., ll .:i'T in "I Ho-m- I - A ,t I I ., i i..i r j ," 1 , ( ,i( . , I 'h' i iir I . . i -IrJ " ...hi we KJii"' 111 uat be post putd. ' 4 - J.J. B II UN E Pi, ) - t"-T: :-?"T"'(" X E W SERIES Editor if Proprietor T " ( V. " " " " " DoM.DLiMiTritAJL i . ?or. j R0,,... :.f f arHa.ar VOLUME IX-NUM BEH 49. r ' ' : SALTSlUJRY. IV. f! TTTTTTJCTIAV APDTf 14 100 :' - . vjiuAriv , iiiu I, . louo,; ; i Fwi PrterWe Magazine fur April, 1853. julhor of The Cabin and Parlor? it the ded of night there was a cry. f.ri., fire, fire r . Efcnin a great city, where thousands athand to lender aid, it is a terrible altbnt hour. - Bui on a lonely plan sMon how ineipressihly awful! Fire, fire, hre l It rang tnrougn me . t I A . halls and Wfts ecnoeu irorn jn n. -jnusrier, in rtnj wancij suo iuiicj I Sfe 111 I Mlflllll. ' "u ; . . , . flie mlSirrSS Ol uie iiinusiun. avtoaiog l . .... UltTHnif from tied. and hurried , ... in ,ir,.vH ?nziriL' arouna newi - J1 . " . -U- : friohtfiil raniilii., Tk."..., r.L.t .11 Lu f or a mOmem but wiis cunacmus ; '-j. a nc rarj ui uie nuilU- I will go, missus," he said, "don't erv no more." , . ' . looked around, as he spoke, for some means of dealing the second story. There waslno Udder and only one staircase, hut the hough of an ornamental tree, that overshadowed the house, fortunately held out a means of access to a bold heart and a strong. arm. "Not stopping even to hear his mistress thanks, he clambered up the tree, ran out on the limb, and dropping on the roof disappeared within the dwelling. How breathless were the momenta that ensued. The flumes were snrmilinv taiih L , .1 ....... BKuun Vk. Ml V Ihal Her IlUSOfkllU Yia n"nri. kjiivt "J . . . . i : I : I. l I . I I-..I tn inmeiriinir 1 hr fierseu iiv fgf rrtnnru v' ci -- j 1... f ilia m mil Mhi. rimf kin tt In 1 . , l, . . . I u u 1 . , I .Hitiullnn W rUCIIH, nil" ...... . - " r . uc miinrinir. u'llh lerrihed pwt. if r IWH'i " w r - r - cuUiioiiM. lo ihe ruddy rrlteclion play . .,-1 iha Itki'ii in finnl nf I tie tunie J H(! (ll iiai - Sudtlenl), to add to the contusion ol the .L -1 ,K, An, fl.,nF r.n.n and erowd ol leinale servants rusnea in, 1 ii . . . 1 i:t . jockmg HariKnieuiy logemer, nne a covey jareufd by the sportsman, l ney closed round Mrs. Mewurt s oed, screaming, : . ...iiifvitifT thip hunnw itriil Ha. l... nl kl IiIiIa nruki n r f mi nl BAT 1 11 "r 1 U iivnv j'l vwv- va iiiiiiu uj brrn lett. -Oil ! missus, we shill bo nurnrd to Jflb we shall, all ol us. in nre na light ihc staircase. The blessed Loid ibuve ho mercy on us. i nese, ana 1 .: ;ii..-l u u;. 1 Similar rxcmiiini iiiua. iiimu 111c on, auu fairHCieil her nitenlion. MeantimB the conflagration became -L ti .1 . Ijnfr scriuus rncii niniuin. unu iuni iri' fied ernuii listened: thv culd have .l . ..i' . i. a : n . 1 u .. 1 1 fmU llir roar 111 uir iiniurs in nir imii 1 j .l 1.1: .....1 u .. omsioe. ana ine crncKiiriK miuiiu iiiai nu- I . I . t . I 4? .L wuncea ine annroacn 01 uie nre u ine hkkI work near the staircase, warning m, ibat. it they would save their lives. tow iJitiL-iMUi be ui&tanU uui ihey on huddled the closer together, sobbing. . 1 . .: aonnine. emoiacine one anouier iranu llr. jlir aroncea mnn uii'u mm mcruuiu mh aeiialed face and dress disordered IwusHnr aside the terrified maids, he iisiilv amiroached his misiress. j 11 Fly." he died, breathlessly', "ihis mo B'nl. or ou tie too late. And elanc rniiidly around the room, be snalchec lie tick cuver Iroin acenlre.ta it le . wiuc h Sood in (he middle ot the annrtment. eov d with hooks.' nrettr trines. and How in vases. This he threw bis misiresn eicUiiumg, "it will keep the hre from Midline. Lome." The siehi t tus face re assured his mis tress. Juha uhs nlioiil her own a?e. had l)wWr4nbr.4aibe-,s familv. and had mays exhibited the most devoied at'ach mrnt to herse I oersnna v. A hi) VP all nts on the 11 antalion he whs disiin - euished lor a strict, religious performance his (fillies for Tnh una eorinistenrf V fiios. He was also shrewd and read everv enieruenv nil :M is. ftleW j 1 - - ll'lt that he u'oo Id . k v her. even at peril ot his lite. una, even while sneakine, had seized - . band and iirniruui her lnaid the Urease. Kilt now viikI nt wind drove volumesuf thick. black smoke loward KID. thai she iv un m ImnMi uiiiiiiiMled. and pnused. unable to proceed. It was a lime tn heuilale n lnhn snnlrhlllir In uis arms a rn would a rhild. -and Wng the cover entireK over her face. etf ftffn 'ffiPrartvfi Mrileif of IWiroker . ' r - - He WAN nut u niimnnf Iniomnn. RarCe- bsd he renrtieit th hnttoin. billowed the affriirhied mMid hefnm the DHS- was closed entirely by a de'lise wall Itlnr. Neilherhe nor Ihe tenia le. ser- MS. illHeerl ins ntr nf i rp lv unhurt. , . . ..... . . , the lahle rover effort nail V DroteCted ubaharl Kirulv hnuever. nlaced his . . , , ..w , resg kalelv on the lawn, before she "Wed Ul ervmir 'where in 1 her baOV f - tboh tu ?-, (th I il ia inthfl sevet" Amivha ornii iii hiivs ruanea "it.rd the hlazii.tr door wnv if she had . been instantly and forciblv detained. " The Servants Insitrj.n' at ear h Other in ... . - y. in ihe suddenness with wntcn COnflnprntinn hull anrenrl and in the "'it'm.rnt of their mistress' daneer. no- bad thought of the child. It was an W,a,Jhav.ahuLlwa vearsold. who r ith his nurse, or "mamnivin as she called in the household, in a back o the upper story. Mrs. Stewart's thought, on her escape, bad been to for darliiiir ' and hut lor this the ab. 'Ice nf ll,. kun even - vihiu llllU .wao jrf. ' er0Verti,.tfl ' be IfrVliriit lira cib v l.et at each io dismay. The hall of the hause IK)W all in a flame iha hre OOUriniT ... - - I w thmiloh I Via H.rmiu am from the "'b of a fn ruiaa fiftlltat in j raS0 hv that ws impossible. Most of the second was also burning, and the entire noor. for th 1 11 tr huna n n amnL. . . L. : . I . ., r i" wimjr, snowing mat me tire within had reached the roof, and soon af ter the whole line of them flashed into conflagration. Meantime the lurid ele ment poured out from the windows, ran upward licking the combustible front, and streamed in a waving, dazzling pyramid, high over the top of the mansion, far in to the blue firmament. Millions of sparks, accompanied by volumes of rolling smoke, sailed down the sky before the breeze, completely obscuring the heavens at in tervals, though accasionally this thick canopy partially blowing aside, the clam moon was seen peacefully shining down through the rent, in strange contrast to the otherwise terrific scene. The roar of the conflagration had now become intense ly loud: and, to add to the horror, there began lo be heard the awful sound of tim bers falling within the house. Mrs. Stewart had watched the fire in silence, her hands clasped, and lips part ed, ever since Juba had disappeared with in the house. Each moment appeared an age lo her. At last the suspense, thus lengthening out interminably, as it seem ed, became intolerable. "Oh ! it is vain.' she cried, making a new effort to rush into the flames, "he cannot find my boy. Let me go myself. For the love ol God-" But at that instant, through the smoke that almost hid the only window that was I not already on fire, appeared the faithful Jurm, holding -aloft the infant. The flames were all around, and to - moment more would overtake him. He made a rapid gesture tor some one to approach. Four of the male, comprehending 'his, wish, snatched a blanket, and rushed promptly forward. The heat was intole rnhle. but thei disregarded it, and stand ing beneath the window.-with the blan" ke( outstretched, ihey shouted to Juha to throw the child toward them. . He had, FowelrerVnYicipated''tnern. The infant fell while they were speaking, was caught safely in the blanket, and Was hurried he bad fought the ' good fight," that the goal Was won." God gave him strength to forget the agony of his crisped and man gled body, and to remember only that be was going to bliss everlasting. Thus, over the renewed sobbing of the spectators, over the wild shriek of his mis tress as she rushed toward him. over the roar and cracking ol the conflagration, there rose, like a trumpet, ihe incessant cry, "Hallelujah! Halleluiah I Hallelu jah I" - One would not have thought that it was poor, maimed, bleeding, dytngsufferer that spoke, but the happiest and proudest of men. They reached him, stooped over him, would have raised him. But at that mo ment, he looked up at bis mistress, a trl umphant smile breaking over his face, and then fell lifeless hack, a "Hallelujah" still trembling on his tongue. And so he died. His grave has a mar- ble tablet, with the words " Faithful unto death." What nobler motto-could there be. A fact ilARSHM ESS TO CHILDREN. "Kiss me, Mamma, do kiss me, k can't. go to sleep." J The child was so sensitive, like that lit tle shrinking plant, that curls at a breath, and shuts its heart from the light ! The only beauties she possessed, wer an'xceedingly transparent skin, and the most mournful large black eyes. I had been trailed by a very stern. strict, conscientious mother, but I was a hardy plant rebounding after every shock ; misfortune could not daunt though disci pline tamed me. I fancied, alas; that I must go through the same routine .wmH this delicate creature : so one day when she had displeased me exceedingly, by re peating an offence, I was determined to punish her severely. I was very serious all day. and upon sending her to her little couch, I said : i - ------ - Now, my daugh ter, to punish you. and show you how very, uery naughty you have been, I shall not kiss you to night." .She stood looking at me. astonihment personified, with her great moornlul eyes wide open ; I suppose she had forgotten he.r misicouduct till then and. I left her with big tears dropping down her cheeks, nnd her little red lips quivering. Presently pwas sent tor ; "Ob ! mamma you wilt kis me. I can I go to sleep if you don't." she sotibcd. every lone of her voice trembling, and she held out her little hands. Now came the struggle between love The lVeLWr nnd an Interesting letier is tba Rutbcrlordion Banaer ol a late date, frum one of the extreme Weatern ; counties of our State, and lake an extract. The Railroad question is the binge on whirb. here, in Iha Wi, ibe lie 11 Guberna torial election will turn. The candidate lo ex. peel surce.f, must ba derided Internal Im provement man. None other need apply. The campaign beiwiit Clingnian and Gai lb?r ii eipeciei lft rummrncfaciitelyal Waynetvilla, am much mutaken, or inert has been a considerable change of seniimeni, west of tba Kid against Cliniiman. The curren tof public opinion now set againsl him. lie may turn it imo bis favor. lie and tbey will bava to exert themselves to insure suc cess. It is reported here that Stokes, of Wilkes, is or will he a candidate. If he and Clingman both run, Guither w II he alerted, unless Fgg or soino hi id y ol like stamp, politically, i in ibe held. There are many Wiikes people here who would vole lor Stokes. Besides, ike vol unirers in the late Mexican war. throughout Ibe entire district, would almost unanimously support him. Tb- polnual ele menu are some . wbal confused now, hut the firsi Thursday in August will reduce the rhaos lo oider. Cheiokee isricb in mineral Iron, Coer, . Gold and Marble. Silver mines are believed loeiist. One was sold in Tennessee, near the line, for $50,000, a nhort lime since. This would be a desirahle rimntry to re.ide in were it not so' much eiposea, from its geographical pomiinii, to the incursion of depredators from the adjoining Stales of Tennessee and Georgia, and were ft not lor the Mexican like population prevalent in parts of it, arining from Ihe inter marriages of the Whites wiih the Indians, .ll was a great error lo permit any of the abori ginrs lo remain here. Il was a had poliry tor all classes, aud will require an age to do awat the evil thereby engendered. The surface of tba country is not so much broken as in some other counties in lb Western end ot the Si ate. -The eminences surrounding Murphy diminish lo mere mole hills in rnmparinon with the mountains in Haywood, Marmi. and Buncombe. iVor f Carolina Bonds..' The bids for ibe North Carolina sis per ent loan for 9500,000, were opened at the Bank of ibe Republic, N. Y., oil Thursday last. The entire amount was warded lo Messrs. Camman dt Co. The pre mium obtained was $3 02. There were a number of bida exceeding ibis amount ; but ibe bid ol Messrs. Camman dt Co. covering tbe whole loan, and being abova iha average,-en- lit led ibem lu J he a ward. - Tba a mount hid lor exceeds $2,000,000. Tbe following is a list of the bidders ; R. S. Youns;, Concord, N. C. P. Kind, Raleigh, do. W. W. Holden, do do. Chas. Manly, do do. Kobi. C. Lindsay., Guilford, N. C. Ditlo do. Alf. M. Burton, BeatiVs Ford, N C. immediately to Mrs. Stewart, who clasp ed it to her bosom w iib frantic delight. The, whole was ibe work of less time than I and wbal I falsely termed duty; My heart ' J . ...... i , . . . -. . we have taken to describe it. , ' said, give her the kiss ol ; peace ; my stern But simultaneously a terrific crash j nature urged me to persist in my correc was "heard, ihat nade the ery earth j lion, that 1 might impress the fault upon tremble beneath the spectators ; a huge ber mind. That was the way I had bean cotmnn of arnoke febot up toward the sky, grained nil 1 was a most submissive child. from where the roof bad been ; and, as ll , and 1 remembered howolten I had thank propelled from a force pumh. a' gush of led, mother since, for her straigh forward intense flame followed, leaping far up in- j course.. I knelt by the bedside ; "Mutber to the highest heaven. I Clin 1 kiss you. Ellen, 1 whispered, though Tbe crowd, one all, gasped for breath. : every word choked me ; her hand touch- Then came a deep, long drawn sigti. For f ed mine, it was very hoi. but I attributed the roof and floors had eridenily fallen j it to her excitement. She turned her lit I .1 i- 1 . I V.. I ..I I ... -.. in : anu ine lauuiui juua, aias: was uu where to be seen. A doeen persons rushed toward the White Hair Dye Wanted at Washing ton. -The old fogies are in the ascendent at Washington, While beards and bald heads have it all their own way. A full head ol -hair Idack. -brown- or -red is said to b- considered prima facie evidence of the incapacity of the person for a fat office. He is too' young. Therefore, the candidates ol Young America are very desirous of obtaining a white hair dye, which will change, over night, the most raven black locks to a bile as white as the driven snow ; or " Leav no hair on the lop of (he head, Tin,' pljice where the hair ought to grow." Powder and pomatum won't do for ap proaching hot weather. Young America wan's a whiff hair dye. Apply at all the hotels at Washington. iV. Y. Herald. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Jus. L. Bryan, Windsor, Ditto do Ditto do Dillo do Ditto do Ditto do E 11. Knox, Hillsborough, .Drtur-Liivi--.il Jo John C. Salem, N KndaM, Fuirville, Thou. D. llogg, Ii. Miller, ISulmbury, Geo. Lillle, Kaleiijh, L. Thompson, Hotel, Bertie Co. do. Peter W. Ila'riton, Sali-m, do. Henry Curium, New York, R. . Mcintosh, .do. Ditto do. John Turns, Norfolk, Vs., Ditto do do Ditto do do. Ditto do do. A (.'. Finley, Petersburg, Va. John B. Uliver, do do. W. S. Owen, Black Walnut, Va. Caiiunau & Co., New York, Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Drcoppet &. Co Ditto Ditto Ditto' Duio do. do. do. do. do. . do. do. do. . Per ct. $5,000 2 10.000 1 3,000 4 50 1,000 av. 5,000 1 05 3,1100 1 55 5,000 2 31 1,000 4 04 1,000 4 53 1,000 5 Oil 1,000 5 61 1,000 5 82 20,000 par. 4.000 .1 t0 5,000 5 50 11,000 1 2,000 10 12,000 6 10 2,000 2 1,000 4 50 3,000 5 8,000 5 5,000 par. 75,000 3 25,000 3 50 5,000 i 5,000 5,000 1 5,000 1 2,000 5 5,000 2 10,000 4 90 500,0110 5 0-J 75,000 4 02 100 000 5 03 100,1X10 5 53 100,000 6 02 10,000 3 50 lO.tiOO 4 26' 10,000 4 52 25 03 do.' i itr. 14.000 2,0110 SeluVn, Withers &. C. Waah'ton, D. C. 500,000 4 A. M. Burton, Beanie's FordrN. C. T. P Wenterly, Nashville, do. L. Ould, Baltimore, M. D., Ditto ' do do. Ditto - do do. J. If. Lindsay, Urermborough, N. C, Ditto do do. Ditto do do. Win Colgate, New York, Riuh'd B Trrliell, Noiraway, Vs., John V. Wilcoi, Petersburg, do. Ditto do do. Ditto . do do. W. L. Sieelelungliam, N . C; , ; . Dtrto do . do. Thos. D. C. Hsrns, Washington, D. C. J. . Lash, Salem, N. C. 78 02 31 Improvement. There can be no belter sign of the condition of a 'town' than is affitded tiy the aiipearance ol its hinldiiitf . ll ihey are i vacant, or old. and dilapidated,- and insecure, h is cerlaio thai ihe lown cannot be in a pros, j perous tondilton tit Ihoh t ho stale ot things j here until lately. It is now the lashiim lo hruith ' up, lo repair, or lo rebuild ; and, inttleacj of low j rents and numerous varanl homes, every house i is occupied, rents are on Ibe advance, proper ' ly will sell, and sell at good prices.' We are -reminded ol all tbi(. by noiieing the rommenre, nieni of the process of deinoliiton nf some half a dozen slnall wooden tenements - otr ihe cor ner of Market Square and Gillespie street, for ibe purpose of putting up in iheir places sub. siantial brick fire proof stores. They will tie grieving face to the wall; I blamed myself as the fragile form shook with half suppressed sons, and saying "Mother hopes hnilHini. and until driven back bv tbe -j Ellen will learn to mind her after this." ,rl.HUU ftrJmtitetMmgbU. . 1 extend about 50 feel on Market. Square and .'- MwimmTtt:A h..d.r,. It mtaht kV hn Wirii.erpew to find him there. They had flattered I was awakened by my nurse ; appreh . . i , . J. . .- i i . ,L . i . ' . . Crow. A. W. Steel, and G. Demmg. b-q.. who themselves thai there had been lime e- stve. I ran eagerly to the child a chamber ; ; ... .:., : ,1V i nau nau a leanui oream. Ellen did not know me. ; she was sit ting up, crimsoned from the forehead to IJlllO Ditio Ditto Ditto -Ditto Ditto Ditto do do do do do do do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Aug. Belmont, New York, W. W Uoiham. F.xr Jtobl. B. Boleu, I'etrreiburg. Vs. Diiio do do Ditto do do Dart d Ho dsnn; Ch u'r'cH vtttrrM d " Cliss Glover, Newbern, N. C. John Beard, Compt. Tallahassee, Fla, Ainiii Wayde, Newbern, N. C R. Kiiifisbury, Oifurd, N. C. 4,0110 2 10,000 3 3JUUU.3 3,000 4 3,1100 5 09 10,000 4 5,000 4 50 5,000 o 15.H0O 4 3.0H0 2 30.000 3 11 20,000 5 01 10,0110 0 27 3,000 2 50 2,000 1 50 , 1 ,000 1 30.IMI0 , 25.000 I 20.000 2 15,i00 2 15 10.000 3 01 8.0H0 3 38 6,000 3 75 5,000 3 01 12,000 3 26 lO.iiOO 4 ;2j 20,01 10 3 II i 5,0011 4 11 10,000 5 21 5,fltt0 -5 00" , 5,000 2 25 21,000 5 10. ' 7,0tiii' 238 10,(100 3 25 lor Some .lime f.vcMin; bete. 111 serui Dies ol lliis kind. They (mil, in botiild of the .Siulrs uniled and of the individual Slates, eviJences of deM as promptly honored in the way of in. -leresti a those in any Either quartrr if :lhe world ; but, above all, ihey realize, when tbey TiBreattri? Ktiltjt iir.hafelff 'w-bfelrJinrJitlSiT--Ibe fullest conCiIence abd is sure io command . the best premiums. ' -. ------ Gieat credit is due to )he Public Treasurer,, Mr. Courts, for the atieniloa and labor he has bestowed upon ibis department of vhia duties.' He bas spared neither pains nor expense" in laying before American and Eurnpeatl f apftal. V its the nature and value oHhe Slate's rasour.' res, and of ihe advantages offered in these bonds. His fiairiotic eflorta bava been thus' far rrowned w ith most fortunate results. WeJ feel satisfied thai, if tK Couponed, and if I olher maiket hut-ii would not have c per cent. iti I 1 V 1 F nnd had not been en offered in no own Slate. ihey.. ore than three BY AUTHOxUTY. ATES TiUrty ecoHd CV LAWS OF THE I'MTED Patted during the Second Sii qftlti Pcblic cr No. 84. ACT tn Mtipplr sVfic1enHf in the aipmprlatlnn for the nr- Tlff of tin- ft-wnl year enillri(r the thirtieth of June, one tnoo iiuid t-iglil UumtreU ajil lifty tht tje. fl it finartrvf hu th SetutU itrvi oust of R?nrMMUtti99 of th Cttitt Stittn of Amriva in 1 'onQres atmettUd Thai lb following- nm Im kiki thry are hereby, atnnnmriated to supply dfnritnrlrfi In the Hppmpriationt (or the service uf the IWil y ear eti'luifi tli- (liirtleth or June, eighteen hut Hired mna nity-tnre, out of any money to the Treaaury nut utherwiae appruprmted, namely : For mum" ligation of the Vice Prni.lent of the United State. one thti;in'l nix huudred and, thirty-eight dothtra uid eighty ty nine rent ; r-r nut nt or a crutrre d'anairei wienmara, louriuuuaAuanTe tiutilrt-i1 liollarn ; Vr ;tjiry to the CommlMloner at Samlwirh IeUnds, from the eventh nfjune, eiiihteen hundred ami fifty, to July 6rat, eiKhtaen huuilre'l )in I tlliv-twu, an-tto mnlte the same rqual ine miw now prnritleil hy law, four thousand four hundred and fourteea mm- lari ; Kr enntfnirent exnenaen of the offlce of the Treasurer or tk L'tiiifii rutf, one 4houfuind dollar ; Vtrr rmlaricti and rommt mm ttl regUtera of laud omae and receiver of public money, eirfit thouaand dolhtra f or exiwiiaex of d-iHsitinT public moneys, by receiver oi pub lic nwineya, two thousand and fifty dolhtra; for ineiilent il esp'riiTa of the aereral land onloea, tnree uiou- aarHl eiifht hiiintred d .Ham : Kor the cxtenm erf the Cnlted States CaplM. ftrnr hundred thousiand ilollarti : YrvW. That no much f farmer approprl- atjoiiH for the extenxhm of the Capitol aa reuuiiua unexpended, and the appropriation now made, or which may hereafter be made for that object, Khali Itr ijislmrrteU under aucii refuiauona aa the Prexideni of the I'liiicd rtau'a may preacrihe; the aooounta for auch (ihtuneiiieiit to audited and paid at tlie treasury in the amine nmtiner Hi the acroutiU of other iivil officers charged with tbe ' hougb for him to leap But it wh now pfjun ibis bad not been th case, lie most prolmbly fell the floor giving way, bftor he threw (be child. ! the throat, her pyrs so bright (tint 1 almost anfiifsoihis explained the cause of his ' drew bnck aghast at their glanced. From bateTbryjd.lhis iosacother, as -that night a raging fever drank up her Ihev fell back. "lr nnu wniti iuiiik you was ine tnces- are not on l consult inu this step, hut improving the appearance ol the town, and adding to its security from fire. We shall be glad to see iheir example lol lowed by others. ray. Observer. The London Times, in viewing some of ihe evidence as the pvlem irati e -al-iltk . But there was little time for words sunt plaint, poured -inlo my anguished j "c"ugJ' " : " ' . , . , , , i i u . i i .iii- nau rereiveu mi onier 101 auu ouimiiik Scarce hd lbixbouebt..been. exclm kiss me,. ... . . , .. . . ' ..f ed, before ihere was another crash, and, Ican't go to sleep. You'll kiss youHitt le; ucliw . tba Utl fiahli(,, ,Ja Mli cb. iien. momer. won t you t i can go o woud ,,e w(errfd. A, lba . Craven lleif- ..I . I . ' . L. I-. . . It ...... II l . . . . sierp, i wuu i ub iinugui 11 jrou n uoijr Pftmi nednut nr it,. .r,r,rlu tit lrfera ... - . . .. . t. U A ..t tm m t n . I .1 . 3f V'V fcLl. II' . WW ------ niaKe the attempt. . 1 tie signi pi - : S - v Ullll l illi wnv. - - with a momentary wavering motion, al most the entire building fell in, so that what had been a stately mansion an hour before, was now only a shapeless pile of blazing timbers. Tbe shouts, the exclamations, the sob bing which had filled tbe air, but an in stant before, ceased again at this appaling spectacle. Neighbor looked at neighbor, aghast a wild, spectral look to each inquiring face. . Then a simultaneous cry rose Irom the crowd, that Juba and -the old "nurse were buried in the ruins. " But suddenly, from out the flames and Srpokein ihe direction where tbejjeaer. ous slave bad last been seen, what seem ed a human figure began to emerge, craw ting painfully on hands and knees. A hu man figure, yet crushed almost out of the Shape of humanity, but still with life in it. for it moved. - And hark t a voice. A full, deep voice. coming from that mangled Douy. ; on did it say T ' Vm uinrilnr nnin. reader: but woras Xiv . , - e confligrHtibrKhad bro QUI there nrioin.ll, Tn reach the '"frient Urkira iki. tin,,. nrnrmKlv'niir. I led hv t.eene iti--k -irw -hiiA-J r iu words that voa and I rnay.Dtera j - w , . v. f i j aula n ii ii - . v. i - - , - . - bod ll we can snj,.riij"'8' -They were words nuch as marty" Used jeluinfe I linlleluj I" Nothing more. 7iC'stfksii . .V'- - . .. ... ' . . ' ,t I ' u.. A . .... u rnsmter CUI1Q. - VO : -, or kiss me. dear mama; I caA't go to sleep, Holy little angel I She did go to sleep one grey morning, and she never awoke never. Her hand was locked in mine, and all my veins grew icy with itsgradu al cbilU family the light faded out her beautiful eyes, whiter and whiter grew Ihei r trematofltriipsobe-paver- knew me but with her last breath she whispered, "I will be good, mother, if you kiss me." Kiss her !" God knows how passionate ly. but unavailingly were my kisses upon ber cheek and lip. after that fatal night. God knows how wild were my prayers that she might know, if but only once, that I kissed her. God knows how I would have yielded up my very life, could I have asked forgiveness of that sweet child. Well, grief is all unavailing now. She lies in her little tomb, there is a marble-urn at her bend, and a rosebush at ber It i-lhere-jiaveti lbgntlejfrass ; . . - , i , er, on the nomination nay, ana nr some uay before, 2000 men ale and drank as much aiid as last as ihe landlord "could ufudy -lben. They were introduced in parlies, with orders from known irieuds of the cause which cause or what cause il matters nol lo inquire. About 100 of them bad bludgeons.'" JH.A ..poetic jn ce. sent the following to Sally Aoo TO SALLY ANN. ' Soft is the down of the butterfly's wing. Soft is the whisper when lovers sjwult," Soft is the li(fht the moonhiims fling, . But aofter by far is my lady love's cheek. SALLY'S REPLY. - Soft am Utera all smashed up, And mush are soft as soft kin be ; But softer be's lhal silly pop, Vol writ that varae to ms ! Go it, Sarah ! aever muid your bonnet !' Emancipation of the Jews.W e.nrn bv the last arrival from England that the there birds sing iheir matins and vespers, TTiiir w a " . a -aj L. .. M;M-.tsf set 1 Ira I there the blue sky smiles down to day, House of Commons bv a majority of 51 in a vote 475. It is reported that the Lords in the Upper House would succumb to Ihp measure! provided the majority in the 4ttoaji,lbeyoice,pfihla.8tricker moth- Uommons was over w. it such r J;e-e.-Wik and there lies buried the freshness of my heart. Parents, ycia should have beard 'tbe d.oto,uoo, .. , Tbi ia a gratifying result, ll show that the credit ( Nuril, (Carolina is good. The a inount of prejitliim is $'2.r),100. Whilsi such is the Vredil ol North Carolina, we learn from ibe Norfolk Beacon thai thai of Virginia is below par. Her 6 percent, bond which lately sold at 8108. aia jww selling at 98 J. - This is owing to ihe vast appropjiaiiou nl ihe; present Legislature for rail roads, &-. There m brticBi- thine a-h4Hti - . inlernartmprvewenttr.- T'ha debt iri ' VfTwi . - - I '. ' tv Rprnmt Cnnirri.u fnnrt.i.ri fhnnltnnil tire himilmt M' thlrUr.; is already 810.042,184, besides about $4 000. 000 of guarantees of rail road coinpauiL'a's bonds. Fail. Observer. April 4. SALE OF STATE BONDS. We learn lhal five hundred thousand dollars of the bonds of the State of North Carolina, ad vertised by ihe Public Treasuier, have been sold for a premium of iiyer" five per ceh'tr The bids were opened in New Yoik Cily on Tbuis day Jaal, Mr, Courts being present. The whole a mouni reahsad. ia Jventyjive inoana one hundred dollars. These bonds are couponed, are lo run thirty years, and are specially eiempted from laxa- -lion. We learn (haf a good portion of these bonds were taken by English capitalists. This is, under the circumstances, a most gratifying sale. The State bad just entered the loreign market, and the lime which North ern and European capitalists could have for wktng"rnto her -feaorceand-.-ineanavof pay meni. waa necessarifr Mrmied.i -Gergia-rwtib an etiensive system otpoying internal improve merits, and wilb a loreign credit well esiah li.hed, has ihoa far realized but five per ceni upon her bonds, the last sale of which was ef: fecled. we believe, by Gov. Cobb, in New York, about iwelve months since, at the above figure. Norlb Carolina has thus, at one step, placed her credit upon a level with that of the most wealthy and tavored Stalet. Her varied resources, her system ol internal improve mems, her common schools, and her lofty integrity of character, and that infleiihle fidelity to engage menia which seems to constitute a pari of ihe es.iaience pj ber people. fumih guarantees bich no one can doubt lhal ber credit will he . " t ... . '...,'. ii sustained, and luily sustained, unoer an cir cumstancea and in every emergency. There are stilt 4- ba sold one- ouluonJuye hundred thousand llollara of ber,bot)d., neces- sarv'to complete the North Carolina; Kail way; jj. -tYla"miTirt''prbileie" the .preseiitjiifoXjti, iad-rmiClifrniji and Australia sbotild.conti nw,aau iraO'Uiiiawawtetswoirtiii ie itlrtliunWHKtil of public nioiifjf. jSui id dUburwiif lull reiwrt tn iU I'r.-.i.lfiii liis ylirMttM-uU and pne' oeedinRn, in liuie lo premtel Ui Ciii1 lh commence ment (it each annual resMiuu and at any oxuer time wtisn requir ed : i for th rnmnUtion of the rrnaira nf the ConarewlonaJ Library rnom, authurized by the act approved March uineternlh, eightaaa hundred Hint Bfty-lirii, twenty thuunaud flvo hundred dollara ; rnr comiM-nnuti'iu of three men, ut one dollar per uayeacn, ior one year, lo ttnUh and keep iu order Ijtfayette Square, one thou- nd and;Qiuey-nye dol! ', . tut closiiiii Uiiareite oure with an iron fence, five thoutand one hundreil doll-trs : For coinnli-line Ihe work nf Ihe seventh rrnu. and to prepare the name for puWicMlijm, twenty five Ihounaud dollaaa; - For mnnneryrtirtrirtn-frrjliinlf fbntw and regulation, furutlurs, bimlinfr okfl, and miiM-ellaneouti itemfl in the ottice of the Com misiioer .4 Pen-iim, ten th'ra3aTld-dnrlara ; ' - it ciiKmrins T".r nriy ui.- thnoantnl-are nrrreirea ana iwe.j copieii of Ihe iueihiuilc.il part of the latent OlfiVe R e)rt for elgD- Jaca Ituudredaua tWy4niatrortt3M-tl-vBBiiriiii anaaiipia. five dollars; To imv fur tin- CouirrcKii iim I riloliennil Appelulii, and Hie An nul of f'onre, orderel for ihe use of the Library of the lluuia of Hepn-.eiit ;.tiv...., under III- ri-. liillon of Hie llouae qt Septem ber tuenly-. iKlit, eijfliteeli Imudied and fifty, four thouaaud ttvs hundred ilollnr. ; To enable the Clerk of the lloiweof lteprewntativef to furnish, pay for, ami . livir ihe Maine li.."k to lire new member of tba present tVnirre, a fier re-olntioli of said HiKie, paaavil twenty. : xixlli July, eighleeii hundred and fifty-two, four thousand five hundred Tloll iri, ; . .. For-ceirrirvTeVw1i, iMtwrisirftabeatpq4nWa4.i euipl..ye.l by Die l'.liiuKter lo uei -al, uoJer the thirteenth sectioa of the ai-t i.r thirty fli-,1 Aiix'i"!. eiflip.-n hundred and Sfty-lwo, foui UnKrwml Bvf hundred and fuur ilolliirn and ninety cents; Kor r..iii.i n-;iti hi to an assist. int ii;iy watchman of the Gener al Pon oihVe, from the lifti -ii-.li of ,x, ptetul.. r, eii;hteeii hundred and liflj -lwo, until the thirti. til of .tune, elt-'hteen hundred and fifty-three, foHi: hundred and -evenly live d.illari ; . . For payim nl of the am nut due W illiam William-., nnder the ixteelith article of the Cherokee treaty of eighteen hundred and thirty live and six, bein'H the balance of an award of four hun dred and five dollars by the commissioner!", under aald treaty, two hundred and ufty-Ove dollars of which wan paid out of the appropriation te for'earryinK TiiTo V-tTciT Tile tTrerotcee-treaty ot eighteen hundred and thirty-lire and six," one hundred and fifty doiJars;.- To pay Gregory Funis, executor of 'Philip Eiitrt, dceaard,tar- -lanee din- i,,,.,n a contract for ullltu! up the low (tnaind south of the-eVeaMenrV lfo'(s,;v..a'Uli;!i;j-d l'y.;t v( Ijtch.third,cfgtitee iiundre.t and fcirly -nine, the sum ol four hundred and seventy four dollars aud tifly-four cents ; For expense of the Uoard uf Visitors at tlie JltlitarjTAeadetnjj fl V e 1 1 u'ii i Tr m t aiel fift y -seven doITurs and elxhty three eenta; - For extienses which m.iy lie incurred in ackiiowledginit the l Vices ir tile masters ahil crews ot IorelL'tl ve-sei. meriran cilixerm and American veaaelft fi-ain nhip and diillarn: ViW.. ', That Ih- niony sli ill ! the direction of the President of tlie t'lilted ft For the ciiiiiH-nsation of S. nalors for they June, eiulileeu liuuuU'ed and fifty -three, in atloii-s hi l etefore made and including that n CommenciiiK fourth nf March, elyhteeti huin tweniy-tlve tliuusuud doilarn: For-eoHliiiit expeuej, uf Uie rVliate, via,: ror liiti'liui;. twenty Ibousaud d .liars: For litlcsranliina aud luri'ssviriir. twenty tli For books, two thousand throe hundred dollars For CongrcsHoual lib. be, and bui'tiiiK the name eight hundred and forty-three dollar: rnr meHitciiuTrs, pages, Limners-ifr'bce, norseB, ten thousiwid dollars : Fur clf.rls of Presiilerit of the Seriate and eontrmttel Bjent.Aretneji in erypt, aird other rafecetlaneotK itei nnraieimi (rrr mitwreir iiortrtrs-- t, twooioa- M a-nuea unaer 1 1 f ig thtrtleta B So approprt- I a-ci.-n aeMtofi SJ m niij-oirew, I lonara: m aa .. J- htrjoXH, a s Unnin-ht. tX thlrtwsatrf ImmI UhreAruers.Xbev lEe IigM tfwJktmi Jbe ea-rtjh Z , ;;:::t MtlMieooKs,orureajur ty second Conifreas, fourteen thousand tire- hundred and thirty- three ibrftfirs ; For the pi inling of the House of Representative for the first anuittn of the Thtcty-aeciuid OoiuireM. twenty -ttva thouaand live . hundred and seventy dollars; , For theprlmlha or the Peiiatc for the tecond sissslon of the tliiity-second Congress, thirty '-seven thousand four hundred and sixty-three! dollars ; For the printing of Ihe House of Representatives for rhe second session of the Thirty-si-cond Congress, fifty-six thousand one ban died and ninety-four dollars; Ihe same h.ivlnftjxsin executed and to be executed Tiy the public printer unler the provision of the act enliiled " An a to provide for executing the public printing aud wUiisliitu; the prices theruofjind for other purposeSj" ap proved August twenty-six, eighteen hiitiirfeiran9flay-'rii. " For contingent expenses of House of Representative, Til : For newspapers ffir members, five thousand dollars; For horses and carrlijfes, one thousand one hundred dollar; " Tor eterlf.s,-meenger, pages, arid laborers; ten thousand five hundred dollars; rorclerltsonrnafw r'Wthe iiae ortue Uunuulttee on l-uuiic unin, even thousand live hundreil dollars; For holding documents for memb'rs, four thousand dollar; Fur clerks on index of private claims, twenty-eight thousand nine hundreil and twelve dollars and fifty cents ; For miscellaneous items, twenty-four thousand nine hundred and fifty-one dollars ; :- For paper uaed aiul lo be used tot, printing jfqr. the Senate for . the first session of the Tliirty-second Congress, thirteen thousand two hundred aud thirty. -four "duUars and forty cents ; For paper used and to be used for printing for the House of Representatives for the first session of the f hlrty-seennd Con gress, sixteen thousand four hundred and eleven dollars-ami fifty cents"; Fur paper (or the printing nf the two houses of Congress for the secoiicl sesslofTuf the Thlrtv-second Congress, being for that fiscal mr endinir the thirtieth' of June, eighteen hundred and 'flftyi1itrae'h - Riro-mpensaliiiB U lhiuperiiiU ndeiituf Puhlie Priming, anil the two clerks and messenger in his office., four ChiMrsaiid Inpas hiiiolrl nnd seventv-six dollars and thirty-three cent; For blank books, advertising f.if proposals for Jiajier, poUge, etc., one thousandfrve hrmdreit and fifty dollars; To enable the Clerk of the House of Representative to eomply with tlie resolution of tlie llmisc of Representatives naaaed on the twenty -second of leeemh.r, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, to par John S. Littell per diem and mileage white ml--t'uig the seat "of John Kobliim, Jr., during tbe Ihirty-Umt Ooav gress, two thousand thrW hulred and seTenty-si dollara; nay Ih-ndrirk D. Wei girt tier mwi and mtleinre while eonteMlaf the seat of Henry M. Puller during th Tblrty-nd Uoagreas one thousiind nine hundred and thirty-nine dollars and twenty, cents ; tn pay John Taliaferro per diem and mHeage while coote. ting the seat of John P. Hungerford during Uie Tweflh Congress two hundred and twentT-tvo dollars: For salary f an assistant dragoman and secretary to the legs- ' tlon lo Turkey, fifteen hundred dollars : 'eowVleit, Tbal aald af fice be discontinued on ami after the thirtieth, day June, seal thousand eight baiidrcd and flr.ty-lhree ; For clerk hire at the legation if tlie Uniled State at LoadoQ -for one year, eight hundred dollars ; - :b - Jnr relief of such of the Cuban prisoner not eititens of Uie 17. State 'ai i sjerc' pafdonrrl'oy fb Queen "of Pui1ii, slid sent out of her dominions by the United Mates minister at Madrid and th American onnsuiat f)lbraltr,eTeil hundred aud thirteen dollars and thirty-four cents; , . ' . ' - Fir extra clerk hire arid copying in the Department Stale, twu'ibouaand dtdlars ; - - ' , . . . . , For clerk hire, office rent, fuel, light, and stationery for the . " unerliitendefit of Indian Affairs in Oregon, two thousand (war hundnisl dollirs ; - - . - r Pne trravelllnv 9 iHiines-ofr' aweieelHtewilettl.of -ladiaB.Anjlea.,,. iiitaistrasjajai'aial asuaia WmGtoZIWWfiftiMi iffou '.' - for general incvieniai exjio-w. .it. iiik. iiniiia hiinxisiiii Terrl'toTj of tuih. Ielve Ib-MKiinddiiliarai- . ..'.. i,;.' 'V rwsr pirjrinptir ppwvn&vi j n r;isjia9ntr tsr prosmnma, foiilc lor a sttH tmttar prtnwinv-an ine .nexf ftw iilqredthpfand tnte of eiBiTi'f' aia" laviatCr liSiibt HmJrJ and ' lltiyon, sixtjr tboubaud dolftoi : Vorfcrtt That tbe aarabt) "T bet bit tjiia salil w iiaieVtrlbea-' l6i&tU staajajBlaia3S!5: wt'tl -aj- s. is. vVc a- jrV-utti -r i.!tiiri'. IlitM'I!!!!. ,i,,iaiawiasispsis