$.1 l-.i !'" I.' !.;: i -i M. ifiii iii.-i'i ; inn, Ciu! i in Jits rttli percent. Iter ili.ni tlifw ran. A Itb- i I, .1111(1 10 ttlOtr WHO lOWIIW MJf MIC Vtai. jtlrfn 'I" Fetewburg Intelligancw. ' j ' I. jjjrerjlUnj In the way of information -7 Vfrif" Rppublici liiteresiing "to the loffd &ce in lbi Prt or Virginia, we inwert !. (oma,,J0icaiiin recently received ironri Mon niii. bj il" Willimburgh Times, containing r (Beouf rfgii'g tatemenl oJihe condition '2 projpecli of that young Slate. We met ji in ibe N. York Courier, from whose in, we cheerfully iruusler it to our own": i ABOUT LIBERIA. 5 ( following teller, addressed to the Wi. ' tlrg Timet, written by an inethgeiit 7rtdmn-Vbo emigrated froffi W iltianis jj i0 Liberia a few inonibt ago. It will be -- jftSto be is delighted with the change in bin IpjoJiiion and prospects : i AloMtoviA, Jan. 23, 1853. promised to let vuu hear from ine when in I beria, Alrica, hut, although I have been here m awttlliit -Cni,0!i t...'..ij'ni. filMLjttU ck ucouiit ol the place. Tin inil Kepnb- Ik is w far ahead ol what 1 eipecied lo tiud it, jour god people ol the Slates would mrwij - tLtuk t were narrating truth, were T dtciibe alt iLut 1 bae seen.' Liberia is a tot, lenile country. The people are more Jtkibtr iJLe(!iy Jespeclaiid, enj..y tbem jeituucb better than I have ever known ifcO lo du elsewhere. Thiiigs of every kind (ru bere. Ibe houses are very large, and . -,. .... ..l.. ..I I. I ... .i ut win mosiij "i "iitn oiiu mmio ; iiicj are ilg iiuiiet and two .lories and a ball b.gh ; from 3D io 5d leel front, and li jpin 25 to 40 leet fcrp. Tbe sleps lo these huijses are compos. Mi til iioo oie a substance on which the c'ny built. I'"" ore ' . pleniilul in Mourovia " jjtomimin stone is in W iliiadisbufg. Musi of tbose who lami are loeated on the iinkioMhe Si. Paul river, about 5 miles Irom -.iscitf. ad s'uiiie are doing well. Allen Hoop r, of New Yoik, has been here a little uver - rtojriri. lie bad but small means lo com .' rnce with, but now has one of the best col " "fee ptantaiions on the river, Ife has seven . -;!kufnd ireee growing iwn thousand of which lOT,ueloaded wilh cuHi'e-! and he is ol opinion :,jui'utU year all wilt bear. Neil 1 will men Uwa A. Biatklege, who is making about twelve Ituusaoil pounds of sugar a year, and some Widredi ul gallons of molasses and rnp ail ("which will lavorably compare with Ibe best inporrfd anicles of ihe kuid. Swret potatoes, Lima beans. Indian, corn, -(lliadi, plantain?, and other table vegetables :TWTiwfd op tbt itrer,- which rii 25 - or - 30 ' 'aiiftlong. A fine town is situated at the source ol ihis siieam it is railed MillsbHrgb, iimicoolaiis a population of 800 or 1.000 per Itm tbe mutl ol whom employ themsefvea in Jmakina brick and in hewing Umber of all kinds i Alt BttUh ' ' 1 I ae not ability lo describe the advanta 1 P'l1.? bs renjifdin Ibis coutitryA nor have. I the ., rtW-Htry-lmsttwre ii' trf Triiirh better than ii -ner i belore, llmt 1 am constantly occupied 1a attending to it. One word as to the fever. My children have siHud it ; so hive all the emigrants who came Jutwhh us, eicepi my wile, my sell and two :bn. None of I hem kept their beds for more , ttanwo or three days. The fever is not e- i d ii it is generally represented to be. 1 bave jtwaaeftmi who brave ticed here- for from t wo teif uty years, and who neve b4dii.-ttt.n... Tbii is a great country fur men and woiucii . "IkL I. ... I I . . 1 I I .1 1 . u lofc iineny ana woo love inemsei.es, tor oney can be nmile here. neats to give my thanks to the gentlemen Juur city whose iliilari;hrpy was ilia canst my success. I tnnl you will publish this ter for the iiformaiion of those who may till To krinw someihing of this country. My Ml letter shall be longer, and w ill con'ain "b more inhumation resoectiii? ihi ruliinv f Liberia a day star of hpe lor the colored JOHN D. JOHNSON. BEAL'FOUXJIAUBOIL - ... By the kindness of a gentleman in this tonity we hare had access to an old vol aw published in 1828. entitled " The timbm of Cartfoh: They vvere writ- 0y the late Dr. Caldwell, the learned d venerable President ol Ihe University North Carolina, and were designed to Wow the people of the State to ihe im- pittance ol connecting Beaufort Harbor Tte wfsTer ne into the possession of the volume wy a ohort time before .going to press, 1 csn iherelore only make a few brief tttrSrtS'f wrmm ..i,,,,.,,.., ,.. .ow ouiori nas an me auvamages 01 tm-.i waiately frontinir on the sea. In conse- T"nceof ihis, its healthiness is unques ""'We, and this accords with-its past j l)r. Sprague attended and discovered that '"toy arid tbe constant experience of i9 ; the child had partaken of a quantity of rum. "bitants,-, . U is beltnr situated on this r Emeiies were applied and for au hour ihe child Wetint than Norfolk ; and as it cannot ! vomited incessantly, and for a time it was fear ""passed in this resneei bv Charleston ! ed lhal it would not recover. It finally partial- iVnIplace lQ theSuJUikii iNitgrratly the superiprily in a com- prin with any port in fbat direction. 1 Li th. 1 c . e fe whX I T iranspotiauut, ...... jewhole back country be reduced by ''of a railway to little, or nothing, - commercial city ll must aavanw ' instant and rapid progress to prosvj fniy and a numerous noDulation. Many VP'haps are but lit tie aware of the wcu of trade when its facilities are once s?H At the site of the present town !l k estr'on 'he western canal of New I 'Jhere were -in. 181 8 three hogses tl' lce is now swelled to the flMkMW of ten thousand iiihabitants.. J ,ir,pr!C's,'ly two hundred hdd seveofy 1 7 et of Albanv. and from-the latter T0 NeWT York i '. hunilreit And W- ' ..r aww nree, to-throw tt Qpen TO '':f" more ; yet it is in ibifeity -. - r- -viuiiuiiw -nivjir iiioust ry, r imollv L l l BRUNER and Pnmlico waters would, by the easiest. j.rtmnnest. and safest navigation possible, be cuncentrafted at Beaufort. It it bd hp prrhended by any that the waters of these sounds are too dangerous for the steam boat, though it can scarcely be that any will think so. let it be remembered that the Chesapeake presents fully as great ex posure, and yet it is continually traversed by boats of Jhia idescnptiorT, Not Irss diffi cult is a passage up and down the Miss issipphjejt this may be said to swarm with the ni." iVor let it be imagined that steam boats may not pass along a canal. In common canals they must not be admit ted, on account of the contracted limits of sucti canals for boats drawn by one or two horses. But there are canals nn,n whictr Strum boats -WoiirconUnuiniy;ii"r7J 11 ia unnecessary to refer tn on., than the Caledonian canal, thmiiph hinb 1 J . - v una uiuri sucn fjonfs run regufarlv, makin? a cir- I cuitous route, partly by the canal, between Edinburg and Glasgow." Carolinian. The Case of Dr Spencer D. Armstrom Do I r. opencer LI. Armstronjr. of Rockv Mount, Edgecombe county, has for some j time past stood indicted before the Suoe rior Court of Nash county, as accessory alter the fact to the murder of Tillman Hunt. The case was continued from lime to time for one cause and another, and was at the Fall Term of 1852 removed from Nash to Edgecombe. Dr. Armstrong was. in the mri.iin,p nrmi,l . . large upon giving bail in the sum of 6. r"' K K t 000 for his appearance. At tbe late Spiing Term of Edgecombe Superior Court the defendant was called, and failing to an swer, his bond was forfeited. The wit neies, however, Were again recognised to appear on condition of receiving no tice of the defendant's being taken. This Dr. Armstrong is the same person who has been lately swindling some of Ihe Norfolk people. He has, perhaps, raised -fund enough hy this means to pay off his forleited bond, and thus atones for one crime by means of another. Boor Tillman - Hunt, was so brutally murdered in this neighborhood som three years iago, has not yet been a,venged. The miserable tool (an ignorant slave) of designing villains has suffered the lullf penalty of the law, but -thfff- who-are real fy far trio re guilty, because far more in telligent, (Pitt and Armstrong.) have eva ded justice I Bui let tliein not -be deceiv ed, vengeance will sooner or later over take them. North Carolinian. Accounts from Western Africa,, state that thirty varieties of cotton have been lound growing spontaneously in that coun try. A missionary says he has stood erect under lhv branches of a cotton tree, in a Goulch vi If age; so b e a vi ly 1 ade ri with h alls tbat- to re-ve-nt it from itfeftk i g de wn- Oftder its - i - own weinht. 1 he cotton was eaual to i that of any countryi The pal i yes manu facture cotton goods exte.nsi vely. .West ern Africa also afiounds in coffee. The j whole land is said to lie covered with it. 1 In' Erravaln and Kail 200 pound can be purchased for a dollar. A single tree in I Monravia yields four and a half bushels : in the hull at one time, which made 31 pounds when shelled and dried. Rich. Whig. AFFCCTINCi SCENE, r .! ..fr.... 41. ...... ..1 q u n. UDI S-UI,l tl(, I II. I ,, O.IUOI WV- , ion, arresied a wmau named Williams, who was fmhiing in Second s.reet.; She was quite inioiicated, and was committed lo ibe waicb - house. In about an bour after the commitment, ihe husband of ihe woman brought to the watch house his three children, respectively lour vears. two vears. and three week of ase. cond was shivering with cold, while Ihe oldest seemed lo be suffering Irom some illness, and wa perfectly si upid atid inseiirtle". ""The younger ,wa, a ppeaaed when gi ven lo ft moth 1 . . 1 . j rornfortatite I tie eldest grew more iu. ana a , as.. sr J 6 -"t ihysii:ian was the watch. ,he who!e fa;,,,'r w"r" f,' veyed home ll was supposed .bat the .tile girl obtained .he rum during .he absence ol her mother, from bottle left on Ihe sidehoard. Ihe , nled an r ctJ ance. gh,.w ver hai,dMJtne, d td . t fixed in her ,h(.adj (jievelled ringlet about her fdce, her ..nanee pale and cold, as, death, and ihe mother, wIkj should be watching over her, crazy drunk in a cell in the Vet,l room, the scene was most sickening. Boston Traveller, 15A. Cotchiding at St. Joseph Flare up in High LifeCriin. CJm, 4"C-A 8nlle:man (J)J",e ly connected with a inercbaniile esiablishmeiil in our iieTgnboirng city, was discovered by the proprietor in hi private apartments, tampering with hi" Tcotyugal ribi, and genteely cow. -4i4de-dV. i h appears that jhe Wrt P, Flint,' who is a well ediicaied pnystcian, imartinea qr;iiovTO-rvr if .woman,': tntr irusirng n-ici ut," ..... ..,-.. .. , . V .. " Kee? a check tiron all voca SALISBURY, N. C.t THURSDAY APRIL 7, 1853. ry tu mention, and the " greert eyed monster" soon dispelled iiis confidence. Having watched his chance, be Succeeded in surprising the gallant merchant and bia in amorata in raiher an equivocal position, and with an unloaded pistol in one hand, and well selected cowhide in ihe other, he played at his Jaisura-vral (Jalilurni quick itepi," wjjon' his uuresixtiug back. uiiliappy lady whose fcaj india. ereiion lias thus bligtued tbe pns'Hcts of daugh lers, just budding into womanhood, tarnished the honor bt ail unblemished name and utterly ruined her own happiness as well as that ol a confiding husband, is very beautiful, highly ac complished, and blessed with a large family, one daughter beiug snecta'blv married. Saramali (Mo.) Sentinel, "Arrest for oUTnf lhe Mali. On Friday allernoon a man named Fou ua rrwil .1 Newburynoii (Mass.) upon the cburire ol n.b. ""B ,ne ""4" oetween that cnv and Lawrence I, ,l ... , , : . , II seems that Ihe accused had been susnecled 1 ol dishoneslv fur II ITl A I Una II J at nn.i. - ; ! muura rn4fT insitd TO T I pass between Ihe two places failed of reacbine e cmpriieu 10 inne. iratures 110m irve 4 ihir ilu.i;..uii.... r. J 1?. - .1 . ' ral verv uplv nersons. hut all he would he --..,.,,, wii 1 1 luuy a uecoy nacHaire was mailed at I ..au reiirt. lit tr.a tn NJaiuK..,. f " pun, ihe itostmnsters ai each olace beinir in. formed ibe fact. The package was not in ' the mail when it reached New bury port, and j Foy, w ho had t haige ol the maif, was arrested ' and committed lo jail lo await an examination. 1 Ther.artli ihe 12ih insiai j . . . .... ,,,,. j, .... : T loayinineu.nier numl.erollheKarHW, uhich w.,. .iKe.l ....rl ,kr.. I Ti.:. I i 1 t iiiidims I 11m is, we are informed, the Iweniy iih eanh quake occur'riiig as publicly predicted weeks previous by Dr. Chapman within a year, be sides auroras, storm, and various phenomena. Fifteen of these earthquakes occurred, it ap. pears, on the 'precise days f) predicted. Dr. Chapman's Theory of the Physical Cause ol AletetruUg4 Change i pfin.jble and in lerestinr;. Xat. Int. The Flying Ship. The inventor of ihe Aeroporl, ..Mi.. Ridus Putter, gava-loio-eseniogs lasl week (Friday and Suturdai) lo public exhibition of bis ftlatn for aerial looomiriion, i. lustration ij by ..luodel or nviiiiaiure fl ial, or nuiin sii)iorier, of some twetil) three fVeiliiog, and seven or eighl feel ifin.uh tbe middle sec lion, and a suspendt-d car contaitting a diminu lie but auet'esslully working steam engine, whoe duty it is lo furnish power for the guid ance of the machine, Th ttal weij'hl ,l the umlter of the rtiodet is hft'een "'pounds. The mai tiine sailed around the room, evidently gui ded by tho-pftijreliers of the u?pendfd car.. . '"''.-" .. ' -i Russian Plan of Stopping a Runaway Horse, Around ine n...,e s nerk. near the ne. k strap IfcMASifffi ritril wit I, riomina b 'I'.. ' li.t i slip-noose is attached a pair -of reins on gen tlemen's horses gei.erally of silk cord, about the size of a pije stem which always - Htr thrown over the dah board, reudy lo fie seized at once. When a horse starts and becomes unruly, ihe genileniiiii lakes ii ihis cord and ttgbtent the horse's ihroal so I hat be ca tmot itreathe. '1'he "" " nit fur-i-hriie slops- almost instantly,-but he will not (all or kick. Mail Depredations. Frequent complaints have been made ol late of ihe insecurity ol ihe transmission ol moiiev'by mail, and ihe HaJ eijjh papers tnenlion many case o! loss which have occurred within the lasl Ihree "fiiont"hs, "fit the traiisniissiiio ol money tolheni. Hul a more daring cae ufrobliery of the mail ocrnned last week, somewhere between Chapel Mill and Salem. On rriduy nnrnin!, a bundle or pa pers was found in a fih t.ao in New li.'oe ... nr. i-,." ..m!....,!"' creeK, liear i CTutpel' found lo contain nine to various individuals, .with ihe post bills and ' ' I envelopes in which they had been en-; dosed. The r leilers had l.een broken open. ",ld a"cr havmg been rifled of all ibat was vat- liable, were thrown into ihe creek. Th date ol one ol the post bills and the finding of the bundle, renders il certain that ihe rohbery was committed onihe trip down 011. Thursday, and bircircmimatM-n it w boiW.TvWtM deieciion of the robber. Hilhboro' liecorder. " 7"; r TIIE TEUBOBS OF UGLIXESS. The last"'mberr tssiiUui.ia urnt.mUhfU(l ?V mitli. tk. wt r t 1 1 1 i 1 ofMr QenneM of the lJeradi ,t must 1 be conies conlessed that Bennett is not a band- some man. The Louisville Journal pokes fun at his likeness in the following piti less sijle, . There's one thing we will readily admit, and that is, that if Bennett's portrait be correct, he is the ugliest of the Democratic editors. For a while we doubted whether he or a. certain neighbor of ours is the ugliest mortal, but the twist in the eyes of Bennett decided the contest, in his favor. We congratulate our neighbor that there is one editor uglier than himself in the Democratic ranks. Bennett's portrait is terrific. Such a thing ought never lo be painted or dag oerreotyped. It ought to be considered a penal offence' to' make anything so revolt ing to all our ideas of propriety. No man has s right to monopolize so fnoch ugli ness. If Bennett's ugliness could be dis tribuled over a ihousaod facesril' 'would"" make each -of them intensely, hatefully ukIv. He ouglit not to be nermited to go into the Uel without blanket over lihuleirian of whom he had purchase, thai wful4MntisieceN: wodF-w-n of the Newr York children die of'coovuU. ;l i1'--? --tit- ,t j--.- r .1 . injan VJl ii IK rii.r.u-iu.i. jUUCl.uvvLU..ji Mi" .vv,vj. - w KwiifrtnonlttfJet V.V-. DsMM,ut(.tHM vt sari use's llarri If Bennett's ugly likeness were stumped on lir places, the effect would be decided ly badj, for the children would not dare lo go near enough to the fire to keep warm, and would become frost-bitten and per haps frozed lo death. VVe cannot conceive of any reason why anything should be so ugly as Bennett. lie is uglier than a half starved hyena, lie h 'ugliness perfected. There is a iho roughness about his ugliness which defies eompeiition. When Mirabeau described himself as a tiger that had had the small pox, he placed a very ugly idea in every body's mind, but it was beautiful when compared with Bennett's face. When Appelles made his heauty, his Venus, he tnnk an-eye from en wtinra-nos from another, a mouth from a third, and so on , until the Venus was completed in her ! more than earthly beauty. Now. if any L. 1 r i ' II ' . ' . II.- -i Annettes or arwsi 01 anv anne anon, w sn- 1 ' ... .. , . ea 10 niase ir.e most lnaunitaniv nerieci PreseniationglHress.-rre-wWuld not ; - COIH nelled to do would be to irel Be.nnelt's . . . . y. . lace, and Ihe enterprise would be accom plished. ? I heard a good description to day of the efforts of Mr. Bodisco (the Russian Min- ister) lo get his servant into the? lobby of an""p(l ,r- liodisco. nut relied his ser- vant. whereupon the old Kussian got ex ceeuingiy wratny, ana aemanaea dis na mission. " I am de Kussian Minister." said he, 'and titsrv-r is my servant; he mns comn in." " He can't come in," said the doorkee per. " He jntfrr he shall come tn." " No he mustn't, and he shan't come in. " Well, then, I shall see I shall inform Mr. Fillmore T " I don't'eare for that. ; inform and be d d ; Air.' Fillmore, nor Mr, Pierce, nor Mr. Anybodyelse, caTf pass y out man in here without an order from the commit tee." replied the doorkeeper, indignantly. By this time Bod-isco had become out F(rounviiiiiuu3. iir-siuimru.nii,. i.rU. and stamped, and acted like a madman. The crowd began to hoot, and jeer, and it to him, boss F? -na" others saying, "Pnt in America give him fits!" and the.i all hurrahed and cheeFed for " our side." A boy hanging by one hand loa brace of ihe . - - - J . - . ti, crintr erieil nnf. "lies trnt a wnrm in bim. see how he squirms P z. VYbal shallTda wid my coat ?" Asked Bodisco, holding up bis overcoat. " Your coat a not in the programme." replied the dookerprr, and you may leave jt outside," Tbos the war went on for ftome tflne. unlit the Minister went to the comtniltee, and got a written order lo admit his ser vant. The whole scene was exceedingly ludicrous, and afforded no little amuse ment to the crowd ol men and boys that had assembled about the door. - Cor. of the N. Y. lhy Jhoh Blind Harry has Gone Aloft. Henry Finnklin the Blind Sailor, who has been sellinK clRars ,rom s,ePs 01 Pu,"'c hy his faithful dog Jack, who, with Ihe selling cigars from the steps of public , mosl u v"p" ""tniit. -ui 10 ms nin5.r. , , . interest, caught or picked up, the coppers ; of the silver which the curious or tht cbaritatile have thrown to him lor tils charitable have thrown lo him for his master's dependent family.) died Otl Sun- day evening at 9j o'clock, of the disease , with which he has been aflltcted for years : pflSft aneurism of tbe heart. His death , and unfli idling. He remarked to the J writer but a few Imurs - previous. .to his. kih, "I am waiting to go; 1 am all in- the right ptace ; , i t hfltrlw fl-nrwl - A t h n W.TI'1 fr ' h RfltP htfTl- rfarewel(M"saiJ. -rslVaTf be-gtmr before- fa'""" " - - ' you return; but 1 will see you ontheoih er side. Once I was blind, but how 1 see." Hit luneral took place from the .jailors' Home. No. 1.QQ. Cherry !Si reel. New Yot k. A Hint to the Fanner. We may send to England for Durham cows, and to Spain or Saxony for'lhe choicest sheep ; we may search the world over for cattle that please the eye; but unless Ihey re ceive the best care and liberal feeding, they will most assuredlyrdeteriornte, and eventually become as worthless and as Unworthy of propagation as any of the skeleton breeds that now haunt our rich but neglected pasture lands. We remem ber an anecdote in point, -and' will relate it by way ol Illustration A farmer hav ing purchased a cow from a country abounding fin the richest pastorage, upon taking her to his own inferior pastures found that she felhshort of theyiekl whicli he was informed she had been accustom ed to give. He -complained to the gen- to'. or in other words, that she was not What Isohf you" m; ; - 4. - - .-"' - --w.,.- , .- . ...-.-.....j.u,&-'7v... .-.,.-..,X-J-..- u. . : .J?.-!1.-v.v-:,-.r-: j:a.'ia..j-tsA.:.taaaisnto nd -tav lliefn" nut T" HQ NEW SERIES. VOLUME IX-NUMBER 48. C1VIC AMJ RELIGIOUS LIBERTY. Tbe Journal of Commerce gives the proceedings of a meeting held at tbe Broadwav Tabernacle, in New York, on Wednesday evening last, for the purposed of welcoming to this country raiher da VAitu tbt) converted Italian priest, whose addresses against the Papal Church, tie-. Ijve red in England and Scotland, have brought his name prominently be fore the religious world, in the ranks of theologi cal debaters. The house was filled to its utmost ca pacity at an early hour. An eloquent Ad dress was delivered by Dr. Cox, of Brook lyn, the gentleman who is .excoriating Arobbishop Hughes in a fceries ofletiers p'ubtished in'IIWYorlrCm'thelr'cral Ad vertiser. Tbe Doctor said, among other good ibinos. " There are two passages ' of sciiptuit- Unit I love to put together, "D all things decently and in order, and ' VV here the spirit ot the Lord is, there is jlberIy It does not mean tbe inquisition it does not mean the "luxury and splen did entertainments of ihe. Auto de fe Liberty on earth is but a means lo an end an end sublime as salvation, and eter nal as God." We can find room only for the following extracts, from father Gavazzi's Address : He objected to the ttrm "converted priest, and preferred that he might be de as " seceder. lie was not a Protestant in any sectarian sense, and he Wlshed lo be called ralbef by the. name 'Roman Calbolic." '1'rue tiie Papisis of Koine arrogated that lille lo theiiiselves, bul they were justified in doing so. The Koman Catholic Church was ibe most an- Cletlt Church ill Europe.ntld he Wlsll'ed tO .. ,, . . ..' , be considered a Koman Cat holtc of Peter's time,, before that cbuich had become vi tiated and corrupt. As an Italian, said he, 1 disclaim all claim to the title of Pro tectant. 1 do not need any denomination for my country. . In Germany lhe.y are all Lutherans because Germans, in France they ate Huguenots because Frenchman, and in Italy we are Koman Catholics be cause we are Ttairahs. r But the lime Is, fast coming when all denominations will appear when there shall be no more Calvinisi.- nothing but Christians all , (j i, ri st i a ti.j I liii Italy we nave a rage .,,,,, ,i,fi name of ProtestaiU. if voO , preach Protestant doctrines they will fly ou and tlie.reforc if -1 came as a " TVoTeslVnt.IViiould ruin my mission among the Italians. But let nie preach Christi anity as it was in the early church. and my countrymen will listen lo 1 folestant doQ trinevnrwl Prot scf tit finnliments. " ... (....:.. . . . .... n ajid July in each year, tu the President of the Tutted States, and L My mission is to annihilate ropery twocoptesor the tawStoUii'riiiidait-oft4eateTr " l- i O r -bdrcii'M st "xr7ZZZti oTIlieTIoUM: of (, pres. liti.li ve. f. r the use of 1' initre'S. India nOt Only 111 lVptSsn CODnlneS, tlUt among .i,.,, 'removal, resignation, or m. nee rf the jits'. PrntcstHnt enmmnnilies Our greatest enior from the Territory, the secretary shall lie, and he U heri 1 roiesiani communities. uur girnirai t j aulhorjl(.il alii , llre(, , remie , Krforin all thepow- fOf'S are the Papists in UlSgUISe 111 the ? , riv t very strong holds ot l'rolesiantism. unuer me Tens 01 f avvyibm mi ; iv In the lG;h century, Luther and I. alvin protested aginsl Popes and Popery ; but in my opinion, protestation is very little. The protest against Popery is very little. In the ICih century, the abstirdidea was j prevalent that Popery could be reformed But no, it is impossible ! ropery cannot be reformed. Only one thing can reach the root of the evil deslruction and an nihi'ntion ! 'I come to America as many others come. The Priests flow in a greitt stream fr(im c.ermnv: and esneeiallv from Ms- noo(h real,d. And if so many lalse , - w paest&.oflW , comf to preacn my crusade against Po- j an(J tQ prpach ,he rrigioti of Christ among ihe American people. Popery is essentially nj--ti 11st all freedom, and there fore against 'all republics. ' CivTTTiberty isbut apreparatiori ,pr rejigious JibeVtyy anil when a people have ireed themselves from the yoke of temporal despotism, re ligious freedom must follow." IV'iV. Commercial. Gtrtc.hin" the San. In crossing the At IftftUc, sii s. AJtkMsJorJ' 0 Jei,rs Hr?0' we were very much amus.'tl' b'y'Th't?ri-rw-" marks of two verdant sons of the Emer- j aid Isle. U being near meridian the Cap- tain was engaged jn taking Ihe meridian attitude, during wticn process ne was narrowly watched by tbe two before men lioned. At length, their patience could stand inrd longerand one "cried, Arrah. Jerry, what's the captain doing.' 'Whist, Paddy,' replied Jerry in a w hisper, 'he's sthriving to catch the sun in a brass rat trap.' Marrying for Money. A prudent and well disposed, member of the "Society " of Friends' once gave the following friendly advice ; John.' said he, 'I hear thou art going to be married.' Yes.' replied John, 1 arrju.,. Well.' rejoined the man of drabV'trWtve fone liule piece of advice to give thee, and j this is, never to mrry a woman worth more than thoU art. When I married my .W4terJ was - worm J usi y sua. w Khc,vvas wortlij'sj.xtx two cents; and when-. ever a.n valifferen.ee -hs occufed hetvven; Tus"ce; swnas alvva - ,,.,ni- ,r- . . ;4- i . toud.. scrip, draft, hills of rxchn-e, or obb.'stinti, or (trantina; , myt odd shitUng. "-" .... .:;. ' . I A. irfSaviewirt -h tisi tin nxceilent thinfy . ki .iinui tn nid 1 J - " tf""'. ' ' rrnuf Aci Xu. 'M. AN ACT mliliit npnn,rlnti(in f r the uimt f ttie Military Acatli-my f'r the yVsr mains: Hie tbtrtlt-th ut Juu, ln tliuu sand iiclit huudrcil sinl furty-fonr. '" Br it m,i4nl hi tlw ."t-n-i. uiut liiim of RepretmttitirM nf I fotjowinE mm. ltm awaaara .htMcdqu aMmairlaliMt out of Snjr mom'j 111 ni? imurj not iiirf-irt N.Mii in, Unrt of tli MiHUrjr Arjul.my fur the jr-Mrrniting tht thlriledi of Jans, mi thoamnd lrht hamtrrd nrt flfty-ftwr. " For pur of offlerrt. lntrurtor!, ouliftsSliit rnunlcUns, etfth.. j-egto IbooMDd t hundred nil sIxijr-iMx dnlUrs. For commutation of subsistence, two thousand one hundred so4 ninety dollars ; " Fur, furae for officers' hones, nine hundred and slxtjr dollars j For repairs, fuel, nd ftipratu theretVir, fnnice fur puhHe horai and oxen, pontnire, statiiinerjr, printing, and otjirr Inci dental .and eontiiia-ent expensea, twrnl; -nlne thouaaua atshua dml ilud sixty dollars i k ' ' For Increase and exien of the library, one tH'"USnd dnRars; For expenrn of the (xianl of visitors, liiree ttwunand doftars j For cti4etiou of the new mess-hatl, three Uiouaand fire hun dreH dollar-; For st able for dragoon and artillery horses, eight thousand dol lars ; For fnraire for dragoon and euvalry horses, f IsliT fKoojand six hundred and forty dolUrs ; ror oduitionai jmy of rmy dr.nars earn to tne sninier employ. In the ailjutaut's office as ct the two cTilinted m-n esa- plnyed In jihlloaoiitiical ai Bfiy doTIars; For the conwtruction o! and thirty ,MIr. partiiu-nts, one hundred ttousand Uiree hundred -. .Ainvd Jlnrcba,JX PfBLIC J AN ACT to provide conipeosatio i rierttons as may be de- sijciutted by tlie 8ticn-tary of (lie ry to rc;ire and keep the public money, under tbe nft.-eutl, tioii or tin act or sixth for the additional ser- Auirukt, eitrlitei-'u huuiireii and forty -i vices required under that act. Br it rnstrtrtf by tht Srmitr N'f Uvmmof (ViraaAi.iMrss Ow VhUmI HUttrt of Amrrtvt i tvuatv im.i, llialUM depoltorits which have tieen, or lii;,y tie, ileitiiroated by the Sec? , retary of the Treasury, under the ttft'eiilh st-i'.tion of the act of the sixth of Auirust, eiKbtneu huudreil ami lorly-six. lo recelra nayuwuta aud idvM fts'aipts fx flwrlintfiiirts of it"f--i1 f-s uit,li , money from miicellaneouii source, other than the trnuiactlous of the respective offices for which ttn-y are or may be cmimiisidoued, may be. paid in full coniiieiiHuliou for reccit inn, safely k-wuinic, and payinir out su"h public money, after ttie firi-t day of March, eiirtiteeii timidred and forty-nine, nthe rate of on;-half of om per centum for tlie ftrtitone hundred UioummimI dultars ; uui' fourth of one per centum for the second iiVHI dullars-; ami am riirhlh of one per reutinu for all sumtover twohuiiilred 0lJttan4 ibillars. Any sum which may have been allowed I such deawl' tory f'ir rent or any other coutiiifrent exM-Mws iu rrtaMMt to ths TuiMly'oTATiputnTO liwneytietnjrilcn frout such eompeit- sation brfore any payment shall be fuaita therefor : irvtvid Thai uo eumneuaatkMi stutU ISO alk.we.1 tt the abova aervicas when tbe emoluments of Ute othtv of which said deaifcnated da Ki,iinry in in cointninnion amounts to be inaximum couipeasatlofS Ax.kI by law, nor rh iU the amount al&wcd to any of said dei( ualeit iteKi.itorieS for such services, wtiifn mldeil U, the eluolli ineiitu of tlie oftice of wlilch he is ill cii.imil.m, tie more thaa siithcient to make the maximum coi:iiH-iiia.!ioii fixed by law: A iff irari'.W, fu,tiw. That the wltsde allowauce to any dcsis Mahal (I. p ,sitory for Uch services shall not exceed flftecu hun dred dollars ir annum. v Va i. And lie U 'urOuir MirfW', That the sum of twenty thousand dollars be, and the sains is hereby, aipropriated to meet the allowance which may be made under the provisions of tliix act. Approved March 2, CTPi ai ir An No. SO AN ATT to establish Hie Territorial lioverninent of WahinrUm. Br it rpiftn hi Vr Srmttr unit HtHM of li?ltrrenittHtrm qf tn t 'liitni SUltri ftt Awrrird in 'mtyrrm u-mJJnl, That from anil after the im-tage of this aet, ati that portiou of OreS' Territory lyinp and Mnir S-otliof the forty-ninth decree of nortll l-ititude,' and north of the mi. idle ut the uiiun channel of the Cu ttimbia river, from ir- month to wtiere tb-fory-)isth 4eSTeal moth latitude rro-es naid river, near 1'ort Walls, thence with said forty -ivth decree of latitude to thewlmnilt of the Kocfcy uiouiitaiiiA. lie oriramsist into and rottjtir'la teniporary irovens- ynt, by the name ,.t the T.nitory of aK.iiiirt.n: J''"'l' i That nothlnir In this act eontatn.fl shall rVecotHtruedtO aJrecttlw authority of the'Oovernnient f the l iiit.fi tutes to make any regulation resiiectlng tbe Indians of said. Territory, Uvelr lands, property, wr- uther- riirbts. . by . trimly, .la"b ot otherwiae, whicll rt -wrntM'hare been competent- to -the ,ioverniiien1 to wmwe-lf Otis act bad never la-en pai-sed : I'l irriitnl jm Uirr, that the title to the land, not exceeilinjr iv liundrril and forty acres, now occu pied as missionary utatious amotiir tbe Indian tribes in said Ter ritory, or that may have been no nceu.l'ied as mtsrionary stations prior to the act eptahlbdiiua- the Territorial ruttrnmMll of Or. it"n,ti(etheT WItti lite lmiroyiineiit-i thereon; W," and is hereby, C"litirm. .l and eiubli.lieil to Uie several religious societies lo which naid tuiaionary station, re-iaf-tively belonif. rc. S. Awl I U fin tlirr ew.ii bff. That ihe Kiecutive power and authority ill and over said Territory of Wanhing-ton shall u teated In a govern.if, who shall buMTtk rifBH- for fiiur years, and nnr.itnf .uei-i ji.ri.hall lai apnuluUd auu qualified, UUluasSUOnejr . removal by the Jresidcnt of tlie I'nrtrd htatus. Thw (roTCTnor shall renide in aai.l Territory, ahall lie the coiiuiianiler-in-chlef of the militia thereof, shall -rtorm tlie duties and receive Uis emoluuientf of iMfrioteiiileut of Indian Atfiim ; he may graut pardouM and remit lines and forfeitures f r utrcini.'S aaitiHt ths laws of- said territory, and rei-pites for oflioers against thS laws of ibe l ulled Stales until the decision of tlie President can la made known thereon; lie dall couuui.t. .nail ouicera who shall he npK'iutfl'to office under the laws of said Territory, where", by ' law, such commission., al:ll be rciUired, and slull take care that . the laws tie faithfully executed. isrr. . A wt tir it further rmrrtrt-. That then- shall be ee rectarv of ariid TerriWv...w.liO hall. icsiilc itULrdli iitui ;hnW Ms .. t.lli.'e for four years, tinlese sooner reti.-n ed by llie President of the I niteit States ; IteVhall record and j.: i ve all the laws and prifecdinjrs ..f the Legislative Asi.tl.i.v bcreiuuflvr cmatltuted, ami all tile acts and iruccelil!i!. of lite 1r.1vern.1r lit hisexecullra . d.-iartinent ; be shall transmit one copy of the laws and journals ol, tlte Legi-latjve Assembly aitluu thirty d. ys uft'-r tlie end of TPach session, ami oue copy of the ex-cuS e pris-eedinifs and oln- I cial correstKiudeuce semi-aunuallv u tlie first lUys of January ers ami duties of the governor dm inn such vacancy or alisenca, - .or ,,nt,l another -governor sltail be duly apiatuitial ami alialifled. to fill sucn viiciiiicy.. . A.mi.ltUvti.fmiah T' le,tlstatlr power , . ,Borhv f T).rrUor; ry sliiiil tie vested m a igisi.irtve Assembly w'liich shall consist of nvotlncil nnd House or Rrnre- Sb-nuiUwji. The Comicu khall consist or nine tueinbers, hnvlng the iptutiticatioiis of voters, ks liereinaftcr pn-rerilied, whose terra or nervier sIkiII ooiilinue three years, immodwiteiy aner tney shall W- aeeeinbleil, in eomMiuenoe -of their flr-st election, they siioll be divided ;in eqmilly a- roit v bo into thn-av ehtsses. The snits nf tlie member, of Conned of the flr-t r!v at the e.pir:iti"li of the ttr-t year, of the s-c niratioii of the seenud ver, and of the. thir.J ti.m of the ttiird y.iir, no tl.:lt olle-tliird uui year; and if , Hcancies li.tppen, by redfri.atio! imnie Mlia.ll bt- tilled ut tlie. ta-xt enillos eh-'-t lleuresi-iitative.-. tiatl, at its fir-it e-.-ion eou.-i bers, iofte?illi.- the same , ll:,! i ttcitl ion- as pre hers of the Couneil, mid who.-e term of serviee ! year. Tlir uuuiKfr of reiiewirtatrve. may hi- U-ttiiattve As-einbly, from time to time, in .rOi' creuM: of .jUalifit d voters: 'rorirt"ty That the shall never ex.'ee I llih-ty. An apji !Mtni.eiit nearly erttat as nractimViIe, amrf;' thr sevr ttttaltned vnti'ra, ax wntm--mMgJtli(i ns;ttieB,Tiers of the to.ih.suu.M,W-Uie.'lvrUorv-.-rtfMMeiHuaUun4n-tli Cuimeil and or the House r l(epre'Utntiv es .1:iH restirc ttt, im he inhabitants of the distrlrt or county, or rountlrs, for which IIR'V lllay l' tltHtlHI JrTeVrt?;"' .th!,; they may lie elected reflectively, ri-evimn to tlie flr.t election .ciuue .a-ceiuotit or tunuieruuon 01 tlie inuaui. voters of the .-evera! comities nnd districts of the Ciovernor shall de. iirnate am! Hi-potnt , and the persons ao ry to e taken t.y sttrlh n-r. ons unit in sucn mow sa ( l -v s i II '1 yll be vacated nt the ex I the expira- fL l.iacn ve.rj iii licrwlse, the iV lie House of teen niem- -t nue one ti I by the A the in 1 luuinber III fiaile, as 1 ro t or dls tmtA is, tasia MAjLliunf ila iiii.iiiited shall receive a rrinionaHe roniiien-miion ttterefor. And the lirsl election shall lie held at such time and places, and. be conducted In such umiiiietboth a, to the .er.mis who shall siiieriiileiid such election w4 the returns Ih.s-eof, as the flotr- ' emor nhall aieiint and direeffand he shall nt the same lima doMfte the- nwmber.nf uieinben. of the Vmicil and Home nf Hep-re.-ntatives to wliicti eaeh of the e.Mrintie. or ditrlcls tdiall been- .OrleitBrirtes-tjriy iw aSS4-Mriwn'wpi pive at least -ity dayn' previonn roti.v of such aplHirtionineut, and of the time, plac. n, mid manner of hoMinst such election.- The person fist iiiir the liieliest niiinher of hual votes In each of said Council dlstrh tufor tnenibersof IhelViiiicil shall be declared ' by tht" tinvemnr tn t-dirry rtrxted trr Itm entrarH,-anrl the pw ' son. havlnit the htehest niunber of k'frol vol. for the HuuM of HeprewnUilivos ahaii ba doclamd by. tlw . AAuxi)UHX..IlJbLjb)l ... elected meiul.er- of said House: I'rurf'lnt, That in ciise two or - loMee perMHts voted for hhsll itiive ttu enl tiumbur of vuta, ami - (neeneH-vm-iilicy shall otherw iiw oe-'ttr in either branch of tha l.eri-lalire Asseinhly. the Governor ehall siahaututm- ehaiUua ud-lltl.'ion1hii electeil to Ihe l.eislatie Asseliibly shall "meet at sitcfrfilitl'r altW m laahiiiaMU iiM,.tiliiy.at.iieli election, a. the llovernor slutll nppoiut. but thcieaftcTilWtiniap place, and manlier ot holdinir n. cotiibicliiiif all elections by the lleopl.', find tlie aiMirliuliuK tlie. repre-tlltalioli iu the several roiiuties or districts to tlie Couneil and House ol Kepreseutativw accurdilut Ui the number at iii;ililied voters, ,hall la- prescribed by law, as ell,as Ihe day of the commencement of Ihe reinuar sosiou of the Lcjti-lnlitc Assembly : '"'.. , That no arasiaS) , In any one year shall exceed tlie term of ity days, except the , CJt A.-!s?.in, wliich shall not exceed one hundred days.. Hit. S. .tin' ( it t u. th.r en.K tW, ThaUtery bite male la- . bbitlrtre tlie.re--4e4sJyars, ilWAU hV4tba - a resident of said Territory at the .time of .the inspire of this set and liatl sess tlie uualitirntiuli hereinafter precrild, shall la- entitk-d to vote at the first election, and sliH lie eligible lo any oltlce within the Said Territory ; but the i,inli!lcallou3 tif Totals and of holdinir oHlre ut all subsequent ektiotia' shall be such as shall be-prescfibed by the litisUtivr Asaciubty : J'toci'M, That the rtitht of stitrraiie ami of holdius olbce liall be exerciseil,only 1 by citizens of (he Cliilwl Slab ubove the Hue of twenty on ., ..I H l,ve that aire oho i-iiaU luive declared on oath ' their intention to become such, aud shall have bikeli an oath V, suMni I ihe Conatitution of the tnited Mate aud tlie provishiua of thw-acf: Ad ptutiiied jm-Uttr, -1'tuM. no 6c, .iS-iMkr, seiiman. marriner, or other htmii in the army or navy of tlie I'nited BUtes, shall be allowed to vote in said- Territory, by rea son .f beinir ou wrvice therein, utile slsai.l Territory is, and ha been for the period of sin mouths, hi jiei uianetit douiicll: iVo ri'iiit htrthrr. That no nrou bclon4iii to Ihe army or navy of Ihe I' tilted States shall ever lie elected to or huld any-civil offlca or apiHiiiitiueiit in said Territory. far. 6. And Im it further eiuuM, Tliat tic- legislative power -of the Territory sliuli ex'tend to all riKhttuI sutecta of tegislntlon not inconsistent with the Constitution und laws of the Lulled ' isute. llut no law shall be pa d inierftrinff with the primary dioal of the soil; no tax shall be iiniiosed upon the property o( the I nited Stales; nor shall tlie lands or other property of nou.resi lciils be Uixed higher than the land or other property of re-ideuui. All the. laws iasscd by the. l.y lU-taliv? Assembly shall lie submitted tn the t'onirresa of the luifld ftatos, ami ir disap proved, shall lie uii!l and of no effect : 'I V . "'fe . Tt'iut nnthio h, tbhvaet ha4t lw-onetnied W irive power lncor"ran balt or Any institution with banlciiiR prtwer, or to narrow motley in : the name of tlib TtrrtUiry, or to phnige the fafth of- the people of ihe same for any loan whatever, dlrretty or Indirectly. So char-- ter irrantinrany privikifl-Sol maklliy, iwihiis. or pumnu mm t'giy::'ir:i?'a SM-iwiHWwt.iiS ini,.n ml I a SisHwrltir'" awwWw' - awww wKaU I-tTT' A wfTTlKty . . toroti jjawlatwast -. - ; i "."ri-. tw-p- M.T,UsriCUt)l Ji:.nTRm .4 i.? ; t- at-S 'V''"; ; i Umi l-' r-i&i??- -' w."4sttwxuwBMeeimiis .;..-iW-s-iiffr-"t': ,i'uiclafwsyii'm WWlei iysi.is isst-fciiiwiMsi i '" I'll' HI' raVWaHWllWl asamiWi-iii 'AuiitfiViirtsasfi