f r r. j r 4,- t X;.;..:r, 1 .,. ! hi.- !... V. .. g :..:.. :.- '. Vi-nthm, February l'J J, I : - , ...urr.i';.p .'.!-Jr ..v.1 t 'ti'li:.-!) banner the-Cmrtitutitti- and- tlie '.. tiwwNi hh wer- f.wttriy iie-r - ( dent, ot uoeo and iilwii.iii interest, to f.,;., ...-.,.i....t ...... .i:.. :. .t.. i i..:r..ii.. t.'.i t. ...- ' f' ' . attention.- I tvlyt to our right in the; pim) fri,m .moMgst tjt lvrf I-Ct,,n,J''5- J'Cfttonrf iron are ever ----- . -yrr-r-,..., I , ' i -!a' -J--''j ..?' '"'''-"4 tlaze, m lh Itcovw jfi.r-ftiirj wllt?re -fW--4 Hi the same wonovaci- t & C. McCm MMt.w WaitthofHwd f C.ir-ri?VrXrV?,V7r7rTrV!L,4 : Hit,V - rendered the name and lii- -He of excellent quality exists m' the great- to eollecMubacriptions and other claims t r'""';"1 fit,le,' ? ,!;'"'" tw . w i waik-a,.i wm,s S--m,J. h w,h -- 1 in. n illl-I i-'NIll il.U V Ml li.i JA ..JX. V XiJ II- tlrti.T i.i, ti V' ' . Li " " . J . t I dmw, f UUUIIUUVI3 a IU 'i "VII 14 I lit! ft f V- .u ....k..: J U I . r.e.c.H--Kere. w.u. raMr..a--n,ejr,nMin- ..a illM11,n ,allK, BIU.),I,U. ' t ( n, , along .he ridfro, dividing the water ,.w . f taiimaHd vall.- studded .th tin- te;:i l .1... i- . ., , , . . ,, , ... i LT Miifii.pit.tO' f of cdueUr "IT;;;ri;Mwr J1;l.vo- 111 reiatian t-., . e,rt,di, , fur k ! . . . , ... in;-e ineasuiVK "1 lfot ,.!, , a ..r .1.:. .....;;:7:7irttt ...iiruxi!Luf lfc.waji .t.iniiiv. lniena tu cul'imt taim lv to thf.i ni'utn Whilht we arc di-eus-iiip:. wish e"ii,et-it(-.l affeetinii .f eintitutii.:ial -learning, the Veriest ulwlraeti.nis -tluit in r Ve.Veil the train of man. t!n-.-i- la:..!.- j.iv jia.-iri ic ymid uur ivaeh pltd.n ii:t. the of p-apiux u;;it,.r - . tcil awav In jiillM,.ii to LVllill .eoil.raijvit wLose avarice- n h mudv au.1 wleic Uriarcan arm-, aiv rea !..nc l'.Ttii t.i'cvc ry'"fcectiiu !' the c xinli v . ;.;.d drawinj; t. lueir aid ii vai'ied wv.uiu a'id va?t re fcources. Nr. lhi- is a ul.jeet up"N which the jrreaU-?t intellect of the coun try have e'hau-ted the sources otairu nient and reason. l.eT n eeas.- to V-j.-i-fh let us art ! A one man, lt u. speak out in the bold uud tearless tone of freemen, aud deiu'and !r n.'iits. If we are irafS fl io.se who have i.Miic lie- tore us, and whose bl.Kl ai. 1 treasure were jMnm-d o m. freely f. ..- the ai-qtirt-tion ttfthis patriiiioiiv c are just to onrsdves if e wisij to be ju: aiid true .to the. generations wii. a-re to rnrrie ntter anu wh... are to stand wluTe we now stand, we wul das!i to tin- niiels t!i fetters ..f party, and speak out b '. i:y t' .r oar rihta. We will detuatid of ('..ogress' to fulfil the rW t-utided to :i. , r.-:,-r-ence to tin, va-t j.r, ;-.-t ; : c.-;t-.-jaanderinx.it f-r tt:e ax.Van.iizuti.e:,: 4 one seeti'.n. and the iiii.vvrii.!iie:.t. )I others. .N,ah tte iLi Jt .' I ! i , it!iotit dist.iictioM of part, to stand toyttlur on tl.i, pvat pn:..'ipie. A' least, let the Wlii-s ilo tlie.r linty, and North Carolina may et have ju-ti'-e ine ted out to her, froiii tliose vh . ),av lung closed tU-tr cars tj tier i i :'.; l.l de- mantis : I kn.w-t . all "tliis it i.ns been replied. " What is the ll-e -Our toice can accomplish iiothini'." This is no ar gument for freemen. It is the reasoiiii-.,' t klaves the doctrine of civile su! mi- . iuiiiv Hruiigaii'i itijit-TTca ir - nrotr bo refutation. It w.uhl bind us t.a - hi visu acquit-scence in every sj.ee m--reaiott. let North ( andina ; on this eubject. ami -:.e ', .' ,,. L. . Her voice was-heard iu t'.ui.h-r n Slav Ii..;. It WW h.ar-b- dnpfd 1W fdeTat t,Veit-,frt :f."oti. If lia lMKt. heaT't auaJiisl. eetej iiiii cr.v. vair, gMf m w-hi.l4b--tHi4ta -tn-eii ttra-Jrir. It wa beard a few ,!:.Vs : nee in t! halls of Congress, bv two of her ih! lie I'e- presentation ; and it w hi always be hear, when raised ,u defence of ri i',t aii'l ;-i tice! ' . Vflltn.ili. on the -Ili.p (. ..f i .slistiT iri !;: ileforui. 1 jrivenirtie.irtv apf.r.-vitt Tha: the t"ipe of tneaztr'&tttiizf toe Male il-.-.ie atuelea- - n-ttrfrri Me .jntie : lw.it in- tfUlttekt,Uas44-.ieie-r4 one, Oy J A-g.Mative eiiact:n-:.:1 4 by a Coiivei.te.ii ,.f ii... .i, ;e '.i:. . X pisople, slected f-T that e;,;v;- J urpos,., hicfl sJaII i-vm adpt !- . Lrt irs l.Othi this mutter. It a e t.ic road ft exp.'.r !: .. Our Mate (.'ii.-Iitut.-.n w a- :'-;,'. t.a., dI(-i in 1TT, "I v tie-lbq re'-cIiTative-"rif heTreeriif-ti of tl..- Stat.-. .:..! .1 ..,..,) fur ti..u 11 rt :!. ,r ,,,i n..x.-" In tfl;'etta-inf.i;-.i 'ifi!T'Vn''etyerridain tHJrepept-of-wB' vention, it wa, am. leied.-' 11... of both' these' b'Ml'..-., eomp'ised wisest and most pat riotic !n-n of..l; ael i- Ui I' the e ',-i-e. n!n-r tcd ti.i- ' U',.i anie id ,ts 'ami ..'ii e was approved by thi ciaie nave aiino-l umlorimv ;el course. . Shall ir. d.q.art tr n:-i at be p-.Jitic and wi.-e to give ti.i ments of this charter ..four ri liberties to the Leg-islamic, w -at-kliow is ( o ntr-r; :Tgr;-TKoT'e""r" i'e"-7nV'' party feelings and sectional jeab.ii.;,.. Can a InJy. -i'tiati-l a- t:.-. 'next L -':-i:t- 4uns win i.ece-.-ar.. !e. w an whole Ode of t!.-'- St;te Lw- f.. swaved tf.ali i ir ; bv ti...- i:.: i Hi- ene - perMtiid all 1 ) ar- v pre i - at. I a-ldr tions. be in anv fit en ii'. n t.. pa - n Ul law : i.rcaTrTi.-'tt.er. fl...... f.V. CfK-rieni-ed, -.ti-.- and patriotic :n-.:i the State a- -.ur fatiu r- did m 7 T'l - u the Mi.p!.- oid in J -:'.'.'- v. l.'-n f!,. v ha.; a Jt;-i, n M -4reHi -K- (-to-,, tt S,i,Jiiw a Alearei, atel ma:;y .-..-r fiu- I in-teltig.-.;f then, vrf:o, r:-:;..' above r: ; ,ib try i litliienee- of j;i,rtv or -. ' ,;t, i for the int. i. -f, th."- ii..t,..r the gi... ry ofllie ti:U.,... Muie '. And wby.-if-ui.! We fed "be" '. : "?" "' to" 'IT ; i i e h'li '!.'.. Tv"? I, '' ' Jg; Iat ui.- f Let ii- :,rvN'"'' ." these suicidal '".tioii-,.- i ,,-t -i; -t :'.- ia-" " . ' I .1.. ll i w .. . . i - l! r- '-Pfitifi-liovt, 'W'." W .v I . " '''. ..a- gir.lt. v '"."'.OI.1.-1 o.i ir'-. I,:. S t - I... r... ,, i . .. . ' I. . ,- I : thev lift hr. t.'.rt-li !' t::.; -an..- fanriv. '-- are ! l.-dged to a A rk - " ' a- a mat ...... nmativ .f. th- l.otid- he ha- 1 whose int. i.'-t and I'.'1. ...g i or..: i-;,aiit.y. -hiU.a. dc.' . . j- ' . :1 fT. VAo,.y i;.h,' but Ii foreign and L Mllied, mils' she, .t :a.. rf 'i r br.-mr.-u of l'..- -j.-a--;. w.ti, o.- ..mto.g t f..rty-!iye iliff.-rei.t I- abhor the .l.-iiag-.gu. i.-.i wb.e . !, i ' ':.'"'" . ' ' .. ...i r -',:.. -,.,...; ,rt,,i-U mmrnlli r,,t- (,-; - lwat(! ..rtis is. He- -.t.t.-r.- -or r:;vCA.T '"- " e'::--'-v covet u h . , ,., ,.r' ,, j y ti, fu r., out ,,f ,o.v. . Utiliafuta! -.ngs a'.ii a ..;!-.- oe- i! ."'..'' ' ' ' . ra t , ' ' .i A ;- i ere rrepie bu-Hii ..-iiidi.ol , . t v. n M . ;.; . " ', ' .. . i ' ' '': " :' . '"'!" i r.eii-l - ' jjr' " .i"end.' I t:,i.nich i-pen-i-, it may be t-rou-ai, i i. -hi. .'.-.:,. - f .. . .: , ---': ''.''''- t' art"-- ' t,!:! ; '11 .. ai .i '..re. and with proiitable hand .n hat. i I ,; i,, :.,',..' . . ..v :, . '''"1''- 'i An-f Trbiii,.- .- a..u.,.- ..-.('o-g .,.',.. extraordinary f'.-eun (illn-i tit'i.i,.' La, en ! . ai- I ' : ' ' ' ' '' " '' ' ' ' ' '"' " : '"' '' r:' " '' v'" I . v oftL.i.- ti-'. tribe. In large citii-1 linn resoiiit.-ot'i "l i s i:e ', ''"..i - ' I " !" " "' ! '"f 'n't ::. t: y ;.-r,-ld "! ( 'ng th..- dlt-ttpiuttish U of ii--' tnien-stsT-i-md rj.--Trtrr'rt.-rV! .t;-: fgv, -"- ."'"'' a'-afrnr.; gf- ry ,n,.rt .-xp.-n-i . . kn.'d of f.H,d. and ctes in.' I in iiao " . e.'e-.h ... ,er - ' ' 'r T r - , : 11 bixtirv o.dv within tiie means o! flic i5":i-ii;;;.iaiy;tetli;5e ; ' s-:...... .. -a clMitige .of..t:ii . .i-a-i--oi-jtv'-j.l-'ev-e fa'-loo, , ' .. " " ' s- : The f-e-f!i,i!..u y ,., !..v - f...,. -I .- a 1:.,..ir,.--..yr.i,!;,;i,,,,t., l,:.-..,i .,. ,; ,', s,,, i,,,,.,., Tnr,..,,h ; J.le.ig,, uud. r ... . ., - ; .. . ... .M- llati,-.. . l-ge i.i 1 m..;.';.. .!',,. ;!i ,.,-,,,,, .r , ;,,,, -;, ..... ;li., t.nvii.t.-e. .,! in- p. - .;. '.:.' - '' s a ; :;!: a g.;-"e:;.v. . . ,i-.. ....;j... a(..t Sfi,A-trl.' 1. v ' - ' ''' - -..- --. ' o in v'.'' i - ., ....', I.. I ,1...- ,t..Ii,;....U, rc;i;i" " ; -ry ' ''" -' ' ! v"ur- .. ---..'-i- .. ti Voi, I-. c.;,;,i ,,.,.1,-h, li-I.l !.'-,- - t P ' . ..'.-.' ' a, ;,' I'H ' - .VI -. I ll,','. - .)-.-,... I,-,, , , j :, Mi; ... ., !.,. , ' tie al ...'e. ic tit. ' y(. '"' '' ' ' " "' " " "' l'U'"r'-,,i d.-'"'- .r.d-.r-i" ., nf- il'm- -7VS-4... -l tfl -' W S--xh. rr- - L 1 . mZjC, , .' ' ' '. 'ML ' 'l wiji . !j j,.. . , W; 1 "ll; If - , i !'. i.r i i i . I , a-,, j - i .-sr"-"-.. ; ' . jr-ii- .e,.i io '.-iii', :ig!',,t,ii. a-1 'ii-i . Ti.. - m.-i, Icm- l! bap.- u. -- t;.!oj t-'.': i , i , -i, f! Win 1 1 . , .- ( ..iirgc J.-i:.-r. a -.tage ' - '.c. ..i 'i.' . k 1-. r-a-.t. ;n. ! ti-i-l.ty i. tl,. I -a.-s-tt. j-. . ,(...;.o, . ill : er . II ' It,.- ef'll'-V "1 I 111, -n '-. -- - ; ..'I f -.1 i t i . s . I t I i , ' I- ' ' r . I I I i r . .' , . .11 I v lol.g.I I.'l.! ,. ....: the. 1 , l'.!!t U.ai.. t: Ol 1..- '!U.l . . JUs eill.lo eis . ii ..j, &i&matiszlx: -Jt ;:.-n-l -s s.'.-.O'-i' . 'it!1 r.rV--r4--r f nf -.f-T' r f : f --t m r 'g-fTI-y r'neifHt -Jt ' ----- -. " -- ; : .if. :.ti I'.a't .s.t,-,,.. d uTl;;Tr'Crf?V-'r'r"lt''''l''i wiiiiil) Ui.iJiij''-nn.1 -,v,'"- - . " i r- (. I i i. H- I I i -. I i- -in fil i fl that ti.ut gta Jm'y is rousing up from ,- Its 1 t h:l roV 1 !.t n..im in,, il H'ii.L m.' t.ewed itafrivitttlr iTiirtwev nu.ro around t-" h 'i';A-..v . tht- Jbj1 of','-l" ri),--a fair distribution .f the public lauds or their pit-rwds. - the excliuioii of faiiatie. and enemies the (on-rTtii- tion. froiii the rc-j si!.!e olIi,-es of the iovcrniiient, non-interference by tlie Ke leral tbiverniuei.t in the elec'ioi:- and idoin-siw i.iicfH-j ff thHMat(rti a 'oti--venti.ni of delegates fn.m the people t. amend the . " it !! t i. :i of the !ate. rif rrir.i (,,.;. , (! fie.'...... ti- jn; . nt ltt it ! jfKtit-'fiint a liberal and jr.-l system ..I internal iiuproveun-nts. by w Inch the vjjt resources off,;;' Mate may be developed, and tlt.-'fducation of, i very chihl, malt ami n-malei in the State, -vvi'li tliat bantur. thus in-.-i ibed.carried forward by tlio trne. able and patriotic leader tcleetvil . bv tlii Colli vutrt.ou, v t'liiiot fail to succeed! 1 would appeal then to my Whio brethren here present, a I would to ev ery Whi' lhrujohoiit the State, to stand to their arms, to prepare a'aiii for the conflict. Let .lis bury irff per.-mall and sectional differences. Let Us li-rjet the pa.-t. t xcet-t t. guard a'aint do-a-ter in the future. Vf ir, if I ever had :..v, 1 am ready, here. ..it this ..ea-ion. S'vfore we part," perhaps inane nf u-s n t t" meet a'.iin, to sacrifice all personal and -eeti"!;.d pl'e1ere!l--. on the llVi" ..f tlie li:if partr, Un-t to t,:,t s'. -li'.Ier to TrTe?. 'sliTe'Trv'sTiTer Witli' t .--! r t lie 1, Teuif st, li. r the triuuiMi ft it- p: ;n i'l'-'- ! I'-t tis ! tli i-. an.'!, u hen the day of liatile coii.es. let u- ad .j t the n r-rto -rial ,inot:o ft' the gallant Napier. " 11' s trv Aft. ' .t.wav- ::i ;. !" ami n.- . !.a'r'v . i"i'l, steieiv. n rui, ri soiute. m n, , !,, ,, eliaro rai-e toTV1! . Iron Jill- tla, w hole U'Iko I w il vie !'t. an secure 11- tl Fium t lif timing ion llf - - r. - v- , -.- , - ' " ' '"J"" " '- '"'?''re5Stre'- nrirT " whht-rtiere-- ,t ,.i.-. -. '.. amii f i t t w i ..(. ry. "ul At tlie close ff a sea- in i.J' -ign.ii pros '' ' perity,. the King ff I-rael reviewed the '; ileal;:. '- "l b -I with him, and thus u'ave - ? " wre--t 'the -fwtingg f tlis" 'grii'teTiiT- ji'flm !"i. So WLi'lld tlie Tni-tecs of the V1'imihL'""i1 Seameiis' Friend Society re- cognize and record the'divine g Iness which has crow iie'l the tii-t year of their active operations. I lie origin ol tlie So- eietv wa but tlie littie prmg. I.ut.liltng' a .i av in the mountain so mu.iii imn a single o.y on a summer day m it have drained ; dryi .ll'J.t,UL,Lt-'dl:-;''V.rfji;ti -7, ViTivK-r ,Wlff'(-t"hii,l rlii-li l, :n , l .. in n ' .-ll u.liWe.!ah.eti Hi, aiol eHH-ii.it v fwa-ww-H ;1 -loladi a river, to make glad the c.t v of our , il. . 'J' . secure the ob jects ..f the S.-i..ry, viz : the -bcla! ud :t--.rr.l inj;r ''"eiiwut of SeaTtieii, and tiu-tr. i.innane tr.-atu'ieiit. it wa- deemed funda i.'ei.ta! to e-!a'hiish a- good Sailor-' Il-.uie. a boarding house otdo,.d i.iiaracte:'. wnel e t:,, v -Cut I be '.r, teeted in their rtion.v : oil morals; where tbey should respect r-r: where tiie mcK. tiie wrecj-eaun'i (ics-ti-iHe lnav bo provided for, ami -where with a1 divine hl.'itig .tiir feet may be furn'-d into lie- pathway of, life. A cotn- , , . . it ii ,u- lot ami l.oiise bei-ti pufeiia-cd at. lor thi I parti V cccn- Lteii-ie repairs Heedful to pa' '!..- le'll-e ill fttiij.le'e order, solhat'the -'.res underneath may furtii.-h an anioiai rr-rt fon-an-rs--rM- Tqrp,-irr. and" rrwnt-" hr titt-t! ? acc .nuie.da'e at one time, a' ha--: l'.iu n.tiii. have been Ci'imueueed. A JtnanHa! -'.-ltetm-ir !"'ii -t th i ...-i-.-w.ti, -'ibuotli-.: ; f i:.i e been S-.V'l d .w in' t, 'h- ' '..?"' s.v-tf.oV. fsiife ihtp ' arrj gr riti '" ': '' i''';.a!.ie ' s:;-j:.'.u. It I- e.' Wil! be itid.s. in nil. to ti.- i I that t . ii-l,-ai,!. j.vi o:.,g.j,bat il 1 ii' to fariii-li tin- i die s-enm.-ji- I' Mend . .rgau'. i I T ti. is pi: : et.t. ! c-i iiilld. nee for ll So- eiitl 11 . tl.e'la-t named amo'i'i' : a'.d t the e-.n---vni"! -hi'h'rtitiyt -to otrrs.r.t'- "nr- Agnf , t.ii; V. Vii4- J. J.iiig'.;oIi. XuJe.s.u;C..vv."h .'.I' i '. c- 'pera! . ui ;f' i t. r.; f ' ,e .' -rni.-r. .j.:-.V',S,.',ll,thi1 cord.abtv w!,.'eli In- a'. I t..-- a Use i !' ..-anien ha - ' ""''', a!.--i ,- r - ' ','ed I'l Cat! V n ,1e I ' il ' i .ell " - . t ,r i-n . CwlTi.i. IN FLI.smN. Person Comity possesses rich IV; Mini: in ,no,a!s ami niincraU. ; It g.ddorv neretions. in ems a,ion 1 -in I , tl .. all, ami also tlie per ores, r roin t ornwa .,nvi-f ir , .... u .,..f ill s,,iiie of the copper'.iiincs of the Mis - -issii.pi valh v, and vields ,V to To per cent nf miinit I'.ii't i.-.rt ..fu l.st u:.s considered black copper ilUhe. west i- an ore '' cobalt. If absolutely pure.it con r iins mi per cent, of ci.piier. It i-a!- toun.l ! excellent rj i:i the T.alie Tnp!;r nality in- larxe veins or Copper region. Ihe oxvd- of eof'per are ca-.il v smel ted Siy heating i:h the aid of charcoal ah 'lie. 'liny mav be converted clireetly into t.ie -u'.phate of blue v iriol, 1 v means ai ;!. Put are more aluaMe Ifi' the e, ti.ev utl Td. "U w ill ,ee, therefor. , t more 'ban tu ii e the that tills ore i value ton for t, ,ii of that obtained from the Fentress uiifte--for two rca-ntis:" 1st, Thar the quantity or metahc copper m it is more tliau dfii. le. L'udly, lliat it does not re quire the everlasting proeeis by which the nii fal i- proeured from tiie other. The my le-tioii there can lie about it re lates .to the .i.iantitv. We will take up t:ie ore.aain when we -.hall L'et a littl isi-ttnv thin, se q Uccl r Liable iu w huh e cast I d j not think will r.ve to be Yours, Arc. L. MI'ICHKLL. t r. ,..;.,. ..,. ..f 77.:..., n... v.. 'iai ileiaid eivr. t.:i way that the people of New jer-ev pav their tax.-. It seems that the Legisla ture of New Jer-ey gives ,the Camden and Am boy Uaili'oad Company a monop oly ofthe right ot way across the State, ,,, coiutitiou that the company pav into t)le state Treasure ii i lie! i i'. i' r,t ..it,! on - .ri,- i"fTT.;..Ti,., i-' tMTiiwlw)' .-.,, : ', M. .;.., ,,. .... ...... .1 . ' T.i . t. . .-. , ' I1" e.xelliUL me pe-f f le ., ma! ,-l;li,' Ifom. -; tjuaUim... -It-aii.eaiii therefVfr th.it ttltf ,,4-. p:i:a and New Jersey taxes, to pay?Ht:iis (.:;t cour-e, char -. a I. at. would o Kv.-rv trav l ib- fi'K haw.-'to pav the New Io enable tin.- coni.auv tati-ii. tax, they itm-t, of lll-'le for pa-syj;,) thin. herwi-e be rea-oiiu' de. tle-ii between l'.iola lcl- jdiia and New, York help-, tu pay tlie .N. Jer-ey taxe-. This is a new dodge. -What next ilinfiyik Slue. FISH BUKF.D1NG. A ' New York correspondent of the Wilmington N. C. Cnnimrrrtu, gives the following on the interesting subject in dicated bf-tiie above caption ; At ii meet ing ofthe Fanner's Club held in the Atnerieaii Institute building, in llroad wav n TT. ui-s.Tiiy uit.-rn.Hiii. the subject ,.f I'i-ii-ul'iire or I' i-h Iiree.liiiiT was bio't up. lite lir-t aHeinpt- at artilb-ial ti-h ; Techno were minle, l i.ciieve, a 1... 7.?jefj;? if T rTinc'e '?i:TiHr''v?ilrs' bonb- p- "f a slia'i.ow stream, "and uudei th.- influence of natural temperature. i!.it tii. l.tt'ii.r.H or eggs are now transport'-.' in box.-", and expo-ed to the ac- !ilkffljiiLjiatt-f :of.':tnB'"iiirt')er teituwnftitri w-rr-m-rrr?s-TT-T!Tfr--frrmTi-s-ro Thev are brought, Tar. .ii- JAeVaW theti trau-ferrcd int.. obh,n'' earthen tr.")'' i-. ri sin.; IV r- upon, trays jiiade ot wibo'.v. so that tne water niayAmreip 5ii!--t'rnU-e..ai-' iiUid tiujMi. .. Thu -travs- ac arranged in a pyramidal liuioi. 'and a -tre-ain of water is kept ffowufg into t.heiu. Tin- ba'ci.ing fccupie- abflt forty dav ratber a I .tig period th'- voung ti-ii are -i at JHii: end ot which running alio.it.-- ' L.x i i-rt me'hf s hiii OT n siicces-Iuliv man. '-;cr-1rT'f-''a'.vr.'''i"ff"oifr and -:i!'ii .Mr, I'-ll. ft lypiaui in Most I m-t.-.r, tlt'-.-.-n rt'0'ti- miles from the city, sta- 1 -hat beriail nuni'-roi.s t)sh j..,n.s on Hid that he has -Hf-cei. ded in . . I .. I, if. I i . IT ? W m mrr nih.,n.l m M..-,. f.i ruiuin i is V, ,t.i 1 11 Tl eii nrFlililf I w : 1,111, Ulllll.il C1CU13 Ol ureal IIIIUKI IHIK'l" nu,,la ,ir rf. ki i,.inu. Tl. .!.... the rniversity, which has been Aimished ' "Z "' t disguise the fact that he dl- H-,"fl ' us by Dr.,.;,dan,.o,,eof,l,eowner!i-of- 1?-rH, A. K , -''" -'1'-the i,,,rod,,c,ion .d thi, tav.a-ed rexion-JA- C.U.W, gZ"' " '" " "'" -,",,,.Gmfe U 1 ,,u Austria aud France are united ii, the ll.at, forfaeiiLtinx the trai.HlK.rtation of r,V. ... V.V. C..FJ: -21. ' - dow.nxextractlro.il his speech: can.pa.X", ranee will not permit any , ,ht. ,.,!!,, ,lie Hndmunitions of war, and Ve,. .. , . . , . .. vr:,i. .1... l ...s f.- 'scparati..n...t (.he Mate !Kond the Alj.sitllT.riMirMHw.4he-.liaW..i ci-anted to -end me hi-t nit! I "j! ,d P1.S is to l, the stab.e of avow, that I wis ,ied with doubt . tr liit v:..H I l'L' ",1 . ,, , V ', V 1 1 J- ""'-" 1 h.'fV;l ,i,ilt Kv,Mi-imiyv M.-.s-.u-es of 1 and he who l XV'-"'H ''"'" .ivere, and tiirther thatwlm-privilexe of extending the same to the .ccu ,,v- ,;'r soveral "" th:lt r'"""f-"Mino'ved. had more ap'atl.v or less appre- d-onntenances , all attempts at J ,,.M., terinini.s of the lllinoi Central er.h' " " will be held to further service. J ; hension than l lmd. lut WU the !..., wv,,ut'"." "'vV l - 1 " ") Ka.lmtd, r thffMiwippI riW, ery "?'. "f r,,- ,V(lMt were well Ibr the people toWcall t.ino,,. -rv of Ve. woe to Jerusalem! is '";-.'' declaration, as olheial. Itdrernate .cetioi, of land U ix ections , " I "ft" An oxul , , . I 1 'v h. -ml I do not believe tint A ustiiii continues to send tnops to the ; n wdth on each sirlo mid nmd, within 'f p'V "S " "If l'" i T' , " 'ri'r; w i, i a-v . t ' . . . ii -''tla-asten, fnmtiers, but she IVrri.orv "of Minneota; the i4ervU md in dull black ma-es. and botry.ndal tiou, as that al-ue will enable themj in al,t. ' VW.. , - ;. ! ,,, ' . ' '-'ely to pn-veut disturbances extend- Heeti..n not to be autd for lew than t'wo peter. ( l.urch iu Jiiit f'3liA4r'i- iinlnTatloii .ol his favorite p. j. i - - LJr - SAZISJ3 UKl'rXrCr .. , o ' iti ..ic f H,gi, ' l - - "mc' - i - uwc - Jini,u - ,,lw i, ...... i t-r I m, ,, I ,;..,,..,l ; - - - - s v "r1""1""1 on.- ' Sfat0- '' the year lix. It did not ori.d- "ate out t any hardship or iieces-itv of tin. nul will ii.it utl',.l ..... .i;. i -hruetit. mid llier. f,.re h-, .... ..!.,;,..;.. their siipfioi-t. l'j to thai time, no p..r- -tion ft our State had ewr thoy.dit about it. Its enforcement upon their intention. was not prompted by a desire for an im provement ofthe condition ,f the people. It was purely a political inameiivre, and de signed fortbcside purpose if J.urtilij; " one party and -ettino hji anotlu-r. It wa Hrst brought before the people by Ia i.l S. Ueid, tlie present Governor, when he was a candidate against Mr. Manly. Ibit, if accounts be true, he is not entitled t the credit of oriinatinx the idea f briu ing it into that Contest : That tumm , if v. may se speak, belongs to a man wh k wa- not, nor never was. a e.tuen ot ..in St lie knew not' ng of ....r j ( !e. nor iLcfriictic-ii ,ttTi-ct..ul' isur i.ans ami , stitution i. ut lie d that N Catoiinia' Could be humbio'i-l with the crv i'f ff mijFriiiri, and recommend.-.! Mr. Ib-i'd, it is -aid. to try it upon then. "The coilee-ptton ..fa toreigm r, it was read - one who wa- un ami wanteo to gjet in and who was not over scrupulous as t tlie means to accomplish the end aimc at. The p-opli' iiever had, nor have they since, felt the m-cessitv of the tiling.'. No State in the I nioii einoVs .'i-eater'coii.-t I'liioii tntiraMdwm'rrr-' lnwr y5fmr , - , ..... -. ... c. .. r . .1 ... : 45 nevance, it is always , i . t. I...... . JT!h. it U.iiot!ej.'.-c,ted.tlua. ifciwit -hoi-t sa'i-f f a trial (' th. its advocate-. ex pen ii i.-nt wd 1 ' '' Jt i- i.rtttv getier- ally c .ucr.S-d that the peode .. f NJortL. UlJ, at.d iiey .rnime -till. ' .r... ;llr.,jalri mil.iou., offiauc.'lo U.ui, Na- mittee of the Whole upon the privnteeal ( ar-.lina have Ihc;. brought hr de-ire a ! i- 't.r, ,n i:.,. i,,,i.,,..t i ,,., j,,,), ,n -. ' elidar : hut after fw.. hur' n.'fit in do- oba: in tin- e-nstitati.m touching 'hi- '"''''' '''"''.- all u-.-lui and piad; p..r.v rrt.,: ,: b.-eu made in I'ari-. bate -. .me of It ..f rather nu animated and' -..lllj .;.!,.; ..uil.tlie- i'li): qutjou. w hj;a of- . ' f. r- ai.-d hindrance to its accompli .. . ,i t . . I .ti is-ihe one, as. to oerat- a.lvocatiiio h-gi-uitive action, ami the Wldgs thCiiiore -al'e and r of a state convention, called iilarmode or tiie ex- pre-- piirjM.- of revi-mg the ctistituti .n. There are many strong rca-oiis why a convention fchoi.id be preferred, and we hope, hereafter, to present them to the Consideration of our readers. We to the it. vite flu f dlowiii" litte Ul of flir readers ii the Nebraska ('a, in the I'liite l Semite, ticti. Ca-s i- g..... democratic authority, having. .nee been tin- candidate fr the 1'ie-id. ncy o -. I.L..I ..iii-. v-: nini lo. itu.--. .m- ..ti-, - W -'jr-cr, ongur, iron, u.ai co,,-,.,e,a ''"!'- ll!ivu a '"'"v "'.-'ght "ii th. minds of his party tr Is throngh- nt tile -CXtlUil -uf-a mn--w4- -bad fi-verT. ik'-'tv-ertstntiu-irmrlt r.f illfrmoTiiiK'tb iTi-'van"' W e would, therefore, more e-i-.' licit for them the serious attention of all good and peace-loving member-of the democrat. party. I la y w ilJ.dis.coe.r ...lliat ticiiciai Cass be.ii.iv,' w-itlt -mnny- U'higs throiighoiit the Country, that the Nc!.ra-ka que-tloii wa- not only ii-eb--s, but may b; attended with an amount of evil greatlv li-pr.iportioii to ilie taucu-il good anticipated, or claimed for it ,v it- st ardent supporters. Fr.m ihf I'li.i. l.lUr NV CASS' SI'KKCH -ITS SKVFi:- ITY IT'iV iMU'fU.A'-'s; Tlie spi-'-ch ih-i: '-red by den. ( a-s in the I 'iiitcd Soiti-s .-senate, n Monday ht-t. In favor of tin- n-peal ' of the- Mi--ouii '-.ll.pr. i.lli-e, is p'lbli-hed in the Ifil 'Jil ('.A'.. of Tiles jitest i7rm cwlmntii- ( flint -pajarr. 'I hough txtcid'd to an utim. i ( s-tn r as wo conceive. tirireH-iiiHiite atel imp.nr dfiiable length, vie have had the patience in wade through it, and give it a careful icru-al ; and it i- but ju-t to add, that there are inaiiv tilings" in it wLicTi are br accordance with mir own view-. I hough we dilb-r v idelv from him in the general nel.i-:.t. at wTuTCTTe arrives.. 's . IS1 s on III I . 11 o, as ' icil. . ,l.-s s, ,i ( in.. .oe- .7 ..-.rr....r ... . h. the doc - trine ..f-o,.,o,....;o,r,e could not do, .r. I.fli,, i.,U. f,.r Ilmii,!-.' 1 ii 1 i. nr nt it ill sun ii-. d tb.f.rr WiMUknsiirtrt.fl,, . j.itirjpi.jt-i j.r j jjujuntit m u s et i. ler pilltsof lliiip cell niiicll have ! i i l l I .souieu lint snrpnseil us, ami which wy - re gurd nut only a honorable to Li chariie 4err hut a-u taiuiug just and iueniial rebuke to Jtidge LKufglaa.' It is apiareiit, fixnu tlie whole tone and tenor of Ids ppoech, that Getr. Cas deej.l lament firtViiiifieliCISiff Itu Teon iiiTritiiceit jii CoiiKresg ; and IfT.eqtiaH' clear,, that, if it Ini.l il.ow.iiH.'il nn liiin. thut Coinnr. I -,- - - - ihTSij Wonld not have Wen .... , i win-int, .reenhtm, lie lias no ofl.er cmrse " ""v" VM :."" " " euator io oie upon ineproposiu.Mi, uiiiii I ... I a 1 I f - rrtn,nt - nt. - ntm. - .!.t periodical rer.ewul-, nntl Co . . ,.- . rewaivoi nil- uiieaieniuir sui'U-ci, iini-i Ji. ees-arily produce i. ritation ami excit. incut, tiiulinir to arrav one seciion ..i n country aitanist another, and thu weaken tho-u ties of eoiitidence and af fection so essential t" the permanence and traiiiiuilitv of this milttv Confederal v. Kveiits. eonneeted with mir territorial inr ' gramiizeiuent, Kt-rmnl ax ih. ir n-xr-tnj ij. ij ii. in i , t.i lean io me ioi uu r aL'iiu tio.i ; but the pre-ent one has bur-f upon us without warning. n'l tin nk.ffm '-.-i.'Vr.y irltirh liiiiht hurt fnilt .Cff.'A And "Mr the e -hall 1 again : I'le-idelit, I have not withheld iv--i' n ! ij ii iii'i t cl-ew be re, iif r withbo'd it here. thai tln lies tioii of tiie rj i! t the Missouri ( flu proiin-e, wjiicli opens all the m-piuni points eonneeted w I'h the subject of (- .n gie-.-ifiial action iip..i. slater.' in thetcr lltolV of the I'll.ted States. ., Ii. , n ln,i,j,t r . at. I d vantages to out eigh t h . not think Hit- praetieal in. il-llle result I. en the whicii mjii. the 1 1 1 - I loaci any the b h the e..nn- -y.t-UU.Mt-ltu.uiCtjUtrui: ' . v. is. sure to produce. A nd et again : ' I i 1 11- believing, nhmthl t'lf- let! Ms it H- in the bill- when titst intr- ii 'hy -thE.Sfcttata-.4"W - - 4fl - 4 - f ilri't I'rttrtMtt'iti'i'ftiiiin'lttt-- .1 ifiim ii t iff,Min.. I am ii.uii' it was reporl il tl.at 1 intended to pifpuH the repeal fthat measure ; Irit ,t ir.it m, . rim-. (nteiiti had ti ere w hoii v misiinder-too.l. I L'li whatever to take such a steti, and thus rcmsritafin" from it pit ivf,n,,u 'w,.mnr r - " :IUJ "ail u. lie ll. w e.l,;Uli. I. w d ifcili.'tij51ow;i-.I hv iitffrivvrfsm.' ' bv nrri-sr. . I i i.i'iu i .1. r.iei si ' mi nil- i,cn ii-.. i .. . aud by it- a-eiaf:..i1 with IV.'L.ill Jitoi.. H.m. of t..... tl.it Smith II-1 W ll-UU-rerfrtitr.) I.lsr..rv. It T.I Ton -e.T ..',. i., I... ,, .,-,l,,r...,l l.e ll,.. 1 l.i.-. n I : 1., . ll;e:l r.-ll.l.c-f. -Wife h 111 rl.M i.-. I !!, 1 i'i ui-e-t and lirmW in lh land, it had ,.:.i , . ii... t :.... .. ;:,.H.': cts'coiild liave i.e.-ii a'l. lined wiin :rV'"f'!f-" '1t,rr,'f:Vi;"'!i'S--; .oa -. and lai.'TalTeiTTH. .11 t. ill ,d ' - - j-- - ,' , i tranklv ami leiirle l v. Tia. ,-,. thus administered to the lit'h- deni.-orogue, who, in tijis in -tat.c'e. iV C.li-eless lirollu'b' I'd again to be 1. I. iiiu wince, if he ha- any g from the source w hid, differing wid.-ly from ha- thus riiihlc I' the torch of di-c. iiiu-! have made 1 -eti-ibility, i'ii mill it did. Though ( ii. ( 'a-s on the main topic which he di-.-iis-es, we thank h.m. in cord.ally. f.T the independence -.vhich he ha- cxhib ..n hi - iw-n jiiablii-' of the chamber, and f..r ti mauni-r in whic! he ha pinioi'i agaiii-t the pr j .r i ' Xl-resse lis Li.ly...d!ieluli t.f itt in th.:, j ..-.cfilre. Tlioigh the fit tie gufnt mav regard il as the uukinde-t cut of all to be li.u- cxpo-d by Cell. (Ja-s. the lat --H-f--W-t"b-if--lo---it-nsbVr--a-o-d---tf-H4il. us -w-r-i-T-- It- III .--sjr't.eli. anil In: WTtl have not on ly tin inn al ff his mwn conscience liit. tin 'I' applau-i .(' the chili. try for -o doing. ?..Xl4l-Iat M,fulluMM -JiiUMt-f tl- tains a h Iter -igned". H tm im if W,,', '! II'-j.," which is a . wry j.Jiallw hni.iliiig indeed. The w l iter r.i s he can not g . for ' icneral I)ockerv, becaii. e In i- an "old f iggy, demagogue and feder Ii st ." No man who was ever a good H nig, an hfiie-t man. or lutel.tgeiit rca di r. would have written such a letter, signing-hiuwdf a reformed Whig. If i a 'trick, without the. merit of noveltv, a poor, nil game, that 'never deceives anv bodv except the mo-t ignorant. We are -iirprised at our neighbor for making him at full leiigtL.-elT a..pai ty,' iu such a wretchedly lav, and occu- ,ed ini titiji, bv giving it a .laee lleVI- in his eoiniiin?. ,-sure-y i,i" wouui icei inean ll ),e n ally thought it would d wider anv - bodv, mid bring them to the siioiinrt of the unknown iiipotieiit officii. Iloi'kerv.' It might be dill'.-.viit with the author of the letter, for iit-v one can see that he is In lett.-r than hi- letter, and that In- holds hinl-elf in readiness to -bout fob anybody tlie democratic .,artv may bring out gooVL'Tiad, orTiTdin-reiifT . """ ; -. s v J -'.' ntm .l.hrtihim. I here will he ; 'I emoerniice Celehra'tim, t Smith- Itiw r ( buic h . n tin firtdiwl inl h11 - KJ r.gll, img J)iv, moms, and all other, persons,, .am,, invited iiimiinj. 7r Tl'.I. IJi' L'AI'Jl. From lh D uly H..gih I'str.-tinmn, Mnti li 13- LA'l'KK FUO.M i;iT.OlJK, - INRIVAl F-TNK isii,. - r - j IJAi-TiMuBit, ilarch"10, 1S51. Tlie steamer Aaa, vith duteg from Li- jWtfti,Hi8of the pablic land for the rhus verjNwl to the 2.itli, has arrived at Ilali-ljHirt of Indigent inxaiio per.-K.ns. , 'fliew lax. We iiriKteed t.tinve wnue item of;'twli''trtciMiira will ihmIk th ,iv ... thi! MldlixeueJiliaju-rlval,, Hie Asia left early ou 4U 4triiinx her day of Miliug; and at that time" no iu telh'oence of a militarv or naval battle in - " . . ' . oy 1 , , b . 1 Miration were inaKinir tor tlie ar, ami Arf- uiiciiHi..ru iawmioiy uispoM-u 10 me m - net. j.oers. , !Ug n. .eryt.L Aiontviiexro, una Jntsma. l'he .attitnlle yf I'russia remains un changed and unexplained. .(. Jt is ieH.rted that n manifesto, agn'e.am,,,iuieiit, wliich wwmed to meet favor ,,, t" ' France and. KnglaiLd,;haviux all the; wit, ,m JlnHi-pj though no VT.W WSJ fik- loree anu wetgin ..r a lor.nai ueciarai.on ; en upon it, proposing to retain thq title of war, w ill appear in a few days. ' Jt is 'f the appropriated land until each w-c-lurther rmm.ivd that Kngland has et ! tj.Mi -t twuuty miles of road tliaH hav her final aiiioiincement to the Czar, nam b,.en (.inideted ; and this provision (he ing tire definite time at which he must;,,,.,,,,! ;,, tfri.at Jbree oiadit to lm in- . . ., t. . - ,.. i.p Iil,..a Ihe (ireek insurrection lias heroine 1 formidalde in Klira. 'Jlie insurgents' have taken thu town of Aila. and be-ieg-ed the 'l'lltlr tnttie"c1 fadeT. 'l lirei- th..ii ' -and of tl' insurgent are w ithin ten : miles ot l iiinni. An Albanian iletach- lion allotting friday lof the consldera mt nt of tie Creek regular ti-Mojjs.bas lion of the piivute culeiidur, and devoted ..ne'oVer t the in-urgent-. Armed hands its public: silting to the dicnsioii of of Alb.tnims go from ullage to village private bills, a few if whichWro passed, aroii-irig tde people, distributing firms as will be seen by "rtTorrTiig to our (Rin-giatt- and 'jreiiiating iiillaniuiatory hand- gressiomil head. About three o'clock an ...i!s and jdicurds. Ihe (ireek (iovern- Lxeeiilivi; session wm hehi, and the bo meiit is aiuthetic ami powi rh--i. At Sa- !v- in a slmrt time adjounied. i-nica me iiinii iii-ui'reTioii had taken plaee ; -at '.'Inch tlie lurks attacke.l ami Mouse of Uepreseiitativts. A res.lutioii .b leated tie iii-uigeiits. 1 listnrbanccs ww-passed cubing uimui the, President for have takefi.lace m A-ia Minor, and sump intorinaliort iu regantH.) tlie alleged uut ewutbvrs at Kalaiab iindhw hi--!- Tu-ag upuu au Vuuiri. ao t-ttmer t' lia-' Triece'if-eTTtiertr wit grr-nr irrrTt-ttf.---vittttt : ttl mi -uU4-4w.uiry wa5i iir S .in,: distirbail ,u. ul... orr-.u re-1 in dercl in regard to claim allowed bytho the ioiinm --land-. late Iioard of ( '..inniissKitiers under the Filmland ha- formallv given notice to en 1 adl; i t id ITie tti'tic ' - JVuii-o t'lefgT.Tir Ta:nbridge7Ts pointiil t.i nun i, ami the cav'alrv forcesof tlie ttritish troops uu.b r l.aglaw. " States aM nave recuveii no grant ot Arc units from the liannbc ftafe that hmd for internal iuqmivyinentr-'fliB hill both to wots are 'reparing ft r a gnat was then laid upon th table liy a deei baltle. sive test vote ; mid this mav probably be Not'iing 'iev fr-ofn Asiii. The bite-t vcoitsidered the fate of all hills ut ft siitiilax account-. tnjo the Mudi of l'ei'ia state eliar.iet.-r. " ;iai he irt-olIicaHv .ami. I that he wfe-MwMlWPl-lW- fit ; - i ...i ii . . .. i . - - tXa. uMt4gfa.ri--MrtMHi-rwaK: ff:iiH'Wlft' et-mlr'Wh1e3i-haKfwI-ht! . . . . 1 . I . I . .-I ill.: ... -eni ai nn: ta.-i e . e ... iur .uaj.-s; . - ,. r.,,.fried lhat the U.,tbscbdds and. ,. . ' .. ... , . . .... ,i I. ;..i.Ll ... .lI.i.. . '"' t" Fr-M-h Ib pul.l.c. . , .- . . ii , .... . i ..-V, 1S7-..JM1..I,..S .mjj.ijji .;..,.,.,...gs.-.t,A. . .v le.en-M c in nance i.eiw .-en r ranee an1, ' Mr.. J).uoi1j ielter to tlie Jvichiuoiid , Kx-H'iiinor ha- evcited great comment at Turin: ' . . ! uwurniiL niBkus. 'Sales .f c.tton f.r the week -J'o.tMin bal.-s; .peculators taking li.lMNi and eX: porter- .'i.'ni' i bales. I'rices in favor , of buvers. I air Oilcans t'.J middling - ; i j I .t 1 1 l lair iii a ' .-i.-k on iiaun .'"., 'tinrrb-afe?- Tiu'tuding "'"Vnr-American. I!read-t..ll- . rice--in favor of buyers U'c-t.-rn ( iaual lb .nr 1 1 - a i , ti.., hio J I Y.-ll-.w c-.rfi 17a Is; whit..-4s. i;, Ms.n.-v market ea-v. C -tc idv. Havre cotl .11 market the week ending mi the . pi let. Sales .'d .".,Hobule FU' 'l ' Lil I KI . : ( i l.'iii.i. M.ir. h l.'l. lsjt.y i 'Itip .lemn ---ttt VS'i'lsit-r-TTt'h 'nr-r"tnT TTTTo-l'l mH MnvrrAm. , lM.h.i.rW, - ,,v,..:.l .1..- ,.rt. Un Nu, .In." l-.-iprs r.-,r, ,,'l.rnbl.- ,ie,,.... l- irgu, ll Ml ,.-ek "JI III l.ilh-- . H . I " 11 1 1 -l. Ill'- -J .fl- ll''- t.r-.K 'll-' l;UllMfli, wll!. ll A 4 Cl''l' -I. HH'I l'illt tt'i rn)li- W.-ff t If. ' A 1l 1 - It III (-' ll Illil Iwi I .. I I V s- 'I'l . . . 1 . i.-i.rs, i xi biiluiir .th. ir minimi Incnwe. Thej lh.rk-1.. n.rlM. :;,,. n. looUHin ns.m, nn.l. being mf tJm f.1i,irl.ist..u, M.ircti 1.1, 1 151. ' iiig. uVy iu-li in a 'sIy Iu Umi rV fanrni In 1,500 !...!- were ., I., d.n , at fr.iin 7 tu Id tli W.-.I. In n..ili"iii Io iIk-m' million of fftr i -ii!-. '1 le iiiuile t o ti. in.' i ig.i.-i , lli. i.iiiiiigiMlit cla-w in our own r.ni.itrv Arrn.-.l bug. hinib.N'.w Yolk; lilii. 'Mem, niiiiil.rs s.v.r.il li.tinlr.-il llidiisiinih p-r xiitiuin ; r.nltinii.r.-; lnuk- ' ! in-tit. Imrli s W illliiuis, ,u 1 iw.-. u tli- I .., . i. i y foot ol tin- paUa- lt.'uiiil Mhcit liii.fl. I'luladi Ipluii, llrm-ti lui., wtu-fTn-rtlwirfa if in HO v.'an I UuiiiiIs -1ii 'N. tnai ai.'l l.-.li. .i-ti-r, from Liver.!. t,tnnfhin I'lilUm Mmirt, Mutrh 19. I Tlip'sai.- of rotten ir. onr ninrk.-t v.-stordav were cr7.i.tl . s-rfi.-- 7-V ImU's, aIoIi tier.- ta k- ti at fonn.-r ,U..Piti..n. Mr. : 7 cents for bil'i'ii ,,r In x.l lor (hssl M....i.(. v' I Tli till I. th H.is. i Tlie Washington Slur .is the ' Xi-hOtsL-a lull will .riiiu.lv pass tlif llonx. ur , mnjnrny ' , Last ll.trtv v..t,-s. Tin- hopes of ils oj..e i.i. . i.. v v...i. ii ...i.. m-ni nrff" with lliu f YotIc llanls. , : ' . j Tl It . r ... ii I ,. .,. ( i I lif i'l .'c. -All who wain to. nf ' n M..p io ine uiiisance oi nogs iminnig a. large in our streets, urc requested to call il... r-....,.i II....... h.iiu.... il,.. I.,....-. if lo and lif .ieloek, A. M., on any lav luriu tl... ...... i.t nioiitli nii. i-i c irr lUir (I U'ooI.o., I'-.l li-iu b.s..l, i . . . I l.e th,, l'n..iii.,iiii,ri .,.,,! ' ' : -. - - - ' " i -' 1 "o ". . . ' , ' , ' . . ' ''' " n is""" r ,ou'" "T "X1"""' 11 1 ul - The lgmhtnrpot Kcnrtukv Imn an propr.ated 111 ,() K) to the Clay M-ajuinettl al, -.vUU liia. r t'OAiil, Twii imp'irt.iiit I.ill.i wutvpa-s:d by i!,e SeiiaU- vi-ra-nl-ir ; the first the hill tj jjr.j mute the e.'Ueieni v of the army hy pruvj. Jinx for a ret jred lit yf dial Jed j'iihcm; the ci'lier T.i pruiiHilo the mleietj .f (M. ' i nianitv. bv rruntiii" to tb scv.'i-iil St...... tmFJt'mrrwl ITT tn euli- f j dar of theefiafe.- Ilie hext "ul.ieet ta ken tip waa the iqiiention; of, Mr. I'helps" right to hold a alat in the Bttmte under H w m wif in 111 K7Viintv nnillf .,,) tin Kinf . ,- itytZiZZttn . ue.i the tliitfuggion of the Senate bill rant- inx pnljUo land to the Territory of JJ in- .44-4lart and tffty -eents pw acre. ----The - 1 cmniifTw rose without reMirting the hill, ! Mr. (oittiiiir. of New York. UL'i?!stel m . I 1.. . .. II I cornonited into ali Aiieh irrniilri Yt ,. f !,,yvL 0? The Senate adhered to it late reolu- H idne-s orogrcssed htlt little inlthe Mevuan treaty. The Houte:ifiruied iTiesTnpiriTment of Mr. Kjsrrtrt the Minnesota IJailrtiad ap-"l.illviif : to .iTsfriimte tlie pr.K-tstHrVd,'the rXt-rved ,sectUns of lanflf aiuollg HUch It ciibl i.of but be considered extraor- difiry ttlf frutnN tJt-mft ma lb raff ...i..... .1 i.i i.- . .-. j-.n j -m, i.uie i.iii-- wnll their ..Wii l.ill l-rrmiy a .imrtfefreii of llisti. e uiis uhoiit to he iep..nl..,l t.i lb.. ........ '. . .. . ...I.!!.. .1 i .1 .. . iiirii-.M1 I'liiiiu- uniiiaiii u.r iiil- common bei.eliu - . .-. a . .- iirainl i-Umi-litri tlut mainiMM rnu I - - - ...... - . - Hill I cut i,r..oress uisiii the bill in hand. the House a.y'turned. .... 1 - A (. 1 nt, ff 3t,xrrh 1 1. "'e Kr.s.i the Itsl.jjh Itcgits-. t- ,s i ; E nr TUIC 1 irnnisTEA t). ll,.. II. .ii-. of It-iins.-iit.nin-s.il will lwii. bv r.-C, i. n.-- to (lie report of Coiignnsioiml pr.i ifosluigs in sii 'ilii r tiliiinn, niinli. a vast ntri.l,', ii Moinl.iv lust. ln:ir l if.-1lii.g ri 1 uf lie J'ub- l.i IMihiii on ihe . :is..si 1. rms, luun. lv, giving .it llttHV Ul. ka...f-sH. ImHI.I. ...pi-fH-l STTtV Trnt tn iini -i a l nlm will mm furwunl and atv-pt il. It n 'o ..'.' illi tlh S luile tu .Iwijff l..ll.ir tin- n. h Ii. (l ug-' -l.ajl U- thus tpinji-r.-., and niniiin.i.s fin ii.-t ,.t niisii... ijs-q-i.tratcd ,'u .Ti "th.- . .Tlf Wate-TrS'if' if iw tint llv. ' ; u.' lei..' lite all'linnly ...I ill.- 14 Wltsliilll.in L'll of, ton " for ll..' iiss.-riHiii. Iliiil llis itpproml .if the I'n-si.l. i.t Kill in, I U- with h.lil, uud thu oiigi nsl .ivi.ii. imiiV ih. n li,l fr.M..l to llieir ispii- . i u.ie nt. '.Vii.i iK'ft'i-HifTrlmi!ilaiiT'' in N'or'li I '.iii.tiii v. fl.i h- s;ite ..f ofg!ini7nnri," iii -'v ..nt, i. t it u-r . -i i. ll. in. r mi' j..ijiuiai-jiiosii jii.in ij.ie oi ore If. ...I, si lidis. ,t.t,.l.l, ,l ;,l ll.lsM ,i...l-.f-t'oilirrt-ss. ;i - .T,r, i7r; r.-"7 .WT.' Bit little .l.'HiU tl.iit ll will' (, ,mmUH Ui-.aiui Uiii la of the lm. I, wlieii ., ,,jl.,. ......r,,. ,,ut o.,i.ri...r.,f ll, North- i-rn mid Knro mi Iiiu tli ik-iiih f llii-ir s.p iiUtioii, ii j .. -ti tin- Public lleiiiain. The fun ign rim!U!gfaiteu ,ii!i tMW'ififa.to, fvw,hiMar!4 nixl per ii'immi, or iilx.ve four iiiillions in ten ' " ' 1 '. il.nl our own i.-..i...-nill nisli to tak.' isiiioi ,,f lb., f. farms la 1 1 i.ul to lll' .ii : lint is that I f.v patriotic N'ottli C'aroII niaiis t lime we anv !iiili' to fpnrc ! ...4 l-u. r to ki . p our h"o,1i. here, ami l.s.k .i7t f .r tin- in- aiis i,f givrrfg ttrcm pMitalil.' yin- lilc ....-i.t in in.'iiiiifailur. s iiiid otli. r i.nbistrial niriiits I Tb p-n.". ..f this IriH, by thr J.in-bf R.'e r,.ulltivi lak it tlaaaJ-folJ mon- ir.. ri..fnl.vc ll.ixi pv.-r iiisin llm i.-oil.ii uf. .North l uioliim, l .Ieciifi. te llK r liny jmii.T iiip ' " (..viiMiit .X their rnjlu ta a fair aliaro in Ui" .., ... .....i.,. i .11: - ..i ..i:.t s- 'public Welds, tb I.ut4li"ifr-'f ll-n4iJ v- tnui of lulerni.r lmirove.tii'l.t in lli Mtul, nn'l Ilo- nm--ti.irnti.-ii ot uur too scanty i.u-n.wol' M- , -. .. . , ., itr; t. - a. iiiviIiom, or llie, Iliiiiii'St.wl lnn, wIik-II, wlm ,,ing m tl... -frensnrv, State of .hIIh. will m-iluco nway our pis.ple!'' The whole Shrill Carolina Mr-antion, we ' ll... bill Hut V ' 1 .. ., ' .. . .....ti,, si,. , .h.- "' " f sr"- jitiiiuioi" ,ysil.I,li .,rll. I ',.. .I,'...' ..- ..fuir m.rl into, ol tlllL, ,i - 7 ,- f I 1 I I . I UUIIO l.-.luls . T1K. r.,,l.ilion adopted bv tha lain Whitl Ton ',, : .....i..i..k ... ,1., Jv.., jblnrth- C'arolin i4s4sww4aW asiuaniL vunthmw.iiUll "M U" , V m"1., .TLl rf!ilVm I I'.. tf.tittt Aud'r an ioKiii'AtE."" Vm I vijui imij Ag u. ' i - J wi . . ' ... ...j, .... ,-. . . . . ' "', ;,. i. , , ' ' ,' ; ' .',. I ' .' '-', :'.' '