r , v. . VOL; X. NEW SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, MARCH 2, 1854. KTOIBER XLI. lv-V- i ' (' ( vv ? --v -'-r , . ... . -.-....v .. . 4 ;--.v-; ! n- r . r ' '0, fltArELLIXQ IX RUSSIA. j ;"It wm storm j evening (it tke month of November, tlit ,Kusian nobleman, mU4 Baron Juroualco, Liu wife, nd lit tl danglitr Helena, nd Utolr faithful ,errV Eriek in herjr.tnTe!Hng chariot .and four, drivn bj two postillions, drew p at the onljr inn of the little town of Jvobnn, lying on the bordeqi of Ruwia and Toland. " They were returning from their travel in Europe, and i the liaron had alreadj overtayeI tha time he had intended to be ab'iit from home, and the weatherwaaeverr daj growing worse and worsei he was notions to preM forward with nil the speed possible. The fur cap's of the postillions, the long mane and tails , of their horses, sin! even the rough lea ther portmanteaus were whito with front, clond of steam rose from the weary beasts as thejr were nnliaruessed, land the landlord coming up to the door of the chariot, observed that hi honor wouTJ . not think of proceeding further. ' Not if I were at liberty to follow my inclinations,' said the baron f 4 but as it i I am pressed for time, and we mut got over' another stage to night.' ttJrtj verst at least, and you have the foiest Itoster. to paw. The road U bad, and I dare say the snow is deep, and the ' wolve are getting hnngry. Oh, I am not afraid of wolven, rrled tit Uaron, ' they would not dare to attack carriage so early iu the year ax this. Let nsliave four good honeaand we may "-be in by nine, fount is no! ntore' than half ast six. n way. I only hope yon may not it pent your determination. HoraeS ou di rectly, Micholas. But mav be your hon or and your honur'i lady will take umo go to itoli.vo.' ' So a) enp of spiced wine was brought Kir Uie travellers, and brick bad a double jwtion He act up in a huge fur cloak e bw kind of a box in front of the lie- : , ron1 carriage, though old-fiMbiotied; had been built in England. In a few moment the fresh lmre were harneoxed, the pos tillion cracked their whips, and amidst the thank and good night of the landlord, the carriage rolled on. . flti bitterly cold,' aaid the baroness, a the pulled the cloak morr completely - wound ber, nd lkililltt6tSWf lap 'it is bitterly cold, and a fearful , If tho moon can but break through the cloud, m it U trying to do, we shall have a pleasant ride yet, replied the huaband. What, Catharine, a Russian and afraid of a little wow.' . ,' ' Well, I am glad that we come ou, too,' "said tlir wifclH t phMiitttv tliink that every mile we travel, bring us nearer to home, and my dear little Mcholas and Fiericr:':T''"'T"':.: . They were noif paing over a wilil moor; the wind whistled mournfully round the earriagv, driving -and ehastng the enow before It, for" it was snowing heavily. The glare of -..the lamps cast a kind of a ghastly base on the immediate ' neighborhood of the carriage, and seemed. to make the distance still darker, JO, mamma f criet Helena, let me come closer to yon, it skes me afraid to look out of the window" ,; Why, what should you Ie afraid of myJowy onl--f - know mamma ; and then just listen to the wind how It howls!' The clouds passed off, the moon was walking in brightness, the wheel rolled pobebissly along over the snow, and as far as the eye could1 eo was one glisten ;8:c!?,Ljfojt ruige. f What i Erick looking atf asked the baroness, fuT the box was so low that it occnjmnt might be Men from tho win- 'I cannot tell, said the husband, ' but he must have good eye If he can' see any thing.' - - , ,f IIarkr what is tiiat cried 1m wjfe, as long, low, melancholy bowl, different from Unwind and yet like, was heard for moment and tlien died away. MIt is wolvesj' rpiod '.the baron, 'this sxdd weather makesWn restless.' ' 4 Tliere it is again, k h certain! v nearer.' Erick; laid Lis inaor, letting down jfeflt-yjodsar, toll ie Itoyi to teJiuhB-Jiov jie.dircctetLhiiu. to cut. Uie traces must Keep om III IU9 way or these WOlvcs.' i;,i' ,7i ' '-- 4 On with yoiv-men,' ihonted Erick ; nl then in a low voice lie; said, I doubt -whether we can altogether keep mit -of the way sir.' u 'How is that T asked the baron alarm- 'There is a large pack of them, ir, and they are in icent of bs.'. -- There Jtksy re. Tliey eauuot be more Uian half a mile off.' What are we to dof asked the baron. 'I know yon are a Ceutland man, and more used to those things than I am.' -4 Why, sirt' Mid tlie servaut, if they emie up with v we will take no notice oT them, vnics they attack us. A they are very timid creatures, the glare of the lamps imd the sight of us will keep them well off, and in an hour we will be in. Cut I would ad vine you, ir, to draw the bullets from your large piatola and load tlieni with wan sliot, it would be more to the purpose to wonnd a good many than to kill pne or two.' ' 0, papa I' cried Helena, an the baron took hi pistol from - the top of hi car. riage. ,jVe tihall do what we can, my dear child, and God will do the rest for us. There is no groat danger from theko wolves.except in the very depth of in- ter, and if there were, He who delivered David from the paw of the bear, and the , "f which 'K a frozen jKind ; 'as the trav paw of the lion, and Daniel from the ie-1 '"er iaBed it the wolves appeared dah ven huury lion, can deliver u al). in "P the valley and the jaw and heads 'They are coming,' uid Erick. of many were steeped in blood. The baron looked, and about a hundred ' We ut let uiothcr Lhore g;,' cried $iriJs3pcK onBf.riglii;"jn tne""wo1ie'fcnck. Uiey.willjbe too much for us; coiihi jut make out a grey mass moving! but we must tafecaia I wliat we are abpul, ; tlirougU the trees, and leaping into tbo j u anu i mr, .win nre ar oqpe, aua fio carriage track. Tliey did not howl, but'yro IVter, he addetl, addressing the f..re bayil fearfully.. Tliey moved eteailyJtprtboy,cntthe but altogether, and were evidently gain-(jump down and leap up here by me. j ing on ttie carriage. The post boy plied both wiiip and spur, and the hone them- eives, in agony oi uar, oroae oui in ' Do you think there is any danger, my dear husliaud T asked" the Xaroness. ' I cannot tell,' said her husband, they do not seem disposed to attack usyet, but they are. certainly savage- It is for the home we have to fear first' ,,..,,t..AKtliey -gaining' n-s-i'--. - - 4 A little, but they are not putting out their gjieed ; they couid be up with us in a moment if thev liked. Tliu the carriage rollel on for alout Hvc-miHWtes: "t-rick never' took his eyes orf-rtepncki and the baron: thrusting htm - self out from the left baud window, watch ed them carefully. "Are your pistols loaded, sirf cried Erick. ... 4 All with swan shot.' ' I have two lold with ball, and two with'shof,' rwejnalj. do.' '. ' ; ..: ' 'TMnpek was now not more than ten yard from the carriaire. there mfght te was au old, strong, gray headed wolf, the leader sprang on one of the wheel horses, and at the same time received a bullet through his head from Erick, who was prepared for him. 'Now, sir,' said he, 4 if you will let me have a piece of string we- may be abta ta make ranethltig of It. ' A piece of string I' cried his master, ' ye, here it is, but to what purpose.' 'Why,- sir, said he, ' wolves, like cow ardly creatures, as they ftre always sus octing a trap ; so I will just tie the string to thi stMik and let it drag bebiud the carriage. "It will keep them off ten min utes.' Erick was right ; the. stick was dragg ed along, about the- distance, pt ten yards behind, and for some time the pack kept behind it, and were plainly afraid of it. At last they began to grow bolder, they seemed to have discovered the trick, aud passed the stick, and were again making up to the-carnagc, cried Erick ' When I crv ' now sir,' be ready to fire upon them from one side, and so will I ujon the other.' - ' Very well,' Helena sat with her hand in her moth er' lookingtahur facM, Her molli caluij she ..was. cvi- dently praying Now sir !" cried Erick. Master and servant lxith fired at the same moment ; there Was, a savage yell from the foremost of the tierce pack, and three or four fell.' , 4 Load Bgain,' cried Erick ; 4 If this hut you will want all your pistols soon.' After they had fired once or twice, the wolveswere no longer frightened by Jbej fire and flash : and thev began to sur round the coach on every side. Tliere is but one thing left,' said Erick, ' we must cut the (races of one of the lea ders and turn him off that will divert them for a little while, and turning to the of hi horse.' Tho- man obeved, the terri fled animal started off to the right into the forest, aud with a loud yell; the whole pack rushed after 1im-. -Thank GnA ftr thaV-wxckinwfl- the- laroije. v Then wenty he aci- ailw 1 1. ,'.AyT Madam, tf it pleases Him,' re plied the servant, ' but this relief ' last long and tliey will soon be upon us again.' '". V . How far-do you. imagine- w are-fotn the post house now f eagerly enquired the baron. -. , . , ' Some half hour,' answered Erick, 'but they will chase ns up to the very door. I never knew them so fierce. Hark! tliey have got him.' ' "' ; i - "As be sMike"there came a scream or rather a shriek so horrible in its sound that once heard it could never be forgot ten. Helena and her mother exclaimed, 4 what can it be T 'It i the poor horse,' exclaimed the baron, ' they are tearing it to pieces.' A bnrse shriek is the most horrible of all thing. j ' Drive on for yon r lives,' alioutud Erick, ' tliey will lie back jresently. But the snow became deeper, and the Mad worse, and three horse, worn out with fatigue ill Htipplied the place of tour fresh ones. j 'On the right hand the road thinned a TlttTe opening into a iflade, iu the centre This was done and the pack were agin drawn off. ' The remaining .two.- hories a:'"u a""! ' iri: pitmtijili!itcnptttoMgn43mAh thenienibcrsTPToieet wmrttir energj' tnnr lias always re appearance vt their enemies, lne "roh'Tpok'e twice'T6"TTr7cliut received'' answer; ho seemed taken up by his thought. . At length the carriage reach- ed the top of a hill, and at a distance of apparently two mile befor it, a clear steady Ught-w.to hmmv 'Thank liodlT there is Bolisvo,s ex claiuitMl Erick. 4 Xow, then, sir, 1 be lieve that yon are sufe.' As he poke, .,,1' wolves were again heiinf in the dis- tance, aiid Uiuiigir -nie pflst light grew hgher 4MHflar(ter,very ibohmsii the pack gained on them, and at last surrounded them. ' It must come at last, my dear master,' said Erick.- ., I have served you and your father these twenty years, but I never did you better service than I now intend to do. If we alt remain together we'shall atrTe torn to pieces. . I will get down and with my isfots I shall, T trust, be able go on with all speed possible' and leave me here; I know you will take care of my wife and child. 4 No, Erick,' said the baroness, we will not allow tli is. -We will all be. saved or all perish together. I Could not bear to- esenpe-et the price of-your blood. '" ' No, indeed, Erick,' said little Helena. Hie baron looked at his wife and child and said nothing. 4 Besides,' I wilf try and climb a tree,' said Erick. may le they will give me time. But if I delay a moment longer, we shall all be lent together T ' God bless you, Erick,' said his master --'God bless you, and he will bless. If you perishI will look on your wife as .ft sister and bring up your child as one of my own.' 'Thank you, sir,' saidF.riek firmly. 'Now, God be with you all. .Fire suy two pistols at once !' And while the baron fired, Erick leap- TtaptrekvtcaiU)4!J. moment, stood still and bayed. Almost iiistaiftfy "'lTi"cyneifr the rejwirt of a pistol, aud in about a min ute after of two close together ! But they heard no more. nd now-they were-within-a- hundred yards of the strong log-hut inn ; the pack i close behind them ; the post-lwy cracks his whip ; the baron ; the whole party shout,' and as tho carriage dashes up to the doir, and a fresh light pours into the road, the wolves turn and tho baron and his family are safe. Of Erick iio trace was found. His pis tols were discovered next morning where fie had- been" loft," three discharged,"o'ne still loaded : it is Hutnioecd ho had not c u i...r.. i. . .. ...,n.T ,r.-.:...-.- ! I need not tell vou how .nobly the brfron I fufilled his promise to his wife and child. On the sacred spot now stand a mon- j iiment bearing on one side of its pedestal 1 the name slid Btory of Eritk.on the other j ' Greater love hal.h no uian this that a man lay down his own life for his friend.1- -t Sosiic Lettf.ks. rOne million two bun hundred and tldrt v thousand letters pass ed through the London Hst-oflico on Sat urday, January the 21st, It is said to be me largest uiimocc kiiou iu uuve ueen THE CAPE FEAR BAR. rof-a bill to approprinto '$200,000 to remove tno oDsirucuons on wie uar oeiow nu mington, is an event of mnch importance "tliat towhand to the whole of thi part of the State., l . . Those of our readers who rememl ; ' the prejudice attempted to be created against Senator Badger last Starch, by the Wilmington Journal, for an alleged indifference to tltie important work, will read in the proceedings of the Senate on Monday and Tuesday last, a notable com mentary on that incident. If Mr. Ashe, "our talented and attentive Representa tive, could only have secured the "co operation" of the North Carolina Sena t,ir 'Mmwiii- Badtrer and Mantram. whv the tiling might have been accomplished, pretended the Journal That paper said it knew that the Senators, '(or one of them,) had turned their backs Upon the applica tion for aid. The whole story was thor oughly exposed at the extra session in March last, when it was abundantly shown by Democratic testimony, that our Sena tors, and particularly Mr. Badger, did all that war done, and that if the "talented and atten ti ve" could have effected 4s much in his House, this most just and necessary appropriation would have been granted. Well, now here is the bill again : pre sented to the Senate without a Report of a Committee, without the lormality or a reference at all, taken up out of it time, upon the simple request of Mr. Badger, and passed at once, without a dissenting voice-It was. sent j(theHou same div. and Mr. Ashe will nave a iMrcfc lis excroiwrMs talcnte and- gw-lw attention to it. In the fcenate there are about two to one of political Opponents of Mr. Badger. Yet he has inspired oi mucu connuence in in integrity uiiu. ma simple statement of facts is received as conclusive. He has earned a respect so complete, ana a popniamy so universal, that no one M ohiects" when he asks that ,nua K fuon n r ,, ir. ha-ion In side. Let ns see i how he will fnre Tanjbiijgliis fnehds. We wish that he may j he-a successful as those whom his Wil- n"n,Jon llemPu lrullcc' FbyrtttvilU Ofuvrwr. Tiik Ptm.w' INn. Fad worth think coii vehed in extra sessiott a fe w day BlncV 1111 i'f"i. A 1113 UCUIDJiHUlO Vll 'JLllinViO and the message of the Uovernor states facts worthy of consideration in North Carolina as well as in Illinois. . He" Stat that a few nxmt lis since Illi nois had only a few hundred miles of rail roaa ; sric nas now more than neeive nun dretl miles in operation, and in Jess thah a year will add another thousand, now in course of constrnction ! The Great Central Road, 704 miles in length, will be completed iu the course of tins year, the money for its construction, more than 10,000,000, beingderived from, the public lauds. " ' "TK5 Taxbfe-prepe value n try per cent, on last year s assess ment. 1,00,000 of State debt have XceiT pahT m-XSmTfSSr, utid'tlie re-" mainder, $15,000,000, will be paid in less than ten years. The population has in creased and the State is enjoying unex ampled prosperity. A very different state of things exists here. Mouths and years of toil are ne cessary to build roads here. And why I IVcause we send Representatives to Con gress whose constitutional scruples or something the refuse ns a share in thoso lands which are so freely bestowed upon Illinois, aud to which we have a better claim. . . Let us change our policy. FayetUvitte Olwroer. . ,-Kioiauifir;-? "n "' j,, t'ninVr-rr:''""' Thk Evknino FRATKiCWe can scarce ly imagine a scene more full of beauty and meaning than that presented by the liftlo child who kneels at his mother's knee to ask God' blessing upon the sleep into which hois about to enter. "There is a great deal of significance in the mighty prayer. "It recalls the past to-day, and itj reminds usof the fiitnre to-morrow ; leads us t feel how mu deeds will affect to-mo.rrow's ; and, above .ll-te.teaci.jBsjdiat the greatest physical or moral power which we may possess is not our own, but lent to us by a kind Cre ator. Sir T. Browhe says that "Sleep isi Death s younger hrother,and so like nun That I dare-rKtrusr1iTm withbuFliuy prayers." Who will deny that the night s ter for having received a Fa rest is sweetei ther's blessing? ' Beccived, we say; for does not every 0110 that asks reeeivel "You look upon the babe asleep in his cradle, and say. it is a picture of perfect ropose. Vou are right. The infant feels the fullest faith in its mother' or jts nnrse's care, and thus its rejioAo is perfect. Tho child will grow to maultood, aud his face will no longer wear that happy look of peace and faith, unless he has teamed to turn from a mother's to a father's care mid lnrp . nt biR"nHthiir,rfeurir1tA"hiu' 'hiily asked for that love, he will still have. the tnistful child s spirit which .hung so beautifully over his infancy, and grow cT Jy ,ore a,M' more hke those who, having " become like little children,'' are ready to -cuter the kingdom of heaven. Z F?,5"I'reseiiOnfi that, in a few years,. France will raise, in Africa, cotton enough, to supply all its own manufactories... Tliere are 10JSO licensed vehicle in 1 Baltimore ntid 7,"u nearly fottf-liftlus;t?vrybly know thyy r only n A'Titjr!f DeailJlid yMay'ho is dead, doi."luiadtiu17r;.L tuuL.WULIuaoivof wj--nif 4liowc; fljLO w!,hirstofaru, . EFFECTS OF tUXCRY. tttxufioul" tabit wilt' tiofTof courc;pz31evMiltot FI: engender crime of turbulence or violence ; will not become the parents of the rough er and fiercer vices; but, not the JcssTIhey may demoralize a man to his heart's core. They have an enervating and enfeebling influence ; nay, it u an indisputable truth, tlwugb it may son-ul like a paradox, , . ' J .. .. .j. i . ",as j,''"8 jtnock and tumble it aronnd in sucU an soften and harden a man at tho same time. Sniconsckmnblc. manner, deprive it of rest, They soften him, a they render him more scorch it inwardly with vile alcoholic con and more unable to endure privations or coctions, distend it with untimely and in copewith difficulties; and as they bind ' digestihle : feedf . Do jpn suppose H i l.t4 ! - - aiJfijlinuai tliAV . .t. .i i : . j him round with the roseate chains of self-indulgence ; they harden him as they accustom lu'ni to live in a state of cal- llous apathy with respect to the nccesi-jit ties aud distresses of his fellow-creatures, .nd,M they turn hi. face like a flint, "j his' repose or offend his fastidiousness, whlsh may give him trouble or demand of bim effort and exertion ; they make hiui a sickly Sybarite, neither resolute nor gentle; without vigor, and yet without tenderness Scientific Aimrioan.. We see that the paper of Wilminton are advocating the necessity aud impor tance of establishing a line of steamers between that place and Cuba. It i be- could be secured with the West Indies, andthatttelhrpiae ly stimulate the agricultural and manu facturing interests of the State. It is to be hoped that such a line will be estab lished ; the well known enterprise and liberality of the citizen or Wilmington induce us to believe that they will not willingly see it fail, but will take up the cha.racteriziBdtbnvand mskC-it a fixed fact, bufa rery profitable invest-. mentto all in any manner interested iu , it Wfl linrw to im lh limn, not far off i We hope to see the time, not fur off we trust, when all portions of the State j will be animated by the tame literal and 'energetic" 'IpTrnf ''ifiai",,'lia'"'mrk4 the marked the - u ,uu! business men of WHniingtott ten years. FayetUvilU Obtfrrer. A ILfU wriTl.nn, - Is no wreck so shocking to bihold, as iwt-ward wtri.out hok1ng at them, tT.a f 'trtfti .Vh. ,-.iin --rn tuiamr catrt travel without folfowine person of a debaudied inebriate, infamy after "thein, and thullows that are not: us writteu. IIww nature hang UbefPfVV'-'nillu soA'Uest .and enjoy.. over him, to testify her disgnstat his ex ample. How she loosen all hi joints, sends tremors along his muscles,' and bends forward hi iraiiic',The wretch whose life-long pleasure it lias been to de base himself, and to delmuch otliers, whose hrtluibHh pwt is hlack all over, is an onenee to tlie heart of the unblemished. A IIibeexiAx Brxu-Tlie New'-York Tribune says of Bodisco, the Russian Min ister; 44 A few years after his arrival here he married Miss Williams, of Georgetown, a-youhg -Americaii-lady-of -Teuiarkablej-.- beauty. JStf he leave seven small I children, betxdea three (frown vn nspheurs and a niece pf . whom he always , took a paternal care. Th VTarlA audit RiiLrn. There are at present eighty-three empires, monar chies, republics, ' principalities', duchies, and electorates. Tliere are six emperors, including his sable highness, Fanstiu I. of St Domingo, sixteen kings, number ing among them Jamaco, King of all tlie Mosqnitoes, and also those ot Dahomey and the Sandwich Islands ; five queens, including Ranayalona of Madagascar, and Poniare of the Society Islands ; eighteen presidents i ten reigning princes; seven grand dukes ; ten dukes ; one pope; two anltana of Tiornoo Ami Tnrt-pv tvnmit- viceroy, of Egypt; one shah, of Persia; one (imaun, of Muscat ; one ameor, of iTi,1.,,!T..ni,. .....i '-"'r, .uirecior 01 iccrgtis. .. r-. r. , . , ny cheeks I could only liincv. Ltar-fAw.A sec.al wa8 a j w ,tfr ; e of the Masac4iusetts-.iegiala4)lI,, jt 4 as quite evident that the blow ' committee tnre have reported tunc to four "in favorrlmd leen giveif with righrgood will. On of tho immediate and unconditional re-j the floor, eoveri-d with blood, lay the. peal of the " Maine Liquor law" enacted ! weapon a slight damascene .lagg-r, the in that State two years ago. ' A minority report was also submitted that it is inex podient to legislate on thesnbject. Each rejHirt is accompanied by a detailed ar - ;on that the mam effect of the existing law are disresit-t to alt ; law and an ex- tensive demoralisation of the ieitle." , : .' .1- 1, - "Grandmoth i..:.. .0...... i.rt rs." 44 Xo iny child "" re-' plied the old ladV. " wW'not I" aske.!' tho little-irirl. ""Reansu I sSftmld hate to ho seen carry ing.r them hoiiie, when 1 phTf guiuont. Of, tliese report the Boston . terpiocc ot crvatttm wasn to he eold; Atq j .47 . y.. Pos'teav;.-I,ld '""'v "The maioritv of the conunitte dwni f ' ' p known a St. Paul, in Minne- " iue maioriiy i.iectuiHiHueeue,ni. t ro vo11ng man who had sunmtoned mc t.,r-;ttwV, T1i viila. w i4mtaina- 1 tJie.presetlawan infringenituitnponiH.p-i .,, s.-ene of de-itli l.k 1 'lv''T .H" fi11' ulnr riitfiand V.rivneVr tfK t i : m houses and 4, W inhabitants.- The . uiar ngi w ami pn luge, n, true Sidney," she said, "Ndnp I am dv- n..mt r tAa irorurt in 1)U3 u similar descriptions of legislation, incoirf- - W,, Sidney I could noTIive So 1 i f- I'S-? ln I5? wa ...... i... i. ...i Lf... I1"-. , L" v."11-'. c -.' ' 11 e l04,4d., Tlie capital at present luves- 4"- " w ""a 4-y neglecUHl. 1UM vou I would loye vou .t..,l : bnine is Vt ixlO to aim at. Tlie committee are of opin.i..v...K - v:..' uin. o-- ui in ousmes is ifs.ut. LECTURE TO YOUXG MEN. liver the following lecture to young men. ' It is too good to be Cast aside, and therefore we copy itfbT"tlr benefit of -wliont if may; concern ::4'' Young men. do yon suppose the phyal- cal frame is made of iron, or gutta perchav India rubber, or some oU.er tough, i, possible-to-use-up substance, that y m- Innoil.lA 4- a -v v Mthjifiiiu.A TI 1 II T Vrn t f . .. ... Bangw last a-aw. anu iu years, h-you . & .... Y.it,i.n Tm- Yon allow it no time to recuperate it exhausted energies ; you cw waiai; ajav i j make it work o hard doing nothing that ha no more chance than a bob-tail calf ' y , " ioohsu, ior you are 1 Ue excnge. me young lite-blooa, vigo- rous and Yren;;vco'iiiring through your ' veins with mill-stream jniwer, and your heing overflowing with the ioetry of mo- tion, ud vent ure, excitement ; small space to retr6sject, despising actualities, you fasten on hope, and caS hing that comet liy the tail, it snnkrai you thnmli immen- sity, till it scorches yoiir fingers, and yon Irop into the mire of Saber reality, and draw in your horns like a garden-snail in a.snow storm. .-. Our young men are too fond of being with the young men ; for when they gath er,.. tlie.Old . Scratch is- in their iiiidst as certain as it was a Democratic caucus, and there's more deviltry concocted in a half hourtharrn ten tloHririHKpti.4o..the Washington Monument Fund or a face a yanl long at a "distracted Tnecting" would atone for. .: The-cxpericncesof our vouia Dimiguieii me inipressicni mm there's more real enjoyment In one piiet evening with nine yard of calico, than a three ten-strikes, eleven gin-slings, four plate or oysters, n ye. gates takeujon tlie ninge, seven sign piuien uown, idled -ftche two Excitements otl a different nature ii i uil i: . f""";" .1 ... .1 1 ... 1 1 ' T 1 in the entry to 'knocking down a watch- ifly. for the present and transitory bliss of iev"rtnhgiv Jtlje VpaewjeJ'ffiJy oemg "eouafly dele'talde 'uucs ttity uemg eouaiiy cleiectalile aanlt and bortcrv r. breach of promise hut there' 'tioaceoiijtfiiirfor taste8,'B5the cookery-man said wlienacustomercalled f ir V sassinger !" Tlie girl arc right in t, rwaI to beaveiii antj ono'-cain thciu longest. A NIGHTrIN THE LIFE OF A THY-1 : I was sitting dozing in my chair, when tiHtined'Uio knwck'-'wa-lumrd -at -my door. The servant opened it, when a mail rushed In in the wildest disorder. ' it J a fiiiac nt htn nr sell : she is bleeding to death. Une thou- sand dollars if you save her! Come, oh, do not delay ! and he rushed, to- wards me, a if to drag me along. I .hurried away with .hiuusn.atcuiQsmj instrn merits froin the table as I passed it I thinkl never saw before such convnt siv grief as this man' face ..expressed. He -was a handsome man, with one of those faces tlie ladies so greatly admire jut black hair, clustering iu waving curls over a wiuie lorenenn. ne lower pan ot lus otherwise teuiimne fqnturus was 1- t.' 1 Itll T-'- reuevou uy a ueep. et uiock. uearu. 1 asked 111 iu lor Uie particular ot the case : ' 44 IXx'tor," said he, 44 inakeThaste. I shall go mad. Why, 1,'wouldgive even drop of blood in this body to save one droo of hers. t)h. ti.nl !,r said I.e. ro- servo my reasou. She stabled herself i 11 Iwcame emlKHlded, and the mouse lin before I could prevent her. Make haste, : Kt're,t h"g enongli for the candy to epol dwtor qh, my (odl 111 v God !" j141"' harden; aud next morning was a fast W e reacJied the house. On a satin ' couch, in a splendid room the rieh Tur key carpet -covered -with her blood Jity a young girl. I think I never saw such a beaiititul creatuiv. Even' with palid U.iiiiitninanre flid Iilodl lipi. ihu wiiVj. more of heaven than earth. What - slie", way when "tbrrosw phrrmtoahcr down-: up with the reflect iou from tlie llood 1 was too ate ! Alar, the life-bloo.1 ! tamed ivory. )was - dowly dropping away,. ba,.k B1)1 dmt j, rllls1 , , vi Mv coinim,li(m Mt ,r ictim : tim..' n. strangely staring at the lifeless form 011 ittt - poiieli. 4-tnHlVi.-rfiviMbftf.-tmt-HnustUii :wi4 tntirin on--it foiimlHtioo- J fascinated by his strange look.; At last 1 went up to him. "Sir,-' I said, "she Is no more. Death has released her from her troubles. ... ( i . 1' I I' ". M 1 1' ou stare at mo. 44 Alu and yon have mur- ,dcrcdll,rW f "" tlmadman-for such ne wa now. - i ou uave mnrunrea ner, and I I sliall murder you. Ah 1. ah! I will murder vou whh her dagger. I will stafcryott khr wimeppmce -Olrf it will be rare sport to see you groan and struggle like she did. Ah 1 ah t" and he made a bound at me. Now this was , far from pleasant. In fact, it was a very awkward fix to be in. I did not know how to act. Hie madman made a grab at .. me, but fortunately I eluded hi grasp, and thinking it better to fight in tlie dark, I seized the lamp And cast Hon the floor, -The room was now" dark. Hie , madman setups terrific yelling, and I could hear him lock the .door and put the key in hi pocket, while he kept muttering, 44 1 will kill him, I will kill hiui. Oh, it will be rare sport to see hint die like she did I" ..- ' ' ' . I felt my courage rise with the emer gency. I hulf determined to try a Strug gle with him, but I knew the increased ,j strength that the insane posse, and I tliopght it scarcely prudeirt. 'What should I dot I must do something. It would soon be daylight, when I would again be iu his iower. I felt for some, weapon T with which to defend myself, and as luck . wonld have it, found a heavy dumb bell 111 the corner where I' lay concealed. Presently, I heard the madman slowlr scarching for me. I raised the dumb bell ; "may. God forgive me," I said ; it descended, and I was free. Tlie madman lay stunned on the floor. I rnske te the door, smashed. in. the lock with, the heavy metal, and rushed down staunv Presently the house was all In commo tion. Oh! what a scene the girl dead Tii a pSotisf 1iloodtbo inanrnsensib on the fliHir, with thedaKgerfirmlvelutch- ed in his hand I I bled him, nnd he low- lv recovered. But reason never returned. fie i a madmaif to this dayv -I never heard the history of my patient of that uiglit. "Hiey were strangers in the house. 1 never will forget that wight's- adventure. number of lwcket books lost in this city within the last Jew days, that there are several skilfu'pickpocket 011 a visit to this city. Last Saturday night Mr. Weed en mid. other gentlemen lost their pocket ti,x'...:....-i Ti.,...i. bjitmal oi'bne gentleman who was more fortunate of one geutleinan who was mure fortunate 'than others-shaving found a pocket-book in his coat that did not-belonsr to him. Hie geutlemau gave us a description of lli'' book and contents, when we informed bim:thHfwatheiie lost rf Mr: Wee den, If persons will go inte.erewd with iiKney about them when we kw-f jM better advise than 44 keep yw.irhi'd on your packet-luks.'l.-iriue -Saturday night we understand that the light Anger ed gentry have been eneeessfuriirrehev- 8 Vf person, of their money at the. .auouai incutre. wnc geuueman low se venty dollars on Monday night, and an other ninety, Wathtngton Jj,r, ew. One of the Chester county prize fitrht- lcr IIuu&imlx by nme, as arrested.. iTou Fridav-bv the autlioiilios nf illtMtw - ie ,f H'? or i county. "Wjiile on hi way to rhiladel" stabbed her- plia "jn char2e of ,he gileriff ;,imDed: from' the car while it was going at the rate of twenty-five miles an hour. JlieSheriff L, off abont an eighth nf , miie hurried back, and found his prisoner ly io -senselesi-in hi eBeoum-witbrthe -earth he . had come ff second best. Tlie Sheriff secured and lodged him in Ches ter county jail. . - - Some young jwople in Warrenton, had a oindif tew, a few nights ago, and after the usual sports on sncli nn occasion, re- 4 tired fiwa the r6nvlcav ing portion of the canity 111 a dish, on a tahlo. A wmm visited tie plate during the night, to lick tho buttec with whicbit had Weii greas wl to keep the eandr fRWjiticking. Hie tail was suffered to full oa the candy. which, it appears, was soft and yieldinir. pnstmer 1'h is is one of the tih i of Moore. Uie el i tor of the Wttrrinhm- 'iYhrw'' r ''' ' ''" - Powers of ArrvxtT fok the "Pax- ' - TrwwuryJJepartnient that thamount ; : pension uue a pensioner onuer several acts of Congress can be properly paid without a separate power of attorney under each, act. One power of attorney will be suf ficient, if it covers, all the time ft which : the lHMisiou is due under all the arts the attorney making oath, as required by the regututions, that lie has no interest in tne ,1,ouo.v rtWett - .there isan anecdote anont to the effect tllI4t LopiJ Pabnerston, in answer to a put the other day by an-indi creel waavv a 10 w neuter a-war wa im- minent, replied, very concisely, 44 Barely impossible." Tlie hrt cold cut nail' in the world t t i 1- .111 M inu uias-j., j. , . ...;J....'., . i ,1 f 4