1 7 ... .... - ... .F , E . , i , j K ; ' f f t 4V 4 - 1 1 J -. t 5 'I . V . ' j'V . t v - ' c .4 i ! I ; - I , i -. --- .- VOL. X.-NEW, SERIES. te Jlrta m Sdtms, Icrality, an tyt antil? (Orrlf. J. J. BRUKEli; EDITOR ASD PROPRIETOR. TERMS : P Two DuUan year, pud within ttme Bioath fhxn ffr:"p,'" ,wo vol fifty c-nti if ihH wd before the iiratmn of the vrr, uid Uiwe di. tall ft the yeV taw expired. No paper dmcmu,,. . "ge r. Mid except at the optiun erf the Kditor, r AnraaTiaaBts'T. iinerted at l per tanare the Brat uieertioo, and 84 ceaU fur each lubaeqoeut in , eerlioe. , One eqaara by the-year $it ' Profeeeional Carde and other aunilar Botiei t5 a jrear. -"U-r 7. : ..,7", ' liove .'should such tldnira bo said with out proof proof broad and clcBf ua the oen sunshine when it pours down bri'lit et from 1 leaven ! luyU j-ou, my fatfier, Kobert Jainteon 14 an honest,-honorable jiian. SAUSTOY, N. C, AUdllT lS, 1853; NUMBER XIV 5 . Latter to th. Mteatiaaw paid. Is enwre rJZff; DEPARTURE. cnima iu Thy i.w are all broken. And bright ia thy fame ; I hear ihy name epdten. And therein the shame. They will aanu thee brlura roe, A knell to mine ear ; -A ehadder euroi-t itw nif-i Why wen thou ea dear? Bon :.' 1 l atlier, ' wii-d Flul-fllOf. wliili- :t Imrt Florence the city, and looking forth into a tarjro old j ljLL'. " I wH tahd the i-ue ! Mv litV- fashioned carden, which was jdat grow in ; 'y very soul w.mld I pledge on'his in dusky with approaching twilight ; near j Ui-ity. ' her, laalargcrunsou chair, sat a umnofl Mr. Hurst looked at her with inourii- firty perhaps tall and blender, with hand- lul interest while she was BOine but stern features, rendered more (proceeded to write a note imposing by thick hair, almost entirely stantly tUvi.ateliel. grey, anu a style ot dress unusual! v nch, uile the servant and partaking of fashions that had j "re vailed twenty years oarlier. Florence - was- reiisi vs. and an air Of jiamitil" depression- h 11 ng abotlHicr; Thr-Uhu .uuu-riituruttd. with axi4J-u.U1.1iu presence 01 ner tatner, who sat gazmo- " It is well FlJrenceoTuf'li' . , , . t Mr. liurst, with stern and fitter empha sis.. " Vou have doubted mv inhru k ri:t..., l...l i. II" I , ' " "ol wuivn i uavuiaiii. 1011 are foolishly blind enough to think that this man can love, does love yon." . - I know ho does 1" said Florence, with s f AndVould you, if I were to eta u consent- -could you become the wifo of iwooen Jameson r v "Father. 1 could T would!" n r r loreuce. "Then 011 this point be the issue be tween us," said Mr. Hurst, with calm and stem dignity. ' Florence, I am about to send a note dcrtiriug this man to come once more under my roof," and he rang a bell for lights; "if, within throe hours,' I do not givr you proof that he loves vou only for the wealth I can trive-that lie is i nu urxnicame -1 say, mat n with-: tioned to me t 111 ri.ree uours 1 do not tunnsh thi.-, proof- j It was the young lad v's fancy I sim- 'S'-"''" "1'iiTUiar.itf-iHfU Will 1 pose, replied Jameson; perhaps she frankly and at once give my e.msent to jsi.nmk (Von. so grim a confident : at imv -l-youi iiiarruiger . . Irate, it is vi-rv ....;,. t1.t I els.-i .Mr. llur.-t .-hailed his face with one baud, and seemed to struggle fiercely with hiniM-ir Jameson sat playing with the tassel of his cam-, now and" then casting furtive glances at his benefactor. " otiii'' man." said tlieiiicrchaiftslow- iptaikiiig, and 'lv, withdrawing his hand. Which lie in-1 delnMliee Voll to tile lw im.l mn thi ro,i!,i V.i i- f...,n ,..11 " While the servant wa absviit. Mr i -It nmv I... th..i i.,..-,.ti,:J -' I, ........ .'v .i.,, 1 . in. nan uiin I'irn ,-1 , iitin.1 ami ms Uaugliter remained ,to- replied Jameson, with umli-turbed self gether, much agitated, but silent and ot ' p,w-esion ; " I am sure I ' cannot sav in nioiigut. jn the course ot lialt un hour whetlu-r v,,ii 1 Unit. -"But since then, I have other causes for pursuing your crimes with thejustice they merit; other and deejier wrongsl you have done me, serpent, tiend, household ill'Ti'.te that volt nr.. Mr Il.,f ... t!!d l'ttt lil'y those other wrongs be?" was the tjld 10 huh passionaioouttn-ak. " Mv dattirhterf" said the num-linn. ' . . , : . r sweeping ms nana across his foreheatl. "It sickens me to mention her name here and thus; hut my daughter, even there has your venom reached.!' . M rcrhapd I understand rou, -aid th man. with insufferable cooiuosai flint if your daughter choose to love where her father hates, how am I to blame ? I am sure it cost me a great deal of trouble to Keep the young girl's partiality a se cret" Mr. Hurst, wifh all his firmness, was struck dumb by this cool and tauntmir reply ; but after a moment's fierce strug gle, he mastered the pasiou within him, and "spoke. ( "Vou lore" the words absolutely chok ed the proud man "you love niy 'daugh ter, then, whv was not this never meu- of a nature liknz-hijLniiJnd nt voice, low, earnest and pleadinjnow and then lynched his ear. Then tTere was a noise a ol someone fainting, 1llowed by uio tramp 01 several noraina tnovinrr booui in naste ; ana alter sliontitime Mr. tturetVMerlh'ejrnt agalnJi.""'.!.' ; "Voimg Jameson it6odlaip;ieffecfioh had warned him that hemnjXS longer trust to the power of n'?hH hef lather; there had iiiff4n the terrible stiUiiess oQiciiJ:!. tion. in the said Jameson, still gaxing upon the floor.' " Ilemember, sir, my affections, my" "Peace, once more!" explained Mr. Hurst; "another Word on that subject, utiu 1 consign you to justice at once. His interview has lasted too long already. a uu nave my reniiiLuiceppTor rqwrtneTirfT" at once. ... "I "No, no r ffspd Florcneat . "1 ill-I-r exhibition at the Crystal Palace World's Fair, oh, father, without yotl I have no atrengta. J and challenges comparison with anything of the I-of course I can but aeceiit tlurn. hard 43 it is to seDaratc from hir conntrv and. friends. But did I understand you arilfht. dirt Ta it kva tl - aff w : ' . . I O J - - eiiviionuu pVT u.vi uiikj thijnnAVlf "ie sossioi, or me interest that yon offerl" chor by which he had ejnctei to hold so firmly m her love.a He knew Mr. 1 r 1 .1 . 1 . . , , iiuiNi, unuieti umi in ms lolly pride alone could rest any Iiojks of a rerfue from the penalty of his crimes. He therefore stood up, with more of respect ,hl his manner than had hitherto marked it. Mr. Hurst resumed hiW chair, and mo tioned that the votiti'' man 'should f llow Maf f kiilCirrBj!. 'tpllAlAJObe istUfesL" H-pHed Mr. -lrmiit ntf convinced him how uiibllrtrwii?v!!e an- that only to be paid in a foreign land, ehor liv tthinh l.o !,,! . .1 0 ' Save roe from myself!" ".Twill," said Hurst, crently and with creat , 1 1 . . . iruuuruwMj urawing tue iremuiing young cremure close to his bosom. -lsceJut...kie'tail' Jameson i "she as in- mK-nced only fey- yoa, I am promised an in- UTview, una rett to believe Uiat the lady shall de eida Jur herself ; yet even the very first words I utter are broken in upo: 1 know that this.4H liian loves mo" . 1 " No, no, Hove him not ! I did a little hour ago, but now' 1 am changed dip you not see how am oiiaiitfaq r4a-iit tltittttuie, lifting her fcead and wlilTe you remain there." "These are hard terms, Mr. Hurst, very hard terms indeed," said Jameson, "lie fore I .reply to them, excuse me, I mean no cifl'ehee, but I must hear from your daughter's own Iips thatshe desires it." Mr. Hiisrt started to his feet: but sat instantly doft-11 ajraiii; for a .moment he shrouded his eves, and then he nn.se. his example, lie was very paje, and a ! sternly and verv' pale, but with iron com look of keen sijilering lay arvlind his eyes; j posure. but still in hisi feature was an cxnression 1 " From her mrn Hi, lw.r It l...n :.. of j itl ft... .1.... W!m. 1 1 n 1 1 . 1 .1 1 .1 1 . .. ' "!"'v ((iiiuuh lu.ii iiuu 111, ne sain, opening the door tlirouttli fallen ujion was less than he bad dreadotl. " How, mav I ask. how ismv how is Florence she Looked ill; I trust noth- whiclr he bad entered the risun ; " go in." Ihe room was large and dimly lighted ; at the otiiioMte end there w as a dcen sola. illg serious," itid Jaiiies)li,Bjiiking iino , cushioned with mirnle. and so lo-t in th. his chair, uHlgoadod to saf. stwiethlng ; tlafkiicss that it seemil. black ; what aj by die keen gaze," vlilch Mf.'IIurst liadi eared in the di-tnnce hi be a himp of turned upon him. ' ' I. ! j white Iraperv lay upon the sola, immov- " Never ajraiii let vonr li.s utter that able and sri'.C as if it had Imi h conw. wildly and turning her paJo fac full upon her miscreant hosband. " lo you not know that your presents-i killing me f 1 will go, eitiil Jainevn, touclied by the wild agony f her look and voi : " I will iro now : hut only wilh your promise, Mr. Hurst, Uiat when she is more coniocd, I may mv and converse with her. 1 will otter no opposition toyour wish- ; but you will giye me a week or two. " l)n vou a Idi to sec this man acain, mv child F said Mr. Hurst; 1 -au trust you, Florence de cide for yourself." Flori nee parted tier liim to answer, hut her strength ulterlv failed, and, with a fee' le itiM., 1 lle sunk powerless and fainting on her father's I bosom. -j Mr. Hurst r.ithrred her ill his arms and hore ; le r I'roui the room, simply panning wilh hi. pre-1 1 eioiis burden at llie d.sir, while he told Jauitoii, j i" a eithn under tuiie, to leave tli.i limiis-, and ! j wait till a iues-.ae;e .liould r' ai:lihini. ' " I Mot the HortlilesS man was in no hasU' to oh v. 1 ol-, kind ever before seen, -for beauty, durability and strength. The non-conducting properties of the marble aid materially in the preservation of bo dies placed therein, and the article is made en tirely impervious to air or moisture when closed. It" pt 'exriq!yiTifiie' iiV fs'SiAtiVcttosT,; 'SBait- eeistiLtie ol the greatest degree ut ornament, and - in view of its great durability and preservative Qualities is rerv chean. and eomiiieiiiln irm-lf In the public.""-"'" - have no objection the exhibitiott of this coffin whatever. It clothes death with elegance, and, will irrohflhlr bcconic the aMion. Iiut the oana-Dill penoo pmrticulmHf., the beading, iotn 1 uotic our 1 opajxeu pnamHJ? - 4tV very cheap, too, which is a consoling reflee. t ion, befittinir the close of tlie bill.1 This subject of coffins affords us an opportuni ty to mention that the display of death-dealing implements in the Exhibition is one of its remark able feature. Every description of tiro-ariivt, from the pocket pistol to the brass cannon, is represented. ItevolVers in all their varieties; nth that disehargit fifty bullets in two minutes and a half; guns that all .hut load themselves; hluuderhiiss-iooLiug weaons which shoot short harpoons into whales ; a complete set of field ar tillery, including cannon, ammunition wagon and earn forge ; and even' other contrivance by uiiich men t an lie expeditiously aud scientifical ly killed, may be found in this division. These articles attract great attention and the agents ho explain theiu are generally gurroumled by an interested crowd of listeners. Not far on, some patient, Oermau has arranged upon a waH, have or not. nftiiif. s.-ni t i i.iitrn.nui f.sime nmi i,;: 1.. 1 1 1... 1 1 .,! stern vt.ice sh.H.k with con.entrated .as- n,.H.t hoping that Mr. Ilm-t wo,,!;! lollow f'f ''" l,,'.'a tl".'-h l"'"' l"r"'";" Ju si...,. If you ht breathe I iu a whislier . him in. . th.. n.,,. f.ir .l,,.,... m start.ng up a s..rt of in.aue I have mtt.4.ta vo.ur own base heart ahlie, I will cast .thing in the stillness that appalled him. f 'li 'n '''''i, ,., - ,!....;,.,! I ..-ill asuic all, and punh you veil to the ex- j Hut the merchant had left the door, ami ' w W, nm, wh, fc,. ;t Illjt llear u, eru.h o.,v treumy ot the law. casting himself iiito the chair, sat with I loving impulse a it rim. Mice mine, and h'e l.ut, .Mr. liur.t jlns arms flung out upon the table, ami i h ill n. v. r put his threat into ex.-cutioit, earnest " 1 euce, sir. exclaimed the merchant, 'his face lnirieil in tin-in l'i.r I.U lit".. Iii. I,.. I tl i;..: ;.. I.,... . or nair an i.our lie pa-va to anu iro mi tin- .ol-, i(1 a falK.iru, iHtu.rtl OIK. spwimen of evry kind The young Migrate drew hack ,ith a; could not have forced himself to witm-s Slllle aid Kl.frein e, hesilatiiig, and witli agitation. " It is riirlit - -it upon her in silence, afiected her much ; tue secret that Jay upon her heart seemed to grow palpable to his sight, and though she appeared ,only still, and., pensive, the poor girl trembled from head to foot. - M r lorence." said Mr. II urt. after the! lapse of half aii hour, for Tt seemed as if he had been waiting for the twilight to I ble deepen around them "Florence, vou are sad, child. You look unhappy. Do your Tather's wishes press so heavily mhi your : uuraaiohablehecausfe K.will not.ailwl Jits only child to throw away her friend thin her society, upon the un worthy f" Florence did riot answer, her heart was too full. There was something tendcrand j u'll'l'''- - h4om.- Itwut... FLrttnet:iiitliitviI ; but, nevertheless, she could b . atiectionatejji her father s voice that made 1 ut down in the chair, and her head redeemed 111 no' .ither wiTv." ahit tre' To- .the tears start, and drowned the -words orypped upon one hand. There was.s..me-; maiited as firm as a r.K-k. that she would have spoken. Seldom had ; thilig inthe scent of the various lilantsj -So in oKler to deter me from a iust 1 T 1 1 1 S .. Ill I - I III . ne auuressea her 111 that tone beiore. i mossornuio aiounn tnar rt inmtiei ner 01 and.it is enomdi. start, and londitHl towartls the dour, for the ' the meetiii.rof tlmf vile 11) II II ii til I lii.-elillil 'of it She ru. have , tltcpojtt:.ex, i.dMiH..r!!J,,r'no'? passion, whfch he had hghtctl inf Jwrnrsnn closed tire tl.w.r, ami; wrtlkiitf Vs. ,va. Ltau. uut .h.-r she hilt Jill..lil.l MOlili-.L! tTl-lt T.tV, -"i,,r.T; ".T. T:.r .TTZrtrStK-hT-m-terj-:-ra-Tto:-r.-.- , 1 , muu:uv across uie rooii . te one airaiu 10 ."'.j trust fiis own strength, bent over the sofa, t Jsmwoa . 4uuuun:l . these I'luioi,,... hi- l imr ol, i ,.... t . tl,., .i.gain : it s.-eiii?, as if le- th. rs that is a prool , .,,;,. ,. .,t,..i, r n.rl,t,.l,..l th;,! in nnotlier tiroof. ! i - i ' ... 1:1. i i i ' . , . twiii-n ill a .ib.flrniwi. fire liiink-f. in irn i of ehty pipe made ; but this peaceful and p!e 1 tug eotnjioiiitiou attracts little notice from our irlike ieople. j The display of Isiats, modclii of tiijipors, and I seetioiu of sfiips, is highly interesting to per jsons of an aijualrc turn like ourselves. There I is a coil of Hie new ortott cordage, which, it is said, is going to ke p up the price of the raw i material, for the next (Vw years. Herriiis ex- Mr. lluritt rad it. theft, wsirintr tili liutv were alone, li turueil to his daughter, pointed to a ghfcs ths.r which led from thethsH-intoalittlecoiJrHirvatotyof plants, and said "tiolii yonder ; fn-m thence you can hear all that passes." ratittT,-is it riglitwiil--rt-4re-lriiiiH4jytt4Jii1.h h.intm TmPl.rP,r ttnttiegM.I v.iu in adkiliif after -: 1 wfeak I v !i know if her father insi-fed in drag-j " oiing mai H hat - tdiuuld withhold ntt" .iJiiU.TulI v inalt liiiw " h. many thing.. -(Your ilaughter, Llook and gesture ; the wretch waslipi'all for iu. lance " ; 'td hvit. i " My daughter!" exclaimed Mr. Hurst, j " Sit still, sir, and hear what I have to j " You interrupt me, sir, 1 was about to i say," continued Mr. Ilarst. ' fsay ynnr dangliter has given toe some "1 wili-J listen, Mr. Hurst, but do be rath'T iineoiii vieal pr. ofs of her love, audi more composed. 1 ilitl not nu!au to of- .. , t . .. . . 1. .... I . is romance, all onlv inaif beware-!"'! iiiftTrtipleit gmg 1111 before the worhl. 1 our daiigh-: Mr. 1J urst,who had. in some degree mas- is honorable., (join'" til-, nil-, imi.t lie mv .Iii. .1,1 mn) tuieLlor- tel'eil liim.elt'- l.nt ttui fnidkiiu-Jt of lii JJjs Vuiee was tderu, the ccstuiv wjlh 1 1 ghtdl hcvter-dcsiiv-a .better or laircx" j voice gave warning thathe firs within which hii enforeed it eremptory, and p)r!' It' was ver .aliiAiT. na wilhefirig, to 1 hitir, th.nig FBreHe.d)evetL . lu oroud ht'axti but Mr. "Hurst was de-i "I am silent, sir." said theWetclu com- ,A ullHmii W jlln nrro. 1. i , .1 t - - .1... 11 ,1 ... ..c yt-t.Ay . 1n..M i. t.',i.rJf IT j,P Ilia sasu ti.Hir. and eliseelnnd it stiaid a iar-; tfvut man betore hiscni . I le L neu thut unt.cMiiist . wall, her eyes were clo-eil. and the white ness of her 'features was rendered more deathly to the tlim-liglit. She had evi dently heard the foot -steps and mitook it l.tr her lather s, for her evolid , le;ran t den chair, overhung b'v the L'l..- ' ' .TT . r . t i t ,t, f i ; . . i '. .. X -t . ' . C : . . .... . let, voii would use mv dauurhter's attach ment as a threafi" said Mr. Hurst; "vou Would dra:: her niVJiie before the World. words to cast ui.mii a thinif so vile as vou Itittrkwii" eatd Mr. 11 ursL. t'il'l sub mit to ymir. prcjctuc for a niuiieiit it. is because that agony must be enlured in order that I may east you from me at once, like tin- viper that had stung mi." "Sir these are hard words." faltered JIow unlike was be to the reserved, stern . '"at wedding morning when the air wa father, whose arbitrary cominaiid to part 1 1'terally burtheiied with lite fragrance with her lover she had secretly disobeyed. ho was about to see her husband for the fhuf it might be blamed with rnnr own. f Jauifsou.. "Speak, Florence,, vour depression (first time since thtrtagitatingtlay -fosee . Is this what 1 am to. MWrtjiiidi !' ,, I ." You want money ! " said Xjf Hurst, grieves me," continued "Mr. Hurst,t.s he ''hit thus, crouching as a spy among tho.e , " Well. Mimethtug very like it, I mind. lifting, his hand, tjiarply ; how ainch did heard the sobs she was trying in vain to, delicate plants tier heart beat heavily, iconics, rcplurJnu.csoii. I you expect to obtain from nief -. . . . . f. o ioi-i i. u iu oie loom oil llhillll liili iKksneo jiuiver and tnrfiihg uw lace l'dliy-1wf.-HreM ..iit'lii i wit'li urHriw-iaffeVe pow, she gasped out with a shudder "Oh, father, father, do not liM.k on pie!", .Jameson kneJt and touched the cold hand iu which she had grasped a rtion of the pillow. " Floretiee i he said. :FToixnca startesd np,'a faint exclama tion Imike from her lijs, and she pressed suppress. i.a... -fft Oh; fether, father whr "vrill toti call -r. . . ldta ttonworthyl liuuily i Vet standing and wealth f 1 caunotrroh, i never can think with you in this." "And who said that I did deem him unworthy for thtze reason f ' Who aid that I ohjejcted to Robert Jameson as a companion for my daughter because of his humble origin or his penniless condi tion f Who tohfyou this, Florence Huitst V , he told me, replied r lorence ; "did you not say all'this to him all this and moref Did you not drive him from ' yoaf .prc6enca.aud..jeiLpUy, ..with,.i.ldtter.i scorn, when, two weeks ago, he asked f." your 'dangters-'laad " He ask' for my daughter's hand !" ex claimed Mr. Hurst ; " he, the ingrate, the Florence, did you believe that he really possessed the base assurance to re quest your hand Of mo f Father, father! what does this mean? urn you noc xeii ineort mat very evening never to see him asrain never to recog nize him in the street, or even think of hunt Did you not cast him forth from your home and employ, because he told on of his love for ine and of mine for him!" 'Of yon r lrtVA f. r li i in, Florence II urst ?" she loathed herself for the seeming ii'ieati- that-had.lM Mr. Hur-t rose. I have done with vou. IIob I 1 this is too abrupt. Mr. Hurst. 1 Jatue-vou.ii.iM.Mi.te inotiyes-" ,.-oa .oi,T.:,... i.o UrM-t !ii....:.t .'it ...j i: ..t irt':.:;.r : :;:;r-i n.r.;si.... i. J z. ."..s iii a. oei ii, -i m ,ti, iir ?4i, w,i.ii no-rr; mgiui Y.v-o; r - ;, o,- ui-ivo-1" uiercuuu,'4nicrr ' vaiue. sickenmir Mirc letisionmnrrrtJtttt' Tf. ' . - -T- -r- "l t --- ---- t'rT-M-w-e-t- ttvssvfe js-ttntf t-cuutmu :lhti t a 1 1 1 1 1 1 e red attempt ;;t dclence. cd Iter to .the. seat. 'and so deep a vinViiu! Even I d!doi f " I say you have done this for money, itn- i?iie heard th door ojien and .soitie "iir l.elieve yon so terribly base, (to : 1 haviv punit v lor your crime first and tlien mon enter.the"rMin'w1tcrlicrfatlieit.ar, withMft with von." 1W. Vm see I know you thorouirhlv." Juuies..ii did not move, but sat twist-! The "wretch shrunk from the withering iiig. the tassel of his cane between his smihthat swept over that pale face; ho thumb and finger. He tlid in.t look full ' looked' t the t-ltiog he was- a worthless, at Mr. Hurst", for -there Was soiiiethiug in i miserabfiv coward, with all the natural his eve that iiutlled even his audacity : audacity of his character dashetl aside bv n he spoke.it was without aiiv the stroiio; wilfof the man he had wronged. outward agitations, though his miscreant I " You are too Hutch agitated, Mr. Hurst; limbs 'hhook, and the heart trembled in 1 1 will cull some other time," lie faltered tallJ.: ' ' . .. . ' Ollt . . "" XoW the shuddering reeoTT viTfTi whicll she at- keiupU.M.1 to evade him. Maiuesiiu drew lai-kt anil loctlut uiUiut his countenance evinced genuine emo tion. IHs self-love was cruelly shocked by the evident loathing with. which she shrunk frohj the arm tl.r.t, iidy a few davs beiore, nati i.rouont n1(. t,ngi't moon i i in living more .beautiful. esiitt to., who will 1 1 have I'm felicity of priming taeaa-luitw fu an houf . ail'! ' ..r J u ., Tr,.!!! tl.u i,n.d..iit m. lil..ll1 .t,wr.lu,-a un ua sortmeiit ot illiiiiiinated work, which it is said, and we think, cannot be surpassed by any prin ter in the world. Whatever may be said about .VesbittV .envelopes and it great deal hat been said of them Xnljitt aiul Co. are acknowl edged to be tmrivalh-d in d dij-artmeiit of p'laiit aiijij in nameiital job prfnting 1 lagaerreo- 4 f, i . , . hl; , . -i , f;.'x - llrttick, leaving him in total dark.,.-. ' i Portland. St, Louis, Oiueinnati, and other dis- , le stole torlh ami lett the noOse. Mtlv tlosiiiir i ,,., ,.r.i t. . ....... i.i, iiivti vi ,ot-o, .-jn v-di ii iui( i.w:., nob j scenes. Tire erockerv department is very rich, and will well repay the attention of Indies, while) their lni.-bauds are reviewing the rpgrmeat taf- words again light by th" sound ol I i. to dispel the nii-giving that lay at j Ins In r.rt. vtotild have given lmn h for the ei uiii i that hi. mtitti-red words se.-in to indicate ; and, if ilelermiintl le t to leave the house j williout some further r.mlinii:iliotrf his vcislic, ne eng. r. u in the loom till its on v ciit tla-slie. me street Ooor atter him. io 1IK lOXHWEI.. From ttie fToine J.iiirn'nt plough drawn ( In Otc mim ... looks (rent week, ill hibitioii. building ture lor THE KXIIIHtTloN'. irogri2M. litis bffen tw-tde I'retieU eariiMftu near die principal eutrn suiiintuoiis and imoeriaL w ith its red tiif iminrm. fTdaek cCTilSrandnnn Iiip dome -i a table., made. . ttuWcn of the rare.t kinds of Ipsh timU-r. atidKipportcd by the branch of mi oak, formed aulfbcid by hjiture for ex- "do the exact .shape required.. u.mong thegoods in the foreign d. partinents will be found some iiriou.s specimens of English. This is one : "J. .1. l'ollak and Sins, Leather Manufactures, of a lamp pouring its light over his- stem! and pttle dentures' till every iron lineu ment was fully revealed. Scarcely con scious of the act, Florence drew a.ide a fold of the cui'tain, and with tier forehead pressed to the cold glass, looked glass, hut when 1 looked in. Mr- Hurst had not risen, but with an elbow resting on the-table, sat bale and' iSfeni, with his; eres lient full bin J.ii. -now,' sir," I give yon iinpnnity. -ew aew-f . en said her father, wwtaiuwiKrtu bo nearer to flie" d'or. In one haiid win htef know how far yo hat, in the other he held a slender walk-: actions to terrify me, but I assure vou that ! will release mie fnulfcthe intaniv of your iiig-sucK. . ne (no hoi seem ittity at ms. any plow aiuieitax ne w ill recoil on your- presence : i win pay you wvii, sir, as i case, and yet there, was more of triumph j self. Hut this is not enough ; vou have ; would the physician who drivesa pesti than of embarrassment iu his manner. ' told me to leave your roof forever and i lence from mv hearth." r lorence observed, and with a sinking i so I will; but first let my wife.be in heart, that he diil1 not, except wirlr f r. f.ronl that I await her ph aaiirc. here live glance, return tue calm and search ing look with which Mr. i I urt regarded him. " Mr. Jameson, sit down," began tin haughty' merchant 'pointing to a chair. 1 did hope, after our last interview, nev- er again to be disturbed by your presence, I take her with me. and that before voii can have an opportunity to poison her 4atf-jssii.' nflHA. - . a Father," cried the poor? girl, -halt ri , . ." i' ., ,1 Adl'inn. back again Lliand trembling-" father, why" astonishment I You knew turn i him!" , i; t " :;,-il "Who told you that I urn o..i ?IIe S'd mc-hc-RoWrt Jameson," Mid Florence;" it was for this you made .i;. .1 i.iin " mi d Mr. Hurst, in up through eold mafole. , . " v . .!.. ..,.,. nrol to mvself " l lien wnv uiai . - , . why was I never to see v bear from b.m rgahit" cried Florence, almost, gasng f0liecauso he is" a 'dishonest man -a .iri.nr because I believe that he has been robbing me during the years, and squandering las Ktol fSSher exclaimed Florence. but Tt seems that serpcht like, ion will Trarmro -ynr. ' T." .i ,. 'Mr. " I am at a1nw wiimii-;', Vd ir -..t:..r i,no.n.fakingthecliaii 1 1 ttreyi-"" r"f-aKwpp4- n,.d Florence sicketiedas she H'lw.f "yl7f ingovcr his lips the verysanu s, -had gleamed before her w tin " -When I lustsaV yonv your cdia gcrc Sw ttVhost.ngti,ofana.- pic on ot ot-l may i t - f yoiirctrtttbjy j l auiata jo- for IllC. vei : to wring proof of Un sc worn mind ngntut her husband. " Your wife your wife ?" Mr. Hurst could only master these words, and they fell from his trembling -Iis in fragiiionfs. He looked wildly , around - towards - the doT. and at the young-man, who stood rrrncaTc "Tliere is the cer three days aw,m y;nr j , you nave sen- cannot You see that ft lias Ttecn Ttlarly m.sLl-th- pooph' about there will Jell ...o. the how anil when. . u..jook ,, the 'certificate, an i j r. .. - i , f,r the ntH held it beiore ai s.- . ;, verse he could not read a word; f.. r t shook jn his hand like a withered leaf in the win. I. .,...varVatorv Then s. .ftl V and slowiv v.-... -- . ' i i .1.,. i.itl -turn re 01 rli- d'MU- "Mr. Hurst, what do vou wish -whajl am I to do X ' " Yi.frwvfifteiye thisconntry- now ami forever leave it without speaking the name of my daughter. You are never to set your foot again on the land, which she inhabits. Do this, and I will invest five thonsand pounds tor your benefit, the interest to be paid yon .in.fl-:Attntry. lint yon limy choose to infest any ex- v wale mug no", '"T,"oi 1. . s. .f 1 . . . . m r- ' -i, iito her cheeks ih.d she rest her hand upon , ' . It by accident. N "And do. you hatejne so, Florence ! " he said, iu a voice tlitihwas full of keen feeling. ,t... .'.1. , : jiaw-iiies.k-sav tlui pir girl, sitting up mi tin-sofa, and holdingit haml fo'lier fiirehead as ijif he w ere s u tiering great pain. ' " I come by your lather's permission ; -ii .... i .. . i .r i : j x win von oe nioce cruel iiitin ne is; -,iohim,., " My father bus a ritdit to liiiiii.h me. . Hr clotl 1 hayc..deservi'il it," she said, in a voice of iraintiil buHivlitvv " if. .he sent you, 1 jvill trv to bear it. "Jh, Florence, has it come to this? I am about to leave forever, and yet you shrink from me as if 1 were a reptile ! " cried Jameson. , reit il c 1 oh , - n o th ey sel liti sting nnlesjs . whtm::.;troddeh upiiu!I; said ... Flor ence, lifting her large eyes to his face for the first time, but withdrawing -fhem in stantly, and with a faint moan. Jameson turned from her and paced the room once' or tw ice with uneven strides. This seemed to give Florence more real. litis bffen tle, ijuruig. tin opening and arranging iirliel Koiir-tit'ihs of the space in the main ' is occupied ; the supplementary si rue-! tn.'i.-liin..ri' fiii.l i.ii'tur.-. i i.r. rr....in f ' th- tiiimlVr of visiuis un liue days ran- J'" illegal by his Imperial Royal Ma ges fiym four to Hie thousand. We regret to!W; p't.nb'd lor their peculiar trnxseetiing vl H-reeie that many valuable articles have bwn Mlrm katiier and curry mg wtli steam.; and injuied. and soine'ijuite destroyed, ,l.y the care-l"",Tri"l"'s f " mnuufnture for dn-ssing leather," less manner iu which tin- caws" were ll'indlcd at , ct4 'cL The time occbjmsl at this " manufac tlie V.Mw-HoUs..-, . A beautiful, and eostlv win-t,lr''-" '" clr.Mng"the skin of a talf," is stated dow,'-uil. ias!.!was riiiii't;Ti.-.l "Vt'i"'Vinllii7i'S''rt'"'wrthi-l---i, ' -tlsro---!-!.? lo...tJxa !' pi.t-ei., U.t we, k ; ami that rerntirkahle gronp-'tfatlsn rimmttrg t it.iuaj.au(;niT.. . of the- gtiizlv beuvHd ba!""-" To the ttliwt pet repair. The roof of the palace still '"uans we offer our sincere ttianliS fi.f TaUnihg" leaks' hi a .loz.li i.Ues ami many ix-tiliiit.hr t'"' "bjia-ts in their department; and we omiix.dili.-t have to be covered with India-rub-! an''8,ly vM "I'o'l representatives of the on rainy davs. This, however, can 1 "tli''r " to fbllow their example. Mr. Put- . ... . - ... . ... ...i , i.i .... i and W'll soon Is- Min died. I ' " cauuoguu is, uouoiiess a very gooa cata- - Wc obsefved a few -Uotiuu,-u.iriug our t'''110 :-(''''' the unassisted . humaii i understanding tfetaiiit4e in the uia of the palace. Ilub- f h'as'liof y.Tlieeir tTitifnl fnpable of nmrandlitiii iT litt'.t.irv lli.i int. .rtool ti .t m thatff Kiaf n-lm suv iiiiviiiiumv'ii - tmii. VUt RUU bards eari"hl"e-M,rilH' si. 'ins to t- n v.. re u.biiir. ! ''S m.Vster.V able coutrivauce. .Mr. Hubbard, a 'Vankei, n"d " ' doubiliws, alxilistte all the old complexities, and The I'alace has increased its marble and pit simply rest, tha Ik.1 of the carriage uik.ii four , t.-r population since our last visit, the moststrik strength flu-.-tlahuuess cd'4iis jr'.-t'iice had absolutely oppressed her with ti sense' of surt'oeation. rdiu sat npright, and put ting the hair back from her temples, tried to collect her thoughts. Jameson broke off his walk ami turned towards her; but she prevented his nearer approach with a motion ff IU-ntwVr.Yv iwclehcd enough f"" 1I:; :i.lt, wlneli extend trom ftxri'- to axle.- -T'tre wmrp.r -pttrt of the. vehteleds rouiuled ; .aud lJie-lluug, is -j uianagW, , t IkU the spiiigs'rtrii-iorhfea .under Iciiglhwjcj.. The nd vantages are, a sav--ing oi twenty-live dollars in expense, and fifty pounds in weight, besides greatly . iucH-nml lux ury of motion. The siuipliuily of this Improve ment is another illustration of the old remark, ia its r , ' . . j. . i , . . ... .. ,.. ..',Y n.,it..i. I .... not motion t tHte a L word trembletl on bis hp?. ! ler.-.ble 1" saUJmnsJ t t , tf,u mu .., .. " wliV. vou pass from thiUoor and dared not s,. . I- -?.. l,c II "--'! , e at I I "I'll illONtl ht a magistraie-oin I rlorent-e soareelv I......1...I i that the best way of doing things is always Ibttnd otrt last Mr. Hob-b-rH, tilts, w ith mueff humour a story of a boy at Cleveland, w ho, after examining one of the new carriages, turned away with the contemptuous remark, that "any fool might have thought of that," precisely the effect which very happy inventions always pro duce, unoij the luiud :it r -TL a. jiuil j-j ; iiwr trf 'Hv.-.Trf?rTiK,wrr . " "",w ine cti "'"HI K'Lliil in,,,, , i .r?""1"' carriages hUle 1 : .. I I,.: .. l .i. . e e i . . mg auuiiioii is-ingtiie gnmp, oeiore reierrea lo, ot the bear.aad.ladiati-.. 4. grizzly, bear of emir-, ;si:l't!ejal I shagay dfMtghitndjBg;.. erect ujNst it .liiudt -tejifii, iitl.-gliJngjffc'dtiath.-! ... hug town Indian trapper, and at the same time trying to extract with its teeth a dagger which the Indian had driven into its breast. The tre mendous strength of the animal, and the utter helplessness of the man, are well contrasted.' It is a thousand pities that this work hns bqe n so erwlly htinHged. A bttln- phie. in marhle U tiiucli admired, though, the execution by no menus eijuals the design. It represents the son of.WHJiain Tell the iiioment alter the arrow has pierced tlie apple. The Ixvy has been krteeling, and has n(w- turned to look at the arrow which Km ,.;i,.4 4in ! '11 ' T' ' "'' intm Hie l.v'n , ' m Pt w clothed his counteii!i".. ti. " rP"sioii into ...i " ""jTovenniit i atin. l.. "v" vu.iicuance. l h ,,.,.i :. ., . . V1" fnii null ITJTl-.F.iTl I. " "T 7 1 the last three eri sitotl at . ,:i --.l.t-.l. l.,.cm Tlie sharp anguish wm."' . . Lroki forth brought the distressed expect cbargt-s .mm - ,;)11,,teiici1. elusive and ! Had at -m had neeii cuei - k.,.l.o.ir ti" 0:,en of.nybreadandlwas V; Was not .this reason enoug.. . have sent you . o,,h as i . Jameson gwe --;;; rt-M)ke tuine.1 very paie as (,ut tll0 the lnMI mL 1 i;f ...irrO- ,1...ihh!rswasdUieteasonyou deign V ,, m. . d, Tliere-was Sd'iVre sm her forehead, where te jaco, jiec,- -- -, p,.'i ' ...... -U U.MI ., on a single - hl,r ... '. vvm- nPathr.- abonr i after another uiat, wnu -...re.i u. t, mim n b . ..ti i . . ...' uutw:!--",',, -imnst as colorless as x at mo v 7". , 1r mk CO 1.1. She approached band, and tearing nrm;d one you for ever. I " Iiut reineinber ' 1 "l tlo reineinber everything, r- ..r.t..,l Mr. Hurst; 'and I, who f r yet yiolatedmy rl mortalmanit solemnly assure v-.u that such ilfr and ..t, . , , . . . . .. SLrr.'.V.'ii fInel,".fit wh .-l. l ..c. . crlain to In come . 6.., .:r : '"' .'"!'" ,s sl,v "Imiihns, lifi. ' T "P"- s-lain ,nd j, . ".is waae or pro- upon a (;0he . ""vvurstng America . aml exact imitat ,,n f ..,,. .-. "u head of the lt.I! eu ofl evenly at ,),.. ..... . 7 '. . . a"" "V . " ' a terrific ,e t it ' . g,K.d. that ' : . . r ' "a is so will, huire ,e..... V, . . -o''leiidu,g !,... l"1" ""-' sevcra linn-s wiih. niin,.i.it .. ' '"".bell rings, houv.v... in fight. tune had so self-sarrhieimr. M ,.. Vf V Ft, hehig not three dteys J limwiiiif a ,,.. ,.r : his voice. I," . "I,.' '"'"""I'Tness i,,to ufi;-rii,g all ,i, . ..: " ;r " by, mens of w... . . , ' ' ,mu w ,p si-i- l..i.. " "" a wii. aniina l,...m"l ...i .. ; "'" videutl k ,Vk rev..U iifl would mil . ....... .1... . umw iru iiattm. J' ;,... o' . 1 I.....!.,-., i ' ; u':" snort a are -.,...'i :.. k... . . '.' rsons wiio i umi oi a 0,e with nuge serpents. Th., i..n - . punctually at t-" ,,n?s' " a vol UCAL Hlti'lf and of the certincaie y :' ".;.. j,,.,.,!,, et lv airl delHteraieiy 1.1 me away. It sloVV ber.tup;;n ,cm. 1-alitor, sue ,. ,1. v I have sinne.iagu.uni ..... - bo "":.?;'.". ':3cf nM.,k -'if- oilier mo. .. - . , thoUrhta 1- li"lcK .""-'ii with a rattle destination, let tne ciic.huv where they will- , . . " Florenee, dear Florence Jaiiicsmi sai 4ton, ...n .mimnMkmsMMmma. , iW - - .It a Iria a at i'tuj t1 fixed tm the n-or, leu imv w ,C ...ilnilbltiollS. Mr. Hunstsat i.:.'ith stern patience. ,,.n s!tnkt' but without lift-in. Vou are a very wealthy Hurst, and tiv.e thousand wnotlv the nortion that "The ' bribe- the- bribe, you (' fltmr.y..,.!. .. II . , l . '. . " l,,u" "er.tnis tiineunch. he said, are eiigam-,1 in Vn- .l tor calling their atte panntuiitrJy as a n-'ally ailoriiment will thank us "ti ni to this nrtiticialstum,,- A Paris letter says A f Ml.lll HIIIll u I 1 . !.. Mf has - w ,uLult,::: " 'int. and have. a i..lt..': . . " " . . ""iu.ii.Mi lis rut ir,.i. .... are ei( i,.r ; """ Ihe nr.... I. " lUlcoml'ort.tlile; ,l on the Houlevank i-.tB -t'i-man w, n,"!. " s . ou are s,,,.nkjHff of ,.- " " """' Mr, I '- is another s...,. : ."1.: rr,-st yo0 I its u ...I.. ... . -r - -- nuuilll'r tt'jiii.. 1 . . . IT is an iiii,.v(.1.,1fi....i.. .;. ul, .1. . "'i'15 K1 ..; Uowii : F . 1 ,1. - .i - VV T . ... . I I .1 twiVm,; ,he -..a-i-f t1!.,.m.,s.."Vr"'.nre ".Wped.wlth.th At last .Ifrharp ins, ., , th( ' - -H-m, ti.m. The attitud.; Zi Z'" t''' 1. W'b -ne f ,,. . TZ his ev Hntro. fell ,.IH, i(. tli.it. 'CT T' d striki,,,.. T ' " "V ' W,U: "'- ""ap..ate fal 2 ,ZZ8 l-erless in L h,, -T A hoy wouhl hXk 2 ,? ZtZJT th .fl--f,.sly h m, pounds lf--rve.to procved. The thought ffll 'l , "l,ir "X I'fototvm-t ! U.t.is 1 ,.' " , T' yes! ves !' M I'll! II .1 . t1. I . "" N.iVllll lll'P (- --;v;::-.--3.-;!ir;.::ji Air Hurst Z "dh.T :" , V ' i f . "'"'' irum winch is to no ...cm rrri:JWd Ht his folded -el merchant, and a iook oi iiiei.u... from . , - To.mctd f.t. 8wept.owr a.i,UMll,:c -laiitHj c'ollln .. i . . i un ; ii.... ; . 'i m titi 1 1 -Mut a riai r. wre he had ,h ', "'"'irit-of trade, we copy' thi "-rrri-;k, ill A 'orm ,"' rt-b intages of rent, bw great lor mere Cold to Wty hii daughu-r's side. ut I bava named five thousand), cbVhat h this r i.e s.,i re it Is, vertiatiiii 7 to TtlK IVni i. I s'. ,. The in,,!.....:.. ' J"r "Wtrf Frvnd. l.t i """,r ot tlie.ll.ii I . . " .... uiiiiaiory hk, riirilLS til- l.itf. Collin, cure - b -mlUJ" . tW4 Wu , " .... t anahsc between uit - ' j? io.ri.rht. and even. wmmg; - v..rri.4.;ieaTtraiu.law,.iiiu,sv . t4 .Vr-it.,! U nlC "B.'LS.'n'"' 4 linf 1 -itsUt i"u "7 T , T?n r " rr" -T"r. - -j , T - : .r . . ' ll e-.w ol lliri. 1 1 ' v i - - - oV UIIII t n l(."v. .1 . l.mL' TTTTI TTTTIT --.-' .- i.- .... J - - - - M : - .' -i- " .-.-r,','?r - r-. -a. 'i. ' : - - - - -.... . c--i t- ----- .-- ---- a. --i-s . .1. - '- - '. ' ' v e16-.- : --ir...-- - - - ... ... , v . What. strange croatiir.i idrl. r ,r .t. . i ' - o.eill g,)0, waqre, to Work liaticos to ne if the old . t her jyirls" hut art- Offer one "r you, and We Slab ; Y- V r. lo old w " cansparosnv steps to s,- ,r,s Jt propose matrim,.. I.. ".' " r i,.t,...t I..' s,.i it il..- .I...... . .., ' .." u.ui l. .js now-. t v"" v j.utnn at ihe c; .i . ... . i DUtiJ the hdf famrn. , .,Z 1:"'" arm imJ t...-. ' ""' '"rning stern e i .. -.- "- iwu-ui.ot L.Sjm n.ia- mV " ".'' UolH mmn at ..... . . ntor: -hit, . .1 l.t . ' to (lLs,r; of rnrl.u l. - . . . i . 1 ' w.irkinc 1 ---i.Kirt.rt.r-tn. a " " netuali an 1 ! if ,f .aisiii rim, i. n - - -..wwHiia. a , - y. . ; ' ii ly -v Wi -J." .-Jjii- ft I I. sw, e .,J fy-