ia ihla day dis- JL anlved by mutual consent. . All petsona tndrbt fully rrqueated to call andaeltle without delay,aa longer . Jfclrili3 at nuot-rvta. New Firm and New Goods, nrtn for cash, or )U,UUU CASH PRODICE! rTH H K aiitWrihera oflVr at Whntrsnle and Retail, a A Siwk of Kilty Thoaand Dollar of new and dr- aimhle SprillS Ulld tIIHIIller C0t, b.iKhl exeloKlvely for Cah. hicli will be replenished during ihe aemion. art n 10 keenjhe.worlinent cnniilrle, A nreeporlion of iheir slock havins been houiiht preri . . . tn fnl. n ll V nw. i 11 1 ttl I U A ll II' K M.-ll VlkU I ll. ihein lo afve iheif ruMomera a very decided advanlage guuh indnceinenla to cah dealera a will emu re thejJ ihmih ...... ........ - - - . All they ask f nn exuniinnlion' of their unusually i i...: 1.1 f .i .2 large and varied slock and prices, and they feet confi dent of aueces. All orders promptly attended to. II I OS. L. row an, J. II. JKN'KINS. B. It. ROMKIU'S. F. C. McVKHLV. A. J. MOCK. J. W. CLEMMONS. March 24. 1R53. H" 46 . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. II. II. BEARD & SON, Fashionable Tailors and Clothiers, HAVE just received 9 moat anpurh stock of Spring and Summer Itrady Mitdc ClohiHg, Cloth's 4-c-. wil : general assoriineiit of Dress and b rock Coats, Pants and Veals. Also a beaulilul asanrtmeni of Boys and Children's Clothing. Ueni'a Dressing. Ciowiis, iinry Punis and Vests i fine whirls, Collars and Gra-vais) SuapenJers, Drawers &.c. ; and Pocket Handkerchiefa of a superior qunliiy.and aliniml every other article belonging lo a Clothing Store ; to gether with a auperior lot of . , . Cloths, Cnsslmeres Vesting, ic, which ihey will sell aa cheap as run he bought in any 'flTie'rFniaWet', anif wHrfo'mnqV tip'' lo order. In a -superior fy le., d with the best trilliUlii'g ihe .North ... mitUn ik.iiI.I nll'ird. Thev have iiiao receivecf iheir Spring ii nd Summer Fashion for iw.Vl .ml arr readv tu nut uu work in ihe latest fusnions. Taylors' Shears, Points, Thimbles and Needles, kepi for salr. - The undersigned respectfully invite iheir friends and the public, to ctl.J examine their aiock. ; :; JAMES I). BEARD. March ai.T85.1.'lJ 22il vol 8 NORTH' CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. To DiHiHjwnt StorkholJrrs. flHE Board of Directors driving ordered ihe sale of X ihe aiock of delinquent, for the instalments here tofore required, unless (he same are paid by the first of April next, jhe slock will be sold al the umce oi me Road. Sixty percent ineludmg e 5 percent, paid in at the time of snhsortption.) has been required . J. M MOUEUEAD, Preei N- C. It.R. miXfm BOARDLNuY MRS. MARY A. WREN, having opened a Private u....l,,.,T ll,..,in ihe town of SulUbuiV. tvuuld "reVpeetM ty give inVllce Itiar (die 1 now ready to recew Boulders. She occupies me large nun conii..not"r building formerly owned and occupied by Dr. C. B. Whreter as a residence. Her exierience in house keeping she tieheves justifies her in the belief lhal the will be abJe logiye..salisfaclion to such as may give her houre a trial. March 24, 1853, ""'"'y"5 fWILF. sell, for cash, on the 31st of this instant, at .1.. ritr.- ..Villi. Jubilee News Paper, in ihe town of Sftiiaburv.iUe Printing Preaa. Type and fixtures and filMl.lVII I . .1 r...: ... rot,-, maienals. ol said Utiice. to senaiy sunjivy V.K! Rxrwma-s. which has Ueretf.s Jen.tevied: Upoll4 by sundry Attcbme..l. . me ptvprrw, . a-.y. . - e s 1 I. ll'..Unn an. I n llMfl in fll V III ima : lit IU1 w - - G, KLUTTShenflL March 19. 183- w4G LIST OF LETTERS r : : iu. P.voi Office at S.lisbury. on ., , e.i r uk Iht lflllilllllll an : ine loin oi 1'imw'i Gary Anderaon, Johnalhan Armheld, Mrs. farir . . mi . u ..l,.') Kiniiv Itrvant. It. W . n. . . i ii n it,...i.H.r Boston. Robert Brown, MA HI A Rowan Mis Annelta Brown, Calharme Hiv rt 210 Acres, Jormihan Inesher, Uoa.i liexry, W y Brown, David Black, J S Butner, ' 217 Acres, C H. Dowden, Mrs; Bu-klwMittly BfOwiu M'cliael S Bmwn , Am f 5 AcT, K1ijntr Hendron, - drew Boaton, Mrs Johtr BnrhAn,"ThtirlUatwvJf. 67 Acres, A;Mltlr, - p Baker, J Brafr Nancy Baey, Henry-J liar.nger, t .- 93 Aeres, A. Moo , - - " -Rob't Burns 2 ; Peler Casper, A Ballinger, Emily K . o(io Acres, 11 C E'lm". Channin. VVin Orowel, Jaa 11 Ikmner, vvaiierv -iu- well, Pinkney Cash, M Coty. John Cornell, J 11 nupp man, 8 A Chapin, W 11 Campbell. Herxek.ah Correll. Eliia Dunson, Mathew S Dickeon, W m C Day 2. Mar tin Davhn A. 8.EJIioJ. Nathaniel Lnu.., ' ghCTharfcs FrilcyilVah FiMler. W in JuTla, flw Fraley ; Calep Ciodman, Porter Graham 2, Mia Gallt more, Milu. Geen. Jaa Go.lmn. F M Graham, Anna Gillean, Rich'd R Graham. II 8 Goinan 2; John Hund- lv. M 8 Homes, W illiamson Harris, i "' ly, M 8 Homes, iinaiiiao" ....... ---j -- - HeTrsvJaiie C If ydr Rufmi Hjl;'Sofoms - JiahVfts- rteirv, jsne v o;ri - - , B N Hopkins, John Hommelker. Henry Hm...., t .. . r- .t. inn U'm V Hooner. C M llal- lludaoll, vamaniio ..m - ---r--; . breve ; Ranamn Jac.a, Betsey Jmns 2, Junius A John- , n.n'l Klmia. Cornelus Kestler. Rob t Kennedy. u;ij-i iriotia. Manr C. Kesler 2, Jas Knox 2, A G Kerr, Isaac Kestler, John Kestler ; Mary Lysler 2, Mo- aes Lamb, ?l-ry " J.me. Melton. HonJ J M.hd3,JEM(re,Ja.M Myen .Isaac B Miller. Malvina Morgan. Jas F Moody.Thiis Mocke, Reason Mahew, John A McRaree, Susan Mowry, Jas Mitchel, 8 W Neal. Wm C Northoolt, Jas Nolly, S D Pirke-, Ja. Palmer 2. Jacob Phillip., John ParnelU Jim D Pennington. Th- H Pearce ; John Reary. V. C. Randolph, David H. Riel, R- M. ward RnftV 3. J Randolph, Dr E B Riel. Win H. Ryder, J C Rosemani Sam'l Smith, Mary Smith John Steel, Elenor- Seackrirt 2, Adam 8 wink, Sam I Ja R Swink, J. Slater, John P. 1 urner 9. C Tanner, . Thomasnn, Elijah II Vineyard, H Viek , B gdim Wad'.wor.h, Henry T Wilbar. Sarah We.nt Wm Wa I. ITP-WblmTtmr BAV4Jkna E WH, Mary D Wood. Elirabelh Wall, Margaret M Walton, , Jm W -.. 'wk. VVller. Mariret Wise, Ue-u-ge Whilhel.n, Ptiii, . ii- b mr i i v t s.1 ,....k. Wall. .1 D.JH.W"I" r- r,1.,fif v. .in fs. t . .,.,'"ixhatco. Sftmlm A ' CttEEX STREET, FAxETTEILLE " ' -uf .1 asat -JHJT- a a aa ' JK am- TT W mtV - ' ' a-a at . i. A1 : I ftf riniilT,t A ;f'T riWARTaUS friary f . iu "j . . - . I on when lie. left me a.oiaca - .rf 1ST. I? V an f fi N hAi:'r mnpwcK - X?.,JL x j. . t , - ' ' - t h., 1 will -ive ihe reward'oC r 'wirra FS44I E AND RETAIL DEALER IN nr,k-nmon and delivery to me. ATT . , fc- . ... ; r ifarei, ID, yS3. .il . including ail I llie luteal Clieiimul preparaiiona, Lxiracia, & c AM iirrulli mwtA hv ' mvself a few wrrk hud in New York i to which I renpectfully call .1 .: r !!....::.'. .-4 .... II. llir 2l.eUIIUIl OI liyniUIUIIV f IIU tOC flUiniV rin lonj. To prepare my frienda for aome alight eliaiige in jirioea, : 1 1 : . I r . .1-1 1 -.. H .. k.H. Bikan. 1 will luaie ine iucitlini lrua grot-mo umwv "M'.wi J I...l;. t...lU. ..f Pni.wm. mi all Ik luvnara. ftinna of Iodine have advanced 100 per cent. Cream . .11.1. A I KlIIICHVi VMltfl ' w. gone tip j Quinine loo, ia advancing. I am happy, however, to atale, that owing to my early purcliaee thia Spring, I am ahead of the advance in ihe inajoriiy pf Medicine., andUran aell aa cheap a omul, j 8. II. PENDLETON, Main Street, galiabury, N. C. ' March 17. 1853. 45 . Pendleton's Drug Store, itaiu Street, Stlitbury, N. C, TN iddrtlorT ta trtf beiiiftful HaedrTrnent tsf Drogi. Irr airumenta, die . I have just received a fine lot of Lamp Oil. Train Oil, Sweet Oil, Salad Oil, Castor Oil, Hull'e Candleaforjauinrner uae. Adamanune Candles, Varnishes, Burning Fluid,. Dry Vainla.PaLni Brushes of every desoriplinn. Blacking Brushes, Wines, Liqukrt, Cigara, Snuffs in tuiltles and smaU bladders. Tobacco, a superior article for smoking and chewing, Garden Krad, Sinrrh, Musfard ground, English and Ameri can,. Brick for cleaning knives, besides hundreds of other articles too tedious lo mention. S. H. PENDLETON. March 17. 1953. 45 COD LIVER OIL! COD LIVER OIL ! ! A LARGE lot of Rashton tfe Clark's Cod Liver Oil. fresft. by the way the only , article of Cod Live. Oil ever prescribed by the Physicians in this pari of the country,) jual opened and for aale, by the gallon nr bottle. at PEN DLPiTON'S Drug Store, Main Street, Salisbury, IN. Kj. MsrcbWrWoa, 5 Dr. Bason, Dentist, Begs leave lo announce to ihe Ladies and Gentlemen of Shlinbur and i- ciiify, lhal he is now at his plare, where (he preeumea ii null.. iinnii.anrv in anv. I il will afford him very greal pleasure lo extend the duties of his profeasion lo aa many a may be benefitted and ' think proper tu ap ply ia lime. . " Mark wetl the hoar when naiure'e righta demand, The fkiliul .practice of ihe dentist'a hand , Be prompt Je act : 'tis dangeroua lo delay. Since life awnit the issue of a day : Neglect will bring repentance in ita train ; In one deformity ; the other pain." March 17, 1853. if 45 Encourage Home Industry, BY patronizing the Machine Shop and Foundry of J. Ifj. Thompson, Manufacturer of Horse Power and Threshing Machines, (portable and atalionary ?) Easlrhan's StraW Cullers', (two "aiiea'fT Drurey'S' Corn Shvllrra- Ritmhrn'a. liranis. and Smith Si. Merriiuan's Pttiem VVheal . VanaJk"aeUHju Ufiat-and Saay Mill : . 1 ' I , I. -,1 P I .. i. K Af nrinna n. II. rn. ttenrtn(. CdgriiiiuB mil t m"ii p.....-.-. Fofdtng'ti screws i and last, but not.lrftsul.have full met of imitrma lor hiiina nn Lircu,ar saw MUls. ana can save the purchaser al least ten per cent on North ern prices. Those wishing horse powers and thresh ing machines, would do well to send in their orders early, as I shall only make them to order. Address the subscriber at Tyro, Daviihwn.eo . N. C. J. II. THOMPSON. March 10. 1853. . ". ' if 44' ' Encourage Home Mannfactnre. THE Snow Camp Manufacturing Company con tinue lo manufacture, in the neateat and best style, Wheal Threshing Machine, from two to ail horse power; Culling Machinea of different sixes ; Double and Single Wool Cardinsj Machinea ; Mill and Factory Gear; Saw and Grist Mill Iron; Edge Tool, Coiton Yarn and Wool Rolls, &.c , Slc. Persons wMthiog iu purchase would do well lo give us a call before purchasing elaewhere, as we sre determin ed so sell cheap for cash or on I iine J'lpunciual deale tiur long experieiice in the Manuilaciuhng nuainessrri able u lo feel no hesitation in saying lhat our work hall not be surpassed by sny ,hop in the South. thankful for the liberal pajrouage heretofore bestowed, we respecilully solicit a continuance of the aame. -r-All If una addressej..te..ha.- Jk4p&.t4jhKSt&ntJ. at Snow Camp P. O., Alamance county. North Caro. Iina, will receive prompt "attention. , DAVID DIXON, Agent of the S. C. Manufacturing Company. Snow Camp. March 17, 1W53. 3m45 NOTICE; T WILL offer for aale. at the Court House in S'alea- 1 VI illp. on the 3rd Monday in May next.tbe follow- n Trneta of Land listed aa follows : 1 . . .. . liaii u..i' K.ir.unii&jHii 1..1U ji lbi. i . ls-f - W ?. V-"o-!" -- V ft-JlV r - 1 - 4- " K.'K. Johnson. 1849--5I. 91 ----- Uli!) Acres. Wm Milla. 1850-51, 1851. 185-'5lT. 4 16 98 HI Arm. A. W. Neill. i-i a.... U.I..I M, ....Si t-m m.iv. f .i " in 91 Acrea, Daniel Moose, 27 Acre, R. K. Woodard, 1850, 2H0 Acres, Franklin Johnson, " 109 Acres, B. Lewis. . " 45 Acres. John McKoy, (Scotch) " 1.1 i.M Ink.. Kash. " '51 85 85 95 50 33 57 196 69 80 94 34 ! Kin Acrea. W Temolelon, - Iri49r. 56 I 04 806. Acre, Jame Morrison, 223 Acres, Robert Sampler 63 56 31 1 06 1 00 109 Acres, Lewis baule, 100 Aces, Linsey Johnson, " iiU . Aote. 1 a hb May .-r. " 34 Acres, W VVrighlT unlisted J years, J. A. ROSEBRO. Sheriff of Iredell County. Feb. 31, 1953 Price adv. $8 0. 11 143 "FlvrCentirRewaTd RANAWA Y from the aubacriber, on ihe 8lh lnt., an apprentice boy, named John Eichiaon, about , Knar nn m v Bprnufll. and will cive the a n it I lorwarn an pema nmu .tu- , rrwr( for ,hr ,,pprrhension snd delivery of him 1 myreaidence in O.barru. county ou , ill return no thanks RtUBbn onivc. Cabarrucoa March 10, 1853. 3ipd45. " BLANKS WE have just replenished our slock of Blank, and are now prepared to fill all orders for those form in common use. without a moment's delay. We have also ready, a large number of lorms which are rarely called for ; and any not nn hattJ shall be sup plied al the usual price, provided a much as two quires are ordered at a lime -AddreW, jjrtjNER. Marcltn. IPM- 3'4& RAN AWAY, gS Ihe 30ih January last, from the siibscriheift an IndreW J. I Vest iarf : ' i . llii9-r a"-" ,ii ....a rnwn nil person Ore aerei , indf rjted , nprentire, nam" f 'iSn I","" by forwsroed fionf haboringsatll boy, arl WHH he a . m L A IDI'l - t -I finjt " . "i. in rem v, mvvw ..- - . t i .1 li.Hi.;.: determined. Some lime - tune, lo oprit an es.-ibhsluiienl in Salisbury fur the puiioie of carrying on the .llilltliery and Muutiia-IakliiK ISilsiiiexs, on a somewhat extensive Scale, would beg leave to announce, lhat she is Dow ready lo receive the calls and orders of those Widhirtg work done. At much tfniible and expense, she rjas secured the services of Mias At Wiijor. a lady from one of the moat fashionable and extensive estbb tafMi as Broadway, N.-Y-who is fully qualified 4o xnanace ihe business In ill ita rariom forma and chang es; ' She (eels no hesitation, therefore, in warranttug the most entire aatiafaction ; and wiih confidence of aucceaa solicits ihe patronage of the public, , The Paris fashions and patterns arei received monthly. Older from a diatance faithfully and promptly at tended to, and work sent abroad shall be packed and fo warded with care. K7 Reardencei second door below the Post Office; M. A. REEVES. Salisbury. Feb. 24, 1P53. . HUM Wholesale and Retail STORE! THE subscribers have formed a Copartnership, and will conduct the Wholesale and Retail Buainesa in a general and Complete stock of Goods, at Murphy'a well known aland, Main Street, Ssliabury, under the firm and style of Murphy. McRorie Si Co. . . WILLIAM MI-'RPIiy, JAMES MURPHY, JOHN McRORIE. JAMES 8 McCUBBINS. Ssliabury, Feb. 1, 1853. THE Public will perceive by the above notice, lhat we have formed a Copartnership to transact a Watslile-Md KelHll Trnde in n full and complete Stock of Goods at ihe above we'l known aland. Our long experience, exlenaive business acquaint ance, Willi ample cash means al command, we confi denilybelieve will enable us to present for your inspec tion, aialarge, general and well selected stock of Goods, adapiejd to ihe Spring and Summer season a can b found n any Southern Market. We expect 10 be in full receipt of our deeirable and exIenaSve Slock ty ihe in to the IU1I1 of April, when .k..i.l k. nl.mil to have buvers oav ua a viail, carefiilTyeiamine ihe aiock a 10 eximt, variety, and prices, pledging ourselves ihnt no effort shall be want ing on our part to make it lo their interest o purchase of os. - All orders will be filled punctually and promptly at Ihe aame price, as if the purchaser were present. MURPHY, McRORIE & CO. Salisbury. Feb. 1, 1853. if 42 JOHN C. BAKER & CO. Wholesale lrit laarim a4 Dealf n lq Frtgi and .larrlraa Drag, Cheailtals, MedUlnes, PalBts, OIU, Window Class, Of Staffs, Jie., fcc !f o. 100 51. 3rd St., PHILADELPHIA. JC B. dc 0. invite ike atieniion of Drug . gists. Merchants, Grocers, Manufacturer and others to their stock of Svell selected, fresh, and reliable standard guoda. Purchaser will find among their aasorlmenl every variety of Drug Menchanjdiae, Perfumery, .Surgical In airuments, &c. which they will supply of very choice Quality, and at as low price aa can be bought jn Pbila- 1 delpnia or ersewrrere . ..... ri J n ' . mi . it k rt..i... ,k.ili-r antrusired in us personally, or rjy letter raliall receive eqtral alien mm, and the imrf eats of the buyer fully regarded in all respects. J. C. BAKER Sl Co s celetirute.l MEDICINAL COD LIVER OIL. f i. :. .;.n,,A.. ami nnnular remedy, so extensively employed by the Medicsl FaculLy for ibe Cure of Pul monary, KheumatiC, -roiuioua enu i-.ruiaigit; .-r--es. has attained a celebrity in connecti6nlth mr sig nature, unsurpassed by lhat of any other Manufaciiire. It has been used with the most signsl and gralilymg success in the Hospital and Dispensarie of Philadel phia, as well a in ih (private practice of the most emi nent of the profession. In order tn supply the public with oil of nndoubled ...; mwA f .Ciinf-rmr Qualiiv. we have emiiliireil an Agent at the Fisheries who will forward our Oil direct, ao lhat purchaser can depend upon all Oil bearing our aignalure as a fresh and genuine article. For information; concerning ii utility, mode or ad ministration. anaJyais, and. other inleresiing matter, we refer to the pamphlet published by us, copies of which will be sem gratuitously To pRy stela ns tfnd 'nrhrrs, art dressinj o. post-paid, or on application lo !m. Sill & Kill, Salisbury, of whbm also jhe Od can be had. Feb, 3rd. 1853 . 39,1 y Managers Office, GREG0RY& MAURY, Rirhinoiid, Va. A MAMMOTir SCHEME! FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, 1 i . . .: . ri ; tor- 953WF:lMbUi. u,s .Mm q ott SaltttdflyMareh 26th, 1853. 72,300, 335000 625,000. 211 rrizc. Of 1,000 Dollar. J Prixe of $72,500 I Prixe ol 35,000 1 Prixe of 35.000 514 .lowest 3 No. Prixes) 1 Prixe of $15,000 , 1 Prue of 10,000 j I Prize of 5,545 1 ,000 ; 63 Priiea of 500 ; 63 Prizes of 250, 4.C.. ic dec, amounting to 91,- 06635. Mo. tattry-ll Drawi Ballots. Tii-li. 9A Halvea filO : Or. S5 ; rSahtha f3 50. nrr A Certificate of a package 25 Whole TuAeia ! - .7T. .-. j O01R will oe aent io corre,iinorio. ,; ACenificatelt of Hail, Uuarler anu i.i,oin . icaria iu proportion. " , , ,- ; . HJ-O tlcial drawings ouiy ii"'""- Addres. GREGORY &. MAl'RY. Richmond. Va. H. I. Miller Bl Co, Wkoleulc Watcfc aad Jewelry Hois, If. 227 Baltimore St., S. E. cor. of CharU St., Tmportera of English and Swiss Waiche and .LJLToolf evftry.drSWiMjpn Walchai Makersjnd M.nufaciurera of Fine Gold Jewelry: wecan ine.i- tenlion ofaouihern and western dealera in Walchea, Jewelry and Silver Ware.lo our very extenive siocK, aasaring them tnsl in no siucie in m hoc- low any estsblisliment to-surpas u.eiiner in quantity, .. . 117. ... ,k. ivlv VVholi-aali. quality or low pricea. rv":, House in thia branch of trade in Baltimore, and hall use every fsir -mesne to induce sonthern and western i .. nn.n ariumniawith as. Our terms shall snerenaiiia it. --k- --- .. . , be aa liberal and accommodating as can poaaibly be found in the Uuiled Slates. We will take greal pleasure In mowing our goous io southern and western merchanl. whe.her iney open accounts with u. or not. L, II. MILLER & CO.. Iy39j importers of watcnea, paiiimorr. DR. JNO. SWANN, o FKERS hi profrwionil rrvioct io the ciiizeniof Ilii Office it OppO- the the Mansion Holelnd sdjoining Dr. Sill s Drug Store, wber he can be found unteaa proiraaiu..ui,7 - a to,,- ' ' If 43 ma i mi u, ...w. -I -vr r -i rry ir T! - " no : j :wn.,l p.nmmuiee. in oursuunce "tnln t. a L atructions received from ilia SaUbury..YigilaU. f-w V"",' ,k falihlf I iaf flrinioa.a-a Wgwe3-.loly olA Ffe CTpauf . cd, PaturdBy,the J. J. BRUNER. t, .-alafttU ("i,lii,.'i j ( 31; liei-.iwiix, i.2 all ; Uutter 10 l.i;Hoiir $ 1 ru) t I' Vuthera n ; Iron 4 n C; Liiwed Oil hU Alulaaaea 35(340; Nai.a "lG OataiafflUO; Irish Po luloea 50,3 75; Sweel do., 41) 0 5l) i Sugar, (brown) 7 ffl 9 ; Do. Loaf. Oil 12 j j Salt, sack & J 50 Tal- low 10 & Wheat 50i3 8 ; Pork $7 r- - ., - F" Tvtr.f.r, N, C. " March 17 Beeawi 84 (3 85 r Bseil 10r3 Tl; Cotloa8ffir Core. 60.S)6.1r Colle 10 (it Flour 450 ta : r'eaihera 3.113)37: flaxseed ft I nana Iron, Swedes, 6 : --doi'E'ngliao ii '-'.4: Lard 11 0 13; fiiik.i. On 01- Miilaaaea3Ji37: NnlU-pnl f.l J- Oala, 40045: 8ugar,bro.,6 (S 8: do. loaf, 10 o 11: Sa It, sack, 1 75 IS UUU : 1 allow. B : wneat a ta so. . - Chebiw, March 9. Bacon per. lb. 00ri12j: Butter 2028 Beeswax (S 20,-' I : Coffee 130 15 : Cotton 5J 9 : Corn 50 ta b-'i Eggs 13 0 15; t lour 5 (a $5J: Featners 30335 : Iron 5(364 : Lard 1W3 13: Leather(aole) IS S 22: Molas8es35 IS 40 : do. Cu k. 3.1 sa .17 Nails.rui .li a 7: Rice 41 O 5 : Suga r, brown. 8 10: do.Loaf,12iO 15: Sail, Li verpool 1 1 ou ta V W.. . . . . . Charlotte, March 16 Bacon, 1 1 a 12 ; Bagging, 11 a 15; Beef, 4 a 5 ; Butter, 121 a 13 ; Beeswax, 20 34 Beans, 40 a 50 t Apple. i?fandy,40 a 50f PeseU Brandy, 87 a $1 ; CotiuTi, C, a 9 ; Coffee,- 10 al2 j Corn. 45 a 50 : Chickens, 10 a 13; Eu'!.'. 8 a 10 ; Flour a 2 ; Feaihera. 25 a 30 ; Lard, 1UJ a 00 ; Multnn 5 a C ; Mackerel, bhl. 10 a 16 ; Molasses, 33 a 5(1 ; Meal, 00 a 40 ; Nails, 44 a 5 ; Oai?,25a 30 ; Pork,C4 a 7 ; Peas. 00 a 50 ; Irish Potato. 50 a 00; Ree. buthel $34 a 00 ; Sugar. 1$ n 9 ; Salt, sack $2.a 00; Tea, lb. 75 a 1 ; Wheal, 62J a 75 ; Whiskey, 40 a 45 ; Cotton Yarn, 80 a 874- DR. S. II. PENDLETON, OFFERS Ins professional serviore to the public, lie can lie found al Col. Robarda' Holer. SausBrav, Mascii 25, 1652. 47 MAY RELY ON US!! We advertise what we can do, and po what we promise. 17iOR the conrenieneei and accommcMhtion of ihe travelling community, we have established a splendid line of Four Horse Post Coaches from Char lotte, N.C., direct to ihe Northern Cities, , Greatly Reducing the Fare. , This line of Four Horse Post Conches is now in suc cessful operation, running from Ihe Charlotte ami S. Carolina Rail Road direct lo th Riclmvond atid Dan ville Road, on to Richmond and Petersburg. .Office-al Kerr's Hotel, Charlotte, N-.C. , - 'Roweif Houe, ltiibueyi N. " " Hopkins' IIiiU-l, Gieensboro", N. C. fhe Coaches Tea ntaaJfltr mnii Friday nl C A M . both for Charlotte and Greensborough, reluming the next day by 6 P. M. Connects at Charloite with the rail road, and at Greensboronah with P. Flogg's ct Co's splendid line without delay, on to Richmond and Petersburg. Thtouglt tickets to Rwluttond ajid Peirsburg,ya.,. can be proenred of A D iindo.-, Aentat Charloile, ond tl.L. Robords, Agent.at Saliabnrv. ' ' C. Ll'CAS & CO. Salisbury. Jan. 27. 18r.3. NEVTFIRM. SMITH & HOLDER, HAVING . a-pened a Carriage Shop al llie well knowu stand formerly occupied by William H 1 Sniiih, would respectfully inform iheir friends and the puh'ic penernlly, that tlievare now finishing off all kinds ' of OnTrfajfcs It orkairnyaj Itnsstw c . in ihe very best and finest style. They can turnistllwo horse -Cmge4 from two lo six hundred dollars ; one horse Rocks wa y, from ff 1 30, to $200 r Top Bag gies from $150 lo g!2(lfl ; Open Buggies, from gH5 to ttioi.. .Kiiiki,. rrniii fltCA) to ftOO and'Carrynlls, from g.ilf lo 5.- All ihey akf those who wiah to bay isiociiuie and eMmTnVirwoHt.d'-itirr'i They warrant their work for twelve inouihs. Repairing done in good ptyle and at sliort notice, and lis low nrcan be done elsewhere. .They have in ihek employ., wurkmen of long fxpe?. rience, who for their sUjll cannot be surpassed. Orders promptly attended to. Give us a call before you buy. WM .11 SMITH, A. G. HOLDER. Salisbury, March 3, 1853. Iy43 FAUST St, WINEBRENER, "'ZJmmrWVan HARDWARECUTLERY, &C. NO6?4 NORTH .THIRD STREET. Between Arch i Race, West sidr, Philadelphia. 37 STAGE LINE. OUR DAILY' STAGEf LINE OF FOL'R HORSE Pos.lJoaa.1atru4aihelanjiuai.l,el.a4iya p m snd leaves ' a m. Mr. II. James being our duly U,h0ri"dtmaM,,",:fe DAILY MAIL STAGE. OUR Line of four horse post coaches, which carries the "AfiyairiroTfTTTiw iti.i-1 .varv ln v at 9 ii. 111. ntiil leavea 4 a. i.iaiiBM'ii ..'.' - ... m. Mr.H.Jan,e,.i.our.gen.. I WOULDstate (that the public mny not be deceiv ed.) that the regular mail stage from Cheraw, S. C , lo Sa'liabury. stops at the Mansion Hotel. Also the regu lar mail Stage from litis place 10 Asheville via Ltnculn- t p..,l...rr,l ainiis at the Mansion Hotel II. IUI1 BI1U limm I -V. - T, . . Jame being ibe onlv aaent m Salrsbnry, Both those stsges srrive every Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday, and leave every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. II. JAMEs. N. B. .1 hould like to employ two good (4 horse Stage) drivers. r,o'U Sali.buryiFeb.3. 1853. '9 BEEBE'S SPRING STYLE RATS, rUHEaubaoriberhnsjnsI received at hi Store, The X Sinn of the Red Flag, a few cases of I Beebe a faaMonable Spring Style H its. - eiumj,j'j;ji,a..J " 1 -i .. ... i...... . ... , .... .. a ..It A .Ja. er d4r-4o-ofdr. aud a el -Jie-V- Apply M Ihia'finee , - , , . -.March 10,183, CwU i Blank YVarrantt Jar tale Hart- ' I W ' ' Tf" ! 1 Jfjti-4-' rSAi 0l DAILY - William3 Brown, INVITES the atiention or al) to liia shop or Tin, Slieet iiPJUltOw CopK'1. Wa res. - II haa several ' . workmen ofaoperior skill in his employ, and ia con atantly replenishing his stork. He is selling wares al m g to rirrimttiVieriMitt4w his liue as tW a can be bought elewhereiHhf State. He i at -U limes rea,dy to receive ihe orders , of hi frienda and the public, and any work nl on hand promptly made lo order. Call and set and bear s prices. Ilia Sheet I foil 'Stoves area auperior arlicla ii and very cheap. ' ' .' . m. -;i STILLS 1 1 " Ollaiies kept for sale, and made lo order. r-.4--The aubscriliea respectfully solicit a trial. M'fj chant and Pedlara are particularly invited to give him Country Produce, old Pewter and old Copper lakeB ' fir eirehitne for work:- . - " jlagg Cotton and Linen Raga taken in exebanga , for Tin Ware. . ' Raltsbttry. Dec. 30. l859.- Iy36v-- NEGRO tSV ANTED. neii rnn vrrnflPC t , V .1.111 I'Vlt HliUllvi" 1 f!T HE suWtilier is now in mark r in nisrk for the p iiti:olii;iii r rmcEWS cas for the purchase l f nun in; KUrJM, for which the HIGHEST 1 :. SH will De paiu. , Persona in the adjoining couniiea wnh property a ifie above description fnt sale will find thai they a get ihe highest prices by making early application ta him. At I tilt PI I I.M. Salisbury, Dec. 22, 1852 if 5 NEW CARKIAGK SHOP, rnHE undersfirned haa a- X. pened a Carriage Eelab lishmenl near Mount l',IIa, lo , Rowan vounty, jni-begaleavo . to call public attention, to the atne. He is prepared 10 do n L init of work in hia line of business, in the very best mnnner, and on the most ae commodaiing terms. He proposes to niskeja perma- , neni esiablishmeni al rhe above stand, betjeviyg lha public wants of that section of crmnlry teqwire H. Ha hopes the citizens in the surrounding country who may need work, will give him a call before going elsewhere. He will possess some advantages over Csrrisge build ers in the aorroun Jihg villages, . and bega the country public will avail theuisclvea ol the benefits of ine asms, JAMES BROWN. Jan. 8. 1853. Iy36 0 The subscriber will furnish Coffins to order. J. FOR SALE, Valuable Real Estate In t Town of Salisbnrj. rflII AT valuable House and Lot, formerly oecapleJ JL by Mrs Ann Chambers, situated on main street. . between ihe Rowsn Hole! and ihe Bank. Apply lo : MICHAEL BROWN. ,,... , January 20. 1853 f37 jY EXPRESS. : SalUbary, Novemher 25th, ,1852. Ll, intHes rtonkii. fjtttlles f 'tonka rnUR-awUieeihee huve nw4 refleivd bv Expres line. JL a sum II lot of Rich'Silk Velvet and Blaek Wa-. lered Silk Cloaks, lo which he would invite the attn. nun of the Ladle). ' 1 E MYERS, At the aign of the Red-Flag $"ioo,ooa. - r BY enclqiing Sl.poet paid, and directing IO th subscriber at Friendship, Guilford, N. C, any. ami all persons, wishing an easy arid profitable employ, meni, imiy receive byrejurn mail, llie means of making from $1 to $5 a day, in the way ol a knowledge of valuable d'overn' !n demand at almost eyery.4toas in the United States. Persons emliark.ing iu this Busi ness may make it profitable with a copilot of $3 or $4.. Immense sunn of money have' been made by per-, sons in the Northern and Middle Slate, in the last. I year, ami thousands of dollars mny be made in lhe- Southern and Western Slates ip the next 12 months, tfy fl irnnwrmtfe" of "the? -dlactrVerteK Everr family1 should have them and save aevernl dollara a year. . , .. E. Is IIDNT January 27, IS53, 4mpd38 . ' JAMES H0RAH7 WATCH AND CLOCK-MAKER. Opposite the Watclimau Ifirirr, Nalibiir-, If. C FR0H LFAl.fGTOX, SORTR C1R nsPECTFI'LLY informs his friends lie thai he has Dermanenllv located 1 mn.N. C. as a Couiniission and ForwJ ..limit TIiiti. iii now nine Steain Boats tj l-Vnr river : One li avlnff this ulaee lor Fayil pru 1 1 11 V Willi' h will enable him to forward (-1 "'HTeWfHlrt1W ,any pifil,lio.-. . w.' N. B. He will he pleased tn fill order lot Groca. rita Coliee, Sugar, Mousses, SjC - References: Messrs. Ui'vr, .il -AiutaTos,,Lejungtoa,N -C Mr. B. B. Roberts, Salisbury, N. C. Mepara. E. A. Voot.r.R 8$ Co., Salem. " J. R. & J. Sr.ox.t, (Jreensuoro. T. M. Yocjio, Moeksytlle, N. C. Wilmington. N. C, Jan 2:1, 1853. 6rao.38 WORT (SITCESSORS TO I. P. WILUjaMS.) Forwardiiij and Commiuaioa FA YET T E V 1 1. L E , N . CAROLINA. I. t. WORTH 1 (Ir;i39) - - . W. f. BMJOTT "DUTjrj. SUMiyiERElX, OFFICE OPPOSITE Feb. 3 lr-53. MANSION HOTELaf lypd rlHE Firm of J. Sheek Sl Sons is this day dissolsej I 1y mutual conaenl. All persona indebted to lha .fij-ntieaueate4 toju blf' W. SHREK. .) D. S. SHEER. W. Sheek will attend to settling up the hiwinea of . ihe firm. J- SHEEK, . D. S. SI1KJSK,. March let, 185.1. ' 4tf NEW FIRM At Wt, Vernon, North Carolina. W SHEEK haying taken ihe emir stoek. of . Gaods, will, in, partnership wiih R. W. Grif. fith, continue llie mercnmilc busines onder ihe name of Sheek St Griffi'h. F-very effurt will be made to merit the liberal patronage received by the late firm. - . W SHEEK. R. W, GRIFFITH. M'rch1i.lP53. 44if . Olflcc at Salisbury, " . -Mxaca 3d. 1853. n HE Anuria! Meeting of the Salisbury and Taylor. I I il. Plmik k'n.ir) f'liinii.mv. will be hrld in the . r i Hiiume at 3talei e. on MotdaT ih 4th of . A i;j.vaJ iaVJAl.iam. IUMIeliftlaluL .x. .... .1 ... .J ... M3i tt f . JwA-xAef lVtf.i , , . iBlankg of evcrv dcjcription for sale "''tj'- " -:Ar'wymirmV--'r j ' . . ai nil rju i . .-- . H"' h pub Vlming- Mer- V Cape , lilleev. , jj with. esast,,.,..--, J ! it : I i f - uTaSft? a-atrJ- Staii- W U PBOWN. ..--. .. I - ..I! .fl..,...vi., .. fr.-.j... . N.:i.. . . . ! . , ,w. i 'f ?"'.!" ,-w 1' ' -...-.v L. . , ,. 1 . - ; ... w-v-,i.'-'t.i.f.n- 1 r..-aajc." j .,.Ujijirti(-J'-,',r.J-T :...ST-' 'i. -. Lv;...:--:v,rj'-i-'.,WJj-.-M,r..;J,,,. f'lMl5Sv,y. Aft ny,n.?Hf.s-r s 1ik 'wrwaiiaAjjiity-..s0 .upaja 4'! - u