.1 I. 11. Ulwiaire J.l- li 1"', ' Hi ilufr 8" ili:i!l be p:-ividvi b' til il c.atn;y f-'t- vi tt"l I. i,.. -l'(ir ..i.tl.-.l in Vai.Uuve Ai-ml.tf f II.,- Terriinry ot H ..ntui.fciou. t,-Uta". Am,'r -1.01 tv.U nr b sppolaleJ w .nfofflc. whl-a snail save erte.l, w " " .la al nave ba iueraased while lit war. cu.ber. .Pr Us. Ursa for t,kls U -s elected ,fV biratlua f mkIi term; tral U rwtrtcUoo shall nol b appliciW JnJVtrU-aav .an-. 2 aha Im s member On AsaemUjr, r shall VTj i . j, .Aa Thai Um Judicial powerof mmU TrrtK7 (hall t wasted ia wproM t courts. aeutaM www ana ta Jue. I chief iustto ml lw eaauri.le J " au h. dividual into Oiree judicial rtBtrtets, an a tUMrm mmn lint C kJuia-ck W aaiU OWncti lbe Jts-Uee. of . "vdvresiAVin lh duVrku .htch rtU be a-HT-ed V" kUetioTof Ik. several e-.ru herein pruviOeJ f". h Mpe- lTtlrpe, aUbew mlleJ by U ; '-to, Tl.lju.lle laid MqHfMimwnH eery m veil aa cuuiumo Ihejuogr uiaroui, aaan liter lu cnaneary, uaa cimrl uiiijr be lielU. Denb. tliali be alluved iliitrict court to the ui! - be nraerlbed br law; t court (hail trial by Jury eeart, er Ike Juueaa ererr derk (ball buM which ha ihaU hare t freaa the flual atorieioi I J 1 VT.it 1 ' it foa Aactt aieinci court, wr bo ihall alM be till re(- ; at the uiitoe where the bille of excepUoB, and wp- the anal toctioiu of aaid uniler luck reKUlatioru at may remoirrd to trie tupreme fallowed in aaid court. The eupreiue f, ihatl aiipnlnt lt ciera, " a at the pleawre of tha court foe Wriu of error, and appeau f Lid lupreiae court, ahall be allowed. aad ui be taken to De eupreme eoun ute -"' ", the earn, manner and under the earne rrfulauooa ai rrom ue circuit court the United Statee, .bee. 'J".f ifil V, or the amount In oetroTeree, 6 M "Tt.jT l?aU ir amrmatl. of either parly, or other cwP u ' ucwed two thotuand doilara, and n aU row wher. the Co-ti'u-Mo. of the United Sut", or eu of Coofn-a, or a treat, o ( the United sute.1, hrt-urht in ueaUon ; juid each of the aaid , d Irict court, ahall hare aud eaercife UiW aame JurUidicuon In all iJmmLimt under the eowtrtutlon the t'nited State, and the ... f JdT.rritory, a. I. realod In the cirvult and dutrtcr couru ml um t',utd Slate.; wriu of error and appeal in ail auck caa ahaH be mad. to Ute nuoreoie court of aaid Territory the " i ather fue. Wriu of error and appeal, from the ""'.df alom of aaid .npreme court ihajl be allowed, and mar be taken to th. Supreme Court of the I't.iod H.l. iu the aauw manner a. front the circuit curl, of the Lulled u.lei, where the value ef the Prolierly, or the amount la eontroreriy, idiaU "oeeU two tbouund dollar.; and each of aaid dirtriet cairU ritaU he and eirrr.M the aame juriliril.m, in all caae. arWn under .the tuu tilution atHl U.i of the I'uited SUtea, a 1. voted lit the crcutt hI dLlrlct eouru of United State.; and ala. of all ca. .ruing aader the Lt.. aaid Territory, and olherwiKL The ahaH receire in aU each owe. th. aanie lee. which the the diuict couru of the Territory of Oregon receive for uiailar "ZaTltt. t4e nwcfed, Th.t there -ahall Wap pointed an att-ney for .aid Terrify, who akaU eonunue m of Sc. for four year, and unUI ki. auceemor akaU be apradnied and aaaliiled, unleai aooner remored by the rre.h-ut, and who ihali reeaire iheVame fee. and aalary ai l 'provided" I by law for the al- ,j ,i. i iu-.i stle for ihe T. rrltory of Oregon. There ahall al... be a nian.ll.tl for the Territory appointed ah hold hi. office for four year, and until his ucccor .hall be ap pointed and qualified, utile, sooner removed by the I resident, and who -Ji-ll execute all .roceaaee iiwuing from the awl eouru riaiii. their juriMeUoo a. cir.uit and uiatrici coui u ted Mate.; he .bull perform the d.uV., be .ul,.t to eeulation and penaiUea, and be enUtled to the aatiK . provi.u-d by law for the i.iarah.l of ihe Territory of ben etterrt.!., their JurMcti.ui a. cir.uit and diatrlct court. ml the I'nited Ktate.: he .ball perform the delir, be .ul.t to Ihe aame r-, Orwion, and .hall, in ad-iitjon, be paid the .am of two hundred . dollar, annually ai a eonipeuanon lor eatra IM!r' Hao. II. Amdbt mtrllr eui, That the goiernoe, ee retary, chief justice, t aciHte JnjtKT atiH?y, and mar akal, aiiaU be nominaVian.1, by aud with the advice and conient e the Senata, api.lflteTby the Preaideut of the I ruled Slate.. The uovenior and Secceury, to be .iwmtcd aforell. .haU befcra they act ai auoh, respectively take an oath or aftirntauou before lhedf.lrictiu.lge, or ne justice of the peace in Ihe limiU at aaid Territory duly aumonacu io aununuuei Man. by the law. in force therein, or before the chief justice oe P" 1 """ I"" ''"r- .... , , M'. AH'I WilMivr.."""', uoitih'd by tbe I'reri.tvul by '!! n ' t !U ..S'i,-.-rM to b tp- i.n k-e and rnnvnt of ti.e Ik-iiate, lor the Territory ot VYahirift.u, who, by virtue of the .1. L. of I'.iiitfreM now e&ititiv. or which maybe enacted during the preaent at'iaion of Coti(re., are required to give aecurily for money, th.t may be entrusted with them fordid bunctneut, ahall five aecurity al auch.Unw aiul place, and Inl auch manner, a Ihe Secretary of the Treewry may preacrlbe. -J hue. ). Ad U frtkr nat tni. That when the land, of aaid Territory ahall be aurreyed under the diretlon of the orem meat at th United aaawa, pt.parat.ry to brlfltg ihaaama to. to market or otherwiae di. poring thereof, .action, numbered aix teen and thirty-ail to each towiuhip to aaid Territory .hall he, and tha aam. an hereby, reeerred hit the awrpriw of heinf ap- plil ta eoaunon aefcooia in Mtd Territory. And to all caaea where aaid .action, .ixteaa and thlrty-aix, a either or any of tbeni ahall be occupied by actual art tier, prior to eurvey thereof, the county eooMiamioner. of th eountle. ia which aam aection. a t .n II. raid OCCT pled M aittreatrW ar artaated-, beaeat br wy. f .e.urenal!je Jl??" 'H thoriaed to meal ather land. Io aa equal, amount in aecMane or fractional aectiooa. a. the eaa. may be, within their reipecUv eottntlea, la lien of aaid aeetion. mm aeeupUd a. aforeaaid. Sac. M. Andbil fmrVw hxlcUd, That th Territory of Or egon and Um Territory of Waeninirton .hall hav. concurrent Jn ruuiiclion over aft oaTeuce. committed oa th Columbia river, her aaid river form, a catiuusn boundary between aaid Terri tory. ' " "'- -approved March i, . . (PcaLK ar-Hu. 81. AS ACT authoriiing the Selectmen of the town of Chelae, In the Itat of MaaaachuKUa, lu lay out and make a way on land, of 111. United Slate, in aaid town. B it ewxKttW by tte lttn.it ami Boh of RepmuintnUtum of Me United SUiUm c AnuiHea In Ottrea. ammemltUd, That th .elect men of the town of Curiae., in the State of Mamachunetta, o, and they are hereby, authoriied and empowered to Iky out and make a way or ureal, not exceeding Bfty f-el in width, over Ihe land, of Ihe United 8tate, ituate.i iu Cheuea, in aaid Com uwn.eaith, north if the nutrlue hiwplial; Mid way or Street to Copn.-cl the eat end of Third .tree! with the et end of Middle ei ureet, in the Tillage of Chelae. : PtvvUM, That ald right f way can, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Treawiry, be granted without prejitdlc to the public lutereau ; and if hereaf ter aaid way ahall be diKoutloued, the rig! it hereby granted ahaU rarer! to the United State.. Approved March , luM. Pi w-ic Act So. S3. AN ACT proTidlng for adminialering the oath of orace to William R. King, Vice Preaidenl elect of the I'nited State, of America. Br tt rmleil fy tkf SfifUf ,lwl otwr of RrprMtnUlUtf of Ue .'ef fcleViwWm (ningremiiKfnlM, That Wm. L. Sharkey, who wa appointed Consul of the United Stale, at Harana, be and he la hereby authorised to administer at Mara aa, or any other place in the Island of Cuba, to William R. King, Tic 1're.ldent elect of the United State, of America, the oalh of office prescribed by the suth article of the Constitution thereof, on Ibe fourth day of March nei, or some subsequent day, In the iullowing term., to wit : " I, William R. King, do wdemnly swear that 1 will aupiHirl the C.ni.tilutlon of the I'nited State..' Which oalh when fhu. adaiinistere.1 II .hall he the dnty of the .aid William I,. Sharkey, and he is hereby required to certify, un der hi. hand, to the CongreM of the t'uited State. Sac. . And bt it ftirVwr tmtrM, fcy th authority afore aat.f, That any judge or magistrate injhe t'nite.1 State, of Amer ica may administer the oath of uffice afuresbl to the Vine I'res ident elect on the 4th of March next, or on ome day sulwequcut thereto ; and the officer before whnm the aame shall be taken i. hereby required to certify the administration of the said oath a. Is hereinbefore provided. Approved March , ISM. PrmtH; Act Xo. 88. AN ACT1 to amend an act, entitled An act lte amend an act to settle and adjust the expenses of the people uf Oregon from at tacks .nd httill lie of Cayuse Indlaus In the year, eighteen hundred and fort- seven and eighteen hundred aud forty eight," nnmwrl August twnlv first, riehteeii hundred nlrd fiftV two. ft, it mmartrit bu tlie Srmltr ilml Umute a! BntfrafuMirn of th Ciiitnf SUitf of Anwriiif, in lonijre avumilM, That- Ute Secretary of the Treasury pay. outoiuie appro priation men tions! in the act " to settle and a.ljut the expenx-s "f the peo ple of Oregon from attacks and hostilities of Cayuse Indians in theyeRnieigliteenhuiMlr.il and forty-seven ami eighteen hun dred and ftirty-rlght," air..veil February fHirteeHtb, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, th. funis found" due and attr.wtst by Com missioners Waft and Itlce, and by the tforertror of Oregon. Approved March 3, l&A. AJtWOITIOS to provide for straightening the eiticTn houn ry line of th naval huapitsi land, at Sew York. Rrtoilrnl tit th Sraat uiut ilmm of ReprtmnUiiiru of the Vnitfl HUitm of Ameriea in 1 Vmyrr amemMfd, Th.tt the 'i i.t- as. ;.!.:. .I i .' sun', have no (IfMie ir be hurt, havn no Jmi r l'r Hit riotorit-'y w bicb tbt-y lift re ncbifvca. J'bey are quite too modest to court pub licity. Tbey do most of their business -by Btealiri," and although they cannot be naitl laJLblUkh they begin to tremble to "find it (atmt--PrQvidence JourriitUL, - TIUESDAV LVK.M.MU, 1PBILT. 18iV STEALING GCX)DS. s Wa find tbe following statement in the We trost that the railroad officers will use evry exertion to discover tbe thief fir thieves : . i " A few' weeks ago one of our mer chants when opening his goods just re ceived from Charleston, per railroad, found that many o( tbe boitei had been, opened and about two hundred dollars worth Mo len from them. Where, or on which of the three roads over which they were transported, the robbery whs committed, cannot now be determined, as tbe thief very ingeniously hid bis transaction from being discovered, by the manner in which he performed bis work, as the boxes, when received, had no appearance of having t I i iifura. rrasa If ai At k..i If .nr,.,. tht the hooDin ' of D.rectors, Mr. John Davidson was ap- around tbe dry goods boxes was cut by a pointed President. sharp instrument just under the corner. i 7 f h upward direction, so that the incision j Magaune of Art. The April Wo. 01 wna bidden by the upper part of the cut j this Work has been received, and far ex hoop covering it. Some boxes having j cee,jg any previous number both as it re no bands were evidently opened by a .,mm -nfj the execution of its It is truly a rich affair for tbe price. It is here lor inspection. Corrtet . An rro occurred In ah kit. a., of Incognito," in the 36tb line from ihe top- of fhe eond coluinn, wtwre tt rf 'id,whe Bible eiprcly for bid ibw kind", of wine which cium rw.lrt. le niion," Slc. U bottld reid, - which einie woe, r- row.- te. - : v :, ANNUAL MEETING PLANK ROAD COMPANY-!.- I .. 1 The annual meeting of Ihe stockholders of the Salisbury and Taylorsville Ilank Road Company, convened at Statesville on tbe 4th instant. An account of the proceedings of the meet ing has not reach ed us, except the election breffieeft. Wff learn the following gentleman were elect ed Directors: JOHN DAVIDSON, of Iredell. S. R. BELL. E. D. AUSTIN, of Rowan. Wm. MURPHY. D. A. DAVIS; At ft subsequent meeting of the Board rhiitpl. as indnniMtinns from that instru nont ti'ors. nluir.li' nean tvhrf it WM forC- i engrftVIOgS, " ' .... J - - ed between the lid and the box. -We do not attach blame to any parti llirrrliutila' tilt lili'ot cun Oe true vmcn .. . I. ,. ,: ' ri.it AO h. .' t.ow vi the C'.niii'uiiy tiiH-n not toKW ; 1' IL1.MORK. irul lf U18 Blld rouuo-e , 1. 1.. I in: . Of i it-11 1 w nV (jf J I, otie died irul ot Uuous anu i'"."-- tv:il- 1' . t, . 1 .t- "'"up, rry inatauce will bo charged Jit WllUrd S hotel, I.I ,, Citv, a j . ' ; six years. ll) atrale the charaetor of, Wf,,;r.. - I yeHterdnv rr,,.. r .1. i.f liiaulS aim , . ...... 1, , . , . .. i '"'Jil l' and when " atoraire in c.ci fler pna week" at the deput. Hnt taka a caae to illuatral mo cnarwc.w. . T " If.- r.. . .... .x (art. ripped lot of Drug;u, &0. b, CbiiMM. Colam- , e( lbe ,ae fo, Lemu aniAl.i. 1 1 1 hi. ..id'charlotter-At that tim. food, were A I .f r-r--, P,W Vt Elibix- Hi Private enl at Chiile-mi WJi tra, . .t- a vriane waj j,, notifv him oa the arrieal of the rmdafr.iin New Xors, he C(b n8U,t W,J, hroncbi.t i. a orof hieh.inj ferwwded them by I" ; .s ' - - " -Mftsk M. 1.. - aa lk aaiftiM tian DRil . I If III III B.I1H IUIVi. W fl If CI tajav. nexor. lhre or lour ww s r 0 7 ",v" -ni noon L A. a . .1 iMK.iu in ai law w.v.u - . i .1 j-n a li .... . travil.r to Uetiffia eaw uiera ..-.i. jt..j: f '. sscHTTiwu au.-., - --- - - - . . cu wnu a auuusitlll UI waif r a . il.. iln.j aa tus rxuaed. and drodped a line to tne , rr , t ( owner hereTinforrai.. hitn W the fait. Off fHeTeeeiptvT- M disease WAS tout formed which f. I 7k- 1- avaa dteoatched with inetrttcoone to . . . . UICI hire waeeuoeon Uie,road end bnnf furwrdtheaoo wn a- u 'L-,", .HI. the arrival of thie agent at Ehne. he '7dtf,h thai affection could suggest and. StTSfSLr W.ttTwneX thizing community offer w, mos.( And received the an.wer irtbe ur. wenw ..- ay rentiereU to tne BUHerer. anv thinw nhuut tliein. tell him to Come and eee. ll.niej ,u L l .fefiiMH-. The coropanie. on .... or uereaved f.mt, J ttuciiy announce mat wey wm . ii irienus a inosi wormy and esiimal.l. i thai fact ael'aoi ewlade etNnnw wtme., - , J """"ertji ter a while .he waggoner called for the good., and the racier ; meeK, unosientalious, gentle packageewerealldehveredtohtm (ie.Ao.W'W dignified, she adorned verv" r.l a" .... . 1 embiti cord tl ed,) with the exepption of one hogehead or t ware, which altlMugh il omld have been eaetly broagtil, wriicn SDO SUSlainffJ; an aflectlonale WifJ .....L.,l ...H ha.l t.. h aent lor Blterwarua. nun . t...-r t . "1 WM VTWSMmf " ' , a tender and dutiful mm! amianie anu oeioved Iriend. She endured the distress of her ...i.l ..: .: . Willi BHisumr imiiriice anu Uncomnl.J here ia a copy of the bill of Freight paid on thie lot trt Goode, at the time of delivery : " Received. July 20. 1853, of R. Bailey, eixty-lhree dollar 25 c.e on Act. of 8. II. Pa. Freight at Ebener. (Signed) IL F. BaoacM, Agt." w. thai ikna wrhn in in the habit of chip- !n fur t ! t lit !. remainine Dine; bv the we of Wilmington and Fayelteville, will j - Ml EL .y. UiaTdel f th. TfrT. Freijt Bill ! Did r sens.ble till very near the ta,,.- Sh. J any btiy ever ee euch a Freigttl bill before! Yet that jrefJ at 9 o'dock A. M.. without a rtJ ie all that wae ever rendered. It te hugely eatfrfy ! , uioul rcJ Tbeowuerof the Goodedoee not know whetder it w too gie or n Kronu, surrounueu oy ber much or too litUe ; and a. no wetghie not ,"'"; " , ed family, in hope of a blessod imJ wivn. it hi imrwMMibla for anv bodv to tell whether I. te j ' w iinmof right or wroug. And ia it expected that bueineae men ! tallty. arc to be contented with euch management f Are they to rpmainS will be taken in n l met with the accMtionKK,'"h'nt,,'yoPen I rtmaxns Will De isken to Bafi; their lip against inch dealing! Tooormmd the tnoat for interment. perfect cfHitratliction to (he 'chafifa of "rejarf'ce hi found :.. .u. c it... ni;ihaii.nrlinc thst troubles, vexation. I ... ... it ........ - .. . h l'-i.,,.,...- . - ..- '...-. . . u. 1 r 1 1 1 1 r rr, 1 ICII n.im.mm im Sailmhurv. Our merchant are aelling 1 ., .1.:. rui. manv of ihetn atill eonlinue to eliip cular road, but that it was done while the i off their new ltuckl rtm(,,a!y. Tiie daily eale of one B,KHj, ,hat way. But how much they r u bear be- ( ,Be above melancholy evenl, he j good, were incharge of one of them, there HouM the Urt thre. week., have ranged from 500 . they n wj,r on , 1 dr,8S.d to Mr. fiLLMoufc the followiJ mWm.C AAA . . I 1 . a . 1 . . I a It i . - . 10 J,ew. I Itoad to the East, we believe will tw Uie atgnai tor um . jjj ejter Since writing the above, we have learned from one of I diacoiitiuuance, and if Ihnt re.ull may ue naiunwy ea th. Proorietors. that on verdtiy, the tm. House m4 peeled to follow that ,v.l,lwith' what i.yw.ll . be gnnda to the amount of $5,000. is no doubt, ami it should be the duty of the officers of each to institute strict search. Ami. it nosMible. find the delinouent. That " I - J v , this aqt shows a culpable want or care j somewhere, there can be no doubt ; and, each rond. Io absolve themselves from all blame or suspicion hereafter, should place faithful watchmen at all the depots, or at ! whatever point freight is necessarily de tained on the road." Chariest! Market. CHAaLraroM, April 4, 1853. seized upon in view of the troubles of which they now Executivk Mnios, March 30, 188. Mv Daaa Sia : Information ban utt retcM m . . 1 . . . j . complain, and the senseless cry 01 P"Jua'"- . .. the desth of Mrs. Fillmokk. I beg ou Ui.ccea J W, in irlit enumerale other caaes: we might detail , . , ,. ' "xtiM ! il...., .r,.....lr. weniirhtraititraatlheR.teeof freight ' "".'""I 1 . .. r . .. ".. ... .L .1 o iki. rearetiifiH. reach Borer Plastered up Having in hv vviiitunoriitn tirni r a v ft LP vine wiin uir iv.ty- mi tn m. , a , r.k i 95ft hate, at 10a a 1 1 1. 1 . ... . .i.'i a '.n ;. N ia ahnota 1 ,,,U,"B " ' "mpainr, M.y ArrlVtrUi OHIOVirci" aaviivae ' - , enUUrn UI UerilCTia lliai it, win .v mm..j 1 York. New Yerk Market. l.r-t.l V.v hnrpr.u. esneeiitl! v in the forks of ' iby the laws in lorce therein, or nelore tne t.iei . , a . IK, rN-, h,K. thnrieJ and emDowere.1. in ' ' .. r ' saawjciateiusUceMf the Suj.reme t wrt bf in. t-niumie., , to carrr inte fun effect an arrange, its limbs. 1 be-)Zan to CUt them OUl. JStlll toWMnrtUie Constitution of U,( Utel S;,,","" ' ment made with the eotennlnus proprietor, wherehy .certain ; . . , ft nrl,,10n to be Oer- ladisehare the dutie. of their respective cWwtuch Miaoa la btajnAiry of the lami. of the naval h.pilal I WaS alraltl that ttllS Operation. IO De per .i.i.i .i.aii rrtifie.1 bv the nerwin before wnom tn k .. . , . ; . ., . ,,. . 1 . , . 1 . 1 . : ,L. - - - , -K.n lu. m-M,. St ,vv lorsiisiriirnicnni, as win iuiri j ' - -eata. ahilt l-ve been taken iand.uctctc.t iUnU he rce irUn ,J r.,r run- .n4reorde,l by the aaid secretary among tta -f. fh nine the aaid line on the twenty-i(rth of November, eighteen eecdinirs; and the enter justice ana JJ""""-; " hundred and forty-eltrtil, and approved by the Secretary of th er dvll officer, in said Territory, before they 'u' "V . Nlvy on o.. eighteenth of Deeetnber.eleliteen hundre.1 and forty ..... - ut 1. ... nr.. 4u.fi.rv t h aaid eovernor or secre- , .... r ... ... . 1 . : . . - tary, or Mm judge or justice of fhe peace alu-Tit an trial Vltnnni BDT ueruntarr jHi'i'irrmnni inrai iirc imi . C 7. u T..r.h; .mr! ! or the other, Ute slip, of lawl on tlw Klth and wet side, of said Z-ZZ .uJ.li o ; Une, according to aafal ;Jn. ilifttt beftwue the.onif rty "I the 1 111- and mo much on the other side as now bekuirs 10 tne I'nited H tales shall beoome lbe property of the abutting proprie tor, reapectlvely. ipprored Slarcn x, isvi. asae he riulv emanirwloned and qualified. . . . ........ .n..,. aaatsOB anau oe ceninea anu iruiu., fj, f and ted State. same, 1 tne secretary, iokbj mm " . ,, afterwards, th like oath or affirmation shall retaken, certified, and reconied tn such manner and form a. may be prescribe by law. The (iovemor .hall receive an annual salary of fifteen bun drd dollars a. tjovernor, and flfveen hunilred dollar, as uper Intendent of Indian Affair.. The chief Justice, and aaaoclate ju fiee. hH eca re 3! Theaertrr're doHar. The aaid salaries shall U- paid quarter-year!?, sate, of Uie respective apuuiutinenta, .1 the treasury of the L ni- tad fJUte.; but no sucn payment .nan oe iuauB ...... er .ball have entered sent. The member. .1.14 ,n MMitf. thn- i.tedaor.tlngtoU nearest usually travel T-oi. Anrta, ff san( (,f Qahn ftnfJ b0Ut 'twenty !52LI ?rZlZnnoZK-. li th. chief cieri, ... : " , . of Ant0nio. he was board- A FINE CHA.NCE. The pftpers bring ne wf another "oul ratre." Capt. Sterling, of the- schooner a .,H,'n the duties of their respective pp''- Manchester, of Bait imore. which arrived 1 of the Ufrislative Assembly .hall he en- ' . . , . , dollars each per day during their attend- t fte w 0TK, On f riday. from KinK"ton. iiyTeholeftoreachiiou; and 'c"''''" Tmiles east of Cape Antonio, he was boa i t.. T dollar, nor dav. and th .aid other officers three , sollar. per day. during the arMion of th. UgUlatlr. Asaemniy; 1 fu oy iwrivc oriuru inrii. uttuci iut, vv...- Wiea- rf negro second lieutenant, from Assembly annually, nnleas, on an eairaor.lin.ry occn. on, th Soanish Cruier of twelve guns, Wt)0 Owntorihandetmlt exrleirtandTmpeT to ett tha laisrila, , r , .,.,..! : -:.. f aareaogether. There sh.il be appropriated, annually, the sum or j00 possession Of the Vesse l in Spile 01 SffcVs,- bW remonstrances, and carried, her inside of u iieeve Ijeipanai; men uemnnueu iu ai theTwrtory,anUojnnMtimle to h made by the , gchoonef 8 PPCr8 WDICu tfaC CaptaiCI Da yntrtttftoali riaxr oi Boaretary of the Treasury of Ute' United SU., ": . ,.t. nn hntir, ,U .,.;,- fT -xamina- of th lglsatlTe AnlHy, uie pnuuii o. ...w--., ..- , ,unu They also broke open tne naicnes. Ar ..ii .hnnl thirtl of the sfhoon- Weere'tary for the manner in which the aforeaaid er'g caio; but not finding any ammUfll- h""r"rioeJsh.rr:m.de tion or Eunson board put it back again. . i.i .., .... h ,.i.i-i nminswl sinfi fniiMil ffirrert. Alter detain- -Jtl. V"!J2! S .k-ai .,.rafa,.,..Wa .nrhorerf un- Washinfrton, by virtue ot tne K-ai.. , on . " j . der their guns, the schooner was alloweu . . . fl--".V "?"-''rZL-, .,.r..,f th. sfaer ineweniai eipeMe. j ami me uotctoo. " . ' ' t mn I Territory ahall. In the disbursement of all money entrusted to ; IIOO, 1 I , be xrernliK.l(rrby The trirt,i..af.i4! --wf..-ifH tOOK the count to ' suai of TBI iioney i Treasury"! the nl V W W av.tal by seJdLeJ f, by Use aeuj Sac. 1'i la said Tf fo uorM jerenc saaetmi a.wl ........1 I re of I .1 A 1 RiMr : ferrltoi nd not tile i. t..hi.v oftireeon. which have been subsequent to the flr.t day of September, ..a ....ihi .nr.llr.hle to the said Ternio- irtou, together with the legislative enactments of the 7 .n.i ,.n nrior to the paasaee of, iriatent'with the provision, of thU .ct, and applic- a-..hrnA. he. and thrrare hereby rlM'TTTr. ahaU repeared, or amended by tnture lessawoav - - Am. - JMUafmrkmmM That th UgUlaUv km- u .. - t !.- ... u'-.t.i .k.ll hnlrl it ttrat aeaskn RIRUW HIV UM IK'.J . . . . at ork time and place in aaid Territory a. th Governor thereof haU appoint and direct; and at aaid Brt seasion, or as soon ' thsre.fiir a they sh4iam.pdlth.Uirial.tive AasemWy hall proceed to loeate and eMabli-h tbe seat of government tor S.M Territory at such place aa tbey any deem eligible ; which plaee, however, ahU thereafter be .ubiect to be changed by aaid LreiilaUv Asaemhly. And the nun of nve thouaand doUarl, oat af any Moey inthe treuury not oerwiaeapproeatod. Is here by appropriated and granted to said Territory of Washington, t b ther applied by th Governor to th erection of suitable buikllnp at the seat yjrovernmen. to proceed and get out of the reef the besl wav she could. This, however was-ndt allowed, until Canlain S, had promised to atisfjVdemaWd -, ty piloting him inside tbe reef. . The only excuse given lor lots warnon injustice wu their suspicions of her being bound to cu ba with arms for lbe revolutionists. Now here is a fine chance for the new Administration. We have. in times past heard much of lha "timidity" c-f.lhe late administration ; our flag" according to sec I. And htUfmrtKmaTM. , LocQ.Eoco Journals bnvine been, "rtj OVMF OT Rv I tl fW II UI ItTrsT Ot vlw I'Bnwi 0w-V aa i r i tf " C ' lersi T two years, whff rtiair W urAtKX2r mances. the above outragedemands the flatrtive Pr""pt attention of the Govrrnmenh We AoULllooae of Repreaenlatives but the delegate Brt elected shall gubmit it tO President PieCfc and becre- hold hi. eat only riiirintfthe term of the Congreti to which he . ..... , whan b Alerted. The flrat election .hall be held at ucn time anu UOOOin. - f M. Jlf'l tu. , . ..... . . . .W... l....rn.tf all .11 .ml I.. r,,TAiu-ini in Mich manner, a. the tioTernor soau ' .ioint and dlViei : of which, and at ' the Utne. rilarje, iraff rnitti i. ..... . : .'. . . . t i i aer of holding such elecUon.. he sliall giv. at least sixty day.' L ICC I Offl LUUM (IM Uie i . I WK Jll- aotlc by proclamation ; and at all .idsjeuueol electi..os of Ihe J ; TwrtCaU8e8 have lately COIlUib- time, place., aad manner of holding the .lection, shall he pre- dermen. l tnuars u r. to tr j v swribed byllaw. The person having the greatest number of vote yi,,, rtlOTe tO Sink lbe American name in seiau at aecrarea ny tne wmsnwr to we uuiy eiw ... - - lineal thereof shall be given accon to be duly elect, snassar- . - , . , ditigiy. The delegate from said Europe than all ihat were in operation toe- lv the saror per diem compen- i , vt i T" '. .1 ,1,. mi. rwn. tree, and as 1 bad some very fine, almost pure .while clay prepared 1 plastered the limbs of the tree with it, and closed, when loo-plastering cracked in becoming dry the cracks by rubbing them over wiin a painter's brush dipped in water. The nlasterine became hard enough to withstand the t-tfects of rain for. several weeka, after the elapse of,, wbkb, all the borers were dead. The wounds caused by them healed quickly over, and Ihe .ree is as healthy as it can be iV. E. Farmer. IMPROVED WAGON BItAKE. We see it staled that a self acting brake for wagons on common roads has been invented by W. D. Williams, of Raleigh. This brake is intended for retarding the velocity of a wagon while going down bill. and is so arranged that the action of the horse m drawing torn, will restore the brake to its former position, where it will remain while the Wrbgon is on level ground. The arrange ment consists of two iron clamps ncir cjing the front, axle, and each connected to a front bound by a link and two joint pins. Tbe hounds are secured io the sides of "the reach, as well as to a cross piece, and the latter by rods is connected to a similar piece, vhich carries the bar for actuating the brake, due lo its capability !llMLftft Sft; th ro w ii torward when it is 3 efifed todump tbe load, and then replaced in its former position. Raleigh Register. A Pleaseni Incident. During the last week an agreeable feature was exhibit ed in the ladies ordinary at Brown's Ho ( rtfprred to ,he fctmer, we ahall confine, what we have tel not less than six brides who ineir happy husbands being seated al the same gers one to another ; but when it was dis covered .lhat they bad all recently enter ed into the marriage stale, a freunioun" was suggested, which was readily agreed to, a nd, separated to the mse 1 ves. several hours were passed most deitghtluliy oy the company. Republic 29f.. Nkw Yea-, April 2. 1853. On Saturday eotton wan firm, and holders were ask- , :. .j 1 w.t.. ,.t ih. I dftfl hali-a. Sales , . . - ( , , lllir. MH sarilicr. . . . . .. , - my garden a Very VlgoriOUS pertcu rri ,he wer, lOflO bales. MitWlinj upjands 1U ; MiU- and observing that it was ver'y much af " dling Mobiles Rice unchanged. Iater acomiti nave reacnea itere ikhh .. - it is staled Vice .'resident King is worse. Mrs. Cass died at Detroit on Thursday nighl last. Charleston Courier April 2. SOUTH CA ROLIS i AG ENTlT AX? A IN. " The ediuw of the Watrhman shows the craven fe ther like a defeated cock, and retreats from the position which hot haste iuduced him to take at first on this sub ject." This has reference to the publication in the " Watch man of the compiatnt of Messrs. Soger & Reese, and our own ..remarki relaUve th8:et Thr, WR ynt ly a misapprehension, on our part, of that matter: The South Carolina Rair Rotd genf, so far as we ean see, are only to blame for an extra charge of dray age, whilst the burden cif the complaint rests npon Mr. Villipigue of Charleston. Thie preeentitiun of Ihe case, drew from us, on the 24lh March, the following ackrnwledgtnent : ' If our language has been of a nature in reference to the particular case of Messrs. Boger & Reese, lo throw blame where k ought not to rest, we regret il, aud did not mean-it should be so." In the same article we call ed attention to the tetter of Mr- Bailey and a commu nication from " Justice," undertaking to explain the mat- ter,,and to show to whom the blame truly at' ached. This acknowtedgmerit eticited; from the Charlotte Whig" the sentence which head thie article : " The editor of the Watchman shows the craven feather like a defeat ed cock," Ac. fJow what, under the circumstances, would the edi tor of the Whig" haveouneefled I Would he have ad vised us to add crim to error, and persist in blaming the R. R. AgeBta ft that transaction 1 Would that have been Ai course T We infer so. He would have stood to it.to the last, right or wrong . or else he sneers at a course his own conscience must approve. The editor's rcmifrk has, we suspect, more personal ill-wishing in it than anything else. By putting several things' together we make out .a form and color. He ia welcome, to all the gratification the expression of such i feelings aflrrl. - -- - But although we were in error as to s dojbt tv Reeee affair, jjjiurt not be understood that we with draw the assertion that there are serious complaints here against the Charlotte and South Carolina R. R. Agents. Tliese complaints also extend to other Agents, public ami urivnle : but as the " Whig " and " Justice " have enough to believe , mat it win leao io - ""!--- have directed the meeting of the ( abtnei ihsit, e i, change in the hah... of the '" fr nded. and the publ.c ollice. . be cUj. ' management Nevertheless .f Justice or the , W)th e,,,.. t.r " Whig" at Chariotte, thiqk differently, and chndenge ' 6 KK4NKMV Pfrorr Ttnitory .hall be entitled tn receive the same per diem compen- j . rTi Tm' Put. in s nil llif mis ffo- saUoa and mileage at prent allowed the delegate front the Terrl. fofC Uncle I Dm S llHin anU Ilie.miS go tv.f trregon. J. . t Verriment of the city of New ork ; the ujtWfttte""1' ' '" one a biitbly wrought romance, with rnVwhiTa .naif BeTSW-y Jr"- ai.ii.hed within .ndwre-noTJgh ntrolh' tn7 tMo"g,''for to tu tt aeuoa whatever rtau auilaci'vio attempt an exageratlon Of thtr r v.41aUr"urTerr.lc! municipal enormi.ies of Ne w York. , Sic 15. Anil U it fmihtir tnai-M, That all .nits, plolntv, si isawja prej!rttHfJitajd.ciliPVta eri,nd alliiMMvtnen3 Ine aiid uniieUTmineti in the rnurta estal) said Territory of Oregon, by act of Coiigreas entiUed "Anactto imnrps(ions . tV? rt(her a Stubborn fact, SO etaWi.b the territorial government of Oregon, approved August I III Itrejaaiuita , tur yiur. c. i fhwrtem, one Ihoannil eight hundred and forty-eight, wherein fjJ that the trUl h leaveS imajl Illation quite th veno in said rases, suits at law, or in chancery, or criminal ; . , i than proceeding., -halt he Inetortedwithlrrthe Hmlt. hereinbefore de- : beutntl. ftlTS. OtOWe has (lone more man elared and established for the aaid Territory of Waahlngtoa, then , , !. ,h(i United StSteS and In thai rase, aaid actions so pending in the. opreme circuit any One elfe IO, maKC tne Uflliru wtnt" awl of the Territory of oregxm ahaii be, by "J" haled by ihe-common people ol Lurope. seavta, duly eertioed to the proper eourt. of mld Territory wf " , ,,, , .. Waahlngnsn ; and Uireuu.i aaid cause. shall. In all thing. eon- , 1 te Pie W 1 orK Aldermen haVB arOUSCU tSX wetrTlt ; were lavorabl.V inclined towards our free exMing Uws, within the llmiU of Hid Territory of Oregon, thail , insl itUtionS. The most ludlCTOtlSly lalSe .a beta rahsl aader thi. act, and all rit. hI .aWnri ; , ' j , ; inU,,.,! . sgainat Ms taw. now m aire witntn aata nmit. m uh iinnurj aiutiri niut, srami - T dtrtr confi. .nation of Uncle Tom's fa.cinat.ng 4 cum of action. my bei raeorrW wiTtflffvyrgd ""'''''nrtrffttiv 1.1 nobody baS )"el hU III- Mb, wifr mm amprroi rim cvrwtii. vm wmwiwiwi VJ uu , - m umuid: Wra, That bo rigM fatiinM envi nat ftnar fyratiin frT fUlT aktH I.. a,.l. ta. ha. tha tMialallv AaUvm.vW nl til TlrTrttO- fTlU il ICI I) Tf m vnrtmmj whi whim mT m aecwrva wmmrj t ut wh- IJnCie T OIT1 8 UnOin Wft H gOO SeOQ IO Bacis. yta t-strtA-swicteo', That aii yuatire. of th. 1 ,,,. Governments of Europe, w hich had a const. Mee, ahr riffs, and other Judtetal and aalnlsurlal og- j . , , k.....m.nt. .f ik er7wiM .haii be in oftte withia um iimiu of w Territory of begun to teel ihe embarrassments ai me Waahlngtoa when ils act shall take .(feet, shall aad they are . ;,-':,. a,mi,.nliiti nl their S'ubiecU tO .... tmby authorised and required a eon Unix to rc. an per- !' increasing emigration Ol ineir SUUJCf-ta i far, ta dutie. of their mpectiv obvm. a iDors of aid ter-, a fnef jCa. and at the communication which tttry,aRmlieyrMltT.hallbdiilyid rap . . . " aaaUtWd, to IU1 their pL.ce. In U.e niannrr hereto directed, or an- lBf.j niaUlttUlied Wlltt their KenISrai "Olnf. ?totl5f2 mrjM'FP! Si.Wl- treated to tepresentatiotn, ol nr grof. led twndnUieiltrjUonof th U..vernor afr Washington, . t)V tareffl rillL'S in Uietr OOSeS as VneCltHenS tewairiolKrwy.lswptatrstrf J ' "f i.! .. Li., rr J-lutikpsT nl m Ha w nf the vovemar. lealslatlr aasaubiv. iudceadf tha JM t tlfvyorMtllfrn Ol IHe "WOI kltlfl Classes Ol " .iiiiii..m, aMira. M.rtranr.aiarahal an.1 atlomev of aatdTrrtLrr-- v.' ,:,w:..,-.-., ?. ':ti ,l.(T..,tl vksed for by law, the (fewer, rof nid Territory nay defin U 4 ir: Would be to"remOVe impression J0U.)U- Draining China. Tbe Opium Trade of the English with the Chinese has drawn from China, within the last hair century, over four hundred millions of dollars in silver; " If thetr"atie ed thai in less than twenty years, the re maining five hundred millions which it was computed lhat country possessed, will be expoitrd to the commercial nations of the West. - . A Question of Taste. One of our ex changes asks the following question: Which had you rather kiss, the Pope's toe, or Harriet Beecher Stowe?" JEFICE AT SALISBURY, . AiWEMXTittsr ORDERED bjr the Board, that an installment of Four Dollars oh the Share, of the Capital Slock of the Salisbury snd Tsylor.vtll Plnk Koad Com pane, will be due in the 39th April, instant. 4t48 JOHN DAVIDSON, Pres't. to say al the present, to the Agents of that line. And here let us present Messrs. Brown eV Fraley'e biO. lie aWwing anemnnoos" cHajge dn Buckels.'Ae. CharjoUeW Mr Brown, Fraley & Co. i Tt Charlotte end 5. Carolina R. Road Co., - For Freight, vit: Dec. 18, 10 bdls. Pails, - - - -" t- -"itasketar" 1 Hhd. . (1458) 7 Bags Coffee, 20, Dr. 8 80 1 7S 6 55 5 05 $33 15 1853 ' ' ' " ' " Jan. 20, By cash pr. Mr. Neel, 23 15 (signed,) W. K. Reid. Ten bundles Pails from Charleston to Charlotte, 98. a further exposition, we engage to furntati thein maien al to work on for some time to come. We shall dismiss the subject for the preeent by offer ing an eitract of a letter wiitten us by a gentlemen in Concord. Il shows the Tact that these complaints, are not confined to this locality alone. CowcoaD, April 4th, 1853. J. J. Brnner, Eq- Dear Sir i Yours of last Saturday requesting col lection of facts in regard to coroptaiiila against S. C. R. Road Co., is to hand. We hsve none but the general Charge of frequent detention of gtiodi oh the road, and high rales for freight. They have usualTy ehartjed'us Ut followiiig rales from Charleston to Camden and from Charleston to Columbia : 1 10 cts pelf foot for first class Goods, as boxes hats, fur niture, &c. . 5U ctsuer l0fl lbstir 3d " " aa boxes dry goods, shoes,' &c. ' 35 cts " " for 3d class " as bagging, rope, Sec " 20 els ' for -tth t:tase ' as sugar cuReeV&'cT' We have had but little freight brought ria Charlotte as yet, except Molasses, Sugar, Coffee and Salt. Mo laseea per. Htwl; 9iBblr'.7vater?iaT'ak-y-Suga and Coffee about 50'cU per 100 lbs. What few small packages, boxes, Slt.., we have had brought that way, we have thought the freights very high. We called1 on nearly all the Merchants here: atl have had reasons of complaint, but we have not got from them any aoecitioalioiis as they have not had time ibis morn ing. From any of them we have the charges of un certainty of arrival of gooda, and extravagant charge Of freight. None will. say that they are ? well regulated transportation lines," but palrrmi Uiem because they ' cannot; welt do otherwise. The writer here specifies certain rumors of an important, character, which are omitted because they are mil sufficiently estaWished. He then goes on to say J We have, not had time lo get specifications that would justify direct ehsrgee against the S. C. R. Road. ' We have suffered to the amount, of $400 of $500 on account uf break down of Rail Road on Conearee and Waieree Swamra and Rivera, rinring tha laat liiree year, but this Was unavoid able on the part of K it. Company. Yours truly. The Fayelteville and Western Rail Road The Company fully Organized. We are under obligations to our friends of the "Fayette ville Observer" lor the grat ifying intelligence, receiyeMf by Telegraph. 'otHAIot WVslern llailroad Company was duly and fully organized on Saturday last: Duncan G. McRae. Esq.. of Fayette-, ville, wns elected President of the Compa ny, and Jobn M. Rose, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer. Messrs. Smith and Colby, of the New York Firm, w ho subscribed the 406.400, v!HlMveA.-FyeUev.il elected Directors. The greatest unanimUy aud'gfo'Teel' ing prevailed, and there can no longer be any doubt, that tbe Road will be put im mediately under construction- .--:r--..v-'.v;.,;jPj;:jjpstTi Hon. Millaxd FfLtwoar, Washinjtrer. The Peesioest also sent his Prirntt$r cretary to the Senate lo give, informillt to lhat body information ol" ihe decease u Mrs. Fillmore, and lhal, in consrquenc of that e veal, he should mnke no officii communication to them during iht dj. The proceedings in the Senate e ui join : Immediately after Uie reading of the Jtanitr- Mr. KEwaan rose and said he de'ured lowibtMisJ tkin which he felt would at imee iftm't the ftmniia consideration of the Senate.-''They had nwrffe tbJ niclanclx.ly jntelrgence of the death of Mfi tiLHoirl wife of the Ute rresideut. I Ulmore.. .arieixtfltt)aMnM ing, and, as a mark of reepect to her menwry, ts aw ed that the Senate do now adjourn. Tire motlou was unanimously agreed lo, and the Sj nate adjoorned to 12 o etooK ibis day. The Mayor of the City convftif, Corporate Councils last evening, ia erdetj to give expression to the general Mini of respect and sympathy inspired by tt lamented evenL Tbe following areibei proceedings': Match's Ornrt;- , . tVaeuuscmVx. .March To the Board of Aldermen and Board Cm4 Council ; Ge.ntlrmcm : I have tocon)miiniraletoyoilifr,J r..t .:. .. ..r , l. AuiJ. ..f !r&. riij-HOALfit I Wl lUHSWIISSI 'l .. - .Pra.luni Km iinir. which event tisik plstf morning at WHlardVMotel, 4his Uh-us 1 H convened you for the purpose ef enabling "tj such measures as may be proper on inn mrisi"..-; i casion to testify the respect of drpursl AwhMH the character of the deceased. Tl.iai.rl.,. I th memorv of this f ICtllfnt UW only as the beloved partner of one uf our nwit rrsjewj and esteemed ex-Fresnlentt, but one -' l :..i.i.. t;,;. ..I...,J ,1.- alleil s:alKHI l 1 miiiauio iHoi"irss'"i. ' " so recently occupied, and which have endeared ;lf V ftfmmm.Am SSI t Is . l It 1 1 1111 1 1 V . .UHII1 II.LIIU III Vrns..-.VJ ' r ,1 1 : 1 will tuoat edilly coi.pera'e wilh W m TJ sympathy in this afflicting bereavement U) ' ' awat and family. Respectfully, JOHN W. Jt-H" " In parsoance of the above rrtoromew -tir. tk. fnllnwino resolutions w ere onD in.nmie -r,t.rl hi- hnth Boards of h IIIIVUOIJ uvi.vv Council ' . , tt an , , rf hav heard with feelings of Vn?ZZjM ife of Millard Fiilo.k, ex-t n , j it j l, . . i u.i fun.lr to ine .i"-" , ...... M uia. .... ..... of the wil MAIL R JOBBERIES. Some weeks ago we received a pre-paid let. ler from Beaufort, which contained, under en velope, a blank piece of letter naper. We sup posed, at trie iTtnf,lbt ome yng had Kulten e6fc J -inayyt.hav marcn lor ine nr.i ol April ; tint consoled our selves with the reflection lhal the juke was not band and children our lie'artreTt e nirKrthies lenee in their melancholy bereavement. Rtmlred, That the City Council. aiB .X. t t,r Inl resilience tU thf I""1 IIIC ITJIIIKIIID IIVIII s. a - - - -me-fow enswMrtff al Iwe ourJtjU Remlved, That the Mayor traiwu- -aforegoing reaolutions to ex-Prewdetit I' ll-. .. .... n I J r.miiniiO C1 rreKlentoi m. hEvCB, Present of the Bu.rdfA Approved, March 30, Jt53 f(-. ' , JOHN W. MAtKii r at Wilson is mis ay aissoiv-isentv- All petsone indebted Irj at ihe oltf eland and settle the JNO. K. BOCER. Diotolntiali of CopartnerliIs. np(l&Firm of-Bnger Ac Wilson is this day dissolv J.- -ea tf mutual consent . W 1 'K . 1 A L Ihe linn win please can aa me . - ' WM, R. WILSON. spra3st8M.JT- - - ' T T John lv .Bogef, at iff continues lo carry on, the 1 bmiitiess el. tne same stsud. - -j ,. ance with the published rates. We have no reason to doubt the fact that it is, But it it not enoimnusly high upon buckets at least T The lot only cost 916 at first, j wor,h fet h ,hf) i,ac, 0f iney OO IKK occupy more room in a car man a oag oi ! ,l i..,-.. vi7. I l .l . .l .l ,it.- .h . liable to be broken thatTa h. 1 n ,e,,er- Wo lewn. however, that ihe welh- is to be torn, and yet they are charged higher. But while seeking information in regard to the complaints of which mneji has . been said of late, we bav discovered that in relation -to char get a part of the dieaatisfaetion grows out o a misunderstanding of the subjeeL The Rales of freight between Colum bia and Charlotte, (of which Lists may be' found in al most every .tore,) are sometimes' erroneously supposed lo embrace all charge Tin merchandise from Charleston to Charlotte, when in, fact those lists indicate the rat ee of freight tor only half the distance. We think there ia no doubt but our correspondent " Truth " ia in this error. For the bin arwded te by luro, and here republished, made a prop.. 'understanding of th. caae, M-.feleBtpJiBis hate'TSew reMherl uTatTuT. probability, striclly in sccordanCs with the published rate of freight on those lines. In regard to other Complaints, such as detention of goods, eareteesness at the depots, neglect In responding to letters of enquiry, errors in the delivery of packages, Slc., there u scarcely a man who has shipped fronds 1 ,l..i hm Pnlinnl.in' anrl Prnrtr.tt. Wsl A i...... I , .j ... ... na iu. : . tjiiaititaiicr. torwarnpn . Lir M.ni.ii.inn t reatus laaiara nn7aui.oi .(niii. in. wuipaiiiesur tnfir I ... av,, feealsv ftsia thu-t juattc tosay that in cmr H.A "ey to 'Hffrrrer's -Marjilin.'"'' Tbe leilef aearcnesiorineBarficamrai:.. ineMoctMas it has weal lo flew lofk, l)Uf tbe) money found 7li come before ns, we baveCitind, even fa these eotnplaiata, wav Itf the ruvksi r.f .n'm'. -:r! . a rod deal of mconcrptiit a. the fiifrf th. 7..J 1 pW:k,t 'Qm U.inuapl,ii.s. od pursued by the perpetrator or perpetrators of ine various mail robberies, lately commuted tn North Carolina, bat been lo open 'the" letters, eitract ihe money, and replace the leYiert"" iri ihe bag to be forwarded to .heir destination. If such it ihe mo Jim operandi, we have no doubt lhat money was taken from lbe letter alluded lo above, for a portion ol ihe Aral page of the sheet had evidently been lorn off.' Have any of our itibscribers al Beaulort made ut a remittance l.a,?'Jr ? Q)Vr letter addreeaed lo ut from dil- A gentleman lalelv enclosed aevenlv rlollar in bille and a cheeky (or a, amallar amount lo the "Meihoditl Boijk Concern," Richmond. Va. Tbe receipt nl the check was acknowledged. uui " 'ne ingnej, , Another geiulemaa, o our There were1 8 bag uf eoflW V lotTbul one of knew where tt te. Tbey w.boibey suppoee eould kno' got no aaswere. ' ter. i ., J-"l "i n- i "I'l , .- y-.-. ....... ..-.. list r.(l!i ,M.TajLuA.V. -I I' "We lindrrari'rf ft, at ..... .ilT..i ;'t'f - t - Kav wrillen' to every bodv 1 7 "'rwitasr tor ocrvcsTiTr pcf pe.tlot . ol 1 w ny thing W rLfcut P?''8. rere rnuheri-f. i4 wpp4 th ! i ..... Iprove tu:ceftruI.-Wf;y iV. t.4i(f'jt the column, of ihe ""f, prnpo...oii .0 .no mr-tnin..- - - n.,eiKe." road Company, nr lbe Stale ol lfn . wit: Tha. if either wi.l tec-re j Dank ol Tennetfee ihree.Bu.iu--" lart. he will i.e to either M. L W maireantoseni Charletion in oiie boor or ,bf p time, eiclu.iveof elopptpet' m , , offices., H Ihe plan fail P'0'"" not claim anything. - : rrri.:ied b " The .Eroporl Sin ... S.M Porter, on Saturday night. l like ve.tel, wilb it. gy 'SZ with automaton pa.tenper.. (W krr. windows.) ac.u.llj flefd iofl bj and paddling' i. way ; ."J r j .i..t,ri;, io the dic'lf ..,,,e be!...; tend, lo .irengtbew'l P' v.,iv nrr,re4er4 lfcnir MHs,)K ... r- a, r . U Itr - a I"" ' j.iafl'''! a -! a.. .iaaiw-w-. .T..,- - - - - - - ; tl r ' ' " al - ." .....,..er4 . .-..fa v. dred dollars a uert, fs. . l rf f T ' f 4T, -t-

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