'!!:- i.. ; .; - t .very Kii;Ji.,h new -papi-r. "J P "'i"riu in its char acter, it is al ays ihc 11K, btyrv uf evi(. turn, poverty, sale- of estates, crime, and emigration. Orte can truce, dav by day,! the put change tlmt in coming over Ire-i -i -f-fF--. V ,'" . win were? IMiril 1.11 tint ..... I 1 ' ' i-'h.'-iV -JT..IJ. ----- .uiu uio suusntution of r , u" "owry ,i.nt inevita- Wyr- That i9 hU j jPy,:.. 1H!W9?'.j-tJf "'ur.lwt" present, anJ to come. The Liverpool Chronicle lies Ik-fore us. Alld W tfll-a on Stn.ft . a . . ' in Uie. Encumbered Estates Court, yes terday week, ix estate were disused of ... amount oi VU,7tt, Uii luesday no less than fourteen estates vKeu wanusiuuie fcwcuiHbered Estates Vj'A'lie produce of the sales was The OU'ltera f tlirwr. "IST7,-T.. . I.-. i i d to the pressure of the times, with which ' -v ".wh ..V..;....l .;,..- t w inmiiio un ,. ,.,i;.... I .-. . . , v....Mluluu in ... ... !..... -i . . - ... lua.um ii my complaint of Dr. Ives contained in an extract of a L.tiw ,.i'i..' recently published, that an account Lad ueeu mauo up against him in North Car pliiuwanq'a iifroccsaierY api),. , ""'iS ouuio ouier means oi living Which limnr nf them .....0...1.1.. .i . l'. - j . .. ... I'lvvnuij uu 111 - " ...... mnvn Ullll I'llHU . Jlie pHreliaser of the Galway estate of uio jr. joint Hcatrr est, formerly . i)iemler of the city of DbLHd, isMrAr tlinr Pollock, the eminent Glasgow? mer tljaot. ' Iu addition to the purdmse money . ('105,000, the new' proprietor weno -jjed tim sum of Xii3,000 in fllrm build y ngs airdxrrhtT suitable improvements. Uno hundred and twentv-five thousand ' , dollars 8ent hi farm ImilJin and other improvements shows the eminent Glas gow merchant to be a man well to do in the world. But it contrasts strongly with the av his lalmrers can expect." "The sjhillinV or 14d. a day is generally paid 'here,5! nines one correspondent. And another adds the eilect it produces: -for some weeks past a lare proportjon of labotirillL' lliihtti.nt 1m v.. I. t..n led hj tlie inducement of higher watfesto .1... 'pi i . n vmifiiie.x liieir ovpuriiire is mta tem poraiJy one, like that of laborers in firm er years, who proceeded for a few weeks to cut down the harvest, and returned with saving sudicient to pay the rent of the abiii or conacre ; hut they will probably remain as mnch expatiated trom tins country as the moivopuleiltof their class . who emigrate' to America. 111 is is the way some of then are em ployed. Others tn driven into diNpera- tiitn unit -riniii Tl i 1 ..il. ...! 1 k v..-.. ...... ... . . .....v. . . 1piiiu ivri . . l'Hot Jsu ihe. folkwing ..CiULBLul aJi-a rarian outrago: 4;The- boufet, of ldr. IIuli Tadd, of lliu claire, IJonotighniore, a respec table farm er, was tired into on the morning of the aoth ultimo. It would appear that the watch dog became excited and the servant inanvtts called up to ascertain the cau.se, but lie 'refused t.i rise, mid Mrs T.hI'iI li..r. elfpedel "fe7wK4 th premises. JShehail returned, ! hen a charge of slugs was tired through tlie door, ami passing close to herperson, lodged in the furniture on the opposite side of the apartmeht. A secwiid wjiot was then fired without ctfeet. when iliss Todd, an iuterestimr vmiiir .woiuatt.firBda,shot out of .a.:. window in brary and Mrs. lye's J personal articles. uhj i-uBc, no ays, are as lollows i 1 Dr. Ives has left behind Lira debts which are calculated at from $3,500 to jN,000. Hi total assets, (including Lis ....,, nvum 1'rooauiy vielu about 3.000. Dr,d l,i,i last spring to a clergyman of this diocese "" v i uom me largest part of this money was due.) requesting b'm to take his effect and discharge bis mdebtedness to liinisi-lf nml if . - .. , " aAiouillul to hun, however, uo power of attorney. , v.v... ... iu iwuuu woras ota civil attachment-had become fully ..rr..w,,c iv mo case; a. ij. liatn re moyed himself hufnf thia onlmary process tf law caunot be serred oa him," A-c - -g- - - - -.: ,A power of attorney arrived some month after, Lut too late to make it prac ticable for this gentleman to withdraw Ins attachment Ir. Irea'a Ubiwr-irUt-wot bably be sold before long, but it is mfder HA riMnnHA. f . . ... v v vuxaiiiiii-iui iii vHTunrv st Liii .1.;.. except tha'one resting on every man .....vV, w,c uinigauoii io pay ins debts, i'r. Ives had a1dv mo u iii, "J " ' . 'I lVill 1111' and Kentlemanlv trntiii.ii t !.... of his Nortli Carolina creditors, Imt a iew weeks have elapsed since a gentle man who had been one of his best friends was compelled io nav nonrlv xnn f ....v. Mioiier ior mm. .S to .Irs. I VCS S personal effects, they have not been spe cially attached ; the few articles which she left are' of little or no value, and would readiljt U released to that excellent ladv, or her friends, at a moment's notice. A MODEL TUFF. THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 18, 1833 OFHCliOTErr i - The rolloigistlieofifcial VotoorcMh coumy m uie Seventh district : . 7 .. Coumtif. ROWAN. CABAHUITO CLEAVEI.AND, GASTOV. Jk VATAWBA. TANLY, AW SON. - M KLENBURG, VKION, All Ut ii Km. 776 714 305 ReuL 7U 441 670 660 1934 896 J0S 719 Cniqa majority 316. 80 513 1431 -Mil Othant. Crmigt, S8J 67 v ' 776 ; 449 ;-, 410 (US ' 7 ' v'4l 150- ,.7:1 S74 .L748 i , 7 63 37 Sis 36 H7J 474 . 70S f C0NGEESSI0HA1 DELEGATION. Tlie next dele'nitinn in r "':-fi- the Uiuted State from North Carolina, Will AtnnJ Ah V r of R M. Shaw, Democrat, 2ll L Tnnu .. 1 V . OHK rvKKB, Whig. . U. C. Pl'KYEAK, Whig. IJckton Ckaioe, Democrat. Tuos. L. Cliumas. I., : thev ' tO t!a- 1 '' 1 tO bllOM worthv . . gacity ' 'U i't" t'ii' ili ini'iT.ii ir i Convention, II r. Hulden I :-s siijiporters ; and thus !' tield. .;'.'' w only to invite attention ;g extracts from the Staud- oil' " v utterly fallacious and un 'idiilence, is tlie boastetr- e -v i' luuuouiu ih4u euiior, and wl : 'i mere man of straw be i. . We woul h ,,,t rejocoaa brother's misfor tune, but lfnlden lias been an arch ene my f thl wing Wrty, and La enioved thople;! 1 ,f assumed importance quite 84 Ions B-l,e is entitlnd tn it the Boleiirh Rrffiatw Am. 10. ' u Wt'i-t'assii: idly IT: ' is Unit i On' ; We lirod tlmt tSr. lnriu it ran. in wange, ana Uie prospect ill lead Mr. VtmiUe 'tH that ' trd, . - . 761. Iiwia 1201 Ti7w something of the t!.urihing institution, for the (' "He year ending in August, 153, went last week in lino style. The attendance' of its friends and patrons was very large, and every tliin'sr wore imi asnecf of "inost cheering succesjivIlioso whose oiportu- t" l:.- ITS lif l!.r,-, V. . , I'. , , mitti'il a 'ri al t'lTfr. t i t (t..it tin y liiac.cniii-r- p -a.lv tf ret (ii-ii ! t!-ir alli-tfuuipe to t!iw Hiiifiti'v Iv iiss-ntin--1.. id.. pri'iimrv f (Ik- t' iiflir'ii-'Iiiit tliTriitcsf Iinj jriiowii tl fr I'Striotisiu muf iln rr utility to gtiivra... Tbe j.iiit ffit iit f 11 rv sl . . 4. Tl .. "; JVr wpwcauuiw. wuuse ojiponu- wntiy umv iutt mj aaa exception to tl p.n. J i iIvlousToTlifleintOT witiu'w such wsl'JkyuijBagit tl,'l utakliMli. n- uth-rly fallacious and un--exercises at many difforwnt liiatiti.tinn. f dt'r dl-n coioietion tf rK,rynoMa W learniiijr," freely " expressed the oiiin'oii. .... that those at Davidson Colleiro on this occasion, were equal, if not suiorior, to any they had ever witnessed, even at Col leges of higher pretensions. The speech, e by the: representations of the two Lit erary Societies; were excellent as a whole, and Borne of them very superior, i Tlie following is a list of the Senior and graduating class : York nUtriyt, S. 0. v j: : 1 ..f 'Ibis w ........ .. VV..... ..V.. . ....... - viivm IVIII' ...;n.i i i... . ft... -V'.V'.r ' Y.fvii,. tMH -u. buu L-uuuirv, HckciiMrnt tlie displif of iui're' svthiieiit in iu iiiviir. iihi Hrnvi'i jit i ubi umn nifiirin..nttf ti.At the rresidwit li come uliortof thdutiblrli A rrri'itt luMitinii imtwiuxt an. I rJt tUa J;. , - n " j v. ... -j ' i uw- miction which its fK-rforumnce vguld unquoNtion blv have coufrrKu. HlO JOlinSlll nlsOmllllita l'llf. its nnlnnmii a vuiiiuiuiiieuieu iirucie, cnilCISlllg tllC course of the adminstratioii, of wlifclrit says cuitonaiiy, mat " it is written with being' nf...ut tiiree lii'.s.tre-.l. iiVar them c-iwv.l bv tin' tiKlrliilify is truly fright lul ; nnd. the tiii.rc so fieii it is .-considered I Lai. Jitdf tlie tinacclimafed liavc Jvft. the city, and that this ffsistf fif ifs -lMIfitw i-wiliiu.1 probably lews than iifty tlion-Himl uls. fWkf. It Ot-Ifi.lltf. Ik.ll! .1. ..... .- . . . ...... . .... ..v v. t .1 W U TH- dftde that the fvfep is Krailuaily ideu iii" its area: It is now to be euVmntcr- cd wheret'er the niiucclinmted abound, tlttVttgh still most of the fatal cases Ofctir in flic 'iliint ami VV.iirlti T :..;.. I cannot continue much longer at tlie pitch . of intensify which now inarkH it. Lvcrvy dny witnesses the departure of IiuiKimw whom terror at the unparalleled mortali ry tinves away, tn o lew oars all wlir otli lith 7th 8th . the direction of tlie"drSr, 'wlTcn' 'a"" sliolit yi:T.- raised, and the mfliatis decamped. 'CiJ T) ! U tlmi mitrnvre etrnimtttrrl oh Mr. Todd s premises -within tbclaj-.t few weeks. Some tinre ago the ploughs and other farming implemen ts were broken." And then another and another hiv de scribed, 'iu due course nf time the per petrators will be on their way to Vn iJie-man-VlAm!,- awl tW wili'..dij-tito. the jtiwtiee of it. TKen will cometje emigration re turns : "The flight .from .the west shows no As tho sc-n-t of successful putf writinif i to oonroul from tliu r.-adur, as l,.n.r as possiljl,., the fact tlmt it is a puff, wo think tlio fullowing. from h lfoston j.aKT, may be reckoned a brill iant success in this imiiortaiit dcnartiiicnt of m.,.1- crn literature : "Meanwts. The -gnUnt (Hvee of meanness that we over heard of. wsa tho oth.-r Am. ',it.. stopjiing at tho toll house VQ the Western Ave- fe!!.jvnE. rcsnoctabk'. h pfloiig fowards l be city arid" ya -nrg "byttrc oe wttiioul j.Hvmg Ins t.t ;-t4i liwir-d. A.'t -A it... -I -II I .1 ..... . iu iuuch me ion, uui uie man couiu not ntlonl it, aitJ fiirallionc!u del be wnuM go hack, which be diJ, nnj walked through Koxburv anj over the Tremont IUal. distance six mibw".- lifli.n.l- ably wore out twenty-five c iit.s worth of shoe-b-atliw iua tosaw; rt'i. which wi.iil.) "". .M" 01 iiUsri salve, wlncli cures nunjilea, ! ror sale ny neuaui and t o 'u. 8 State street, l'rico twenty fTVe ceiitg a box." X Here is another, w hich we have juH disooverd in the I'liihid. Iihia City Ikm : v " Lord' Elt siu. re was deligtitc-if 'with'it' liam Allen's artistic style of sliHvin; and bii: rTttrhnr. that hp hn .......... ii : -i i iiirnto. .xiii ii i iii .iiuui. near iiinrRet sin i How oi.cveiik-nt H ELECTION OF CLERKS Cuunty Court. CAUAKKl'S. J. W. Scott, M. A. IJernhardt. ijxrior " J. (). Wallace, 777 t IVllil l Iiobt. Williamson elected Sun. Court ..!- I it . . 1 768 378 Clerk, Clerk. and H auss, t.'ounty Court Cumity Co'trt. ANSO.W N. D, IWgan, W. I). Hov.l, V. M. Paul, W. II. Sturdivant, J as. Hair, 448 W. H.McCV.rkle 314 L. Meludon 271 477 3! 1 7 174 3S "- v t -'V " --w be4tation in ex- prewni-ik:T7Atff Wuk will aim wo vokt to one over V finable." -' Standard. 'VTakt.JwxSA 643, Venable C42. " .)Ve liao just seen two intelligent' and leading Democrats of Johnston, who say that they kn&w of NO Venable men in that Coimtv onit tlmt i i.xt-; ..,,..( ,.,.ii almost the mtW Demoentti? vote." Standard. Jomj.toH.yLevru 588, Venable 250. ". From Wwreii niii- !iiti.llir..iw... ij 'heerum. W-1 taken the fluid for fr t ..; ..i ii...-..,i eolation of tnojiif these gentlemen is that hfi trill l..nJ 1A.. Ir. i.i . si . ... j ...r. r ( irrrrrrr lit mtn C WW! II at twt (m Afrndrttt eokt-rJitandml. ' WarMk--Venable 573, Lewis 131 ! " " l'rankliii, we are assurtnl, on the best authority, Mill give Mr. Lewis l,cir,,i, tir and pur hiindrtd imiioritii u; r r.,,iv..,i. ,.i Jx . J , for utu-Kpidemics invuriLJy nm.a cer tain course. They have their jjcriods of ikut n.jjfM.lofjjs tur liia Ctturae, aiut wu leate Um subject with tho remark that if bo is witionVd Ramlolj.1. County, S.C. 'Zl T-n T. ,,,ut '""'"'wniincnM.iiM'nt. Increase, elf max, grad MeckleiibunriV, V f -WWM w.4i w4U uit ejMly b Iwiuhu. tt.4-l .LJ-. i r ' fe, I u !" - l Vni.ru. y. It wiU teach them the iluT., . TT"' ,C appwiwuu lliey Dot l,s Ilia., the ho,t duty, , in. bv T f ",x1IO-,,ino wce- ,rea;'y ii... ...l... t .. i j. i . . . . . Tile lever Iium Iiepn i...irm.t. na atna fliA .Bvssjwai!g jww ud uu billy ifi, . . . r - -...v- moiling aft aames and em men h will fBTOmgelfj-4f--4iol-- owlier W tonca UwnvKjQto look for.uithinff more than J'!rV',ore motieratff counaence mat Uw Candidas (jertitipnte of his political riuc )M anl cbHraeter, cir,nlateJ under very mniii-cioMareu.-itan,s, i,n tho eve nf ai.rfw.itiun, and on tlw leso tiiat it putofcU thai bis name will not 1m. l. f.m tli r...... - . vtiillWUUU. . W illiamsburg' His., S. C. - Cabarru Count v. V. C " Kobeson Ooontr, Ji.O. f Yorkvillo, a Cl ., t Cabarrus County, N, CL York! Strict, R,C. i:.f , M:LlulHiri2 Co, X.C. It, Aljisoii l. E. iordon, - -W.-ItJordoiu J. A. rav, - - - J.T.IIarry,' C. A. Henderson, - J. II. McCb llan. - H. II. Xloore, - -VW.PImrt. It. K. Pmith, ' Kcv: Jamks R. Gillaxd. X M.was duly inaugurated Professor of Languages. ihe attendance of ladies on this occa sion was very large, and a' more hand- sonic and interesting coflcr-thm in appear-. anee, is rarely seen together. e may ih4 have seen all the fair representatives ot tlie (liflcrent sections, and it would be improper to express their comparative met Without-disparagement to any, we may .' uTnt say, that we telt proud of Old Howan. ;.tify the course of the Administration show IlercontribuUon.totliefairconiiiaiiyconi-ittiat these organs feel sensibly tlie weight priseil a few flowers of exquisite and rare ! "I',,l-' t:"k they have undertaken. If they beauty. had'tdy to re4 tlie assaults of the Whi- The Hoard of Trustees were in session: l I !?, eaM,.v lVmlts tlleir t.tl.C..1l.;.. f. W... ....,.i ,".' ' was notJ.mg wrong . ,n f " -pang on at asl.mgton, and that Gen, U 1 1 1 1 1 11IUJ5U v, .... .. wiui ry tinves awav. in a iew oars ail wiir irreat auilitv. nnd rcoi-nsc.ita tlin -i..u.u . . i t .. i c ,i ure jU)l reasoned io uie riuiiaie, anu most national iJcmnfrrats hr V Tl.o oi.. . -I i .mi i .. , , . . , , "" who can ix.ssiuiy nun me cny, win nave 4ie4e tbs.e4elde. -.J.Wi ai ,.t:i.,L .t ah.,fr.. want-of fuel. Jherc .isJiinntJjcjiJincqj ' Hie opuiion expressed by the Journal that (Jen-Pierce lum d.t ii,.. duties which .a 'great position imposed," we hate not the slightest doubt, is the general sentiment .oi the Democratic ar- , , . fi'vul majority oi tiiem may be ons, ami it would 11 " 'rue, to ailinit at tins early dav buried l.od ess an oj.iuion of i ,laf tm'.v I,avy deceived in their mail, ' terv, as lab rits if -e had. But ' 18 Tf' ,hat s,,c!l ' th'ir t,m" i ,I,eni- 1,1 nt toa.iv w ,..v Vl ' . lal" aml ,l'c'ule efforts of; 1'rinicd; it . ..'. V i 1-rti.Hi of the Democratic i,ress t ins- now." uiereioro teei a moderate- commence that . it will leave ns by the end of Aogust. .v... -iv-w VIlVUUQl iAlfl" gust I: Tlie tleatlis by fever last week wore f!7o li tbn laf tl this rate iuiacclimafedporrer classes will soon be swept oft'. I am told that 75 un buried bodies we0 laying at one ceme- ns laitorers cannot lie got to bury tne i.odies had to l.o may have yet to bo done hero Mridi-Hf.W'ti learn that Mr. S'vlva. mis Hrown, living in the lower end of Moore county, lost his life on Friday tho 25th ult., in the following' maimer:".- He had been cniratred in diir'iii'' Widl. :m.l hiul L'ot into the bucket, holdimr to tho STA.NLV. I W. Wmde-y, elected S. C. Clerk, and Richard Harris, C. C. Clerk. Ml'i-vi i vni-no .W-K. RoUl tL.-ted V LLClerk. mid J I Y.,.L V.nVI r-.i r ...o.t - - ------ . r -t TOmw-wt-!,!!,.,, ....... .....- . i j ..w.l, . . V . V.1CI1V. County Court. 1M 439 YAMilK. Martin, Superior " Hough, ' - 574 " " May, 557 OllI.KoHO. L. Swaim, (Editor Patriot;) elected C. t terfc ; and Ixrvi ....ii. com-suay morning pnug ,,n at Washington, and that Gen. ! 11,1,1 ",t" bucket, liobling to tin lay evening, and a good deal ; Pierce had fully discharged the duties of j '''T0' ,'"r ,1,u I""!"'-' "f being drawn out Iispatehed. Among the inotuj '''s position. Hut when expres-sioiis of dis-1 . Il'u ,lear l'le '"IS'"4' lt go the root il.jectsof their action, wasthe : sat'h,at'i"!.' a,'u m'anl ,V'" the' ablest with the intention of takijig hold of tin ; l'rofessor to fill the chair ofi!?' lHlhT "f thVir ,,w!' 1""- iMlf !?""' '""Jf?11" ui"' .'; ' V """.asti glorious old Aash (.t business Will Toil UO I. r 1.1 III HI,! h'S tl,.l,l . tIU- .!,,,. - .. . . . .,' ; r , v... ...... iiiiiMinam suni jelection of a IVdess., to fill the chair of TT "f tht franklin, Ix-wis 4!i. Venabl.. or-, . ,, , ,, ..... , : ry, ttiey may well despair of .'tiiii.vinuiM j, i uu. mi i. tiii win n iisii. ir., . .i .i . ii , . ., ., ,. , 7 .i..e j-eopif ,i,j,r all is right. f ingtoit-tdlege: N-n.rnTrd- Prntrnrd. M.-t . -ir a It 1 ' ,i , , -If-.. . . . .. . .. ... .. ,. ne near iMiat in wranviiie he is also Johnston, were put in nommath.ii; u f ANOTHER- HAlLROAh TRACK.li Y . ' ""u lllul -lr- Tcnaoie caimoi TtaKing tiio vole, U .wis Jounu. tliat I rot. ' ,.ll .1 ... '..-:j-I t I... . .. . . . 1 r 1""' '"viamoreinan luUT IM VOUi CfailiUlf', Tfil. i ,.-c,.V.;..f..t --ri. w-,. ..,.;.., t.. .. - . ... i ....... ............... """ l v i"'wurim(B. niantiara. Granc'dh: Tenable 1047, Ix?wis 31!"! " Witliin the la&t day or so we have I I For Prof. IIu.i., 21. J Tor Prof. Johnson, 17. On motion of IJev. Mr. Davis, of Methel r Patriot,) elected C.'l i . V V- ,, TT , ' 'r .4-,-V" "".'!.'." i.e. air,iavis,oi isetiiel M. Scirtt: M." (l. Clerk. T JrZ'Utt . .' '?:,; Presbytery, it was W : . -' , Jt "''a 'ho w-cight of information lsi i ", tr. . ., ; . .- i - - : Is4iaa J of the Seventh Dirt. ' " Standanf ' j J"aF"' ,''llt I10 1,0 ""rdially in. ited to h'k friends, since the 77... ;... t I'o..., , I accei.t the appointment. We Collision An the. Camden . and Amboy Hail Road. FIIE PLBSflVS KILLKBBTHERS BYIXG TWES- Tl OB TIMET! Ml CCD. io lmr- i I r ul 1 1 l"K t"1 "i "ul inissiiiif ins aim I" il... r n i . i. ?. . .i ii- ii couvineiit"!"" .v" "l h inni me un, a distance ot about mty leet, crushing ins armTjmd shoulder-liiitT fracTurTng tTiesk"iili. le live I only two hours after tin- :n-i-i,l..i,t - -'-' t'uyt tUc'UU (Jhh ror. A Lomloa alitor says We latnly saw. fur a mom. ut tlie deed of tb oonveyauci. of 91. cst.-ili' of ub,)iir three hilfwlrcil iwrmi tt hnit nA by tliii Karl of Hereford, in 12ju.orix liun.lrc.l mid tvvcutv-scvcu vcars aim. flic Utl Wrilinw .f ' A Word to the Whigs Many of our Whig friends, since the election, have met us with the remark, " Well, we're "Wat -ah I it is too ba.1 T And Borne gQ farther and adt " we had 4hh martrinrt tmaimmmLmiA-it-iaaBg Ulleiallua Xttst f Mj P.f acn-rfpwlir!, ial Kfilullons. itrisinsr we're Waten :" nnd tuittin.r nn a 1 ' 0 '. . -' o. - despimcIlHg air, pass on, solilorinfsiiig--" "w)li, it ca1v'bc helped.' We have waftdied these manifestations of -givigit.ipnhtiltl,eyhayesickcned W ''-e axle between the bod; us, for they are unworthy of the, .lll,,t . a?J " TIiehor7e ws run In1 IJtstrtct. IJofi.rs 4. oil.. . V..H..1.1.. 4,1W, Lewis 2,418! - TIs-kavo nothing la say, bo wcrer. nAjn$ X)r j, Caldwell, of Charlotte: m.)iii ins irtiggy, at JJavidsm (,'oIleM oti 'fhuissdav evetinr last, and fell on t"jo fore axle, between the body 1 he Trustees also made an aiiiironriu- 11 1 tion of six hundred dollars to each of the have airain to cbronicle another 1 1'ailrojid trairedv. The tiiliinrn ,,f ,,,. r- . - - - catastrophe has scarcely time todieawav t-.v T.it..Bn,v ..t;... t.. Vi I',1,,ri' l'!lK' mind is 'harrowed by . ;tl.A details of another. - the balance due on the cost . ,t the.r sev-; . VVsterdav afternoon, at 4 1-2 o'clock. ittl dtalls,?--wldelw-?MleFUke - and vi.dwwdlisioVK'crtm'd on tho:Cat bllilt ftt their own expense. Hie so-ieties den mid .Amboy, Railroad, about eight deserve much credit f. r the exceneiit'iiian-' "' Iwmil Sontli Amtiov, tictrrcen riwhicll they have uconitt,..! tb,..n-' u. riV" -wfticli left I'lnladelotua at .is, 1..1 uiey are liiiwomiy 01 uici iraua it . '. ... .. . i"""" '""n- i-.u in-, nace at a soot i-a ' n ! Wh ,.1. . ttliii-b meurod ti'veaud a half inches wide bv ! sl,il'iu w"o' comixe the rank and files of ' ? t V , ' w A" , , ,irl(""i ! "lar account of the proceedings of tin-single tract, and was caused, as was re- 1 -1 . . ' . . . ..... till lllltn il t hi Vih tili Mr 1 Viblii.H ..... . . . ... ... . . " . 11 . 1. . , i v ----- v. 'vuii.i .111. vuiiiiuii n,!, ir. ...... 1 ... 1 luirtiui i.irii.i. 1... .. ...1.. ..a . . r-ii . lu-i- n ub ,-1i rlu.v Imi-n ,.o,,;tt...l .1,.. ,. ""' leit 1-liilaUeh 'Jv'es in these enterprises. 1 VT' - p' T '" ... , .... . Aiiiboy at o P. M. . The collision took - ui- nine uie piomisu 01 itinoie panic- nhi.-o ut .1 .... ...1 .l.l I- 1 . 1 ......v. . r.v.i .tlMUM .'111 llllO.'ri' 111 ! Hi UiitWyg-imrtv.. ..lt.j.tme-e. re diJ mt"l" V,e vt' "ck; T1 Wi 1 cluuisv ,.ce j f,ated in this cm, test, but the deWinrr. iiiinuii n tii 1 nvrmticr " - r' wwwujwua anu uu.ir;u:- ed as the uoi.uTatToh h;i. 1,..en "Tir anffiW1-"- ""aff1 Piia W xao buxiiMs Im-ov- 1. : " 1 iv ,.r . .... moiitlts past, the rush of emigration seems fun unai.ated. , J lie twelve o clock tram on Monday bore awav a crowd of emi grants. A number ot'tbeir female friends and relatives occupied an eminence above the rail win, 'UriirTtreTrptaTutivo cries re - bounded lilC the wail of a monster funer al. Day after day similar scenes are re peated, as that they now seem to be mat ters of course." " ' - But there is one gleam of light in the dark store - One hundred jiohiuU per day.is.paid at 1 ue -pom omcein tne wwuwacomjuajti, in small sittiwr sent- by lalw.rers' BT'o'tt'i to take over their wives and cljildren. Five hundred dollars a day ! And hard ly earned, as we can see here every dav, .... .1. .. 1 1 . ' on me runroaus ana 111 tne streets. Kos Common is not rniiti' n b.nri. ns Trnv tw and lhr nuaru.rs lis.i . . ... . . 1 t -. o.uuv-,1- i V 7 1 fr . ' ' ' -"' If:?. .""l:" ! boated in this contest, but the depondini: tin" firi'ii.ii.i;i.ip..in,i..r,.i.;..i. ..... : , n 1 air ot some of our friends who sufferXheir ... - - - "i.ivu " y. il r - (. IMI1U . 1. l.l l. . I - 1 . . . .1 .! 1 .l pinzes 10 assume me most dolorous lengthy weafcea tJieir; own faitli, and yww the boards of the Whig platform so that eveiy. weak brother, (if we have any such,) ea silyslidc right. fT, like otters down abank. Tlie fact is, there is no use turning a lit .t.dVCl'jt t so bad aii account, when it is just as easy to inake it the occasion ot a strmigei rally next time. Hut just '' give it up," and democracy will ride rampant nnd rough chod over all creation, until, suddenly restored to their senses, the which rdts on the fore axle ; and in this ird. which will i4..!,;ilJ v r..M li in in lorted last nitrlit. bv tlie conductor of ttin .iiiioiiy train nemg a tew minutes ahead g ; time for our .next. -I nf his ti tne. 'There were six cars attach- Fanny K-rn iti.-s city i bil.ln. u : "lb-re coiii.w a groii. of pak-ficfil cify cliiljren, on their nay to Hi bis.l. irml blrm tii.; little titiforttutat.,; Tb.-ir little feet should U- crushing the s'r'av-Is-rrics, rijM and sweet, 011 soine sunny bill-slofv, where bre.'itb of new mown I1.1v im.l , l,,i,.r.l.l, soma would give ruses to llieirclieeks andsfrensfth and !?raco to ibcir cramneil ami li.-iir.,l..v..,..l HiiiIk. I'oor little creatures! thev never saw a patch of blue sky bigger than their sa'tehels,.or M lilllil.t of (rrta.a t1i.t .(..ri'il ... ......,. ..... misnioii from the Mayor. Aldermen and Common' l'eol''-' nst' their niiglit, and sweep Council." "'poor little skeletons ! tricked trat-rrkH-! away, as witlta toi-niuhi. tbn wnrl- nf tlime . . . . ....1 ... .... ruM i.i i . ... ivvWc htahf.'r.e n-ellnw fever ' .' unimcipiiia tram, and live " .. cars ntf.-ichcd to tlmt fn.iu "Tr position, Ins bod y ragging under the bug- V. 11 C llirSP nil. Allllll Tortv-or nttv 1-H1..I- IS ltroviu llur 111 X ...i- I li ...111 ,1-itl. ..... ..... ........... , , 1-...... .a i.ili i'i,' ' li r 1 '" -- j V- -v i m- ... . ,m' ' biladelphia train hal not been tro- another ot the manv heartless hoaxes tc ..... 'Ml ....il- ....1...... 1....... .1...T . rir -. ri..,.f ................ 1..- 1 i . u , . I ... .. . . ! Sfiof,')ii Caw. W8- learn tltnt- a case :f shiKiting occurred at Cain tuck, in this County, on Thursday, ?1 inst., resulting in the death of a man named Daniel John son, from the effects of a sh. it tired by 1 Ien-..vv-IJaniliilb,, Tbor fiffiliii occiirriwl mar the election groiind, lnit" arose, we leani, Tnnii causes totally tmcoTmrctetl with tho election. II ilmi(iujtim Journal. II ill !( jiiwe friu ( -Tlie London Timet says ; In fifty years Ireland will be Pro testant to a man" " Both tire fiom an f 'arlt olics of Ircl,iiAl jind indentified with that faitTi are all' leaving livTand;- ' Km biiir tliei-u will be uuirn left. At tha present rate of emigration, which cannot re less than two hundred thousand, chief ly Poinaii Catholics, in a year, our chil dren will .see Jthe tHuie when the Celts will be as obsolete in Ireland as tlie Phoe nicians in Cornwall. - . Sir. John Franklin. The following has appeared in the Freeman's Journal, aud it is sincerely to be hoi.d that this is Uot .1 .i . uner 01 the maiiv heart ess honv.w t.. v..,..v .,.,, . H, ,,nr,-i.ir..v.iiuimit.....yreuiiii a v(rv plow pace-.Vilv "nlionf Ii VheadTnisBhrg the tree buta few incb-j StL and !ith instant; average about i'-or six itiileiait hour--theloss of life nu es. A very large crowd of peoj.le wit- ! ler day, eight-tenths of the whole by' yel- 1,e,n fearful. As it wfthc loc tiessilli? the' accident, rim tn rt ;..f low-fever. '11,.. t,.t..l . ,f ,l..n.l.. ' '' 'ti vos met each other With treinendo niefirstimpres.,1onofall,was that he was for the week endiii" Friday the r.th inst.. 1 '"rt'' J tl. i'"Pnwr .hal Just ,illle t.rl tion, Mr. Drydall. midshipman on board .lL.i . 1 ... .. 1 ix 1,. . . ! ........ .... " "... . jumiiott. 1 bbicoinotives vvi're Kiiiashed. 1 the P.ritisli siirveviihr vi'ssi.1 -it Ssin Vrnn. .itrnurHHuiLiui.r i'Rciii nun n iu clean. r., is io.ii. im.l 111.. t..i-.,..u ... ti... !..... ..... .-. . .1- - -- -.... t-eo, stating positively that Sir..John 'ranklin had arrived safe at licirabide, hint commatider have lor so a.4uua been subjecte.1 : " A letter ha1" been received in Ireluml ,i v... a;.: I i . - ..111. I'l wniiuitn. m a l11' JU" " Tlie " sweii' mob of London robberies with the mm..' nili'Mllar ilili i lady alighted at tho bank, ascended the stejw, anil entered tlie vitiwili. and. nresenl'iiir sc.m.ck delnsion'i-MS? . But an ebulitioii of this sort does not COlltl.il. tile e1..ll..tlt l.t'li.miinnn.il ntt.rt.cj iU iH'rpctrat.' , -H therefore, to be deiml. A hceaiity. A flnu luiercnc(i to eorreet imnerples an unyielding- aeiennination to abide by Hl.wrekim.J.iIi.s Htrangelis lH.,o; ami the ravages of the fever is:aMl-the foremost Cars wer,. driven WL and dangerous liositioity. (a work wliieli : mcreasmg mt: Thrnreands-i--tlit-eitiJni4u.tb.i.. in tl. ...... , :..i..... occupied nearly 15 Trrintttes !) he vaszeus ajulua iiig the city. ' I the shock, that the first car upon each i tie citizens of New lork, have shown i ,nl"' "''i" dnven into tlie secinid car, and substantial sympathy for the sufferers bv j 'oml,l1c,t:,.v' lwtai!ed. The collision oc- a sb,cripti,m ofMM, for the relief of! ZZl 'tLT'! oiT,?-? ' ., .... ..... , ... .. ;ire. ihe track near Hd Bridge runs me am cteu in i he evoted eitv rinhi. i .i.. 1 . . .1 ... s . .. cenem , , ,. , . ;....wi.f;ii noon, mm i ne j iniaucipma 1 1.. , . ..1 ,, , , ' , -ii delplna has given ",Wm, anil Baltimore'! train bail just come out of the wood I lia , Iwrlo.tte (W from Mr. MMKIti tbeamo pun.ose. ' - Tlie- conductor Hdd in-Oiorter dia- were witnin ttiret' t i t - , Z i',V."if ' W5" ther ,.1tlo(,l,tl... at '-'' l'1'1 10,1 " '"nM PKt breathing, and by l.romut niedical aid was soon restored to partial consciousness. ... .... v nat Ins condition is now-, w e are unable to state, not having heard from him since tLe evening of the accident. . : Ilia injtr rios"wcre tlie?i fhotigfit to be of a serious nature. ct 1 in Califi.riiia." FODpEH. We learn that sivtv-tbree Imlm rS nr. cellent fodder were received, on Wednes- 'n.-.tu. . i 1 .? 1 . ' : iiml entered tin. vist the Hassan of twentv- or tbirtv vr.vn.t.. ; le.pymg kdK-r, received a birgo 'mm: of 7 across the ,cean.-.ly Journal. . j 1 rttlEi tion to k,ow,ia sure and healthful in its ,' Crijiinj Bali',. A writer in tlie Ett- . ( p.. - --.- truth nnd riirht tn eml of life tlw.ii.rl. cl,.,.- in :fs operations, wff- mv& Xhts ctmstjila faula Spirit of the South thinks he l..M ' J" lt";1V,M f"-."4 "M.5 Madam, e have reiurueu io tne carrmgo. Just an she liaa taken j , " . . , 7 ", her s..at a gentleman came down the stew of the rc's,,lrs- ' ' c" uu,u 111 .? bank without bi bat, wearing sfH-ctacli-s, and a I n.onty, will extort 5e respect and fear of 11s uueiines, alio. opt.. raoTiK a--vnreitf .i.or!:oHeu.iu.iaK.e iue.iuuiui;r.o : ";iyt3TCd a-Tem m tn.toVu.- jii nr.:i..;i: ilei'c If Is Tn lils'owii words : f him the imftw.'-inwr he awndgl thf rti-pi nd-W4titf mrty altlM.ugli out 4j power, Jjave J , ........ I tntt-'rt-'l building. The lady having, waited ; duties ami responsibilities resting ujKin that wlieuLixo.1 to asklofthe'Wn'. 1 1 1 ' ItlrnrTalcTlfieV ttiu'wi uiu'...... x . v. a. -p -- --"-" .......1. . ' V V .nnltinl D1111 ,k god. Tim it wotf Whig jrty -altlmugh out 4f power, Jjave, J.15Ziu,c nat elevat ion of Mr ' duties and responsibilities resting upon . Aman, to" an Our IVituttftfrr. - The last " Itrimhli- can jsatmct, contains an artnde signed ".Jan. We have received, from Ilamji toiiville, a. notice. of a marriage for publi cation, which we shall decline publishing. because tlie writer faded to give his name !.'i ..TtT.'.-rmrirtteeMrrtT ) vne.i . -(,i i,,,,,..,,. --p- rrrr. : d -ffivrf ,md amiable, that a bach-; Jolms(lir used co say tliat a ' I 1 .1 I. a rust v crtwty old one, will not hl at the best snU-ol every ex ent is m tSr j K,an a tbausand pound, year. U m led to abhor his condition, and nurt nnaintly remarks: ror ertry .. dv is his: Let tliecnuu n.-j , man oiyuK . F(,,lctoiis "U..:... l) 11 .... ii 1 ! l wine ic ai lis ; ,. . , at ouhands a passing notice. And here ! " " Rm8 "y m tu,s to let us remark, that xve seek o,,..e..l ! "ave a --espons.I.Ie name with tllis lillblic fnnctioniire. nor ilo c feel dispised to notice, as we might, the tmprorotett atfark hermafcesirpon ns: Tin' Crolf. In oui trio to Davidson lief- n i . . t - jiirrixea rrom lauiurma, and or jf4so'lege aiid CaUiwba bpiuiigs, last week, I Jamie - ..theralso two- women ; f we had an opportunity tosieall thecrups! child. . """'"""" 111!.' trains iin'tiT thev -..w. r- - --- .. ... . .. . v. ...... in nun htimlrcil vards of each other, iiltboiiirbtbev distinctly heard each other's whistle Immediately upon the collision, one of the engineers, alarmed for the consequen ces, made his escape into the woods. . , Mf tho passengers 1 on board the train from PhildeTpbia. 'several were Tiijufed,' but none xvere killed on tho snot. T-o of these Were men one 11 (Jerioun inst t ... . , . ; J larrixea trom lalitorma, ami on lus xvav ii . .1:: 1 -i- and one view of the case, Uiey win ev ."y dyofetamIi.ig4irmlybythc,rF ...wi ,,f .nstaiiiinir an eflteienf organt- zation. Least of all will they h..U cause for deswiiding indiflerence. :Biead ..fain by crying, , en - it xvas not ms necK . he fUcrl!!tS .'you have cha'ngedj JZZ T. 1 lanLrou conduct till ma, thi8 is the true spin t ot sub- t la "-tin a good bmnor-don't tell . itj on-one of tho most beauum popping- 1 rootl turn yoif ' CHAP-FALLEN. n.r u any other principle:. II,.;.,.. .I.r. w..l 1. ...... ...... ..: ,1 1 TI .. ....... . . . ,(l "'v .o.....wriw;i. t..iouuij ayii j j( ne iiaiiu;s ot tlie KiMed and woundeil u.ow piaces; au.i w iui iew exceptions tlie are gi-en, but' they nre all residents ot distant i.nrfa of tho eonntrv oi.l It e.a 10 .,,.,. T . " i uum liun'e cbeerimr tlmo we forty to fifty ln.Bl.rJ. ' Ti;;;:;. i 1 ----"-u'l.w. tne a. In lie article .,,. which he bases his I1'""1"" f'l'ei.t week in thi several shoxvers of rain i , : ""-to "in 1 1 . . 111 iiMS aildnenrh . . r".",V,"'"!.l :r,Ir.l,.ci.I j "',i"- "1'Mi "ill contrite. ," ""T.! . . . t i.,.isv3ii language , , " wm atter it occiirrorl . - 'A -----...o,,Sj aiidstiows " . x' V- "ninety deaths n aeitil'ei.eKa rutl. Clirred in eur A ....1. . ... ."l,,s ""-. "icom.atibIe with a co-'fiiee. yoid ot otf, hi.n'.t . - Niirwe ask of the Postmaster 81111 TV oiscna man, Mr. J ir tcv "-' mm- iX.JE.NKi.vs, was on the Phil. aJelph.a train, and , . ... . . . ea,Hd unhurt. l l0ar" eiliuvaieiii- " , . foivt! -In it word, let tlie child Knwtajl(j vm, J,ave almot t and fretting never does any ) ,;j0 at tlie outset. have almost balf won "... r": . ,;tii tl,:,t - caln.lv tciung u.e. .. .. . l . . ...(... if u-!lliT((l. tit V V"- " Of all the "nsed up" men by the ate i . ;,. tl.ia State, we think Mr. lloi. election, in this btate, w ,t. e.n of tho Standard, is uie r - - case. He U enjoye for years, great . ..... Dr,ncitv. tact, and accu- rcpntaiiou ! , v , . .- 1 . m .i M-.tienl mamevres ot Ins racy, in uu w.- j.. nart;5 ud any. lucky candidate sccur-ftbfceudorsemciitnd "n . H.I.I.VI ... ..i. ure. io win. moiix1" ' i ;.e,l of his influence in bis xveu ri" . . , , , . . . i. ..lii.tihl not Strange uu iter lOO His XV e 'u-OIi!'fi.rpw, to our country friends, thatagoiKl article oi router, juit up m neat packages, will always find a ready market here, at fidl prices. JJailij S. Carolinian. - Jt'tuaFay SluMTlus voice: of. t.lje Fugitive aunoiiuces the arrival in Canada of fourteen slaves, by the under ground i.iiiiojiu- ien oi menj neionging to citi-zens-ol'-N-wjifrt, Kentucky. : . Fare iWirt d.'Ueccut arrangements have been made for through tich'tx from Salem to Italtinmre, nt the reduced price of 115.50 See advertisement. 1-r.t.. 1.,, I....I ... Vnvuvln,,'. If..t.,l MMU. 1 a 1...,. xv as inpi.r. I.! . 1 ' t -' "'s .mty towards us eoiKlu ujuuuers m which is 'a.neCa,,T a.ieiinla frohi in. iiirn over n.r.5. Wft 1Hh in Mora than tJ.r.. n,..i . ... r .... . - 7 nc mn pulf d lie desires it -but wo be luM the time, ami still i,die tj ...lilteitt;,,....! ir . ' "XJ aie' . - "nan tin ereafter, , 8eh cases, dejie, n if,tw 1 1-. v .1 ... i 1 Mfi.rn i !' r',., , I ' . - . . 1., .. tie! "... . i- ..re. nit c i Ulien . rr.n .....,,V iriani. neiu i t - , xvas Men and xvouie.i .......... ..Mm jWi.. - . ..i ...... . , .t p. .i ii- 4 ..i i i.-ii'd it ii v . . t. . .-ii.f jtTin'r ru .i""" - nun 1 . wun . lug., growt... ! , " .1, ' ' ...1,1 V!r".rj;;nr I.rhar ' V" ': . ... ...d. a direction to i-ii-ii at .xiauf io. ",n" , ..... i ieei iiu.li". -' - o .. . i ;.. the urovince of Urenaia, au i , ... . nmttcM as evemuauj "" "7J ' 1" . Hein-nd .. it ........ ...iw i ns nxe ! . , ,, t. i nn. nmrominrtnrt .....is ... !e. lie eiu s -- , ,, ,. ti10 world. it oev-umv r . - - . onu er. jt t wiuedoyotcd to te w ...... , he sit ion ' , " m,ir " occurrc lutions passed n.t.l i . . .r... i . "'gea uy tlio passen- w fearful tragedy tth.' . 'cklessness S' be !curd and, . . ... 8 ' tht' lcrsoiiH , ,11P;P , ' t?r Hie New Voel- t....... .1 , . ; .". . ' resolutions arc well eo,.,i. merce, one of th. .l ITV" "r ;n- " will re.iuire sometl.t . T" "f ontlal DeinoeriV "V: Wflu4stro IncIccM,,,, (I.. I.- . . !". e,KC,,mca,""''Klv.fre71fu,1t. as (n "3 ,V. '.' ' ri: idencv. it s,,rtrt the b.,.u n . -M'"'"nemH.. a, flaence l.a.l ".' KHI v XEW OialAXSMAUKET. Nkw Olir.KAXs: Am la q o,. r ri. ' S' ".'11' 1 . Jl. xvere leans. cents. Jiidd iini ii-iu 1 . . .." Tl . P . M""ieu at 10 3-5 1 he stock on 1......I . . v actii-.I ,.,.,.. . . ' "'rtaineI y actual count, was K;,ioo bales. 'last xveek- f , m,.,,.ow l0'". hi'Kwl rpliU aH-eS' "and his. . i-.l' i tula tbo i.lacc of Mr. y Jti ua hnd it not onl. .i:7 ! ?rt ' Vu mI.iaery. ' i ,HP :"u fH " . ' J. 1 1. n Ij Clui.tianyyi:'e e ..iit!v. .'- J.