-til "f . ..,.-,, ..ii- II. -J - in J v i'll I. -lii'l. 'f I I tt.-y-tw-., tli.U i' Iti-.ru-vw..nuC tin Ufi'i w'i-. if th? ?t mml-l " Au -l lu.nug apiiruprintioHt tar 4jcivii ami a :lin i'ic ti:wa U' l"" -eminent far the jut n.!ii! the tiiirii.ih ui juiw, iittr thxjuantl eight hundred auj fi'V-Urev, and for other fiarl," apuruved thirty -llr.t of A jk'UI, one UwutauJ eiirhl BuoUied Mill Ulty-two, low applied Ui the itarwent " " irrJ rle ta if5i jui v sir, MJw!dW!9K4W5 nudar U fU-JWiiifiie.iJi via : v 11 For military ttatioaa ua mat to OrtgoB Hifa thoataaa raw - hanired awl three eUJar; - - . . , . fVwaaitrwtssrria saoaev la Mexico, nineteen thousand S kaaare awl karma dollar and Sfly aeat J far Mraicaa hostilities, tea) thousand lr kuadra4 and sixty a dollar and rt cent i ....... for entineencie of tar amy, tevt thousand tight aandrad aad law dollars and seventynv mala; .... T Far traasportattea, sappue. ate to taeet, ffaieea tbeuaaad aio M ana av ww UVUMV far Bay of FtorUa mlHtl. aeaxart af OaarteraustaV Da. Bartatent, Soar thousaad Ara huadrad aad thirty -evo dollar and aarataanu: , far rapraaalaf aVnjfnole bottiliUaa, twa nondred sod atxty four dollar and forijr-three eeou ; , ' - - uMnni nriorta ti oat thousand Sairnt hundred aad aeveutu, four hundred and Uty-svo dollars and seveu- Far arnarafca af MBne JjJadln a tcrvic la Ttias, oa 1 nnu : taeaaaad and nfteaa For sutslstene of ele ete 'ail roiui volunteer, three hun- drad and aiMtr-fvar loeuu; r.onahi lr baurovefuenj of b aad red aad aeran- Ir -MX dollars aad lea aP(Sf "WHarMNtf' Oala)!!"? Oenland. Oslu, jm. nc ceau ; hundred and forty. n yixtr-atnc ceau ; For see-Ball al Unit. hundred and tort; tuna dot lara and lira cents; r '- erlWl Asbl Ohio, fort two dollar! and aligr-fow 4 cent,;' ( - r liarbor at Wllw. ie, oat hundred aad aUtf-tkraa auiaara and uiucty-fiureutii For repairi. rouda, . tor armlet In ike tald, ire taouaand tarea hundred and iu tr-aeren dullan and dra oentt ; For aurrejri with analet in tha fluid, (bur hundred aad nlnet- ail aVdUn and furljr-centa; For f'"T 'rum Uualatjpjd river U the Paddc ocean. Are) Umaaaad doilari ; Far arrearage! of F due Florida alltfa ander General Bead, aerea taoutaud two Luudred and fortj-one dollart and ninet three cent ; For trarelllng allowance to rolunteert, ooa hundred and eigh teen thouaand two hundred and four dollart and forty-four ceuta ; Fur pay of Louisiana and Texai rolunteert, eighteen thouaand and eixty dollart and forty-nine oentt; For pay of ten regimeutrof regular troopa, eight thouaand Ore kandrcd and forty-teren doUara aad Bftjr-ooe eenu ; For par af eolaateert uader retoUtiuii of the eighth of Augott, ana thouaand eight hundred and forty-tl, teren tuouaaud una kamlred and fifty -Uree do I art and terenletn cenu ; For pay of Herea KfitaeaM af ralaateera, twenty -tU thouaand aloe hundred and ninety-eight dollart and alxty-nine oenta; For pay of rohaiteera, aale-eitiit tkoatand one hundred and ftjr-teren dollart and teventy-three cenu ; For three montht' eatra Bav. two hundred tbouaaad dollart ; Fortertlcet of prirale pliy akiaut, one hundred and thirty dol - Ian and twenty terra centa; For pay of riorida niiliba oa account of aueaiateuce, one thou Band thirtv-nine dollart and thirtr-nlne centa : For lubtiitenoe of ten regiinenu of rrgular trovpt, lit hundred and eighty-lour dollart and eianiy-iix cenu; For the narroent of aueh autuaiat aaa be due to Indiriduala un der the act of Natch third, eighteen hundred and fifteen, for nropertr deatrosred br buntinc the nary yard in tne city ol n atn ington, in the year eighteen hundred and fonrteen, the amount to he ascertained e the proper accounting omcera 01 tne treaaurj the sum of teeen hundred and fifty doiUrt ; For the purpose of completing the pedestal of the equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson, in Lafayette square, aud the erection of a suitable iron railing around tha tame, three thousand dol lar! ; tor talnriet of nine suDerTUInr and fiftj local inspector! an notated under art aDnrored Auiuit thirtieth, one thousand eibt kandred and fifty-two, for the better protection of the lires of pattrngerl tij tteant '.iU, with trarelllng and other expenses in , cwrred by them, AnjIMtree thouaand eight kandred and seventy ollart and fiftr ceii To supply a diflcl.-7lMn the appropriation for the completion of the east wing of the Patent Office building, the turn of forty- niar uiouaaDU uonars; For deficiency in the tDnroDriation heretofore made to the bit rent) of Topngriipbical Engineer, three hundred and iourteen oilara and thirty centa, to enable said Bureau, to pay to Lortston sVrerlU an account due him not exceeding that sum ; Far eotunensation of the actini Recrnary of the Territory of Ptah, from the fqnrtrcnth of tKiober, rlghteenhondredatidntr- ana, to the twenty-tlxth or uctoner, eighteen tiunurea ana nity Itro, one thousand right hundred and fifty-nine dollars and six Bsaaaenrs: To pay Jt met 8. Buckley, for terricet as keeper of the nary yard Eastern Branch .bridxe from fourth December, eighteen bun dred and rorty-eight, to July first, eighteen hundred aud fifty, at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum, seren hundred and via ii, uuuan ; Fur payment of arrearages due to Darid Finch, as superintend eat tiie .painting the .exterior walls of the Patent Office and Trenauf buiwings, one hundred aud seventeen dollars and nity cants; ' j For rent in of vessels employed In the coast surrey, ten thou aand dollart : To tnpply a deficiency in the contingent expenses of the office as the secretary of the Treasury for the fiscal year ending thirti eth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, four thouaand fiv knndred and fifty dollars ; . For repair of damages to, and the Improvement of Lafayette aqua re. one thousand two hundred and seventy -eight dollars For comlienaation of fhe L'nlted States aatarer at nan Prancie Do, California, from the Jaatary;-esteea. hundred and ' anTy-two, to tne inirtietn or June, eignteen - nvmrrea' ana nity three, seven thousand fire hundred dollart. For temporary clerk hire In the office of the Auditor of the . Toat Office Department, one thousand dollart : For arrear! of compensation due A. J. Downing for services as rural architect at the tine of hit death, tlx hundred and twenty Ara dollars ; For laying out and gravelling the roads and walks, purchasing ana l trees, and seedlna? down in erase the tuuare south of aa rreturnt s House, twelve thousand dollart ; and for paying any ballanee which may be due for work done and performed ; For providing proper foundations for the custom house af San Francisco, authorised by the sixth section of the act entitled An act to supply deficiencies In the appropriations for , the service of the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight uuurcu ana unj-uru, ana in aaaicion to tne sum or rorty thou-' sand dollira-heretofere appropriated, twenty-five thousand dol kwi; Fur fuel and quarters for tracers of the army serving on Hght- ' bouse duty, the payment of which Is no longer marie by the Quar tsrmatter Department, ten thousand three hundred and forty- "aoa dollars and twetrty-teven cents. For deficiency In the fund far purchasing lighthouse supplies, tlx thousand two hundred dol- I'atraS '(u&, tor tha reJTv Tprlallon of seren hundred and fifty-four dollar and forty ee ?cing a portion of the amount heretofore Appro priated for I Wion of a custom-house at lLastport, Maine, aad carried! Lrplut fund, en the thirtieth of June, eighteen kandred anl o, and that the unexpended balUnce of the appropriatij JVact of June nineteen, eighteen hundred and thirty-four V .'went of the Georgia militia," Ac, which hat passed byjr ut acu into the surplus fund, be, and the same b here Mated t lue Levi Johnson for the site for marine hospital at Cle hk, three thousand three hundred and ninety six I of salaries of deputy surveyors at Boston. New dollars For Vara, ipbia, Baltimore, and New Orleans, two thousand dollart, and tha salary of said officers shall be two Hi, nl i, f,.-, I i.,' ' U I i M'il. .-U. !)'-; 1, . . Ara hun thousand -" i. ii in, voHiiuvuviug ou uie in a, uy ui u- FtiBndre4'awd-frytwu''.V:l. 1,,, waiter Kurget (la te district attorney of the State of I ?ijft5as... w''1''! " 1awanw aiatvisa.WM:anaaa. aajnty cania, natog in lull lux his services and money paid oat In defending Captain blmonds, of the brig Casket, by order of John T. Mason, lata-oacretary of the Navy ; - Da adrtlttonat allewaBca to K. a KoWttr Ut-aas-T tw thon and two hundntd and sixty dollars and thirty-four cenu; and ta George K. stunts the sum of nineteen hundred and fifty-eight dollars and fifty centa, additional allowance made to them as dep uty surveyors under the surveyor general af Wisconsin and Iowa, and in accordance with the recommendations and estimates of the Commissioner of the General Land Office and the Secretary of the Interior, dated respectirely on the eleventh aad fourteenth at February, eighteen hundred and fifty-three ; For payment of the amount due Thomas W. Lane, upon three aaacaldca(UdsaBatB his-Iu.vor by O. W.. Barbour, Indian Agent ta California, upon R. McKee,. disbursing agent, for transporta tion, supplies, and labor furnlahed said agent upon special eon tract, while treating with the Indians In said State, three thou sand aia-ht hundred and twenty-five dollars ; For the service of a striker in Ihe shop of the Delaware Indl- i - aaa, fee Antrim first, eighteen hundred and twenty-three, to Au gust thirty-lint, eighteen hundred and twenty-six ; and for tha " " swrrleeaef a tnmh and striker in the shop of tha senecas and Miawaees of Lewulown, from seventeenth of November, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, to fifteenth February . eighteen hun dred and thirty-eight, deducting auamonntspald for such service dariot said period, and fur ballanee due for servicea on Reneca aaill-dam, as estimated for by Ihe proper department two thousand two hundred and twenty-nine dollars ; For compensation of five members of the House of Represent. aUvet, appointed a committee of Investigation upon all facts . beaching the connexion of Thomas Corwin, Secretary of the Treaa ' ary, wit the Uardjner claim, and authorised to sit daring the racer between the Ant and second tettlont of the present Con gress, the sum of three thousand tight hundred and forty dollars, ar so much thereof at may be necessary to pay Ihe said members raepoetively eight dollars par day for the period they werede' ' -A at Washington in discharge of ihe duties of their appointment : ' ' ' To ennbn the thr k of the House of Reprrsrntauvet to pay .. . Faier force aad dvba C. Rirca (or on hundred aad two copies of . tha third volume of Ihe fifth series " American Archives," or doe- ' nmeotary htttory of tha t'nlled State; for the new member of the llouta of the Twenty-sixth Conires. on hundred and seven. teea copies or in seme rolume for the new i tw members of the T wen. of the same rolume for jr-aaweath Congress, on hundred copies the new atemher of lb Twenty-eirhth Conrress. on hundred aad aa aopiea of tha aaav touud for lhaaew aManbers af tha Twanty-nlnlh Congress, one hundred aad -sixteen copies of the tatit Totams tor tha aeW aaeaaher of the Thirtieth Congress, aaa awadred aad tairty-foar copsea af the aaasa' eoluaM for the aew aasasbert of th Thirtv-Sm Consrett. snd oa hundred and thle. ty eoplea of tht saaM vohira for tht aew meaihers of the Thirty - I Congrats, in all aighleea hundred volume, at sixteen dol lar farty-Sr cent and six sallls par voluma, thirteen thousand an hundred snd sixtr-lwo dollars and forty -cents : Ta aaaala the Clerk of tha Horn of ItepraBeoUtive to par I taparUng aad puhushing tiftt hundred and. fifty columns of, ! Mat areeeedmgs of th ataosa af Baprcarntalivaa of th second "' tae iniriy aattaa tyOngrass la uie Dally (iloba, St seven dollar and fifty car u per column, tlx tnauaaad lara hundred aad seventy -firs dollars ; and to toable the said Joha C. Rirea to y the reporters af this Haute for Ibis session th sum of aerea ' natter per eotamn Instead of fear, for the reporters of tha Con grtasmntl (iloaa, tha sum af ihret thooaandT doDara, -r so aaiicS a ass ha ntfsastry for that purpose, snd th Clerk of this Houee Be authariaed lo pay lbs same la said Rives for that purpose : Ta eaabl th Cterk of th House of aWpreseb la tires U pay a taaaac daa for reporting and puhUshiug the proceedings oT tha Uaaaadarlpg the first tts.inn of the Thiilj mtinil Oongresa, be taf aixty-Ava ookunos and on Una. at the rat of aerea dollar -Bad fif tjr eentt per column, four fcudrod aad i(hr-va dollar and fifty-tour centa ; - . . T anawa laa Oar of to Hoaaw af lapreaanUUv to par for . tweaty-faur copies of tha CongTraloaal Uloba aad Appendix of ' 1 ta It f tart assilan af fhe Thlrtyacond Caogrisaa ior aanhaMm- iharamt deicfiie of lh Hotua, ssveoteeh 'twtr'tnd mnA WJa r rieWih utrWl . oVad aad tixbty-eihl yoiumea, ia sliocg aad aubsiaaUal half . " Wodlog, arlOr Russia hack and coroart, at a rata Dot xcding SaSSrHlSea? txraraaaotuil Ol money apafnanalsd aarrSoits anrehaaesl afa4rtiBvtWlHH Itar the JUika C1irpew Indiana, Uiery. VtrvttS si. .11 t..- i!i-ltit'Ut..-.l to iu-u:ii rs ..! t'.t ..4 -c' i t i ttuiiie orilcrcl to be pt lull d a, pui.ii (I 'um- iils ty ti.e C.i of aln."h tiiey are lin-iuoers : 1 tit tlil -cll.n lull uot prohibit or Interfere i(h the dilriuution to mtiulierswlio uae heretofore retieiVi.il boost mdef an oriter of eiluer llnawaof 1MB remaimug volutuea, or part, to at to coiaplete the art of which, 'b,W pylnTex' T Bavld .V O-ea'. bogleal Mport.1 byw wia iwriSw ium tVtslarhf Atat dhfla. httiwiraati mtkii ttasasar knWM nttd huialrHl aVlttl fltrll sis dollars. Total, three kandred aad thirty-fi.edolUraaudtor. sas! aTitMr u u srtAr maMd, That axock of the see - and section of the act making appropriations for the support of the army for lite year ending thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred aad fiflv-three, apureved tolrtr-flrst August, aighteea hundred and fifty-two, as provides that "ne porUon of the mooers p- IHUfiww ay hub aos aa awuea w uie pijant aa awv pauses incurred prior to tht first dsy of July, one thousand right aa far a Ttrttates la tha appropriation for llrtthoaset'exnUined ta said act, except as at Ihe lighthoaaas which havs aeea oantracv- ad for, to be erected apoa tht PadncooaM; and tnat the secreta- mm ivwi mmm mm as nervay, sawunaw au mmj m Joha HcReynotds the eat of on thousand dollart for expense .incurred ky him la restoring material fur tha construct loci of a hgbtaous In the Stat of Michigan, lb department having chang ed lae sits after said material war delivered at the sit first se lected. aac. a. aaf U it fuHKt ntactod, That the orncera appoint ed to assist the Buperialcadenl at tha naval astronomical expedi tion in Chili, directed by Ihe act of the third of August eighteen hundred and fortv-eieht. shall be allowed an increased raxTiue fixa tion ia a raUaMs proportion, accorflng to pay and rank, al the Urns of departure Ivom the -United states, to the allowa)e mad. to ike said superiatendeut by the ad of March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, to be paid oat of any moneyt in the treat- nry not otherwise appropriated. Sac..,. Amdkt ft further enacted. That the time for reoelr- lug bill, under the acfof third of July', on thousand eight ban- dred tad fifttwe, for the trecUoo of a mint In California, be ex- tended to tlie first of April, one thousand eight hundred aud fifty- three, aad that Ihe sum of three hundred thousand dollar appro- priaved by said act, or so much thereof at uisy be necessary, shall be applied only to the erection and putting In operation a mint in Cahlorsua, and nol to tha purchase of any building fur that sac. 7. imd be it further tnaeted. That when gold or lUrer S".'" or7rbCi ceed the actual cost of tha operation, including labor, wastage. use of machinery, materials, Ac, to be regulated from time to time by the secretary of the treasure. And the Secretary of tha .'"rne.co.TS uionuHiory oi tne existing laws relative to Ihe half dollar, quarter amiar, dime, and half dime," pitted al Ihe present session, and U.at to procure such devices, aValso the models, moulds, and mat- said act, Ue director of the inint it empowered, with the approv- nurnrarelf'l" respective departmenu, who shall be paid' for such service from lh fnnlinmi ,hiw..ii.il.n 1 .1. ...i . ..! l..uA-ak- three cent coin now authorised by lawshaJl be made of the Weight ot turee mucins of the weight of the half dollar, at provided In said act. aud of the same standard of fineness And the aald act entitled An act amendatory of existing law relative to the half dollar, quarter dollar, dime, and half dime," thai! take el-ct and oe in tun rorce irom and after the first day of April, one thousand eight and fifty-three, any thin therein to tbe contrary ftt. s. tiuf h it further twtrd. Thai ta tha settlement of his accounta to the late collector of the port of Ban rranciaoo, in Ihe State of, California, be allowed credit for Ore thousand dollars advanced to J Neely Johnson for taking tbe seventh oensus. Approved March 8, laoS. From the Daily South Carolinian. THAT TREATY. We mentioned theother day, that Wash ington letters reported that the Senate had under consideration an international copy, right treaty w ith Eriglitnd, which contem plated a permissfoti to the citizens ol each rnunlrv ruttncl : vt I i I r fir,lt ril ..t.l. within the territory of either. We rel marked that the perfection of such a treaty 1 viewed as a medium by which British capital should be invested among us. and J as a bond of union between the two na-1 tions, would be desirable. j Thi nrtt-nvstu M..n.tr.... mn..n.. for saj ing this. That paper talks in following indigent strain " Some body has so said, and we thought of the saying w hen the other day we saw it announced with high notes of admira tion and approval in the South Carolinian hat our rulera ai Washington had made a treaty secor nc the RrilKsK snhfpcii. ih. right to own land in the United Slates. I without bpintr nmiimliK..!" Imm.n.. ..ii. Abolition and British doctrine of all sorts ! will tt pat 1. 1 i all. ,1 u-h.r.v.e th. i,. ; purse of John Bull is emptied for. land. Ui ? may boy out thi fand Stpvernmentl nr ce to ih i'rliisinn r n,.r tm.ll ar,;. i tnlists, and hold them till they rise to ten times their vnlue, and thtr poor freemen of the United States must become in this way the dependent of a Britieh Lord, if he wishes hereafter a share of tbe new lands of the west. Or Some British no bleman may buy up a whole, or half a county end rent tbe land to the people, live in bngland and transfer his rent, in this making a sort of Old Ireland of such sections of this blessed Union as Bull may broad general way announced by tbe Car olinian, we must say with all deference lor " our - worthy and approved eoou mas ters" in Washington that they have done the most stupid thing, as we think, that any set of rulers in these United Stales ever did do, and that if the thing is true, as reported, they will be written down in history -an iheweakest negotiators ibaAe v. er negotiated for civilized governments." With all deference to the opinions of our cotemporary, we think he has at tempted to be very indigent without cause.' 1 uere is not a small amount of British Cap. ta, we apprehend, invested at tha pres ent time in this country. We think a great deal of it might be found in numerous rail roads throughout Jhe United Stales, and much of it loaned on the faith and credit of the individual States. Tbe right or privilege of citizen-ship; and, we think, l is very wild and visionary to conclude that abolition and British doctrinemust grow out of the soil because it hr owned by British capital, so long as the highest privilege of-atv American freemen " re mains intact the right of suffrage. Votes alone can establish abolition or any other doctrine, and recent experience bas proved that these can be found in abundance in New, without going to Old, England. is regards this objection, therefore, we should think it would apply, in a social point of view, with equal force against" the New England as against the British capitalist, as far as it relates to the permanence or extension of our Southern institutions. ' Touching the other objection the es tablisbment of a kind of feudal sway by " Briiisb.Lords'' on the soil of America it is absurd,-so long as the ballot box is the source all pou er and so long as the American Government holds hundreds wf 'iaiiMjetjcfsUiU isifcaf and cftbj; vfryatrvhiiilyaa Trorebased at wreey rite:fir.c dhivwe knbAtToTW i'r.t.; t. .i " "y::j-ri'::: , mouera rwftd fe. ..werlbink the WouoIsum must inevitably flow out of such a treaty, ' UBOU - woman, seems to oe ex if ratified by the Senate. British capital 1 ,,ncl 5 nd ,h,"6s have come lo such a may hereafter buy up and control, for , Pm bt a poor man s wife only claims auvht we know, rvsrv nur T-rritnrv from 'w England that measure of i i ;....-! ..J r i, .... ciaus, we took occasion to ml vise them to look at home. Our Abolitionist fiiends wil l il Ij I , , W Ay Wrotl1 l llilH, anj HHimitted that thing WPfB Well fnOUgh III England inougb Lnglishmr-n did how and Iben Beu T" - . w .. I their VVIV'CS at RUCtlOr), With haltlTS fOUnd 1 their hrcRs notliing hring (loneaiit Very , ,. , . i , . . , . , ; little ialtl agalHSI It by tDfir nelgtlOOrS. . , ,. . , ,, . . j Jotin UUII, nOWevefa Snail W6 lay II De i , ... . aa, gini tO think It high time tfl follow OUT : a dvlce. The London Mornine Chronicle 1 ...... , . . . . . ,,, 01 the 12lh Of Alarch has ajeading aftl- cic, commrrretftg-nsibllovvw : "The trill for the protection of womrn and children, introducrd by Mr. Fittroy on Thursday night, is conceivd in lh ruht "pint. It wit! go lar loredrem what is, We IVar, ft national disgrace. Whether - - , , . , ,.,-, , . Wf rtl 1(1 BOJ degree indebted for It tO ,.,t, , J . l"r sotTjewDat vivacious ana personal re nv tAhich the "Women of A nir-rifH" rnl -"' lUB., , Atlienca SfDl to a TCCent addreSS from their liritlrth sis . . . a . leTS, It IS SUpertlUOUt IO mention. Any- l.nu, hat aiopn ralifita rJ .utr Polio OOW, ItlO Stertl realities OI OUT fOllCft CoUrtS eqUrtl, if lhe llo not AUTpasH, the lictitlOUS tlOrrorS Of MfS. Urecber SlOWe. It is high time that we begin to look at ! hon,e- .Whether ihe crime of trampling Upon A Wife, beating ber with a DO Iter, i i . .. r . KICKlnaTand InCeratlflE her Derton. are De- to our own linn s, ' tjya KnOW not. It IS alWaVS dttlCUlt , ... , i register the Origin Or DroereSS of Crime , We Can do IS tO detect and SUppreSS It. We suspect that even when " England f Was merrV Enuland," there WIS al WaVS " , a good deal ol COtTSO brutality altOUt the , !,. . ,! RriiiMri r-haraclar anrl mi.o. "OaSieO AiTI I ISO CfiafSCier, BuQ Safage domestic tVrannV, at least in Ithe, lower . e r t railKS Ol SQCICiy, 18 we lertr, DO new pne- noincnon in our annals. Still it can hard ly be doubted that cruel outrages upon women, chiefly perpetrated by their hus bands and paramours, are largely increas ng." This, we think, is sufficient to show that the milk and water sentimentality of Stafford House is held at a cheap rate by sensible people in England, and that tbe ridiculous aspect of the pseudophilantro py, wliich melts into leara at a romance," 9 u ?bu,s. lUt eB ,and hrln 't .beart Xo he m!se1rJr lh"1 h weltering at ,wn doors, is begmning to strike every thinkl8 fJj"sT mdiv.dual in that cuntry- ' &,me of lh" "8,"n, '""." above referred to are recapitulated in tbe course of what follows in the Chronicle. y m rimiogvB of Wnd brotah ties too painful to quote. We will give a few of the London editor's comments : "Here, then including Mr. Fitzroy's list art; more than twenty instances, oc curring within two months, in London l"nf' i"' most ioui and savage attacks. ' I .I -aTa a -""iru m, u tut-o, oa women ano de'enceless children. The old chivalry Cdrtimon 1 1 If, which held it base lotift Pecuon wnicn is ireeiy aw6rded to a dogor an ox. . ! 1 a. may be difficult to assign a special .8e for hi4nglillil degradation, of the ""nonai cDaracier tor sucfi we iearuis We fully believe that this mass of misery, domestic hatred, cowardly assaults and murder, may in numberless Instances be traced back to the miserable lodgings of tbe London poor, and to the moral disad vantages arising, from the absence of those, checks which society imposes. A London artizah, early and late at his work, is uninfluenced by social opinion he has no neighbor and thus, in the midst of a crowded population, he may relapse into rtatt'ftkm age." Stafford House.it is reasonable to think, should keep quiet for one while, at least on the subject of Uncle TomT " Afier '' Ine well fed Duchess has lachry mated her prettjest over the pages of Mrs. Stowe, let her make a real step, with literal shoes and stockings, into one of these stern re- amies - me miseraoie longings ot tne London pbor'' antl remember tbaF Lon-' j aon is ner nome ana not ours, vvben that is set to rights, let the Duchess and her tender-hearted associates recommence t a a Tf-at. their denunciations of American slavery, t':::-r,r-"r"i-ir'ri ""t"i"; "'"" r "--v" - dui not cm men. Lfjojfon jourxtr. THE PERILS OF THE PRESIDEN TIAL OFFICE. Col. Perry, the editor of the Southern Patriot, writing from Washington, where he is engaged as counsel in tbe Gardiner case(.aays-i- , It is said Ceneral Pierce is very mach worried and iiarrassed by his position. The office seekers give bim no rest day or night. I have heard serious apprehen sions expressed that he would not survive his term of office. The office of President will become the grave of our distinguish ed men. I heard a gentleman say, this evening, that if he were President, he would place a guard in front of the White House, and give them orders to shoot down the idle drones, and office- beggars, as they approach the mansion. "" ExUniion6flhe Plank RoadVt cm pleased to learn that the extension of the F. & W. P. R. to Mount Airy has met with sufficient encouragement lo 'rendee its construction almost certain. Fully half the stock required bas already been taken, Md,.we iiay waifider .Wt4L4n AlK-DfoWU He - - - - .. . , v.v: r ol tnoney, in tnis section or country, can tlW bfi'TOtsdvirJVisp iii.tnai'iiit'ii! ati.l licjliiifiil (! litve. ' I ln cuiniiiiilrp rriurl tlial lliry have di-citli't) in Id. or of the essay of Ihn Her, ''ti it F. Smlt, ol Ciilniiiliu, the lietl e-uiilled lu the nMinlmn Tl.an ifiiit 'i.niiiiiiiil wilt. ...... a a r ... ' '. ... Mif k, WriWH.woftf We wH ihoultl m widely read, eaperialiy tiy the ijile ol ibeDou-leboldiiigSii, to many of whom we Eave'reaton o helie lb Pieajuoe if a welcome iilor. They will learn by ihe M luwing riiracl from the committee Y report the idraa geuarally eolertained In lb Alaeboldrng Statea retpecting the emancipaiioo aud treat, inenl of jlavet, and ibey will alto be eoaUvd, by lit pertual, to bow tat ally devoid of all claim to credit, as a picture of the condiiiua of the slave in tbe Southern States, that foul concoction ol a fanatic's braio, 'Uncle Tom's Cabin :M N. O. Picayune. M Tbe roinmitiee might here close their re port, as Ibfir prescribed duly bat been discharg ed by ihe selection of that etay deemed ibe ben, enlii lad., la the ureuiium, but the- ueruial of the nunir-tou Ctiay submilied to their ei amiiiaiion has so forcibly suggested a few re iimrk to tbVir miiids,' ilial ibey would ask for ihem tbj indulgence of the society. rhey have beh struck by tbe fact that al hough ibete essays have beeu wriiten by per sons from al leatl three of ihe slave Slates, con aining mors iban a million slaves, the syiem recommended for lbs maiisgfmenl and treat menl of tbst clans is siitisianiiatly ibe same in iiPHrfy all otihem. I bis circumstance proves Cuficluaivfly that it is one ol ireneral acceptance 4 I"-" throoLUt .n ei.fn.iw. a..d i.n "'"(lt uorimn ui me ciiutlirin oniri I',,. I. ,!,,. ,i..e;,,l.. i,.i.li.il l it... ; ' "" lell",K flClplr Inr-olCHletJ tij tbege wttien sre : Thai the duly of master and slave am coirrlaiive ; thai while ihe master is nil i tied lo lbs obedience and fair services of ibe lave, be it under obligation lo the Uner lo provide for bis religiuu and moral improve ment ; that in enforcing a firm discipline, ii ihould be a strict ubtervance of ibe priuriplee of justice in all ihe relations between mn.ler and slave : that industry . and food conduct ., on ncu.n.xH.i .... .r .nn.- e. AmiiAtfsnrisBfiltt 4wri.i ihssi inn thai simt.laa nri.su . L J.L-a. i f ion ahutild he made for ihe nhveiral wlF hr-in.r of the slave, of cornfortsiils fiud mt over crowd ed boutei, good cloibing, abundant and mil ri lious food, and a kind cars of tbe sick, ibe young, and ihe old. Tbe authors of these ays, while rernm mending different means for the accomplith inr-ni ol llirta end, generally concur in ibe fiireijoit.g jifirtctrrlee, and in the opinion thai the pecuniary interest of tbe mailer are liefi consulted by a humane aud liberal treatment of tbe lave. That such feeling should he generally enter tained, and such principles inculcated by so many persons Irata io encoded a territory, is. certainly honorable to the Suutbem character. and where ibey prevail ihe matiwr may well p fide b iintelfon ajtraclical jhila ntbropy, which, while ii plareg ibe slave in a condition of com foft and happiness enjoyed by no other lalior. ing populaiion of ibe fame grade of riviliza lion, is preparing bim by a sale and praciica Me edtaatioft as raoidlv a bis nresenl stale will allow-, for one of greater elevation and in created usefulness.- - - Tbe coiomiiiee proudly addttca tbU farl as a refutaiion of ihe wanton ralinniiies that t'gnor ant wiiatiouariec and malevolent fanatic are heaping on a generous people, who, plared un der circumstance of peculiar and great difhVul ly, are earieeily and manfully teekiug for a ra tional and a'ale jolullon of one ol the greate I problem) that can occupy lbs antious thought of tbe wise, ibe good, and the patriotic. ENGLAND AND FRANCE. ,The following letter from M. Di'cos, French Minister of Marine, to Mr. Ewart, member of tbe British Parliament, bas appeared in lbs English papers I " Mimsthv of Marine, Pa his, Feb. 25. "Sib: The question which you do me lh honor lo put iu your Idler of ibe lQih of Feb ruary might petbaps appear to we unusual, if my mind really eniertained :he strange ideas which lottie peraons appear to atcribe to me in England. Out, far Irom considering these ijueation indifcieet or inopMriune, 1 rejoice at I he in because they afford ine atv opuuriuniiy of giving you Ihe eompiffe aurafreeof my peace ful enfirrrent,! greatest of milortunes if serious miuuder slaudtogfhould break out between tbe two na tion, anil I detire. with all my heart, that the best understanding may coniinue to prevail be tween them. Your newspaper make much lir about our presumed warlike preparation. I confine myielf to declaring lo you thai I havs not armed a aingle gun-boat, stirred a single cannon, or equipped a ingle oI3ier, ' I remain ibe calm soeclalor of ibe enor. mini eipenes which you ars making to eon jure away an imaginary danger ; and I admits ibe facility with which you augment your, budg l ti. when no real' neeessitv orescrit... ii. irl lh member of your Prliament,who are so pre, occupied with our project of invasion, would give ibemsilve the trouble of paying ua a viit, ibey would be more surprited than I am myself, pe'ibap. at ihe eitreme readiness with which ihi rumor (almoit amounting lo a plea antry) ol our opposed warlike preparation ba Lean received among you. 1 thank you, .'..oT.!-w.!,Bi.!?..,.0 cenain a- mount of intercourse between ut ; aud I beg you io accept the eipressioo of my moil diriin guiibed sentiments. " M. Ewabt, etc. Trbodokk Di-cos." Says tb Washington correspondent of ike New Yoik Journal of Commerce : " The eicilement produced in England, and specially among Ibe growler of tbe family ol Jobo Bull, by ibe eipecied advent of the au, tbore f( "Uncle Totn'a Log Cabrn,' ia almost a ridiculous a thai which waacraated hers by the viii of Kostuth, ihe folljr or which is freely brought lo our mind by Madame Puleiky' book. Mr. Siowe'a journey from Liverpool to London will be a triumphal procession, as Kossuth's was from Nsw York lo Washington. The feeling at the botiom of these moveme... ja. bat h side sJs. rdeiraao meddlsWJa4iW4hM nan..!.'. . IT., i . .1 1 . . - r-r"i" ", an impiiaeni and ptiarasak v.. ....,,,. v. .u)pvrinriiy, in CIVHixatloa and humanity, lo ihs belter eUa.a. I- ..k "J VounlrieB. :-rw-' -.- . ffeihe Fai.--Tbey are huiidii.ajinU retragtflrl thi - WirfleVfroe WrirtS-Kl as- ..- a'i "V-i'"v..'vi-., , ' . . - -r.--. t , ro.onigom.ry, Aiaw to Da tent to Ibe New York WorW's TaiitW'sJxhrhonV . i I Tia LSDii I.U .M.M.. AIXII. li. V are aullioriattl to announce JamM W. OaBOgHfi, r r r-u.,i..ii. . .ii,).,laie fiw firtirreee in. 7ih District. Til EWHKj CANDIDATE 4011 CON - Gil ESS IN THIS DISTRICT. It will be perceived by adverting to bead of this column, that Mr. Osborne consented to stand forth at tha Whig champion in ibis District. If the Leg is latum bad tried to make an equal con test of this election, they could not have done tt more nicely lhan in assorting to gether the several counties that compose the District. We believe tbe Whigs have rather bad tha majarity when they have. been stimulated lo any thing like a de termined effort, hut very often the couri tifs hare so voted, as, when counted to gether, they have predominated on the other side. We have on our part a most excellent candidate. There is no Whig in the West, of whom tbe party ought to be prouder than Mr. Osborne : His high moral worth: his amiable, deportment: added to bis excellent sense his various acquirements, and bis fine, powers as a speaker, render him a most capital choice, and one to whom every other gentleman of the Whig party who has been spoken of as a candidate, has voluntarily conce ded his claims, and urged Mr. OsbobnkIo come forward, and we bear of no disaf fection any where among our friends. m a ar i I De iruin is, Mr. Upborne, we are ccr- , I(J fc b R C(ndi(,aU t lf be bd not been assured of entire unanimity among the prominent Whigs of the District. Rowan, in this contest, has the power of controlling the event: and to the good and true Whigs of this county. Mr. 0 soaifE appeals He has never yer receiv ed an office from the Wbigs of the West, although for twenty years he has been a distinguished advocate and leader of the party : and bas fought the Whig battle with unflinching zeal and unsurpassed ability The people of Rowan and Cabarrns, wbo are so deeply interested in ihe ques tion of the Rnil Road, ought to remem ber that Mr. Or borne was the original mover, ftnd was more lhan any other man in either Statethe author ol the great scheme upon which our Road is based. Indeed." w-e know that he ever, in glowing terms, spoke of our extension as embrac ed in bis proposition. Wo know too, that when there became a crisis with the sub script ions to tbe stock of the North Caro lina Rail Road, Mr. 0. stepped forward and subscribed for Mecklenburg county the amount necessary to make up the es timate assigned to that county, and that too, when this extension wraa known to be no f arorire with the people of bi town", and when he had no assurance that a dol lar of it would be tnken ofT of his bands. As it was, he is the only subscriber to our Road in Charlotte. In this matter, as in every thing we have known of him, he is the public spirited,- patriotic, liberal as serter of truth and justice, and the good of North Carolina. In this we think Mr. pie of these coanties regardless of party. out ne una uturr Claims wnicn Will not fail to react, the heart and cordial appro bation of the people of this District. This we verily believe, and to this end, we mean to give our best exertions. .CONGRESSIONAL. CANDIDATES. rp. , i j j - -' ..., na nnvraujr riillBr-u llini James W. OsBOR.-fVEso, , is tbe Whig can didate for tHCQngressionr'DisTrict.'.' It rZVSX? ' aIso .urtderstood lhat Bubton Cbai IA1GK. iq., is tbe Democratic candidate. These gentlemen have, for many years, occu pied prominent positions fn their respec- live parties. As members of the Bar, they have each acquired extensive repu- tation i As members of society, tbe warm esteem and confidence of those who have k"own them best. We Very m tich doubt whether another District in the State will have the good fortune lo bring into tbe field two gentlemen of greater ability ; or who will more surely elicit the earnest effor,s bf P1)! friend to secure iheir election. Farmer's JournaLVe have received the 2d No. of the 2d Vol. of this work, which $s published at Bath, N. C. It is not thov!fthjnS ' any means, and it would be a ereat mistake to ftxtimat ;.. ..t v -letaeaavv O W t oe iy its external appearance. It is to D regretted that external show has attain. ed suehpHeirey-wit b pbn theehar aeter jf workaCihis net ure. And yet it is erjoallv to he -r,rt.. fh.. . . ---.. .v- . . . f ompoductron" . imfwuemg mio inem toe moralu- tti:tlong for U illustration of ttjei ofcjeBI iJtlcSlibeyeiit trealt i:.uiii!y ol' .North Cnrulnux. p VerHnr-H it iu lumml ... r ""8 pr,- - - , - - .'I'll nil II, i if.. . . ) into i public, favor; It has already, r. L.i i ' . n ' tlud. jowi ooiain- uowan7att"d "we r" trtn rr " haMma--r.v - - b.:.::, ,Bor"e b Ki yrib vniviiua a oimrra gene oery:Some scamp i8ll-P lern part orih-e.-Stitin,-,,- head lo break tip fhe monotony J ally prevails in North Carolina.hr . ...'' tbe bas lite mailt. He is l:kel. . ' He is likelv t . ' .1 will be fun for him. if he can m. can man... . escape detection. But woe to Lira if k! should be caught. A number of robberies have hefnt0(, milted of late, and il would sceinstv.,., difTereiiT persons 'ae engaged in it? last case we nee repor t,, '.J. led to the damage of Mr. E ,.a...v.. vuiunigir. gentle rnap, i U;i. boro naeked i.i a nan. t I , ... U4 ona , L: u r . . ..ids u ituureso, via ureensooro,' gold wha key and seal. The box was duv rr-J. ed, but Ihe jewels were gone. Ev4N8ii greatly mortified lhat any body in N.,u r ... . , i , . ' ''iHI voronna suouiu oe guilty of such mm. ness, anu says tbe "scamp who DilL.aJ .L .a . r -ava mai oox would steal a sheep. , r. S. We have just conversed WitK . gentleman from one of the upper eonm;- who is a Post Master, from whom learn lhat almost every letter containing money sent from bis office for a yew ! two past bas been robbed. He bsi mudi no great noise about it. but has wt,r. limes written to the Post office Dtpim. ment on Ihe subject, and has befnpfci. ngthe proper authorities to take the mat. ter in hand. So far as he knows, nothing bas yet been done to ferret out the rojua tY Tt it at-ll j-1 i ne "ineraw uazette of the 23d March, made out a beautiful article mind Messrs. Boger & Reese anf tbe Slate North Carolina generally, but it has Dot even noticed Mr. Boger's reply to Bajlr Wby is that T It is slated that ibe Ameriran . ml over to Pari to solicit the French aiia for contributions of industry to the New Yrk Cry s j J .Palaces h as.. b ad .aa audiencof :Louii Narxileon, and received the sstunncelStl rep. reseniatives of ihe national niat.ulacfu.fi ikuuld be pretent at ibis universal etbibiiiorf. While Louis Napoleon promt these great icing io behalf of Franc, wbat is North Car. olina doing ? TTi7. ileralj. : This I a very signfflcant quesiiop of ill j lieralt and one that orrbt lo put in motioa ihe thinking maebirva of our riniem bi ave are alraid n will not receive ihe inditidual at tention ol ihoae ctiiicerned. w e pfopuw, ibrr. lore. lo put ihe question in a shape more eifect mai it application may ba made fnor readily ny every one. First. Mr. Cabinet-maker, what are jond. fug for ibe honor of your Slate T You bate your sign up as a finished workman a 'tnaiirr f I ) or trarte. and ask patronage on the groitndef I your atnlity to do a good and neal wwl ii any una else in your line are Jou linWnH e tear not ; when you .laciily acknowM your inraparily for furnishing anyibin really elegnri hy taking no mep lo rln io svhea JW Stale pride la appealed to. think nf n. ... fondly.Mr. Tanner, do you clairs M esrellence in your trade? Have, ynti nol lotion for putting op two or three dira tall I (kin of superior Ian and fininh, In be eikiM- ed in Ihe crystal palace,' with ihe samei irih (-arolina laa y&id atautoed ort one ew- aeTI.Wiwfii'" Iiet''iiTi1ir 4i f Aratarate afraid that bv nmkinir tnrh dianlar nu j r. t J j gel your name up a a tip top roanul'acturersM he obliged, in consequence, to enlarge jo bueinees in order to supply the demand sf your leather 7 Tbirdlv Mr. Shoemaker, what do foe taj to nuitinir a hoi or l wool fine Bonis asds'0" iq ?! on to the. World's Fair? Arejos.! f I hose yankee cordwainer would liugt l)0Bf work? If o, you acknowledge thai jfe ntt comoete with ihem in neatness aad drav I bilily of the articles you "maniifactor,t,l,'j indireeily adnvii ihmi .le:ii-iii'f!!!,, I Vouask aim of North Carolinians. I I aeern a alranita nli.ma l,.il il inntt b dall ied lo be true if you ask lor work and "H ...... . ...nni rln 11 (Owil vw.i.o iiiiif aUIIJIt I liat JOU HHiiw - w neat and cheap work aa other. Fourthly We might use timilar argo"' to Saddler and Harness Makers, lo Maker and Jeweller; in abort to """f'; Ir..i.. ...J .,;.... kn ara UDDOte " have mind raual.le of rliscuvf rinf delvf-1 -tj "" i '."'L ..- ""Vum brtW wu ijxern anu otrjemeuviug -a . vrntion of new. . , j , ... I I .L.i I.n Mil E.very man woo leeis a oia mai the State, who penned ihe line, "Carolina! Carolina! Heaven's Ne? a"1 al jiai w r fc will feel an aniiou .olicitod that 'J ditahly represented in ihe appro"'11 b union ol the industry oi an .t. l"l l ..,k. m forward iiioo(ii ii n may nave tin K sjeft! en, ne will give all tne aiu i r . . . litnm. to ies I omer wno may oe in a psi'"- l :..J... r.k .laie. ample oi iu muusirr oi " Vsltefll In order to give the .mailer p" gi in this sectiotv we propose thai ,e,,r(;,.j bit ii Minelree put up a fine B"W H risg John ll. jonnson, not - et iM-at uwh B-trr ostwi t . - ---- .c n. . ... . .. - i. ... . ..r llsniese niu ct none, a upero ct . f(gf. : i M " Al,ndj?"l n be ' - i 1 'be World . Fsir ; and tna. tlijm ii w M... iHrf hr rrilnnlat-vsrcinr,."---r. . j-iai -j s c... Btair 't i ' . , i. . r.ic. f . the Siatiirinlertirjw laa "Wylhforelen rsi' koiai4i0 character was 10 be' suitsin j e'Jf'i'Ttii,' ! f. aiAeVBjaSaTerl-

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