... r . " '' v0, . . ,1 - if : i li I I i h i . r :i ! j JL "VH 'r WM IJUA- $KJk.kM& "VOLr.XN&V:SIvmS: kT'V-T- A VTT 4 DAT )- 1 0.T I r -if a. .-. . w..aw... .................... f ' ' .. : ...... "?"-" t i t" ' .....L,..,: '') ' " T"" J. J. BRUNER, EDITOR ASD PROPRIETOR. ' Two Duii ier, pd vithiu tine muntu m.m faintof nutuBrfptKMr-tmo diiHor n4 iiftv e.m if MiktoMU4UMnrftiM itv.bud ihn-e rr :w mc yMf r,ft,illg ,m SUeL fivsh grub coulj! w"w"oi iBwtri t per atioxv ftnr the ?"',.hrwrl,.ua; "J -'k tawi"' ""run " 'm M II I jdm t ' year. Court Onlcra eUarged SSjer rt-nl h'lfhf r dilll lbc Lcftnn-lo the Editor miMt be pixt pil, to cimum attention. AO ATT IXTATPT? TJTTTl'nrT OJXXiX.' W LACiXii DJ JJOliZit 1 , CALICO JACK " i . like Anon oa the Dulphiu't back, I Baa him make acquaintance with the itivoi, Aa luof u I evuld are." PorpoisesT porpoises 1 joi poises f Such M as the cry one morninc about sit hells, on board tlie kIuo lobster, of Portsmouth. XTT1.. and The orv'Svas ta- ken iid in all n-irt of h sliitt. and the shout of " tunoi-s !" " oornoises !" was heard in every key, from the gruff bass ot the boatswain, to the shrill treble of the cabin hov. Tlie ship Lobster was bound to Liver- pooL and was off Cape Clear, ous passage. ot tellows. aiul eairerLv seixeu ur thing which promised excitement and a little relief froiu the inouotoiiy usually nt temled on a 4nig asvago -aeroa- tliu At lantic. The cry of "porpoises!' seemed a magic charm to rouse all their eiierjjU-s into action, and every -man : hastened to tho weather side of the dei k. and with nktrutkAil 1 1 rif L- amt rrl iti.ll i 111 I'VI'M prrrfraviiwg frtnn thwir i"fli-!if,-i-fr I -we.tlT wiring towards-tlmt fart of-thtfi .ctjadiiaJatJ.am Barlv-lookin" old tar. who was standinjr on the Starboard cat-Ueai, holding on ly the fore tack Anrl tlifrp. riiw tinndi. awav off on tba wealu. .'tVMSeaV-fl Xliey seemed wttn eactt -ottHT, lettpmst and ulavinv a varietv of antic. whit-W nowapproacliin'r soumlmtrs. smpiuaics littiieu v anco .iuck on ins in-' ttiimn tnoaiei in a voice oi uinmier, -ia:i noine iweivo or uttueu aauui, on tuo taek attar a in,,l l.Aiti-ri ulitterencc. and asked whv he UrI notlcmt" -'m thetotMatl haliianife ftr amraiti iof a nornoise. I Alie crew werea lively set ; nanu to nam in ute, jmriKMse. ' x -van a yxMi Kwjinnier, anu a iieit-cMp r.H . , . .. .1 1 . . 1 1 . . .1 . . ' .. I Li I . .. '. I - - 1 1 w.'Ikhiv-ai.iMa.aiuaalfilnort !.imnre a ponmise : t tiiidlyii aMtiiftiiavwmiaTffiitiiiai nHiMiaii'iiii ili in HiWff ft PVw ai4. "Saw. to be iu high glee, sporting; ha ve- mw some str.mg reason lor takin "Ot ot t lilX'aler. s u v iooih would 'Tv excited tBlid'aMit3oiT"tT"a"a ttiirByingluT5w " ? " barleqnin. The hardy erew of the Lobster .gather- Where "is lTie ca Mr WMtniiirnt. flu mate. "Steward, call the eaOtain." . iltfiLt'Salih? fiinc - tionry dived below. "Hand along tlie lltrp.Htn r yelled the .lnate.'-.' BeiidoH tlie end of the forertop- 'sail halliards!" Ay, aye, sir,t ; -., 1 :,. -And how CapMrKdfherTu vdkaat-ettmerwi-riihiiig4i.H dfckiUieagerjetermiiiatmiiihisULu tlie monkey aid when he shceo as if lie "was resolved" on of out of the companion way, , Ia Uire; The crew gathered around Calico Jack, bounds he reached the forecastle ; the lob- 'for a gMMl yarn is the delight of a sailor, sterwas not an everlastingly long, snakbh ' Jack was pojmlar aimtng the ship's coirv-looking-,Jiiodern mammath clipper; -- i auy e.ould sing -a go.l song and talk 'Here they are, sir! almost under the j like a b'ik. They .expected something bowsT screanied Saiil itarktreathcr. - f intcrcsttirg attd ttr.tMih-with exempra -TPnTKutherford took his station on jatteutionj while he proceeded with his the bowsprit sbjouds, alleit he was pret- T4i tory as follows : . t tysure of a uucking.-' Ueach me thei " It is now just three years, seven harpoon! Be livelv, lads! VTiat are mouths aud iiiueteen days, since I sailed X' ... I 1 .. I 4J lt IV..1.1 V..... "..-l t.i ll.n .1.:.. ..,... I. ...,...! S clear to hanl ofa and with stalwart arinslie l death-dealing instrument -to Kio Janeiro. J he rocahontas was a A tall block was fastened to the fore g'"d ship, and well formed; tlie captain stay, through-which the topail halliards ! was an honent man and a rt?alsibr, and was rove, aud then made last to the eye j the ollicers were not so bad as they might of the piece of rope permanently attached have wren. On the whole there was lit to the harpoon; " (tie to find nmlt with, for I doubt not all .-.-Ibe'- aedtetieat4 -ttaiii ansiaitocioua.i handa wens treated with .aamuch kiud, of danger, and attracted by very natu- jnes ami indulgence as they deserved--ral cariosity, began to gather around tlie! and we got along very harmoniously to bows of the Lolster. One of goodly size, '; gether. poaseseed of a double portion of animal of bi-foiiilHbl fte, armed, with the weaj)on of destruction. "JNow for it 1" shouted the vaptam, in a voice, of thunder, ! as the harpoon left spmiAJjr ux eagtr to iusiui m-",r "0 wtiw was itgitt ft ttiie-weatH- ' acti vltv. made a circle beneath the bow-, er Was pleasant, and the shin s bottun be- tpi:ii7.-jui-uruugiii,.AlUUJ!'ejO,.v nine torn, a nirue iiuinoer 01 iwu the vessel, and directly beneath the met sniade their SpTS'iim bi hands, and .wajburiexLaleiipiy-iu. JlmfdieJieartjjf a stock-Jklicmild posuibl v back of the r-rtwse.- -jiaui in i naui mi wny ffyrt i yon nam in: t - "Haul in! haul in!" n'm)ondwl fr. Westmacot, the mate, and the remainder of the crew in chorus, as they roiiseil in the alack of the rope, drew flic struggling and astonished fish from bencat.lt the ship, and after a severe stni: gle, hoistetl him un to tho bowsprit "A bowline? A-running bowline to clap over his tail," screamed Mr. West macot "or we shall lose him tho har poon is drawing ont!" -:z A running bowline, formed out of the - foro-tojmast-&taysAil.- -hTOwn over In taU, notwithstanling the convulsive efforts of the porpoise to free himself from the murderous "iron ; the noose .was jammed fast, and the mate in a triumphant voice, proclaimed that he that is; the fish was safe. In a few mo- mcnts he was handed in on deck, by tlie united forcTof tlie crew, wTiose"w1nT-rgiir4 ments indicated by many, a sanguinitry spot and streak, the bloody business in which they had been engaged. Thrown into the lee scuppers, the flenching pro s vomtne'h soon stripped of his iacltet ol. blubber in' trtia acit-ntifle stvle. " The'harslet,' resonV ilinga pig's in appearance arwdl as fl v vor. was carefully preserved, paed over1 i to the eock, who soon nnq it ridy lor the frying-pan, ami in due time it appeared ui tlio cabin, anil formed a weleomo aiuli i tiou to the hrcaklast table. The remain- , ut'r "K" annual was then triced np to the uiam-ntay frr the ue oC any one tnlnglittmilurThe bows ! - it was about six i dm caLau.or fur.ucatlu who, Mas "desirous bells in theafreruoon.i:! was busily fen- J rt pulni vc-looking flwb of a iwrpiobo. 1 I have Mid that the whole erew of the JiObhter participated in "the excitement Miiaud by thla incldi'nr, and gladly allied atMtiiit; the fiwiic" 1'hrrp WW, tiuwcyf -fj one exception in the ijlmpc'ut Jack. I ali - maiico or m Ids 'Khiptiurfesi called hiui, Calico Juckr a nent, trjghokiiii;, Bimg- wann-liearteu far; wholy ItKcour- and uctivitv in tiniis of ixril. hiii! liia , . . J . i kindness and good lmnxr in rdeasaiitf j weather, was. ft Javurito.wiUi.all onboard. J takiug in sail to atteud to my. questions. I But gn-atly to the astoiiiKhineut of the! I sprang Up between the night head, jerew, dvu-ing tborhulKub, n.Ht-c, and ewti-i ami in los tluin two minutes 1 was stand iiision, t aiisetl by llic attack on the pon-' ing on the lower martingale stay, with , pwisc and its suceejst'ful reHiilt.Calieo Jack, ' one arm around the martinimle. I saw j so far from h-nding a baud, stood leaning j over the waist, with his arms folded, ap - arentlvlotkiiur in the denths of the ocean fand deeply .wigaged in- phthaywdiical a-4 j flections of the trravest diaracter. I Hiis was not unnoticed 1V several of lhe crew, who. thmng the halt fe with the 1 lorioisv. were too busilv ensrasred to aek ! him what was the meaniiur of e-nch con- ! duct- but after the usual order and quiet !'u board the Lobster, -took -tlte-plaee of I the interxntine t-rOcocdiuire which 1 have attcmptt-d to describe, some .of hisverbottrit J' at tho same, time that tlio MUtanv-. 1 -mi. Mimniaies, Ktm .iacK, wiiit u : iroui titu inarier oock was uisseu oyer- Idlefiil grin " 1 have hetpel catch ma-' board at once,' which I rmddled hW!trtlage my eourserj keej binosat the-wa-ny a fih in my day but my fi-hirig-day-i4 in qntcl time, and got hold of; but the j ter's edge, and steer him in the right di are over; J. airaiu. c-le(; shall never I tty to catch a u;.h oi-iO." uuiv a porpn What is the reason of that,'' inquired'1 Sam Starkweather. " Taking lish is cap- : Hal fun. I'orpoises are. no great thinp, but even a ponmise is better ; tO bo SUTO ll 'ban uth4iig,'. . y ITiat'w teut!Ljvitl'IJaylt,,.t..A. . por - have loiirui out bv experience..! I wa- umce active enongn in faicmng nsu, out I now I cannot look iiKn such -sport with - out dirigut and 1 have jmrnrn nove r-tw abi'Ait it it roil have to spin a varn aloiig ui'' the storv. J tie rxnir lei low 1 Id otf us.JlIUC.8s p'jseible, but at hi.-t, after mak T iilif a very wry face ami "br'itrgirKrhimsrltT"" ' to anchor on the "'windlass end, grtvc i'l, , saying" ell, I Hiippose 1 iiititt pih .you iny yarn, if L hope l,r a miiti lily ; land if you have any wiwh to know uiy i.eK"'-'CV h!ung in general, and niv habits of f Ut porpui.seJ. pafUcukr,.,fc afcjwf- Capo do , Verds ; thence j " As wedrew up towards the Cape de ta, and albicorcs " They seemed to Far 'atch rno i and eat me !' iti such au im- 'plormg way, while they strted in the wa- i ter beneath the bows, that no man, with i withstand the temifation to capture then jr at itat inabe the attenipt- Ml ever had a wiakncss, of which there may be soliie doubt, it WiJs a fondness for fishing, (Trout in tl.te frckli water streams of New fllmpsliire,.mv native State ; pickerel in .i . . . . ... her ponds cod on the bank of'ewtbund- laim barracooters in the West Indi hidibut ou (.ieorgo'a fcjhoal jiorpoiitcs in (he broad ocean or dolphin and bonctas in the tropics it was all one to 'Jack. 1 loved the xport, arid indulged my fondness for it whenever and wherever-l had a: chanee, Voii will tjiej-cfore- not Wf" prised, sliijiinutes, Uiat I bailed with great glee the appearance of various kinds of tish aronfid the Pocahontas, as we were drawing up towards the Cape de Verd Islands. . " In those days tuevcrweut a voya-fe to sea without "being well provided "with hshing gear of all kinds. I had hooks of v'artoffsttroiiTa tialibut htKikVoAJuljlT: sltanked for an albicore, aud ganged wi'th stout wire, down to a htxik small etioiurh to catch a rudder Hsli rand man v Were the hours of my watch below, I-pad on the boneta-ror on' the mftrtingale, with the gainse, attempting to Strike a dolphioi lu-uiMiiiiiu, trying, jo iioya. fiu asiicutucri Jjo caption , Of tli lavtj cared inuch attout fishing, I had it pretty i mnch au my own way,- J' One unlucky dayafrer wewiul ma()c - ! Uona-vista, and were staiiuifiir tn lot pi, iJago, i UU a moderate- breeze, I Jieard a cry on-deck, ot 'dolphin two big dolphin J mAiojt upion ld duck Into 1 the moinoni I hoard the 'trordtliljr doi 1 l.hin ' I lroied my dack like a red hot inarlitiKpike, took a couple of larre hoolfti ; iroiitlj yangedy out of my hcBtt wwtinot-1' 8 wily pwl Item i wy pf bf, and nwhuJ ) on leck. " j - " Where nro tlws dulphina J' I ed, as I seized thy grainse, VybJc exchiiin- irh u-na 1 V- . M UVM.v p,-1 7 ' j uigontlieforectWtle.. Unt at that moment 'a. Clucl. rfimnll wna rni)idlv rfKin!? to wiud- ward, ana the watch were too bnY iu 1 one of the dolphins a big fullow he was 1 too ! The squall was close aboard of us, 'cominsthiok and heavy I and I was too agor toaeeir.my 4Mb, to attend proiNertyjalliul afilwtt to Binaat wi ia aodduuly- tii my own safety. I made a riirioiis throw (started off iu au easterly direction, as if at . the dolphin, with what rffect 1 know !a shovel-nosed jbhark of the largest size 4 Cr with iht! T elofllMM my' holdvWff JJtfter hlui. , ' . , T " , j id fell overboard ! The sqnal struck the "The lien coop I soon kwf sight of, and tnot for ! and fell c ship at the same time, and as the old IV j cahontas fhiw past me while I was strug. j expected conduct, and not knowing what igling in thefoain, 1 heard one of my hlp- j I might be tempted to do next, scattered i mates crv out in a voice of terror, ' AjwaAfiu "very dircetkat; ami tliere wanLscuur- , squall ulyw with gret violence, ami was ' attended with considerable raiir. Ofconrsoi 1 lost sMit of the ship in a few minutes. ' and I saw with a glance that there fras but i a slender chance lor poor 1'ilgarlicil ; and, let me tell voii, shipmates, there are many r bertw j;M-. anjjoiiust, fullo in this 1 life ffittii to be sWtir!.'lhiif alone Trt thgwinc litttifian.. wtuijuotliu.to buoy you up but i ben-coop, ami no ship m sight ! luoite you may never nave occasion 10 try ii. 1 " lliu squan jnfel laistKTwiiFlT a conmiotkn among tho wave that I con Id hardly retain my -station it t lwi-cwjv:ava44 w twutiiHe eoa. r I pencil to swallow more salt water than health. ben the W Weather -cleared up 1 1 ( - ,T around lor tho ship, riu-et Wy lieit. tt lit eonl. 1, aml looked around lor tho ship, but ho ship Was in sight.' The t'ocahoii - ta had "one cm her wav reioicini;, aud left Jack Caiiinaiico behiml ! u But a- tTrrc-niWwiH ne4t;i4iair X 1 he Will ticrer tbwae his flag fed iWrff there is a shot in the Ificker and al ihotiirli, a night was comiirg og and mat ter looked rather dark and dreary, 1 re ally wished m vself on the deck of a good ami) kyex i caned pnnoso hit w iny am, and jMkted.t!at my-cottdition, though bad "enough in all coriscieiicei niight have ofTbecii wore. - I still had a hen-coop to 41iug to through the, jiight, and I might, by an extraonlinary piece of good luck,! te picked up by a drogher or some other -cel in the mijming. It is true, it would -sometimes -occHr tome that my legs datig "tiHgiu tjie wafer, would make a iiico tit- brt ft a ugry-ttark ami also tbaF, afsitcl a little rmcn bar lined wrth a white - I. 1 .l.w 4 -i.l f . ... 1 1 I 1 1 A I - , . I few vessels ever crossed Ike spot, whure 1 was, the chances of being snatched trom the clutches of Davy Jones were about one out of a thousand'. But I stonily re sist ed all .guch jilwmv foreboding:, and conld do-tosa ve tny Mand if, afreraH, I should be drowned, it would be through no fault of my own. " That- was a hmg night," shipmates, that I passed on the heti-coop. It seemed like hull' a dozen nights spliced iuto one. At daylight next morning no vessel was ili sight, ami. I was- getting somewhat fa tigued and hungry, flour after hour pass: edr,and my jjrostieqts were, as dismal as ever;- Tlie jivina had died away it was a dead calm and this, altliouarh it made my"8if,uatmB.oy ble than during a stiff brcozo. qiiiiimslieil myebances of escape as lie vessel eould eonio ta my jcscue, --It wa, as near as I cair ealoulate; about four bells in the afternoon, while I was lomumnr on mv hen-coop, with mv head under my wing, and thinking whe- ther it was like! I should everasain in dulge in the luxury of salt junk and niotil- ly biscuit in a ship's forecastle, that 1 was startletl by a noise which eonmied like the blowing of a porpoise. I looked up, and beheld an imracnse.shoal of those f tioblo fislu'coming froni the south in a dl- ! rect line towards me on their way to some better marine pasturage, - perhaps thou sands of miles off. rl had no inclination iitthat tnomcut to harm tlietn-and I pre suhie they had no wish to harm me. I supposed, as a matter, of course, they would noi noUcaaofrimwgniucaht; aiming as" Jack Calimajco on a hen-coop, but push forward on their journey a quick as possible;" - - 4 I ?n T u-na Alifr'ln mv tWrVnnltif. TIia iorpoics saw tne iicn-cioi, ana a sailor hanging to it- a novel sight which rous-j ed -their curiosity,-and they crowned a round as if determined to fathom the mys tery. I did not like such close compan idnrnde a irrcat splashing in the water to keep them at a respectable distance. But it was no ise. it was not often that an opportu nity offered to make acquaintanceship with' an old shU," and" they Seenied rfe ijy- r ed to improve the present chance. Iney forgot the object of tltcir jinviity, and the iiiipiH-ianw vituiJu.i'-yiiey,-He another in their efforts to cct noar, and find out 'hai I waf goiu ,.. Ah i' tliotight I .'to myaolfi ' aiy Sno fellow, if I was now sunning on tuo powor ayoou "Iti with a iinrpoon in mf -jay I wuld tiekfi tour clfnaify to aoiwe bnrjtose. rmTtrremwdea nearer and nearer. M lot Mug among Uiran, .utailo a dash to- WHiine-awt-4lu:utJm.usly.rim -tweett my leg- giving at thp ame time a ..:Ti .it. .if I - align, wjitfiuer vi inumpn, aoniirauoii ur surprise, I etumot tell which acattcred collected tlfe fitslt-hooka iu my pocket, and , a he turned and attempted to repeat die i manwnvrts wita atlntiiabU preface oc iniiid, a quality wlueu lwver tursakesuio, shipmates, jn any strait, I thrust (i tish- hook into each of his Jon Is, just forward of his eyes, tjna lieia hard on .the gangim I At too same tnwnent, I Ui-ojipext upgn ins back, seated myself linnly in the saddle, and hauled taut apon both parts of tle bnulo I in fins way J. kept ins licad to the water's surface, and easily defeated j his desperate attempts to plunge into the depths below.- FiuuiBif'riMiwoIf JUledin : the othi-r ponwises, astouUhed at my un j ing over the ocean waves at tho rate of . Mv situation was a novel one-.-1- It i quired uo little stryniftli and skill to mati- rectioii ; tut i felt that. my chance get-; ting out of Davy Jones' clutches this time was far bettor on the porpoise's back uiau when clinging Boa hi-u-coop, '"half buried in sidt water, ut of sight of laud, ' I knew that the island of St. Jag could not be niore than thirty milesotf TiiTsoiifliea-it directSou jor Iliad" heard' ika-gantaiw jay .u"t5.flw fltitjSatoTal&r he maiikeu the slup s place ou the chart that afternisjiiauii .X4wed hard to" slteor Jago, by keeping the sun weli on the larboard u nailer. But I had tough wort.'- f 'would radier be7 rattling )dw-4h cane, or JyiUg to in JUassaeuusutU bay iu aud riggmgeovered witli i icothan b maij:. a beaditWng V" with abrtJlc without a curb. With alj my efforts J without a curb. With all my ; could not prevent his' broaching to occa ; .sionallv, and his wake was as crooked as the track iu the snow of an old uiaii-of- ' wttfVman who bad iust hwu taid 4T1 - Snel" wild - sU&riwg -leigtlieel my distance . considerably iiovertneiess, in About an hoar Ihxiked out sharp fir Jamil but it was full two hours before I saw it, rising,, as it were, all at ouce, high out of the ocean, about tireO.ls-iut- ontUe star board bow, and no! more than nine or ten miles off. A. noble j&dfall !And aglad j 1 fongci ni''iit it was, Mttpiuates, 1 assure you, for ih jny'rido and I gave the old JehVw beneath me a kick or two to tpiickcH his paces, and away ho went again as if a grampus had kicked him in " As we drew in towards the laud," ! aantly U'ach, lat:k t ,wliieh were erected some dwelling housus and on tins spot 1 at once makq up my mind to beach my cratt so 1 stood in directly lor the nay. Aly apuearaiice,.at thismeL exuning u DctMu iiu open sea at a furious, rate,; with half wtwtbfrdf of "mybty ont-of water, mnst have laca siugnlurly sink ing, and calculated to attract attention At all eretv it sortously alarmed the quiet Inhabitants of diis little villas They gathered on tliush ire.moo, women, and cluklreii, to tho uuiulier of Jiftoon or . . I .i , , , . . .. wemyi-aWHtov-wtproiq iiiuskcis, cnuas soa, hatchets, and harpoons, prepared to oppose my landing by force pf arms, if necessary, xney rooked so rorrnidabie aud threutetiing, that, if I could lavo had myjowwayaauuiUAvaaipve to. witU: In hail of the shore, and held a parley. But my faithful friHtd, e whom, 4 was so UrnilxatiacliM tnony, but tbv-nod- forward withtncrca' ing sjieed towards the shore. I had only time to Wavo my hand aud shout lustily "amijw ami'jo ",' before I found the porpoise "had run himself upon the beach, Hard anoTast, with nieonTji o "i never saw folks an astonisliod a those Portuguese were. One among' tfiein spoke some English, and to hinyTiiiade an explanation which was satisfactory, aud received with cheers and acclama tions b by the whole company. The por also came in for a share of their ad poise miration. They admired his noble si and plump proportions, and although I begged hard for his life, wishing to re turn him rnf and sound into bis native element, I soon saw it was of no nae", his fhte was aettled ; and as ' the sun went down, they were feasting on his carcase and trying out his blubber. . Poor old fel low ? I shall never forget him I (and Jack wiped a tear from his eyo with his star board flipper.) - - -"These people treated me kindlv. and the aext day carried me"over- to Fort rraya, into which harbor the l'ocaliou tas was" jngt criTeiirig. IXonvwoJalioat, pulled aionir side, and asked the captain if VWn&cf a pilot - x ue captam looked hard at me j anu answered, ratlier frufHv i, No r -had a mbrero rhat on, wTricn '"a inu-neartea native ltatf mvea me.-and: the :skrrTdid'ht --1m luintLLud. 1, 1 1 f ban cpmp abpard.;7 " The tone of my YoiceJ which is not a common onc-br I have been told it resem bles the sound of a bassoon niHictcd with thrf phthisic---hpthere4. hUu and he watched mo closely as I passed over the sideTT-ut rnaoroffCTeT"utrrpea trom threw his hat half way up to themnin- tol:itypal out at the top of lus voice, ' It is Calico JIfK, as aura us Biyname is Jeremiah Thompson -'y-' cd, and i was glad enough to find myself onca mora on the deck of the gooof old ship Pocahontas. J!ut, shipmates, sinco that time 1 Iiave abaRdoneu in aisgnstthe sport of catching fish at sea, and as fur lending a hand to haqtoon a porpoise; I wonld aaoon send an iron tlirougli the best friend I have in tho world.'' Knxa Mantfiitaeir'a rictorial Tiiaea, fur January. GET OLT OF TUAT!" SraKLr, tljouglitj, it'wtH-be 'd i flicnlt firf dimomiicv tonmootb tfiaruflitd feiith- er or rliargaiiie btrd; f Barely tlie "Itiis sian bear will learn that ho has, for the sake of a hng, gone a littlo too far on tho trembling, branch. Surely he will h nd that it is impossible for him to tictoatorthatr Exactly go, my friend " Get out of that !' exclaimed the voice once more. - c ""' I tumed towards the speaker, and dis covered that it was Mot an opinion but an admonition he had uttered. That whilst f was plitbtojJiaiu au the probabilitMi of the future, lie was addreasing bim-lf tn the atinscs of rtwrppfscutT-ani tndear oring to Correct them. -"-Tba abomw- i- sonw y iw i t-1 puivlr hutlmn charactik. 1 do 4 Bi- tion it as an extraordinary eni-Uivt, but as one that should vnli.t tit ayuipa. tides of the reader at tlte oite(. Tbey (the abows) were euterel ia a suar h.g- liiwil ' ni.l tjr Mlit Mi In raHf" a. , , . a tiiejuKert.eiailljJtuitJ fafred, nl dirty ft?,:; ,. To--fTncteSrcnd to siiMiJicity fur once, I will explain that the admointioa " tict out of that," was ntfervd by a clerk who was standing in tlie mtry of a warehouse eating tobacco. Jle was a mild and very much btittoHed-UD tenineraiueut. and wore his hands ia his pocket as a part of twiee with proJiginm tdaeiditr, ,thq phlt in nmtlh lit,M.rtlfaii1,i1jJ. mm ruit.iaxrriniu atura. uavinar atnja.o.1 . .. ... .... fc?. yehaitg-t Slid with an unx W:tui vo tiu.fuil UdMt-vSiMiryj hebf uaintny wtween nisiuiu nugerston which the envious might detect ink) exclaimed once more - "H iet ottt-of -that t - ' - - - ' There: 'wi"aoiuetlt6gairecflugly' pater nal in his voice. Dometbing so threaten ing in word and so feeldn iu effect, that I found myself powerfully interested in the object oFabuses, that liad,drawu U forth.. '- ' . v ' ' I soon gratified my curioity,-An empty sugar- barrel stood -bfon"tie&ddi-: ana two bare-legged ragainufBiis, like human ftics, were iide batteoiug on the unctu ous staves. That respected man Diogenes was never more absorbed in his tub than they. Provided with imperfect instru ments, (indeed nothing but clam shells,) they delved In snug crevices and myste rious knots, lor the succulent treasure. It wa beautiful' to see how the genius "Of our country could adapt itself to the exi gencies of its position,, and with imper fect instruments surmount great diflkul-tieM..-iirai vagamufHnsf (ft all ragimuffius are in f crest i'ng"now-aa'B have bare feet,) collected their masses of vagrant sugar aud piled it into littlo hills, (which an j where else wight bo called sand hills without any great impropriety. J Then, as a Una) triumph, they conveyed it to their mouths and smacked their lips with as much satiaTaction as my beloved brethren in ebony would have done on the dreadfully debated ground whence the barrel came. llydurkl y friend, therefore, addressed himself to the htunaa fliev or ratlier to ther foot, -ftr it is a fact-casily.jletnojtfcJ stjratcd, that the- coilectorwsnrreptitte-is T'lT" ' frtJKg''. hTl must iieeds 'appeal to the gAinefal pUblir tiroJ the medium of his feet. So to tlie up turned soles (soiled as most souls are apt to bo in this muddy world) ho of the to bacco addressed hiiuaolf. HeesifeorirreTaTa V Get SuToTthiitr and as Alexandre Dumas would Write it They did. ' 7: '"-:; But flesh Is frail, especially whore the sweets of life are concerned, and 'those who sip them from a clam shell enjoy thorn as much as you or Iv Yes, my dear Madam, we lore and we hate, we enjoy and despise not mora powerfully Jn our tinselled, world than iu that duller one of whose politer circles those urchins were distinguished members. ' - ' Scarcely had they scuttled around tlie : corner than they scuttled back aerain. The Aloxander-Iike clerk who had offend ed thorn," was no" more. He haddisap-' peared in the labyrinthine mazes of-his warehouses. -"'Seduced bywhatthey had tasted ; seduced by what they miarnt yet enjoy, these helpless youngsters plunged once morejntOHlissipation and the barrel -4 I had not time to moralize on the sjcc www ...i.n 1. V w-'y . '"J f anfetiv.- -1 "liavoorhe aboard, sir 1' tlian Tac7e7cro"relierd my plaHdTneud oTicofttjrniannc8J?-lt Ulgtilt'y amr propriety. inoreattho door, and not harmlessly as To preserve those as they shoii Id be pre-J before with mere tobacco as a. weapon, but with a lorhr and very unpleasant look- ling stick in hisliamLL Lie bore it lightly niau wii,u (jis ioii v magnniniiinv al ways does 'when he. '4a going- to punjsli. and tirtt-te be nnnishmi -h I'bore it ngnt- lyTSo-lfghrtthatUCWsuspeotrnij ccuta gathered round the blissful bung- hole were in fatal ignorance of hia ap- proach. Tliefr feqt" (I can scarcely resist lielng philanthwpfcat when L speak of tltein, they are so anggesti ve or corn,) pro truded in a manner that would have 1eea Irresistible to Hanaiia, aiid wasSrre- sistabie to tny buttoneu-tip tricml, ' toil i wkV out of tlaljTt Z" : One, two, three, aud a. running accour er bastinado fashion. One, two, three and a limping, howling, unsatisfactory re-, treat ; " H-. -t , Jiy waiil iJM"am the Oii. uer. then exatmned bis instrument of punisliment atfectionatoly, as a Crusader might gaze on the bright blade thaj. had let out a tew thousand l aynim souls, u ti ung it in the road, turned down his wrist bands, took another plug, and sauntered into the warehouse as gravely, as solemn ly, as imjiosingly -as thougli iia had-bccti toiiow iii a uuar irieuu to liic t;rao. 1 turned away, not gladly, from the spot, for simple though thd incident, it was excellent ami insjj-ucti ve. A drunk en iiiqj), with a hideous leor on hia facy and long, lank hands that seemed to clutch at i everytWug,.4ik-thw claw f- a atdence lha nwed hetrrountain. weiira ...1..... ! . 1 . I .. . , a..!!!.... 1 a a when Bhe is iu danger of falling, stagger-. ed past me. Ah I My bibulous friend, thought L, could you but mark a moral,! 1 would tell you that e barrel you es (Huse is the wrong one, and that surely as the owner sees you, will the bastina do come, aud the bitter, bitter punish jacmV Uut-a hore, in the name of Heom4w-p-tbehalk. The-white widh of 01fr ni()n atnse, is the use of moralising with a man whose oulv intellirible sentence is conveyed in a roar, and expresses that Jordon am a hard road to trable, prov- i tiy k iuukluu tally by rolliug iu the gut- J rier,. He will bud it dinicult to " uet out .f the, without being helped by an (it- t'tt hlt of tlie law. i - - , And "now that T aiii conversing with -vr minds, and sunning me in the light of merry eyes, that will pardon a word of a ttnotiitjon, let bit) whisper a word or two about the general difficulty of getting out of that Uu a matter of Pc iiidif iereuee'to insTi liat the" qilianfy sffif S"of -rondlth-ftTt-ftiit "Me has a skeleton on his hearth, as eve ry oue has a ble ver piece of darning some where that lie don't wish tho world to soe, dej-end on If, my friends, thai is it, and to ret out of it sliould become an ob- ly with regard to skeletons, which I take it are like debt tne sooner you got out LhetujtUe. Jieltex, Jto. ojerifismctiias-Till adduce au instance or two. Suppose, for the take of argument, W!y eharmbi" and accomplished friend, Mrs. Moruc, has a donghtrul nabit or saying pretty little things to you, just because they are sweet and. when jouback "u tumc4.p eayingUab wicxeu Tiiingit anouT-yow, jwsiwcause they are bitter don t you think my charming and accomplished friend would add to her thousand virtues if she would get out f that t - Or we-will take "Mrs: ITptonj who "Is celnly bsed w'ithAhe lever wet fafttha measure yar& don't you think it posible tliat she might contrive to make a decent appearance with seventeen new dresses a year instead of ta-enty-three to say notliing of the nine fashionable bonnets which Mrs.. Up ton looks on as indispensable to her exists enee I Don't yon think she might reduce the trifling ikuns-alludud tot Extrava gance is so much .a habit, that you will agree with me, the sooner Mrs. Upton gets out of it the hotter. . At all events yon will coincide with the universal application of the moral. Wlwnver you are doing anything wrong, whenever you? are indulging in luxuries thatTouahould not touch; whenevcr you are -enervating yourself with pleasures that may perchance be sweet and stolen whenever you find yourself getting ilito ineae or more questionable inorat iuos, oe admonished by the clerkly voice that ox eiaimed Get out of thatP' " Q Si: Mauy people estimate the ability of a newspaiier, ana tne muusiry ana uticnis of its editor by the editorial matter it con tains, it is comparatively an easy task snhiects. His idens may ' now m one wiahy.;waahy vorlAsting llood: "aiid" his command of language "liiay; ctmble himoj string them together like bunches oi on ions, and yet his paper may bo a moagre and txxr concern. But what is the toil of such man-who-:di8plays hia leaded matter largely, to uiat. lmposou onaju-' diciousWeU-lnformed editor, who exer cises Ins vocation with an hourly con sciousness of hht responsibilities and tlu tiesaiiddevotps bimself to tlie conduct ing of his paper with the same care aud assiduity that a sensible lawyer bestows upon a suit, or a humane physician upon a patient, without regard to show or dis play, Indeed, the more writing part of editing a paper js but a small portion of the worie. (lie care, the tmie employed in selecting, is far more important," and the tact of a good editor. Is better known by his selections than any thing else, and that we all know is half the bnt t le. But, as we have said, an editor ought to be es f ithatod, and his labors, understood, and appreciated, by tho general conduct of consistent course, its principles and aims, I IUS paper IU tone, iu ieiiqer, us uiiiionii served, ia enougu to occupy imiy tne time and attention oiany jnuu. n to mis be added the ceneral suteryision of the newspaper establhjhmenty which most ed- ii.oriMinve ioenuouoei'i, nuiwvr is now thev find time to write at all-leirin innrt-Ttfrwt drTW. j : Cue of the most dramatic ''situations" J we have ever heard of, occurred during i the " Fry and Bennett" trial. It was lu- n - tetiseiy tragical. . . - A.whnesa for tho defendant fan jJojef, andtherefo gavo some evidence, which was objected mi worthy of belief. In tins di lorn ma, no thing bnt a desperatr alternative ed kselfreitlusr to. labor under the imptr tiKon of peiJiiry7"or desperate and reeai-dlcss act of hcntumi. The witness, (nnd'Jta doperves immortali ty tb tU eeafti wj (tctci miiitMt on tu 'lC'Z 's.ii...v..i".T.r. i. .: i. icr. ,t vvurv"'t;:tiioiirvu u uursueui " He ealled on Ida Tairor ; and his tal lor readily- vouchsafed for his honesty, and admitted that he had been paid to the ut termost JarthingPV . " ' f . . ' "' lliackery dedicated the i"? Pans Sketcu Book" to his tailor, sayings It become every man in his station to acknowledge . and praise virtue, wheresoever he may find it, and to point it out for the admi ration and example of his fellow-men." e iook on the tailor in the " rry and Ifeiinett" case as a, perfect mountain of . virtue.'' "Whether it was Faith of Iuipo- unfortunately not capable of1 determ- W sbould tlunlc tb& latter. " v HmtgemeryU I'ietorial Time$. The English papers announce that the celebrated Dover cliff is about 16 be tak- .ngianu win inereiore, ia au prooahinty be winverted into"" hite-wash; Some two t hundred tons of the article will be taken out by means of gunpowder and the gal- -vanic batterj'. The minershav;raouio time been practising Dibdin's apyropriato " ft f I Sll.l a ' ! . or Arr mtiiff uowns; - --t We understand that the necessity for mi largo auppiy oi cnaia is lounu iu me increasing population of Jxindon and tho scarcity of cbws. -lb t TOUCHING SEA SCENE. V -.JJr,-Farker, in his, interesting - book, "iBTltattosi to Truet IInpptlcBi, gives a' beautiful illustration of fervent gratitude for Divine forbearance so justly due front, the hearts of all men, yet felt by compar atively -so- few who ore permitted to live '8WT5ylts'ceircis6', year SftereltrjItttliP' penitence. '" "During a sa voyagoja Jewjearj; sTpc.e, A I was conversing with the mate of the ve- w J ia o tho view presented; and observed that it called to mind one of the most thrilling scones he ever beheld. With this he re '"Twas a'fsea'onllio broiid"AtTan(Ic, as" we now are. It was just such a bright' moot-liglil night as thtiSTrd;.theseaWa4 quitc asrough. The captain had reticed,f and I was upon watch, when, suddenlv tbere was ,4 ery, gcfouT couldardTyinaK iip vwniiunuu iuu uauw w vaovo-auoiii' selves. .1 cduntmredr7to-gC'antyaelf'if two more wonld aceompany me Two generous fellows.came forward, and in a moment the boat 'was lowered, and we were tossed upou a HK)st frightful sea- " As weTSJsetipwa niountairrware, we discovered the man om distant biltowr We beard hia cry; and responded : Coin ing !' we descended into tue trough of tha sea, we lost sight of the man, and heard notliing but the roar of the ocean. , As wa rose ou Uitf w.avo,. we agaiu saw h.hn, and distineflyJiieard 1: another word of encouragement, aiul pull ed with all our strength, At the top of each successive wave-we saw and heard hnrtj ttd our hearts Were fi lied with en-" Conragemeut, as often, in the trough of tho sea, we almost abandoned the hope of success. The time seemed Jong and the struggle was such as men never made but for lira. We reached him just as he was ready to sink with exhaustion. When we had drawn him into tlie boat) he was helpless and speecliless. -". vi4 Our minds now turned to tho ship. She lnd roundod Jaliiit, exhausted .as wa talifelQlst'aBcs) ,hwseitl ia' syMt'lliiaC: vessel was frightful. Ono false movement would have ullecbeurbodt, and consigned us aiue a. watery grave, j et we ruacii- cd the vessel and were drawn safoly npott deck. Wo were all exhausted, but the . rescned man could neither speak, hor ' walk ; yet he had a fuH sense etlii eon dition. He clasped our feot and began to kisetiien. We disengaged ourselves froiOil hisr embrace. lie then crawled after ns, as we stepped back to avoid him; he fol lowed us, looking tip at one moment with ''-" smiles and tears, anu men pamug our wot foot prints with his hands, he kissed them with an eager fondness. " I never witnessed Such a scene in my life. I sup- pose if ho had been our greatest en6my, he would have been subdued by our kind ness. " The man was a passenger. During -tho whole remaining part of the voyage,, beBlio.wodths- deepes gratitude, and whoh we reached the port he loadod n with presents. ' ? I. A man who leaps into the matrimonial maelstrom now-a-davs, often marries more than lie stipulates for in the contract It teTmronty-wedr mrrsr-wemanr but a laboratory of prepared chalk, onintnl of whalebone, eiirlit- coffee bags, four baskets of novels, one poodle dog,, and a lot of , weak nerves that - will keejv - foureervaht girlsand throeuoctors arouna the bouse the whole timer--"Whether the- -fun pns f.thij ldejUaaJtterjof ej; - . :&r -yH Swt .ai ySS.llSJ,J!&t'JK;i! '..La. 3 ....." r .i..L":- .'...i..-.,',.s.,,.. .... :...,-r..--.',ri 1 :.,': . ' .,i .- '7'

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