v in i . . u , . t...-.,(t, .3 ami .,. ! ...... '-r '; I.,n mud falilurnw, u i . in.l.;d u, ll.e oitu-i a.,d I"'" twucuir..ni.-a ot rr inint uf b....i.ii1 rill.-uin ll-l H-'"1""" llus uusl ul tAiM.ir.aiuk. Ui-i.o tunic, liu'llig ilif '" T pied iU ; .11 J tl a,a.m.u which mar t (uui.U lu.: them un. dor UiK acT .hull bo pa.J uut of any BMBKjra In Uw IrraaMrjr But .. MberwUa appropriate. . . , .v. . - w in j, Aiut in U juriKtrnacM, Thai tha Secretary ofwar- ul mrtuf any ror t " iMaaurr not oUierwi JVuiua rf Ji. armv, tha aurn.of .k-we hun.irl "tanta. 4r dollart, with iutereat from tha aluta of Juno, l"ttM &- baa aoouooled to th departaurat, and whlcbaum InclOda. li BtaM incurred (n enrta to raeerar the aainc. 1 Tjkod htHr fnactmt. That tea a.tttaw.1 of Km ret-Uainx (iV elaiina of Ue State, of Ooorata and Ala EiSHdTnc feadt t ifto India. Vg" ScrTury of the Trc-aaur, pay to Ih. "tata of U-r,.a Itfr cUluia, w ram'hilit. unpaid tor awney. paid by th. Stau in '"PP"" It hoaUlill- uf th Charokw, Oraelc, and Seminole Indiana, In Iks rear tiaoWU hondred and thirty-nvo, and alnoa upon proof hat U,e m. wa. pild by th. Stale; and that the P'oW lhaartaf gonnwMWlali to Ida ietllement of Jhj e"' OeoriHfjf military aamcaa, appromi .v.. .-, hundred and Hftyone, be extended to tha paymeuU to be made uiidvr Milt act. And that tlwtary of the Trea.ury pay to l a-aona o . a ii. the 8 title of A tuba ma, iiim areM of iilxteeuth Augi the twenty-tilth Jam balutueedue rtte'wTn UUtiea of euthUen Ii and thirty- reit : Tunc I In 'HI faith gao. t. And foil tenant of the corp. o or ordnance corp, eh errice ae lieutenant. tain : 'rwW, Xh aid corpe h;ill not I law : A ma pronaea before thoee who kindred and forty-two, and JlUreH anu ioriy-iiiii, "n of 'Ute Creak lnii hna Vttlx and eighteen hundred t made that wld Bute ad rmed. -.-tffl. That whenerer any Ilea- 'j I, eoriM of topograpnical enpnnn ..I laiii.in);ilJ iit cot-ei4 l i A. II Sl.rm.erJ ba.l been ficq Jrlil'v l)..!fll ir. thi.i?iBiittl- Lul Wt lern trqld that hit nama hould But be feeutd la the cun. fVUHUVr . ..! , , ... - Wiiboui dip&rgfmroI lo tba manjr other cili.cn ut Itlaul ud tluilndion imhe difiricl w would congratulate friend- ' 'i"1 "' triet trthe-teieclieff heieetaadaHl. tearet Col. P. it one of-lbe meet deeered!r popular men in ite weitern pari ol the State, and bat Ireqtwmly er4 a roettiW io fce lloutecl Cummont with great acceptaMHtjr and uteWl. ne.. (( i a plain, unatiuming farmer, reiir ing in bit ditpotilion, ratt r arere to puthing himaulf frrrward in public but on lormer occasions, when bit fiind have required hit ervicea, he hi shown a seal and talent ilutl hat alwayt been lelt in the popular elections. .....-. v. J We are auilioiWd to antuMince Ja( W. Hmjuhnk, Ef., of CliarUte, aa a csnjiJale for ConjjriM in thi, li ii-! it w ill i.-t ocv:.i.rj..'U ii, -Xeio Bern jScus. ftiidU-', l ..t v I if ever again Ah I let us hasten the completion of cut OCT Concord Vfetbytery commenced , holJing its semi annual sessions at Tbja- tira Chorcbrn, this county, to-day, at 11 and brings from 4 to 5 ceHits, on the hoof, according to quality. great It. Road, and we shall hear no more such complaints." The West can furnish the Eail with excellent pdpfr as well as jfine potatoes, flour and pork. There are ton, one at Shelby another at Salem, and still another near Raleigh; They all -produce good paper, and we believe cheaper than it can be boueht at the North. Rain. Afterseveral weeks of .v.erj drjM4lorovft4ley art? ..remarkably prompt in weather, we were favored with a most their attention to orders. delightful rain on Saturday last. The ef- I FROM THE RIO GRANDE, lint mwajra urcii ivn m y- . j - o-w fl , . Iii hit own immediate seguon, where he it bett ! fect pi) vegetation js truly refreshing, not The New Oi leant Bee acknovyledget the re known, ba can probably tecure a larger uie j ony tQ lnnts tbenisetvelC tui"t eVipi .? i',ruiiTlTe papers tthe 30rhulilmo; tban any other Whig in the district. And all j , prontable for man to observe nd u;cs lUt a rumor wat current in the latter SSZl dhtrS. r7bCP;; I these things' with more than common in. ; city lo ,.,e , ,1, , ,., ,he ,owno( Edinburgh bad ......n VHtira Mkiitinuoui re twTw --"-" t ----- i tail iu viuci pani i w . k.ll t tatv.miitrl to that TtVnk Of k CtiP- I . 1 . . . .I I. I a l 1 Hian ' kAM LnlrAi.til fritrri anm rilllM tfrnWinff 0111 Ol "Z Y.. 'V7.t rr. in Htherof become of rtonallv acouainiea wi-n mo r "D' . Icrest. A rain was muc uccucu. woo -"""r" "v - - " ncre beyond i numr ow flj by jf ha faTOritl?t noi l0 much wiih iho parly - w;thbt moncv and without price : Iba new filibu.ier movement. I he rwnor, how wr, irtm no uiuw r . . . . . i I It I l.u ikom " - - . . . , , a. Mirw. im K-avt- leant? ri wo dp ncuwtc. mu u i i..v... , , :r ..AA., ;H n aver, rouia noi ue iracca 10 anv reimino iuuivc " i . i i - . An ii tu Adi mitTn inn v il ni:i:ui uiim iu . 1 v. iAl fu-rthj mjtttt Tlll tnf .'Wretiry oi war . l . L . I . A.nf,.ltta Arl All. " vw" O " . . . . wttat C b terebi --Uww7-i& & airwrtfi ana-pwiaA-a Jt ji..v.Mjn5.- .j ,1,. ,u,.p nf th Rivr Edinburgh it an American town, ailtiaieo in eh .f u ean .f rei. ii , mra characier ft pure and mr- r vale and.lhfi CMracterol , t. 1! P. rrr shom he i-jx .nch.mai, ai th. every liriVdrop wasa jew.l most preciousTT w T , . Ti "bi" tfa ! . ,!. of anv dit.ric. miahl be pruud lo point ! ... ,k ,:, f ,u Hi.m,,..,! . 'd h ben ,aken J a P"' ' law,eM route for a rallrua.l from the MloMppl river to th. ,roic ocean ; - - , - Ot.lll l.rtl CU IU It. luc ..S" tht Hi .nm of one hundred anu ntty tnounanu , iu ae lliru ir iitiriininc "..i,..-.- muchlh-w.nmy be neeeary be mi.l the aame l liy P- f),.moc..g f th 6lh district haB tUe. A m L-r .i an (.. nl.o t-uxiil luiiii ih cliaiu'i..ii ... . .1 t i i .... ot Ihe buccajieentii;esit'UitHm agaimimo i"""'" ' i ba. No man. bred in the principle of W aaliintoii no native of this laud, who k.vet iiberly in J juaiic. ir er entured to ultcr the tentimenU he di Not eotilcnl wilh glorifyuij Fillibutteritiu, b declttraoT la th Sen at hit opposition to tbt purghaio of Cuba elated that Spain bad formally retid sovereignty over tlit Island, tntif J&fcHauA a lainiug ptttwesaioa of It and, in no equivocal terma, re commended iosurrectba Uiererw niight psofit by it fhis it French inoraniy. And thb it the tott of man tent by thus peaee-toving Adininiwlraliou, to promote peace, and good-will with one of Ihe power! of Europe. Y never had any confidence id i French polhict and French- stateeiuen. With Ibem, might makes right, and tho eword it the preferred arbiter in every national dis pute". They hav'nt the remotest idea of Republican, i i 'i 1 1 . .1 i -. j . lial ImiiiiH-r ol .. ,i t) ,. , CJuii 'iet chairman ol ihe Coiniiiiiiee 0) y ' "!';' (the-most impo.Unt-of alfthv CiT-1 in a similar canaciir i,.t !,:. -It 7 . ; - J VOUIily Hon. Calvin Graves ha.,ec.nl 'I ' , id to a like poti in CatwefL, . , ,,c j WmVA Wrib .1 NeWjW Jut ice ol trie I'eaee. a.wl ......i , . oi So Peace, aud regularly each County Court, the weighl of , V1 learning and acquirement, lo the1!,.;.,! Ihe Bench in Ihe trial ol causes. Eiamplet like ihe.e,i,ik, ut M . coinmentiaton.Yilmirrgtmltirall v To the above instances mav h .aa.i .. pute. They hav'nt the remotest idea Of Republican, r oi ine lionv-UKomc Ii. Maducr, wVo'forn, representative Government.-rand this is proven by two , I)' presided over the; County Conn, 0 y jit tho moat meinurahh- fiil-r"-"-"""led in hiaUay.aitd and ihe Uon. W jt. ll. Ua m.M . w), mh' ' the present deplorable tyranny which ii scourging their quenlly filled lh same teal how ufum- a, country. reader understands well enou2h. fsuclc' Nothing is known to us. in the case of. Mr. Soule, J were more common, the County Courl, which makes him an exception to the prevailing delects " u ulr ouium ic ,nc ;men. As far at we can tee, he appears ; ten! or Irresponsible men have maniged : " of hit countrymen. to poetess all the Gallic foibles, in an eiagerated form. He is pointed out as the specimen of intensest dandyism to be found in Washington. The French passion for ny countiet lo bring upon ihem 0 d in rr. The price of Laud Warrants is main .. i.t' .. . a " 4lelCielJei:inonmgliiyp)Siieiiaenim; aim no . Hey are quoted al.Oul as followi of any money In the treaaury not otherwiw p Ashtboio' Reporter, We have receired r!c. It. AdhHfrUrrM1a, Tnai me eneim ..... ....... , r- j . other rrwo, employed i M "P"'4",, : atieiidaiiCr si Furs) ib Court, and it was said, , ,i,e f,r8 Xu, of a paper ol this name just iwd"h"rrreptr?S : out ol doors, thai an inlormal meeting or cau. comm.nct.j Hl AshelioroughN. C, by T. or wefureUetrat Monday in February, eighteen hundred and MJ Tue,J., ..jghl, ,1 which the m",C"CrU " . .... "Ztti. Aias vW. that in,h.;r.U, ' on. Johl, Hil, of s.okes. ... urgejl to lake B. Woouulrn. Esq. It is Whig in pol.t.es, of the aotoantof IbaiUateof Vlrihnia, under U.e twelfth tiuo ,.m,r,li- -andi.lhle. under V htinn iheY editor ITiAV tUCCeed. of the act approved thlrtyflrat Augu eignieen mra . p . - , man iiirjr Ideclining ! yexe School Aisembly. The General As- not scruple ut any time, for trie' saSo'of flllipfay and- to : . rp. m n......-;iU n I make an impression, to aacriuco u.mmii.i.u m,w . is darkness the slitter of gold aS canker. ! """" , t ' ' B ! highe- public imeretta Of cour. the aubatratum of not i is uarkiiess, uie guuer vi sjuiu aa v..r.v. jeU crounded on a letter frnn a cenlleman , . ,i,r.,P wanitv and selfislineas and all ntor- ty-two,th.eeretaryoi war oe ana n. .. ""' ""-; i tl beliel that he was me tlfotlgesi fouow the prorMoiM of the act of eecond of June, elrhteen hun- . 7 dredandforty-elKht, proeWing tor the refunding to the ererl could IUII ; bull bat be persisted III Sutea the amoanta expended by them in raWng regimenU of ol- . , .. . ; ..freed n Edinburgh. We look upon ibis at very doubtful newt, and defer further report till we learn soineihing more definite, PUBLIC DISCUSSION, Tho candidates lor Congress, lion. T. L. Clingman and Col. B. S. Gaiiher, addressed ihe people at Athevilln, on Tuesday ibe 12ib unteen for the III III I Par. IS, AndbeitfmrtJriurtU Thai the lot of land In ca 0 (J,.orn0 L). Hoyd,'Esq.. of Rotkinghafll In the eveni that he loo should decline, il was thought ibat an rlTorl would be made to biing out Col. Geo. Bower, of Ashe. There are some of the "Young Americas" of the party in ibe disirict, ihat would probably, be willing lo make the $acriji:e,ih chancet ol success were a. little belter ; but as the chances are in favor of ihe whigs, especially with such a candidate as Col. Purrear, ihey are willing, to deter their claims in favor of ibe older members of ilia ke ; lemMy of Ihe (N. S.) Presbyterian Chureh j . araenal ha keen ereclid, and the Mid araeual, be and the ..in.e are hereby reoonreyed and granted to the truatcea of aaid fuwn and their ucrceaora. , dec. 14. And b it further tnnctfl. That for the porpoM of enabling the eoramlMiunere of the military aylum to purrhaM a Miuble aile wiUi the Tlew of etablishin)r thereat a "tern Biilllary asylum, the ram of ten thousand dollars, in nl.litl..n to Ihe na In Uie hand! of the commitMonere, ia hereby appr.ipria. ted out of any money in the treaaury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, March S, IsM. ihe United Slates wiil hold its annual meeiing in BulTdlu on ihelweiitieih ol May aeil, Lutheran Synod. The Evangelical Luther an Sj nod of North Carolina will commence iis lie it annual sessions at Newton, in Cataw ba county, on Friday be lore ihe first Sabbalb in May neii. DUTY OF POSTMASTERS. We sometimes learn dial iwill tee Angels you will tee Angels our 'paper it going to an office and is noi call- ..l-fcarleeti m m Angels Coming Irom tha tpirvt l ed 16r, tot it ailber read by ifte Postmaster or j The aakt n to half-past om .' Some other matter ol a similar cast i banded out by him l(flhe neighbors, for the , ai 9 a 11 cent. From the Columbia South -Carolinian, April 19. NEW YORK MARKET: " " , 1 N. York, April 18, 1833. The tales of cotton to-day were (1,41)0 bales, but no CHARLESTON MARKET. Charleston, April IS, 18.'3. 'clock were 500 bales, From te Wilmingtou Commercial. MEhVnG OF RAPPERS. There waaTiieeting : of ibe Rappera laat week, in Springfield, Mats. It wat a lerribla . 1 a at..A k.,nrleaifna .tl.ir. 1 Here were auoo, ore- , tohtmin from ,be S.and.fd. i. also quotable ch.nfl. ha. reaul.ed nce the .Uamer Pacific tout present, who were believers anu prac.i- , BuiwUt fo gomo wlLer p4pe. lhl w0 kJ0W Mld,ilin8 upllinj, ,0, Middling Mobile. 10J, Middling lionirs iu the art and injstery of tpifilual com- , o(-: Orlean. 11. Flour has declined G$. Sterling exchange inunion. ' Il is ihe duly of Postmasters lo give Edi. 9 J premium. 1 - r. to iU nrranixaimn. a adv arose lort notice when newtuaoers art not taken a . iu.. . v . . j t and facing ibe audiewce witb eyet rjosed, taid: ' irom their ofheet You w oi will worlll. .. . .. . . , ii . . wat repealed, before Ihe lady closed nar very . postage, in an eucn catea ine i osimaster .a . TJje PeermbHrg in,fnig,nc,r ,hat .he 23dtn toltmn and interetting obsef vaiions. bound by law lo notify the Ldiior thai the tub- nu1 p ri of Botrd rf Dltrclor,of lh, penurg Mr. Spear gave tome account of ihe- As icr.oer noes not can lor toe piper, ... .. u. Ra, Road ComptnJi prrwnw , gratifying piciure of Benton Triumphant. The Missouri elec- lion has terminated in favor ol the entire Hen. Ion lickei. which hat prevailed over ibe coin bined strength ol the Whigs and anti Beuto nians. DEATH OF EX-GOVERNOR IREDELL. A Telegraphic Despatch received here ou Thursday evening last announced the denth of this distinguished gentleman, at Eden ton, the day previous. Hon. Jas. Iredell, bad been Governor of the Slate, member ol Congress. Judge ol the Superior Court in 1819, Reporter ol the Decisions of the Supreme Court lor many years, and the author of several Law Books. lie was universally respected and esteemed. Wc presume that a fitting no tice of this eminent citizen will be writ ten hereafter. Wilmington Hcruld. al cotisideralions are utterly disregarded. ve neara a i tale, some time ago, from which we inferred that he did j not bear even a common-place attachment to this laud j uf l.i. fiAtpluuMaiu! -h..ao brightest interest are now j confided to "hit hands. According l that report, having made at much money at he wanted in thia vile Kepub- , can cotintry, he et abtait making preparation, lo relurn to the Monarchical country whence he came, and wu only prevented from dtting so by diHCovering, on winding up hi. arTtira, that he lUd not made much money a. he lii. night he had. If hi. be a true index lo tho atate of hi ir-riiona, it wiluld Ipave been quite a. wise lo have rli..-n any lire-euliiig Jacobin ill I'ari., and c.nn iiiilted to hi. hand, the peace of thit Country Indeed, il teems lo ut quite at sensible to put a Intub for safe keeping wtlh a wolf, toetrtrtwt a qoestioH of poace to .ueh a FrenchMHMi.. Out all lhat we con do i.to hope for the beat. We live i iu an aire of iiruertt a New llampahire attorney i. in the teat of Washington, and the prosperity and happi- 100 acre Warrants 80 acre Warrants 40 acre Warrants IJtinng. Sel!in. si m av.Tl,.. k.. i.. . religion in in is communiiy, tliiring ibe pai, ,w, or three weeks. It commenced in ibe Meihoc' ial l?lillreh ni.fl llenff.wl ir.lA it.. .A " " t-onnrrej in. of ibe Presbyterian and,, Bapiisi thurchei.J .More than 200 persons have made a pu,i profession of.relijiion, and have aiuched them, selves lo ihe 'diflvreiit curctiKji, a, foCow To Ihe Melbodisl Church Pre.byiei'j- oj, anu to tna uapiiai ;y i.i .. rt h Curolinmn, Curious Machines. Mr. J. Norton hd nessof this great country the iaxue.of peace aud war j invented a macttlhe Which he ChlNanlo are in the hands of a French Jacobin : T uicator ot INtfmhers, and Distances, an,! which is approved ol by the London So- Tl.a .VW lora 1 ime. tpeaainj; ot .r. no.,,. . .p- ; cjeIy o( Ar,s jt wj, ,e, ,,)e , j p.t..re. . - -r -v-. n,rnns nass ntr thrnnr), a ,tnnr ' I p,.- "o", vi urate tocialionsof Hemficence." a tocie.y recently -neglect lo do to. he it Dimteu respont.oi .o , . The receipta eaeeed ih of The Hon. Edward Stanly of North Carol, orcahiled in ihe tpirit world. Tbt gentleman f lbe UwJof, th. f n, it itrthir crrf at Willard't Hotel, en rouie did not .ay, where they hold their meetings- are under obligations lo many Po.trnasiera lor ; rf ? f ( a.(, m $7. ot California, where he ...lends purtulng bit whether up or down .lairs, , foHvarding money, and for promptly delivering frft- (o bf . .- wi ,0 ffductjon o( (he debr . prole...in. TUe high reputation of Mr. Stanly The Hon. Edward S.'anly ol North Caroli UilUBI Ulf Ol UUWII Bin, .7, . I. . a.-' i-.l.. ii. ri,lanrl our oaoer and advisinir us in cases where il Ohio, there were seven hundred medium, and not called lor Ut ton,, ol ihem have failed iv hmand disciple.; In C.nctnna.r there -U. Ahtir du.yJr. lb :Uum.. rerre thtsand Uo hundred rnaur lla cave an io.iance of ihe spirit', splitting a .able tr, and hop. ihey will gi no cause of Com. II to nieces, in order- lo conviuce a company j p'amt uereauer, orikeniics. Uracious ! iiot maa wa suppose, Mr. Gilmer Smith, of Vermont, .aid he bad never before had the privilege ol attending a JUDICIAL DECISION. A case involving principle, of general -inter- Convention of Spiritualists, ihough he had met j e.l was decided in Forsyth Superior Court last Atrgei-4tiwtHtoti,4se4aHijfa .'bis,gv T4May.Jktdore. Judga SeUla,... Mettra. Boner lie man know. all about AngeU tery intimate At (iffmerchantt til Salem, bad instituted ol course. I ul( again.i ine rtlercDiin . oieam uoat ium which " was incurred in the reconsiraciion of ihe irtek with iron rails." . Grost receipts far' the year ending JariuVry Uh lt?53. SWi 9tl.. . , V " From ihe Southern Standard. Greenville and Columbia II. R. Company. The Treasurer reports the income of the Road for March, at followi, viz : . Freight . $14,276 04 Passage, '4345 3i $18,630 33 f .1 : . k ..mamkatarl tVaaa ft-aainal nnsaail lilt flri.lat ' w ... . a as IjCI II UT iriliriliuvri , hit i w. .r.o i ..a - fcr t sMmtLm9 ,'nd 9WiP!l'aty bttWttntl'Tngrn V lj7lbJarch, andlh.. rult I think,, look like doing or in on, ine matter oi eiievnte, lor oaiuars, mrgcu u u. uccu m.. (. aec' teen: a tie j Tie ,-r were nut .X 7 . ... . '. . ..... ... .. .L I. .L- thi Ji V wat ouiiaiieouelv eublline ana aw. lainea oy ine aeienuon oi tneir goous on ine "U1WJ B J , . . .. .TL- J.I. -J ng. Our reudcrt wouia never , river, in ine un u ioju. i m urn; bu wh) were lo omil ihe following. It milled ; but wat argued at unavoidable, in con. J-jTrJia racier and opefarioiis of ihe t sequence 61 Ihe cominukl drought and low .late ' ' ul niceline and elsewhere : ! ol the river. The trial occupied the whole day. k i , n I , . ' and me jury utu noi rerruer incir viruict nil ;e".rKne. the. no, until ihey liTlcd ! wtn'tey'g. SK iJ 11" $mtol&d ,he damage, a. 175 00.- jl fr6i",l Spit I Jonx Bei.ton O'Neall, President G.and C. R. R. Company. I . ... . .L , kl i lilt, anu iii.iku ius ubii.wilb iremely ow rn the eeal. of devolopmenl. , In , jeI,Jorer th uauaf lime in deT V...... Ikatets la Anlt Tllatllifl Wfirftf TOII l()U IlUr U. , . .... w rilwla lliriu ia a,t. a-.. ...Greenville and Columbia Rail Road.- We understand that at a late sale at auc tion in Charleston, the Stock of this Com aold at 814, which is at the rate of 70 per cent, on thre par value. LOOK OUT ! LOOK OUT ! I A fellow calling himtalf Howard hat chiselled us out of a Cireu potter awl an adrertiaemeot of a rrarJ Clr cos Company' to exhibit here on 25th April. He " Roes ahead engaging lodgings lor men ana norses, ana tnu. for ability, integrity aud legal attainment will- no doubt place bim al once in a prominent po sition at ihe California bar. VVo feel that we inay lake the liberty of wishing him ihe full success lo which hi. eminent merit, entitles bim. Republic. We copy ibe above from the Richmond Time, of ihe 15ih instant. Is il the same old ilory revived, or is ii really true lhat Mr. Stax. LY is going to leave North Carolina? OO" The Wilmington and Italeigh Rail Road Cpmnaoy, have declareda. temi annual, divi-. dend of 3 per cent, ou it. capital .lock, paya ble lo ibe Stockholder. 2d May next. ri'L:. . ,. kuv mi urn innnenre over - r. j llB .u.au..". -v " - te(J b ,he ,cf 0f GorJ ontw, onrmiee ol Ihe get. hit own, leavmg the. bill, lo be paid by ine com, .hetons of men. n Mart, .ho condition o incumbent on the Com. P"y; which ha. ".' I-P'y the game i Ibe-peon e was vastly different. 1 hough noW; I , , , . . . Camden, and lias repealed it here. He mu.t be a prac .Mhe ' me of derelopmeni. tbey a,e mure de. PBT tha the delay . to caused ; and how Bnd maybe iQ raige lhe ed than the inha ,.. of he ea,:h . 2Vo1 J SX'S'"- he;er,nf,, :COrn ViZ!1r'ilrd! W.le.m.fromlh.Soalhth.t.h.Hon. 291,850 105.344 .(!?.070.. " 573 332,530 59,991 .1.-1. i. ..La .11 .b. nlanel. he. contract lor tne conveyanceo. Boou. Cum i mi nj - - WoiiM tuprmtr they wrr m Keit, 1 1. is derision i. calculated lo make those en Votid lhat are tlepopuiateu. inisis in coiicc- , . . . of .hieatb Unreboin the solar centre. All . hi. ".. ;aeTf.Tdrij.ofl-&p.-Fa.ery cau ,ou, ,n r? i a lire i. on. ... , celvjn rel(,ht when lhe waler in lhe river is lleman were talking ol a lamiliar and every , .1 I IM. JI CCfiai1 WMKr. Ull vt tnuttat uaj ). A Strike at Rochester. The Rochester Feeding Bees. A writer in the Ohitr Union is requested, by a number of the VulUcalor, alter Uescanting on u,e unpro profession, to state that there will be a j nobleness of feeding bees on buckwheat meeting of lawyers at the. Library, on j 'm SMcrdav afternoon: at 4 o'clock, in lhat with sugar; his plan l.e.ng toptit n a a - I .. 11. city, to take, into consideration the pro- rou"u '."ro. Sugt ... U1... . , barrel, less known brands, 6.50 ... - .-:i... rv. r... Tk. i wet.it with water, and lay a number ol 9'ou ' ' prieiV Ol n SHHC ir llijun iren. a oc - oZilemen remarked-Derhnps not for small strips of wood aqross for the bees ..Kliflatmn lhat as things now Stand t lo resl 00 ni.e ai worK. jn every caper .. . . . . .. . terd'ay (the -1 1 lh - from . AIantanzaaf ton board the frigate Fulton. vVe regret to addlhaA,hihealth LhiyjiJiiroproL--. " FLO UK. A correspondent of the Charleston Mer cury says of Southern Flour : "The demand for Southern Flouf is daily increasing for export to Australia and California. Superior Southern brands of Flour, such as. Richmond, llaxall and Gallego, sold in New York and Hoston at ' . en ... U n.itilmnra Ima nnt-Kppn over $5.75, this season in New York or Boston. . " . ... .ff.lt is a well knuwn fact that the Flour of GeorgiaCarolina and Tennessee, will .v.v. -...v.. ... , "ITi.nir.;. their comb und.rgeswchange in coruse- . compare itvurau.y. v.... . . iv. .u hu W ,W.-Jnhn i auence of any thing ihey do to it. If.lhey Flour, and is beyond doubt superior to Gallagher, of New York, accidentally shot ' re fed with molasses they deposit.e molas-; ort,ej.n pouri ftnJ belter adapted for his wife dead with a pistol on- Tuesday ses, if with sugar diluted with water, it shipment to a Southern climate and long . - . , . ....i... is difficult for members of the legal pro- tmenone pounu o. cc..isuBaf ,,ruuu- leasion to get an honest living. If that is 1 ""POns Anomrr Mpem to. there can be no doubt lhat a ref.rrm the contrary, says : j f H,.r,,. rt !a needed. " hatcver bees cojlect and depos.Te in voyages. ' VVe believe al this to be true, and that anenidofi. lie look two loaded pistols j is sugatr, and nothing but sugar, when from a drawer in one hand ; they struck ! stowed away in uie ceus. ui mis any ; .. '! ... . r .'l a. ..,:c. nn enn Alimfv himself hv trvinfr the) eZ- loireiner : one w ent uu, n.iu iun ..o i - j -j j - -- . . .,, ... Shot through lhe wrist and abdomen. A j periitient with these or other sweets, as I our Fayetteville Flour will remain seef coroner's jury declared him guilty of -un- have repeatedly done. The honey o. ong. if not longer, than, other brands, pardonable carelessness." leoted from flowers is the same -in the Uyhy do noi our friends up the, country " '. ' L ,al- a If .w, A mm In ilia flrtltfa Wllllhlir IIIU 1 . a '. a t t ' 3 i o. ... .o ..w,. , ....j . rharke.f. in not on V macKeiaoie. W Urn iliHt a liule daiiahter of A. ; modification in flavor, color, or con.sisten I Urwlerviood, il3rfy,g 7T accidentally came- Xo her death on Tuesl inff bees wjih a substance Ihey rr- e Tayt pcctlTo ctaug uruvniiia.?T i tviuc a a r.ce. , . , -i wM.un. rm a !-..; 1 i . . a ' . eucr prices i.v.. rvi: ini.nri. .-a., i...M- . - maA I J " J ' a U kJ-:t. " Tt . " could Be obtained wethmnve re-row CmWn. The future cafrexfiTbTteaihthr C A LI I 'OR M A. San Franrico paper, of the 15ih ull., stale ihai th! iillow ing is lhe result ol the census of lhe ts'it'e tfl' California s Vhile.' Citizens vl-i 21 year, ol age, Tiirrnea. Mulalloet, ' Indians, domesticated,' Foreign residents, The countries of Nevada, Placer, and Yuba have reported 9.609 Chinese. The other coun ties have embraced Ihem, without discrimiua. lion, under lhe head of foreign. The number ol Chinese is believed lo approiimaie 25,000. HEALTH OF MK. KING. r..Ac,r it is doubt ful whether Mr. King can survive "many days. A Handsome Dividend. Il will be teen that the Fayetteville & Western Plank Road, the pioneer work ol thai kind in ihe South, and we suppose the longest Plank Road in lhe world, pays the stockholders a semi-annual dividend olfovr per cent. Beside, this, we learn that all the current repairs have been paid for, and 10 percent, of all receipts been invested at part of lhe permanent fund fur re. construction. Still further, lhe dividend is applied lo about $35,000 of capilaUeipendod un portion, ol the Road not paying tolls. VVe congratulate the stockholders and com munity on ihete handsome results, but tiill more on lhe incalculable convenience and pro fit of lhe road to the country through which il passes, and loihit place at which il terminates. We earn lhat the main road will' probably be finished lo Salem within I wo months ; and that 6i miles of the Deep River Branch will be put under lull about lhe 1st oI'May. It is under such agreeable circumstances lhat the Annual Meeting ol the Stockholders laket place this morning. Fay. Observer. !. Soule declared that he would not accept the j ling 111 an "omhlbu'S, and ttllS Cttlelhe TlS Spamh Mtaaton, except upon ont condition, and that Mlce passed Over al&O. It is easily ad condition he did not toppoa. Uie AUininitlralioii would . , , . nr-Ilnlln..,i , t -r errant. I'ooi, beitnr -.,u alioiied as to what il wa., he re- , JUCtl, and IS prOHOUIlCed to Le loUtlltU nlied that il wa.. that he thuulii hate unlimited voireii . in Its feSLlltS for the purrhate of Cuba. We infer, therefore, lhat Mr. Soule ia inve.li d with -nrrrrnrtcled authority to bargain i for that aland. This it the object for winch he goet. If...'. .1 KT .. I. T.I a- "I- r iU usiciu j.ui-tiii. i ne .. i, Jiusian Fund Society have engaged Miss E. K berly. the popular and talented Nbnkw The Senate (adjourned yesterday ifie , perian reader and actress, to read Mid summer Night's Hream with the Mfdet sou n music accorn dian i ine nt ,fo be perform ed by about one hundred instrumental anJl die, after a special session of fivjft weeks, the President having informed it that be had no further communication to make. This Executive) session of the Senate has j vocal performers, consisting of tbe fin been of urmsual length longer than any I artists in Aew lork other called session within our recollec tionindeed three times as long as that of 182U, on the accession of President Jackson,. when the principle of proscrip tion, till then unknown in our government finding a fresh and unknown field, furnish 4 so much work for the ec the. It is not in the present cask, "we apprehend, that the changes have been so numerous as to require so long a session, nor in tbe hesi C7"We learn that the Democrats hr a meeting at Winston, on Tuesday -night, and agreed that George D. Bind. E-a Rockingham, would be a suitnble candi date lor .Longress., i xuph l'rm. RELIGIOUS EXCIl'EMBXT. Cincinnati. March 29. An imrnrme mnttu mautiri(r U'saat in MarL-ei Snnarc (ation of the Senate in giving its consent njgh. ,QB nominate an in(iepfn(ifnl to ine,.. ; tor .a ,.r,a ut.ur.att.nnt i . j ,jckct fop cj, fficfJ ,Q SUs(ajn ,he , there was u.mcu ty ou its pan w.in out ; mon schoo, - )(J ()e e)cwt .&0.L of Roman Calbolics in regard ei4 session is to oeiouna aouonesa .tnac..,...,...--, .-6mrl jrBs relbf H illitn It tr arT eta lol inn en tha nnrt nf thp . i ......vU..j ov..w.. ...ul ;0,,eni Rnd ,he canil(jatfS selecie executive, unuen. jacksons accession. t ... uuii trz ij . . n it u The German, feij ji J feol va.- or - V i -k a.- aw r i f K a t.r nit) V ittt' his party xvas a homogetfeous fscii0i questjon; " f he German: like, his Canine , " a unit. in n.s se.ee- Calhohc-s and JeW8f participilItd t.ons lor omce ne nauio consult omj ,s p(J d themsevfS in )avor oJ own lavor or ine merit o.i no sp"'" i ; pb's Colleges.". Great indignation M ne naa no criqwrs 10 cnncuiair, nor mc- , ,l . -.i .... : u "i""cu al tions to harmonize ; and all went smooth ly. If any were disappointed, they fear ed to grumble. And none dared " look re bellion." The case is now different. President Fierce was elected by the union attempts of foreign eccii siastics to interfere with the common schools. We coDied a barairranh from the Mobile Wf Tliurwlav. rele.live to counterleit bills of llif B (i..m...,..n,l .. .r.,I nnn r,u ,, l harleun, which is, we tmd, ineorretiiasuur-" elements--a union which we do not mean t rjominatioat of 88 which a -circulated Joa-. to decry Or disparage and OUt of tills ' bama, in consequence of the scarcity in - .- - . . -. .n,ul, ...A i... fi hill L.n.- The Uf.aiVf' circumstance nas arisen numerous ana Bv, ..... ? -. - ... er. we understand, sounou. bill, of that dtui'ui.nn- almost insurmountable embarrassments ..... r . ... ..enu- nuWt' of a n hi" in choosing between Contending Claim- ' mention Ihai they have a vignette of laC1' ants, bncked by their respective factions, hom-a, while Ihe genuine have an enirinne if I .I- .i road pasaeueer car : Ihe borders havr a rrprri' As far as we know any thing of. the sue- j , . ,w.B(i wilh ,. on but ,ie uu.m ' M..ur,l l...liut.l.,ulu I Ii a U.I..I i . m I.ud Itasn ' C r . -l I I ..C t riill lift 00 t. p.Tiui i i i unia, mc oficliiuii ino uccn nyure oi i.iuerty on one siue, niiu .( i"- , ....... 4' ... i. , .a A.,.l , ,.iK.t rrtu. -j.iitio.rf.Mia. itmrenver. are ull ... . .' J... V. r'om.er. Pr,.i,lein. while the irenuiiie are"'' wraior a t,l,,a&. vatfarild t naa jruihltA- -liarv , --- . ... ...... u3 a . v. u ...v M a . w u.. , perfoi soundii bihty to the conjecttwa that the North Atlantic Ocean it probably nowhtre much more than 50,000 falhomt (300,000'leel) deep. jnevenrents of that wflr 'tRitrtictan wit! IrWerjsJJ'ffljr. TJn fnnchTnieiretl hcrra. well M Of the lew which we deem unfortunate we wiff hot noxv speak. V" may hav occasion to express our objectTbm hereaf ter. - Amongst the additional appointments made yesterday, before the adjournment of the Senate, -was that of the Hon. Jas. Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, as Minister to England, an appointment which, if the accomplished gentleman who now repre sents the country there was to be remov ed, every .Jbjdyjyjlj approve as eminent ly fi t and proper.--Sat. Int. April i Model Iron.-SV e saw a few days eince at lhe Store of Messrs. Irwin Ac Uuggine, in this place, a quantity of iron wrought at lhe factory of Ben. jainin Biiggs, Esq., ol Kings Mountain, which, il our blacksmith tay the truth of it, mnt be equal to lhe best In the world. They tay Ihey i " k'eer Hovee. Treaident: Would lhe MuhW"'" and all papera thai may have copied its ar"cl " : euogUlu iuak8 ,Ul ubove correcunn. - Valuable Cud&LJ&Mg mi nnus nnraf ra nh is from the Batn la r o Chronicle : . A m I . n . 1 ni All,. Ur hose avociw'1 l iiir..i..ui ou.s., .- tl4b- 1..1. i u;m t,.t.l much in the u'" LUUI I .III., w ,. .. . " . . . . i. c . ; V. r a n an. "t)V ' amonisneu us, mow tngi.-i-- . iling a capital weapon" of attack an ence. laainjr.iroiii m .g nr. n rod f i "h H sf OUt Constaufe it t"1" , '.I..... ;. - .i th f?round,,n sirucK it s" Y, .. . f i;i,t hurst f'H in an instant a uine " ntthal the end of it. so powerful and brilk""1 ( every thing within a quarter ot a was rendered visible, and contmu so for nearly ten minutes. I t,mma. i. I.,..t.. .!.. -r " . -a.Is.-i .1 USeU 88 Hud il f1 eariy ten ijiihu jsa a life preserver, and strucltj .1 I 1 T m t hn llfffll. ine nrfiu oi a na.1la aa. I Vi.t . U V fi..... I . . a a ..va..t vri.iiuui UI UMULMIK A llW III HIT UrlTa 111 , ..III' a i U vniTIP il. It such be ihe case, scimaa f i. .h..lrl : been kindled in just the same manner c-.t ini used t" i Copper. Slock, in Copper Mining are all Ihe rage now at New York and Boston. On betaken to (he World'. Fain May for eihi- ! ht the instrument may ne - Jf1 lion. Char. Whig. " flo6r an assailant, and a-ftcrwaru 'bim. $20,000 WORTH OF srr.T.iVf: at nfiDUt-ED PBICW .a.U:V.iaU Thk Remains or-Mas. Do.olas. wife of T" .tywM9Pvd.ajaaeroqott. tUuL. nprryman, of the United Slate. Navy, hat, Mondk- a;,monj- -,, 1200 tharet 'in lhe rformad Ibe aervice of run nine two lines of deep tea q,i,i . .,? . undines acrott the Atlantic. Tha results eiveplau. S"lh M,nf." Oui-lford were-told, 700 at $10. ' B . ..... T . . i n . Of .1 Alnl I AAA Atnl ' a a 200 at eiOi.and 300 al $10i per.thare (of 5 par, we believe.--Fay. Ob.

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